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Eternal Arsenal Thread

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 90

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I'll get it out of the way right up top: I want Wenger to stay. Even if you want nothing more than for him to leave, please try and read this with an open mind.

My feeling is that a lot of people are looking at things in a kind of skewed way that doesn't really make any sense, and it's effecting their judgement when it comes to Arsene. There are a lot of people who are saying that Wenger's time is up, and that he's taken us as far as he can. I would argue that this is the first season where that fact looks possible, or even arguable, but I think it's pretty naive to just assume that it's the case.

I would say that apart from this season and last season, Wenger has pretty much consistently overachieved as our manager, and I think most people in the clear light of day would agree with that. It's kind of hard to argue with the facts: given our budgets he did an unbelievable job to stay in the top 4 all those years and to keep us competitive enough for our fans to (somewhat understandably) feel entitled to league titles. The "victim of his own success" cliché is very much true in my opinion, if we hadn't come so close so many times during the barren years, people probably wouldn't have grown so frustrated, and people probably wouldn't look at the last couple of years (which have admittedly been similar) as being all a part of the same thing.

There are so many ifs and buts, and people always say this is in a sort of anti-Wenger way, like "there's all these ifs and buts and excuses, but top managers and elite players just win stuff!" The fact is, no matter what illogical lens you want to look at it through, the ifs and buts are totally valid.

We've had:

One of the worst injury records of any premiership club.

Financial constraints.

Pretty terrible home support.

Very bad atmosphere amongst fans and poor attitude towards the manager (which has been for about ten years, not just the last two.)
The first of those points: the injuries. One could argue that they are Wenger's fault, I'm not sure about that. None of really know why we get so many injuries, everybody seems to have an opinion but quite honestly to me it seems like something that is probably just out of his hands. Arguably the club (including, but not limited to Wenger) should have done something sooner, but it seems like we are now making some progress in that regard (although still with some pretty terrible luck in terms of which players get the most injuries.) Imagine how the last couple of seasons could have gone if Cazorla wasn't injured all the time. We look unbelievable with him in the side. YES we should have other options, YES we should be more flexible, but the fact is that we have had a ridiculous amount of these injuries to cope with and sometimes you just aren't going to be able to find an instant solution, especially when you haven't had the luxury of years of the requisite financial clout to just throw money at every problem you have as a club.

Number two: the financial constraints. I've already covered those a bit, but the part I would like to add is the fact that people keep pointing out that we spent 200m over the last 3 seasons, but neglect to acknowledge the fact that we are spending that because of the ridiculous amount of holes that have accumulated during our period of spending fuck all and having to sell all our best players (unfortunately we haven't had our two best players go to Madrid like Spurs have, we got absolutely fuck all for most of our big names). Our net spend over the last 5 years has been half that of Manchester City (who were already spending huge before that) and far lower than Uniteds. .Prior to the last 5 years or so we were right down the bottom in terms of net spend. Another issue is that we haven't been competing with the big clubs for long and so it's harder to attract top talent.
Third and final: the terrible home support and incredibly negative attitude of some fans over the last 10 years. Whilst this isn't all fans, it has undeniably had a massive effect. The negativity has been going on since long before it's even been arguable whether or not Wenger was overachieving. People have been complaining like mad, booing players, whinging every time something doesn't go our way. The fact that for about 10 years there has been talk of whether or not Arsene would keep his job is a testament to a.) people being incredibly ignorant of the work he's done, and b.) the board essentially using him as a scapegoat and waiting until after the financial constraints were (sort of) lifted before properly informing the fans of what went on during the stadium rebuild

This negativity has undeniably carried over, and a squad that only recently should begin having expectations of winning major honours has instead been burdened with 10 years worth of build up frustration and animosity from fans. Wenger and the players were never given the clean slate that they deserved. People say they want him gone based on the last 2 years, but it's pretty obvious that the last 2 years are lumped in with the 10 or so before that and effect people's judgement. The same people who have been moaning for the last 10 years expect to be taken seriously when they update it with "but we've spent money recently!" The phrase "broken clock" comes to mind and it kind of makes it impossible to take their emotions fully seriously. The people yelling on AFTV might for the first time have a point that approaches some semblance of sanity or rationality, but even then it's something that's up for debate and that we should all be thinking a bit harder about. It's also impossible not to think "where the fuck have you guys been for the last 10 years?" Most of these people have been whinging like toddlers for that whole time and now are demanding to be taken seriously.
We've all been incredibly frustrated for a long time now, and this season has been particularly awful, one of the worst in memory. But I feel like as with all things in life; when things go badly it's important to not allow it to cloud your judgement and make you think in half-thoughts. People glance at the surface and say "it's been the same for X number of years, it will always be the same" and they don't really think about how illogical that is. It hasn't been the same, it's changed a lot, and there's nothing to suggest it will always be the same or that we won't improve. The fact is whilst we can speculate, we don't really know what went wrong this season. We don't know what's been going on in the dressing room, or behind the scenes, there is a hell of a lot of stuff that will probably always remain behind the curtain. Naturally there are some things that you can see clearly going wrong on the pitch tactically, but I think that stuff can be quite misleading at times and can make you give up, thinking you've found the answer. Ferguson had his fair share of bad habits too, but we don't really remember them because of the success he was afforded through circumstance and his own talents as a manager. For the most part Wenger has only had one of those priveleges. You can be a great manager and still have tonnes of flaws.

To sum up: I think we have problems at our club that go way beyond Wenger. I've outlined some, but not all of these things (already conscious of how long this has been.) There's a lot more I want to add but it's hard for me to keep all of these things in my head at once, and my attention span isn't great when it comes to longform writing like this. May add ammendments later. I have a lot of work to do tonight and realistically probably shouldn't be spending this long writing this but I felt like I had to get it off my chest. If he ends up being pushed out of the club I would feel like shit for not speaking up more.
Wenger could have left us so long ago for bigger clubs with more money and less stress, but he stayed and finished what he started. He's been unbelievably loyal and has given everything he has to this club. He gave up his marriage for this job. I'm not ready to give up on him yet. I don't think there are many of you that could honestly look him in the eye and tell him you don't think he deserves another two years to see what he can do. The worst case scenario is really not that bad, and the possibility of it certainly doesn't go away if we replace him, if anything the potential worst case scenario there becomes even worse. We don't really have a clue what will happen next season, despite us feeling like we will. We didn't know the banter years would happen until they did. We didn't think we'd win back-to-back FA cups until we did. We didn't know we'd sign Sanchez and Ozil until we did. Admittedly we also didn't know we'd get battered 10-2 on aggregate by Bayern until we did! It goes both ways, but everybody is a know-it-all after the fact, and I don't want to be that way about the man who has turned us into a stable club big enough to have consistent title winning aspirations. If things stay the same after another two years the fine, that will be enough to convince me, and the fans won't leave the board with much of a choice anyway. Until then though I think he's done more than enough to deserve to make his own decision and there's nothing I want more than for him to stay.
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Wenger OUT
>I want Wenger to stay
Stopped reading there. I'm actually pissed off you would start the thread off like this. Fuck you and fuck Wenger.

Is this from Reddit, it's the sort of thing I'd expect to see there.
>our budget

You mean the 100+m cash reserves that's available to use, but Arsene just chooses to ignore it?
You think the man who bid 40m plus ONE POUND for a world-class striker can take us any further than a top 4 finish and a tound of 16 CL exit?

No thank you. I'd rather see Arsenal with a good run in Europa for a couple of seasons than endure another trashing by Bayern/Barca and Arsene doing a >m-muh mental strength speech

Everyone is tired of this shit except for Arsene. Pretty sure the global Arsena fanbase is stagnating ot even decreasing because he hasn't won a title or CL (lol as if) in fucking years
guaranteed replies
Pretty much negates to 4-part essay that precedes it

Based Jewmaican
>You mean the 100+m cash reserves that's available to use, but Arsene just chooses to ignore it?
You can't even care about this with Wenger in charge. He literally spent £100m last summer and look what he did for us. Absolutely nothing.

£10m on one player or £100m on four. It doesn't make a difference as long as Wenger is in control.
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So for the future now that we're losing the shit turkroach & Spicy should look like this.
>american lineup builder posts

wish there was a way to filter these
>100+m cash reserves
nearly triple that actually

and wenger fucking sucks at transfers anyway. xhaka cost more than kante including wages
it's not the english have any tacticians.
Tbh Kante actually wants to win trophies so Arsenal was never an option
the emirates has killed the club
Ashburton Grove when?
We should just lose today, we are one of the weakest teams left
why didn't we sign Sane?
Wenger is our manager

he takes no chances and only do things that might make people look back and think he's some sort of genius
1-0 lincoln incoming
praying for it desu
Anyone born after wenger took over as manager should shut up
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Why is this man so amazing.

God, i actually love him

Coq will never be this good
That's not even that good. If you watched the match you'd know all he did was recycle possession. That's just what Arteta did.
Fuck off you disgusting Wenger apologist
You're a right weirdo sometimes you know.
filthy scumbag
Does anyone have the lineup for todays game please?

Ive got lincoln to win for £680 and if lolbeck is playing,its a sure thing.
2 hours
What the fuck is wrong with our fans?
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Football fans are biased

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>Wilshere on the bench again

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oh and here in case anyone ever wants to use that picture without the stupid text at the bottom (and the dumbass mspaint block to the right) #YoureWelcome
bretty good OC
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>The moment Ramshit realized that Wenger and himself are finished
reddit as fuck
hopefully he stays after wenger fucks off
playing welbeck over him is a tragedy
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Reminder to ignore the haters and ABAs and to always support Wenger and Arsenal FC no matter what. It seems most posters here are incapable of these things which makes them shitty fans.
Perez will unitonucally move to Everton and score 20 goals there next season

Then Wenger will find an excuse for not starting him, probably citing Iwobi's development
>a fucking smelly curry arsenal "fan" bashing Wenger and Welbz

If you can't get behind the team why don't you just fuck off and support a manchester money club instead?
>a fucking smelly gypsy arsenal "fan" supporting Wenger and Welbz
It's weird how most the people expecting Wenger to leave aren't Arsenal fans. I feel like we all know he's going to stay.
Afternoon lads,
Ready for the game?

Wenger IN
Odds are 18:50/1 for Lincoln City against Arsenal. Would you?
Arsenal 'bout to get dicked

if xhaka gets sent off early it could happen

worth a fiver
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What Wenger achieved in the 8 or so years after moving to the Emirates is respectable given his budget. But you also need to remember that there are only three other English clubs that were in a better position than Arsenal during those years (United, Chelsea and City). So top 4 every year isn't exactly over-achieving, it's just an average, expected performance for Arsenal. Ever since around 2013, Arsenal have been able to spend big again (which was proven when we broke the club record with Ozil). So realistically we should have been challenging for the title since then as well. But the same issues that plagued Arsenal in the past few years still affected them after 2013. The club should be improving but it's currently going backwards. 2016 was the perfect chance to win the league, every other bigger club had collapsed inexplicably. But Arsenal still had the same old story and lost the title to fucking Leicester City. And now there are 5 other clubs that seem to be doing better than Arsenal. So top 4 is no longer a given for us, it's something we actually have to fight for. Not to mention that our best players will probably leave in the summer and I haven't even mentioned the issues with his management.

It shows that Arsene can't take the club any further. It's unfair to say that he's not shown any promise in 10 years, but it is fair to say that he hasn't shown any promise in the last 3 years. And usually if a manager at a top club fails to challenge for the title for three seasons in a row, they have to leave. It's not just Arsene that needs to go, the entire board needs changing too. But the manager is the easiest thing to change and if we get the right manager, they may be able to put pressure on the board (which is something Wenger would never do).
Wenger out.
Based allegri in

>muh work rate
>muh passion
>muh heading
>muh finishing
>muh through balls
Really makes you think, the ozil btfo Sanchez goat squad especially.
thx dude. call me "the american autist" all the way up to "autismbro" or whatever-- at the end of the day i like to think that my paragraphs of bullshit are more than offset by all the screencaps/OC i toss in here "for the community!"

plus if y'all aint ever heard of >The Arsenal Man, holy shit, dude's instagram is some kind of super-autism that's light years beyond anything i can ever hope to accomplish! i hope to keep on doing my part in bringing little bits of it to /arse/ with a little help from my CS3!
Ofc Sanchez is the best arsenal player currently. That doesn't mean >we get fucked any more than we are once he leaves.
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>10 (TEN) - 2
>shit at passing
>shit at assisting
>shit at converting chances
yes, this is alexis sanshit


it's the 4-3-3 that actually did well you stupid fucks. Perez should start for giroud though
>still no Perez

anyone else get the impression that this was a signing forced on Wenger and this is his way to protest it?
I have been saying that for months.
The cunt is abusing the club on every level.
But for some reason it is more fashionable to hate on Özil.
>sacrificing Ospina who did nothing wrong.
>no Holding
>no BFG
>no Debush
>no Lucas
>no Özil
only trophy left to go for so wenger is starting his best in form line up
>no BFG
why would you? He's old and shit and should be sold in the summer
>no Debush
see above. Not saying Bellendo is much better but I'd rather he start desu
>no Ozil
good. Hope the cunt fucks off in the summer
is somehow even worse than Cech. Doesn't help that he's a literal manlet who is a poorer shot stopping than a thalidomide victim
welbeck was also forced on him, but he seems to love him, fuck
I personally think, if we held possession whenever Sanchez lost it, we would have scored a lot more goals vs the smaller clubs. That's just me. Maybe Sanchez needs to go bck to start and ozil needs to see more of the ball at the cam position. For that, >we need Santi back, so ozil doesn't plays 3deep5me
It's Lincoln not ManU.
I'd imagine that Ospina has low confidence after conceding 10 goals in two games.
You're retarded.
>Howe drops Wilshere
>Bournemouth start picking up points again
Replace Walnut and Giroud with Welbeck and Perez and that should be our starting team for the rest of the season
Everton are unironically going to finish above us
He is selfish and Arsenal are fools for enabling him.
He wasn't such a big shot when he arrived.
Why does he have to laugh at the sidelines?
Why can't he come clean about leaving?
Why does he post more about his fucking dogs than the club?
Özil never made the club his plaything.
are you going to flop today?
>Bournemouth drawing against West Ham after 85 mins
>Wilsh comes on and they're winning within 5 minutes

hmmm really makes me think
Ozil is shit. Sanchez is not. That is the difference. Arsenal is Ozil's level. Sanchez is above Arsenal's level.
literally 10x better than le stumble over his own feet and act tough despite being a manlet (lsohofaatdbam) man
He's the 3rd highest paid manager in the world
Anyone other club would sack him and actually demand results

How does Wengers asshole taste?`
But he's not. Welbeck is, and always will be absolute shite. I want him out of my club.
He will never play a better season than this one.
And that wasn't enough to lift his team to a trophy.
>people arguing about walcott vs welbeck
they're both terrible
wouldn't start in any other top 4 contender
Maybe because he is our top scorer and top assister?
>He's the 3rd highest paid manager in the world
He's the 4th highest-paid manager, after Poop, Mouyes and Ancelotti.
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Who else is /cosy/ right now?
Sorry you are right
4th behind Ancelotti, Mou and Pep

Who are all light years ahead of in ability
He is though. Walnut literally cannot run with a football. He can't dribble, his technical ability is literally zilch. He is a championship-standard footballer
How is Welbeck any better? He's a striker that can't score or assist. He's useless.
Match thread

le walk merchandise
> a lot of people are looking at things in a kind of skewed way that doesn't really make any sense
Which way is this? After 21 years he's hardly achieved anything of relevance.
>I would argue that this is the first season where that fact looks possible, or even arguable
This season? Not the consistent 4th place finishes in recent years. Not the fact that he's only won 3 league titles? Not getting into the champions league for 17 consecutive years and getting knocked out 17 consecutive years? Sir Alex did it and won the league year after year and champions league. Jose Mourinho has 8 trophies for Chelsea in 6 years as their manager. Including 3 league titles. You think 3 in 21 years is acceptable? That a veteran still has no idea the type of players he needs to win this league?

>I would say that apart from this season and last season, Wenger has pretty much consistently overachieved as our manager, and I think most people in the clear light of day would agree with that.
Overachieved? What the bleeding fuck?

>It's kind of hard to argue with the facts: given our budgets he did an unbelievable job to stay in the top 4 all those years

His budget was no problem. He only needed a few players to change Arsenal's entire history. Look at the players he's went after, and the prices they were offered to him at. For relatively nothing arsenal could have been the strongest team in Europe right now. His absolute refusal to spend on anything on good players is a serious fucking problem.

>One of the worst injury records of any premiership club.
He decides to keep these players and not get rid of them for better less injury prone ones. What's your argument here?
>Financial constraints.
For a few years. And even then he could have made this club the greatest just bringing in 1 or 2 players a year. Especially some of the ones he gave up on.
>Walcott gets a hat trick today and is basically guaranteed to have his best goal tally for the club in a season
stream where lads
Please beat us Lincoln
Zlatan, suarez, ronaldo, Messi
Yea I bet he feels like he should've won a Nobel prize now.
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That's what the anchor man is supposed to do m8. Toure isn't a box to box midfielder anymore. So he's changed his style and gained longevity.
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was about to post this
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>that little kid chanting
Walcott can score against Bayern. Even though he's shit, he is better than any of our other wingers bar Alexis
Arson Wenger has burned down the club to a smoking pile of rubble
Bless me with acestrem link
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We used to rule the world...
i'm not even watching the game

watching a movie instead, at least it will entertain me
>Top scorer and assist leader leave club. We won't get fucked anymore than we already are.
Finally starts his best attacking 3 and leaves his playmaker out. Brilliant.
F0kin w0t?
>If our top scorer and assist leader leaves, we will win.
Wtf is this "if you kill your enemies, you lose" bullshit?
en esspanyoll
>Ozil never made the club his plaything
>Ozil literally gets paid more than Sanchez and does fuck all
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>Cech starting
Hope you didn't bet on a cleansheet lads.
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Why is he always looking so miserable
I am only a part time Arsenal fan so I can spot a club acting like cucks easily.
Alexis isn't a striker, why does he play there except for his own good?
The whole club has regresssed since he started playing there.
Remember when Wenger tried it like a season or two ago and he wasn't good enough?
Now he is apparently.
That's because the rest of the team has gone down the shitter, not because Alexis is a great player.

Özil said if Wenger stays I stay for example.
Or he was willing to play on the left wing to accommodate other players.
>Özil said if Wenger stays I stay for example.
fuck she's actually ugly
Well if you were in his position, wouldn't you?
Of course Ramsey would miss that
How did Ramsey miss that?
Wales' Ramsey would've slotted that in.
That was actually a nice shot by Walcott.
We are so shit haha
>wenger says he is aware of how lincoln play and chose a team to reflect that
>literally the same team he would always play

ls this a new low for Arsenal?
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>can't even score against Lincoln Who FC
Fuck Wenger, he should retire while the match is still going.
>Xhaka yellow already
Refs hate him for some reason
>shitchez getting BTFO by lincoln
>giev £250k a week

haaaha xhaka red card incoming.
slow piece of shit
>could have easily been a red
Their striker should just shave his hair off 2bh, looks awful.
maybe because he can't tackle and fouls people all the time
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>oxpiss injured
>ox dead

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>le studs first two footer insta yellow about to get sent off again £35m long passes only man
Hope they win it on penalties to be honest lads.
Holy fuck that was dangerous
normally I'm the first one to condone stupid (even repeatedly) mistakes in a new players first season but holy shit lads Xhaka is shit and I don't see any way of him improving.
Joke club
>Koscielny getting done by non-leaguers

That's it lads. He's done.
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>mfw Wenger stays for 2 more seasons
the state of those inbred fans
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What everyone's opinion on Ospina?
bellerin OUT
just look at the state of him
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Walcott has been the only player who really looks like he's trying these past 2 games.

Probably advertising himself for his next club.
Ozil let Arnold through for that chance.
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>it's a no service for Giroud episode
Who the fuck would pay him 110k a week though
>next club

who is going to pay him £140k a week?
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b-b-but he plays well for Colombia
>it's another "yeah it's a foul but they're a plucky non-league side showing heart, ref can't book them for that" episode
Watching Arsenal is so boring
>ref unironically favors lincoln
forgot Colombia was Arsenal
Game at Old Toilet: Ref can't wait to send off the opposition
Game at the Emirates: Ref can't wait to send off an Arsenal player
>You think the man who bid 40m plus ONE POUND for a world-class striker can take us any further than a top 4 finish and a tound of 16 CL exit?
To be fair, that was just to trigger proceedings for the release cause. The bid shouldn't be mocked, but the fact that he didn't pursue the bid after negotiations started should be.
Bellerin is so shit it's beyond belief

He's getting away with it because he's young, good at social medias.
This ref is hilarious, it's like he wants the memes to happen
as much as I hate Wenger I'm starting to hate the refs in Europe even more. There are so many mistakes in literally every game.
Bring on the replays now.
This is so fucking bad. What do they do in training all week, because they obviously don't work on tactics or a game plan. Regardless of who they are playing they struggle to create a chance.
paused my movie, read the thread

i think i made the right choice
If he came from Alaves youth system instead of MUH MASIA everyone would've wanted him replaced months ago.
Same shit every fucking game

lazy and fucking worthless
giroud's head could have exploded there.
Wenger finding his level.
>"they've dealt with Giroud really really well, haven't they?"
>shirt being yanked down to his waist
This. Like you could say it's mad that we're playing like this against Lincoln, but this just looks like every Premier League game we play anyway.
Wonga is clearly at the stage he just tells the forwards to do as they please with some snippets of intrusctions to other players.
can wenger fuck off and take ramsey with him
English lower league football is even worse than i feared.
all ramsey does is try score bloots
>thinking wenger tells any player anything
>thinking he has instructions
Gtfo AKB
Jesus Christ, Ramsey is a mess
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and Wenger is too inept to try something new, the midfield is clearly not working and everyone from the back to the front lost form at the same time. It's hilariously bad and I guess his top 4 luck ran out this season.
>Aaron "teehee I can't hit the ball on target from inside the box" Ramsey
He's only scored one goal all season.
Watch him score the winner now and ensure both he and Wenger sign new contracts.
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Thank fuck..
Was Ox injured or something? Otherwise Wenger should have subbed off Ramshit and moved Ox next to Xhaka.
holy fuck ramshit just kys
Yay, an undeserved lead against a pub team, Wenger in.

Ramsey needs to fucking neck himself
Wouldn't even be a goal if it wasn't for the deflection.

We don't even deserve it.
>Soooo yeah, i bet you're probably wondering how a got here, huh
>Ramsey absolutely skying that shot
Ramsey is taking the piss now
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>le be good for 3 months man
>Noone even happy Walnut scored
So are these threads just full of other shit teams fans memeing on my shit team?

What is it with Wonga and Welsh/French men?

Damn get another freaking Colombian
You expect a celebration for a goal against non league opposition?
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>Only score 1(ONE) goal against league 1 team
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Ramshit is havin' a laugh t b h
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So is Wenger leaving or not?
>7th richest club in the world struggling for 45 minutes against a non-league team, only leading 1-0 thanks to a lucky deflection
yeah let's throw a fucking parade to that

>not celebrating all your goals
>I will NOT celebrate a goal against a shitty team
>I will however talk about how shit the team I supposedly like is all day every day and hope they lose every match
So you're upset United fans?
No, just Wenger out.
I'd have applauded it if it was in the first 5 minutes, but not when it's 46 minutes in, at home, against a non-league side.
I don't celebrate any goals.
I'd be interested to know when the last time a world cup winner faced a non-league side in a competitive game. Does that ever happen outside of the FA cup?
It wasn't a particularly good goal. If Theo had scored with that shot outside the box or if Ozil had scored with that long ball then it would be worth celebrating.
a few weeks ago
Why would I celebrate us winning when I want us to lose?
>>tfw wenger renews his contract
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great ball movement, alexis south american temperament doesn't allow for that kind of patience
There's this plastic little club called Chelsea that would be perfect for you lads.
what the fuck gibbs?
anyone here moving to /west london/?

im white and this club has been killing me for too long, i think ill switch after this game and move into my new home at fulham. go on, call me a plastic! im too busy holding my championships ;))
ramsey has to go
wow, we scored again
good goal tbf based giroud
The ball was high and he's not exactly a goalscorer.
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Ramsay is just so, so bad.
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I legit hate this team

they are so unlikable
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10-0 incoming. lincoln are tired as fuck.
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>Bellerin's hair
>Coquelin on
We were having trouble beating a team that's so unfit they need to take breaks every 30 mins
So how dead is Chamberlain? Season over or what?
better than my hair. i had to get it bleached for my bday and it looks like someone took a random paintbrush with gold paint to the back of my head. it looks fucking shite
we can only hope that's the case

who cares?
Why we don't we just join the lower leagues?
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>fa cup win and a top 4
>sign Mbappe in the summer
>chelsea and spurs stop spending from stadium debts
>mourinho second season syndrome

Next year we walk the league lads
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>mfw wenger will sign an extension after this game
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>i had to get it bleached for my bday
but why?
Mourinho has a third season syndrome lad, second season is always his year.
sanchez has been pretty shit lads
ozil too of course
>Sign mbappe
My sides.
>Sanchez is good
>mourinho second season
You mean the season where he always wins the league?
05-06 Chelsea
11-12 Madrid
14-15 Chelsea
And soon to be 17-18 united
Tfw people think this club will live without Sanchez.
there is always someone else who steps it up though, no worries here. More worried about Wenger not leaving.
Winning with the squad he's building would be quite a managerial feat
If he gets griezmann England is finished.
so really this game should be 1-0 right? lucky deflection and an own goal
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>sanchez 100% gone
>wenger signs extension
>mou wins with manure next season
one of those /lad/ things you're made to do on you're birthday. it was the best option out of getting liver cancer from drinking all sorts of shit or running around naked for a day
>fa cup and top 4
>Wenger signs extension
>Sells Sanchez and Memezil
>Buy Reus as replacement who gets injured in the third game of the season for 3 months
>Chelsea beat >us twice
>United beat >us twice
>City beat >us twice
>Liverpool beat >us twice
>Beat Sperms twice
>finish 3rd, behind United, City and Chelsea

book it, trust me.
>sell Sanchez and Ozil
literally not gonna happen
theyll walk away for free
>Buy Reus as replacement who gets injured in the third game of the season for 3 months
>implying the board would allow him to buy anyone except a Ligue 1 teenager
other than that, everything is spot on
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coquelin is fookinh shite
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>russian commentary literally calling coquelin = kekelin
>Arsene Walcott
Strange how his chant is 'feo feo feo', don't really see the connection
>finish 3rd, behind United, City and Chelsea
u wot
Best of the lot.
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i'm gonna miss sanchez and his wondergoals when he leaves
Don't worry blud, Reus will score one or two like those when he's fit.

Lovely Mesut.
>5-1 inbound
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kek, who are these cunt commentators on BT?
>walking it in
>ramshit walks it in

even he couldn't sky it from there
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literally walking it in
It kills me that we see Ozil getting away from 4 players at 5-0 up against Lincoln
OptaJoeVerified account @OptaJoe
35 - Alexis Sanchez has had a hand in 35 goals this season (21 goals, 14 assists), more than any other PL player in all comps. Priceless.
This small team found its match.
>b-but s-sanchez is p-part of the problem!!
That's the thing with Arsenal, they always try to walk it in
Looks like that big, Greek dude better get back to Betty White's place on the double. Ramsey's Curse awakens again.
He's not without flaws but he's easily the best player in the team.
>troopz and DT will try and downplay this win to fit their subversive agenda
yeah, we'll see about that
we can beat lincoln city by the same margin bayern munich can beat us
He means priceless like a mother's love, not the good kind of priceless.
sighhhh we're going to win the FA Cup again aren't we...

and Wenger will sign da ting
>have to face off against man shitty, chelsit, tottenshit or shit utd

Don't worry, mate, we're not gonna make it
Oh Lucas..
Holy shit, this BT sport commentator is so fucking salty.
should be 8-0
unironically Wegner IN
>wonga will sell him for 20mil to juventus
Of course they are chinese
Explains why they can't see what we can.
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Are we, dare I say it, back?
wtf i love wenger now
Cazorla isn't coming back from injury to salvage 4th place this season. We'll finish 6th this season.
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reminder that he will leave this shit club and you will not be in the top 5, maybe not even in the top 10 next season
Utterly meaningless
Eddie Howe will win us the league blud
>this wenger in runt on 606
What did he say?


I don't even need to check to know that arsenal have also lost more finals than anyone else.
*walks towards you*

what the FUCK do you do?
3 times in a row at that. Arsenal is literally garbage to top teams.
>beat a non-league team in the FA cup


Just laughing at you rn.

Join them
>Those demographics
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Bet those 30 wenger out protester mongs are embarrassed now

my idol
this is what autism rallies look like?
Can we agree that the FA cup is the most prestigious trophy an English club can win?

>working class are Wenger outs

Wenger in is the only patrician choice

no that would be the premiership
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The atmposphere was terrible. The fans were not impressed. Weneger is leaving this year.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
>arsenelickers will actually use this game as evidence for why they think the manager should stay

just let that sink in
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Now that Ramsey has scored, which celebrity will die in the next few days?
Arsenal have won more FA cups than anyone else actually. It's their only consistently good record
Arsenal's title hopes
lily allen or meryl streep hopefully
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>le humiliato in le chermapion luugue
>hammas leon city in fufaa cup
You cannot kill that which has already died.
exactly this
absolutely fucking hilarious
Man Ure tied their record last year when they won their 12th FA Cup.
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Would you keep Wenger if we could get Mbappe in the summer?

Im from the place where the youth teams train
no. Wenger OUT
no. the problems run deeper than a single strker lmao. We need at least 7 new starters
But Arsenal qualified in the top 4 with much worse wingers/strikers than him before he transferred
WOBs so salty that they cannot enjoy this historic FA Cup run
Wenger in forever
pretty much every side has improved massively in the last 6 years though thanks to the money in the EPL now, mid-table clubs happily spending 30m+ on players. Unless we spend big every summer they will catch up. I genuinely don't think we are much better than Everton or Southampton when you take him out of the team
Jardim in
Arsenal need more than 7 new starters. Arsenal need new mentality

HOLY SHIT! american autist aka "autismbro" here --- dude you just put me to shame with all of these messages! yeah likely copied-n-pasted from a newspaper (a modern-anachronistic torture device for use on millennials) but still.... holy fuck man. TLDR aka chill the fuck out and tell the doc to up your meds!


>arsenal game happens and instead of 1-3 new threads during the game this one only has ~360 posts despite being started ~9 hours ago

sure is /MagicOfTheFACup/ up in here, eh?
AKB totally BTFO
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guys I lost my lifelong Arsenal folder, can you please dump some OC you may have saved?
>akb spastics think it's all blown over because they're in the fa cup semifinals
Honestly I think Arsenal would do really well in whatever league Lincoln plays in. Probably top 4.
Arsenalfags help me out, is this correct?

>1. DT
>2. Claude
>>>>power gap
>3. Troopz
>4. Moh
>5. Kalechi
>>>>power gap
>1000. Ty
today the team looked great and motivated, I think wenger deserves another chance
you forgot Chris at 1000000000000
>TY not third
Rage-fuel is always needed senpai.
Lee is better than Moh
so will this win the the excuse for allowing Wenger another 2 years?
we talking in terms of who we like seeing or total views? if it's by views, Troopz wins by a landslide
emily only faked cancer once
>Troopz wins by a landslide
I think him and DT are practically the same level. Troopz has gotten more views in his vids lately but he's also been the first upload after a game for the last while. Calude used to be the king of views, the old man fell off.

AMERICANS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>rude boy
I don't know why but I love Ty, he's so silly
shut up Whitey, you're not even an Arsenal supporter
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>tfw you're not an arsenal cuck

feels good man
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fuck wenger 2bh

he makes me sad
>it's a 'Ty' episode
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>OC you may have saved

[esteemed person of color] i MAKE OC for this god-forsaken hell-hole!!! (hi cara! =)
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What "leaders" could we realistically buy in the summer? Every pundit says we need some
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no mention of (>based?) piers, not even at >9001 ??? #comeonson!
there were multiple streams
He's like 5'2, constantly dressed like an Arse mascot and has a very nice voice. Very charismatic.
Can millwall do it?
>ABA commentators
it's too blatant
Ty's a deluded cunt who immediately starts chatting shit about opposition even when they're a lower-tier team that Arsenal are expected to beat.
Friendly reminder that all Perez did today was dive and try to get a penalty when we were 4-0 up. He's shit and that's why he doesn't get game time.
i'm not going to be sympathizing with any player who can't get a starting spot on the arsenal eleven
*growls at you*
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Reminder to point and laugh at all arsenal threads
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>probably a Tottenshit 'fan'
opinion invalid
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Based Turkish beard bro
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honestly i think being a buyern fan would be worse than being an arsenal fan. basically, i reckon you only feel anything if you win the CL and welp, heynicke aint walking back through that door anytime soon.

so yeah, you lot win the 1.boondesuliga every year by default cuz you're the 1 team in a 1.5 team league.... ok then. and the DFB Pokal? obviously more random than 1.bl hegemony so i mean you'll nick a lot of those too but if you make fun of arsenal for digging the FA Cup then how can any self-respecting buyern fan give a flying fuck about the DFB Pokal?

so basically like, i'd imagine that being a buyern munich fan is like being a good looking dude who stares at himself in a mirror as his pants around his ankles while he's beating himself off [read: winning 1.BL/DFB-Pokal] with a tear in his eye like "WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYMORE?!" while his mom peeks in through the cracked bedroom door and mutters to herself "i raised a beautiful boy oh yes i did, he's the biggest and strongest boy in all of the fatherland! someday he'll dominate europe again cuz that's what germany does! now where's that allah who snackbar i hear so much about lately??"

meanwhile over here in cuckville, shit, when >we won our first FA Cup in 2014 i think we had "it's not gay if it's with aaron ramsey" on repeat 1 for ~24hrs, and if >we ever win the PL/CL it's gonna be a legit party where holy shit, even that cute lil boy cara might get passed around cuz holy fucking shit, say what you want about us plastics [and i know i'm gonna get it for this post] --- but hey, at least we represent on the internet cuz man, at arsenal it's not about winning... it's way more important than that!

>yes we know american super-autist meds/etc i suck you dont etc etc-- hey at least i'm not a soulless buyern dolt masking my inherent ability to feel any joy for my FC by loling @ others -- you know, like a giant super-charged overglorified spurs fan! that's right, buyern fans = super-[spurs fans]!
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same here, anyone got the tl:dr?

>wizard being offered 250k/week
>wenger about to sign another 2 years
looks I am going to hang around here for a bit longer too.

burger is correct. english biggest weakness is tactics (aka team play). We should carry on building german core ("die mannschaft" and all that)

Stats can prove anything, but he sure fails a lot in build up and simple passing. Still like him for his windy dribbling and that fact that his pressuring and attitude makes shit happen for arse.

Sanchez - extrovert (anyone that loves to be center of attention is always popular with fans, even when quite shit, see pedolski)
Özil - shy introvert, also cant hide his disgust at other players inabilities (quiet types always get bullied)

it really is that simple.


Özil is being offered the money that sanchez is holding out for.

Why? cause he is a team player that always looks to assist and support, therefore will always be more useful to the team than a selfish, but talented, primadonna.

walcott's goal against buyern was pretty sick actually, anyone got the webm? love seeing neuer get beaten like that.

seriously, maybe you guys have been too hard on walcott, his finishing has improved a lot in last couple of years, though admittedly he has had a lot of time to practice by now.

good friend of mine is buyern fan. amazing how much he still celebrates winning bundes. Actually suffered a lot during 1 half of buyern v arse.
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>Actually suffered a lot during 1 half of buyern v arse.

how do you suffer while watching a football game? i mean yeah, shit, it IS painful to watch some shit but then the game ends and it's like "yep,i really needed an excuse to get high/er" and then DJ MP3 loads up a proper cut like >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W69SSLfRJho

idk when >we'll win the PL/CL but i can tell you it'll be sweeter than anyone else in the prem/UEFA winning it. you know, at least with arsenal when shit finally does right it's gonna be fucking glorious, even if it's in the year 2048 i'll still have some cara memes somewhere to bust out for the occasion!
No DT interview for the Lincoln game?
one of those players has been involved in over 80% of our last 50 goals when he's been on the pitch

the other one has been involved in 20%

Was he even there?
Kelechi is the best aftv talking head desu
He was at the protest eating some Jamaican food
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Will Theo go down as a club legend?
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literally choked on my crisp
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AKBs resurfacing

football fans are so fickle

Wenger out
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>I would argue that this is the first season where that fact looks possible, or even arguable
AKB's so quick to forget last season?
>Wenger has pretty much consistently overachieved as our manager
>We've had:
> One of the worst injury records of any premiership club.
And nothing is being done with it.
> Financial constraints.
Muh War Chest
Muh spending millions on shitty players and not spending anything on good players
> Pretty terrible home support.
> Very bad atmosphere amongst fans and poor attitude towards the manager (which has been for about ten years, not just the last two.)
Gee, I wonder why's that a case.

Anyway, I always thought Arsenal was a "Big Club", one of the top of the English Football, with history and ambitions to be a title contender and not some sort of Championship-tier team, without talent or a stadium (if it wasn't for our great Mr Wenger), that only ever won anything, because others allowed them to.
But I'm only a plastic from the other side of the continent, so what do I know.
>wenger in because Arsenal beat fucking Lincoln
>El Memy
What ever happened to this guy? Haven't seen him in ages.

I'd hate fuck this AKB
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>Nonwhite girls
She's WOB
even sexier
I have her nudes
they look like someone drew a tit on porridge
Yea not sexy at all.
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you lie
For real
imgur please
>he hasnt seen jasmines pepperoni nipples

how new are you senpai?
>I use to like Piers

feel ashame desu

not sure if i have or not, dont remember
Noises coming out of the club that Wenger has already signed his 2 year extension. Doesn't necessarily mean he'll stay. #afc

Wenger after the match yesterday:

Reporter: "Are you saying goodbye to Arsenal fans?"

Wenger: "Where are they going?"
What is Piers end game? He did a lot of pandering to right wingers then got furious at anyone who hated refugees.
i dunno if youre trolling or not but she used to be a tripfag on here. dated a swede who posted her awful tits and called her fat then left her and she turned into a feminist

DT, Troopz, WoB BTFO
Oh yeah, I remember her...i didn't know they were the same person, just same that Sam guy on twitter retweeted her post

she wasn't that bad desu, apparently her family were poor though

don't remember the nudes
Hopefully Millwall fucks Spurs up desu
already come to terms with the fact hes staying desu. seen this all before
Most people probably think that he'd sign an extension anyway.
Why is Arsenal allowed to have its own general?
Other clubs tried and failed. Spurs one died after 3 posts.
Probably the biggest fan base on /sp/ (haters included in the count)
desu i think there are more united customers
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I could tolerate Wenger staying for 2 more years on one condition - that the board actually worked on getting his replacement lined up, and building a healthy hierarchy that doesn't depend on the manager making every decision from the starting line-up to how many minutes the canteen's broccoli is being steamed for. Fed up with Manure and Sunderland fans complaining "be careful what you wish for / fucking entitled cunts". Of course there's going to be massive problems. I'd just rather we have those problems after finishing 4th and winning the FA cup, not when in Europa League without Alexis and Özil.
i just want to see the nudes
link them
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>Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger felt his side showed against Lincoln City that they have their confidence back, following a heavy defeat by Bayern Munich in the Champions League
it was lincoln city ffs

>"The team was unjustifiably criticised for our last game against Bayern Munich because we had an outstanding game.

>"The game was killed not by the fault of the players but we have to look at the bigger perspective.

someone please kill this man
>Manure and Sunderland fans
It seems more like non-Arsenal fans in general who say this bullshit about how we're wrong for wanting a manager change while they're probably the same ones who turn around and have a giggle when there's a shit Arsenal result.

You're right. I nitpicked those two because they actually have a point.
>Kane dead

Seriously, if I don't see these nudes pop up, I'm going to assume y'all are talking shit.
why is our twitter community so much cringier than everyone elses lads? its embarrassing

kek time for janssen. inb4 we steal 4th cos of this

it was like 4 years ago and they were shit. go ask /epl/ maybe someone still has them
Because arsenal is a fucking meme m8.
>Inb4 we steal 4th cos of this.
Kane getting injured is a miracle for Wenger. He'll get his 4th place finish after all.
See you in the round of 16 next year.
t. Bayern fuckboy.
what do you disagree with about the boxing thing?
women literally didn't evolve to be fighters

>At Chelsea star player realises manager is holding the back and making a toxic environment
>Club back players, sack manager
>Next season keep all their players and win the league

>At Arsenal, same situation
>Board and players back the manager
>Star player leaves, win nothing
>implying wenger plays his best team
>implying wenger drops players who continue to be shit
kys cuck swede
who cares if dykes wanna knock eachother out? i dont enjoy watching it but they should be allowed to if they want to. its not illegal and it generates shekels so its gonna exist like everything else
Yes and most likely at least 4th in all time scoring charts
Will probably beat John Radford's 149 goals for the club
On 100 atm, can probably get 5 more this season
45 over another 4-5 seasons is achievable

History will remember him as better than he actually is, if he had a good manager maybe he'll be a better player than he is now
Yfw we draw Spurs in the cup and have 2 NLD's in 1 week


He is know here for being the most introverted/autistic player of our national team.
I might.

Also, have you not seen Liverpool Twitter? Much worse.
I swear August is only up there because we have the first name alphabetically
Alexis can't be an extrovert he's pretty much autistic
>Arsenal walks the league
>still finishes in 2nd behind something like Boro, Stoke or Burnley
You know it.
yeah but why is it sexist to not like it while liking men's boxing?
I see double, 4 Xavis
>get Mbappe in the summer
What his chant would be?
>another overrated french lad
wenger loves that kind of memes

can't believe he missed martial
>implying he won't sign him once Mourinho dumps him
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I hope he gets a start soon.
>Implying Wenger signs good players.
This is the same man who signed granit xhaka. And also continues to play him.
Why? He fucking sucks.

surprised Özil didn't pick Lahm or Xabi Alonso
>tottenham lost their only consistent goalscorer
>tfw comfy 6pm Europa League away games

is anyone else looking forward to this as much as I am? How far do you think we'd progress if we played our first XI and took it seriously?
>no Koscielny

literally wut
would shit myself if this happens. pls city or chelsea knock them out


post >yfw baba went viral lads. Always knew she'd be the sort of attention whoring slut who'd end up a remainiac feminist. Fat cow
What happened to Elneny? I liked him at Basel
>muslim turkish-cypriot whore

she's literally a walking stereotype. would still bang desu
he's a squad player, and not a very good one at that
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she's english
the look around before, yep, 80 of us, 2 of them, I'll hit the 16 year old. Typical Millwall.

she literally identifies as turkish
no she isn't, she's a dirty little non-white slag who should fuck off back to malmo
don't you think she gets to decide?
>Wenger "When you've got 60k people in the stadium & only 100 are not happy, you've got to take into perspective"
oh ffs he's staying isn't he. I can't believe this
Wonder what excuse he would come up with if it was 90% of the stadium holding up WengerOut banners.

Probably "The fans' opinions is important, but it's not everything. I do what is best for the club"
>baba's an AKB

disgusting. reckon she still lurks here?
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>tfw no akb gf to laugh at and hate fuck
already seeing the "look, lets get behind the team and manager for the rest of the season and see what happens in the summer. few signings and we can really kick on" AKB rhetoric lads
fucking post baba nudes already

someone post her tits
W-wenger in!11!
Baba is cute!
oops, meant https://twitter.com/__baba/status/743029941684539394
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Who is the queen of /arse/? Baba or Tara?
>inb4 Cara

Carla is anon, someone needs to send her a link to one of these threads so she can know how much she is appreciated <3
>Who is the queen of /arse/

who is tara?
Charlie Nicholas said on Soccer Special on Tuesday night that he would offload 10 of the current squad, insisting the club is broken.

"I think this squad is going to need major surgery. Sanchez is clearly going to go this summer, in my view. They've offered Ozil an astronomical amount of money to stay, and he is yet to sign it, and in my mind that points to him leaving."

"I'm looking at the squad, and out of the main 25 that are involved in the Premier League and Champions League, I've got 10 for sale," he said.

"Mathieu Debuchy, Kieran Gibbs, Per Mertesacker, Gabriel, Laurent Koscielny - I don't think he's been top drawer, he's getting on - Olivier Giroud, David Ospina, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Francis Coquelin, Carl Jenkinson.

"I don't think they're of the level that Arsenal were at three years ago, I really don't. These guys should make way, give some of the money to Sanchez and get real, proper players."
Millwall fans were heard chanting "DVD" and "You're selling three for a fiver" at Son during the first half, thought to be in reference to the racist stereotype of traders selling bootleg copies of films.
How can they be so backwards in time? It's disgraceful

Everybody knows you torrent the films you want now
Cheeky move for Ramos when he's 34 imo
TaraAFC on twitter she's been on AFTV a few times
>no new thread
give me a sec
new thread you lazy cunts

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