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/mlb/ - baseball forum

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Thread replies: 504
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keep bullying the >rags edition
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plz no more bully
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Mariners to win the AL Pennant
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Okay from what I've gathered Japan is cool with allowing pros but the MLB wants to make the WBC meme a thing rather than partner with the Olympics.

They'll probably get the pros

Also the 2 runner extra innings is way better than normal extra innings
>tfw we'll never have this for team USA

When was the first time you realized no one was gonna care about this?
Guys I'm breddy flippin excited for baseball
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The whole WBC is a brainchild of MLB
They thought they could make money off of it
They can't make money off of the Olympics
Why do you think the NHL and NBA are always considering ending participation in the Olympics?
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The not making money is questionable.

If the US team can win it may generate more interest in foreign markets.

Also the WBC isn't making them any money.
MLB would in theory get revenue directly from the WBC plus foreign markets
They wouldn't get any money directly from the Olympics plus they have to stop their season or let star players not play games in August
I thought the WBC was about growing baseball abroad?
why would US winning in any situation be good for foreign markets that already know the US would dominate if they played seriously

fucking retard go back to handegg you stupid casual
Yeah sure
Go ahead and think that

That's what I thought too


Because seeing the fucking players play is the first step to getting them more into the MLB.

And those fucking gooks actually think they are better at baseball.

Whatever fuck the MLB I want the Olympics and they're gonna give it to me
Well the World Cup helped soccer in the US and we didn't win it
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the premier 12 was based

cheating japs btfo by the gooks in the semis
>winning 3-0 in the 9th
MLB has no real incentive to do that
They'd either have to stop the season which loses them money during their most profitable months, or let their star players play and basically play July/August with scrubs
And both involve star players having the possibility of getting hurt away from MLB diamonds

There's only gonna be 6 teams.

It will last a week tops.

They'll cave and do it. But not all the best players will go I'm sure.
Is there a term or o word for hitting the ball with a handle or near-to-handle part of the bat?
I designed a more extreme version of that
First round: 28 teams in 4 groups, 7 teams per group, 6 games per team
Second round: 12 teams in 2 groups, 6 teams per group, 5 games per team
Then the quarters and semis are best of 3
And the final is best of 5
It would be fucking intense
no worries WBC bros, in 20 years when all the grandpas are dead or dying and baseball starts losing popularity and china decides to get into baseball making all the asian leagues richer and closer in quality to MLB then the fuckers who run MLB will realize they need a revitalization of baseball here so they'll organize new WBC where the best will actually play and it will be on FOX and everyone will watch because casuals love world cups and USA will win because we'd still be the best easily and baseball will be back bros and the new WBC will be here to stay because it's prestigious now.

jam shot
getting jammed

you wouldnt do that usually because it wouldnt give much impact on the ball

the closest thing would probably be a batted foul
Thank you, that helps.
It would probably take 3 weeks
That's 3 weeks they aren't making money
They won't cave in
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yeah it's not a good thing though and it also hurts like a bitch especially if it's cold out

If it actually is 3 weeks they wont.

I bet they'll shorten it though.


Yeah that shit hurts, especially on wood. Its a really weird feeling too. Everything kinda goes numb
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I really hope >we don't suck this year
part of the fun of the wbc is the shortness of it, the 1 game knockouts especially, anyone can win 1 game of baseball so it makes it pretty unpredictable. Even if the US sent the very best team they could they still wouldn't be nearly guaranteed to win, they could easily lose if they run into a hot pitcher or are just unlucky with their batted balls.

and 28 is way too many teams, there are maybe 18 to 20 countries who are decent at baseball

still it'd be nice to have more games. I posted in the jap baseball thread a bit ago that I'd like to see 2 groups of 8, top 4 of each group go to a knockout round. that's about twice as many total games as the current tournament and also more knockout round games which are great
Im hoping for an Ms Os wild card
>it was 3-1
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Kipnis desu
No pls you'll kill us....again
Even if we took Smiff out of your lineup, Robbie and Cruz are unfair.
Plus Felix could go god mode in his first Post appearance.

Keeping fingers crossed on >our rotation. The offense can handle itself, defense should still hold up, but I just want starters that keep the ball in the yard.
Most anxious about Bundy.
adam jones would hit a walk off
No the one game knockouts are the biggest bullshit thing the whole tournament has
They should at least go to double elimination in that last round

The thing about 28 teams is you can have developing markets in there and you can burn off some unimportant games in unfavorable time slots
Say if this was in Japan, the US would basically have to play at noon every day. You would need something for every time slot though. I've got it all worked out
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Pottery, especially if pic related

(Jones is my biggest worry this year, honestly)
no, pottery would e if bedard unretired and pitched a shutout for the Ms
Jones walking off would just be cruel
Yes, it was.
Adam Jones war in Baltimore-27.7
Chris Tillman war in Baltimore- 13.6

Erik Bedard war in Seattle- 4.2
The Orioles got three other players as well

this will never not be funny
Did the Cavs steal the Injuns meme magic?
nah man it wouldn't be fun if it was just USAwinslol

though I guess even with a series a few countries would have a shot, but small ones. but shitters like netherlands, korea, PR would never win a series against USA, DR, Japan. But in the current format they can definitely win.

also if you're going to burn the unimportant games why even play them in the first place genius
I have a bad feeling that this Seth Smith trade will only go further down the road.

Miley was the only Seattle victory, at least for 2016.
how did ragners get swept in 3 by canada
The 09 Netherlands beat the Dominican Republic twice
3 games series is short enough for some some wackiness but it's not just random

You want those teams to play in the tournament to grow the game
we are due for a wbc win. there's no excuse for us this time
if we don't win then we're completely fucked in the olympics la
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>Last thread was a no bully Rangers edition
>Entire thread was filled with rags bullying

>This thread is a keep bullying the rags edition
>Almost no rags bullying in the entire thread
reverse psychology mate
alright I guess 3 game series sounds alright, and 5 for the final
still fuck no on 28 teams, that's way too many, no one wants to watch pakistan spill spaghetti all over the field in supposedly the best baseball tournament in the world

2 groups of 8 then straight to the quarters is still best.

make qualifying more extensive, make it a 2nd division tournament with 16 shitter teams to crown the babby champions, and the top whatever make the next top division wbc
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>2017 WBC Championship Game
>USA vs DR
>Bottom of the 7th inning
>Jose Bautista up
>Leyland brings in Sam Dyson

Wat do, /mlb/?
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>up 7-1 in the 9th
>he brings in nurse
is DRob on Team USA?
No, the Indians are following in their footsteps. Cavs were destroyed by injuries, went up against the bad guys and lost. Came back the next year healthy and beat the same team. The 2016 Indians had the same season, made it to the WS missing most of their best players and lost to the bad guys. It's pretty much inevitable what comes next

>korea and japan not using their MLB guys
their premier 12 rosters were literally better, all the current mlb gooks were still in gookland then and played, and japan had otani and maeda

I want to see ichiro reeee
the gooks were going to use their mlb guys but they're all dead or suspended
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First team to get dubs ITT takes the 2017 Eries
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Go for it
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You've outdone me friend
Sign Wieners pls
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Very nice
China vs Taiwan?
2017 Whos will be the 2016 Yanks

Q will be the key
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*except the yanks

26 rings and a watch
Hey Mike, first time caller; never actually listened to your show, but anyway, I was just wondering--theres this website where these guys keep posting pictures of you and also quotes, and sometimes they even try to be you, anyway, would you like to come post on that same website? We'd love to have you.
Who are you taking to?
Off to work, boys. Surprise me with intelligent posts when I get back.
Go fuck yourself :^)
exactly 27 dicks
Listen, I don't cayuh about social meteor, oghkay? I don't even have duh twittah, oghkay? I don't cayuh if people akt like me onloine..... Just don't do anything dumb, oghkay?............ (20 seconds of silence) heahs da Mink Man
mike francesa, I'm fairly certain
As a yankee fan I have to say our best move this offseason was Ortiz retiring
Spring training when?
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Actually I was wrong about the WBC adopting the WBSC rules
>Starting with the 13th inning, teams automatically start with runners on first and second base. These are the players in the two batting order positions previous to the leadoff batter for the inning.
>In the Qualifying Round of the 2017 tournament, extra inning rule will be employed from the 11th inning.

So instead of picking where in the order you want to start from, it just picks up from where you left off
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Awww sheet
It'd be funny to see that happen. Would prefer he be in a nats uni by then though.
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>The Berlin Wall was still up
>East Timor was not a country yet
>The Aral Sea was still a body of water
>The Space shuttle program was still state-of-the-art
>The Hubble Telescope was still under development
>Mars rovers were still only on paper
>Digital cameras weren't household items yet
>Nelson Mandela was in prison
>China was still the sick man of Asia
>Google was a decade away from being found
>the Middle East was at peace, hard to believe but true
>the majority of current major league players had not yet been born
>Tommy John meant an active player, not a surgery
>the Cubs title drought was at 70 year and pennant drought at 43 years, 28 years later they would break them both, the latter coming against the Dodgers
Alright lets do this

Who lurks dead /mlb/?

Nothin else to do while waiting for Q to be traded
As a Yankee fan, they aren't winning more than 85 games this year. :(
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this open up a niche possibility of using a caught stealing strategically to end an inning to preserve an AB for a hitter, since if you trust your pitching/are the home team you could have same hitter lead off next inning with 2 men on?
>cavs and Indians
>the good guys
>58 year city championship drought
I hope you're not implying the Warriors or Cubs winning is the desirable outcome under any circumstances anon
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What do you think they meant by this?
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god damn
Warriors, maybe not. But the Cavs were certainly not the Good Guys.

Also, The Cubs were absolutely the Good Guys.
>108 year championship drought
>not even 10 people here right now
Wow. What is everyone else doing at this hour?
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not being neets
You don't have to like the Cavs to hate millenials: the sports team.

Oh no no no, the Cubs were not the good guys. Just look at what the lifelongs have been like when we haven't even seen another game of baseball yet. A lot of them have been too busy watching the Cowboys and Warriors to post here yet
As a Yankee fan, they are going to go 162-0 this year.
Do you think the Patriots and the Yankees ever get together for dinner or something? Ya know, they both have National pride themes to their names.
Every team that wins gets a bandwagon, get over it faggot. They're a cancer but it's an unavoidable cancer that goes away eventually, even if it takes decades. the Cubs fan base has always had a lot of casuals unfortunately. I guess that's what happens when your team is known for losing and the main reason to go to a ball game for most people is to drink.

The cubes would've been the good guys here if there hadn't been so much shitposting and falseflagging since 2015
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who /NationalLeague/ here
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it's gonna be a long season
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It's not falseflagging if it's real. The Cubs were never the good guys

>0 Mets votes
Oh no most of he Cubs fans here were cancer and the Bartman shit is pretty embarrassing.

There was still a lot of falseflagging though, particularly once the playoffs started. I think 108 years of World Series futility still makes them the automatic good guys though
>tfw not a leaf in sight for miles
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jews will choose dogshit reception to go along with "free" MLB.tv
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they were the bad guys because their close is a wife beating nig nog and they forced the NL west and NL east division winners to play day games just so CHICAGO could have all the prime time TV starts
>asking if bills fans have team spirit
Pretty sure that spirit has been forcibly sucked out of them ages ago
>no pennants since the 80s
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the dodgers are a shitty meme team but MLB royally fucked over division winners in the NLDS just because of meme wild card winners
>this strawpoll will be the highest point of the White Sox in 2017
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should i dump all my goat pics on /AN/ and delete them from /mlb/
Obi Hahn pls do something already. I believe in you.
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gib blanton now
I thought that was the PECOTA projections?
Why does PECOTA constantly shit on the royals but suck the doyers cock?

>98 2017
>94 2016
>97 2015
>98 2014

Jesus Christ, looking at these projections you'd think the Doyers have won multiple WS
>dodgers fan tries talking to me

No thanks my man
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dodgers are autismal about money ball and fudging PECOTA stats but all that melts in the playoffs
their fans seem to think they did
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>doyers winning 98 games in 2017
Because PECOTA meme

They're also always strangely optimistic on the white sox only for them to be horribly wrong
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>doubting the dads and sneks level of sucking
The dbacks will be better. The dodgers aren't going to win the division by 12 fucking games. The giants collapsed hard and were still only a few games behind LA.
fekkin chris you poofs would
I'm curious on SS. Can someone rank all 30 team's current SS? Who's the best who's the worst?
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1. Didi Gregorious
Here is a completely unbiased ranking of the best fans in baseball:

1. Rangers
2. White Sox
3. Reds
4. Dodgers
5. Braves
6. Mets
7. Twins
8. Phillies
9. DBacks
10. Rockies

9001. Tardinals
900001. Memeiners
900000001. Jints
9000000000000000000001. Blow Gays
doesn't really matter after that they all suck
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>Le Dumbrowski used all his prospects maymay

Kek. Also

>Orlels only have one good prospect
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Literally who can stop this team?
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>tfw it's true

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>the language of spanish

Doyer pls leave
>11 AM
>dead hours

you should see the mire of autism we go through during the night
Stopped reading
Tbh its more dead now than at night because the productive members are either at work or in class
>even the spics call themselves gardeners
there were zero posts during 4 am last night and there have been like 50 since 11 this morning
Seager is better than all of those 3.
Where's mah nigga Tim "Timmay" Anderson?
moncada > seager
The wall.

Offense bails out the pitching like its the ALE
It amazes me how upset you guys get over us. The jealousy is insane.

if we're including players with less than 200 games played trea turner is 1 not even close
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>October 16th, 2016
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You tell them fellow lifelonger!
>screenshotting me
That's some insane obsession.
Really though where did all those lifelong Indians fans get off to all offseason
Id bet dollars to donuts lifelong gay cubs fan since october 2016 had to google who Sammy sosa was
He probably saw his most recent photos and thinks he is a white guy.
like the rest of you shameless fucks, watching commercials
MLB should get rid of the draft
Haha good one lol, but, really, there were Indians fans all over the place right? All over the place. Couldn't go 10 posts without a lifelong Indians fan posting WINDIANS! or pictures of that bald fellow. Wasn't there also a picture of a boat?

Not a single, not one single instance of Indians fannery during the postseason. That Brazillian drives by every once in a while, but otherwise they kinda just disappeared.

How will bad teams git gud then?
I knew cubs fans in 2015 who didnt know who ernie banks was.

t. Lakeview resident

Who are you looking forward to seeing?
How good is Despaigne?
Bullshit. Everyone knows who Ernie Banks is.
Hope they bring some cigars.
Is that the white guy who talks about basketball on TNT?

Lifelong Cubs fan since January 2017, btw
Their relievers
No I think he's that guy from monopoly. Mr. Banks right?

Let's all go to boystown for a drink and some fun with the boys later.

But definitely not the US
It's the fucking chimp exhibit
I'm not entirely impressed with their pitching, and a lot of the fielders are a couple years past it
I bet there are self proclaimed Yankees fans somewhere that think Lou Gehrig is just a disease
Don't have to bet. Just look on facebook

Gaurantee you that you pick any team and spend not even 5 minutes looking on facebook for fans of that team, you'll the most disgustingly unknowledgeable casual """"""fans""""" easily

Well except for Padres and Rays
>whos on top
>@JonHeyman 12:43 PM - 8 Feb 2017
>Carlos Quentin signs with the red sox. He's giving it one last shot.






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Based TCQ
The only thing I can remember about him is breaking Zack Greinke's collarbone
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He holds a special place in my heart right next to Brent Lillibridge and Addison Reed

Fernando Rodney can
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>having the outside of the stadium resemble a generic Alpharetta/Milton/East Cobb shopping mall

Makeing season ticket holders at home I guess
What a shit stadium.
Daniel Norris will win the 2017 AL Cy Young
they wanted to get rid of the blacks going to games didnt they?
This ""new"" stadium gonna make the raggot's look good
I have a feeling James Paxton will be this year's porcello

>dat 2.80 FIP
I think we can all agree and talk about how Fenway needs to be torn down. How do you respond, /mlb/?
SunTrust Park is so generic looking. Looks like they just amalgamated Target Field and Busch Stadium into one bland architectural design.

Not that Turner Field had any charm.
Will the WBC be on television?
take out seats for more luxury boxes
Perhaps if he wasn't made of glass
Yes. Fenway is shit and overrated. I'd gladly see that stadium go the same route as Yankee stadium. Both were fucking shit desu.
>this is a playoff game in baltimore
Will the barves finally kill the neo-trad stadium style started by camden?

I hope to god it does by the time the A's either move to montreal, portland, or just north of lake merritt.
If BLM really wanted to do some shit, they would have busted down the gates to that and protested on the field.
It's hard to say whether or not SunTrust or Guaranteed Rape Field is more uninspired
At least the 'Rape is unique compared to everything else
>number 2 AL West the past two years
is 2017, dare i say it, our year? will we win the worlds eries and end the >rags meme?
If I rape a prostitute, is it really considered rape, or is it more like shoplifting?
I mean, most new parks from 2000 onwards have had some sort of gimmick (Petco having the Western Metal building for example). Nothing in the Suntrust park renderings or construction photos points to any flair. It still has the sports bar in right field from Turner for fucks sake.
It's most well known for being in the suburbs rather than in the city itself. It's not even in the borders of Atlanta.
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This is Zack Greinke. He's new here, and a little shy. Say something nice to him!
Will Pete Rose's MLB hits record ever be broken?
No. But if Ichiro would have started his career in the MLB, I think he would have
Ichiro literally would have broken the record if he started earlier

Ichiro had the best chance of anyone to break that record.

I don't know if anyone else can even come close.
Altuve has the best chance of anyone right now.

People crowned Ichiro the new hit king because he has the most hits of any player.

Who cares about his hits in the Japanese league? the NPB isn't on the same level as the MLB. Everyone knows that.
daily reminder it takes no skill to throw a ball as hard as you can and hope the other guy misses
Daily reminder it takes no skill to kick a ball as hard as you can and hope the keeper misses it.
>his sport decides ties with a mario party minigame
no, the skill lies in doing that dozens of times once or twice per week for 6-7 months.

The somewhat unpunished notion of attrition and year long play created for the soviet science project athletes infected the US leagues the worst.
I mean, the worst MLB team would annihilate the best NPB team.
over a 7 game series to show a front rotation cycle and almost all of the bullpen and bench options?
less likely, and while the NPB has tried in recent years to breed parity, there's always been a triangle of top teams led by the Giants. The Tigers and Lions used to be in with them, but lately the Hawks and Fighters have the power.
How long do you think it'll take for Trout to get 3000 hits?
Eleven or twelve years.

Just in case anyone hasn't seen in yet. Looks bretty good so far.
>they finally got rid of the thing where infielders lob balls to first on close plays
Holy fuck Kek has graced the sux
Yes, fucking finally. The defense in the series has been so frustrating, especially if you're a pitcher in rtts
I begrudgingly like how The Show doesn't try to ""innovate"" and enact horrible untested changes every year or so like 2k or EA.

Not necessarily baseball, but what are OOTP fans opinions on the stated goal of them turning FHM into more of a game than historical toolkit.

I just wish I could sim weekly or bi-weekly, daily is too slow after having played OOTP simming months and seasons for years.
Hey buddy, wanna hang out at lunch or something
>tfw it's like 70 degrees but the batting cages are still closed for the winter for another month
>starting runners on first and second to give the game away to someone
>whos about to choke their lead away
Never played one of these. Are they good?
...you sly devil, you
PC when?
Reminds me of the dumbass walk rules in slow pitch softball
jp morosi is literally me
Is anyone else watching this WBC thing?
Why did they stop the double elimination?
That was cool
They didn't need to pussy out with game 7 though
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*blocks your path*
If he keeps up the pace, and only has 1 or 2 down seasons in a 20 year career, easily 3500 hits.
Man what a shit roster
remember that age is on his side since he hasn't even hit puberty yet
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Cant be as bad as the whos
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You can only be GOAT if you have had a famous insane serial killer support your team

Not so fast >rags
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Since there's no twitter graphic for this

>no World Series appearances
>no playoff appearances since 2001
>wasting the career of one of the greatest RHPs of all time, as well as the greatest Japanese MLB player of all time

the mariners are the least discussed WOAT franchise desu

um excuse me

also, i need the Hamilton and Lincecum WEDDS image asap
Here is a completely unbiased ranking of the best fans in baseball:

1. Rangers
2. White Sox
3. Reds
4. Dodgers
5. Braves
6. Mets
7. Twins
8. Phillies
9. DBacks
10. Rockies

9001. Tardinals
900001. Memeiners
900000001. Jints
9000000000000000000001. Blow Gays
I was trying to find a pic of BTK in a Royals hat.

Not a Royals fan btw
>colabello playing for Italy

Droopy is back baby!
This. As a Memeiners fan, I agree. How the fuck do people think they're the GOAT?
Outfield is good.
>aj ellis
Funny how people think the Memeiners are a GOAT franchise when their only reason is a serial killer

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>amador made the team

WBC is ours
>Implying you won't go 0-3
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>Brian Wilson making comeback as knuckleball pitcher
literally the shittiest part of the team, that or the starting pitching

not that they're bad, but there's just far better options. trout, betts, bryant, harper etc
at least some of the infielders, the catchers, some of the bullpen are some of the best players available
He's a big guy
Por tu
>there are people who think a team without a World Series appearance is considered the GOAT franchise
>there are people who think a team with zero playoff appearances since 2001 is considered the GOAT franchise
>there are people who think that wasting the career of two players who would have instantly be hall of famers if they spent their careers with the Yankees had they not played at all for the Memeiners is considered the GOAT franchise

Why do Memeiners fans literally believe they're the GOAT franchise?
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Kenny Williams is going to keep an eye on team Mexico. Amador has what it takes to be KW's man
I don't want to face that lineup
Team would go undefeated if Andy Pettitte would pitch
>no trout
>no betts

It's shit, my man. Take the L. Canada is fucking better desu desu senpai
Still no Trout or no Betts, no Rizzo, no Bryant, no Russell, and no Zobrist. The USA is a sure lock to lose in Round 1.
>Final vs Venezuela
Who takes the mound?
Thank you

>get up 7-1 in the 9th they bring in David Robertson
He should be a reliever
Uh no
They was trying to get Russell Martin to play shortstop
Welp, a lot of players personally don't want to play. You can't exactly blame them. The WBC is a failed gimmick certain to die after this one.
not as good as DR desu
also worst US team yet


plus Cueto, Martinez is probably a better 1-2 than any other country except maybe fucking Colombia. US is alright too I guess

group C is easily the best group pitching wise at least
The DR is full of injury-prone players but they'll squeak by Canada and make it to Round 2 along with Colombia.
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thought I saw supreme god christopher robin on the roster, thought mexico had the tournament locked up for a second
>Sushi Boy on the list

wtf i love mexico now
dubs confirms
Khris Davis can win the whole thing by himself if he gets hot
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who wins lads?
I've got 5 bucks on China
China or Cuba from A/B

Colombia or Mexico from C/D
Korea, Israel
Japan, Cuba
Dominican Republic, US
Venezuela, Puerto Rico

Japan, Cuba
Venezuela, Dominican Republic

Venezuela beats the Dominican Republic in the final
Is Australia the meme team or is it China?

Cant wait to BTFO canada
You want a spicy meme or a vegemite meme?
Netherlands, Korea
Japan, Cuba
Venezuela, Mexico

Japan, Netherlands
USA, Mexico

USA, Mexico

Australia will beat Japan cap me
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China's best players are a 33 year old shortstop who has a few stints in triple A ball, a Korean League prospect, and Bruce Chen

Here's Australia's roster
I'm really interested to see who wins between Australia and China
Australia should win on paper but somehow China always seems to get a meme win

what a meme
Chinese Taipei, Netherlands
China, Australia
Canada, Colombia
Mexico, Italy

China, Australia
Canada, Mexico

China over Australia
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Will 3rd time be the charm?
their league isn't even letting most of their players go, they're going to get btfo. also they fucking suck anyway, they lost to china in 09 and in the 08 olympics.

china is goingto the 2nd round at least lads, they'll meme a win against both australia and cuba

are tehy fucking serious
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Why not just call this the Curaçao team?
Even the manager is from that island
>Advertisements on baseball jerseys

this is fucking disgusting.
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I approve. Maybe even beat Japan without Ohtani
get used to it. its gonna happen here soon especially with manfered as commissioner
>those digits

Praise Kek, China is officially /ourteam/
>NO russ martin

Oh shit beef
when is jurrjens going to return to MLB as a memeballer
You have 60 seconds to decide why China won't be /ourteam/

Protip: You won't
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Because they're killing us in trade.
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Otani will win the WBC
dindus did not actually go to that many games. All the whites rich enough for season tickets lived in alt right nehiborhoods

as a dodger fag i was always shocked at the lack of color at braves games
t. Drumpftard
t. Cùck
>Christopher Robin
Someone post the link to the game; I lost it
>MLB says they are experimenting in rookie ball with putting a runner on 2nd in extra innings

Why do they wanna fuck up the perfect sport?
I dont think blm was organized back then
That's because the Dindus don't care about baseball and only care about apehoop where they make the vast majority of Hawks attendance.
>Black Lives Matter has an organized interruption during an MLB game

If that shit happens, you can expect more people to vote Trump in again. Liberals are constantly injecting politics in sports and the Super Bowl was living proof that everything is always about it. The last thing I want happening is for the MLB to get this shit shoved down.
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Every team is super paranoid about innings limits especially for rookie ball fags. They dont want their #10 prospect to fuck his arm throwing in a 14 inning meaningless game

>Homer Bailey out again with bone spur surgery


You now remember the Resd are paying him 100+ million dollars to be injured because he memed into a couple no hitters
If you don't think the Dutch win it all you're delusional
do they have jenson
You now remember he just fuckin' walked a guy.
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Dean Kremer is the only one with recent Israeli ancestry
It's pretty pathetic how hard Cubs tripfag latch onto someone like Zobrist. Almost as if he's been a Cub the entire time they've watched baseball, hmmm...
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>Shlomo Lipetz
Wow the parents really wanted to emphasize their Jewishness huh

Oy vey
A 4-5 WAR player year after year, and that includes his seasons with the Rays. Perhaps it might be that the people who worked for the Rays had an eye for talent and the Cubs immediately capitalized on that when they made him available?
i like ike!
Maybe MLB should invest a bit more in proper instructions for youth baseball, then pitchers wouldn't be made of glass blowing out shoulders and elbows left and right
>when dey askin for it but u can't rape bruh
This Bumgarner obsession is seriously unhealthy
Bruce Chen and 27 literal whos
Looks like the Toronto roster tbf
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This. And at this point, Kyle Hendricks has proven his ceiling higher than Bumshit.
I think Arrieta permanently ended the Bumbum meme. The one thing pilates is good for.
ayy someone saved my picture :)
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>ceiling higher than Bumshit
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This is Shlomo Lipetz btw
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Baseball needs more guys like with badass facial hair, not faggos like Harper and Kershaw
And he's risen above him and rightfully so. Bumshit hasn't been good since 2014 (more or less, the postseason exclusively) and his regression path will be sure to continue this year.

You would agree with me on this because I'm correct. Don't you hate Bumshit this much that you'd rate Hendricks above him too? I know I would.
We need a president with a beard. You don't fuck with guys with beards. Ask Bautista
Who was even talking about Bumgarner...
The delusional Giants fans who believe he's better than Hendricks when stats point to Hendricks on the up, with Bumshit on a steady decline the past 2 seasons.
Nobody was talking about him though p
that looks nice though
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Pitchers on the rise:



King Felix

Arm Oblivion:
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This wasn't BLM it was rioting over a case where a man in custody of the police died.
>he was expecting diet coke


>Eric fucking gagne
>Ryan dumpster

just how fucking desperate were they
Eric Gagne managed France during the qualifiers
They also couldn't get Martin and Saunders fro insurance reasons
How come there's little to no Cubs representation on team USA? You'd think they want the world champions to represent the team to win a world championship.
Because they don't give a shit about this exhibition garbage and would rather focus on winning back to back Eries.
Seems pretty biased to me. Why was no one asked? You'd think they would at least want the best first baseman or third basemen in the game.
Maybe they did get asked and said no, we don't know.

I think the real question now is tripfag, who's going to be Lester's buddy now that Boss Ross retired? Will we see Lester and Schwarber be the next big thing?

Their players don't want to get hurt, but you're right about the entire infield warranting all 4 starting positions.
Pretty accurate.
Schwarber is a great defensive catcher, and he'll work great with Lester.
This. How is the NL all star team's infield not good enough for the WBC? Ridiculous.
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where's Q, can't decide?
He'd just be in "oblivion"
If we actually had the best Americans playing in this shit probably only Posey and Goldschmidt would still be on the team
Obviously we didn't
I think everyone here can agree that Posey isn't good anymore.
>Funny how people think the Memeiners are a GOAT franchise
no one thinks that
not even mariner fans
True but I who do you replace him with?
>A 4-5 WAR player year after year,
we all know thats not true
Who's worse? Lifelong Gay Cubs Fans Since 2016 or Ragspics?
J.T. Realmuto
All i know about that team is every 5th day they would beat the White Sox.
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>meme pitcher making a comeback by learning a meme pitch
every time someone attempts it and fails, it just shows how elite dickey was in 2012
Fuck that, I hope baseball realizes it has too much tradition to fucking add advertisement to their jerseys.

They aren't some second rate league like the NBA or NHL, they don't need ads on their jerseys.
Baseball was the first major sport to have sponsored named stadiums.
>naming a stadium is the same as ads on jerseys
Can we all agree on this?

If you play in the World Baseball Classic you're a POS and should be cut
Its just as bad in some cases

>guaranteed rate field
You're retarded
wtf it is just spring training before spring training
Alrighty then

>"It's not fun to watch when you go through your whole pitching staff and wind up bringing a utility infielder in to pitch."

What the fuck is he even talking about? That's one of the best parts of baseball.
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>Lopez officially retiring
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I agree

Name this player
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not sure who the bigger choker is between the steers or queers and queers
>Put a runner on 2nd base in extra innings.

>inb4 coin flips and sudden death
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It's like Manfred and Torre are on a mission to destroy baseball
>Tenth Inning
First team to score a run
>Eleventh inning
>First team to get a runner on 3rd
>Fourteenth inning
>First team to strikeout an opponent

Everything about it is dumb, from the idea to the justification. The "speeding up games" meme is stupid, and even it wasn't, this would be one of the worst ways to accomplish it.
Baseball games are on average less than 3 hours long.
>watching announcers drone on about nothing while waiting for relievers to warm up is one of the best parts of baseball
Come on now, baseball isn't that bad.
Let's just get rid of extra innings all together. If the game is tied after 9, we hold a home run derby to decide a winner. 1 v 1, player with the most home runs wins the game for his team.
not at a blow gay playoff game when the fans throw garbage onto the field
Divisions that will be close in 2017:
NL East
NL West
AL West
>the 18th inning is the cutoff I decided on years ago where the novelty of the game finally outweighs the shittiness of the DH, and I can tune in to an AL game
>article specifically states memester change is to avoid 18 inning games
Every reliever after the third gets 0 warmup pitches on the mound
>Manfred will kill baseball in your lifetime

Feels bad man
Make Bob Costas MLB Commissioner who says no
So does the addition of Sergio Romo guarantee the NL West for the Dodgers, if not the World Series? Please respond.
Make managers decide on their reliever order before the game like they do their lineup (though this one is a super secret between the manager and home plate ump). They then have to face a minimum of 1 batter. Pulling them before that assumes it's due to injury, and the team must place them 10 day DL at minimum after.

That way they have to try to play their mindgames before the game, rather than hanging up a game for an hour going through 5 guys each throwing one pitch in an inning. Plus the Saves meme stat can die.
Almost positive Gacy was a Chubs fan

>literal lifelong gay Cubs fan
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>I hate more baseball
Why are they all rubbery
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>Manfred is going to drive everyone away from baseball in an effort to attract more people to baseball
How do we impeach this faggot?
offseason should be illegal desu
billy crystal
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Who are the top 10 starting pitchers in the MLB?
Was that Swisher?
drew butera
regular or post season
cause thats really gonna alter the #1 spot
That's Swishalicious isn't it?
This. Manfred is actually false flagging irl pretending people complain baseball takes too long so he can gimmick it up to make it both more expensive and shorter. WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO PAY FOR LESS BASEBALL MANFRED YOU SUPREME JEW
Rich Hill
Julio Urias
Brock Stewart
Hyun Jum Ryu
Scott Kazmir
Kenta Maeda
Brandon McCarthy
Alex Wood
Ross Stripling
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Put your trip back on.png
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They should institute some incentives worth .5 points
>A team turns a triple play: .5 points
>A teams pitcher strikes out the side: .5 points
>A teams player robs another player of a home run: .5 points

Any other ideaas?
t. Rob Manfred
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Game starts with the ball in centerfield.
Centerfielder has to throw the ball all the way to home plate. If the ball lands in between home plate and the mound, that's where the batter has to bat from. If the ball goes beyond home plate, the batter will bat from home plate.
Every strike is one down. If a batter gets to four strikes it's a turnover on downs and the other team gets the ball.
The goal is to get the ball to the warning track on the fly, but the ball must be caught by a base runner. If the runner goes outside the foul lines it's a penalty.
If the batter pulls the catcher's facemask off it's a 15 yard penalty first down tom brady touchdown
The patriots have won the superb owl
>scoring more runs than the other team
>catching balls in foul territory
Selig creamed himself thinking about how to turn baseball into football nightly so why not
Turn the MLB into the XFL
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>running the bases
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>Getting on base after a dropped third strike
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>letting your fans stay alive
>Giving the ball to a fan after the 3rd out
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>throwing to a base
>not just chasing the runner and tagging him out like a real man
>having more than 2 infielders
new idea to make baseball exciting for the kids
no more force outs or tag outs
fielders throw the ball at runners
>Not having Steve Pearce on your team
Make baseball fun again with the Blitzball!

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Check em
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Do you think Gary Sanchez will win MVP and Cy Young? :)
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Hey panamabro, I found a Panamanian coin. Do you like it?
>childhood is thinking that DG is the biggest shitposter in all of /mlb/
>adulthood is realizing that Panama is the most dedicated shitposter in all of /sp/
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>not going to TwentyOchocon
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i haven't been in this general for months, why hasn't NL baseball discussion been moved to /asp/ yet?
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I have just been informed by a lady friend that Steve Pearce's cheeks are very pinchable
Did your mom tuck you in for the night?

Why is baseball one of the biggest, "muh heritage" sports?
Just ignore the fact that B*nds peaked at 40 because one time in AAA he stole a base so put this legit dude in the hall of fame right the fuck away
I agree
>implying the DH isn't a gimmick

Learn your definition of alternative. I've been following baseball longer than you were born. Who won the World Series again?
>literally traded Samardzjia and Jason Hamlel away for the best shortstop in all of baseball

Karma's a bitch ain't it?
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>Addison Russell
>Best Shortstop in all of baseball
because it's patrician
everyone should stick to their tribe
steve pearce is gonna blast a walk-off grand slam to win opening day, rip off the skinsuit and reveal himself as EE
He has the best fucking ceiling in the entire major league, not to mention he has the best defense of any shortstop in the league.

Get used to it. Because some day he's going to be the next Derek Jeter, you're just sleeping on him too much.
Holy fuck, how can one post be this wrong?
>not to mention he has the best defense of any shortstop in the league.

wait until you see amed rosario
russell won't sniff a gold glove for the next decade
That kid is a faggot but that looks fun as heck
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>This much top-tier bait packed into one post
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>Going to Taint Louis in may to visit Grandad
>have a chance to go to Busch
>Tfw it's against the fucking cubs and tickets will be fucking expensive

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Also the Giants are making their trip there the weekend after and tickets are dirt cheap
reminder that ((you)r team) has not been eliminated from playoff contention

feels good, don't it, boys?
even whos fans?
I've still been around for the most part when I'm working my midnight shifts or when the Indians make a major roster move. Spring training is coming soon though.
why does Chris Archer look like a 50 year old Filipino?
Just not the same as a century of memery... i cant wait for another 100 year drought...
Might be a touch too early with ST around the corner, but anyone got black sheep for this season?

AL: Rays
NL: ...Rockies
Underrated post
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>tfw MLB.tv isn't available in Australia

Players on new teams who will have career seasons

Nori Aoki
Jorge Soler
Jaime Garcia

Players on new teams who will have an awful season

Edwin Encarnacion
Wilson Ramos
Matt Holliday

Cap it
the fuck, why it isn't? it's available in my shithole, and nobody even knows that the sport exists
The only one who looks right is lucroy's awful face. Miller looks like yao ming.
How did you get into baseball?
>Holliday tanking on Yanks
>And they still have Headley

Yes please
What the mlb has got to do is put the ball on a bungee cord at the pitcher's mound. That way the ball can always rebound back into play.
Naturally, there should also be a certain target above the out field wall where, if the ball were to be batted into then the game is won by that team.
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Good morning seattle
Is that what the average woman from Seattle looks like?
>Manfred wants to get rid of throwing 4 balls for an IBB
Is saving an additional 20 seconds every 3 games really worth it? Fuck this new proposed rule change.
This nickel and dime approach is cutting into entertainment value. Which is the higher stock.
I agree 100% with what Chris Russo said. The commercials are taking up roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of the total time. Every half inning and pitching change were forced to watch a 2 minute commercial. It's getting to the point where its almost as bad as the NFL. Cut back either the time of commercials or the sheer volume.
Do you realize how important ad revenue is for sports? Baseball has the least percentage of game time filled by commercials. So dont complain about 2 minutes between inings
Soccer has much less than baseball does. I actually like what Manfred is doing. Let's speed things up for the better.
To be fair to Manfred, apparently the changes for this last season have yielded some results in the shorter direction. But this shit is ridiculous. The biggest charm of baseball is the "Any thing can happen" aspect, that it really isn't over until its over.

This proposed rule sterilizes that aspect. We're giving up way too much.
>Do you realize how important ad revenue is for sports?
It's really not important at all for the sports to thrive. So what if revenues go down? Miggy makes $5 mil instead of $20 mil? That's not going to kill baseball or impact the quality of the game in any way.
Of all the shitposts you've made, this is by far the worst. Not fucking funny
Hahn pls

Trade Q

Trade him already pls

Hahn pls
Oh fucking man up you triggered snowflake. Does change scare you?
Yeah good luck explaining that to the players union. Learn how the real world works
Other sports seem to do just fine without that much commercial time. I get ads generate a lot of revenue but you won't realistically make any change without cutting back a little bit on ad time. Fundamentally changing the game that has been played for 100+ years is fucking stupid.
Dude tell me that 4 for an iBB isn't boring
It also strains pitch counts I guarantee you pitchers would not be against it
I doubt 4 additional pitches at 60% effort does a fucking thing. Again you're nickel and diming for such minimal time saved. Intentional walks are rare and at most take 30 seconds to complete. Some pitchers can't do it either. That betances throw last year is a prime example.
So how would the real world work? Will Miggy refuse to play for meager $5 mil and get a job at the local Home Depot instead? Stop being retarded, Mr. "How the Real World Works"
Hey guys, you remember when the NFL bankrupted itself when they added 2 point attempt? or how the NBA no longer exists because people refused to watch it anymore after they broke with the tradition and added the 24 second shot clock?
He has a point though. The league would definitely strike if the wages were reduced by that much. I absolutely agree with you that the players get paid way too fucking much. It's getting to the point where a fucking athlete could potential be paid 400 million dollars. The mlb should implement a max contract type of structure that increases incrementally every like similar to the QO. It's getting out of hand now.
A small loss in ad revenue will not cause 75% wage reduction.
What's your definition of a small loss in ad revenue?
speeding up the games by average of 10 minutes
>best defense of any shortstop in the league
Crawford and Lindor are on another level famalam
Yeah, and the level they're on is lower than Russell's

Spring Training when?
File: maxresdefault.jpg (97KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
97KB, 1280x720px


>With a real estate developer in New York
Holy fuck, can Donald Trump keep getting away with it?
>buy team for 158 mil
>sell for 1.6 billion

how the fuck did the value go up so much

I mean there's the new ballpark but it's not like it's attracted a huge loyal fanbase
Games start the 24th I think

Pitchers and catchers start reporting on Monday
Ugh. NEW, ya lazy gits:

Put a good team on the field and the fans will come. Miami is big enough to support a team.
The value in Miami is high. All the other teams suck but they're worth billions, too.

Plus this is a great time to sell, with the world economy about to crash.

He got the city to build him a billion-dollar stadium, plus cable contracts have massively increased revenue in the past decade or two. Loria picked just the right time to buy.
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