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EDH/Commander General

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>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.


>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets but has a terrible UI.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

pp-p-p-pp-p-p-please no more shitposting about the color pie...
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So I was considering a non combo based blue deck and Tommy boy here seemed fun. Leviathan Tribal time!

What are nice cards to include. The general right now is either Tommy or Thasa, haven't fully decided yet.
Let's say I want to make a game take as long as possible without anyone losing.

What's my general gonna' be?
>Soldier Tokens are still not considered humans
Literally why
Daretti, so you can keep recurring Platinum Angel and Platinum Emperion.
Oloro or Makenzie

>Look up Karlov's deck spoiler
>outside of Black Market it's trash

Upsetting. Why'd they go for an enchantment theme with it anyways, there are tons of shitty lifegainer cards in Legacy, and tons of cards that would trade that life for cards or other effects. Christ Wizards.
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friendly reminder that blue is op.
precons are generally pretty weak, yeah

you also get karmic justice!
The decks this year are trash both monetarily and theme wise.

>RW fatties
>GU tokens
>Another UR spellslinger
>Another GB graveyard is my hand

Please wizards.
so precons are released tomorrow, right?
anyone hype?

Ah true, that's a $5 rare that I don't mind a reprint of.
A bunch if those 1-2 drop tap target creature effects are an easy ways to make tommy unblockable
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Tell me about it. This is a list of everything I intend on getting from the precons, in singles.

For a few cards, yeah. I'd like to build an Ezuri, Claw of Progress deck and I want that Pathbreaker Ibex for all my green decks.
ideas for cuts to this deck? http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/ma-ma-ma-meren/
>WB enchantments
>no land tax
>you get burnished hart instead! :)
>no debtors' knell, the most orzhov enchantment of them all
>no martyr's bond
>no grave pact
>no luminarch ascension
thanks wozirds.
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So, in theory, in a pretty casual and chill setting, this should technically work as a "small tokens with big, scary deep-sea monsters" deck, right?

Trying to make this somewhat work, so any suggestions are appreciated.
Good idea there!
i suggest that u gid gut lmao
i like the high market reprint but i suspect the commanders themselves are going to be the most valuable cards going forward
I'd agree just because how much disappointment I've seen from people that I have a feeling Commander 2015 isn't going to sell that well.

But maybe I'm wrong. The average joe doesn't care about how much value is in a box or whether or not they can get all the cards in it for cheaper as singles.
>4-player game, me and another guy playing Kurkesh
>other guy built him completely wrong
>thought that copying Equip costs would magically create a copy of the card
>everyone tells him this when he tries
>gets bummed when he realizes his deck is completely fucked up
>gets smoked, scoops and leaves

I felt really bad for him, he was clearly new (most of his cards were from Origins and Dragons of Tarkir) and excited to play EDH. I would have helped him out if he hadn't left so fast
>People wishing that X $200 card from the reserve list was in Y commander deck
Daily reminder that if this is you, you are literally killing magic.
Daily reminder that if the only reason you don't want the Reserve List to be abolished is "muh collection :((((" you are literally and provably killing Legacy and Vintage on top of being a mild inconvenience to EDH.
Daily reminder that if the only reason you want to end the Reserve List is "muh dead format :(((((" then you literally want people who invested $1000s of dollars into their cards to be cheated out of their value for your personal gain, the result of which will be people leaving magic and your dead format becoming even deader.
Daily reminder that if you support the continued adherence to the Reserve List you are actively contributing to the death of the eternal formats.
>cheated out of value
>I treated this card game like a stock market and thought there would be no consequences, why am I being punished!?

And the majority of Legacy and Vintage players wouldn't mind some reprints so they could actually have more people to play against.
>Cards becoming more affordable
>People leaving the game
Muh investment
Daily reminder that, uh... well I think he brought up the Reserve List as a bit of hyperbole, not that the Reserve List was the point he was trying to make.

I agree with him, as well. Precons remain a good way for new players to get into the game, and too many reprints devalues the cards you already have.

That said, they could have chosen their reprints slightly better. Lightning Greaves needed a reprint, but did Phyrexian Arena? How about something like Sensei's Top or Crucible of Worlds?
I don't care about any dipshit who tries to use a children's card game as a stock market, so anybody who complains about that deserves it. A fool and his money.
Investing in pieces of cardboard is a terrible idea

Vintage is a circlejerk at this point because the price of entry is so high, and Legacy is straight-up dying
this is true, but not so much because of price considerations but because of overpowered bullshit considerations
The funniest thing is the dumb collectorfag doesn't realize nobody was talking about reserved list shit in the first place, people were just saying the value of the precons is fucking abysmal.
>Paying more than $100 for a card
>not wanting it to retain its value when you want to sell it and move on with your life
kek its as if you people are actually children and don't try to plan for the future.
>nothing should ever deprecate in value when I buy it everything should be static

And you're calling other people children? You're delusional.
Never buy a car.
>paying more than $100 for a card
I think this is the problem
>investing in a hobby
when I pay money for a hobby I do so with the assumption that that money is gone for good, and budget accordingly. if something maintains its value that is a bonus for me.
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>not buying bulk rares and making the funnest turbo-jank deck you can out of them
It wouldn't even be an issue if Wizards could actually print more than a single worthwhile card per set nowaday.
>Think depreciation is the problem
Its not, it happens with everything
>Not holding Wizards of the Coast to its guarantee(as their customers should) of not reprinting certain cards so as to lessen depreciation
This is the problem. Wizards made a promise. If they break that promise. Hundreds of thousands of their customers will lose faith in their word, and their promises may never be trusted again.
I understand that they will never get rid of the reserved list, that doesn't mean I have to like the reserved list
Arena is arguable, it goes in almost every black deck. It was around 7 or 8 dollars I think.
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>tfw you bought Black Markets back when they were 10 cent-rares for your janky casual decks and now they're $7 rares
That I agree with, even if that promise was the absolute dumbest thing ever.
The Reserved List was, literally, a mistake. What bugs me is they refuse to reprint shit like Force of Will and other staples that are not on the reserved list.
>This is the problem. Wizards made a promise. If they break that promise. Hundreds of thousands of their customers will lose faith in their word, and their promises may never be trusted again.
Meanwhile, all the money they make from people who wanted the reserve list gone when they start reprinting powerful reserve list cards...
>hundreds of thousands of their customers

Wow, overestimation much?

Wizards is under no legal obligation to give a shit about the Reserve List. They made it because people cried after Chronicles.

>and their promises may never be trusted again

Whoa, so people would finally wake up and realize to not just blindly listen to a business? Sounds like a positive to me.
>What are Judge's promos
>What are is From the Vault
This is how they've printed reserved cards in the past, including FoW
>Reserved List gets abolished
>bunch of crybabies and stock market lite babies leave the game
>majority never put money into new product anyway
>meanwhile, far more people shove money into WotC's pockets for whatever they reprint those cards in

Yeah man it's such a bad business plan :^)
A judge promo isn't a proper reprint though. If anything they end up costing more than the original cards

Force of Will isn't on the reserve list though.
Not only is Force of Will not on the Reserved List and thus irrelevant, Judge Promo FoW is something like $200 anyway so who the fuck cares? You could get two regular FoW for that price.
Judge promos don't solve the supply problem and they are often absurdly expensive. Like, Judge Force is like 800 bucks.
They've fixed that since the last time they tried exploiting that loophole. Reserve List cards can no longer be printed as promos.

Try $800. Minimum.
>a bad business plan :^)
Yes, actually. Wizards may directly benefit at first, but this will cause the secondary market to be volatile as fuck. And I'm not just talking about the value of "muh collection" that you seem to think I have just because I don't think the reserved list should be abolished. I'm talking about the LGSs that barely make enough profit as it is, who will lose money and possibly even go out of business due to the value of Magic cards dropping so much. But only after product disappears from department store retailers and LGSs spike the price super high due to the high profile cards being reprinted. It would be a mess, and leave a sour taste in many people's mouths.
Just tell the collectors that they shouldn't have made the promise to begin with and that they're going back on their word because the benefit of doing so outweighs the benefit of sticking to their word in this particular instance.
Because there's also:
>Elf Soldiers
>Kor Soldiers
>Kithkin Soldiers
>Bird Soldier
>Hound Soldier
>Cat Soldier
>Spirit Soldier
>Giant Soldier
>Skeleton Soldier
>Zombie Soldier
>Beast Soldier
>Minotaur Soldier
>etc, etc, etc

I do wish that Soldier tokens had the supertype of Human though. Would make my Human based aristocrats deck cooler.
This right here. This is the best way to build. Fuck people who put Legacy money into a deck for a casual format
They could still handle it responsibly. Announce that they're abolishing the Reserve List but A.) won't start the reprints for at least another year or two to give markets time to adjust and B.) reprint in very limited quantities like at mythic rare in a $15 MSRP Masters set.
lol yeah they all suck so hard
Everyone was expecting that they didnt show the lists because they had great cards and stores would gouge the price
I guess they waited so people wouldnt have 2 months to complain about what shit they are
Theres not a single card in any of them worth the price and all the new cards really suck
But this wouldn't fix any problems that you guys are clamoring about over price. Tarmagoyf has been reprinted TWICE and is still $150 dollars.
>reprinted twice in a low print set as a Mythic Rare
>but guys, we reprinted it so it's all okay now right?

You sound like you work for WotC. Are you MaRo?
The singles in the precon deck total about $45-55 depending on which one.
Not really. The prices for what's in there that's already been printed will drop because there will be new copies on the market. Take about $10 off each deck and it'd be significantly more accurate. Cards like Black Market, Urza's Incubator, etc, only got as high as they did because they were old as fuck with low supply and no reprint in sight.
>completely misinterpreting what I said
If you can't read then how the fuck did you even get here?
It's also not counting the price of the new cards. Some of those (like Karlov) could be worth something someday if they don't get another reprint.
They are worth $45-55 when you sell them or you can buy them for that much?
Either way just about everything in them is shit and they are the worst commander decks made
It blows my mind that these could be worse than the mono colors from last year
The reprint that they did didn't fix anything because it can barely even be qualified as a fucking reprint, you mong. They put, what, a handful or two of Tarmogoyfs on the market and expected that to somehow fix the issue?

How the fuck did YOU even get here when you're a complete and utter retard?
>Fuck people who enjoy playing high-power cards in tuned decks
You are literally a cancerous person if you can't tolerate other people having fun with their decks the way they want to.
being reprinted twice doesn't mean it met the demand or it wouldn't be $150. maybe if they didn't reprint it as a mythic in a set whose boosters had a $10 MSRP he wouldn't be so fucking expensive
>Tarmagoyf has been reprinted TWICE and is still $150 dollars
It was hovering around $200 for over a year and is closer to $130 now.
That's what I'm saying. This is the solution >>43551785 was suggesting and I was countering it.
>LGSs that barely make enough profit as it is, who will lose money and possibly even go out of business due to the value of Magic cards dropping so much
Implying that every LGS operates off of selling cards on the reserved list. I've been to a good number of LGS's and IF they even have stuff on the reserved list it sits in the corner in some display case because it's both too expensive for 99% of people to pay for and because it's never going to sell anyway. They make their money from Magic by selling Standard/Modern product, not from overly expensive cards that damn near no one will buy. The LGS's would profit just as much as Wizards would because their stock would fucking fly off the shelf.

I won't disagree with the potential sour taste though. I remember Mind Seize, and this would be that but bigger. Hopefully, if they ever did this, they would anticipate things and have a fuckhuge printing run to try and counteract it to a decent degree.
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>all the new cards really suck
>Implying this isn't going straight into Sigarda
The multi-O Ring is pretty dope
so are we just acting like phyrexian arena is not in the deck?
arachnogenesis is the money rare, book it
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>tfw arms race meta
I miss the days when 30 junk rares and 30 utility commons/uncommons was a viable deck.
Perhaps you should move to a poorer neighborhood, anon
I've been thinking about pursuing a job in alaska after I finish school. maybe I'll meet some shitty players I can be shitty with up there.
I know that feel bro. I started an arms race years ago until my decks went from casual crawwurm.dec up to hundreds of dollars worth of tuned ass kicking. now I'm the guy with the OP decks

Sometimes I look at those fun but not competitive cards and sigh, knowing that I'll likely never get to play them again without constantly losing.
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you're more likely to find no players at all
then that's fine too I guess. I'll just begin my MTGO collection. There are a handful of alaskan posters on /k/ so I know they have internet up there.
playing on MTGO just isn't the same
playing on MTGO just isn't the same
Been looking at the new Commanders, Ezuri will be a broken commander if played right, Karlov might be a fun deck to play some Orzhov lifegain or Orzhov Extort. Daxos is meh, but might be a good commander if you really like enchantments.
Just like MTGO!
Isn't Alaska where EDH was born?
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I currently have the following decks:

Pharika land kill
Jeleva Enter the Infinite
Liliana MBC
Rubina Theft UGx BS
Hanna Combo Control

And some more casual mono colors:
Chandra Burn control
Akroma Angel life gain
Nylea I wish I had Trample

It has occurred to me that I have collected a sort of harem of sorts. What should I build to mix it up a little? I'm probably going to scrap Rubina because while I tired to make it fun, it's still hardcore UGx bullshit that while effective, gets boring in a hurry.

My current *want to build* list is as follows:
Tromokratis smash control
Ulasht "not like the 3 Thromoks in my meta"

Huge list, I know. I want to make another druid deck, and I had Xira as one (I could force people to draw their decks), but I needed the black for other decks. I am thinking about druids for Ulasht, but I would rather use the tokens. Regardless, I want at least RG for the druid deck because of Agg assault.

Anyway, what sort of manly generals outside of black should I run to break up the Harem? I'm open to any ideas, really.
>built and played Purph in my group
>fucking annihilated everyone
>next time we play they all run counters, boardwipes and O-Rings on me just to keep me down
that's the story of almost every purph deck in history
Grafted Exoskeleton
Every card that can tutor Grafted Exoskeleton
Bunch o ways to tap creatures.
>Build deck
>They all run counters, boardwipes and O-Rings on me just to keep me down
>All because my other decks are scary
>destructible, targetable darksteel plate for your sigarda
why would i ever want this.
As Darksteel Plate #2, and to give you something to do before Sigarda comes out.
my bad i guess i forget sometimes edh players are bad
Voltron is bad to begin with.
so I've been brewing a daxos enchantment control deck and I'm looking for cards that slow my opponents down like rule of law, eidolon of rhetoric, or spirit of the labyrinth. Anyone know any other cards (preferably enchantments) that do similar things
My other decks aren't scary at all, they're actually not very good
Magus of the Moat, Pacifism effects, Silent Arbiter

fite me faggot
New Daxos? I played a UW Daxos deck last night that destroyed my shit hardcore
i'm running troma in my janky blue braids deck filled with fatties and tap down effects it's pretty fun...also whelming wave is hilarious in it because other than my general and a djinn of wishes everything is a leviathan, kraken, whale, or octopus

nice. Mad probs to Kracken decks.
The real question is why you would want to play sigarda.

Boring? Check
Design mistake? Check
Bad? Check Check.
>All this badwrongfun
If you have fun playing sigarda that's fine, play her.

But get your head checked out, because she's so boring MaRo wrote an article about how she broke the color pie for not being red/white.
>citing MaRo's opinion as a good thing
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>Angel - White
>Prevents sacrificing- Green
>breaks the color pie

Why is Maro retarded?
The joke was that boring was red/white, and MaRo was mad that a boring card got printed outside of red/white.

No such article was actually written.
I like that she forces durdly combo players to pay attention to what's going on, and stop solitairing.
She actually makes me pay less attention to whats going on, because there isn't a dam thing I can do about it with her out.
This. I just ignore whatever the Sidarga is doing because I can't generally interact with it until it gets to the point where I or someone else wraths. Either that, or I grab a lighthouse if it's that annoying.
someone doesn't run things like black sun's zenith or mutilate

>without sigarda out
>Play Magmatic Force
>Kick Rite of Replication and copy it a few times to get 15+ Magmatic Forces
>Kill everyone at their upkeep

>with sigarda out
>Play Magmatic Force except now there's a gay angel I can't target
>Kick rite of replication and copy it a few times producing 15+ Magmatic Forces
>Kill everyone on their upkeep through big gay angel I can't target
>Implying I don't have Dueling Grounds
>Teleports behind you
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>Dueling Grounds

Teleport all you want. When a volcano erupts under your ass it won't save you.
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>thinks dueling grounds does anything to stop 15 Magmatic Force
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Myself and some others in my playgroup want to try using some custom commanders. Some of our limitations for these is that they have to support an archetype or color combination with little support in EDH, and they must be balanced by the group. These are in the process of the group working with them, what are your thoughts?
Soulbond and "Phyrexia" just don't go together at all no matter how you look at it.

Smart touch giving the Pyromancer protection from red. That's cute.
this sounds hella fun except that my play group is so try hard or full of people that will find literally anything to bitch about
Yeah. I like the idea of "spreading the infection" since there's few actual infect dudes in EDH, but I'm not sure of the best way to implement that concept.
Yeah, we did it to encourage red-based board wipes in an RB control deck.
Herald of phyrexia has to go to the graveyard to proliferate, nephir's third ability feels super tacked on, and Rashtu's abilities feel disjointed. Also there's a containment thread for shit like this >>43542385
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Anyone ever wish they could use uncommons as commanders? I want to use pic related so hard in normal edh. Pauper only does so much.
Better than 8/10 of the commander product this year.

Well done.
Seeing as these would literally be the only custom cards out of 100 card decks, I think this fits the thread. Besides, EDH and custom cards are both casual MTG anyways.

Good call on Herald.

I don't think Rashtu's abilities feel disjointed. The way it was pitched to me, it encourages a RB deck to run a ton of kill spells in hopes to exile a kill spell, kill something, untap, and try to do it again.

i wouldn't say that...
Could just do house rules. Uncommon commanders, everything else is normal. Would have to get your group to agree to it.
Well of course you see it like that, you probably had a hand in designing it. To someone looking at it from a completely neutral perspective it doesn't have any coherent theme. Herald of Phyrexia also doesn't have a name. Most legendary creatures including the phyrexian praetors have names. I also feel that Nephir could be simpler
The problem with that is that if the deck does well, there will be bitching about how "it's not a real commander that's bull shit". I caught shit when I proxied Gisa before she was released, so I can only imagine a shitty uncommon that looks fun.
Your playgroup might just be a bunch of crybaby faggots then. Nothing much you can do about that other than get a new group or play Pauper EDH, where everyone has to abide by the same rules.
I was the first person that the creator of the RB guy pitched the idea to. I mostly just reeled in the power level from the original design.

Yeah, we were planning on a name for herald but we decided to focus on the crunch of the card first.

How would you simplify Nephir?
>arms race begins two years ago
>main guy who prompted it is now completely broke due to spending it all on magic.
>Is almost triggered by anything mtg now
>girlfriend is a tweaker
>My group now has high level decks that we barely even use
>We even threaten to break them out if shit gets real
Did i just live through a playgroup cold war?
cut the third ability and maybe tweak the other 2 abilities to be a little more impactful
They're actually pretty ok for the most part. The weirdest things seem to send them over the edge. For example, they will play strictly by the rules (ie no houserules) except for the tuck rule, which comes maybe once every 5 games at most and is largely irrelevant. Like... I watched a guy complain about the change, get tucked, and then sit there for 6 turns.

Me and this other guy play pauper, though someone else said they were interested, too. There's another group lead by a spastic That Guy who used to play with us that was pushing for pauper in his group. He specifically mentioned wanting to ban Viskopa Guildmage because he was anally devastated the last time we played. The deck was obviously filled with a shit ton of shitty life gain and I blew him out when I Hallow'd an Evincar's Justice.

On that note, Viskopa Guildmage as a legit commander would make me so happy, too.
All I want is a G/B creature that works with lands/not-dredge
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Why does it have a double sided color indicator?

Customfags are escaping containment
I suppose the second effect could be buffed into card draw, but I'm not sure much could be done with the first effect. I do think some people in the group are undervaluing the first effect, particularly due to Shatter effects in red.
Do any of your stores/groups have a house rule you find retarded?
Every point system.

Planning on bringing Pappa Purph next league day because all forms of lands removal, board locks like Stasis and infinite combos result in negative points, meaning that the only viable strategies are cheat out fatties or rush.
So, if I animate everyone's lands, and then use Massacre Wurm to kill the table, where does that fall into your points system?
If you aren't playing the format of the night you are asked to play somewhere else.
So now I just play on my kitchen top
Denying a player of their mana base, so like -1 or -2 per player.
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Even if it kills them in the process and literally has no effect on the rest of the game because they're dead?
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So which one did you pre order anon?

You did preorder yours right?
The rules usually aren't enforced so strictly, but there are the guys that care and they will make sure they fuck as many other people as possible.
>preodering anything
Run Thassa with Quest for Ula's Temple.
Just gonna buy most of them whenever they come out, don't feel like waiting on shipping. UG BG and WR for me, and WB for a gift to a friend. UR can suck my dick.
I want to play a Stax deck. Like, hardcore make people groan type of Stax.

My playgroup is basically divided into "Play the best generals and make myself a presence" and/or "Those two best friends who are always teaming up with each other" types. None of them have ever played against a Stax deck.

So, let's hear it. Best general for Stax? I got most of the necessary stuff (Smokestack, Humility, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, etcetcetc). I'm kind of leaning towards Nahiri, Daretti, or Ghave
Can't imagine it working well.
the answer is either derevi or grand arbiter and go for winter orb/stasis locks

nath or daretti are good choices for tradition smokestack stax
I pre-ordered all five last year. Sold my Dualcaster Mage, Containment Priest, Masterwork of Ingenuity, Reef Worm, Malicious Affliction, and Hallowed Spiritkeeper all on release. Made back $64 of the $132 that I spent.

Skipped on pre-ordering because the spoilers took so long that I figured they were either hiding something ridiculous (enemy fetches, Sensei's Divining Top, Stoneforge, something along those lines) or they were going to be so underwhelming they wanted to lock in as many idiots on pre-orders as possible. Turned out to be the latter, so I don't feel bad at all. These >>43550230 are the only cards I'm interested in across all five decks.
I was leaning towards Daretti just to use the Orbs/Smokestack. I've researched some lists that are dedicated to popping him out turn 1 or 2, followed by dumping some necessary stuff. Eventually wiping down lands and locking the game down.

Derevi/GAAIV seem to obvious.

Nath is... actually interesting.
Him and Sadistic Hypnotist will empty everyone's hands.
That's some pretty faggy shit right there. By that logic, you could argue that killing a player has denied their mana base because they're no longer part of the game and therefore all their shit is exiled.

More to the point, if they have untapped lands, their mana pool wouldn't even have emptied by the time they died, so they still have access to all the mana they have available for the rest of the game, which is over when the Wurm trigger resolves.
Found the autist.
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>Bouncing castle fun policing is garbage
I'm the guy saying the point system is awful, but that's no excuse to become the super literal rules lawyer autist about it.
Blowing lands to trigger everyone's death and then saying that guy loses points for denying mana is pretty rules lawyer autistic.
That's what I'm trying to say. I already said the rules are pretty relaxed but that doesn't seem to have gone through.
Are any of these worth picking up?
Not unless you actually plan on using most of the parts of one.

No good enchantments in the enchantment deck. No good instants/sorceries in the instant/sorcery deck.

Just pick up a Beacon, Magus, and the blade and wait for the commanders to hit $1.
I'll pick up WB with a gift card I got
That sucks. This years are super underwhelming
Seems mostly fine, but I think the second one would be broken with infinite target abilities like Spirit en-Kor. I don't know how you'd consider copies of it working for commander damage (probably they wouldn't?), but there's very little to stop you from going turn three, make a ton of copies and throw them at someone, or turn four do the same with pump spells or lifelink or some other effect. If they only lasted until end of turn it'd be pretty much unplayable though.
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Hmm, I wonder if you could build a decent enough Stax with Omnath, Locus of Faggotry
You made it seem like there were regulars who would enforce points lost.
Modified mulligan rules
I want to order some good proxy cards from china, does anyone have any experience with this?
Are any of the starterdecks for Commander2015 good / fun?

I'm not a huge EDH fan, but some of my friends wanted to play commander on friday so I thought might aswell just join in on the fun.

I am a sucker for draw/go control and card draw, so with that in mind, which starter deck would you recommend?

What other commander tips could you give me?
Man, my "need" list from the Commander 15 precons is:

Command Beacon (2)
Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
Black Market
Mizzix's Mastery
Blade of Selves
Phyrexian Arena
Verdant Confluence (3)
Rite of the Raging Storm

and that's it...

I ordered all of it except the Arena and Market (as those will continue to sink steadily in price with the reprint) for $8
They have the full decklists for the C15 precons online if you'd care to give them a look through. None of them are strictly control decks, though.
That being said, these decks out of the box will likely not be able to keep up with any of the decks your friends will bring to the table.
So I am working on a Diaochan deck and feel like she is a little linear. I either combo out and win with Earthquake, Kill people with Blightsteel or, (if I am the right kind of group for this) blow up everyone's stuff with Mycosynth Lattice and Vandalblast.

This is the list right now


Anyone have any suggestions on how to diversify my win cons>
>The multi-O Ring is pretty dope
No it really isn't. It will get hated out every time. Politically you first make all your opponents hate you, then make one of them a hero to the other two. Also you probably give them more ETB triggers.
Putting multiple things under one o-ring is always dangerous. Especially if those things belong to multiple people. Its going to get blown up and people will be mad at you for exiling their things.

You can even abuse it like o-ring. Thanks wizards for "fixing o-ring"
It really is.

You don't need to exile something from each player. It gives you the CHOICE to do so.

If you don't want to make an opponent hate you, then don't exile his biggest threat. This card however DOES give you that option.

It also give you the option of exiling other players tokens while removing a big threat, or removing a small threat not worth saving while also removing the main threat.

In extreme cases you can also remove the biggest threat of each player if necessary.
>Add Darkest Hour, Attrition, Mind Slash, Ajani's Mantra, both Soul Sisters, both Blood Artists, Dictate of Erebos and swap Envoy of Ghosts for Orzhov Scion.
Now the deck runs smoothly, all generals help each other and you have fun, unique interactions for new players to discover while playing.
It didn't add even $15 to what's already the least valuable deck of the 5 (by about $15, how queer).

WotC seems to want to forget about everything that happened or existed before original Ravnica. Hell I bet MaRo would love it if all cards from before Theros were on the resserved list so that these kinds of precons were notthing but Theros jank forevermore.
That's not how greentext works anon.
Nigger, there is no future.
If people stop playing Legacy your cards will lose over 80% of their value because "it's collectabe" isn't what keeps a game valuable.
SCG is dropping their support for the format and 1 GP a year isn't worth it, now you'll have to live with the consequences of your greed holding onto a static investment doomed to lose it's attractiveness while the people who hoard fetchlands instead can ride the wave of reprints with their dynamic investment.
Most LGS don't even have a single Tarmogoyf, much less dual lands and LEDs. They subsist on boosters, Ultra Pro accessories and snacks. As they should.
And the biggest company, the one with the most money at stake, Starcitygames wants the resserved list gone because people aren't selling them their duals anymore and they can't sustain their tournament scene that way.
We have
>Beat a player by combat damage 5 points.
>Beat a player by general damage 4 points.
>Beat a player 3 points.
>Beat a player by poison 3 points.
>Survive the table or kill yourself 3 points.

This has heavily diminished infinite combos and amped politics since you can rattlesnake someone's points away through sudoku.
>Shut up oldfag
What do you mean kill yourself?
Would conceding be killing yourself?
unless you're a poorfag you shouldn't be running 90% of those non land cards
Freyalise is still the best Commander deck straight out of the box it seems.
I'm gonna bump this cause I'm still stumped. Why are there so many good female commanders?
seems like youd have to actually cause yourself to lose, like milling your whole deck or doing some shenanigans like chanelling a fireball into your own face
Oh, then I don't see how you'd ever kill yourself to stop an infinite. Since most infinites can just go even more infinite in response to you trying to kill yourself.

Until I built a Rhys the Babymaker deck, all of my commanders were women.

>Deals 1 damage to you
BW because Karlov is this set's legacy playable. Gets pumped off Deathrite Shaman, Scavenging Ooze, Batterskull, Sword of Light and Shadow, and is a magnet for Swords to Plowshares because he gets pumped if anything else is hit.
Just buy good singles. Not that there are many cards worth buying.
>Mfw terrible ideas

For some reason, I thought about an alternate Commander called Spellslinger where you use Sorceries as commander.
greater good or evolutionary leap
Lets start a "banned as commander" list for that, one card at a time. I'll start:
Time Stretch
Demonic Tutor
Time Walk
Depends on the deck, but in a vacuum I'd say Survival of the Fittest, and then Greater Good
>BW because Karlov is this set's legacy playable
Are you serious? He contests goyf, Bob,teeg and stone forge mystic and thalia for the 2 drop spot. He doesn't do anything when he enters the board, and is just a vanilla bear that can be killed by every removal/wipe spell in the format. As you said he requires other cards to be on the board to do anything, which goes against the philosophy of the deck. I'll forget that you mentioned sword of light and shadow as being a part of a legacy junk deck.
Let's also start recommending rules for the format, I'll start:
Commander tax is X, where X is the cmc of the spell.
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>vanilla beater that doesn't do anything when it enters the board

Spread the word, anon, cause I want some prices to lower.
Commander tax is X, where X is that spell's CmC, but is reset at 0 at the beginning of each turn.

In addition, you could just add 2 mana to it for each time it was cast this turn.

Ban as commander? all ''Take an extra turn'' spells.
Demonic Tutor (because ridiculous consistancy at 2 mana is terrible for everyone)

Beside that? not much. I want people to be able to play cataclysm for shit and giggles.
Goyf is hardly a "vanilla beater". He dodges bolts, and grows by himself as the game progresses. All that for 2 cmc. See the difference between him and Karlov?
Why would you ban that? If you let a mono blue deck get to 10 lands you already lost the game anyway, time stretch or no time stretch.
Karlov is hardly a "vanilla beater" He dodges bolts, and grows himself as the game progresses. He can also be removal situationally.
It's for my Meren deck, I've been running both Greater Good and Survival of the Fittest but then I remembered that Evolutionary Leap is a thing. Greater Good is nice and all but I don't run that many >2 power creatures.
Not at all.
All the top tier commanders are male or genderless.

Who is Sharuum the Hegemon?
But the difference is that Goyf does that by himself. Drop him on an empty board at T2 and the clock starts ticking right away. Only exception being RIP.

Drop Karlov T2 on an empty board and you need ooze/deathrite shaman exiling creatures to get him outside of bolt range or to make him a threat. What will you do when you don't draw those? I mean Ooze isn't even that good of a mainboard card. He would play the role of a weaker Tarmo or Knight of the Reliquary. Then there's the question of what you would take out for him. The Rock is a very tight deck where every card provides an immense amount of value on its own. I just don't see how Karlov fits into that, not even as a one of.
A dirty slut.
A no longer top tier commander.

But if you want to pick her, then we have one.

Wait two, Narset is a girl as well.

you need 6 odd permanent types in the grave. that's up to 6 different cards Goyf needs.

By himself he's strictly weaker then Karlov.
I'd still almost go with Greater Good, if only because it's an instant speed, free way to put cards in your graveyard from both the battlefield and your hand, while also digging. I guess I'd put the cuttoff at 5 cards with power > 3, or ways to make power > 3.

That seems really arbitrary, but my gut feeling is that's about where greater good starts coming into its own, assuming you have reasonable access to other tutor effects.
>by himself Goyf is strictly weaker than Karlov
Yeah, I'm done here.
But he is.

I know 100% that Goyf will be stronger in 99% of decks, but strictly speaking Goyf isn't even strong enough to trade with Karlov by himself.
Goyf is a 0/1 if we're talking about Karlov vs Goyf in a compete and utter vacuum. No it's not reasonable stance to take.
That's because all vacuum discussions are stupid.
Problem is you said "by himself"

When By himself Goyf is weaker then Karlov.
I'm not him. I think you're quibbling on a technicality though.

Goyf is a lot easier to come online than Karlov, which was clearly his intent.
I wouldn't say a turn 1 soul sister is hard to do.

But I understand your point. I'm absolutely being overly technical
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How does RW death and taxes perform? I'm picturing a hatebears and resource denial base with Anja as top end to make life a hell for the opponent.
W/G or Mono white does death and taxes better.
It performed pretty well for me in Aurelia. I want to make a mardu style deck for it with Alesha now.
That's where you're wrong. Really, goyf is easier to come out at all. On vacuums and whatnot, goyf requires a forest and anything else. Like, this means with playing random lands you have a 1/5 chance in two turns to play that forest. Lands being less necessary is awesome.

You know karlov requires a swamp and plains. On the same style of land playing With random land playing you've a 2/5 chance to land the right land turn 1 and a 1/5 chance of landing the correct land the second turn. Understand?

You're more likely to have goyf out turn 2.
Does Meren get EXP counters when your board gets wiped by wrath effects?
I'm sure WG is true solely because of Gaddoc, but how can mono white do it better?
No, but you do.
Better commander options for death and Taxes.

Red doesn't add enough to out weigh them.

Also the fact that you'll be at least a little more consistent and less reliant on two colors, tho that's not a huge deal.

That's definitely my problem with Nephir. He doesn't really...do anything I guess.
Mind sharing a decklist?
Im a little concerned about the non-exp G/B general and how easily it goes infinite. but aside from that I am really looking forward to these decks. Probably going to build karlov because my W/B deck is in shamble but I could see myself building pretty much any of the non-boros decks (I already have Iroas, so theres no point).
Seriously? That's insane.
How so?

She died once, this means she now costs as much as Sheoldred who doesn't need EXP counters.

>No good instants/sorceries in the instnat/sorcery deck

It's actually pretty good. There are a few cards that are obviously replaceable (Sleep, Myriad cards, Lone Revenant, Flash Cat possibly, BustySquall) but there's a lot of good stuff in there too. Comet Storm, Blatant Thievery, Urza's Rage, Rite of Replication, Firemind's Foresight, Dominate, Blue Sun's Zenith, and Stroke of Genius are all pretty good includes that you'd probably want in the full list anyways.

I'd add a few more X spells maybe. Fanning the Flames seems essential, but Banefire and Illuminate seem good too.
And none of those together are worth $35.
I haven't updated it in years, but here you go

Means that if she gets wiped turn 5-6 she's able to bring stuff like Thrun and Acidic slime back.

As commander Meren is a direct upgrade, and as creature Meren is cheaper to cast than Sheoldred and works the the turn she's brought in.

not including new cards it's worth about $60
No it's not.
Unfortunetly, I don't really play black. My well tuned deck is melek combo, and my fun themed deck is animorphs
Cyclonic rift
But tokens worth more types do include them, like the kithken soldier tokens. I think the normal "soldier" towns have always been assumed to be humans, but never officially were.
Unless you're purposely intending to abuse the triggers, o ring isn't that great in edh anyway.
Two things will probably happen -

1. Decks get ridiculous and the playgroup implodes. The format starts to get extremely stale and boring as all decks begin to become the same thing using the same cards. Play begins to dwindle because they feel the format is boring.

2. The playgroup begins to self regulate themselves. They start to hover at a spot where their decks are efficient, but not just complete good stuff. They start to pick commanders that aren't just the usual suspects and tend to build around their themes instead of auto jamming good stuff.

I've seen both happen multiple times.
>Like... I watched a guy complain about the change, get tucked, and then sit there for 6 turns.
I've seen this happen so many times.
So it either makes everyone else fun for you or it's a strictly worse o ring which isn't that great in the format either. It's dog shit.
It's a nice politics card where people have to weigh getting their shit back against someone else getting their shit back.
My group complained about the tuck rule change at first, but the one guy in the group who was okay with it managed to convince the others that it was fine.
Archetype of Imagination, Stormtide Leviathan, Jalira Master Polymorphist, Reef Worm, Kira the great glass-spinner, shipbreaker kraken, wonder, Chasm skulker, Thassa god of the sea, Polymorph and you should be fine.
What's the best monowhite counterspell?
Mana Tithe, Rebuff the Wicked or Lapse of Certainty? This is for a non-blue Sunforger package.
In a sunforger deck I'd go with rebuff the wicked
My favorite white counter spell is Dawn Charm
god's willing and emerge unscathed are like counterspells for targeted removal
We got a starcity kike in this thread

Ben Bleiweiss fuck off
I want to build this guy. I know Helmsmasher is better but I want to use Lil Z for some reason

What should I put in the 99?
you know you're asking to literally build monored EDH with a vanilla 2/2 as your commander?
Are you in some alternate universe where Azami isn't top-tier?
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Build this guy instead

Ridiculously more fun for Voltron
>doesn't even untap himself
what the fuk.
>untap it

Learn to read mate.
>untap it and all Samurai you control
Reading comprehension is a useful life skill
>untap it and all samurai
He does it's just worded from before they used him/her pronouns for legendaries
Really nice with Batterskull. Vigilance means you can always abuse the additional combat phase
of course not, no card printed in the history of magic untaps itself you dumb piece of shit. the player has to untap it.
That's a meta choice imo. More green? I would argue Rebuff the wicked, more blue, mental. If you can fit it why not both? Silence is also very useful as well.
>what is DOTP, Shandalar, Magic Duels, etc...
>What is "printed"
Almost all the cards in those games have been printed in real life
Fuck he looks SUPER fun, oh man. I'd probably get hated off the table though because I'd abuse stuff like World at War and just go berserk with attacking people
but the cards in those game that untap themselves for you, are not PRINTED, they are digital representations of those cards
you guys are literally arguing about semantics in the most asinine fucking way
If a points need to be argued then it needs to. Who are you to judge?
a calm rational person who probably doesn't belong on 4chan
why is animar still legal?
There's a bunch of bullshit commander that should be banned but aren't. It's been like this since 2011. I just suck it up now
Well, most of them are banned in french.
Which has like a 2K playerbase spread all around the world. I'd love to play french but nobody else wants to here
>tfw no Aggravated Assault reprint ever
>take screenshot of game
>print it out
Amazing that they managed to make another Commander product and still not reprint Assault, fuck me.
That shit would have been gold in the RW deck
It's like what? A $10 card? Just go buy one.
Edhg, how good is chain veil in daretti? I want to run it just for value but something tells me that you can do a lot of degenerate shit with it, like getting an emblem in 1 turn or going infinite or something.
>Phyrexian Arena reprint in the B/W deck
>doesn't use the Apocalypse art

Into the fucking trash it goes.
>getting mad about a $10 reprint.
My friend had a lot of success with it in a GB superfriends deck a couple months ago
They can't use the old art, Modern kids wouldn't know who those guys are.
I already have the one copy I need, I'm only interested in picking up extras on the off chance I build another deck that wants it. I just don't want it to have the current art they keep reusing.
>off chance I build another deck that wants it
so another black deck? Because there's no reason not to add it to any black deck.
Both Arenas look pretty cool.

Besides, I already own the Apocalypse one.
>so another black deck?

Yeah pretty much. The only deck I've got right now that plays Black is Grimgrin.
You shush. I started Magic only a couple years ago and I know who they are
Who is the best legendary for Voltron?
Azami Lady of Scrolls
Rafiq of the Many, Uril, the Miststalker, Thrun, the Last Troll, Sigarda, Host of Herons.
Sigarda, she comes with built in evasion, dodges almost all removal and with the indestructibility and totem armors shes not going anywhere
Sigarda in power
Shu Yun in fun
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So is Atheros any good in Tiny Leaders; if anyones ever played it here that is.
Or would I need to do Ezuri / Giest or something to be really competitive?
>playing tiny shitters
even in mono blue it's ridiculous, i have it in a teferi planeswalker super friends deck and its absolutely killer.

if you were running 3+ planeswalkers then i would recommend throwing it into a deck
I Find atheros to be a bit slow. For non-competitive sure, there are many 3cmc WB creatures with powerful effects that your opponents will not enjoy.

high priest of penance, sin collector, souls of the faultless etc
Can I see your list? I have a Teferi deck too and want to see how someone else built theirs. (Superfriends, if 4-5 walkers qualifies)
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Aww that's a shame. I was looking for a super compeitive deck that's not Ezuri, Geist or other hyper aggro.

I guess Tiny Leaders is all about hyper agression to win.
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Post 'em.
yeah, I have yet to play a game where it wasn't elves, elves elves, or cats cats cats. Bum rushing you
Glissa eggs?
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Can't wait to make my ass a Karlov deck.
Nope, though I wouldn't mind taking her in that direction.
Cats? Who plays cats?
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I enjoy red
How do you even build Selenia?
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Land kill
Enter the infinite
UGx bullshit
Some make it into an unkillable voltron, that always costs 5, and others go for the cheeky, get 0 life then Repay in Kind to kill the table.

I went for the latter.

I don't see the point of the sea monsters, they hold back the deck from being a lot better
Please tell me you use Lich to accomplish this
Nah, I ain't dropping 40 on that card. I either use Selenia herself, Necropotence, Ad Nauseum, or Wall of Blood, etc. I would use Lich if I could afford it tho.
That's how I played Wydwen, actually. Voltron in a control shell. It's so amazingly Satisfying to one shot people with Wydwen.

I remember being forced to bounce her to dodge a tuck, then the guy tried to combo out for the win. The salt was real when I pitched her to Force of Will.

Derevi is female too right?

And Azami

And zegana

You forgot the more likely option where everybody adjusts to the new power level and the overpowered combos are balanced by overpowered disruption, etc, etc

Goodstuff decks are great because they enable you to run whatever pet win con you think is fun

Theme decks are generally really easy to stop and they actually reduce the fun of the playgroup because everybody is forced to hold back and make suboptimal plays lest the poor theme deck player be destroyed every single game and never achieve any awesome theme-related plays anyways
toxic deluge for all my life, check please
Causing yourself to lose. It completely killed the infinite millfag and the decking armaggedonfag's chances at winning because drawing a card while you don't have cards on your library, for example, is an action you take that makes you lose the game.
Zegana isn't Top Tier.
wanting to build a colorless artifact edh. any ideas on who i should run as the commander?
Kozilek or Karn.
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