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/nba/ General - Kobewave edition

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Thread replies: 517
Thread images: 121

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You guys are gay lol
now I know why Hinkie left
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Good thread
no u
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what a terrible op picture lol

just put a kobe picture without this faggotry
>making the same edition twice
>not Doorstopper pee pee edition for tomorrows blowout
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>make good OC for OPs again
>get shit on for no reason by the same spergs who contribute nothing but shitposts

kek like fucking clockwork
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she's got a smile like Jack Nicholson as Joker
Off topic garbage

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>make good OC for OPs again
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>LeBron isn't top 3
Easiest way to spot a casual
He's not even top 3 in the league RIGHT NOW.

>A Kobe picture with a filter over it
Woah......so this is the power of /nba/
>be one of the most hated "super stars" in the league
>be a career choke artist
>go to a super team that eliminated your team the previous year
>talk shit to a mascot

Is KD the worst personality in NBA history?
Lets see you make one bitchboi. I can edit circles around you photoshop you fucking bitch.
dont stress it canada, you're doing good
>Kevin Durant on getting a Flagrant 1 after pushing Rudy Gobert: "That's why they call our league soft" because of penalties like that.
Based Durant bringing physicality back to basketball. He's making the league great again
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>pink and lime nba/ logo
I expected it. It's the same people who made webm OPs extinct. It's just funny it's happening again lmao
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holy shit ive never seen canada this angry hahahahahah
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>Lets see you make one bitchboi
we're all PS experts IRL, but we ain't stupid enough like you to waste our time on such trivial things

i thought you knew
stop it
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Pastebin has been turned on and the moderators have been notified.

Let's talk ball lads.
i dont listen to devils sorry
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>it's happening again
this time the OC really sucks
of course not, quit exaggerating.
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Lebron currently has an efficiency rating of 38.0, 6 points higher than Jordan ever received in the playoffs
ayy81 watch this
did you make this while sippin sizzurp? lmao
Name a worse personality
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>zealander lebron dickride is here

yo imma watching naruto bye

>thunder fans
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LeBron is currently playing against the worst teams in the playoffs in the weakest year of Eastern conference history with 0 superstars in the east whatsoever.

Michael Jordan faced many great teams with all time great players like Ewing, Shaq, Reggie Miller, Bad Boy Pistons, Larry's Celtics, etc.
He's right you know.
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3-4 is the only thing that matters to me. You can say whatever about Jordan not making the finals, but he had actual competiton. Whos the best team Lebron went through? Celts? He had to form a super team to beat them.
I'm starting my diet in a week can I get some love and encouragmenet? Gonna have a body like Westbrook in 2 months.
>literally copypasta my comment

Yeah, and then Bosh got exposed and Wade had injuries
>the color pink threatens my """""masculinity"""""
Grow up, grow a pair
Number of 70 win teams defeated in the finals: 1 (by LeGod)

*drops mic*
You can do it bro.
Lol they got exposed in the 2011 finals?
Lebron cockroaches BTFO
Look I'm a huge LeBron fan, but he really has nothing on MJ, Kareem, Magic, or KD
Good luck /nba/ bro!!!!
Number of 70 win teams defeated by refball: 1 (by refGod)

*drops mic*
wanna know why his name is kobe bean bryant? because only beaners are fans of him...LOL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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nice post desu
LeBron fans be like:
>LeBron deserves a ring for himself, Hillary 2020!

Steph fans (me) be like:
>How about a ring for the *team*? Seems selfish. Bernie 2020!

No, they just had chemistry issues
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>LeBron backlash
>No Kobe backlash
>No Curry backlash
>No other player backlash
Apparently there's only one person in the NBA deserving of hate. Is LeBron the bitch nigger of the NBA?
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LeBron is what we always knew he was.

A complete bust.
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lebron btfo

curry singlehandedly destroyed his legacy lmao
Why are all Kobe fans Curry fans?
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>skeeeeeuuuuuuuup wave
Because they hate LeBron
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real recognize real senpai
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LeBrons career is already a joke, him losing to the guy he made the front office fire will just be the topping on the cake of shit that is LeBrons cancerous career.
it's time for a new wave senpai
When should I set my time for when this Lebon vs Everybody debate is over?
This vaporwave oc is so awful and tasteless. Just stop
Warriors are going 16-0, just the bottom line. Greatest team ever, stay jelly. Built not bought (can't say the same for any Lebron chip teams kek)
yo shutup
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wew kobe
The raptors are still the top 2 teams in the east. Lebron is jus having an incredible year.

If lebron was in the west, the raptors would be in the finals no doubt and there is still a chance we win even though we are down 3-0
Lebron did the same thing as Durant, stop twisting the narrative to try to make Lebron look like a good guy
the fuck is this gay asian shit in my nba general?
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It's called naruto you dumbfuck.
>he doesn't know
Not surprised, Curry already has more love in the NBA than LeBron and pretty much took over the league.

After he wins his second ring this year LeBron will be in the backburner.
aka underaged anime. fuck off and watch a real man anime like dbz.
Does Lebron have the worst career of all time? Who else has four finals losses?
>doesn't compete in the regular season
>doesn't compete in the All Star break
>Ironically doesn't want to compete unless his team is filled with all-stars
>only wants to compete in the playoffs but doesn't want to do any work to get there.

LeBron is literally cancer to the NBA
ya i'm waiting for the new episode to get translated
he's either Hinkie or some anon from california
either way his oc was the best
I ordered some of the lonzo Z02's earlier today. Did I fuck up?
Jordan and Bird didn't think that, they took the all star game VERY seriously, because it's a competition.

LeBron bailing on the Dunk contest every years means he simply doesn't like competition, further proved by his willingness to leave cleveland to be with two other all-stars, and only comes back to Cleveland on the condition that they get Kevin Love.

And now the guy is treating the regular season like it's not a part of the game. If Larry Bird or Jordan were still in their prime they would embarrass LeBron for destroying the league with all his horrible habits.

>he never got invited to the locked mensa discord
Nah, you're /nba/-core
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congratulations on making a great decision
I ordered them too, dudes gonna be a legitmate superstar. In 20-30 years when he's universally the goat, imagine how much profit you'll make. Buy as many pairs as you can desu, you could become a billionaire.
>gf was looking @ the BBB website
guess who's getting this for her bday?
>it's made by the ball family
2017 NBA Finals preview:

Curry >> Irving (currently)
Klay >>> JR Shit
KD = LeBron
Green > Love
Zaza < Thompson
Iguodala >>>> Korver

Is... is there any hope of a good series?
I miss watching westbrook bros
Its a weird debate. Kobe was and is a better global icon while LeBron had better stats. Kobe has more rings, but he played with Shaq. LeBron is a east coast babby and left to make a super team with his friends. Kobe had one of the best post games ever. LeBron defeated the 73 win Warriors. Kobe defeated the all time great defense Celtics. Kobe was a better scorer, Lebron was more efficient. Kobe won the dunk contest, Lebron never entered

Id say Kobe is much better for now
Heres hoping the thunder get a good team. He's legitmately the only player good enough to beat the warriors and if he manages it he'd probably be the goat.
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>KD = playoff LeBron
ding dong woop *brrrrrrrrrrr* wrong





t. AIDS ridden Bay Area nigger.

t. inbred Cleveland retard
Durant scored 35 PPG on 52% shooting in the finals he appeared he. He definitely is = to Lebron at the minimum, maybe even >. Shame his partner in crimes didn't show up for that finals.
zaza = thompson to be honest
stop it, I wrote that
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Homophobic AND racist. Wouldn't expect anything less from a LeBron cockroach.
the lebron backslash is in full effect
kobe wins every time. i dont see any countries loving lebron like china loves kobe.

maybe mexico because they wanna jump the wall
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This kills the Lebron cockroaches
These playoffs
Lebron: 34
Durant: 21
Lebron: .566
Durant: .509
Lebron: .486
Durant: .357
Lebron: 9
Durant: 7.5
Lebron: 7.3
Durant: 4
Lebron: 2.4
Durant: 0.8
Lebron: 1.6
Durant: 1.0
at least i'm not a bastard mullato child in the cucked state of commiefornia
Stop exaggerating the Warriors just so you can jerk off for a lifetime to LeBron and the Cavs winning
Bizzy Bone is the greatest rapper of all time
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are you me?
>no millennials whineposting in the past few days

Do you think the mods finally banned this autistic faggot?
Reminder than Westbrook made the same FG a game as Lebron but with 10 more attempts
Krayzie Bone has the better voice + flow
Jazz are straight garbage.
The only one in the cavs doing good is Lebron.
Everyone else is doing shit.

Warriors SUCK

LEBRON is better than any of those PUSSY players on the warriors

we have KYRIE




We winning the championship YOU SILLY NIGGASSSSSSS

KORVER and FRYE are ELITE BITCH AHAHA better than klay and that gaggy javale LOL

So now reddìt loves KD and the Warriors after tonight. And 4chan still hates them.

Reddìt vs 4chan... I've seen this episode before
shut up bitch KYRIE is KILLING IT NIGGA
>the feel when the San Antonio Spurs BTFO the warriors and cavs on the way to the title


can /NBA/ be anymore BTFO
it's just hairy falseflaggin
kek say hi to your sister-wife for me
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>shut up bitch KYRIE is KILLING IT NIGGA
no probelm. incest is the patrician fetish and literally the sign of royalty.
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>mfw they forgot about my lakeys
Isn't that the underage Asian kid who posts from at least 3 different laptops and had well over 20 different proxies?
Of course we did...they the most forgettable franchise in the NBA right now...specially with the Clippers getting Porzingis and Paul George..it's like...what purpose do the Lakers serve?
You do know the east is complete shit and the only good team is the Cavs?
Taylor Swift has more banners in Staples Centers than the Clips have title banners, get the fuck outta here lmao
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>mfw /nba/ got btfo
your shitposting is gonna drive everyone from this general, i'd advise you to stop now
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We literally always win because reddit can do absolutely nothing to us. They have nothing cancerous enough to post here that this site doesn't see weekly. See pic related.

Truly the greatest days of this site.
Khloe looks like a man so yes
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>talk shit all season
>get swept

Legod won this thread.
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So how many finals does Silver want for Cavs/Dubs?

LeBron has at least 3 more years, and Warriors have a couple years left. No team can compete with them. Can the NBA survive Cavs/Dubs 7 years in a row?
Lakers literally have a worse future than the Suns.
They'll be pushing the Spurs/Celtics by 2019
So no parity still. Great
Did we ban clips for spamming gay porn in the locked discord? I had to close the tab, shit was too gay bruh
Nigga if you want parity, go watch hockey or baseball.
I see Tristan is into fake women.
You can't be doing that shit in discord anymore.

I'm sending clips a warning. Next time he does this I'm suspending his locked discord privileges for a week.
Lavar will coach Lonzo, LaMelo and the Lakers to 11 NBA Championships.
>coaching the Lakers
>implying we even get Lonzo this upcoming draft

I fucking wish.
im gonna go play csgo with clips and hinks, yall get ready for my wizards! the ecf is ours this year, and boston can't stop us

john wall is the true mvp
LeBron is going to be the first athlete to overcome the "cliff". He's literally going to be in his prime until his mid 40s.
lol nobody forgets the lakers. even if the team is shit, theres too much great history and players that are brought up constantly when talking about such and such stat throughout the year. accept it and it will hurt less.
Stfu you pathetic role playing loser. Go to bed and cry for two hours because your life is shit and you have absolutely nothing going for you.
Plenty of athletes have played well into their 40's.
am I the only one not in the discord
Yeah haha! You're a loserrrrrrrrrrrrr teehee
Parity is a meme. People want titans
>at least 3 more years
Nah, at MOST. I hate to say it but he will tear his achilles in the next 3 yrs and call it a career
lebron not kobe, lebron is robot.
but not at a sustained prime. LeBron will overtake Vino from Kobe. His game is going to age like parmigiano reggiano and cheval blanc.

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>posting on /nba/
>not in the locked discord
LeBron has been in a conference that has 3 of the bottom 8 playoff seeds tie for 6th place with 38 wins every yr. Over years players put in work and don't get rings. Down the road DeRozen, Butler, Antetokounpo, Wall, Isaiah Thomas even Paul George will deserve rings but that competition and players have respect. Stockton, Malone, Miller, Ewing and Barkley didn't get rings because of Jordan. The only thing that matters is when the league or sportsbook puts it's greedy fingers in it for ratings. If work is put in as TEAM championships are won and watching the worlds best athletes is legit. My boy Nash never got a title still HoF.
Wait, the Nets are owned by the russian mafia? That's hilarious.
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>the Memiors could unironically got 16-0
They'll lose one in San Antonio or Houston
Haven't posted here in a year. I must have missed it.
Dont worry men you're not missing out on much. Everyone usually hangs out alone in their private locked channels anyways. Barely interaction unless we play 2k.
2k for what console
So we all agree that Game 7 of the finals last year was the greatest game ever, right?
>he wasn't alive for Game 7 of the 1994 NBA Finals or the 1994 NBA Playoffs in general
Some of the best basketball was played in all of the series tbqh
Nah, It was clearly rigged in favor of the Cavs. Neither team scoring for like 7 minutes? LeBron shooting the game clinching free throw with a broken hand? They didn't even fucking try to conceal it.
>le sports are rigged meme
I love it guys!!! +1!! wait, no, +2!!!!
we just finished idk why you are so upset maybe you can come play with us next time :^)
Thank god nobody is arguing about Kobe or LeBron..................
That's because we all agreed Lebron is better
LMAO 100 100 *laughing crying emoji*
why do people talk like Lebron is some old ass man? He's only 32. Jordan was the best player in the league when he was 36 and showed few signs of falling off. It's reasonable to think that Lebron could go on for years at a high level
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king james will cuck durcant again
Better make it +3. Cavs didn't have a more athletic team last year. Got blown out by like 90 over 3 games better take away a couple players so it goes to 7.
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>mfw curry goes 2-1 vs lebron in the finals
Jordan was a prolific scorer and had footwork to fall back to when his athleticism dropped. LeBron relies heavily on his athleticism. He'll still be a great passer and decision maker, but he won't be the unstoppable freight train that fuels 80% of his game.
Underdog James gimme a break. Cavs wouldn't have drafted Kyrie if LeBron didn't leave and Love finally decided he wasted enough time in Minnesota. Him and Westbrook are bros he wishes Durant woulda gone to GS before he signed with Cleveland. Cavs are so top heavy, the have LeBrons first calendar losing record and he goes to media about needing a playmaker. He's a crybaby and Irving feels like he's walking on egg shells. Especially since Irving isn't an assistor so when he misses it's more work for James and when James misses it's more pressure on him. LeBron is envious of the TEAM THE warriors made.
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looks like it's just me and you pb
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Curry can literally shoot 3's from a wheelchair. pretty sure he'll retire around 50 yo
I watched Bob Meyers build this team envious that it wasn't my Sac Kings and I'll root for GS the whole way. They drafted those boys Durant is just a sidekick and he'll live with that. Nor Cal is known for nothing but the 49ers and Giants. Don't count out the Raiders or Sharks. Nor Cal basketball can take it's time. Anyone remember 02 game 7 Kings/Lakers? Lick my balls.
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Im gonna get around to finishing this at some point
>Anyone remember 02 game 7 Kings/Lakers?
i was poolside in vegas
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wew lad
Kobe can blow me. Mad props for Showtime.
Damn, I've never seen a post spread that much truth.
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this desu
Easy but I don't dis greatness but the only thing I credit James for in the finals is getting Green suspended and being a crybaby. I credit Kyrie for the ring.
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>oy vey lebron has to shoot every shot
>tfw kerr > jordan
he led the series in literally every stat my guy, for sure dont hate, its not a good look my man.
Like I said there is no hate mad respect for the guys career. But either way that was a cupcake ass ring (in b4 durant) after everyone talked about healthy Cavs with Kyrie and Love and the got blown out in 3 games and u take a couple guys off the board and it's yours. Mad props to Tristan too that guy is awsome!
>its lebrons fault green chimps out
>lebron has to take literally every shot
>that passive aggressive redditness
my man for sure stop embarrassing yourself
I'm a millennial but I've been watching the league since '99. 4 things on a pedestal since then; Kobe, Shaq, LeBron and what appears to be the Eternal Spurs. The "will to win" teams i.e. 04 to 06 Pistons, 08 to 10 Celtics. Both of those postseasons were just resurrected rivalries with the Lakers. Wish I was of age to watch "Pistol" Pete Maravich but this is the times and I'll appreciate the athletes my boy Nash is retired and never got a ring gotta love. I ain't the one throwing up the ball anyway, man. Mad love to the players. Fuck Tom Brady lol
50 years old with around 20 championships
? ? ?
Have you preordered already or are you not a Big Ballerâ„¢?
In the day Lambiaeer, Molone or Rodman woulda just beat his ads in the parking lot for that shit. You think Bird, McHale or Worthy would be taken that shit? Miller or Ewing? Would James to that to Bryant who knows? Who cares? That was last year's Finals either way the league is soft. Barkley is right on that...he just sucks LeBron dick cus his style is old breed and that's why I respect him too. James and Leonard are the best players in the league man. No hate really. If you're from The Land, all I do is throw u a peace sign lol
Live by 3, die by 3 love your compassion for the little man tho haha
After the way the Memphis series went if the refs allow the Warriors to be the first team to sweep S.A. in the Popovich era it will be a surprise.
>passive aggressive redditness
>wants to make it personal whole giving LeBron a handjob
Ya know, Alot of people say Bill Russels rings don't count because of the era and having few teams, but I look at some of the finals he played in and some of them were very close, particularly the 1969 NBA finals where the Lakers took a 3-2 lead over the Celtics.

Many people argue that The Celtics just had an easy path, but I disagree, 8 peating is no accident.
Will LeBron go to a Western conference team this summer? His reasoning being the East is too boring.
The Lakers seemed very fond of taking a 3-2 lead and then blowing it away.

It happened 3 times, 1969, 1962, and 1966.

lmao, Lakers blew a 3-2 lead, THREE TIMES!!!!
Fuck no he's not he already has his team so high strung he split every series with the West this year. Last thing he wants is to play spurs and grizz 4 times a season let alone jazz and nuggets lol
lol what a pussy then. LeGM is no GOAT.
he'll become ray allen and help lakers greek freak win the ship
you mean like the Celtics did recently?
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John Wall about to drop Shook Ones pt. 3 on the Celtics, featuring the ghost of Isaiah Thomas's sister
Except he's been shit this season. Durant fucked up his mojo
Shows the team mindset. Eastern Con all u need is 50 wins to get a top 3 seed. They would have to work so much harder in the West. 16-14 vs. West 36-16 vs East.
The 3 is only a threat of it goes in from distance I'm still looking at the Warriors getting 32 assists on 45 made.
He's actually better, still shot 320 something threes with Durant on the team, probably would have broken his own 400 threes record without Durant.
Just shorten the regular season schedule to 60 games and make it so every team faces each other twice in the regular season
They're attack plan is different but it still works because of the ball movement and spacing. It's crazy to watch. Highlights just show long ball scores but fast break lay ups and dunks r crazy. They still gel and having fun is a big thing.
Is the anon who did the /nba/ stream gonna do it again today?
just checked the l/d, i can't find anything from him on whether he's doing it again
Yo no one is here right now, hook it up with the locked discord link pls then delete it
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Is literally anyone objective going to appreciate their championship? Either now or in the future?
only hinks can give it out
Unless they have some sort of victorious struggle and overcome odds to win, no. They have arguably 3 first team all NBA players and 1 second team all NBA. Cavs have 1 first team and maybe two second team. I can't think of any other team in history that has 3 first team all NBA starters
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Like i said before its nothing cool or exciting its just me clips, hinks, canada and bully posting 3x3s and playing csgo. I dont know why people want in so bad, sam put a lock on it to keep garry out
Brons biggest competition early in his career was the Cavs front office, my dude.
Western Conference Finals preview:

Curry >>>>> Murray
Klay >> Green
Durant < Kawhi
Green > Aldridge
Zaza << Gasol

Hinkie blew you the fuck out lmao
I love how draymond green just grates opposing crowds, last night he was like a king on top of the world getting heckled by peasants then metaphorically whipped his dick out and started beating off over them, the nba needs more villains cus this shit is amazing to watch night in and out
Tbh I'd switch green & KD, draymond is the lebron equalizer in the playoffs, KD is good but doesn't have the same impact as green on vs off the court
fade my flair famalam
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Why are basketball shoes so gaudy?
Hahahaha #Dead

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At least you guys had a two year run, my team had 5 years and got cucked by season ending injuries and the CBA.

That's just Nike and KD is a drone that does what ever that one famous Asian Nike designer tells him to do even when it's retarded.
Cavs win
Wizards win
Spurs win
>Wizards win
Since there is no chance of the Raptors folding, should they blow it all up and fire Casey?

I'm looking forward to the battles for 30 wins again
They should've fired Casey 2 seasons ago
Keep JV and Lowry. DeRozan is allergic to the playoffs. Trade him for a solid wing player.
They should try and resign Lowry by making him take a paycut to resign Ibaka.

If that doesn't work keep PJ, trade Powell and Potlel for a third man if they can't sign a FA like Millsap.

Don't fire Casey unless you have a better coach waiting in the wings. If it's a college coach trying to go to the pros FAs don't want anything to do with that unless they're proven like Donovan. A Stevens type can't draw anyone until he proves himself in the pros.
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>Keep JV
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So besides Chris Paul to the spurs any other ways the NBA can probably stop Cavs vs Warriors for the Next 3 years
JV is good
Nah. And it's even worse because it looks like the Warriors will take this year's championship, which means KD stays. Also Chris Paul is not going to the Spurs, we don't buy talent. We build it.
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>JV is good
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>we don't buy talent. We build it.
I wouldn't expect a basketball troglodyte to understand the important nuance of harboring untapped talent and molding said talent to the brand of Spurs basketball.
>next 3 years

Books nigga, Markelle Fultz and Shareef O'Neal on the same team
God damn it why are we even watching the playoffs its gonna be the cavs vs warriors again except the warriors are 2x better this year and the cavs are a lot worse. Warriors will win and it won't even be competitive. The future of the nba is dark because lebron's is the only team that can even compete with the warriors and he's already past his prime while the warriors are just hitting theirs.
Cp3 to the 76ers might be amazing in 3 years
LeBron wouldn't make it through the conference finals in the West.
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Thhis is all KDs fault. Had he just stayed on OKC or go to clippers or celtics we could have had at leats 4 competitors now it is guaranteed to be Cavs vs Warriors. I honestly hope he kills himself if they lose to the cavs
The Cavs are better this year tho
>trade powell
Get out.
Lol no.

Kyrie isn't playing well, the Warriors have a much better bench, and now they have a LeBron stopper (KD)
The Jazz series is really highlighting why KD makes them so much better. Hayward is afraid to even run offense against him because Durant is so much bigger. Without KD, that would be Iggy or Klay and Gordon has the size advantage. But nope, 7 foot ring chasing superstar ruins the league.
>KD is a lebron stopper
Oh, you're memeing.
>this years warriors are better than the 73-9 warriors

Yeah okay bud
Dude is great, that's the point. Trade him while his value is high.

And you can't honestly expect him to be better than a decent role player in the future so he's not worth keeping in case your franchise collapses, they already have DeRozan on a huge contract to he's tradeable.
Cavs lost 2 games against the Raptors last year.

They're about to sweep them this year despite the Raptors now being better than last year due to Ibaka and PJ.

This Cavs team is leagues better offensively and have Kyle Korver and Deron Williams.
Why would he take the harder path take the harder path to the finals?
>Kyle Korver
>Deron Williams

LMAO yeah, now compare them to the Warriors bench players. No contest. Livingston and Iggy are infinitely better.
>tfw went from a size 30 to 32
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>This Cavs team is leagues better offensively and have Kyle Korver and Deron Williams
How much raid needs to he purchased for the finals? The LeBron cockroach epidemic will be too much for this league to handle.
The shoe would look so much better without that BBB logo
Green text and memeing isn't an argument.
Wearing these shoes makes you a target to get robbed
>states an empirical fact of two players being better than the other two players
>y-you're memeing!

Lol Cavs tears are great
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Reminder that Mtn Dew is the official drink of the /nba/
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they know they're on there way out. it's hilarity

the backlash is complete kobe won
didn't watch the 2nd half of the Warriors jazz game due to the Canelo fight. what did i miss?
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>Magic, or KD

It looks like they just ripped off Kobe's low top shoes from years ago.
>watching that terrible one sided fight
JizZ lost
Is scoring the only aspect of basketball? You're fucking retarded if you think Kevin Durant has the same impact and importance to a team as LeBron.
Durant plays underrated defense and is an amazing rebounder. Your LeBron cockroach brain can't remove your bias.
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the elsa jean poster is THIS close to being pastebinned because I'm sick of her face
No, I can. This is only his 2nd year in the league. He averaged like 16 a game when he started. He has a very good chance of being an all star. That's why they don't want to trade him.
LeBron is averaging more points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks on a higher fg% and higher 3p% and when he isn't on the court the Cavs are awful while when KD is off the Warriors win 13 straight games. I know you're just memeing but you a real retarded if you think Durant is better than LeBron.
Are really retarded*
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>the canadian pb faggot still posting here after being slapped into the shadow realm for his shitty OC
>get notification on my Sumsung Galaxy that someone posted about me
>check thread
>can't see any new posts

feels fucking good hahaha into the shadow realm you go
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>mfw the Canada backlash is complete
Okay which one of you fucks did this
Shadow realmed every single poster here.

Hope you all kill yourselves.
maybe it's just a coincidence lmao
Hard shell tacos are the thinking man's taco.

Soft shell cucks are pussies that can't handle the satisfying crunch that ignites brain cells and taste buds into a taco nirvana.
Soft tacos are max comfy and filling

Hard shell suck ass
>lonzo hasn't even played 1 game in the NBA and already sold more sneakers than weststats

What? Larry, please stop smoking crack
Pastebinned this thread and all I see are posts about tacos and the Rapties trading players.

Why the fuck can't you guys just stay on topic like /nfl/ and ignore off topic posts and never reply to them?
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who the fuck buys that shit
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how funny would it be if Lebron tore his ACL?

screencap this post
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we've had 4 anons so far
If Toronto wins I'll donate $0.50 to the shanty town of Canada
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If Toronto wins I'll buy a pair of Big Balla Brand Z02s
I'm waiting for the performance reviews
>buying a shit Chinese stock shoe that will fall apart after 10 minutes on the blacktop

You have 10 minutes to defend the drafting+trading system of the NBA over the rest of the world trading system (where money is involved)
I've been saying that for 10 yrs "Anyway someone in the east will keep LeBron from going to the finals every year?"
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It's almost over leafs
>stream is making me download flash
rich Sheiks don't run our league

My only issue with the drafting system in American sports is that the champion picks last.

In my opinion the champion of the league should be rewarded with the 10th pick every time.
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>have to pay for flash to watch a free stream
That doesn't happen in other leagues, that's only a thing in soccer

The draft system is fucked as a whole. Think about it, you get two player literally for free evey season

An acadmy system should be better, where teams produce their own young players, and don't get them for free, from universties and already trained
>download flash
good luck with your virus
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Anyone else find it petty as fuck that Kobe is helping out the Celtics to try and stop Lebron from catching up in rings?
Americans are the biggest bandwagoners in the world and unless you give every team a chance to be good eventually Americans would just stop supporting their home teams and only support the big market teams that can buy all the good players.
I hope you're trolling
Game Thread:

Is there a steam where Hubie Brown isn't talking? I can't take this shit anymore.

game thread
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I wan't to get into basketball, where do I start?
Sucks that I live in a town where I haven't seen anyone playing in any of the 3 existing courts in here. Don't even know if it's worth it buying a ball and pump.
>raps get a 4 on 2 break
>blocked by jr spliff

literally cannot wait for Cavs to play a real team and get buttfucked. the Least is a joke
kill yourself
Watch the playoffs tonight, see if there's any teams you like. Watch highlights from throughout the season and see if there's any player you enjoy watching, follow that team.

As for playing, just buy a ball and pump and throw the ball around by yourself. Most of the time I practise by myself, it's not that bad.
>I wan't to get into basketball, where do I start?
Play, watch or understand?
Thanks, I'll watch some stuff. Not today, because things to do, but I'll watch some videos later on. I started getting interested in basket since I watched the anime Kuroko no Basuke, so I guess I'll look for the players the characters were based on, or have similar playing styles.
As for the ball, I'll think about it. Trying to save money now, so there's no point in buying and playing alone.
>>75769576 pretty much nailed it. As for inderstanding, who doesn't know how basket works, should have gone to school.
Just watch the games, if the time isn't good watch the Spanish league, or the Turkish league. European basketball is a bit slower and less physical but it's still fun to watch
Your hate for LeBron makes you dipshits so delusional to how good of an overall player he really is. Kevin Durant can't play and guard every position and doesn't have the passing and finishing abilities LeBron has. He is a better shooter and that's literally it. Do you even watch both players?
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press F to pay respects to the iblocka dionosty

I can't wait for LeGod to leave the land again and win another chip for a 3rd franchise to cement his GOAT status.
This is what LeBronies unironically believe.
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Why wouldn't he leave after being swept in the second round? This is as good as the Jazz are ever going to get with their roster.
It's go to the east and get swept by Lebron every year or stay in the west and get swept by the Warriors every year
Jazz have a bunch of young players and after next year they'll have enough cap space to sign another major one. There is definitely room for improvement.
so just like every europoor supports liverpool or arsenal
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>The Raptors will stop LeBron


>Thinking this doesn't beat Lebron

Aahahahahahahah delusional
Slightly different, yuros don't have a home club to support in the Prem. Americans have a home franchise to support in the NBA, or at least they have one they are the closest to.

In the UK, you support either the club you are located next to, or the club your dad supported. People are more than happy to support shitter teams rather than bandwagon. Can't say for sure that it wouldn't happen in the US, but the MLS doesn't have relegation for a very good reason.
>Starting Butler over Bradley even though he's infinitely better
USA just plain won't support a lower professional division. College takes that niche.

they take 1 game from lebron at max
Lebron is an unstoppable force now. He's got the greatest combination of brains and muscle that the NBA has ever seen. He could honestly average 28/8/8 until he's 40. I see him winning at the minimum 4 more rings.
And so you couldn't have relegation in the NBA either. So the big market teams, who earn more money, can buy better players. The cycle continues, small market teams are shit, lose money and fold, and you end up with a smaller league with franchises only in the big metro areas. Argentina was asking why the draft and trade system is necessary for the NBA, and it's because an unfettered free market approach would destroy any small market franchise.
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I hope he clotheslines Wall
god i hate this bitch. you ate bill walton son, shave your hair before i knock you the fuck out. go with that haircut all whitebois have nowadays, the one they stole from the black man
Unironically this.
Youre the reason LeBron haters shit on him so much. Stop with this delusion and let the people that realistically appreciate his game be fans.
Lebron is already at the minimum the 2nd best player of all time. Who cares what his haters have to say?
Cap limit stops teams from simply buying better players. And the world is a market now, so you can be in a shit city like Cleaveland and still be the star of the league. It now comes down to how well your team is run.
>le door stopper pee pee man
>le statpad and ballhog man
>le bron
Kawaii should be MVP
Have you spent more than a month in Cleveland? Or do you simply join the bandwagon of retards that shit on cities without having spent time in them?
kawhi will pass lebron in a year or two when he hits his prime

right now no

kawhi is starting to develop his playmaking ability though which was his biggest weakness making him a player that has no weaknesses at all
No need to be so sensitive you roach
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Your numale ass would end up crying like Oubre
There was a time when people debated whether Kawhi or Iman Shumpert was better.
I really like this humble Celties squad.

They would actually be contenders if not for LeBum starting the superteam trend.
lebum lowkey being carried by channing frye

They are literally the worst #1 seed of all time.
Can white bois stop stealing our cuts? Your cuts are supposed to look like 2007 Bieber, you ain't supposed to have fades.
>worst 1 seed
>goes on a 6 win winning streak, all the while breaking NBA records

Wizards are sweeping the rest of this series. Wizards have dominated every game against the Celtics so far. They just happened to not come out with the win in the first two games.
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>beat Lebron
I remember when people were saying that about the Bulls.
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this fuck the haters
Yeah, I do remember when the Bulls won the first two games and then lost the rest of the games. Same will happen with the Celtics.
>only up 2
holy shit the Cavs suck
Cavs aren't even trying in this game, Lue is trying out different lineups for future series. Raptors should be ashamed for letting him disrespect them like that, he's using them like they are a preseason game lmao
Good, if the raps can give them less days off, that's good
>less rest is good
I like the intelligent answer that actually addressed the question. No need to feel confused potato brain.
Who wants a mega discord voice chat for the Wizzies Celtics game?
This squad should be nuked this offseason.

They should let Thomas join an actual contending team and Boston should not offer him max since he will be in a steep decline and the worst case scenario for Boston is having two 30+ year olds with hundred bajillion dollar contracts.

They're not going to win with Thomas + Horford + some washed up hack from elsewhere so might as well develop Brown and whoever they draft in the next two cycles.
Huh? you, a fellow cavs fan, doesn't think they should keep playing until game 7 and only have 1 day off?

I disagree!
Well, thankfully, you're the minority.

The fans love this squad, especially IT, he ain't going nowhere.

Obviously theres still room for 1 superstar though, the next big three will include Horford and IT
>thought they had a 4 point play
>no points

but they got the ball for no reason
holy shit the raptors might win
lowry is so cute ugh
hahahahha le dab!

XDDDD dab guys? amirite?

Cam Newton was a mistake.
Calm your tism
The stakes of this Cavs game are:
>Cavs want another day off to chill and fuck bitches
>Raptors don't want to be embarrassed before they start the offseason

Not exactly the stuff of sports legend is it?
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>Lebron constantly crying to the refs
this is going to get old quick once he starts to fade
lebum being carried by kyrie again
Isn't DeRozan supposed to be an all NBA player? lmaoooo
so, it really is going to be a sweep. didnt think i was actually going to happen. embarrassing desu. someone is laughing right now riding off into the sunset. you already know who
>it's a kyrie bails out lebron episode
Kyrie really wants the night off, he must have some ho's lined up
team mates are supposed to "bail" out each other
Kareem was amazing obviously but if you are old enough to recall his later career he did a lot of that. It worked for the most part.
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if i see another white person dab im going to barf
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Here's the OP pic for the next thread.
Do you think the Cavs would be better with me in place of Kyrie? Keep in mind I'm probably a better catch and shoot players and I'd let LeBron run the offense more which = higher efficiency.
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not bad canada not bad
Should Lebron just let his hairline go? It's only like 1cm long anyway, what is the point. Obviously he's balding but he's Lebron, it's not like he won't be able to get the chicks.
How tall are you?
He already had the hair transplant senpai
based lepopcorn btfo nu-spuh
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>tfw only true summerfags can grasp the power of kobewave
1. Jordan
2. James
3. Kobe
4. Shaq
5. Duncan
6. Kareem
7. Hakeem
8. Magic
9. Bird
10. Wilt
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>tfw getting some mickey d's and then watching the celties btfo the wiz
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for everyone TLDR "autistic screeching"
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>3. Kobe
I hope PJ and JV stay

everyone else can go
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>tfw i miss russel westbrook games
Kobe is not top 10
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He misses you watching.
Tucker, JV (with a NEW coach who can fucking use his skills), DeRozan and Powell should stay.

Byebye to everyone else
If Cavs don't foul its over
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You do know he has 5 rings right?
The NBA creating a Champions and Premiere League championship with Relegation and Promotion when?

Leagues in First Year are based purely on prestige not skill

Champions = Cavaliers, Knicks, Pistons, Bulls, Pacers, Celtics, Lakers, Warriors, Spurs, Blazers and New Seattle Supersonics - add 5 other teams by record in regular season who cares

Out of these teams we make a 8 team playoff and get it done in 6 weeks and worst 2 teams go to Premier League which is literally the joke league where Philly has a shot at winning

Champion of Premier goes to Champions

NBA also has largest contraction in its history, it removes entirely:

Brooklyn Nets
Orlando Magic
Charlotte Hornets
Sacremento Kings

Does this save the NBA?
too late

lowry just threw off his suit, checked in and made 12 straight 3's its ogre raps reverse sweep
>Canadian cucks
Derozan will demand a trade if you don't re-sign his boyfriend Lowry.
stop spamming this shit faggot. you're not gonna brainwash ppl with your nonsense
LeMeteor does it again. Good series, Rapties.
I do. The fact that he's not top 10 despite having 5 rings is the embarrassing part.
then he can go too, idgaf
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>LeBron gets 8 days of rest

6' 3'' 205
Did someone say new Toronto Head Coach? How will the muslims take him?

Are the raptors destined for a couple years without superstars?
Kobe is #12 all time

10. Hakeem
11. Big O
12. Kobe
I disagree about some of the placings, but this is the top 10, for sure.
I'm 6'1 280 pounds, I thinkingcan make it in the NBA as a draymond green type player
KG is better than Kobe.
Kobe is not top 10
They're destined for extinction.
I want nicki
Kobe ain't even top 15 desu
non of this shit matters to me because lebron will never be better than jordan


i sleep very well at night
>Kobr over Shaq and Duncan
Status update on Canada?
Rewatching the Jazz game where he hit that nice midrange game winner.

Going to rewatch the revenge Grizzlies game then the second game against the Cavs.
I really don't give a FUCK about what the final score says. This series is tied 2-2 right now. If Lowry wasn't injured we would be up 3-1 anyways. I can't wait for game 5. Gonna see what the raptors can do without our point guard.

Again, this series is 2-2 despite what the official score says. Fuck the NBA.
we all do baka
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Nicki is ugly she's pure plastic.
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lemme guess. she won too, right?
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Wow. What kinds of drugs are you on for that level of delusion and where can I get some of that shit?
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Use this as the next thread image pls
Kyle Lowry is a bitch nigga
This series is literally 2-2 right now because Lowry would have won us the game if he wasn't injured. Prove me wrong. You just can't.

Get ready for game 5
Gotchu senpai ;)
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bitch looked like da brat all butch and shit b4 she fixed a flat her ass
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Hey guys this was a good game!

when is the next raptors game?
I lost my guitar amp cable...how much is a new one?
wew, the last 2 games the cavs played like garbage and mostly messed around.
i think wilt is better than magic. and kobe is better than "big o"

but that's about it
KG is better than LeBron
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and I bet jack and ashi have a father-daughter relationship too
lowry looks like he's a little kid
like his face never matured or become masculine

add that to the fact that he never gets in the best shape and he has baby fat all over his face still
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Mods seriously need to ban anyone who says Kobe isn't top 10. All the people saying this are obviously underage and shouldn't be on this site.
1. Jordan
2. Lebron
3. Magic
4. Duncan
5. Bird
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>tfw to intelligent to not murder somebody
when is the next raptors game?
I'm 25
>yfw cavs purposely dropped to 2nd to humiliate leafs 2 years in a row
kobe isn't top 10
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>no Kobe
1. Jordan
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Hakeem
You fucking autists have been doing the same posts for 2 straight days.im done with this place
Dr.J is better than Bird
Yes, Duncan, the five time Champion in a strong era
Duncan wouldn't even be top 20 if he didn't go to the spurs
new thread
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You're here forever
$15-$20 for a good quality cable
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The east is such a fucking joke. and it's been like that since literally 1998. would north/south be more balanced?
lebron vs kobe argument is eternal
too early, follow the rules.
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>Top 10
kobe is top 4
Find your local radioshack and hope they're having a going out of business sale. You can buy a decent one for 3 bucks
radioshack has been going out of business for about 10 years now. I still see those stores
welp, no basketball for a week for me. see ya
Kobe is objectively top 7, his only knock is his sub 45% FG percentage and only 1 MVP.
ehh not really. only reason it's still going on is because kobe played for so godamn long. once bron bron finishes his career it'll be pretty easy to spot the better player
kobe is maybe top 10
but there are so many who also should be in consideration: magic, russell, moses, oscar, west, mikan
Kobe is top 1
They just closed my local one.

Bought a shit ton of batteries, HDMI cables, guitar cables, for 20 bucks.

Over 80% off everything.
they need to just do 1 - 16th seeds for the playoffs

would make it way more exciting and probably have the actual 2 best teams face each other 90%+ of the time
File: f4vv.png (554KB, 1275x663px) Image search: [Google]
554KB, 1275x663px
Y'all ready for the newest episode of The Mighty IT?
File: e.png (181KB, 478x436px) Image search: [Google]
181KB, 478x436px
>when you're so intelligent you haze veterans.

Is there a more anti-bust rookie?
This game is fucking over.
Blame delusional Laker fans who won't admit they're wrong about their daddy Kobr. He's #12
t. lelbron cuck
t. KObr cuck
3-4 soon to be 3-5 lmao you leLbron cucks are pathetic
meant for >>75775687
When's the next Raptors game?
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