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Through determination, magnificent application of superior technology,

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Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 73

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Through determination, magnificent application of superior technology, and unwavering courage, the Tau defied the odds and the overwhelming might of the Imperium. Upon Mu’gulath Bay, the Imperial scum were once again broken and sent fleeing back to their Emperor. It would have been a great and decisive victory for the Empire but alas.....

The Imperials, refusing to graciously accept their defeat, have enacted the unthinkable. They unleashed a weapon of mass destruction on Mu’gulath Bay. The world was set to blaze. Millions of Tau died alongside the surviving Imperial forces that could not have been evacuated (estimated to be 50% of the surviving Imperial forces). The devastation did not stop there. The blaze blossomed into a great conflagration that expended and covered the entirety of the Damocles Gulf in a corrosive sea of plasmic flame. The Tau Empire is cut off from its newly won colonies and worlds and the rest of the galaxy.

Earth Caste research in creating shields that can withstand trips through the Damocles firewall proved to be promising. Ships managed to get through the wall. However, causality rates are high.

Shadowsun and Farsight bid farewell to each but not before Shadowsun warning Farsight that there will be a reckoning between them in the future. Farsight returned to his Enclaves to find under the shadow of Leviathan. The fight is far from over.

The future of the Tau that was once bright with promise, after the great victory on Prefectia, is now...blurred with uncertainty. However, The Greater Good endures and with it so does hope.

Enough talk. Now time for some new fabulous art!
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Space Battle 1.png
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Salty Imperials
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Space Battle 2.png
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salty, acid in anus dripping mad imperials.
For the Psykerbaby enjoying and blending emperor
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CQ Gunfight.png
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Cadian Shock Troops.png
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Colonel Starkzahn.png
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Tau fortifications.png
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Clash of Armor.png
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Tech Battle.png
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Tech Battle 2.png
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The little drone that could.png
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Fury of the Mont'ka.png
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The Eight (In action).png
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In the 40K general thread.
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Farsight (Art).png
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Is that Fire Warrior on the right going to shoot them with his finger?
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The Eight (Art).png
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it's a psyker
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Frontlines 2.png
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We meet again, my child.png
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That pic looks great. But I wonder why the drop pods need to use thrusters so they can fall faster? Shouldn't the pods be firing thrusters at the ground to slow their descent?
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United We Stand.png
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Extra kinetic force for the impact maybe?

Aren't Razorsharcks Strike Fighters designed for supporting ground troops more than space combat? I find it odd.
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well, unless space marines can survive a fall from any distance, I think that extra kinetic force would kill the passengers.

Also, the pods probably needed to slow down a whole bunch so they wouldn't break up on impact with the atmosphere. Why not just NOT slow down quite so much?
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The Hunter Hunted.png
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The ground offensive is ineffective.

Send in the assassins!

Is that a flamethrower shooting plasma?
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Assassin Revealed.png
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*tickle tickle*
I use noticed, he's doing the Disney point

An argument over a parking spot is about to turn ugly.

Two things I noticed about this picture.

1) Why are the guardsmen packed together like this is the battle of Waterloo? The Tau are shooting high explosive missile at you, maybe spread out a bit.

2) Why are hundreds of firewarriors trying to take cover behind those tiny chest high walls? There's a huge bunker thing right next to them with like 4 guys inside it, use that instead.
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Fear Itself.png
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That Vindicare is swole as fuck.

>Shadowsun never has the same face.

Come on!
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Culling the Marines.png
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>some of those assault marines are using bolters (not bolt pistols)


Lol it looks like they finally drove pask close enough to hit them with his sword. Such tactical genius
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>Tech Priests were laughing and cackling like madmen as they deployed the weapon despite knowing full well that they would killing half of the crusade forces
>millions of Astra Militarum burned to ash

Truly, the evil of the Imperium knows no bounds.
I don't understand, how would a Culexus be effective against Tau?
Propaganda paintings. No matter how retarded 40k is supposed to be, both sides litteraly can not and would not fight like this.

You know, I'm suddenly not so annoyed that the SOB somehow managed to vanish between the initial mention of this and the finalized version.
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Master of the Undying Spirit.png
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Aun'va LIVES.....in spirit.
They failed their duty to the Emoeror by allowing the wretched xeno scum to overcome them. They got what they deserved
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The Fight Continues!.png
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And that' all.

What do you guys think of the new art?
I want to know what's up with that chick clinging to the robe of the tech priest in the forefront of that picture. It does sort of lend to the whole 'evil mad scientist vibe he's got going on.

Aun'va is not amused.
Surely she's a war trophy of some kind.
Death delayed, so she can suffer eternally for failing the Imperium
This pic has so much potential for reaction images

He's dead.
Apparently anything with a soul, even if it was a tiny one, is weak to a Culexus.

Plus the helmet device thingy amps up the power of the Pariah aura.
Quick and cheap enjoyable illustrations

No great evocative good art pieces though
The quality of the artwork is all over the place.

Tyranid codex confirmed right before Farsight Enclaves Codex?

Thos Assmarines are like "Yup, he's got it."
>shitposting loudly

They have some absolute REPUG pieces like the Hammerhead vs Lemon Russ one. But some great stuff too. I give it a cautious 7/10
They may be madmen but they don't look like they are laughing
Why do all GW campaigns end in a big explosion lately? End times, quest for ghal maraz, the shield of Baal and now this.
It is not healthy.
This book was the farsight enclave codex

I think they will get another one.
Oh dear god please be true. Tyranids need a good update. Keep Cruddance far away from them.
Well you see, it's so Space Marines can not look at the final big explosions and thus affirm themselves as cool guys. Since cool guys don't look at explosions.
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Wait, the Imperium has the tech to make a sector wide wall of plasma?
That is a wall of Plasma more then 200 Light Years wide, MINIMUM.

And it's used to say fuck you to the Tau?

Not fencing off Hive Fleets.
Not quarrentining Daemon of Ork worlds.
Not fencing off the fucking Eye of fucking Terror its self.

Just to stick a middle finger up at the Fucking Tau?
Is this the actual fluff? The imperium just sets hundreds of light years of space on fire?

If they can do shit like that, why haven't they done it against the tyranids?
Anyone with Warp travel would easily bypass it.

Because the Cult Mechanicus are a bunch of dicks.

You aspies need to stop. This was probably some one off weapon they found in a basement on Mars but y'all gonna keep going on and on about why don't they have one installed on every IG Valkyrie. Fuck off already jesus.
I figured that had to be an allegory. There is no fucking way the IoM has the tech to produce an astrological feature like that.
The order of unleashing the weapon came directly from Mars. The fleet commander didn't know his fleet was carrying the weapon until it was time to deploy it.

I think it was brought along just in case the Crusade fails.
>one off weapon they found in a basement on Mars

Then using it on the Tau is a big waste, innit?
ork sniper
Deus ex machina from the "Deus est machina"
Hmm... Tiny alien empire over here that will become a credible threat in about a thousand years and the only reason we keep fighting them is never fully defined.

Or this giant ball of hellspace here that spews out tratior legions ever fifty years or so that turn everything they touch to shit, requiring trillions of deaths to stop.
So wait, wait.

Are the tau... gone? As in, they're stuck being this giant permanent and mildly improbable wall of plasma fire.
Though the Tau are firing guided missiles, the IG troops are offered a little protection by hiding behind the superheavy tanks. Not a good explanation and >>43868816 has it better.

Just for a couple of years. There are other routes, and the Tau Eath Caste is already researching better FTL.
The only one who looks like he's got a bolter seems to be a captain or something so it's legit that he could be equipped with it.

If you're going to be autistic, do it right.
The *entire* Damocles gulf has been cut off by a wall of plasma set up by the Imperium? That's got to be the most batshit retarded thing GW has come up with since tanks that can't possibly have a suspension system.
Most of the Empire is struck behind the firewall.

Shadowsun and her forces, Farsight Enclaves, and Third Sphere septs are on the other side of the firewall.

The Tau are not gone. They are just reduced at the moment until they can find a safe way to get past the firewall.
I know 40k is a freeforall deathmatch and you can't just tell people X and Y are friends and don´t fight... but for fucks sake the level of autism we're reaching with all this "Imperium does not listen to xeno scum" is getting out of hands.

They have a fucking 4th dimension of pure FUCK YOU spilling into the galaxy everywhere and through the Anus of Terror and they prefer to keep wasting assets on the blue fags who actually would negotiate with them.

Get your shit together IoE.
>War is not a binary condition. Despite superficial appearances to the contrary it does not begin or end with a single discrete event. There may be catalysts and culminations, but their antecedents and consequences– cultural, material and even metaphysical– extend through times past and future like ripples in a river that flows two ways. Accordingly, the war between the Imperium and the Tau Empire did not begin and end with the Damocles Gulf Crusade. That conflict was the first great blossoming of our enmity and it will not be the last, but we have now entered a subtler phase of the game. Fifty years have passed since the crusade. Nothing has changed. Everything has changed.

>Here on the margins of the Damocles Gulf we are embroiled in a cold war, an intricate game of deceit, manipulation and coercion waged against a master player. It is a delicate struggle, but never make the mistake of thinking it any less inimical to the Imperium than the voracious depredations of the tyranids or the bleak pogrom waged by the necrons, for the tau are playing for the hearts and minds of mankind. If they triumph our species may survive, but its destiny will not.

-– Aion Escher, Grand Master of the Damocles Conclave, Ordo Xenos

The Ordos Xenos approves of that drastic measure. Only fools do not see the great threat posed by the Tau. The Tau had to be stopped before it was too late.
A reminder that Ordo Xenos also has kill ships capable of completely destroying entire key worlds behind enemy lines in Tau Space, and instead deploy a weapon that somehow generated a 200 light year wide wall of plasma.

Do you have.
The foggiest idea.
Of just how HUGE a single light year is?
Chaos boys can just go into the warp to avoid it just like everyone else, except the tau.
It was the only way to stop the rapid expansion of the Tau. It was a contingency plan by the High Lords themselves.

Zero regrets.
So why are their three factions of Tau in the art, what's the significance? Also anyone want to give me a general outline of events?
>Tau kicked imperial ass
>Imperium got salty, set space on fire
>Tau go home, find Nids shitting in the mail box.

>Trying desperately to find something to whine about
>Uses a Dumbing of Age reaction image

Why am I not surprised.
>A massive imperial armada suddenly appears above Mu’gulath Bay, surprising the Tau
>Tau ships protecting the planet know they have no way to protect the world. They offer token resistance to slow the armada before withdrawing to call the rest of the Tau fleet in the system
>It would take 80 cycles for the Tau fleet to gather enough forces to match the armada
>The Imperial fleet bashes its way through the Tau orbital defences with the help of marines
>The fleet deploys a killaton of Imperial forces on the planet
>The Tau are outnumbered many times over and there is no escape
>The Tau use their mobility to stage hit and run tactics against the seemingly endless hordes of Imperials, trying to thin them down
>Things look grim for the Tau but oh wait!
>Farsight arrives and turns the tide
>The battle is still in the balance
>Assassins are dispatched to kill all Tau major leaders
>All assassin fail save for the pariah one
>Aun'va is dead
>The Shadowsun and Farsight combing the twin strategies of Kauyon and Mont'ka (Also with the help of Tau weather controling tech), manage to blunt and then break the Imperial forces
>The Imperials start to evacuate
>Important personnel were evac'ed first alongside 50% of the surviving forces
>As the fleet admiral prepares to get out here, he met with an envoy of Mars
>The Martian Tech Priests reveal their doomsday weapon and then unleashed
>The world is destroyed and Damocles is on fire

That's all in a nutshell
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>this fucking art
And people say that the Tau aren't the weeb shit faction

And ofcourse the Tau get their plot armor to be safe from the galaxy for some time, just so they can develop some stupid deus ex machina that will save them.

>Being cut off from your colonies is plot armour

Imperials are the biggest, pampered babies I've ever encountered in any fandom. Got to assassinate their main leader and prevent them making any advancement and are still upset the Tau are even permitted to exist.
I wouldn't call salty imperials killing tons of your dudes and setting your space on fire and a goddamn nid invasion plot armour.

I thought the farsight enclaves were getting their shit kicked in by orks

How the fuck did they manage to haul a big enough force there to save the day
>I thought the farsight enclaves were getting their shit kicked in by orks

The Farsight Enclave won the War of Dakka like a hundred years ago.

I thought tau only live till the age of fifty
Not Farsight.
Hasn't Farsight got some sort of probably necron sword that steals time from things it kills?
Dawn Blade.
What happened to the orks who were in the gulf?
>Imperium finally going on the offence for once
>nope status quo time

Surfing plasma tides, probably.
It's probably just Tau propaganda to cover up some massive fuck-up on their part.
The new art is badass. Thanks for the dump.
They probably found it somewhere.
>but its destiny will not
Its destiny is to be swallowed by Chaos, so I'd say that's a good thing.
Too generic style, nothing interestind or attractive.
>Resorts to an ad hominem about reaction images

Why am I not surprised
So...what's next? Is there anything new coming?
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tau sympathizer.png
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>Vindicare in melee range with Tau

>Callidus firing Neural Shredder at a Drone and only the drone

>Celexus messing up Tau

Is there an Eversor being sneaky on here or something?
>>Vindicare in melee range with Tau

Darkstrider tracked him down and caught him unaware while firing at Farsight.

>>Callidus firing Neural Shredder at a Drone and only the drone

Shield drone

She tried first to stab Shadowsun with the C'tan phase blade but Shadowsun was too smart for that.

>Celexus messing up Tau

The fucker was sadistic in the story.
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Just stop. You faggots have already ruined the general. Please stay there for making up reasons to be mad. Is it not fucking embarrassing enough to have cried bitch tears about a book you haven't read only to have everything you were mad about proven to be made up? And yet you're STILL trying to find a way to be mad about it. Fuck off.
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>Culexus being sadistic
Do tell anon
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>farsight creeping on Shadowsun

also why is he holding a mini death star?
He took his time killing the Tau.

He creeped behind a fleeing Aun'va for a while before catching up to him. It's implied that he tortured Aun'va to death, slowly.
It's a communicator. He is talking to all of them.
>proven to be made up?
Several sites have said the same thing, that the Imperium set the sector alight.
So if you have evidence that this was made up, please share.

And warp travel doesn't matter with the Eye. The reason why Cadia is so fucking important is because it's the only reliable point you can enter and leave the Eye. You can't just warp out of there, you actually have to enter real space after leaving.
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Was the shield drone invisible or something? I find it odd that the Callidus wouldn't take it out first, it's not exactly a Tau secret of what they can do. Besides, the drones shielding is just as good as the shielding it provides and the Neural Shredder engulfs everything in front of it, not a single target. Also, does Shadowsun have rapid fire Fusion Blasters?
Also Imperial ships cannot exit the Warp any any place. They usually exit the Warp outside of an a system to avoid gravity screwing them over.
As a salty Imperial, this pleases me.
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>that the Imperium set the sector alight.

Clearly wasn't talking about that. The entire bleating that has been going on for the past two days about deaths that never happened. And instead of shutting the fuck up for just two seconds, in your desperate need to shit up every thread with tears you retards have moved on to whining about a problem that is only a problem for the Tau and wouldn't have posed any kind of problem for factions that can.

>Several sites have said the same thing

>a problem that is only a problem for the Tau and wouldn't have posed any kind of problem for factions that can

It would pose a problem for the Tyranids and Chaos should they deploy it on Cadian Gate.
So the Imperium have GRIDFIRE. Makes you wonder why they didn't use to close the Eye of Terror or block Hivefleet Leviathan or the next major Ork Waaagh or...

Another rabbit pulled out of their arse.

totally in character

Tau sitting with what imperial tech got left behind researching new ways to get home

You better believe they going to come back on the scene next year or two with new toys and tech and tear the imperium a new asshole
Thought it was because of the tau weather machine and the planet's storms?
It shouldn't but it will.
Wouldnt that totally fuck cadia as well? Also its not even that much for the tau they are already building ships able to fly through it. anyone with warp travel could go around it and nids would just adapt to it.
This assassin is going to have some bad time

they use fucking perpetual motion machines to make little walkers that carry a guy with a taser go.

It probably got used on the Tau because it was a sacred relic in the care of some obscure mechanicus forge world that got salty about the outcome of the campaign.
The Tau are a greater threat than Nids, Chaos and Orks put together. They are the greatest threat the Imperium has ever encountered! Nothing is spared to defeat the Tau. Even Culexus assassins, made from incredibly rare antipsykers, normally reserved for killing the most powerful psykers, are thrown against the blank Tau.
Tau are not blanks and the book states that Culexus were deployed to destroy rogue governs and whatever.
Well it worked.
No, the Tau sent away half of their forces to pacify Dovar before the crusade attacked.

Half of the 3rd sphere expansion forces are still around on another planet.

Also half the Imperial crusade forces managed to withdraw. Half of "billions".

So technically we can have an immediate rematch on Dovar at about equal troop strength.
I don't think the Imperials are going to attack the Tau anytime soon. Not at that level.

The White Scars for example finally decided to go home.
I can already hear the retards screaming "plot armour!!!"
>Imperium has a shitload of unique DAoT tech that could fuck up the Tau as a whole in millions of ways
>conveniently use the one that just happens to cut off the Tau from the galaxy
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Escher then began an earnest lecture on the most monstrously conceived plot of the Tau yet, the fluoridating of the recaf in order to sap and impurify the Imperium's precious bodily fluids.

I suspect that they will use the firewall to justify the two forces failing to grip each other in a decisive engagement and drag things out as remnants of the crusade and various Tau forces fight where and when they can.

You now a nice static status quo where they can have either side win big fights without actually risking fucking up the setting and can milk it for a couple years.
>Imperial tech
Honest question, what kind of Imperium tech could the Tau research?
Apart from studying battleships/armor composition to come with more efficient weapons/targetting methods, what could be interesting for them to research?
I don't really see them fucking up with warp travel, as the Imperium relies on genetically-engineered navigators (Unless they force-feed a shitload of them to the Kroots) and Emprah for that.
>Tau aren't a threat!!!
>Tau are small time

Literally forced to use a one off WMD on them while Chaos are currently knocking on the door of Cadia

Genius Imperium logic
>retarded for saying Tau have plot armour
anon, plot armor is a thing and Tau have been getting it the most recently, calm down.

Please don't be mad at me.
Warp engines/travel.

The Tau have been stated to have developed an unhealthy interest in Warp technology.
>Admech have sector wide WMD

>Admech need to steal Tau air conditioning tech
*cough* set damocles gulf on fire ass pull *cough*

Imperial grade plot armour
that the Imperium used it at all is a show of how powerful a threat they've made the Tau.
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You probably going to see an Imperial Knight killer at some point after the Obsidian Knight pushed their shit in.
>Imperial-grade plot armour
Gotta compensate for those Flak Vests!
Cadias been knocked down.
>Dat guardsman getting fucking blasted in the chest
Talk about a shitty day.
Only some of them, and even then not very well the tau can already travel through it.
In the story the magos who hands the admiral the weapon is cackling maniacally as he does so. It's described as sounding extremely unsettling, what's with the heavily modulated voice and all. Techpriests are creepy motherfuckers.
>Admech making sense
There's Farsight Enclaves (in red armour) who are their own separate faction, and everybody else is just Tau Empire but with different coloured armour for forces from different septs.
>Eldar can create warp storms
>Tau can make suns explode
>Imperials can set sectors on fire

Er... Guys, why are we fighting each other?

How are Chaos/Orks/Nids even a threat?
The crons can blow up practically any star they want from their living room.
How the hell is biological system going to adapt going through plasma wall?
Also, wouldn't 200 light years long plasma wall have some crazy gravitational effects? It's probably gonna collapse into a star some day isn't it?
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>Implying this picture isn't Imperial Propoganda showing their tactical genius
>See how these Guardsmen have expertly exploited the Tau's weakness in close combat by closing in on them
>See how Private Deadnow's armour EASILY deflects the xenos puny weapon fire
>See how artillery sergeant Canthear bravely ran all the way to the frontline to point out EXACTLY where he wanted the ordnance to be fired. Danger Close. The Astra Militarum way.

It's beautiful.

That isn't even the worse part of the Admech in the book, they literally turn up to steal Tau tech in the midst of battle and then fuck off and leave the IG and Marines to get stomped.
Classic Admech
Except the Tyranids could just go around it. If you've only got one shot, you might as well go for something it can kill.
Think of all the massive resources that the Admech spent on that crusade... all they wanted was air con.
I don't know anon, How the hell does a biological system adapt space flight and the ability to generate and shoot plasma in the first place?
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Based Emperor would have already been cutting deals by now.
It's described as igniting the nebulas in the Damocles Gulf so it might not work in areas that don't have convenient clouds of interstellar gas.

Forge worlds get pretty warm, yo.
Just read the shield of baal. Skip through to the climax. The Necrons and Blood Angels did the same thing as the Admech to kill a big portion of Leviathan.
Doubt it. If the Tau didn't immediately submit to humans he'd declare a crusade on them. As he was wont to do.
Well, there are Orgryns there, so that's probably true.
I'm not caught up on the Tau lore, but does this mean the Tau now have two factions separated by that plasma wall dealie? The main Tau Empire and the Farsight faction? What's Farsight's deal? Does he only have warriors or does he have actual Tau civilian populations?

Farsight has civilian worlds settled by tau military that have retired out, tau colonists, and humans.
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High Lords Of Terra Propaganda

Everyone knows by now he was a handshake away from allying with the Eldar
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What tech Admech has had hasn't got is pretty random. They have a WMD capable of setting a sector alight because some magos found one in the basement of some forgeworld, but they don't have AC because the STC got lost.

And to be fair, it was very good air conditioning, able to create an enviromental shield and purify the toxic atmosphere of the hive. That could be quite useful, as while Admech doesn't give a damn about the enviroment, keeping acid rain and other side effects of air pollution away from their facilities would increase productivity.
> It then doesn't work, because Tau develop shields that let them ignore it anyway.
Which Eldar? They all have different goals. Biel-tan was going to let Humanity rule the galaxy?
Seems recently they've been developing mechas that destroy it and, more often than not, anything else.
Indeed. Old fluff stated that Riptides were incredibly rare, and that most fire warriors were lucky if they ever got to see one in their lifetime. Now we have artwork of literally Five Riptides all deploying against the same enemy.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Tau have also teched up to a point where they can make a Riptide in a week, by the same deal with the Tigershark.
>See how artillery sergeant Canthear bravely ran all the way to the frontline to point out EXACTLY where he wanted the ordnance to be fired. Danger Close. The Astra Militarum way.
Some decent pieces, a lot of it is mediocre though.
Because those are all one-off asspulls that will have no real bearing on the setting?
Nothing has any bearing on the setting. The story in 40k is more stale than a Batman comic.
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>implying this WMD wasn't just some Artificial Solar Heater for terraforming.
>mfw Taufags getting btfo by superior Imperial schizo technology.

God I love being superior human master race.
So all Tau special chars are dead now?
Promising codex indeed.
Just Aun'va, but they're using holograms to trick everyone.

Just one.
Farsight has humans? Thought he was super racist.
Only the cunt that everyone, even the Tau Empire players despise. Honestly you did the tau a favour by killing him.
They keep humans for food, and to paint their armor.

Where do you think the red paint is from?
aun'va+billion kroots is fun as shit

Beggars can't be choosers these days
It's his waifu.
Silly anon, only the one everyone hates. No-one is sad to see the back of him.
Why is hated? I'm confused here.
Because he's Kim Jong-il in space, who hates Farsight and turned Shadowsun against him.

Tbh I rather like the old space-pope despite him not really being useful on the tabletop, aside from a gimmicky build with an allied FSE list with O'vesa to join his unit and become an unkillable super-Riptide.
That's all? Thanks.
He was just a massive twat. Read the two Damocles campaign books and you'll see why.
Basically, Aun'va's idea of the Greater Good was, "I will determine what the greater good is and how much can be sacrificed for it," rather than the original idea of, "Everyone chooses to put others before themselves."
He was utter cunt in the Damocles Anthology.
So how's Damocles being destroyed and your leader assassinated going?
Tau players hate him because they want their Tau to be noblebright mary sue blueberries, and Aun'Va was neither noble nor bright.

Imperial players hate him because he's Tau.
What's the most competitive blood angel list I can possibly build? I want to shit on my power gamer meta with the imperium's shittiest. Tau and Eldar need to fear the worst book in 7th.
To sum him up he's Tau Vandire in a way?

>plot armor

why is it Imperium fags are the only ones who parrot this buzzword.

The literal plot armor of the Imperium is "dude, there's so many of them." Everything is trying to kill humanity, and succeeds repeatedly, but it doesn't matter because plot armor of numbers.
Why didn't the Eversor take Farsight with him when it died? Why didn't it explode?
Yep. Bingo.
Nobody liked him anyway apparently and at least the imperium took out half their own force as well.
can tau please stop being this good guy maymay please


the greater good is such a dumb meme

It did explode but their suits shook it off.
Maybe it just didnt explode hard enough? I mean the man fights from a giant robot, he must be fairly hardy.
An Eversor has a Melta bomb on it, but how tough is Farsight's suit?
Dunno, but I guess he just got it repaired?
Or jump jetted away or something?
I can go with that.
It exploded, but considering in game the explosion is only ap-, I don't think it's supposed to be particularly good for hurting heavily armoured enemies. Farsight is wearing his battlesuit so the explosion would be unlikely to hurt him.
He does have a shield generator, but it's about as tough as marine armor with more mass. It's possible he got out unscathed, and it's possible it heavily messed him up.
The Eversor's death collapsed the dome and dropped the roof on everybody. Farsight made his armour save.
That is the pose of a xeno that realizes he's about to deal with an old colleague he absolutely hates, and is seriously debating on whether to play nice or cut his fucking head off
There is a variant that is designed to be used in space as a light bomber that looks extremely similar.
Because while Tau souls are little more than candles compared to a human floodlight, they still have souls, and Culexus assassins are Pariahs that are turned up to 11 and given a face gun that shoots pariah bullets that completely obliterates souls.

It is also unknown whether or not Ethreals are actually Psykers, so sending a Culexus might actually be more effective than thought.
>Chew up an entire Imperial crusade on a single planet
>Farsight and Shadowsun are BFF again
>That faggot Aun'Va is dead
>Tau are offcially noblebright again.

Fuck yeah!
>what could be interesting for them to research?

While Imperial tech is often less advanced than Tau tech, there are tons of devices from the DAoT and Mechanicus factions that eclipse the Tau by an incredible margin. The doomsday weapon deployed is a great example - the Tau can't just set 200 light years of space on fire at once. Studying Imperial tech is a way to make the connections and lead to newer techs that the Tau haven't thought of or have not yet been able to crack.
>drone shooting a titan
That's just downright cute
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The old fluff heavily suggests that Farsight could be long dead, and a random Tau takes his place when the previous one dies.
That, and that he could be using doubles.
>Chew up an entire Imperial crusade on a single planet

We all know what Imperialfags are going to say: "b-b-but it wasn't a real crusade", you know like they did the last time the Imperium sent a Crusade over.
Now we know why he's alive, though. The Dawn Blade is keeping him alive. When he kills something with the Dawn Blade it adds their lifespan to his own.
Wow, shit writing to go with shit art.

The Imperium can just set lightyears of space on fire now? Why the fuck haven't they done this before?
>notice me senpai
Farsight and Shadowtsun parted ways with her swearing that some day they'll have a reckoning, so I guess it was kind of a temporary alliance, as they both recognise the Imperium's a bigger threat than their internal struggles.

That sounds less Necron and more like an Eldar, Old One or outright Chaos artefact... And given it's not driven even a Tau completely tentacles and insanity yet, I think we can rule that last one out...

Ordinatus weapons are one-of-a-kind.
Also >>43871623 wow you guys are salty as fuck that the Imperium isn't the only force out there with a degree of protagonist-armour anymore!
Because its not really that useful apparently. The Tau are already building ships that can travel in it and everyone else could just avoid it with the warp.
It steals time and crons are all about time control.
It extends life, something the Necrontyr couldn't do and the Necrons have no use for.
That could be a lie to justify the fact that he's been around for so long.
You know, if the dude had its own enclave, his death could result in major fuckup for the Tau empire. To keep it in control they could pull out the previous dead dude from the exosuit, and put another one inside so the Legend doesn't die.
hive fleets can attack from 3 dimensions so it would be a pain in the ass to do that for the entire milky way unless the mechanus has finally gotten their heads out of their exhaust ports and really started to innovate
He found it on the same world where he found some psychic amulets
>In the story the magos who hands the admiral the weapon is cackling maniacally as he does so
Are you saying you wouldn't if given the chance to set 200 light years worth of space on fire?
I even looks like something a necron would have.
>lel salty cas Tau win

You realize I'm criticizing the fact that the Imperium apparently have this insanely useful megatech that they've never used before, right?

If it were some artifact they dug up and hastily used, it'd be fine, but shit, if they can make these things they should be using them wherever they can. It's retarded even for 40K.
>That sounds less Necron and more like an Eldar, Old One or outright Chaos artefact...

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is ancient. Hundreds of sapient alien races and non-Imperial human societies have been driven to extinction over the centuries, and that's before we get onto the sort of apocalypses that swept through the galaxy before humanity first emerged. It's entirely possible that the Dawn Blade isn't the product of a named race we're aware of, but just a strange relic left over from a people otherwise reduced to dust on the boots of history.
Or find a sector of space full of nid ships and just set the goddamn sector on fire?
They probably just found it somewhere. Even if they didnt just find one it wouldnt be much use on anyone else but the nids and they would just adapt their ships to it and fly through.
>why is it Imperium fags are the only ones who parrot this buzzword.
I don't get why "plot armor" is even a thing anywhere. Literally everything that happens is by writer fiat regardless of who it involves.
It doesn't steal life. It steals TIME.

Considering Necrons have the only considerable level of time travel or manipulating tech, and that the 'chronophage alloy's' ability is apparently a physical trait of the metal itself rather than Warp shenanigans, it seems likely to be Necron related. Remember that Necron tech advanced a ton after they contacted the C'tan and went all metal.
>If it were some artifact they dug up and hastily used, it'd be fine
What is likely is that the Admech has had one, and ONLY one, for centuries, and just decided to deploy it here knowing that unlike most races that are dealt with, it will actually be effective in an area where the drawbacks are a nonissue.
Anyone who hasn't figured this out clearly doesn't actually pay attention to 40k.
I recall reading that TIME in the damocles gulf is strange, the planets there are younger than the rest of the galaxy for some reason. Is that fanon or canon?
Pretty sure even Nids are hard pressed to adapt to superheated plasma. If they could adapt so easily, they'd do so on the regular.

And it'd be nice if it was specified that the weapon was something found and not understood. Because as-is it just makes the Imperium seem too retarded to be taken remotely seriously.
From a meta standpoint, You know full well that it's either Eldar, Necron, or Chaos related because the Dawn Blade needs to tie in to things known in the setting to be significant.

Also Arthas Molech the world which the blade was located was Necron and Eldar ruins.
They also have DAoT era AI controlled ships in storage, but why the feck would they waste this on the tau?
If they can adapt to shooting it out of their mouths they can adapt to flying in it.
Wasn't the battle of Mu'gulath Bay already well over? And it was a phyrric victory for the Tau, even without the Firewall.
AI are heretical anyway.
It was found inside a Chaos temple.
This is 40k.

The writers pulled it out of their ass just like they pull everything out of their ass.
It would actually be pretty useful against anyone that wants to hold ground. Sure, races with less transient Warp travel tech can go 'under' it, but it still denies an entire area of space to them for an extended period of time.

And it fucking ends battles.

Say Chaos Mehreens are taking a bunch of worlds. Don't even go in full force, just deploy one of these. Deny them everything and destroy all enemy forces in lightyears.

So I guess the new guard book wont have the "pask with brrrrrrrt canon" option anymore, seeing as how he died.
Machine spirits are fine though
He didn't die.

He was defeated ny Longstrike but got out of there alive.
It was found inside a creepy temple of unknown origin.

It's clearly not a Chaos artifact. It doesn't appear to have any corruptive influence, its powers are physical rather than Warp-based, etc. At most, it may have been in the custody of Chaos worshipers for a while.
I really don't think the Imperium has any shortage of random tank aces that could take his place.
Its basically just a short warp storm.
Yeah but the dude said ai ships not machine spirit ships.
Okay so I've been out of the 40k lore loop for a while.

What the fuck is happening here?

Why are there White Scars and Raven Guard smashing Tau?
Why are the Tau actually doing pretty good?
The fuck kinda new robots do the Ad Mech have?

What is happening.
Don't worry plot armour will bring him back, like every other time he has supposed to have died.
This was a reply to
The Tau won the ground war decisively and were in the process of dismantling the evacuating Imperial forces when the Imperial went full Hiroshima on them.
No, those ships are true AI. As actual heresy AI. But they are also monuments to DAoT. It's like a sleeping dragon to them, it's magnificent but they don't want it to wake up.
Being able to make a short Warp storm is amazing.

Upon activation it wipes out everything in the area. The ability to destroy everything within lightyears of space is amazing. Abaddon has appeared with a Black Crusade? Fire this at his fucking face, watch that entire fleet he's built up over xhundred years disintegrate and deny him a staging area in future attempts.
Only because Farsight saved their ass
Or they just tank it. Fucking tau ships can fly through it. Tau ships arent that impressive compared to something thats probably full of daemons.
>No, those ships are true AI. As actual heresy AI.
Sure. It still doesn't stop them from declaring them to be benevolent machine spirits. Who could possibly dispute them? The rest of the ignorant as shit society that depends on them? The Admech already tolerates AI, most notably in land raiders, by doing the exact same thing.
Yeah, and?

and as usual the culexus is the only one useful, in fluff OR on the board.
Tau ships with specialized shields created after tons of research can sometimes breach the firewall.

An unprepared fleet just burns.
Shadowtsun does seem to have lost her personal vendetta against Farsight, though. She informs him that the Ethereals are planning to have him arrested, and although she mentioned that if ordered to stop him from escaping she would do so, she let him go because no such order had been given to her yet.
That's a pretty big change from Kayon, where she gets mad for one of her subordinates even mentioning Farsight's name. They both seem to have mutal respect for each other now, although Shadowsun is still loyal to the Etherals.

AI is fine to the admech. Always has been with machine spirits and all that. The thing they dislike are sentient AI like the men of iron because those royally buttfucked humanity during the DAoT. Those ships are probably just really good AI on the level of machine spirits that they can't replicate anymore so it's really valuable.
The dragons are asleep.
If the dragons wake up they will eat you. (maybe)
dragons are not tame.

AIs are dragons. They are not machine spirits.

Yeah man. Lets see some of the god tier art work you have put out there?

Or are you incapable of doing anything even "bargain big tier"?

Oh let me guess... you COULD do it if you WANTED to but you dont want to.

>i could totally kick brock lesnars ass in a fist fight but i dont feel like it.
>What the fuck is happening here?

Imperium launched another Crusade at Tau space

>Why are there White Scars and Raven Guard smashing Tau?

They are part of the Crusade, probably brought along to use their mobility and stealth against the Tau's mobility and stealth.

>Why are the Tau actually doing pretty good?

Guerrilla tactics combined with their two best generals and their inspiring leader all showing up for the party.

>The fuck kinda new robots do the Ad Mech have?

They're simple automatons that work off of inputs from punch-cards.
>Who could possibly dispute them?
The AI who dont take kindly to the Admechs religious bullshit.
an ork will get the ideal to ride the waves of plasma
>created after tons
They literally just had it dropped on them and they can already manage it. A big fuck off possessed imperial warship would probably be fine.

To be fair, he's right. This art isn't nearly as good as some of the older art for the Tau has been.
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>if you can't draw you can't criticize drawings!
>if you can't program you can't criticize games!
>if you're not a director you can't criticize films!
>if you're not a writer you can't criticize books!
>if you don't play an instrument you can't criticize music!

I thought this retarded argument had died out.

Chill your luminous ass. You sound almost butthurt enough to be one of these shitty artists.
It was found helt by one of a group of statues also holding warp- and daemon-repelling amulets, arranged in a circle around a Chaos temple. Big difference. Whoever put those amulets (and presumably the sword) there clearly wanted to keep warp-taint contained inside the area.
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>Kastelan about as tall as a Battlesuit

>Kastelan on the background about as tall as a Riptide

Some of them still seem fine, particularly the shots of Farsight.

I still can't get over how dumb the Stormsurges look though.
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Sure its not as good as some of the older stuff.

But its still decent. Yeah im sure the artists done make a living off it but its by no means bad art.

Here, have some old(ish)hammer artwork.
Because most of Admech themselves consider AI to be heresy. Some are willing to skirt the line between what is technically heresy and what's not (Titan "machine spirits" from example are borderline tech-heresy, and probably wouldn't be allowed on anything but the god-machines who get a pass for being avatars of Omnissiah's will), but going full silica animus tends to get you declared heretek very quickly if another magos finds out what you're doing.
>Imperium launched another Crusade at Tau space
I thought it was the final battle of Damocles, that is, the first (and so far only) Crusade.
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>be Magos
>working on dissertation on plasma weaponry
>Holy Mars seconds me to Damocles
>apparently motor-barbarians couldn't handle Tau
>01101111 01101011 01100001 01111001 00101110 01101010 01110000 01100111

>Command Skitarii from cruiser
>I bet Genator Kenzor didn't have to abandon his research for this...
>I hate Genator Kenzor
>my mechadendrites hurt
>I could be working on plasma fusils right now

>half of battle maniple beta explodes
>01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100
>blasphemous Tau machine is discharging plasma
>immediately send 2 more maniples to after it
>manage to down it with acceptable losses
>transport down to collect remains
>obtain xenos heret...-valuable research material
>AM commander voxes me
>asks me why I'm transporting war cohort off planet
>tell him machine spirits are acting up (lie)

>weak fleshy AM not doing well
>receive message from Mars
>authorized to activate holy "Black Fortress Jumper Cables" that Magos Gillian found on a backwater world in M39
>01101000 01101111 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101111 01101001 01101100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101110 01110011 01101001 01100110 01101001 01100101 01110011

>hand off to Navy to fire
>go home with more research material

01110100 01101111 01100100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001
>He does have a shield generator
his shield generator was busted

Everyone surviving the explosion is a bit dumb, even if I knew farsight at least would live.
Som of it looks nice, but some is pretty bad. Same with Kayon. There was some good looking art, but also a lot that just looked kind of doofy, with weird offmodel battlesuits and marines with stupid expressions.

By my count this Sister in front has 49 skulls on here that we can see in the pic.

>skull armor
>skull boob armor on the skull armor
>skull shoulder pads
>skull knee pads
>skull sword of skulls with more skulls
>skull gloves of spikey skulls
>skull bolt pistol
>flying skull attached to SOB head because skulls thats why

Then we have the preacher who has a skull necklace and i would assume a skull staff with a skull on top.

then there is a flying skull in the background

In fairness everyone is in walking tanks.
>Tau kick Imperium in the balls
>Imperium responds by setting a whole fucking sector on fire.

Feels good man.
when the tau was introduced as welcoming tolerant open to cooperation and using plenty of long range firepower farsight was xenophobic isolationist and used close range combat this has changed a bit as fluff became darker and edgier
the farisght enclaves are basically a foil to the tau empire

I laughed. but maybe its because i understand binary.
fuck this is bad
That's true, but despite its lackluster rules, the bio-meltdown is usually pretty intense in the fluff.

Maybe I just wish the seven samurai actually lived up to their names and fucking died. Half of them can just be replaced, so it's not a huge loss.
Isnt one of them already dead?
So, why does everyone act like Tau got a ton of good technology from the Imperium here? Half of the shit wouldn't even work for the Tau. I don't think the Tau empire has enough people to man the average Imperial battleship, or make it function without navigators. So, it's useless to them. Yet the Imperium (given ad mech took shit) could just make better guns and plasma shooting shit, bombs, and armor if Tau stuff is that much more advanced.

That and given Damocles got rocked hard, Imperials seem to have won this by a fucking landslide. What's with Taufags and acting like they win shit that they don't even win? Whether it's an outside faction helping them, almost getting destroyed by one butthurt priest and a few dudes during the first damocles attack, and now this. Is getting fucked in the ass just enough for them to be happy?
I mean when the fluff says the imperials where getting rocked so hard that to pull out, set space on fire and kill fifty percent of their own guys I think its safe to say they lost that one.
stupid tau invested most of their military to this campaign and assumed the Imperium did the same. It's funny how for Imperials it was costly victory but not even close to having galaxy wide impact.
>Fury of the Mont'ka
>battlesuit destroys whitescar bike through teabagging

Sounds right

But by attrition the Imperials could afford to lose them. There's more than enough dudes and shit to replace them. Plus with the added bonus technology the AM stole, losing technology to the Tau that the Tau can't even use, and forcing them to lose Damocles, I don't see how this is anything but a loss in the end for the Tau.
One of them is an AI in a suit, one is hooked up to the suit on life-support, and one of them is the latest in a long line of people with the same name.

Noteworthy is that all of these were theories on how Farsight was still alive.
That thunderhawk looks like it's headed for the riptide.
one of them's an AI program
one of them is just a title assumed by a random dude piloting the suit

There's also one using a puretide engram, and another kept alive by NANOMACHINES, which are about as easy to replace.
I do question the idea of the Tau getting useful tech out of this. They're already looked at Imperial tech and figured it's mostly ineffective garbage. At best they might be able to learn something new from Admech stuff or Power armor, but I don't think it's gonna be anything major.
Your entire post is so wrong it has to be bait.

> almost getting destroyed by one butthurt priest and a few dudes during the first damocles attack, and now this. Is getting fucked in the ass just enough for them to be happy?

Butthurt priest? The lore says it was ordered by the High Lords of Terra and that it was a massive crusade. There crusade had a confirmed number of 124 regiments.

About what happened in Mont'ka? The Second Crusade objective was to wipe out the Tau Dovar system and kick them across the gulf. It failed and they had to get drastic. The Tau expansion forces are still in the dovar system albeit cut off from their Empire. The Imperium has failed.

>So, why does everyone act like Tau got a ton of good technology from the Imperium here?

The Tau require only the Warp Engine tech and gellar field technology. The Imperial tech recovered from this much will help in the research.
Reflexes versus shotgun?
Because not only did the imperials loose shitty imperial guard, space marines got fucked over as well. They cant afford to loose half a billion of them down the couch. Plus all the fire storm does is give the tau time to rebuild. And the Admech wont even do anything with that tech anyway because they never do anything new.
>being a nameless, faceless assassin against someone with a name, rules and heroically going into battle without facial protection
Very little here compares to how bad a clingy eversor would be.
>Why are the Tau actually doing pretty good?
Massive retcons and plot armor, as usual.
I don't think you guys get what happened.

The Damocles Gulf is a hazardous uninhabitable region of space. The worlds the Tau claimed and the colonies the Tau settled in the TSE lay beyond it and they are still there minus the planet that was nuked. The Tau lost a grand total of one planet to massive crusade.


The Imperium cannot afford such wastes in the End Times.
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>he doesn't want the big strong arms of an eversor wrapped around him, keeping you safe and sound
actually gay
01110011 01101101 01101000 00100000 01110100 01100010 01101000 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101101
The Imperium lost.
They had their ass handed to them.
Impfags whined for ages to see the Imperium get serious on the Tau.
They Imperium did.
They still lost.
An entire crusade's worth on manpower on a single planet and the Tau BTFO them.
We can now say for sure that the Imperium has no chance of conquering ANY Tau homeworlds.
Even as the Imperium withdraw, they pulled another deus ex machina outta their ass.
They burned a planet while their own guys were still on it.
Tau forces survive behind their shields.

Thanks for cleaning up the trash for us.
>the End Times

>two space marine chapters
>some guardsmen
>small titans

is that even a proper crusade? Compare it with
Armageddon or Badab
124 regiments.
>responding to shitposters
anyways, comparing global, player-driven campaigns with this shit is basically an insult
You do that the Crusade was bigger than that and had plenty of other sub-factions and forces but the narrative focused on certain elements of the Crusade, right?

By the way, the tank battle on the planet is among the largest tank battle the Imperium HAS EVER FOUGHT.
125155 regiments mean same as 10 in terms of plot. They are meatshields that get chewed without anybody noticing
Nobody is shitposting but you guys. You guys are raping the lore.

Second Damocles Crusade is 1000+ regiments.
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It's not. Ignore the taufags for the are liars. This man and his fabulous topknot is the real target.
>By the way, the tank battle on the planet is among the largest tank battle the Imperium HAS EVER FOUGHT.
I feel as if Perturabo now hates the Tau because of that.
Well maybe if they sent 125155 regiments they wouldn't have gotten wiped on a single planet.

It's not. It's like the first Damocles Gulf Crusade. It's barely a fucking fraction of the Imperial forces and they lose that many dudes on an average day and somehow the Tau act like the Imperium even honestly gives a shit.

Badab War, Armageddon, Black Crusades, Tyranid hive fleets, any number of other threats get far more forces rushed to them and it comes out fine. Tau face a laughably small force because the High Lords see the Tau as a minor threat and suddenly we get:


It's like the Tau players are all new to 40k and have no sense of fucking scale in this universe or the scale of the Imperium.
Not really, only to someone who hasn't read the fluff;.
>is that even a proper crusade?

There you have it. The refrain of every impfag each time the Tau trashes another imperial crusade.

In the next episode, the Imperium wakes up the God emprah and sends the custodes plus all the forces in 5 segmentums against the Tau. The tau survive but it wasn't a real crusade because reasons.
I was quite serious on this one. From writer's perspective everything >10000 men is just mass of people. Haven't you heard that sci fi writers have no sense of scale?
Sorry, anon, the First Damocles Crusade was said to be a massive one in the fluff.

The Second one was titanic and it failed making the Imperium get desperate. The imperium brought its A-Game and it wasn't enough.

Canon > Your headcanon
I just thought of something. There were suppose to be SoBs on this crusade right? The reason why the Imperium got such a result was because there was no Sisters distracting the Tau with their opinions on their codex or being as distracting as nuns with guns can be.
40k writers are always terrible with numbers.
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All this heresy from BTFO imperials.
>but never make the mistake of thinking it any less inimical to the Imperium than the voracious depredations of the tyranids or the bleak pogrom waged by the necrons, for the tau are playing for the hearts and minds of mankind. If they triumph our species may survive, but its destiny will not.
The ordos xenos seems to think its pretty important.

It was massive, in comparison to the Tau or what the Tau have faced. To the Imperium it's fucking peanuts. The Tau are smaller, the Imperium are larger. What is large to the Tau is not large to the Imperium. Because we have examples in the lore of the Imperium consistently losing more forces than this and involving more and it wasn't straining shit.
40k writers are totally accurate when it's IMPERIUM STRONK, but totally wrong when it's imperium getting it's face smashed in.
aren't tau knifes ritual only? Does he want to become blood brother with this guardsman? that'd be quite heartwarming
Nah, Imperial sources say it was massive as well which means it was massive relative to the Imperium.

And do tell me how many forces were in the Damocles Crusade? The full number was never stated. In recent fluff the number of known number of regiments that took part in it jumped to 124.
What went wrong? What did the Imperium do wrong? Maybe they sent the wrong chapter to deal with the Tau.
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if only Imperium chose Dark Angels for the job there wouldn't be tau anymore
Overconfidence, bad luck, and the enemy commanders were more skilled.
They tried the same shit as always against people who arent mental, mindless or crazed cultists and who will actually change their tactics as needed.
I'd rather spoon an eversor
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>350 posts
>85 posters
Is there are like 3 ultra butthurt Tau faggots in here that can't tolerate anything other than WEEBS STRONK, TAU TRIUMPH, EVERYONE WHO DISAGREE IS FILTHY AND BUTTHURT IMPERIAL

Hilarious that you fags are so hyped for a faction that has to rely on plot armor and retcon after retcon to keep it relevant.
They tried to rush things instead of shelling them to death.
also >>43872869 made me laugh.
Wrong? Nothing went wrong! The Imperium killed lots of enemies. Anyone who didn't evacuate on time is classified as a defector. Defectors are enemies. Imperial win! IMPERIUM STRONK!

note to self: remember to have the families of defector shot to up my kill score higher

>Nah, Imperial sources say it was massive as well which means it was massive relative to the Imperium.

No, Tau codexes say that. Otherwise the writers will need to explain why this paltry number of forces is considered large when far more forces were involved elsewhere, and often for even smaller things.

>known number of regiments that took part in it jumped to 124.

Which means what? The Imperium can get 124 regiments worth of recruits from just one slum block on one hive world. Which can have fucking billions upon billions of people. They'd probably volunteer those people away to cut down the population if anything. This is what I mean about the scale here. This one thing is downright laughably minor for the Imperium. They'll shit out more of those cheap tanks and recruit more random schmucks for the guard and that's it. Plus the gained tech from the Tau, plus removing the entire Damocles Gulf in a ball of fucking fire and willingly burning half their own dudes because they're easily expendable and replacable.

That's the thing. The Imperium can afford to lose half of their dudes on this shit and not bat an eye.
>Tau sends all their named characters.
>Imps send Pask and some no name marines
Glorious tau victory indeed tactical geeenius
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We need an Imperial version of that with Chaos marines and a SoB.
That really doesn't go well when it's Eldar. I say the real problem is that they didn't send in the Dark Angels. God Emperor knows how Asmodai would whip the guardsmen into shape.
isn't the reason the ordos xenos wants the tau dead because their messing with A.I. tech
>That's the thing. The Imperium can afford to lose half of their dudes on this shit and not bat an eye.

That's good because they did.
Eldar are just pansies and there arent that many of them anyway.
I dont know man I was just copying quotes.
>dark angel
>jump pack
>grav instead of plasma
>roman leather skirt thing (forgot it's name)
that's quite suspicious to me
I'm pretty sure it was in one of the codexes that inquisitors are really worried about the tau messing around with A.I.
>hearts and mind
The threat of the tau isn't in the weaponry or technology of the tau. It's the ideology of unity and cooperation that scares the imperials. It's like democracy to north korea.
>That's the thing. The Imperium can afford to lose half of their dudes on this shit and not bat an eye.
You say that but they lost half their guys and achieved what? They took out one planet and killed one actually important person that no one even liked in the first place? They were supposed to take out significantly more with that force.
>No, Tau codexes say that. Otherwise the writers will need to explain why this paltry number of forces is considered large when far more forces were involved elsewhere, and often for even smaller things.

Nope, Imperial sources say that as well like the 7th ED Marine codex.

>That's the thing. The Imperium can afford to lose half of their dudes on this shit and not bat an eye.

Thing is it cannot.

The Imperium is running out of forces to support its warzones in the Age of Ending. For example, the Imperials cannot find enough forces to beat back a Necron dynasty in the "Fall of Orpheus" book. Another example is that the drainage of forces to the major warzones that left entire sections of the Imperium defenceless (IA 13)

Those forces that died would have done great filling some of the gaps in the Imperium.
While tactically the Imperium was countered in a number of ways I think if we're going by numbers then each side won in the sense that it did what it was best at doing.

>their tactics and Jump-Shoot-Jump worked out
>the two primary Tau forces are more united
>Tau scientists might've gotten more Imperium tech
>Tau won the short game

>killed enemy command element
>only an Adminstratum rounding error worth of losses
>Ad-Mech for sure got some Tau tech
>Imperium won the long game
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>Eldar are just pansies and there arent that many of them anyway.
But the D.
Let him be that way. He's a captain. He's earned that right.
Maybe if they were so worried about it they should have tried something other than setting half their men on fire.
The Cadian commander was highly decorated and respected.

Chapter Master Shrike was leading the marine coalition.

Both good leaders.
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why can't we all be friends?

They did and by their own hand. If these forces were so large and so necessary like you claim, they'd have at least tried to evacuate them first rather than going "fuck it, just burn them all". Otherwise whoever ordered that would be declared a traitor and a renegade for wasting such valuable forces in a time of need. They don't need them. They can afford to lose half their dudes for nothing. Yet this is somehow a major Tau victory. Wow, one tank general and no name dudes blow the fuck out the entire complement of Tau characters and even kill one? Yeah, clearly this is hurting the Imperium big time!
wasn't Shrike promoted while thing was already going and previous CM died? Also I think Pask being great commander sadly doesn't measure in plot armor to two greatest tau commanders of modern times.
>That's the thing. The Imperium can afford to lose half of their dudes on this shit and not bat an eye.

Exactly. The vast majority of guardsmen do not even survive their first campaign. The IG is a giant mill that grinds up billions of men a day on countless battlefields, for the glory of the blood god.
>one tank general and no name dudes blow the fuck out the entire complement of Tau characters and even kill one?
If they blew the fuck out of them why did they have to set all their dudes on fire?
Explosions work, therefore this failure is attributed to not exploding enough.
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>the conscript and fire warrior have the same weapon skill
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>Chaos can irreversibly corrupt a guy if he only drags a finger through some Chaos text lines or looks at them too much and can strike anywhere
>but we have to worry about some minor Xenos empire who is forcing or brainwashing a few Imperial planets into joining their empire
Tau get so overhyped by the writers, but it's always
>Tau are strong and feared because I say so, even though nothing else implies that
>>only an Adminstratum rounding error worth of losses

The crusade was of titanic size and it lost more than half of its forces. There was so much Imperial armor on the planet that it among the largest tank battles the Imperium ever fought. I say the Imperium lost the long game because those dead forces would have done well on Cadia or any other warzone.

The Tau will recover behind their new firewall, provided the Tyranids do not finda way to bypass it. The Imperium is facing the apocalypse.
What exactly was the imperials mission with their crusade? Surly the whole thing wasn't meant for one planet?
range 30"
The imperial mission is the same as every other imperial mission: to fuck loads of imperials and not give a fuck
>facing apocalypse
only one? then how does it change Imperium standing?

>If they blew the fuck out of them why did they have to set all their dudes on fire?

They didn't. Because the Imperium can afford to just get tired of fighting the Tau and go "eh, fuck it, just blow this shit up and surround them by a ball of fire". Because the forces the Tau face are so utterly minimal and pathetic that it's nothing to the Imperium while being a major threat requiring almost all of the Tau.

Take a look at Armageddon, any random hive fleet, or a black crusade. What happened here was not even remotely close to comparing to any of those.
>they'd have at least tried to evacuate them first rather than going "fuck it, just burn them all".

Didn't you read the book? The Tau beset the retreating Imperials and didn't give them breathing space to withdraw all their forces. It was reasoned that the Imperial forces that could not be evacuated were already dead and so they weren't accounted for when they burned the world.
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The only one that counts and its gonna change everything.
But what was it actually? Surly the mission statement wasnt just "lets set everything on fire to steal some air conditioners".
Tau fight for single planets like their lives depend on it.
Since they gather up to defend it, bring a load of smash and the following is a bit simpler.
Much like the last dozen.
In the next IA book, the Imperial Guard decides not to waste time, and just drop the entire imperial crusade from orbit ...

..without grav chutes, because you know, rounding error.



Your killing me with your headcanon, anon.
>>43872228no thgis is way after the Damocles Crusade, but in the same area, with an Imperial Task Force counter-attack.

I don't think its actually crusade, they don't seem to call it that.
But what was the crusades actual mission is what I want to know?
In the next IA book, the Imperial Guard decides to save money, and send them in nekkid against tyranids... because you know, rounding error.
Genocide like normal really, though expanded you could reason it as reclamation of imperial worlds that were convinced or conquered.
>while being a major threat requiring almost all of the Tau.

You do know that the Tau on the planet were a fraction of the Tau IN THE SYSTEM? Most of the Tau forces were fighting on other worlds in the Dovar System.

A massive Imperial crusade faced an undermanned Tau garrison force and lost, It was with the help of Farsight but it has to sting.
>The Imperium is facing the apocalypse.
Which one? There is always an apocalypse in this galaxy. GW will come out with a new novel that has a totally new and super serious apocalypse but will get beaten anyway because Status Qou.
It's a crusade. They repeatedly call it that. The Task Force was part of the crusade.

>Tau weebs realize how minor this was


Just stop. You cannot be this assblasted that the Tau lost. You killed a named dude that was a fucking tank general and you lost an Ethereal and the entire Damocles Gulf. Be happy the writers wanking you even came up with that compared to what would have really happened.
with tau reliance on Abhorent Inteligence it's easy for them to gather big defensive force with only few men. We Imperials prefer to do things manual.
So entire imperial crusade of billions of men hit a half strength garrison force and still had to run back to their ships with their tails between their legs?

So instead of Tau genocide they took out one planet, killed one leader that was disliked and lost half their own men.
That sounds a bit like a resounding loss to me considering what that force was supposed to do.
that one leader was literaly a space pope to tau and considering how much feels evokes death of normal ethereal I guess it;s quit big deal
One leader that was disliked?
Aun'va was one of the biggest heads in the tau empire.

Check the tau forums to see what tau players are saying. They were hoping he would die before it was even confirmed.
>entire Damocles Gulf


See (>>43872592)

You blew up one planet. Good for you. The rest of the forces and worlds of the Tau are alright. They are already trying to figure out away to cross the burning gulf.
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you mess up fluff with players opinions
Dont most people think he is still alive because they are pretending to be him with holograms?

You forgot "denied the entire Damocles Gulf to the enemy via light years of balls of fucking blame".
I meant farsight didnt like him sorry.
The Tau can already fly through it.
Probably, though his spirit bullshit will be lacking now.
and the opinion is that the tau are better off with him dead.
such assblasting
why did they kill all their men before blowing up the planet again were they getting beaten back by the tau fleets in space
can you give an example? Because I'm reading it now and its just called a Task Force.
With excessive ship losses.
Oh hey it's like they're experiencing warp travel minus the daemons
No, they were just in hurry. Time is money. Guardsmen are just rounding errors.
It's probably better to stop this before it becomes even more a meme than it already is.
The Tau are developing methods to fly through it. They can already fly through it. The problem is it's basically like flying in the warp without the help of the Emperor for the Imperium. Basically you have to hope to be lucky enough to arrive to the other side
Which may as well be denied territory since the tau so dearly value their lives.
considering tau numbers it is serious problem
High not excessive with a bit more time they will be fine in it because tau tech actually advances. And whats even in the gulf anyway? Its one planet, it wasnt even a fully defended planet.
A lot more than one planet, but the firewall doesnt actually cover the entire gulf, only the boundary area
I'm not saying that it's not a real problem for the Empire. It's just that the level of posts written make it seems like that unless the Tau develops warp travel they are cut off from the rest of the galaxy forever
Where's the 124 Regiments thing coming from?

It was 18 Infantry Regiments, 6 Armoued and 2 Artillery, plus Scion, Rough Rider & Ogryn support.

thats just 26, biig difference from 124.
Planets actually, each inhabited by more Tau forces that were already fighting something.
And barring farsight apparently a number of unique characters are split from their core worlds.
Guns might not do it but attempting to cross this sea of fire will ream the tau silly for a time.
I meant in other sources like the Damocles Anthology.

Because the Tauweebs need to pretend they beat a bigger force than they did. It's the only way they can feel good about themselves.
The Ultramarine colouring guide. It mentions Ultramarine fighting alongside 100 regiments in dying days of Damocles Crusade.
So we can agree that the Imperial forces fighting on this planet weren't an entire crusade then like some anons were saying?
But was there anything actually important there? Stopping the tau from going there is all well and good but what is there worth going to in the first place?
>Crusade meant to genocide their race
>Stopped by a short staffed planet


Imperialfags just cannot into lore.
yeah but thats the first Damocles Crusade, this takes place much later.
>But was there anything actually important there? Stopping the tau from going there is all well and good but what is there worth going to in the first place?

Yes! It has planets! Planets full of soft delicious impressionable guela!
it wasn't a crusade, see >>43873482
They were the Crusade. The Task force was a massive sent as reinforcements for the Crusade forces in the Dovar System after the Tau took Agrellan and won on Prefectia.
According to Imp lorefags, the first crusade was two guys and their dog.
yeah, but some people are claiming they were the "entire" crusade.

when the book makes clear its a task force.
Well the blood ravens would be fine too.
Let's be honest, the only reason the one in your pic is happy is because he just figured out how to be "gifted" that tau's armor.
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>implying that's not enough
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>Tau don't even win against a task force and claim victory over an entire crusade because the Imperium didn't give a shit and just lit the entire gulf on fire

Just like you guys killed Slaanesh, right?
well thats bullshit, the first crusade was a real deal, hundreds of regiments and many chapters, like >>43873638 was saying.

This wasn't a crusade though.
>Attack force whos purpose was to wipe out an entire race
>Lost 50% of their forces on one planet
Its a poor job no mater how you say it.
I mean really they lost even more than 50% considering 50% of the forces killed were people retreating from the battle that they were loosing.
If we are talking about the Second Damocles Crusade. then it was stated that the armada that was sent to support it after the Tau took Agrellan had 1000 regiments. The member of forces sent against the Tau was increased by the High Lords even more after the Tau defeated the Imperials on Prefectia.

(Sources AM codex and Kauyon).

So the Second Damocles Warzone had 1000+ regiments.
2 guys or 2 trillion guys. either way, rounding error.

It might as well have been given the numbers are insignificant to the Imperium.
I love that story, it really makes sense that if you were new to this universe thats how you'd see it.

Like how this book mentions the tau thinking they killed "the King of the Space Marines" because they killed that chapter master.
you start to get it finally. If you weren't filthy xeno you'd make fine ministorum priest.
thats a croped image for in the original the sister is atop a pile of skulls
it's a little baffling that the fans themselves have started acting like that
Ypu don't actually need navigators for warp travel, but without one you're stuck making short jumps or you go widely off the course.

Regardles, Tau have actually had fully functioning warp drives since the first Damocles Gulf Crusade, when they managed to salvage the hulks of several Imperial warships. However, not being psychically sensitive, or really even having much of an idea of the warp being a thing, they couldn't really make much use of them. The tech-priests they interrogated weren't exactly helpful either, since while they knew how to operate and maintain a warp drive, they had no idea on how it actually functioned or how to build a new one (that's something only higher up techpriests know, and even they probably aren't sure how the drives actually work, just that they do). They've only really started looking into warp-related stuff during the 3rd sphere expansion (the Medusa campaign, and their interest in gathering data about Imperial ships making warp transition in Damocles).
The data gotten from the salvaged ships was probably quite helpful when they upgraded their navy after being totally outclassed by the Imperial Navy during the first crusade, though.
The purpose was to retake this one planet tho.
which they failed at, lets not beat around the bush.

ok, but I'm just pointing out this wasn't the entire crusade, the Task Force was only 26 Regiments, see >>43873577
Except the Crusade main objective was Agrellan and the crusade went there in force.

Are we playing with words now?

If it wasn't all of it, then it was most of it.
eh, fanboys gonna fanboy
from what im reading its not some giant sphere surrounding the entire empire just a wall
it doesn't make it impossible for the tau to travel it just makes logistic a nightmare if they want to continue to operate in the area beyond the Damocles gulf
Doesn't the book mention that not all of the Imperial forces are accounted for in the book? I recall it does.

its because tau fans are literally being driven mad by all the hate that gets thrown their way. And they can't justify the imba crap in their army so they have to do this shit in the fluff, which is easier to argue about.
>26 out of 1,000s
>most of it.
If it does I missed it, those numbers are when they're making their landings.


Why not just go over it then?
You do know that they kept landing more and more forces on the planet as the fighting went on? Lets not forget the forces that didn't even manage to deploy on the planet in time or were destroyed.
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Numbers are fun to play with
I haven't seen any mention of that in the book though. I'm pretty sure thats the entire Task Force apart from marines and skitarii, not just the first wave.
It's more of a pyrrhic victory for the Tau. They repelled the Imperial crusade at a great cost, and will probably be save from Imperial retaliation for a while given how much losses the Imperium incurred trying to capture that one planet, but the planet was rendered mostly unusable (aside from the shielded capital everything's on fire, probably forever) and the third sphere expansion is on hold untill the Earth Caste perfects the shields that let Tau ships cross the firewall (or untill they finally figure out proper warp travel).
How many Imperial ships did the setting fire to sector destroy?
I believe they were intelligent enough to point the explosion away from the fleet
I don't think so. In what page is it anyways?
what part of entire sector on fire suggest finesse?
The part that isn't inside a nebulae
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>Tau scientists beating the ad mech who hold some DAoT level shit

>Tau anything beating DAoT tech

>Tau scientists advancing faster than the dudes with no fucking morals outside of "don't make AI"

That Tau tech sure will be nice to study. Have fun with the technology you fags can't even use because you're not psykers.

they've also got tyranids up the bum again, with no chance of a friendly imperial battlegroup to pull them out of the fire
>"Beneath the Lord General were eighteen infantry regiments of the Astra Militarum, six armured regiments, and two artillery regiments. Additional assets included eight platoons of Tempestus Scions, several companies of abhuman auxiliaries and three companies of Rough Riders."

On page 18
The Enclaves are the ones having Nid problems, though.
and they are on the Imperial side of the firewall
>still no new rough rider models
you did ogryn GW, give us horses
ahh if only, we can still hope I suppose... just like the SoB fans....
First Damocles Gulf Crusade is in most recent fluff described as being a pretty big crusade (although in the original Tau fluff it was indeed a fairly minor thing, and only happened shortly before "present"; later timeline moved it back to about 200 years ago and also made it a lot bigger.

I'm getting rather tired of Imperial players always using the "not a real crusade" defense whenever the Imperium sends a force againt the Tau. Both the first and second DGC are described in the fluff as major crusades. While they represent a tiny fraction of the overall forces of the Imperium, they're still a very large amount of forces to throw at a single enemy even by Imperial standards. The 2nd DGC had as many regiments as are stationed around the Eye of Terror to hold back Abaddon's Black Crusades. The Macharian Crusade, one of the biggest and most famours Imperial crusades, had a total of two Marine Chapters involved. Sabbath Worlds Crusade had some companies from one. I think the Angevinian Crusade may had had one at most. That both of the Damocles Gulf Crusades had forces of at least two Chapters (in the Damocles fluff it is implied that aside from significant amount of RG and WS forces, there were smaller amounts of forces from other Chapters) represents a pretty big investment.
to add insult to injury I don't think they even get mentioned after that...
SoB fans are jut delusional. The Rough Riders are, I think the last IG models in need of a modern retread.

There's just them and ratlings without plastic models.
DKoK got some nice horses.
thats true, "not a real crusade" is a dumb argument and imperial players shouldn't use it.

but so is "entire crusade destroyed on one planet!"

both aren't true.
SoB have potential to be saved but would need some major revmap. Question is whether they'd remain the same faction.
Tallarn too

both nice, but resin
Forge World's Tallarn stuff was really nce, its such a shame they didn't expand it into a full range with infantry and command squads.

I would've definitely gotten some.

Yeah me too. I don't think they even sell the heavy weapon teams or sentinels anymore.

I find it interesting that a guy has some kind of laser shotgun and the artist changed the design of the lasgun slightly.

It has cables running to it. If anything its a hotshot lasgun.
Nah, he's being hyperbolic.

The Imperium was steamrolling the Tau until Farsight and his fuckoff huge army of super veterans arrived. Imperiumfags are being damage control as fuck with all this "nut rell crusade" shit, but Taufags are being equally dumb. The loyalist Tau were getting the absolute shit kicked out of them.
Because they were woefully outnumbered and had no space support but they still did good at holding back the tide.
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> millions of tau die
I love the smell of roasted xenos in the morning.
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I bet that most of the eight "Samurais" will die vs the coming Tyranid invasion along half of the Enclaves. This will be the moment of truth. Farsight will achieve apotheosis and become either a great hero or a great monster. As has been foretold by the prophecy.

Apart from the cable it looks nothing like the scion or cadian hotshot lasgun. It looks like a never before seen lasgun weapon. Which is odd as all the new art has only shown official wargear and models.
Tau DP time?
Double penetration?
That too but that's another example to look at.
just how big was the warzone exactly almost everything I've read in the threads about this is saying the ENTIRE crusade went to a single planet?
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