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/nfl/ general - NFCE IS WIDE OPEN edition

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Thread replies: 503
Thread images: 147

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IND: Still no timeline for Andrew Luck's return
ARZ: Deone Bucannon activated from PUP list
PHI: Pederson: Blount to be 'big part' of offense
HOU: Bill O'Brien: Tom Savage 'is our starter'
NE: No running back depth chart for the Patriots?
CAR: Rivera: Cam Newton on track to play Thursday
CIN: Tyler Boyd will be Bengals' 2nd-best WR?
CIN: John Ross will have limited early role
BUF: Coach says Jordan Matthews will be ready Wk 1
BUF: McDermott: Cordy Glenn on track for Week 1
NYJ: Bowles will announce QB decision next week
PIT: Jesse James locked into starting TE job
Is sitting during the anthem a sport now?
I've never understood the American obsession with pledging allegiance in school, standing for the anthem, and all that garbage, or how upset they get. Who gives a shit except people looking for a reason to get mad? Always reeked to me of shithole dictatorship I immigrated from, desu.
4th for Captain Planet
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2 spots left in this league
14 team, auction draft, .5 ppr
go back
go back
I got my citizenship. :^)
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Have you accepted our lord and savior CJ Beathard into your life?
>CJ Beathard

Isnt he Shane in the walking dead?
go back anyway, ingrate faggot 3rd world shit
Go back.
I think I'll stay here, and you'll stay mad, friendo.
>Jints faking more injuries
>nothing happens
I hope they never smell the post season ever again, not that they've been competitive recently.
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Next Tatum? I think so
Why do people think Kapernick is actually good and would improve the Jags?

If Kapernick was half as good as people are making him out to be, he'd be on an NFL team that wouldn't mind his controversy and distractions, because they're confident that he can take them to the SB.

But he isn't, and therefore he'll never be signed to another NFL team. His shenanigans far outweigh his skill, and no one wants to deal with the bad PR just to keep some 2nd string level QB on payroll.
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Post yours
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He's going to ball out this year. I can't wait
list your top ten coaches

1. Belichick
2. John Harbaugh
3. Pete Carroll
3. Tomlin
4. Andy Reid
5. Mike McCarthy
6. Adam Gase (has potential to be higher)
7. Arians
8. Del Rio
9. Zimmer
10. Payton (you can't have that shit of a defense if you want to be higher)
Harbaugh outsmarts himself a lot of times. Cost him that Raiders game last year
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Because you went to America for its freedom. For Its way of life. I know I did.
And so did you.

I did NOT go to Narco Mehico, AllahuAkbar Shitrabia, or African Congo/Chicago.

Because it once was the greatest country in the world before liberal trannies, their media, Marxsist Brainwashing, illegal invaders who just want to suck it dry, and BlackLiesMatter(criminal excusers) niggas like Colon Kaepernick started destroying everything that made it great.

Because America gave all these NFL niggas a free ride, free education, free college, then made them all millionaire$ living in the best cribs with the best whips. It even gives Affirmative Action education and jobs.

Kaepernic, Michael Bennet of Seahawks, Marshawn Lynch of Raiders and every other dumb nigga forgets that NO other country in the world would they and their "race" be given such opportunity for wealth, education, success.

All America ask of the nigga is personal responsiblity like every other American and NOT to do so much crime in ghettos...and niggas cant even do that since they be killing each other and Kaepernick BlackLiesMatter are protesting that some morons or criminal trash like nigga Michael Brown got shot...while being criminals.

Essentially the BlackLiesMatter Athlete Anthem "protest" is protesting: the ability to keep on doing crime without consequences for them,

I mean, for all those opportunities like Marxist Kaepernick(50 million in bank) and all liberals have in America the very LEAST they could do is NOT hate their own coutry, hate and disrespect its flag 24/7....or why the fuck are they still in it and dont move to my KEKnada?

But dumb niggas like Kaepernick and many liberals have been brainwashed into hating their own country by the (((media))). Even as they only take and take from it. Many Fake Americans in America now. Too dumb to know they is sheep.

>pic related American that gave, and not just took millions to play with balls
>4. Andy Reid
>9999999999. Andy Reid in the last 3 minutes of a half
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You can appreciate your country and its ethos without having to sing to a piece of fabric like a neurotic weirdo
I appreciate that you put Tomlin that high. Everyone loves the "hol up" memes, but he's probably overlooked as a coach.
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How bout them Rams tho?
Whoops thats 11.
>another autistic spartanpost
Why am I not surprised

go back
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I bet you dont even praise the Emperor do you faggot?
Reminder Carson Wentz is a bust, and if he wasn't on a team that gets sucked off by the media constantly like the Eagles, no one would rate him at all.
When is Smeth going to start giving management classes to Reid?

I am super jelly that you all have Wade Phillips desu

Didn't they bring back Guilliman?
I'm a Rasms fag and I think this is bullshit. Wentz proved in small stretches last year that he passed the eye test and made legit NFL throws. He needs to be more consistent, but so does my boy Goff who is barely now in a good situation to succeed.

If Goff or Wentz had the Dallas OL protecting them last year, they would of done just as good if not even better than Dak.

I can tell you this much: I wanted the Rams to get Wentz cause I thought he had the highest ceiling, but Goff can be Phillips Rivers if everything goes right. Dak isn't a slouch either, he could be a a more mobile Big Ben.
No one will ever be the next Tatum.
How would Tatum fare with today's rule set?
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Yeah but there is some shady shit going on, some Eldar priest tells him he can never remove his armor or he'd die for good. Not a bad story so far, pic related
He'd only play every other game, as he's getting suspended every time he plays
Nigga wft is this shit?
Star Wars
Mike mitchell was the closet we'll get to seeing him, but he's not even that close

Suspended after each tackle
Hey just a quick suggestion, but I think you should go back.

Have a great day!
Why do they call it "the remainder"?
I can see him not being able to come out his armor.

And fuck Horus, he was roided up on Chaos God energy when he fought Sanguinius. Would've lost otherwise. Would still have Empy around to keep his Religous Fantastics in check.

I thought it was Battlestar Galactica

He'd end up in debt with the league huh?
He'd be a walking CTE dispenser
I love Reid and all but for the love of god the man is bad with time management
I hope they bring Russ back next. I can see him going on a fuck hueg murder spree when he sees the state of things.

Oh also Chad Marines are a thing now and the Emperor was a dick all along who hated all his sons the whole time.
verse of the century right there
When you say Chad Marines you don't mean Costodes? And it's really the Inquisitions fault. Along with the other Terran big wigs. Ought to clean house.
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>If Goff or Wentz had the Dallas OL protecting them last year, they would of done just as good if not even better than Dak.

This is what plebbitors really believe
Dak doesn't sling the ball like Ben. He's a more mobile Alex Smith, maybe.
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Which is better places in the United States, for someone who hates all Football And NFL?
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>You can appreciate your country and its ethos without having to sing to a piece of fabric like a neurotic weirdo

Not wanting to stand for even 2 minutes to respect the flag, the Anthem, tits way of life, and your supposed home/Country and the millions who have died to make it...is literally disrespecting it. And not "appreciating" it. At same time you getting paid $million$ to play with a pig skin ball.

What i personally find hilarious, is that these hypocritical millionaire nigga Athletes like Kaepenic/BlackLiesMatter who started this, Michael Bennet of the Seattle FagHawks, Marshawn Lynch, the other Atheltes "protesting" America, and SJW celebs...is that they ALL "appreciate" and love their fancy cribs, expensive whips, and shniny bling more than anything else including America/West. Which they now hate...the country that gave them the only opportunity in the world to get them Whips, Crib, and Bling Bling.

They essentially is children, or retarded brainwashed Sheep.

I personally took my Pledge Of Allegiance to the once best country in world seriously. Or it would have been a mistake for America to even let me in if I only wanted to hate or destroy it.

Like all the California vatos or commies that actually burn the American flag or prefer to fly the Mehico flag. Meaning Raiders fans. Before tge team escaped to Las Vegas of course.
I like you. You can stay.
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New and improved space marines that have been developed in secret for over 10,000 years. They are like 3 feet taller than "normal" marines. Custodes are back as a fighting force though. Gulliman called them out and told them to get off their ass and do shit.
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Thats my nigga!
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Who is every scrub and his mom wearing this number now? Such a shit QBnumber, my god.

Acceptable QB numbers


That's it.
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How good were the 2013/14 Seahawks really?
lol shut up!! lol!!!! XDXDXD
Go back to /mls/, Fernando Fernandez
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>Breaking NFL news

>According to Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports, Odell Beckham will consider taking out a "massive insurance policy" if he doesn't strike a long-term extension with the Giants by Week 1.
Per Robinson, the insurance policy could be in excess of $100 million. An injury protection policy of that magnitude would cost Beckham over $600,000, which would be a substantial chunk of his $1.84 million salary for 2017. Beckham is aiming to be ready for Week 1 after taking a nasty hit in Monday's preseason game against Cleveland. Luckily he escaped with only a sprained ankle.
Is this normal? And why does he deserve an extension when his contract not even up for 2 years I think.

Any Insurance niggas understand this tactic?


Taking a Super Bowl caliber roster to disappointment every season gets you #3?

Holy fuck you're dumb.
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factory of sadness is exporting. Who else wants some?
Is Odell the most bitchmade nigga to ever play in the nfl?
He realizes if he gets injured he could potentially lose millions in future contracts

A lot of entertainers and actors have this kind of policy, not surprising athletes are getting them as well
what's funnier is that your top athletes in "America's biggest sport" don't even earn 2 (T W O) mil a year and even then have to take an insurance policy

handegg athletes are cattle, there's always another meathead recruit ready to take the place of a veteran with exploding knees and get paid relative peanuts for it
>the people who blindly stand for a song and a flag
>calling others "sheep"

Also, Kaep has done more than just protest. He's donated a lot of money, and gotten involved in programs to help bring people out of poverty and stay out of prison. To call him self centered and not appreciative of his wealth is disingenuous at best.
He is making tens of millions in endorsements, he is finishing his "rookie" contract, his next one will make him one of the highest paid athletes in the league

Like why would any insurer insure him for 100$$$ million for just 600k when he literally almost just broke his knee??

So he pays 1mil, and if this season he gets his ACL killed, they have to give him 100 million?

I dont think no insurer would be that dumb???
Um, anon... I think you may have ass burgers...
t. Colin Kaepernick
Yes, that is what his plan is

They'd pay him in installments to supplement an income lost due to injury, not 100m at once
It's probably up to 100 mil for a career ending injury. Probably much less for something that would only cost him 1 season so. who knows
Thats basically it, if he misses a season that entire season would be covered under his insurance plan
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Seems like he might be trying to get paid before revealing he can't play for a set amount of time because of an injury.

Sounds like a really shitty thing to do, but who knows?
>Chargers C Max Tuerk suspended first four games of 2017 season for violating NFL policy on performance enhancing substances

Not like he was starting, anyway.
That sounds more Mary-Sue than Grey Knights desu.
He wouldn't get insured if he had a serious injury or medical condition
Eh... the Primaris Marines are actually pretty cool. They've been in stasis since the Crusade so they arent all Grim Derpy like most Marines.
>Performance "enhancing" drugs.
Clearly Max is not guilty based on his performance.
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>Your team
>favorite rookie
>rookie that needs to go
>what team you think will surprise
>ass or tits?
>john harbaugh anywhere near the top 10

This isn't 2012 anymore, Baltishoot
Can we all finally agree that Andrew Luck was a bust
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Yeah, he took a trip to the"motherland/home" for publicity, and gave probably 1% of his $50 million net worth to charity(the yearly interest probably) like every other Athlete or celeb or rich person. Oh, and he wears Castro communist shirts.

That nigga whiter than I am and grew up in one of the whitest upper class suburbia in America. His motherland is more Macdonalds and 711 than Africa.

I bet that nigga has never even set foot in any ghetto in Chicago. And he has not once mentioned that niggas need to stop killing niggas in inner cities like Chicongo.

But yeah he is Rosa Parks.

>pic related before his weekly tanning bed and Afro.
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He might be concerned that a more serious injury is likely in the future, and is trying to milk it now.
The Eagles are going to win the east in a landslide and there is nothing the Cobwoys can do about it.
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Thats the whole point of his insurance, if he gets injured he won't have to worry about that loss of income.

Any athlete with a brain should get this kind of insurance, especially NFL players.
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>George Kittle
>Joe Williams


The Colts are to blame. The owner, GM, front office.
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It's called risk analysis underwriting and it's the basis of every type of insurance contract.
where are these from?
I like them
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>Matt Millen
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Mack "big dick" Hollins
Shelton Gibson can't catch for shit
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>off the chart
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>these were the crappiest football teams I have ever seen
Ah yes, the Herm Edwards years.
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Yes, but nigga just got injured and almost busted a nut, besides his ACL. They are doing "more test" and I suspect its not just simple ankle sprain. Plus his position and citcus catch running style makes him prone to regular injuries

Why woild any insurer give him such a bad "risk analysis" sweet deal; 600k for 100million?

I think its what he wants, but more likely they insure him for 10-20 million.

This nigga has not won or proven anything. And he only a Rook.

And hex wants to be insure like he will win 3 Owls and be better than goat receiver Jerry Rice

It would have to be some stupid liberal Insurance company in Manhattan if they given him or any unproven rookie that deal.

Even Jordan, or movie celebs not insured that good. Even after prove their worth.

>Colin Kaepernick still hasn’t signed a contract with an NFL team this offseason, but he’s been plenty busy with charitable work.

>On Sunday, Kaepernick was passing out suits in front of the New York State Parole office for people who have been released from prison and are looking for jobs. According to the 100suits Instagram account, the suits were custom made.

>It continues what’s been a highly productive offseason for Kaepernick. In March, he helped get an airplane to fly food and water to Somalia. A GoFundMe page was raised to purchase water, food, and other supplies to send. The page surpassed its $2 million goal in just four days.

>Not long after making the donation, Donald Trump criticized Kaepernick, saying that teams wouldn’t sign him because they “don’t want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump.” Just a few days later, the quarterback donated $50,000 to Meals on Wheels.

>All of these donations link back to his pledge from back in September, when he promised to donate $1 million, along with the proceeds of his jersey sales from the 2016 season.

>In December, Kaepernick received the 49ers’ team award for courage and inspiration for his help in the community and work raising awareness to the oppression minorities in the United States can face. A few months later, Kaepernick opted out of his contract with the team.

>Whether he signs with a new team or not, it appears the charitable work is here to stay.
>mack not elite

>that flag
>this topic

it all makes sense now
Watching the NFLN replay of the Browns and Giants game.

Haha oh wow Kizer is dogshit.
Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
Payton is fucking trash. Any coach worth a damn would be in the playoffs every year with Brees as your QB. He memed his way to an owl and has coasted on it ever since.
It's up to 100m, not 100m in one go.

He is covered for that entire cost, but in reality he'll only receive small lumpsums in according to income loss due to injury.

Pretty standard insurance.
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Shit Offense + Great Defense = Super Bowl rings
Great Offense + Shit Defense = ????
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>Your team
>Favorite Rookie
Mack Hollins
>Rookie that needs to go
>What team you think will surprise
Browns. I think they'll hit 8-8
>Ass or Tits
Why not both?
2006 team had a great offense and a hot defense.
It equals blow out losses

2002 raiders, 01 rams, 2013 broncos, 2009 cards 07 pats
and it still won't even compare to average high-end baseball and basketball salaries. handegg players are inherently replaceable and a small part of a large team, aside from qbs which still can't match starting pitcher salaries or top pgs

A good defence gives your QB confidence while a shit defence stresses your QB
53 man rosters versus much smaller ones, hard to compare, but i agree, they should be paid more

The stars in the NFL make generational wealth though, especially the QBs
It's pretty crazy how much other sports make, but how deep are the rosters for baseball and soccer? Because that might explain part of the discrepancy -- soccer is far more world-wide, of course, which affords it more money.
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Almost all of that is PR created bullshit that he is paying to make him look like he is not just a fake cunt. He literally has the best PR firm in California on retainer to spread his BS to liberal mefia tranny sites like ESPN/SBNation.

If you notice NOT 1 of those "heroic" things ge did EVER. Before last 6 months after he busted outvof NFL for sucking buffalo balls. He only started doing those things to get liberal media to shill for him and BlackLiesMatter so he could get resigned as a 15 million/year starter for media created SJW reasons.

And most of those things he did not put up his own money but got corporate sponsors. Not 1 of those " beautiful" things he did in ALL his professionsl life. Only till he got shitcan for being shit and grew an Afro.

So essentially he startted doing this ALL for show and so liberal media promotes him and BlackLiesMatter. Which makes him a disengeneous snake at best, and at worst just a fake piece of shit.
>Based Dorenbos as elite
I like you
he's won a super bowl, never had a losing season, and maintains a winning postseason record. i don't think i'd put him at #3, but he's a top tier coach.
>be Sean Payton
>Meme your way to an owl
> become a slap dick and sign shit free agents
>team play declines, don't care high on painkillers
>go 7-9 every year while Drew carries your talentless team
>sign more overpriced and aging free agents
>draft more shitty players
>get praised as some sort of coaching mastermind
Must be nice
>thinking Magic Man is anything but elite
>He only started doing those things to get liberal media to shill for him and BlackLiesMatter so he could get resigned as a 15 million/year starter for media created SJW reasons
>So essentially he startted doing this ALL for show
You have no proof to support any of this. You're just stirring shit. You can get mad at people for being all talk, but then you have to shut up if they actually do things.
The hiring of Rob Ryan should have been the indication.
NCE wide open???

Lmao, it still belongs to the Cowboys, Giants were the only ones capable of stopping them and that's out the door.
go back
Daily reminder the pledge of allegiance was written by American communists.
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>Dak doesn't sling the ball like Ben. He's a more mobile Alex Smith, maybe.

No matter how many times this shit is partotted, it isnt true. Dak can totally air it out when he wants to, and has a very controlled beautiful deep pass up to about 50 yards or so. Alex Smith has to strain himself to throw further than 25 yards. Dak was one of the most accurate QBs in the league last year with throws over 20 yards.



This 50 yard bomb to Dez is a completely comfortable throw for Dak to make multiple times a game and be consistently accurate with.


This is probably the close to the absolute limit in which Dak can reasonably throw a viable pass in a game. 65 yards.

Dak's best NFL comp is, and this will make a lot of people mad, somewhere between an early career Tom Brady and Russell Wilson. He's more mobile than Brady, but more passer oriented than Wilson. Both of them were also not asked to carry as much of the load when they were younger, but performed when called upon, and its naive to think Dak can't slowly take on more responsibility either as he grows.
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NBA is going to go to shit and end up with only like 10 super teams.

As for Divegrass, lots of those teams are now own by Oil Arab Kings or Russian Oligarchs. With also more internatoonal audiences to go give them money like you said my nigga.

Plus the chances of serious career ending injury in pussy soccer are very low. Ronaldo has better chances of injuring his anus permanently in Moracco than injuring himself career ending in Divegrass.

Anerican Football is the superior team manly sport.
>01 rams, 2009 cards, 07 pats
>blow out losses
Nice revisionist history you dipshit.
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Meant to quote >>77753217
>Smeth can't throw deep meme
i want you to come back here and post when dak turns out to be a below average qb
seriously, the look on your face is going to be priceless when you realize he's a product of his o line and skill players
literally any NFL qb would have had a good year in that offense
dak has proven nothing

I love these charts, but for fucks sake, nobody is offended by the Redskins' name.
If your team left your city, would you still follow them, or look for a new team?
>Smith has to strain himself to throw further than 25 yards
Holy fucking shit. People like you get mad when anons spout ignorant, meme opinions about your team before doing the exact same thing to other teams. Smith has no problem throwing deep. I'm not even a fucking Chiefs fan -- just someone that doesn't lazily buy into every fucking meme the media shits out.


Kill yourself you dipshit cowcuck cunt. My fucking God.

My proofs is your own post my nigga. All of that shit he started doing only after he busted out.

He did not do any of that shit while raised upper class with money.

He did not do that any even basic shit while a privilige college Scholarship athlete.

And he certainly did not do any of that Suit shit when he was getting millions as a starter.

He only grew his affro, started hating America, and all his BS PR moves only after busted out if NFL starter position

Gee, i wonder why, and why liberal media promotes him so much: BlackLiesMatter.
>You have no proof to support any of this.

>Mar 1 2017Declined a $16.9M player option for 2017 with San Francisco (SF), clearing $14.4M in cap

>Oct 12 2016Agreed to a restructured contract voiding injury guarantees, adding a performance void after 2016, and voids his 2018-20 salaries with San Francisco (SF)

>Kaepernick restructured his deal last season, which allowed him the opt-out clause to become a free agent in 2017. Had he stayed, the Niners would have owed him $14.5 million in guaranteed money and a full $19.37 million including bonuses.

He's literally a retard who's made 40+ million dollars in NFL salary alone and can only manage to pledge to donate 1 million...

if he's not a retard ask yourself why he walked away from 19.37 million
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>Dak is elite
My team did leave and I still support them... for now.
>I don't want to do my job b/c I'm offended by a team name
>Haha, what're they gonna do? Fire me?
I would for not doing your fucking job b/c you're a pussy, but fortunately for you I'm not your boss.
I don't live in Detoilet, so yeah
>and its naive to think Dak can't slowly take on more responsibility either as he grows.

grows how exactly?

his offensive line shits the bed and he loses games, or did you simply not watch the Cowboys and Giants play?

Solid Corners and a stud d line for the G men...check Dak's stats if you didn't watch those games
Who says that's why he doesn't want to write about them?

>nobody is offended by the Redskins' name
[citation needed]
Your allegiance should be to your city, not the franchise.

Bc they only hire mostly liberal Arts college grads with liberal tranny opinions, or Affirmative Action hires, or feminist quota hires. Meaning ALL of ESPN. The shitshow that is ESPN. Sports or ntellegent game analysis is secondary to these cunts. They wantvto inject their cancer or identity politics into anything and everything.
That literally has nothing to do with the motivations behind his actions. You don't know what is going through his head, you can't speak to it. All we can judge him on are his actions, which have been objectively honorable.
>objectively honorable.

wait how?

all he's done is draw attention to himself

if he didn't want to play in the NFL he would say he is retired....simple as

but please tell everyone how him all of the sudden growing an afro after never having one is normal and NOT a ploy

also, did you know he fucked a tranny, Mia Isabel? He told him he loved him

You could've Googled this yourself, faggot
If he became more aware of the world around him after his protest (which he did for years without asking for attention) got attention, and started donating time and effort to the causes he supports, then good on him. That's literally not a bad thing, and surely not any proof that he's just looking for attention.
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I don't have a city, but I picked Bills because it's an upstate team. Close enough, right?
>You don't know what is going through is head
Exactly. His entire "protest" is a sham because no one knows what he's actually protesting. He just says "muh unequal treatment" without citing specific incidents or problems and collects instant celebrity. It's bullshit. It's a fucking sham, and retards like you fellate him for spearheading this aimless, ambiguous "protest" because of your ill-informed moral-compass.
>started donating time and effort to the causes he supports, then good on him. That's literally not a bad thing, and surely not any proof that he's just looking for attention.

find proof he's done anything in person without being paid...

he literally stood and handed out another company's suits...

prove he did that for free

this cracker is jonathan martin 2.0
That's off-topic, don't twist my words.
And if you took the time to listen to him, and people who support him, you'd know that there are in fact specific things they want to see changed.
You're geographically closest to Buffalo. You can't root for NYC teams in other sports because that city competes against yours in football.
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>He told him he loved him
>Why do people think Kapernick is actually good and would improve the Jags?
Because Jacksonville has a serious issue where when shit hits the fan no one wants to play for the shit quarterback. Happened in 2007 when they finally let Garrard take over. If Kaepernick gets signed, every black player on the team will play their heart out for him, and Allen Robinson will actually look like he's putting an effort into running routes

I'm sick of the fragile fucking constitution of this faggot ass team
this is just woeful journalism. refer to them as washington for all i care, but refusing to discuss a team as a sports journalist, doing a longitudinal review of every team in the NFL at that, is pathetic. it is very literally an indicator that you can't do your job.

>Who says that's why he doesn't want to write about them?
let's not act deluded.

>>nobody is offended by the Redskins' name
>[citation needed]
obviously, people do.
To be fair, outside of a superbowl in the early 90s, were they at all relevant?
>that's off-topic, don't twist my words.
Motherfucker, what?

How is that off-topic? You said we didn't understand the motivations behind his protest. You said only Kaep himself knows his motivations.

You're arguing about the legitimacy of his protest, right? Wouldn't his protests seem more legitimate if he'd given a fitting statement to explain his motivations and what he wanted to achieve?

There's nothing off-topic about what I said and I certainly didn't twist your words.

What if I'm a transplant that feels no loyalty to the state/city I'm in? Is there a "My dad likes this team, so I like it too" clause? That's pretty equal distance to NYC and Toronto. How do I decide between the Yankees/Mets/and Blue Jays?
Sitting during the anthem doesn't mean that you hate the country. These athletes aren't saying that they hate the country, they're saying that they disagree with certain aspects of it. Debating them about the specific issues they are protesting is great, but let's not act like they're denouncing the entire country.
Go Hawks.
>fucked a tranny
who cares?
Well I live across the Ben Franklin from Philly, in Jersey.

Been an Eagles fan my whole life, was born just outside Philly. Moved out to CA for about 10 years and then moved back out here 16 years ago.
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>be on the cover of magazines
>one play from winning owl.
>has a shit year
>has a shittier year
>on the verge of being cut.
>Muh racism becomes giant money maker for the media.
>jumps on that racist bandwagon.
>put right back in the spotlight again.

yeah he was really doing it honorably for the good of the people.
Seahawks* the Hawks are a basketball team.
not really, but nor were a number of other teams in the timeframe the article covers
Half of NJ is a suburb of Philly, the other half is a suburb of New York.
I'd keep my loyalty to the team closest to where I was born, but that's me. If I felt there was a conflict or I was just bandwagoning a team in one sport, I'd just not root for anyone in that sport. I'm in Leaveland so I get three pro teams and there is no ambiguity.
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It's a real shitstain of a state, no doubt.

Take it from me, stay out of Jersey. The Giants & Jets play here.

Hey I also live in oneida county. I became a Jets fan because I've never seen someone root for the jets here. There's more Steelers Patriots fans here, and theyre not even a new york teams. I figured it says NY in the name so I'm in the clear. Plus no one ever accuses you of bandwaggoning if you follow a team that's terrible. I figure I'm just paying my due right now
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>Chucklefuck Pa-Gonezo absolutely refuses to give the Indy beat writers a straight answer about Andrew
We're going 8-8 again aren't we lads
If you're lucky.
>Chucklefuck Pa-Gonezo

>Resist, Organize, Subscribe
>mfw fake news is even hiding its bias
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>your team
>how will they fuck up this season?
>how won't they fuck up?
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Nationalism is a disease desu
>By not starting Brandon "Tom "Brandon Allen" Brady" Allen
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This anon knows whats up

God > city > country > team
Philly Jersey and NY Jersey suck.

Central Jersey is the GOAT tho

shut up
>By refusing to cover anyone
God > nation > team > country > city
>We'll see what Pagano has in store
>5 starters are dead before the season begins

we are so fucked
Kys heretic
>8-8 record with Tolzien

I doubt that, but good luck
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>Team over country
is luck starting on game #1 or what? pagano is being an obtuse faggot
Nah. You see, if we were smart, we'd start Tolzien and cruise to a 6-10 season and clean house. Knowing us we'll start Morris and win one or two we're not supposed to
We're just as in the dark as you are. This shit is even more maddening because I'm going to see them in LA week one.

good choice.
You seem upset. Why not go discriminate against someone so you'll feel better.
This is a question? He was literally top 5 by every important QB metric last year.
>one decent year where you went one and done means you are elite

Can you get an insurance policy for a sprained vagina?
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Only if you hate your country and dont wish it to be preserved or persevere. Or if a a brainwashed Marxist.

If dont like America come to Cucked Canada.

You are provably a SeattleFaghawk fan, Falcons, or Raiders nigga.
Luck's out for the year, IMO.
>playing at an elite level doesn't make you elite you need to play on a shitty team for 5 years before hand stat padding to be considered elite like Luck, Stafford, and Matt Ryan (until last year)
No one considers Luck, Stafford or Ryan elite. They haven't won shit.
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>Nick Foles, 2013 season
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Dont you assume my race and gender liberal tranny white supharmacist. I am a POC/COP( Coloured Persons) latino. I know my AficanAmericanVernacular/Ebonics is too fly for y'all since Ebonics was the first human language.

And dont be playa hating cause my Football insights be off the hook my nigga.
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>No one considers Luck, Stafford or Ryan elite

Try again loser, your b8 is weak.
>you have to win an owl to be elite
>who is Fran Tarkenton
>who is Dan Marino
>pic related, the amount of rings they have
I've never seen a more accurate map
Central jersey represent


>They wont.

Dat pic. Thats rape.
You consider Andrew Luck an elite QB? Fucker can't even regularly win his division against te Jags, Tits, and Texans.
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>Ramsey to play against Carolina this week

No one consideres Dak elite either
>George Kittle

Mah nigga, I'm so hyped to watch him grow into an NFL caliber player. I grew up with the kid and played 2 hand touch and eventually tackle football with him up until he moved before highschool. He used to smoke me all the time on his routes when we were kids until I eventually got placed on the D-line.
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>people thought the gints had the best receiving group
>Not GB

now they are all dead
fuck the giants and cowgirls. eags taking the east
I don't know enough about Luck (I rarely follow the AFC) so I can't say. Ryan and Stafford, however, are elite without a doubt.
Le stat padding men
It's a fucking team effort holy shit
So I guess Brock Lobster is better than luck cuz he won the AFCS
Fucking normies i swear
Even though it's still preseason, Sunday will have 3 games broadcast nationally.

luck sucks
I bet you think Flacco and Dilfer are elite
I'm not arguing that, but don't say it's because is team doesn't win
>I rarely follow the AFC
>has the balls to use a fucking trip and think his opinions on the NFL are worth shit
shitty excuse for an NFL fan, desu
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Elite when it mattered
If he's "elite" he should be able to win his shitty division. It's a passing league.
mahomes vs carr will be the best QB rivalry in the 2020s
>being humble about the fact that he hasn't watched enough film to judge a QB
>a bad thing

Yeah I'll just talk out of my ass like other trips. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
You do that now. You said Stafford is a hall of famer
I said that Stafford would be a HOFer IF he won two rings and got into the top 5 all-time passing yards list.
The Cowboys are the Dodgers of /nfl/. Obnoxious "Fanbase" filled with false flag shitposts, and a decades long fling without championships that has no real end in sight despite any regular season success that may be had
Our guy btfo hodell
>I'm afraid they will put too much pressure on CJ too soon and fuck up any chance he has in the NFL.

They should let him ride 3rd string this year and move him up to second string next year so he can continue to develop his skills and give shanny the opportunity to groom him a bit more.
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Trips are pretty much the scum of the board, just like the majority of boards where people think having an identity is important.

>long fling without championships that has no real end in sight despite any regular season success that may be had

Sound like the Loins tbqh
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>luck sucks

Your mom sucked my dick faggot
Luck is a top 5 QB despite having talent around him in the bottom 3rd of the league
the most important differences are
>The Cowboys have had actual regular season success in that time, while the Lions have not
>The Cowboys have a "fanbase" filled with false flaggers, the Lions do not
>luck is a top 5 qb

no one can possibly believe this. what has he done? Who has he beaten?
Raiders are becoming by far the most obnoxious fanbase of the modern era, along with Doyers. Cowboys fans are easy to ignore if you're not a fan of an NFCE team. Raiders fans are like cockroaches, if cockroaches could type and talk.
Well if Drew Stanton did that he'd be a hofer also
He's a top 5 QB in QBs ranked 15-25.
Look at his stats from last season.
Was like #3 in ypg and top 6 in rating
It's not hard to follow the whole of the NFL if you actually enjoy football. That was my point. And also tripfags deserve bullying everytime they post.
>Luck is a top 5 QB
>isn't even the best QB in the division
Meh, we've had some recent success, but I get your point. Any excuse to post more Stafford-Kershaw pics is a good one
I guess I was trying to say that I didn't watch enough film of Luck to make a judgement.
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Protip: They're going to win 10 of the next 10 super bowls
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What can stop the Seahawks from finishing third this year?
I'm going to guess Vikings due to the purple.
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I know we all fuk around but can we all agree that Buffalo and Bills deserve to wins 10 games this season??

Can they? Is Taylor QB good? They win 7 last season. I say those niggas can win 9-10 this season.

That would almost be like an Owl for them. And i really like Jim Kelly.
ok, then my apologies. still wish you'd just go anon bro, but whatever floats ya boat.
the Atlanta Falcons from March 2016
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>trade up to draft watson
>don't start him

for what purpose
wrong Protip. We have the best fanbase, best stadium, best cheerleaders, and our best RB is wrongfully suspended on false allegations and lies
>Watkins gone
>Boldin nope'd out of there
>FO shopping around McCoy

It's full on tank in Buffalo
Oh, the Steelers when Blount was suspended.

Stop living in the past.
but it literally says Atlanta Falcons on the picture
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>by holding a lead by the third quarter
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by literally existing
>Start a rookie QB with accuracy issues learning an offense with complicated pre-snap procedures
I'm not saying it won't happen at some point this season, but it wouldn't be wise to throw him into the fire so early. Honestly I'm already thinking Watson is a meme bust anyway. Why Watson said he thought the Texans were his best fit is beyond me. This offense and his skillset do NOT match. He needs an offense like Dak's (or at least close to it) to be successful in his rookie year. Or an offense that can take advantage of his athleticism. O'Brien's offense is in the mold of the Pats to an extent. I just don't get how Watson could fit in it.
I'm pretty sure Doug's suspension is legit.
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>acting retarded on the internet

sort your life out retard
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via http://cbssportsapp.com

>Mcvay is supposed to be an offensive guru? Wait a minute while I puke

WEW hahahaha based af.
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Zeke Dak gameballs.jpg
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The only thing that can stop us are the refs
could b cool
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pretty thin at O-line and pass rush so if the injury bug bites in one or both the team can be pretty damn vulnerable and might lose in the AFC championship game

Okay. Taking all that, that doesnt seem good. But I really like Jim Kelly. And those Buffalo niggas have suffered enough.

Let the 49ers suffer for 2 decades now. A pox upon SF for Colon Kaepernic cancer spreading into the NFL.
>Mike "I hate tight ends so much and our receivers are so good that we need to trade Greg Olsen" Martz
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We never asked for this
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So I was right? You are a Las Vegas Raiders fan my nigga??

I suspected as much Vato. Since you dont like America all that much mi amigo.

Your retardation is extraordinary, I have no doubt that you're the next Kim Chandler
ryan had one mvp season on a stacked offense, and stafford has no significant stats
>six straight 4,000 yard seasons
>no significant stats
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>Rams Jared Goff would be as great as Dak Prescott if switch them and he had dropped on the Cowboys team instead

>Rams coach only, what, few months older than their Qb Goff

Dis nigga fire and dropping gems. I agree
Darby and Alshon will get hurt, and no one will step up
Which section are you from, anon?
I love it when don't go the BS pr route and just actually say how they feel
is that it?
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Im not retarded. I haved had extensive neurolocal exams. And i find your "retardation" comment racist, sexist, and extremely culturally insensitive to Canada.

That being said, at least I am not in Commiefornia/LA like you my nigga.

I grew up in Commiefornia and I thank sweet Jesus I left before that shithole reverted back to Mehico, Narcos, and liberal trannies.

And I am glad the Raiders escaped doom temporary by escaping to Las Vegas some. Where still some actual real Americans that dont hate America.
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>Ken Norton Jr still has a job

76-79 divisional round loss to either New England or Pittsburgh
Springsteen Country, on the shore
I think Oakland can beat Pittsburgh
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Anybody have a stream for Hard Knocks? I fucking have HBO Go but for whatever reason you can't watch it live with that.
Oaklends "defense" will get torched. Carr will crumble under pressure.
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HBO now is the live version
kys you fucking faggot
You're right about OaklAnd's defense but name 1 time Carr has crumbled under pressure
Yeah I have that too and it's not live on there either. You cannot watch it legally over the internet until like 7 AM on Wednesday.
literally google hard knocks stream. has worked for me the last 2 weeks
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every time he's faced the Chiefs
>stop getting hurt
Didn't he get his first win against KC when the Raidurrs were like 0-8?
yes, he is 1-5 against >us,
>55.06% completion, 6td 5Int, 18 sacks 4.92 y/a
do the ravens practice in a concrete parking lot?

Welp. I thought he had won at least two.
That was a great game.
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Ravens were one of the few teams against the new soft pussy practice rules. Ever since they came into effect injuries especially for really physical teams like the Ravens have been on the rise while finesse teams have been healthier. Its almost as if the NFL wants to embrace that arena league play style...
Or maybe just your team physicians and training regimes are crap and you should change them?
Is Xavier Rhodes elite?
He's serviceable.
Was never an issue before the crappy rule changes
I wish the NFL would let players wear #00 again
Is that the Raiders playoff winning pct. Since 2003?
So the Ravens are the only team that plays hard and physical? Because I don't think other teams have this kind of issue consistently.
They arent as physical as the Ravens. The Ravens and Seattle alone are carrying the hard hitting defense torch and they are the only teams getting penalizied by the NFL for practicing too hard.
Nah, it's the number of girls that gave you some ass
>commiefornia '''''''bantz'''''''

Besides your ham planet mom gave me enough ass for 25 guys
Last digit is the number of touchdowns the Giants will score in the last two games of the preseason.
Nigga please, we all know you're gay, ask p12, you're also deathly afraid of anyone a 2700 close
shade darker than you
>go ask p12

And why would i talk to him?
You got screencapped talking about his ass, ya baltipansy
>league introduces rules to make practice safer
>Ratbirds ignore rules
>9 season ending injuries in the off-season

Sounds like natural selection to me.
More like Kraft and his Jews trying to blunt our superiority
This is what you chose when you decided to get rid of Smith and then Harbaugh
The second game saw no reciever getting open all game long after the Williams touchdown, especially in that weather. Not much Dak could've done outside of using his mobility more, which he should've. But then again, the O-line may have gotten even better with La'el Collins replacing Doug Free and Johnathon Cooper doing the same with Ron Leary. That's 4 first round pics on the O-line now, which could've been 5 except for La'el Collins situation.
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Have fun being second best in the division no matter what you do.
God it must be a fucking nightmare to unironically be a ravens fan.
>Jonathan Cooper

>not throwing receivers open like Brady, Brees, or Rodgers

not elite
>stoolers "fan" thinks his shit team will win the division
Ben never stays healthy and bell can't stop being a nigger for shittsburgh to do anything but flop
last digit determines how many picks Geno throws over those 2 games
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>2 playoff wins since 2010
>1 a refball win aainst the chimp Bungles
>1 a win against a Dolphin team led by a concussed Matt Moop
>have been owned by the Ravens since 2010

Real scary team you got there.
>BLMtimore fan talking about players being niggers
Smeth is an eternal disappointment, the fact that he has achieved absolutely nothing with a stacked Chiefs team proves this.
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>BALTIMORE Shitbirds fan shit talking about niggers
lmao wew. lad.
I bet you think flaccido is elite as well.
Math is hard for some people.

Losing in the playoffs at home to a team that only kicks FGs is an achievement.
Should Andrew Luck demand a trade to another team?
Yeah stooler fans arent too bright
I would if I was Andy
He could demand it, but no way would the Colts allow it.
>sheltered faggots that watch the wire and think it depicts actual (white) Baltimore

Nice non arguments there, shittsburgh will be competing for 2nd place, though.
Yes, the Colts are a terrible organization. How is this a question?
Where should he go?

Couldn't he hold out until they do?
If the pats had a real QB like Luck instead of system babbys they would have 9 rings under Belichick
Listen pedro all I need to know about math is how to count the rings.

And no, Baltimore customers, beating a colin kapernick-led 49ers doesn't count.
>Carol that high up
Smeth wouldn't have choked that Owl away

Absolutely, the Colts are literally wasting his talent. He could do wonders anywhere else besides that shithole
>Couldn't he hold out until they do?

He could, I'm just saying the Colts wouldn't let him go.
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>actual (white) Baltimore
I predict the Ravens defensive line will cut thru the Stoolers offensive line like a van in Barcelona
They wouldn't trade him even if he refused to play. The Colts are a terrible, spiteful, and cancerous organization.
>""""""black""""" egyptians
>dr. seuss haircut
>terrible "rapping"
what did microsoft mean by this?
>Ravens defensive line
Will they even be able to field a full team? So many injuries.
Yes? The nigger ridden slums aren't relevant
>Smeth wouldn't have choked that Owl away
Smeth would have found a way to lose, he always does.
He'd be an interesting prospect in Minnesota
He and Newton would win a lawsuit against the Colts and Panthers for attempted murder.

"Math is hard" as in, Pittsburgh has won more than two games. I didn't think I would have to explain it.

Smeth would have lost before, yeah.
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Baltimore is an independent city, the largest in America. What is counted as Baltimore by the census and what is counted as Baltimore historically and culturally is very different
With that stacked as fuck defense all he would've had to do is game manage, not try to do retarded flashy plays that wind up in the defense's hands. Like Peypey in Owl 50.
Let's say under impossible circumstances that Luck is traded away; where would his best fit be?
The nigger ridden slums are all there is to Baltimore.
Well I can't find that screencap, but I found this
steelers has to be
Luck needs a better O-line, not a worse one.
Ya nob
nobody asked for this, but OK. Point being?
Are you are Chiefs or Niners fan? I'm going to guess you are not, because you do not understand how painful it is to have Alex Smith as your QB. He is "almost" good enough, but at the end of the day he fucks everything up at the most important times. It is honestly more soul crushing than having a shitty QB that nobody expects anything out of.
The browns.
>elite coach and center
>great gm and qb

Not the steelers

>Stayed in college because he didn't want to play in Charlotte

Deserves what he gets desu

If Luck had declared and been drafted by the Panthers he'd have a Super Bowl ring already.
Both teams you picked lost, lel
Like all he had to do to beat the Gnats the year before was game manage and he completed all of 1 pass to his wide receivers?
>historically and culturally
What exactly do you mean by this, that your niggers are culturally and historically white?

What did the football gods mean by this?
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ur a fag
Like the Panthers have been that good besides the year Cam went ham on the league.
Mr. Jackson for Owl halftime show pls
Why are you so assraged by the steelers bro?
Big Ben rape you or something?

>Went to at least the Divisional three years in a row

Well actually,
We bred them as slaves to be white here. Its only when they went feral in West Baltimore that things went out of hand. The rest of Baltimore City and Baltimore County is fine you meme loving shitter.
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I'm a nice guy so this totally ISNT a hard knocks stream:
Texans and Brocons are a Luck-level QB away from the owl
>Well, actually
Lel it's the NFC South, be honest with yourself for a second.
holy shit
67 yards with 7 picks, anyone?
Pats get to play in the AFC Least and nobody gives them shit
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One of those years they went 7-8-1 and their playoff win was against Ryan Lindley and 78 yards of total offense.

The Panthers and Colts have gone to the playoffs the same number of times since Luck was drafted: 3. And if there's a team that is trying to actively end their star QB's career besides Indy it's Carolina (letting Cam play with that fucked up shoulder, what were they thinking).

Luck is amazing but Carolina of all places isn't a team that's been managed well and has been a QB away.
Niggas out there breakdancing instead of making catches.
I'm a stillers fan so believe me I fucking hate the pats and think tom brady is the antichrist and I recognize its a weak-ass division.
But we don't live in narnia and the panthers are not at a level, as a franchise or a system, anywhere close to the pats.
Cam Newton is a total meme QB and will never be at a level of consistency anywhere near the brady/bellicheck pats nor do they come close to the level of conference dominance that the new england dynasty has.

And I am so triggered by the patriots I can't believe I just defended that fucking team.
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you mean making throws
Bugs, don't start with me.
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>that Newhouse rating

So, he'll be running to the left each time?
You live in a 3rd world shithole full of spooks and nothing you say can change that.
link to that site again pls?
>this thread is 80% trips autistically screeching at each other
/nfl/ was a mistake
>Cam Newton is a total meme QB

Nah he's another case of great QB hindered by shit team.

>cap hell for most of his tenure
>pesky OL
>literally whos at WR
>retarded offense
>mediocre and way overpaid backs
>coaches benching him for not wearing a fucking tie
>but they keep playing him with his shoulder imploded
Sharpe has looked real good at both T spots this preseason. Hopefully he'll take over the RT spot this season at worst he'll take over one of those spots next year

This. Fuck Luck. He knew he was going to be #1 but didn't want to play for Carolina so he got what he got. This is how it should have went:

2011 - Julio Jones #1
2012 - Luke in 1st, Alshon in 2nd over that stupid fucking guard Hurney picked instead, figure out a way to get Chicago to take other picks for Greg Olsen instead of 73 so we can draft Russell Wilson the NC State prodigy

Russell Wilson throwing to Julio Jones/Alshon Jeffery/Steve Smith/Greg Olsen tandem

we had about three threads about AFCE vs NFCW this summer.
Annapolis is a 3rd world shit hole? Love to see where you live then
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Oh boy, how wrong I was

>tfw Hurney had a chance to get him a stud WR in Alshon (and pick a Gamecock to boot) but thought a faggot ass Polynesian guard would be the bigger pick.

Hurney could make some good picks, but he did a lot of fucking stupid shit too. The trade for Armanti Edwards (who is still playing today in Canada lol) comes to mind.

Just as Gettleman got this shit fixed senile Richardson has to bring his yes man butt buddy back for round two of fucking us with no lube
Link is NSFW
I feel I owe a concession to you pedro.

I do believe he's a talented quarterback desu. My main argument still stands tho and you helped back it up.
That franchise is just not at the same level of competence as the Pats are, and someone of that level can only do so much given the terrible personnel decisions that surround him.
I do think Cam does lacks an ice cold Brady-esque mentality though, and it he's somewhat handicapped by it. But nah, you're right, he's not a meme QB and possess a genuine talent.
Rural Arizona. Literally 0.40% black (and that's still way too much).
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thanks m8y
>Annapolis is only 50% non-Hispanic white
Sounds like a 3rd world shithole to me.
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Shoulda hit switch
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Uh wat?
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One of these things is not like that other...
Jesus you ruin every NFL thread fuck off to Reddit with your social issues crap. If you don't like ESPN stop watching, definitely stop talking about it holy hell.
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wew lad
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>one of the oldest and most important naval bases and trading posts in the New World since the 1600's has lots of races living there
What did anon mean by this
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could really use tj watt at this time, thanks a lot you fuck uncle ted
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My bad, it's 56.6% not 50%. Drastic difference, faggot.
>Armanti Edwards

He's the guy who cucked Michigan, right? I'm glad he still has a career.
liberalism is a mental disorder
Whites still a majority. Learn math
Barry's loyal. Calvin "Judas" Johnson should learn a lesson from him
Could Barry juke an actual lion?
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if you do it all lowercase you get "pissing mouth"
Where I come form 20% black is basically Africa.
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for Calvin, that is, not Barry
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A lion yes, because they are cucks who perform for our amusment in circuses. A wolf? No. Wolves cannot be tamed so Barry will be kill.
Holy fuck, that website is /ourguy/
What the fuck is a lolita complex
t. Inbred cousin fucker
something along the lines of wanting to fuck 12yo girls I think
Geez Calvin
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peace of mind.png
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vance joseph confirmed for using this site
>if you're not surrounded by criminal niggers from every side you're an inbred redneck
OK D'Quantrelle.
I was banned during the game so I'll say it now

I know for a fact he could outrun a bear. He's got experience.
>I was banned during the game

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Gronk would unironically be this and be loved for it
What's the link? I need this
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I mean that's kind of his point tho if Martz someone considered a genuine oc innovater had a hard time transitioning to HC (as many other great coordinators have) then what fucking chance does chuckle fuck mcvuck have? His odds are about as good as MacGregor winning a boxing title desu.
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well there's a truism if I ever saw one
Just got off a ban, what's to question?

Beckham is a little bitch. I hope he comes back so we can see him whine after he gets hit every week
That nigga just went Carrmageddon 2.0
>Paxton Lynch is "late bloomer"

This website is awesome
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But harbs wanted kaep. Fuck outta here you don't know my teams history.
my fucking sides

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Everyone knows Mr. Krabs is a seajew. Why do you think crab makes up 95% of a Marylander's diet? Also not a coincidence that Maryland is a Catholic sancturary from persecution from the Jew and Prodtestant.

>tfw signed Declaration of Independence before National Birthday
True story my fiancees dad had a small pack of tamed wolves.
more Patriot dicks
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I think the Iggles make the playoffs.
Malamutes are not wolves
>Cam's arm becomes an inaccurate noodle instead of an inaccurate missile
>18-1, but the loss comes in Week 17
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You are a literal faggot. Not like a shitposting faggot, but one who posts fictional penises of black men faggot.
which team is gonna be the meme that comes out of nowhere this season?
how will the Pats recover?
oh, did you not see that part of the site?
>have been owned by the ravens since

What happened week 16 last year
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odell beckham jr exposed as GAY
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PRAISE TRUMP! my brothers fucktarded british GF was blocked from coming to America today.
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here you fucking mail.gif
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>will somehow fuck up tanking
Good. We don't need more muslims senpai
They weren't Malamute homes.
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God wills it brother.
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Some faggot tried to fight me one time and kept yelling that he was from, "baltimore city," is that a thing people say there?
I remember being in third grade at a really small school, 2001 a few weeks after we declared war in Afghanistan.
Morning announcements over the intercom and pledge of allegiance every morning before attendance was taken.

They had an announcement over the intercom that said something like "by law, no student is forced to stand or recite the pledge of allegiance.". Not sure what prompted them to declare it whether it was someone local fighting the school board or if the school had seen something on the news or whatever.

My and my buddy both sat for the pledge because why not? They just said it over the intercom and we were both kind of the clowns anyways.

After the pledge the teacher who was usually calm natured walked over and chewed us out for a good 5 minutes.
Looking back on it, not sure how I really feel about it
Looks like a silhouette of an old mans ball bag
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>>pic related American that gave, and not just took millions to play with balls

Pasta and troll or not, reminder that the US government fragged Pat Tillman because he was vehemently against the war.
He was going to come back and speak out against the war to the whole NFL audience
At least as far as fantasy is concerned, Carr fucking disappears when he plays against the Broncos and Chiefs. Shame he has to play either team 4x a season.
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What is this expression conveying?
Mental weakness, and it shows in his play
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>tfw phoneposting

My boy out to cook us up a playoff berth
Where do you live
when will you fucks start rating mariota? hes fucking elite

After he annihilites the toxins this year, as I predict
>take the fucking picture, i have to poop
Thanks for posting in /nfl/, and have a great night.

Spartan is the best poster on this entire website
By stacked you mean Julio Jones and the bad of literal whos?
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