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Thread replies: 545
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its startan

wright vs aquino
i hope they don't fight... i don't think my nerves could handle it...
Manny is getting a knuckleball right in the dome today
btw wright is going to give up 6 runs in the first 3 innings.

bad night for the knuckle
When was the last time there was a fight bewteen Boston and Baltiomore
black excellence
I have literally no idea who our pitcher is but go Os

Gregg vs. Ortiz I think
Dominican kid who bounced around a couple of teams after Rockies signed him
I honestly hope Machado dies tonight
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>pede has a season ending injury

Why is Schoop so trash
That's a hit, not an error?
he's going to give up 10
why are they still talking about the slide it happened like a hundred years ago
Who's the dirtiest team in all of sports and why is it the orioles
This team is hitting like total shit
I hope so. The only thing our starter has going for him is that he's a lefty, his stuff is junk.
NESN went out of their way to copy the YES approach of being whiny homers
wow thanks for the essay retard
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>and why is it the orioles

it's pretty obvious
Fuck Boston. Clam chowder tastes like ass and is for poor people
Fuck off u know nothing of baseball go watch cricket
poor = good
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>cuckleballer pitching
gg O's
Way down in the hole

I know it was difficult reading since your Bombston education makes anything other than pop up pictures and color by numbers difficult, but the Brit isn't wrong
ok throw knuckler
Lamao look how empty fenway south is

O's to Montreal when?
the good ol' "slow fastball" knuckleball
it's that saturday rush hour traffic
float one up there right at his head lol
Why pay to freeze your ass off in the cold when you can just as easily watch the Red Sox get their ass whomped from the comfort of home?
>not sliding into 1st
>why pay to attend a baseball game

earnest baltimore question that no one in the city has answers to
Surprised he didn't cleat moreland on the way to first
I hope Machado Chase Utley's a dude and breaks his leg.
That was one of the worst bean attempts I've ever seen lmao
Whats a matter cant handle 40 degree weather you puss?

Not like it's worth paying money to see the product Baltiomore puts on the field
I need a stream!
Trumbo? More like DUMBO


dumb baltimore niggers
All Boston fans, and, for that matter, all people from Boston are assholes.Seriously, a bunch of alcoholic, insecure, inferiority-complex, crypto-racist, self-styled "blue collar", self-regarding "underdog" morons.What they lack in brains, creativity or numbers they more than make up for in volume and insanely blind allegiance to the most overrated small market in sports.If New York or, to a lesser extent, Los Angeles, Seattle, Baltimore, San Francisco or Chicago were wiped off the face of the map, what would Boston fans do? They would have no earthly reason to go on, as they thrive on the antipathy they feel toward their betters. If Boston suddenly disappeared, NYC,Chicago, Seattle, Baltimore, San Francisco and LA would still have plenty to work on. The "rivalries" that Boston fans have fostered have always had a passion gap, because they've always meant more to the Bostonians then they did to anybody else. Sort of like a drunk short guy in a bar picking fights with anybody over 6'2".And furthermore, Boston is actually kind of a shitty town after you've seen all the historical relics/ruins from way back when it was a relevant city. For my money, it's a poor man's Philadelphia, and it's tough to stomach either of those places after you've spent any real time in New York.Not to malign New England. Beautiful part of the country. But Boston, specifically, blows.
>Won't go out in average weather to support your team

this is why you've never seen your team win a ring
>Not cleating the first baseman there

remember when baseball was fun?
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>average baltipoor attendance
Maryland is literally a new england reject

you're lower than Connecticut
You Bombston niggers are notorious for leaving games where they're down by a few runs by the 6th inning
You have us confused with your other pimp, the Yankees
Camden Yards is like over 3/4th full. What are you idiots on about?
So what inning is mochado getting drilled
Post fights
The Chicago White Sox could put up a better fight against the Red Sox than the Baltimurder Borioles.
He's not
Can you faggots all just get along?

I mean the Yankee's still suck, right?
>Fat ass Sandoval beaches himself on Schoop and tears Schoop's MCL

Defend this Bostonigs
a Yankee isn't even as bad as a Baltinigger
We need more fights in baseball. Nothing like watching the benches clear and people just wailing on each other.
Okay my friend as a Sox die hard you need to fucking go buddy
Try me cunt
It's one or two posters desperate to be racist
I agree, beat writers who said we need to leave it in the past should go watch soccer

The one thing I miss about the steroid era is all the roid rage
what's to defend? Boston hates him too
Get the fuck out of here! If you are a Sox fan then there is nothing worse than a Yankee fan, actually mother fucker if you are a fan of baseball there is nothing worse than a Yankee fan
is the knuckle knuckling tonight?
i missed the 1st
At least yanks have some self respect, baltimore puts up statues of murderers they are so desperate for something to be proud of.
I miss the power batters had. Roids made even the most mediocre guy a home run machine.
Ban the fucking shift
if you're going to be late, please let someone know ahead of time
I, for one, welcome our new bird overlords
idk why the O's don't just bunt against it especially when you have a fucking human blimp like Sandoval on third
i thoughtt there was going to be a fight
>baltimore capable of thought outside of "hit ball hard"
Sandoval has more errors than days your average Bostonian has worked this month
They're waiting for a time when it won't effect the outcome of a game.

>Sandoval belly flop into the ground and doesn't even make the play
He's done, he literally cannot field at all anymore.

nice quads though
Holy shit that play made Remy puke. Outrageous!
Every team in the NFL would give a statue to a player the caliber of Ray Lewis. >>75431039
Not as easy as it looks and Davis is too skrong to settle for bunts
waiting on the Aaron Hernandez statue at Gillette tbqh with you Joe
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kek desu
Buffalo tried to prosecute OJ Simpson.

The Patriots got their murderer to kill himself in jail.

Baltimore gets a fall guy and builds a statue of their murderers. Can't wait to see the statue of Suggs pouring bleach on his pregnant gf.
ha, baltimore on top as always. another win for baltimore.
Am I the only Bostonian who fucking hates Hernandez and am glad that thug is dead?
>pol tier comment about blacks
>It's a Red Sox can't get hits against a career minor leaguer episode
lmao that obese baltinigger got hit right in the chest with that foul

learn to catch dumb fat retard
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>expect Aaron to come out of the closet
>the other Aaron comes out instead
Massachuttes is literally a white nigger state that is only famous for chimping out at the command of their Virginian superiors and Ben "Jihad" Affleck
You were saying?
Is schoop okay?
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>Red Sox having a bad time
>fans immediately start trashing Baltimore
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Wew absolute mad man

that was further than ortizs shot
I like how they keep saying nigger even though every decent red sox player is black
red sox are blowing the oreos out though
I wonder what Mike Wright is doing
Just JBJ?
up by 2 in the 3rd is a blowout now
good blacks :
Hey pal, as Dr**er would say (I censored it because I didn't want to tri**er anyone (same thing))
Jackie is a girls name lel
saying nigger is a boston tradition
JBJ is a nigger
Lewis' friends were acquitted so who cares
let's not get baited into pol posting please
>Sale, Pedrioa, Kimbrel, Moreland are black

Lamao bruh at least we have decent players
When your offense is as shitty as Boston's it is
>Xander is a traitor
What the F???
Sorry I thought Pedoria's career had been ended so I didn't count him
Out of them all only Sale is good and he would still only be the 4th pitcher on the Orioles and that's only until Tillman comes back
Congratulations to Caleb Joseph for his first career hit
>giving a hit to Joseph
>Eternal 4th Placer

>shittalking another team's offense

absolutely lol

Also its almost May, I hope you're ready to disappear again and never show in any threads like you do every year
Hanley, Xander and Mookie aren't black dumbfuck
>you will never be this mad about the O's

Your tears sustain me
They are very very black.

Are you mentally ok
Mookie is definitely black retard
>skin is black
>but they arent black

u trickin me
Don't kid yourself you were that angry about the O's at the end of last season when they gave up their entire season right at the end like they always do
Isn't that what happens to every team that doesn't win the world series every year
Mookie is mixed you retards, Xander is european and Hanley is latin american
wish i could sticky this post to top
>arguing over literal who's
Yes Aruba is famously in Europe.
/pol/ btfo
>mixed but somehow isn't black ??
>european is an ethnicity
>latinos cant be black

i cant tell if youre serious or not

but youve meme'd wellmy friend
drumpft ards will be so schoked by this post that they stop sucking russian cock for one sec
Shifting should honestly be banned
>Even Chris "not actually" Young is getting hits

Is this even a real baseball team?
is chris young black
>Young steals

>DOESNT spike the 2nd baseman


Now THAT is a dirty slide. Eject that faggot
>young didn't cleat him

>try to revenge slide
>hurt your own knee
wtf did he or didn't he make up your mind
He did both
ok sorry i wasn't watching
Yeah, it's part of the netherlands antilles
>ump caught on mic saying that he was going to give the O's extra time to challenge a call

Jesus christ at least hide your cheating
O's aren't even trying this game. They have some minor leaguer and Caleb Joseph playing. Says a lot about how bad the Red Sox offense is that they only have 2 runs so far.
hi hello where is the machimpo concussion
>start getting btfo
>come up with excuses


Baltiniggers on suicide watch
Joseph is good
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>Manfred ALLOWING it

absolutely disgusting tbqh with you Joe, but its to be expected from the Eternal 4th Placers, can only ever win by cheating
Has there been a fite yet?
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>caring about a two run lead when your "ace" is about to give up five runs
>Joe Kelly comes in tonight
>throws a 150 mph fastball at Machimpos head
>he dies instantly
>Buckmanletwalter comes out to argue
>Pedroia spikes him in the head
>instantly killing him too
>league celebrates
>Trump nukes Baltimore when the Red Sox leave
>Boston fan
>Complaining about cheating
Oh the ironing
me on the left
>4/22 becomes a world holiday for the rest of eternity
you have a weak ass
umm it's hard for fully sized humans to fill out (you wouldn't know because you're manelt)
Yeah usually it's Harbaugh running out onto the field crying that we are cheating because he doesn't understand eligible receivers.
Baltimore is far more economically and culturally important than Boston though, why would you nuke it?
We really gonna get shutout by Steven fucking Wright
cheating is good idiot
say that to my face and not online and see what happens
DUMBO at it again LMAO

Go cry in the dugout baby boy
>say that to my face
i would but i don't want to hurt my back bending over
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You can deflect all you want Eternal 4th Placer, but it's the cold truth. Perhaps that chilling bite is what's crossed you and now has you vexed, but perhaps than that's your own admittance of chicanery and mischief.

Just look at the memelord trips you generate, simply oozing user-car-salesman behavior

does Boston have the best OF in the game? they have 4 that could start on any team + All Star Brock Holt
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Get fucked Boston
I'm 5'10, that's not a manlet size you idiot

knuckleballers btfo
>People thought Benintendi was better than Mancini

Top Zozzle back to your basement Bombston


Mancini's first career hit. embarrassing for the red sux
I don't like Mancini but I like home runs
>those softball pitches

Jesus Wright
boom boom mancini waving another one bye bye
>wakefield letting the Os think they have a chance
fuck you costanza why do you have to be right?
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Looks like I picked a good time to tune in

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tbf like a third of Manicini's numbers are because of playing against Wright
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>Wright continuing to fall apart

this is just depressing
i blame farrell
Schoop is skrong
>5 "aces"
alright this guy is shook get him outta here
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wtf, my serotonin levels are NOT high enough for this

meme pitchers BTFO
The seven nation army thing has got to be the gayest celebratory chant and only Baltiomore does it
wright throwing for BP again
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>only Baltimore does it
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We need to stop pitching Wright against the Eternal 4th Placers

They need the Sale treatment.
Yeah these are lofting right over the plate now
>giving up 2 hits to Caleb Joseph
allowing caleb joseph to get 2 hits in a game? wtf is your problem.
RIP Freddie Grey
It's never just to tie it up, Sox pitchers always gotta give up the lead
Caleb Joseph is hitting a natural cycle tonight
I'm gonna fight 'em off
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talkin' to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette

Go fuck yourself Boston
The worst thing to happen to Baltimore sports since Robert irsay
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>Joseph getting hits
quick, someone tell carl willis to get out there and ask wright why the pitches aren't moving
>Caleb J0seph has two hits
>one is a double

He's only in the team because he works well with the scub pitchers
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>Sale pitching
>"it's okay guys, we don't have to hit today"
He's a great framer and just good defensively in general
I'm an O's fans and this is gay dude
I hope wright gives up 12 so we can start beaning niggers with Kelly's 180 mph fastball
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It's just a bad stretch, th-they'll start hitting for him eventually.
>letting craig gentry get a hit off of you
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>"Sandoval has to eat this one"

Subtle, Mike
bean myself my dude
The Orioles own Sale though

>panda eating
>new meme
Subtle, Mike
in before Jones swinging for homers
I like it. Also witnessed
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>my name is actually Mike

anon pls
calm down mike
is this the last time we've seen the cuckle ball
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Manny Machado 3 Run Homer INC game is over
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Fucking Wright looks like shit this year. What a shame.

Also they had Jones' number until they stopped for the mound meeting, the pause gave him time to stop swinging like a tard
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I'm confused, I thought Wright was one of many aces in Boston
who /yankees/ here?
What's hilarious is that the Orioles had some of the worst numbers in the league against Knuckleballers until the two games this season
>baltiniggers get hits off wright
>it's literally the closest thing theyve come to winning a world series
nice ace, boston
kill myself my man
Wright dominated you guys last year too which is what's so weird about this.

But in general this year he's not been good for us. Seems he's turned back into what he was, a nothing minor-league tier pitcher.

I hope he figures his shit out soon. I get the shoulder thing fucked him, but he's had plenty of time to recover. At this point it's all him.
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Q: Why did Manny knock Pedroia on his ass?

A: Because he's used to ramming bald pussies
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>get btfo
>start calling the other team niggers
oh shit if he beans machado here my dank HEEMbree meme can finally take off
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My Wright 1000 yard stares folder grows
He's going nuclear lol. I see getting BTFO daily by the O's is damaging your psyche
heh heh thanks
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>tfw you're an ace and John Farrell ruins your career by using you as a pinch runner
>orioles stealing a base
Is this pitcher's last name Harambe?
>Queef Hembpee
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Is Manny the ultimate weapon against manlets?
>baltiniggers didn't enter the thread until they were up

Just like your stadium

actually it's still empty
Yeah because he's too much of giant pussy to take on someone his own size.

>striking out to Hembree
The stadium is pretty fucking full you meme
We were here, we're just not loud and obnoxious like Bombston fans
why are the Baltimore fans cheering for Machado striking out
>empty green seats everywhere

r u srs
lol no its not
I think there is only like 3 Bombston ''''''''''fans''''''''''' in here but they are constantly posting to make it seem like there is more.
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>entire sections completely empty
I guess this is fully by baltimore's standards
lol no there's like 4 or 5 of us not 3 you IDIOT lmao!
hahah owned him with trips
That shot they just showed on MASN from the press box begs to differ. Except for a few sections in the nosebleed seats it's a full house
That's better attendance than my team right now.
>on MASN

completely unbiased impartial news like CNN
They're the bad sections who cares, we go for quality
Fake news
>we go for quality
Guess that's why baltimore has no fans
thats not too bad for a rainy saturday
imagine how small the crowd would be if bawston wasnt in town
>we go for quality

if quality was something you wanted you wouldnt be watching the O's
Would be funny if the Orioles haven't been good the past 5 years
boom gottem
Yes... Because MASN is obviously showing shopped images from the game tonight
omg lol you KILLED him lol he's dead literally DEAD haha you went right at his throat you ANIMAL nice one !
Yeah all those world series Baltimore has won in the last few years really proves me wrong
Mookie hits a pop up calling it now
no seriously why does mookie suck so much now
No they're showing isolated shots that are by in large saturated with fans so as to cater to their audience.

They'd be dumb not to, but it doesn't particularly grab the whole picture.
I cant seem to see the score board or the standings, can you post them for me?
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will the O's blow it?
I like his non-strikeout streak

Now everytime I see him he just pops up early in the count
You can have success and not win championships
he struck out like three times the other day
>Talking about standings in late April

Alright boo screen capping this so I can show it to you in August when you're fighting the Blue Jays for the basement
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>you can have success without succeeding
ok check for us please
They are literally showing the shots from the press box right behind home plate you retard
will the ask trump poster gtfo baltimore boston threads?
Didn't realise but it's still the adjustments he's made that have reduced strikeouts which have made him so much less scary
Hanley is made out of scotch tape and potato chips
it's russian
well, are you?
>Hanley stubs his toe again and goes into another melodramatic episode where he acts like he has an amputated foot

my favorite tbqh with you Joe
I really hope you're not that clown that was claiming the Curse of the Bambino wasn't one of the worst ever because the Red Memes went to and lost some world series lol
>can't walk
>stays in the game


you aren't ortiz hanley stop trying to be
there goes the helmet
The fuck are you even talking about autistic retard

dad why
six aces lol
That was an absolutely terrible at bat Hanley.

Only 1 of those pitches out of like 10 was a strike
Everytime Hanley trikes out it's always the weakest looking shit

sit down you bum
>Bombston fans don't know what that is because there 13 years old
stop shilling your book shaughnessy
Why is Hanley allowed?

Why do they let him wear that helmet?
Old Bay pointed out that Bombston had 90 years of sucking ass to which some Bombston nigger claimed wasn't true because they went to like 3 World Series in that span and that the Orioles 30 year drought is somehow worse than the RedSux 90 years
why the fuck is she sperging on me about it?
when is CHB going to die anyways, isnt he like 80 by now
cleat this ump
You're the one sperging lad
so how would you folks rank the top 3 teams in the al east so far?

all have had great starts! even the rays are .500.

Should be a great division race this year!!!
[citation needed]
This whole thread is full of sperging Bombston fans, if you posted at least once in this thread you are guilty of sperging. Also applies to yesterday's thread
Right now it's
>Eternal 4th Placers

Us and the Eternal 4th Placers may be capable of sustaining success.

I don't believe in the Cuckees. That team will fall apart.

>imblying Rasys
Rays are darkhorse
Oh you're just a baltinigger
jays will be second at the end of the season dont believe what anyone tells you otherwise
Speaking as one sitting on top of the proverbial mountain, I'm much more worried about the Yankees than the Red Sox. Every time the Memes try the "muh 5 aces" thing it blows the fuck up in their face and they tank horribly
Neutral observer here, I think both of your fanbases suck.
>Getting this upset you're franchise is the worst in the AL East

The Rays have been to a world series more recent than you
lol get a load of this faggot
You won't be here after the next week, so idc
t. Sperger McGaylor
wtf delete this
is everyone being good in this thread
Fun fact, Dustin PEDrioa sleeps in a car bed
Are you like 5 years old?
i wish i was a cute girl

red sox fan btw
>Fight in the DetvsMin game
>no fight here yet

the fuck is this bullshit
i apologize i definitely don't mean to disappoint you i messed up and i'm sorry
ya tbqh with you Joe its very friendly its surprising for a Red Sox - Eternal 4th Placers game tbqh with you Joe
Chris Young got tired of making shitty pop country songs and became a shitty baseball player

Why couldn't this happen to Machado?
ok good thank you, i took a new medicination and i can't see very well so i have to take breaks from the thread
Because shit like that doesn't happen to the good guys

You know, I have noticed a distinct lack of Ellen in these threads.
wait how did you read my post when youre blind wtf
WTF was that slide at second???? Ban these red sxo
>young not spiking him

>Red Sox chant can be clearly heard

Lamao you're all cucks in Baltiomore
Is every player on the Red Sox a manlet?
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pedo is missing call a search party
sorry i didn't mean blind i meant retarded
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>lets go red sox chant
>in baltimore
>while the red sox are down

Fucking hilarious, there are probably more Boston fans there than Baltimore fans. What a shithole of a city.
>Red Sox chant

jesus baltimore
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where's nintendo guy
>big at bat with 2 outs
>sandoval is up to bat

benched permemently after forgetting how 2 hit
>doesn't hit into an out/K

lol btfo h8r
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>sandoval gets a hit off a swinging bunt
Boston fans are drunk, loud and obnoxious IRL as well as on the interwebs. Is this seriously news to you?
Orioles could probably have anyone pitch right now and still get a quality start
thanks marco

another nice soft out for ya
>getting beaten by a rookie in his first start
>He doesnt like to have fun at the game

What a soft little cuck you are
hey question

does it piss off red sox fans that the giants cancelled the 1904 world series?

Do you guys at least have a pennant from that?
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>sox fans too alpha for baltimore
>get cucked out of their own stadium that they paid taxes for
>making excuses for having such a shitty home crowd
or maybe its also because baltimore doesnt have any fans too i think
>O's running a pain train on the division
>don't have the two best pitchers (Britton, Tillman) available
Excluding a plane crash, who can stop this team?
It makes me made still to this day. You should have been here for those game threads.
Who is that in your pic?
>Excluding a plane crash, who can stop this team?
Your pitchers coming back down to earth, been pitching way too good lately.
Yeah we have a pennant up, it happened so long ago we dont really think about it but it should be counted as Giants disqualifying themselves and we should just claim it as a championship
This. Tillman and Britton are the best pitchers in the division and possibly on the Orioles. They can't be stopped
It's my father, read the filename dummy
both teams have pennants for it
You said it backwards you meme
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delete this you fucking memelord
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stop posting dumb frog poster
I know what I said you ignorant ape
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>that 1904 rotation
How is it fair that the Red Sox are always stacked with multiple aces?
Moreland is doing quite well as his replacement though tbqh with you Joe

Hanley just needs to stop being shit.

wtf rude
>baltiniggers are also tripfags

color me surprised
do you think Cy Young will get the Cy Young this year?
Old Gay doesn't count. He's literally a bandwagoner/casual.
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>3 for 24 against the orioles this year
Why is Old Bay so triggering for Bombston fans?
me in pic
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I miss turn of the century baseball names
To be fair, he's sucking against literally everyone.
he was good desu
Isn't he only batting like 150 this year?

They can't handle my truth bombs.
>Jesse Tannehill

makes me think
why are you responding to your own post
Run that shit out Boggarts you lazy fuck. You're lucky Kevin Gregg isn't on this team any more

How many of them got BTFO by the Spanish Flu?
That's old gays signature move
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why the fuck are your pitchers such memes this year wtf

>those guys behind guerin doing that autistic hand thing

Name a better black relief pitcher than Mychal Givens.

protip: you can't
He's not black dumbass
>Throw at guys knee
>still get him to go down swinging

I literally can't
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no bully pls
Yes he is faggot
Joe "Fuck that chimp shit Machado, I'll kick in his spic bravado" Kelly
>37 years old
>1.97 ERA
>41 GS
>380 IP
>.937 WHIP
>10 RBIs, a dinger and a stolen base
really makes me think that guy was an ace
>Men wearing jewelry

Mookie Betts confirmed faggot. Also holy fuck, give Givens the Gold Glove
That's one of the worst swings I've ever seen. The ball was literally in his batters box.
>>>>>>380 IP

Why are pitchers nowadays such pussies?
>oreos pitcher makes a good play
>3 people in the crowd cheering

lmao this literally is fenway south
Maybe y'all should bring Ortiz back, looks like they're missing his "vitamins"
If talking about the crows makes you feel better about losing, do it by all means
Papi's just sick, don't worry he'll be back soon.
We're kind of accustomed to elite defense here in Baltimore. It's just expected, really takes something amazing to wow us
gravity is higher these days
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>All the trips hate the red sox

feels good knowing we're the good guys
Why is holt soo poo this season
Givens is a converted SS, his fielding is pretty much commonplace
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so guys what kind of video are we making for nesn next producer?
Good AB Manny

>Get btfo by rookie in his first start
>y-your fanbase isn't as loud and obnoxious as ours
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>pay millions in taxes to build a stadium
>boston comes to town
>all you can muster is angry mumbles as boston takes over the stadium until the only relevant team to play there leaves
>We're kind of accustomed to elite defense here in Baltimore

>hembree had two chances to bean machado and didn't

the HEEMbree meme is dead guys
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It'll switch back to the lineup soon, don't worry. Just seems to be BizarrO's this week.

Or whenever our new patriarch deems it so.
>have great school in city (Johns Hopkins)
>literally surrounded by ghetto
>students routinely mugged and murdered
There's shit posting and there's shitposting. This is the former
The team with the best record in baseball has played there almost every game this season.
Fuck trumbo is bad
no city posting allowed in this thread tbqh with you Joe beyond name mocking
>The team with the best record in april has played there almost every game this season.

I'm university posting, you rtard
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>boston's "stadium" seats less than 40,000
Are you suggesting the Orioles should have a time machine or something?
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It's pretty fucking convenient you memelords get ridiculously good pitching around the time your best pitchers go down. Although your bullpen has always been good.

Fucking we keep sending out the broken shell of the pitcher formerly known as All Star Steven Wright to get blasted by you guys, feels like we've fucking forfeited two games to you tbqh with you Joe.
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>best thing you can come up with is an insult to how many seats our stadium has
well you can't just have Chris Sale pitch every game he's literally the only good pitcher the sox have
How accurate is Fallout 4 at portraying the city of Boston?
It would seat 90k in a healthier city
well it's also damp and cramped if we want to go down that route
Well they didn't have to change Fenway park's look at all
How's that fake sellout streak coming along?
I don't know tbqh with you Joe because I haven't played it but I bet it's overdone.
Are you seriously implying Baltimore isn't known for elite defense?
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I blame Gary for these threads being so shit
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You literally can't talk shit about Camden Yards. Its the gold standard of stadiums
how rude
tbf it's a great infield d and an awful outfield d

What went wrong, red memes
I am still concerned. How are we going to afford to keep Machado long term brOs?
Black Jesus is unhittable!
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what did he mean by this
Spend even less money on scouting and the farm system
tbqh with you Joe he was always terrible offensively, but he was a serviceable catcher and his open gay relationship with Koji was fun to witness.

Ever since him and Koji broke up, it's been downhill.
He's gonna be an oriole for a long time. Angelos won't be able to go out in public if he walks

Everyone puts it in their top 3 of best parks in the country. EVERYONE.
How many Gold Gloves have the O's had over the years? Also what the Brit said, Camden Yards is a hitters park and ever since Markakis left the corner fielders have been very meh tier.
if his batting doesn't improve it should be a little easier

>manny is intentionally sandbagging so he can stay in baltimore
>Fenway south
>How many Gold Gloves have we had etc

That doesn't take away from the overall defense not being that great.

From 2000 to 2016, the Orioles rank 15th. The Red Sox rank 14th.

Point being, neither of our teams are really about the defense. Claiming so is just dumb.
That was Schoop not machado, Ross is retarded






Peter Angelos is like 90. He'll be dead soon and I'm sure Manny will get part ownership of the Os to sweeten the deal.

Black people don't go to baseball games and since black people are all skewing those stats it's a moot point
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Brady Clapping.gif
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>hits Orioles players
>fucks a Baltimore natives
is Robbie our guy?
I'm only talking about since Showalter took over the show. Since he got there the team has been reshaped around dingers, defense and bull pen management.
Fucking based
And from 2010 to 2016 the Orioles rank 13th.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
>mfw red sux fans are unironically butthurt about a completely legitimate slide
he's from Kentucky and married to his high school GF idiot
Manny really spilled his spaghetti after that slide.

>try to help him up
>look down
>I'm grabbing him in the crotch
>he falls over with my hands still on him
Whatever you say fuck boy. Lot of help it's doing Bombston this season lol
not fair to pick on manlets tbqh with you Joe. It's like picking on a child
i don't really understand the posting @ this thread
Funny part is Pedroia was pretty pissed that fans were pissed about it.
He knew Machimpo didn't mean anything buy it,criticized the rule by saying "it's only meant for people with bad positioning (as in they put themselves in vulnerable positions)", and generally was annoyed by the whole thing.
Leon too fat to hit homers at Camden Yards
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>lets go Os chant turns into a "lets go sox" chant
Get fucked Leon you dumb manlet
lmao that hop

You are so dumb
literally why not put nintendo in first wtf
And the score was still 4-2
>put in a lefty hitter against a lefty pitcher

Bombston is still getting BTFO by the Orioles though so you can stop with your fake stats
>2-0 Red Sox lead turns into a 4-2 Orioles lead
Pretty hilarious that boston fans have more of a showing in baltimore even when losing
If stats are so good why did the red socks fire epstein????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2000s was the dark ages without any direction at all for this team. Since Buck took over, we are different. you can only count buck era and on.
Sure, but I hope you aren't too red-faced after getting completely called out on your absolutely dumb take (multiple times).

Because John Henry is a retard and Lucchino was a cuck.
Holy fuck this Boston team is horrible
wtf dirty team! dirty team!!! what the FUCK!!
>Buck has been manager for 7+ seasons already

Where did these years go so fast?
Turns out there was a hit batter after all
that was clearly retaliation. EMPTY THE DUGOUTS

>this is what redsux actually believe.
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>tfw wright will never be okay again and its all johns fault


The Donald still fucks
Damn it Hart don't rile them up
Old sox would have chraged the mound by now, jesus christ
routine ground ball for the last out and hernandez cleats machado in the face when he isn't looking and ends his life
That was obviously not on purpose, he doesnt want to bring the tying fucking run to the plate.
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>get beaned
>do nothing
this team ain't got no heart
>baltinigger delusion
Go fuck yourself Boston. Back to the cellar where you belong
One pitch

doesn't matter anyway lel
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What the fuck Xander

GG Eternal 4th Placers,
I hope your pitching turns to shit soon, it isn't fair you guys aren't supposed to have good pitching.
GG Sox, See ya tomorrow
>Dindu: The City
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laughing large father3.jpg
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>baltimore wins at home
>exactly 2 people cheering
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gg disease birds
you guys gunna show up tomorrow or are ya gunna get swept?
GG Red Memes
See you when we win the division and you're struggiling for fourth cuck
>See you when we win the division and you're struggiling for fourth cuck

He shitposted nervously
>one good starter, a meme shitty knuckleballer, a shitty orioles farmhand, an injury waiting to happen, and a candidate for biggest regression of the year
>expect to win the division

where'sd the offense go
>its another "baltimore has a good start and then burns out half way through the season episode"

Every single season has one
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