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Ranieri sacked

ungrateful little shits
absolute scum.
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Good riddance
Literally just the mail reporting this, it's bollox
Probably the right decision but it does feel unfair still.
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>It's real
>after a decent result in the first leg last night

They're going down aren't they.

>have a chance to make it to the next round of the Champions League
>Sack him

What is the Manchester United tier of logic?
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>gook owner actually fell for the last year's memes
yeah, wait til its on the bbc at least.
What the fuck

this can't be true, after a decent result last night?

they dont give a fuck about europe, they want to make sure they dont go down because muh PL shekels
why wouldn't they at least wait until the second leg? they are still in the CL with a home tie and an away goal? fucking retard gook owner
Then when it's on the BBC, 9 hours after everyone else, you can post apologies.
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I hope they hire this guy

A good result in the Champions League also results in good shekels
Dilly ding dilly gone
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They don't deserve Based Dilly Dong Man la. Not /Ouryear/
What do you think the odds are on back-to-back-to-back-to-back relegations for them now?
That is disgusting
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>Probably the right decision but it does feel unfair still.

Why? He turned Leicester to absolute shit. He can be glad he wasn't sacked much earlier
this is the world we have created, this is the world we live in
who /notlifelonganymore/ here?

Because it's the day after a pretty good CL result. Obviously the outcome of that game was the deciding factor.
literally why?
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Staying in the Prem is worth more than winning a few games in European Competitions.
this is absolutely disgraceful

epl is backstabbing trash heap
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Punished Ranieri - A hero denied his Champions League title
Cold world
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Right I hope they get fucking relegated
>"Sportsmail attempts to confirm this with the club have proved unsuccessful tonight with representatives unavailable for comment"

He's fine

This is true, though atleast wait until you are out of European competition first. He had the second leg of the CL to play before the next League Game
would scream laughter if this happens
It's bullshit, DM looking for attention
>it's a daily mail makes a pleb of themselves episode

Every day
I blame gay ex olympic fencers for this
>all these daily mail doubters
back to reading the guardian, morons
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Has there ever been a football manager as comprehensively BTFO as this smug faggot?
Fucking ungrateful pricks.

Ranieri bless

The owner is a cunt, but I don't think the fans want this
Fucking finally.
TSN is saying "no confirmation from LC", source is the dailymail apparently

doesn't mean i don't believe it

shame that's how it ends for the LC fans
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Yes, this smug faggot with Chelsea last season
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Letting Katé leave was a mistake.
Did those mentalist actually believe they would challenge for the title again this year or something?
>they play like shit
>they sack their manager
the fuck is wrong with that?


he won the premier league with a team that's about to be relegated you nob
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'Hope Leicester' is trending with so many people willing their Ranieriless relegation
Cunts. Hope they get relegated.

rip in peace
confirmed on Leicester twitter

He was taken from us too early
Good night sweet prince

what a clownass ownership
The fans are bunch of muslims with clappers. Fuck them, fuck Gary Lineker, fuck Jamie Vardy and fuck Leicester.
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fill it out

I think everyone knew that they would not be able to successfully defend their crown, but they are having a shitty form so far. They were expecting atleast mid-lower table.
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>mfw official statement




>muslims in Leicester
>supporting Leicester City

pick one

will do but for the moment its mail only
so its faaaaaaaaake
wtf I hate foxes now
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Does anyone actually need any more prove that asians literally have no soul and are unable to feel empathy?
Fucking disgusting.
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someone JUST Ranieri/Lesta pls
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no idea why >we've done this now after the result last night, can only assume the owners have a replacement lined up

maybe we'll see the return of nigel 'fuck off and die' pearson?
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I feel nothing but contempt and disgust

ok, bbc.co.uk literally just confirmed

soz for doubting
Rest in pieces of pizza, my Italian friend. Gone too soon.
I hope they get relegated twice in a row for this

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>mfw it could be bielsa



Absolutely pathetic.
I hope they get relegated.
why has the PRemier League become so soulless? Sad!
>mourinho wins the title
>sacked the next season

>ranieri wins the title
>sacked the next season

goodbye conte
As an actual lifelong this is disgraceful, who the hell would they even replace him with?

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This is so retarded I literally can't wrap my head around it.
beyond this point, not really. a huge chunk of marketpool is already assured and even if they make it to the quarters that will only mean an extra 6.5 mil

if they get relegated they miss out on anything between 50 and 70 mil.
>bbc also saying it
Confirmed on BT sport
relegation confirmed
>Chelsea also sacked their manager for Di Matteo during the first leg of Bo16
>won the CL
It's fucking happening boys.
Ungrateful cunts

Fair enough, but if they were already planning on dismissing him they should have atleast waited until after the second leg. They have no league games until then as far as I know.
Tovarish, you are the (eur)asians.
Confirmed on tumblr
Who's the fucking president, a dirty Arab?
>BBC confirms
as a fan i didn't want him to be sacked, and the timing is really poor, but if anything this probably gives us a better chance of staying up

it's hard to emphasise how fucking shit we've been for the last few months
>the last two PL winning managers have been sacked the following season

RIP Conte
>soz for doubting
Fair play.
a legacy worth a lifetime killed in weeks. what a small-time pathetic club.
>hire Pearson
>escape relegation
>fuck asian hookers
>sack Pearson
>hire Ranieri
>win the league
>continue until forever
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>Lads our shitty team won the league somehow
>what should we do?
>Let's sack the manager
Already talks of him going to Zenit this summer here
Who will come in to relight the meme magic and bring home the CL like Di Matteo did?
A chinky
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I don't believe this

F ;_;
worse, a Thai
Daily mail probably had the article ready for a few weeks now, they just had to fill in the date.
A soulless Asian (Thai) >>74350821
but why

couldn't they at least have let him finish his contract.

not much to work with in this case tbqh
>we no longer live in the best timeline
Has meme magic, dare I say it, run out?

Is Kek still ruler?
>"The board reluctantly feels that a change of leadership, while admittedly painful, is necessary in the club's greatest interest," said a statement.

>"His status as the most successful Leicester City manager of all time is without question,

>"However, domestic results in the current campaign have placed the club's Premier League status under threat".
they have 3 prem games. liverpool, hull at home. arsenal away
omg would be so ebin
>Vice Chairman Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha said: “This has been the most difficult decision we have had to make in nearly seven years since King Power took ownership of Leicester City. But we are duty-bound to put the Club’s long-term interests above all sense of personal sentiment, no matter how strong that might be. Claudio has brought outstanding qualities to his office. His skilful management, powers of motivation and measured approach have been reflective of the rich experience we always knew he would bring to Leicester City. His warmth, charm and charisma have helped transform perceptions of the Club and develop its profile on a global scale. We will forever be grateful to him for what he has helped us to achieve. It was never our expectation that the extraordinary feats of last season should be replicated this season. Indeed, survival in the Premier League was our first and only target at the start of the campaign. But we are now faced with a fight to reach that objective and feel a change is necessary to maximise the opportunity presented by the final 13 games.”
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Football has actually got to the point where you can win the highest honour in english football with a shit tier team doomed for relegation and still get sacked, the guy deserves a statue he produced miracles second to only jesus and santa claus and yet he still gets sacked.

And now Leicesters only chance in Europes capitol competition is diminished for what? for who? Seriously there couldnt be a single leicester fan that would want this.
Back to the Championship with the ungrateful fucks. I hope Ranieri finds himself a good team to manage.
>The City of (You)
Martin O'Neil
wtf I hate Lester now
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I hurt myself today

Wouldn't be surprised if they lost all 3 of them 2bh

old fart shouldve jumped the ship the moment they were crowned champions
>Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha

>the tuk-tuk depot of Leicester
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The only man for the job
thats how journalism works. They have orbituaries already typed up for major celebrities

Ah, hadn't checked the PL calendar then. Just assumed. My bad
My dubs confirm that Kek is dead.
Worth one more listen lads

Why would they sack an old man just like that? What will he do now? I am worried.
As a lifelong lesterlad I am fucking gutted


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These owners paraded a picture of the king of Thailand during the trophy parade last home game of the season. Can you say I'm surprised?

They don't care about the EPL. Wankers.
They'll beat Liverpool
Ranieri to Arsenal.
Now I hope they get relegated, or that a pissed fan shoots Aiyawawawhat Sirivadaedadaojidiefjowejf
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>Literally wins the league and does what many considered impossible
>sack him next Season because performance has withered to normal levels

What do they expect, a new manager to come in and take them to top spot again? Do they understand what they're working with here?
>coach of the year - 2016
>gets sacked - 2017

>champions of the year - 2016
>? - 2017

what went wrong with thai names?
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>sacked just days before

You think it was a coincidence?
Give it Giggsy till end of t'season
how do you find reaction faces for the perfect moment
Gee, I dont know...

Maybe enjoy the millions he received and is about to receive for Leicester breaking his contract?
This is the only acceptable course of action.
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Enter Nige
Football Manager was a mistake.
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It was literally just one year ago where everyone was clamouring for Leicesters eventual win and finally believing in it.
guy must have been about to spill the beans on the owners child prostituion/heroin ring
>a million shit newspaper headlines of 'Conte Partiro'

I fucking hope not
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holy shit XD
That is fucking outrageous.

Never EVER trust easterners in football.
Probably the most pathetic thing i've ever seen. Fuck Leicester
Why wouldn't they at least wait until the second leg against Sevilla? 2-1 is actually a respectable result for the away fixture of a two-legged tie.
>sacking the guy that won the title
>because the team is falling into the table region that they should be in

Ungrateful cunts.

Hope they get relegated 2bh.
>Never EVER trust easterners
fans who care more about staying in the premier league might want it
The final nail in the coffin for >lesster
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>These owners paraded a picture of the king of Thailand during the trophy parade last home game of the season. Can you say I'm surprised?
Holy fuck I completely forgot about that.

>you now remember the minute's silence they held for him

They didn't deserve him.

Where will there "big" named players end up next year after they're relegated.
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It all goes back to nothing
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>wenger loses the title
>wenger still at arsenal
Wenger's still got a fucking job.
They're unironically gonna replace him with some absolute chancer like Pardew, Hodgson or fucking Neil Lennon.

Or buy into some bullshit meme like Ryan Giggs.

Fingers crossed they go down
There'd better be free ice cream at the next home game to make up for this shit
What do they really think this is going to accomplish? The problem is, all the people who overachieved last season are now on crazy money and have let it all go to their heads.
Lester think they're a big club now
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That's the truly ridiculous part. 2-1 with an away goal going into the home game is actually a decent position. 1 goal is enough to advance.

Why risk fucking that up by removing Ranieri? Brainless gooks
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I have a slight hunch as to who might take over the reigns

This is a business as much as it is sport. They have a better chance of staying up without Ranieri. Happens all the time that a new manager comes in and saves the day. They were getting worse every week and players wanted him out. No point in getting relegated for sentimental reasons.
The lifelong Yank bandwagoners must be confused by this, as they've been cheering their team to lose and get the best player in the draft.
at this point no real reason to call it English Premier League, maybe they dont anymore idk
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Weren't Leicester finding good form anyway just before Ranieri came in? Did his dilly ding tactics really take them to the PL win when they were doing good already?

Someone fill me in on shit I feel like I've been memed here
>players wanted him out
[citation needed]
>Happens all the time that a new manager comes in and saves the day.

Somebody actually looked into this, and it's actually a myth. It doesn't increase the chance of survival at all
>modern football


It's stupid. This is fucking England not Thailand, you want to guck that much good home and shove his balding head up you're ass.
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Bruv I'm fucken welling up now

Tears in me eyes right now

R.I.P Claudio Ranieri 1951 - 2017
>bbc football
>hys on rooney
>no hys on ranieri sacking
Unironically cried during this and I'm not even a Leicester fan.
trips confirm
lester ucl champions
Cheap bastards.

Imagine his contract demands after winning the PL and getting them to CL Semi Finals
I was literally listening to this what, 2 days ago?
Where should Ranieri go now lads?


Reminder that this is still the reason why all of this happened.
So where are all the players gonna go?

Even if they survive relegation, I doubt any "stars" want to stay anymore, especially with Ranieri gone.


players with all the power = broken club
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to crystal palace so he can pull another leicester with benteke
Were the players even unhappy with him? He was a top lad, usually a decision like this is followed by general unrest among the club and players
Vardy is old and on huge money, he won't go anywhere.

Mahrez's stock has dropped a lot but I could see him at Arsenal or Spurs.

Morgan is a yard dog and so is Huth. Doubt either go anywhere

>Midland commoner trash can't even keep quiet during a Bocelli performance.

fucking animals, we should have seen this savagery coming.

Wenger out, Ranieri in.
I'm putting all my savings on liecester beating liverpool 4-0 next week
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Arsenal have never been close to getting relegated
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ranieri to arse confirmed

Bunch of mongrols form Leicester singing through a world-class opera singer singing one of the great pieces of music.

Uncultured plebs can't get relegated far enough down.
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What are they risking? You are implying that the team will fall apart without him. I fully expect improved performances given the dressing room unrest with Ranieri there
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Why are you walking towards the camera?
*walks towards thread deletion*
What did they actually expect would happen this Season?
>given the dressing room unrest with Ranieri there
What unrest?
Mahrez is the only one who is likely to leave.

wrong thread but RIP SPURS
I knew they had less patience with coaches because of the threat of relegation, but goddamn

Who are they gonna get now?
/sp/ will win on Saturday. For Claudio.
stay mid table and collect CL dosh
Nessun Dorma is great
So fucking classless. Absolutely disgraceful. And ultimately the wrong decision. They'll drop for sure now, players will hate this.
Big Sam. It's not working at Palace, and he's le proven staying up man.
Can we stop pretending this paki club isn't absolute scum now?
are you an oil sheikh
fucking bullshit 'buddhist' owners, they will pay for this crime
Backroom staff and older players apparently spoke to management after the game. You could also see it when Vardy scored and King didn't look like he gave a shit.
>We will never know if Ranieri could've done it in the Champions League
didn't Bielsa signed with Lille already? >>74350936
actually I think this gives them more life in the CL. Players always get motivated under a new manager and he might make them less predictable

rip sevilla
If Italy really wants to win another WC, that's their chance.
>Nigel Pearson's son and the lads get rimmed by Thai ladyboys
>they get let go
>Big Nige resigns
>Dilly Dong man comes in
>Win league
this is absolutely disgraceful
Are all soccer players primadonnas?

All the papers were reporting on it a few weeks ago. Even rumours that some players didn't get on with him last season when they were winning.

Of course they are not going to publicly bash there title winning manger so it's all "sources say" stuff
Ostrich Man got sacked.

Some of the players (included Nigel Pearson's son) had an orgy with prostitutes and filmed it whilst on a pre-season tour of Thailand which led to Pearson's sacking and Ranieri being hired.
Nigel Pearsson got mad that his son was fired from the club for getting his asshole licked by a Thai ladyboy, which resulted in Dilly Dong man taking over.
>players will hate this.

lmao, they were all for it.
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Right I hope they get fucking relegated. scum
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>they won't even let him play his last game on King Power against Liverpoo in 4 days
If true, what a fucking bunch of scum.
He completely lost the team

his tactics and team selections were bizarre

his signings were useless or just not integrated into the team correctly

he had to go
Can't understand why they do this

>Be low tier EPL team
>Somehow literally win EPL
>Play CL
>Go back to being low tier EPL team
They will beat Liverpool and start their survival revival.

Its the same thing that is happening to Barcelona, and one of the reason "The speshal one" was released from Real Madrid.
can't believe most of the players aren't with him

he led them to a title less than a year ago, which will be the high point of their entire careers

bet its a couple of shitters like mahrez and vardy
Egyptian teams aren't allowed in the champions league
Those Thai bastards who placed their fucking king front and centre of the title parade and walked around the pitch with the trophy in their hands BEFORE the players.

Always knew they were cunts. Got so lucky last season. Hope King Power collapses.
>>74351471 >>74351490 >>74351492

still doesn't explain why dilly dong man could take them from dead last to top

should be impossible for even the best managers
>Some of the #lcfc players want Nigel Pearson back.

it was a fluke in the non-meme way. hes a very average manager.
it was arsenal giving it away
That's not his birth name, it's a title name that was given to him by Thailand's monarch for his accomplishments. It's probably like a sentence that can be translated.
Kante and very few injuries.

>it's legit

What the fuck.
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are you fucking serious

they only need 1-0 at home and they'll be at the CL quarter-finals
There's escaping relegation with a few months to go and then there's winning the entire league. Ranieri definitely played his part

>City win title at literal last minute , humiliating Fergie
>Proceeds to curse the Premier League Title
>All managers who win must face humiliation like he did
>Retires to avoid this himself, but United still hold the curse with every manager to come
>Mancini who won before Fergie has mental breakdown in press conference and is then fired
>Pellegrini wins next
>His farewell has no one attend and he is instantly forgotten
>Then came Mourinho
>Became >Mouyes
>Raineri the most recent
>Unceremoniously ejected less than a year later

Wherr wer u whn a Scotsman just Macbeth'd the Premier League?
>Next game is Liverpool

Way to fucking hand 3 points to the scousers too, i swear to God this makes me mad.
after much soul searching over the summer its pretty much been agreed that leicester's win was due to pearson's setup

there's been a bunch of articles written about it but I can't really find anything right now
>have to play against this tosser again in a fortnight

Fuck's sake
It's called 'karma', it's a Buddhist philosophy
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I would like to see this just for Dream team tier stroy
Literally every other team decided to fuck themselves in the asses, leaving only >Tottenham to choke. Amazing how everything went just right.
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There will be a massive fucking shit storm at the next home game, you can bank on it. The ''''''''''''''''foxes'''''''''''''talk Ranieri out mongs better keep their heads down.
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>If you never win the league, you never get sacked
>that post

Absolute fuckers
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>leicester's win was due to pearson's setup

Alright so Ranieri being manager for an entire season is irrelevant. You heard that lads, he literally did nothing
>Play like shit all season
>Kick league winning bro tier manager out of the club
>Call for Nigel Pearson to return

Morgan and co should be sold
As a neutral QPR fan and life long fox, I gotta say that this is disappointing.
How cunty can the players be to lose trust in a guy that won a league with them 6 months ago. especially considering how shite they all are. need to look in the mirror
How did he lose the dressing room of a team he just had a unanimous career high with?

Lots of #fakenews these days
Yes, they didn't lose in the last 10 games of the 14/15 season either, they had great form after Jan/15.

But everybody forgets that.

And everybody forgets that was ALSO before Kanté.
Where were you when Raniery was kill?

>players discuss big money moves with other clubs all summer
>Ranieri says 'no', except to Kante because of a release clause
>lose the first few games because they're mercs with their head's turned
>blame Ranieri

You could see last night that the players don't give a fuck anymore. No manager is going to save them now. I hope they get relegated.
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I'd rather live as a lion for a day than a sheep for a lifetime.

Based Ranieri
>tfw Leicester went from the good guys to the bad guys in one day
>He turned Leicester to absolute shit
>Managed to get them a Premier league win

Shut the fuck up
>if Jelavic hadn't kicked the ground when in front of goal in that 0-0 draw at Leicester, they never would have won the league
really makes you think
Chelsea collapsed because of the Eva Carneiro incident ruining Mouyes.

City collapsed because Poop was announced as the new manager, also they had injury problems.

United collapsed because they still had Bang Laal as their manager.

Liverpool collapsed because they're Liverpool. Also they sacked Brenny half-way through the season.

Arsenal collapsed because of the annual injury problems and choking is in their blood.

Tottenham collapsed because finishing below Arsenal is in their blood.

Meanwhile Leicester happened to be in great form at the very end of the previous season and they had no major injury problems.
It's worked out well for Ranieri, he gets to be the martyr and forever loved by the Leicester fans without technically being responsible for their relegation

Quiet, Donald.
this x 1000

DAE h8 le daily mail??????///
Don't think I'll be watching their games anymore
Interim manager?
i want there to be at least one person who has a bet on Leicester to go down since the beginning of the season

There were plenty. Best value bet of the year.
did he say it was the first time his son had called him dad?
Hope they get relegated twice in a row
>scotsman curse
I'm a Benfica Supporter, tell me about curses, was hungarian though.
Dream Team would be them hiring Jamie Vardy as player manager until the end of the season.


Still haven't quite wrapped my head around that season.
So what will happen after Conte wins the league with Chelsea, will he go bald definitely next year no matter how many hair transplants he takes?
we cri evrytiem https://youtu.be/IjJWU0OheZo
>Wenger unintentionally doesn't win the league so that he isn't cursed
Is he, secretly, the smartest manager in the PL?
im actually fucking fuming lads
absolute disgrace

fuck lester
your tiny shit club will never ever again be relevant

so long /lifelong/
>tfw to inteligent to win trophies
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>he fell for the winning the premier league meme
lesta getting relegated is the best end to the meme

>they won the league and then finished 17th
>they won the league and then got relegated
>tfw it's true
It's a proper full circle situation. The circle of life in fact.
Fuck, that's meant to say intentionally
genuinely hope they get relegated now
Why are players so fucking pampered today? Why do they need a friendly coach to threat them as babies?
>On 30 June 2015, however, Pearson was sacked with the club stating that "the working relationship between Nigel and the Board is no longer viable." The sacking was linked to his son James' role in a racist sex tape made by three Leicester City reserve players in Thailand during a post-season tour.

Yeah that sounds great.
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>i moved to wales
every time
>racist sex tape
now you brought me in i'm welling up right
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>leicester fans unironically thinking the Thais would re-appoint Pearson after his son banged a tranny
>Clauio Ranieri sacked LIVE!

I actually wish sky was broadcasting him being told it was over, sky cameras at every sacking pls
What a nice day. Adiós viejo senil.
was it really a bad decision to sack him? LC have been basically on a nonstop trip to relegation since the beginning of the season.

people will always remember him for what he did for the club but really i don't think the board (and likely fans too) are happy with getting a title and then fucking off to the championship.

i doubt people expected them to repeat this again but to be what 1 or 2 points off relegation is pathetic
>you now remember this
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Lads can we post our Lestah lad images and memes one last time...
>dilly ding i'll just pack my things
well at least now claudio gets to claim it wasn't him that got lester relegated lmao
I hope Ranieri salts the earth and Leicester get relegated and don't see PL football for a century, fuck them.

I'm not even a Leicester fan.
Seems a bit stupid to fire him after the first leg of a CL tie, which could still be won.
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According to

>Mancini 11/8
>Pardew, Pearson 5/1
>Rowett 7/1
>F. de Boer 10/1
>O'Neill 12/1
>Warburton 14/1
>Hodgson, Lennon 16/1
>McClaren, Monk, Stam, Wagner 20/1
>Sherwood 25/1
>Curbishley, Giggs, Izzet 33/1
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Why the fuck did I crack up so hard imagining this?
People expected Leicester to be a guranteed relegation last season, even if they stayed up by a ball hair this season under him, that is still better than what was expected last season. It's just pure greed.
inb4 someone posts gus poyet getting sacked while commentating on the confed cup
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please god let this happen
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Was just about to post that
What's Alex McLeish doing these days?

Even just getting a live reaction would have been great


>those names

Supposedly in the frame for the Rangers job, last managed in Belgium IIRC
why do European football managers get fired so easily?
Bielsa left a club after a day once. Literal maniac
>slow motion replays
>goal line technology for when the penny's dropped
Everybody post snakes as reaction on their instagram post
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>pardew only 5/1
jesus fucking christ
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shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

every time :,(

>wear the fox
>wear the blue
red nev orgasm commentary over the top
wtf man
>Tim Sherwood
Didn't he just become Swindon Town's director of football?
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I believed in meme magic bu-- but not anymore
This is just kek moulting his skin, anon
hope lester gets relegated now desu
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> Leicester stay up and Bournemouth get relegated
>immediate post-sacking interview
>Vardy gets offered from Arse
>Everybody shits on him for even considering it
>Woy and Ranineri blackmail him into staying
>They plummet in the league
.Ranineri sacked

I feel sorry for Vardy. I know it's >Arse but he could have done well there. If Lestah get relegated I wonder if any PL team will bid for him. Spurs could do with him desu.
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Yeah, since taking over they've won 3 out of 19 matches and have dropped into the relegation zone.

Good old Tactics Tim.
>Lester pretending to be a big club

I don't get it, they got an away goal too
for every act of kek, there comes a sacrifice
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They're only like 6 points off the drop.
This is one of those really disheartening moments in football. The game is so soulless these days and it's cold executive decisions like this that are to blame.

>a 1 nil win to take them to the CL semi final
>sack him

lel fucking ungrateful scumbags

no one gives a shit about the PL if youre still in the CL.
>sacking him before the 2nd leg of the CL

classless club desu. one whiff of being anything other than fucking shite from the 2nd division and they instantly transform into cunts.

But other than loyalty, would there have been any reason to KEEP Ranieri? Last season was a total freak - he'd have been either in this position again next season, or he'd have been sacked for getting relegated, maybe for also not being in an automatic promotion spot.
I think the owners got scared at the prospect of Ranieri advancing to the quarters, it would get harder to sack him
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Millwall game sealed Claudio's fate tbqh
I thought they were higher to be fair.
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Second half of the season has been nightmarish for eddie memes ballmouth
> Lose to 10 man Millwall and not scored in the league this year

Deserved the sack. He's clueless. They got lucky last night, could of been 5-0 Sevilla easy

lmao this would be great
The lads in it were calling the women they were shagging chinks and gooks and shit. Even so it's a shite reason to fire someone. Was he supposed to be watching over them while they were doing it and making sure they didn't say owt?
Last year champion lies 17th. Sad!
If the new manager keeps Leicester up and gets them into the CL final, will Leicester's owners be literal demi-gods?
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the stadium will burn if this happens
>Silver fox
>manager of the foxes

I hope that this is real some point in the near future
>we delighted
come on huebro

Doubt it. Would be an empty ground against Liverpool on Monday.
anyone else feel like he deserved it? he should have retired after he won
>hue '''''''''''''''''grammar'''''''''''''''''''
Got a tenner on it, was 25/1

Ignore the non-league mong supporters who talk bollocks. Leicester woulkd lose £100m per season if they went down and Ranieri's managerial decisions have been the worst I've seen since Derby 2007/08
Soul crushing. I will have to adapt the pasta.
What I don't understand is how they didn't buy a proper centre-back over the summer.
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This is happening again.
And the only defender they did sign got shipped off to Malaga six months later.

I watched him on his league debut. He was weak as shit.
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This is the first one that makes me laugh
You'd think that given what he achieved he'd have a job there for life, seems like the players chucked in the towel and once that happens at any club, sadly you're toast.

In hindsight, he was never ever going to top last season and going out on a high would have been what he should have done.
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'Ranieri' worldwide top trending.
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Apparently, he doesn't handle transfers. With the exceptions of Kaputska and Hernandez all the players that they signed this summer had been scouted for a year or two.
They bought bad players but still. They won PL last year wtf. Show some respect, let him stay the season out. It's not like they'll be top 4 in may anyways.
Leicester's heel turn is the biggest since Hogan. The players and the club have come out of this looking so awful that it's undone most of their good last year. The Mail article is their usual emotional vitriol but I agree with everything they said.
Why would anyone want Pardew?
Pearson's team won the PL last season.

Claudio's team is getting relegated.
Fucking soulless thais.
Who's hoping they get relegated?
> Micky Adams
> Not Gary Megson

Are you havin a giggle mate?

>Time to Say Goodbye not playing on /sp/

>pearson's team
bitter as fuck
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Leicester local reporting in. Players are as much to blame. Signings were terrible as well. I can't see thinga getting any better unless the players get it together for the last games
They were working the against all odds CL comeback angle, but the gooks dropped the big leg on Macho Man Ranieri

It's true though. Pearson signed Kante. Ranieri signed Musa.
>Leicester local

you mean you're a paki
anon did that post really stick with you for this long

Mods should do something desu, we had a sticky for Lestah last year and it's all come tumbling down
Forgot he managed them, then fucked them off to go to Bolton after about a month.

Mandaric brought him in at Wednesday and sacked him when he was doing well.

>you now remember Martin Allen and Rob Kelly also managed Leicester, as did Nigel Worthington




I was just looking through the archive for silly posts like that one.
> Martin Allen

When did that happen? I must have blinked and missed that part.
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2007, same season as Megson and Holloway, the year they went down.
I know, I'm just joking because he only lasted about 2 hours.
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team plays like shit
the manager gets sacked

>b-but h-he won the league
He could relegate them to League 2 and still wouldn't deserve to be sacked after what he achieved.
>Con te partirò (I will leave with you)
>Time to say good bye

why? that's, like, the opposite
Ungrateful fucks

I hope they get relegated and get raped by Sevilla now
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Who's replacing him?
Leicester are back where they belong though. They were never meant to be challenging for the title, let alone winning it. Plus they're still very much in the Champions League and they're not in the relegation zone (and Sunderland, Palace and Hull all seem to be having worse season than Leicester at the moment so they'll probably survive another season).
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Poor Ranieri.
Some literally who english manager who will doom them all
>forgetting GOAT
any english manager will doom them desu

Those are really, REALLY nice tits
g*rman faggot detected
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tfw no gf
can anyone give me a rundown on this guy?
browse /b/ for a long time collecting as many good ones as I could, I got one for almost every situation
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I'm usually not much for japs, but god damn.

Fuck Leicester
this is rape disgusting
nor have they been as close to the title in recent years
Hello, this is "Lester." Fans of "Leicester" will not waving white handkerchiefs because of the departure, and will not take the mass passes. They are accustomed to their club flies. What they are not used: a victory in the Premier League. For the Champions League. By the playoffs of the Champions League. In addition, the coach is fired when the team is not lagging in last place in the championship. In addition, it fired the coach, who nine months ago raised the championship trophy.
Marina and what more does she go by? i get a lot of other girls when i type marina
perhaps the link he posted would be of use
In English please, peasent Poland
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Thanks for all the based meme's coach

Biggest football happening ever
i saw the link, i'm not gonna download it, just for deleting it after 15 minutes
What's happening with the team now - this is the real "Lester." What happened two years ago - a real "Lester." And Ranieri once opened the closet and got into Narnia. And what difference did it by accident or by controlling every step? For example, the team is now without him would have five points more. And I would not know the main triumph in their history. What is more valuable?

We laughed at the jokes about pizza and wished good luck to Vardi, when the championship has not smelled. The comments were rooting for "cracker" Schmeichel when "Lester" seemed an upstart one-day. That is, the popularity of the team is not only connected with the title. "Lester" was unlike other clubs. There was not a project. Now after all of the project: from Guardiola to Mourinho. Ranieri did not have the project were the guys who do not understand what they are doing, and how they get it.
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Well im not sleeping tonight...
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It's Trump's fault, he used all meme magic.
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> Pearson odds on
Quality thread.
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2016 was the year of memes

2017 we see those memes crushed before our eyes
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Satan says no more meme magic

What now lads?
>an hero

You answered your own question, hombre.
Fuck off Moloch
this............isn't good
He's used to it. Point one club that hasn't sacked Ranieri. Protip: you can't
WTF, i hope they get relegated and lose to sevilla badly 2bh. Ungrateful cunts.
Is just not only a total cunt shitty move, but also pretty stupid. Changing coaches in the middle of a season only makes thing worse. At least he should have finnished this season and the CL run.
>Paranoia kicking in
What were the bets in the beginning of the season for Ranieri to be sacked around this time?

I'm guessing around 5000 to 1
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the last two premier league winning managers were sacked during their following season
>Conte wins title, gets sacked following season
place your bets right now
>Wake Up
>Ranieri Sacked
Ranieri should have been infallible.
>be relegation tier shitters
>have a once in a lifetime meme season with the stars aligning
>things go back to normal
Wtf did they think would happen? Total disgrace.
he deserved it. his team didnt score in last 6 PL matches. that's just awful. KO'd in The Den depsite having one player advantage. they even looked awful yeasterday 80% of time, really lucky they got pretty good result.

yeah, really? look at hull lead by Silva or Swansea lead by clement
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After the Arsenal game coming up they will probably be in the relegation zone with 12 matches left. They will need to win at least 8 out of their last 12 to survive the drop.

Who the bloody hell can get them out of this mess?

Welcome back Nigel...
This is stupid.
I don't know, look through her stuff. I'm sure you'll find it.


after being a lifelong lesta fan for over 6 months i seriously consider to stop supporting them
Fucking Foxes win a Cinderella title and then they throw the guy down the Thai tiger trap the first stutter, less than a year later. Worse than American owners.
>Quints confirm Foxes are gay.
asians and their cyclical logic...
>at least 45 points to avoid relegation
nigga what

Russian history is based upon one of the most divided class systems of all time as well as military tactics that treat human lives like dirt
wtf i hate leicester now
ultimate meme ascended if the madmen do it
Chat shit get banged ;_;
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