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Penal Regiment /tg/: Bunker-Clearing continues: Edition

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Gather up, young 'uns! This here bunker be one that has been held by 'em keios peepul fer years, so high command says we can use it as our base of opereishuns. We just gotta make sure there be no more o' 'em enemies hiding in there, an' we can start makin' it a good place 'ta stay.
>stumbles out of the Chimera with a cup of tea and a Lho stick.

You're kidding, right mate? Surely there can't be more Heretics in there, what with that Lictor that was about.
Before Gary had his way with it that is.

I'm actually on time for once. THE END IS NIGH
High command says we have 'ta trippel check it. Hidden rooms an' sorcireal things were the main concerning.
*Burbles grumpily as he comes out of a tent with something that looks like engine sludge in a cup.*
True enough lad, maybe we missed something, maybe a tank if we're really lucky.
If we're unlucky it'll be possessed or something.

>waves the Enginseer over.

Alright mate, enjoying, erm...whatever that is?
You know, guys, I've been wondering.
If the Tau are dumb herbivores scared of loud noises, why do we fight against them? They can't be that bad!
*Wanders over and saves his mechandrites in such a way as to communicate that his drink is mostly pleasing. Closer examination would reveal that it is actually re-caf, just some that looks as if the filter has never been changed.*

Did you read that in the Primer lad? Primer is good for a great many things, accurate assessments of the enemy strength isn't one of them.

>peers into the mug with a raised eyebrow.

You fancy trying some tea? We've got some fresh in there.

>jerks a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the Chimera.
Grrrah... more... ahhh... yeah....

Aw fuck! I always wake up before the good part...

*takes deep swig of hooch, busts out of flimsy shack wall*

What we doin' today?
Morning mate. Brass wants this place triple checked, it, -should- be an easy enough job that I can let the Rupert come down here and get some experience....but last time I said that we got jumped by a bloody Lictor.
Reminds me, you should see the Chirurgeon if you haven't already.
Mhh, alright... first need some recaf. Strong enough to melt nails.

Where's Rogan got to? He can check me out while I get my caf.
*Burbles in the negative, somehow willing the slightly viscous swill*

*Offers some of his... "Re-caf"
>Jogs up, bright and cheerful

Nothing like a dawn run and recon. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though it's not like I need the workout for my legs anymore.

Anyone made breakfast?
Don't know where Rogan is, but there's a kettle of fresh water in the Chimera. -Strong- Caf is the....red tin with the black label, help yourself.

>drinks some of his tea, sighs happily.
*sniffs it*

Mmm! Thanks cogboy.

*adds a splash of rotgut to the steaming sludge*

Aaaah, that ain't bad.
Thanks pal, I'll get some if this mess ain't enough.
Eh? Didja call fer me? I was just loadin' me musket. I be comin' too.
We're about to stick some on, we've still got plenty of meat left from that animal Corporal Khat brought in.
There is however a kettle already boiled if you want Tea or Caf.

Not a problem mate, take as much as you need.
Beep boop?
But why would the glorius Imperium lie to us? Aren't we the best out there, protected by the Emperor at all times?
Yeah, need ya to patch me up some. I'm doing my job regardless though.
I-Is it a flying skull?
>flies off to Gary the catachan and hides behind him
*disgusted glare*
You never seen a servo skull kid? Where in the warp are you from?

I swear, why do all these vaginas get sent here?
Hmm. Lemme see... Doesn't look too bad. You shoulda' seen me granddaughters grandson after 'e ran into 'is first night blighter... What did yer sky people call 'em, diimahns?
*Burbles affirmatively*

*Burbles confusedly as his twin plasma toting servo skulls fly about behind him*
Just because we're the best doesn't mean we're invincible lad. Sometimes all we can do is die standing.

Calm your tits lad, it's only a Servoskull.
Yeah this shit aint nothing. That Lictor was pretty weak from being stuck in there. Still, gotta keep my bod lookin pretty...
W-Well my mom told me that I should get out and do something instead of staying in her basement, watching animated series.
So I thought that I'd enlist, because the Guardsmans Adventures holovids looked super cool, and I'd make lots of friends while killing countless Xeno scum for our mighty Emperor. There's even a chance he'd manifest to thank me, just like in the series! Can you even imagine that?
But I never saw those creepy floating skulls on holovids. Where are the awesome mechanized suits that appeared in every episode?
*sudden warp portal*

*Get spat out from warp portal*

*covered in blood, guts, and a distinctive smell of incensce and pockets overlowing with weird looking herbs*

I'm back motherfuckers and aint nobody going to shut my face up anymore!

So what the fuck is y'all motherfuckers been doing?


Hmm. Let's see 'ere... Some herbs, a li'l bit o' this... Chemicull fingy an' sutures an' yer be fine in a few days.

rolling for luck (very random herbs due to earlier roll plus Rogan doesn't know the difference between de-tox and radioactive sludge)
Heh heh heh... good ta see ya Kenny boy! How'd you get sucked into the warp? Better yet, how the fuck did you get out, and right here?
*looks at preatorian bro'

*carrying weird flags, strapped in emblems looking ancient, and each and every single spt where one could stick something, there's herbs pushing out*
Glory of the Emperor?


That might explain getting out, getting in...

That's eh... Classified?

What the fuck is going on man?

I'm like, so pumped man, I've seen horrors you can't even IMAGINE

It was all so freaking, it was like, wow man.

I must have fought so many things there.
Mate, I think you've been duped a bit. We Guardsmen don't have a good lot in life.

>looks very confused, paused with his Lho stick half raised to his mouth.

Fuck me lad! Where you been?!

As for what you missed, Gary, our Enginseer and I fixed the Chimera after that bellend Stormie fucked it, we got some new guys, we got a couple tons of fresh meat, Gary killed a Lictor a kettle's boiled, get yourself some Caf and I've now got a Hellgun.
Now I'm getting suspicious. It's awesome and all that you fucked up some nasties, but not even the hardest motherfucker in the Guard oughta survive that. Who are you, really?

Then again, maybe you are extremely blessed and lucky, the hell do I know.
>investigates Kriegbro's collection of banners and insignia.

Where the buggery you get all that?

If Kenneth has a Union Jack and an old Elizabeth Regina(ER) Cap Badge there I will giggle infinitely.
Yeah, I was about to ask...

Lol same, even more if he's wearing a Medal of Honor or a Victoria Cross
Ah! The False Emperor's favourite Cannon Fodder!

I see why did we loose contact with this outpost now.

Hmm what's this, a penal regiment with no comissar around? Have you lot got tired of following the will of a corpse in a chair? Thinking on a change of heart?
The stormie's kill man.

I saved him from the horrors of the warp.

By chopping off his head in deamonworld of khorne

Warp's amazing man, it's so horrifying I might enjoy it there.

You can't believe the amounts of horros I've had the pleasure of trying to kill.

It's countless deamons, hundreds after hundreds.

You can't believe how many things I think I killed!

Naturally, anyone see a guy with an inquisitor mark or that sister, tell me, I gotta hide all this shit I stole from somewhere.

I just went full blood raven and stole Emperor damned everything!

Do you know how much MURDER I got to do?

IN THE NAME OF THE EMPEROR *mumbles* prolly *coughs*

Stole it.

The warp is real strange y'know. I went to places unknown where people spoke low gothic, and and and, people weren't fighting all over, but there was this one world, it was like a mix of death world, agri world, and manufactorum, and like, there were so many people there, and some tried to seize me, and some ran off, and then there was so much fighting, and like, monuments, and like, so many everything.

*deep inhale*


I killed so many things dead!

Chill guys, chill, I went places, like, the warp wasn't even that bad, like, I think I travelled in the warp like?

How is that even possible?

I might have some heresy with me, God-Emperor only knows what kinds of heretics I've fought, but they met the Emperor's grace.

I murdered so many things man.

Everything from Slayer band logos to Iron crosses, and glorious 7.62x39 bands as decorations
Rolled 74 (1d100)

back, and the moment I got to my last post, I realized that I dun goofed again. Oh well, here goes
Well hot fucking damn why didn't you invite me you sumbitch? Next time, I'm going with ya, like it or not!

*fiddles with the 7.62x39s*

What you want for these?
Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do. Show yourself you scum sucking tuck-tail! Im gonna shove this bayonet in your bum.
Aaaah, that mess tickles, but it feels better. Thanks doc!
I like the spirit of this one, warrior hearted, Khorne would love it.

Patience, time will tell if you're worthy of even hearing my name, all you need to know now is that you might prove useful to my interests... and I may prove useful to yours.
Sweet Jesus did Kenneth make a stop off in 'Nam to smoke weed with the Grunts? W-was his Gasmask the bong?

Did you have a run-in with some Chem Dogs or something? You're.....unusually talkative for a Krieger. That's a good thing mind you, but....I'm not sure how to deal with this.

>gestures to one of the flags, a capbadge and one of the medals
Union Jack, ER Cap Badge and as Gary suggested, a VC if you please.....and maybe a Grenadier Guardsman's Bearskin Hat

I don't suppose I could convince you to part with those could I? They....call to me.

A Lee-Enfield that fires Bolt Shells is something that NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Mad Minute with those things mang.
*Wanders out of his tent slightly smoking and carrying a new multi-las that may have started life as several regular las guns, clearly looking for someone to test it.*
All i want right now is your rickety arse bent over in front of me, so i can knife it. And tell this "Korn" to prepare his too. He sounds down right sissy.
Wazzat? Yer new weapon? Ain't one o' those sun weapons strong enuff for yer star people?
*hand goes into pocket*

*drop a crate of 7.62x39 belted*

Take as much as you need man.

I'ma burn some more of this incencse some guy who believed in the god emperor gave me. He went on and on about how "babylon" God-Emperor of mankind.


You can't believe how fucking enlightened I've gotten.

Like, I know how to fix my lasgun nowadays!

Kenneth ended up in yurop (france) circa 1940) warp fuckery made sure lol no aging. Kenneth went to nam, Korea, and even had fun with the skinnies in the mog.

The truth being Khorne succumbing to (the massive faggot) Tzeentch's idea of sending someone "loyal" to cause mayhem and death in a world far away.

I don't know man, I think I ran into this one regiment, but they seemed off, like some looter regiment like the chem dogs, but like, they had matching uniforms and gear, for the most part anyhow.

I was in jungles, deserts,cities, freezelands.

I fought so many heretics it hurts.

Which ones man? I got more of these than I need! I looted so many things man!

post yfw you realize that kenneth ended up fighting for the nazis. And most likely tagged along with the janks after that

*rips off patch*

*the patch has /k/ on it*

This one was given to me as a guy who said he was a Kommando, we shared many intrests.
>Light laughter.
Enjoyable. I'll get directly to the point then, I do believe you lot have been tasked on clearing this temple of chaos infestation, aren't you? Of course, they always send the most untrust-worthy ones to tingle with Chaos.

I can help you with that, what if I told you there is a Thousand Sons temple deep underground, accessible only through that outpost's arcanum?
*Burbles a negative and hefts the gun and backpack which is made for someone other than a tech-priest*
Ooooh son... that's some shit right there...

*blinks upon seeing /k/ patch, twitches*

Did- did you remove kebab?

Why did I just say that? Nevermind, can I have that patch too?

A magical place...
*Takes out a small wooden statue from a satchel on his wheelchair* Thank yer, Ol' Lady, for bringin' back one o' these lads, even as 'e ain't of me tribe. *puts the statue back*
If there are something to knife fight down there i don't i there are 10,000 of them or who their father is, they are getting shived. And i don't care what kind of sissy ass establishment is down there its gonna get melta'd they issued me extra, and i'll save one for you for not showing up right now.
*cough* Cyka Blyat *cough*

I've got a couple if you need some.

Krieger sent to earth, doesn't age because lolwarpfuckery, removes Baguette, Removes Vodka, Removes Rice, Removes famine, removes kebab, removes pretty much everything that needed to be removed

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Its true doh.jpg
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>mfw a Krieger went to WWII and convinced the Wehrmacht to join the Allies and fight the SS.
>mfw the Praetorian version of Kenneth's Adventures happen.

That 3 coloured banner made out of crosses, that Cap Badge with "ER" on it and....that medal there.

>obviously points to a VC.

I simply must have them.
>Reappears with slices of peameal back bacon cut from the dead beast, fried in a pan.

This is some good fucking shit man...

What in the name of all that is bleeding holy...

What the fuck is going on?
Then have them man. They're mostly looted anyway.

*goes mute and stares*
>Stares back, Canadian bacon still sizzling
Excellent, you see I want this temple down as any... loyalist would, I had sent a couple of cultists a few hours ago through the sewers, but I had lost contact with them after they reported something about breaking into a secret an Ordo Xenos hideout.

You see, this temple holds a relic inside, in a mere mortal's hands it would just be an 8 pointed star trinket, but on a psyker, it would boost its skills greatly...

I may have answered Abbaddon's call, but I still have my own agenda, I'd rather have this relic destroyed than in one of my rival's hands.

I guess it's a win/win for both of us here, you get the fight of your life against rubric marines and probably a commendation for doing your job and I get the relic destroyed...
The hell did you get that? Toss some over here.
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Yeah... yeah I'll have one...

What else you got?
What? Is there a night blighter unda me wheelchair? *tries to look underneath the wheelchair*
>gleefully chuckles, while he grabs the items and runs off to stash them in the Chimera with a abnormal grin.
>returns shortly after with more tea and a serious expression.

Right, being serious for a minute Kenneth, I trust you to not fuck me over, so I need a favour.

Man, I don't know what the fuck it is with that shit he brought back, but something is just... right about it.
I can already see this devolving into a trainwreck Gary. Wot do?
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Well, there's still this huge dead animal over behind the tank. People generally go for the loin last, so I was able to get some good back bacon off it. Salt it a little and you've got a good enough facsimile.

Sure, have a slice. It's actually quite good. Shame I don't have a fried egg and bread to make a sandwich out of it.
*keeps on staring*

*link related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjInI_Lgpm4 starts playing from within jacket*

*drops le RPK*

Eh, just this thing?

I guess these tiny bolts are fired from it, but I can't figure out how to load it...

*shakes head and averts eyes*

*chuckles* Anything man. I've been to hell and back, I can handle a favour.
>Slowly chews bacon. Adjusts bolter hanging at side. Offers the pan.

Do you... want any?
Oh well. *wheelchairs away humming happily*

*grabs a bite of bacon*

*bows head*
I know. It's weird, but....it feels like, like this stuff belongs with us.

Short version is that with the Depot mostly cleared, I'm considering sending the Regimental Ensign down to get some combat experience. Said Ensign is a relation of mine.
Can I trust you to keep the poor Rupert safe mate? Gary already said he would be you can never be too sure.

>I've been to hell and back, I can handle a favour.

Is Kenneth Audie fucking Murphy? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.
Huh. It's some kinda stubber, magazine fed. Yeah, I'll take it...

>mfw I can get an RPK here in America for $800

It all depends on her... if she's a serious charismatic semen demon like Operator Chan, nothing Gary can do about it...
I know... I'm gonna get that patch too...
*takes the 7th cavalry insignia*

Hehehehehe... any other Kriegsman and I'd say yeah absolutely. But I'm thinking ol Kenny is about as bad as I am...

*devilish grin*
Eh better than eating some of you later.
Dinner time? *crawls out of a box*
He might be.

Eh, I don't know man, although, I DID bring a load of new toys with me...And I've been itching to see if they work here.

>mfw hermano loco finlandeses, no armas.

I got some other toys with me anyway.

>Magical overcoat of krieg intensifies
Neigh! Get back in the box not time for you yet.
>Sees a 101st Airborne patch.

I have a strange compulsion to shave my head into a mohawk and jump out of aircraft again.

>Begins humming blood on the risers.
Suddenly I'm not so enthusiastic about this idea.....
Why did I decide to consider it again? Was I intoxicated or something?
We were dropped here in a box. Where were you?
Okay... *crawls back into box*
I used to jump out of shit for a living. But now I'm too heavy to slow down enough to live usually. Because of my robot limbs/organs.
Dunno pal... but the shave tail needs that experience, right?

Ohihoho... let's see what all you got in there... I'll help ya test em...

Aye, is shame that you Finnbros can't have as many funs... I hate it for ya, and anyone really
Anyways, Sarge when are we gonna shiv some bitches?
>grins slightly
>starts singing "Gory goey what a hell'uva way to die...." under his breath.
>trudges out of tent, yawns
What's going on out here then?

>notices Kenneth and his pile of toys
...well this day's looking interesting already.

>be bong
>no handfuns
Gory gory* FUCK.

All I want is to make sure the the Ensign is not fucked.
This is why I asked the two most trustworthy people here....from my experience at least.
>Takes knife out and begins to shave the hair off the sides of his head. Voice cracking.

He was just a rookie trooper...
*pull out RPG-7 and Strela-2 from magical jacket of krieg*

A strela-2 should be physically impossible to fit inside an overcoat, but hey, Krieger space magic.

I got these from a guy with a funny accent, sounded vostroyan, maybe a colony ship that went lost?

Anyway, the big one's for taking out flying things, the smaller one's for anything and everything.
All I'm saying is, we won't make advances... the rest is all on that sister of yours. Why, she been trying to get attention by taking scandalous dick?

There there. One day soon stalkerbrit, you will have your problem solvahs
>pulls out a pack of Lho's and offers one to Rama.

And he surely shook with fright......
Ooooooh! Those fine ladies oughta take down some armor or flyers...
Anyone else need medicynical attenshun before we move out? If not, I be waitin' in me tent.
>Metal hand accidently crushes the lho stick but he still manages to get it to his quivering lip. Mumbles out some more lines before saying clearly,

,,,He ain't gonna jump no more.

Let's go kill something Colour Sargeant. Soon.
Uhh doc a chunk of my arm is missing. I think box guy took it.
*holds up RPG*

This one I named Natalya, after a uh... uh... I just call it Natalya because reasons okay?

*holds up Strela* And this one is Sasha, because she's big and very strong and ... Totally not related to ANY incident happening ever.
*grin* Seconded. Let's be gettin ready to saddle up.

G-g-g... GARRY OWEN!
Ain't one to question why a man names his weapons...
Dibs on the stubber.
W-what?! Of course not!

>actually looks like he was offended. Good Job!

I'm just saying that this is a Penal Regiment, jidt because the blokes we hang around with are decent doesn't mean they ALL are.
I mean shit, if you were attached to a Praetorian Regiment and the Platoon you're bunking with are fairly chill, it doesn't mean that NONE of them are stuck up either aye?

Don't worry Sergeant, we will. As soon as I get this issue resolved. It -hopefully- shouldn't take long.

>pulls out a gold plated Lighter and holds it to Rama's Lho.
>Clicks as he races to join up with the squad, looted Chainsword and stolen Laspistol in hand.
*Burbles doubtfully on the subject of if anyone in the regiment is actually all that trustworthy*
ehhhh. Did anyone remember to put promethium in the flamers? Sarge can i use one while carrying all the meltas?
Repeating it nonstop, don't know why

Yeah well, all my funs have a story for the name.

Either they remind me of someone like Natalya...


Hold up you cuntmunching fuckfaces, who in the fuck has a sister? And since when?
>Takes a long drag, blowing smoke over his metal lower jaw.

Thanks Colour Sergeant. I'm gonna, I dunno, clean my gun. Tell me when we move out.

Actually, Kenneth, have you got anything for me?
Ehhhh... alright, but just cause you don't have a rifle. *hands over RPK and ammo*

*throws up hands* Well? Young women tend to do that sorta thing, yknow? Just saying, I don't know that she is a dirt squirrel, but don't know she isn't either.
HAHAHAHA! Im gonna stab some poor grox turds with bullets!
A chunk o' yer arm, eh? Lemmesee... Nothin' too bad. Couple stiches, a lil' bandage an' yer will be just fine.

>Pulls out a leg made of wood, clicks several times, then pushes it towards the Field Chirurgeon.
Apparently Skelly does. And he wants to make sure she doesn't take a dick while she's here getting combat experience. So he's asking us to babysit her.
Lhos, many brands and flavors. From the pagan world which I presumably converted real good.

But you want, no you NEED something special, something MORE than just lhos, you need something from my pers- Eh everything's from my personal stash so that's not a good sales pitch, anyway, try this thing out.

*digs up fancy looking stubgun*

*actually is AA-12 fully automatic sjotgun with drum mags*

*Kenneth is /k/'s moist cosmoline dream*

I have no idea what this thing does, but pull the trigger and find out!
Oh hey cogboy! Could ya stick this augmetic eye in my head right quick? The other one might make some modifications I might not like...
Thank you Doc, dragging the stub is gonna be a bitch though psst doc, got any chems?
>Slams the magazine in and fires two shells it at the side of the Chimera.

Huh, seems be a some kind of attempt at a guardsmen bolter. Looks like it fires little packets of flechettes too. Wonder if I could use it to rig my bolter up so the kick is a little better, or use it as an underslung shotgun.

It's incredible light though. If you had a second, I could easily use two of these like autopistols.
These lhos call out to me... *picks up white pack with red circle, reads "Lucky Strikes - it's toasted!"*

That shotgun though... I won't try and claim it though, unless no one else does...

>Clicks several times, grabs the augmetic eye, clicks a few more times, then puts glue on it before sticking it onto Gary's forehead.
We'll definetly be headed out shortly.

Look, I'll be blunter than Abaddon's arm stumps.

>covers his face with a gloved hand and loudly sighs.

If she does something herself, willingly, then don't bother that much.
If someone tries to rape her, or drug her, or all of the countless horrible fucking things that could very well happen in this bloody outfit. You kill them. SLOWLY. Can you two please, PLEASE do that?

>climbs onto the Chimera and turns to face the group.

Listen up you shits! If anyone needs any equipment brought down from orbit, tell me NOW! You've got five minutes 'til I cal the Valk' dirtside!
*Burbles grumpily, as if to say he can install things as requested*
Eyy techie boy!! Can you give me a giant metal arm like yours? If so please replace the grabby bits with a giant knife, and a tea maker!
I want my explosives please. And the shotty and a big knife.
Babysit a girl, and make sure she DOES NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GET THE DICK?




Fuck this shit, I'm going to get so high on this incensce that one faithful citizen of the emperor gave me *mumbles* while ranting about babylon, the rat race, something something ganja... and so on *coughs*


It's like sticking a single Repentia against an entire WAAAGH, it might sound hilarious but it will end in misery, tears, and death. Also possibly the loss of an imperial world but still!

I mean, I hope it won't end in misery tears and death for her but still.

Fuck this shit, I'm off to smoke insencse.

Glad you like it, I only got some funny looking bolts for it. Well, the funny part is in all the colors, but still.

How about something good for you my favourite jungleman?

Very good prices... no wait, I'm giving stuff for free. And I ran out of stuff I don't like that much... Sorry man, end of firesale.

Ooh... Now I get it...

*inhales smoke from gas mask intake vent converted into MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY BONG*



So, in theory, it's open season, just as long as one plays by the rules?

Welp, too bad my trigger finger's too itchy for her to grow a liking to anyone really.


*covered in funny smelling smoke from "incencse" *

Hah haaa


Oh well, duh! That kinda shit is fucked up... and just bring the usual shit we need. Ammo, medkits, rations, oh and that green jar in my bunk.

Well, he didn't really bother to connect the eye, so fine... give it a go... I really miss binocular vision after that Genestealer poked the other one.
roll to see how good you can make the eye
Rolled 55 (1d100)

*Does his best to improve the eye, while actually installing it correctly.*

Oh shit, I forgot to mention, I need euhh, 'nades, lots of 'nades.

Like, so many frags&kraks that they can give, 'right?



Jee wheezy!
Eh? Woody leg? I think it won't work, Ol' Lady said I'd never get 'em back.
*Attempts to covertly hand a satchel full of grenades, but seeing as how he extended it on a fifteen foot mechanical limb it's pretty obvious*
Yeah man, glad he cleared it up. I though he was saying make damn sure her virtue is preserved as though she's a Sister of Battle...

Speaking of, where's Sis Theresia anyway?
Weapons and explosives for Guardsman Lim, check.

Hey it's not MY FUCKING FAULT.
Our Regiment got decimated and this Penal Regiment was the closest fucking one so they just stuck ALL of us here.
The Administratum doesn't care.
The Munitorum doesn't care. Nobody cares.
If I could I'd send her back to bloody Praetoria but guess what, WE'RE FUCKED.
Hands off krieg boy, the boom balls are mine!
>Walks up to the assembled crowd

Planet lag in the morning is the worst...


Hey, hey, wait a second. "Life is the Emperor's currency - spend it well." I believe Penal Legion policy advises chem-gelding and point duty for the attempt, summary execution if the fucko actually succeedes, somehow, in the face of a Catachan bodyguard.

Of course, there's nothing saying what condition you should leave them in, so if you break a few dozen bones and rupture a couple organs in the process of stopping them, that's fine..
Aaaaaah... about fucking time...

*blinks it, is fair quality, can see 20/20 in optic and thermal*
Ehh, I got me a lot 'o 'em khemi-culls. Stinky stuff. I use 'em only when I have no herbs.... Not that I understand yer sky people's "low goffik". So be my kvest, take some offa me!

>Clicks several times, then pulls out a hammer and wiggles the injector of his newly installed Medicae Mechadentrides.
Im going inside the chimera to nap now, wake me up when its time to go sarge.
*grabs grenades*
*nods to techpriest*

*flips off*

Y'all niggas living on shit I stole for y'all I need something for myself too cuntnugget.

Sounds like you need some "herbal" tea...

Chill Skelly, I got your back, and hers, I guess.

Blood for the bloo- Err...

May the God emperor's blessings protect you both!

I mean *inhales&exhales smoke* She was *cough* one fine piece of ASS. Y'knowhatI'msayin?

And like she *inhales&exhales smoke* she understood y'know?
Hihi! Super happy nap time.
You suck at using them.
You may be high as a kite, Kenny, but you're goddamn right Sis is a fine, tough hide... more interested in her than some classy little chick who I'd probably break. I mean, that'd be like performing heart surgery with my Fang here...
I think 'em boogeymen been whisperin' 'ta yer. Yer be actin' strange like that.

No need, it'll get better soon enough. Besides which, I'm still waiting for word back from the Inquisitor on what we found.

>Begins checking his dataslate

You, uh, able to make sense out of this? It's from the systems we found in that hellhole

>A series of encrypted cyphers are displayed on the dataslate
Personal Equipment for Guardsman Lim, Standard Issue Supplies for everyone and explosives for Kenneth. Check.

>The Colour Sergeant ducks into the rear hatch of the Chimera and busies himself on the Vox.
>Ducking back out several minutes later, he ignites a. Signal Flare and tosses it onto a patch of flat ground.

Valk arrives in 10 minutes! You'll me moving in once they offload the supplies!

*Burbles and nods in response to the comment about Sister Theresia*
Rolled 43 (1d100)


>Grabs the dataslate and begins pressing buttons on it.
*looks askance* Don't blame ya. But, wait, do you still have your dick and the ability to use it? Or do you have a metal one?
Quit your bullshit.


Aint nobody accusing me of skulls for the skull throne.


I gets what I need anyway, and besides, have you fought a deamonette while high as a kite and with nothing but a frag? Nigga that shit's advanced.

Man, she had that crazy shine in her eyes when I kinda gestured that I had to confess...

Holy shit, I thought she was about to burn me with that flamer of hers.

She understands man. *inhales&exhales smoke*

Like shit, I'd shoot myself in the nuts if she said so. Almost anyway.

See? Even the tinkery guy knows that she's one firm piece of ass.
Oooohh yeah... I ain't never seen a woman act that way that wasn't a Catachan. I tell ya boys, it ain't gonna be quiet when she and I are tearin it up...
Forgot music:
Rolled 14 (1d100)


>Continues attempting to decrypt the Dataslate

>Clicks several times.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

*Burbles in the affirmative and nods then shakes his head no. Makes gestures as to the fineness of Sisters in general and how happy they are when the machine spirits in their armor are pleased.*

*Pokes the Dataslate to see if he can do it.*
Y'know, she reminds me of this one girl I met once.

No wait, that girl was...


*long exhale of smoke*

What that mean?

That mean that we don't give a fuck NIGGA.

*stares into the fray*

*still shrouded in smoke*
Heh heh heh... well I'll be a barking toad. Yeah, that flamer she gave me is... feisty somehow...
Hahahahahaha have a drink you silly bastard.

*shakes proffered canteen of rotgut*
*Nods, making flame motions and then expanding them and winking with his one human looking eye*
*winks back with bionic eye* Yep, the flesh is weak yet strong, amirite?

Or wait, are you telling me that there's female machine spirits?

>Clicks in annoyance, then stares at a Password screen on the Dataslate.
*Nods to the first comment, then pauses and looks about as if Gary just said something that shouldn't be said. Then shrugs and burbles an affirmative, but makes gestures across his neck with a mechadendrite while pointing vaguely in the sky*
>A Valkyrie bearing the insignia of Praetoria flies into the clearing and comes in to land on the marked LZ.
>The Door Gunners swiftly slide the requested equipment down the rear ramp, followed by a figure covered from neck to foot in Carapace Armour.

That'll be my ride chaps. Gary, Rama, you two are in charge while I'm airborne.

>Arthur runs over to the Valkyrie and briefly speaks to the new 'guest' then climbs into the Valkyrie as it takes off.

*whispers of multiple voices originating from the smoke*

"You know you'll break any time now. Just you wait and see"

*sounds of a long inhale&exhale"

*Cloud of smoke pushes trough the smokey shroud*

*hand emerges form the smoke to grab the bottle*

*the bottle and the hand temporarily dissappear whilst a few "gulp" sounds can be heard from inside the smoke*

*hand re-emerges with the bottle, handing it back*
If you're trying to avoid getting violated, head to toe armour plating is a good place to start.
So... you want us to salute?
*smirks* Alright, guess we'll just leave it at that...

Alright, be safe up there skelly.

*step out of smoke cloud*

*smoke follows*

*run around for a bit, leaving a trail of smoke behind*

Man, I hate it when it does that. Gets lonely in there.
If you....insist, I suppose.

>looks around for a moment, then walks towards Gary and his 'group'.

Sergeant Gary, yes? I'm informed I bring 'gifts'. Basic supplies in the green crates, no extra lables. Explosives green crates, red warning labels. Guardsman Lim's personal equipment, blue crate with the orange label.

>nods at Gary and gestures to each stack of crates in turn.
Glad I didn't try whatever that shit is... though it might be an interesting in a brew...
*Burbles and approaches mostly because of the Carapace armor*
Rolled 96 (1d100)


>Absentmindedly follows the other Techpriest whilst fiddling with the dataslate yet again
Eheh. Yep. Thanks for bringing this junk down.

Did Skelly tell you to wear carapace? Guess it couldn't hurt.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>open supply crate
Right, lets see what goodies we've got.
rolling for quality of supplies

>The encoded dataslate gives up it's secrets, reveling the locations of three other "research stations" of the ordo xenos on Cadia. One is deep in chaos-held territory, all three are very far from the present location. No mention is made of what these other places were working on.
be back in a bit have to take care of some things
It's good shit man, anywhere you put it.

Eh wah gwan sistah?

We's here to keep you safe an ting an, we's gon make sure that no of that foul heresy stuff happen an ting an.

You brings us the good stuff? Nice! I and I be needing this gear rasta.

*walks over to red crates and picks some up*
*the crates dissappear within the makeshift smoke-screen. And as Kenneth appears again from within the smoke, three of the red-marked crates are gone*

>nods to each Enginseer in turn.

Admittedly that was part of it, but the truth is I'm simply used to it.
Orks are complete idiots and even they can figure out that the, ahem....'wavy colur ting'...flying above our lines is good for morale. Or Colonel insisted his Command Squad wear Carapace because we, or I rather, carried the Standard.
Our Colonel* Fuk.

>raises an Eyebrow at Kenneth's speech.

Erm, thank you? No thanks are needed?


Oh crap! Don't touch the tan case with the black markings. Just remembered.

>jogs over to the aforementioned case and kneels next to it.
Rolled 2 (1d100)


>Observes his fellow Kleptomaniac, attempting to detect the hidden explosives...
Heh. Well ain't you the high lady tina tiddly.

Alright, well, ain't much use for banners around here, so I guess just stay outta trouble, and grab a weapon when the rounds start flying. What are ya rated for?
*shouts from his box* My box is also off-limits!
Wha's innacrate soul sista?

Some no good good?

Or is is your underwear Ha haa rasta, it's cool, ras ras, I'm just joking. You's gon be one tough fightan sista in this regiment, we'z all badman here, we make you as bad an 'ard as we is an den we makes sure you gon praise da emperor an ting an

*still surrounded by smoke clouds mainly, guns and blades starting to stick out as the smoke slowly fades away*


>Clicks several times as both of his mechanical eyes roll backwards before falling over from a 404.
>giggling to himself as he steps out of a portal
Why hello, friends! Sorry I couldn't get out of the bunker until now, I had some... things to finish up.
*Burbles an actual acknowledgement of her greeting before observing the make of her carapace armor, his mechanical eye clicking through several settings.*

*Hits the reset on his fellow Priest.*
can someone give me a rundown of what's happened so far in the thread? I'm kinda busy so I can't read through it.
Mostly just fucking about, got told we need to clear the bunker again. The colour sergeant got replaced by his sister, an ensign.
I'm proficient with Las weaponry, Bolt Pistols, Bolters, Powerfists and the more common swords, Chain, Powered and the like. Admittedly I'm better with a Powerfist and Bolter, but what would you suggest for fighting in the Depot Sergeant? You're the expert. I can get whatever you suggest from my case.

Erm...I shouldn't be concerned about the talking box right?

Three Kleptomaniacs. One a Techpriest, one a bonged-up ordinary man, and another, a Totally Not Necron.

There ain't no hope now. Hammer as many bolts into thyself as thou can, 'fore nothing else is left save depression.
>produces a pistol sized gauss flayer
A gift for our newest member...

>Sparks several times, before standing back up, blankly staring forwards.
Gibbers? Nah, nevermind him.

Weapon? I don't care what you take, long as you can use it effectively.
does anyone remember what blueprints I gave who? I didn't bother keeping track. It's just not what Nyzart would do.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Turns from the Ensigns carapace armor and burbles unhappily as he tries to bring back 9 from factory default settings*
I'm back, fuck you internet, I won the fight this time, you won't just not reconnect on me.
*sits down on the dirt, contemplating stuff and things*
>fiddles with his gauss flayer, which now has some sort of black rock suspended between the prongs on the barrel

Would anyone like some fancy new lasweapons? Fresh from the forgeworld!
>The armour appears similar in construction to the Carapace normally seen on Kasrkins, albeit with a different composition and more ornate finish

Most appreciated Enginseer

>accepts the weapon, hanging it from the rear of her beltkit.


>opens the case, withdrawing a Powerfist and Bolter, along with ammo and grenades then closes it.

I'll ready as soon as I stow this case in the Chimera.
I know you gave out at least two Blueprints. I also know that one of them was a Monolith 'STC' and that Arthur has it on his beltkit.
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Counter Terrorists Win.gif
84KB, 150x150px

>Begins dancing on the spot
I haven't seen you before, who are you?
As the guardsman I had addressed to seems to be absent-minded now, I might as well adress you all at the same time, guardsmen.
>To the necron only
And infiltrators.
>Back to the main group.

I may have an use for you all.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

*Burbles happily at the construction of the power armor, but makes several notes on what could possibly be.. *upgraded**

*Burbles in confusion and contemplates leaving, but tires again.*

> puts on a necklace fashioned from some mysterious black substance, similar to the material that the Cadogan pylons are constructed from
Don't think that will do you any help in the grounds you're standing at, Xeno.
Just me, fucker name dissappeared.

*muffled moaning*
*rolling on the ground*
>blinks a few times and raises her free hand to rub her forehead.

Must be....imagining things.

>Stops dancing and does a 360-head spin before pulling out a monocle

"Well well innit a fine bright good ol' outing for some tea and crumpets, wot wot?"
I'm afraid you are not, my dear. Not that you should be surprised, given where you've just decided to camp and chat, this outpost was ours to begin with after all.
>begins passing out pylon necklaces
Quickly! Put these on! They should protect you from warp influences. Should...
*tosses sand at the new girl*

*muffled groans*


*more rolling around and painful muffled groans*
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126KB, 500x395px
mfw I click "I'm not a robot"


Say, Techpriest, any luck with those codes?
What the fuck is wrong with you people?! I don't hear a damn thing!
>hastily accepts one of he necklaces and slips it on

>recieves a handfull of sand to the face

Ach, hey, what as that for?

>looks over Kenneth.

You...alright mate?

"Well, well! Seems lik' an unfortunate twist and turn, innit? Lemme get your twist up and goin' well and fine, good man!"

>Begins brandishing the instruments of his medicae mechadentride
Do as you wish, my voice will still be transmited to this place. You've successfully removed many marks and idols, but you can't never fully take the taint of Chaos without pulling it out of its roots, which is, by the way, why I am talking to you on the first place.

Probably for the first time in your whole misserable lives, I'm here not to maim you but to help you.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

*Burbles and contemplates leaving even more... but tries one more time.*

*Burbles an affirmative and offers up some ear protection*
*peeks out of box to find the source of the voice*

>Falls over backwards and shuts off.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

*Is now determined to fix this one way or the other.*
>gives the Techpriest a grateful nod and accepts the ear defenders, slipping then on and connecting them to her combead.

>Begins blasting white noise.
> as you put on the necklace, it becomes difficult to care about anything, as if your emotions are dampened.
Just don't wear them all the time, right? We... I'm still not sure what the full effects are on humans.
They're inside Gary.

They're here Gary.

Fucking heretics.

They're here.

You heard it, I know you did. You think it's in your head?

Hah, allow me to laugh!

They're here. They want us to turn on eachother. They want us to pledge allegiance to their foul debased heresy.

Would you let them?

Nuh uh! Come close with that shit, and I don't care who you are, I WILL chop you into pieces fuckmother!
Rolled 14 (1d100)

*grumbles angrily, so many unoptimized settings...*

*Does a com-check*

commas make differences... "They're inside, Gary" *

For fuck's sake why u no keep the namefag on bitch?
this is why I only post in one thread at a time

Sure you don't want a null medallion?
Thronedammit! Where's Sis when we need her?

*touches Aquila tattoo on his chest*
Rolled 54 (1d100)


I'm listening, creep.

>intones any litany against heresy he can remember internally while trying to pay attention, a trick used for interrogating chaos cultists.
>Manifests into a (non-solid) mirage of a Word Bearers' Sorcerer.

>blink blink
Rolled 4 (1d20)

*snatches Sororitas flamer*

*looses flame*
WITCHCRAFT!? My race is far older than your wretched parasite gods, and you accuse me of relying on sorcery to get ahead? Soon my brothers will awaken, and you shall feel the full might of the Fahkeet dynasty!

I'm here for I have personal interests about this place that may be the same as yours, interests that lead to the erradication of the taint in this outpost.
But I don't, I've only got this thread up. What the shit?

Fuck off with that bullshit. I've got blood in my veins. It's enough.

Oh Theresia couldn't help me with this.

I've got a cure.

It's murder.

You're talking shit there buddy, but I habeeb it.
Well, it feels different. That's....optimal, yes?

If they're trying to harm us we should stop them.

>taps her transmit button.

Transmission recieved, testing transmission strength.
Maybe I should take this off for sec?

>removes the necklace and blinks a few times.

I think I'll keep it off for now.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

*Attempts shooting the apparition with plasma to see what happens.*

"Transmission strength adequate for local Coms Ensign. Suggest keeping away from xenotech artifacts."
And what would these 'interests' of yours be?

Don't suppose you know any tricks for banishing warp-ghosts, do you?
Keep boasting, Xeno, at least I didn't sell my soul to a slave. Your artifacts are as much as witchcraft as ours.


You've probably been to blind to notice, but this outpost's library, or rather Arcanum, holds a secret passage-way to an underground Chaos Temple.

A rival's temple to be more precise, build with haste during the last black crusade to keep an artifact safe from... well, from opportunists like me.
No no no no no, oh dear, you've got to put them ON! At least until we've dealt with this vile servant of the new gods heretic!
>The shots go through, hitting whathever's on the other side, just as Gary's shots did.

Well, there is a way...

*pulls out bolt pistol, aims at own forehead, pulls trigger*


And now, I'll figure out something reasonable, because Kenny got too confusing, even for me.

>Rip In pieces Kenneth ;_;
>at least I didn't sell my soul
>Continues blasting static as he lies in an OFF state on the ground.

I'm not a psyker, unfortunately. I think, at least. And even if I was, I believe a traitor of this caliber would be entirely out of -


Aw, shit. >redoubles his efforts with the litany, mumbling under his breath now in high gothic
>activates her Powerfist, surrounding it with an an electrical field

Sergeant, what do you advise?

Affirmative, the experience was....unpleasant, but I suppose it might be necessary.

He can speak normally through a Combead?! I feel like a bellend for not noticing before now.
>To a slave, or rather, a Pokemon
>Takes a quick look towards the Xeno but says nothing before addressing back to the party.

The thing is, I want this artifact as gone as any of you would. Better it gets destroyed or falls in inquisitorial hands than to let a Thousand Son have it.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

I've got this one.

> sets up imperial WiFi routers in the shape of a pentagram around the techpriest and prepares a mechanical goat for sacrifice
Rolled 61 (1d100)

*Attempts to fix fellow tech priest again*.

"Suggest moving into Chimera, have attached holy symbols to most internals."

1. It's the first time anybody has tried, 2. I just came up with it.
By the Emperor! A-Arthur is gonna be pissed!

If you want you can take one of my spare Praetorians. I've got a Rifle Squad(Ala Sharpe) and a few Heavy Weapon Specialists to choose from
Rolled 44 (1d100)

I will resurrect him, with the power of technology!
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1MB, 804x768px

>mfw just killed myself
>mfw no idea for another dood
>mfw I need to lurk for a while to catch up some more
>mfw I only have a krieger's face

Naw, I'm working on something
But it still needs some work
Kenneth was a plaything, a probe of sorts
Just lost contact
Lost threads
Realized that kenny isn't really that good
Kenny an heroes

May he rest by the emperor forever now.
does two of the same roll in a row count as a success?
"Roger that, but we'll have to deal with this eventually."

Everyone, our Enginseer says to get into the Chimera! It's been blessed!

This is an incredibly useful thing to know. Arthur will be informed post haste.

C-can I get a spoiler?
I don't think so...
I think combined fixing attempts have probably got him back on his feet now.
Go then, leave the taint to spread, it's not like your Emperor was going to do anything about it anyways, you just prove that Chaos is too powerful for the Imperium to deal with.
>if he had facial miscles, a look of realization would have come across them.

Wait, we have to secure the bunker.

>is still waiting outside the tank. muttering the litany while listening

I know a plot hook when i see it
Ah, so you're not as absent-minded as your carcass seems.

Indeed, the bunker is connected to the temple, your mission was to secure the bunker, I do believe you see where this is going...
>starts to turn towards the tank, then stops
...The Thousand Sons...
Alright. What's this sodding artefact of yours, then?
Rolled 6 (1d100)

> sends several servo-scarabs to scout the bunker to see what threats lie within
>looks at the Techcron...Necrineseer...thing...skeptically.

Are you sure that's a good idea? If it wants us to go in there then surely actually going in there is...erm...Heresy.

I do believe Comrades that there is the potential of us requiring a second thread later.
*"Ensign, destroying the area with orbital bombardment highly recommended."*
It's a small trinket, to a simple man's eyes it's just an 8 pointed star of the size of a hand, to a psyker... it's a powerful artifact with which to boost one self's skills. It is obviously guarded by Rubric Marines, but... I do believe you have your numbers in your favour... and if you're silent enough you may not even have to fight them...

Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to see such a fine artifact destroyed, but I'd rather have that than to let my... rivals get a step ahead on me
No! The pylon facility is in there, it could be the foundation for anti-warp machinations!

>yanks the ensign aside and whispers to her
in high gothic

Just because we listen to the fiend doesn't mean we agree to what it says
I agree

For my replacement needs an opening.
Is it edible? Are the marines edible? Do they have nice teeth?!
"This is a wise course of action, but who's going to listen to a Penal Legion when they say that a specific area needs to be destroyed for a specific reason?"

Btw, is there actually any sort of 'standard'(Used loosely) way to signify the various types of comms for Penal Regimet /tg/? I usually use nothing for simple comms, "" for vox comms and maybe <> for text but there hasn't been a need for text yet.
I'm going to need some backup, want to be a 'cron?
>goes to chimera
According to the heretic, there's a chaotic talisman hidden in an underground temple near here, and if what he says is true, it's guarded by...
>eye twitches slightly
the Thousand Sons. We're going to have to be very careful, and this apparition is likely not telling us the full story, but if he's telling the truth then leaving it be is unlikely to end well.
What the-!? You look more like a Chaos Spawn than like a Guardsman! How have you not been executed is but a wonder for me...

And... technichally not, but with a set of teeth like those I doubt there's something not edible for you. Also the Rubric Marines have no teeth, they're dust and spirits trapped in an armor.
Bitch I might be, however I'm still going trough options
Honestly you could throw him in now if you wanted, the 2nd thread starts off right where the first ends always so you don't need to worry.
we have pretty much minimal standards. If it works and context is clear, abut anything goes for telling what is what ("text", *action* >action/reaction/random as an example. That's how I do it, but most do it otherwise).
be back in a bit guys, gotta finish something
B-But He's/she's still a WIP!!!

I can't put unpainted minis on the table! (Although I do all the time, I'm lazy) anyway...

Just gibe a moment baus
Rubric marines? Hah! They're even more robotic than me, and slower to boot!
*Burbles and shrugs*

*"Recommended course of action is unlikely to be followed by high command. Secondary course of action involves clearing bunker and several high strength plasma charges at to be determined structural weakpoints."*
>nods and whispers back, also in High Gothic

As you say Sir, but we must walk softly, and carry big guns.

I'm not too confident about our chances against the Thousand Sons Lance Corporal, we don't have that many weapons that can crack their armour.
Dear void dragon, no we must preserve the pylons!
was thinking Tallarns, just because "EMPRAHU ACKBAAR!!! EMPRAHU ACKBAAAR" EMPRAHU ACKBAAR"

but naw... still worikng.
*Burbles and shrugs negatively, uncaring about the xenotech artifacts*
Luckily for us, I have cobbled together some uh, veryhotshot lasguns! I hid them behind the chimera.
*Holds up several plasma weapons that he has and points to several lasguns that have been... modified extensively.*
Boiling, even!
Why does the Recaff taste like it was filtered with an ogrny's jockstrap?
If you're up to it, I shall open the secret door beneath the Arcanum's carpet for you.

Like seriously, you guys could at least have thought of removing the carpet, it's not that well hidden.
Mordian maybe? Perhaps Armageddon or something? What don't we have that are unique in style?

Hm, the plan is tactically sound, but perhaps we limit the destruction to the tainted part of the Bunker?
Aww. They don't sound like nice people... Wait... Chaos... What was chaos... DAEMONS! How do you converse with them? I have always wanted to have a chat with some, they have such nice teeth! But they don't want to talk, they just try to kill me. *sniffle* or they just talk and talk and there is no conversation. What is it with chaos and "power, freedom, wishes come true"? I. WANT. A. CONVERSATION!

time to give the heresy knob a sharp turn from eleven to as far as it goes.
>Sips recaff and watches closly
Rolled 3 (1d20)

be a necrommissar, you know you want to.
So...Gary and our Drop Sergeant are nowhere to be found right now...who's in charge exactly?
They should probably decide for us.
*Seems mildly disappointed at lack of total destruction but shrugs in an accepting manner.*

*"Usage of smaller charges to purge the area of heretical artifacts, bunkers and sealing of area with holy symbols would be... efficient."*
*"Ensign, you are in command as per Guard and Mechanicum guidelines."*
Letting you know would lead you down a path you could not crawl out of, not that I oppose it, but your colleagues might just shoot you on sight whenever I whisper it to you, and you may still be useful against those Rubric Marines... at least for now, and you look like the one with most chances to survive their bolter fire.
Hi. I am the dude who plays the Krieg Quartermaster. I'm sorry that I don't have time today. I will be back next week. Let's just say I'm still curing my wounds from last time.
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56KB, 600x620px
Mordian or perhaps Valhallan could be interesting, we haven't had any of those to my knowledge yet.
Speaking of which, I haven't been at all clear, but my char was meant to be Steel Legion. Pic related specifically.
Fuck it, I'll go down there myself. But I'm leaving this with you, ensign.
> hands her a small box with a red button on it.
If anything should happen to me, my "forge world" should know. Press this if I am not back in one hour.

"Well, this could be going better. Okay, I suppose I don't really have a choice then".
Men, for lack of a better plan, we're going for it. We have to do SOMETHING. Grab as many Krak Grenades as possible and try and grab a Hotshot Lasgun too if you can.
*Giggles maniacally* I miss my brothers and sisters. I. MISS. THEM. They all died on Mara. I need some decent company, or I might go insane! Daemons seem to be the most prevalent option, genestealers seem to like me but can't talk, and I'm getting the feeling something is wrong with me! I need to know before I crack!
Have you ever tried marking your body with eight-pointed starts and praying to the dark gods? It might help you stablish a conversation with a daemon without making it attack you.


Very well then, if you're ready, follow this mirage.

>The mirage enters into the bunker, moving throug the rubble and dead bodies towards the library, after a wave of his hand, the carpet moves aside, revealing a secret door, which also opens revealing a path to a catacomb-like temple.
I'm afraid I won't be able to do so. I'll head down there with you. Let it never be said that the Children of Praetoria backed away from a fight just because the odds looked a bit grim.

Are you willing to join us Fanner?

"Perhaps....erm...I,.have no idea what your name is Techpriest, I apologize profusely."
Is it gibbers?
Heh, your bloody sure I am. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

Shall we start a new thread for the bunker?
whoops, *you're
only if you would follow a person so heretical he is a heretic on the standards of an arch-heretic
She's just guessing
*"This Tech Preist... has forgotten his current flesh label. Tech Preist is acceptable. Other designations accepted for group unity. This Tech Preist will be accompanying you with holy plasma and flame."*

Don't ever do this or I will frag you. If the Color Seargent doesn't beat me to it.

Chaos is not your friend, Gibbers. It's the reason you lack for decent company, not the cure for what ails you.

>Picks up one of the guns the "techpriest" provided
>Clearly suspects something is amiss.
>Is counting on it working better than his hellpistol
>prepares to descend into the shit

Oh that reminds me. Did either of you manage to crack the code on the dataslate I gave you?
No... Although most of them seem to jump the moment they see me. Surprised, scared, I don't know. Maybe that could work. Maybe.
I don't remember that.
I do agree with the idea of waiting til next thread to commence the assault. Thus I propose we use the remainder of this one to prepare for the assault and decide which inspiring song to bastardize into a 40k version.


I think 9 did before he broke down. It had details and possible co-ords for further Ordo Xenos facilities like the one with the FUBAR Tyranids right?
I know that your powers of retention
are as wet as an ogryn's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride
Kenneth is dead.

But, inquisitorial stormtroopah Kyhatty Hatari is alive!

Thank god nobody really knows Finnish slang, because that does sound like a legit 40k-ish name
I vote for Follow me up to carlow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI_E_o_fvzE or praise the lord and pass the ammunition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJfJPxLntZU

he never said it to me iC so I assume he's keeping it secret or forgot
*Hands the cracked dataslate that he took from the other tech-preist.*
But they understand the hunger... Who am I lying to... Only I know THIS hunger... For now... *Retreats back into box*
I agree.
There should just be a handful of rubric marines below, I don't expect more than three, but knowing the Thousand Sons, one can never be too sure.

I had previously sent a cultist squad into this bunker, probably killed by your forces, I see they successfully placed the altar here on the library nonetheless, just place the relic in there once you obtain it and I'll destroy it.

If you do your job well, we might... collaborate in the future...
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Are you...? No, it couldn't be. You're worse.
Well, Gibbers, what does it mean? Kyhätty Hätäri is the raw un-bastardised version.

I'm curious.

>reads it over

Well, shit. That's like on other continents. I'll have to wait to hear from the Inquisitor and decide how to proceed.


Exactly. There's no way they could know what you're going through, so don't expect them to give you any sympathy.

hard to turn into English. But roughly "Hastily crafted panic solution".
I'll start from the actual beginning

I never thought guradsmen essential
They're crude and unspeakably plain
But maybe they've a glimmer of potential
If allied to my necrotic brain
Kenneth is dead? awwww man he owed me money.
These are both good. I wish it was possible to make British Grenadiers into 40k bit the Heroes names are too different.

I wonder if we could get a combat bonus if Alice led the charge waving the Union Jack while we all sing.
Also, there's no way in Feth i'm trusting him to destroy the thing. We'll do it ourselves.

>indicates the new weapon he picked up

This oughta take care of it.
*limps to the scene*

By the emperor! Identify yourselves!

Kenneth had to an hero. Kenneth was haunted. Probably posessed too.

Höhöhöhöh... You could say that.

Or well, built improv bong goes too.

"Kyhättiin hätäri"

We made an improv bong

Quit talking shit, kenneth owed nobody nothing, maybe a few apologies but that's about it

Who is the commanding officer here?

*Visibly wounded*

*also dressed in -][- garbs*

*and carapace armor*
It better, I made it myself.
I'm green Sarge! Kenneth shot himself Sarge!
And where's the hostile?
He went into the bunker, wants us to follow him and destroy an artifact of the parasite gods.
Hi I'm Skippy. and I think it's...
>Points to Alice >>43674588

Detective Greely, Adeptus Arbites - seconded to the Inquisition.

>flashes badge

Is this your outfit, captain?
Some talk of Sanguinis,
And some of El-Jonson
Of the almighty emprah
Sat on his golden throne
But of Imperiums heroes there's none that can go wrong
With a tow row row row row row row with the /tg/ Penal Legion!

I tried, ok?
Hmph, do as you wish, loyalist, I was only trying to make sure that you don't create a warp storm that might alert the Thousand Sons once all the warp energy the artifact contains is let loose by its destruction
Inside the Depot Sarge, opening the path to those Rubrics.
The enemy of my enemy....is a slightly less pressing enemy and all that.
Still, we cannot let the sorcerer to escape back to his daemonic masters. If you give me time, I believe that I can track his location from the projection.
Guess we're in the same league then detective *coughs up blood*
Although, you seem to be in a far better condition than I am.

You the one in charge or what?
Most everyone here is green or has very little combat expertise.

My main concern is to kill the enemy. And I aim to do that.

I gotta go to work soon, when are we doing next thread?
Better than I could do.
Only thing I would change is the /tg/ bit to something Grenadiers, like Krieger Grenadiers for example.

>isn't buying a word you say

A likely story. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to die. The fact that my soul won't be raped by the ruinous powers for eternity has it's upsides.


Can we get a Medicae here?
Despite we're autosaged, we're still just in page 5, so I guess between 30 minutes and an hour?
Rubric Marines? What else is here, a fucking invisible Eldar stronghold?

Or Necrons maybe? *looks at Nyzart*
Rank wise, I'm in Command, experience wise, you'd best ask Sergeant Gary.

What's the risk? There always is one.

We were actually planning to make a new one after this one is kill to kill the Rubrics.
>A likely story. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to die. The fact that my soul won't be raped by the ruinous powers for eternity has it's upsides.

Hah! Like I'm afraid! I'm closer to immortality every day, while you're just closer to being a corpse.
I be 'ere! Me bloody wheelchair took an' fell... Me 'ead hurts... I hope 'ey be okay... It is, Me little statues be still good! Get me up so I can be o' use, please!
>Sips her shitty ReCaff
what>>43674733 said

I see. Most unfortunate.

Well, we're all formal here. You're in charge. Kind of.

At least until we get a big I over here. And, well, I'm in no shape to take command of a unit this large.

*coughs up more blood*

So, Ensign...?
>These faggots aren't even immortal

He might be operating from within the warp itself, in which case the best I can do is attempt to trap him there for a few thousand years.
Fug, I go to work in an hour. Either we wait till tomorrow or I'll have to be sneaking around until 11 pm Eastern US time
>jogs over to right Rogan's wheelchair, then helps him back into it.

You alright? You want a painkiller or something?
>Wakes up in a pile of rags, strung out, and very much confused
Wait... Where the Warp am I? What's going on?! Where is everybody...?

>helps alice get the chair up

It's the Captain - he's coughing up blood. Captain! Over here!
Right here. Shitty Recaf?
>holds out a cup

This is Cadia. Everyone wants a piece.
You....you aren't from the Ordo Xenos are you?

It's sti better than nothing. And you can bet he's planning to screw us over anyway.

Fuck me. That's harsh as fug. We'll put it to a vote perhaps? I'm personally for BOTH options. Ehy stop the rape train? WE CAN KEEP IT GOING TOMORROW......maybe. If people agree. They probably won't.
Heh, the day a lil' fall be too much to bear fer me is the day I stop vehnyreatin' Ol' Lady an' Empyrar! Unlike me grandson's daughter's grandson, I got me some guts!
Well shit. Thanks, buddy.
>takes the cup
What's up? I'm Ron. Transferred in last week.
Skippy. I just got here.
>sips recaf
I've only know slightly more than you then. Where ya from?
Stop mucking about and pick up a gauss gun! We're preparing to assault the bunker... again.

I'm seconded to a Xenos Inquisitor, if that helps.

[spoilers] Radicals represent in this bitch woot woot [/spoiler]
Throne and Teeth! A gauss gun? Wait, no, I don't care.
>picks up gauss gun
I'm game. Let's rock this.
Er... superhotshot lasgun... misspoke there, I did.
Believe me when I say I'm one of those that preffer to approach to other human beings as a caring father than as a fenrisian wolf. Yes, it's true, I've already planned a way to kill you all, as with everyone else, yet I haven't placed it into motion, why? Because I believe every human being can be useful if they want to be useful. I want a better tomorrow for mankind a tomorrow not binded to the rules of a corpse stuck in a chair, but rather to the rules that man itself makes for its day-to-day life.

The very fact that I'm giving you the chance and the directions to fight against the Thousand Sons already speaks for myself.
That's irrelevant. I might be Ordo Malleus, I might be ordo Xenos, I might be ordo Emperor's fist up your ass.

Not to be rude, I'm not really polite when in pain. My apologies.
Gauss gun, lasgun, psycannon, who cares. So long as it kills the other guy, and it ain't tainted. Say, you look a little strange...
Chiron Beta Prime.

I have no idea how to use this.
I'll be leaving. I'm good with about any time, I'll join when I notice the thread is up.
What? Oh, it must be my robe. I put a little too much bleach in last time it got washed.

Not sure if you were here when I introduced myself, but I'm wearing a techpriest robe that's slightly too bright.
I've got it. Our inspiring battle song is Men of Harlech, not the Zulu version, the original(Or at the very least a slightly older version). The only lyrical change needed is changing Harlech to something like Tanith or Cadian or so on....
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*A giant figure appears from the direction of the bunker entrance*

Me Rog, was sent ta help kill da bad fings.

Where shuld I go?

Could you at least see to the captain first?
Yeah, that must be it. Anyways, where are we going? And can we bring the Ogryn?

Just got here. I joined last week, but the thread was pretty much dead.
You're a big guy.
Ah, fuck yeah, finally someone who can really help me get shit done around here!
Rolled 27 (1d100)

So... I need ta fix Captin? Lessee...
rolling for luck with medicine choice, then I'm off
back in 30 hopfuly
Well considering one of the Ordo Xenos' 'brillant' plans tried to eat my brother yesterday, you can excuse me for being a little bit on edge.

>pulls an injector from her beltkit and offers it to Hatari.

Painkiller for your injuries.
Page seven, it's a good time to start choosing if you're going to make the new thread today or wait until tomorrow.
I vote for both
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Me know wot u are! You one of dem catchy-grins!

Me meet Catchy-grin called Marbo once. He was quiet.

For you.

Tried to eat me too. Not the worst idea i've ever seen, though. Honestly, us even thinking about following the heretic's recommendation is setting off all kinds of warning bells.
Ah! My singular-minded friend! I have a gift for you.

>presents a gauss cannon from a destroyer
Heh, ya met ol Marbo? You're right, fucker don't talk much for damn sure. Anyway, stick with me Rog, I'll show you where the bad guys are...
Me have to pass, me use powur mall to kill fings, tanks though.
Well, I'm not ordo xenos, I can tell you that much.

My condolensces. Your brother is still alive?

Also, thank you, much.
>leans on his gauss gun, picking something from his teeth
I don't suppose I could have that, could I? I'm nowhere near strong enough to hold it, but it could fetch a pretty penny on the right markets.
Uh, yeah he just went up to the troop transport in orbit.
What ordo does Greely work with?
Well I WAS against the idea but everyone's going for it apparently and it's not like Penal Troops are actually valuable so we're doing it.

Xenos. He's not at all familiar with Necrons though, mostly Tyrannids

.. I guess. Honestly my goal was just to pump him for info.
You know, every soul is valuable from my perspective, you wouldn't be the first penal regiment to fall into Chaos after most of the troopers die in a hopeless, needless suicide mission for the corpse emperor's glory because a general didn't want to waste a Leman Russ' fuel into moving towards a fortified target.

That is if you ever opened yourselves to the ways of Chaos, seeing that you have two inquisitorial officers around I pretty much doubt you'd do it even if you wanted to.
At least, he's the most reasonable.
I have no idea what you are, but you make my teeth itchy.
You some kind of... Warp-psyker-vision?
Did you grab one of my "improved lasguns?" They'll certainly be better at tearing through the marine's armor than a normal one.

Get thee behind us, Daemon.
Hmph, I'm Sorcerer Vilmanthras from the Word Bearers legion. What stands before you is a psychic mirage, an extension of my will to communicate with anyone who sets foot in these tainted grounds.
Think I'll stick with my shotgun and flamer.
Okay, okay, this is progress, now tell me what a Word Bearer is. You some kind of Space Marine?
Wellsley, do you still have that box?
shit guys, I'm off to sleep like a pleb.
Right guys decision time right now: New thread now, tomorrow or....BOTH? My vote counts for one of each(Because either way I'm not fussed), it's down to you guys.
The red button doom box? Da.
Such a lack of information between Imperial ranks, no doubt why most of you end up coming to agree with our point of view everyday.

Yes, I am a Space Marine, and you seem like the kind of cattle that lacks a shepherd, son. Might I interest you with a relaxing coup of "heresy"?

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Okay good.


Either is fine
I'm gonna need to know more, my large and terrifying "friend".

If you're a Space Marine, why ain't you on our side? I mean yes, we're the B-team of the Guard, but are we really that bad?
[Spoiler]I should prefer tomorrow but I won't be bothered if yall continue now. Ok, gotta go in to work now, later
>raises a mecha-eyebrow
Has this one never heard of the Heres Horusy?
The what now? That some sorta cult?
Remember, all this Chaos stuff is suppressed almost everywhere
But necrons would know of it somehow... right?
No, son, you're not bad, you're only mislead, following a lie that's been passed on generations after generations.

A lie I understood when I walked upon Monarchia's cinders...

Your God-Emperor is no God at all.
That's 3 votes for both so far. Unless there's any contenders it seems we'll be wrapping up the thrilling adventures of Virmanthras "Guardsmen CAN melt Ceramite Plating" Word Bearer tonight and probably moving towards the frontlines tomorrow.
Maybe, depends on how much they hold by other race's histories.

the average guardsman probably knows more than you think...

You would think that with the abominations you pray to. That's quite enough heresy out of you.
Remember in the Imperial Creed, where it says 'suffer not the heretic'?
This is the heretic.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>begins an ancient process to discern where Virmanthras is located.

*Breaks down the nearest door leading further into the facility and storm ahead*
>Stares the guardsman, then smirks, finally breaking into a laughter.

The "Abominations" I pray to are actual Gods, perhaps not the most appealing ones, but at least real ones. Ones that care for those of us who bring the word of their wonders to the galaxy. Ones that promise me immortality in exchange of servitude whilst the only thing I ever heard from the Emperor's lips was "Kneel" for believing him a God.
I might need your help here, antagonistanon.
Did you say Gods?
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rollan' for defense
>there is interference, but the necron manages to find a broad location. The chaos sorcerer is located in...

>>43676017 was me.

What Wonders do you bring besides pain and suffering to all, even your own?
So I did, mighty are their names: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, Living Gods of the Warp.

>You can track Virmanthras' location somewhere in orbit, probably in one of the traitor battlebarges currently orbiting Cadia.
A Space Marine who worships the Gods of Chaos. This bears further investigatin'. Let's say someone wanted to get to you, in order to inquire about these most interesting Gods of yours. Talking like this can only teach a guy so much, y'know?
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>Smashing my way furhter into the bunker with my power maul
Oh shit son, does this mean we're fighting Rubrics, attempting to convince Planetary Defense/The Navy to destroy the WB Barges or does this mean we're just gonna find some other way to get shit done?
I bring the truth, the truth that man could be more but is restrained to not be, the truth that without an inquisition, without an imperial creed, Man would now be dominating the entire galaxy, united as an unstoppable psychic force shinning with a light greater than a newborn star! The truth that your so called Daemons are nothing but angels, the truth that since the beginning of times, the Gods have been nurturing and caring for us.

The truth that your empire... is crumbling and you hide your flaws behind misinformation and secrets, that you don't even tell your common citizen that the emperor himself oppossed any religion. I know this well for he himself told to us all to never venerate him beneath Monarchia's remains.
It mostly means that he's up there in one of the 13th black crusade ships fighting the Imperial Navy for air supremacy over Cadia
Well this just got a lot more complicated. Anyone here particularlly skilled at impersonating Imperial Fleet Admirals?(I kid, it would be near impossible to find the specific ship he's on).
Forgot the damned spoiler. This id what I get for posting while tired. Fuuuuuuk.
Okay, now I want to talk to you face to face more than ever. You sayin' that everything I know about the Imperium is wrong? Just tell me where to go, and I'm there.
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Does it matter whether we find it if the entire fleet goes up in smoke?
page 9, were we putting a new thread up or leaving it till tomorrow? Speaking of which, if we're bunkering tomorrow what time will the thread be up? I'm good for about 17:00 GMT, if it helps
Your thronebound god commands you to suffer not the heretic for a reason, guardsman.
A'right, So, who's making new thread?

Play your cards well, and I might send someone to pick you up in the coming future.
Both, I believe. If we put up another one tomorrow it should be at 2:00 P.M. GMT like normal, I think.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather get there before my compatriots find where you are.
A-are you go full crossiant Tecron Necrineseer? Are you deploy buttery beams(Lots of Gauss)?
The button is my trump card.
>The bullgryn returns, looking annnoyed.

Culdn't find da guy in der, wot we gonna do?

Even if that were true, the Sisters perform miracles in the Emperor's name.

Trillions of people live and love in the Emperor's light without fear.

And even if it were all falling apart, the strength of mankind's unity is more than you think.

I've seen your "love." I've seen children raped, I've seen fine minds become ruined by whispered madness, I've seen cities burn with hate and plague. All for your wretched gods. I used to work cults, I know what you really stand for.

Mankind is greater and has more meaning in a single family or brotherhood than all your monstrous gods ever will.

drops the mic
Child, there are hundreds of brothers here with me, I'm not scared of a few guardsmen knowing my location. Besides I have nothing against you, at least not yet, I'm helping you with this fight after all.

After a "1 blaze of glory only" antagonist characters such as the Lictor and the Blind-Eyed Genestealer, I'm going for a more trascending "this isn't over" type of villain this time, I plan on using Virmanthas on the coming future, so even if you guys somehow manage to fuck his shit off, I'm not letting him die that easily.
I ain't a Space Marine, chum. These guys are only gonna let me keep this discourse goin' for so long. Then, what use am I?
Oh hey theres one of these threads up. Im not good at remembering to look
Don't worry that we're on page nine, someone will make a new thread when this one goes away.
>Directly into Laroque's head
We will be in contact, son, all you have to do is make sure the relic you're going in for makes it to the altar safely. Do this, and I'll grant you an audience ans get you out of that hell.
Oh shit I never said it out loud.
Comerades! I have located the chaos space marine! He is in orbit above the planet, likely doing battle with the navy!
Who's here?
May post when that happens and I can actually tell whats goin on
How are we suppozed ta get up der?

Dat's at least one...two...three...THREE titans tall!

I'll make a new one once this one dies.
I'm still here, although when this thread drops I'm going to have to go to sleep, but I'll be back for tomorrow. Remember to link the next thread in tomorrow's OP!
Ah. I appear to have been tracked. Don't you trust me yet, guardsmen? Perhaps I am to expect a boarding party?
Don't worry, I have a plan. But first we must destroy the warp artefact. I have a theory that the sorcerer is using it to amplify his power and sense this area.

>looks at Laroque

You boy, snap out of it! And put on your null medallion!

>offers one up
You there, did you get your null medallion? It's vitally important to have one equipped at all times.

Don't worry, I have a plan. But first, we must destroy the warp artefact beneath the bunker. I believe that our sorcerer friend is using it to track out movements.
Null what? If I need one, give it here!
Shit. Thought that 4chan ate my post.
This may complicate things. How exactly do Guardsmen kill a spacecraft?

I will make sure to do this if I remember Comrade.
>Psychic Whispers
A dull attempt to deny me, if you wear it I won't be able to communicate with you directly, but rather only through my mirage.
Null medilon?

I dun ave one! I NEEDS ONE!

And I can smash dat aty-fak for ya!
That's fine, right? I already know what I need to do.
>passes them out

Take them off once we're done here. They may be dangerous in the absence of warp energies.
>Psychic Whispers.
Yes, indeed, just take it off once you're ready to make your escape.
>puts on medallion
I'm so ready. When do we move out? I wanna try out this gauss gun.
Fank you, let's go find this bad fing and smash it inta pieces!


>Heads deeper into the bunker
Whenever you wish, my mirage will remain here at the Arcanum, keeping the doorway open until you return with the artifact for its... safe... destruction. Don't be late, both my patience and my Psychic Endurance have a limit.
Optimal time for a new thread. Wellsley, would you care to do the honors?

Time to see what this legacy captcha thing is that everyone keeps going on about.
Uh, the Ogryn just ran in! Shit, I wouldn't be much of a Guardsman if I didn't follow!
>runs after the Rog
I need to wait for this one to actually die. What eith the duplicate image and that. Fuck my life sideways
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post necrons to kill the thread faster
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necron dudes 2 necron harder.jpg
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totally not stolen directly from the art thread
I've got nothing clever this time
only way to kill faster is to make a bunch of new threads to push it off

It appears I am tell lie. New Thread Deployment Complete Sir
Back on the early days when this was still a field kit inspection thread we used to have a second picture that was exactly the same but with written by the time popular themed catch-phrases all over it, such as if your trench shovel doesn't fold sideways you will be *BLAMMED* it helped when we had to make a new thread and the last one was alive
Thread posts: 490
Thread images: 20

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