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Well, I did try sleep. Try and fail. As expected of Naka-chan!

Here's some writeup.


Harder just shrugs noncommitally as you and Jintsuu exchange a glance. "You look like shit," he offers helpfully.

"True, you do," Jintsuu says, wiping a streak of blood off your forehead with her gloved finger. You ignore her, feeling a faint heat in your face at Harder's intrusion. Why now, of all times? ...Jintsuu doesn't miss it, looking back and forth between you as a catlike smirk starts to blossom. Oh no. "You should probably get looked at. Harder-san, can you help patch Naka up?"


Harder takes a long sip, slurping a little at the end as he drains the cup, before tossing it over his shoulder and bouncing it off the wall. "Enh, sure."

WHAT. "Well--why not you?" you sputter, stabbing a finger at Jintsuu accusingly, trying to glare the sloppy grin off her face. "You've done it before!"

"Sorry, Naka," Jintsuu replies as she sets her portrait aside, pulling herself up. "I'm indisposed."

"You're standing RIGHT HERE," you seethe.

Jintsuu just beams, walking over to the window and sliding it open as she manifests her fitout. "I leave my sister in your care, Harder," she says merrily, before hopping right out the third floor.

Harder raises an eyebrow as the tremor of her landing runs faintly through the wall and floor. "That was interesting."

"What even is anything, anymore?" you murmur quietly.

"Iunno. Come on, this way."

You try not to fidget as Harder pulls a white plastic first aid kit from a high shelf (after a few hops to reach it), wincing as you see yourself in the harsh glare of flourescent lighting.

You really did a number on yourself these past few days. With your gloves stripped off, the clumsy patchwork of bandages around your hands feels even thicker now that they're exposed. Your shirt is torn, a bruised collarbone on display, and Jintsuu's slaps (and punches) have redoubled the swelling in your cheek that was just starting to go down.
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Have a vaguely inspirational picture.
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You flinch as Harder's hand brushes it. "Hurts?"

"Doesn't tickle," you shrug. "You just surprised me."

Harder frowns and begins soaking a wad of cotton in isopropyl. He passes it to you, which you apply to your forehead with a wince while he prepares another. "That's a fresh cut on an old bruise. What'd she clock you with?"

"Turret," you grumble, looking away and bracing for the sting of--son of a bitch there it is. Ow.

He lifts the cotton, mottled pink with the blood, and gently applies a fresh, dry square of linen, holding it up with his thumb as he fishes for the medical tape. You're doing just fine until it slips, and he anchors it by cupping your chin with his fingers, turning you toward him a bit. Your cheeks heat up under his gaze, his brow furrowing intently as he examines you.

"What was the first one?" he asks, finally fixing the cloth in place and working on the corners.

"Someone else," you mutter, glancing away as quickly as possible.

"Right. Shirt?" Harder asks.

"Are you--"

"I can SEE the bruises," he interrupts. "Yes, I'm for real. Take it off."

He keeps his steely grey eyes on yours, unwavering and unflinching, until you huff an irritated sigh through your nose and set the bloodsoaked cotton down, gingerly tugging your collar out and pulling it over your head. After a moment (and another unsuccessful staredown), you carefully reach back, ignoring the protest of your ribs, and unhitch the clasp on your bra.

He's mercifully silent--he doesn't stare, he doesn't blush, he doesn't make a dry remark. Not about that, at least. "What part of yourself DIDN'T you land on?" he asks, circling around one side to carefully push two fingers against a purple-black splotch on your shoulderblade.

"My feet," you reply darkly, shivering reflexively at his fingers playing across your spine. You hear the slosh of the alcohol bottle in his hand as he upends it, readying another swab of cotton.
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is there going to be voting? because it is 4:15AM and i need to go protect the world from devastation in about three hours

>/tg/ in charge of clearing world 1
>/tg/ in charge of clearing world 2
baka desu senpaitachi
Someone did a drawing of those walking around.
Harder continues playing merry hell with your wounds, cold alcohol and burning nerves, and the occasional warmth of his hand running across your back or your side or your chest, inspecting the damage. You pull out your phone, burying your nose in it to try to ignore the burning in your face. Why now of all times is he not flustered by this?

"Is this why you've been avoiding me?" he finally asks, breaking a silence you hadn't realized had fallen.

You hit 'send' on another dry remark to cover your surprise. "I haven't been..." you sigh and give up the lie before you've even finished it. "...No."

You hiss as the antiseptic hits another cut on the small of your back. "Sendai?"

"Broken glass," you answer by way of explanation.

"From Sendai?" He presses. "Come on, Naka, who did this to you?"

"Me," you spit. "Sendai doesn't cut. Unfortunately."

"Hey." Harder's voice takes on an edge of warning, before he takes your left hand by the wrist and carefully peels the shoddy bandagework off. "You again?"

"I dunno, probably." You're being childish--you know you're being childish--but this is so damn infuriating.

"You've got so many layers of fucking bruises I could count them like the rings in a tree trunk," he growls. "Who the hell is doing this to you? Why the hell are you doing this to yourself?"

Exasperated, you tick them off on your fingers, ignoring the swollen digits and deep inset jabs of pain from the fractures. "Me, Sendai, Arizona, Jin--"

"Arizona?" Your heart skips a beat--there's no anger in his voice, there's--shock. Hurt.


"...Just the cheek," you mutter quietly, your head of steam evaporating under his outburst. "And I don't really blame her."

"That's okay," Harder replies lightly, all the edge gone from his voice--all the more off-putting, marking its absence in his tone. "You don't have to."

Team Rocket?
inb4 you don't do a damn thing to unite all peoples within our nation
A reminder.
>"Me, Sendai, Arizona, Jin--"
Holy shit.

What part of that surprised you?
Is there an option for 'a spellchecker'? Cause I'd like to see one of those.
That it is pretty much everyone that appeared in Naka time thus far, I wager.
Stop fucking attentionwhoring. No fucking wonder you don't improve your writing, you're not doing it for the practice.
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You fall into another silence, letting your phone fall by your side as Harder rewraps your fingers--amateurish, but he could hardly do worse than you bandaging yourself with two broken hands. "How does that feel?" he asks quietly.

You try to muster some more heat... but the look in his eyes robs you of your venom, turning your hand over slowly, carefully, trying not to make it any worse. If only he knew.

"Better," you admit quietly. Swallowing the sudden lump in your throat, you offer him the other arm.

By the end, you look like a mummy decided to go into K-pop, long ribbons of too much bandage wrapped around your midsection in stripes, your arms done up to your elbows, your chest wrapped just a bit too tight to be comfortable. Harder gives you a hand easing down from the table, tossing the last bloodied rags into the bin. You finally get him to let go outside your door.

"Good. Night. Harder," you repeat, carefully prying his fingers off your arm one by one. "And thank you."

"...Yeah," is all he says, turning and squaring his hat on his head, rolling his shoulders to adjust his coat across his back.

You take two steps into your room and wrench your aching hip again slipping on his stupid pina colada cup, forgotten. You stumble and catch yourself against the side of your bed, steadying yourself with a few ragged breaths. Flopping onto the already-bloodstained sheets, you let your aching arm fall over the side, brushing across the side of the little plastic skull. The overtight chest bandages are matched by a deeper ache from within, the sinews feeling drawn taut, a strange and unfamiliar strain through you, feeling like your ribcage is trying to burst out of your body, dragging your heart and lungs along for the ride.

The pain is secondary, as it always has been. What hurts is knowing that if you let this continue, you're just going to drag him down with you. You can't... you can't do that. You can't keep doing this.

You're going to miss him.
Forgive me, but I haven't been following the story recently. There are like 10 threads I still haven't read

But they've all been established before. He said that like he was shocked at one of the names.
Be wary everyone, this quest thread might be a mimic breaking new ground. Check for teeth.
Counterpoint: Wainwright
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With a groan, you haul yourself out of bed, wishing the entire time you wouldn't. You wobble around the scattered debris from last night's fight, still uncleaned, slowly making your way to the spartan table, fishing for the compact mirror from where it fell with blind, groping swipes.

You examine your bandages, touching them gingerly and drawing flares of stinging (but faded) pain. His bedside manner aside, Harder did a pretty decent job. The face ones, though, those are going to have to go. They'll be in the way.

And Settle needs you.

You hesitated on Shigure, because you weren't sure what you needed to do. Now you realize you can't let things lie, with things coming to a head as they have. Well-wishing and good intentions haven't worked. Haven't and won't, and Settle is--finally--starting to understand that. And it's probably killing him inside, the poor bastard. The Admiral was a Captain, he said it himself--but now he can't be that any more, can't do that. He's not throwing a shoulder around a crewman any more, he's trying to lift the damn ships, now. Headpats and hugs are out. He just can't do it, can't reach a ship on her own level.

But you can. Maybe, just maybe, you can make it up to him with this.

You send him a text, just one.

>I will handle Shigure.

After him, Hate.

>Make sure the MPs are ready for some noise from Shigure's holding cell today. Let them know I'm coming.

You ignore the responses from each, as you place a phone call.

"Hello?" Yuudachi answers, her voice very clearly thick from crying.

After she tells you what you need to know--and you tell her what she needs to hear--you've pieced together a bit more of the puzzle. You make one more call--to ordinary. You got the number of that doctor who worked on Settle's brain. Sure enough, there's someone else he saw yesterday, a certain marine with his bell rung hard enough to make up for Arizona's.
Harder was shocked that Arizona (she of the seeming complete calm) hit Naka.

An excellent counterpoint. I had indeed forgotten Wainwright.
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I'm not down with this sickness, man.
Yeah, that's understandable.
I don't usually read the write ups as they come out. Except for the Shimakaze ones.
I usually read 'em in bulk afterwards, generally when nothing I read has updated in a while and I'm jonesing for something to read.
He clearly respects Arizona and probably idolizes her at least a little bit. Having someone he admires hurt someone he's close to gotta hurt.
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You manage to pry a short conversation with him out of his doctor, promising to be brief. You tell him what you're planning, and he gives you the last pieces that fall into place. You understand what Settle meant earlier, now, though it doesn't exactly sit well with you. Your research done, you're ready.

The posted guards nod--one very clearly none too happy with your involvement, but he doesn't contest you. He does, however, stop you with a terse warning. "I don't know what you've got in mind," the American says, "but I don't care who you're friends with, I hear something in there, I'm doing my job."

"Duly noted," you reply with a wan smile. "Just hold fire until you're really sure, okay?"

"...Whatever," he mutters, turning his eyes back to the horizon.

Shigure doesn't look up as you enter, doesn't look up when you open her cell, such as it is, doesn't look up when you crouch in front of her, ignoring the flare of pain in your knees.

"That marine is fine," you begin quietly. "He hopes you're okay."

That gets her eyes on you, red-rimmed over black bags--she hasn't slept. "...Tell him I'm sorry," she says hoarsely.

"He knows. Shigure, do you know why I'm here?"

"Do you?" she asks, letting her head fall again.

"Because Admiral Settle needs me here," you answer carefully.

"Hasn't the yankee done enough?" she spits darkly. She's not been chained, this time--with most of the danger being posed to herself, the only weapons left are in the hands of her guards.

"He didn't ask me," you explain. "But he didn't have to. He can't help you, and now he knows it. But I can. I understand you--"
I'd vote for Naka and Iku if I had a second vote.

Your writing my be shit and you may be an obnoxious faggot but your trying that that is what matters.
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She laughs. Hard. High, and heady, and utterly, thoroughly crushed. The laugh of someone who thinks she's already dead. "You understand me. YOU. That's... adorable, Naka-san." You wait patiently for her to finish, the laughs racked with dry, empty sobs--no tears left to shed. "And why do you understand me? Because you're a destroyer flagship? Here to tuck me under your wing? Or just die like everyone else I get near?"

"I understand you because I understand how you feel."

That draws more than despondence from her--that provokes rage. Good. "You don't know ANYTHING," she snarls. "What could you and your perfect little life POSSIBLY know about what I'm going through?"

You meet her hateful glare without blinking. "It's not your fault. None of it was ever your fault."

"Shut up," she growls, animal fury replacing cold wrath as she begins to tremble. "You don't GET to talk like you know me."

"You blame yourself for surviving. For them dying. You shoul--"

"SHUT UP," she repeats, raising a hand to shove a wrist-mount gun in your face, finger curling over a handgrip-trigger.

In a single fluid motion, you call your fitout as you seize her wrist, directing the barrel against your shoulder as your other hand closes around hers, squeezing the trigger.

The blast echoes off the walls, deafening you as a deep, wrenching shock runs through your entire body, a massive hole blown in your arm in an eyeblink.

The next few seconds are a chaotic blur--as dust rains down from the rattled ceiling, the guards storm in, weapons up and shouting.

"It's fine, it's fine!" You call over the din. "Just demonstrating something! Stand down!"

The marines slowly lower their weapons, hesitant to disengage as the light overhead swings back and forth, back and forth from the shockwave, bulb shattered in the pressure wave.

Underneath it, Shigure stares at you in wordless, open-mouthed horror.
>already-bloodstained sheets,
We have two whole Navies here and we can't assign some someone to change the sheets?
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"Did that feel good?" you ask, tone harsh, ignoring the hole in your side--a destroyer's main gun is still only a secondary for a larger ship, but you are not a larger ship. Had that been placed somewhere vital, you would be dead. "I know it didn't. Because you're not what they say you are." She flinches, eyes filling with new tears again after crying herself out, trying to wrest her hand out of your grip, but you hold fast. Coldly and mercilessly, you continue to press the assault, willing down the spreading fingers of pain. "You don't want to hurt anybody. You just think you do. That's why you didn't hurt that marine. That's why you didn't kill Settle--but you could have."

"Stop," she pleads. "Stop, please--"

"They treat you like your friends all died because of your luck. They're afraid of you. Sometimes they hurt you, because they're scared. Because they don't understand what they're doing to you."

"Stop, stop..."

"When you're angry, you could kill them all. You feel so ready to, so wronged. When you're miserable and alone, you wonder if they're right. You try to tell yourself it's not true, but despite yourself you can't really shake that feeling, can you?"

Shigure dissolves into wordless sobbing, still trying to get away from you, pulling feebly.

"But even when you're hurt, even when you're angry, even when you're just so ready to kill someone--you know that if you ever did, it would destroy you. Not your life--you. Shigure, everything you are, everything you care about."

"Please..." Tears streaking down her swollen cheeks, a ribbon of snot down her nose, she looks like a bawling schoolchild, not an ailing warship.
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"But you're not that girl," you tell her firmly, relaxing your grip slowly--she isn't trying to pull away any more. Slowly, you let your voice soften--you go to brush back her hair, but your other arm won't move. "No matter how much you want to be. No matter how much you think it would make you feel better. It won't. Now you know."

Her eyes squeezed shut, Shigure bows her head low, weeping piteously. You finally release her wrist, and her fitout vanishes, leaving her just a little girl again. You stroke her hair, and she flinches as if struck. "I know you feel alone. I know you feel guilty. I know you blame yourself. And I know you just want to help."

You examine your shoulder while she's looking down, inspecting the damage--you're not going to be juggling any time soon, and if Harder knew he would probably kill both of you. "So that's what I understand, Shigure. And here's something else." She looks up again, like a scolded puppy, sleeve matted with tears. "I can't fix you either. The only one who can is you. I can help--I can tell you what I think, and talk about your problems. I can give you what you need. But no one but you can actually make you better."

You stand up, leaving her in peace. "When you feel better, and they let you go, look for me or Shiranui. Neither of us care about luck. And I have more to say to you, when you're willing to listen."

Shigure wraps her arms around her knees, rocking back and forth as the tears continue to fall, her shoulders spasming with a lifetime of unspoken grief given release. As you pass, the MP who stopped you at the door--still in the room, barrel lowered but weapon at the ready--he meets your eyes, reappraising you and Shigure entirely.

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Naka plz
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I don't RP and I don't want to get my works canonized as Legit. I'm just making them for fun and self improvement. However slow it takes.
Hm. Things aren't going well, but they might get better.

One could only hope; she needs to go to Canada.
>>Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)00:34:10 No.42880272
Proof that Shokaku is the purest of waifu material

>>feelthyHornet !!McLtsKOsrVy 10/04/15(Sun)03:25:59 No.42882746
>Proof that Shokaku is the purest of waifu material
That so

>>Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)03:29:56 No.42882786
>write Shoukaku lewds
Nah, he doesn't have the balls.

And that's a wrap from me.

Have a good night, folks.

The kiss lingered on Shoukaku’s lips, hours later.

The sight of her new Admiral lifting a man up by his throat, lingered in her mind.
Posting for Feelthy tonight since he's busy.
She could still hear him telling her that she is special. That women like her, like Yamato, embodied something that had not been forgotten, that could never be forgotten.

She is not merely a weapon that can be discarded. She deserves better. They all deserve better.

Admiral Ryan Settle, the Yankee from across the sea, the Hero of Los Angeles, made her believe all this over the course of one night. A dinner at a silly anime-themed café, a hijinks-filled chase, a swift costume change, the pictures they posed for together. It all ended with a quiet flight home on some self-propelled “drone” thing, the city spread out beneath them, behind them as they flew to safety.

It hadn’t been perfect, but he did not need to be perfect to be a wonderful date.

Alone with him, in that drone so high above everything...

And so, the kiss that haunted her now, that dulled all rational thought.

She’d been so quiet at first, studying the many pictures of herself and Settle in costume together, saved to her phone forever. Studying his smile, how it grew from picture to picture, how they both let themselves be absorbed by the moment together.

Then the thoughts came to her, the ‘flooding’ between her legs. The first, tentative pokes and prods at her moistening slit, her eyes always on the door, waiting for the fantasy to be ruined by her sister-ship barging in. Minutes passed, and confidence grew. Off came the costume she’d been so embarrassed to wear, her bra, her panties pulled down just enough to access what she wanted to give the most attention to, her phone slipping off the side of her futon, utterly forgotten.

For now, she had the room to herself. For now, Zuikaku was thankfully nowhere to be found, her door was locked. She had needs that required tending to, needed this more than ever.
I keep asking MaplebarMan if he's written any more. I wonder if he's actually Canadian?

That aside, here is part 3 of Deutschland! http://pastebin.com/JzkNi7st
Get some sleep and stop pushing yourself so hard. I apologize for my lack of faith earlier.
Minutes later, hours later, she panted, moaned, writhed underneath a blanket. She arched off the comforting softness of her futon before collapsing back against it, rolling over onto her belly, rolling her hips against her fingers, ‘riding’ her trembling hand and wishing it was something else belonging to someone else.

She wished the night with Settle hadn’t come to an end at the entrance to her barracks.

He could be here with her now. Beneath her, above her, inside her, she could be begging him to go faster or slower or harder or softer—

She whined through clenched teeth into her pillow, one arm wrapped fiercely around it, her breasts flattened against it, nipples dragging along the fabric. Her other arm was mashed between the pillow and her trembling body, her hand working frantically between her legs, coated with her juices as she fished and thrusted deeper inside of herself—crying out as a powerful spasm rippled through her.

He’d done something to her. He made grateful for this inconveniently curved body, this supple skin, the silver mane matted against her sweat-slick back, bouncing in time with her hips as she drove herself down onto her fingers faster and faster.

“Yes...” she whispered into the pillow. “More... more—”

There were books that described things like this, movies that some of the girls watched, nothing that compared to actual sensation, actually feeling skin-on-skin in all of the right ways and places.

Shoukaku wanted, needed to share this with him.

She arched up from futon again, the blanket she’d originally tried to hide beneath thrown away, exposing her to body to the gentle breeze from the ceiling fan above. She rolled onto her back again, kicking away her panties still wrapped loosely around an ankle, thrusting her fingers as deep into herself as she could, her hips bucking into the air—
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top tier stuff. nakatiem is the train that keeps on wrecking.
“Come... going to—“

The world was a blur. The only sensation that mattered was between her legs, the vague tingling of her skin as every muscle in her body tensed. She shook with anticipation, felt heated sap oozing between her legs onto the futon, and didn’t care.

She sucked in another breath to scream, clenched her jaw as tight as she could manage to stop herself from screaming—desire won out. Her lips parted, a throaty growl building in volume as she worked herself harder, hips quivering as she thrust them up towards an imagined night sky, an imagined Admiral cupping his hands over her breasts, squeezing and kneading them as he filled her to the brim. Imagined cries as he twitched inside her, and she clenched down around his girth—and she pulled her fingers out, rubbing fiercely the sensitive mound just above her entrance, bucking harder off of her bedding, his name whispered desperately into lonely darkness—

The lock of the door clicked from the other side of the room, the lights flashed on, and her rapidly-pounding heart skipped a dozen beats.


Zuikaku did not stop laughing for a solid five minutes. Every time she started to regain some measure of control, managed to start breathing normally, she would look up and see Shoukaku wrapped up in her blankets, her face flushed bright red, lips pursed into the saddest, angriest pout.

“It’s not funny,” Shoukaku grumbled into the blanket, still trying to catch her own breath.

“Nice date?” Zuikaku succeeded in asking. To that, Shoukaku wrapped the blankets around herself that much tighter.

“...It was.”

“It definitely is the talk amongst us Kanmusu right now, sister.” To this, Shoukaku buried herself deeper into her personal blanket mountain, wailing with despair. “Oh, you know I mean the date itself, not the finger-bliss that followed.”

The blanket mountain shivered in place, and Zuikaku plopped herself down right next to it, pulling it into a one-armed hug.
I said that as in spite of its difficult situation, their forces aren't on the verge of self-destructing via pyschotic breaks or suicides.
>It ate "feelthy is away from desk tonight so I'll be posting his write up for him."

“You think so?” Shoukaku peeked back out from the blanket, face still bright red with embarrassment.

“Well, after that escort bitch nearly killed him—”

“After he intervened in a fight you started—”

“I’m not apologizing for it.”


“As I was saying, it’s good you went with him into the city.” Zuikaku looked out through the half-closed blinds of the only window the room had, sighing wistfully. “It must have been an amazing time.”

“It wasn’t perfect. I learned things about the city and its people that I wasn’t quite ready for, but it was also fun. I couldn’t ask for more than that...” Shoukaku’s blanket wrapped part way around Zuikaku’s waist, returning the hug. “I’m still mad at you.”

“I’ll knock next time. Not that it would have helped.”

“Next time let me—never mind...”

“So what did he even DO to you?” Zuikaku began snickering again. “You were... wanton, dear sister. Very wanton. You ran aground at Wanton Reef—”


“You fell into a pool—no, an ocean of wantonness, and Yankee-san pushed you into it, and you made the biggest splash ever!” She gave Shoukaku a light squeeze. “I’m... curious: did you allow him to push, or was it a surprise?” This earned Zuikaku a sharp pinch on the belly, followed by Shoukaku moving herself to the other side of the room.

“If you must know, the Admiral is a gentleman!” Shoukaku huffed.

“So you say...”

“He really is! And he has a sense of humor, and he is incredibly kind—”



“You don’t have to look ashamed about it, you’re hardly alone in thinking at least that much about him, if the rumors are true.”

“I am not ashamed!” Shoukaku wailed. “You know exactly why I’m embarrassed—wait.” She cocked her head to the side, staring at Zuikaku for a moment. “Do YOU find him—but I thought you—”

“Maybe a little. Not enough to need hours to myself to—”
“Hush, Zuikaku-chan.”


“...It was a surprise, to answer the question.”

“Now we are getting somewhere!” Zuikaku leapt across the floor to Shoukaku’s blanket fort, hands slapping down hard onto her shoulders so she could give her sister-ship a shake. “Aaaaah, I wish I could have been there to see it all!”

“He has a way with words.” Shoukaku hugged herself under the blanket, feeling herself flush over with embarrassment once again; she was still very much naked underneath all of the warm sheets. “That’s all it was. Words. About me, about all of us. About the war, our role, and what we mean to Japan, to the world...” She slumped forward towards the floor, trying to hide her face from Zuikaku’s prying eyes. “I’ve worried about what will happen to us after the fighting stops... given what we were, what we are...”

“That again,” Zuikaku snorts. “When—if we see that day, I’ll start worrying about it.”

“I don’t feel like I need to worry about it anymore, Zuikaku. That’s what he did for me.” She turned back to her sister, smiling, tears building up in her eyes. “There is something more for us than just... what we do. For a short while, I was a girl, just a normal girl on a date with a nice guy. It made me feel special.”

For a moment, Zuikaku’s mask of casual, sarcastic indifference dropped away, the playful response on the tip of her tongue dying before she could say it. She looked hurt, she looked hopeful, she looked—

“I’m... I’m sorry, Shoukaku.” Kneeling before her sister-ship, Zuikaku bowed, forehead touching the floor. “I mean it.”

“I forgive you—”

“Good!” She flashed her trademark grin at her sister. “But I still owe you something for the trouble, so don’t forget to hold me to it.”

“I’ll think of something... suitable.” Shoukaku tried to sound menacing, but simply couldn’t do it. If nothing else, she could always count on Zuikaku to be a good sister at the end of the day.
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Every thread.
“Welllllllll,” Zuikaku said, “I’d prefer to get that out of the way sooner than later.”

“Your punishment must be more severe.”

“If you want severe—” Zuikaku’s hands found Shoukaku’s body somewhere underneath the blanket, a caress down her side, towards her waist, her lips moving teasingly against her older sister’s ear, “I could help you finish feeling all... special.”

The last thing Zuikaku remembered seeing before waking up in the room alone, much later, was the entire blanket wadded up into some sort of fluffy fist at the end of a very nude Shoukaku’s right arm.
‘What am I doing?’

Shoukaku had stormed out of the room, her clothes flashing into place with a mere thought as she stomped out the door. The last thing she wanted was anyone else to see what they shouldn’t. She was completely embarrassed by the offer—as well as her perfect right cross she’d delivered instinctively in response to it.

She was especially embarrassed that, for a very uncomfortable moment, she genuinely considered accepting Zuikaku’s “help.”

She had to have been joking, trolling, whatever she liked to call it. Sometimes, the good sister that Zuikaku was clashed with the asshole sister she could be the moment she found an opening to exploit.

Nothing genuine about it, just her taking advantage of an opportunity of the easiest target ever.


She couldn’t get that out of her mind. She couldn’t get a lot of things out of her mind, couldn’t stop thinking about the Admiral himself, what he’d... influenced her to do while she’d been alone.

How her body sank into the bedding, how she hugged the pillow against herself. How she shivered under the blanket as it teased her skin. That heat, that wonderful tension, building and building, and Zuikaku offered to—

“Admiral...” she mumbled, barely audible even to herself.

“You say sumthin’ ma’am?”


“You awright ma’am?” The Marine at the barracks reception desk blinked at her curiously, his familiar southern drawl only making . “You don’t look s’good ta me, like you godda fever ‘rsumthin...”

“Whowhatmeeee?” Shoukaku laughed nervously, her face seconds away from violent combustion. “Just neeeeeed to take a walk, Sergeant-san, ha ha ha!”

“You sure ma’am? It’s not exactly walkin’ weather if you know what I—”
>I don't RP
That is a low bar but thanks.
“Oh you know how it is! Kanmusu reporting in... out for the evening! A storm like this means nothing to me at all aaaaand it’s not like I haven’t been soaked with water at least once tonight ha ha ha ha ha forgetyouheardmesaythat I am so ready to sign out right now Sergeant-saaaaan!”

The Marine on station was only doing his job, but it took every bit of self-control to stop herself from yelling at him to hurry up and finish checking her out of the building. She needed out. Out out out, right now, not ten minutes later. She seemed to convey this with body language alone, and he scribbled out a pass for her, offering it with a shrug.

“Just...uhm, be safe ah guess?”

“Yokosuka is the safest place in Japan!” she declared lamely, snatching the pass out of his hand before almost charging through the front doors of the building. “ThankyoubyeI’llreportbacksoon!”

“Uh-huh... don’ even know whah ahm heah sumtahms...”
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‘Walk it off, just walk and walk and walk and try not to think about tonight.’

Shoukaku’s desire to avoid further embarrassment meant nothing to the powerful storm drenching all of Yokosuka with heavy sheets of rain. Her skirt clung to her legs, rubbing up uncomfortably exactly where she didn’t want it to. Her unfortunately white haori conformed to her breasts, revealing her black bra under the soaked fabric. Her boots squelched around her thighs with every step.

She broke into a sprint, unwilling to go back to her room and her sister, who would wake up eventually. She couldn’t go back now; she’d look like a fool to the Sergeant at the desk, to anyone who saw her in this state.

It felt like the world was conspiring against her for maximum embarrassment.


Eventually the rain became more than even she felt like putting up with. She found herself taking shelter under the closest overhang she could find, near one of the administrative buildings. She could wait here, just for a bit, and hope for the storm to die down to something more tolerable.

Leaning against the wall, Shoukaku fought off the urge to yawn, and stared out into the distance as the cold finally began to settle in.

She could summon her outfit, and the weather would truly mean nothing to her. She could become a miniature city in the middle of the storm, indifferent to the wind and rain. This was part of what she was, and there was some comfort in knowing that she could will away the vulnerability that was part of the human condition.

For now, she allowed herself to shiver for warmth. There was something good in that. There was comfort in knowing she could be as vulnerable as any of the people she wanted to protect. It made her feel closer to them. Closer to Adm—
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“Have a nice date?”

Shoukaku leapt a full two feet into the air out of pure fright, falling hard on her rear and scrambling backwards with a yelp of surprise.

She’d not even sensed the approach of the woman now leaning on the wall next to her, dressed even less appropriately for the weather than she was. Sandaled feet, with fanciful straps that coiled up from the sole all around her calves, stopping just short of her knees, gaudily decorated with a rainbow assortment of beads and faux-diamonds. High-cut shorts cut impossibly tight and short, showing off her muscular thighs and accentuating her hips. A white t-shirt, as soaked as the rest of her—and Shoukaku moved her eyes quickly past her breasts the moment it was obvious she wore no bra.

It was the hair that truly gave her away: blue, impossibly bright blue, almost luminescent despite being under the shadows of the overhang. She tied it into three separate tails, two that hung loosely and suggestively down the sides of her body framing the important curves. The last was wrapped in front of her neck, passing suggestively between her breasts.

If there was any doubt, it was gone the moment Shoukaku’s eyes met her red ones. There was a subtle glow behind them, a lingering crimson trail in their wake as I-19, ‘Iku’, leaned forward to offer a helping hand... and also very deliberately showing off her ample cleavage.

Iku knew what she had, embraced it moreso than just about every Kanmusu at Yokosuka, and definitely liked to show it. And she was leaning closer and closer, lips puckering just enough to suggest—

“H-Hello Iku!” Shoukaku yammered, leaning back to avoid the surprise attack even as she accepted Iku’s hand. “F-fine evening isn’t it?”
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“Hi, Shoukaku, good *morning* to you too.” Her grin was predatory as she lifted the CV back to her feet, deliberately ensuring that personal space would be invaded. “Well, you’re alone in the rain. He stood you up too, didn’t he? Americans, give them a chance to really damn the torpedoes and they don’t even take it.”

Shoukaku’s brain chose to short-circuit.

“Too? He? What? D-damn the—”

“Oh. Guess not.” Any flirtatiousness Iku had on display vanished as she spun on a heel away from Shoukaku, whipping out an oversized smartphone from the pocket barely containing it and rapidly tapping away at the screen. “Waterproofing best proofing— Damn. Still hasn’t texted me back has she...”


“Ugh! That... woman! I’m trying to be nice to her and she—”

“What are you even *doing* here?” Shoukaku asked, finding a healthy, respectful space away from her that didn’t involve immediate physical contact.

“Same as you, walking around alone and frustrated.” She glowered at the phone. “Fine, be that way you—” she looked back up at Shoukaku, as though noticing her for the first time. “Fancy meeting you like this! You want to get out of here?”


Inside her shower, Iku warbled through what was supposed to be a very upbeat idol piece, equal parts off key and enthusiastic.

She’d explained how badly she needed to freshen up after the run back to the barracks, but in an unexpected gesture she’d insisted Shoukaku use the shower first. She even offered some fresh clothes to wear while their rain-soaked outfits spent some time going through the wash.

It had been impossible to refuse. Shoukaku allowed herself five precisely timed minutes to enjoy the hot water, quickly vacated to allow Iku her turn... which had lasted over an hour.
Alone and wearing a button-up shirt that did not fit well at all, Shoukaku tried to sit dutifully at the center of the room, and look at or touch absolutely nothing... but that resolve lasted less time than her shower had. She found herself carefully inspecting everything around her.

Iku’s quarters were strange, mostly because they defied expectations.

There were stories, many of them true, about the sort of woman Iku had become in the months following her return to Japan. She’d thrown herself into the ‘human’ experience wholeheartedly. She ‘played’ as hard as she fought, and it was something that had become regular gossip at every meal. She’d done nothing to dispel the rumors and if anything she seemed to encourage them.

All told she was hardly the weirdest Kanmusu to return to Japan... just easily the most the openly promiscuous. It still didn’t explain the room.

A poster of Yokosuka’s very own Fleet Idol hung from a frame on the wall, surrounded by smaller posters from a variety of modern musicians. There appeared to be no rhyme or reason to any of it, no distinct preference. Naka-chan was among classic rock and rollers, Jazz singers, crooners, a man wearing a distinctly designed mouse helmet. At the center of the posters was a spiral display case of music CDs, rising from the floor to the roof, rotating on its own.

And then there was the book case closest to this musical cavalcade.

Pale Blue Dot, Death by Black Hole, Euclid’s Elements, all prominently displayed on one shelf labeled ‘Sciences’. Below them, a collection of light novels categorized as ‘Japanese Young Adult Genre Fiction’. ‘Western Fiction’ dominated the two shelves below it, including works from Neil Stephenson, Michael Crichton. And then the three ‘Romance’ shelves below that. Shoukaku recognized the Japanese names quickly enough, but there were English names, French names, German, and other languages she couldn’t recognize scattered across the display.
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Half of that wall was book cases, and every shelf was full.

No sign of the rope and chains that so many stories about Iku referenced. No ‘scoreboard’ showing her successful ‘hunts’. The lone bed in the room looked nothing like a torture rack—

‘One bed? But I thought she lives with I-8—Oh.’

“Hey there houseguest, sorry I took so looooong~” Iku trilled from her bathroom door, exposed in all her glory.

Shoukaku immediately turned away from her. The Sergeant’s curious stare upon seeing them return to the barracks together was instantly justified.

“I-it’s fine, I-19-san—”

“Iku-san, Iku-chan is better~” She marched over to a dresser, deliberately walking in front of Shoukaku, digging up a set of panties and another shirt that couldn’t possibly fit either woman without serious effort.

“...Iku...san...” Shoukaku bowed, mostly to keep her eyes off the startlingly toned sub-girl’s body. “W-well, I appreciate the hospitality.”

“Ah, it’s nothing! Hachi’s out on a patrol, the place is ours.” Iku finished forcing the shirt over her bust, and snatched an inconspicuous bottle and a pair of glasses from the top of the dresser. “Thirsty? I am. Was going to share this with my date, but you’re here and she isn’t.” She poured the drinks without looking, dropping a single cube of ice into each glass. “And I’m still curious about your own night with Admiral America—“


“—and as I’ve learned, a few drinks loosens legs and lips.” She grinned at Shoukaku, already herding her towards the bed and forcing her to take a seat. “I don’t bite unless you ask. Talk to Iku!”

“I’m... ah, it wasn’t... well I’m not sure it would be all that interesting to you—”

“Oh?” Iku planted herself next to Shoukaku, draping one arm across her shoulder and pulling herself into her guest while dangling a glass before her nose. “I’m interested in all kinds of things. Now have a drink, and talk at me~”
Shoukaku grimaced, but took the offered glass anyway, downing the whole thing in one pull. The effect was startling and immediate, the bourbon searing its way down her throat into her belly. She felt a lot warmer, felt her shoulders sag just slightly lower as she settled into the bed.

“M-more,” she coughed.

Iku’s smile grew three sizes, and she poured.


“You actually dressed up as Gundam characters?” Iku raised an eyebrow, and her fifth glass.

“Mish Red Comet, and Ramba Ral,” Shoukaku confirmed, keeping the game tied at five-all.

“No. Get out.”

“I have picturesh.”

“Geeeeeeet oooooooooout—”

“I have picturesh,” Shoukaku repeated with her increasingly noticeable slur, beaming with pride. “They’re on my phone, but I’m sho comfy here...”

“That’s on the dresher like all the way over there!” She was on her feet anyway, walking somewhat unsteadily to retrieve the device. She managed to gracelessly flop back onto the bed face first, the phone bouncing out of her hand and onto a pillow. Shoukaku flopped next to her, emptied glass falling to the carpeted floor with a dull thud, and snatched the phone up, tapping the face button once to show off her lock screen.

There he was, in that blue uniform, next to her in that red uniform. Broad shoulders, broad chest, arms flexed as he made fists, striking a pose next to her. For that moment they’d simply been people. Ryan Settle and Shoukaku, man and woman, strolling through Akihabara arm in arm, mugging for the camera together like it had been so natural.

It was suddenly very uncomfortable to be lying on her belly like this on this bed. The shirt felt even tighter still, especially around her—

“He is really handsome...” Iku murmured, staring intently at the picture.

“Yes, he is.”

“...for a nerd.”

“Hey.” Shoukaku’s hand left a small red mark on Iku’s rear; she actually squealed.

“A-are there more pictures?” Iku asked hopefully, red eyes shimmering with light once again.

Cheers, Naka-chan. And well done. Now for the healing
For a long while, it was just Shoukaku explaining everything she knew about Admiral Settle. How he was the hero of Los Angeles. How he was the captain of the USS Higgins. How he bitterly rejected the title, said he’d only done what was needed of every man and woman who first encountered the Abyssals. She gushed about how much he cared for his ships, how he’d put himself at risk for Arizona without a second thought. How he stood between Kaga and his Hornet, risked physical harm for her honor, and how he all but shattered Kaga with an appeal to her own. How during the attack on Yokosuka, Akagi described him as utterly selfless, having used his own body to protect them despite the obvious ridiculousness of the act itself. They were literally aircraft carriers, one of whom nearly choked the life out of him.

But that hadn’t mattered to Admiral Ryan Settle. He thought of them as people. He thought of Shoukaku as a person, as a woman who simply wanted to get out of her confines and have a nice dinner with a nice—


“Ah, y-yes?”

“...Why are you even here with me right now?”

To emphasize this, Iku thrust the phone back into Shoukaku’s face, showing the full gallery of all the pictures taken of her and Settle during the date. There were at least thirty of them in costume together, with three more taken on the sly as he sat in the drone on the way home. His cheeks were still flushed from the kiss, illuminated by the drone’s control panel and the city lights beneath them.

They were too many drinks into their night to have this discussion safely.

“W-well... the date ended, sho I just... you know...”

“You didn’t invite him into your room after that flying thing?”

“No... b-but that’sh—“ Shoukaku’s voice cracked.

“Admiral America—“


“—and his personal Marine stared down a pack of slavering NEETs, for you, he cosplayed, FOR YOU, and took you on a magic carpet ride—“

Why cant feelthy just fucking KILL HIMSELF
One would only hope as wasn't that said the last few times?
“—to your front door, and you just let him go after a simple kiss?” Iku shook her head.

“The kish was on the ride home, n-not at the—” Iku silenced her with a finger to her lips.

“You’ve shpent like the last twenty minutes telling me how he triggered damage control drills between your legs for a whole night.” She tilted her head lazily to one side, teeth flashing in a grin. “You have got to get more aggressive, Shoukaku-san. Like me. If you want something—” Iku’s expression suddenly hardened. “If you want some*one*, you pursue them with everything you’ve got. And you never let them go when they’re yours, no matter what.”

“He’s n-not just some guy!” Shoukaku wailed. “I can’t just... you know!”

“Sure you can.” Iku flicked her pony tails over her shoulder with one shake of her head. “So, why’dja leave the barracks anyway?”

“...Zuikaku,” she grumbled, her face buried into the mattress.

“Was she jealoush after you told her about the great and wonderful Admiral Settle?”


“Maaaaaaybe?” Iku sang.


“Interrupted? What did she—” Iku’s jaw dropped. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“So am I,” Shoukaku groaned.

“Did you at least finish?”

“No, and it was going so well—That’s not the point, Iku!” Shoukaku buried her face back into the bed, hoping to smother herself and the conversation; Iku offered a comforting pat on the shoulder. “She just walked in on me! I’ve never been so embarrassed!”

“Even shipgirls have needs, you were just tending to them,” Iku shrugged. “I’m sure she understands.”

“I’m, ah, sure she does. She, um... offered.”


“To help me,” Shoukaku said carefully, dancing around actually describing the act itself. “So I had to leave after that.”

“After she helped you or what?” Iku scooted closer to Shoukaku, eyes wide with curiosity. “I didn’t know this about either you OR her, this is exciting!”
Why can't you shut up and enjoy the lewds?
You keep getting mad. It keeps him alive.
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You sound upset anyon.
Is something the matter?

“This is not what happened why are you asking this oh no no no—”

“So you ran outside, into the storm, and into me.” Iku nodded. “Well, you seem to have had a stimulating night.”

“It was fun...” Shoukaku sighed dreamily, before hurriedly adding “except for that last part.”


Iku poured two more glasses; Shoukaku gratefully accepted both.
Fuck you

First crix now feelthy, planefag you dont care for your quest at all!
“Sh-sho why were *you* out there by yourself, Iku?”

“Called up an ex, I’ve been trying to patch thingsh up with her.”


“She didn’t show up though... probably shtill mad at me. I can and can’t blame her, but I miss the time we shpent together. Slim chance, maybe no chance at all, but I was hoping, you know? There’s everyone else, and then there’s her.”

The mirth, the flirtatiousness, the light behind her eyes, all vanished as though it had never been. She looked away. “And that’s why I was there I was alone, like you. Frushtrated, like you.” She sat up quite suddenly, reaching for the bourbon and her glass.

“I hate it,” Iku growled sadly, pouring herself another round. “I really hate it.”

“Shorry to hear about that...”

Iku’s smile returned as she turned back to Shoukaku. “It’sh fine, I’ve decided that tonight my date is you.” She tossed her head back, draining the glass in one pull.

“Huhwha?” Shoukaku blanched.

“You’re a nice girl, a bit shy. I like it.” Iku pulled herself against Shoukaku, walking her fingers up the length of her back, dipping past the lengthy mane of silver hair to tease finger nails across the nape of her neck. She shivered from the touch.

“Hey,” Iku whispered.


“Being frustrated is the absolute worst, isn’t it?”

The world to Shoukaku was slightly out of focus, slightly blurred, except for Iku, moving closer and closer.

Her body tensed as Iku rolled her onto her back, climbing atop Shoukaku, wrapping her in a full embrace, hands roaming along her back, running through her hair. She was trapped firmly against the bedsheets, trapped underneath invitingly soft skin, breasts pressed firmly together. She was mesmerized by the red eyes glowing before her, by the star-shaped irises as they drew closer.
Does this count as date rape

I meant the anon.

The one that said "holy shit" at the list of the names.
There's basically no way this isn't a double bluff of butthurt
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It's hornet, not fluff.... What the fuck has you so worked up?
I'm glad you like it!
1000% canon too!

Closer, until Iku’s lips gently pressed against Shoukaku’s, moved against them, forced them apart. Her tongue met Shoukaku’s, swirled around it hungrily for almost too long before they broke the kiss, gasping for breath.

“We are drunk,” Shoukaku observed.

“We are very drunk,” Iku agreed.

“This ish so dangerous, isn’t it?”


Returning the embrace, Shoukaku shifted herself to allow their bodies to fit perfectly against one another, a heated ache building between her legs as Iku’s thigh rocked against the growing wetness there.

She couldn’t help but wrap her legs around that thigh, couldn’t stop herself from grinding and thrusting insistently against it. She couldn’t stop herself from yelping with surprise as Iku reached under the borrowed shirt, hands gliding over the contours of her body. The fabric stretched, tore, and the buttons popped free, exposing her breasts just as Iku pressed herself against them with a sigh of content.

For a long moment, they simple lay there, moving slowly against one another. They could taste the bourbon in their breath, feel their hearts beating through each other’s chests.

“I can leave it at this, if you want,” Iku said, a tremor building in her voice as she pressed herself harder against Shoukaku, a thin trail of saliva draining from a corner of her mouth. “I can stop, I can—” She slipped a hand under Shoukaku’s panties, fingers probing gently at the moist tingling beneath as she forced the lacey fabric down and away from what she wanted—“I would really like it if we didn’t.”

“Don’t stop,” Shoukaku panted. “I have needs, too.”

“Good. Let me tend to them, in his place.”

And their lips met once more.
Kill yourself Halley
Iku knew how to work her just right, how to move her in just the right ways.

She knew Shoukaku in ways she’d never dared to know herself, even in privacy. She knew Shoukaku as though she’d always known how to touch her, how to pleasure her. And she reveled in it, giggling when Shoukaku cried out, when she curled up on the mattress, quivering under Iku’s relentless and wonderful attention. She was an instrument in Iku’s hands, singing exactly when she was made to sing, moving when Iku wanted her to move.

‘I want Settle to touch me like this.’

Shoukaku arched up from the bed, crying fitfully into a palm. Iku lay pressed up against her side, humming her muffled approval as she nursed gently on a nipple, teased it with her tongue or the occasional soft bite. She hooked a pair of fingers into Shoukaku’s slit, at times thrusting into her with smooth, rapid strokes in time with the thumb circling around her throbbing clitoris. She would slow down, firm thrusts that went as deep as her fingers would allow. It gave Shoukaku a chance to find some measure of calm in the steady rhythm, her body twisting, rising and falling against the bed in time with Iku’s ministrations. She would take her to the brink, leave her gasping on the precipice, and slowly, painfully let her down, only to push her back to the edge.

It went on, until Shoukaku forgot the passage of time, until she forgot what she was and what awaited her in the morning. She was just a woman at the mercy of another, and the war seemed so very distant to her, a nightmare lost in the haze of bourbon and sensation. There was only Iku, taking her to places further and more urgent than she’d been able to go alone, furtively masturbating to pictures of a man she’d only just met.

It went on, until eventually Iku did not relent, until she offered no respite. She only went faster, harder, flicking Shoukaku’s clit with every thrust, and she sang louder and louder until she couldn’t restrain herself any further.
Halley doesn't write, he draws.

Get mad enough he might draw this scene. Just for you.
>all this salt over feelthy's shoukeks lewds
I don't care if it's just one autist getting worked up, it still gets me every time
Damn if this isn't a wall of text though, I'll have to read it all later
I promise no such thing.

“Iku...!” Shoukaku cried, pulling her hand away from her mouth just enough to speak. “W-wait—p-please wait a moment—”

“Mwah?” Iku grinned up at her, saliva trailing from her lips as she released the nipple from her lips with a satisfying pop. “Why would I do that, Shoukaku-san?”

“I-Iku—p-please don’t, I c-can’t stop myself from—”

“It feels better,” Iku whispered, “if you don’t hold yourself back.”

“Other g-girls, others will—”

Another kiss sealed her lips, and Shoukaku wailed into Iku’s mouth as she felt a pair of wet fingers pinch and massage her swollen clit.

The flood of sticky warmth dribbling between her thighs had returned, flowing onto the bed, onto herself, onto Iku. She bucked again and again, the fingers reaching deeper and deeper into her, flicking against something hot, something sensitive. She broke the kiss with a frantic cry, felt her legs spasm, felt Iku lean against her to restrain her, felt her fingers slip back inside.

“S-Settle-san—“ she hissed through her teeth. “A-admiralllll....”
Spite against Shoukaku fans. You shouldn't be surprised. spite/hurtifulness is his MO. Who else would come up with the idea of Merlin being cheated on? It's certainly not funny enough to be Hal.
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“Louder...” Iku urged, eyes focused entirely on Shoukaku’s, smiling warmly even as she increased her pace, her hand slapping against Shoukaku’s groin as she jackhammered her fingers deeper, faster.


“You want him to hear you, Shoukaku.”


Shoukaku writhed against Iku, hands clawing at the sheets as she called to him again and again, her eyes rolling back as she bucked one last time before collapsing, a twitching, sweating mess lost in the throes of climax. She felt herself be gathered up from the bed, and she quaked helplessly in Iku’s arms, crying out as she dragged fingertips over her entrance.

It was too much. She held onto Iku tight, her nails clawing at her back, and rode through the waves wracking her body. Iku whispered something into her ear, lips brushing against her lobe with lustful promise, but she couldn’t understand and didn’t care to understand. All that mattered now was touch, and being moved by touch.
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Imagine if nettle is reading this thread right now.
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“Wow,” Shoukaku mumbled, sometime later.

“Yeah?” Iku asked, kissing Shoukaku on the side of her neck before gently laying her onto the mattress. She nodded weakly in reply, eyes heavy and lidded, curling up languidly on the sheets as she pulled a pillow against her breasts.

“Wh-where did you learn these things?”

“The ex, the internet, books... lots of books.” Iku shrugged, casually scooting over to Shoukaku and pulling the pillow out of her hands. “Hey, don’t hide ‘em, they’re nice to look at.”

“P-please don’t tease me right now...”

“I’m not teasing, I’m admiring.” She passed a hand over Shoukaku’s breasts, giving one a light squeeze and making the girl twist away with a low yelp. “You have a nice body, Shoukaku-san. It should be admired.”

“Ahn, b-but—” She blushed furiously, almost incandescent in the low light of the room.

“I wouldn’t do any of this if I didn’t like what I see,” Iku said. She placed herself between Shoukaku’s legs, kneeling before her. “And you’re going to be embarrassed now, after what we just did?”

“Nobody has e-ever said something like that to me,” Shoukaku turned an even brighter shade of red. “E-especially after... you know—”

“Sex?” Iku grinned, and Shoukaku squirmed on the bed, trying to bury herself into the covers. “Finger-fucking?”

“Could you stop?!”



“I know you did, what of it?” Shoukaku pouted and turned her head away. “You’re laughing on the inside and you know it.” A grin cracked its way onto Shoukaku’s indignant façade, followed by barely muffled snickering.

“You win...”

“Mmmhmmm...” Iku leaned back over the side of the bed, reaching for the bourbon—and groaned with disappointment. “Empty? Whyyyyyy—” She pinched Shoukaku on the waist. “You drank too much!”

“I drank as much as you did!”

“Even if that was true, I’m thirsty.” Iku favored her with a sideways glance. “What are you going to do about it, hmm?”
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Holy shit nigger are sure you belong on 4chan
Gen Urobuchi agrees.
>he traces poorly.

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feelthyhornet is a healing type writer, wouldn't you agree?

“I’m... incapacitated at the moment.” Shoukaku tried to settle deeper into the blankets beneath her. “I don’t want to leave the bed right now, I don’t think I can—hey, wh-what are you doing?!”

Iku had crawled towards Shoukaku, sliding belly-first between her legs, pushing them open wider as she drew closer. She rested her chin on Shoukaku’s belly, a mischievous smirk on her face.

“I thought of something you can do.”

“Wh-what do you mean by that?”

Iku trailed kisses south, played her fingertips across Shoukaku’s trembling legs, up along her thighs, up to where her kisses were leading. She stopped just short to look up into Shoukaku’s eyes, to see her already panting with anticipation.

“B-but that’s—”
>“I know you did, what of it?"
Shoukaku’s protests lasted until Iku’s lips clamped around her clitoris, a firm kiss, a firm tongue applied directly to the swelling mass of nerves and flesh. She rasped and rolled the sensitive nub with her tongue, and Shoukaku all but leapt up from the bed, slapping both hands over her mouth and barely stifling her cry of alarm.

Clasping her arms around Shoukaku’s thighs to keep her in place, Iku hummed to herself, watching Shoukaku’s face as she continued to lap away. There was something about seeing Shoukaku like this, the confusion, the pleasure, how her eyes glimmered under the soft lights. How they rolled back just slightly as she collapsed against the pillows. How her hands slipped away from her mouth, arms falling limply to her sides. How she undulated off the bedspread as Iku circled her tongue around her button, her breath coming in short gasps as she tried to beg for more, for her Admiral to never stop.

Eventually, she couldn’t even say his name anymore, couldn’t plea for Teitoku to make her come. She was reduced to grunts and yelps the longer they went. Occasionally their eyes would meet, but Shoukaku’s mind was seeing someone else in Iku’s place.

She needed this, needed to have her fantasy, and Iku was happy to provide it. They were both working out some personal frustrations, so it wasn’t a problem to hear someone else’s name on the lips of a pretty girl like this: It just made teasing her more fun. With a final, lingering kiss, she pulled herself away from Shoukaku’s loins, licking away her taste from the sides of her mouth with a grin, watching as her victimlover twisted on the bed before her, sitting up with a strangled cry at the ceiling—

She felt hands rest atop her head, fingers gathering up her hair and holding her close, Shoukaku barely managing to sit upright as she panted near climax and exhaustion.

“Iku, d-don’t—” she gasped, guiding Iku back into place with trembling hands. “D-don’t leave me like this!”
psst. That's Harusame
For the first time since Iku had indulged herself in the ‘refreshment’ so desperately provided, Shoukaku was looking at her, and seeing no one else in her place.

Iku slipped a hand under her own panties to pierce the aching wetness there, and continued to sate her thirst. Inevitably, her own moans and whimpers joined Shoukaku’s.

Inevitably, she wanted, needed more.
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I really enjoyed Gatchaman
Shoukaku lay against the pillows, still twitching from the random caress, from Iku’s lips as she kissed her down there. Iku lay against her, paying occasional attention to her lover, panting hard as she withdrew a hand from her thoroughly soaked panties.

“Iku...san.. I-Iku-saaan...” It was the first words out of Shoukaku’s mouth in some time, her voice stuttering from climax.

It had been too long since she’d heard someone say her name quite like that. Looking up into Shoukaku’s eyes gave Iku a good look at her lover’s body, how her breasts heaved up slightly with every breath, how her eyes sparkled behind the silver hair falling over it. How her skin shimmered from sweat, how it rippled when she gasped with pleasured surprise as Iku’s fingers tested her entrance. How she weakly raised a beckoning hand to Iku, her lower lip quivering as she grinned.

Iku crawled up from between Shoukaku’s legs, taking her offered hand, trailing kisses up the length of her body until finally reaching her lips. They were face to face, body against body, sharing Shoukaku’s unique scent and flavor, the faint taste of bourbon mingling on their tongues. An inexperienced hand slipped under Iku’s shirt, clawing at her breasts, a nipple pinched between trembling fingers.

The other hand followed Iku’s firm belly south, tracing the individual muscles with a light caress until she found the silken panties. The last barrier between them—one she boldly slid underneath as she reached for her waistline, tugging insistently at the strings she found.

Iku’s heart raced. The last person to make her feel this way wasn’t here tonight.

‘Oh no.’

“Yes,” she gasped, and they came together.
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>TFW that is my name.

I am also crippled in the leg.
>There was something about seeing Shoukaku like this

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She held onto iku like she’d always needed her, gasping with every motion, their hips grinding harder and faster against each other with every passing moment. Her nipples pressed into Iku’s, their bodies trembling together, and she wrapped her arms and legs that much tighter around her lover.

For a moment, Iku believed that Shoukaku was here for her alone. She wasn’t a replacement for a fantasy.

Shoukaku’s hair draped itself neatly over both their shoulders as she leaned forward into another kiss, tickling the skin on Iku’s back and making her arch away from her partner with a yelp. Both stopped moving, eyes locked, a secret smile, stuttered laughter shared between them. Another twist—

“G-Gods...” Shoukaku whispered, and she buried her face in the crook of Iku’s neck, crying out, her legs shaking as they tightened almost vice-like around her partner. “T-too much, it’s—”

Some part of Iku’s mind shouted a warning: One night, that’s all this is. Cheap bourbon and good sex.

‘It’s under control,’ she told herself, shuddering with Shoukaku, feeling how everything she did affected her partner, knowing how everything she did in response affected herself.
>“B-but that’s—”
forbidden love!

Sorry couldn't resist.
All canon, just like his other smut.

“K-keep going,” she growled, working her clit against Shoukaku’s again, finally embracing her with her own arms. Platinum hair flowed like silk over Iku’s skin, between her fingers as she pulled Shoukaku’s head against hers, reaching out to her with an outstretched tongue—and she responded perfectly with her own. They melted into another kiss, and Iku knew that Shoukaku was right, this was dangerous, this was too much—

‘It’s under control,’ she lied.

“H-help me, Iku,” Shoukaku pleaded, breaking their kiss and embrace, falling back against the bed and thrusting her hips spastically against Iku’s. “C-coming, coming coming coming—”

Iku fought it for another minute, even as Shoukaku could only wail and move against her. For another minute, she tried to savor it, working a frenzied hand against her sex, against Shoukaku’s.

“Moooooore—“ Shoukaku screamed.

“Shoukaku...” Iku called back, thankful to be alive, grateful to be in control of nothing at all.
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I'm only going to say this once.
>pic related, the fish is you.
“I’m not frustrated anymore,” Shoukaku whimpered.

“That’s... two of us,” Iku replied.

For a long time afterwards, they could only lay spent against the ruined sheets, a tangle of legs and satisfaction.

Shoukaku had crawled up to her, curling up against her as though she were a cat finding her preferred spot next to her owner. A mewling gurgle rose up from her throat as she settled against Iku, sharing her naked warmth. It was wonderful comfort she didn’t deserve.

She felt awkward, unsure of herself, a concept unfamiliar to her as of late. She was worried, about herself, about Shoukaku.

Their world was a juxtaposition of fire and death, metal and flesh. This was merely a way to keep the mind from dwelling on all that. Pleasure was better than pain. There was always enough of the latter to go around, especially when Iku plied her trade at depth, the abyss threatening to once again drag her hull down as it had so many years before.

It was good to come back to something soft. She missed it. There was Hachi, but she wasn’t The Ex. There were others, but they weren’t The Ex. Nobody else could be, so she thought, even after things had gotten awkward. Even after they’d fought, and it was over but hopefullynotactually over.

And then there was tonight, and Shoukaku.

Shame reared its ugly head, sank claws firmly into her brain. They’d gone too far. She had gone too far. She forced something she shouldn’t have onto someone who wanted someone else, simply because she had urges, desires she liked to satisfy. The heat of the moment was gone, the bourbon had long since stopped being a thing that she could use to excuse her lack of inhibition.

“A-are you okay?” Iku asked.

“Does... Hachi... come back soon?” Shoukaku asked.

“No, not tonight I don’t think—”

“Good.” She pressed herself against Iku more firmly, wrapping an arm around her. “Can I sleep here?”


Iku didn’t dare continuing the conversation. Willing her aching body to relax, she pulled the closest pillow beneath her head, and wondered if Shoukaku knew what she was doing to her right then.

It was just for one night.


Shoukaku awoke with a start, realizing that the room felt colder than it had when she’d first gone to sleep.

Her arms were wound tightly around a body-length pillow, her own body covered by a blanket whose warmth did not compare to the woman she’d snuggled up against hours before. A digital clock next to the bed confirmed it was six in the morning, later than she originally intended to be up by. She’d intended, before... everything, to try and be up as early as she could manage, so she could greet her new Admiral once again.

She sat up, noting the cool breeze from the ceiling fan against her bare skin. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she glanced around the room, around Iku’s room, finding everything there as she remembered it, save for the poster of pop-star posters. Iku busied herself in front of the new display, rolling up a large poster in her hands, pacing back and forth with nervous energy, dressed in her usual outfit: a characteristic blue school swimsuit. One more thing that helped define Iku’s... odd reputation.

Last night actually happened. A date with the Admiral, a late night ‘meeting’ with Iku, and everything that had entailed. How could anyone be so... awake, after all that?

Shoukaku slumped back against the bed. The sound made Iku spin around to face her, expression caught between surprise and embarrassment.

“Ha ha! Good morning, sleeping beauty carrier lady person! Just moving some stuff around!”

“...Now of all times?”

“Sure, why not now?”
I'm now desperately curious about who was The Ex.
Shoukaku wasn’t sure why, but she did find this very funny.

“A-anyway, your clothes—” Iku picked them up from the dresser, all but throwing them at Shoukaku. “Totally dried and clean. Not gonna send you home naked or anything like that, that’d sure be rude!”

“Very,” Shoukaku giggled. Iku actually blushed.

“So... yeah. Re-arranging.” Iku unrolled the poster, and placed the Idol of the Fleet back where she once occupied on the wall, jabbing home the thumbtacks fastening into place with more force than necessary. “Not sure about this thing being framed anymore, a-and you were sleeping, soooooooo... you know. Bored. Duty in a few hours, switching off with Hachi when she gets back in. Bored. I’m... bad at permanent things.”

“I think I understand.”

“Thank the Gods someone else does, ha ha ha do you want to use the shower?!”

“...Sure.” Shoukaku decided to not press her about it, accepting a chance to wash away any evidence of their encounter. The last thing she wanted, for herself or for Iku, was for anyone to notice something... off. Especially if that anyone included Zuikaku.

Of course, they’d been rather loud. Overly loud. She was in the shower before she could give it more thought, scrubbing herself down vigorously.

Minutes later, Shoukaku exited the bathroom, as clean as she was going to get, and Iku had turned away, trying her best not to stare at her while she dressed. She continued fussing with the poster, changing the angle it hung from repeatedly. Ultimately she let the poster flutter to the floor, grumbling something to herself, head bowed low.

Dressed, Shoukaku made her way to the door, and Iku stayed where she was, mouth moving silently as she spoke to someone perhaps only she could hear. She wanted to ask about it, but everything was awkward enough as is. She wanted to thank Iku for the evening... but somehow that felt wrong. At least, not the correct way to respond to this in particular.

“I... should probably report for duty.”

When she reached the door was when Iku finally moved from her spot on the carpet, stopping her with a gentle tug on her white haori.



“It doesn’t have to be all the time, or ever again.” She moved in on Shoukaku, landing a quick peck on the lips before she stood back, well out of reach. “If you ask... If you want to ask, that is—If you want to spend another night, if you need it, or want it—” She offered a fragile grin. “I won’t exactly mind. Ever.”

Shoukaku stepped closer, reaching for her, a palm stroking against her cheek lightly before she pulled back, offering the submarine-turned-woman a smile both thought was reserved entirely for someone else.


She walked out the room a moment later, looking back over her shoulder, back at Iku, closing the door behind her.

Iku stared at the door, wallowing in the silence of her room for a long while...before hastily tearing her way out of her swimsuit. She almost stumbled over it as she briskly stomped for the bathroom, mumbling to herself.

‘I need another shower.’


And finis.
Please feel free to rage in thread, and to forward your death threats and ass pain to the IRC or to the SB thread if that's your thing.
I'm wondering where does this place in the timeine?
How is this not gonna get you banned?
So Iku's not just a slut, but a cultured slut.

i approve
>I'm wondering where does this place in the timeine?

Far as I'm aware, within days of their date.

Nine lives, or something like that.

Up next! A write up from artyfag!
Thank you.
Lewd and good and with solid characterization.

Fluff, take notes.
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Now that we have that bit of silliness out of the way, here's some more Lucky A!


Thousands of people were gathered in the cold January air, their eager anticipation palpable despite the chill. The white beach the crowd celebrated on was the culmination of months of back-breaking work. The efforts of over a million children had spearheaded a momentous project of unimaginable scale: to tow 35,000 tons of fighting steel from Bremerton, Washington to Mobile, Alabama—an operation never attempted before in this magnitude and distance. Bands played patriotic songs, speeches were made, and tears fell when the culmination of years work had finally come to fruition: BB-60, USS Alabama, was finally ready to receive her visitors. Children ran across her wooden decks, marveling at the size of her armaments. For the next several decades, millions would come and learn of her history, and the history of those who fought on her. Alabama would keep watch over the bay, a silent guardian of the people who saved her from destruction.


Morning sunlight streamed through the gaps of the curtains, their rays gently caressing Alabama’s face. Her eyes fluttered open before she shot up in response. It took her a few moments to recognize her surroundings; she vaguely recalled Casey showing her to her room in the Battleship Inn the night before. She swung her feet over the side of the bed and hopped to the floor.

“I could get used to these beds.”

Alabama walked to the window, yawning and stretching her arms. She flung open the curtains, allowing light to flood the small room. Her face lit up at the morning view: small clouds dotted a bright blue sky, sunlight gleaming off the bay water.

She sighed blissfully, soaking up the scene.

“Mercy me. I do believe I could get used to all of this.”
I get happy every time I see Bama
Good job.

Stretching her arms once more, she twirled around to study her simple room: a small table and chair sat in one corner, a large, flat-screen television resting atop the dresser set. That particular device had occupied the majority of her attention the evening before. A glance at the alarm clock showed it was just before eight: plenty of time to get ready for the day. Humming cheerily, Alabama floated to the bathroom. It was time to get ready to embrace the day.

Casey sipped his morning coffee in the seating area of the hotel lobby. Subtitles ran along the big screen TV that dominated the sitting area o the lobby, pictures and videos shifting across the screen, showing both American and Japanese ship-girls alike in various poses. The news outlets were still going crazy over the victory at the Philippine coast. Casey glanced at the screen, sipping his morning coffee. At least this was good news; news of decisive victories were always welcome. There seemed to be too few of those.

The scene shifted back to the newscasters, something scrolling along the bottom of the breaking news report. He sighed—it looked like the news of Alabama's return was starting to spread. Of course, she would be delighted. The spirited woman loved attention: she loved getting her picture taken, and loved being videoed even more-so. More pictures materialized on screen. It looked like images from the day before. Photos from the restaurant appeared on screen, followed by blurry shots of her on the water. The screen went back to the talking heads. Some were worried about the returned ship's intentions; others asked when she would be introduced to the public.

“Soon than you think." the weary Navy Lieutenant mumbled under his breath.

The Powers That Be had made it clear they wanted to jump on this as soon as possible, especially after the victory at the Philippines. People needed hope, and these girls were giving it to them.
Working on just that.
“Good morning Loootenant~” Alabama's drawl floated through the lobby.

Casey twisted in the direction of her voice. Her flowing hair was back its original blonde, as if it had never changed. That bright, white smile of hers lit the room brighter than any artificial light. That smile could wake a man up faster than any cup of coffee.

“G'morning, Ma'am. Sleep well?” He rose, bracing himself for the incoming hug. She acted as if she was about to do just that, but paused and curtsied instead. Casey let out the small breath he had been holding.

“Oh Casey, these beds are just Heavenly! I wish all my crew could've slept on something so comfortable.”

Casey led her over to the breakfast bar and handed her a plate. He had been up hours before to help make sure there was plenty of food for their returned guest: grits, biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage, bacon, and tables of other foods lined the wall.

“Oh heavens! Did y'all do all this for littl ol' me?” Alabama's eyes sparkled at the sight of the feast.

“Well, we need to save enough for the soldiers, but go ahead and dig in ma’am. We have plenty to go around.”

Alabama paused from slathering gravy over her biscuits. “You mean those boys haven't eaten yet?”
Still managed to get me off without even hitting any of my fetishes.
“Well, uh, not all of them.” Casey stumbled. Alabama's eyes pierced into his; it reminded him of when his mother used to disapprove of something he said. “We try to ha—”

“Oh that just won't do! Those poor boys need to eat. Lieutenant, I want them all going through this line before me.” Alabama set her plate back down on the table. “They've got a hard day of work ahead of them and I want them good and full.”

“Ma'am everyone wi—” Casey tried to start again.

“No no no!” Alabama put a hand on her hip and wagged a finger under Casey's nose. “I won't hear any excuses. I want those boys fed!”


She put a finger to his lips, and pointed at the door with her other hand.

Casey let out a small sigh. “Yes Ma'am. You got it.”


“She what now?” Sweet's voice was flat, not so much asking but stating the question.

“That's what she said.” Casey plopped down in his chair. “She's setting up as we speak.”

“So, we tell her it doesn't work like that.”

“Hah. Go ahead. Try it. I thought she was going to belt me for a second there.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“As serious as cancer.”

“Just...” Sweet looked at Casey, whose face only showed tired resignation. “Ok, fine. Let's get this over with. Where the hell is Joseph?”
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Ten minutes later, a line was formed outside of the hotel lobby. Confused enlisted chattered quietly in line, irritated NCOs and officers herding the late arrivals into line. Casey and Sweet overlooked the whole parade, shaking their heads in resignation.

“Well, that's nearly everybody. Let's go see if she's ready to start.” Casey pushed open doors and let Sweet through.

Both men stopped dead in their tracks at the sight before them. Along with the food that had already been laid out, Alabama stood behind a fry grill, mothering some omelets on the hot surface. A huge freezer of food sat in the corner next to her. The tables had been moved to the conference room, a lot more tables and chairs set up to accommodate all the extra people.

“Where the f—*ahem.* Uh, Miss Alabama… just where did all this come from?” Sweet asked after he regained his composure.

Alabama looked up, surprised by the sudden presence of her guests. A pink apron covered her front, one hand holding a plate of freshly-cooked bacon.

“Oh! Good morning Captain Sweet! You’re gonna have to get in line with everyone else if you’re hungry. No cutting~” She smiled, then paused for a moment. “But if you ask nicely, I might let you go ahead and take a piece of bacon!”

Sweet eyed the plate, dumbfounded.

Casey repeated Sweet’s question. “Ma'am, where did all this stuff come from?”

“Oh these? My crew moved it for me, of course! Do you think little old me could move all this by myself?”

“Well no—I don't know, actually. Where is your crew? We haven't seen anyone else besides our men outside, and the hotel staff.” Casey looked around the hotel again, noticing something. “Where's the staff?”

“Oh, I sent them on a break.” Alabama dismissed the question as she refocused on her cooking.

“Right. And your crew?”

“Oh don't worry about them, Sugar. They don't like to be seen too often. I don't think they're used to you yet.”
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“Used to us. Right. Fine. Well, are you ready for everyone?”

“Send 'em on in! Get it while it's hot!”


Two hours later, Alabama was helping the hotel staff wash the dishes and clean up. Satisfied soldiers with full stomachs walked out of the hotel lobby to start their daily duties.

“Well, the lady can cook.” Sweet relaxed into his camping chair in his tent.

“I'll say.” Casey chewed on an apple and leaned against a table.

“So, what else is on the day's agenda? BBQ for lunch? Fish fry for supper?”

“Hah! If only. We gotta get Alabama ready for her first press conference.”

Sweet grimaced. “What a pain in the ass.”

“Preachin' to the choir, my friend. They want to be ready to go by this evening.”

Sweet leaned forward to massage his temples. “Not a whole hell'ov a lot of time. Where are we doing this?”
“Dunno yet. I need to go talk to Miss Movie Star and see what she wants to do.” Casey bit off the last chunk of his apple.

“Do I want to do what, now?”

Both men hoped up. Neither of them had heard her walk up.

“An interview? I'm gonna be on TV?”

“Alabama, we—”


“God help us.” Sweet shook his head.

“Oh god oh GAWD we have so much to do! Goodness I'm nowhere near bein' presentable for a camera.” Alabama ran back out of the tent before either man could stop her.

Casey caught himself trying to give chase, giving up and plopping down in his own camping chair. “Goddammit.”

“Hah! Sucks to be you.” Sweet laughed at his friend’s plight.
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dat stern.jpg
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The sun rose high in the sky as the hours went by. Alabama was a blur of motion in the summer heat, running to and fro, making sure everything was cleaned and organized to her liking. Soldiers mowed the grass and trimmed the bushes through the park. She had men clean all the memorials and wash the vehicle exhibits till they looked new again. Men with broom cleared dirt and trash from the parking lot, while others mopped inside the museum entrance. Every nook and cranny had to be spotless, or Alabama made them do it again.

“She's just like my fucking Grandma.” Russels showered down an M4 Sherman with a hose. “Ain't she getting her interview in the hotel or somethin'? Why do we have to clean all this shit? This is dumb.”

“Hey, you wanna present her with your complaints, be my guest.” Brocheque dipped his brush into his bucket of soapy water. He had spent hours trying to clear cobwebs from the tank’s suspension. “She might be pretty, but I'll be damned if I'm the one to piss her off.”

“You think she'd get pissed? She's always so happy. I mean, since we've met 'er, have you seen her with anything but a smile plastered on her face?”

“Well, no. But she's still a ship, right? Hell, everyone's seen what those Jap girls can do. Remember last year when one smashed a bus?”

Russels mulled over the memory as he lamely waved the hose around. “… Fair enough. Think this one is good for now?”

Both men stepped back to admire their work.
>that picture

now thats just indecent
“Oh it looks WONDERFUL!”

“FFFFWWAAAH!” Russels reacted on pure reflex. Diving and twisting, he aimed his only weapon, his hose, at the new threat.

A jet of water soaked their assailant in the seconds it took for Russels to hit the ground. Brocheque's startled expression turned to amusement as he watched Russels overreact.

Russels realized his mistake and quickly pinched off the hose. Alabama stood in front of them, drenched and sputtering. Her soaked bangs covered her eyes, and the cotton t-shirt she wore clung to her skin.

“Um, Hi Miss Alabama.” Russles turned the hose off and gently set it down.

Alabama wiped her matted hair of her face. “Hello, Specialist Russels.”

“Are you ok, ma'am?” Brocheque peeked from under his covered arms.

Alabama giggled. “Never better, sergeant~” Her laugh carried different tone than her normal cherry trill. Alabama took a slow, purposeful step towards the two cowering soldiers, her smile unwavering. “I do believe you've gone and missed a spot, though.”

Brocheque and Russels shared a worried glance. “Where would that be, ma'am?”

She pulled a larger hose from behind her back, a high pressure firefighting hose. “Right here.”

The jet of water drowned out their screams.


People crowded the caution tapes and guards that surrounded the park. MP's and local police patrolled the line, keeping anyone from entering. News had spread fast of the celebrity inside, and everyone wanted a glimpse. Local news reporters babbled in front of their cameramen, looking for a preview shot of the returnee ship.
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Can you guys stop being fags and do real drugs.
OH my god a single can of monster!!!!
Casey paced back and forth in his Dress Whites. The sun was setting, but the residual Southern heat made the already uncomfortable suit that much more unbearable. He checked his watch for the twelfth time and looked back to Alabama's room. Clattering and banging came from the other side of the door; she had spent the last hour fretting about what she would wear. He swore he could hear voices as well: tiny, high pitched voices just barely audible through the hotel's walls. He looked back at his watch again. Eighteen fourty-four. Broadcasting was supposed to start in sixteen minutes.

“Dammit.” Casey sighed and walked to Alabama's room door. “Alabama, ma’am, we need you out here.”

He heard rustling on the other side of the door.

“Ma'am you're going to have to pick something and come out.”

More rustling.

“Oh for the love of. Ma'am, I'm coming in.” He slowly turned the handle. “Please at least be decent. Male on the floor.”

Casey walked into the room full of clothing, carefully stepping over an expensive-looking pair of high heels. Clothes littered the room: skirts, dresses, and blouses of all different styles and colors. But there was no sign of Alabama.

“… Where the hell did she even get all of this stuff?”

An open foot locker sat at the end of her bed, what looked like a Navy dress uniform hanging over the side. A uniform that seemed to be moving around as he glanced over it.

Casey did a double take. The clothing stood still.

“What?” He rubbed his eyes and looked again. The jacket popped up, as if someone—something—was trying to throw it. A small step toward the box seemed to spook whatever was shuffling the clothes around.
When did Arizona smack Naka, I don't recall when she did that.
“Rats.” He spoke, as if to convince himself of the fact. He took another step towards the trunk.

“Alabama, I think you have a rat problem in here.” He bent over to pick up the outfit. “You really need to clean this thing out.”

Moving the jacket revealed two tiny, irate faces staring up at him, two human shaped creations shaking their tiny fists angrily at him. Casey’s mouth opened, and then closed. He slowly lowered clothing back over the two hallucinations. There was no way anything like that could exist.


Sure, warships were coming back as little girls and young women, but tiny people? No. This would not be a thing. He immediately turned around, only to see two more of the creatures on the dresser, holding a pair of shoes. A tiny grunt floated through his ears. Then a shoe flew past his head.

“What the FUCK.” Casey covered his face with his hands. A second shoe bounced off his arms and landed at his feet. More clothes flew through air. Every article of clothing in the room seemed to come flying at him at once.

“AAAAGH SHIT!” Casey dove to the floor, crawling to escape the bombardment. Something silky and white smacked him in the face. He clawed the cloth out of his eyes and held it up. Silky, white panties.

He lowered the panties to see two white clad feet in the bathroom doorway. His eyes traveled up to see Alabama staring back down at him, in nothing but her white underwear and stockings.

“Um, hi.” A skirt smacked him in the head.

“What are you doing?”

“I was looking for you. We're waiting on you.” A lacy black thong snapped passed his head like a rubber-band.

“Well I obviously can't go out looking like this, can I?” She stepped past him into the living area. His gaze traveled to her swaying hips as she walked towards the bed.

“Well, I'm-no, but you need to hurry and get dresse—” a blouse to his face cut him off.

“But what will I *wear*?” Exasperation oozed from her question. “I can't just go out in any plain outfit for the camera, you know?”

She bent over her trunk and pulled out more clothes. Another shoe to the chest brought Casey back to focus.

“I'm sure you’ll look great in anything, but we have ten minutes till we start broadcasting. Listen, these… people? Ok, whatever, they are kicking me out. Please, just be done in the next five minutes, ok?”

“Oh fine, but if I look terrible it's going to be *your* fault.” Alabama pouted as she pulled out another shirt.

Casey dodged his way to the door. “I'm sure you'll look great, now please hurry.” He pulled the door shut behind him as a Gideon's Bible smashed against the door frame.
After she found out Naka left Settle leave. IIRC that was a bit before she went to smack Settle as well.

Man, that was hot
“I thought you said she was deciding on something to wear?” Sweet stood at the back of the stage with Casey, while the cameras focused on Alabama.

“Yeup,” Casey replied flatly, crinkling a bottle of water in his hands.

Sweet let out a small chuckle. “Hah! Rob, you know my wife, and I know some of the women you dated. You should not be surprised by this.”

“Oh shut it.” Casey fumed into his water. Laughter from the stage redirected both men's attention. Alabama's smile flashed as she and the newscaster shared a laugh.

“Looks like she's enjoying herself,” Sweet noted.

“Heh, when's she not? I think she takes to the camera better than she does to water.”

“I can't say I don't disagree. Damn woman's a charmer if I've ever seen one.”

Casey nodded. “I sure hope so. It's been two days and she's already got these boys looking up.”

"The free food helped, I think." Both men snickered quietly in the back of the room.


“Oh my stars that was so much FUN~” Alabama pranced away from the hotel lobby. “It felt so good being on camera again! How about we go celebrate?”

Casey caught the door before it swung back into his face.
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“Celebrate? Alabama, it's been a busy day. How about we relax tonight? I hear some of the men are planning to have a barbecu—”

“A barbecue? Oh wonderful! Oh, can we get some ribs? Oh! And how about some pork chops and some chicken and some hotdogs and hamburgers…” Alabama began counting off fingers.

“Woah, woah, ma'am. They're gonna have plenty of food already. Consider this your unofficial welcome back party.”

Alabama's eyes grew wider and wider.

“A party? For me? Y'all shouldn't have! Oooooooh!”

Casey's eyes widened as well, from Alabama's crushing hug.

“Oh thank you thank you thank you! Y'all have been nothin' but sweeter than sugar fer me since I've been back.”

“Hurraack!” Casey croaked, his back cracking under the strain. Alabama dropped him as quickly as she had grabbed him.

“Come'on, let’s hurry and get down there! I'm starving!” Alabama dragged Casey across the parking lot, back towards Battleship Park.


The buzz of the alarm matched the buzz in his head. Casey groaned and looked over at his clock: zero eight hundred. Too damn early for a Saturday. He smacked his lips; it tasted like cotton. He was starting to regret those Bud Lites last night. Swinging his feet over the side of the bed, he stood up, and promptly fell back on the mattress.
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“Yeeup. That's enough beer for a bit.”

The second attempt was more successful. The trip to the bathroom sink was treacherous, filled with trip hazards and a hangover-induced fog.

Casey groggily fought with the childproof lid on his bottle of Tylenol. “Hello, little friends, it's so good to see you again.” Casey groggily fought with the childproof lid on his bottle of Tylenol. Filling a plastic cup up, he tossed his head back and downed a few of the pills. Something caught his eye as swallowed: a red mark on his cheek.

“Lipstick?” He lightly touched the side of his face. “Oh, yeah. Heh.” The fuzzy memory of the beautiful blonde battleship giving him a kiss goodnight resurfaced. He grinned. “Hell, I guess it ain't so bad. Let's get to it.”

A short time later, Casey stood in front of the mirror adjusting his tie, feeling much better. He grabbed the pot from the small coffee maker, heading to tiny work desk. Firing up his laptop, he logged in to catch up on his emails. One in particular caught his eye.

“What do we have here?”

Casey opened the link, his eyes scanning back and forth.


He silently closed the laptop up.

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And that's all for now, y'all! I hope you like it, and I'll to have more "soon".

is than an Iowa class?
*try to have more

Dang it

Good work--Alabama continues to prove she is too sweet for this world with her antics.
No. SoDak, IIRC.
she's a South Dakota. Also the only other SoDak museum ship.
Nice to see some sunshine and happiness in the KCQ world.

Big mamie when?
Come on, gimme dat Deutschland writeup!
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Two STACKED SoDaks in the same story? That's a lot of ship. Do you think we could handle it?
Right here, anon.
Thanks, I managed to miss it.
Is that ll for tonight?
Seems like, unless the deuschtland folk pop up. And even then, that'll be on its pastebin
you have no idea
Planefag is feelthy canon?
Buddy, look up three posts.
see here, friend>>44294405
I was kind of hoping Crix will post just out of curiosity.
Bama ate the thread
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Post what?
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>Kasumi getting a Kai Ni soon
The Houshou thing or the torpedo lesbians.
>their message to /tg/ regarding the KanColle game


Actually scratch that, the devs are probably determining who gets the next kai 2 through RNG.
more torpedoe sluts would be nice
>next slut to get a kai ni is one of the generic Fubukis
would be mad out of 10, senpai
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Houshou thing is done.

I don't really have anything else planned to write. I was gonna do murakumo thing, but I'm not sure of myself.

They're cute.
Did you post it and i missed it?

Or is it cancelled ?
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It was only one installment.
I quite liked it and i wanted to see how it goes.
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That's not up to me.
so why the vote?
Ah well. It was fun while it lasted.
You have unexpectedly given Iku (who I thought was nothing more than a throw-away joke character) some real depth and made her and also The Ex surprisingly interesting!! I EAGERLY await more from you Catte!
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Anon. Anon please.
This isn't my write-up anon, it's feelthyhornet's.
I'm just posting it for him because he's at work tonight.
Compliments to the chef, I believe the sentiment is

Still need more though.
>Linking TVTropes

Nigga you done fucked up.
It gets worse.
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Distracting with this old thing I found.
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>Settle bends Arizona over a desk and fucks the shit out of her
>The power of dick overcomes her muteness
>>Lel fellthy will never write Shoukaku lewds
>Shoukaku shlicks, gets interrupted, gets finger fucked and eaten out by subslut
Aint shit, didn't even get hard.

>Ari lewds piss off Shoukakufags
>Planefag decrees them totally 100% canon guys for realsys
>Shoukaku lewds written for maximum plausibility while also cucking Shoukaku fags in her own lewds
This is what I enjoyed but I still would have preferred not having to go find something else to jerk off to.
need destroyer lewds
Jintsuu and Sendai are really growing on me. Sendai class a cute
those're light cruisers

The sisters are lovely.
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Thread Rating Complete
Deme, if you are there, mind posting the pinoy article? I don't have it with me now sadly
I doubt that is even enough caffeine to be legally considered under the influence.
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I've had this.

Not my smartest decision.
Boohoo, come back when you have taken at least enough caffeine to kill a fetus.

No I am not joking.
Was an unintentional quoting
>Red Bull

Up until last Christmas, I used to drink three pots a day of actual coffee.
Hey you guys.

Graveyard shifts suck
You should probably kick that necrophilia habit then.

Best yuki, would read more about her.

(And it'll certainly be better than whatever homo-zeppelin writes.)
Just in case anyone's still interested, I'll post the next bit of Memories of Higgins next thread.
>Implying I can catch PF running on a weekday
>Implying I don't have work on Wednesday
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Maybe if Big Mamie talks and acts as Bostonian as Alabama talks and acts Southern. Maybe.
Was that a brainstorm Brewery reference?

Looking at the title of that link I thought it was going to be something silly about the late hour inducing the audience to sleep. Meh.
Congratulations feelthy. If this is canon you've ruined another quest. No wonder so many people hate you.
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Venom, next part of Deutschland when?

feelthy's stuff is never canon, anon. Why do people never get that?
Kaga and Iowa are canon
Hey you
stop killing yourself with Monster Coffee before we sidestory writers get the kant-o-celle anthology printed for the next Comiket
Youkai jesus on a motorcycle
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>stop killing yourself with Monster Coffee before we sidestory writers get the kant-o-celle anthology printed for the next Comiket

don't even fucking joke about that
Good morning, planefag
If I manage to catch you on wednesday night (US Time), I'll give you a better way to stay awake hopefully
So, on a scale of 1 to wired, how well does Navy coffee wake you up?
Going Avan Hardins on us, chief? Gutsy.
>Please Understand.jpg
Wired for lights, sound, navigation, combat, medevac, UNREP, and get all the work done, forever.

And that's when you've built up enough of a caffeine tolerance that it doesn't just make your heart EXPLODE on the spot.
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if you set 1 as doxylamine, 5 as ordinary filter coffee and 10 as adderall (to keep it in the realm of stuff anyone can try), navy coffee is about a 6.
it gets it's overblown reputation because you don't take it until you're already well into the sleep deprivation bad times.
How can you even focus for medevac in rough seas anyway
morning planefag.
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Honestly surprised Shoukaku kept a straight face after all this once she saw Settle again.
TYTY for posting this, Catte!

updated my pastebin to show the new addition: http://pastebin.com/u/HORRUU-NEEEETOOH
Nice story feelthy.

Did the angry responses this time meet expectation or did they fall flat?
Realistically this is the most I can prolly expect these days. I mean the guy who once openly wished I suffered an aneurysm prolly flat out avoids anything I write these days, and most regulars are on to me. Fortunately for myself, I don't write only to farm salt, as much as that helps the process along.
I didn't expect this scene to be right after the date with Settle though. What made you decide that was the perfect time to set the scene.
Kept you waiting, huh?
Wednesday, assuming planefag runs then. Then I get to scratch my head and figure out how to wrap up Chapter 1 with part 5.

Oh, you.
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USS Midway, the first time: https://imgur.com/a/8B17K

USS Midway Part 2 and the Maritime Museum: https://imgur.com/a/xI3PW

USS Iowa: https://imgur.com/a/nqNTJ

USS Hornet: https://imgur.com/a/T7Al8

USS Hornet, CV/CVA/CVS-12, doubles as a museum and tribute to all the old CVEs that are no longer with us.

I highly recommend any anons interested to visit the old girls if you get the chance.
Crazy how some of those ships look so modern with the refits throughout the Cold War. When are we going to visit the Kriegsmarine sites, Navyfag?
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O-one day. ;_;
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Will second that recommendation, even if I'm not as well-traveled as him. There's just a certain something about the sheer weight of the guns and armor when you're inside it all.
You're pretty good.
How long?
How is it the half baked post game show writers have such shitty narative timeing? Just had a cute date with a guy I liked? Better go lezz out with a side character no one cares about! Settle finally gets a day off? Better spend it with a random girl I've never heard about. She's totally controlling and clever and lured me away from my job and people who need my help.
we call 'em sluts for a reason
How mad are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
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>Settle isn't allowed to get laid even on his day off

you seem upset
Not as salty as you I guess. Noones given me the ole "U mad bro" for a long time. Its kinda nostalgic.

never post again

in fact, fill the sink with water and drown yourself thanks
I dunno, I think you forget that Shoukaku is actually a dirty girl, quoth Hate hisself.
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I had a similar question like his (but with less salt) but thanks for the answer.

I shouldn't be surprised but I kind of am by how perspective Hate is.
>tfw most anons still don't get that planefag's mo is to harvest salt at the cost of getting salty himself

just don't get mad, guys. don't be autistic
Right after you finish a story anyone cares about. How you got shouted out of THP after you gave up on a wizard is you is surprising. Did you ever get past the OP on the other thread you tried?
>didn't even know Arizona had 4 turrets instead of 3
>didn't even know her AA guns were actually AA guns

is that you, saltfag?
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how about all the people who keep shouting YUME NIKKI QUEST SEQUEL WHEN?

say mad tho kk <3

seriously though when
no idea I need to get a job and then I will have no time for quests till I kill myself at age 40
>how about all the people who keep shouting YUME NIKKI QUEST SEQUEL WHEN?

All 3 of them, counting yourself?
How many years ago was this and why are you still mad about it?
maybe you should sell someone else's soul and do video game journalism

[citation needed]
If you count a one shot wonder with the same word count as feelthyHornets fapfic as your star success I'm sorry for you.
Trusting information you give is like trusting Vladislav when he tells you he found sekrit dokuments showing how the Abrams was a rip off of the T-55.
saltfag pls this is bad for your cholesterol
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>16 threads
>"one shot wonder"

you seem


So, did that one "for SCIENCE!" idiot live?
Even I don't keep as close a track of my word count as apparently you do

I dunno bro, even his unfinished quests are more popular than most other finished or unfinished quests on /tg/ so it's hard for me to tell what you're aiming at here
I hope so.
Only 1 thread with +20 votes when your other "work" gets a lot more. I said quest people care about.
>he takes votes on sup/tg/ seriously

are you literally soma
>he doesn't think other sperglords irregularly votebomb quests they dislike with planefag being an exception
Maybe he reads some other meme quest, like Joker Quest.
That quest is meme and edgy enough for salt anon.
>24 hours after the thread ended
>retards still arguing about stupid shit

I'm not even talking about saltfag in particular either, because planefag is just as bad
>if its not popular it's not good

tell that to Twilight
Are you saying a Fapangle quest is NOT a memequest?
planefag will respond to any bait. It's what he does for fun.

shitposters will post bait and respond to whoever bites it. It's what they do for fun.

You can't stop either of these parties from having badwrong fun.
If I only liked popular things I wouldn't read and shitpost about fan fiction at 9pm.
The meme-est.
How else does he get all the fanart and writefags?
2 deep 5 me
And the futa commissions by feelthy? How do you get those?
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You are trying so, so hard to climb up this hill
What's at the top? Shitty half hearted fapfics? More attempts to coattail after anyone with an ounce of creativity?
Probably, which is why he should kill himself.
bucket of dragon dildos
let us see some creativity from you, friend
I don't need to be a chef to see that a turd sandwich is a bad idea.
Me or some other fucker?
>I'm angry about planefag continuing to post here
>I'm going to bump his thread that ended nearly a day ago just to argue
>that'll show him!
Some other fucker, we don't need you to raise the salt banner for the rest of us faggots.
Oh I'm only in here because I saw somebody bitching about saltfag which is what others called me. Didn't know if I actually did something for once, Hence why I showed up.
Must be a Banished quest fan, angry that feelthy called out soma for being a hack.
You don't need to try so hard to defend your shitposting. It's better to embrace it.
Nope just me, salting at feelthy for his poor post thread garbage. Last thing I want is for him to think only 1 person doesn't think hes any good. He probably thinks if 2 people hate him then 5 must enjoy is diarrhea of the keyboard.
I like his work, its not bad.
whelp then my presence in this thread is done.


I don't read any of the FF's for reasons
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Man, a Venture Bros and Eva crossover would be hilarious.
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I'm sorry you got cucked bro.

You forgot your forum signature

haha your friend is gay

just open a patreon you nigger
But then he has commitments, and we all know how well he does with those!
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>Manage to sneak some time off work to check the recent thread again after 12 hours
>People going crazy
Nothing different, eh?
The shitposting won't stop untill feelthy stops writing his garbage into every quest
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You can always choose to actively ignore his posts, you know.
Even if he stopped then it would still continue, People like feelthy and bentus re just targets.
It was a pretty brilliant effort. As always appreciated.
Have to admit it was a good quest, but I can't see how you can sequel it unless you treat it like a buddy cop show.
.....Planefag buddy-cop quest. Now there's a fucking image. Fucking fund it.
Hey fap angel. Your twitter said something about a thread at 7 tonight. You finally sleep, or did you decide to make Turkish coffee with ground up caffine pills?
Are we playing as the "Loose Cannon" that doesn't play by anyone's rules, or "The New Guy" that graduated at the top of their class in Police Academy?
That was, uh, this one.
And >>44288201
You're about a day late mate
>inb4 we're playing as the exasperated Police Chief trying to handle the fallout of the Loose Cannon's antics.
Man, at least the aneurysm-wish anon bothered to sound literate. I wish they were still around.
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 86

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