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Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
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This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QM's. Posters looking for advice on tabletop games should look elsewhere.

Useful links: http://pastebin.com/x6BqaJ7r
This link contains numerous writing guides, general advice, and various quest tools and communities.

This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QM's. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you are a QM, simply post your Twitter here to have it added to the directory. Spamming your quest twitter with non-quest related tweets may result in its removal from the directory.

IRC Channels:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ Rizon.net (slightly related to quests; enjoys worldbuilding, mechanics and politics)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ Rizon.net (barely related to quests; enjoys Larro quests and anime)

> QM topic
How would your favorite author run a quest?

> player topic
What if your favorite quest became a novel?
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Since I posted it so late into the last thread, I'll post it again here for input.

So I'd like some input on a little pitch I came up with last week: Mage Hunter Quest. Or something of the sort. You play as a Hobgoblin raised by Imperial mages. You're educated, taught to speak, and fight. Yet, you're not able to wield magic.
Instead of throwing you aside like a broken toy, the mages that kidnapped you and raised you gives you a new purpose; hunt mages that stands against the Empire's wishes. Whether they be of your own race or otherwise. You're trained by mages to hunt mages. People will judge you and resent you wherever you go, but since you have the Imperial Sigil with you, they know you're an agent of the Empire. Some will harm you for it, while others will tread lightly around you or even treat you with respect.

That's just the basic concept of it. Thinking about having the MC discover some conspiracy involving the mage order that raised and trained him that starts him off on a whole plot. Could also implement a system where the players can come up with all sorts of custom weapons/tools to kill mages with, making each hunt and kill more unique than the last.
>How would your favorite author run a quest?
Badly, since he's dead. I can't exactly imagine "popular fantasy author runs a quest" ending well, though. Imagine a quest by one of these luminaries:
>How would your favorite author run a quest?
Iain Banks would do a pretty cool job I think.

>What if your favorite quest became a novel?
It would be trashy guilty fun, just like it already is.
Uninspired and poorly planned?
Shhh, don't talk with Sanderson fans. Shhhh.
Also featuring the same characters over and over again, yes. I can't name a single book without a feisty young princess who yearns for adventure.
Wheel of Time?
>QM topic
Adrian Tchaikovsky running a quest? Sign me the fuck up. It would be quirky and action packed with a shit tonne of great lore!

>Player topic
It would be interesting for sure, but would need a lot more description of the principal characters and other details to be a more engaging read for the public . Such is the nature of ficquests.
Is my memory utterly fucked, or was one of Rand's three waifus not exactly that archetype? The princess who was his cousin or something. I want to say her name was Elaine?
Aw shit another Adrian Tchaikovsky fan, ayy. I don't think I would even started my Quest if it wasn't for reading through his series just a week or so before.

And she stopped yearning for adventure by the time Sanderson took over from Jordan.

By then she was in charge of a nation and playing politics.

She was pretty reckless though.
Hm. Guess that's me proven wrong, then.
His Reckoners series doesn't have a character like that so far
Fuck you, Mistborn's magic is great and I'd love to play a quest with that type of magic system.

His characters are pretty uninspired though, with few exceptions. Good thing quest players are just as uninspired.
Still trying to read through Guns of the Dawn. It's a super slow burn, good read, but super slow.
DASQ should be up sometime soon, just finishing up a few things
What quest premises are you tired of seeing? I don't give a shit about genre, I want your opinion on the actual meat of quests.
>who is Ryogo Narita
>who is Butcher
>who is Kawakami
>who is Mamare
>Narita or Butcher
Chaos Dragon sucked.
Of course it sucked. The animation staff decided to "fix" it according to their tastes. Or was it that the director thought he was smarter than Butcher?

Oh I dunno, finding out the MC was gay all along post-quest would result in some interesting discussion in QTG afterwards.
It's not bad. It feels a bit faster-paced than Substitute Shinigami, probably due to less wheel-spinning, but is still fairly slow-moving. I also have a hard time relating to the main character, as his motivations and characteristics haven't really become clear yet aside from being very observant and methodical.

I'm willing to give it a chance.
Reading up on Degenesis right now. Seems pretty cool. Might run a quest once I'm finished reading the core book.
So, apparently, one of the quests Crusty might've run instead of HMQ was Robin Quest.

You guys think that'd have caught on the same way?
In my experience, no one's ever been allowed to play a Navigator in Rogue Trader. It's always been an NPC locked away in their gilded tower. Which has me thinking - could a Navigator Quest be interesting?
Probably not- you'd be locked away in your gilded tower.
Urobuchi is pretty shit, yeah. The Undead Bioshock Happy Merchant Fairy was the only worthwhile character in that whole affair. Well, maybe him and the Panzer Dragoon Catgirl, but that's it
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Porbably not. With HMQ he has an entierly open world to play around with, Robin (if from gotham, robin) is pretty much stuck under bats or part of teen titans, which already has a quest for its sake.

Having said that, it is crusty, and he is a very good writer. So it would probably get a decent following, if not the 70+ that seems to flood into any HMQ thread every now and then.
I can see that working for all of them.
No, no, finding out the MC's mentor figure was gay would have some interesting discussion.
Did Bendis write this?
That's kinda my point though. There's nothing that explicitly says a Navigator HAS to be cooped up 24/7/365. It's more a "tradition" to keep the "keys to the ship" safe. Or, at least, that's the most common answer I've seen when people have asked if they could play Navigators in the past.

I dunno. The dichotomy might be interesting in a kind of "social" Navigator. Every other 40k archetype has been played out before I feel (demon, heretek, guardsman, etc). So it'd be something new at least
I asked this question in the last thread but there wasn't much response. If I did a Kingdom Hearts Quest, what would people want to see and what wouldn't they like to see?
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>>44135453 It's up!
I wouldn't want to see it at all. Kingdom Hearts is *the* signature setting for shitty fanfiction writers across all of roleplayingdom.
Any tips about running a quest where there are multiple MCs in the same setting? I've been wanting to run something where the perspectives would switch between the MCs, but they aren't really part of a group or even aware of the others. Each decision one makes would have consequences for the other MCs.
Metagaming could become your biggest enemy.
Keep the MCs away from each other. Do not make events simultaneous/concurrent.
Make it AsoIaF styled.
> If you are a QM, simply post your Twitter here to have it added to the directory.

I run Scholomance Quest over an Akun. Twitter is @KoH_QM

>How would your favorite author run a quest?

I see people have already discussed Jim Butcher, so...what the hell, I'll go with John Ringo.

It would be some sort of ridiculous wish fulfillment military adventure that confirmed the righteousness of Glorious Western Civilization. Notable players would get cameos as redshirts. It would be terrible shlock, and it would be tons of fun.
Novel written by Narita, Kawakami and Kamachi when
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>genre fiction
MC Compilation guy here, anyone got the write-up for Heretek Quest? I forgot to add it to the list.
Neither wrote the script for the anime. Not to mention that over the half of the anime is original shit by the staff. They even changed the basic premises, setting and roles of the characters for no real reason. For fuck's sakes, Ibuki wasn't even some useless Chosen One, but a support mage with some melee capabilities.
Also, we never got to see Butcher reborn as a zombie lord. Fucking waste.
Fuck off /lit/.
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Fuck off /lit/, you like amateur fantasy shit as much as anyone else.
So DASQ seems to be off to a weird start
How so?
Where are you keeping all of them btw
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Here: http://pastebin.com/CBX9XbtK

Initially, I was conflicted about what date format I should use but then I realized it was 12/12/2015 so it doesn't actually matter.
Jumping right into a battle when their battles take forever to write
As a guy who has never read Sanderson, those are some shitty edits.
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What would a quest from Tolkien be like?
Extremely descriptive but really slow and boring up until you got to the action parts.
it's a shitty edit of a shitty edit of a shitty edit.

It is literally the end of the meme digestive system where all the poop falls out.
Anon confirmed to have shit taste in literature.
Sorry, but I don't find chapter long descriptions of nothing but scenery to be very interesting.
So is MercCommand then the Sanderson of questing or something?
As the other anon noted... shit taste in literature.
Anon confirmed to also get all his knowledge of Tolkien from guys on the internet.

Get out of here /lit/.
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Please get out of my sight you uncultured swine.
I read them when I was about 10 and managed to finish them more out of Spite towards my teachers not letting me read in class than actual interest.

At least they didn't put me to sleep like the Silmarillion. I've still never finished it but I always keep a copy on my phone for when I want to take a nap.
Does anyine have any interest in a Dark Souls quest set in the Age of Fire?
Sure, if it's well-written.

Undead protagonist or human one?

Or first one, then the other?
Okay, seriously do you guys not understand that people play videogames for gameplay?

Same with XCOM.
>Age of Fire
I thought there were still some, just not as many. The fire was fading for a long-ass time.
Gwyn caused the curse of undeath by unnaturally extending the age of fire, so yes,
>Age of Fire
Just depends on whether the quest takes place before or after Gwyn pours gasoline on himself.
Undead, but yes you could be capable of becoming human

I just feel the lore is interesting. There's alot of really fantastic characters

There were some. The Way of White sends them down to the Catacombs
Do you know how many times someone pitches a Souls quest here and it never gets run?

Gameplay does not translate into text format.
In other news Aspirational of Aspiring Emperor Quest is coming back to run a session this Wednesday. Whether if he's resuming AEQ or starting a new one is still up in the air.
Are you implying that game settings can't be used for Quests?

baka desu senpai
Not going to lie, Dark Souls does not seem like the kind of setting that's well suited to Quests.
Descriptive, slow paced, with entirely too much effort put into the background and fictional languages and customs

So AToW, basically
>any souls game
That shit is so indeterminate and "fill it in yourself" and self-disagreeing that it pretty much is a make your own setting scenario.
I'm saying that people like games because they play good.

If you're taking away a fundamental aspect of why a game is enjoyable by turning it into text format then you're going to find it's fucking pain to make it somewhat enjoyable. Dark Souls lore is almost all implied, how the fuck are you going to write a quest about it?

But of course, you're too stupid to understand this and resort to filtered ebonic twitter speak.
It's also just backstory, as in the things that have already happened, and in the case of Dark Souls, mostly involves some god-like figures fucking around and making everything terrible.

There would be nothing of consequence that players could do, and nothing on the horizon to stop or hinder. The world goes to shit, things become terrible, and skeletons and undead and ghosts and shit run around. The setting is designed to facilitate the gameplay, therefore making a setting that can't be influenced in any meaningful way, and has no characters that we could interact with in any meaningful way beyond watching you wank to writing about how great Gwyn is.

Any quest written in the Age of Fire would likely either have so little to do with the setting that having it be in the setting hurts it, or would consist of
>Wait for Age of Fire to end
>Agonize over your withering soul and turn hollow
the end.
Unlike AToW, however, a Tolkien-run quest would actually be good.
It Every ten Threads or so would be good.
Still a better rate than A Tale of Witches.
Someone's salty about little girls
Oh wait.

It was deleted for a reason you fucking degenerate. Get off of my site.
>my site
Mr. Hiro? What are you doing here?
Wondering whether or not I should set up a /qu/ board.
If only the boards that are already here could avoid having a seizure every week.
>deleted for a reason
the reason being uptight 'murrican government
>DASQ has action intense night
>Everyone keeps rolling 1's
>The Odyssey
>not Ulysses
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>newest DBZ QM finally outed as SOMNIUS
That took entirely too long.
Dude people knew from like the first few threads. I dunno why he bothers.
The guy who did the first big DBZ quests.

> What if your favorite quest became a novel?

Oh man, a JQ LN would be amazing. My main problem with LNs is that shit goes nowhere, and it's just to whore out the cast again and again. Everything sort of bounces back to the status quo, so you can keep running that shit. Nothing important ever happens to anyone, because you can't have a girl crippled or fucked-up.

At least shit happens in JQ, and it's permanent. Plot progression is all I want. That, and no more fucking LNs about reincarnation.
Wow, ALQ/WLQ just had a very interesting intermission, to the point where I am moderately creeped out about it now and greatly disturbed. What the fuck. Seriously what the fuck, it went from adorable to interesting to dark in moments.

Somehow the fae did it.
Is he the next EGO?
Where in the world is SDA?
Super Deep Asshole
Which quest protagonist can defeat Ultraman?
Kon might be able to

He says 'where', anon

Year Month Day

I'm >>44142543

The page is gone.
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Yeah, I set it to expire.

Try now: http://pastebin.com/T1L0ukdX
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Do you think players would have fun with a conspiracy theorist MC?
It would legitimize a lot of the rampant paranoia that shows up.
Valen went live for any of my (four) players who missed the twitter.
Unlike EGO, SOMNIUS really is everyone.
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I may have went overboard making the job system for my quest.
If that's what you're spending time on, you probably shouldn't run a quest. Worldbuilders and mechanics guys usually have no fun running a quest.
It's very ToS/Ragnarok. I like it.

>implying players don't love upgrades and upgrade sperg
And more QMs should learn how to worldbuild rather than making generic fantasyland #120981 (with optional monstergirls).
what about generic cyber dystopia #18259 (with optional monstergirls)?
Soma has plenty of both and seems to have fun.
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Keeping with the literary notions in this thread, what author should your favorite QM read?
SDA is in a super deep asshole.

Stephen Donaldson.


About 2 months ago, I made a quest thread, which went along well for a few sessions and then just seemed to die for reasons I can't adequately explain. Just up and went, nobody posted for 3 weekly threads in a row.

Canceled it, thinking of starting another one, but just not sure why my last one died, or how to avoid something similar happening again. How do you keep interest going once you've got people?
What was the quest?
That reminds of me Tree of Savior's class system. http://www.tosbase.com/game/classes/

It was the Accidental Governor one.
I'm around.

This week is exams, and then I'll finally be off. I'll probably run SDQ again later this month.
Julio Baghy
Did you make a twitter?

How many sessions did you run for the first week?

Made a twitter, did weekly sessions for a while, usually on Saturdays. We got 7 IIRC before it broke down.
Thanks to everyone who participated today!
Maybe your quest just wasn't very interesting.
>starting off with weekly sessions
That might be why.

You need a bunch of sessions at the start to build up a playerbase first. 4 for the first week is usually enough.
>quest not very interesting with nothing to base that on
>4 sessions a week

One of you is an asshole and the other is nuts.

Nobody with a job or school or basic social obligations should be expected to run 20 hours a week plus, as you're suggesting.

Having a low number of players is not a bad thing, so long as they remain engaged. If you keep them, they'll form the foundational playerbase for your next quest.
>a job or school or basic social obligations
Hey, I'm in school and I prefer to run weekly.
If he didn't fuck up in any other way then it's clearly the quest itself.
>20 hours a week plus,
For the first week yes, then you can move onto a slower schedule.

People will lose interest if the first and second session are a week apart and you can't establish a reader base as easily.
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I got a full time job, college, and run twice a week
My social life is in tatters
I haven't seen my IRL friends in months since we're all so goddamn busy, but we usually keep in contact via IRC which is honestly pretty nice.
I have a job and go out. I'm just really socially awkward. It's easier for me to interact with people through text than it is face to face.
Fuck yeah! I'll wait forever for my favorite crew if I have too.
Here's a question for you guys - what's the best quest concepts you've seen pitched in here that nobody ever ran?
I recently re-read the quest for the first time. I think we did pretty good.
>able to do anything

choose 1

I rarely see ones pitched that I like, as my tastes are pretty distant from /tg/s usual preferences.

I like simple pitches the best, especially if they have an original or historical setting.

The one quest I desperately want to run, but will never run: Subjugator Quest, based off that manga. In a world that runs after JRPG rules, you alone have the superpower to absorb (temporarily) the levels of dead party members.

Without that boost, you're permanently Level 1. And you are the only one who can save the world. So you must front (to pretend you're absurdly powerful), manipulate your party members into dying for you, and otherwise do your level best to avoid ever being found out.

That sounds totally awful as a concept. What's the big draw here?
Is this that really shitty edgefest manga that /a/ mocks in edge threads?

Treachery, of course! I can't be the only one getting a boner from the slow buildup into eventually betraying your friends and coming out a hero for it. It's like NTR, only even more hurtful and without the sex part.


Hey, I thought it was an amazing guilty pleasure.
Any way to play it as a good guy or is it just a bastard quest?

Not that bastard quests are bad. Look at the popularity of Joker Quest for instance. But you should let the players know if their expected to be good or evil.
Admittedly, the point of Joker Quest wasn't to be a bastard, unlike Evil Warlord Quest.

You are a good guy. You're not doing this because you're an asshole, you're doing this because of how your powers work. You are ultimately fighting to save the world. It's up to you whether you're gleeful about turning your friends into power-ups, or you're hoping it won't come to that.

In this world, you gain levels slowly. A year of practice brings you up 1 level. Most people top off at Level 15 (assuming a life that isn't particularly challenging or Level 30 if they're professionals (veterans, ace pilots, Seal Team 6).

The final boss has multiple parts components that are Level 99 each.
From what I heard the PC got dark really fast.
The setting was always pretty dark but the Joker's actions got worse as the quest progressed.

The whole Cybele Fiasco was particularly horrible but now at the Endgame the Joker is pretty fucking sadistic.
Oh man, what happened?
One of the Antagonists, Rust Kaiser, turned himself into this brutally powerful juggernaut in order to protect the girl he loves. Rust Kaiser was throwing a killing blow at the Red Joker, but Joker used a new teleportation ability to switch himself with Rust Kaiser's waifu. There was barely anything left of her afterwards. This drove Kaiser (more) insane.
The problem with the manga is that the MC's actions never made sense. Why the fuck did he go around gathering parties to kill random mobs others could take care off? Wouldn't it make sense to place him behind an army during a war and wait as the losses on your side crank up his level before sending him out to be a one-man WMD?
What exactly were the "rules' for his power absorption? Was it just anyone that died near him?

If so then morality aside there are lot more efficient ways to go about soul stealing than befriending some hapless suckers and backstabbing them later.
>Tolkien copied Eragon
You could at least read what you're criticizing.
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>Joker used a new teleportation ability to switch himself with Rust Kaiser's waifu
Fuck that was satisfying.
But that's Dostoevsky, not Tolkien.

From later, killing random mobs was also part of his job. If the enemy is Level 50 and your guys are Level 30, your guys are fucked. This thing will wipe out an entire town before people bring it down.

Unless he powers-up and kills it to aver the disaster.


He needed to taste their blood, given willingly. The blood didn't have to be given to him, but they had to consent to it being given up. (i.e. "We need your blood to help the Subjugator" is a good excuse, but he can't just randomly drink the blood of others.)
is the character now dead from falling down a giant pit that appeared out of nowhere?

Did he make the 100% fatal mistake of sleeping whilst having a concussion?
Rothfuss and Sandorson write shit magic systems anyway, real men read McCrae's Pact to statisfy their complexity fetishes.
Can someone please reupload this pastebin??

What was it about?
Compilation of MC's I think?
How is exalted quest? I just recently got into the system so I've been thinking of giving it a read.
Which edition have you been reading?
Exalted Quest is based on 2e so it has more magitech and doesn't have all the new exalted or Infernals.

Your enjoyment of the quest will probably depend on how you end up feeling about the MC, but I recommend giving it a try at least
And yet everyone speaks the same language for unexplained reasons.
Question for QMs:
How long do you think you could run if you posted an update every 12 hours, with little question-answering?
less that 12 hours. If you give little question answering people lose interest and it will take a thread less that 12 hours to reach the bottom and archive
8 hours?
Ask vox, hes been fucking doing it.
How long are these updates in this theoretical situation
that's where I got the idea, but I was thinking of something more....sustainable, or at least manageable to more people, than what Vox does.

Let's say 1 post, 2 if you get a burst of inspiration. In terms of actual content, much less micromanaging obviously, but not necessarily critical PLOT TWIIIST decisions every update.

Maybe as much as 1 day of low tension updates before tension starts rising again.
According to AToW, about a week
Just post on Akun.
Less than a day. Unless you are Decu, his followers are already used to similar pace.
When will SBfuck 're-continue Itzli Quest?
QMing here would be far better practice then in SB, so I hope he does remake it at some point.
Get the fuck out of here, you mongoloid. There are less people interested in whatever autistic idea you've cooked up now than there are in Paladin of Avalon, and that's saying something.
Go home, Kyon-Kun. Nobody likes you.
That's a dick move. Joker is anything but a 'heroic' MC. I don't care how you guys mental gymnastics this but Joker pretty much is a villain MC in the most basic sense. This is some shit that a Marvel/DC villain would stoop to.
>Joker pretty much is a villain MC
I don't think anyone was contesting that.
well, she was also planninmg to kill Joker, so it was not really evil per se either, just effective and pragmatic.
There's a lot of RJ moral apologists lurking around ya know.

>can you imagine a quest where a villain is pretty much RJ with the names filed off?
It's technically evil, but Joker is kinda justified when the opponent is a nigh-unkillable Juggernaut that is about to rip his best friend limb from limb and the only way to beat him (as stated by RK's own creator) is to destroy the last thing that's keeping him sane.
If you played KOTOR 2, imagine the guy was Darth Sion, only with waifus instead of willpower.
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I don't usually pop up in these threads, but I politely request that my name and Twitter (@WeaselThat) be stricken from the Quest Runner's directory for now.

Aside from the fact that I haven't run my quest for nearly 3 months, lots and lots of personal dramas have come up and I'm going to have to quit QM'ing for the time being to deal with them. (My roof collapsing in on itself last night was the last straw honestly). I might come back at some point, but it's not looking likely at the moment.

To any of my players that might be out there... I'm sorry. I've failed as a QM and let y'all down. So, as my BBEG would say:

>Pic Related
I hope things get better quickly.
>RK's own creator
RoboMengele would be proud of us, yeah. I don't think even he saw what we did coming, but he's probably laughing himself shitless.

I was the one/one of the anons who suggested it, still don't regret it


Also, one question: Is it kosher for the author of an incomplete quest to run a sort of "Abridged" or "Kai" version to get back into the swing of things after a long absence? Because fuck me, I made a ton of SOMNIUS-level mistakes when I was first running and feel like I could craft something better with the quest I have and cut it down by at least half, if not moreso...
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>talking shit about another QM with your trip on
I'm proud to say that I've never touched a single Bioware/Bethesda/Obsidian game in my life.

That sounds somewhat more hilarious and somehow more horrifying than coming back from the dead with the sheer power of hatred.
It depends on your player-base and how they might react to it. If you know your players. you have the answer.
It looks like you never stopped making Somnius tier mistakes.
Daemon Quest pathfinder daemons not 40K ones
You've missed out on a LOT of great titles, no matter your opinion about them.
So many exalted quests on anonkun nowadays. Kinda weird.
>Paladin of Avalon
Has anyone here even tried/is reading it, actually? Is it good?
You've missed out on quite a few objectively fantastic games.
>Is it good?
No. It's Russian MGQ, with all that implies.

It's a system that's getting more popular as time goes on and it can fit an aesthetic that can attract readers.
I'd quit before that 12 hour mark if the quest itself didn't archive anyway.
No, he just called the MC Kaguya and disappeared. It's not like anyone could seriously believe it wasn't SOMNIUS.
Nothing to be proud of, mate.

You've missed out on some of the best games ever made. I'd even say that you're in a lesser position to discuss anything videogame related, as many of those developers' early games had such a massive influence on the medium.
>these devs
>the worst aspects of the game/story aped by QMs in the worst way every fucking time

It's like I'm dodging a lot of bullets here.
lol if you say so buddy

Just know you're crippling yourself by refusing to even consider those games
I might get too swept up that I might not notice the pitfalls of the things.
Obsidian makes legitimately interesting halves of games, but for the other two it's good to know them in the same way it's good to be able to identify poison
Hey, I liked MGQ, and I'm not even into monstergirls or femdom. It's a good story.
That's nothing to be proud of. Now go play Mass Effect 1, Jade Empire, KOTOR I and II, and Morrowind.
Considering I stopped giving a shit about the porn (aside of Alice's scenes) halfway through the second part and just kept playing for the story? That sounds pretty good.
I'm sorry for expecting you to have taste. Go on, gorge yourselves on shit.
>Not liking MGQ
If you wanted to see shit taste, all you needed to do was look in a mirror.
>liking monstergirl shit
The fuck are you even talking about? Where are you getting the idea that loads of QMs are aping these games? In fact, if you've never played any of them, what do you even think their 'worst aspects' are and how do you know about them?

You sound like a moron blindly believing contrarian bullshit you've heard on the internet.
>being a hipster
I'm fucking sick of monstergirls.

It's the laziest fucking way of adding more races to a setting while including waifus and lewd /d/ shit.

>lelele hipster
Fuck off. You people who shove this garbage down others throats are goddamn cancer.
What does that even have to do with whether MGQ is a good story or not?
Are you the same tard who keeps shilling PoA here?
>Shoving it down your throat
Yeah, isn't it terrible how they're literally forcing you to play the games and read the quests?
oh wait....


>lazier than just going with the generic orcs, elves, dwarfs

>you personally being sick of something makes it bad
You're a hipster piece of shit. Just accept it. If you're tired of being called that all the time too, just remember it wouldn't happen so often if it weren't true.
Nah, I think PoA is pretty shit.
Fuck off to /d/.

Last thing /tg/ needs is another "monstergirls what do" thread.
Monstergirls are just a guise for fetishes and waifus.

For a place that rags on both /tg/ seems to embrace it pretty hypocritically.
It is a lazy way of making a monster, and is usually a pointlessly pandering magical realm to boot, but there's nobody forcing you to participate. I can say with certainty that I have been able to ignore monstergirl shit unimpeded in the past and continue to do so.

If anything, you're the one trying to ruin their fun that, while I don't find fun myself, see no reason why they can't have it.

Besides, it is possible to create one that is actually setting appropriate, it's just really, really uncommon compared to half-weird-thing waifus.
>Last thing /tg/ needs is another "monstergirls what do" thread.

Maybe in your shitty, oversimplified opinion.

That's true of most of what /tg/ likes though.
/tg/ is 70% waifu and fetish.
I love shit like this, especially if you have things like FFT's 2nd AP skills for mass customization. However, I don't think such a system is very good for the questing system since you'll only ever be able to explore a tiny amount of the job tree (exception being some kind of commander role where you choose what jobs your underlings upgrade into and can thus explore most/all of the tree so long as minion supply doesn't drop drastically).
Bendis, that guy who wrote comic books.
Bendis, the comic book writer?
Aren't comic books picture books? Why would they have a writer?
I know akun isn't the easiest website to work with, but you really need to sort out your layout, it's really sloppy.
How so? Please elaborate.
Well "Click here to edit your title" would be a good start.

You also have one bit with [] around it giving a vague overview of what's happening in the missing(?) scene which seems like you were planning to go back and fill it in later.

Then there's just a few other pieces like "Part one is supposed to be styled as a bodice ripper. It is more or less okay, probably? The problem is part two." and the fact that your chapters are literally titled, in order: Home, Hey Beep, The post, Previous post - this may Help.

All of it combines to give the impression of something rather cobbled together and unfinished, like you were planning to workshop it some more with your co-writer before showing it to anyone. Except you're showing it to everyone.

I'd recommend tidying things up a bit or a lot of people are probably going to be turned off of reading it just by things like that before they even take the time to look at your story.
Fuck, I'm a retard, I posted the wrong link. Going to repost now.
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For those interested, an update on the Paladin of Avalon is up.
(Correct link now, yay! Thank you the anon who pointed it out.)
Here's the MC List: http://pastebin.com/VVehL9k7

Not going to be updating it today because I have a Final in a few hours.
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Eclipsed Moon Quest Episode 114 is up and live.

Your date appears to be wrong. There is no 13th month of the year.

Are you fond of tanks? Shoddily written battle scenarios? An original setting that is never explained as thoroughly as necessary for it to be comprehensible outside of the author's demented head? Side Stories that last almost as long as the main story does? Don't worry, Tank Commander Quest has you covered.
Stupid Smarch weather.
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There is is no country on Earth that uses Year/Day/Month. It's either Day/Month/Year, Month/Day/Year, or Year/Month/Day for International stuff.
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>good story
Why does this page constantly get removed?
Any well written new quests out there? And I don't mean the swill your shitty tastes make you believe is good, I mean objectively better-written than 95% of all quests, like HMQ.
Instead of making a permanent one he can edit, he makes temporary ones without ownership that are set to expire.
The fucker makes it delete after 60 minutes, Idk why it is retard as fuck. I'll try getting the cache version of the page
So, are you guys trying to false-flag up some anti-HMQ hate? I mean, it's been a while since it's happened, but this is the exact pattern that's been seen many times back in QTG.
So is this solely active quest MCs? Because all the completed/abandoned would be a miserable project to try and undertake.

Here: http://pastebin.com/aZK4NSGf

This one will last 24 hours. I only put it up for an hour because I'm constantly updating it but then I remembered that I'm not updating it today.

And yes, solely active at the moment. Although I may add MCs of Quests that were completed, like Exabyte's stuff.
With the content mod, it's a good story.
I have no clue as to what that even means.
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>Samjan (Dark Elf)
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>you will die to death
The guys bitching about things are a minority.
It doesn't matter what the thing is.
>read thread
>people still think monstergirls are about sexytimes

It's got way more to do with having a way to play a 2 ton monster that isn't "hey let's have a monstrous campaign and kill errybody".

The amount of GMs that would let you play some kind of monster is incredibly low, for reasonable party balance reasons. Wheras with quests, you don't have to care about party balance, so you can play whatever.

Combine that with the mass appeal of cute shit, and bing bang bomb bozzle you have a thing that people will read and be interested in with fair reliability.

Adding sexual stuff only LOWERS the amount of people who will read and enjoy it at that point.

lrn2 marketing and target demographic study
Yeah, but why no monster boys, then? And don't point me towards the one or two poorly-written outliers that don't change the fact that you being a cute female (in one sense of the word or the other) is such a major part in most Monstergirl quests.

Don't get me wrong, I do like the idea of being a monster, but if that's what the premise purely was, we wouldn't have all these people bitching. The Monster Girl genre was born as a sexual thing and that seems to have remained at the very least a subtext in most Monster Girl quests.

The few that didn't have that weren't good.
protip: being able to play a cute thing is as rare if not more rare than being able to play a monster.

Both of these things are super desired by /tg/ demographics because of necessary compromises in multiplayer games.

I further back this argument by pointing out that monster quests which have loads of cute gather way more players than monster quests that have loads of sex.

I dunno, man, it just comes off as sad pseudo-yurishit to me 90% of the time.
well, that's because of the QTG infesting your brain old chap.

sadly this is usually terminal, and makes people believe all things are the absolute worst they could possibly be because QTG said so.

Symptoms include: Thinking everything is yuri even when provided with statistics showing that is not true, reading everything as shipping, ignoring the adventurous portions of things, and talking about planefag.
>Exabyte's Stuff

Here are the MCs from the ones I followed.

Quest: Near Future Cyborg/ Space Cyborg Quest
Name: Dave David Davidson
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Gender: Male
Description: Average looking blonde white guy
Background: Normal Office Worker turned into Technopathic Cyborg
Sexual Orientation/Romance: Straight, in menage a trois with one Amy Tolstoy and Lucca Delacroix

Quest: Sorceress Quest
Name: Ishelda of Arcturus
Species: Human (HAHA NO)
Gender: Female
Description: Silver white hair, slender, Purple eyes, quite pretty, in the process of blossoming into a beautiful young woman
Background: Princess of the Realm of Arcturus who was sent to another world when her home dimension was overrun by demons
Sexual Orientation/Romance: Fluffy

Quest: Vale Quest
Name: Abel Byrne
Species: Human (Not Really)
Gender: Male
Description: Shaggy brown hair, tanned skin, perpetual 5 o'clock shadow, rugged good looks, pale blue eyes
Background: Young Woodsman from the village of Waymoor in the Vale. Found an odd sword one day and ended up as an adventurer
Sexual Orientation/Romance: Straight, engaged
>Straight, in menage a trois with one Amy Tolstoy and Lucca Delacroix
I was under the impression that Lucca was a one-time thing that was over by the time of the epilogue. Then Dave and Amy married and fucked off into space together.
>implying I ever come to QTG unless I need something from it
>assuming I'm a QTG regular when by that logic, I should also be assuming you do the same, while attacking people who are QTG regulars
>implying I know about/waste thoughts on planefag, while you yourself bring up planefag out of nowhere, which implies you do think about him, while attacking people who talk about planefag
>implying statistics matter to anything
>implying I don't read Disciple of Elshhu while ignoring two thirds of the smut scenes
>implying you're better than everyone else because people on QTG bear moronic thoughts, while being on QTG, with the implication that you're an exception

Man, this is so much fun. I think I could go on for a while like this.
>that response
You may claim you don't come here much, but it is already deep inside of you.
Really? Then congratulations, I guess you're a natural.
Still better than the male monster quests where the MC inevitably becomes human and ages up the obligatory quest loli.
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>Samjan (Dark Elf)

Here's the one for Ascent Quest. Probably Exa's most underrated work.

>Quest: Ascent Quest
>Name: The Wanderer (Has been known as Nathan, Rockwell, Targaeras and other names) [Real Name: Strelok]
>Species: Human (Half-Kystaran)
>Gender: Male
>Description: Middle-aged, Scarred, grey pallor, black hair going grey, age lines, grey eyes, average looks [Had youth restored during the quest so he now looks all roguish]
>Background: Vagabond. Traveled all around the world, has knack for languages, Jack of All Trades, has been a noble, a killer, a soldier, and a bodyguard at various points in his life
>Sexual Orientation/Romance: Straight, has had multiple lovers over the years
Dammit, I wasn't supposed to update that today...

The exact reason I did that.
I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that you remember more about Ascent Quest than I do, and I wrote the damn thing.
>monster quests which have loads of cute gather way more players than monster quests that have loads of sex
I'm starting to get tired of cute at this point. No, creepy cute is not better.
well that's too bad for you, because unless the quest niche fulfills the desire for cute, we'll keep getting cute.

And I doubt quests have enough media power to fill any vague desire like that in anything more than a cursory sense.
Because most of cute in quests is really shallow.
hit the nail on the head, both of you
I really enjoyed the setting of Ascent Quest desu. That sort of post-apocalyptic fantasy vibe.
The initial idea for the quest was a 'patchwork quilt' of setting concepts. You got your Caves of Qud-esque mutant sci-fi ruins, with an atlantean society barely scraping by beneath the ruins. Then you have a generic steampunk setting with a huge fuck-off wall protecting themselves from the rest of the world, a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting (with large doses of Nier mixed in), etc.

All of Ascent Quest took place in the post-apoc part of the world, but the rest was pretty fun too. I'd especially want to mess more with the sci-fi part.

Though the setting's much too eclectic, I think.
On one hand, I want to say that my memory is just that good. But I actually forgot a lot of stuff about Strelok and just used http://pastebin.com/3L0zZV2K and http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Ascent%20Quest

I do remember everything about Gareth though. He was adorable.
Quests in general are shallow
Goddammit, fine: http://pastebin.com/Hp3WhmaL

Updated. Are there any other quests that actually ended? Because other than Exabyte's stuff, I only remember Dreamscape Quest and that was a very unhappy ending.
>I do remember everything about Gareth, th-
You mean BRUNO.

Fun fact- Mal was originally designed to be a trap, but then everyone immediately realized he was a trap. So I decided against that. Probably a better decision I made.
I know some but they're were all Quests that were intentionally short or one-shots and had small playerbases.
>Quest: Psion Quest
>Name: Heather Leery
>Species: Human (Psion)
>Gender: Female
>Description: Young woman, Red hair. Tall, Hazel eyes.
>Background: Wrench Wench schoolgirl turned Wrench Wench psychic schoolgirl.
>Sexual Orientation/Romance: An easy 9, maybe 9.5 out of 10 on the shitstorm scale.
Journal of the Occult
SMT London
To be honest, I'd have named him Chub-Chub McWubbers.

And one of the other things I remember about the setting was the Great Beasts that Mal's people hunted.

Reading the Synopsis is bringing a lot of things back. Like the fact we should have used Gareth as a flamethrower.
>The last thing she said before putting him under was this. 'This is the ritual that made me look like I do now. This is your reward, Strelok.'
>She'd never learned his name.

Mind explaining that?
What if someone just tried to make the cutest quest ever, in a world where everything is cute and the tough choices involve trying to decide which outcome would be cuter?
We already had a few of those.
Remember, this is unironically what some people mean when they complain about a quest not being cute enough.

You're safe to ignore them 99% of the time.
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@GabrielTheGolem for my quest, Golem Quest. Currently in part 6, always welcoming more people.
>Golem Quest

I didn't ask to have Bob flashbacks.
Updated Again: http://pastebin.com/WPjDf3Ve

Ah, right, I remember Librarian Quest. That was fun.

Someone is going to have to jog my memory about Gabriel though.
Yes. Yes I would mind.

I thought it'd be funny. I have absolutely no in-setting reason for it to happen, other than WIZARD/SCIENCE

Not even something like Tarda looking at some kind of magical registry with the names of everyone who has Kystaran blood and she knew he was Strelok because he was one of the only people registered as "alive"? Everyone else's status was glitching out because of wherever they were.
Sure, why not. That's totally what it was.
Dammit, now you've started making me think about it.

Blue Ink means they're alive, Gold Ink means they have the Talent, Red Ink means they're dead.
The ink probably started burning black and smelling all acrid and shit when the Revenant Heart started acting up. Since the whole heart thing was directly Tarda's work, she'd be 100% certain at that point.
>Quest: Hellborn Quest
>Name: Sierra (Sakheris)
>Species: Demon (mixed) / Human (also mixed)
>Physical Description: Tall, lankyfit, black-haired, extremely pale of skin
>Background: Orphan, basketcase, Token One Girl In Black Gang
>Romance/Sexual Orientation: Snake-tongue (or straight)
>>Token One Girl In Black Gang
>>extremely pale of skin
ok, someone care to explain what thats all about?
You realize you're going to have to go back and run another quest in that setting now, right?
How notable does the Quest have to be? Otherwise I can dump roughly a billion completed tiny Quests but you probably don't want that.
I'm not a follower of that Quest but it seems to be that she's a mixed-race girl in a gang that is otherwise mostly just black men. What's hard to explain about that?
Yeah, just like I need to run another quest in Vale Quest's setting like I promised.

It involves being a half-witch (a certain hunter's son/daughter) out on their Coming of Age.
Oneshots? I'll pass on those for now.

But stuff like GermanSchteel's short quests are fine.
>mixed-race girl in a gang that is otherwise mostly just black men
i've seen to much porn not to get flashbacks from that information. Im assuming, since it seems to be well-liked, that it isnt just white girl screwing random gang members, but i do wonder why it has those factors
The whole gang died to a demon attack in the first thread or so.
She lives with a regular suburban family of angels now.
Well, only in that she's part demon part human. I don't know why it says she's mixed human, her father was half-Nazi half demon.
I feel bad that ascent quest was your best, and it's just been downhill from there.
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How bad an idea would it be to run a quest about a randomly generated party based on this: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=fantasycross
pretty bad.
That picture...
NEW THREAD! >>44161818
The weekend's over, buddy.
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