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MLB Changes Intentional Walk Rule

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So MLB decided officially today that pitchers do not have to physically execute 4 intentional balls to walk a batter. They can signal to the umpire that they want to walk someone, and they will immediately be sent to 1st base.

MLB stated: "Last season, 932 intentional walks were issued in 2,427 games. It is estimated that this change could save 14.3 seconds per game."

Wew, lads. A whole 14 seconds off what is usually a 3 1/2 to 4 hour game. How does /sp/ feel about this? Is it cheapening the game of baseball and it's original and traditional formalites?

In other news, they are supposed to raise the strike zone this year as well, but this Walk situation, i don't know how I feel about it. What do you guys think?
What? Why? That's pretty gay
I think it takes away the humiliation the fielders should feel for doing such a cowardly thing
I don't watch baseball much anymore but this seems like an absolutely stupid change. Baseball is a sport that shouldn't be messed with aside from removing umpires for technology .
I have no idea why they did it. It was rumored all through last season, but I guess they decided it was necessary for... I have no idea why.

Exactly. Robot Umps when? Strike zones will be impossible to mis-call.
I don't really care either way

>usually a 3 1/2 to 4 hour game.

no it isn''t, it's usually around 3 hours, and i'd say 1/5 are under 3 hours.
As a die hard baseball fan, this is so stupid.

>it will save 1 seconds a game
>an xtra 4 pitches at 60mph will not hurt a pitcher
>all season, 1, MAYBE 2, wild pitches lead to runs on a IBB
Makes sense to me, who wants to watch someone throw 4 balls way outside for no reason
because it's humiliating to the pitcher for being a scared lil bitch.
gives the game atmosphere
If they want to save time, give a max number of pitchers changes in a 9 inning game, using 5 pitchers is unnecesary not to mention how annoying is, i know that that will not happen, but that shit is stupid
>14 seconds
WOW, thank you so much
I remember someone hitting a home run DURING an intentional walk. Cabrera, I think, during his Marlins run? I'll look it up after I post this.
Hahaha, I know right? And shit like 1 or 2 different pichter changes just to face specific handed batters for a single out. It's ridiculous.
Oh boy, Mad Dog gonna have a field day with this today.

Trying to take all drama out of baseball to cater to a crowd that doesn't even watch the damn game. What a fucking sham.
during the playoffs

miggy tried doing it again last year iirc against a KC pitcher
>Makes sense to me, who wants to watch someone throw 4 balls way outside for no reason

Because of this:


Rob Manfred should be thrown from the Green Monster.
the wild throws are why they should keep it. there's nothing more humiliating than being unable to even walk someone on purpose.
You could save like half an hour of time just by enforcing the 30 seconds per pitch that the umps purposelly ignore and not have to change the Intentional Walking at all.
The intentional walk rule is dumb. Expanding the strike zone would be tragic.
Finally a GOOD rule change for once. Speed up the already dragging gameplay, which has gotten considerably slower over the last few decades particularly due to all the autistic use of 15 relief pitchers per game. Literally no good reason to keep this one around. Trimming off delays in the gameplay here and there (this rule, no multiple mound visits, batters staying in the box, etc.) is moving in the right direction. Now just rid of the DH and we're cream cheese.
At least make them throw a single intentional ball instead of four. The chance for stuff to happen is still there and it still speeds up the game by the 10-15 sec they want
This is an awful idea.
Next you'll tell me once a batter hits a Homerun, he doesn't need to circle the bases. Shave an extra minute a game off.
Why are commissioners of the major sports here so stupid?
they should do that
They commission for money. As in, cater to networks rather then fans. In just these past few years
>mlb challenges, brought to you by Verizon
>extra wildcard, extra advertising
>first pitch 8:08, because reasons
Extra wildcard still bugs me
Go watch an intentional walk and tell me that takes 15 seconds. Go ahead and message me back in 30.
They should play 60 game schedules. 1 away and 1 home vs every other team. Top 8 go to playoffs for usual playoff rules. Also...they have the technology. Fuck the umps.

162 games...a third against the same 3 teams...almost all against the same 15.

Fucking worst sport ever and I can wait until ratings crash so bad that they HAVE to address it.
Another one of Manheebs changes in order to speed up the game (all of which resulted in longer average games last year)?
I'm upset, the intentional walk rule is suppose to cost the pitcher something for pussying out, 4 pitches and a base runner. Now it's just a base runner.

I don't mind the commissioner but hes a walking contradiction on wanting MORE OFFENSE but SHORTER GAMES

Fucking retarded
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what bullshit. i want them to make them HARDER, not easier. intentional walks are the bitchest play in sports.

how to fix actually intentional walks:
>make a "catcher's box"
>catcher is not allowed to leave the box until the ball has left the pitcher's hand
so you can still try to strategically throw it extra wide and slow, but at a bigger risk of a wild pitch
>A whole 14 seconds off what is usually a 3 1/2 to 4 hour game.
A baseball game is around 2 hours on average.
I like that plan alot. I never understood why most of the year it's the same teams over and over. and recently due to scheduling, there was all that drama about jet lagged players, having to play a full game at night, get on a plane, travel somewhere, play a day game on no sleep. it's fucking ridiculous.

i'm all for a situation where all teams play all other teams during a season. less games. more time for players to rest up and stay healthy, etc. i mean, look at football (handegg), 16 game seasons where everyone is in max condition each time. I don't understand why they don't adopt what we're talkin about. only reason i could think of it, $75 crappy seat ticket sales. $10 beer sales. $8 hot dog sales. that's really what it comes down to, i guess. and it's terrible.
2 hrs? have you ever watched baseball before?
Baseball died with the designated hitter, prove me wrong.

Pro Tip: you can't
No it died when all stars determine world series home games
Quickest game i've ever watched was 2.5 hours.
They don't anymore
It's not over yet.

Majew just pushed to remove the rule requiring fielders to throw runner out at first on groundouts. Instead, successfully fielded groundballs will be automatic outs, akin to caught flyballs. Officials estimate this will save 46 seconds on average game time.

This game is dying.
I'd literally stop watching. That's not even baseball anymore.
Give me one reason why a player should have to run around the bases after a home run? They shouldn't. If a player hits a home run they should just walk back to the dugout. Think about the time saved from home run trots.

25-30 seconds on average for a trot, 3 home runs a game average. Over a minute you're saving on game time. We will still keep or even increase the amount of commercial breaks for advertisement though.

Why don't we also put ads on jerseys or hey even the bases? Does it really matter if they're there? We need to keep kids interested so we're going to put a Nintendo switch ad on home plate. The advertisements are for the kids, trust me.
>He probably thinks he's saving baseball with this
arent there times where pitchers have JUSTd an intentional walk?
dont think that chance should be removed.
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that is absolutely crazy. i've seen people hustle and beat the throw to first, it makes for amazing plays. why should it be an automatic out?? what the hell are they thinking!?
well shit, why not just paint ads on the field. it's not like there's ads on literally every wall or anything.

oh wait.
I was larping but that's the point.
Let's also sell the names on the back of the players jersey too. Why do they need to have their last name on the jersey?

Imagine how much revenue the MLB could make if company's were allowed to pay to have their brand name in the name slot of Bryce Harper's jersey?
9 innings is too much IMO, shorten it to 7

aww shit I thought you were gonna say they banned intentional walks altogether. Pure semen slurping.that makes me want to stop watching

t. casual fan who barely knows the rules
>Joe Maddon walked Bruce Horper every at bat for an entire series last season
>Horper has a season which is drastically worse than anyone exoected
>They should play 60 game schedules

Disgusting. Fuck off.
>another non-baseball fans whine about the same few things about baseball thread

Paddy has a point. IBB is fucking pussy-tier.
>60 game season
Fuck off, the regular season schedule is ok, and the wild card game is the only thing that ruins the post season
The problem with handegg, applied to baseball, is that the hottest team will win most of the time
>15 game winning streak, keep that advantage and you're in the post season
While right now that isn't enough
They really changed it? I thought they were just considering

>14.3 seconds

What the fuck?
manfred actually thinks it will work!
the madman!
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Jesus Christ.

This is the first time I've ever sent an angry email to a company/league.
When a replay shows it is a homerun, there's no reason to circle the bases
Yeah I watched Ichiro basically made a career out beating out those "groundouts" for a decade.
>take away something that has proven multiple times to lead to game-changing fuckups
>to save 14 seconds
How about not having a 5 minute commercial break every half inning and pitcher change
>Stem cells proving to save pitchers careers just as a republican gets back into office
How many seconds would be saved per game by putting in robot refs and removing their showboaty STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE calls and the inevitable 5 times the coaches comes out to yell at them for fucking up
hes hardly a republican
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Rule changes to make boreball less boring:
1. Instead of 3 strikes and 4 balls you only get 2 strikes and 3 balls
2. Only one pitching change allowed per inning
3. Maximum of 5 runs scored per inning. If you score 5 runs in an inning the next inning you start with based loaded.
4. If you absolutely must pull a 2nd pitcher the inning ends and you concede the full 5 runs as stated above
5. Each batter can step out of the box once per game, any more than that is an automatic out
6. Each team can call timeout to huddle with the pitcher once per game, any more than that automatically concedes 5 runs as stated above
7. Only one throw to hold the runner allowed per inning, any more than that is an automatic walk
8. Only 5 minutes allowed between the last pitch a pulled pitcher throws and the first pitch a replacement pitcher throws. If the pitcher is not on the mound ready to throw a ball will be recorded every 20 seconds until he is or 5 runs score as stated above
9. Umpire reviews must be completed within 2 minutes of a challenge or all umpires and booth personnel at MLB headquarters will be fined and the money used to provide free concessions to fans
10. Once you have 2 strikes if you foul 3 balls off you're automatically out
11. Average time to pitch will be kept for every pitcher in the league, the 10% slowest pitchers will be fined 75% of their salaries every year until games are under 2 hours
12. Slaughter rule: if a team is up by 10 and it's past the 5th inning the game automatically ends and a home run derby begins.
13. Extra innings rule: start with a player on 2nd base. Game ends in a tie if the game is tied after the 12th inning.
I want my old baseball back, even juicer league sounds better than most of this "neo-mlb" bullshit
Just stop all roid and HGH testing
not sure if youre being ironic but the catcher's box already exists with those same rules
this pisses me off but I'll get over it.

But there's just so many better ways to shorten the game or improve the pace. Namely batters not being able to step out, a pitch clock would be fine also, both of these rules actually exist but are not enforced at all. Less mound visits by the manager or better yet none at all except for pitching changes, no warmup pitches for relievers, ballparks stop doing meme shit like 'make some noise' etc which just wastes the players times since it often disrupts their rhythm and they don't do shit until whatever shit is on stops playing.
It's a fact, not something you can argue with.
The only people that care about this autistic baseball nerds

>dude it's embarrassing

yeah, 4U
How to make baseball better
> remove the month of September regular season. Most people have stopped watching by then unless their team is in it.
> 8 teams make the playoffs
> no wildcard game

Boom the post season is now dope as fuck
They said they were going to do the no-stepping-out-of-the-box thing, and I remember seeing it in action

Whatever happened to it?
That shit alone adds a minimum of 5 minutes, and can go up to 10+ depending on the showboatiness or superstitiousness of the batters in a game
yeah they enforced it for about two weeks at the start of the 2015 season, successfully shaved almost 10 minutes of game time so they made a big announcement about what a success it was and the game was faster now and then proceeded to never enforce it again
itt: people try to make changes to a sport they wouldn't watch regardless
Manfred's a fucking idiot. They need to work on the replay system which is fucking garbage right now. I hope to god that the automatic runner on 2nd in extra innings doesn't go through.
>I never understood why most of the year it's the same teams over and over
>what is sample size
the teams that make the playoffs, actually deserve it. you can't meme your way in with a shit record.
NLbabby detected
>16 game seasons where everyone is in max condition each time
8 players are taken out of every game because of injuries
Oh, so it's back when Harper was good, and still had influence. He probably cried that he wasn't able to do his 2 minute step out, retie shoes + redo gloves routine after every pitch
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should have just got rid of the intentional walk
this is just because they want to speed up the game for tv, games were longer this year on avg, and thats after a few years of tweaks to speed it up.
It's 15 seconds per game. On average there's probably only 1 intentional walk every 5 games or so.
The stats said there's about 1 in every ~3 games, and 15 seconds per game. So it's 40-50 seconds seconds
math bruh
The fact that they're trying to speed it up for TV IS the problem, because basing it around TV means you're trying to do things that don't fuck with commercials.
All the best speed-up solutions are things that cut back on commercial time, like reducing time between innings and the five minutes of warmup pitches for every pitcher change. If you're actually at a game that's literally an hour of fucking kiss-cam nonsense time.

But since they're steering clear from interfering with commercial money, we're getting these terrible in-game solutions that make pretty much no impact on the time while potentially heavily impacting the actual game outcome.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this

I mean, I'm pretty conservative when it comes to this sort of thing but yes, you described it perfectly. That would be dope as fuck
Texas a&m maybe I think won on a intentional walk wild pitch walk off today
Should just eliminate intentional walking. Its fucking stupid that pitchers are such pussies they try to avoid a hitter at all costs while looking like pussies in the process. It should still be in the game to humiliate the pitcher, better yet they should close the acceptable distance you can throw so if you fuck up you risk the batter getting a hit.
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This dude gets it
can't eliminate it. you could discourage it by making a walk worth 2 bases.

i dont see what problems this solves. it eliminates the potential hilarity of a pitcher throwing a wild pitch. pretty sure it happened against the giants multiple times in their recent playoff runs.

fuck saving 14 seconds per game. the sport is boring, but that's why a lot of people love it. it's great background noise, yet exciting in the playoffs and during other rivalry games during the regular season.
Baseball is just boring. They need to accept that. Trying to make it more exciting won't get kids that like NBA and NFL; it will only piss off the autists that actually watch baseball.

With that said, making the game fit neatly into 2 hours like soccer does would be amazing. The only way to do it would be less innings though which will never happen. Imagine you know nothing of tradition; what would baseball be like if you made it 6 innings long, but made it so 3 balls was a walk? More hitting, more runners on base, more outs that actually mean something when you make them. Just more interesting in general. And they should drop April and September off the schedule, it cheapens regular season games to have so many and April is shit weather for half the teams.
Miggy had an RBI hit in 2006 on a failed IBB against the Orioles (if I remember correctly) when he was still in Miami, where he should have spent his entire career
Lol "sample size" gtfoh

Here's your "sample size"...again...you play 162 games. 1/3rd against the same 3 teams and like 19/20 vs the same 15. All just to find out who goes to the playoffs for a less than 20 game season...


Why not just play every single team 3 times at home and 3 times away..put them in a table and crown a champion like they do in soccer? That's a 180 game schedule and a better determined champion every single time.

Btw. I got a B.S. in statistics at Cal....come at me. Baseball is fucking terrible. It's the modern urban picnic.
Fenway should be torn down
A 15 game win streak in football isn't fluke at all.

Do you realize that a good team in baseball is the equivalent of a 10-6 team in football. Put that into perspective.

Shit teams are 6 - 10. God tier teams are 10 - 6. Great batters bat at a 30% success rate. Terrible hitters bat at a 20% success rate. Once you start doing the math you start realizing that they call this shit luckswing for a reason. Baseball is a fucking joke.
Fuck you, you commie fuck.
>I got a B.S. in statistics at Cal.

literally glorified toilet paper

anyways division races are fun as shit.

>Baseball is fucking terrible.

so why are you trying to make changes to something you don't like? you people disgust me.

a 25% difference in win % over a 162 game season is huge and a guy batting .300 is hitting the ball 150% more times than a guy batting .200.

you're a dumbass


That's 4 percent. It dropped 4 percent from 29 to 25ish.

You know how they say "anything can happen in postseason baseball"??? They mean it because it doesn't matter. You could play the 162 game season to find the "top 8" and paper-rock-scissor the postseason and you'd be just as damn near just as accurate in predicting a champion.

This is my annual baseball rant.
thats why the cubs, the best team in the regular season, just won the world series right?

Because it COULD BE better if they changed some things?? By some things, I mean all of it.
They almost got taken to an elimination game against the giants who were dreadful too...

If you want to play with data...
The average champion in baseball is the equivalent of a 9 win team in football. (9.3/6.7)
And this is all WITH no salary cap.

If they even implemented that....teams would become even more balanced and we would REALLY be splitting hairs.
not really, and the giants had the 4th best record in the NL so i dont see how they were shit.

exactly my point though, but the more times you get your franchise to the playoffs the more times you get a chance to win the world series.

and the article even points out that even in todays playoff system the average champion is top 5 in wins, meaning the champion is still among the elite baseball teams.

Were the 2015 Panthers more worthy of an owl than the broncos were?

>comparing a 16 game sample size to a 162 game sample size

so you think the 2007 pats would have gone 162-0? you're a dumbass. There have been 16 game + win streaks in baseball.
>salary cap

the 2015 royals(with the best record in the AL) say hi
All the salary cap would do in baseball is put more money in the ownership's wallet. The teams that go over luxury tax mark don't win more anyway, just look at the Yankees this year. Over luxury tax mark for many years yet didn't even make wild card. Its hard to buy championships, and it costs more than its worth.
I'm not for or against it. Just saying that if it was implemented...the competitive balance would be even and literally every game would theoretically be a roll of the dice.
It's "top 5" because only 8 teams are there.

Technically...its only SLIGHTLY above an average of 4.5. (Indexed 1 through 8)

I bet if you allowed all 32 teams into a playoff...the average regular season place finish would come out to like 12 or 13ish.
And don't assume what I think.

I believe in variation as do all staticians....the pats in 2007 theoretically could have won only 1 game if the dice fell in that highly improbable way..but they went the other way and they won a few more games than predicted.
Some players are better than others, a salary cap does not do much for competitive balance. Free agency looks to be the best balancer in baseball going by the state of the game before and after.
I'm willing to bet everything I own and hold dear that there is a positive correlation between higher salary spending and regular season wins.

Now I don't need to source that because we all know it's true. If we were to force a salary cap...the game would be more balanced from a completely competitive standpoint.

There is no arguing this.
>Half regular season into 81 games
>during regular season restrict pitcher changes to a maximum of 2 in the first 9 innings, increase by 1 in extra innings
>pitcher 'shotclock' 20-30 seconds
>batter can step out of box just once, try that shit again and It's a strike, (unless unintentional)
Install robot umpires, errors will be nonexistent
>drop the intentional walk rule because pitcher deserves the shame that comes with it

There, I fixed baseball.
why would the greatest hitter of this gen want to waste is career in miami?
I'm against the change, but throwing four intentional balls can actually fuck with a pitchers rhythm. That's the only positive I see in removing it.
Kill yourself you third world ape
This kinda sucks because when the pitcher fucks up it's golden. Also I remember Andres Galaraga smashing a HR on an errant intentional walk throw. This shit only would be good in vidya.
All fields should be destroyed and they should play in parks
>mr manfred, here i printed another batch of angry emails
>oh great timing, thank you barby, those dried plums are starting to work
>now come with me, you know i like to be sucked off while i shit
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