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Soul Calibur Quest (Part 2)

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> Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold.

Welcome to Soul Calibur Quest!

The world went mad when the dreaded Captain Cervantes was defeated, and the Evil Seed was released upon the world. Now, Malfested seem to be attacking more and more helpless villagers, good people have been driven mad by the power of an evil sword, and the Azure Knight, Nightmare seems to grow stronger and stronger every day. Warriors from all across the land are searching for the cursed sword, Soul Edge, some seeking to destroy it, some seeking to wield it, and others seeking to serve it.

You are Edgar Emmerich, a loyal knight from the kingdom of Wolfkrone. You excel at fighting with a lance and kite shield, even on foot. What lies within your soul is integrity. After a mission to a village that lost contact with your kingdom, and a grueling battle, you’ve returned to Wolfkrone, carting back ten orphans and the woman that slaughtered the villagers, Tira. After a conversation with your childhood friend, and now liege, Princess Hilde, you retired to bed.
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A clash of steel, a bleeding, broken warrior, and a sword with a staring, burning eye. Your sleep is plagued with nightmares, and you wake up with a start. Looking out your window, you can see the sun hasn’t risen yet, although it likely will soon. You let out a sigh and get up, getting dressed quickly. You dislike spending too much time idle, but it seems well deserved at this point. After your conversation with Hilde last night, you went straight to bed, although the sleep wasn’t nearly as restful as you’d hoped, and you still feel tired. Still, there’s no point in resting all day, you decide.

> What do you want to do?

> Try to find and speak to Adrian, your squire.
> Go talk to Tira.
> Train.
> Other.
>> Train.
>> Try to find and speak to Adrian, your squire.
> Train.

You decide to get some training in before the sun rises, and head out to the yard. This early, it wouldn’t be particularly popular, but seeing absolutely no one there bothers you. Wolfkrone was at war with an enemy that hadn’t directly attacked yet, and they were still losing. You approach a rack of weapons filled with swords, lances, pikes, bows. There were plenty of weapons for you to train with, each one could give you more ways to face your opponents.

> What weapon do you train with?
Halberd, better balanced and can wreck most anyone else with a skilled wielder.
I'm down with being Lu Bu.
Good alternaive to the lance.
Ditto I like keeping enemies at a distance while still hacking them up.
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1.5-1.8m with this bad boy on the end.
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You look through the weapons for a bit, before deciding on a halberd. Something about the weapon appeals to you, and you pick it up, weighing it, and giving it a few practice swings before deciding to train with it. The weapon itself isn’t in the best shape, but considering it’s only going to be used for practice, you decide it’ll be fine. You spend the next few hours practicing with it, and by the time you’re done, you feel like you’ve made some exceptional growth. You’re still more comfortable with the lance, but if you keep practicing at this pace it won’t be long before your skills with the halberd outweigh those with the lance.

By the time you finish and return the halberd to it’s place with the other weapons, the sun has already risen. You still have some free time, as Hilde hasn’t called for you yet.

> What are you going to do now?
> Talk to Tira.
> Talk to Adrian.
> Just wait for Hilde to summon you.
> Other.
>Talk to Adrian.
Our squire got spooked when we found the slaughtered village. Let's see how he's holding up.
> Talk to Adrian.

Head to temple and contemplate the troubling times ahead, and pray for guidance.
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You head out to find Adrian and check up on him. Apparently you know your squire better than you’d thought because it doesn’t take you very long to find him. You meet up with him in the dining hall eating breakfast. If there was one thing the boy was truly on time for, it was food. You settle down next to him, and greet him. Just based on how he looks, he doesn’t seem too traumatized, which is good. You’ve met people who would never recover if they saw what he saw.

“Hello, Sir,” Adrian says, speaking with his mouth full. “Are you doing alright? Was your meeting with the Princess okay?” You offer a smile and a nod. For all the boy’s faults he did care about other people, which seemed to be a rare trait these days. “I wanted to check up on you,” you say, watching his face for any changes in emotion. “It’s no shame to be bothered by what you saw. You should never let death become a triviality to you.” Adrian nods, looking thoughtful for just a moment. “I’m alright. I’m just... not sure. Ti-” he catches himself before he finishes saying her name, “The woman, she doesn’t seem to be the type to kill a whole village like that. And she saved the kids! I don’t understand her.”

> What do you say?
There is more to people than meets the eye. Maybe she is or was under influence of a powerful evil. Maybe she's ill and inflicting death does not bother her as it would an ordinary person.

Appearances can be deceptive, and sometimes not even intentionally.
These are strange times we live in. We don't even know if she's malfested, but even if she weren't, there are some things that don't have an easy explanation, if there even is one. We could be lucky she was conscious enough to spare the children.
Appearances can be deceiving, and sometimes there are monsters that hide behind the most innocuous faces. She's no slouch with that ringed blade of hers, and was howling for my blood.
Don't tell me he got a crush on the psycho
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You sigh, “The world is a strange place, even stranger in recent years, and appearances can be deceiving. We don’t know the complete story, she could have been possessed by some great evil, or she could just be mad. What I do know, though, is that she was more than willing to kill me when we fought in the church, and she nearly bested me. Her trial will be coming soon, and there, we will see justice truly served.”

Adrian nods, looking thoughtful. He doesn’t say anymore, simply eating his food and thinking, and you don’t exactly dislike the silence. It doesn’t last particularly long, however, as you’re told soon enough that the Princess wants to speak to you. Making your way to her, office, flanked on both sides by guards, you can’t help but think about how different everything seems to be now, compared to when you were children.

As you enter the room, Hilde doesn’t immediately notice you, murmuring to herself as she looks at strategic maps. You clear your throat, and she looks up with a start. She looks tired, as if she hasn’t slept all night. “Ah, Edgar, it’s good to see you. I have another mission for you. In the night I had people ask questions of the murderess, and she said she heard news of where the Azure Knight was, that was where she was going when she stopped at the village. I want you to investigate these rumours, and if you see Nightmare, do not try to fight him, I can’t lose you here. Not now.”

> What do you say?
Where does she claim the Azure Knight is hiding?

"As you will. Did we learn anything else?"
Daww little boy becomes a man.
Is she an ally of Nightmare? if so, maybe getting rid of her quickly would be an appropiate course of action. or at least moving her away from the heart of the kingdom

You nod, offering a reassuring smile to Hilde. “As you will. Did we learn anything else important?” Hilde shakes her head, running a hand through her red hair. “Not much. I still have people working on her, but she’s very strong willed, at least as far as we can tell.” You mull this over, a resistance to pain and usual interrogation tactics isn’t exactly surprising, considering what you saw of her, but she also gave information to you pretty much freely. She’s strange, alright. “Where does she claim he is?” Hilde cringes slightly, “Ostrheinsberg. She claims he’s been spotted there.” Ostrheinsberg is only a few weeks travel from Wolfkrone. If Tira told the truth, that meant Nightmare is close, and continuing to gain power.

Hilde steps closer, “I know this is a difficult thing I ask of you, but I don’t trust anyone else enough to let them handle it. You can take as much as you need, men, arms, anything the kingdom has is yours.” You nod, still feeling worried about Nightmare. The Azure Knight has cut through some of the best swordsmen in the world like they were nothing. You don’t feel nearly confident enough in your abilities for this, but you won’t let Wolfkrone down.

> What do you intend to take with you on your mission?
Since this is a scouting mission, we should keep a lean operation. We'll take Adrian with us, and we should send word to those cities on the route that we're passing through; that or a royal seal to prove we answer directly to Princess Hildegard in case anyone asks any questions.
4 of the fastest horses and best riders.
Good arms and armour
Enough supplies to last us a journey there and back and pray we don't fight Nightmare.

We only have to confirm he's there.
Switch lance for Halberd of good make, take Adrian two horses a seal a food.
Second the royal seal.
Our lance is still our best weapon, and we have an arming sword as an alternate. We can take the halberd as an alternate-alternate, but we're not leaving our lance.
Take some men, horses, traps, and a map with us.
On our way there we might want to find a village hunter. Someone who knows the area and can track.
Alright guys, I'm sorry, but I have to go for a bit. Something's come up, but as soon as I get back, I'll either start up a new thread, or, if this one's still up, continue with this one.

I've also made a twitter where you can get updates and shit.

Again, I'm really sorry.
> What do you intend to take with you on your mission?
Laters man
Tira stays. She's here to stand trial, after all. Besides, why should she get a free ride to Ostrheinsberg?
because she's cute?
Can't argue with that logic.
Cute is justice.
But she's verifiably crazy. There's a sliding scale to this, and it reaches a point where "cute" does not override "crazy."
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Overriding? they work in concert. there's a reason if everyone loves Harley Quinn and Margaret Tatcher
That's because they don't have to actually deal with them.
In the meantime, thanks for your efforts OP, it's pretty fun.
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I wonder how hard Nightmare would smash our shit in if we fought, along with how we measure up to the rest of the cast
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Canonically, Raphael beats Nightmare at the end of SC2. If we can handle Raph, we should be fine.
Yeah, but if Nightmare gets a single punch on us, we'd probably ded.

Also, Voldo would fuck us. Because he's Voldo.
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As long as we don't fuss with Vercchi's Money Pit somewhere in Italy, we won't have to deal with Voldo.
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Alright guys, I'm back! Sorry that took so long, something important came up. I'm gonna get started on the next update right away.
I'd say you're definitely on par with about 90% of the same roster, so you'd theoretically be able to beat Nightmare, but chances are he'd absolutely destroy you, and if you did beat him, it wouldn't be pleasant for you.

You think over your possible choices for a while, but eventually make your decision. Since this was to be a scouting mission, you decide to keep it light, only taking Adrian, some of the fastest horses, and good arms and armour. You take a royal seal, to prove to any kingdoms that you’re on an urgent mission from Hilde, and you finally decide to take the halberd with you. Once you’ve gathered enough things, you set out.

> How do you make the journey to Ostrheinsburg?
> Quickly, there is no time to waste.
> Slowly, you should conserve your energy incase you encounter someone.
> Normally, not too fast, but not too slow.
>Normally, not too fast, but not too slow.
We don't want to miss Nightmare if he actually is there.
>Normally, not too fast, but not too slow.
we don't want to us or our mounts to be too exhausted to make a getaway
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You and your squire head out on your mission, ready to take the long journey to Ostrheinsburg. You’d been there before, of course. Once before, and once after it was destroyed by the Azure Knight. Before Nightmare had gotten to it, it had been a lively place. It hadn’t been the same since, it seemed life was terrified to grow there, even when the Evil Sword was nowhere near. You try not to think about it too much, although you hadn’t seen any death when you went to check out the ruins of Ostrheinsburg, the image had stuck with you.

You glance over to check up on your squire, he seems nervous, which is to be expected. No fifteen year old boy wants to go up against the Azure Knight unless they were incredibly stupid. Adrian, noticing you looking at him, speaks up. “Sir, we’re not going to fight Nightmare, are we? I’ve heard what he does to people... we wouldn’t stand a chance.”

You think over this for a moment. You’d heard the stories too. It had taken three incredibly strong warriors to defeat him the last time he was stopped. If it came to a fight, it was just you and Adrian. “No, we won’t fight him. Our mission is a scouting mission. We only want to know if the rumours are true, so the Princess can know how to proceed.” Adrian accepts your answer, although it doesn’t seem to do much to help his fear.

Suddenly, you hear something in the forest beside you. You look just in time to bring your shield up and stop a thrown dagger. “Get down!” You yell at Adrian, and dismount just in time for the attacker to step out of his hiding spot in the trees. A man, wielding some sort of chinese sword, and wearing a mask steps out, laughing darkly. It seems like he’s prepared for a fight.

> Give an action and 1d100.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Just rip his head off or something
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Pull out arming sword and shield; clobber this guy into a ditch or something.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Defensive stance!
See how he fights.

You get into a defensive position with your lance and shield out, as you don’t want to rush into this battle without knowing how your opponent fights. The Assassin lunges forward, swinging his sword above his head and bringing it down at you, and you swiftly bring your shield up to block it and retreat a few paces, throwing out a testing attack with your lance. The Assassin jumps back as well, throwing three small knives out at you, you continue to block them with your shield, staying in your defensive position. The Assassin, beginning to get a grip for how you fight rushes forward, his sword at the ready.

> Action and 1d100.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

This guy is tricky. Force our range advantage with the lance, backpedaling if necessary; let him know he can't get inside unless he works for it.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

bash him in the junk
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Parry his blade while attempting to disarm him! Assassin filth don't deserve the honor of carrying a sword.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Impale the dweeb.
>A lesson to you, Adrian: when life and liberty are on the line, even the honorable knight must know when to fight dirty.
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"Stuff the bloody marquis De Fantailler"

As the assassin leaps up, you bring your lance up as quickly as you can, catching the man right in between his widespread legs. He lets out a shrill cry of pain and falls to the ground. You press the tip of your lance against his throat, as he manages to choke out, “I thought you were a knight!” You shrug and say, “I am. Just not a particularly stupid one.”

> What do you want to do with this assassin?
> Kill him.
> Spare him.
>Spare him.
If I see you again, I will crush more than your "pride."
Interrogation time!
"Why did you attack me?"
Nigga's a bandit who figured a knight of the realm was a good target. Why, I don't know.
I know, right? We're large, muscular, wearing a full suit of armour and carrying a very large and pointy implement. And we have backup.
Who thinks that's a good target for Kicks McGee here? Or, you know, anyone sane?

You decide to let him live, but for now, you need answers. “Why did you attack me?” you say, keeping the tip of your lance against the man’s throat. The assassin shrugs slightly, “It’s my job. I was hired by someone, he told me you’d be around here. That’s all I know! I didn’t have a chat with him, or anything.” You frown, but let him up. “If I ever see you again, I’ll crush much more than your pride,” you say, and the Assassin nods frantically. He stumbles off down the road, seeming to prefer one leg over the other. You sigh, and look around for Adrian, who gets up from the cover he found in some bushes.

As you get back on the horses, Adrian looks at you. “You... what happened to fighting nobly? I thought that was like, against the rules or something,” Adrian says, seeming more than a little surprised. You shrug, “An assassin like that doesn’t deserve an honorable fight. Honor is a luxury of those who haven’t had an actual fight. In an actual fight you need to press any advantage you have.” Adrian nods, seeming to think this over. As you ride on, the two of you have casual chats, these continue until night falls. The two of you stop to set up camp, and sit down.

> What do you want to do?
> Train with Adrian.
> Study your maps and documents.
> Talk to Adrian.
> Just go to sleep.
>Study your maps and documents.
How far out are we from the nearest town?
>> Train with Adrian.
We need to be better, if we want a decent chance of coming back. We aren't headed to Disneyland.
We've got a few weeks on the road. We have plenty of time.
> Train with Adrian.
>Study maps and documents
Someone knew we were coming and that we're coming this way. Why did assassin ambush us here, of all places?
Someone knows we're en route to Ostrheinsberg and tried to stop us. Then again, lots of people are trying to head there, since it was Nightmare's old stomping grounds.

You decide to review your maps before training with Adrian, pulling out all the maps and documents you’d prepared before the trip. You look over the maps, you’re still several weeks out from Ostrheinsberg, but the nearest town is only a little over a week away, and before that there’s some monument you might be able to take shelter at. While you’re looking over your maps, Adrian gets his sword out and begins preparing on his own. Something you’ve said must have convinced him to practice more, because he seems to actually be taking it seriously for once.

When you finish looking over your maps, you stand up, prepared to train with your squire. You watch Adrian for a bit, he seems to have made a decent bit of progress, as his stance is much less sloppy, but you won’t really be able to tell until you actually spar with him. You look over the weapons you’ve gathered.

> What do you want to use against Adrian?
> Sword and shield.
> Just your sword.
> Lance and shield.
> Just your lance.
> Your halberd.
>Just your sword.
>> Just your lance.
>Your halberd.
Might as well get some training with it.
Switching to halberd for expediency's sake.

You decide upon your halberd. It’ll make it a fairer fight, and you also wouldn’t mind getting in some extra practice with it. Both you and Adrian get into defensive positions, some confidence draining out of your squire’s face when he sees you using a new weapon. Still, he seems determined to at least make an effort with this fight. Recognizing your range advantage, he rushes towards you, trying to close the gap as quickly as possible, his sword at the ready.

> An action and 1d100 please.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Just stand there and do nothing
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Let Adrian press the advantage; we have to practice our close-range guards and disengages. Our lance background should help somewhat, but it ought to be much like any general staff training.
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>mfw I roll 2 99s in a row in the same thread
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Parry, followed up with a strike from the haft.

As Adrian charges, you stand still, letting him approach. You need to practice your close range combat, especially with your halberd. When he swings at you, you bring your halberd up and parry his sword strike, and then strike at him with the haft of your weapon. Adrian does another strike, attacking your side, and you again, parry and strike. Seeing his strategy wasn’t working, Adrian tried to kick your legs out from under you, but you stepped back in the nick of time, and gave him a hard blow to the head with your halberd. Pressing the tip of your weapon against him, he held his hands up and sighed, “You win.”

You nod, and then the two of you continue sparring for a few hours. By the end of it, both of you have improved significantly, Adrian nearly besting you on the last round. Eventually, though, Adrian is too tired to keep going, and you can’t deny that sleep gnaws at you as well. The two of you prepare to sleep, although seeing as you’d already been attacked by one assassin, you need to be particularly vigilant.

> What do you do?
> Take the first watch.
> Take the second watch.
> Don’t worry about it, let the both of you sleep and completely recuperate.
>Take the second watch.
>Take first watch
>> Take the second watch.
We took first last time round.

You take the second watch, letting Adrian have the first. As you drift off to sleep, you worry about the coming mission. You now have assassins with you, and you’re going to a place where one of the most bloodthirsty, evil, and most powerful warriors is supposed to be. You’re not exactly confident about your future, but you’re a knight of Wolfkrone, and you won’t fail.

You dream of Nightmare, Sir Hartwin, and a blonde woman on a mission. You’re shaken awake by Adrian, and you wince slightly, you took more of a beating than you thought you had in that training session and that fight against the assassin. Despite that, you get up, and Adrian shrugs, “It’s your shift. It’s been quiet so far.” You nod, taking a seated position by the fire. The The night continues and you feel yourself growing anxious.

> What do you want to do?
> Just watch, don’t let yourself get distracted by anything.
> Look over your maps and documents more.
> Snoop through Adrian’s things.
> Other.
> Just watch, don’t let yourself get distracted by anything.
Never know what could suddenly pop up, you know
>Just watch
Be vigilant.
>> Just watch, don’t let yourself get distracted by anything.
We've got a job to do. We do it.

You keep vigilant throughout the night, not letting your boredom or nervousness get the better of you, and throughout the night, both you and Adrian are safe. As soon as the sun is up, you wake up Adrian and the two of you keep moving. Now that you know there’s an assassin after you, you feel a bit uneasy with the pace you’re going at, but you manage to make it to the next village in decent time, and you weren’t attacked by anymore assassins on the way there. You stop at the town of Dargardt. It’s a small town, but still a town. It has shops, an inn, most everything a traveller would need, so it’s larger than the village you were in before.

Adrian seems incredibly interested, you’d forgotten how little the boy actually got out of Wolfkrone, and seeing a town that was still populated was relatively new to him.

> What do you want to do in town?
Grab a hot meal in a tavern, then head to local authority (magistrate? head of guard/garrison? senior clergyman?) and see if they have anything interesting news to share.

Adrian stays with us. Having either one of us ambushed alone wouldn't help either of us.
Get something warm from a tavern and see if we can get anything out of the local rumour mill.
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You and Adrian both head to the tavern, you make sure to keep Adrian in sight the entire time. If the two of you were to split up, you wouldn’t want to risk the chances of another assassin finding you. The tavern itself is a warm place, a surprising reprieve from the cold darkness of the outside world recently. You buy a hot meal for both you and Adrian, and sit down, listening in on any passing conversations. After you were finished eating, you’d begin asking around, but for now, you just sit, eat, and listen.

After your meal is finished, you and Adrian begin looking to see what you can find. Adrian begins pestering the patrons, and you walk up to the bartender.

> What do you ask him?

>What's the news
>Anything strange or extraordinary happen recently
>Have you seen a funny guy with funny sword in the area?
Hear about anything interesting?
You heard about [insert name of the dead town I've forgotten the name of]?
Anyone passed through recently?
See if they know how fast the malfested are spreading. Has it increased recently?
Hear anything about the other towns? Do they have regular enough information that they know about the dead one?
Everyone tense enough to pack up and run at a moment's notice?
Wait a minute.
Ostrheinsburg is where Raphael fought Nightmare in SCII

You smile at the bartender and give him a greeting, before casually asking about the going ons in the town. It seems the town hasn’t been hit as hard as other places by the malfested, and the bartender confirms your suspicion. The malfested, as well as the Evil Seed have mostly avoided this town for some reason. You nod, and do your best to remember that. The malfested usually don’t particularly avoid places, what makes this town special? “So, have you heard anything from the other towns nearby?” you ask, and the man shakes his head. “‘Fraid not much of any use. The towns that still send word and travellers only report the same things. Nothing a knight like you would find interesting.” You nod, and ask your final question, “And have any strange people passed through, maybe even a knight with a strange sword?”

Just as the bartender begins to answer the door opens, and the bartender nods towards whoever entered. He turns away from you, beginning to work on preparing a drink for this newcomer, and you turn. A woman dressed in purple aristocratic clothes, with a sword at her belt approaches you. Suddenly, she seems furious, and approaches you, putting her hand on her sword. “You. I knew I could sense it. The evil blade’s influence has stained you!” she cries, drawing her sword.

> What do you do?
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"Sorry, what?"
If you mean the girl who murdered everyone in [forgot], I subdued her and took her to the proper authorities.
>Show seal
Now on whose authority are YOU making such claims? And on the off-chance they are true, how do I cleanse myself or otherwise prevent others from coming to harm?
"I beg your pardon, ma'am?"
Let me try this again.

"While your accusation worries me, could you perhaps keep your blade sheathed near innocent bystanders?"
Chuck a bottle at her and grab something we can use as a weapon. We need to get outside and away from all theses people.
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You pause, confused. “Excuse me, ma’am?” The woman frowns, and you show her Hide’s seal. “I am on a mission from Princess Hildegard von Krone. On whose authority do you make such claims?” The woman laughs, “I don’t care who you serve. You have been tainted by the cursed sword, and for that, you must die. That is the only solution.” The other people in the tavern seem to look away from you, staying back. “If you’re innocent, I apologize, but this must be done.” With that, she removes her coat and rich clothing, revealing underneath some kind of revealing armor, and lashes forward, her sword expanding into some sort of whip and catching you off guard. You barely manage to avoid it, thanks to the assistance of Adrian, who tackles the woman as she attacks you.

> What weapons do you use, and give me an action and 1d100.
Rolled 78 (1d100)



Disarm her.
Yell to the innkeeper. "She a regular here!?"
Maintain threat long enough for Adrian to get to safety, then lead her out of the inn, where there's more space to flank.
Sword and shield. Because polearms are not good indoor weapons.
We're going to have to either lure her outside or knock her unconscious.
Hold on guys, I'll be a minute. Gotta get something to eat.
Sword and shield.
That whipsword would be a bitch to try and parry, and polearms aren't so great in close quarters.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Sword and shield

Block the whip, pin it to the ground with our sword, then bash her face.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

And I just noticed I didn't roll. Not sleeping seems to be catching up to me.
Adrian already got to chat and hang out with Tira and grope Ivy. He's going to grow into a harem anime protagonist.
Nah. I'm guessing he'll throw himself into the meatgrinder formerly known as Siggy.
Possibly while we, being older, wiser and considerably more aware of our relative lack of capability, bravely run away.
>implying Adrian won't (just barely) survive, wind up Malfested, and we'll have to put him down like Ol' Yeller
>MC mains with a lance and a halberd

>both weapons which are honestly really shitty for a duel setup, especially the lance.

Ow, my suspension of disbelief!
I thought lance is only usable properly when mounted
You could use one on foot, but they aren't balanced for swinging at all, and they can only be used to thrust marginally well because of their weight and weight distribution. They are designed to be used from horseback using the momentum from the horse with the wielder only aiming,steadying and bracing them. As long as someone was charging straight at you and didn't try to dodge you could skewer them, but that's pretty much the only time it would work as intended.

The halberd would work far better in a melee situation, but it has glaring weaknesses against a decently speedy opponent, which, barring someone like Astaroth, everyone is. Including Nightmare and Siegfried, who are deceptively quick.
You have seen the slabs used by Siggy and Nightmare, right? And Zasalamel's scythe? And Tira's ring-thingy? Voldo. Ivy. Don't even get me started Emowolf and Viola.
Impractical weaponry being used implausibly well is part of the setting. A lance is pretty tame by comparison.
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Will anime power of protagonist weapon skill be enough to offset anime power of antagonists's quickness?
And none of them are normal human beings.

As far as I can tell, MC is just a dude who fights good.

And Tira got fucking rekt earlier, before all the bullshit around her started.
Siggy WAS just a dude who could fight good, pre-Nightmare. He wrecked shit until he ganked Cervantes and got his hands on Soul Edge.
And Tira slaughtered her way through an entire fucking village. The fact that Edgar managed to take her down is not a cogent argument against the potential capabilities of some who 'just' fights good.
>none of them are normal human beings
Raph took down Nightmare in SC2 when he was still just some dude with a rapier.
Sigfried was a normal human swinging a fuckhuge sword in Soul Edge.
Hilde's weapon skins include a couple of halberds.
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>being canon

And Raph used a normal weapon.

Siggy didn't use an ecksbawkshueg sword in Soul Edge, he used alarge one, yes, but not some anime-tier bullshit one like he did later in the series.
>And Tira slaughtered her way through an entire fucking village. The fact that Edgar managed to take her down is not a cogent argument against the potential capabilities of some who 'just' fights good.

>a village of people who obviously cannot effectively defend themselves

>makes her a good fighter

They probably used silly fight-movie tactics and approached one at a time. Like chumps. I can't see any other way that would be possible.

No matter how good a fighter you are, without magic, numbers will always win.
Yes, Raph used a normal weapon, but he was "just" a guy who's good at stabbing things.
Look at that picture.
That blade is as wide as his abdomen.
He is turned at an angle away from the camera, yet the sword is facing it flat on.

Blame the artist.

>Yes, Raph used a normal weapon, but he was "just" a guy who's good at stabbing things.

The point is he was a good fighter who used a normal weapon, you didn't have to perform mental gymnastics to determine why his weapon worked the way it did. A rapier is a functional weapon in a duel, a lance is not.
>Hilde's weapon skins include a couple of halberds.
Also Seong Mi-na.

That canonically is the same sword he could use later. Faust, I believe it's called? It's just a difference in art style.
He doesn't even have normal proportions. Look at how fucking wide his shoulders are compare to his torso.
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>That canonically is the same sword he could use later. Faust, I believe it's called? It's just a difference in art style.

I don't think a "difference in art style" excuses the fact that it is an entirely different weapon in both size and design.
You've never seen a dude that broad-shouldered? I mean, most magazine model men have his build.
>Frustrated, he continued to search for weeks for the Soul Edge, growing increasingly more insane for its power as time passed. He finally managed to come across the legendary weapon Soul Edge, lying beside the defeated corpse of the dead pirate, Cervantes de Leon. But as he reached for it, the corpse lit up in a hellish blaze of fire and attacked him. Siegfried raised his zweihänder and defeated the fiery Inferno, breaking his sword in the process, earning the right to wield the Soul Edge for himself.

Can't be the same sword, Siegfried's sword was broken in SE.
I really love this board.
That is not Faust. That is Requiem.
Seriously. You can look this shit up if you can be bothered.
>points out it is a different sword


>Raph took down Nightmare in SC2 when he was still just some dude with a rapier.

>tfw Raph beat Nightmare because of some plot-bullshit involving Siegfried fighting against Soul Edge's control, and he didn't even "beat" him, he just got a lucky shot in on the sword which freed Siegfried
Siegfried was 5'2" in Soul Edge.

What the fuck. The tallest he got was 5'8".

Fucking manlet.
The most he weighed was 150 pounds.

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> Sorry for the delay guys, got caught up in something.


You pull out your sword and your shield. You’re wary to use your lance or halberd in a crowded tavern, although Ivy seems less worried. Ivy throws Adrian off of her, stamping on his throat with a sharp heel. Then, she turns, throwing her whip out at you again. This time, you were ready, and reach up with your sword to catch it, and pin it to the ground. However, your grip is weak, and Ivy is able to yank her weapon away, and you scramble to pick your sword back up. Realizing you can’t properly fight in a tavern, you make a rush for the door, trying to leave the tavern. Luckily, Ivy wasn’t expecting this, and you’re able to barrel past her, knocking her over in the process. You help Adrian to his feet as you do so. The boy seems alright, if a bit winded and embarrassed. The two of you get a few moments to prepare before Ivy exits the tavern, looking furious. You have an opportunity to attack, just as she steps out into the village.

> Give an action and 1d100.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

kick her in the kunt
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Shield bash charge dash
Rolled 26 (1d100)


Defensive posture, Wear her out.

"What taint are you talking about and how are you any better, striking down innocents and bystanders?"
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>all these unorthodox tactics
Adrian is having a training day today
Hahahaha. A good kick, though maybe not there hahahaha. We're a gentleman after all. Or maybe not. Anyway no doing that right after having a talk with our squire about only doing that in dishonorable fights.
I believe the point of that talk was that when you're fighting for your life, there's no point in maintaining decorum.
We are becoming the second Kaito.
Dice gods must really blessed these crotch busters
>tfw muh honurabuh knight but he fights dirty

Called that shit last thread.
As Ivy rushes out of the door, you meet her there, and bring your foot up into her crotch. She doubles over in pain as you step back and look at Adrian. “Another lesson, be sure to wear armour that works for your fighting style. If she was wearing plate, that wouldn’t have been such a big issue.” Ivy growls as she slowly gets back to her feet, and extends her blade into a whip. “Fine. No more playing around then,” she says, and then she lashes out with her whip. Adrian jumps back in time, but you get a nasty cut across your arm for reacting a second too late. Suddenly, she charges, aiming for a killing blow.

> An action and 1d100.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

deflect it upwards and slash her wrist.

Can't hold a sword if you can't even use your hand.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Second >>43592641
I was hoping this would be resolved withou bloodshed but oh well.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

hook her in the gabber
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Deflect with shield, entangle our sword in her whip, force it out of line, then shield bash
Seems like Edgar the cunt destroyer's luck has worn out. I do hope our codpiece can withstand the retaliation.
Seeing as she's trying to just kill us, she'd probably just stab us in the throat.
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As she charges towards you, you pull up your shield, deflecting her attack upwards. She bounds backwards, and lashes out with her whip again, and then, this time making sure you have a good grip, you hold your sword out, getting it entangled with her whip. With her primary weapon unusable, you charge her, and slam your shield into her face. The woman tumbles to the ground stunned, and you take the time to disarm her while she’s still out of it.

> What do you do?
> Kill her.
> Spare her.
> Interrogate her.
>quest is this easy mode

Welp that was fun.
>spare and question
Let's try to reach an understanding that involves us learning more about the taint and not getting killed.
It's also where Kilik/Xianghua/Maxi fucked up Nightmare the first time three years ago.
>Interrogate her.

You nod to Adrian, “Get something to tie her up with. We need to question her.” Adrian runs off to find some rope, and the woman laughs. “I don’t intend to escape. You bested me, ought to just get this over with as quickly as possible.” You frown, keeping your sword on her. She doesn’t seem to be lying, but you don’t exactly trust her either. Soon enough, Adrian returns, having found some rope, and ties the woman up.

> What do you ask her?
Can't we take her to local constabulary?

Anyway, assuming we drag here somewhere that's not in the middle of the street

>Who and what are you, and why did you attack me?
>What sword taint are you talking about?
>Are you familiar with Azure knight?
1. Your accent sounds English. What's an Englishman doing this far south?
2. What do you mean when you said I've been tainted? How can you even tell, woman? The best scholars and doctors in the world aren't certain of the signs of malfestation.
Are you another assassin after me using the "taint" as an excuse or are you a madwoman like the one I fought not more than a week ago? Who are you?
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This pretty much sums up what I wanted to ask.
Every fight so far (Tira, Assassin, Ivy) has been an ambush and quick skirmish. Every fight has also ended with a major stunning blow (head bash with lance/breaking legs, crotch shot, shield bash respectively) and a position to coup de grace. We haven't been fighting to KO (or ring out) because we're apparently very good at pinning and forcing surrender.
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>took the fourth roll

>took the option that wasn't voted for

Nah, this has nothing to do with that. Moreover, Ivy really isn't a pushover, unfortunately this makes her seem like one. I bet you it'll be the same every time. A few rolls and bam, enemy done.
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You and Adrian take the woman out of the middle of the road and off to a relatively secluded area. “Who and what are you?” you ask, keeping your grip on your sword. The woman laughs, “My name is Ivy Valentine. I am an alchemist and a warrior of sorts. I am on a mission to destroy any trace of the Cursed Sword. That includes people like you.” You shake your head, “What are you talking about? I’ve never even seen the sword.” She laughs, “All it takes is having been in contact with a fragment of the sword for any length of time, you may not become malfested, but you should already be feeling it’s grasp soon. You should be able to feel it calling you. The Evil Sword is too powerful to take the chance. I should know, I have it flowing through my veins as well.” You can’t help but be shaken up by what she tells you. Could she be telling the truth? Still, you were on a mission, you couldn’t forget that.

Just as you’re about to ask your next question, Adrian pulls you off to the side. “I think I know what she’s talking about,” your squire says, seeming truly terrified, and he reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a red stone, about as large as an arrow head that seems to be almost pulsing with energy. “Sir, I’m sorry... I didn’t know what it was, Tira gave it to me.”
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In this incident, Ivy willingly surrendered, just as Tira did.

>Reported to Hilde there were no Soul Edge shards in the slaughtered village
>Turns out our squire had one the whole time
I'm gonna choke this kid.
Just as you’re about to say something, you begin to feel queasy and sick. You stumble slightly, and then fall to the ground. As your consciousness fades, your last sight is Adrian looking panicked over you. “Sir! Sir?”
Just before you lose consciousness, you hear Ivy’s voice, “I’m impressed you lasted that long.”

> I think I’m gonna end this here, seeing as this thread has been up for like, a day now. Sorry about all the rough bits here, I thought I’d have more free time yesterday and today. I’ll run again this weekend, at around the same time.
> I have a twitter now, which I’ll use to keep you guys updated on when I’m running again. https://twitter.com/SoulMasterQM
> I’ll stick around for a while, answer questions and shit if you guys want.
He's not very smart.
>In this incident, Ivy willingly surrendered, just as Tira did.

>willingly surrendered

>was shield bashed to the ground and disarmed

>Tira was shield-bashed to the ground and had her leg broken


No, no, and no. And the doesn't dismiss the fact that QM ignored the votes, and takes whatever roll he fancies as there are apparently no rules. Unless we are rolling for what we do, and not rolling for the effectiveness of what we choose.

In either case, this is ridiculous. Whatever. See you somewhere else I suppose.
I'm honestly really sorry you feel that way.

I didn't realize I ignored the votes, and looking back at it, I realize my mistake. I'm going off of not a lot of sleep right now, and I'll do my best to make sure that won't happen again.
Thanks for the thread OP! Was great fun.
It's was fun great job OP.

Also if Adrian had the shard why isn't he also affected by it and we are?
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We'll find that out in due time once we wake up with Ivy's chest hovering dangerously close above our face.
You both are. Ivy's just not able to pinpoint the exact location of the Evil Seed's power. So, she suddenly felt the power just as newcomers came into town, it's an obvious connection to her.
This is what I warned you about in wqdt, OP. "How much emphasis do fights have and how much crunch will you make to back it up?"

If you honestly don't want to get bogged down by all sorts of math and dice rolls, that's perfectly fine. Just clearly show relative power levels between canon characters and the MC a problem you only have BECAUSE you are veering so close to canon, or else you get called out like this.
/qtg/ is giving useful advice now?

World is really being turned upside down these days.
where else am I supposed to say this when all the quests run at timezones where I'm asleep?
OP did say we could reasonably take on 90% of the cast.
Thank you everybody, expecially op. I truly, really love soul calibur, and its sad that its more or less a dead franchise. But this thread was a great fun, looking forward for the next!
I'm mainly of the opinion that if OP isn't too fussy about the details of combat, "reasonably take on" is okay even if it's way too vague in practice.

Just, be aware of the minimum handwaving you do to keep things going at a reasonable pace, I guess.

I think it would be better if Adrian's role as a flanker was made more apparent in the second part of the fight. Dividing your attention really hampers one's combat ability for those who aren't used to it.
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