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Who should replace Neymar?

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Who should replace Neymar?
Gabriel Jesus
some meme from Valencia
some random pedro-tier player
Bettynho Zirigdum
A wig
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Mbappe if they smart
Idk who should replace him but for the current Barcelona's board it's gotta be Deulofeu kek
wena 55 weón
here, I see you posting that crap all the time so take your (You) and kys
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Reminder /ligamx/ retured yesterday. And that you should really be watching mexican beisbol.
>Messi erased all his instagram pics alongside with Nerman
is it really happenin ?
Oozman Dembele
Really ?!
how good is dembele?

think ive only seen him play like twice
How cheap is that brazilian VPN you are using?
>how good is dembele?
Very talented. But doesn't look smart.
I'll take Mbappé without hesitation.
The arabs are saying it's because Messi never had a picture with Neymar to begin with.
really? is there much talk of him going to barca over there?
Dembele is a player more similar to Sterling, while Mbappe is more like Gabriel Jesus, if that comparison makes sense.

I'll do it.
There's contact between him and some barca people. Nothing more. I don't know if really the barca wants this kind of player...

Yes probably. But I really think Mbappé is in some other category.
t. never watched him playing
faz carinho em mim
Better than Neymar actually, if you discount the age. He has dribbling, passing and playmakers skills plus more tactical awareness.
One of the Dembele's
we watched him before you even knew his name
He's not going to PSG so why would he need a replacement?
And then stopped watching lol
Players improve you know?
yes, this is why he went from Rennes to Dortmund for 15m and worth 90m 1 year later, he's really good and talented but compared to Mbop he's a step under
pretty much everywhere in reporting that its going to happen

apparently his dad met the barca board today and it didnt go well
What a retard comparision lol, not even the same position
Ah yes, just like when Ronaldo REALLY REALLY REALLY 1000% FOR SURE wanted to leave Real Madrid, right?
And when Messi UNDOUBTABLY was going to Chelsea because he followed them on Instagram.

They just want a better contract, nobody is leaving.
They aren't giving him a new contract lol
shit player
Kevin Mirallas is the best option
>brazilian Romario

Cmon m8
Not if he doesnt press them like this.
He's not leaving and I'm screencapping this for future use.
Sugar Kane
Micheal Kane
Hurra Kane
Pimp Kane
Harry Kane
why couldn't we compare them ? the thread is about who could replace Nerman, and Mbop would be a better choice than Dembele, he can play as a left winger or even sub Suarez, i never saw Dembele playing on the left or top front, Mbop is also smarter than Dembele in overall, both lack defensive work but it would fit Barca for sure
If he don't go he won't get a new contract anyway
as funny as it would be to see another meme englishman get hopelessly exposed, I don't really wish that on kane as he seems a decent (albeit retarded) guy
[Info Paris U] Le contrat de Neymar est prêt chez Nataf Fajgenbaum et Associés (cabinet d'avocat). JCB l'a récupéré.
Nerman just deleted all of his photos with Messi on Instagram, and he indeed had a few of the two together before. Souce: me (I follow him on Instagram).
Obviously Dybala. Neymar is just way too overrated
qual seu insta parceiro
how well is this going down in france?

are fans happy? would they rather strengthen other areas?
tô de acordo mlk
Dybala can't even score against Singapore without Juve and Serie A refs helping him. He's a total Juventus babby
Well done for making me look
they are buying hazard for 85m and coutinho for 75m
They are buying me for 1m. I'm the new brazilian wonder kid
t. Negueba.
Not Dybala pls
One Dybala pls
t. Bacteria
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>Nataf Fajgenbaum
I was in Paris until this morning, all over the news in my hotel they were talking about how Neymar was joining PSG as confirmed by a dog he once sat next to on a bus 15 years ago
fucking this
Joshua King
>by a dog he once sat next to on a bus 15 years ago
Seems legit
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d.. do psg fans actually want him
Nicolas de la Cruz

Un negro pecho frio por otro
they should change formation and instead of wasting the gorrillian dollars on more wingers they should buy world class midfielders
They should buy me while I'm still cheap desu. My price will be inflated once I get to Liga NOS
Gatorade is that you
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Creedence Clearwater Revival, at your disposal.
They already said they are going for Dybala and Mbappé as second option
>It ain't me starts playing
He is already replaced lol
psg "fans"
>Arda Turan was lazy in Turkey because he could get away with it says Taffarel

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Well Arda is about to reach peak performance.
Isn't M'dabby a Madrid fan
No, he's French

He's a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo tho, the Mbappé to Real Madrid situation was only a thing when Cristiano said he'd leave Spain. I doubt Mbappé would chose to be a benchwarmer at Real over being a starter at Monaco, he'll only leave to be a starter
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>thinking this shit is happening
What's so good about Dybala anyway?
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>isn't happening
>journals just want to sell papers
He has great numbers considering he plays as a second striker, next to one of the highest scorers in the world (Higuaín). Almost the same amount of goals as Neymar but more assists, and is 2 years younger. Plus is an Argie and Messi likes him
He doesn't play on the wing though?
Messi likes him because Its argentinian
>you now realize Barça signings and coaches have to be aproved by a 75 iq guy
It's happening 100%

My sources in Spain tell me Barca won't offer him a deal that comes even close to the psg one, so he's off
Second striker, 9 and a half, don't know how you call it in English, the guy behind/next to the #9

If Dybala goes to Barcelona it will be great for our NT because they'll play the same system as us. A classic 9 (Higuaín for us, Suárez for club) with Messi and Dybala behind him
>A club that have never paid more than 60M for a player is going to suddenly vomit 500M for a (great but not goat) guy
>have to be approved by the GOAT who can clearly see who has a little bit of GOAT in them because he transcends our pleb dimension
Nice. Hopefully Messi gets them to buy DybalGOD if Nerman leaves.
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>the owner of Qatar can't afford 500M

they're like: uh i like this guy, buy him
As cringeworthy as always (and you still have to go back)
The transfer still makes sense, check Dybala's numbers, he ain't worse than Neymar and is younger

Also, if he picked coaches Valverde would have got the job
Oh he can, the question is why he never did It in the past and why os he going to do It now. He could have paid 300m buyout for prime Messi years back, and he was much better than current Neymar
Messi wouldn't join. Russkies already tried buying out his clause and it didn't go anywhere.
Messi won't play for other European clubs, he'll only leave Barcelona for Newell's
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PSG's owners are retard. They always aim the most unrealistic option and then end with whoever is available atm. Thing is, they ARE getting the most unrealistic option this time.

Too bad for Barca that is a buyout clause, so they can't do nothing about it. Cheers.
>sell nerman
>Buy Costa
>Play messi as a proper 10 in the middle behind Suarez and costa

just imagine
>Have 3 players who don't track back

>playing Messi as a CAM

well expect the chokes and cries.
You're not white as much as you like to think you are.
friendly reminder it doesn't matter who replaces neymar because it's the midfield and defence that suck
Well thats true, Messi doesnt like changes. What i say is I see Neymar moving and Barça agreeing but PSG despite of its fame is not a club which break the market
each 2 years like Madrid or City so based in that It would be surprising move.

Yes Dybala is a great replazament and I suppose He would compenetrate greatly with Messi and Suarez
Neymar no es pecho frio. Lo a demostrado con Brazil y el hace unos meses cuando se puso a el Barca en la espalda contra Paris. El pecho frio es Messi. Cabeza asi al suelo contra Paris y lo mismo con la seleccion. Es un puto con mas talento de lo que se merece.
>implying anyone can ever win the Ballon D'Messi playing in Ligue 1
>Ballon D'Messi
>is always won by Ronaldo
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>wants to replace Nerman with Smallbala
>Chiellini himself said that Smallbala is a few down steps compared to Nerman
He's technically Irish. I don't think there is an Englishman playing on the England team. Most of the Scots are Scots, Irish are Irish, and Welsh are Welsh, but the English are anyone but English.
Isn't everyone a few steps down that isn't already there or at Madrid? I thought the new coach was switching formations anyway so they don't need a direct replacement for Nerman.
Raheem sterling, the English neymar
222 million for Ney in today's market is a steal and his money greedy father has a lot of influence over him. He will go.
Dembele, for one.
Over 200 million for a player that can't even dab? The market has gone crazy.
>Isn't everyone a few steps down that isn't already there or at Madrid?

My boy right here's doing it in the best league in the world and certainly not with Barca-quality players around him, if he want to go one step further he needs to move. Chelsea is not winning the CL in the next 5 years.
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This is the correct answer.
Isn't he injured for like 4 months
Step down from the step down.
Yea but young and with a lot of room to improve.
>is always won by Refnaldo through Fifa jewery
You now remember Fifa's desperation to give Penaldo the Balloon by magically extending the vote after Penaldo's world class hat trick against the mighty Sweden.
Lmao seek help
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This guy.

Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Neymar out, Nerman in
So this is the brazilian Nerman? Damn he looks sexy
if I was a fan of Qatarlona I'd boo the cunt, who does this shit?
It's crazy how much they look alike
Is that higuain
Nerman is white
Neymar? He dindu nuffin, he didn't talk about leaving
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