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Aspiring Emperor Quest (Re.) 3.5

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 362
Thread images: 66

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You have always wanted to be an emperor. That ambition has burned dimly in the past, tempered by reality. Now the opportunity to realise your ambition has arrived and you are determined not to let it slip. Now is the time to build your empire and become an emperor.

Last Thread: You are the mercenary spellblade Saul Waise, in command of a mercenary company that is currently seizing a large amount of territory in the hopes of forming an empire. Last thread you recruited a small army, formed a plan, spent XP and stared at your Champion. Now you’re infiltrating Vitria.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Aspirational%2C+Aspiring+Emperor+Quest+Re
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AspirationalQM

Next thread on Monday 22nd December at 5:30pm EST.

Rolls are d100 and the best of the first three posters. I may sometimes ask for more dice to be rolled by each player, but same rules apply otherwise. Please quote the post you are voting for or rolling against. Note there are hard-to-replace points that can be used to offset failures in rolls. Additional dice mechanics will be given a GDocs later.

>Now, without further ado
Where the white women at?
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The slums are as dark as you had expected, with the massive stone slab of the Commercia above your heads. Unlike Shropham there is no magic to emulate the light of the sun, merely plentiful torches and magically fuelled lanterns lining the streets and buildings. The buildings are packed in close, forming winding streets with countless corners, boltholes and hiding places. Normally you’d be comfortable here, having spent many a night finding simple lodgings in the holes of otherwise good cities. Being quick with a sword and capable of ostentatious magic marks you as far too much trouble.

Except now you can’t help but think of these streets as being full of vampires. You know you’re likely being paranoid but it’s something you can’t shake. Maloric certainly shares your opinion.

“Did we come here looking for a fight?” he asks, glancing at what appears to be a tavern, except with blacked out windows and a large blood stain on its front door. You’d seen a little too much blood in these streets for your liking, making you even more worried.

“The foundry is here. I’m curious as to how it’s managing,” you say.

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It doesn’t take you long to find, as the foundry can be seen from all around. From a distance it appears as a massive square column stretching down from the Commercia. Those are the immense walls that guard one of the city’s most treasured facilities. An enormous highway runs past it, through the slums and towards the edges of the city. You avoided it due to increasing the risk of encountering hostiles but as you stare at the front of the foundry you realise just how large the highway itself is – built large enough to support three carriages abreast. Plenty of trade must come through here, you think. Probably to avoid having to go through the Commercia and pay a toll.

It’s not the road that really draws your attention. It’s the massive wrought iron gates at the front. Gates which appear to have been blown open, judging from the massive black scarring and warped frame. You can hear noise inside with your enhanced hearing, the shouts of people and the clatter of combat. There’s definitely a major battle inside. You…

>1. Charge in to (hopefully) help the Vitrian defenders.
>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
>3. Leave, you want no part of this.
>4. Custom

Also, it does look as if I'll be running the next thread tomorrow instead of the day after (slight change of plans).
>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
>1. Charge in to (hopefully) help the Vitrian defenders.

What would a dragon do?
>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
>>3. Leave, you want no part of this.

I believe we have better things to do. Or, at least, higher priority things to do, such as finding Terce, who I doubt is near the fighting.
Sleep mostly
>1. Charge in to (hopefully) help the Vitrian defenders.
>>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
>2. Watch around you for signs of reinforcements or a trap before cautiously approaching the gates.
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Discretion is the better part of valour and so you play things safe, looking around the clearing outside the foundry. There’s not many hiding places around here for good reason and you feel open standing in one of the sidestreets that leads out onto the clearing. Most of the buildings facing into the clearing lack windows and those that do have them appear to lack watchers. Whatever is going on in the foundry is no business of the locals, it would seem.

“Any particular reason we’re not going into the foundry?” Maloric asks, weaving a little bit of magic. A scrying spell if you’re not mistaken, although you’re still getting used to reading the flow of magical energy like Gnome had taught you and it might be muddying your magical perception.

“There’s a conflict inside,” Lynn says and you nod in agreement.

“I’m wondering where the reinforcements are,” you say.

“Still coming, judging by the rumbling in the ground I’m detecting from the south,” Gnome says.

You glance at your Champion in surprise, while she merely smirks back at you. Strangely enough, Lynn is giving you an odd look instead of Gnome. You wonder what that’s about. Still, you do one last look over the outside of the foundry before approaching the gates.

[DC66 Magical detection]
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Hail Blackwater
Aced it.
fuck yes first I get the 81 then this
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)

dubs of life my god
nailed it!
Is this the part where we look at Gnome and point out something she missed?
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>Exceptional success

If Gnome can sense things that far away, then there’s no reason you can’t try the same. Extending your magical senses you not only scan your immediate surroundings but also look south, where the soldiers are coming. You can barely make out some magic to the south, likely the enchantments of armour for them to be so consistently active. Maybe a few dozen mage-knights coming your way? One of the nearby buildings also holds a significant amount of magical energy, but in this case it feels more like energy that’s lingering after being summoned into one place.

Unable to sense any immediate threats or ambushes you approach the gates, as you do your mind immediately makes the link between the magic lingering on the gate and the nearby building. If you’re not mistaken, that nearby three-story building with the blacked out window is where the magical attack that blew open the gates came from. Combined with the fact that the gates completely lacked any magical wards makes you think that there is something more going on here. It doesn’t seem right that Taour would station a mage in a nearby building or have the ability to sabotage the gate’s enchantments.

Being this close to the foundry makes the combat inside all the more clear to your ears and Maloric confirms it with his scrying spell.

“There’s a big brawl going on inside,” he saw. “Well, outside of the foundry itself. Defensive set-ups everywhere inside it seems.”

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“Who is defending?” Lynn asks.

“Err, Vitrians. Plus some Taouran knights – the purple armour gives it away.”

“Who is attacking, then?”

“Also Vitrians.”

You bite your lip, realising that you’re about to walk into a conflict between thralled and unthralled Vitrians, if your guess is correct. Still, if you‘re able to help the unthralled Vitrians you might get some more information on who to trust.


>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.
>2. Sit this one out until you see whose reinforcements are coming.
>3. Leave the slums and try the Commercia.
>4. Custom
>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.
>>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.

Fuck it, but no survivors or stealth mission is dead
>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.
>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians
>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.
We need to figure out a way to diferentiate those who have been thralled and those who aren't thralled. Is there any sort of physical/magical tell that gives it away depending on the method of thralldom?
>>1. Charge in and help the Vitrians.
>4. Custom
Kill them all Johnny
Lyria pls
>tfw Gnome sees what Saul typically looks like after a fight
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>Saul goes into a battlefield clean and pristine with a cheery smile
>Saul exits the battlefield completely covered head to toe in various shades of red with a cheery smile.
We really need to learn a cleaning spell.
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You motion to the others to follow you and charge into the foundry, hoping you haven’t wasted too much time so far. As you round the corner you see a truly messy brawl, with Vitrian colours to be seen every which way.

A long clearway is filled with soldiers, each no doubt hardly able to tell who is on which side. The yellow tabards of the Vitrian soldiers look practically golden in the warm torchlight along the walls, or as red as dragon’s fire when covered in fresh blood. A few dozen Taouran heavy mage-knights clash with the Vitrians. You notice blue flowers attached to the tabards of some of the Vitrians, notably those who are fighting the Taourans. The far end has what looks like a fortified tower intended for archers to fire on those intending on entering the foundry proper. Inside is a rather pudgy looking mage, dressed more as a merchant than a battle-mage.

“Wake to yourselves and see the terror of you vampiric overlords,” he shouts as a dozen thin metal spikes shoot from his hand, impaling several of the Taouran knights. “Know that this is our war to lose.”

A jet of blue fire arcs up at the tower and you see the occupants duck for cover, including the pudgy mage. Several Vitrian battle-mages stand at the bottom, without the blue flowers on their clothing, and appear to be concentrating on the tower.

The numbers on each side look roughly equal, though it’s hard to count all the blue flowers. The heavy armour of the Taourans gives them an advantage, however. Not to mention the reinforcements coming shortly. You stand at one end, with what you assume to be unthralled Vitrians near you battling their mind-controlled brethren.

>How do you approach this?

I'm hoping to finish this fight before the thread ends. If planning is too hard at this time, I'll just do prompts.
Undine could have helped with that

The only thing she's good for
Mal and/or Gnome can disable and kill the battlemages

You and Lynn can kill all the heavies. We got the 1000 cut upgrade for a reason.
but there's something scary and adorable seeing a shrimpy manlet covered head to toe in blood and receiving headpats from a milfy Earth elemental and his dragon sempai
Are the buildings made of stone or wood?
Can Mal or Gnome do so sort of illusion spell so we can sneak up on the Taouran knights? If so, we sneak up on them and hit them hard.
Have Gnome shape the earth to isolate sections of the battlefield. Isolate the Taourans from the Vitrans. And target the Vitrians who don't have blue flowers on their person. I'm assuming the Vitrans who are unthralled are the ones sporting blue flowers, since something as glaring as that can be used as a ID system for a resistance group like the unthralled Vitrians.
Have Mal lock down the hostile battlemages before the tower gets fried
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Both, plus some steel and magical reinforcement. The foundry is built to last. That's why it's got a massive wall around it to seal it away from the outside world.

Sneak up on them how? It's a long clearway full of brawling soldiers.

Do you just mean to try to put a wall between Taourans and Vitrians where you can recognise it? That would be a pretty full-time job for Gnome given there's not exactly a straight line or anything.
How big is the gap between stats? Is 1 half as fast as 2? Is 2 20% faster than 1? Is it multiplicative? 3 is to 2 as 2 is to 1 thus making 3 far superior to 1?

Is there no hard system in place for measuring it?
I say we just try to smash the Taourans as hard and fast as we can. Some one among them is probably holding the thrall over the Vitrians here.
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Anyway, basics of a battle-plan:

You and Lynn go into melee with the Taourans and thralled Vitrians. Mal locks down the enemy battlemages. Gnome either works her way back to the battlemages and kills them or burns a fair bit of mana trying to keep unthralled Vitrians from getting killed by the Taouran heavies.

>1. Have her target the enemy battle-mages while Mal disables them.
>2. Have her help you and Lynn kill the enemy.
>3. Have her burn mana to try to keep as many unthralled Vitrians alive.
>4. Custom
>>1. Have her target the enemy battle-mages while Mal disables them.
>3. Have her burn mana to try to keep as many unthralled Vitrians alive.
Fire a sending to the Pudgy mage to target the battle-mages since Mal's going to lock them down while Saul and Lynn deal with the brawling melee and Gnome does damage control.

Sorry nameless Vitrians, but we need Gnome to maintain her mana
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Looks like a 3, though I have no idea why.

In terms of mechanics, the difference between two stats is all that matters in most cases. So the difference between 9 and 7 is the same as the difference between 5 and 3. However, where stats are grossly different (e.g. 7 vs 3) additional bonuses are provided to the superior side. Furthermore, the numbers required to effectively improve a stat are limited (e.g. you need a lot of soldiers with 2 strength to count as having 4 strength).

There's not really a standard or perfect relation otherwise. 1 in a physical stat is normal for a relatively fit individual, 2 for a very fit or trained individual (like a soldier), 3 for an exceptionally strong or capable person (Olympians, veteran soldiers) and 4 is the absolute peak of human capability, probably capturing people like the No.1 weight lifters and the like. When you get beyond 4 there's not an easy comparison and it gets pretty rubbery, but with Lyria's Strength of 7 you could probably benchpress a couple of tonnes easy.
Why wouldn't we waste our 2nd strongest unit's mana on saving nameless soldiers?

It's not like we are in the middle of a infiltration/assassination mission against a Daywalker or anything
Mel's detect thrall spell has to be cast individually, or does it last for some time limit?
That's not the kicker. What's going to kill us is that we'll need Mal to check the Vitrian survivors for sleeper thralls, so both he and Gnome are going to be tapped out.
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>Plan: You and Lynn go into melee with the Taourans and thralled Vitrians. Mal locks down the enemy battlemages. Gnome burns a fair bit of mana trying to keep unthralled Vitrians from getting killed by the Taouran heavies.

With practiced ease you snap out sendings to your companions, still finding it far easier and faster to issue orders this way. You even fire one off to the mage in the tower, letting him know your plan. As you charge forward, receiving acknowledgements from Maloric, Lynn and Gnome, you see the pudgy mage at the end spot you and give a salute of sorts.

The intrusion of your party onto the battlefield makes for a marked change, as you feel Gnome’s power surge behind you and under you. It’s an odd sensation she produces as she summons her power, as though you’re standing next to a large magical generator as it begins producing power, her power seeming to thrum within the earth and the air. The first few times she used it near you it threw off your own casting as you inadvertently tried to draw on her magical power and got resolutely prevented from doing so.

Earth walls begin to spring up from the ground between the soldiers, mostly to keep the Taouran heavies away from the Vitrians. Although some of the Vitrians are proper knights, wearing considerably more impressive armour, most are regular soldiers or mage-knights and simply cannot stand up to the axes of the Taourans.

You hope that the same can be said of the Taourans towards the blades of yourself and Ser Lynn.

[DC51/66 Combat]
That just means Saul will need to fill a swimming pool with gore rather than a bathtub.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Just keep swimming....
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Rolled 89 (1d100)

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Rolled 92 (1d100)

Motherfucker again!?
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Rolled 29 (1d100)


Oh god, the blood, so much blood!
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Mal's technique uses a trivial amount of mana, so he could check a whole town if he had the time to let them walk past him. It's just a case of sensing the vampiric magic within them.

He needs to have a second or two of physical contact with the thrall's skin and be concentrating on trying to detect vampiric power within them.

The fuck. Is this because you guys fumbled every roll against Dalrec or something?
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>The fuck. Is this because you guys fumbled every roll against Dalrec or something?

Don't worry, it'll happen again against a named character.

Gnome is the difference...
see >>44295354
Saul the beserk when?
Dual wielding wehn?
Saul the Bloodstained when?
Sauk the Black Dragon of [PC Faction Name] when?
>The fuck. Is this because you guys fumbled every roll against Dalrec or something?

The dicegods are simply trying to blow all our luck on an inconsequential combat so they can screw us that much harder when there are real stakes at play...
Welp, the Gods favor the kind after all.
>the Black Dragon of [PC Faction Name]
>the little dragon

>the little dragon

And then we were NightFury!
Hmm, if we ever got a breath weapon I wonder if we could turn it into a natural magic missile attack rather than the standard AOE cone spells?
>Saul goes around screaming at people

>as he does this it manifests a fuckload of magic lances that go fucking nuts

I sincerely doubt we will be getting a breath weapon. And this isn't D&D so we don't get magic missiles, either.
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>Target met (no critical allowed)

Accumulated successes: 2

Your sword darts in and out of the joints of the Taouran heavy plate as you pass, your sword seeming to spray blood with every movement. Moving your feet rapidly across the stone and around the walls that spring up from the ground you dance through the melee, watching for blue flowers so you don’t strike friendlies. Sparks fly from your sword or armour occasionally as an enemy strikes true, but you don’t wear the cheap stuff and so just keep moving.

You snap back suddenly, barely avoiding a head as it flies past you. Glancing to your right you see Ser Lynn spring around the other side of the earth wall, his greatsword cleaving through a Taouran knight as though his armour were made of paper. His shield snaps out and you see the arm of the poor Vitrian he strikes bend in a manner that is not at all healthy. As he pulls it back in you feel him suddenly draw on a very familiar type of power, his shield glowing a brilliant gold right before he surges forward. Knights tumble like bowling pins around him, the sound of shattering bones and crunching steel heard all around you.

Well, now you know the secret behind Ser Lynn. You know that type of power all too well from your experiences, even if you have no business intruding on his affairs so long as he remains a loyal and capable knight.

The melee wraps up rather swiftly afterwards, with the Taourans going down fighting. The thralled Vitrians are just as tenacious. Fortunately, with such overwhelming strength you and the remaining Vitrians are able to set them down relatively gently.

“Damn good timing you have there, lad,” says a knight clad in enormous black armour. You think he’s Vitrian, though it’s hard to tell given he’s wearing a design of armour you know is produced up in Balkarin.

“Can’t celebrate yet, there’s reinforcements,” you say, glancing back at the entrance.

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As if summoned, forty Vitrian mage-knights charge around the corner. Normally with your numbers this would be easy – but with only exhausted soldiers this could go very poorly. The mage-knights seem confused, unsure as to whose side you’re on.

“Halt, by whose orders do you man this facility?” barks the officer in charge of the group.

“By our own, to protect the jewel of Vitria,” shouts the mage from atop the tower.

That seems to trigger the officer, who shouts, “Traitors! Kill them all.”

That’s a thrall if ever you’ve seen one, you think. His men seem to waver, unsure as to what to do but ultimately about to follow orders. You…

>1. Try to convince them not to charge. You’ll lose the initiative if this fails.
>2. Take advantage of the situation to hit them hard with magic lances, plus Maloric and Gnome’s help.
>3. Shoot the officer in the head with a magic lance and tell the soldiers to surrender.
>4. Custom
>no magic missile
Fine fine, bolts of concentrated magical energy or whatnot. From this point forward I'll make an effort to say if I'm referring to a concept or a distinct spell, skill, or what have you.
>3. Shoot the officer in the head with a magic lance and tell the soldiers to surrender.
Never ignore the shimpy blood-covered manlet who just shot the soldier in the head.
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Well, that's not the picture I posted. Good ol' 4chan?
>>2. Take advantage of the situation to hit them hard with magic lances, plus Maloric and Gnome’s help.
Don't take chances with thralls
>3. Shoot the officer in the head with a magic lance and tell the soldiers to surrender.
>1. Try to convince them not to charge. You’ll lose the initiative if this fails.
>>3. Shoot the officer in the head with a magic lance and tell the soldiers to surrender.

Time to Indiana Jones this fool.
you might want to get your filenames straight in your image folder. It works wonders.
Oh man the predator is going to kill us. I'm so scared right now.
>Tell Gnome to enclose him in a sphere of earth and Mal a barrier giving you time to negotiate


>Order everybody to blast him
>>3. Shoot the officer in the head with a magic lance and tell the soldiers to surrender.
>tfw in Taour we are being hunted by a seven and a half foot tall, four-hundred and fifty pound, wristblade toting, magically invisible, ugly motherfucker
>sphere of earth and Mal a barrier
By which I mean a sphere of earth and the sphere is covered with a barrier
Could a dragon take out a predator?
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>you might want to get your filenames straight in your image folder
What? No, that literally is not the image I uploaded. I have all the AEQ pictures in one big folder that I just sequentially move down.

Unless you know of the magical reasons 4chan stuffs this sort of stuff up. Like, that image isn't even the right dimensions (it says 1000x1000, but the predator image is clearly not). Heck, it won't even upload the real one because it says it's a duplicate.
Idk can a Dragon handle a nuclear explosion?
Well, if it has enough HP to survive the concussive force and is immune to fire and heat

then yes
Blame Moot

Trying to find a classic image swap in my image folder
>2. Take advantage of the situation to hit them hard with magic lances, plus Maloric and Gnome’s help.
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This bug will never be fixed it's too funny
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Oh, I've seen it before. I've even seen the ones were porn gets posted on blue board because of it. I'm not surprised - 4chan's servers are pretty shaky in general (like, it takes on average 10 seconds for one of my posts to actually appear and sometimes several minutes, even though the time is backdated - I often get 404s for new threads after the 'success' page).


You decide not to waste effort on the situation and simply flick your wrist at the thralled officer. Before he or his men have time to react a lance of light shoots across the clearway, the officer’s head disappearing on contact.

His body slumps to the ground, his men staring at it as the foundry grounds fall silent.

“Who’s the second-in-command?” you say. “Because you get to choose who you serve – your city or Taour.”

[DC70 Intimidate]

Note that the next post will be the last for the thread and we'll resume at 5:30PM EST (about 16 hours from now).
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See image related
Rolled 70 (1d100)

never underestimate the shimpy manlet
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Who the fuck's going to be intimidated by a manlet?
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Welp, time for more blood when this fails
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 51 (1d100)

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dub 82s. wtf. how. but still it's cool.
oh baby we are rolling great
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It'll all go to Hell, trust me, neither the dice nor Blackwater find constant success amusing .
The massive amounts of blood helps
Nicknames when?

Hushed whispers about a blood-soaked child soldier bringing death to entire battalions singlehandedly when?
>child soldier
That made me laugh more than it should.
>tfw Saul eventually reeks of blood
>on a campaign fighting Taourian Daywalkers and Nightwalkers
>Saul smells irresistible to vampires because of his forays in battles constantly leaving him covered in blood.
>Saul wakes up one night under a pile of vampires licking him

The shit he gets into, I swear.
Saul "Thrallbane" Waise
Saul "Vampirebane" Waise
>Saul having a "baby face" when?
>all the women taller than Saul treat him like an adorable shota complete with headpats and hair ruffling when?
>tfw Saul somehow still looks adorable despite being covered head to toe with blood when?
>not "Headhunter Saul" for his exploits in removing skulls from bodies

For shame.
You have some weird Fetishes man
>all the vampires are female nightwalkers older and taller than him
>not Saul "the Bloody" Waise
Did you really need to say that it's safe to assume everyone we meet will be taller than us
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>Target met

The next several seconds are long and tense, as the Vitrian soldiers look to one another and those on your side ready themselves for another possible fight. Where there might have been a chance for one of these knights to potentially convince their fellow Vitrians to help it was now destroyed by your violence. Then again, would they have listened if their commanding officer were still alive and ordering them to attack?

“Stand down, men,” says one of the knights as he sheathes his sword and waves his hand downwards in a calming gesture. “We all know what’s happening in this city.”

And with that the situation resolves itself. Although a few of the Vitrians don’t look sure they’re talked out of any stupid actions by their comrades. Then it’s a matter of sorting the wounded from the dead, and seeing to the next action.

“Holy hell, Alistair, it’s good to see you again,” Maloric says with a broad grin as he greets the pudgy mage from earlier. “Saul, this is Magister Alistair Farrell – at least, I’m guessing you’re still a magister?”

“I am, I am, though of what at this stage I do not know. Came here after Ahm got just that little too political for me – Vitria was paying so very, very well and the chance to oversee a foundry was too good to pass up,” Farrell says, looking a little grim at the whole situation. From the sounds of that you would guess he’s a machinist, a variety of mage that specialises in producing, researching and maintaining magitech.

“Didn’t realise you’d called in friends, Sir Magister,” the black armoured knight from earlier says.

“They might be friends and allies, but I did not call them in. If I’m not mistaken, you would be from the Band of the Black Dragon that’s pitched tent down south?” Farrell says with a glint in his eye, seeing through the whole situation rather quickly. Another reason not to trust mages too much, you think. They catch onto things far too fast.

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>tfw some are actually younger, but still taller
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“The Black Dragons? If things are so far south that our reinforcements aren’t even Vitrian then that worries me. Well, no matter, an ally is an ally in these times. I am Master Harold of the Black Stone knights.” The grizzled old knight holds his hand out in greeting.

You take it with a firm grip. “Saul Waise, general of the company.”

“And firmly in need of a shower,” Gnome says. “Do you paint yourself in blood in between sword swings?”

“He’d probably have the time to, judging from that deft footwork of his. An honour to meet a distinguished warrior such as yourself,” Harold says.

You move on and ask for an update. It’s grim, to say the least.

“Most of the towers are completely held by that vampire witch. She does performances from a balcony in the Commercia every day, artificially enhanced by magic. It seems to put everybody under a spell. We’ve been relying on mages such as Magister Farrell here to tell who can be trusted, but it’s a hard thing. It’s only been a week and a half and it feels like the city has been conquered an age ago. Most of the mage towers and knightly orders are holed up in their towers, under siege by mindwashed Vitrians.

“Lady Rorek is the face of the noble houses, most likely because she’s been thralled. Oaln is dead – that wicked old bastard supposedly wouldn’t fall under her sway and according to his knights was instead butchered by his own bodyguards. Crazy old Robert Tabeth is still alive – activated his security systems and locked himself in his vault. I left him to starve to death – I’d rather fight and die for my city.

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“As for Hawkins – I haven’t a clue. Grandmaster Lucas tried to evacuate Lady Hawkins and her daughter but things moved too quickly, I think. The tower has been under siege since and I worry if either of the Hawkins was to fall, be thralled, or worse still.”

You had a feeling his ‘worse still’ meant ‘turned into a vampire’. Your gut feeling agreed with him but then, would a newborn vampire truly be so evil?

“This Lady Terce of theirs is holed up in the Rorek tower. She’s got a small army of nightwalkers in there with her. They tried seizing the slums down here but we flushed them out – we know our city better than those monsters.”

So you have a target and good knowledge of just how bad things are. That doesn’t exactly leave you in the best position, but at least you knew that not everybody had fallen. The question was, what do you do next?

>That’s the thread

Next thread on Tuesday 22nd December at 5:30pm EST (15 hours from now). Thanks for participating.

Happy to take on questions and feedback.
>She does performances from a balcony in the Commercia every day
>She does performances from a balcony in the Commercia every day, artificially enhanced by magic

Assassinate the idol?
>She does performances from a balcony in the Commercia every day, artificially enhanced by magic.
>tfw she's essentially a pop Idol singer.
>“And firmly in need of a shower,” Gnome says.
Gnooooome, not in front of the knights
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She'll just pick another one. Unless you mean to bring it down while she's performing (which is entirely possible, if you can pull it off while defeating the tower's magical defenses and not getting thralled).

Hey, you guys gave me the idea.

You guys also gave me that idea.
So, we go up there in the middle of the day and Gnome takes out the foundation of it?

Sounds painful.
I can't wait for Saul to go full force of nature sexual beast when it comes to sex, similar to how he is in combat.
>women expect soft femdom vanilla
>get hours of maledom primal fucking instead
need to up endurance though
Does Mal know teleportation? How accurate is it and can it be warded against?
When is Gnome going to figure out Saul is a fully aged man and start treating him like even more of a child just to bother him?
We'll Guy Fawkes it with Gnome's help
that is if he passes the 1d3-1 test and not get a result of 0 for having experience with women before having Lyria as a familiar.
Can we just take a 0 on that and skip the rolling?
Have we rolled for our experience with women yet?
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>Does Mal know teleportation? How accurate is it and can it be warded against?
He does but it's not very long range. It can be easily warded against, too. Harrowmont can't be teleported into despite the wards being 150 years old and the keep a wreck. It's also an extended ritual to cast (so about 15 minutes) and only moves a handful of people.

As for accuracy, when he failed it in the original AEQ you all got teleported some 50m above the ground.

Actually, you know what, we might as well do the 1d3-1 roll now. I'll take the first 1d3 that links this post and use it as the experience Saul has in any relevant conversations with people (probably Lyria).
Rolled 2 - 1 (1d3 - 1)

>You guys also gave me that idea.
I love it And not just because it's my fetish so it's all good

WHat would happened if we called her mamma Gnome once?
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Rolled 3 - 1 (1d3 - 1)

How does -1 woman work?
Rolled 3 - 1 (1d3 - 1)

Rolled 3 - 1 (1d3 - 1)

So Saul got laid, once.

do we roll for satisfaction?

For either party?

>inb4 Saul gets a nat 1, but the girl gets a nat 100
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Welp, guess that means Lyria was Saul's first. That cements that relationship in place.
>implying that matters
It's not about experience, it's about his primal nature, even if he was a virgin he'd grow into that by the 3rd or 4th time.
I guess it's not a question, then.
By what Asp said, it's >>44296929 that counts.
10/10 I approve of everything that Saul is
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oh boy, so the rumors are true, Saul did "tame" a dragon. this gets better and better.
What will Gnome's reaction to this information be?
You said the first roll than links >>44296917 though.
If you meant to say "the third quote in your post" for some reason, that wasn't clear at all.
If you really want to go by exactly what he said, the 'first 1d3 that links [his] post' would be >>44296927.
It should be once to the dragonfu because 2's no fun (3-1)
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Though I didn't notice that the very first 1d3 didn't link the post. I didn't specify 1d3-1, either.

Considerably more positive than her reaction to Talon's number.

>Saul did "tame" a dragon
I think you've got that the wrong way around.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

rolling for performance

hopefully Saul didn't just blow it
well then, not only did Saul survive his first time with Lyria. He also turned the tables and dominated her pretty well.
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Oh don't be a faggot and roll for tha-

I take that to mean he almost managed to make her cum.
95 would be he didn't because she knew he was about to and intentionally pulled out/stopped, maybe? Not sure how exact Asp wants to go, could go all 89< but 96< be this.
That was Lyria's performance, not Saul's
Hey Aspir, when are we going to get to building, I got all sorts of crazy shit over here. Are we going to redo the IEC thing? Does Gareth have Bartom?

What would Mal say if we suggested he get a familiar?
how much does Saul reek of blood? Because I'm thinking, we could use the bloody stench that clings to Saul as a sort of perfume to entice Lady Terce and have us get close to her so we can assassinate her gently
>assassinate her gently

>Saul tries to make the kill quick and clean

>somehow manages to get her intestines stuck on a chandelier, with a kidney or hers stuck behind his breastplate
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for later use
what website did you use to generate that fake headline?
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As I'm currently trying to speedrun through the really early days of the quest (where things aren't really solid enough for people to turtle at all) it'll probably be a few threads before serious construction comes up.

Gareth can have Bartom, but Mal probably won't take a familiar suggestion too serious as you're not Talon and you can't promise him a pure elemental.

Oh dear.
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So does the story of Saul and Lyria end with her being pleasantly surprised?
one job, news anon. one job.
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here you cunts better?
Assuming Father ever comes back.
Yeah thanks.
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Also, for those people who do care about the maps (not sure how many of you there actually are), I'm not going to expand the regional map (the one zoomed in near Harrowmont) any further. Instead I'll just be using the continental map with additional detail. This will hopefully be considerably less effort on my part and still be relatively useful to you guys for planning.

Also, looking at the character heights, Saul is shorter than both Alyce and Sylvian and only very slightly taller than Salamander. He does manage to be taller than Sarah, however.
Can we start wearing high heels?
That does it, we need to save Sarah even if she's turned.

Someone in Saul's entourage needs to be shorter than him
I would say >89 would mean he lasted long enough for Lyria to get her jollies off once before passing out >96 would mean Saul managed to stay conscious and a 99-100 would mean Saul somehow through sheer force of will dominated her in bed.
>He does manage to be taller than Sarah, however.

So he gets the "You Tried" Award in height?
>Saul begins wearing riding boots all the time for a few extra inches of height

Oh geez.

That map looks different from before. Also, Wasteland, filled with badstuff, means it has some really goodstuff.
I vote this time we pillage through Termina, Farun, and Avinou.

They can surrender or burn
The some parts of the map could use some geographic biome variation. Like canyons/ravines near the realm of the 3 lords (particularly where the Lord of Ember resides) due to the large number of rivers snaking through the region.
Why didn't we have Gnome build up our fort while we were waiting for the mercs to show up and shit?
because we were busy planning our campaign to liberate Vitria from Vampie scum. And we don't have a strong enough eco for those big home improvement projects.
If Saul fully leveled his mana leech, would it give powerful astral or infernal beings headaches if he hit them? Would it do the same for Fey?
She could have at least improved some basic buildings, like the walls, the terrace, canals, something.
She was dead for a while, nigga, give her a break.
Shh, don't worry about it
Could Mana Leech leech mana from barriers? Could it fuck barriers up in a couple hits if we leveled it up?
I kind of assume all spells are kind of made of/maintained by "magic matter", so if we leech enough of that, then the spell should cease functioning, right?
Chill, don't get caught up on small details while we are speeding our way through the first few threads baka desu senpai
Voting we build an underground city this time. For our greatest allies. Dorfs.
You mean an underground bedroom for our rapist
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>That map looks different from before
The only thing I changed between the Gauron map at the start of the thread and this one was the border highlights of Malataine and the Three Lords.

They can be there, but I'm not adding them to the map itself. Making this map was a ton of effort for somebody who has no real skill at this sort of thing. Plus, the map is super zoomed out as is. The continent is about 1400 miles across (or 1600, depending on if I decide the map is actually to scale because it's not quite right now).

Also, the biomes aren't that varied because the south half of continent is pretty small even relative to Europe and it's mostly good land similar to western europe. It's slightly smaller than three Frances.

You can assume she was, when she wasn't helping you train, but she would mostly be doing repairs as the fortress is run down and a week isn't a long time.

Saul's mana leech would never be good enough to affect an astral being without it being a completely new spell. You can easily affect infernals, but they've got so much magical energy that you wouldn't really be affecting them until you've got a lot more Magic.

>Could Mana Leech leech mana from barriers?
Yes, that's why it specifies 'magical phenomena'. And yes, you can affect a barrier.
>tfw meeting the dwarves for the first time
>"Ah, yer a big one, lad!"

And Saul rejoiced
and eventually our smaller but more manageable harem
>the dwarves love us because we can fit into their mountain homes
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No to the harem or to the harem being small and manageable?
They built that fortress with humans and have a rather large status of Gnome. We could probably convince them to be friends pretty easily.
The harem at all.

There really is absolutely no need for it.
Yeah man your right, all we need is several dozen lovers
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>Saul identifies the difference between dwarf men and women at a glance

>everyone's fw
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Just go home and be a family man.
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>Next thread on Tuesday 22nd December at 5:30pm EST (15 hours from now). Thanks for participating.
As somebody pointed out on Twitter, it's Monday the 21st, not Tuesday the 22nd. I got it right in the OP of this thread, however.
Can you specify what "50% effectiveness" means? Does it leech 0.5*16=8 mana each hit?
So with a high enough level and mana reserve we could undo a barrier with a single hit?
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It means that if Saul were to shoot magic lances at himself, and he then caught all five of them with his sword and Mana Leech, he would only get back 0.5 mana (rather than the 1 mana he spent on firing them). Same goes for when you deal damage - hitting a magical being would take X mana from them but you'd only leech X/2 mana.
I assume we can't leech 80 mana from a spell that costs 160 though, right?
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Your Magic is the maximum amount of mana you can leech and magical beings also have resistance that can reduce this (which is why you can't greatly affect many infernals).

Also a spell that cost 160 would either be so massive your sword wouldn't be able to touch enough of the phenomena to absorb much from it or would be so dense your sword would probably disintegrate on contact.
could you cast both a spell and leech mana at the same time? Theoretically, you if your leech rate is the same as your burn rate, then you could drain magic phenomena dry pretty quickly.
What sort of mana cost did that mass teleportation spell Halim's friend casted have?
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>could you cast both a spell and leech mana at the same time?
No, because you can't cast other spells while leeching mana.

Fairly pricey. Probably about 6 or 7 mana, which is a lot for a mage with only 24 mana and who relies on magic to do just about anything. The ability to do it without an extended ritual is also extremely impressive for a mage, though the range isn't that huge compared to, say, Taira's high level teleportation ability.
I assume even if not you can just leech mana and mass cast Magic Lance, and burn X mana over X seconds.
So assuming a leech takes 1 second and Saul has a maximum mana capacity of Z, and he's empty at the beginning, you can leech a magical phenomenon costing Y mana that you can leech X mana from(before efficiency) in 3(Y/X)-[2Z/(Y/X)].
Or something like that.
Right now he could leech a spell costing 50 mana with no resistance to leech empty in 35 seconds or so.
So, does Mal know teleportation?
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Oops, sorry, didn't see that.
So it can be assumed that the terrace Terce does her idol thing in is warded, right? Or can that be tested? If it's not too costly, can't he just try to teleport a small pebble on to it to check? Or can he just use magic to check for a ward?
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Also, as I just remembered, I'll add a bit more in my response to this question.

The tones of green on the map do correspond to their height more so than their climate (because the climate doesn't differ too much). Those big dark patches are low-lying land, whereas the bright green patches are relatively high. Although I don't do a very good job of it, you should notice that rivers tend to flow towards the darker patches, so I would write these as valleys and the like (for instance, that huge dark patch in the Three Lords territory between Norongr, Torodsk, Miskol and Isaur would be a huge valley. The same can be said of the enormous dark area around Phoerys.) For contrast, Malataine lay on a really high area (if not a mountainous one).

I'd say that the bumps indicate hills, but really they're just noise to provide some differentiation on the terrain.

>So it can be assumed that the terrace Terce does her idol thing in is warded, right?
Yes. The knight can confirm that all the towers are warded - the last thing any of the nobles need is somebody teleporting into their bedroom. Mage towers might make modifications so that they can teleport in and out of their area in the towers, but everywhere else should be protected. And if Mal tests it he'll tell you the same thing.
And I assume vampires/thralls can detect life in some way, right?
I was thinking of getting magic'd up to the terrace during her performance and increasing the distance between her head and shoulders.
Do vampires have nightvision or something? Does Mal know some invisibility/illusion spells that can make us very hard to see at night?
So, anyone left?
I'm disappointed you lads didn't get Disruption and Barrier, to be honest.
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>And I assume vampires/thralls can detect life in some way, right?
It's more accurate to say that everybody has a form of detect magic, and almost everything living has magic. Magical beings like Gnome stick out like a sore thumb and even folks like Saul are noticeable if they're looking for you. It's possible to try to apply some stealth but there's always a possibility of being detected.

>Does Mal know some invisibility/illusion spells that can make us very hard to see at night?
He does, but he's not very good at them. This was the sort of flexibility in magic was more Undine's speciality (and you guys didn't vote for her).
The Forge is a big magic thing, right? So it should be teeming with magic, and so is its thing/tower/pillar that connects it to the floating city, right?
I assume that amount of magical energy could fairly easily mask Saul's signal, for example, right?
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Being inside the foundry would make you relatively difficult to detect but that would only matter if you were trying to hide from somebody near the foundry. Long distance detection isn't really a big thing unless you know exactly what you're looking for.

Unless you were trying to get at something else?

Honestly, I'm not sure what the huge interest in barriers is. Are people hoping to be able to make big army-defending barriers eventually? Because in terms of personal protection the increased defense is relatively marginal given you can already use Shadow Blade to defend against ranged attacks. I'm not sure where people really want to take barriers.

Disruption is relatively useful as it is a ranged method, however. Would work well against enemy ranged attacks, thereby making Saul being a glass cannon less of a problem.
honestly, will singing really loudly while we fight work as a countermeasure against the daywalker?
I only really wanted barrier because it's the only thing we could afford after getting Disruption, and I didn't just want to sit on those points when barriers might prov somewhat useful at some point.
If we had enough points I'd have wanted to get another school level as well.
But now that we have flow I want flow reading 2, and then one of the other two schools.
I also hope we can get archery at some point, since it's cheap. It could lead to a school similar to Blade Arts, couldn't it?
What I was trying to get it if flying up to the floating city while cloaked in Mal's illusion at night, and doing so right next to the outer wall of the foundry's chimney(?) but outside of it would make it very hard for Saul to be detected unless people were looking for him.
Probably irrelevant, for some reason I was thinking reaching the idol ledge like this would be relatively easy.
But I think our best chance is to get a plan going with the resistance and come back with our army.
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Alright, so I'm slowly going through and updating a new Lore Doco. For now I've deleted or colored red the areas that need to be updated because they're potentially out-of-date or not known by the PC (so read anything in red with caution and realise it could completely change). Note that this document is ridiculously massive and although its not required reading will provide help to those who read it.


Ah, I see. I think you're misunderstanding where the foundry is.

Basically, the stone plate that the Commercia sits on is massive, maybe a square mile in area (I forget precisely). The foundry sits underneath it, and although its walls connect with the plate above it, there's no way directly from the foundry to the Commercia (at best there's big open spaces to let air flow into the foundry up at the higher level of the walls).

The plate itself is a solid stone block, relatively thick but weak enough that Gnome could probably break it with her magic and a bit of time. The only intended way up to it is via the ramps at the edges and only one of the towers actually extends all the way to the ground (instead of merely having a solid support column beneath it to supports its weight - I forget that tower's name, but its the one that is used for the central government and assembly rather than any of the noble houses).

>I also hope we can get archery at some point, since it's cheap. It could lead to a school similar to Blade Arts, couldn't it?
It could if you wanted to invest the time into it.

That'd explain why she's got so much faith in him, though I'd hope she already liked him well enough in the first place by then.
So does Saul now want to learn how to be dominant and good in bed in order to impress Lyria, if he didn't already the first time?
So you're saying we can't just fly up there without either going all the way around and go up by the egde of the Commercia, or we take Gnome up there and have her dig through the plate of stone.
If we take her up there, can't she just make a ledge/something to sit/stand on out of stone real quickly so we wouldn't have to keep levitating/flying?
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Alright, I'm off for the night. See you all in 10 hours.

>If we take her up there, can't she just make a ledge/something to sit/stand on out of stone real quickly so we wouldn't have to keep levitating/flying?
She could, actually (assuming you're referring to the tower itself). It'd be a bit of effort for her (because she'd have to create the new stone connected to the warded stone) but with a bit of mana and patience it's possible. The issue is that you're the only person in the group who can fly with magic unassisted, so you would have to hold Gnome up there while she does her thing and then ferry the others up, which would use a bit of your mana too (the amount would be determined by a roll).

If you were referring to the Commercia, then Gnome could create somewhere to stand on relatively easily if you fly her up.

>That'd explain why she's got so much faith in him, though I'd hope she already liked him well enough in the first place by then.
I'm probably going to decide how the first meeting with Lyria went, including the reason Saul sought her out, with player choices as it comes up, so how much she liked him at the time will probably vary.
>God, I hate this pussy so much.
>I should rape him.
So basically, if Mal weaves some shadowy illusion around Saul, and he flies Gnome up to the bottom of the Commercia, she could make a little cavern/ledge up there that would be hard to notice from below, where she could take her time and drill through the stone that makes the bottom of the Commercia?
So what we need to do is find out where the terrace/ledge/whatever that Terce uses is, and start drilling under it.
Might be cool, if we want to personally take care of her, that is.
Since we have not!Asian mercs, could we come up with some sort of not!iaijutsu from watching them? Maybe have it make a Speed+50%Strength attack but make MC more vulnerable to being attacked before and afterwards and have it need MC to stay stationary? Maybe make it a prepared technique that needs two "turns", one to prep it and one to execute it?
Probably not, though.
Is spiritualism also something Saul physically can't do?
That'd be way OP if it could be done during/with Dragon Rage, right now 5+3=8.
Some kind of Blade Art that lets Saul do those stereotypical anime attacks where the slice of a sword creates a ranged attack or something is probably more likely.
>tfw Thousand Cuts level 5+8 Speed+this with a lot of mana and we get Sunao's big attack/defense from Tsugumomo.
This is looking like a more and more attractive option to me, to be fair.
Something that lets us use our Speed instead of Strength against not just large group of but singular enemies as well would be nice.
Magically sharpening our blade, etc.
I thought of something similar, tunnel under the vampire while she's performing, get the drop on her and dragon rage all over her ass.
Probably, I was thinking we could hide on the ceiling of where she's performing by flying in place, then decapitate her as she starts her performance, I don't think we'd need dragon rage.
Then get out by flying in the resulting chaos, and use our connection to the Vitrian.
Could also get our army to start approaching the city, then kill her once they're noticed, use the resulting panic to seize the city.
All good ideas, remember to mention them in the next thread.
I will probably be asleep at the time, Asp starts running at 11:30pm for me.
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>Not going full Vergil
>Not summoning spectral blades
I don't think that's cost efficient, though.
Also if we're doing references than >>44300242 is basically the HF Murusama's hilt's function, also Iai Banchou's main technique in Kongou Banchou, and >>44300396 is as said Sunao from Tsugumomo and you can probably also find loads of other examples.
About spectrals swords though, how about momentarily created not!shadows that stay parallel to the blade and follow its movements? Cause several wounds with a single slash? Stab someone several times at once?
If Lyria and Saul did the dirty, then wouldn't that mean she took her human form not too long ago? How can she not remember what she was wearing last time she took it, then?
If we're going to use funky sword techniques I quite like Fūjin from world triggers ability. It would be nice to have.
Eh, I don't like that much from what I've read.
Next time we should get Swordsmanship3 and Archery1, because we need to lower the DC on our combat and Archery is cheap and possibly useful. Also possible Leadership2 since we had plenty of XP left in that section.
As far as magic goes Disruption is useful and if we can I'd get Flow Reading2 along with it if it makes better levels of Reading the Flow available(don't need to rush into Flow Manipulation yet at all), if we can't afford it then get Snap Barriers1 since they're extra protection even if a small one and they're cheap.
Once we get Flow Reading2 I'd like to get more magic school levels for additional skill slots, though I'm not sure how level and number of slots correlate, like, are we maxed out on our Blade Arts subskill number?

Of course that's provided new, better options don't become available to us.
i don't want to spent scarce xp on archery, we got magical lance skill for ranged.
also i think we got swords lvl 3, i think the char sheet update missed it
i agree on leadership though, and the mage subskill.
>"Why is there a child at my doorstep?"

>"I'm a fully grown man!"

>" A petulant child, at that."
Once again, Magical Lance costs mana, it's better to have a backup that doesn't.
i'd rather mana leech from time to time than throw away xp on arrows that are not astral.
>comparing to Talon

Stop that.
We could use Arcane Arrows though
Anon the archery school is literally 5 xp, and we could presumably learn how to fill arrows with a bit of mana to make them hit better for a low cost as well, that combined with arcane arrows would be pretty fucking useful.
i'd rather spend them on "mages not fucking themselves on first skill-fail"
You can, with the xp we had left over from the last upgrade we could've bough mage antifuckup and archery.
We have 9 mundane xp right now, archery costs 5, mages cost 4
Is there an element that governs electricity/lightning? Either that or wind might be cool.

Also can I get some info on how the enchantments in the FMK armor work? Are certain enchantments located in certain pieces of the armor? Can't we just get a FMK gauntlet to have a quick way to make things explode without having to learn the explody spell?
Honestly for me the biggest issue is that Archery 1 is pretty worthless against any foe worth using it on.

So if we buy it we need to increase it minimally to 3 if we want to have a chance of hitting even Mid tier vampires.

That doesn't tend to happen anyway. It's more if the defenders of the mages fail that things get bad for them.
In which case we are burning Mana nulling the entire point of going with archery in the first place.
Wrong, because arrows are more effective against magical defense than Magical Lances
Magical Lances also have armor penetration. And in the case the foe has some pretty powerful magic defenses Flow manipulation lets break it in half at our normal range.

Not really seeing a huge advantage in Archery that we couldn't get elsewhere.
Flow Manipulation is a long way off, and while Asp said we could possibly figure out how to improve Magical Lances to give them better magical defense penetration by binding the energy to something solid and have it explode upon penetration instead of impact, I suspect doing so would also be much easier with archery than summoning physical lances and hurling them at high enough speeds to penetrate armor.
i suspect you are a faggot
maybe :3
In general I kind of feel in the case a foe has high magic resist the best thing to do is not use magic and instead beat the hell out of them or have magic so high their resistance doesn't matter.

Or work on creating physical objects with magic. I kind of feel like we shouldn't try to split ourselves too far out with things like archery and leadership and instead should focus on making sure his close range skills are up to par. Then once that is pretty high start looking for other ways to branch out.

Dislike the idea of spending XP on a branch out option so soon.
>work on creating physical objects with magic
Asp said that is very costly compared to what we've used so far. Besides, we'd have to spend XP to spend be able to do that anyway.
Yeah it would be a separate XP branch though. Although even then that would likely slow down mastering flow manipulation now that I look at it. Which given it's meant to be a XP hog isn't good.

Hmm, Personally for me I say we buy Swordsmanship 3 then see how big the XP jump is. If we can get swordsmanship 4 Decently soonish I think I could go with some archery.

We also need to see how the new a thousand cuts level costs because It will only have hit it's best use once we can use it on foes with higher skill levels. Which will let us not need to add much to strength other then maybe a basic point.
Actually thinking on it math wise if STR is what is normally used for combat Then wouldn't black dragons rage over time become almost useless when Sauls speed hits 7?

A thousand blades lets him use speed instead. So it would mostly just be useful for lifting and the likes. Or tossing a two ton block on a vampires head.
Actually what we need is a skill that lets us use Speed or a combination of Speed and Strength in one on one fights. Thousand Cuts only talks about fighting many enemies.
I also still think we should get Strength to at least 5 eventually, just to be top tier normal human.

Also I realize now that something simple but deceptively useful would be a Flash spell, something to emit a very bright light very quickly. Possibly something like having it trigger when the enemy's sword hits our own as we block, so we know it's coming and can close our eyes, but it will fuck up their counter/defense and we can go into an easy counter from the block.
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Solar Flare!
That makes it even more hilarious because that means we could be more effective if there is more of a powerful foe then less at high speeds.

Also flash spell I can't see being that hard. Just get some spell that makes a large flash when cast and can also explode if it hits you directly. That way we get damage and the possibility of blindness.
The point is that a pure flash would likely be basically mana free, since it is very short lived and only contains a relatively short amount of energy.
An explodey spell could be nice too, but the point of the flash would be to fuck up melee foes' sight and give us openings, also a nonlethal way of gaining an advantage.

Also for the explosion, as I've asked, couldn't we just take an FMK gauntlet or something and use that?
desu is Asp going to start a new thread even though this one's still up? He hasn't answered any questions either.
Yeah, we should probably cap this one off so we don't end up with two threads on the front page. Lotta haters show up when that shit happens.
Ayy I guess we can just shitpost to the bump limit, then.
only 21 posts to go
Thing there is most foes could read though that once they see the magical energy being built up and if they are that close in melee it would be pretty risky unless it was an instant thing.

Also I remember the gauntlet thing being mentioned somewhere. I think the answer was that you need the whole suit to use the suits magic since the whole is what powers the thing or something like that. Don't hold me to that because it's been literally over a year.
They would see that it's some form of magic, but they wouldn't know what kind, they might think it's a barrier thing, and if it's quick enough it still works.
At least as a one-off thing in a battle, I'd think it's worth it.
I guess we could have someone make a special gauntlet, or just learn a spell, then.
It seems Asp overslept
Couple more for the road
Could be. Or his Internet is on the fritz. Or real life intervened. Or something else entirely...
I now realize I should be saging, actually
check twitter, he did oversleep
He literally just said he overslept on twitter.
Maybe he got assaulted by a female black dragon. Sexually.
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No, I just overslept. Didn't sleep very well for some reason.


As I don't have a post ready and this thread is still under bump limit, could you guys propose your existing plans based on the situation at >>44296774

Because that's what the first post of the new thread would be - what are you going to do now?
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Well, if it ain't too rude I'll just tell you to check these
That's all the few of us came up with, so either Gnome aided assassination then army, or calling in our army first and then assassination so far.
Another thing I guess would be trying to get a plan going with the resistance, see if they have any way to sneak us into some important place, or sneak our army in the city, or something.
Also once you're done writing the post maybe look over our magic autism and shoot down anything too retarded.
Infiltrate the spire, and murder her.
On a personal level, I seriously hope that Sarah isn't going to be turned into a vampire. Talon and her relationship was my favorite part of the previous quest, and I'd like to recreate it as close as possible.
Anon, I don't think Saul can have the same dynamic as Talon did with anyone.
They're just too different people.
Do we have any competent people left outside of the city? If so we could make them mount a siege and put pressure on the city. During the siege we organise all people left on our side inside the city to start an offence. We pincer the enemy from the inside and outside.
I know, its fucking depressing really. Hopefully he'll relent and run the other one occasionally on Anonkun or something.
Can't risk a prolonged siege, Terce is too dangerous against mass plebs.
At most we can use our army approaching as a way to scare them into carelessness at home and use that to assassinate Terce.
Only once she's dead can we really wage war.
Saul isn't Talon, things are not going to be the same, as clearly evidenced by Mal.

Sarah was boring as hell the first go around.
I honestly really dislike our naivety. Honestly, I'm starting to regret not voting for the mage, even if that would cause a whole host of other problems.
So, If (for some reason) Sarah got turned into a Daywalker, what might her unique power be, or pertain to?
Can't really come up with anything more inventive than "Get all the people on our side to attack and try to make our way towards Terce in the commotion myself".

Arguably, any siege that gets far enough that Terce can no longer pull off her idol routine safely anymore would more or less break her hold over aynone outside of her tower after a while.
It's mostly how Asp writes him, you just keep hoping for something drastic to change Saul's outlook, anon.
I like Saul better than Talon desu senpai
Naive? Saul murders people on the reg without a care in the world. He is hardly what people call naive.
Thing is, she can just use magical volume increasing and thrall a whole army, theoretically, since daywalker magic can't be disrupted(I think)
You can be a murderous psycho and still be naive.
Do you know what the word naive means, anon?
Semen Vampire
Right and until she's actually done thralling the whole army the whole army can shoot at her, because she's standing on a freaking balcony.
probably gimped. There isn't a powerful daywalker in the city to allow her to get anything close to her full potential.
The "short virgin" thing.
That would be fun.
hey we have had sex once
And we dom't know how long it takes for her to thrall, might be 5 seconds or less until those who listen can only pay attention to her.
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>Well, if it ain't too rude I'll just tell you to check these
No, those are useful. I only skimmed the new posts and saw a bunch of XP chat so (wrongly) assumed there were no new plans.

She's on a balcony ten storeys up.

This one's relatively more possible.

>Infiltrate the spire, and murder her.
As is this one.

>If so we could make them mount a siege and put pressure on the city.
Also possible, if dangerous.

Probably the main thing I'll bring up before doing a vote and starting the next thread will be: once Terce is dead, what do you do with the city? If you just kill Terce, there's a good chance Vitria will then seize its own city and fight back against Taour (without necessarily joining you) - you'd get an ally rather than a vassal or new city. There's also still Volante to the north with a big army.

Somebody did propose earlier to kill Terce, let Vitria and Taour fight it out then intervene and defeat the Taouran army and seize Vitria (assuming you're able to). Any other ideas? I'm going to start putting together the first post of the new thread with a couple of votes on the plan.
Ironically, if our mercs consist of even one mystic fox, they can probably bypass most barriers and mulch her.
Should have summoned best girl.
Well yes, but you know what I mean. I like playing the larger than life type. The panicky newbie is fun too, but that's what Finn is for.
With an overgrown narcoleptic lizard
I know very well what naive means, but just to be clear here you have the Oxford dictionary definition.
>(Of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement: the rather naive young man had been totally misled
When did we show any of these things? Also our character isn't a psycho, he just understands that killing is a parrot war. Ergo, he isn't naive.

Make them an offer they can't refuse: we help, but demand over lordship in return
>He's not naive, he's got different priorities.
You haven't been paying attention.
How strong are the wards on the tower? I'm thinking of having Gnome erode the base foundations of said tower (that Terce will perform no) to the point where mid-performance it gives way and collapses.
Are you saying Saul can't fly that high?
>part of gets changed into parrot
Can't we or one of our allies just chuck some magic lanced from a distance from where we can't hear her?
>Make them an offer they can't refuse: we help, but demand over lordship in return
Honestly, sweeping Sarah off of her feat seems like a better idea to me and accidentally killing that one thralled noble. Leaving us and Sarah as the two powers.
unless she has been turned.
Bein willin to kill and doing so still doesn't make someone "not naive" you know, but I'm nit the one saying that Saul is or isn't naive.
Also who are yougoig to make that offer to, the fat mage? If you haven't noticed, the Vitrian royal houses aren't in the best state for political negotiation.
I like the last idea. I ike the idea of Saul being more Machiavellian
I'd heavily consider just leaving it with gaining allies and reputation after Terce is dead and swing back around to conquer Darlesia.

There's a pretty good chance that Volante will fuck with them enough that we can still swoop in and take over later on and as long as we keep growing in power, take most of the Taouran land for ourselves and make powerful Vitrian friends we'll be in a pretty good position to annex Vitria even if they get through the entire conflict with Taour as an independant nation.
At that point I'll probably quit, honestly.
>Not wanting a QT vampire waifu
Is saving the Noble Houses even worthwhile? They are nothing but a pain in the ass last time because everyone refused to work with them even remotely. Oaln is dead, we let Tarbeck starve himself out, figure out what do with the Hawkins if they're even alive and the rest are too minor to raise a fuss we dispose them and install the Orders/Towers as the primary leaders of Vitria after turning them to our side because it's what's best for the city.
>consorting with vampire filth
You make me sick
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>all these complaints about how it's not enough like the original AEQ
It's been stated before that this isn't a retread and things will be different, both in terms of events and thematically. I'm sorry to those who aren't happy with that and some of the differences but that's how it is.

My next post will be a new thread.

You don't have any magic that will hit her from a kilometre or more away.

The posts read 'we'll pop up underneath her and murder her really quickly'. Getting into the Commercia is Step 1 of any plan, but not really an actual assassination plan by itself.

>Right and until she's actually done thralling the whole army the whole army can shoot at her, because she's standing on a freaking balcony.
You have to actively resist her thralldom attempt if you want to take action against her.
I'm all for fucking over nobles
My aspiration is as soon as we've got terce out of the way, start working on a grand anti-vampire coalition, with an eye toward helping out people who will support a "voluntary" unification and acclaim us as emperor.
In which case yeah I want them smashing themselves on volante.
Actually didn't think about this.
Yeah, if the Hawkins are dead or vampired and therefor probably not all that viable for leading Vitria against the vampire menace, there's a good chance it's either us, the asshole that locked himself up or the military taking over.
At that point we should probably jsut take over ourselves.
>You don't have any magic that will hit her from a kilometre or more away.

So, Arcane Archer + Mage(s) = Magical Sniper Waise-Chan?

But, seriously, we should try to make magic artillery.
Being prepared to kill when it is necessary is an example of him not being naive. Because it shows experiance, wisdom and judgement. So are you going to prove he lacks any of those qualities?

Just shout it really loudly and hope whoever is important enough to make the call shouts back with their answer? Alternatively just try to get access to the royalty first and ask them? It's not like we have a particularly tight schedule.
What? I've been here since thread 1 of the first quest, and literally haven't won a single vote yet in the first 3.5 threads, or got my first or second choice in any of the character select/recruitment options. Eventually, I'm going to quit and hope that he'll occasionally run an omake in the game I actually had fun in.
Sorry about that.
>Not being BFFs with based Blackwater

Smh desu
Who gave Blackwater a laptop?
To be fair, Saul does ct rather more hildish than I had hoped. I didn't think a 20something year old would be written as a shota when I voted for him.

Not when it's not worth it.
This guy has the right long term idea.

Well, in more detail, I was thinking fly gnome uo there in secret, have her make a little cave, drill up to under her tower stealthily, then either blend in with the servants(can vampires tell if someone is their thrall or not?) or hide on the cieling when she comes along, and kill her. Fly away to escape, Gnome closes hole after us so pursuers will have to take the long way, resistance help us get away.
That or we could also free Sarah first.

Do we vampires know when a thrall is kiled?
That said it'd probably be wise to stick around so as to acquire a reputation as 'the guy who killed terce' to make even listening to our coalition plans more likely.
Noone, he's using yours.
>Damn you, Blackwater!!!
Dude, chill, it's not the end of the world.
>Save Sarah
I'm all most certain that she is going to be dead or a vampire
Literally the only good plan I've heard all thread. Fuck working with the Nobles.
Go cry
>Let's kill these guys just to be different!
It makes sense to work with the nobles, gives us more legitimacy, makes the plebs more compliant, and foreign powers too.
>To be fair, Saul does ct rather more hildish than I had hoped. I didn't think a 20something year old would be written as a shota when I voted for him.
Yeah, that is incredibly annoying.
Or we can forge our own path and not live in the shadow of the York who lived
>written as a shota
Most instances of that I've seen are player projections on the character.

Hell Saul was a child solider essentially, his emotional growth being stunted seems pretty in character to me.
Murdering vampire overlords also gives us legitimacy and compliance. Being the only military power in the area both willing and able to fight them brings a LOT of people to our side.
But bein prepared to kill doesn't make someone not naive, anon.
well when the age range has extremes of 500 year-old dragons, fox women and elementals as the elderly demographic in the world population, the measly 20 year-old young man would be appropriate if you scale-up the age difference between a 6-year old young boy and a 50-year old MILF who looks like she's 26 to the extreme age range seen in AEQ.
Hey, be nice to the guy who basically carried us the last time around.
I will when he stops being a little cry baby
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You're literally meta projecting.
Do you also want to be celibate because Talon had sex? Not wear armor because Talon did?
Stop trying to be different just to be different.
>hair ruffled and told to clean up
>spying on Gnome while pretending to sleep
No, you have to take race into account, Mal is a baby compared to the great Wardragon as well but he doesn't act like a shota.
>Whining about not winning votes and threatening to quit

Either quit or don't desu
Vitria is a speck on the map in regards to the major players at large, their minor politics are absolutely nothing compared to what's going on in Ahm or Shropham. Why the hell would they care about their word adding to our "legitimacy"?

Mage Towers and Knight Orders have way more political clout in the politics of Gauron than petty nobility. Pax Vitria alone probably has now connections than the majority of the nobility does.
Considering that he and archatect he only rea son we had more than 50 threads last time, I'm willing to let him be nostalgic for a game that he put far more effort into than either you or I ever will
Honestly to me most of that seems to be goofing around. He basically went straight to being professional the moment he stopped joking with his general in the first thread. He didn't instantly bend to Gnome when he felt it was too risky to send her.

He pours over plans daily to be sure of the situation and what he is doing. None of this really screams a shota so much as someone who is competent but tends to flail around a bit in the emotional region.
Eh, let him be a bit bitter. It was kinda a dick move of Aspirational to quit partially because making a character sheet is too hard, when PlansAnon made a several thousand word character sheet for him so questing would be easier.
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