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I think le black quarterback meme man's career is officially

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I think le black quarterback meme man's career is officially over.
Not even the Seahawks want to deal with that bullshit
really churns my chesnuts
I can't wait for him to go completely off the deep end now that he has nothing to lose
That's a really clever way to say "fuck the police."
>blacks steal shit and kill people
>the police beat the shit out of them for doing shit
>'f-fuck the police' - KAEP
I hope he lynches himself.

I'm starting to imagine the kind of contract demands he made.
>3 minutes in every post-game press conference devoted to questions on police brutality
>BLM livery at home games
>I'm gonna take a knee every chance I get
>brown spic kills a negro
>gets away with it
>countrywide outrage
>somehow a proof of instiutional racism

>negro gets away with raping dozens of women across several decades
>gets away with it
>*annoying nasal marxist voice* "if anything this is a proof of classism!"
He really craves attention.
He does understand that you can be (((woke))) without alienating the people writing the checks, yes? Look at half of the NBA or even NFL peers. His blacklisting has less to do with his beliefs than his inability (or unwillingness) to tone it down when its materially advantageous.
Yeah, i think his time in the nfl is pretty much over
Pure cancer

I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to pay salaries to police black areas let them police themselves
He's totally 100% right
Without the police those places would literally look like iraq
>p-please don't say anything that contradicts my beliefs
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>pedo symbols
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I can't find the video but
>i had heard for a while about his BLM protests
>taking knees and all
>one day im watching a live interview with him
>"Kaep, what do you propose the police to stop violence against blacks"
>"i mean i really dont know theres people that handle that and like think of ways to stop that, but it has to stop"
After slavery ended we had 4 million blacks without jobs roaming the Southern countryside. There was rampant crime and rampant homelessness causing humongous social and economic strife. So it should come as no surprise that police budgets had to increase tenfold
Niggers need to get over slavery. It happened 150 years ago ffs
who said anything about slavery
back to republic of kekistan for you
>black people had to use seperate water fountains 50 years ago
Back to r*ddit, faggot

>who said anything about slavery
Kaep's tweet did.
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Have you seen the disreputable shape of the modern water fountain? Thanks desegregation.
Kaep could wreck the CFL.

Is he implying we need to do something about the state of Israel as well?

Well yeah because they would never wash their hands and get chicken grease all over the buttons.
>unironically believing this

Indeed, but I think he's more interested in being an activist than a football player.
good leaf
bad leaf
Squidward was never the same after getting fired by the Krusty Krab
>dismantle the police
>in less than a year people will be forming a group dedicated to "protect and serve" the citizens
>"oh no, this is totally different from the police, in fact, they aren't even called police"

I think Frank Zappa said something about censoring music to stop violence was the equivalent of using decapitation to solve dandruff. Well, this is awfully similar and I live in a country where the police is way worse.
There's nothing like crickets for Cosby you dipshit
why do blacks insist on being niggers
Retard put his political beliefs over his job supporting the NFL first, you think in the off-season he would do this and nobody would bat an eye. But in the middle of the season? He did this to himself
Cops in the US don't even need a degree. People who hold people's lives in their hands can be C- student Chads out of high school. Probably with shitty decision-making, biases, and an inability to control themselves emotionally. All of my experiences with American cops when I go down are terrible because they try to be "alpha" and intimidate you, you don't see that shit up here because police need to be sensible people.

tldr; american police are pretty shit-tier Chads who are dumb as rocks
related, and funny
>when you buy all the WE WUZ KINGZ and Marxist stock
I'm not writing checks and don't care what he says faggot. Why are Canadians smug and retarded?
Those are the only people who "want" to be cops here nowadays

Them and ex-soldiers

And who could blame everyone else. I'd imagine I'd have better conversation with people on a construction site than I would police in the US.
Are we, dare I say it, witnessing the fall of Blumpf?
What makes leaf cops different anyway? I figure they'd have enough natives/caribbeans/biker gangs to deal with that they would act similarly to American police.
Do you all really think Castile's killing was justified?
What a stupid nigger.

crickets from the black community and anti-racism folks. not from feminists obviously

although they're not as loud as they can and should be.

Cultural decency and actually needing to go through an academic process. By cultural decency I mean they probably aren't brainwashed by the Force into thinking they can do whatever they please and to be as aggressive as possible with civilians.
Equating police officers and slave bounty hunters is not only insulting to police officers, it's insulting to anyone who has common sense.
The police get the benefit of the doubt way too easily in this county especially after 9/11 when they convinced us that cops and firemen deserve the same deification as armed service members when many, many police fit into the hardass intimidating category that you mentioned.
Bullshit. Only rape apologist shills are defending Cosby.
They ride horses, say sorry often, and in general are pure memes.
>crickets about Cosby
The opposite of true
A system of control is a system of control. The comparison is not perfect, but it makes sense.
>why won't these racist whiteys let us rape, loot and steal like there's no tomorrow
This is a great argument

I hope no one hires him
>not just buying bottled water

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What if there are multiple security services companies competing with each other?

>All of my experiences with American cops when I go down are terrible because they try to be "alpha" and intimidate you
Interestingly, most people manage to get by in life without happening into situations where cops "try to be alpha" with them.
And most people in America are white...
Yes. It's called white privilege.

My assumption is the leaf I was responding to is himself a privileged white guy.

To elaborate: I'm not contending that structurally-perpetuated racial inequities don't exist in our policing; rather, I just wanted to assert my belief that the leaf is an asshole.
i wish
I bet you thought Kobr, Roethlisberger, and Kane were all guilty
hey ventura county bro
I'm sure that's a real photo from the 1821
>not Reddit
The pot calling the kettle black eh?
Yeah, that's exactly what happened to Philando Castile.
What is that?
Is that >muh 1 case of injustice among 1000 of justified violence
>dates some retarded woman
>she ruins his career
Why didn't you answer the question though?
>What are artifacts?
Bill Cosby's appeal was that he was a black comedian that made white's feel comfortable. That's literally the first thing everyone says about his show, and not even in an ironic way.
I only knew him from the Cosby show and always thought he was shit desu

Also, isn't it a bit ironic that many actors who play perfect family men and fathers, turn out to be perverted weirdos in real life?

That one guy from that one show (which was basically one huge WASP propaganda show) with young Jessica Biel where he played the main role as a protestant priest and perfect WASP father, turned out to be a pedo.

Can't remember the name right now
7th Heaven, Stephen Collins.
yeah and the Father from Alf was having sex in a crackhouse.

and Bob Saget is a weird fuck
Yep that's it, thanks

Jessica Biel was the best thing about the show, but shame she always had to dress so modest there because >le perfect WASP family image

The show was basically the opposite to Married with Children.
I wonder which image is close to the actual average American family....
So it's ok to let killers get free because it only happens a few times?
>I wonder which image is close to the actual average American family....

cosby show
the simpsons
I didn't watch either, m8, couldn't tell you. But I'd guess it'd lean closer to Married with Children nowadays just based on your descriptions.
I see what you did there :^)
>its another kapernick thinks he's fighting the man episode

Funny how when we went to the owl and had all that media attention he never cared about black people. But when his career is struggling he's now Jesse Jackson. Its sad. And niggas back him like idiots.
Runaway Slave Patrol. Read the badge, Leaf
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>this pathetic attempt at trying to salvage your NFL career and stay relevant
CAstile was shot by some sort of spic or chink. It's going to be harder to cry about "white supremacist cop" on this one
>white supremacist
people need to stop conflating the two. at the end of the day, society needs a group of people to enforce the law and it's nigh impossible to prevent powerhungry simpletons of all races from signing up for a job that legally elevates them above civilians
There is an easy solution on how to significantly bring down the number of police shootings....but Americans won't like it.
Teams must SURELY be lining up to sign Kaep now!
getting rid of black people?
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Hey Colin get in this for me will you?
This is Kaep's future
really baked my ziti
Why do you /pol/turds always make it about race, and >muh military? Keapernick is talking about a system that is clearly one sided against one group. A group of white teens snort some blow; they get two years probation. A group of black kids get caught smoking a joint; they get jail time.
Good. About time we see someone with even a sliver of integrity.
The fact that he's willing to sacrifice a pro sports career for something that actually matters makes me look like a total pussy.
Well, that's actually even better.

But no, you have to reduce the number of guns on the streets.
Right now your cops are scared shitless everytime they encounter someone they see as suspicious and that's why they tend to be so trigger-happy.
And I certainly can't blame them seeing how many people in the US own guns and how much gun violence there is therefore.

Our police never has to expect someone to have a gun, since gun possession is well regulated here which results in a low as fuck gun violence and overall murder rate.

But of course you Americans will flip out at the suggestion and go all
>MUH 2nd Amendment
*group of black teens with 4 previous arrests*

>something that actually matters

Being a dumb proud negro.
>Black kids with 10 priors
>all this bottom tier bait ITT
It's like I'm on /tv/
>guns are well regelated here
that's too bad maybe your women and children wouldnt be getting raped so much
cause that works so well down south eh
Our rape rate is also lower than yours.

Think about it, we are still a MUCH safer country than the United States despite the influx of refugees.

Embarrassing, right?
Time to change, America.
my life and the life of everyone that i care about is in the hands of white people. and white people don't like black people. you might think they're justified in hating blacks. i don't live my life in your opinions. my reality is that this is a white world and blacks are simply allowed to live in it. the circumstances around that allowance, have changed in the past, can change now and will change in the future.
Gun control here isnt just more regulations = fixed. The door has been wide open for over a hundred years. They can institute bans for any type of firearm. But you know who wont give a shit? The gangs who kill each other/cops with them.

The problem isnt firearms per se. As somebody who lives rather close to a shitty violent location in Chicago Ive found that the black communities have a corrupt culture that brainwash their younger generations into thinking all white people are against you.

But in the meantime they drive those kids to drugs and violence under the guise of "protecting yo streets" and "stick with your brothers". Hell the video game example of this is in GTA San Andreas. CJ gets kicked out of LS and then meets and works with people that want to do shit with their lives. He gets money and businesses then his brother gets out of jail and eventually drags you back into that gang shit "fo tha streets"

Things will never improve here until they change that poisonous culture within their own people (Which i know is just as complicated as gun control).
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>hands of white people

the blacks kids don't have the finances, the power, the family support or the connections or the color for them to get "fair" treatment at ANY criminal justice system engagement. it's not necessarily a color thing, it's mostly a class thing, which has a major race overlap. rich people don't get rich so they can get treated the same way as some insignificant nigger from the projects. That's the way the world works.
it is though. the only reason why i'm talking to you now is because white people haven't sought fit to get rid of us yet. how is that debatable and why is that so hard to believe?
well when you commit the same fucking crimes over again, you're not gonna get this "fair treatment" you speak of. Or better yet how about the black community as a whole change their shitty culture? You know embracing a clean, work related lifestyle instead of glorifying being a "gansta nigga" and all that other retarded shit.
He's a fucking retard. He's like that kid in high school who bandwagons every political movement but doesn't know everything about it nor even how to make any real change.

He claimed to be exercising his constitutional right when he took the knee then a few months later said he wasn't voting.
its not about crime. it's about believing in white superiority. you can justify pretty much anything once protecting white supremacy becomes your top priority. it's not only white people that do this. i see black people do it go. once you deny white supremacy the whole world looks different. even down to how you interpret stats, how you think about how the status quo came to be and how it can change.
everyone is personally accountable for their actions, all criminals. there have always been violent people in all times of humanity. there was violence before there were races and there will be violence long after blacks are gone. none of this means that blacks haven't been the near perfect victims of whites.
>blacks haven't been the near perfect victims of whites.

somebody needs to inform dayquan leshaun alshaniqua that his great great great great great great Grandfather sold his great great great great great Uncle to the white man. Only reason blacks are """""""""victims""""""""" of the white man is because you were sold by your own people.

dumb nigger.
He knew the entire media industry would support him and they still do. Unfortunately for Kap NFL owners know who their audience is and a huge percentage don't support killing cops and black nationalism
exactly, the perfect victim. white people don't sell other white people to black people. whites are worth far too much.
Bob Saget's humor before Full House was known to be dirty and raunchy, so it wasn't like it was hidden.
i doubt hes surprised at all about whats happening to him.
i don't think we have enough kaepernicks to make a difference though.
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Says the Canadian who voted for Trudeau: literally the dumbest world leader alive. Even the dictator in North Korea is less of a retard as Trudeau. And he is practically half retarded dog.

In the country who made it legal to destroy and criticize Christianity publically, andi now made it illegal to bately criticise Islam.

The retarde leader Trudeau who said "if you kill your enemies they win" and "terrorist will be stopped with love"

Trudeau is a fucking moron that Canadian clown liberal media props up with prepare questions andi manufactured moments
No but the police did their job by firing him, it's not their fault the jury was retarded.

Don't care about nignog discussion but fuck pigs. This cop committed ducking murder, tries to cover it up, then walks scot free after some shitty internal investigation. Cops shouldn't get to investigate themselves.
cops believe they have their own ways of weeding out bad cops and fixing their own problems. obviously, it's not prefect but there isn't enough oversight to change the situation.
they think handing things their own ways leads to better police. i'm not saying i agree, just presenting their point of view, as i understand it.
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The Fake News media hypes this up and literally cherrypicks to herd/keep the NEGRO vote in the Democratic Party with permanent victimhood mentality.

Most cops are good and do a good job. Fact is they also shoot more white people than any negros. And almost all they shooting of any race almost all are trash, morons, or criminals.

The media just hypes up some literal human trash criminal like Michael Brown, who the media literally smeared cips with their proven " hands up dont shoot" fake propaganda the cancer lesbo Rachel Maddow started.

They literally take the small accidental shootings, bad shootings/ bad cops, and they make it seem its the norm instead of the exemptions. And they never mention all the good cops that have to shoot literal animals daily to protect the sheep being eaten by lawlessnes like in Chicongo where criminal niggers shoot and kill each other daily.

Have to keep the negro as frightened, angry, weak, poor, victimhood pets to keep voting for the Party that always destroys their communities with bad policies. So they brainwashed them that cops are hunting all innocent sweet negros on the streets for sport

Liberals dint think what would happen if their liberal shit cities like Los Angeles, Manhattan, Atlanta, Detroit etc got rid of Police Officers....they eould literally be raped to desth and d ost kicked out of their houses by the worst criminal negros, criminal illegals, drug gangs, serial killers, gang bangers etc.

It would be like living in medieval times, or African Congo.

Most cops are Republican. Even black liberal or latino cops wake the fuk up after their first couple months on duty when they realuze they are dealing with mostly animals daily, and not sweet martyrs.

Its like libersl teachers who go teach inner cities. Mist of them wake the fuk up from their Disney deludions after 1 term, and most quit and dont last.
He's right though. How can you pretend like racism isn't a huge problem in our country and especially within the police and judicial systems?
Why can't niggers just fucking go back to Africa already? It would be better for everyone
10/10 cringe material

because africa sucks and they know it.

Why do you think Dave Chappelle keeps coming back?
He runs away to Africa for publicity and comes back every time. Because it doesn't matter how rich you are, Negroid Africa is a terrible place with terrible citizens.

They know they have much better lives in white countries, they just want even more benefits. Ultimately they wish they could take over and ironically dont realize that would ruin it.
Its about the system, not the individuals, dummy
>don't care about nignog discussion
>entire response is nignog rant

And they say niggers are the ones who can't read
Imagine Roseanne but with all characters being black, that's modern America in a nutshell.
*hates own white parents*
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So when are media outlets going to start talking about Keapernicks retarded fucking afro?

You know the giant black militant afro doesn't bode well when you're trying to get a job
Probably didn't comply

I'm a spic my brother got pulled over he complied put his hands up cops surrounded him because gunshots were heard in the area and he's the first person they saw, he responded with yes sir and no sir and simply did what he was told.

He didn't get shot.

Just fucking do as you're told, don't fucking try to gran the gun or some other bullshit like what some of these idiots do.
He may be just overcompensating the black side of him
>when you run out of arguments and have to bring up an unrelated issue

you should drop the trip anon, you're making yourself look silly.

Refute 1 thing I said. And I will not think of you as just a simple brainwashed sheep of the corporate media that lies to us daily with BS.

1 thing????????????????

I bet you also think Islam is peaceful, or all the Russian Propaganda.
no, I just think it's really embarrassing that you focused on the symptons and failed to address the obvious cause, ie. aliens mindcontrolling the liberals to commit degenerate acts and bring about the downfall of the american empire.
Cops are power hungry Meatheads
It's bullshit they are elevated on a pedestal
Kane wasn't guilty
Big Ben sexually assaulted a girl but didn't rape her
Kobr was objectively and undeniably guilty if statutory rape

Bill Cosby deserves to rot in jail for the remainder of his shit life
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/pol/ here. We still own you pavement apes. Never forget that
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>black codes
>jim crow
>desegregation (mistakenly called integration)
>repar oh wait that never happened
>"war on druuuuuu who the fuck are we kidding
>3 strikes laws
>school to prison pipeline
>150 years ago
>Bill Cosby deserves to rot in jail for the remainder of his shit life
Too bad his "victims" can't get their fucking stories straight.
Do you remember what happened when you were in 3rd grade? Fucking idiot
Most of this shit happened 30 years ago you nigger rape apologist
Go back to Detroit and get to gang bangin with the other nigs
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>sexually assaulted but didn't rape

this is precisely why we are considered out of touch.
He walked into the bathroom and grabbed a girl's tits and pussy you idiot
That's like me walking up to you beating you senseless and saying "I didn't kill you you idiot, you're just out of touch"
>Do you remember what happened when you were in 3rd grade?
I met my best friend there. What of it?
>why wait so long press charges
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>piggybacking the accomplishments of others

what did they mean by this
>Most of this shit happened 30 years ago you nigger rape apologist
And they waited this long to say anything. Especially with the bullshit excuse that, "oh no, in the 1970s the cops would NEVER arrest a black man accused of rape". Or saying that "he was too powerful to confront" when some of these women claim he raped them before he had any fame.
Okay what happened September 15th 2005
Shit from a decade ago is hard to remember let alone 30 years you dolt
Let's get you shitfaced, drugged, and then I'll rape you, wait 30 years and see if you remember exactly what happened that night
lol what a terrible analogy

you just cited 4 completely unacceptable things.
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>"oh no, in the 1970s the cops would NEVER arrest a black man accused of rape
Wait people have actually said this?
didn't read lmao
>September 15th 2005
I can't remember anything specific in current events or my personal life so I was probably fucking my then girlfriend who I married a year later then eventually divorced last year.
You're obviously triggered. Want to talk about it?
Yes. I was watching CNN and one of the (white) accusers they interviewed gave the usual "I didn't say anything because I KNEW the evil misogynist police wouldn't do anything!" line, as though they want to pretend they aren't acutely aware that if these women went to the police claiming a black man raped them when they claimed it happened they wouldn't be busting down his fucking door in 15 minutes or less.
You probably did some shit
Why do these women have to remember every single thing that happened to them while they were blackout drunk and drugged
can you filter posts from countries?
why wait 30 years instead of going to the cops immediately afterwards? we also have something called statute of limitations. you can't be sitting on that kind of shit forever
"White people" have historically lynched people and burned entire towns to the ground due to false rape accusations. Who are these bitches trying to fool?
Not if she is corroborating a story or is a character witness in a contemporary trial you dolt
>we also have something called statute of limitations.
Not anymore. Thanks to Cosby, if some bitch you hooked up with at a house party 40 years ago finds out you have two nickles to rub together you better move to a country that doesn't have extradition laws.
White liberals, who happily eat it up because white women are above black men on the privilege totem pole.
Cry about it all you want, but when a cop gets away free from an open and shut murder case, people will bitch about the cops. Don't like it? Put those cops in prison. What is the downside of it?
>blackout drunk and drugged
I'm not one to blame the victim, but...
4chan X can do that, but not sure about vanilla.
>And drugged
Cosby drugged these people you idiot

>He thinks this happens in real life
Lol keep living in your fantasy land where you have sex with enough chicks and are rich enough for this to ever be a problem for you
>White liberals
As racist as any southern redneck you'll ever meet. I can at least respect mr. southerner for their honesty because I know who he is and what he's about.
Libs are fucking snakes. They'll give you some lip service but when it comes to jury duty they form like voltron with their conservative brethren and defend the indefensible.
>INB4 whitesplainin
>Put those cops in prison.
But we do anon
>advise show network

Find another good podcast instead of that mess
>these disgusting non-ironic posts crying "RACISM!!"

I give it 2 years before every board on 4chan is completely taken over by redditors and sjws
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When will the blacks in USA segregate themselves into a new country?

Balkanize NOW.
>admits that drug use it apparently synonymous with black people
>admits that black majority schools are proto gang socialization grounds
>gentrification is bad but don't look at detroit pls
Interesting self perception you have here. Really makes me think.
>admits that drug use it apparently synonymous with black people
Reading comprehension is definitely not one of your strong suits
Its mostly for (you)s. Don't think to heavily on it. Nobody here wants or advocates for anything other then the next chicken nuggy meal.
>"war on druuuuuu who the fuck are we kidding
>150 years ago
What did he mean by this?
so its okay because it doesnt happen all the time? im sure you feel the same way about rapefugees you fucking hypocrite cuck
lol at this tangent involving trudeau. Point stands... american cops are dumb dumbs. Canadian cops aren't to far off either desu. just less violent.
back from raping on the bus with the lads?
If being a cop required a degree there wouldn't be enough cops famalam as the college institution teaches students to hate cops and see them as entirely hateful brutalizers. Departments that do require a criminal justice BA are almost always understaffed. In small rural towns and rich counties this isn't a problem, but in urban areas this will lead to a development of private security teams once the shortage gets bad enough, which I guarantee you will worse to 'oppressed' groups then hickest of hick cops.
>Why won't people take BLM seriously this is a perfect case of a cop overstepping his-
Yeah I saw that huge protest about Cosby blocking the streets too
kill yourself
in everything you write, and you are correct.

>chronology of events
>your understanding
Pick one
dumb nigger
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What was he implying about his previous implication with this?
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Cadillac will save GM next year
a lot of them are trolls that really want those (you)s and for some reason people keep feeding them, instead of saging
It's called Chiraq for a reason.
Britsh police where I live are great. They treat you like one of the lads. Havent got a taxi fare? They'll give you a lift home or nearby when on patrol. They're friendly, approachable, and help everyone. Unlike some U.K Police, they're not afraid of investigating and arresting asians out of fear of being labeled racist.
Nope. However a large percentage of these 'police brutality' are, some so obvious but dumb niggas and cucks complain. Take Korryn Gaines for example.
Don't forget tinfoil hat niggers. "Da whyte maine finna try n hold down da suucsesssccccesful blak man. Fckin whyte trash kracker is wacist."
That's like saying regulations regarding saftey standerds of food are the same as slavery. Control is required for safety, as is the police.
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