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How fucking mad is he right now? His "legacy" is a

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How fucking mad is he right now?

His "legacy" is a corpse being literally taken to the SB by a defense and a win over literal Grossman. The other half is losing to two manlets in utterly embarrassing ways.

>His 2* rings will forever haunt him compared to his brother's 2 rings.
>His brother is literally his rival's kryptonite.
>Brady beat the Seahawks
>Brady completes the greatest comeback of all time. Peyton is a choker.
>Brady is unequivocally named GOAT, in the NFL, compared to the likes of Jordan and others.
>Brady's still playing
Brady has ruined every legacy in this generation

Rodgers looks like a choking douche bag compared to Brady and hes easily the most talented passer ever
I really like Peyton, but at this point he can't even be considered a top 10 QB anymore.
And any discussion about him vs Brady is completely closed.
Fuck you bitch what did rex do to you to deserve that.
What's Peyton's super bowl stats anyway?
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>brady ages like fine wine
>he ages like he's 70 in his last three years in the league
>more famous for a stupid insurance jingle and shitty cardboard tasting pizza
>make more money from pizza franchises where pot is legal instead of nfl salary
>Manning P. 2 of 4
>Manning E. 2 of 2
>Brady T. 5 of 7

Holy fuck, Brady is so good it's disgusting.
I doubt Manning cares, he's still one of the best QBs ever.

Surely he's in the conversation for top 5.
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This is not counting Brady's 466 yard 69% 99 passer rating game
Manning threw more picks than TDs in 06 and 15 in the postseason. Literally the only QB to ever be bailed out that hard.

>wins a super bowl because von miller ate cam newton for breakfast

i mean at least eli made plays that helped the football giants win the owl.
Manning isn't even top 5, regular season babby. Always choked in the playoffs and got carried by defense in his two superbowls, got lucky by playing grossman, and choked in the other 2 Super Bowls
I think most people here were too young to watch prime Manning. Watching him curve up defenses was special man nobody did what he did
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Yeah I can imagine how special throwing to 2 hall of fame receivers and 2 other all-pros for a majority of your career must be
>almost double the games played
>same number of ints
>5x as many TDs
>never got gifted a ring by Rax
>never got gifted a ring by his defense
To be frank, BB's scheme is too complicated for the average nigger, hence why you see the Pats with so many white dudes. They just have a better conceptual view of the playbook.

Brady's got Gronk too
Brady has exactly 1 ring because of Gronk and 0 because of Moss
Manning is still a mount rushmore qb, even though Brady is better.

Greatest Regular Season Qb ever, it's a shame people always feel like they have to shit on another guy in order to make their favorite player look better instead of appreciating them in their own right.

Manning won an mvp in Denver with no hall of famers, probably could argue he should have had two but AP was a better story in 2012.

Also Reggie Wayne is a borderline hall of famer, at the very least he's going to have to wait awhile. There are so many good receivers in this generation that a guy that was a #2 for most of his career is going to take some convincing.
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Rumor has it Pats are looking at Deandre Hopkins I wanna see who we can acquire over the offseason
Tom Brady makes Peyton Manning look like Jay Cutler
>never got gifted a ring by his defense
Butler would like to have a word with you
Manning didn't perform where it mattered most. He's a HUGE disappointment in that regard.
The Pats defense was getting fucking raped that night by some kid named Chris Matthews and the Shithawks got to the goalline because of a meme catch
peyton is in the convo for top 15, maybe top 10, depending on who you talk to.

>Greatest Regular Season Qb ever,

Never won every game in a season. So, no.
and his greatest completely without Gronk ;)
Manning has always been an overrated meme. Fuck his and his "legacy".
You know what I mean, stop pretending to be retarded.

>play like absolute shit with spaghetti for arms
>defense BTFO $cam all night and shutsdown the panturd's offense


>put the team on your back and take the lead with two minutes left
>defense gives up another another another miracle catch
>make up for it two plays later
totally agree, but many hall of fame quarterbacks have bad postseason resumes

- Dan Marino
- Brett Favre
- Fran Tarkenton
. Y.A. Tittle
- Warren Moon
- Dan Fouts
- Sonny Jurgensen

Manning had a brilliant Prime, the second most career starts behind only Brett Favre, and has been unbelievably Consistent. Postseason is his only blemish, but even in that department he still won 2 rings. If you're going to rip him for the Denver Ring than you gotta Rip Brady for letting Drew Bledsoe throw the game winning touchdown vs the Steelers in the AFCCG or only scoring one offensive touchdown in the super bowl vs the rams.
>only scoring one offensive touchdown in the super bowl vs the rams.
And leading the game winning drive. That is what he won the Owl MVP award for.

Can anyone even name anything Peyton did to win his Owl MVP?
All of what you just said can be deflected with one fact.
>9 one and dones
Nothing Brady does or will do at this point will ever be as embarrassing
ALSO! He's played in a dome his whole career, when it comes to outdoors you see how much of a meme QB he is. He is only good under "prime" conditions, but you know, his super bowl stats (in a dome) don't really attest to him being exceptional either. He gets shook easy.

This. Pats D have given up big plays in every SB after the one against the Eagles. The difference is in these last 2 they've made up for it where as the ones against the Giants they didn't.

As a Pats fan if we were destined to lose two Super Bowls I'd rather us have won the two against the Giants and lose the last two. Those were our best teams in Pats history that lost those Bowls.
for beating one of the greatest defenses of the decade? A defense good enough to carry rex grossman to 13-3?

Why is it that Peyton gets shat on for Beating Rex Grossman but nobody gives Drew Brees crap for LOSING to the rex grossman led bears in a playoff game? Complete Hypocrisy

I never said Manning was better than Brady. Only it's completely ridiculous to not thing Manning is an all time great.
You would give up the greatest Football ever played just to win with a "dream team" that's nuts dude. You sound like a NBA fan.

The 2011 team was a historically bad defence
he has a 95-41 record outdoors, nice meme though.
Brady dragged that team to a SB they had no business being in. Brady's finest overall performance IMO.
19-0 season>>>Greatest SB comeback
That's true but I wanted Hernandez and Welker to get a ring(s)
Manning has no reason to be mad; he is, afterall, superior to Tom Brady

In team sports with many players on the field, excellence is not measured by how many titles you got.

It is the case for individual sports (see Phelps and his thousands of medals, or Federer with all his titles), but as far as winning super bowls, there's too many variables here.

>oops! your star runningback is hurt
>oops! other team's coaching staff are schooling your team's coaching staff
>oops! The GM is clueless and your teammates suck
>oops! star receiver barely slept last night and isn't 100%
>oops! punter missed an easy field goal!
>oops! You lost the coin toss so your offence won't participate in the overtime, sorry!
Moss not getting a ring hurt me more than Pats not being 19-0 after that L
Moss got one with the Niners
Never mind I thought he did.
No he didn't, they got refballed by the Ravens for Ray Lewis fairy tale ending
>>oops! You lost the coin toss so your offence won't participate in the overtime, sorry!
There he goes again
you literally know nothing, Pedro. time to put the keyboard away and go to bed.
Manning still took two different teams to the owl and won...Both teams he played for went to shit after he left while The pats still win without Brady ..so Manning still has an upper hand
Manning is easily top 5. He would have been #1 if he had performed well in big moments.

That Denver team with no hall of famers still had Demarius Thomas, Emmanuel Sanders, Wes Walker and Julius Thomas. So it's not like Manning was playing with scrubs there...

Manning padded his stats by playing the majority of his career in a division that contained TWO expansion teams and a relocated Oilers franchise.
pretty much this...

His entire career will go down as getting fucked by Michigan guys

>tfw lose Heisman to Woodson
>tfw forever compared to Brady as a pro
LOL keep telling yourself that bud... Did you see Manning in the playoffs last year?? He was awful.

Dilfer did more when the Ravens D won the Owl in 2001.
>In team sports with many players on the field, excellence is not measured by how many titles you got.
It is measured by how you preform. Hence Peyton is known for not playing well in big games, and that was more often than not his legacy. Elway was probably one of the most physically gifted QBs, but went 2-3 in Owls and had like 3 TDs and 8 picks in those games. Montana did not have the mobility or the arm that Elway did, and yet went 4-0 with like 11 td and 0 picks. That is clutch. Peyton is not.
both Peyton and Tom had wes welker though, and Brady had prime Wes Welker.

Point Being Manning produced with a large amount of different weapons, some made him better some he made better.

Titans of the mid 00's had some good defenses. But you have a point, I can only say that Peyton didn't choose to go the AFC South, and his numbers outside his division games are still very good.
That's not a route you want to take. Texans, Titans and Jags were for many years better than AFC East. Most years during Brady's career the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins were flat out terrible. A few years Jets had decent teams. AFC South routinely put up better competition for Manning, for a number of years Jaguars had one of the best defenses in the league and a good running game.
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>if he had performed well in big moments
You could say that about any of the top-10,000 quarterbacks
but you can't say any of the other 10,000 quarterbacks were as dominant for nearly two decades or have the second most career starts only to brett favre

Look, I get it, he choked a lot, and his tarnished postseason legacy keeps him from being Goat. But he also had some very good playoff games as well. He's an all time great, just not THE all time great.
And it all comes down to playing good teams in the playoffs. Chicken Parm has the most one and dones, Brady has the most titles.
Peyton Manning is a pretender, he is the Dan Marino to Tom's Montana.
He's really really good at blowing out shitty teams, then when has to face actually good defenses he is exposed every time. He literally is the reason they changed the rules to make it impossible to play defense, yet he still gets BTFO in the playoffs consistently.
Football is a team sport you know.
at least he's no longer the biggest playoff choker. that title now belongs to Matt Ryan

Matt Ryan will fade from memory soon enough but among people who will still be remembered, Peyton is still top choker.
i just don't think a bunch of one-and-dones top blowing the biggest leads in Super Bowl and NFCCG history considering that most of Peyton's losses were at Foxboro or against teams that ran the ball down his throat?

also, Peyton never missed the playoffs after starting 5-0
I do. Do you know who touches the ball every play on offense, adjusts plays, and down the stretch has to execute?
Name someone not named Brady or Montana that belongs above Peyton Manning by a clear margin. He's a top 5 QB to anyone who isn't delusional.
Brady is far and away the GOAT, and Montana is second by a wide margin, but after that is Manning. You could may be argue for Elway or Unitas above him, but that's really about it.


Brady hall of fame first ballot
I have Manning Fourth after Brady, Montana, and Staubach.

Staubach was clearly the best qb of his era imo in a time that was very hard to play qb.
I agree with this.

Skill wise Peyton far outshines Montana. However he just couldn't get it done or be consistent in the playoffs, where it matters most and against the better teams.
So it's all Brady's fault the Pats lost twice against the Giants, and against the Colts then Broncos in AFC championship games?
Brady has the highest winning percentage in the regular season
Jags and Titans used to be really good though
and bart starr has the highest winning percentage in the postseason

winning percentage does not necessarily mean the best, it's obviously a very important stat, but it's not the end all be all for a qb.
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Not all, but largely. Pass rush can hurry a throw or make a QB move. He still can get around it, make a play, or get sacked, throw a pick or incompletion.

Same as its on Peyton to preform in those moments.
And we have seen who was clutch.

He was a choker in college and in the pros. Don't forget, kids.
Truth. He never beat Florida, and didn't even lead the SEC in passing the year he was up for the Heisman.
Take these two and extrapolate for a 16 game season.
Brady: 4500 yards 34 TDs, 12 Ints.
Manning: 4, 000 yards 15 TDs, 20 Ints.
If the maths wrong or off well so what I'm taking a shit anywyas
*manning 12 TDs. Sorry I gave him too much credit.
The committee will put Brady in faster than they decided on Farve, which was like 10 seconds.
>P & E Mannings: 4 of 6
>T Brady: 5 of 7

even combining them still can't match the GOAT
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lul try harder
Made a shit ton of cash
Has NFL records right now
Went out on top with his 2nd SB
Team went to shit when he retired
Makes tons of money from nationwide and Papa John's

I think he's good.
peyton had almost 20 years and he only won 2
>Went out on top with his 2nd SB

>Implying he didn't Revolver Ocelot cuck his way into the SB
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Imagine Peyton watching SB 51 and in the first half saying to himself "yes, the Falcons are doing to Brady what the Seahawks did to me! Now we'll both go down in history as chokers..."

And then once Brady comes back Peytons just sitting there like "WHY THE FUCK DOES HE KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT."
I would love to have won '08 I mean that will always haunt us, but I totally disagree about 2011 dude. The offense was stellar but the defense was awful. It would've been nice to beat the Giants in revenge but whatever

I think if we were destined to lose two I would've wanted to lose superbowl 51 and 2011. 2008 we should've won because we went undefeated and because that was truly the best Pats team ever. But beating the Seahawks was important because that showed that a so-called unbeatable defense could be picked apart by Brady.

In a perfect timeline we would've won them all but the only one I truly wished we won was '08. Never fucking forget
I dunno man. I don't know that it counts as a choke since they never led but the way the Seahawks eviscerated him and his #1 offense in the league 4 owls ago will always bring a smile to my face whenever reflecting on Manning's status.

Quickest points in Superbowl history thanks to that snap. Manning was lucky to get a garbage time TD so as to not get a donut for that performance.
Brees is the best passer of all time Rodgers is the most gifted
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Number of free pizzas given away by Peyton Manning: 2 million

Number of free pizzas given away by Tom Brady: 0

So you tell me, when some little orphan who was rescued by Papa John's grows up to cure rectal cancer or some other thing, what will Brady's legacy REALLY be?
in reality, he probably texted brady to congratulate him.
>tfw the NFL is forced to enshrine Brady as GOAT Messiah
>tfw The Brady Revenge Tour actually happened
Tell that to dan Marino
Literal who

Pats fan here.

The idea that our offensive scheme is more complex than another team's is utter poppycock.

There are other teams that run similar offensive schemes, even some you would not expect to, such as the steelers.
>Both teams went to shit
The colts made it to the AFC championship in 2014.
its a shame the GOAT has losing records vs both on playoffs.
That he didn't make some poor orphan grow up to hate pizza.
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>5 of 7
>Too bad it couldn't be 7 of 7
>projecting your own insecurity onto Peyton Manning
Sure, Peyton is a competitor but he's content that he's done what he could.

You, on the other hand, have accomplished NOTHING and yet you are dickriding Brady to talk shit about other players. Sad!
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this face some how bet the legendary tom 2 times and will always be my QB.
>projecting your own insecurity into your post

Go look at Favre super bowl stats and compare them for Manning. Come on, get this list outta here.
>greatest defenses of the decade

How many HoF were on that defense?
Just Urlacher
He's not wrong. It's not an all-time great defense, but it was one of the best ones of the decade.
Must've been either 2 things:

1)NFC (which is the case here) had an off season


2)It was a shit decade for defenses (Can't be this when you have the 00 Ravens, 03 Bucs, 07 Giants)
Favre has had plenty of postseason choke jobs, often before the super bowl.
It's a tale of 2 halfs. First half of his career, he had some monster games, including cucking the Niners a few times. 2nd half, nothing but a tease.
I'm a Pats fan but I've never felt we have to shit on Manning in order to elevate Brady. Brady is secure as the GOAT so there is no need to keep diminishing Peyton. He's top 5 and if not for Brady and the Pats could have a couple of extra rings himself.
that Bears defense got two interceptions off Brady that year and held the pats offense to 17 points despite 3 grossman interceptions.
Listen, I'm not saying they were as good as any of those teams, but they are top 10 in the decade.
Why do people say that like it's a new thing? Brady was a first ballot pick since 2004. His legacy was in stone over ten years ago, he's just stacking the box at this point
Eli guaranteed himself immortality that year when he cucked Brady out of the only legacy he'll probably ever regret not having. A perfect season

Hell, we wouldn't be here without Eli because he cucked Brady so hard that moot had to make /sp/ to keep the posts in /b/ contained
Favre only went to two while Peyton went to four.

And people also forget that Peyton is the only qb in the AFC to beat Brady THREE times in the AFC CHampionship. The only other qb to beat Brady in an AFCC was Flacco
>Favre only went to two while Peyton went to four.

So what? We were comparing Mannings 4 to Brady's 7.
Don't forget about getting raped so hard by Nebraska they awarded them a coach's championship.
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Pats fan here - agreed.
Butler's interception means shit if Brady doesn't score 14 points in the second half
Some edgy cunt will still vote against him tho - Trump will probably be the reason.
pey peyy
Domebaby. Compare his away vs home passer rating and you'll probably be surprised by what you see.
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