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Houston Astros @ Chicago White Sox Game Thread

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The White Sox try to sweep the Astros AGAIN.
Peacock vs Rodon
Which will make me want to kill my self less, this game or the Bears game?
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look at this lineup

its almost like Ricky wants the sweep

lets go rodon
The White Sox have a reason to hope that doesn't involve the owner dying.
>Brad Peacock starting for the stros
I think we might have a chance this time.
dat slider

hope hes got it the whole night
First game of the season for the Bears doesn't feel as hype as the first game of Spring Training.
walkcada at it again
I saw a highlight reel at the stadium last night that featured a Moncada walk.
That nigga looked out to me.
He was safe by a mile
>already an error
It was ruled a hit
Was it really? I have it muted. I realize it was a bad bounce, but still.
More because of Avi's speed than the bounce, yes

it was so embarrassing when they were showing highlights from games they lost by 6 or more after the 1-9 stretch
Now THAT'S an error.
fucking pls
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He wasn't even looking at the ball.
>that steal attempt
Astros just trying to lose
Why the fuck are these morons being greedy? We could have had loaded bases with one out.
he had all kinds of time too, probably

white sox are fucking horrendous at throwing out base stealers
Astros what the fuck is wrong with your team? You're supposed to competing with the Dodgers this October
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It looks like they're trying too hard.
We've been fairly mediocre after the All Star break and recently we've just flat out sucked.
dat play
Damn that was nice fielding.
>dude picking his nose and eating it
the new gnome looks like hawk without glasses
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Damn it Timmy

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Are Astros threads really this quiet?
We're all depressed.
Phew, that was close.
>13 games ahead in the division
Astros aren't the White Sox in terms of choking division leads. The Astros are fine.
Is Andershits head even in the game?
melky has been killing it with the royals. continuing where he left off here really
It's not just about winning the division. It's about going all the way. Right now, our #1 and #2 pitchers both suck ass. That's in sharp contrast to the start of the season when they were both lights out. I'm not convinced we'll even get past the first round in the playoffs.
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I didn't like these new Astros uniforms when they came out, but they are growing on me. They need to use more orange and less blue.
I honestly think they're coasting.

they look ok, it's really hard to fuck up an mlb away uniform

>then there's arizona...
I wish that was all it was. That game Keuchel pitched the other day is not "coasting." That was a meltdown.
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Pic related is bar none the worst with the dbacks and that HIDEOUS blue the cubs wear coming in 2nd and 3rd

jesus, wtf were they thinking.
Uniforms with different color shirt and pants always bother me. I hate it when the sox wear the black jerseys.
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Looked like a typical trap game. Hell, I'm surprised how the Sox have played this series.
don't start busting again now
bustcada please
MarWIN GOATzalez
through 6 with 2 er and 0 walks

ill take that
So good to have Avi back
fuck yeah nicky
Nicky Delmonico RotY
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>STYX not winning the poll
>smashing pumpkins
>old school
Man I'm old
Geez that was fast.
Smashing Pumpkins are GOAT but are they really old school?
>Smashing Pumpkins are GOAT
seriously nigga?
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>yfw disturbed and rise against will be considered old school within the next 5-10 years
I guess Engel bunting there works

Alright Devo, don't fuck this up.
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>wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub
Damn it, it seems like he's fucking this up.
yoyo pls
>Yodam Dunncada
woo, put this inning away.
typical squandered opportunities
abroo is dogshit lately
Give it to me straight.
Will Eloy Jimenez become the all time home run king?
More terrible Astros baserunning
wew he's thrown like 10 pitches over the last 2 innings, could he actually go 9?
>going for a double when you aren't even close
Stop doing this
did he actually hit another today?
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Dat fucking throw
Dat fucking Rodon goin 8
Dis fucking loss
98 pitches is stretching it for one more full inning. He could face a couple, but then again, why go for a complete game loss?
>first sox complete game of the year
No, but he's a beast.
Rodon through 8.0 IP
back to back 8.0 IP
Based Avi speed, yet another infield hit
The Astros make the worst shifts.
>all this Astros spaghetti
There's no way this team can win a postseason game
they're trying to lose this game, c'mon faggots
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yolmeme pls get rodon the W
2nd and 3rd nobody out

sox fucking PLS
>forcing yourself
come on
he did not throw a single strike to either yolmer or anderson, not even close
fucking embarrassing
fucking hell this team
Good, now they can't meme bunt it.
Fuck off tim
oh except strike 1 on anderson of course, but nothing that they swung at

anyway they should kill themselves immediately
Cursing out loud for everyone to see isn't going to make you better Andershit.
Engel pls...
well he probably would have walked anyway, unlike every other faggot on this team narvaez rarely swings at ball which this pitcher is throwing nothing but
>tfw Twitter is going nuts about Trubisky while I'm glued to this
oh its Hanson

fucking hell
2nd and 3rd 0 outs and nobody fucking scores

this fucking team, pathetic
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Expect nothing, get nothing.
>rodon still in

wow our first CG this season is going to be a loss

just fucking wow
it's petricka
It'd be nice if we could extend the lead.
JPetty is one lucky fucker.
oh guess not

still though fucking hell all these missed opportunities
Fun fact went to h.s. with luke gregerson, was on the football and basketball team with him.
>more pitches in this at bat than in the entire last 2 innings combined
Did you suck his dick?
No, he was short and a little bitch in h.s.
So he sucked yours?
>all of these pitches
yolmer's arm looks like shit when he plays short but looks great at third

>mfw someone tries to tell me third basemen need better arms than shortstops
>mfw no face
jpetty pls
Welp, please save the game Giles.
die or die time
That's a tough choice. Both sound so appealing.
someone hit a dinger, faggots. I want to see more innings of this fucking shitshow
No dicks were sucked, youll have to get your underage boy fantasies elsewhere
BUST(it over the fence)CADA
nice, thanks bustcada

neato, now win it abroo, break out of your slump


avishit pls be avihits
pls get it to nickyd
This guy is gonna walk 4 straight
yolmeme pls
fuck, he was our last hope this inning
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>another walk
>yolmeme walking
highly unlikely
>anderson walking
literally not possible

sasuga yolmeme, oh well free baseball
Meh, free baseball
fucking hell 2 were just asking to be hit

welp free baseball
Come on Astros
I don't know how the hell Marsinick randomly hit that home run earlier. He's been batting like shit today.
I missed most of the game(s). Rodon and Trubisky future GOATs?
They both looked really good
>still no offense
Save us manlet
rodon didnt K as much today but going 8 IP scattering 8 hits and only 2 runs is good

also Moncada game tying HR in the 9th and NickyD still hitting

even if we lose ill be happy with this game

sure hope we don't though. clip pls
Wow, he actually made it.
better throw might have had him

that was a ball wew
Don't fuck it up bp please
So Clipp has been great for us. Did Coop fix him?
onto the 11th
>clip holds
So this is why the Burrs shit the bed at the last minute against the Broncos, the Who stole their mojo to tie it in the 9th.
Oh fuck off with this shit. That's like saying the Cubs played so bad the first half, it gave Eddie O. ass cancer.
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>mfw don't give a single shit about any sport other than baseball anymore
That Timmy contract is going to look really fucking stupid near the later years of it.
that's some deep shit

I still have an interest in all chiteams cept the cubs obviously

yes even the fire
Well the Bears and bulls suck as bad as the white sox but baseball is just a nice and fun game to watch regardless. Football and basketball are awful to watch without a team to get excited about.
I understand football and basketball, but not even hockey? Damn.
Same her, also excluding the Chicago sky and the LFL
Baseball is literally the only sport I bother to follow as well.
I've been getting into Formula 1 which is weird since I've never given a shit about motorsports.
I never have. I like baseball because I grew up playing and watching it. Every other sport is boring because I have no connection to it. I was briefly into tennis because of Baby Steps, but that didn't last long.
how bout that fire home record
also #2 in the league
how did that even happen? wow
I hope Martes' fat ass has a heart attack tonight
>acquire washed up German national team midfielder
It probably did. Only the Cubs wining the World Series again will cure him now.
I honestly believe that if the fire had more OTA games the fan base would actually grow instead of having the games on CCSN
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wew lad
if that was somehow magically the case


would take it actually

poor eddieO ;_;
RIP Eddie O
>dooming the poor guy
why would you do that
same bro
his era was actually like 109 earlier and if he never came back to the majors it would have made history
lol Christ
Well fuck, if this dude walks four guys we can win.
Quick! Give the Cubs your energy and we can save Eddie!
it was 108. I saw him get an out to lower it to 54.
>dooming the poor guy and now wants us to fix his mistake
Take responsibility homo
Well damn. At least there's still one more out left.
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The devil has spoken.
>Letting Eddie die of ass cancer because your lazy.
Thanks Satan.
DH to get the last out so we can watch leurys walkoff homer

trick question which part of that sentence was more ridiculous
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>it's never MY fault
classic cubs mentality
that looked like Ventura dressed up in Houston garb.
Did you not watch Catching Hell? They proved it was his fault.
fucking dh
What's with all these jews?
Open your eyes and be enlightened.
God damn it. Wasted.
Are you dumb
At last I finally see.
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holmberg isn't jewish
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might have something to do with it also, only played baseball and soccer. I don't live in chicago so I don't have that connection anymore either. sox were always my number 1. Also I lied, I also watch soccer, no specific teams I really care about though, and sometimes meme sports like tennis, golf and cycling. only if there's no baseball though

>yfw bustcada wins the game now
How mad would you be if the Sox when on like a 30-5 tear (or however many games are left)
Is this the new meme?
I'd be laughing all the way why would I be mad

please don't fucking blow this faggots
You sure about that?

>that double just now
Damn it, are we about to get sweeped?
He's the greatest player of all time
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Well everything turned out all right I suppose
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How long has it been?
Not at all. If we went 30-5 just by calling up Moncada and Nicky, imagine what would happen when all the prospects make it up.
Last sweep: April 24-26, Royals at home
This series was our second sweep of the season.
No, but you clearly are.
I'm going. I was at Moncada's debut. I'll be at Lopez's debut. Just gonna go to all the sick prospects' debuts.
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Digits confirmed, greatness in-store for tommorow

thenegan I was at Rodon's starting debut. was glorious
Moncada is finally above .200 BA and 100 wRC+
If you haven't yet, you may exhale
yeah, trust me, (((we))) like to keep track of each other and he is not a member of the tribe.
no better deal in town than sox tickets right now
casuals see a dead last team 20 games under .500
true fans see a young team playing hard everyday with potential among the youngest

god damn this is a better feel being a sox fan than all of the last like 5 years combined. fuck KW. Praise Hahn
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Hahn is love
I had false hope in 2014 because I thought that was a rebuild, but this beats that by a lot.
if Samardzija didn't suck ass that year, then who knows.
my smart is blinding me from who else doomed that year

oh right

the entire fucking bullpen led by bellyshit
my smarch hate is*
LaRoche, Danks, Avi, Beckham, Carlos Sanchez (before he was yolmer), the list goes on
was that 14?
I seem to be remembering more fleurs, tank, de city of aza, eugh
oh wait, i'm thinking of '15 according to baseball ref. Fuck. that means the drake laroche saga was only a year ago. Man. time moves slowly.
jesus christ i forgot how bad andre rienzo was
>back to back to back
LaRoche was 2015.

In 2014, they acquired Eaton, Davidson (minors), Abreu, and Avi (late 2013 season trade). Courtney Hawkins was still promising.
lol courtney hawkins and keon barnum are going to be buried under that stadium in birmingham. Look at how bad Leury was in 2014! Somehow they gave him 155 plate appearances even though his OPS was .399
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That game was intense, i literally just finished it now because the data on my phone is throttles so bad, was totally worth it. Stone pony was so excited it was the bees knees!
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