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Exterminator Quest #34

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The Bug That Ate Christmas edition


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Previously you found out that your boss had lost a massive bet on the underground mech battling circuit. Seeing him faced with the prospect of having his balls cut off by an angry Russian, you decided to cheer him up with booze and cocaine. He then accompanied you on your final assignment for him: clearing out a snake infestation from a Noah’s Ark themed amusement park beneath the Tsing Ma Bridge. On arrival you found that the “snakes” were actually overgrown centipedes and were nearly ensnared by large sessile creatues living in the trashfilled pools outside the Ark itself.

Inside the Ark you discovered abandoned creationist exhibits that seemed to contain operational surveillance equipment as well as more centipedes, this time outfitted with electronic devices that seemed to control their movements. They chased you into the second floor food court, where you fortified your position and prepared a trap while attempting to decide whether to escape or delve deeper into this obviously still inhabited theme park.
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From last threads winning roll:

>Get the biggest metal container. Light a fire under it.
>Pour all your caustic chemicals in the container.
>take any intact glass bottles you find and fill them with oil and a rag. Make molotovs. Fire >extinguishers that have as much glass shards as you can wrapped around them hidden near the doors.

Gathering whatever ancient flammable trash you can, you create two beds of crap in front of both the two main entrances to the food court, planting trashcans at their center and pouring all the different cleaning chemicals and some oil and grease inside before locking their lids shut. Any remaining oil you use to douse the ground beneath the cans and make 3 molotov coktails, which you split between yourself and Devlinson.

You secure broken glass dipped in volcano sauce to all of your fire extinguishers and plant them near the doors. You think this is very ironic.

Take position where?

>prepare to shoot up one of the entrances after the trashcans go off, behind fortified by metal chairs and tables
>don’t bother taking position, search for way to roof
>don’t bother taking position, search for way to elevator
>retreat into the restaurants, prepare to hold out in melee
>>prepare to shoot up one of the entrances after the trashcans go off, behind fortified by metal chairs and tables

>prepare to shoot up

But we only have cocaine, not heroin!

Tempted to search for elevator instead and find the Demiurge of this place while he still thinks he's in charge here.

>prepare to shoot up one of the entrances after the trashcans go off

Each of the trash pyres is lit by a lighter you find in the kitchens and your timing is impeccable. The thudding of the centipedes against the metal doors becomes greater with each passing moment and the bits of metal you shoved into the handles to keep them shut begin to bend and twist. The doors themselves bulge and then burst, releasing a tide of horror as 'pedes even bigger than the one you put down earlier run towards your makeshift fortification of chairs and tables.

The first ones through are the first to fall victim to the flames of course, catching themselves alight on the oily trash they don't even make it halfway across the food court to where you and Devlinson are waiting. The heat intensifies beneath the trashcans but there is no detonation, not that you've needed one. If this is all the owner of this place can send, you're in no trouble at all...

Suddenly you're aware that the ground is shaking beneath you. It has been for some time but your adrenaline and the action in front of you masked it. With a terrible screech, truly massive 'pede heads appear behind the flames, charging over their comrades and looking unlikely to be impeded by your black billowing fires.

Just as they make it past the doors, your trashcan's finally go off and the centipede heads vanish, replaced by mushroom clouds that light the rafters of the ceiling on fire. A single mandible flies forth like a boomerang and buries itself in one of your tables, slicing halfway through the metal but harming neither you nor Devlinson.

The massive corpses of the 'pedes block up the entrances entirely, so you have no need to use your fire extinguishers, though you might need them since the flames above are spreading.

>search for elevator
>search for stairs, try to put out fire on roof or escape
>>search for elevator

How much can the thermal vision scan through the floor to look for the target?

How thick are the walls here?
If the fire gets too big, it might draw Scyths' attention?

But can't let the mastermind get away.
>>search for elevator

>search for elevator

Putting on your thermal googles, you scan the area for the elevator as best you can. It's not very helpful, since the elevator doesn't really have a heat signature but you also turn it downwards to see if maybe you can look down into the mastermind's stronghold. This too is ineffectual but it does reveal that the first floor is crowded by 'pede signatures, frantically swarming over one another.

>roll 3d6+6 to find the elevator (+2 from awareness, +2 from fastidiousness, +2 from Devlinson and thermal goggles)
Rolled 1, 5, 3 + 6 = 15 (3d6 + 6)

inb4 worst rolls of the quest yet
Rolled 5, 1, 3 + 6 = 15 (3d6 + 6)

Rolled 4, 3, 6 + 6 = 19 (3d6 + 6)

Seems a little dead in here so far. Think everyone's getting ready for family bs?
That is not dead which can eternal lurk.

Probably. It's fine though.



It's not easy but you find the elevator hidden in the back of a Popeye's chicken joint maintenance closet. Rapping on the back of the closet reveals that it's hollow and, with a little help from your Illegal, you're able to "hack" the opening mechanism, revealing a stainless steel interior with buttons for each floor, including a basement.

In the closet itself, you also find some very old but still extremely toxic bottles of liquid Insectodeath, which you add to your inventory along with your 3 remaining Molotovs.

Go to:

>Third floor
>First Floor
To the basement of the Alamo we go.

Elevator is hacked and not a death trap then?
>>Third floor
Basement seems like a trap. If the fire gets too bad you could always jump out a window on the third floor. May not like the landing but you'd survive.
>dat recap
Is that a horror quest of some sort?
Or we could stop at third floor and split up, gang, actually.

Devlinson, you put out the fires. Vince is going down.

Well too late now.
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I'm not sure what genre to file this under anymore.


You and Devlinson squeeze into the elevator together and descend. Above you can hear the third floor begin to collapse, crashing down into the food court where you were just defending yourselves.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"There are no good feelings in this line of work" you say and then the doors open again.

You're in the middle of a three directional intersection. The walls are steel and everything is lit from below by white LED strips embedded in the floor. It makes Devlinson look slightly ominous in your haz-mat suit.

You hear skittering from the hallway going forward but a small drone of some sort comes barreling from that direction and abruptly turns left upon reaching you. Nothing at all comes from your right.

>go left
>go right
>go forwards
>go back into the elevator, this was a bad idea
>>go left
What you deliverin' deliverybot. Eggs?

You decide to follow the tiny bot to the left and find that the hallways is rather long.

At the end of it, you find yourself faced with a security door. There's an access panel but it seems to have some ample defense software installed...

"It might not be as tough as it looks..." says Devlinson, readying his fire axe

>try and hack through the door
>try and hack through the security system (with the Illegal)
>try and "hack" through the security system (with the axe)
>>try and hack through the security system (with the Illegal)

Skiddie Vince best Vince

Also wait what's the difference between the first option and the third option.

Oh god captcha don't show me steak

First option is taking axe to door, third option is taking axe to panel.

I miss having my 4chan pass.
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>>try and hack through the security system (with the Illegal)


You pull out your wiry little phone and begin looking for the best piece of software to slice through the digital impediments which fortify the access panel.

You settle on something called "Chainsaw".

>roll 3d6+0 (intelligence) to operate your program!
Rolled 4, 1, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 4, 4 = 13 (3d6)

Absolutely drek.


You guide your tiny digital chainsaw downwards through lines of codes, slicing through sophisticated encryption and protective protocols with ease. You dodge tiny winged software bugs as you journey closer to the core. Finally, you arrive and after several moments of intense combat, you dismantle the core beast's final form!

The door does nothing.

"I don't understand..."

"Vince? Why didn't it work?"

The credits begin to roll on your phone...


Well, looks like you succeeded in wasting some time at least.

>take axe to the security panel
>take axe to door
>turn back, head down a different hallway
>>turn back, head down a different hallway
To the rightward hallway!

Maybe this door isn't to keep you out, but to keep them in.
>>turn back, head down a different hallway
>>take axe to door
Here's Johnny.

>turn back, try right hallway

"Despite my most expert efforts, I'm afraid the attempt failed, Dev. Let's go before we set off any, uh, security."

"Sounds good. You want to try a different direction?"


Moving down the right hallway, you find that it also terminates in a security door. Behind this one you can hear machinery moving and clanking.

>try and axe your way through the door
>axe the security panel
>toss a molotov at the door
>turn back, head up elevator or down the central hallway.
>>axe the security panel
>try and axe your way through the door
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Rollin' to break.

You take the axe from Devlinson and prepare to try and force the door open by leveraging the head and metal handle against the crux of the door. This won't be easy...

>roll 3d6, boost up to twice with STR/STA [12/16] currently
Rolled 4, 4, 1 = 9 (3d6)

If only we still had some cocaine.
Rolled 1, 6, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Boost twice with our rolls

So many ones lately in the rolls... it saddens my heart and makes me wonder if the end is near.
Rolled 6, 6, 5 = 17 (3d6)

I doubt boosting will be enough with this thread's luck...
>we are doubting thomases

Boost twice, once or not at all? Remember you need two passing rolls.
I'm saying twice.
Okay, fine, boost twice. A 13 is pretty not-easy?

Still doomed though.
>boost twice

>STR/STA [8/16] - You have begun to tire.

You lodge the axe head in the most vulnerable part of the door you can find and begin using it as a wedge to try and force it open. Though your initial struggles are fruitless, a little more elbow grease causes the metal to warp slightly. It's not that thick, thankfully. A lot more elbow grease causes it go give and then buckle, allowing you access into the chamber beyond...

Inside you find a factory of sorts; cables descend from the ceiling, feeding boxes with ceramic extruders inside that lay down white hot metal and then circuitry. It looks like they're assembling the control boxes you saw implanted into the 'pedes...

roll 3d6 regardless of selection.

>try and find a control mechanism for the fabricators
>just start breaking shit
>search for something you can use
Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>>try and find a control mechanism for the fabricators
Pedes errywhere
>>search for something you can use

The vast majority of the pedes seem to be all upstairs on the first floor. That's a control mechanism for FABRICATORS.

Controlling the assembly line isn't gonna help control the pedes.

Don't forget to roll. I'm going to need 2 more.
Rolled 5, 5, 4 = 14 (3d6)

>search for something you can use
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)

Rolled 1 (1d2)


Adding appropriate modifiers now and rolling to determine chosen option.
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White hot metal?

We can use a heating component to weld our way through the leftwards door.

And maybe burn up a certain 'strayan cunt.

You decide to look for the control mechanism to this place... maybe you can sabotage the fabrication process that will help whoever is running this joint rebuild their 'pede army after the losses you inflicted earlier.

As you're searching, you become aware of the hiss of gas. Devlinson hears it too, and hands you the spare gas mask he took from your van.

"I knew that would come in handy..." he says as you hastily take off your thermal goggles and attach the mask.

"Yeah, good call."

You do manage to find an operating panel but you're not quite sure how to make it do what you want... or what you want.

>roll 1d100 with a suggestion (sabotage, try to build something, etc., most likely to succeed option will be chosen)
>rolling to determine chosen option
Rolled 4, 4, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Press buttons to try and Mae it stop.
>rolling to determine chosen option (from those given, since there was a simple tie)


1d100, sleeps. Don't waste those natty 14s.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

You are so dumb, you are really really dumb.

There isn't a universal 3D printer at work here somewhere to steal, is there?

Use hot components that produce the molten metal, make a portable heated weapon, and apply it to important structure and moving parts and leave them a molten mess.

Not the ones useful enough to steal though.
>there was a simple tie)

No there wasn't.

My monosyllable was extremely heavily implying that there obviously wasn't, indicating confusion.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Or just fucking sleepy.

Right sorry mate. Here's the roll.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Well this is stupid, we could be cornering the master control room over on the left now instead of sabotaging something that we can destroy later.

You're right, I blew it on rolling for this. We can either move ahead based on this post:

Or retcon back to doing an area search.
Now you can't even reply to the right post. Why can't you hold all these limes? >>44347990

Use the same decent roll result to search for stuff first then.
We haven't done anything irreversible yet, so Vince can technically not-retcon.

You decide to step away from the panel for the moment and conduct a search of the area.

You find several switched off "drones" of the type you saw earlier and you are experimentally able to reactivate one and control it with the illegal. It has no LOS but there are a few preprogrammed destinations, including "hatchery", "command center", and "waste disposal".

In addition, you find some simple tools for tinkering; a soldering iron, a screwdriver, and a bottle of adhesive.

>return to manufacturing control panel
>attach something to one of the drones
>leave, try another hallway or the elevator
>>attach something to one of the drones
Wait, what's current loadout.

We could send in a trank grenade on a timer to the command center... since Vince has a gasmask now he'll be fine in pursuing.

Also we could see if the door will open for the drones automatically if we're close enough to come through with it.
It'd have to be a smoke grenade. That's what Vince brought in The Mixer.

No trank nades, but you still have two frags (between you and Dev) and one smoke.
What kind of gas is leaking? Where's that hiss coming from?

Actually, maybe we'll wrap here and pick up next time with examining the gas leak, contemplating sending a sabotage drone out, and considering fooling with the fabricator.

Right now my writing spirit and the rest of me is fairly sapped so I'm going to whip up some alcohol infused decaf and work on another project. I'll also stick around for questions and stuff.
What kinda alcohol?
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We all make mistakes. Wasn't trying to be harsh.
You did see Demolition Man right.

I drink a bottle of this over the course of the holidays (and usually into january) each year.

It's a dirt cheap tradition that began when I found an untouched bottle of the stuff back when I was pushing carts outside a liquor store. It makes Christmas much easier and nobody knows you're drinking it if you take it in your coffee.


I appreciate the harshness usually anon, and I'm not shutting down because of that. I'm just a bit broken down after the last week (I had hours for three people and was regularly staying until 1am, followed by working on another project until 3am).

I should get a fat check after Christmas but right now I'm not feeling my best. Probably caught something from the dirty customers...
Favorite action hero movie?

Nope, maybe that will be something to do tonight (though I have a fat backlog of anime).


That's hard. I know it's a cheesy answer but I recently saw Rambo First Blood in full for the first time and I really, really enjoyed it.

I also loved the Dredd movie (saw it in 3D, 1am with my buddy and a vaporizer, wish I could relive) and I really adore early chinese Jackie Chan films like Drunken Master.

I really don't watch all that many movies desu but if I had a complete list of the ones I've seen it would be kind of bizarre.
Uhoh you used the forbidden meme.


The decaf is piddling along. I am breaking open a packet of shitty ballpoints with increasing eagerness.
What kind of security system would open up from destroying the panel on the easily-accessible outside of it.

Probably not this one.

But you always get someone who wants to use movie logic. And sometimes I like to give it a (very small) chance. And by very small I was thinking like 20% (so 80 or higher on d100)
You were asleep, but it turns out Hong Kong doesn't adopt the clapistan school system in the future, then?

Right, they stick to their crusty colonial ways. Makes sense, considering it's the catholic "if we change our minds about anything the heretics were right!" church.

That was not the right placement for a statement in quotes, sue me.
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