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Exalted General

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: http://jyenicolson.net/exalted/. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Backer Core https://mega.nz/#!E1dRBBIa!ZbQG4IasYCJRli2bhgE2MOdWeFAeV3N1rqL9kAIGbNE
>Character Sheet & Init tracker: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByD2BL6J89Nick41YUk0RUt3YlU
>Online charsheet:
>General Homebrew dumping folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByD2BL6J89NiQzdCWWFaY0c5Mkk&usp=sharing
>Collection of old 3e Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies https://www.mediafire.com/folder/t2arqtqtyyt28/Exalted_3Leak
>Charm Trees:
>Solar Charms: https://imgur.com/a/q6Vbc
>Martial Arts: https://imgur.com/a/mnQDe
>Evocations: https://imgur.com/a/TYKE4

Resources for 2.5 Edition:
>All books with embedded errata notes, as well as some extras: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/253ulzik1j9s5/Exalted
>Chargen software: http://anathema.github.io/
>Anathema homebrew charm files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pka3nz3vqbqda/Anathema_Files
>MA form weapon guide: http://www.brilliantdisaster.net/dif/ExaltedMA.html

Resources for 1e:

Demon edition. How have your players used demons? How have they fought demons? Anyone ever got involved with a 3CD? Anyone ever killed one?
First for Morke and Holden are liars desu
We buggered the hell away from Great Forks when we found a 3CD was being summoned there, and half the circle had aggravated damage up to their -4s due to the ST rolling 6 sux off 4 dice for an environmental hazard.
>buggered the hell away

Yeah that sounds like an average day in Great Forks.
Which 3CD? Some of those are definitely worse than others.

Can't remember the name, but we didn't know which particular one was being summoned when we skedaddled. It was one which caused all social groups caught beneath it to mutate.
>Use Demons
Absolutely, the Eclipse match maker had a neomah henchwnech who helped with fertility clinic needs.
>Fight Demons
All the time. Blood apes are nasty go to mooks for baddies. Several second circle Demons are villains in their own right. Sondok has a guard duty habit.
>Involved with 3CD
The twilight had a mad boner for Amalion. She was receptive but shy.
>Kill a 3CD
Well, there was this climactic throw down with an Infernal who was trying to become the defining soul of Adjoran, and in the battle they called up another silent wind soul. They didn't kill it so much as put it in a box with it's competition
>Demon edition. How have your players used demons? How have they fought demons? Anyone ever got involved with a 3CD? Anyone ever killed one?
I had a player who was one of those sorcerers in 2e that always had a retinue of demons. One calibration, he was keeping it pretty tame. The game was set before the disappearance of Big Red, and the players were living in Thorns at the time. (Before their string of Very Bad, Not Good Years).

So in the middle of this Calibration, Thorns kinda goes full shut-in. Most of the dynasts holed up in the palace and all that. One of the players sneaks out to go buy drugs from his dealer. The other players notice his absence, and one of them fucks off to find him, banking on the idea that he was going to try to get his fix. Along the way, they encounter a pack of seven Erymanthoi in the middle of a B&E, and being DBs, they feel like they have to be fucking heroes.

The Sorcerer asshole knows that he and his dope-fiend buddy are out-classed, and he really regretted not having any Erymanthoi of his own that weren't being assigned to other tasks. All he has in his retinue at the moment: A single Neomah.

So he looks at me and says "Neomah can make illusions, right?" I was kinda thrown off by it, double-checked, and sure as fuck, the had a really poorly written illusion power of some sort (wtf?).

He basically ordered the Neomah to create an illusion of the Exalted equivalent of sorority girls having some kind of silly party down the street, hoping that the Erymanthoi would behave like they lived in an 80's slasher film.

I went ahead and kinda ran with his plan, which also involved sneaking around with the Neomah and the Dope Fiend, following the Erymanthoi that were following his demon's illusion to the general direction of the nearest 7th legion outpost.

Calibration folks. Or cocaine. You choose which to blame.
New edition of Exalted? New edition of Blood and Fire!

>Blood and Fire? What's that?
A rules hack for running Exalted using Cortex Plus Heroic, the same system as Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying.

>Why should I use it?
Because it's loads simpler than the Storyteller system, with a greater narrative emphasis and a flexible power system that lets you create your own character however you want to.

>Are you trying to compete with Storyteller?
No, I'm just providing an alternative for people that like the setting but don't like the system.

>Is the game complete?
Basically. There are still occasional minor revisions happening, but the game is a complete system. You still need the Exalted setting books to understand the world, though.

>If the game was complete, why is there a new edition?
Complete doesn't necessarily mean perfect. Version 2.1 is to clean up the text, add new material, and revise the art.

>I don't understand thing.
Well, I'm in the general most of the time, so if you have a question, you can reply to this post. I'll probably get to it before the thread collapses.
Can you help do an exalted conversion to FATAL?
Just play Storyteller and add an "Anal Circumference" Merit. There, you're done.

Can I use Deamons in Exalted?
Only if you don't put an 'a' in demon.
yes but what pointless subsystems can I clutter the game with?

10 pages of ass charms?

To achieve an orgasm, first you have to gather silver EXP through dirty-talk. Silver EXP lets you make roles to begin foreplay, which gathers Gold EXP, which lets you perform Erotic Maneuvers. Erotic Maneuvers grant White EXP, which can be spent on a roll to achieve orgasm. Achieving Orgasm has a terminus of six; if you can't roll 125 successes, your sexual partner can never orgasm again.
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Anybody having a problem selecting caste?
Yup, me and a few people in my group have had that as well
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>if you can't roll 125 successes, your sexual partner can never orgasm again.

Oh e3 Craft, you so crazy
I can get at it using tab selection, but that's still pretty garbage.

Doesn't seem to be possible to caste/favor Craft at all (yes, yes, why would anyone do that?) Supernal also doesn't seem to exist.

One more reason to wait on Anathema and stick to PnP until then.

That issue should be fixed now.


I can favour it be clicking on the title of the Craft box in edit mode. You should be able to Supernal something by clicking an ability when you've already selected it as a caste ability. This requires having a caste selected.
Any limitations on demon summoning this edition?
You have to buy pokeballs to store them in. Each one costs 6 obols.

I'm bullshitting, of course. I didn't notice any particular changes.
though interestingly enough an occult twilight can have six spirit familiars. (Essence) from his anima power, so effectively max five from that. and one custom job from Ephemeral Induction Technique. so a 'starter' and five captured spirit mons, all of them valid targets for your survival charms...
What kind of an exalt would/could Medusa be?
She is a mortal cursed by a god.

Why are you people so insistent on making everything Exalts?
>Summon Erembour in Great Forks.
>Ask for her sweet 9 success benedictions to dick a local goddess.
>The goddess is literally, metaphysically blown away by the sex, and take days to put her spiritual form together.

I house-ruled that Erembour benediction is non-charm successes, because honestly, if you summoned a 3CD to ask for a dice-adder, you better believe this dice adder is some shit.
What does /eg/ want from Lunars in 3e?
Who cares? They have changed their function every edition so far.

Kinda ironic, that.
Hey /tg/, I just remembered the most awesome fucking artifact in Exalted, and realized it's not present in the 3rd edition core:

The Ultimately Useful Tube

So how would we re-create this wonder of better times long past, with the new system?
Would Shehai Shen She Ru be a viable Martial Arts style?

I thing 3E is actually heading towards my vision for Lunars, reading between the lines.

I had houseruled canon for our games. Basically:

* About 2/3 of Lunars were Silver Pact. The Pact's primary goal is the destruction of the Realm. Almost all of the other third know about, and have contacts with, the Pact, but pursue their own goals.

* The Silver Pact are a combination of underground railroaders, guerilla fighters and Cylons. They smuggle new Lunars away from the Realm, attack Realm assets, and insert Lunars into prominent positions to sabotage it from within.

* The Silver Pact is centrally co-ordinated. Due to the size of creation, the only place it is feasibly to run it from is the Blessed Isle. The eldest and most powerful Lunars are located there, under the Realm's nose. The mortality rate is high - most leaders only survive a few decades after they take the post. There are no remaining First Age Lunars in the Pact.

* The Pact has been effective. Their agents have been known to successfully, albeit infrequently, impersonate the heads of Great Houses for up to a year. There is general paranoia in the higher echelons of the Realm in regards to who is or is not a Lunar.

* The Bond is a thing, but it's different from the First Age. In the First Age, Lunars had no castes, but were instead shaped by their bond, making them the perfect complement to their bonded Solar. The late First Age Solars abused the bond to screw over their Lunar mates, and when the Solars were killed, the Lunars had the opportunity to redefine themselves. The Silver Pact's tattoos are the physical manifestation of the bond, bound into Moonsilver, and shaped to give the Lunar a caste. Non-Pact Lunars have developed other methods of manipulating their bond into a caste (meditation, Wyld exposure, Sorcerous workings, etc).
>The Pact's primary goal is the destruction of the Realm


In-character or out? In-character - because the Realm has been sponsoring Wyld Hunts to track them down and kill them since the Usurpation, and because they feel the right of rule should descend to them, as the Solars' partners, rather than their up-jumped footsoldiers. They feel they could run Creation better.

Out-of-character; because they needed a somewhat-unifying mission over the last few thousands of years, and a reason to interact with the other pro/antagonists of the setting.
So, their primary goal is conquest of the Realm, not destruction.
>They feel they could run Creation better.

They hate it for being an imposter of what once was(Ma-Ha-Suchi and a few others can still remember the glories of the first age IIRC).

Potato, potata.


Hubris isn't the sole domain of the Sidereals
>I thing 3E is actually heading towards my vision for Lunars, reading between the lines.
I hope not. Your idea is among the worst I have heard yet.

That's ok. Your criticism is among the most pointless I've ever read.
What has been the worst place added to 3e?
I hate Fajad, Grieve.... practically all the North.
I pretty much like all of them.
More elders to kill in amusing and possibly degrading manners.

I want my players to kill and grind Leviathan into delicious whale chili to feed at the lunar convention.
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My players want to build a kingdom in the southwest. Best location for it?
Less focus on being a Silver Pact/Elder pawns. Just because I'm a Lunar shouldn't mean I have to give a fuck about destroying the realm or building some stupid barbarian nation to throw at the Realm.

And of course no mandatory tattoos to not go crazy.
Start on a small island that no one else has claimed, bring them into gradual conflict with Ysyr.
I mean they have improved the West but somehow the North just got less interesting.
>so how do you like them giant monsters from the beginning of time?
>no, I mean what do you think of their taste
>I think that the esteemee Chef Peppermint of Copper Spider put in a bit too much salt
>what? Oh no, it's not chicken.
>it's leviathan.
Does eating demons do something to you, or are they just surprisingly good when made on a campfire and filled with nutrients?
Given the source material, most demons are probably poisonous, hallucinogenic, or both. And since demons are naturally immaterial, I'm not sure killing a demon to eat it will leave you with much in the way of a corpse after a couple of minutes.
If you kill a spirit, they dissipate into essence, though I'd allow the more powerful ones to drop a trophy horn or something.
Well, leave it alive then.
Why compete with the best place in creation, An-teng?
>Abortion is illegal for a Dragon-Blood whose husband has made her pregnant or for a member of a lower caste who bears a Dragon-Blood’s child, even if the child is a product of rape. Both the mother and the person who performed the abortion can be imprisoned or even executed, depending on their station, the situation and the magistrate involved.

It would've been much better if they'd tacked on something about it being illegal due to the DB being so awesome or something, instead it just feels shoehorned.
It's because they have potential to exalt, and the Realm needs DBs.
Would building a four storied three story building be a craft, project, or sorcerous working?
It'd be a headache,unless you were the Chosen of Poor Design Choices.
Project, but involve craft somehow, like the schematics are craft (architecture) and you need those to build the house.

How good the house is would depend on the blueprints (craft) and quality workforce (project).
Three storied building with actually four stories, or a four storied building with actually three stories?
(Tardis or reverse-tardis?)
How would you fluff this as a Lunar Charm? Or is it a MA?
A tardis thing would definitely be a working, in addition to >>43575254
In fact I can see a Sidereal of Journeys having a Not!Tardis

Power difference between is a little low.

*between mortals and exalted
I meant tardis as in bigger on the inside, and reverse tardis as in bigger on the outside
I know, both would require Workings on top of blueprints and actual construction.
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>not Building hard enough to bend reality
Do you even Exalted?
You can't play Sidereals yet.
Being the Chosen of Bsu-Jei would be an...interesting experience.
Why isn't the iconic Twilight Mister Tony Stark?
Could a lost egg have maximum breeding?
Yes, if they are from some hidden, isolated village where everyone was a DB since the first age and didn't let mortals in.
I have no idea, Stark Tower should be very easy to make as a Manse with JARVIS as its bound spirit, or something.

Maybe it's because Thor wouldn't get on with him.
Fuck thor. He's up there with Sidereal on the fuck-these-faggots list in first place.
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Because, for some reason, the devs decided that the iconic Twilight should be a Sorcerer despite the fact that anyone can be one and Occult isn't a caste ability to only Twilights anymore.

Craftsnerds, post 'em if you got 'em.
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What level of martial art, and what essence would Netero's Style from Hunter X Hunter be, in 2e and 3e separately. Would it be possible to make a martial arts style from it for use with a boss character?
Looks more like a warstrider from that gif.
You could also make it not a MA, but him controlling a spirit or behemoth.
Is that the Mark 42-EX? That shouldn't be too hard to make in 2e.
Is brass a magical material?
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No idea, it's from the Medieval Avengers art set.



As much as Malfeas wants it to be, it's not.
I was just trying to flavor it for Exalted,but that's just me.
Malfean/Verdigrised Brass technically ISN'T a magical material, but it can still be used to make artifacts. As can a whole buttload of other things in Malfeas.

Which is where Infernal Relics come from. Remind me, can only Infernal Relics be Sapient, or can regular artefacts as well?
But then why can things like Brass be used to make magical stuff?
Regular artifacts can be, too.
Hell, if you take a look at 3e, the new iconic Dawn, Volfer, has a sapient sword that is made of orichalcum but still has a demon inside it.
"Malfean Materials" can all channel essence in a similar way to the magical materials. Usually because you have to melt a demon into calchanth in order to make anything out of them.

Malfean Brass can be used to make Infernal Relics, as can many materials you find in Malfeas. Infernal Relics do not have an MM bonus.


I'm glad about things like that, it's more interesting. But I was talking about 2e only.
>Chosen of Poor Design Choices.

This makes me wonder: is there truly a god for EVERY single concept in Creation?

Does every strange fetish have a god? Are there gods for every single philosophy or belief system? If I do some funky Wyld shit and bring in a chopper from Modern Creation, do gods of Motorcycles, Motor Vehicles, Internal Combustion Engines, Gasoline, Choppers, and maybe even more just instantly spawn in Yu-Shan*?

Would there just be a god of Engines, or would there a god for every single part, such as one for Crankshafts, another for Exhaust Pipes, etc.

I dunno man, it seems like the way Exalted describes it there should literally be billions of gods in Yu-Shan and the granularity of domains is never really defined.

*: The thought of this is pretty damn funny:

"Hi, I'm a new god who just spawned."
"Happens all the time. What's your domain?"
"...The fuck's a 'Motorcycle'? This better not be some Solar bullshit AGAIN."
There isn't, not for all encompassing things like Time and Space, nor for things that don't exist.

Those are Shinma, aren't they? How many of them are there? What do they encompass?
Malfean Brass isn't the only thing that I am talking about though; there are a bunch of odd things that can be used in making something magical, but what separates them from Magical Materials?
Obviously there can't be gods for things that don't exist. I said "every single concept of Creation" (i.e "everything in Creation"), not "every single thing ever".

I don't think Shinma exist anymore due to Ex3's fetish for pretentious vagueness regarding everything and it's obnoxious "FUCK YOU DAD/2E I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME" mentality
>I don't think Shinma exist anymore due to Ex3's fetish for pretentious vagueness regarding everything and it's obnoxious "FUCK YOU DAD/2E I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME" mentality
well cock.
I'm okay with that. An Exalted character knowing about shinma would be like some dude IRL knowing the fundamental rules of the universe.
Not unless people start worshipping the motorcycle/individual parts of the motorcycle.
Saturn would like a word with you
As would Pluto if you go with the idea of her being the Maiden of Hours after Saturn dies
Shinma cover base concepts of the world by opposing them.
For example, the Shinma of Identity has no identity; if you do figure out it's name and try to write/say/read it at all, you stop existing.
The Shinma of Existence literally doesn't exist.
>I don't think Shinma exist anymore due to Ex3's fetish for pretentious vagueness regarding everything and it's obnoxious "FUCK YOU DAD/2E I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME" mentality
Until the devs say otherwise, let's just assume they do. Because they're a neat concept, and their existence does nothing but add flavor to the setting.
>The Shinma of Existence literally doesn't exist.
Well, I have a headache now.
Basically, the Shinma say "I don't ____, so therefore other things do"
The Shinma of Existence doesn't exist, so therefore other things exist
The Shinma of Identity doesn't have an identity, so therefore other things have identities
It's not really any more confusing than a living brass city which is actually the turned-inside-out body of a chthonic god which is somehow bordered by a desert (which is ANOTHER chthonic god) that is outside the city and inside of it at the same time. And which has its own multiple self-aware souls. That have their own self-aware souls.

Man, the Yozis were the first things that made me go "holy SHIT this game is awesome" when I first learned about Exalted. Just the whole idea of them is so damn cool.
Shit. I read >>43574734 as south*east*. Fuck me sideways. But yeah, An-Teng.
I like this line from The Roll of Glorious Divinity 2:

>The total destruction of a Primordial’s largest body—for instance, melting the brass city of Malfeas into slag—might suffice to destroy it

How the actual fuck are you supposed to even start accomplishing this? Fuck, even a bunch of Solars are gonna have trouble with that.
>How the actual fuck are you supposed to even start accomplishing this?
Giant kung-fu sun robot?
Literally any warstrider then.
Isn't Malfeas fucking huge? The way the books describe him each layer is practically the size of an entire world itself.

Maybe we can Chaos Dunk him into Kimbery, but the logistics of that are going to be rather difficult.
>but the logistics of that are going to be rather difficult.
Not if you have a robot piloted by a Perfect Circle, that is:
>One Solar of each Caste.
>All of the Solars' Lunar Mates.
>The Terrestrial Gens sworn to each Solar and Lunar.
>One of each Sidereal Caste advising the rest.
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>a robot piloted by a Perfect Circle

By slaying his humaniform Jotun, the Brass Dancer, instead. You see the Brass Dancer and the Demon City are the same entity, just in two separate bodies simultaneously. Remember though, killing either will just turn Malfeas into a Neverborn, and without the continued existence of the Demon City to imprison them, who knows what'll happen to all of the other Yozi.
Killing Jotun does not kill the whole yozi, it's more like cutting off a finger.
>who knows what'll happen to all of the other Yozi.
Actually, I just realized I have to...give my apple tree a suppository, That's right! Gotta go, bye.
I thought slaying a Jotun with Ghost-Eating Technique was how you Neverborn'd a bitch?
>Ghost-Eating Technique
>Giving a tree a suppository

Its okay Isidoros, no one judges your fetish play with Szoreny except Cecelyne, but that bitch might as well be carrying a "NO FUN" sign everywhere
I don't thinks so, you do that to kill anything. Otherwise Gaia would not leave her jouten in Yu-Shan.
Gaia is pretty safe because the only people capable of doing that are Exalts and it's not like you just tap the Charm and kill her, you'd have to get her to the point she would normally "die" then use Ghost-Eating Technique on the final blow. Which would be something incredibly difficult to do even if she was "by herself" let alone with all the Incarnae and rest of Heaven around.
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One of my players is going to play a night caste, that uses righteous devil, with stealth as supernal.
What does /tg/ think the best stealth charms are?
Which ones are kind of worthless?
There are so many frickin charms, I just wanna make sure I'm leading him in the right direction.

Isn't she literally capable of enforcing a No Fun Allowed rule throughout all of Malfeas?
Stealth...flame throwers...

Is An-Teng is not directly part of the Realm?
We don't actually have stats for jouten or any description of their powers (if they even have any), only actual yozis, so this is not certain.

The Celestial gods aren't worried about her jouten at all, but would be about her full self, so I think jouten are very weak and disposable.
Jouten have little to no powers, because Celestial gods dismiss it as unimportant, whereas they would be more than a little stressed out if Gaia returned in full.

Blinding Battle Feint, easily. Building up to Mind Shroud Meditation is a good way to repeatedly ambush people in combat and keep your initiative highish. Hidden Snake Recoil allows you t attempt stealth after a decisive attack, which is when your initiative is low.

By the way, Righteous Devil isn't that great to start off with, and it's form charm is Ess 2. You should have the player look into Ebon Shadow Style and Thrown. The former will let him branch out into Tiger Style for more killing power.
Who takes better care of their horses, the Marukani or the Chiaroscuroans?
It's a starapy, which means that the ruler has an adviser who tells them what to do, and they pay tribute to the Realm.
Not likely, but it is possible. I think 2e talks about how it's not unreasonable to have a 'buried' bloodline to come back with unusual force or something like that.
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Netero breaks the rules. He was pretty much already a powerful exalt before he went off and decided to throw 10,000 perfect punches a day.
I'd say he's easily E5, and probably his techniques are his own E5 charms.
What does starmetal look like?
I've always thought it was a bland looking metal that occasionally shimmers with a rainbow-y iridescence at times but is it?
Pretty much.
Unobtrusive, but not bland. It's highly polished but otherwise you're right

Basically. "[Starmetal] looks like top-quality steel, with an unusually reflective and polished surface. When light strikes starmetal just so, it gleams in the prismatic colors of the Five Maidens."
Demons have been causing my party no end of trouble - and they haven't even been meaning to. Our current little sidequest is to find out who was slipping a Delzhan nobleman crazypills. We determined that a demon spider was delivering them into his tent. Our chief suspect from the get-go was his family's political rival, but to everyone's knowledge there were no demonologists in the camp. While we were coming up with some plan to snare the demonologist, the other Twilight in the circle came up with the great idea of calling up a demon herself with sorcery, having it kill the aforementioned rival khan, and not telling the rest of us (the Dawn weaseled it out of her, then kept it secret).

Anyway, we visited to mourning family and offered our assistance in investigating the murder. While we investigating, we found evidence that the dead khan was indeed providing the crazypills, and I advanced the theory that the demonologist got cold feet and killed her employer to protect herself. I say 'her' because right after that, we spotted a women spying on us, and Spirit-Detecting Glance spotted the invisible demon spider attending her. The Dawn chased and caught her, and she sent the demon ahead to warn someone. As the only one who could see it (the other Twilight was afk), I chased it.

Two major problems with that though. One is that my Twilight has no dots in Athletics, and the dice gods were angry with me besides. The other is that, well, it was an *invisible* demon. A glowing, sprinting Solar and his yapping molehound companion attract attention, and if that solar is firing his firewand at seemly random, it's not very friendly attention. The pigs were closing in, so I had to let it go, but not before severing a limb to use to track it magically.

Unfortunately, while I was gone, the Dawn got into an argument over what to do with the alleged demonologist, and used a full Presence Excellency to scare everyone and everything off. Cont.
Did I mention that we were ultimately there on a diplomatic mission to gather allies? Anyway, once I (barely) talked the Dawn into not torturing our prisoner or her children for a few moments, I used magic to figure out which tent the demon had run off to - as it turns out, it was the demonologist's tent, and the demon was evacuating her children. It wasn't too far, just a few minutes ride - except the Dawn had scared off everything we could ride. We had to let them.
tl;dr fucking Dawns, fucking Twilights, and fucking demons.
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Fuck yeah.
Dude appears out of nowhere.
Shoots me in the face with a flame cannon.
by the time I can see the sumbitch has disappeared.
next thing I know he's behind me, shooting me with the fucking flame cannon again.
Where the fuck does he keep going?
Why is my whole world terror and pain?
Not very subtle, is it? A great distraction, but you alert the whole place if you want to take out even one guard.
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Best Solar
Damn straight
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I never did read much about her, but visually I like her design. Pic related is a better version, though.
>Why is my whole world terror and pain?
She should really be with the Sothern circle, they're far better than the Main circle most of the time.... I can't remember much about their twilight but everyone else is great.
Who's the Southern circle's Night, again?
How many circles are there anyway?
I believe she's the spotted chick.
I think what she's doing is trying to find a place for her people, which are valuable slaves....
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That's fair. I suspect he's going to want to take some ebon shadow style as well. So I suppose he'll use that when he has to stay hidden, as opposed to a pitched battle.
It's not too hard to mock up some firedust grenades (flame, thrown, etc). Combine those with falling icicle and observer-deceiving, and you've got silent firebombs without breaking cover.
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Nerd fight!
is there a charm that lets you produce a song to tooth-grittingly irritating, people would kill themselves rather than listen to it.
The one with the circus?
She's hot
There is something like that for sick written burns in Linguistics.
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Lunars are creepy, but can they be this creepy?
Why are the smallest artefact knives 3 feet long?
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Whatever I end up writing for them will be superior to whatever anyone else writes for them.

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What, the thing in the background? Not anymore, behemoths are probably out of Lunars league in 3e. In 2e? Yes, eventually.

The guy in the foreground is just a sorcerer in a fancy hat.
Those are more like shortswords, just homebrew up actual knives. And see >>43578457
>You call that a knife? No worries, THIS is what I call a crossbow.
Based Terry Pratchett is based.

Pretty much this. My Lunars are badasses who have been fighting a hopeless war for centuries while destabilizing the Realm and fucking with things in Creation.
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man that's wrong. the hands are supposed to entirely backwards.

pic related
What are good alternative systems for Exalted? I do not think that exalted 3 is bad, just too crunchy.
What caste is Elton John?
Wouldn't a behemoth be more than just a giant worm? Like a true behemoth would be more dangerous and magical.
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Sure, like a nigh-unkillable giant worm.

Actual animals don't get much more dangerous than Tyrant Lizards, anything more dangerous is a spirit or a behemoth.

She was based off one of he original designer's ex girlfriends.
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Actually, The Iconic Midnight Abyssal was.

You know, the vapid, incompetent, STD ridden whore.
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I find the hopeless war rather silly. Of course in my fluff the Realm well and truly believes the Lunars are assailing them with everything they have, when in fact the Lunars don't really bother with the Realm unless they're super bored or it makes strategic sense to deny the Realm an asset (e.g. the Caul).

Lunars are both master assassins and superb actors, able to eliminate a target to progress without anyone being aware it's happening. An organic solution to the obstruction appears and then the individual embodying it disappears. Virtually no one the wiser.

Of course they're also the power behind most of the Threshold thrones, and they're the ones who keep the Emissary's authority intact in Nexus.

They're adept at blackmailing spirits and have thus far managed to provide Lookshy with plenty of incentive to avoid looking east for conquest.

The control all of the major pirate fleets not controlled by the Lintha, and harry Realm shipping across every sea.

They're fighting a rearguard action against all of the blight zones created by the presence of Deathlords (although they are only just beginning to realize what they're up against). Given that the Realm has mostly ignored them to this point, they're probably all that stands between Creation and the Void.

They're also, of course, engaged in the quest to free the Solars, although that has stagnated over the centuries. There's plenty of internal debate about whether or not things would be better with the Solars here, but all of the elders agree on one point: they're not going to be able to maintain things much longer.
Fate, Savage Worlds
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Oh god that's just disturbing.
Why are Water Aspects best Aspect?
What the hell is up with the Storytelling comic in MoEP DB?
Killing the Brass Dancer will do exactly fuck-all to Malfeas. Now Ghost-Eating Ligier, Malfeas' Fetich Soul, on the other hand, WILL have serious repercusions.
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>WILL have serious repercusions.
Fuckin' Siddies man
The Marukani. Because if they don't, Hiparkes makes life very unpleasant for them.

Well when fighting the neverending Wyld it seems hopeless. The only thing that would end the war was if the ancient defenses of Creation were reestablished by the Lunars (or Solars) remaking the seals and wards that kept the edges of Creation functioning since Primordial days. Right now the Lunar nations (everything from barbarian hordes to lockstepped legions) in the Wyld are forming a silver wall protecting the full might of the Wyld re-entering Creation. If they were to fall the Scarlet Empress would have to continue to use the Realm Defense Grid until she is surrounded by nothing but rubble. And then the next attack begins. Although with her gone now the situation is even more dire.

Everything the Lunars do in Creation is either a Lunar who does not care about the war or is trying to gain territory in Creation so they can rebuild the seals and have a proper magical infrastructure to power them.
So then what is the Brass Dancer in relation to Malfeas?
A finger for a man.
Is it his 11th 'finger'?
I prefer the "CEO of the corporation" analog personally.

I thought that was in reference to the Fetich Soul?
A city has no use for fingers, he does not have any.
But that's wrong. If you remove the Dancer, nothing really changes, Malfeas just makes another one. The Fetich might fit, but not the jouten.
Me too, it gave us the Coca Cola Primordial, after all, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Fetich would be CEO.

Jotun would be the mascot.

So Coca-Cola Polar Bear
So, whose the CEO of Macdonalds, the Jouten would be Ronald.
Nah, the Fetich is one step below that. If you kill the jouten, a new one appears shortly thereafter--inheriting the CEO position much like how a corp can go on even after its CEO dies.
An awful lot of the best signature characters seem to originate or live in the South.
But the corp is lessened, its stocks fall if the CEO suddenly dies. Not so with jouten.
That robber guy
Yeah, the Jotun is the embodiment of the Primordial as a whole.

A better example would probably be Disney.

Bob Iger is the CEO, when you talk to him you are talking to someone who has a pretty solid idea of where Disney as a company is going and some level of control over what they do.

Then there's Mickey Mouse, who if you meet him in the parks. That IS Disney, at least to the people who meet him. That's the mouse who started it all. But so is Disneyland, which is probably another Jotun. It's a physical embodiment of what Disney is. People don't think of a this sprawling megacorporation as Disney, they think of the park, or Mickey Mouse or some shit.
But this anon>>43579344 had a better example than mine.
Fuck Disney
Team Carl Barks ftw
I take it all the mascots would be Demons in various circles.
No, CEO is the Fetich, 3CDs are the board, 2CDs are the department heads, 1CDs are the employees/product.
What about The Bulls circle?
They're all from the North.
The Soul Hierarchy is weird. If we're going with the company analogy then the 3rd Circles would probably be the board. 2nd Circles people with management positions under them, and then 1st Circles the minimum wage people who are constantly replaced.
Not everything in Hell is a demon. Sometimes a nightmarish humanoid dog monster is just a nightmarish humanoid dog monster. Huck-yuk
But if I were to make a Disney Primordial I'd have most of the various characters represented as First Circle Demon races since a lot of the characters are not exactly one note but easily rendered down to a brief description.
Holden just posted on the RPGnet minus thread about people not knowing what rules are good for them.
>and then 1st Circles the minimum wage people who are constantly replaced.
Sooo, if I have this right, the first Circle of a Disney Primordial would be the people they hire to play any mascots other than Mickey.

Of course I could be totally wrong.
No, they're the people who operate the rides or serve your hot dog or clean up your vomit.
No, just any employee, from a pen pusher to a janitor.

And not only that its about the fucking XP/BP split. Jesus Christ he cannot possibly be more wrong about it and he fucking said that.
This analogy breaks down because the Mickey Mouse in the parks are really just people in suits which would fall under First Circle Demon but if we focus on Mickey Mouse as the IDEA. The way people kids think of him in the parks then the analogy can be maintained a bit.

The various Disney Parks, those are equivalent to the Brass City which is one of Malfeas' Jotuens. If Mickey Mouse was "real", if it wasn't a guy in a suit. That'd also be a Jouten.

The employees who are actually the guys and gals in the suit, yeah those would be 1st Circle.
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my sides
Yeah, Holden managed to pack an impressive amount of idiocy in one sentence.
There are lots of people in Mickey suits descended from his heirarchy.

But there is only one Micky
Fairy nuff, I'm now imagining the first circle souls moving over the world-body making sure everything is in order, this does of course mean pulling anything that doesn't fit into themselves for recycling.
Very good way to put it. The character, the idea of him is the Jouten. The people playing him are just First Circle Souls but when kids meet him, they aren't thinking about a guy in a suit.

They're thinking about HIM.
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It's like if Ouroboros were a trainwreck.
It's both stupid and petty.
>bad rules

Is he fucking retarded?
See before I've kind of accepted the bp/xp split because at one point they said something along the lines of "we like it and it incentivizes a certain build path that we feel is good for the game"

Sure, my autism is triggered when XP differences happen but whatever, I'll fix that on my own time. That's my opinion on the subject and they have theirs.

But to say that the BP/XP split is an OBJECTIVELY good rule? Nah senpai.
He just does not like unified XP chargen and likes BP.
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Nah, he's just an asshole.

Oh goddamn it

Why is he digging himself deeper with every interaction with the fanbase post backer release?
Speaking of Primordials, can they eat each other, if so, what happens to their outlying souls?
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The first response is literally "ahahahahahaha"

It's a giant joke and he's the only one not in on it at this point.

But he said literally the opposite thing 3 years ago. I don't have screenshots of it unfortunately.

Dude is a total vomit comet of hypocrisy and hyperbole.
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Did he at least explain why it's a bad rule?
What do you mean eat each other?
What? No. He can't. He's been asked dozens of times.

I'm tempted to make an account just to report him for insulting me.
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How the fuck can anyone-
How the fuck?
I guess the term 'eat' wouldn't really describe what I'm going for, I meant more 'aggressively overlap on one another'.
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So... hot primordial on primordial action?
I dunno, I think some of the same shock value happens when you defeat a jouten. It certainly demoralizes the shit out of its souls.
They are usually above such things. Their component souls, however...
It does not. It's a puppet, not a real thing. Killing the Fetich does.
Nobody ever cares about joutens, only about the Yozi that puppets it.
If you took out the Brass Dancer, that's a serious blow, if a temporary one.
write [email protected]

include that image and make it clear that this is not an acceptable way to interact with your customers

the only way to win this war is to be vocal

don't be the silent doormats of regression
Again you're talking about a lot of big things that overall aren't the whole part of the Primoridial.

Even the Demon City, Malfeas isn't MALFEAS as he totally is. That is the sum of everything that is him. Even the First Circle Demons.

So really, all the Primordials are always aggressively overlapping on another because their various bits and bobs are spread out in a huge hodgepodge.
Congrats, you just got Exalted canned
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>Join Exalted group halfway through a campaign
>Create a Dawn based on Big Boss
>One of the other players is a government leader

Time to destabilize some governments, Boss!
The day 4chan got trolled hard by a writer. Well done all.

Tell me, what are the other members of your Circle like?
ok holden

too late for damage control
No, it would not. It's literally a human looking meat puppet for when the Yozi wants to walk among the people instead of being a city. It is in no way useful otherwise, can't use the Yozis powers itself and is utterly replaceable. It's a remote controlled drone, not an embodiment like the worldbody is.
FCDs are not part of the Yozi or its soul hierarchy. Other than that, you're right.
Not even a real writer, a game designer.
The shift key is your friend, though it won't do much to make you look like less of an idiot.
<Holden_EX3> XD
<Holden_EX3> I just dropped a post in there that will surely make it catch fire and go apeshit
They don't have an effect on the soul structure but they are of Malfeas.

I could see some in universe debates on the subject, whether letting a First Circle Demon into Creation was letting a tiny part of Malfeas in, while other debated that no, they are just made by Malfeas.
you guys act like you aren't going to buy everything branded with exalted no matter what the guy says.
i don't care at this point

neither should you

you have the pdf

i take solace in the fact that i don't have to spend my evenings bent over a table being fucked up the ass by a miserable rodent who insists i know nothing

i am perfectly capable of using the shift key, of course

but this is my modus operandi

it helps you recognize when your better is speaking, holden
>It is in no way useful otherwise, can't use the Yozis powers itself and is utterly replaceable
>can't use the Yozi's powers

What? Yes it can. It's literally the Yozi made manifest, of course it can. A jouten's replaceable nature doesn't make it not extremely dangerous.
Don't forget their delicious tears of unfathomable sadness
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One is a flamboyant female pirate, one is some kind of rock monster or something, and the last is a king/lord or something. I'm not super clear on what all their castes are or anything.

At the moment they're all off doing their own thing. It's the perfect time to strike.
career suicide isn't the same thing as trolling
I don't have money to pay my fucking rent
I'm not going to buy anything
Ahahahaha, why do you think we have the core PDF in the OP?
It does, because the Celestial gods ignore Gaia's jouten being there, but they are very afraid of Gaia herself.
Management of this game was fucked. Getting rid of Stephen Lea Sheppard as the editor was tossing out the baby with the bathwater in the panic over the leak, and this book desperately needed to be edited. Robert Vance, from his work on the book, looks like he'd make a much better lead developer. Leave Morke and Holden to write systems and charms, but with someone over them to tell them that they should change shitty things rather than being retards.
it's been a great log today

full of holden saying things he shouldn't

it's been forwarded in full to paradox
Exactly my thoughts.
>i take solace in the fact that i don't have to spend my evenings bent over a table being fucked up the ass by a miserable rodent who insists i know nothing
Wow. Man, jesus. If that's all you have to take solace in then I actually feel kind of bad for you.
>because the Celestial gods ignore Gaia's jouten being there

Because she doesn't really do anything there, not because her jouten has no power (though it is also weakened a great deal by her focus on hunting down the Shining Answer).

Not to mention they should hire a PR guy, Holden is dangerously close to disappearing up his own arse altogether.
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Fore some reason unknown to me, I feel compelled to minmax at character creation. I share with you now the fruits of my labors.
Let Vance do the PR, he's like an excitable puppy. Plus, he's actually posting heavily on the OP forums clearing up ambiguous rules and clarifying design intent with a bunch of stuff. He's like the anti-Holden.
Vance pl, stop sucking yourself off and eat a sandwich
I've already informed Tobias and Paradox I won't be purchasing anything from them if Onyx Path and specifically Rich, Holden, and Morke are allowed to continue to work.

I also noted I sure as shit will not be buying any more Paradox products if that relationship continues, and pointed out they've enjoyed my patronage to the tune of $600 to this point (and provided evidence with screencaps of my Steam account).

Remember, money talks.
Oh fuck whyyyy.
>if Onyx Path [...] are allowed to continue to work.
Wow, what a fucking prick. Nice way to thank the guys who made the best version of WoD.
>Holden is dangerously close to disappearing up his own arse altogether.
I would pay to see that, I wouldn't pay someone else to see that.
ok holden
Yes, we should specify the Exalted team.
Not really, no. All a Jouten is, is an interface device that allows Primordials to meaningfully communicate with beings less physically/metaphysically vast then themselves. If you are not a Primordial, and you want to have an actual dialogue with, say Malfeas, you don't do that by trying to communicate with The Demon City, you do it by talking to the Brass Dancer.
>It's literally a human looking meat puppet for when the Yozi wants to walk among the people instead of being a city. It is in no way useful otherwise, can't use the Yozis powers itself and is utterly replaceable.

Where do you even get that shit? From all indications, the Brass Dancer is a fully-fledged jouten, a conceptual representation of a Yozi, and Malfeas is fully capable of acting through it however he wishes. Manifestations like the Brass Dancer are why Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai exists.
>he's actually posting heavily on the OP forums clearing up ambiguous rules and clarifying design intent with a bunch of stuff
I really hope they'll edit those in the actual book.
Got a link?
I dunno dude, I don't think Holden needs 'Man, thank god Satan isn't sodomising me endlessly' to get through the day. That's a pretty serious, like 'I'm living in abject poverty and am suffering malaria in the streets' kind of silver-lining.

Your calculations are wrong.

Favored abilities cost 3 1 3 5 7, not 3 3 5 7 9.
uh, you could ask only for Onyx Path not working on Exalted, you know, because their work on the World of Darkness (old and new) is actually quite good, so, you know, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
but i guess you don't really care
The Demon City is ALSO a Jouten.

>One other word, jouten, might be particularly useful for a visitor to Malfeas. It designates an actual Yozi body: Malfeas the dancer might be pointed out as jouten, as might Malfeas the Demon City.

Roll of Glorious Divinity II, Page 18
I would feel bad about it if it weren't for Rich's actions, statements, and general dickery in this.

But given those things, I don't.

I would encourage Tobias to hire the good developers. They're freelancers. But dump Onyx Path.

Malfeas the city is a jouten, though. So you're just... wrong.
Huh, is something wrong with nishkriya? It doesn't look like it has updated for a while and it's not on the useful links on the OP forum.

Do not like the two.
People are going to boycott? We don't pay for anything here. How about posting screenshots of the games we stole from them when we post our moral outrage over someone getting the better of you on an internet message board.

Sit down, marks.
What if the Brass Dancer is the Jouten...of a Jouten?
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So I've heard that the Infernals are getting shafted and their charmsets ruined in 3e?
>We don't pay for anything here

There's a fair few actual paid-money backers here.
ok holden

They're getting a complete make over. Their charms are going to be ability based, like Solars, and the Shintai is being completely revamped.
I say thee...well fuck.
>implying Infernals are ever getting released

You'll be lucky to see DBs desu

As of the preview? They're getting organized by Ability, and they're no longer Literally the Actual Yozi's Charms Exactly.

That's the only difference. Every Infernal Charm in 2e could theoretically exist in 3e, it'd just have an Ability appended, and the Shintais would be made out of widgets within the trees leading up to them, instead of being Charms in of themselves.

But Infernals are at least a decade and a half off, so who knows what they'll become, so why are you worrying about it?
Apparently their charms will still be Yozi themed, but won't be grouped by Yozi like in 2e, and won't be actual Yozi charms.
I've had it up to here with yer fookin bullshiet!
Do recall that hatred and hyperbole are basically the jade standard around here.

If you're not angry enough to grind your own penis into hamburger and set fire to your house to spite [insert name here ] it's because you are in fact the man in question.

Because their 2e organization is fucking stupid.

I shouldn't have to write an 8 Charm thesis on Kimbery's definition of motherhood just to shoot some acid out of my anus.
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>things that are not happening now
The other problem was that you needed to take charms that turned you into someone incapable of speaking plainly in order to get the cool shadow powers later on.


Well, the Primordials did start out in the Wyld. The world of Exalted is one where existence is merely a dream made real by the enforcement of causality. The Primordials contrast the Raksha ultimately only due to the application of shape.

Therefore, we must go DEEPER into Malfeas.
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Maybe yes, maybe no.
Pic related though.

Because I fucking love Infernals.
Pretty much they and Mini-Cons are the only reason I'm into Exalted anymore.

Because the old charm set, while interesting, was inefficient. Five Yozi to five ability sets, you can only favour two of them. Adding a sixth (Kimbery), starts to fuck with everything. This new system will allow greater freedom. Multiple Yozi can occupy a single ability, each with their own self contained tree, with the possibility of Heresy charms tying the trees together at the end. This will also allow the exploration of more Yozi powers without throwing the system out of balance due to only being able to favour two of them. It's sounds weird at first, and I certainly resisted it, but it makes sense if you think about it.
No, the city is a world-body. Just like the desert is Cecelyne's world-body, and Gaia's world-body is out in the middle of chaos somewhere doing who knows what

Joutens are specifically humanoid representations of the yozi, in 2e.

In 3e, they may not even exist; I remember the devs saying a while back that they were taking the corporation metaphor to the next logical step and replacing the jouten with the fetich soul; so when you make a deal with Malfeas Inc., you're talking to Ligier, the CEO, instead of Malfeas's Jouten, the weird guy who somehow embodies EVERYTHING about the company without actually being anywhere in it's structure.
>Therefore, we must go DEEPER into Malfeas.
We dug too greedily and too deep, we cannot get out, we cannot get ou...
watching the obvious attempt to redirect the discussion away from holden resigning is interesting

also wondering how long it will take rpg.net mods to edit all of those posts
Absolutely incorrect.


Both the Brass Dancer and the Demon City are Joutens. The specific way to differentiate them is the Brass Dancer is a humaniform Jouten while the Demon City is a World-Body Jouten.
>The specific way to differentiate them is the Brass Dancer is a humaniform Jouten while the Demon City is a World-Body Jouten.
Okay this is giving me a headache.
Any second now. Don't stop refershing the rpg.net page, screencap everything.
>There are a dozen more specific words apparently describing degrees or uses of different Yozi selves—but their connotations are so subtle that most demonologists can’t use them without starting a raging debate.

RoGD II as well. They knew.
>watching the obvious attempt to redirect the discussion away from holden resigning is interesting
He's just retarded.

See >>43580152

You are absolutely wrong. The books state you are wrong. The 2e books state you are wrong. Why are you so full of shit, Anon?

>In 3e, they may not even exist

This, however, might be the case, but exactly what you're saying here is predicated on your above statement, which has already been proven false. 3E, in spite of certain major changes, has largely erred quite close to its predecessors in its general portrayal of the concepts being used. While the souls of the Yozi will indeed come to renewed prominence again, and rightfully so, it's rather doubtful the concept of joutens will disappear entirely, even if the term itself does.
ok holden
Ok retard!
I suppose I see the point, with what tending to struggle between Malfeas, Cecelyne, Adorjan and Ebon Dragon Charms.
you're taking this too personally, holden
Go away, Holden.
Not him, but I'd probably take someone trying to get me fired and the company I work for taken out of business pretty personally.
I'm not actually Holden, I just think no-caps anon is genuinely retarded and out to annoy us rather than actually change shit.
fear is the mind killer

but it's also whatever your mother smoked while she was pregnant
Like, get off your ass and go on OPP or something instead, you'll actually have a vague impression of an impact and we don't have to deal with your posts.
Can I be Holden?
i know it hurts to watch a dream die
dreams are precious things after all
i would probably not be pleased to realize that i killed my dream
on the other hand
the chances of my destroying my dream are pretty slim
In a game of pretend, you can be whatever you want.
ok Vance
for what purpose?
understand that holden has been told these things time and again
cunt just keeps dissembling badly
kinda funny

you know, like a kid falling on their face is usually funny
or not i guess it just depends on your sense of humor
usually i laugh
*I'm* Stephen Lea Sheppard

Has no one else Suggestions?
Holden, stop pretending to be an anon, stop shitting on yourself for attention, and use a shift key.
There was a hack using Cortex+ called Fire and Blood, IIRC?
The setting is easily slapped into whatever engine you want to use.

You just need to decide what you want your game to be like and select the right engine for it.
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Oh yeah. This just got bad.
Rpg.net should not give attention to our resident lunatics, it just makes them more insufferable here.

Unless, that's their plan...?
You know Holden RichT and Morke are bad if even the fans that really like the product dislike them.
To be fair, they probably don't like us any more than we like them.
Or like them but think they're doing stupid things, I suppose.

An account with one post slams Holden, then gets immediately quoted here by anons? Someone's astroturfing.

It's a shitty remark and he deserves all 2325085 posts criticizing him, but at least try to put some effort into your false-flagging.
i wish i could false flag with this efficacy
mostly because it would require less email
but i have enjoyed several long conversations with tobias
everything he's said has been pretty interesting
considering the way he carefully parses himself, though, one wonders
i hope hes smart enough to realize its easier to reacquire happy people
leaving a fandom over developers being fired would be dumb
everyone knows they're bad at their jobs at this point anyway
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Glad to see his new laptop arrived and thats hes tackling the most pressing issues first and foremost

I also vote for the Vance overlord.

I've yet to find something I disagree with him with, let alone be angry over.

I'm trying to convert them to 3e now. I've finished chapter 1 (Fluff), but I want to finish at least one Yozi charmset (malfeas) and share it for general thoughts before continuing with the rest.


You're funny.
Scroll up the thread, dummo!
What are Geomantic Charms?
As the guy who posted that, I'm rather surprised it's being characterized as "slamming him" when all I said was "please friend try to be a bit more careful", but in any case the main reason I didn't have an account prior is cause I always lurk.
>You're funny.
Or am I an oracle?

I know which I am, Holden.
No, I'm Holden.

If you actually have a log of the chat you should drop an email to the RPG.net admins with it included, purposefully stirring up shit in that thread would likely get him de-modded.
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There are none, IIRC. Craft(Geomancy) follows the same rules as Craft(Artefacts), except you need dots in Craft(Architecture) for it. At the very least, this doesn't require one character working for 100 years or having 100 followers in order to make a manse.

As the Alchemical guy, I actually agree with this. It loses some theme based charm interaction, but it becomes much less difficult to balance and shit, especially when supernal comes into play.
you clearly don't understand rpg.net

you should take a look at how many of the mods are OP freelancers

hint: it's basically all of them

rpg.net is already a laughingstock, public opinion just hasn't caught up yet
But Fourth-Soul Devil Domain has one as prerequisite
Ok, Holden.
ok holden
No, I'm Holden, Holden.
I'm Holden and so's my wife

The amount of mods who are OP freelancers is immaterial. The mods dont get to decide who is or isnt a mod, the admins do. You could I suppose open a Trouble Tickets ticket on it for added visibility. "Inappropriate Mod Behaviour". Mods, "popular" ones, have been demodded for off site bullshit in the past.

Everyone is Holden.

>Fourth-Soul Devil Domain

Where are you reading this from, exactly? I don't see that charm in the core.
he'll melt himself down in short order
Anathema, Heretical Unwoven Coadjucator charms
Don't you mean we'll melt down in short order, together, fellow Holden?
That's homebrew, bro.
Actually if someone has the log throw it on pastebin
i'm not one for wrapping myself in glory

or shit

in this case it's shit
Be quiet Holden.

This is a good idea, Holden.
Right now most of the OP mods probably want to strangle Holden themselves.

He's fucking with company PR at a time that OP really cant afford it with the Paradox buy-out.
Where did he say this?

It's fiction
An IRC channel on sorcery.net

Just providing this fuel for the fires.
>not posting it
where do you think you are, an image board?
It's #exalted on sorcery.net

May as well give them all the info, anon
Is this good or bad? I mean, most charms are competently designed, at least.
What is that even supposed to be?
>I just got word from Valve that Half Life 3 is confirmed
So who will be writing my overpowered bullshit charm?
Most Charms are Craft Charms
I didn't save it.

Ostensibly good news.

Sounds like Vance or Chai.

Weren't most of the corebook charms John's and Vance's work anyway?
No, Martial Arts!
The charms? Yeah. Vance did Martial Arts.
That's a Merit, doofnut
There are Martial Arts charms too!
Yes, but Morke is dead.
They don't count, they're not under Charms
How does that charms which allows Infernal to send messages through astrology work?
Mutants and masterminds
Maid RPG
It's basically creating a fake fate for himself, and you control what kind, so you can insert coded messages in it.
I LIKE a lot of Ex3 and reading that post by Holden makes me want to stop playing it just to spite him.
This is actually a pretty legit suggestion.
Just coded or can it be just plain "lol I trol u"?
I don't think Holden cares either way. Nobody plays an rpg because they want to be friends with Devs.
How do you break Exalted 3e?
What is an optimal build look like in 3e?
Coded, otherwise the pattern spiders would notice the anomalous fate, and the other person must know the code, because you communicate through fated events and it's not instinctive. The receiver must also have a way to view your fate.

>How do you break Exalted 3e?

By making more supplements for it.


Supernal Melee
>How do you break Exalted 3e?

You can build a character that hard-fucks a particular combatant in a particular combat setup, but that build's going to get fucked in other combat setups.

Even discounting the ways she's illegal, the Southpaw Empress, who could solo* Ahlat**, completely crumples against such exotic and rare combat strategies as "two guys at once."

>What is an optimal build look like in 3e?

Melee is probably the best "I want to invest in only one combat Ability ever with nothing else" choice.

How does MA stack up to Melee this time around?

MA gets weird tricks and hard punches that Melee doesn't; Melee gets better bread and butter and general applicability.

Melee would cut off its own nut to get the offense potential of Shining Point.
We have already come pretty close:

Supernal Survival with a 3 dot Familiar dives you a T. rex you can mutate with wings and make even bigger and have your own pet mega-dragon

Resistance supernal has a steep buy in but basically makes you nigh invulnerable to anything less competent in combat than Alhat
>Nobody plays an rpg because they want to be friends with Devs
No but they will stop buying them because the devs act like tools.

Wouldn't Shining Point do the same to get the defence potential of Melee?
Oh ye gods, check out the person who got banned for a month for telling the minus thread to pull their heads out of their collective ass.
It's very hard to enjoy a lot of good or useful things, then, because a lot of them were made by tools.

You can use Melee defense charms with shining point is the thing.


I do wish Familiar went to 5, since Tyrant Lizards are pretty obviously a league above Hellboars and Elephants, who are more obviously intended as Familiar 3s.

Supernal Resistance also has hard counters that literally anyone can pull off, and once they know about them, you'll never get it going again.
>You can use Melee defense charms with shining point is the thing.
No you can't
rpg.net is bad.
You can attack with Shining Point, then defend with Melee. You just can't defend with both at the same time.
this is rpg.net

it's a joke
Only if you're aware that the creators are asshats.
I'm sure a lot of the things i like are produced by assholes but i'm mostly unaware.

>Supernal Resistance also has hard counters that literally anyone can pull off, and once they know about them, you'll never get it going again.

What are these? What other abilities have hard counters?
He's pulling shit out of his arse, disregard him
How would you play a Supernal Investigator?
>What are these?
Don't decisive until you're crashed and the only way you can get Aegis up and running is to throw yourself off a cliff or otherwise exploit the "use it in response to uncountable environmental damage" clause.

>What other abilities have hard counters?
To varying degrees of hard, Thrown hates when you survive its alpha strike, Archery hates when you get up close, and Brawl hates fighting more than one dude at a time or no-sell its Decisive flurry by tanking the first hit.
Surely archery would love you getting up close as it doesnt need aim actions

Nothing for Melee or Dodge, though?
"close" as in "on your nuts where you lose a net 6 Accuracy," not "close" as in "in the medium/short-range sweet spot."
Archery gets a penalty to attacking people in melee range.
Melee is built to be the Solar of the combat abilities; best at everything with no real weaknesses
Dig up dirt on political figures, track down mysterious killers like the one in Gloam.
Watch Elementary or the Sherlock Holmes movies with RDJ.
Maaaaaaybe watch the BBC Sherlock show, if you can stomach Steven Moffat and his writing/Benedict Cumberbatch's face.

Melee has no specific hardcounters, but it also doesn't do anything really spectacular either. It's the do-all ball of genericness it usually is.

Dodge wants to drag the fight out so that it can nickel and dime you for every bit of initiative it can waiting for you to flub an attack roll. If the fight's too short or quick, it never really gets going.
It seems weird to me that regenrating health is so difficult for Solars, when it's the basic of the basics for about 1/4 of D&D classes. Why do the writers hate cure spells?
It helps differentiate it from D&D, and establishes that actions will inevitably have consequences, either short or long term.

In-combat healing being easily and repeatedly accessible would drag fights out forfuckingever, for one.

For two, Lunars.

Being damaged in Exalted takes from your dice pool. Reversing that is a big deal.
I thought Spirit Strengthens the Skin + Iron Kettle Body + Essence Gathering Temper + Armor still make it pretty hard to crash supernal Resistance without outspending them motewise. What is a cost effective way of crashing them?

You mean the guy who posted a giant delusional rant? Gimme a fucking break
Fuck heal spells. They don't fit Exalted. Being damaged in battle MATTERS in Exalted, and death is a very real possibility. A heal spell takes away much of the drama associated with fights being near death situations.

Only way to put them in should be Sorcery, but that's more focused on weird shit than straight up benefits.

What about Lunars?
Holden's "explanation" is more obnoxious than the original comment. Bon mot? Witty comment my arse
>What about Lunars?

They've historically gotten the only in-battle combat regeneration worth a fuck as one of their Things. It's what makes them (theoretically) terrifying, even moreso than turning into a bear.
He wanted to make people salty, and backed off when people were getting waaay too salty. That's basically it.
rpg.net drama

and why it's being discussed earnestly on /tg/ of all places, I haven't got a clue.
>backed off when people were getting waaay too salty
yeah, getting told to fix it by Rich had nothing to do with it
Because we need something to talk about.
Don't want to end up like /tgesg/
Talk to me about Martial Arts synergies, please.

What's good for a character that wants to survive difficult fights but not necessarily dish out huge damage?

Because what one of the main designers is up to with regards to the game is a germane topic?
You've been saying a lot of things lately, but I'd much rather believe you when you can actually prove, well, a single damned thing about it.
Would you mind linking me to it? Or at least direct me to the thread in question?

Alchemicals had great regeneration too, but the charm cost 12m to fucking use.

<@Holden_EX3> Oh please don't fire me, I'll go on and apologize, I need this job slurp slurp
<RichT> That's right bitch, your ass belongs to me

>Only way to put them in should be Sorcery, but that's more focused on weird shit than straight up benefits.

Such as?
Any defensive charms in one of Dodge, Resistance, Melee, Stealth.
ok holden

Anything, basically. Tell us more about the character, what's his central concept? What's his ability spread?

Crane is also a solid defensive option.
3E MA doesn't really synergize between styles anymore.
It does not make you fly, it makes a cloud to do it for you. It doesn't do a flamethrower like effect, it shoots a swarm of razor sharp butterflies that leave behind sharp glass shards after they're done. It doesn't make you send a telepathic message, it makes a six winged clay postal pigeon to deliver one. It doesn't make you tough, it turns your skin into literal bronze.

There are medical demons you can summon, sure, but they don't magically heal, they swim around in your insides like they are water and do actual surgery.
Starts from http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?768985-Exalted-Why-is-Everyone-Praising-3e/page89&p=19548177#post19548177
Halting the Scarlet Flow wasn't exactly cheap to use outside its Gift version either.
Yeah, will probably have Resistance, maybe Stealth.

Wandering Zenith, think Qian Guanchang.

Itinerant, some social ability but it's not the focus. Performance for interacting with spirits.
No, I'm Holden, Holden.
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Get Occult if you're planning to interact with spirits.
>Don't decisive until you're crashed

I'm not sure crashing Mr. Supernal Soak qualifies as a "hard-counter". It's like saying "just kill the fucker" is a hard-counter to Melee. You're describing the goal, not the process.
Occult is useless unless you intend on killing them
If Solars want regeneration, they'll have to use Sorcerous Workings to get it.
That is interacting
Occult is Lore for spirits and magic.

The fact that you can fuck them if they decide to be cunts is exactly why you want the massive throbbing ghost-cock that is Occult.

The difference is crashing him before he's got 10 more soak and functionally reduces minimum damage to 0 at no mote cost is a lot easier.

If he never gets Aegis up, his build never takes off into unassailable stupidity, it just operates at its intended degree of toughness: very, but not insurmountable.
Read the charms, it's really just killing, trapping and seeing
You also need to see them, that's a charm.

I didn't say you need the charms, you only need the actual ability.

Read the Ability.

If you don't have any Occult, you're going to call a spirit niggerfaggot in the sixth tongue of the Fire Lords and your social rolls will be working uphill the entire way.
So it's like Holden talking to the fanbase?


Do you want your Zenith to be the Holden of spirits, Anon?
Exactly like that. Only reversed, he's the weird spirit that need Mundane the ability to talk like a normal person.
So, we have to declare all Charm use before rollign dice. Does this mean that damage-enhancing Charms have to be declared before the attack roll rather than damage roll?
Also, during a flurry (magical or mundane) do I have to declare which Charms I activate for which attack before rolling dice for everyone of htem or do I declare on an attack-per-attack basis?
Yes and per attack.

Yes and the former.

If fucking Resistance has to declare before the attack roll, then every single aspect of an attack and flurry better have to. (Individual Charms excepted.)

Ebon Shadow goes well with Stealth. If you pick up Athletics as a Caste ability, you'll have a solid footing for Tiger Style. Tiger and Ebon Shadow synergise nicely and share a form weapon. If you do this and branch into Sorcery, consider picking up Wood Dragon Claws as your Control Spell.
Second post at http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?768985-Exalted-Why-is-Everyone-Praising-3e&p=19548974#post19548974

And latest http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?768985-Exalted-Why-is-Everyone-Praising-3e&p=19549113#post19549113
so are we rpg.net general now?

If you dont like it post something you feel is more relevant, your post complaining about it is only exacerbating the issue you're complaining about
I kinda admit he has a point. The BP/XP thing is really a trivial thing not worth all this rumble.
Say, did he get in touch with us about Craft in that thread? That would be something worth discussing!
we're just watching someone trying to quit without knowing how
BP/XP is only an issue for people who want for it to be an issue.
BP lets you put the dots where you want while at the same time discouraging or outright denying the horrible abuse and one-note characters you can see in any flat-point buy-everything system like GURPS. I for one don't care if BP cheats me out of a few dozens XPs I had no real intention of using anywhere else at chargen anyway. I somehow learned to survive and thrive despite the horrible offense to math and equity BP represent.
Huh. Tiger style feels more bearlike than cat/tigerlike.

His only posts since his "return" seem to be about the BP/XP thing. Also a week or two ago he more or less said he wouldnt discuss Craft.

Maybe you learned to survive it because you clearly dont understand it
>I kinda admit he has a point. The BP/XP thing is really a trivial thing not worth all this rumble.
Sure. I mean it's a huge game design error, but fixing it is relatively trivial.

Just like your plumber not reconnecting the sink to the drain pipe.

>Say, did he get in touch with us about Craft in that thread? That would be something worth discussing!
Haha, no. He's not going to talk about it. He's actually said that.
Did he give a reason as to why he won't discuss crafting?
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>Just like your plumber not reconnecting the sink to the drain pipe.
Is it really that serious?
>He has a point
>BP/XP is trivial
And yet Holden never said that.
Holden's point was that BP/XP is good and people who don't like it are fools.
>Is it really that serious?
It is for him.

For the rest of us, we just went "eh, it's like 500xp, ok that works" and off we went.
It is also that easy for the person running the game to correct.
However, we (ostensibly) paid someone else to do this job and should not have to house rule a product so supported and so long in development.
Well, I actually took the time to read them for the first time and I kinda see why he wouldn't discuss them.
You can't start working on the artifact of your dreams without spending a whole story crafting and selling three dozen whhelbarrows (you can't jsut toss them into the sea, gotta sell them to get xp), three different kind of beans and two/three bean cans to track, no rule given at all for superior projects that are not artifacts, completing an artifact is down to the luck of the dice or throwing an even more massive amount of XP at it...

This is easily the weakest point in the whole book, but it's fine, every RPG has its weakness. But we were promised the stars and got this pile of dung. Coupled with the attitude it seems to me like it would be good to not support this line anymore.
But, what needs correcting?
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That's like saying "Green" to "What is that?"
Okay, I can see that it's green. But what is it?
Rancid compost. Or algal blooms. Vomit, really.
>Green vomit
I'm fairly sure mine's mostly, what, yellowish browny stuff of some kind?
But anyway, what is wrong with charge?
What people dislike about the BP/XP system is that it leads to characters having wildly different XP "net worth".

As a thought experiment, take 2 characters with the same favored, caste and supernal abilities, but very different BP expenditures, and compare how much xp you'd to make them 100% equal. One will need much less xp for that than the other. See >>43580022 pic related for how big the swings can be.
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Is there a section with some example specialties in the backer copy?
You should look here >>43580022

If this doesn't explain it, I don't have time to teach you Algebra.

Think of a specific subset of what the Ability is for and go with that.

Like Melee (Swording) or Sail (Hazard Navigation) or Performance (Dance).
Nope. There is a section on what is a valid specialty. Melee (Swords) is valid, though, I remember that.

That's only one problem. The other problem is that it forces you into a particular mould, if you want to Be All You Can Be.

Once you run the maths, you realise that if you want to end up with say, 5/5/3 in physical attributes and X,Y,Z charms, then starting with 5/5/1 will get you there significantly faster than 5/3/3.

Basically, the system guarantees that min-maxed characters end up more powerful, more quickly than balanced characters, which results in people having to compromise their starting character concept due to system maths. Or just suck more than they have to.

The rule of thumb I always gave our players was that if you ever intended to get an ability to 5 dots, buy them in chargen with BP. And always go with 5/5/1,5/3/1, 5/1/1 and buy them up later.

That graphic seems to validate that advice. The only instances of significantly higher XP/BP are pretty niche.
That's a mostly minmaxing problem, so I'm not bothered by it, because I'm not going to minmax and will tell my players not to, either.

Honestly? If you begin with 5/1/1 or any 1 for that matter (that's not a intended character flaw) training times alone are going to screw you seven ways to sunday. It's not only about dice pools, but what your character is. 1 appearance? You're quite ugly and you're going to suffer for that. 1 wits? You're so slow Holden could eat his feet trice before you could think about it. Gods forbid you get a 1 in STR or INT.

Basically, if you really wanna minmax so much that your exalted has 4 1s in his stats you're playing with some kind of disabled autistic kid with super stuff. As a DM, you would suffer for that.

THAT BEING SAID, the only problem with giving XP at chargen it how much it slows things down if you don't want to game the system. Spending 15 BP is considerably easier than tracking 60~90xp at once (ballparking 4~6xp per BP).
Yeah, the whole problem with chargen is that's it a minigame that you can "win". But if none of your players minmax or everyone does it then it's not that big of a problem.
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