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Superheroes systems

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I'm interested in running a supers game (with a near-future and mildly alt-history setting, if it matters) at some point, probably when the one I'm in right now ends. What are some available systems for that?

I've heard of pic related, but not much about its content except for that it borrows a lot from D&D 3.5. GURPS is another option, especially with the flexibility of designing your own powers, but apparently that type of GURPS game is a way-too-difficult bundle of chaos if you haven't GM'd before.

Anything else? Priorities are 1) a great variety of possible powers, and 2) minimizing rules arguments, though I know there are inevitably going to be some considering the genre.

If you don't mind playing something rules light, you could also go the FATE route.
Well then. Looking at the M&M quickstart, this is promising, and currently my first choice! Just wanted /tg/'s opinion on if there's anything else to try.
Just make sure to read through it a few times and make some test powers to get an understanding of how powers and how power feat and modifiers work.
M&M 3 breaks away from dnd3.5 a decent bit, enough to really become its own game.

its 2e that's basically just a 3.5 clone with a bunch of at-will spells called "powers"
I second M&M 3e.
>it borrows a lot from D&D 3.5.

M&M, through its life, has been an interesting example of a system being slowly whittled down from where it was into the thing it actually wanted to be. 3e is good.
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3e is really good.

I can flat out say, if I was somehow magically forced to use only one game-system for the rest of my life, I'd choose MnM 3e without hesitation.

That said, it's got it's flaws, but they stand out, because the book TELLS YOU about them.

The game system can break like a cheap thai hooker's prostate if you put any real min-max pressure on it. The ST is explicitly empowered, even more so then normal, to look at a sheet and tell the player to fuck off. The system is made so you can make super-heros. This means, yes, some shit seems cheaper then it really should be. This is flat out so you can actually MAKE the character.

Pick a theme, stick to it. Just because you can take a power, doesn't mean you should. Think things through.

Also remember just because it's called a POWER doesn't mean it has to be. MnM is an effects based game. The end result is oft more important then how you get there. So take a rank or three of mental quickness for your fast-thinking, but totally mundane gadget guy. Use Afflictions to model your hard-training martial artist. Descriptors are the important things.

But above all else, ask yourself, one, easy, simple question when you do this: IS THIS A CHARACTER I WOULD WANT TO READ A COMICBOOK ABOUT?

This one question can often save you the trouble if you're making someone for their powers, rather then making an actually interesting individual.

All that said, here's the books. Have and enjoy. You only need the corebook, but I personally adore the Gadget Guide and the Power Profiles. They don't do anything the corebook doesn't, but they put everything together in thematic sets to help you with your own brainstorming. Enjoy!

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With all the anti-minmaxing advice, God-Man comes to mind.
Actually, while I'm responding anyway, does the system do gadget-based, "fortunately I happen to have a can of [PC_NAME]-Shark Repellent", make shit up on the fly heroes? Or would you have to have that Shark Repellent specifically written on your sheet?
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Totally, you can do that. A few ways, actually.

First off, you can have the Inventing advantage, which lets you with spending a hero point, and making a Tech check, make the item on the spot.

There's also the other use for hero points, extra effort and Power Stunts.

Hell, there's even a fucking sidebar in Gadget Guides!(Did I suck the cock of that book enough yet?)

Utility belts are home to some of the most oddball and unexpected gadgets. Some characters always seem to have just
the right thing at the right time to solve any problem, no matter how unlikely it might be for them to be carrying something
like it around with them.
At the basic level, utility belts offer excellent opportunities to spend hero points for on-hand equipment and power stunts
(Hero’s Handbook, pages161 and 20, respectively). Need an antitoxin or a dose of powerful defoliant? Spend a hero point
and you just “happen” to have some!
For more extreme cases, Gamemasters can consider allowing “omni-items”—essentially a placeholder power for any
effect that reasonably fits into the descriptors of the character’s utility gadgets. This is a Variable effect (Hero’s Handbook,
page 132) often with an Action modifier (depending on how quickly the character can retrieve the item) and possibly a
Quirk or Limit if the item has to be less than 1 rank of effect (5 power points of cost), such as:
Variable 1 (any tool or skill equipment), Free Action, Quirk (Limited to 2 equipment points or less, –3 points) • 6 points

I don't know what Coco has to do with M&M but god bless you anon.
Has anyone ever used m&m for a fantasy game? It's a goal of mine to do this. What alternate rules did you introduce?
There's a story floating around where a group converted their high-level D&D campaign into M&M. It worked flawlessly, especially because the fighter actually felt godlike for once.
Or watch a Saturday morning cartoon about?

It's pretty neat designing a character and actually thinking about what the intro to their cartoon would look like. If they're a flying brick, they'd take a lot of cues from the '90s Superman cartoon.
I've used her outfit for one of my MnM PCs recently. So it was on my mind, plus it helps to ID my posts.

Yes, in fact! I totally have.

We used this guy's work as part of the conversion, it's pretty solid stuff. We didn't use the classes, but we did raid them for the class features we wanted to yonk for our own stuff.

For the record, I played an undead mage.PL6, 120PP. Quite fun.

>hero points
This is another thing the system uses to enforce and encourage narrative. Hero points are awarded if drama is allowed to happen, put blunty, as a reward for you to be more capable later. Some character trait of yours is coming back to bite you and is sowing drama? Here's a hero point. Your hero lost a fight with the big bad? Here's a hero point.

It's okay to lose. You're telling a story, after all.
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Yes, indeed!

Or, say, you're fighting someone like the Joker.

The ST, unless they are a mad genius themselves, simply can't plan out stuff like someone like that can do.

So instead, they can throw complications at you like a motherfucker.

Have another sidebar, this time from one of the DC books!

The Joker’s most dangerous quality is his sheer unpredictability; many of his schemes and actions elicit the reaction,
“That’s just crazy!” Which it usually is.
There’s a simple way to play the Joker as the terrifyingly effective madman he is, enough to make heroes concerned
whenever they hear his menacing laugh: Cheat. Cheat often and cheat mercilessly in the villain’s favor. Cheat like there’s
no tomorrow.
In other words, make liberal, even constant, use of complications to give the Joker whatever resources he needs to mess
with the heroes and to put roadblocks in their way when it comes to taking him down. The Joker should be two steps
ahead of all but the most prepared and capable foes, and just when the heroes think they have him right where they want
him is exactly when he should spring another carefully prepared and overly elaborate trap on them or pull some totally
unexpected move.
Be sure to award the players their hero points when they’re facing the Joker. They’re going to need them.
Marvel heroic > all other super hero systems
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Godspeed anon, good to see another fellow M&M enthusiast here!
I'd check out Wild Talents, most of the setting books are some flavour of alt history, they're good to mine for ideas even if you're not using the system, which is pretty neat.
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Oh yes. I love the utter living shit out of the system. It's fantastic, and flexable.

It has some granularity problems, but it's workable.

Actually, have some fun notes I did, when working on a copy of the Iron Man armors for shits'n'gigs.

I was working the math on the Flight systems for the armor, trying to get it as close to the movie as possible. It's a fun building challenge.


I ran the numbers again. You need Speed 9(As it's a range, anything from 501mph to 1,000 mph) to go supersonic(a speed of 768mph) normally...unless you can take a double move action. Vehicles can NOT take double move. Individuals can.

It's worth noting the fastest exaunt plane thus far is the X-15, clocking in at 4,520 mph, or a Flight 11 double-move.

This goes back to the whole "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" thing.

I had someone in a game try to argue they should be fine to have flight 10, just...because. When our actual speedester was capping herself at the PL rank of 8.

Limitations. They aren't just flavor, they can also actually be FUN, and give you a path to upgrade.

For example, for my own theory work, I set the Mark II to Flight 7, the III to Flight 8. Upgrades will put the Mark VI at 9, and then the VII caps out at speed 10, and no suit, outside of a dedicated, light armored hyper-sonic suit will go faster then that.

Or how the suit is set to Str 7, for 3 tons, and upgrades once at the VI to Str 8, but to go higher then that, it has to be a dedicated Strength suit, or a Hulkbuster addon.

Anyway, with that, I am off to slumber for a while. If anyone has questions, leave'm, and if this thread still exists when I awaken, I'll do my best to answer.
2e has a splatbook for doing just that - Warriors and Warlocks. It also has the Book of Magic splat for creating different magical styles.
I'll have to see if I can convince my irl group to try this one day.

Last PbP game died because the DM kept wanting us to RP with each other for months, and refused to move the plot along because we weren't, even though there was literally nothing left for any of us to talk about since we already spent in-game hours establishing our personalities, motives, and presumably our social security numbers, banking information, and favorite type of cookies for how fucking long we spent on the plane.
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Wow, that sounds like a shit GM.
Which sucks because the game up till then was a blast...it's just we hit a designated RP spot and the entire plot screeched to a halt for basically no reason(we were waiting for a plane to reach it's destination).
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If you value narrative more than crunch, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying is my system of choice. Players can create characters by assigning die values with the help of the GM. The book discribes what every die size means, so you can make original characters quite easily. Also, considering it's a 'keep two' dice pool system, characters with larger die sizes don't necessarily always outshine lesser powered characters. This allows everyone to feel useful.
Did he ever give a reason?
I really think that I'll start my eventual GMing career with Mutants and Masterminds. The rules are pretty simple once you get going and have some experience, after all.
Honestly, I was not pleased with M&M, while at first I loved the in depth power system I felt it made it very difficult for a player to define their power then sift though all the right variation of powers to make what they want.

Are there more narrative focused super-rpgs where the players just define their power then though together some simple mechanics to make it functional?
seconding Wild Talents
Try Fate, >>44444007 and something called Hero whatsit if you want something even rules-lighter.

Hope it works for you.
>arrative focused super-rpgs

Marvel Heoric Roleplaying.

its out of print though and chargen is shit, they'd prefer it if you played a known charater like Spidey or Iron Man
>its out of print though
True, but that doesn't mean you can't find a copy. It's quite easy to find, actually.

>chargen is shit
Just because it doesn't have true hard fast rules for character creation doesn't mean that the way it's handled is bad. It just involves GM/Player discussion and agreements on power levels. The random datafile generator was awful though.
There's two things to keep in mind when building M&M powers:
>You're designing the final EFFECT of the power, not the cause itself. You use your descriptors to describe the power itself.
>There are multiple correct answers. You can build an idea in multiple ways if you think about it.
Not really. He just kept wanting us to RP amongst ourselves until he just disappeared.
Worlds in peril.

It's pretty good actually.
Yeah, as long as you have a firm idea of what the character is before you put pen to paper chargen is straightforward. Don't be afraid to steal powers of SFX from existing heroes, and think of milestones as iconic character arcs or quirks.

I can definitely see how it's not everyone's cup of tea, though, even if it's not as difficult as it seems. Different strokes, and all that.
Which is better, Wild Talents or M&M 3e?
Different strokes for different folks. WT is a bit more crunchy and lends itself to different types of supers than M&M does.

Like, I'd use WT if I was emulating something like Chronicle, Misfits, or Worm, but M&M if I was going for more comic book-y stuff.
Whiel Mutants and Masterminds 3e looks great, you could always also adapt Exalted with some World of Darkness books if you want a superhero setting.
Just lurking, but I'd once made the Iron Man armor in 3.5e for an Artificer. It managed to get Mach 4 at full speed utilizing a whole bunch of different spells put into magic items, had veritable wand gatling guns, was a sentient legacy item familiar and had a pair of homunculi wand-wielding "targeting systems" that could pop out of the shoulders.

This all was at level 10, mind you. It was very fun.
>you could always also adapt Exalted with some World of Darkness books if you want a superhero setting.

You could also drive roofing nails into your forehead.
>I can flat out say, if I was somehow magically forced to use only one game-system for the rest of my life, I'd choose MnM 3e without hesitation.
Wow. Different tastes I guess. After two campaigns lasting 6 months each, I would classify M&M as the one system I will now avoid playing at all costs. I had the special edition core book and have it away to a friend because I'm never going to use it again.

Character creation was fine, but gameplay really feel flat for me. Its hp system makes combat drag on forever, and the characters all seem to play basically the same. On top of that, I absolutely loathe the poor quality of the official DC writeups.

I'd rather try to homebrew Pathfinder into a superhero system (a terrible idea I would never seriously suggest to anyone) than play M&M again.
Oh, neat. I personally hate the 3.PF system, but it's always kinda neat to hear about the shenanigans people can get upto using it, as long as, well, I don't have to touch it myself.

An amusing aside, but the repuslor system has been the hardest to tinker into a good state. I've worked on it for months.

Move object 10(With the damage extra, and the one way flaw), can throw around 25 tons. For a repuslor, that's a lot, sounds neat. The...trouble runs in when you look at what that means. Assuming someone's a real fatty, and 400 pounds, a blast with the repuslor is going to toss their ass a good half mile.

That. Feels all sorts of wonky. So. What I'm looking at doing is tweaking it so it's a Move Object 2, with a linked Damage of 8. So it keeps the damage benchmarks I like, but it's less...insane on the throw, while still being good. That means something 200lb will be chucked 30 feet on a hit, while 201-400 will go 15, and so on. A good bit better.

So it maintains the D10 benchmark I want, but doesn't have the freakish over-charge. PLUS, if you want to model boosting it, the suit has Power Attack as part of it's targeting system, so you can boost the Move Object effect.

There is a note under Move Object about cocentraating and gaining +1 str to the effect, but when it's a one way damaging effect, that doesn't quiet make as much sense, and power attack can't be used on your normal, every day just trying to lift an object anyway, so I think it checks out that way.

Yeah, differing taste'n all. I've had two people in the same game with near identical stats, but the descriptors made a world of difference.

Sorry you didn't enjoy it.
For the Repulsor beams, why not link Tripping with Damage?
Eh. With superhero systems in general the powers I love he most are portrayed the most bland when it comes to options. Regeneration is just hit points and telekinesis is just picking up stuff at range (unless you pay out the ass with modifiers) and has so many ways to block it that it's not even fair.
In M&M can't someone with strength just block being picked up with telekinesis by flexing hard enough?
That's a 2eism, isn't it?

'sides, tripping wouldn't work on stuff like objects, would it?
Yeah, it's a 2e-ism. That's where most of my knowledge of M&M lies, unfortunately, since most people on /tg/ seem to talk more about 3e.

As for working on objects, it's Strength or Dex based for opposition, meaning as long as it can move itself or others, it can be Tripped. It's a 1pp/rank power, works mostly the same as the trip action except you can't be tripped back because it's ranged... and I just realized while skimming my 3e Hero's Handbook pdf that I don't see Knockback anywhere, rendering my idea useless for a 3e game.

Did they seriously take it out? I mean, it wasn't perfect, but getting Knockback on opponents to send them flying is like half the fun of a superhero fight.
There's rules for Knockback in the 3e GM's Guide.

Plus, you in effect get Knockback with how I set up my Move Object repulsors.

Damaging, and the One Way flaw.

So it pushes AWAY only. Basically works as knockback.
>some shit seems cheaper then it really should be.
And some things look extremely cheap for how powerful they seem, but in reality they aren't.

Immortality, no conditions or vulnerabilities except a couple months respawn time is 1 point. It costs virtually nothing.
Because it means nothing, your character death is on the table only in a very very dramatic occasion which you hashed out with the GM.
I have always seconded Mutants and mastermind 3rd edition because you can literally do any power in the game you want.
Pretty much getting picked up by a move object effect like telekinesis is treated as a grapple so strong guys can just power flex out of it like a normal grapple.
>Last PbP game died because the DM kept wanting us to RP with each other for months, and refused to move the plot along because we weren't
Hah. That's a mirror of a shit situation that I had: the players insisted on having the opportunity to RP some slice of life, the GM wasn't iron-handed enough to move to the next timeframe even though everybody else wanted, the players ended up stalling game for days aaand R.I.P.

The worst thing is that it wasn't the first time it happened with those same guys and that same GM. First time we pulled through by splitting the group - meaning that half the character were saving the world while the other were having a sleepover watching Monthy Python. The game couldn't handle the second time (the third time was in a new game, which keeled over much faster).
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I've been hankering to build Rico Rodriguez circa Just Cause 3 using M&M 3e, and I'm trying to get the specifics down. Here's the main points about him.
>Arm-mounted grappling hook (range ~100m)
>Able to attach items/surfaces to each other via remote grapple tethers, can retract to pull with great strength (the more tethers, the stronger the pull)
>Freely-deployable/retractable parachute
>Freely-deployable/retractable wingsuit
>Skilled with all manner of vehicles and weapons
I'm trying to think of how to piece those abilities/bits of equipment together.
Wouldn't Move Object 2 be reeeal easy to resist?
Skill with vehicles is literally just the vehicles skill.

Parachute/wingsuit would be flight with an alternate effect extra.

Weapons have their own section, but basically boil down to a damage effect, maybe with extra stuff.
>Arm-mounted grappling hook (range ~100m)

At that kind of range, it'd probably be best represented as a Leaping 5 Linked to Movement 1 (Swinging). Swinging indicates that you're using nearby objects to move, and by default it lets you go your base move speed. Leaping 5 lets you cover the closest approximate distance (250ft ~= 75m). If you don't care about overshooting a bit, Leaping 6 covers about 150m. By Linking them, they only act together; you're only Swinging if you're Leaping.

>Able to attach items/surfaces to eachother, can retract to pull with great strength
I don't know the mechanics of the game, but this is a classic Move Object ability, probably with Limited Direction and a Quirk suggesting that you require an object to move the target object towards. The ability to retract with greater strength is already covered over how you can Concentrate with Move Object to move them at a higher rank.

>Freely-deployable/retractable parachute
Movement (Safefall)

>Freely deployable/retractable wingsuit
Sounds like Flight, maybe with Glide depending on exactly how it works

>Skilled with all manner of vehicles and weapons
Advantage (Ranged Attack) lets you boost the accuracy you have with all ranged weapons
Skills cover vehicles
Well, since I brought my game up(first anon in this chain), might as well mention the character I had.

>John Burlow: aka Quick-Fix
>Powerset is based around time manipulation
>Understands the danger posed by someone capable of doing so, and the threats from people who might want it themselves
>Uses his time manipulation powers to pass himself off as having superspeed

>Good at dodging Dodge and Parry-based attacks
>Could move pretty damn fast( I think I had speed....7?)

>Was also containing a constant build-up of temporal energy that could cause "bad things" if he doesn't use his powers regularly(vague to let the GM do whatever with it, the backstory incident caused his house to get blown out of sync with time, time moving in his house at half-normal speed)

>Objective was threefold
>1: Find out what caused him to start generating temporal energy
>2: Figure out how to stop it from going critical mass.
>3: Find a way to duplicate the process so he can create an army of time-powered supersoldiers he can hire out to the highest bidders(obviously the supersoldiers would be incredibly watered-down compared to himself).

>Needed lots of funding to all of these, so took up bank robbing to help meet those needs.

Though this almost ended up being silly, as the GM had a houserule that made the amount of money you get go up way faster than normal rules, so my original build would have basically been Scrooge McDuck rich.

Problem 2 got solved basically as soon as the game started when I stole a pair of Power-Nullifier cuffs from the SuperPolice.
Depends on how it's ruled. We use it like knockback: The attack hits, you calulate their weight rank vs the mass and boom, they're tossed that far. Thing is, it's straight back, you don't get finer control over it then that.
>I don't know the mechanics of the game
Mechanics of the game are simple but overall have plenty of tricks.

Basic grappling hook is shoot at a thing and pull yourself to it. Includes attaching yourself to walls and ceiling.
Pulling enemies to yourself (and say, off their watchtower) is also a thing.

Then there's trickery with the parachute, in that you can pull yourself to the ground or objects to gain speed, but still remain in flight. With practice, parasailing never ends. But not quite flight given that it doesn't go too high over the landscape unless it has a building to hook to.

Then there is connecting things to things. Shoot hook into one, shoot hook into the other, push button to make them move to each other.
It can be both movable objects (to slam them together) or movable and immobile.

The trickery is with multihooking. For example, hook a guy to two buildings in a little distance behind him, press attract and then release. Slingshot him over the horizon.
Oh yeah, also: tow cable. Just attach car to a car and drive. How to model that?
Probably a Feature.
How come superhero systems never have a consistent general?
Generals are cancer or sumtin.
Superhero systems are not very popular.
Recently we have started our first M&M campaign and while creating a character I got some questions our DM still can't decide on and I wanted advices from people who have experience with the system.

My Speedster due to changes now uses Flight instead of Speed with the same rank. Can it fully substitute for this power or some accomodations have to be made?

And can my Speedsterhide his Flight power, presenting it as a combination of Swinging and Superspeed (with possible teleportation with Consealment 4 Limitation: While Moving) from people without Quickness? Does he have to buy Swinging and, possibly, Wall-Running separately for this?
Flight costs more than Speed, thats kinda already an accomodation.

How does he move, in description terms rather than mechanical terms?
I know that it costs more, but it has a lot of advantages too that I found to

His powers are a mix of time-controlling and telekinetical powers with extremely limited range - just a few centimeters from his body, hair is really a gray area and clothes can easily get damaged. So he has to wear his costume and is often joked by his team who prefer casual clothing.

Mostly his flight is will-controlled and has no extra effects to show itself. Like most of requirement-lacking flight types.
Well that just great.
If you want a game that isn't a rehash of Dungeons and Dragons (and trust me, you do, because D&D is trash) then try something other than M&M. I'm not saying GURPS because that thing's superheroic stuff is garbage, but I think pretty much anything else will do a better job.

My personal favorite is HERO system/Champions, but this comes with a warning: it looks complicated, but it's really not, especially not the meat and potatoes of a superhero game (combat), you don't have fifty million feats to dig through to build what you want, there's just stats, powers, skills, and some odd ends for flavor. Said skills already do the vast majority of what the feats in M&M do anyway, the rest of them are littered about in their pertinent mechanics, rather than being a thing you need to spend character creation points on.
>a rehash of D&D
3E certainly wasn't. Just because it used a d20 for its system doesn't mean it used the d20 system.
It still makes use of the save system and while it's not as bad, it's still far and away the worst aspect of both systems, because it now adds a deathspiral effect.
The other crap part is the superfluous bits, the ones that are already built in elsewhere.

I want critiques. Come.
I agree that hero system is easier to learn since M&M is like trying to learn how to play 3.pf all over again with feats and abilities that are overlapping and hard to understand to the point you just shove everything into one stay and hope you can survive. HERO system is cleanly laid forward and easy to understand once you realize everything is there and you don't have to use everything.
>Shove everything into one stat*
The hard part about HERO's the math, which is resolved by the software for it.
Links to software for it?
All I've got's my digital copy, cuz they want you to pay for it.

It's also gotta bunch of 6E shit, which I don't really use, aside from a couple of the rules.
What's the difference between 5e and 6e. Both look identical.
Lots of stuff. The main difference is that stats were divorced for no readily apparent reason, rendering a bunch of them essentially useless. For example, Con used to provide energy defense, stun, endurance, it affected when you were dazed, and how well you stood up to specific effects like poisons. Now? It just provides defense against being dazed and helps you stand up against poisons.

The other changes are all really minor tweaks, but the actually interesting bits are in the powers, damage negation's a new type of defense that can be used a number of ways, but the primary method it works is to reduce the number of dice you're hit with, but my friend prefers to roll his dice of damage negation to see how much additional damage he soaks.
Ah. So it's generally more expensive in 6e to make a identical character from 5e?
Can be, depends on how you game it, if you want the exact same stats, and you're a particularly stat-derived character (most notably any fast brick) you're going to be more points. However, this also makes character creation needlessly tedious to build in a system which already has a fairly tedious (though still not to d20 standards of tedious) character character creation.
How does the M&M or HERO systems handle social encounters when rolls are necessary?
For HERO, there's a full-on chart with all kinds of situational modifiers and another for degrees of success. It's like 4-5 pages on the matter. It includes things like speeches, if your enemy's in retreat, if you're in retreat, allegiances, psych limitations, pretty much anything you can imagine.
I don't know about M&M's social combat system, I would lay good money that it's basically D&D's.
That's because D&D doesn't have a social combat system and neither does M&M. I would hardly call "roll dice and add numbers" a social combat system.
It is a social combat system, in HERO, you can make presence attacks to compete with presence attacks.
Social combat probably shouldn't be too terribly fleshed out in a superhero game with the exception of stuff like mind control.
It's got a degree of depth, but generally it's a matter of essentially controlling or denying actions of others. I was also wrong it's only two pages, one of which gives examples and their bonuses to things you can do/say, the other's mostly an effect chart.
M&M for crunch. Doesn't simulate everything perfectly.

OVA for much lighter crunch and faster construction. Ignore the weeb shit on the cover, it works really good for powered settings too.

Fate for the lightest crunch, but the largest need for oversight in design and play.
OVA is goddamn weird. Being smart makes you run faster.
Not faster.
To be honest saying "I move faster because I'm smart" deserves a quick smack. I'd see it if you're using the terrain to your advantage, planning out your moves through an obstacle course. It won't let you outrace Usain Bolt.
On a flat surface, you are objectively faster at running if you're smarter.

M&M is crunch-tastic, I prefer Marvel Heroic.
Obviously this makes you faster...

>Smart: You have a significant helping in
the brains department. You can roll your
Smart dice when recalling facts, designing inventions, casting spells, deciphering
codes, passing that midterm, or attempting anything else that might challenge
your IQ.

Got the book right here...
Throwing in a vote for Marvel Heroic. I GM'd a few games with it and had a blast.
Ah, shit. I conflated it with Double Cross. Nevermind me, I'm retarded! Yeah, in Double Cross your intelligence is calculated with your perception score (sense).
Ah... happens to the best of us.
Bro, you already apologised... it's ok...
Also I can't make heads nor tails on what makes what in that sheet... Is that game just as indecipherible once you start going through the book to create a character?
Parts of it are. I can't explain it, because it's not a very good game. Too restrictive.
There's a part of me that wants to combine Fate with M&M. I think they'd complement each other well.
I disagree. It's a very good system, but I think Champions is the greatest Superhero RPG ever.
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Marvel Heroic managed to have a Gary Stue from a "friend" from my usual group and have it run fine next to the considerably more reasonable characters. It became a group favorite after that.
In part it was thanks to the sole player who was already familiar with the system helping refine the way the SFX worked.

Seriously, the 'datafile' was a full two pages long because of all the abilities he decided his character had.
I think that's because lower dice have the chance to generate more PP while higher dice beef up the Doom Pool faster when they tank. Not sure if that is the full story though.
Lower dice also beef up the Doom Pool with all them 1s.
Oh yeah (hence the PP).
Is Savage Worlds with the superhero companion book any good for superhero games?
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