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How can one """"""""""sport""""""""""""

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How can one """"""""""sport"""""""""""" be so broken?

I actually thought the NFL had some redeeming qualities considering it's a nice way to socialize since you only need to pay attention a couple of minutes every hour but after seeing how OT works in handegg I just think this semen slurping """""""""sport"""""""""""" is not for me...or anyone with a litttle bit of self-respect desu
>women watching matters
gay super bowl party right?
Look at all the weak chins and limp wrists.
Aren't they all
>that guy wearing black on the left in the corner by himself

Must post on /sp/
Superbowl parties are pathetic. I'm watching the game not there to party or watch commercials. I'll go to BBQs for pregame and then either watch the game by myself or go to my parents' house to watch it with just my dad.
>that fag with an extremely deep v neck and drinking wine
Its alright to acknowledge that your primitive Aztec brain can;t process the complexity of a sport requiring more attention than just watching kicking a ball into a net.

Still, you are paying for the wall.
>Nu males
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I bet you don't like the parties because you don't want to share your food
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LOL Look all these people not watching football

Not me silly! I've making a selfie and posting on reddit xD

I'm surprised it wasn't just a picture of all those guys butt fucking each other.
>implying people actually watch handegg
>new to town
>never been good at socializing or making friends
>might have a touch of autism
>guy at work is really nice. Cool guy who talks about sports
>tries to chat me up must see that im lonely
>we get into some friendly bantz about the owl he invited me to his party
>gladly accept maybe this is the year i come out of my shell
>maybe ill even meet a cute girl who likes sports who knows
>get there mostly a sausage party, football game should have figured
>me and friend really hitting it off. Getting really into the game. Cant believe Atl is winning! Wheres the GOAT??
>start noticing theres only about three people watching the game, kinda weird
>lady gaga is announced. Whole room cheers in excitement
>start noticing their clothes and mannerisms
>theyre gay. All of them
>realize how "nice" friend was being
>hey anon, i dont care for the show only the game. How about we go to my room and talk?
>to autistic to say no
>reluctantly follow friend
>suck a little dick and fuck cute butt
>come back out to see pats have tied it
>brady wins the game. Best nigh ever
And that guys is how i turned gay
Ya because the way it works in soccer is so much better

>scores 1-1, or more likely 0-0
>at the 90 minute mark
>"I dunno, we have all this technology we could figure out injury time exactly, or just stop the fucking clock in the first place, but I think it was about 4 minutes"
>lets play go on for 5 or so until someone notices or the home team loses the ball
>game ends 1-1
>liverpool wins!
>it's a gringoboo episode
Good post. Loved every laugh and got a chub
hey congrats man
Hopefully baseball will make a comeback in America

Just as good, if not better for socializing, more fun to watch alone, more games, and superior sport.
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It already started. The MLB is making more money than it ever has, attendances are up and there's lots of exciting young talent in the league. The whole NFL concussion/cte thing is also actively pushing parents to put their kids into little league as opposed to football programs. I also think we'll see a lot more college players picking baseball as opposed to football (there's a fairly large number of players who get drafted for both)
Oh wow, that was quite a spicy piece of banter there, leaf.
MLB sucks and won't be great again until they go back to the steroid era.

nobody wants to watch no hitters.
i agree, i've always loved it
me on the left
but there was only 1 no hitter last year. and ya I agree, watching bonds get walked over and over again was super exciting
this is why I simply can't take American sports seriously

Americans don't even like sports, they just use it as yet another excuse to eat shitty food and drink shitty beer, just like on """"""""""St. Patrick's Day"""""""""""", which has nothing to do with Irish culture or like """""""""""""""Cinco de Mayo""""""""""" which has nothing to do with Mexican culture.

Pathetic, just pathetic.
Peña pls go back to work
You mean running and kicking a ball back and forth? Poorball is boring as hell, i'd rather watch commercials than a bunch of skinny white dudes running back and forth.
your country has an entire month dedicated to drunken debauchery, you're really in no position to talk.

Also ya, americans shouldn't be allowed to have fun. They should just soberly starve like the rest of the world
>I hate myself
>the post
But it's part of our culture, we don't pretend to like things as an excuse to drink.
Irish and latino immigrants are a huge part of american's culture. There are more irish people in the US than there are in ireland.
I'd hate myself too if I had to live in that shithole with America right across the border.
Why do people these days look so fucking homo and degenerate?

Everyone looks the same. No individuality or free thought.
This somes up the male faggots of this generation. What a bunch of fucking homos
They're not really irish you know
That is literally a group of homosexuals, geniuses....

>Irish people in the US

ah you mean that one autistic guy/girl who won't shut up about his great-grandmother being irish, and therefore that makes his entire family irish, even though his last name is literally Smith

yea they're irish alright
You mean there are more people of English descent with one Irish grandparent who claim to be Irish. It's the same thing with our "Germans". Like half of them are more English than they are German.
there's a good chance they have a little bit of irish in them. If there's one thing the irish were good at it was breeding. They came over here on their boats and once they found out they could have all the potatoes and whiskey they want, they just started fucking anything and everything
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what a bunch of faggots, looks nothing like the superbowl party I was at
when it was time for Gaga most of us just went outside to smoke/vape, or use the bathroom, or go to the kitchen to eat more food
the worst part is these are mostly "men"

>calling other people faggots

nice subtle b8
not my fault some people want to quit cigarettes
Exactly, "a little bit of Irish". If your whole family is of English descent but you've got one Irish grandparent, that doesn't make you Irish just because you claim it does. Just makes you an idiot.

Like that other anon said, that's literally a party of gay men.
Better get used to it, because immigration won't stop just because of a wall
Why do Americans claim Irish or German ancestry over English ancestry?
I suspected it was a gay party after taking a good look at the people, but why even have a Super Bowl party if your only interest is the 15 minute song and dance shit?
Being Irish or German makes you special. In a country where everyone speaks English, where half the states are named after places in England, where 19 of the 20 most common last names are English....there's nothing cool about being English. It's the default.
more fun to be Irish or German I guess
Well that's the reason that st patricks day is such a big deal here. Irish immigrants.

Whether you retards like to admit it or not, there were a motherfuckton that came over here and to the US during and after the potato famine. Its also kind of a celebration of how they were treated like garbage when they came over here (literally worse than the blacks) but overcame that and basically took over.
Its just a party. The super bowl is just background noise
First of all, those """Irish"""" are like 4th or 5th generation """"Irish"""" aka Americans

And also, there are literally blacks celebrating St. Patrick's Day, it's not about Irish culture, don't kid youself.
Just like all those white Americans don't give one single shit about Mexican culture on Cinco de Mayo
Immigration from Mexico actually hit zero 3 years ago. Last year there were actually more Mexicans leaving the US and going back to Mexico than there were leaving Mexico and coming to the US.

The problem are those fucking Guatemalans and the drug cartels.
Of course there are a ton. But their numbers have been wildly overestimated.
>No Black Males

What a suprise.
There really isn't a difference between Guatemalans, Mexicans, Colombians and Salvadorans etc. They're all short, brown, violent manlets who speak Spanish.
>literally worse than the blacks

The blacks were literally slaves when the Irish showed up. There was an Irish-American president while blacks still weren't allowed to vote or even use the same water fountains as whites.
Black men are less likely to be gay, and those that are tend to stay in the closet.
>11 minutes playing

why do yurofaggots keep spouting this?
watch any condensed game on youtube and you'll see that the ball is in play for at least half an hour
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The fact that this is a selfie and not a normal photo triggers me.

I hope that guy gets testicular cancer.
I just don't get that sort of thing
>Black men are less likely to be gay

are you stupid?

Literally the opposite is the case.

Its just an excuse to get together, drink, chat, have fun and occasionally check the TV
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>most of us just went outside to smoke/vape
Sorry, they're less likely to be openly gay.
There's more historical and cultural significance in both those holidays than octoberfest. Its just used as an excuse to get shitfaced in public, when is the last time one of your countries kings married a princess? Its unironically the exact same thing.

Celebrating stuff with your fellow man is good, even if you don't really give a shit about what you're celebrating. Like who really cares about the significance of Christmas anymore? Its not even on the right day. I know jews who put up christmas trees and decorations just because they like them better and it looks nice
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>he doesn't rip a sweet peach/mago/berry vape with his bros
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Maybe for a decade or two, until the irish started multiplying. and people would still rather hire the blacks post-slavery than irish, and the irish had to advertise that they would work cheaper than the blacks to get jobs. Signs like pic related were quite common
That isn't true.
I actually had a stopwatch out last night and timed everything. The actually time the ball was in play was 15 minutes and 04 seconds. The longest time the ball was in play was 11.4 seconds and that was a punt return including hang time of the punt.
Doesn't change the fact that the Irish were accepted into society much more quickly than the blacks.

1960: Irish guy gets elected president of the US
1965: Black people finally get the right to vote

There's a pretty clear difference in how the two groups were treated.
First of all, Octoberfest is a Southern German thing and it is to celebrate the harvest season.

>when is the last time one of your countries kings married a princess?

what do you mean by this?

We stopped having kings in the 19th century and haven't been a monarchy since 1918
the first octoberfest was to celebrate king ludwig marrying Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen
There isn't really, the number of Germans and the number of Irish in the US is about the same, even though both populations are wildly overestimated. So Oktoberfest and St Patrick's day are theoretically on the same level.

And Germany hasn't had a king in like 100 years...
>I hope that guy gets testicular cancer.

AIDS is far more likely
Its a pretense for socializing....not that any of you would understand.
Its part of Bavarian culture actually.
not exclusively bavarian, southern german in general

swabians for example also celebrate octoberfest
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He's right you know.

You are basically watching foreplay based around who is going to top and who is to bottom.

It is nice to see who the actual football fans are for next season though.
yeah, compared to back when all men wore suit+white shirt+tie+coat+hat+same haircut.
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>go to my parents' house to watch it with just my dad.

watching sports with your dad is the best
>not the opposite
fucking nu male cucks i swear , fuck lady gaga
Don't worry anon, a bit of buttsex won't make you gay, just like drinking a bit of cachaça won't make you Brazilian.
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>fuck lady gaga

that was a great halftime show foh
I didn't watch it , expected some fuck DRUMPF XDD performance
it really wasn't. her message was just pro unity but not in a snarky liberal fuck drumpf xDDDD way. was pleasantly surprised
This is some advanced shitposting.
my party had 4 guys and 6 or 7 girls

that "party" sucks
She showed uprising restraint during the show. Must have occurred to her at some point before hand that she was in Texas.

Though that descending and dancing suspended on wires thing was objectively retarded.
However, newfags drinking cachaça may be led to buttsex. Really tinkles my dinkles
> american 'parties'

why the fuck you all aint drunk off your tits?
The ones that were black out drunk presumably wouldn't be able to take a picture. So now the only proof that exist is normies watching the game.
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nice house
been to enough parties to know that this one is dead in the water. body language is way too stiff. everyone needs to get drunk, put away their phones and start acting like a bellend.
sports are like religion.
the smarter you get the more you realize its dumb tribalistic behavior to indulge in.
thats why both are getting less popular over time as human intelligence rises.
millennials will simply never care about a team and emotionally invest in a team the way their grandparents did.
also, the leagues are probably too saturated overall. and they move too much.
What happens when people become too intelligent to be intelligent.
The only people without limps wrists these days are uneducated minimum wage faggots and gym rats trying to boost their shitty self-esteem. The economy has left your macho ideal behind.
Stop being lazy and take some pride in yourself
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Look at the centering and the obvious disapproval in the second image. He clearly took both pictures out of disdain for the rest of the crowd.
that couch is the real mvp

The sport isn't the problem there, the "fans" are

Look at them

Bunch of fags
>bunch of fags

Exactly. It was literally a party for gay dudes, I've seen this on twitter.
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>because immigration won't stop just because of a wall
Are you telling me a wall won't stop people from overstaying their visas?
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I'm sure the "Irish" just "poofed" outta nowhere onto that island so special like. No, they have just forgotten their roots like so many others, unlike the Americans, who appreciate their roots.
pay for wall
Does fit people triggers you my burger????
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>women watching matters


pic related
meanwhile this faggot is taking selfies and stitching together meme pictures in photoshop while football is on
They should just skip the entire game and go straight to the penalty shootout.


the fucked up part
he's not baiting
legit loled
>requiring more attention than just watching kicking a ball into a net

Yeah, it requires running a 'ball' into a rectangle of grass, HOW COMPLEX
They waste their days shitposting on a siberian black market daguerreotype distribution center

this. no fat americans here. only 30% of gay americans are not fat. all others are very fat.

this is what
They all look extremely gay
NFL is all about advertising, football is so irrelevant they let it be decided on a coin toss
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I'll probably get memed on but the half time show is 14mins uninterrupted. The game is a few seconds of play followed by ads. That's why the two images are different.
>even the faggy american that's shaming the rest of the faggy americans isn't watching the game

This, watching American football is a joke with all the commericals. I can't grasp how Americans take it seriously, says a lot about their society desu.
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