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Steelers up 14-7 at half. Kizer looking ELITE (for Cleveland)
>anti-white commercials general
While we're wating, y'all seen the Jags-Texans score??
first for Cleveland
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>GMC not knowing their core demo.
mi negro
Lol wtf

No I haven't but I bet it contains Arabic numerals.
wish we had an elite TE friends
>New thread 40 posts early
Just Mexicans being Mexicans.
So this is gonna be the annual Steelers loss vs a shit team, right?
The first of many my good man



"the" annual
there's multiple usually
If this is the only one this year I'll be grateful.
wew lads i thought that was it, the Browns annual 1st-game QB death
it's Watson time
did dalton just have his 4th turnover?
No commercial after kickoff, before snap

Holy shit
>browns fans will call that refball
>touch a guys arm
>40 yard penalty

nice rules, NFL
Count your blessings senpai
no fuckin way was that interference
What the fuck happened to Bell?

He grabbed his entire arm you fuckwit.
Thats a male dog by the way
huh didn't know george's answering machine song was an actual song
browns fans:
Pretty blatant interference there chap tbqh
Believe it or not, George isn't at home
>bunglels getting btfo this early in the season
>Houston's hyped D getting raped by the fucking Jags
>Oakland looking weak vs the Tits
>pats got humiliated by the chefs at home

This HAS to be the 7th Heaven season, bros.
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Outlaw again
Come on, guys, this isn't over yet.
come on Browns BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES!!!!!!
yeah it is
Now THIS is the game I was hoping to see.
>Tfw you miss the supergirl commercials
Damn Gay, that hit.
God the Browns are fucking trash
Bullshit call
>culturally enriched ads
>muh tj watt
get your shit together lads
That's an ejection in CFB
That sounded DISGUSTING

Thats bullshit, they called the flag way after, and it wasnt even dirty.
>le pussy league
concussed, hope he's ok
Fuck the refs and fuck goodell for pussifying the league
How is that a penalty?
>receiver puts his first in the way of the tackle
>flag on tackler
nice refball
Believe it or not, the Browns are still Browns
Just set your dreams free
He should've been DQ'd, dirty ass nigger.
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Fucking bullshit.

Leading against a helmet against a defenseless player. That's been a flag for at least a decade now. In college it's an automatic ejection/suspension.

contact to face mask on a defenseless receiver for the PI.

I didn't see the holding play.
If he does it again he will be according to the rule implmeneted a year ago. Glad to see the Steelers finally being called for their niggery in this game.
>all these calls going to the Browns
>Browns still aren't going to do SHIT

Gooddell could gift the Browns a two touchdown lead for every game this season and they still wouldn't make the playoffs
Bengals are the dirtiest team in the le-
He wasn't leading with the helmet, he hit the dude with his shoulder.
It must be suffering being a browns' fan
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Any one that says the refs help the Steelers should watch this drive the browns are on in the 3rd. Check my ma fuckin digits
You have to see things in perspective. Steelers were a game away from the Superbowl last year and the Browns were 1-15, I see a ton of improvement from Cleveland in this game.
Retards. If you allow dangerous plays like this to be legal, you will see more injuries, and then by the end of the season you'll be seeing 3rd-string nobodies on the field instead of star players you actually want to watch.
Fuck off mouth breather, keep eating doritos and living in your mom's basement, you fat fat fuck.
>le white black lives matter man gets catch
i hope he tears his acl fuck devalve
Jesus H. Fucking Christ are they going to set a record for penalties today? Goddamn.
t. literal nigger
The Steelers literally cannot stop nigging out
How oh how did they manage up until 7-8 years ago?
Hahaha no less than the Browncucks deserve
Steelers trying to outnigger the Bengals today
>watt stops himself at the end and doesnt even hit the QB

Fuck these refs. TYBWatt for the INT
>we can't actually provide analysis get a commercial in quick
W#e can't even look at the replay without first seeing a commercial
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Record amounts of HOWEVER today
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Guys, guys...

>3 INTs
Not sure since we went to ads within 10 seconds of the play ending
pretty sure he had a fumble too
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the site says intended for Kasen Williams
Britain is a subhuman shithole
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>Browns looking better than bungholes and ratbirds
Funny how we're seeing the same thing already with 23-game seasons and six OT periods every other game. And the offense still gets to murder defensive players for some reason.
Yep. 1 fumble lost, 3 picks, and 11/20 for 92yds in three whole quarters. Is the ginger meme, dare i say it...dead?
>the offense still gets to murder defensive players
Didn't they change the blocking rules two years ago?
AJ McCarron when
stoolers literally just got called today for dangerous blocking against a defensive lineman, you tool. safety rules go both ways
Come on
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Welp there's the weekly INT by Ben
Time for Watt to dominate again
>Pic Ben
Nice pick from Kindred but I hope we draft that safety from Florida State next year, nigga can play. Imagine him with Peppers.
derrick kindred!
who the fuck needs calvin pryor
These change of possession commercials are egregious. No time to even show some good replays. What the fuck
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>Stillers fan.

Literally why,
You'd be surprised how popular the Steelers are over there.
>from anywhere
>browns fan

Absolutely why
Kizer is so dumb. He sees every one of these sacks coming but never throws the ball away
why is the browns o line strugging so hard
All foreigners are bandwagons. I live literally 40 min from Pittsburgh but I picked the Browns because they're an in state team, and this faggot from Mexico just goes for a team because they're good.
Nice "catch"
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They aren't it's kizer not throwing the god damn ball
among spics is just Steelers or Cowboys with some Packers out there, there are barely fans of other teams
Don't forget the raiders
It isn't, Kizer is holding the ball forever.
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>American /sp

it's always the same with rookie QBs
It's not exactly like Mexico City, London or Paris have teams you fucking retard, of course they're bandwagoners.
Steelers played in Mexico City a few times but I don't know if that's chicken or egg. All the Puerto Ricans I know in my town are Steeler fans too
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*blocks your path*

>Center gets walked back like a chump
>Dur it must be Kizer
Stillers #1 team in memexico, maybe tied with cowshits, then you have lots of pats bandwaggoners, raidniggers, $)ers, fudge packes and even gaylords rooting for ratbirds and us12s
Every Mexican I'm friends with is a Lers fan, not uncommon.
Calm down Achmed
yeah, I forgot about them, Steelers, Cowboys, Raiders and Packers
Kizer is holding the ball for like 8 seconds not 4
There is literally no offensive line on the planet that can block for this long. He needs to learn to get rid of the ball.

Ok Tyrone
I've always been a fan, nigger

Cowboys are the team with most fans here, followed by the glorious Steelers and then a bunch of millennial patriots bandwagoners.
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meant to>>78183160
It's because "Steelers" in Spanish means "big penis"
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>typing /sp instead of /sp/
wtf was that Ben
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>black people on 4chan
>Mexican Steelers fan having the gall to call anyone a bandwagoner
im black desu, hoping for a browns win since OSU lost
"Gee friend, I really hope the Browns do good this year. :3 Looking really good!"
I have liked the Patriots for over 12 years now, and I started to like them because most people hate them, not because they are good
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Reporting in
McMichael claimed that this was a joke.
Note: People will make fun of you more if you defend why you like your team.
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you and me both friend
What did xir mean by this
Ok, here's the drive where kizer gets a career ending injury.

What the fuck is that flag
>I picked the literal most successful dynasty of the past two decades but it wasn't because they're good I swear on my mom
Yeah how contrarian to pick the Patriots, if you admitted you're a bandwagon shit you'd look far less pathetic.
>black man

East Timor
will we see Peppers play any offense this year?
All the other WRs aside from Brown are looking like shit.
Check your pronouns friendo
>Jew Gayden beaten by an injured runningback
>Kizer still overhtrows him
meh, believe what you want
>except the Ravens have been the better team in recent memory
I'm probably the only Brownsfag who doesn't hate the Steelers because 90% of my family are Steelers fans.
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>recent memory
Nigga wut
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fucking secondary still a shit
My grandmas a stooler fan and shes a cunt
C'mon get this
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I forgot about the flags . . .
I can't watch the game, how's the team?
It looks to be the same old shit based on the comments
Stick to whatever sport your shitty country watches
add 15 yard penalty same nigger

Headhunter knocks himself out
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heem sleepy
I never thought I'd see the day when the Steelers get finally flagged for their chimping considering their chimping was the reason behind pussifying the rules to start with
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Maybe the forces cancelled out and Coleman is fine
> Injure yourself
> get penalized

What a life
Secondary is awful
Penalties are killing the drives
Alright defense need to shut down Brown
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is this the best Browns/Steelers game since the ice bowl in '09????
Whoa, easy ratbird boy
We'll lose this shit, but solid game. In a year we'll steamrolling.
Lers looking sloppy, Kaiser looking like the real deal, not over but way too close for what this game is.
Glad to be here
playing to the level of the competition AGAIN

secondary still a shit
Second game last year was the most entertaining since the playoff game. Meaningless but still entertaining.
That drive was a big step, usually don't put it in the endzone like that this late in the game
>Kaiser looking like the real deal
what? he hasn't done shit. Overthrowing everyone and taking sacks left and right, had an awful interception too.

He just "looks" like he'll be good because he's mobile and has a great arm and talks liek a white person, but he hasn't had good results at all yet
>Literally chucking the ball
Wait, did the 2 point work? It says it didn't but we got the points
He's a rookie on the Browns. Give him a fucking break.
Normal rookie stuff. He has a high ceiling
You're now aware that the best offensive lines are just chokeholding everyone and getting away with it, see the Cowboys. They're not actually that great on their own.
>inb4 a reddit tier opinion like "there's holding on every play"
>dat catch


Incomplete or complete /sp/
Yes yes very nice

This, Kizer looked like shit. The defense played more than legit though considering they're fielding a bunch of rookies and sophomores and missing Myles Garrett.
Not enough to turn it over
AB poised for an MVP season, holy shit
thats literally a catch
complete, the play was over
His WR Corps has been trash
>people think that wasn't a catch
He's gonna look damn good until we lose to the Pats in the semis again

Is this how Capitals fans feel?
Why is this taking so long
damn thats game bro
First it was offensive line now it's the receivers, everyone but Kizer. Are you his mom or something? How's weather in Toledo?
steelers / caps fan reporting in

I've accepted it now
Please end this game in the next 5 minutes so I can watch the uso pen. Watching the Browns is such a chore
>steelers / caps fan

why not just be a penguins fan
Lol fucking please. He looks good for a rookie with a trash offense. He looks good. Period. Most of his mistakes have been rookie level mistakes. I hate the Brons and Notre Dame but guy looks like he can be a capable starter.
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>dline decides to become shit in the last 5 minutes of the game
Their defense is trash and if the game happens to be in Heinz, anything could happen... I'm faithful in our chances.
He's probably a bandwagoner from Maryland or some shit.
>First it was offensive line now it's the receivers,
You people have such a delusional hatred for the Browns that now everybody but the QB is GOAT
>dodge cars

Only niggers, white trash, and spics drive those shot boxes.
>Liking the caps

Haha you guys lost to us again while the Guins won the cup. Sucks doesn't it?
This game proved that Joe Haden is indeed still dogshit and the Browns did a good thing cutting him.

I'm a Browns fan you faggot. Sorry that your chocolate idol played like shit today. He's a rookie in his first game, it's expected.
>cleveland spent TWO timeouts with that challenge
blame my family, you think I enjoy this lifestyle?
What a shitty way to end the gamr
what is it like being a browns fan?
137 yards in penalties.

Pittsburgh confirmed for dirtiest team in the NFL.
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Cleveland fans right now
shit wrong thread
It's never too late to find the light, anon
>I'm a Browns fan you faggot.
Right, which is why you know that our o-line has been great for years and WR playing out of their minds for years upon years.
>o-line has been great for years
It actually has, not their fault the QBs are hot dogshit. And we added several more pro bowl tier players this offseason.
well... it was a good showcase for the brouns

i wonder how much different the game would have been with garrett playing
Where are you from? Harrisburg? I don't know if I've met any Caps fans in Pittsburgh, it's a weird combo.
How I crave for a glorious beef and turkey Primanti sandwich, bros. Literally heaven on Earth.
Considering he was double and triple teamed every play in the preseason and still got pressure, pretty damn different. He would've freed up Ogbah/Orchard at least.
What's Pittsburgh going to do if Antonio Brown gets hurt, since he and James are the only offense they've got now? Ben is in decline and Bell's too busy counting his money.
half family from pittsburgh, half from dc
watched the steelers growing up and caps when I started watching hockey (live here)
Bell is legit best RB in football, Browns front 7 is just pretty damn good.
Gotcha senpai. I pray that you don't cheer for the buccos then lol
I get it, but how can you go Caps > Pens? That's just masochism.
>Bungholes lost 20-0 at home
The Brownies are sweeping those faggots this year.
it's a weird feeling knowing that no matter how well they do in the regular season it is a fact of life that they will go out in the first (occasionally second) round
Bengals are going to be awful this year.
Last place in the AFCN by a country mile. That offensive line might be the worst in football.
Yet they'll keep giving that mediocre negroid coach extension after extension lmao
Agreed 100%. Dalton isn't necessarily awful but take away his weapons (like Marvin Jones and Sanu), and make his line worse, with a defense that isn't all that great, what do you get? A bad fucking team. No amount of woman-beating RB's or dirty LB's can make up for that fact. What a disgrace of a team.
Leave the race out of this. Marvin's a good dude who can't coach a team out of a fucking Wal-Mart. Should have fired him and promoted Hue.
For what it's worth, Dalton has been regressing hard ever since Hue Jackson left that team.
Yeah I mean, it's not his fault the bungholes are so incompetent they stick with him after nearly 15 years. But it's inexcusable that they haven't won a single playoff game since his appointment. Comedy gold.
Agreed on both counts. Bengals should have been to an AFC championship on multiple occasions. They succeed in spite of Dalton, and with loads of talent everywhere. They're falling apart, and won't do anything til he's gone. Not complaining.
He's right, Marvin is a quintessential nigger. Draft criminal element players every year (by far the most arrests in the league with him at the helm) and coaches them to play dirty. I hate that fucker more than any other coach in the league.
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