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Novice Heretek Quest 85

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>Thread archive:

>General information:
Characters: http://pastebin.com/Ydy1mj8n
Planets: http://pastebin.com/PncEDGjg
Bionics: http://pastebin.com/y43v5xnL
Inventory: http://pastebin.com/P4FLruz4


You are techpriest Heracor Nahive. You were forcefully implanted a brain chip that made you into little more than a working drone; nullified your emotions and willpower. One day for unknown reasons the chip stopped working and you were returned to your former self. You felt the need of vengeance, right now you have become stronger and have returned to your world and is planning your vengeance.

>Main Mission:
- ???

>>Secondary Missions:
- ???

>>Optional Missions:
- ???

On the frozen planet of Rassael stood a hidden yet impotent temple dedicated to the God-Emperor of humankind. Inside of its holy walls there was a group of faithful humans with a clear objective on their hearts and minds. Protecting the faithful and purging any trace of corrupting deviation.

The temple is constantly assaulted by howling winds that seem to carry whispers of the past, present and future with them. To the touched by his grace those whispers can become yelling screams. It is unknown what or why on that desolated planet the winds carry those words but the Sisters of the Order of his Gilded Anima decided to investigate it. After settling on the world and creating a small colony they discovered that those supernatural voices could be beneficial, and carry precautions that greatly aided the Imperium to bigger or lesser degree. Still, those came with a price, sanity. After only twelve years on the surface of Rassael the first case of warp derived insanity appeared. That poor soul became lost and dammed after his will succumbed to the voices and he ended with some cacophonic roars inside his head that would put most forms of schizophrenia to shame. Several new cases came afterwards and in some of them with a great bloodbath along them, if those voices overcame a psychically gifted individual it would lose all its control and become a daemonhost… or worse.

That danger and those scarring death were considered an affordable price. Those same voices that had turned so many people mad did also save countless of Imperial lives with their premonitory murmurs. The Sisters decided that they would sacrifice their sanity and souls for their cause, and changed their name to Martyrs of the Order of his Gilded Anima. Several thousands chiming bells were constructed from gold mixed with the ashes of their deceased and most loyal Sisters. With the constant winds those bells started to sound at all times, it was a noisy and annoying sound yes, but a small pay compared with what listening to the voices could do to your mind.

Humanity probed once again that no matter how big the challenge it was, they could beat it. Within months all of the colonists, serfs and Sororitas of the Temple and its surrounding village were accustomed to the sound of the bells and they ceased to notice their sound completely, on a side effect this made them become mildly deaf and this has made the place develop a unique form of sign language and to the creation of mute liturgies in which the worship of the Emperor was developed in a mixture of sing language and few delicate dance moves.

The Martyrs didn’t abandon their true mission and from time to time they sent Sisters to scout and explore the planet in the search of the source of the voices. Those missions were rotary; they spent three months exploring and the rest of the years doing different duties, that way they let their brains rest and purge any kind of taint that they could have gotten from outside. Another new addition to their small corner of the Galaxy was the creation of the Infinity Bell, a massive bell that rested on top of the temple and was extremely detailed and covered in a mixture of dates, names, litanies and symbols that gave it a great protection against the dark forces. This bell, somehow, also acted as an energy shield generator and from the top of the tower from where it rested a great dome of transparent psychoelectric energy that further protected the loyal citizens and warriors that lived within.

Today people all around the temple were nervous, it was a strange sight, tranquility was usually the commonplace. The arrival of a stranger had caused the Infinity Bell to resonate all across those old and holy walls. It was an emissary of a powerful and secretive Inquisitor of the most dangerous and misunderstood Ordos, the Ordo Malleus. Even if it was now a mere courier its inclusion among the Daemonhunters gave him a great show of respect among the Sisters. It carried with himself a scroll that had been signed by both the Inquisition and the Munitorium. Without losing a second and ever straying from its path the courier advanced towards the Canoness Superior and then with a great yet quick show of respect he gave her the message:
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“It is requested your allegiance against a common enemy of the The Holy Inquisition, Imperial Guard, and judging from its alien nature, of all loyal mankind.

A great shadow looms over the forge world of Telematha. It seems that the death defying Necrons have been rooting inside the upper echelons of the planet’s society and has been scheming against the Imperium for several years.

The isolationist nature of the Adeptus Mechanicus has made the discovery of this disgusting revelation impossible until it was way too late. The Ordo Mechanicus has been informed but is considered way too nonpartisan to be considered true and neutral. They have been ordered to be kept away from this catastrophe and advised that if they appear on Telematha’s planetary system they will be Excommunicate Traitoris.

The Ordo Malleus has an agent on the surface of the planet. It is not considered vital for the mission but his survival is a highly prioritized objective. This agent is currently missing in action but its survival is likely. Among your Order there is a particular Sororitas whose destiny has intertwined with this agent on several occasions. In case of this Agent’s survival the Necrons will surely try to corrupt him into joining them. This agent has to remain loyal at all cost, its incursion among the degenerate aliens would be utterly cataclysmic to the Imperium of Man at large, even reaching galactic apocalyptic levels.

As the holy warriors of the Emperor it is your duty to fight for his cause, and there is no nobler cause than to destroy the shadow mantle that those aliens are trying to cast to cover his aureal light. Here it is the personnal information of the mentioned Sister, she has to come and in came our agent is alive to be protected at a cost. If there is anyone capable of making him stay loyal when all hope has been lost it is your Sororitas.
Sororitas Nº: -78284491-Y
Designation: Liwet Hermann

Ave Imperator.”

The Canoness smiled to herself. She knew that her duty in this frozen marble was important but she had been praying day and night for an opportunity to smite the enemies of the Imperium in a more direct confrontation, and it had finally came. She thanked the messenger and guided him towards the exit and waited until he boarded the transport and left the planet. This wasn’t politeness but security, this scroll had information reserved for her eyes only, after burning it she sat and accessed her terminal, she wasn’t a tech-adept and thus the use of that cogitator was limited at most but she knew how to access the database that listed every living being that was under her control. All she had to do was to press the runes of her number and then she would soon appear.

++ Choose what you want Liwet to be ++

>Seraphim - Only the very best Battle-Sisters are able to join the ranks of the Seraphim, the elite warriors of the Orders Militant. Seraphim receive special training and equipment and are the equivalent of Assault Space Marines. They have the ability to fire two Bolt Pistols simultaneously, making them experts at close combat. Occasionally Seraphim carry a pair of Hand Flamers (a single-hand version of the regular Flamer) or Inferno Pistols.
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>Retributor - A Retributor is a standard Battle-Sister who is outfitted with the Order's heaviest weaponry. Believing that the Emperor himself guides their aim, these Sisters annihilate the Ecclesiarchy's foes with overwhelming firepower. Retributors are commonly armed with heavy bolters to provide long-ranged support to squads of Battle Sisters, cutting down hordes of enemy infantry with a staggering rate of fire. However, in the close confines of urban warfare, or where the foe are wont to shelter behind armoured bulwarks, Retributors prefer to rely upon Heavy Flamers, unleashing searing infernos that burn their opponents out of cover and reduce them to charred corpses. Finally, completing the Holy Trinity of bolter, flamer, and melta, Retributors are also adept at wielding deadly Multi-Meltas, whose roaring thermal blasts can reduce the mightiest of battle tanks into molten slag.

>Dominion - A Dominion is a standard Battle-Sister who utilises specialised weaponry such as Storm Bolters, Flamers, and Meltaguns. They are amongst their Order's most aggressive warriors, driven by the need to destroy the Emperor's foes
>>Seraphim - Only the very best Battle-Sisters are able to join the ranks of the Seraphim, the elite warriors of the Orders Militant. Seraphim receive special training and equipment and are the equivalent of Assault Space Marines. They have the ability to fire two Bolt Pistols simultaneously, making them experts at close combat. Occasionally Seraphim carry a pair of Hand Flamers (a single-hand version of the regular Flamer) or Inferno Pistols.
>Seraphim - Only the very best Battle-Sisters are able to join the ranks of the Seraphim, the elite warriors of the Orders Militant. Seraphim receive special training and equipment and are the equivalent of Assault Space Marines. They have the ability to fire two Bolt Pistols simultaneously, making them experts at close combat. Occasionally Seraphim carry a pair of Hand Flamers (a single-hand version of the regular Flamer) or Inferno Pistols.
Seraphim and Dominion sound good to me, so judging by the current voting trend I think I'll be happy with seraphim.
Holy shit. Four participating people already. You guys made my day! Writing now
Hi Ax, how's it going?
wassup Ax, havn't been here in awhile, holidays and all
[ Sorry for taking longer than usual, I had to look at the translation of way more words than usual ]


The Canoness continued pressing the rune keys of her terminal and soon from two peripheral holoscreens Liwet's information appeared. On the left one part of her information appeared:

>ID NUMBER: -78284491-Y
>RANK: Seraphim
++ Sororitas Power Armor ++
++ Frag & Krak Grenades. Two [2] of each type ++
++ Two [2] Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Pistols ++
++ Chaplet-Ecclesiasticus ++
++ Adopted daughter of an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor that became an Arch-Traitor to the Imperium. ++
++ Adoptive Mother became a chosen of the "Changer of Ways". ++
++ Possible adoption premeditated to fulfill a bigger and higher plan. Investigation pending. ++
++ No data before adoption. ++
++ Request to Sister Repentia mental transfiguration on-hold ++

On the right holodepictor a slightly glitch depiction of Liwet's face appeared, it was then when the Canoness recognized her. She came about twelve years ago for some obscure reason, anything about the why of her sudden transfer to this far away temple was kept a secret even to her. For all she knew she was moved from the moon of Ecantor Cuatt of the Charonis System due to some mishandled order of the Ministorium. She surely didn't even knew that her adoptive mother and disgraced Inquisitor had turned into a monster and died shortly afterwards. It was better that way.

The Canoness thought to herself that she better keep an eye on the strange Liwet. Even if there are no blood ties between her and her adoptive mother it doesn't means that she is completely pure, the taint is something else, it doesn't needs blood to corrupt, it just does.

After the arrival and parting of the Inquisitor's personal courier the winds had turned into a blizzard, way too potent for even the powerful transports to move and ascend. They would have to wait until tomorrow to part ways, meanwhile she and her Order had many work to do, they had a world to save from the cold phalanx necrodermis bones of the Necrons...

The sound of the Infinity bell awakened you. Its echo crossed all the corridors and streets of the Temple like invisible ghosts. Instinctively you jumped and headed into the wardrove were you kept your two finely crafted Bolt-Pistols, nicknamed Pray and Repent. A young serf entered into your room with haste and the moment he saw your naked body with two Bolt pistols ready to shoot he almost emptied his bowels. He was a new recruit, no more than thirteen, with the first effects of acne turning on his face, maybe you were the first naked woman that he had seen. Not a good impression, that for sure. It didn't took you long to see that people were nervous yes, but that it wasn't an attack.

You tried to say sorry to the serf but he excused himself while muttering several prayers under his breath as he stride out. Not wanting to further worsen the situation you simply stretched and started putting your armor on. Even if it weren't an attack you needed to be combat ready at all times, otherwise you wouldn't only fail your order but also the God-Emperor of Mankind.

"What is happening?" You asked to another serf once you were completely ready.

"We do not know it Miss. Apparently a foreigner has come and wants to seek a meeting with the Canoness Superior. She has asked us and all the personnel to stay calm and do our daily routine. Good day to you Miss and gracious be your presence."

Even if this was a calm temple there was always plenty of things to do. Sisters could freely study and train during their free time, it was even advised to do so to purge the whispering voices of their minds. You weren't hungry yet. What would you do?

>Take a bath.
>Train ranged combat.
>Train with your Jump-Pack.
>Send a message to Heracor.
>Meet with your fellow Seraphs.
>Try to discover what is happening.
>Write in.
>>Take a bath.
>>Meet with your fellow Seraphs.
Sounds good
>Meet with your fellow Seraphs.
>Train with your Jump-Pack.
"While nominally disapproved by many convents of the sororitas for its potential disruption "flying tag" was never the less allowed and even encouraged among seraphim sisters for the valuable training it provided for midair maneuver and orientation." :Some made up source.
>Try to discover what is happening
>>Take a bath.
>>Meet with your fellow Seraphs.
>Take a bath.
>Meet with your fellow Seraphs.

Its pretty soon. Surely there are some of your fellow squad members taking a morning bath on the lower levels. You took your robe and cleaning tools and descended onto the lower levels. Since this was a frozen world most part of it was covered in ice, some years after the colonization a group of tech-priests came and constructed a small shrine dedicated to their Machine God and some Generatoriums next to them, by using unknown magitech they were able to turn some of the ice in promethium to feed the lead bellies of the engines and give the entire Temple and surrounding village energy and heat.

This fuel and energy is transported in tubes all across the floor, copper veins that carry within the necessary energy to keep the beating heart that it is the Engine beating. You didn't knew the exact reason but some of those were dead cold while others were hot to the touch. An agglomeration of those touch pipes ended melting some of the ice that was under the academy and ended creating some sort of thermal waters, some hot springs.

The tech-cult was informed of those accidentally created pools of hot water, they looked and analyzed them and detected that there was no impurity on them. Then they accorded to alchemize some kind of plastic isolation to make the tubes don't radiate so much heat. They were stopped thought; the Canoness of back in the day considered the place to be a small gift of the Emperor itself. Those Springs were safe and beautiful, they wouldn't be altered.

Since that day the custom of taking a hot bath slowly became a custom. Those natural water pools were constructed inside the own ice capes and are always melting and freezing, changing their dimensions as the years pass and recycling their natural minerals and purity. They have become a great asset of the Sisters because they also have health inducing properties, on an army composed by zealous warriors that mostly use flame derived weapons injuring oneself or a friend with an uncontrolled flame isn't so uncommon and hence the use of those ice and calming waters to relax and calm the burned skin and muscles have been widely used.

When you descended you saw that there were several free pools to get into. Those were freely utilizable by anyone but since Humans are social and ritual beings usually people of the same rank ended together. The Hospitaliers with the Hospitaliers, the Dialogus with other Dialogus, etc... It didn't took you long to find the spring in where the rest of your Seraph friends were bathing. Even with everybody naked around one could see what rank did one held by looking at different parts of her body, for example, the Seraphs were by far the ones with the widest and strongest torso and back, we needed the strength to be able to control the Jump-Pack and survive its use after all.

You walked towards the pool where they were and proceeded to strip.

"Oh, hello Sister Hermann. You woke up sooner than usual." Said Virgia, a woman that came from a Hive Spyre and whose tongue was able to spit venom in the sweetest tone possible.

"The Infinity Bell is the best alarm clock there is." You answered.

Several ones nodded and a couple of them chuckled.

"Does anybody know why has it sounded?" Inquired Sister Anna Maria.

They all shrugged, it seemed that the feeling was mutual all around the place. Nobody knew anything.

"Hey, Juhnïa. Weren't you sort of dating one of the Techpriests from the lower levels? Can't he use one of his techo-gizmo-thingies to hear what it is all about?"

"Are you crazy, Virgia? That would surely be heresy for them, besides, it would be an attempt of spying and possibly treason for us. Do you want us to be flagellated to death?"

"Why don't we just shut up like we are supposed to do and relax. We can train later to focus on something else and just ignore this; whatever it is, it doesn't involves us." Answered rotund Sister Tanake, one of the most militant members of our group.

"Oh, Liwet!" Said once again Virgia, completely ignoring Tanake. "Didn't you had a Techpriest friend or something like that? You never stop mentioning and speaking about him! Why don't you tell him to come and that way we can finally see if he's real?"

>You have had enough about her aggressive attitude, confront her.
>Insult her back.
>Ignore her, the worst contempt is the lack of appreciation.
>Write in.
>Ignore her, the worst contempt is the lack of appreciation.
>As a loyal servant of the Emperor he is bestowed with his own important duties he must attend to. It would be too selfish of me to suggest he visited, wouldn't you agree?
Sorry for answering late. I'm good! What about you guys?
Supporting >>44132169
pretty well, making plans to meet up with my cousins and siblings over cristmas.
Things are going pretty well. My finals week starts on monday so I'm excited to finish the semester.

"As a loyal servant of the Emperor he is bestowed with his own important duties he must attend to. It would be too selfish of me to suggest he visited, wouldn't you agree?" You answered as you dunked your body onto the warm waters and rested your back on the cold ice walls. The mixed sensation of hot and cold made you squirm and shiver pleasantly, it was a strange feeling that one had to get used to but really pleasing when accustomed.

An awkward silence formed after your words, it seemed that a true Sororitas like you could burn without using a flamer.

"It is imaginary, imaginary people aren't loyal, because they aren't real." Virgia pouted back, all the girls dismissed her words and simply ignored her. If it weren't because she was a really skilled Seraphim they would have surely ditched her years ago. According to one of the local priests people like her are the living embodiment of the difficulties that the Emperor puts on us to test our faith and every day that we don't succumb to mindless violence is a victory, both because we are sparing an innocent but also because it means that those killing urges can be directed towards a true enemy of the Imperium of Man.

Once you were completely relaxed time seemed to shift and bend, an hour could only feel like a couple of minutes and if you weren't careful enough you might fall into mindless self indulgence and end way too soaked, to the point of were the waters torn cold and you inevitably end catching a cold. The superiors have told us that we have freedom, but that for freedom to exist there also have to be limitations, way too much freedom is detrimental. Each year there are at least a couple of cases of recruits who fall asleep on the hot springs and don't notice that they turn cold, they get ill and...since their sickness is only their own fault they aren't given any medication or help. Nobody has been able to survive a cold among those freezing walls, being way too careless means death.

"We have several things to do today." Said Tanake, cutting you from your half-asleep status. She had a bionic neuroreceptor linked with a bionic eye. Any mission or transmission she could see it. She wasn't the leader per-se but in case of doubt we always asked her.

"Good, I think I have been way too much in there anyway." Answered the still annoyed Virgia.

"First duty: Three teams, one needs to go to the South tower and get a transmitter on top of it. Apparently there has been a blizzard that has broken it. Two Seraphs and a Techpriest at least."

"Oh, does it say if it is my dear Renlar-9?" Said Juhnïa, hoping for that techpriest to be her boyfriend.

"Sorry, that information isn't included, you will have to risk it."

"Well, at least I will be able to give that guy a package for him." She answered. "I want to job."

"Good, second duty. Going to up the mountain and provoking an avalanche. Apparently along with the blizzard there was also a small tremor, it has created some profound ravines that need to be covered with snow ASAP. The scouting team is coming that way and due to the bad weather they haven't been informed. They might not be able to see the ravines due to the landscape being all white and end falling to their deaths. I'll be on that one."

Several people nodded, that seemed to be the most hard and important work and having her would be a great asset.

"Third and last duty. We have to stop the Infinity Bell. This might...well this might sound like a joke but it has been used to few times that the mechanism had frozen a deteriorated without anybody knowing it. The servitors have been able to remove the clapper to mute it but it is still moving. Its great weight and size might become detrimental for the structure of the tower and destroy the pillars that sustain it in less that two weeks. It has to be stopped."

"I will go on that work." said Virgia.

There were three duties that required more than one person. You were available to do any of those three, you could also excuse yourself and do something else but that would require you to self flagellate and to suffer further punishment for your selfishness.

> Repair the Transmissor of the South Tower.
> Ascend the mountain and provoke the avalanche.
> Try to repair the Infinity Bell
> Self flagellate and write in.
>> Try to repair the Infinity Bell
>Try to repair the Infinity Bell
>> Try to repair the Infinity Bell
> Repair the Transmissor of the South Tower.
I like the idea of us getting to use our jets, but all of these options sound interesting.
> Try to repair the Infinity Bell
>I like the idea of us getting to use our jets, but all of these options sound interesting.

Well they all require the jump-packs to some degree.
> Try to repair the Infinity Bell

You are a team, even if Virgia was a silver tongued woman she was necessary on your team. You disliked her but your own personal motives shouldn't affect the outcome of any mission that you might be given. The outcome will be for the whole Imperium, and the Imperium always comes first.

"I will go with you, Vir."

You started to getting up from the water and suddenly noticed her hand, Virgia was helping you getting out. It was true that she was childish but when it came to working on a mission she was a completely loyal warrior. I wasn't now Liwet, the woman that had pissed her, I was now Liwet, the fellow Seraph that worked with her. She once commented that backstabbing and political assassinations were commonplace among the powerful ones of the high spyres and that so during her sleep she was mentally indoctrinated to become a ruthless and incredibly efficient warrior. We didn't believed her at first when we only knew her innocent and childish side but when it came to work with her she was usually the one that had the highest kill marks and worked best. Now, we all think that she might have been honest with us.

It didn't took us long to get dry and equip ourselves. When we were ready we went out and looked at the atrium of the Temple and the many statues that honoured several Saints and Heroes of the Imperium and of course the magnificent statue of the Emperor that rested above them all and was by far the biggest one. Outside of it there were some thick rockrete walls reinforced with adamantium beams and outside of that perimeter there were the few villagers that come with the original Order expedition and ended becoming serfs and artisans.

You looked up and saw a massive tower of flat rock that had an engraving of the complete Prime Edicts that composed the Imperial Cult. They had been covered with a bioluminiscent ink of some sort and at night they could be perfectly read from almost any distance from inside the Village and the Temple. Every night all of us went to bed looking at the same Laws that turned us into truly civilized humans and separated us from the heretical disgrace and the alien scum. On top of that tower now hanged the massive Bell that had been forcefully muted, for its voice was too powerful even for us. There were several bodies on top of the tower and on the base of it, servitors that had sacrificed their lives to be able to remove the gigantic clapper of the Bell, even if their names are no longer remembered and they are barely human they are martyrs, and the Order will remember them.

There was some wind around, the protective energy shield generator on the highest point of the tower protected us all against harm but it couldn't stop the fierce winds, if it did it would create a completely sealed environment and we would all suffocate in less than ten minutes. That was why there was no way of stopping the blizzards and avoid the damages they caused.
The blizzards didn't only exponentially strengthen the winds but also the voices they carried, becoming as clear as any human generated voice. Luckily fastest winds also meant that the many other bells that were around would also chime faster and nullify their effect but there were times in which the storms became so big that not even those auxiliary bells were enough to muffle the voices. When that happened everybody was ordered to enter the temple and given a drug to sleep and not remember afterwards. Anybody who doesn't makes into the safety bunker won't be spared, if they are lucky the cold will kill them, if they are not and survive, they will end mad and the Sisters will be forced to do an execution. Several good Sororitas had already suffered this fate.

The cold have broken the braking mechanism and the winds and the Bell's own massive weight are making it swing nonstop. This cannot await. You have to stop it as soon as you can.

>Descend to the lower levels and ask for the aid of a Techpriest.
>Use your Jump-pack to ascend to the top of the wall and continue ascending to the top of the tower.
>Enter inside the tower and use a mix of the stairs and your jump pack to ascend from inside.
>Write in.
>Enter inside the tower and use a mix of the stairs and your jump pack to ascend from inside.
>Use your Jump-pack to ascend to the top of the wall and continue ascending to the top of the tower.
>Enter inside the tower and use a mix of the stairs and your jump pack to ascend from inside.
>Enter inside the tower and use a mix of the stairs and your jump pack to ascend from inside.
While a little slower than ascending the outside the winds are the big threat here, and we still make good time going up the stairs.
Entering from inside it is. Everybody roll a 1d100. I'll accept only the first 3 rolls.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

[ Sorry for taking long. I was eating dinner ]

>Enter inside the tower and use a mix of the stairs and your jump pack to ascend from inside.

You enter inside and see how there is an stair that encircles its interior and ascends across several levels and floors. This area is mostly for servitor use only and it is thus pretty lacking in decoration, maintenance and safety measures. Ascending from there might be slower but still slightly safer than going from outside. With a quick glance you look at Vir and nod.

Slowly the engines on your back start to glow and vibrate, their machine spirits are awakening from their slumber, they are hungry from promethium and wishing to be used for the sole purpose they were created for.

You get on one knee and pray the few litanies that you know towards the Machine-God and several ones directed to the Emperor in the search of safety. Just as you end them you hear the roar of the engines as if they were indicating you to be used. Quickly you kick the floor and impulse yourself upwards, it doesn't takes long to the Jump pack to turn your hop into a mighty ascension towards the skies.

Along you is Virgia, who is ascending along you as if it were a weightless angel. The first floors are easy, those are the few ones that share some space with the Main Temple and are hence better maintained, it is the upper ones who are in a bad shape and whose putrid wood planks won't surely hold your weight.

Yet there is a duty to fulfill. Without any hint of fear on your eyes you continue ascending up and up. The moving Bell is getting bigger and bigger the closer you get until it looks like a giant warhammer. It might not make any noise now but its body its still capable of moving great quantities of air as it swings. This same air enters inside the tower and channels due to its sealed size as if it were a massive cannon of some kind. Just as you are about to ascend to the last level you see how the giant bell passes like a bullet and sends a wave of hot spiraling hot hair that pushes you down towards your doom.

>Scream Virgia for help.
>Try to use your jump pack to impulse you against a side wall and make you impact the wooden floor. It is so rotten that you might need several floors to completely stop.
>Try to fight the airblast with your own Jump-Pack
>Write in.
>Try to fight the airblast with your own Jump-Pack
Believe in the Emperor for he protects.
>Try to fight the airblast with your own Jump-Pack
Jump-pack Vs Air Blast wins

Once again roll 1d100!
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Try to fight the airblast with your own Jump-Pack
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Try to fight the airblast with your own Jump-Pack

With a scream that shakes the entire building and makes all the servitors and a couple of serfs look at your direction you push the engines of your jump-pack to their limit. Its mighty strenght valiantly figths against the stream of air and it seems to be the winner when the current is over but then...just as you look the victorious person and are starting to ascend the Bell reaches its top inclination and starts to descend once again, creating another blast of hot wind that pushes you down.

This time, you don't have your engines to assist you. Virgia tries to extend her hand at you from her position but it is too far away. You fall down like a dead weight.

Your descent isn't completely vertical. The air currents make you spin and tilt until you painfully crash against one of the walls. It isn't a physical pain what you feel right now but shaming pain, pain of the soul. You have failed in a pretty shameful manner. You better now fix the Bell as best and do a incredibly good job to pay for this failure.

After hitting the wall you painfully hit one of the upper floors, it has no railing and the floor is pretty damaged. The result is that it barely slows you down and due to its fragmentation and lack of protective measures you end falling down once again. There are several floors, each one more shameful and painful than the previous one.

It requires you five floors to completely stop. Five dammed floors. Thanks to your power armor your body isn't very damaged, it will be covered in bruises and tomorrow it will hurt but there isn't anything broken or torn. Wanting to give your Jump-Pack a rest you decide to ascend by using the stairs in utter silence and ignoring any offering of help that the servitors make to you.

By the time you reach the upper level you see Vir already meddling with the mechanism of the Bell. She acknowledges your presence but doesn't speaks. No matter what she said it would felt humiliating to you, honestly you thanked her silence.

You look at the gears and other machinery that form the structure of the Bell and don't manage to truly understand how they work, all you see are a bunch of poles and dented wheels that move without any stop.

>Contact by radio with a Techpriest and ask it what should she do.
>Even if it isn't your specialty try to discover what piece it is broken and if it can be repaired or stopped
>Get on top of the bell and try to cut the chains that are linking it to the mechanism that makes it swing.
>Write in.
>Get on top of the bell and try to cut the chains that are linking it to the mechanism that makes it swing.
>Get on top of the bell and try to cut the chains that are linking it to the mechanism that makes it swing.
>Get on top of the bell and try to cut the chains that are linking it to the mechanism that makes it swing.

By now your Seraph Jump-Pack has rested more than enough. You get on top of the structure that holds the bell and inform Virgia of what you have planned.

"The Bell its connected to the swinging mechanism by this chain. Shouldn't it stop if we cut it?"

"Mmh..What do you think that the Cult Mechanicus will think of this action?" She quickly answered

"It is a chain, it doesn't counts as a machine I think. I mean, the swinging thing would continue moving. Besides, if they do care so much about machines they should leave their underground basements and come here from time to time. If they had done that we wouldn't had this problem."

She nodded softly, not wanting to show much emotion now.

"In fact, shouldn't them the ones responsible of fixing this?"

"The Bell isn't a Machine, it is a relic and a ward against dark forces. They aren't responsible for this, we are."

After the discussion was over you grabbed your two Bolt Pistols and considered which one to use. Pray was somewhat lighter and quicker, its bolts didn't seemed to do as much damage thought. Purge had more stomping power but it had been jammed a couple of times already and for some odd reason it was noticeably warmer than Pray. You didn't knew if all those things were truly real, from outside both guns looked the same to you, in fact the only ways you had of knowing which one was which was by focusing on those small details. Since the Bell was a religious symbol you opted for using Pray, as it seemed more fit.

The instant the Bolt flew from the chamber and impacted the chain it pierced and then exploded, completely severing the link and freeing the Bell from its torture. The structural damage was bigger than you considered and at the end you didn't stopped the Bell, but liberated it.

Due to the momentum that it carried it continued swinging back and forth, due to the damage of your bolt it now fragmented the structure that hold it the more it moved. Until it became loose enough to fall out. In a fragment of a second you became completely terrified. If that Bell fell it would surely be catastrophic. You thought that it would fall down but instead, a loud clack was heard.

Virgia was quick enough and became able to get on the way. It had stopped the Bell and was using her Jump-Pack to avoid it falling onto the Atrium of the Temple. That sight got you out of your shock and gave you the enough strength to get on her side and aid her with your own Jump-Pack.

>Roll 1d100!
Rolled 75 (1d100)

I wonder if we'll roll not awfully this time.
Now for real who thought that cutting the chain of a fucking giant ass Bell that couldn't be stopped was a good idea?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

I didn't, but I was absent for the vote, so...
Rolled 52 (1d100)

some people just want to watch the world burn :D
I fell asleep I'd have not voted for it. Common sense roll to not do it?
Nah, it's done, it's happening, we'll just live with the mistake.

Your two combined Jump-Packs spew together a great orange flame that combined and fused into a great cerulean torch for an instant. Adding that the raw strength of your muscles and the infused energy that your zealotry towards the Emperor gives you two manage to make a miracle.

Inch by inch you two are winning the fight against gravity. You feel as if your bones and arm muscles are going to explode and honestly, if your armor weren't so tight and acted like a tourniquet it would had surely burst and had its muscles fragmented long ago. Slowly the Bell of several tonnes weight starts to tilt backwards until it completely rests on its original position.

After a work well done you two rested against the wall. There wasn't any serious injury but tomorrow you two would be severely strained and cramped to the point of being almost unable to move. It was a small price for the salvation of the souls of all those people.

"Today hasn't been your lucky day..." Said her, that was slowly returning to her snarky persona.

"Indeed." She could insult her all she wanted, with all the help that she had given you the least you could do was grant her that.

"There is a... was a proverb in my Hive: If one day all goes wrong it means that destiny has gotten you under its big dark eye. Things will go from bad to worse but if you manage to make it at the end destiny will get bored with toying with you and you have won. From that moment only good things will happen." She started to laugh. "What a joke, it was only repeated over and over by the low living citizens to keep with the belief that their lives would improve..."

"So, are you telling me that things will go down from now?"

Virgia shrugged.

"As long as they don't affect my missions."

Since the entire Temple and village was full of chiming bells the use of a closed vox-system for the transmission of messages wasn't reliable. We instead used a small fleet of servoskulls or trained birds when it was a small package or message. This time it was a servo-skull the one that came to you two to bring a message.

++Sororitas Seraph. You and all your group have been assigned to depart of planet tomorrow at Dawn. Destination and more information will be issued once the Frigate has entered into a stable Warp-Route.++

Then without a word the servo-skull flew away towards more people to inform. You two looked at each other somewhat puzzled. First a stranger comes and now you and your Seraph Sisters have to leave the planet Rassael? What was going on?

About an hour later you and Virgia were recovered enough to at least descend by foot. Since your body were so tired and the stairs were so damaged it took almost and hour to descend the entire twenty floors. Once you two were back to the main levels of the Temple you saw that everybody was moving and had a thing to do. Apparently they had mobilized about 90% of the combat capable ranks. Whatever it was required the entire Order, tomorrow a ship would come and gather you all, it would stop around different settlements to gather all the resting Sisters of the Order of his Gilded Anima and then take them to an unknown settlement. Whatever they required you all for was big. Very big
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Alright guys. I'm tired as fuck today. I'll end it here. As usual I'll leave about 30 minutes for questions or whatever you want to say or share. Then I'll go to sleep.

I have a question for you all. Do you want me to timeskip all the journey to Telematha on the Imperial ship or improvise something along the way?

>Archive. Vote if you liked it!
Timeskip is fine, I doubt a SoB feet would have issues dealing with warp travel unless Gellar failure which means they're all dead.
Thanks for running you magnificent bastard! I would like to take some time on the frigate for characterization and maybe develop liwet's skills/gear a bit more to distinguish her from her peers some (There will probably be some direct attention payed to her development/well being given her direct connection to Heracor and the importance of recovering him). Hopefully not more than one thread though, as that could drag on. Gives a bit of meaning to everything before any fast paced developments pick up.
I was considering making them use a Navy ship with a pretty eccentric Captain that requires everybody who is from outside of his ship ( In this case the Sisters ) to travel cryogenically frozen. For the Captain those people aren't passengers, but cargo, and cargo has to be kept stored and preserved.

The ship will stop a couple of times to refuel, in that time She might get out of the ship, buy and explore for a bit. Before returning to cryogenic suspension she can also order the ship's techpriests to tinker with his equipment and such. That way the time she awakes the equipment is already done...this will come with a price thought.
Good night /tg/. And thanks for participating today. I don't know if I will be able to run this next saturday but I would love to, the 19th of December this quest will turn one year old!
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