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Offician NRL Sunday Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 530
Thread images: 58

New Zealand Warriors vs Newcastle Knights
Kickoff at 2pm AEDT

Manly Sea Eagles vs Parramatta Eels
Kickoff at 4pm AEDT
I should kill myself
>tfw the knights WILL beat the warriors today

nah who cares lad
Thread autists from 2013-14, of which I am one, that's who.
I hope you all put your life savings on the Knights today
Are the Dragons elite this year lads
anybody watching the NSW premiership game?

It's gonna be like 100-4 at the end
Is based Rory going to lead the knights to the promised land?
yes Ltd.
wait is it unlimited trades before round 1 or before round 2?

Unlimited trades during the rolling lock out
oh ok
My local IGA blocked off the self serve checkouts. I asked why and it's because the new $5 notes (and upcoming $10 notes) don't work due to that "line" in the middle and it will cost thousands to upgrade those checkouts to work with the new notes.
This is fucking disgusting.
just selectively screencapped a digital foundry video where the switch briefly drops to 20fps on zelda and made a thread on /v/ lads
>that signature

fucking kek
Anyone found a legit stable stream yet?
Yes. Used that leddit guys guide and it works without a hitch.
>Fucking 98 on metacritic

So is it actually that good or is it one of those cases where it gets rated highly because it has Zelda in the title?
no wonder he scored so horribly in SC

he's outta my team ASAP tbqh
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it's not bad desu, maybe a 6.5 or 7/10. these are pretty rare drops btw
I dunno why you fell for the fartwrong meme to begin with 2bh
These literally all look the same to me
There's no difference in image quality between the Wii U and Switch version, just the performance in certain areas of the game.

If you plan on getting this, definitely get the pro controller.

your thread got nuked by a mod

HOLY SMOKES lads just came back from 2 hours into the future and the knights WON lads

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Damn this some Brisbane TAFE cert 2 Beauty course shit....

It's already 4pm and the game has only just started you dumb cunt.
poocastle ltd.
How can they be this shit?
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Who /GOATcastle/ here
Why do we employ so many retards bros?
I'm glad I got an advance on my Centrelink and put it all on Newcastle 13+
Where's that screenshot of N's team? I'm going to copy it.
Fucking sheck just let it go out fucking hell

take the 2
It ain't that good m8. I've just been lucky with a few guys posting big scores.
Same shit every year I'm done
same as me
thinking about falling for the Keary meme lads
same as me
Made the janitor on thekennel lose his shit and threaten to ban everyone who criticises the bulldogs

>Didn't already fall for it

Complete and utter casuals smdh
man usually these contracts come with a non disclosure term... someone just lost 50,000 plus costs

wtf were they thinking
>falling for any meme before round 1
spotted the casuals
Brown btfo
>tipping the knights cause warriors le never win round 1 even though warriors have a top 4 pack and knights have a NSW cup spoon pack

really makes me think
>no one from the Warriors has cracked 700 points
She already gave it to charity
But /nrl/ said it was easy money for the Knights...
Fuck this, off the /cric/
Based golden boot
How many of you are going without food this week after putting your centrelink money on the Knights?
delusioncastle LTD
thats irrelevant lad
Knights literally unable to understand sliding defence
I gamble responsibly lad. Joel Cane and I sit down and work out my net assets, my liquid assets, my discretionary income, my 1% allocation from discretionary income, then I place the bet on the highest likely winner whether or not the odds are low or high after conducting hours of research
What a terrible goal kicker.
Jokes on you, I'll just line up at 9:30am tomorrow morning at the local St Vinnes office and get a $50 woolies voucher, this isn't my first rodeo
Shaun GODson
Going to lose my house because of this lads

Has any team ever been as good as losing a game than Newcastle? Nobody else can take a winning position and fuck it up like them.
The fucking STATE of Isaac Luke lads
Warriors are a 60 minute team and you are a literal fool for tipping them to win a single game this season.
I have Teddy, De Belin, Suli, Taumalolo, but I feel like captaining SJ was my elite move this week
>winning position
>that poofter who laughed when I said to captain SJ vs pooasslel
Oddly enough. The Warriors were really good at it.
Thats a confirm win for literally every other NRL team against the Warriors
This game will go to golden point
8-0 and dominating possession is easily enough to get you the win if you keep strangling them out. Hell, Melbourne probably wouldn't bother to score again with 8 points buffer.
8-0 20 minutes into a game for the worst team in the league is NOT a winning position. End your life, Walkcunt.
Des Hasler on best coach in the NRL watch
>tfw you don't support poocastle
>tfw you talk them up all week
>tfw reveling in the typical /sp/ backlash against them when they inevitably get BTFO

feels good
shoulda captained SJ lads but instead I captained Pooston
t. novicecoach
I figured literally every cunt in the league would be doing this? It was such an obvious call.
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Is the score worm the patricians way of keeping score?
Fabulous, Cuckboys and Porcupine Tree are THE elite teams in our league.

Together they will make up most of the top 4, and one of these sides WILL win the premiership.
You've got worms lol
>mfw Knights fan
>mfw tipped Warriors but wanted to believe
>mfw 20mins in
>mfw half time
Yes tbqh
>celectrating a march premiership

KEK. poopercoach detected
Wth happened to Proctor? Him and Bromwich will be the reason I don't crack 1200
Bottom 4 side spotted.
Only 12 points and it's the smelly fob Warriors, they could easily blow this. Need our starting props back on, looked much better then.

Same. I just wanted to be different. Round 1 isn't the time to be fancy though.
Nah, when SJ and RTS begin to connect and with solid finishers in Kata and Fusitua behind them, this lead should get bigger 10 mins into the 2nd half
what even happened to bromwich?

I've missed the last 48hrs due to a bender
Never spend a dollar on my team but still call for the coach to be sacked AMA
Fucker broke his thumb 10 mins into the game. He'll be out for a few rounds
Who else has Mata'utia? He seems a bit lackluster at the moment.

Dislocated his thumb or something
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>canadian baseball adds on my stream
Who do you ""support"" and why do you want Madge fired?
Just saw Logan.

11/10 kino.
More like The Logan of us amirite?
Kelly is about to get murdered by Evans.
>isaac spook
Des has to go

Mediocre nothing coach. 1 top 4 finish in 5 years and that was due to ben barba not his coaching skill.
It's more like Metal Gear 2bh.
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How do you get those vouchers and can you get them from any vinnies?
There is literally nothing wrong with des hasler
Reminder James Graham is the highest paid player in the dogs

Reminder that this is a carefully considered decision by the coach and board of directors

To put more resources into a prop than halves or a fullback

This is a real team in 2017
Fuck you I'm poor

Not sure, just rock up before 10am and cry poor
>before 10am
Jesus that is pretty harsh
If Kostjasyn wasn't injured knights would be winning.
if youre poor dont gamble cockbreath
When you are poor you can't sleep anyway because you're too stressed thinking about whether to buy food or pay your electricity bill.
Based elite opinion by walkbro
>that feel when i know I'm doomed to forever be poor, ugly and alone
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>Grumpy old dude with a beard who's seen some shit
>little girl with some infection/mutation
>Have to travel across the country with people trying to kill them along the way
>in the end they actually cared for each other

Even the posters are similar
My money fuck wit
Don't know if you've seen it yet, but the plot is very similar to MGS.
Graham is only on 700k. Thats not espically high. Josh jackson on 600k is by far a worse signing decision than a prop that can pass and won't play origin
Literally name some players he has brought to the bulldogs in 5 years

Heres some players: Trex

Name some players who left the dogs: Ennis, Barba, Finucan, that Martin Taupau

Reminder that the highest paid player is James Graham

Reminder that Moses Mbye is on 700k a year for 4 years
An important documents you just initial every page to say you've read, bank loans etc.

Using another legit stream, literally clearer than the Foxtel Play trial bullshit. Worried Fox scum actually read this but and don't want it getting banned.

Moses would be on more money by far. He has glimpses of brilliance. Is still young but not sure if its des coaching fucking it up atm.
Based fucking Hugh
dolphins 26 - 8 bears
Moses has never shown brilliance ever

All he has is speed. He has never thrown a great pass or placed a kick on a dime

He is nothing but a fast manlet
glad I did not fall for the pythian meme
>it's yet another episode of player scores huge in the first half and looks like he'll finish with 150+ points then does nothing in the second half
Poocastle shouldn't even be allowed to play they're so shit.
Hopefully Buherer isn't on more than 150k per year.
Not grounded
>refball to get poocastle back in the game
Nice sport
Reminder as a sign of solidarity with the Mormon church the Bulldogs signed a player who refuses to play on Sundays
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>implying he won't score another 90 points in the final 10 minutes
I will be replacing him with Tedesco.
>Invest so much money in the bunker
>Buy cheap as fuck cameras that only film at 20 FPS
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got 10k in shares, 10k value car, and own a 500k property outright

there were some cutie NZ girls before too
old m8 on the right is >>74508125
Can I be your trap slave and live with you?
shout us a kfc bucket ya rich dog
nah youd become my defacto wife in a minute and id have to pay you just cause you exist

fuck family law
>pooSCATle signed ponga for 600k a year

top fucking kek. I swear these list builders know nothing about formulating a team. Have they learnt nothing from overpaing outside backs, instead of signing cheap le fall over the line men and puting the savings to quality players
Knights will unironically win this game
thinking of studying a masters of commerce (finance) at UNSW after completing my law degree lads
Make me sign something. I just want enough food to live, the internet and just to make you happy :(
i think theyre hoping he'll hit the juice and become SBW 2.0 or a israel falou type
They sure will after the ref shoves them over the line.

Hate that Ross faggot though
>Start fucking up
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the knights will win this
Clutch kicking is literally ALL Hodkinshit is good for and can't even do that
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>watching the game when u can watch the worm

lol pleb cunts.
Nobody can beat the commentator's curse
No amount of juice will change his manlet stature.
>It's a warriors blow a sizeable lead epsiode

Love these ones.
non-bulldog fans thought he was awesome

literally had the knees of inglis

had to literally get stem cell trial research to recover his knees temporarily

cant run, cant organise, can only put up bombs and slot conversions

what a terrific player

Someone told me last year that Mitch Barnett was shit.
classic warriors
Mitchell “Shaun Johnson” Barnett
the Warriors are a disgrace


shit didnt realise hes so short

theyll turn him into a fullback lad, pray hes a slater 2.0
Knights 13+ is back on the menu!
>shaun pooson
Based Knights never doubted them
He is a fullback.

And Slater has about 15cm on Ponga
Pooasslel v Pooriers in the ultimate choke off
Who will win
>That Maori Knights fan

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Zee dropping some harsh truth bombs on the bulldogs fan forum
FUCK Nathan Ross
-Trent Hodkinson
reminder that those two missed kicks is literally equivalent to one try
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>using the camera angle from the other side of the field for a conversion
wtf i thought ponga was on the wing

so yeah actually newcastle arent that bad, an elite fullback is valuable

he cant do all the work but he can do some ben barba tier shit with speed and agility until ttthe inevitable "ow my knees i can't contribute to the team anymore" moment
>I didn't think that was forward
Newcastle are where knees go to die
its called a "crusher" tackle you spastic commentators
Drinking a Coca Cola for first time in about 2 years.

Why does this drink taste SO fucking good?
>Victim blaming

Pro-Warriors commentators are triggering me
It tastes even better after you drink your first 2L in the morning.
Pepsi Max > Coke

No drink on the planet comes close to its taste.

Shame it's so bad for you.
paid shills itt
rts is slow as fuck
WHY did they not go for goal?
wtf stop kicking it on 0 tackle. hayne did that shit yesterday
Poocastle fans on suicide watch.
>comment sponsored by Coca Cola *taste the freshness
I would give that only to even up from when that knights player didn't ground properly.

It's obviously a knock on though
I'm guessing he thought he'd be tackled out of bounds if he took the tackle
Vanilla Coke is the GOAT

Why are the kiwis so shit? Honestly you could give them the entire QLD origin team and theyd become retarded lazy fobs
Lift is the GOAT fizzy drink
Don't think so could of easily just stepped back inside and chaser would of probably overrun him at that stage anyway for another run off towards the goals.

Kicking outside the 4th does me fucking head in 99% of the time.

based Gubb
>knights score
>doesn't convert again
>golden point
>warriors win the toss
>warriors win with a try
Reminder the Tigers signed Farah to a 4 year Ambassador role before they fired him

Reminder the Tigers are going to pay a person who sued them and alleged a toxic workplace as an ambassador for 4 years after he retires from another team

Reminder that the CEO is a woman and this is not relevant
>warriors winning in golden point
nice joke
whats for tea lads?
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>the Tigers are going to pay a person who sued them and alleged a toxic workplace as an ambassador for 4 years after he retires from another team
>sued them and alleged a toxic workplace
How do you sue them for that?
Fuck sake it's a footy team what were you expecting fucking pride and prejudice
Based Robbie is going to use that money to fund his restaurant “Redfer Rabbit”
Maumalo should be the last person making fun of someone for fumbling the ball
best biff of the season calling it now

ah ok looks like they didnt end up sueing each otehr
The absolute state of that jersey
just pick the ball up you fuckin coconut
>just a bit of a facial
>lets check the warriors d
Kiwis are so homo
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me on the left
fuck yeah Manly here we go
lara bingle my waifu tbqh
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stole this from reddit, but kek
Based Fev
>It's a Knights lose because they let in incredibly soft tries around halftime episode

We 2016 now
tipped the warriors in reddit last longer ama
>Gaypooa won't be suspended for his attack on Gooper

>replace vonnie with a generic 30 something year old white guy

fucking kek

Saw it on nrl.com
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>all these fags who go to reddit
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just realized nincucks AREN'T watching based vonnie right now


>we had a big titted qt waifu
>whats better than that? some gaycunt bloke who you hate

is channel 9 absolutely finished?
face it you go there too r/nrl has good stuff
>some gaycunt bloke who you hate
I don't hate joey though
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i ignore all the cunts who shit me

turns out most of the gaycunts post threads
Imagine being so shit that you have to sponsor yourself
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Based fucking manly lads

Brookie is looking an absolute treat to play on right now
The first Brian in more than a decade to play in the NRL.
>he isn't over 1000 points in sc
I'd unironically have 1100 with still two to play if it wasn't for injuries
I want to suck off the Manly team they're that good.
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If I get 2 or more HDs in my final 6 classes ill win the law medal for /nrl/
>he didn't fall for the b.kelly meme
please have my babbies manly
Dylan walkGOD
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Some lookers in there gents
Reminder in one generation we'll never hear accents like sterlo or rabs ever again cause everyone talks like some metropolitcan sydney cunt
the truth is true and it hurts
I just had $5 on a horse paying $31

I am the opposite of broke
me bottom right
>only betting %5

What a you a poorcunt or something?
Dayum, North Sydney girls look like THAT?
Why would you waste more than $5 on a roughie

What are you, a public school "educated" pleb or something?
fucking lucker dogs
Do you the commentators get paid extra if they can shove sponsors into their commentary?
Manly are fucking back lads

Trent slapped the absolute shit out of them and their girlfriends
Not paid extra but they're told to do it so they keep their jobs

The men don't do it, but this weird cunt who i dont know his name is a teachers pet and does whatever like a good goy

>lmao what if the supplementary ball didnt come out of LOTTOLAND oh boy im a good goy please invite me to the channel 9 gala dinner
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>ywn be this manly
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>mfw i'm not this manly
Is Tommy T, dare I say it, the sexiest man in the league?
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me bottom right
Natty as fuk

Foran is m8.
Lads, I fucked up...

I'm seeing this girl that is covered in tattoos but my family doesn't know about her. Things are getting serious between us. I just had a conversation with my uncle about how disgusting women are these days and how they're all covered in tattoos and I used that as an excuse as to why I'm single (even though I'm technicaly not). I can't let them meet her now because 1. they wouldn't approve and 2. I will look like an idiot after I already said that I find tattoos disgusting.

What do I do?
Fuck this lads going to play some Horizon Zero Dawn
Find a decent girlfriend. Tatted girls are fucked in the head. You're either following your dick or blinded by "love".
keep rooting her until she finds a better chad to fuck

>dating a tatted up slag
>being retarded

pick 2 lad
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me lucky undies lads
Fuck I hate being a master race wog sometimes. If I was just a skippy cunt, my family wouldn't care about my ice-addicted tattooed girlfriend.
Fully sick mate
You're right, in fact your family wouldn't care about you in general
Is that wwhat irish people look like
skips BTFO
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go back to cric wogworm
you dumbfuck wog cunt no rich aussie will marry a tatted slag
is russia behind this
It is nowadays matey, tanned Irish
Why do Aussies get so triggered by their Wog overlords?
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my 1st oc of the season lads.

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ivan is a russian spy

interesting.. it's hard to be ethically opposed to them, sure unlucky cunts don't have so many jobs but hey that's the world man you gotta keep up, but with this there was no real decision made, seems like low skilled workers just get to get lucky
literally who
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Fuck sake manly can you hold the fucking ball you weak cunts. I've got fucking 5 bucks on this match.
not a fan of all this eels refball 2bh
anyone wanna shout me a 5 dollar domino's pizza? no money till tuesday
poorcunt Ltd
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thats a very black coconut
nice casual racism mate
t. black cunt
Who is your favorite MKR couple this year?
the asian lad in the friendzone
Steve Price and Kate Fiscer
nah mate i wouldnt wanna do that
>pisstake spleen
I would suck vonnies asshole
Manly are shitcunts goodbye 5 bucks.
My ex got some tats and started dating a manlet after I broke her heart

kek. stupid parra supporting slut
3 or 8 on my tips lads
Illawarra Hawks btfo btw lads
had no idea nbl still existed
We will win the comp this year
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Crowd is twice the size of this manly crowd.

fuck lottoland and fuck manly people
How good were the Dragons, lads.
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Manly can still win right guys?
Got to be in the broncos change room at half time once lads. They asked me to leave cause they could all see me sporting a boner and staring at everyone.
Based Walkie
Trbojevic is a supercoach BUST
Serbians are cucks
How bout those Dragons hey lads?
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What about them?
Oh nothing just top of the table n stuff

Nice 5's btw
nice arm tats dipshit way to make yourself unhireable

hes gonna have a long career of 2 years at best
But why did he give them the penalty?

Why not just replay the play the ball?

He has clearly called play on and the players have done what hes said?

He MUST be stood down next week.
Post yfw Rabbitohs get the 2017 spoon
>“You know what I ended up with? Just over $200,000 a season,” Parker writes in his newly released autobiography, Iron Man.

Yeah poor bugger must be struggling.

He even admitted that he fucked up and then said lets move on. Lel
>Uate in 2017
Lads I haven't lived in Aus for about three years now. I always thought that roosters and the rabbitohs played eachother in the first round every season. Did that stop?
he hasn't been that bad 2bh
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Does Australia not have colour yet?
think my dick is just below average feels bad man, not that I'll ever get to use it
Green is a colour.
could be worse; you could have a really nice big dick that you will never get to use.
Who would actually want to listen to hours of old man gus crying?
That's a bit mean mate
Based Suaia
yeah im sure that 200k will survive his high flying lifestyle for a long time

its not like most players are broke 5 years out of the game or anything

reminder at 200k half of that goes to tax
Does he have a high flying lifestyle? Don't know shit about the bloke apart from him having kids.
anzac test innit
all these derricks grow accustomed to flying around the world having holidays driving new cars having boats

do that for 10 years then return to the middle class and see how well you budget
I know he did an ad for a noodle place that was in the Wynnum Herald.
Fair enough, can't say I give a shit either way though.
i just like arguing lad i dont care if hes a king or a hobo
>tfw a big manly player will never give you a big huge dirty facial
Is Trent Barrett turning into a frog?
Reminder that RUSTY lost the team when he dared to give that manlet twink shit and sent him home

stupid rich cunt

josh reynolds has been playing first grade since 2011 and still acts like a rookie
Are the eels, dare I say it, fucking back lads?
They're fucking backhanding their girlfriends.
>pouring a bottle on a girl and laughing at her is a crime
Which player would most likely do a passable trap? Asking for a friend.

Is autumn the patricians season? Holy fuck this rain and wind is making summer look like a gutter slut
Make end of season top 8 predictions based on rd1
idk, but warriors are definitely outside of the 8
Manly will be wooden spoon.
warriors [bonus wins from origin]
Remember when Browny slapped Barrett? fucking kek
>post contact metres stats
>not completly pointless

Its got to be average post contact metres. The sheer weight of possesion that the eels had renders this stat meaningless
Somebody tl;dw the warriors game for me
>tfw might just crack the 1000

Yeah nah
Down by 1 in my matchup lads
when can i start trading my crap players again lads?
Knights just outside the top 8 eh lads
anyone else got an arab fetish lads
monday probs
>that knife wielding asian chick getting btfo by the police

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>those tits on cartwrights ex-missus
Easily cracked 1000, will probably squeeze into 1100s with adjustments.

Only N has a better side than me right now.
>caring about anything but tits
based danny
>recognising other mens cocks
based joshy
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hot new OC lads

get it while its hot
Didn't crack 850 lads.

Remember that a swallow doesn't make a summer, my friend :)
your mum swallows
Bromwich into De Belin
Radradra into Tedesco

I now have a 1200+ point sc team
Mine doesn't. I walked in on her giving dad a blowjob once and she was just finished and she spat it all over big tits.
>already have JDB
>don't know what i'm going to do with bromwich

I might hold off trading him this week because still no H2H and don't want to risk trading in someone, only for them to get injured
The biggest question is what to do with Whare if you already have Suli and Kelly.

I'll hold him for now, but if he puts in another sub 30 score, he's gone.
Your dad has big tits?

Straight to Burns is the most obvious trade.
>playing more than 3 games
>not being a bust anyway
looking a bit deflated lads

gonna get back on the test e soon
Even if Whare scores 50+ he might be out of the team anyway when DWZ comes back. So I think you have to hold him regardless, and hopefully wait for him later in the season to fall over the line a couple of times and then trade. At this stage, theres noone knocking on the door, so theres not much point to it.
Who's on the other wing for penrith?
thinking about trading out JT for Keary.

surely JT will be around 400k mid season and an easy pick up
>le fantasy NRL

get a job
Do it next week, not this one
Where do you get your gear from and how much you paying?

i pay $210 per vial right now and it's fucking gay
only joshy plays fantasy m8
I was going to use my trades in the next 2 weeks to consolidate my cash cows but K.Pritchard being an absolute shit cunt has fucked up my plans. This week I'm going to have to downgrade K.Bromwich to Burns so I can upgrade Pritchard to McInnes.
You need to buy testosterone? Fucking sad cunts.
I get it online.

$95 per vial.
based joshy doesn't post here anymore lad
Who is Inglis going to commentate for when he retires?
Last chance to join our joke league featuring Sangster and friends. At the very least I'm interested to see how I stack up. Plus I want a convenient way to scope out their sides.

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Thanks to a prestigious education at the University of Sydney Greg won't be an employee; say hello to your new NRL CEO.
>first act as ceo
>change how many points a field goal is worth
Field goals used to be worth 2, maybe he was just looking at an outdated rule book
The Rabbitohs star, who has been cleared of a hip injury to play against Manly on Friday night, is only 26, but he has already begun planning for his long-term future after starting a course in business at Sydney University.

"I am studying, or doing my best at studying," Inglis said. "I go to uni and sit in on lectures and tutorials. It is like being back at school but it is good – it is going really well."

Since joining the Rabbitohs in 2010, Inglis has developed into a leader for both his teammates and indigenous Australians, who are under-represented at universities around the country.

Inglis did not finish year 12 at high school and he is the first in his family to attend a university.

iktfb. never finished high school and feel like being back at school at uni.
Greg Inglis didn't sign with the broncos beccause it was raining and he thought he couldn't fly to brisbane because he believed planes didn't fly in the rain

he later signed with the rabbitohs instead
Had to delete the Warriors memes because all their fans got sad that they nearly lost to the wooden spoon favourites :( Can't wait until they play a half decent team so they can get flogged and they can all crawl back into their coconuts and talk about "oh bru, u see how mean shaun johnsons step was ayy." "oh nah bru, i fink rts' step was more mean gee." Fucking shit cunts. New year, still shit, get used to it.
How can you PROVE planes fly in the rain if your eyes aren't real?
handshake deal isnt a deal

broncos are cry babies for not making a better offer to match or exceed souths
delete from where


Shut the fuck up.
Based GI trying to get rules changed years before he gets elected as CEO

Literally playing 4D chess years in advance
Gregs gonna make NRL great again

I'd choose an educated ex player over some turd anyday

The game isnt fucking hard to run, you put eyes on the tele and thats it

If you cant figure out how to do that then you're literally worse than the coffee girl who runs the twitter account for MKR
i don't think running the NRL would be that easy
its like every single business except its got more capital to play with

no one person has too much on their plate, theirs divisons everywhere

heres accounting, heres legal, heres marketing

dont fuck it up, good job
What happened to monday night football?
Replaced with Friday afternoon.
Nothing too crazy. I know a married couple who live in different towns. One in the city and one more rural. Have to just make your marriage work sometimes. Besides she looks like a snorer and you can't do you side 17 yr olds with your wife in the bed.
nah thats fucking gay lad. thats for old people who piss the bed.

why get married if youre not gonna love and spoon her nightly? honestly thats the best part of a ltr
Hey mate I'm with you I was just saying different strokes for different folks. Seems strange for the girl not to want to feel safe in a strong mans arms every night too.
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>But Brisbane Broncos Benji said he was looking forward to proving he’s “so much more than sport”. “I think everyone will be pretty shocked because I’m not your stereotypical footballer,” he said.

how is he not the biggest stereotypical footballer
>I'm not like other guys I'm a nice guy
This is it.
6 lectures tomorrow
are u retarded... spread that shit out
I would if I could. I'd get clashes.
>Fullwogs are the only team without someone injured

Portuguese stealing our gimmick lads
The Newcastle Knights looks set for a stellar season!
Meme mist moosday
How do we fix get the livestream to work lads? The stream keeps timing out with the smart DNS that I'm using.
>I now have a 1200+ point sc team
>not already having a 1300 SC team
thinking about getting rid of thurston and falling for the keary meme, i'll also have spare money to put in other places

Didn't he get into a fight in maccas cause someone said Lockyer was better than him?
lockyer is better than him
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hayne goes on a trayne storm on twitter lads
Hate the bogans that hang off his every word and affirm him, just for some slight chance at recognition. Disgusting.
Based Hayne bloody awful media grubby bastards. Love ya hayne the pain train.
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the BLOODY grubs in the media trying to get them clicks mate. Awful and they should be ashamed!!!!
Agreed !!!! but the grubby joos gotta shill that fake news buds!
is jarryd hayne related to jarryd strafford?
his dad
>First four games in the 20s league are against the 4 other best teams from last year

Not looking good lads.
gay that you can only make 2 trades this round but I get it
So “Random Souths guy” is the hottest new facebook meme
peem pist poosday still 24 hours away
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>danny's score
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>neither danny or poorramatta had a bench selected
they poisoned the well

heard about all <500 of us getting free HD and decided to fuck that shit up sideways

fuck them my boomer parents buy fox but id rather watch 240p than give money away
is hayne losing the plot? hes talking like a coked up bogan

>yeah nah the players didnt fine me it was the coach! FUCKING LYING MEDIA

>tfw shitcunts keep dragging our group average down
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Hayne was much more interesting and likable in another continent and in another sport
R8 my trades lads

Gallen OUT - J Thompson IN
Hayne OUT - Gordon IN

Swapped B. Kelly for D. Whare

$101k leftover
F for effort
t. Danny
>Gallen OUT
why, thompson isn't going to score tries every week and gallen has a much higher work rate
wait I mean I took out Whare and put in kelly

cos he's 500k and 35 years old, he'll be cheaper later I feel
>tfw when fell for the Pythian meme
if I reverse my trades do I get the 2 trades back and re-do them or do I just get my rd1 team again but the 2 trades are still used up?

God what a pathetic trainwreck of a human being. I would honestly kill myself for being humiliated so many times if I were him.
Doubt he'll decline in price, and he's not playing origin this year. If you already have him in your side, there's no reason to take him out.
i guess you're right
Spotted the grub journo lads
the grub media just tryin for bloody click bait mate !!!! I'm tellin ya theirs no story here they just want those clicks mate!!
u know how these cunts be che lol dey just snitchin #wankerz #eatadick #yolo who going cas 2nite? pm me
u cunts are just dumb fucks who listen to the media too stupid to question who is proftting?? hmmm...
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>hayne tweets out that the jews killed Jesus (which they did)
>gets told to take it back
>says he won't
>media begins attacking him

Why is /pol/ right literally every time???
blister on my foot
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the media killed my career and the jews killed jesus and the media are jews so im jesus? hmmm #questionEVERYTHING #haynePlane #SecondComing #WeMessiahNow
Wheres the kiwi doing the power rankings?
Walkbro would love that sculpture
Cooper Cronk constantly quotes from With Winning in Mind

If you want to be better at life I recommend it
Gal would have scored 100+ from the WC challenge, he can still hit the big points.

He'll lose 80k and thompson will likely peak at the 120k+, so your looking at 2 trades for 200kish.

You've got to weigh it up, if you feel as if you aren't going to make much money off your cheapies and you have no other i njury problems then its an ok at best deal. The thing is, you need to be smart on when to trade thompson or he'll likely drift back to his original price. The other thing is, You may miss out on the golden cheapie, the week you need to trade him out again and potential miss out.

Hayne for gordon seems a bit strange, but he will be an ok POD against everyone running the same cheapie backlines
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>tfw first year playing SC
thats cute
>N couldn't even crack the top 100

kek m8. just give up now
Yeah I reversed it and gallen is back in, cos I realized it was a dumb idea to ditch him. Still kept the gordon for hayne trade though.
Not a fan of trading out hayne 2bh. You may as well carry him til at least origin and make the decision then.
funny you say that because when I re-did the trade I kept hayne and also got gordon in the centres now
Is it hard to get into fantasy foot ball or whatever you guys are doing? I usually just watch for the game and don't pay much attention to the whos who.
not really, it's fun
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>making trades before peem pist poosday
just reverse the trade lmao

u fuckin media DOGS
I just went to buy this on kindle and turns out I had already bought it 6 months ago
I earned too much over the last fortnight and I missed out on free $1k from centrelink

Absolutely seething rn
How do i get 1k from Centrelink
student startup scholarship through YA

I don't know if I should do it yet. Small sample size to choose from when it comes to determining who fell for the right memes, and as far as scoring goes you can see for yourself. I'll wait until the vanilla league kicks off unless you really want me to do it in the thread tomorrow.
>le kiwipoof false sc authority man xD

Won the first round in 12s lads, is it >my year?
its a really good read. i put it into action at uni and went from a P average to a D average

that wasnt even with comitting to it totally, just focusing on process rather than outcome

he goes on forever about how focusing on winning will fuck your shit up, but focusing on performing methodical routine will make you kick ass

plus you gotta be goal orientated and positive, all that good shit

but cronk certainly reads it a lot, every other interview he drops a redpill from the book
thats a 0 interest loan if you dont put that in a term deposit/bonds youre a fucking dope lad
>generic be yourself quasi philosophy
>be yourself
>make methodical plans and strategies when your usual course is chaos and randomness

choose one loser cunt
my YA account got grandfathered through so my 1k is still a free non-loan lump sum
they dogged me and said i was ineligible for the loan but thats alright id have probably spent it instead of buying bonds

they rejected me so i sent a letter off to the AAT and they freaked the fuck out like id rung their dad
I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Should I learn hebrew?
yes goyim take pride in being ignorant and easily robbed by the financial system
10 4
If I can't afford something I don't buy it but each to their own
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>played N first round
im sure some middle class or rich venezealuans said that a while ago

oops no food turns out your currrencies worthless

theres more to being financially secure than saving
you make a good point, will start reading shit
good lad. if you want a summary watch the documentar commanding heights, its 6 hours and its on youtube

it'll confuse you, but it will teach you, and it'll give you a context to understand everything that matters

i'm gonna get a masters in economics and make australian citizens financially great again
>i'm gonna get a masters in economics and make australian citizens financially great again
Do it!! I give you my energy
trip on proxy off
Fact: NRL boats higher audiences because Australia imports 400,000 immigrants per annum

Per capita NRL has never been more unpopular. They try and tell us that crowd numbers being low as fuck at every game isnt a big deal because muh television ratings. The tv ratings are buoyed by population increase but proportionally less people are tuning in.

Question the media.

t. J. Hayne (Not who you think)
walkcunt on suicide watch
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