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MTG Modern General

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Thread replies: 361
Thread images: 37


Effective Date: January 22, 2016
Magic Online Effective Date: January 27, 2016

Summer Bloom is banned.
Splinter Twin is banned.

>Not ready to say goodbye: Special Edition
i counted 27 cards from OGW which were made strictly for edh


good lord what is magic coming to?
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So can Jeskai Ascendancy make a comeback in this post-Twin world?
Bad expensive cards existed before EDH was a thing. Outside of a few specific cards they push for standard, pretty much all cards are designed for limited/casual play.
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>people thinking just because twin is gone shitter tier 6 brew decks will be competitive
I hope so, I'm buying it up now before the hype gets to it. I was thinking of running a Grapeshot in board as another win condition to grab with Wish in cash your dork gets pathed
>good lord what is magic coming to?

Magic is and always will be a moneymaking device. I do believe it is Wizards' MOST profitable game.

D&D was ruined when Hasbro took over and decided it needed to be a money machine. Same with Magic the Gathering.

Maro now panders to the loudest minorities because his vision is completely destroyed and now the best he can do is flail around attempting to alternate between sucking the dicks of a variety of different formats.

Standard is WotC's way of pumping the bitchboys who buy it dry. For those who can't stand that there is modern which is constantly fucked up because WotC cannot into balance, and the format has already been basically solved because the game lacks a random element as well as true balance. EDH was made by hipsters for hipsters and it got popular so now it is also fellated by WotC. There really is no way to stop this besides not playing Magic.

I mean really, there are no top-tier modern decks for less than 500 dollars anymore, so what's the fucking point? Why not just play Standard and at least have a higher chance of finding a game?

Or just play fucking kitchen table because unless you're a top-tier player you are literally losing money playing competitively. How do you think fucking game stores survive? By profiting off everyone's MTG losses. Your losses prop up an entire store and a multibillion dollar company.

Until WotC supports a commons-only format (which it fucking never will because that won't make them money) I will not have any respect for Magic. It is now a money grab and has been since Zendikar and M10 when their entire attitude changed. it is unacceptable and I cannot believe you people lack the dignity to stop buying from them. Stand up for what you believe in. Christ.

In this supposed eldrazi, tron and affinity meta, any uninteractive combo deck can and will steal games
Its just a card game chief
so yea, Magic newbie from last thread and this is my irl deck. Could you suggest some cards for it?

I'm interested in some low-cost high-value cards to swarm the field with, like the Expedition Envoy and Kor Castigator cards are EXCELLENT imo.

>Until WotC supports a commons-only format
>I mean really, there are no top-tier modern decks for less than 500 dollars anymore

There was

It was called "Amulet Bloom"
play death an taxes, hate the format, and then play legacy death and taxes

I looked at the "similar deck" thing at the bottom, there's a white deck that the system thinks is like mine and HOLY FUCK:


This is some YuGiOh shit right here. Tons of cards well over $10, some over $40.
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>Voice was bought out literally 2 hours before the leak. Most unfortunate buyout considering it lost its greatest buddy: opposing blue decks. At least it will hold value because it's Voice.

>Tron is by far the best deck in Modern. Karn spike is justified.

>Contrarians and budgetfags who can't buy into Tron look for an alternative in Eldrazi. The deck is definetely viable, but it's not Tron Tier.

>Twinfags, now homeless, either look for a new similar deck (Scapeshift) or try to save their deck (Kiki-Jiki).

So far these spikes are actually very reasonable. I'm impressed.
While you are playing around, dnt/hatebears may be a major player in the new format.
I played between Mirrodin and Eventide and haven't played since. Are there any cards from between those sets that are worth big money now? I've still got all my cards from back then but have no desire to play ever again. I figure I may as well cull anything worth selling and then bulk the rest.
I brought that up in the other thread actually. The biggest problem is that it still seems weak without cards like mom and wasteland, although Mindcensor and Arbiter could make sure it beats decks like Tron that need to search for their combo pieces.
You can't grab grapeshot with wish.
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>Twin is dead
>Everyone buying into Tron, Scapeshift, etc.

The fire rises
I want to try playing an offensive control deck. What do you recommend?

Run flesh//blood familia
Can any shop a tear drop underneath his eyes? Crybaby twinfag.
fuck I'm dumb

Twin :^)
Do you have $2000?
That sounds like Delver http://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/modern-ur-delver-23429#paper
He's a cool guy. He barely even plays except maybe those tier 5 trash decks. He's just a data guy that got BTGO by Wizards, like everyone else.
Check mtggoldfish's site, they have a page with all the money cards from all the sets, it's updated hourly.
If this is how Wizards treats a format they want to grow, I'm glad I play legacy.
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>Great v Affinity
>Shit v Burn
>Shit v Tron

Looks like you're not ready for the new meta, friend.
Is tron at risk for getting a ban? Should I risk keeping tron or should I switch over to mono black eldrazi?
Everything is at risk from the banhammer at this point considering Wizards just axed two tier 1 decks instead of letting the metagame adjust to push them out. They printed Rending Volley not that long ago. Are they admitting it wasn't enough or what?
Seriously, thank god we don't have a pro tour
You're good with tron until the next modern protour. I would sell out of modern the week before they announce the next bannings if you still have a tier 1 deck at that point.
With 4 Pithing Needles to stop Ugin from eating your board, right?
Not him, but I'm basically dumping my collection at this point. I'm sick and tired of the way Wizards treats their own game, so I'll get out now before the bubble caused by their lack of reprint policy has burst.
>Shit v Burn
Kor Firewalker exists
If sideboard cards could save you in Modern, Affinity would be tier 2.
>it's the end of the world as we know it
You guys are seriously overreacting here. Bloom was predicted to get the axe for several months and Twins banning wasn't very shocking either. They aren't going to ban every deck. And why are you faggots even surprised that they do this stuff anyway? When Jund was dominating they put it to the axe by banning two cards from it. This is no different.
>Twins banning wasn't very shocking
Yeah, the deck that's been around since the format was first created as a tier 1 deck and is considered the toughest deck in the format to play well, and even then only had the same slice of the metagame that Affinity had. Everyone expected that, right.

And 2 cards from Jund were banned because Wizards didn't know what card needed the ban in the first place. Bloodbraid Elf got the axe because Wizards didn't seem to realise just how poewrful Deathrite Shaman was.
Jund got new cards in RTR that put it over the top, so they banned one of the best cards in the deck and when it was still too powerful they banned one of the new additions. GBx has never stopped being a tier 1 deck, meanwhile twin hasn't gotten anything in forever and they completely kill the deck.
What is counterflux,roast,anger of the gods,dig?
Karn's a big guy.


Crucible of Worlds + Ghost Quarter + Tectonic Edge fit really well into mono-white control.
>Tectonic Edge
To do what exactly? They can make 7 mana with 3 lands, and 10 mana before you get a chance to activate it.
Can you imagine?
>We noticed that the Belcher and All Spells players had a really hard time staying competitive in this tournament. In the interest of color balance and creating a more diverse, interactive field, Force of Will is banned.

Barely used at all if ever


Sideboard. Barely changes the deck

>Anger of the Gods

Sideboard and is barely superior to other common red boardwipes


Is already banned

Sit the fuck down
>mana tithe with almost no reason to hold up mana and thalia
>only 3 ghost quarters
>fetches in mono colored deck with leonin arbiter and suppression field
6/10 meme.
Within two pro tours delver would be down daze, force and wasteland because they make new players feel bad
>We noticed blue is a color that usually makes people feel bad and often have powerful effects. In the interest of promoting a healthy and more diverse metagame, all blue cards have been banned from legacy.
Guess I need a new deck. Deadguy, Elemental Combo, UR(x) Fae. Which seems best out of these?
Wizards would eventually make the format about casting Siege Rhinos off of dual lands.
Does this decklist save us from our tron overlords?

4 Crumble to Dust
4 Sowing Salt
4 Stone Rain
4 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Molten Rain
4 Stomping Ground
4 Boom // Bust
4 Creeping Mold
4 Scapeshift
2 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Ghost Quarter
1 Tectonic Edge
8 Mountain
1 Forest
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Jesus, don't scare me like that
It's good against burn if you're playing first. Half of its mana base is fetch lands, and you can make them stumble on on mana if you play it on turn 2.
Top 8 of PT legacy:
Spanish inquisition
Tin Fins

That might be all. ANT storm would actually get really bad, dredge would be too slow, the rest of the combo decks would be unplayable without blue. The fair decks wouldn't stand a chance, maindeck leyline of sanctity would be a decent call.
Dragon Stompshift? God this idea makes me with the Sol lands were in modern.
The absolute worst thing wizards could do is make creatures playable in vintage.
What would Legacy be like if WOTC started doing Modern/Yugioh bannings?
Like, if they just *revised* the format today.

At once my greatest dream and my most horrible nightmare.
Wasn't there a deck that utilized Boom//Bust to a great extent in Modern?

It's absolutely awful against aggro but it trashes decks that rely on nonbasics, especially Tron.

Play it if you enjoy rock paper scissors.
Have 3 weeks to a modern torment. Was going to bring twin, but guess that isn't happening. What should I morph it into? Blue Moon?
>scooping to literally any 1 or 2 drop
Young Pyro/Monastery Mentor say hello
Do I just devote all the cards in my sideboard to anti aggro? Or do I convert it into an aggro deck post board against non tron decks.
Delver is the best thing you can change it to, but you're gonna get fucked by Tron if you do.
If they revised the format they would probably try to "balance" the colors, lower the power level of everything, and make it a bland and uninteresting format.

Alternately they would try to ban the turn1 combo decks because they shit on the non-blue decks. Then elves gets way better, lands gets a little better, but mostly the other combo decks get a lot stronger. Ban the fringe strategies like pox that make new players cry. Ban dredge and storm because they're hard to play against. Generally ruin the format
Yeah, they are good. I guess i meant when a creature like siege rhino becomes playable
Nigger, look at the commander decks.
Truly look at them.

WotC designs cards for limited and shoves in a couple slightly better lottery mythics for the standard grognards, if a card finds it's way into any other format is was entirely by accident.
There should be a creature deck viable in every format. Fags like you are why vintage and legacy is broken as all fuck. My god I hate blue players.
Yeah man creatures turning sideways is the best part of magic!!!! I hate counterspells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is a WR deck that plays that. uses Flagstones of Trokair and plays a control role/ not that great though
>Stand up for what you believe in.
I believe in rampant consummerism nigger.
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>vintage and legacy is broken as all fuck
Just so you're aware, we're really happy that you don't play our format either
I was gonna buy 3 Urborgs on monday.
Those are creatures, but they don't really go into creature decks
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We'd probably see Brainstorm finally get a ban which would be actual hell. Almost definitely one of the Sneak and Show pieces too.
Does stax count as a creature deck? Affinity stax has got to count and that was somewhat viable for a while.
White trash can also do a mediocre impression of a viable deck.
>implying Jund, Pod, or Bloom were blue decks

It was half of the colors of the deck
>eldrazi memedecks everywhere on modo

Snapcaster wonders why you left him out.
I guess affinity stax is yeah. Merfolk too. But stax is more of a prison deck, in that you're really battling the spheres
Can you even read?
The white deck just feels like a bad version of stax
Yes and you?
Because he's not a creature.
Way better than you, as it stands.
what matchups are better for nacatl burn than naya burn?
>Elves still folds to Tron
Thanks familia
Leyline wont save you from cheeri0s if they're running bushwhacker or the wonky crop rotation variant.
It stops the instant wins, you basically have to bank on stuff like elephant grass
Goblin Bushwhacker is a turn 1 killer in cheeri0s if the deck went off. Not the most efficient killer but when you have 24 pieces of cereal, 4 of which have 1 power already and can give them all +1/0 and haste. But anyways if blue was banned out then the entire format would be thoughtseize for control. I don't want this.
It would be win the die roll: the game!
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Really? Voice? Wanted to trade away my copies during pre-release weekend, but guess ill hold on to them. Think ill build GW Bears instead.
None, catfags are store shills trying to make that shit spike and havent been able to top 8 in a while because Naya loses to Affinity and Merfolk.
I mean, I even run thoughtseize in Cheeri0s for the control matchups.

But imagining all the control in the format being limited to hand control/burn/destroy/sac. Stax would give me cancer.
What would really happen if they looked at the format is they would just ban Counterbalance and Loam since those are the two dominant decks right now
are you saying creature decks aren't viable in legacy?

because there are plenty of them that are plenty viable
>27 cards for EDH
Nigger do you PLAY EDH? I know when we're being catered to. Fuckin stupid shit like the Primordial cycle was EDH fodder. Just because a card is bad and has a high mana cost doesn't make it "EDH playable" unless everyone's playing a Timmy battlecruiser deck.

I don't buy cards from new sets at all anymore, and I still have a dozen EDH decks to choose from. The cards nowadays aren't that special for the format.
Kiki pod was blue, bloom had hella lot of blue (it's alt wincon) jund is one of the very very few not blue cards or decks that haven't been banned
*have been banned but not blue.
Sorry, am drunk
I like the feeling of competitive because I like winning prizes. Hell, I make competitions out of shit that isn't even a competition. I also don't have a large group of friends to play Magic with, so kitchen table is out of the question. Even so, I don't care about losing money. It is a hobby. Most hobbies don't earn you money. Auto enthusiasts sink thousands into cars they will never sell. Gun enthusiasts sink thousands into guns they will never sell. I sink hundreds into a card game because I like playing competitively.
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4C Gifts:
3x Inquisition
1x Thoughtseize


2x Inquisition
2x Thoughtseize?

Seems pretty inconsequential
3 IoK
2 Thoughtseize
Phyrexian metamorph is blue.
>and is considered the toughest deck in the format to play well
By whom? :D
4 Thoughtseize
Sideboard IoK
Other way around
So does this mean Kiki chord is gonna good?
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>Getting this mad at a card game

Wew lad
Well I just spent a bunch of money one Wastelands and Mox Diamonds

Not looking back
>MM2 Karn is at $65

Great, now I can sell a couple before April.
The tabernacle will hurt
I already had two for some reason
Lucky bastard. Best thing I ever found in mutt collection was a foil Onslaught Bloodstained Mire
The banning of Splinter Twin and Summer Bloom will not kill Modern.

What WILL kill modern is if all of the people with voices that collectively reach thousands of people continue to say that Modern is dead leading the community to be less excited about the format and stop attending events.

Please, take some responsibility and view this as a challenge rather than a personal attack on the way you play Magic (or your wallet if you were heavily invested in those decks). There is now a new format to explore. Brewing and delving in to a new format is one of the more rewarding parts about Magic. Post about that instead of being cynical about the change.
I don't care so much about the bans themselves as they don't really affect me or my decks in a negative way, I've just lost all interest in playing the format in the way Wizards seems to envision it.

I have no faith that they will make it better, and I believe it will only get worse from here on out.
I just copped 4 Lava Spikes. The time for burn is now lad.
It's hard not to be cynical when Wizards constantly fucks up like this
>Brewing and delving in to a new format

Do you really think the format will be that different?

It will be super similar to the one we had only there might be like one new brew that makes it to tier 1.

Tired of faggots thinking Twin was the ultimate boogey man that was keeping [insert tier 5 shit brew] from being good. The reality is that all of the tier 1 decks oppress shittier decks and we won't wake up tomorrow and have 10 different all new super brew decks in tier 1.
It's not a fuck-up. It's them providing an opportunity for variety in the Modern Pro Tour or Grand Prix. It's them making sure that the game has a chance to be different than the metagame from last year.

Whether or not it will be different is irrelevant. The point is that if nothing changed then people get bored and don't watch.

And here's the thing. Stores are able to sanction casual events and have been able to for years and now you can have casual events for FNM and get promo support. So if everyone playing Modern sat down and agreed with a fair majority to allow Splinter Twin to stay unbanned in their personalized Modern format, then the store can host a casual sanctioned even that's Modern with a custom ban list. Boo hoo, nobody gets Planeswalker Points, who gives a fuck. You will still get promos.

I'm not saying I have any motivation to do what I suggest above. I play Modern once a month maybe. I felt the cold sting of Birthing Pod getting banned and at the time I really didn't care because there were alternatives. And there are still alternatives now.

The real problem, as it always has been, is that the fucking format is too expensive, which makes it really goddamn difficult to just pick up a new deck. But nobody's talking about that shit, that should be the NUMBER ONE issue that comes before all other issues. This wouldn't be a problem if players could just buy a new deck for $100 but they can't.
Does anyone have a good/reliable chinaman that they use to buy conterfeits?
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>all these blue tears

Cry harder, make your mana proud. After all your mana symbol is a fucking tear.
Twin is banned? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
How do we beat tron and eldrazi? Are there any colorless hate cards or ways to interact with lands?
Ghost quarter, tectonic edge, surgical extraction for 2 life.
Mana dork + beast within

>Doesn't even mention limited
>Rotating formats are bad, but so are solved formats
>Implying you're supposed to either profit or break even on hobbies
>This is what Modernfags actually believe.

It's a card game, dude. Not a stock option.
What deck should I build?
Finna cash out all my side decks on MTGO. I'll end up with about 250 tix.
>delver beats twin
>OGW has multiple potentally good delver cards
>about to build delver again
>twin is banned
well fuck me sideways modern is a shit format

Trust for building T1 decks is going down the toilet, modern is DEAD

Just don't do twin or bloom
This is why I always built high end T2.
Its a modern thread friend. Next time ask in a casual one, because mono white is unplayable in modern besides martyr proc, sisters and emeria (and they are not very good to almost good enough with other colors in them).
Of the top of my head, white cards from recent sets worth of play in casual:
Precinct Captain
Banisher Priest/Fiend hunter
Honor of the pure
Champion of the Parish
Elspeth variants
Brave the elements
Hero of bladehold
Mentor of the meek
Archangel of tithes

Twin or Bloom are good decks with a lot of more than decent results lately, I'd look into that if I were you.
>Twin or Bloom are good decks with a lot of more than decent results lately, I'd look into that if I were you.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into them.
Go and build a tier one, I dare you
Also enjoy my hatecards I'll bring for you.
We are in the netdecking era, be smart!

Can relate to dis
You're welcome!
Death and taxes is a thing.
Painter's servant
Hot tech
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They're freacking banned, FAGS
If you wanna build them, be my guest
Painter's Tutelage
You must be new.
this is next level bait
Is this meta-baiting?
Isn't the knight fall combo similar to twin? I also believe it's more skill intensive and easier to fuck up. Just pick up that.
it's also bad
Fuck it, someone link me the best burn list.
Going in Hot.

I'd look for it myself but I'm using a shitty iPhone 4 right now.
I reached a level where I witnessed such stupidity that this seems absolutely fucking believable!
>>OGW has multiple potentally good delver cards

Like what anon?

I was about to build delver too I've not really looked into OGW is all
Stormchaser Mage and Jori En
I for one welcome $12 Swiftspears :^)
You are correct, not very good right now unfortunetly.
how the hell is an uncommon from ktk more than 2 dollars right now
>And meanwhile, the enemy of the player, the filthy money grubbing kike rubs it's filthy kike-paws in his kike lair, the dumb goyim never the wiser

Remember: Slay a kike, save a game.
Made a quick check on Ebay and ended up buying two Swiftspears for the price of one, thanks anon.

Also, its the greatest thing since sliced bread aka Goblin Guide.
I am not denying that Taylor Swiftspear is an amazing card, I am saying that an uncommon in a very heavily opened set currently in standard almost never breaks $2
Silkwrap broke $2
Roast almost broke $2

Those two are for the most part exclusive cards to Standard.
standard is ass right now
Memers, you know memedern players.
Still looking at sets its seems that there is always at least one uncommon thats good enough to break $2, so Swiftspear isn't an exception.
>Since we feel we've osterizing our muslim players we're unbanning bazaar of baghdad
To be fair, Cascade is a pretty fucking powerful effect.

There are decks that are built around the effect alone.
>Magic is a game
>Not a stock-roleplaying kikebreeder
You don't play mtg, do you?
yeah you don't, go back to school kiddo.

>tfw people have not yet caught on that Expedite from OGW makes this deck better

No longer will I have to run thought scour for cantrips 16-20
Were you already playing Crisom Wisps?
In the next set, Shaman of the Deathrite is printed.

t:target opponent exiles a card from his graveyard. If the exiled card is a creature card, gain 2 life. If the exiled card is an instant or sorcery card, each opponent loses 2 life. If the exiled card is a land, add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

Would this be modern approved?
Arguably the best red 1 drop ever. Foils are already at ~$15 iirc.
This is definitely more balanced than DRS, would probably see play in GBx, but would never be printed

Stock cantrips were

Serum Visions
Sleight of Hand
Cerulean Wisps
Thought Scour
Vision from Beyond

The Thought scour and Cerulean Wisps really do nothing though, so Expedite is a better option as it allows you to immediately go off from a topdeck dork
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Why would you run cerulean wisps when pic related is a thing?
I could agree with that, although Lackey or Kird Ape might take that spot
Whats the cheapest T1 deck right now price wise?
Amulet Bloom or Twin.
epic meme brother
Taking Turns

Cap it.
Infect is going to be making a comeback if Tron gets big
BW Eldrazi if that becomes a thing
Merfolk maybe?

All three under $700 right now.
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Lackey is ehhh, but the Ape is another solid contender.

I can definitely see this seeing some play in UR aggro decks now with Stromchaser and Swiftspear. Hugely underrated card imo.
wow it's a 1/1 for 1 with prowess

everyone better buy the fuck out of it because it's clearly sleeper broken

It also untaps which puts some extra potential on it.
>Official post ban deck tiers, as of right now.

>Tier 1
RG Tron

>Tier 2
Kiki Jiki combo (Chord, Coco and adjusted 'Twin' lists).
Mono Green Stompy
B/x Eldrazi
W/G Hatebears

>Tier 3 and below
Everything else
My ass
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>currently buying into UWR
Whats a good infect and Merfolk list?
Current Official Tier List Post Ban
RG Tron

there are no other tiers

and you forgot affinity
No Grixis control?
Sideboard against burn with infect?
Junk should get better than jund in a meta full of affinity and burn, the life gain and access to leyline/stony silence and memerhino would be great
Don't give him attention. This whole list is a giant hook meant to catch fish. It's even more obvious when you take into account he even made a seperate thread with the same list.

Just hide the post and move on
Should I try to trade my Liliana of the Veil + some other thing in my binder for a Gaea's Cradle? I play EDH mainly but I wonder what you guys think since Liliana's price is thanks to her relevance in other formats. Will she go up in price, should I wait if I do it at all?
>he even made a seperate thread with the same list
there's shitposting in the modern general, and then there's taking it to a whole new level

if you didn't notice I was shitposting as a response to the shitposting

what you are seeing now is meta-shitposting, or shitposting about shitposting
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If the tron and eldrazi decks really spike in numbers then im boarding these fuckers
>Mono Green Stompy

I's been memed.
Alright niggers it seems obvious Pox value decks would be great for the meta. What would be the best option of Pox deck though?
>Nature's Claim
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So with ghost quarter, fetch lands, and other tools, it's possible to get gravestorm up to 2 or 3 without doing too many contortions.

With greater Gargadon, you can probably increase that number by 3.

End result would be having 2 huge creatures hit the battlefield, and possibly being able to strip your opponent's deck of answers.

I think this has some viability, possibly in a discard shell (discard spells can be converted to counters on nivmagus instead of sitting uselessly in your hand).
So, Twin player here. I'm a little salty, but I do have a pretty large pool of modern cards that will allow me to build a few new decks. One of my backup decks was RG Scapeshift with Titan. I'm thinking it's going to be really good in the new meta of Tron and Eldrazi overlords, considering Twin was its worst matchup and had not a single card main deck to stop it. thoughts?
I also have every card for RUG or BtL Scapeshift, so I'll either play that or build RUG moon.

>realizing how invested you are into a shit format and getting depressed
Get affinity
I feel you. I play Valakut Titan too and I don't know if we should really play it in an Aggro (Affinity/Burn/Infect) vs Ulamog (Tron/Eldrazi) meta.

I am currently working on Jeskai Flash (Kiki). It's okay so far.
just play restore balance
Thought about it, but I'm sure it's about to sky rocket in price and I have a feeling it's on the chopping block (along with Tron) for next January.

My roommate plays it though, so I can always borrow his if I want.
I play two Obstinate Baloth mainboard, I could maybe see bumping it up to three but it would really feel bad for the ramp strategy. do you play any main or have you considered it?

I don't know why blue players are so assblasted. It's almost like they don't have the skill to play Agro
I've considered that, but I have a couple things against it.

>requires contorting your deck around cascade
>all in combo

I like the idea of running a deck with okay cards that have strong synergy and multiple avenues of play.
let me tell you though

the amount of salt it creates on MTGO is insane, especially against slightly slow affinity hands. They dump their entire hand and get you down to like 10 and then you balance away literally every permanent they control and they just leave match
Whats a good Restore Balance list?
there is restore balance with the mana rocks and there is one without it, you must decide wich one you wanna play
Link/post both?
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Not linear enough. The plan against aggro is to combo quick.
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Yeah, that's what I thought. It's so flavourful too.

And leyline of sanctity so they cannot strip us of our network

Also painter's servant
>Thought scour does nothing

What about Fatestitcher?
quick boys, odds of affinity getting the axe? I'm buying into it but i don't want to drop $700 on arcbound ravioli and friends if it's on the chopping block
buy into legacy instead
What does everybody think about Jeskai Ascendancy control like this guy is running now that twin is dead? Or is linear green version still better?

The reason WotC didn't ban anything else this time around is because they want to see how the meta develops before they do anything else. Affinity or Tron will only have stuff banned if they actually turn out to be problems.
The meta has had 3 years to develop and find answers to Affinity and Twin. And the notion that things which are too powerful must be banned is ridiculous. Unbans can balance the format just as much as bans. Frankly, Modern NEEDS Jace to be unbanned at this point. It's not even funny at this point how Wizards can look at how blazingly fast Modern is, and still think Jace would be a problem card.
>no ANLS
>Tier 0
>wizards unbanning anything from modern unless its unplayable like GGT
Don't worry about it. Even if one or two pieces eventually get banned, the deck will live on.
Personally, I would not play affinity without plating or ravager.
So Twin got banned because it was the best for too long? I don't get it, isn't that the point of eternal formats? Stable formats with relatively rigid tiers that you can buy into and know that your deck will maintain its position hopefully forever?
The worst part is that the combo is easy to disrupt, and there's plenty of sideboard cards available to deal with Twin. Quite literally the reason that Twin has the percentage it had is because people didn't feel that they needed to board against it that much. Unlike Affinity, which continues to crush games in the face of a wall of sideboard hate. Literally EVERY deck packs hate for Affinity, and it wasn't that far behind Twin in metagame representation.
Twin was 15% of the meta game. WotC thinks that it hurts diversity and stops new decks from forming.
Literally who the fuck cares about "diversity"? Health and skill level of the format matter more than the number of decks played.
yes it hurt the diversity of decks that don't play removal, modern was apparently too interactive
Khans block constructed was 70% Abzan.

>Literally who the fuck cares about "diversity"?
In a sense. It was the same reasoning as behind banning Pod. It lessened diversity as every URx deck played the combo and it, WotC suspected, made other types of combo decks unplayable in the format. The fact that this open up some sideboard slots for other decks in the format as well as not making maindeck Spellskite a necessity also hopefully means that the metagame will have the ability to fight against a deck like Tron or Affinity which people on /tg/ are convinced are now unbeatable.
No it didn't, most blue non twin decks had a good matchup against twin, twin was also keeping their bad matchups like tron down.

Control will only get wrose now.

The only decks that it kept down were linear decks that don't play removal, but I guess Modern needs more of those.
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>>44829624 I think I got the feeling
>>44829670 I need a heavy creature
>>44836542 I'm playing WBR. How do I draw?

Also Plowshare(s) y/n?
WotC cares. It was a stated goal of the format when Modern was first announced to be a format of brews and rogue decks with no top dog to take down. This was one of the reasons that they banned cards like TMS and Bitterblossom preliminarily, because they had just been parts of top dog decks in Standard.
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Pic related.
>Modern was first announced to be a format of brews and rogue decks with no top dog to take down
That's retarded. Such a format can never exist. There is ALWAYS a best deck. Shitty t4 brews and rogue decks are, by definition, shit. If a deck isn't allowed to be top dog for longer than a year or two, why even have eternal formats?
>It was the same reasoning as behind banning Pod
No, Pod was banned because its limited the design of future creatures when one deck can pick and choose from the best and most niche creatures in existence without suffering any real downsides. And don't even talk to me about podding Finks into Meme Rhino. There's value, then there's stupid shit like that.

>It lessened diversity as every URx deck played the combo
Also wrong. Like, so wrong. The combo is useless without Pestermite and Exarch, and those aren't creatures you jam into any old deck. Pestermite maybe, but it's the worse of the two main Twin targets, and you don't run Twin if you only have 4 targets in your deck.

>it, WotC suspected, made other types of combo decks unplayable in the format
Wizards doesn't want combo in the format in the first place. A turn 4 combo deck is a bad deck. Storm is a turn 4 combo deck and just look how bad it is.

>The fact that this open up some sideboard slots for other decks in the format
Fuck right off, this is the dumbest thing I've heard all day. You're quite literally implying that sideboards can now magically focus on less decks, when the alleged aim of this banning was to make there be MORE decks. You think BW Tokens can become tier 1 and not demand unique sideboard slots?

>hopefully means the metagame will have the ability to fight against a deck like Tron or Affinity

There is literally nothing wrong with one deck formats
yes as long as it's a fun deck like Cawblade
Perhaps in a philosophical sense. Doesn't mean much when no one plays that format. Khans block killed block constructed as a format.
I get disconnected off the mtg world a few days and holy shit Splinter Twin gets banned. What was /tg/'s reaction to this? I'm reading there was a leak?
I don't fully agree with that but I don't like either the way WotC "cut twin down". Feels something like protecting owns territory or something.
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wizards dont even want a signle control deck in modern...
>Doesn't mean much when no one plays that format.
Maybe people should get good and stop expecting variety from a competitive game then.
Stop acting like we owe Wizards a favour. If people want a competitive game with a variety of decks, it's the job of Wizards to provide that. If Wizards aren't providing it, people will just go elsewhere. Magic has already seen a decent decline in the last year. This is going to push the game over the edge. You don't just ban two expensive tier one decks like that.

What amazing reasoning

>"People should spend their money on things they don't enjoy"

Find a tall place to jump from please.
I know I'm 12 hours late, but is abzan really that much cheaper than jund?
What exactly does having a variety of decks do for you? When you're supposed to grind every possible matchup until you can play every possible situation on autopilot, you no longer gain enjoyment from variety anyway. And more varied formats have a bigger share of RNG contributing to wins.
Anyone who wants "a variety of decks" is just a shitter who needs to rely on lucky matchups to win.
Well you don't need Confidants and you can usually skim 1 or 2 Lilianas but otherwise its mostly the same shit.
variety makes that kind of grinding impossible. It means that playing correctly is less about pre memorized knowledge, and more about your ability to evaluate threats that present themselves in real time.

I find that enjoyable. Memorizing matchups is less enjoyable.
>what is having fun with a children's card game
Who goes to a top level tournament to "have fun"?
Reading the metagame is a skill in of itself. Legacy tournaments are won and lost on gauging how many copies of Force of Will to mainboard, and what exactly your sideboard needs. These aspects are stressed much less in Modern.

>Literally everyone that plays Modern is aiming for top 8 at the pro tour
>It's completely and utterly unreasonable to expect to have any kind of fun playing a fucking card game

Kill. Your. Self.
>random blowouts you can't do anything about due to variance are fun
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>random variance
>in a card game
>Reading the metagame is a skill in of itself. Legacy tournaments are won and lost on gauging how many copies of Force of Will to mainboard, and what exactly your sideboard needs.
And then you lose because even though you properly read the metagame, you got paired against less represented decks in swiss and lost because your deck wasn't prepared for them.
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>want to get into Modern because std current meta is borring
>look up this thread
>crybabies and doomsayers everywhere
>any deck below T1 is considered shit
>decks are non interactive and are 600$+
>don't want to get into Mordern anymore.

Dodged a bullet here.
Minimizing random variance should be the goal of any game that calls itself competitive.
What is 2015 US and Europe yugioh and Pokemon WCG?
I was under the impression that LightningHelix Rhino offsetting its hp cost when flipped with Confidant was one of the strengths of Junk.
Those random blowouts happen because Modern is a terribly designed format with an appalling banlist. One of the biggest offenders when it comes to variance-based blowouts is Tron. Holy fucking shit that deck is the most matchup polarized piece of shit in the format. Either you're 75/25 against Tron, or Tron is 25/75 against you. Go ahead, try and name another deck that's like that. And yet TWIN is the one getting the hammer.

It's the same shit with Bogles; either you're able to blow it out due to the deck you just happen to be playing, or you get eaten.
>Who goes to a top level tournament to play solitaire while making another person waiting

Take a random guess why no one create chess card game
/tg/ is hardly representative of Modern players as a whole.
Ability to handle variance is a much greater skill than the ability to memorize.
I'm curious now, what does a competitive Pokemon deck look like?
Handle shmandle, at the end of the day you are subjected to the whims of random chance, and skill doesn't always make up for that.

Yeah, /reddit/ is (given that's now the official forms) and even THEY are doomsaying this ban list announcement.
In one match, yes variance can outweigh the ability to handle it. But one match means nothing. Over the course of a larger sample size, the ability to handle variance will always make the more skilled players rise to the top.

>I can't think on my feet, I shouldn't be punished for this!

Sounds like someone needs to git gud
Too bad tournament tops aren't determined by large sample sizes. Yes, on average better players will top more tournaments than less skilled ones. But ideally, if you're the best Magic player in the world, you should be able to win every tournament you attend. That is not the case.

>>random blowouts you can't do anything about due to variance are fun

I mean, sometimes, yeah.
Unfortunately not every game is chess,or go, nor does every game try to be.
But that's wrong. Recent Tron lists had a much better matchup against Twin, maybe even favored, and Twin hosed a lot of aggressive strategies which Tron has trouble containing.
>But ideally, if you're the best Magic player in the world, you should be able to win every tournament you attend
This is the stupidest, most ridiculous "esports" mentality I've ever heard. Imagine a player who has a 90% chance of winning every single match he plays. Know what his chances of winning a 10 round single elimination tournament are? 34%. He's twice as likely to lose as he is to win. And you're telling me there's something wrong with that or what?
This. Somehow people don't realize it's nigh impossible to lose to Twin as Tron g2/3 with x rending volleys, nature's claims, defense grids, pithing needles and torpor orbs. It only takes about 6-7 turns to ramp to Emrakul while keeping green/red up at all times.
And that's why no serious tournament is fucking 10 round single elim, because that's retarded
Quick, give me a cheap Modern deck that isn't Infect !

You can't
Standard had a while after khans where junk was 50% of its meta. The R&D that says they do a great job on standard fucked it up worse then when cruise and dtt where in modern.
Eldrazi if you hurry
Taking Turns
Lava Spike Burn


How'd I do coach?
Lantern Control
KCI Combo
There's really no reason to get into modern if you don't already have a deck or two and there's no legacy scene in your area
Its a pretty crap format and is probably only going to get worse
Standard is pretty shit too though

You can build legacy Storm or Elves or D&T for the price of modern Jund, or Enchantress, Dredge, MUD, or Nic Fit for about the same as Tron or Affinity
Merfolk, living end, mono black eldrazi, elves. Wow that was easy.
Lantern control isn't cheap. Mox opals are basically essential.

The eldrazi lands have already jumped in price.
Hey, the treasure cruise era for modern was pretty fun. It pissed people off because literally every single tier 1 deck got relegated to tier 2.
Then it's your fault for not being fast enough nigguh
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Mfw I already had four of these for tribal wars legacy.
Mfw I was undefeated even against legacy goblins and merfolk.
>lantern control
>ensnaring bridge
>Mox Opal
>Ensnaring Bridge
That's like $35-40 for two of the cards in the deck. The rest is still dirt cheap.
Define cheap.
>The eldrazi lands have already jumped in price.

Did you see Scapeshift too? Shit was $20 3 days ago and now it's $57
Good thing I had four from when I played Lorwyn block
It was fun because it was a nice change of pace, but it was also pretty clear that UR Delver became way too strong and that both Dig and Cruise were way too good for the format.
Cleric bro?
>The eldrazi lands have already jumped in price.
the deck is still cheaper than infect which I assume is the baseline going along with the previous post.
the deck is literally $900
All the other lands
I was playing clerics.
I feel my inner capitalist shouting of joy.
Yes, and it also shows that WotC were willing to take risks with power level, which should be seen as a good thing. But it was good that they left the format.
per card.

You want a playset of each, so that's about 240 bucks for less than a 6th of your deck.

another 120 for a playset of glimmervoids, and you're at 360 buckaroos.

mtggoldfish has it at 100 tix over the price of infect.
>Modern was created because Legacy was too expensive for newer players
>It's easier to make a cheap Legacy deck competitive than make a cheap. competitive Modern deck

What a great format.
Don't worry, Modern Masters 3 will reprint all of the cards people want and fix the format ;^)
>Modern Masters 3 will reprint all of the cards people want
Then they get banned in time for Modern Masters 4.
Can't wait for those mythic rare Scalding Tarns
seriously I am not putting another cent towards modern staples, I am going to keep playing with my deck until tron lands are kill until I can buy into legacy delver
>all the good cards are mythic rarity
>all it does is drive up demand for modern staples as more people briefly enter the format thinking things will be more available.
But Anon, they have to be mythic to prevent them from warping the limited format, just like Tarmogoyf ;^)
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I bet Modern Masters 3 will be great in draft
Someone hit me with one of those Eldrazi decklists.
60 copies of DANK MEMES
Ban goyf already
I wanna see those Rags cry like the Bitches they are because I'm Poor
Bonus points for rare goyf in mm3 and ban after 6 months!
eldrazi is a meme deck
You can't reprint goyf at rare anon, the goal is to increase supply without lowering price and negatively affecting j- eh, spec--no, collectors!
MM3 needs to be a massive print run and it needs to not have any mythics. LotV at rare, Tarmogoyf at rare, enemy fetches at rare. This would go so far to fixing modern's completely fucked up prices. The fact that Wizards wants to protect the interests of the secondary market over the people who actually want to play the game is so ass-backwards.
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Here's what I have at the moment
Not gonna happen. Dual lands are always rare.

That's not why Goyf was made mythic. Goyf isn't even that good in limited. He was explicitly made mythic to not greatly affect his value. Wizards haven't even tried to hide this fact, they have answered exactly that every time the question has been asked.
Just buy one FAT PACK (With Noah Bradley FULL ART LANDS) of OGW and you're good to go friend! :)

You say this like you didn't know this is what they already wanted to do from how they treated Legacy.

Hell while we're asking them for ponies and ice cream we might as well ask for them to get rid of the fucking Reserve List.
/tg/ thinks everything is a meme deck. It means literally nothing.
Cranial Plating
Tron Lands
Living End
>Dual lands are always rare.
>circumvent this by only printing expeditions of Zendikar fetches in return to zendikar
At least they have the reserved list excuse to lean on in Legacy. There is ZERO excuse for Modern being as expensive as it is.
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>wizards' face
/tg/ calls meme decks meme decks

it will remain a meme deck until it can put up consistant results for a few months
Those were promos, but to appease your autism I'll change my wording to "Standard legal dual lands are always rare."
There's also no reason for that. modern playable duals at uncommon would not ruin limited.

Actually that would be a pretty fun limited format if multicolor archetypes were prevalent.
>4chan calls literally everything a meme
The deck becomes tier 2 without the mox, anon.
>multicolored limited format
Gold blocks are always the worst to draft.
>hating ravinca draft
>hating apocalpyse draft

s m h You have to be 18 to post here f a m
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>arbitrarily add in lottery tickets to your packs
>"hey guys I opened an expedition I love wizards!!!!" (1000 upvotes)
>no no silly friends, overpriced zendikar fetches? But We care about the limited format!
Any tips on how to restructure Bogles for post-twin modern?

Right now I have this:

Once Oath releases I will switch out Nature's Claim for Natural States.
What even needs to be changed?
Also people are running suppression fields in it now? How recent is this?
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More like Witches of the Coast am I right
Not sure if it is up to speed to compete with other bigger decks. The meta that I play in is primarily dominated by Junk, Jund and Tron. Other decks I'm not too worried about but Tron is shitting on me.

Suppression field is just a nice bit of mainboard disruption that gets in the way of Lili, T3 Karn and punishes 3c decks without hindering me too much.
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[r]And the reserve list will certainly not be removed![/r]
At least in legacy you only need to board 1-2 copies of a card to be able to reliably dig for it. Unlike modern where apparently cantrips are too powerful.
There are people in this thread right now that don't realize that Twin got banned so that it wouldn't stop eldrazis.dec from doing well at the PT. The deck got banned to shake up the format and to sell Oath-packs, which are full of Eldrazis, and you can expect one of the top decks to banned each year for this reason.
With the right opening hand, Bogles becomes almost unbeatable and boy is it amazing.
B-b-but we just wanted a modern PT
New thread
>You said you wanted a modern OP, now it's your fault we're having the fuck the format just so we can profit from it!

Seriously fuck off. The community has been eating Wizard's shit forever "b-but it would be a bad business decision" everytime they do something that screws the average player.

I'm not even that salty about the bannings, just the way they're justifying it is really poor.
The pro tour is a marketing tool. Wizards needs to show off their new toys. Other formats don't throw a shitfit when they don't have a pro tour. If modern players could just accept that its not a good PT format, none of this would happen
please be a buttplug tail
I'm trying to brew my own jeskai modern deck for local FNM play. Decklist includes
4x Delver of secrets
2-4 Soulfire grandmaster
4x Jeskai charm
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Lightning Strike
6-8 counterspells
2x Path to Exile
1x Pyromancer's Goggles (because why not)
Any suggestions for what to put in my sideboard? I'm thinking Crumble to Dust against Tron, Smash to Smithereens against Affinity, and a couple Deflecting Palms as a "fuck you" to knightfall combo. Any better ideas?
Unless it's abzan.
Then you're the memedeck to meme them all.
this post is extremely underrated. Magic isn't JUST a hobby or a game. is it both of those things? yes. but it's also far greater than the sum of its parts. it's not just cardboard with pretty pictures and words printed on it, for a lot of people (myself included), it's an expression of self and also a mental exercise, a way of thinking.

it's really easy to say it's just a game, but it's not. i probably haven't done the best possible job explaining how i feel and i honestly can't really speak for many people besides myself, but it's sad to see something so beautiful and complex and truly incredible turned into a way for a large company to make money. it hurts to watch something begin to cater to the players' wants and not their needs or to completely ignore the needs of the community entirely. it's sad. the reserved list will continue to exist until someone decides to buy out WotC and do something about it, and that'll be the first true step towards finally making Magic the game it should truly be. once you stop printing the cards solely to make money, once you begin to take the game itself seriously and treat it like its own entity, like a community, and like a living thing, something that is beyond just selling cardboard, then Magic will become great.

obviously i'm not speaking for the guy i'm replying to, these are my own opinions, but Magic is going to be fucked for a long time until someone does something about the business model WotC is using. i know all the arguments for the reserved list, i know why they do the things they do, yes they are a business and need to make money, but none of that will matter if the game dies and it seems like that's what they're trying to do and they're doing it well.

i mean, can you fucking imagine if they reprinted Tempest in paper? or Alpha? with the new MTGO art? people would lose their fucking MINDS, and in a good way. some in a bad way, because "muh money", but fuck those Jewbags, Magic should be for everyone.
>Pyromancer's Goggles (because why not)
Because why
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