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/nfl/ general - Offseason Edition

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Thread replies: 516
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Patriots win the Super Bowl and the Falcons blew the biggest lead in Super Bowl history

Brady won MVP
man bill simmons is going to be insufferable(more than usual) for the next year
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What did they mean by this?
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How is he not the GOAT SP?
Fuck you, Canadian piece of shit. Fuck off. Your country has accomplished nothing.
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Is something wrong?
Does anyone have that comic where Riley Cooper and Nick Foles go and prank Michael Vick by burning a cross on his front lawn? I've been searching for it for years and have yet to find it again. I swear I'm the only one who remembers it.
Why didn't James White win mvp?
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>IT WAS 28-3
gonna need a Brady trophy edit with Matt Ryan
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who p/a/ts here?
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I now know how the liberals felt in November. Fuck me.
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Here's some good quality audio of the booing of Goodell postgame
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>the greatest catch in superb owl history was made by a white reciever

the COLONIZED crusade carries on
Fuck you, Serbian piece of shit. You're country's a shithole too. Russia will own you before 2020.
The Patriot WRs don't get enough credit. Their white guys run crisp perfect routes. Their cross patterns tonight were unbelievably hard for Atlanta to cover.



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Which jersey should I get bros?
I'm thinking either Edelman or Lewis
Reminder that only one team was able to beat Brady. Bow down to the Brady-beaters.
Man, I'm kind of pissed I stopped watching at the half.
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>tfw knew the game was over the moment Edelman made that catch
that was some David Tyree shit
you know brady will get at least one more ring before he retires
Me too thank God i started watching again from the 4th quarter.
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kek imagine if the fade on the goal line in overtime had gotten intercepted
>all these f-bombs on the postgame

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Also, does anyone have any nice webms of the Owl?
This is the first super bowl I've ever watched and commentators keep saying it's the best ever

Are they exaggerating?
There were next to no Atlanta fans on /sp/ before the SB.

We might never see one again.
Texans defense I think could have beat him too the way they pressured him for 3 quarters if they had a better offense and QB. That's just how the cookie crumbles, no organization has been able to have all the pieces like the Patriots.
love both but Edelman has withstood the test of time
Boston voted for Shill dog too, mate.

there are probably more Falcon trump supporters than New England ones.
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>no football for 6 months
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It was the greatest comeback of all time
Nope, 2 records were broke that day.

No team was able to make a comeback after loosing more than 20 points, and no team won in the overtime.
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>previous owl won on an interception on the goal line
>Brady throws at the goal line anyways
No they are not memeing. It's the biggest come back and the first overtime superbowl in history. It's debatable if it's the greatest ever, but it's not even a debate that this is in the top 5.
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>they replayed the tyree catch right after

thank you greatest ally
i screamed when they did that
the pats of all teams should know to fucking run it on the goal line
Most people of Georgia voted Trump but supported the Falcons.
I know. It hurts.
I want to die.
Correction, there has never been an overtime in the Owl before tonight.
that was the first over time in Super Bowl History and biggest Comeback
I guess I got meme'd into watching it again next year
So no memeing is brady actually better than montana or just had a better career.
>there has never been an overtime in the Owl before tonight.

Yep i should have wrote in the SuperBowl.
Has Lake killed herself?
Would the Packers have done better than the Falcons? Or the Cowboys?
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Why does every sports conversation now involve Trump


because patsfags are fucking autists
Brady has been to more Super Bowls
Brady has won more Super Bowls
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Everyone bringing up trump are the people opposing the pats you fucking moron
the internet was a mistake
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>tfw every Brady victory cements Eli's legacy as well because he's the only one to beat them twice
>went to 7 owls
>won 5

>went to only 4
>won all 4

by volume brady had over took him long ago, but /sp/ brady haters kept memeing montana was the GOAT

now there is literally no argument after coming back from the biggest deficit in owl history
read the thread again retard
because trump haters dont know when to drop it after they lost the election
cant imagine how good the patriots will be next year when gronk is healthy again
Seriously does anyone else remember this comic? I remember it in vivid detail but have yet to find anyone else who remembers it. There is no trace of it on the internet either. I know there is one panel where foles transforms into blue eyes white dragon, and another where Michael vick is reading a dogfighting book while Foles and Cooper are setting up a burning cross on his front yard.
>4th & 33
>More rings
>GOAT regular season numbers
>team that can't beat McCarthyball

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>McCourty talking about postgame party and Wild Bill Belichick


Hmm so twice in 3 years Brady has beaten a team in the Owl that eliminated and embarrassed Rodgers

Where are all the really really likes women man fans now?
The rest of the NFL has to get their shit together. Brady is not going away for a few years.
>Doug Kyed @DougKyed 21m21 minutes ago
>Robert Kraft said Tom Brady's mother had been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation all season.

Seems Brady's mum has cancer. Sucks.
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>Brady will go on to either retire as the officially solidified GOAT or go for a 6th ring
>Matt Cryan will go on to be irrelevant as the Falcons once again become the bitch of the NFC South.
Tonight was a great night.
packers would have gotten ravaged
It's not their fault, it's hard to beat greatness.
Yeah and she just barely got healthy enough to watch the game
This never would have happened if Lake shoved that football up his ass like a good sport
The Falcons will be a dumpster fire next year. Keeping a team together after a SB loss is hard. Keeping them together after a meltdown is hard. Keeping them together after a 25 point SB losing meltdown is impossible.
8 years cuckboi
I don't think so. Packers don't have a good enough defense.
>hurrr he played like shit and got his team into a hole in the first half, therefore that makes him better

joe montana never had to come back from being down 25 because he was never down 25 because he was GOAT.
brady seems like an ok person outside of being apart of the patriots and the whole using illegal tapes to win
Seahawks? Giants?
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>the city of Marky Mark
>biggest choke in NFCCG history
>miss playoffs after going 5-0
>biggest choke in Super Bowl history
turns out that Matt Ryan was the problem, not Mike Smith
The loss won't effect much. It's business as usual just like any team. Getting to the superbowl is big. The patriots have lost two painful superbowls. Didn't seem to effect them.
>durrr muh montana was better because only won 4 and didnt made the biggest comeback in nfl superbowl history and won it in ot

Whos the great nfl team ever?
like the best year any team has ever had and will prob beat anyone who came against it
>Matt Ryan is the 8th straight MVP who played in the Super Bowl that season to lose in the game.

MVP curse?
If Hillary Clinton deserves prosecution because of destroying evidence, then Tom Brady deserved punishment for breaking his cell phone too
>it's business as usual

Did you see the Panthers this year?
but surely like the guy said montana and his team was never bad enough to go 25 point down.

kys is not an argument
Ryan won't play as well after tonight, I guarantee that much.
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>betting against trump
>memeing already

here's your (you) it wasn't even all bradys fault, and when it counted, he came through which is signs of the GOAT

no disrespect to montana at all, but he didn't even make it to that many owls and minus a tyree catch and some drops and brady would be 7-0 and you couldn't meme
The good news is neither of those things are true, so you're in the clear there.

Honestly it's more that MVP goes to great offensive players, and, if you'll pardon the cliche, defense wins championships.
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this. i really didn't care who won tonight, i just wanted it to be a good game (which it was) but now it's another 6 months for any kind of game. i dont know what im gonna do /sp/
they both had real shit offenses
falcons were the most complete team in the NFC

eli is 2-0 against brady

we need eli and tom to play for the right to be called GOAT
did you ever tell us your girlfriends name?
1985 Chicago Bears
It's hard to say. I like the Giants on defense over the seahawks, but I like the seahawks offense over the Giants. The Falcons are hot going into this game and the playoffs itself. I don't know if any other team in the AFC could have beat them. The Falcons still played an amazing 1st half, you can't take that away from them.
Yeah right after I got dubs.
So, how likely is it that the Falcons -- like the Panthers the year before -- will miss the playoffs this upcoming season?
>bad enough

If you going to use that shitty argument, dynasty, then monata wasn't good enough since brady won 5 and Montana has only 4

So kys, bong
dang, i missed it in the flurry of posts
Very likely. Ryan and Jones won't be as effective plus the Cowboys will still be a heavy favorite to win the NFC next year.
The super bowl loser curse.
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>the city of NFCS
does the S stand for shit?
gotta show us the goods first
Brady is on pace to pass chicken parm's statpadded regular season meme stats and has already blown away almost every record Montana has ever had in the playoffs, there is 0 dispute unless you are blinded by hatred
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Rate this catch.
because /pol/ sticks their slimy head out whenever they get involved in shit.
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He overthrew like 3 or 4 passes that game. The only real blemish was the pick for 6.

the real reason that Atlanta got the lead it did was that the NE defense needed to adjust to facing a competent offense for the first time all year. And they did late in the 3rd.
How good was charles hayley?
>the julio catch will not even be remembered because of this
what a game
Singlehandedly made me abandon years of /pol/-induced distrust towards Jews
There are three reasons Brady haters won't recognize his greatness.
1. Tuck rule
2. Spygate
3. Deflate gate

But even then, all you have to do is take a look at his stats, his playoff stats and this super bowl to know he's the undisputed GOAT.
he was probably second to reggie white
So this is what it feels like to cuck another team with a meme catch...
Edelman hasn't been quite as good as he once was since he fucked up his finger and tipped a ball for an interception in the colts game last year. However, he's still a very athletic player who can get open so often, and before that he would catch every pass that came is way. Hopefully he finds his stunning form again, but for now very good is still good enough.
better than Helmet Catch/10

this can't be successfully refuted
desu the Falcons had some retarded play calls at the end.

On the 3rd and 1 where Ryan gave the ball away, why the fuck were they dropping back and passing? Run it. Run down the clock and be done with it.

Then deep in Pats territory, Ryan takes a sack, offensive holding brings the ball back. Again, why didn't they run it? They were in field goal range. Going up 11 points would have been huge. And then their last drive...they just gave up.
>People doubted a comeback from the comeback kid in the single most important game of his life

Lmao one day you niggers will learn, wait until he gets Gronk back
Feels good to finally get a lucky meme catch to win the owl.

After the giants and seacucks one and that julio catch, i thought i will never see one for the pats
but reggie white only has 1 ring
last time i checked 5>1
Falcons 3rd down playcalls were suspect from the get go tho.
>wait until he gets Gronk back
You do realize that this was his last game right?
back-to-back Owls to close out his career, just like Elway, except actually playing well in both instead of leaning on his run game. calling it right now.
Nah Pats need a threat, Brady can't just drag meme receivers every year
the fact that he's still this good at 39 is convincing enough for me. Peyton was getting dragged kicking and screaming to his owl while Montana was already retired at that age
Anyone see Gisele's reactions?

God damn Brady has the best life
>brady retiring at 39

Haha, no
>Brady can't just drag meme receivers every year
This is literally the Patriots system. Belichick takes fucking Lacrosse players and turns them into beasts.
Maybe im wrong but didnt he say that this was his last game or something. I hope this isnt true.
>don't play
>still win ring
>get to party like you were in the Super Bowl all along

must be the nicest feel to be Gronk right now, only second to Micheal Floyd
Brady confirmed he has 3-5 years left

keep dreaming lmaooo
fucking unbelievable
Pats playcalls in the first half were suspect at all the wrong times as well

Also, someone has to have capped that post where I predicted a meme pass play from Edelman, because I am an absolute wizard.
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What did we just watch?
Ohh, i think i read it somewhere that he wanted to retire after this game. I guess it was fake.

Double back to backs next season screencap this.
he wants to play till he's 45
White should have been the MVP. He was the only Patriot who worked hard all 4 quarters.
All his Super Bowls are flukes desu

Drew Brees is the true GOAT
poetic justice/10
>Jeremy Lundblad @JLundbladESPN 12m12 minutes ago
>NFL teams were 0-124 all-time in the playoffs when down by 17+ entering the 4th quarter per @pfref #Patriots
>Tens of thousands of years of human life and I get to live during the time of the Trump Presidency and the Brady/Belichick dynasty
I'm so fucking thankful
Are you there?
I have something I'd like to say to you.
the fucking stars aligning

He got pasted 49-3 by a Giants squad in the divisional round one year.

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What'd he do?
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Super bowl was boring tbhh
>brady & bill in the white house
sounds like a sitcom
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lmao can't wait until next year where they shit the bed just like the Panthers did this year.

Reminder that Bucs will win the NFC South next season.
he'll get the truck from Brady, which would be good enough for me. plus everyone and their dog knew Brady was getting MVP if the Pats won.

>won his Owl on a fluke pick-six by Peyton
do you even fact-check what you write?
So Blount leaves the team now right?
Whats the biggest blow out in sb history?
Bill's wife had similar odds at one point, I believe
>implying Brady didn't work hard all four quarters and it wasn't his oline fucking up for the first half.
scorewise it's the (technically 1990) Owl, San Fran over Denver, 55-10
55-10 49ers vs. Broncos
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how good was that 9ers team?
Maybe. They'll let him test FA certainly.
excuse me, the Bowl happened in 1990, it was for the 1989 season iirc
Cant be true. A large riot in a city where the urban area is dominated by negros is up in arms?

Fly fool fly
>"i thought i caught it but idk what the rule is. i dont think anyone knows the rule of what a catch is"

KEK based Edelman
More about how shit the AFC side was. NFC dominated for a good chunk of time.
this isn't funny guys. they did lots of good things and the ball just didn't bounce their way
who is the Tom Brady of anime and why is it this semen demon?


in her 40s and still the best in the industry
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>Charles Haley,
>Ronnie Lott
>Joe Montana
>Jerry Rice
>and (not really notable at the time) Steve Young on the bench

bretty gud
maybe. the could just nonexclusive franchise him for around 9 million. Maybe some fool trades a 2nd for him
what did the other guy say
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fuck the Falcons

plus the chargers got there on a fluke.
I felt it in my gut /sp/

I trusted in 4th quarter Brady and god rewarded me
that team vs this year patriots?
who would win?
>Pete Carroll and Dan Quinn gift wrapping 2 free Super Bowls to the Patriots
That team. This year's Patriots team wasn't even the best Patriots team.

Now, that 49ers team against the 04' Pats? That's another story.
the Vancouver riot after the Bruins won the cup was prolly my favorite
literally impossible to measure since rules are different.
also modern teams have seen west coast offense and will have the advantage whereas it was completely mindblowing back then
Faneca was robbed.
topkek, Julian

probably the Niners. The 2007 Pats team would beat them though.
Dan Quinn is permanently shook by Brady
Nikita was robbed.
Lol as usual skip is 100% useless.
Because trumps win is considered the biggest upset win of any type of competition ever and it JUST happened a couple of months ago
Also just check out some Twitter stuff where people are so mad that Brady is a trump supporter

And beat a black team in black history month
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Been watching the Green Bay Packers religiously since the 2003-2004 season (14 years old). Can reel off Packers stats, favre stats, Rodgers stats off the top of my head like nothing. She'd tears after the 4th and 26 game, also she'd tear when the Packers had an unbelievable meltdown again the Seahawks in the NFCCG two years ago. I defend rodgers on here all the time and irl as the best qb in history, go out of my way to defend him like he's my father, just like I used to defend favre.

This comeback that Brady did though was just incredible. Even though I
always have and always will say Rodgers is better then Brady in WHO IS BETTER? threads, I have always have had and always will have major respect for Brady. I couldn't help but laugh and smile watching him comeback and win once again. I'll admit that I thought the Patriots would lose when they were down 25 but I KNEW it would not be a blowout because the Patriots NEVER get blown out. They always make it close, ALWAYS. Seriously, when is the last time the Patriots got manhandled? The last time I can remember was against the Saints 7 or 8 years ago when the Saints were at the top.

So even though I'll will argue with everything I have that rodgers is better then Brady, I have an ultimate respect for he patriots and Brady. To do what they have done in a sport like the NFL with great parity and in the free agent Era is amazing to say the least.

Congratulations on the win, patriot fans. What a game.
>skeeup doubting the comback kid
>pulling for the kekbois all year

he somehow finds a way to get
Apparently Brady thinks his jersey was stolen from his locker
That isn't a riot.

That looks like a protest.

They're yell "change the rule" probably meaning OT rules.
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Man, fuck cancer.
>Seriously, when is the last time the Patriots got manhandled?

When they got shutout by Rex Ryan's Bill earlier this season.
Good game Falconbros
Ignore the shitposters, they're either division rivals or faggots
>James White sounds white

>Implying there are any Falcons left alive or not blackout drunk
Everyone will argue about who is the best QB of all time
but do most people agree that jerry rice is the greatest WR of all time?
Not running it 3 times after the Julio catch was much dumber than not running Lynch from the one in XLIX

Fight me
But Skip predicted the Patriots would win the Super Bowl before the season started and always stuck with his pick.
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>tfw you stopped watching the game because the pats were down by like 3 touchdowns with less than 10 minutes to go
to be fair, that was out of Tom's control seeing as he was still suspended and Brisket was the starter.
same. rodgers is my all time fav, but its an honor to see a dynasty like this
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Get Brady first, but if you have that already then Edelman.
as a cardinals fan, i was rooting for the falcons so they would have a superbowl. nobody deserves to stay in the basement with 0 for so long
yeah of course. then Randy Moss and Terrell Owens for #2 and #3
speaking of comebacks, what is your biggest comeback in Madden?

I was once down 31-0 halfway through the second quarter then won 52-31.
Nah you are right, and freeman, the running back, was slicing that pat d
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So happy.

why and the qb goat conversation be this unanimous?
wait for the Super Bowl winner jerseys to go on for sale and get Brady's
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>still thinks faggers is better than the UNDISPUTED GOATOAT
How can you watch that fucking game and say, damn, sure wish Rodgers was my qb there
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Shitattle vs Broncucks
>the falcons gave up a 0-31 run to end the game
knowing Rodgers he'd probably just have heaved it on the first OT play and gotten picked off
>bradys last two owls were nail biting, epic comeback wins

>peypeys last two owls were boring predetermined snorefests

really makes you think
Did they hand a "Our 29 year old Punter retired so he could work at Barstool" banner yet?
I would say, unbelievable, but I saw this coming

I don't know how you blow that lead though
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To think Brady could have 6 or 7 right now is making my mouth water for next year
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rodgers wouldn't have gotten sacked as much and wouldn't be over or underthrowing for most of the game
aint saying he's better, but be fair my dude
going off of some of the packer's playoff success, they would have lost the coin flip and the defense would have lost the game in a solid minute
Did anyone cap that post of trucy saying he'd leave /sp/ if the patriots won?
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This is why I hate patriot fans. Some packer fan goes out of his way to congratulate the Patriots and Brady and what do you know, patriot fans are still faggots about it.
>>bradys last two owls were nail biting, epic comeback wins
Every single Brady/Bill Owl was a nail biting epic. (Maybe except the Eagles one)

How does a team so precise and robotic just continuously spill their spaghetti in the Super Bowl and have to pull some bullshit shenanigans to win?
has a losing team ever had the SB mvp?
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The moment the Patriots won the coin toss I knew it was rigged.

All these story lines.

All this drama.

It's so obvious,
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only post in this thread if your team didn't just commit the biggest choke in NFL history
>That catch ended "Jews aren't white"
Brady will retire with more rings than any franchise, book it
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Here's the play of the game
compare favre 2009 and 2010. the difference? turning 40. same with manning last year and the year before. Brady should take this game as one of his best and end his career on a high note rather than sucking for a year and losing in the divisional round
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Super Bowl V 1971
Chuck Howley
Chuck Howley in Super Bowl V
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>The first lead the patriots ever had was in overtime
i kept it to the last to to keep it "fair" to peyton fags

all of bradys owls even his loses were great games

peytons only other owl was a win against rex grossman
god brady won one for da mom
Peyton's arm was dogshit even in 2013, Brady is throwing the ball physically better than he ever has before
Iggles one came down to the last possession as well, even if it wasn't the Pats' ball
So basically the 90's cuckbois are no longer the greatest nfl team ever, right?
Favre's 2009 was an outlier. He had been on a steady decline since ~2002 and just pulled out a GOAT season out of his ass right before retirement.

Brady has been improving for the past 3 years. And he might literally be in his prime right now. He certainly moves better in the pocket than ever before and is more accurate deep than in any season except for 07
Are you sure it has nothing to do with the 5 super bowl wins? ;)
[citation needed]
fuck i could have picked any nfl team.
i could've picked patriots and would have seen them win 2 SB.

Just had to pick 49ers.gotta watch them get smashed for many seasons to come.
GG patriots
Why is your picture of the Shithawks and not the Giants who are the real Brady-beater?
Dunno who that is, I got it from SB nation
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Oh, hey failcunts
Someone took Bradys jersey after the game, I need to know if he got it back.
I could say brady is an outlier. He would be the only qb to play this successful any older than he is now. He has like 2 years max. You can't beat time
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>patriots didn't have the lead for a single second in the entire game
>still won
You do remember the patriots fucking up the coin toss two seasons ago against the dolphins or jets which would've given them a lot biggger chance at winning that game which would've given the number 1 seed which wouldn't have caused Brady to get shooked by Von Miller.
i can't believe it
Brady is going to play 3-5 more years barring some huge injury or decline in stats
A browns QB that became a journeyman backup
Any notable commercials this year?
I only tuned in 3rd qtr cause work. I'm guessing no since nobody's talking about it or was the game just that good?
The problem is that Brady's entire career is an outlier due to his preparation and drive, almost every single facet of his game has improved steadily since 2011 aside from some down years where his team was dying around him
I don't know man. It seems to me Brady is a few games away from getting seriously knocked back.
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So did lady gaga shit talk trump? I didn't watch.
only casuals care abut the commercials
nice trips Frank
>shook by von nigget

They would had won if the pats kicker didnt missed that extra points
Freak injuries can happen to anybody, but the dude is just like Eli and Favre, cut from something that makes him not injury-prone (aside from getting speared to the knee and tearing your ACL which would have happened to Eli and Favre too)
brady has 5 rings,do any of his teammates have 3-4?
Yes, at this age you're always susceptible to injury but Patriots line is improving and Brady is the best QB in the league at throwing it away when the play is done or taking a hit. You almost never see him get lit up by a pass rusher, Von Miller wrote about it in his article for Player's Tribune. He sacked Brady a shit ton of times, but he's never able to get a clean, juicy hit on him.
Yeah I know, he lead rallied the Texans to their first win in Indy.
Patriot fans are still bitter when you mention favre and patriots in the same post.
Yeah, well, same was supposedly true of Matsuzaka. We'll see.
no, /pol/ sperged out before she even landed in texas. she sang, did her whole performance and said nothing.


>almost every single facet of his game has improved steadily since 2011
thanks largely in part to Gronk. not to pooh-pooh Brady's accomplishments (the fact that he just did this all without Gronk), but the big man has certainly provided an elite short- to medium-distance target

Eli had plantar fasciitis for a while, which I hear is pretty god damn painful if you put any weight on that part of your foot
A lot of guys from the 01-04 dynasty.

Matt Light, Troy Brown, Ty Law, Richard Seymour, Teddy Bruschi, McGinest and Mike Vrabel come to mind
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So this fucking worthless hack is fucking done right?
I don't know, I'm think that winning too much will result in the scales breaking and a hyper disaster for both sides will occur. Slow down senpai.
I thought 2015 AFCCG was going to happen again

Thank god Josh fixed his fucking playcalling and the Falcons didn't rape Brady on that play like the Broncos did
>Brady's dad getting interviewed
only if he's dumb enough to ask for a raise
think the most that any of his (still active) teammates have is 2 (Gronk, Blount, Edelman, I'm sure I'm missing more)
Different sports basically. The NFL 20 years ago is nothing like it is now.

If you mean talent wise and both sides get to use current methods... probably this team. The patriots have one of the most underrated rosters this year in nfl history desu
He's the highest paid kicker in the game and they can't even rely on him to kick a PAT anymore.

He might seriously get cut.
For missing one exrra point? You sound like the retarded packer "fans" including sneak who said Crosby should be cut for having good one bad season.
Do you think the game would have been more entertaining if the Packers or Cowboys had made it instead?
This LT segment is embarrassing
>the fact that he just did this all without Gronk is incredible in and of itself

not right now, but >>74101112 is probably right on all the names he gave. Vinatieri too

not yet. kickers have down years and his ringer off the post certainly isn't an all-timer miss. Adam Vinatieri got franchise tagged a bunch even after a few downer years before Bill let him go
>responding to tripfags on the literal day their team wins a championship
the fuck do you expect to get
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Does anyone have a good pic of Brady's eyes when they were losing bad in the 1st half? He was so shook and fuming with the darkside. It was kino.
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Will we ever see the light again, bros? This Patriots franchise is just buttfucking the NFL and it has been for 15 years. When will it end?
haha nfl blocked it

no goodell
Somebody want to remind me how many points the league MVP nicknamed for being """""""""""""""""""""""""Ice Cool""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" scored in the 4th quarter?
I wanna see a Raiders Giants SB

Scored the most points in the league AND allowed the fewest in the league, I think they are the only team to accomplish that in the super bowl era. Some people say the defense was better than the offense fucking think about that for a second. Most underrated team in history in my opinion, they demolished every team they faced in the playoffs.

Top 5 team of all time.
same as me
I feel like this would be a different conversation if the pats had missed that 2 point conversion
Just in complete control, the one to Amendola is nice

You can still watch it, click on the video to go to the youtube address. NFL does that so you can't view their content through links outside of youtube.

>If half of this team was better they would play could've won

no shit sherlock
funny that you asked
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>Matt Ryan is now 3-5 in the playoffs
Amendola has to be one of the clutchest receivers in the league
Bro, the Patriots franchise didn't exist before Brady and belichek according to patriot "fans". Only from 2001 until now counts.
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Welp, we are offcially the biggest chokers in sports history. This blows the warriors 3-1, >18-1 and the butler interception out of the water.

I have zero faith that we will be able to make it to another superbowl in the Matt Ryan era. There are too many guys on the team coming out of their rookie deals who are about to become really fucking expensive. Matt Ryan put on one of the greatest playoff runs ever for 2½ games but he fucking blew it. This is his legacy. He will be remembered as the QB who blew a 28-3 lead in the superbowl. Kyle Shanahan can get the fuck out of Atlanta.

I genuinely don't see how Dan Quinn ever will be able to inspire the team to make it back to the superbowl. How do you come back from this? Any talk about 'brotherhood' or some other mantra will be overshadowed by this loss. The likely scenario going forward is that we have a couple of decent years, maybe win a playoff game or two, but not enough to make it back to the superbowl. Then Matt Ryan gets too old and the team falls apart and we're back to rebuilding.
Amendola doesn't catch as many passes as Edelman but like every pass he catches is 3rd and long or some overtime shit. Unbelievably clutch.
I actually kinda feel bad for atlanta niggers. must've been total agony choking that hard in the superb owl. But ya' know BRADY BRADY BRADY!
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363 days until the Seahawks win Super Bowl LII.
New England adjusted and once they did you guys just had 0 answer, very confusing why you didn't rotate out your pass rushers and gassed yourselves by the end of the 3rd
That whole locker room is mentally fucked. Better off blowing it up.
So you would have blamed the loss on one missed extra point? You're a retard.
Don't show your face for a few weeks
Pats bandwagoner im happy we won. But I legit feel for you. Don't kys pls.
To be fair, Atlanta defense was on the field for like 75 plays. Impossible not to get gassed
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>brady is now 5-0 against the falcons
Any other Pats fan going to wake up early to witness all the shitty sports shows fellate OUR GUY Tom BIG GAME Brady?

Also, this is the biggest difference between Brady and Manning. We saw what happened to Peyton when he got stuck in a hole. He fucking floundered.
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>brady is 3-0 against bird teams in the owl
I'll see it on youtube afterward, tomorrow is for the local guys. I'm listening to Toucher&Rich and Kirk&Callahan in fucking stereo tomorrow morning.
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Tom Brady
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>brady has won a national championship in college (97), and 5 superb owls (2001) (2003) (2004) (2015) (2017)
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*distant skyeeping*
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so when do the SB champions jerseys go on sale in the NFL shop instead of just pleb shirts and hats?

>literally lost one via pick-six
what happened between 2005-2014?
>up by 14 with 8 minutes left on the clock
>still snapping the ball with 20 seconds on the play clock
>later on can seal the game with a FG
>call 3 pass plays and lose a net 30 yards

I can't believe how lucky the Patriots are. It's mind-blowing.
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fucking this

on the grandest stage of them all he played to win constantly, and came in clutch

meming aside to come back from a 25 point deficit is incredible
Boston is Atlanta for white people? lol they are so racist.
anything to avoid giving Tom Brady credit. love the salt buried underneath this post
2016 Matt Ryan (Lost)
2015 Cam Newton (Lost)
2013 Peyton Manning (Lost)
2009 Peyton Manning (Lost)
2007 Tom Brady (Lost)
2005 Shaun Alexander (Lost)
2002 Rich Gannon (Lost)
2001 Kurt Warner (Lost)

who did Shaun Alexander beat that year for the award
in 2005? peyton
The anti Tyree catch. Tyree caught it off his head and Edelman caught it with the help of a foot.
And to think XLIX will become an afterthought after the clinic Brady went on tonight for 25 minutes

What were his stats after the drive where he made it 28-9?
Atlanta's D was just completely gassed. The entire final drive and OT they looked like a deer in the headlights. Once the Patriots tied it the game was over.
>still thinking the nfl isnt rigged
>who did Shaun Alexander beat that year for the award
Manning, Brady and Palmer IIRC
They blew a massive lead, not a perfect season, it'll be a while before someone does that again
that shitty super bowl with the xehawks and bruncos
Kurt was the last to break that curse too with One Yard Short
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18-1 was amazing and is a huge reason why were here today but...

The patriots coming back from 28-3 in THE SUPER BOWL has to be the best if not one of the beat super bowls of all-time. You can't lie and even say it wasn't

NOBODY in that thread thought we would be shitposting that the pats won.
I hope his faggot ass retires after today so BB can come over here.
i don't understand. there are black people on the patriots team, and there are white people on the falcon's team.

what do these people want?
You can't deny that everything written there is truth.
The result of 18-1 was great but honestly that Super Bowl was pretty boring until the 4th quarter.

I think Pats-Seahawks was a little bit better in recent memory as a neutral. Competitive, lead changes, and an insane final play.
fuck off LD
sympathy and attention
>clots tripfag this eternally btfo

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besides lady gaga, who was another pleasant suprise
thank you giants for giving some magical energy
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I kek'd hard IRL when I saw that

Reap what you sow Jewdell, ahahaha
I would sit a couple plays out buddy. This place won't be kind to you. You're best bet is go out and do this

1. Get some nice dress shoes
2. Black socks, black pants, belt and white dresss shirt as well
3. get a hair cut, shave
4. you'll look better
5. then take the belt
6. Wrap one end around a ceiling fan and one end around your neck
7. Have patriots fan turn it on
8. that way you can die the same way your team did and look nice in a casket
What did Brady mean by this?
Brady was possessed in this game though, no matter how hard he got rattled he scored 4 straight times, he literally came back from a x2.5 lead than XLIX


Look at this shit

When healthy Amendola is a fucking beast. Constantly overshadowed by his more popular fellow receivers but should never be doubted.
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You just fucking KNEW it was going to happen. Funny how patsfags were committing suicide while the rest of the football world knew the comeback was imminent.
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>You will never have this much confidence in yourself
18-1 still a bigger choke desu
I still remember that. Absolutely insane.

Also the Canucks losing to the 8 seed Kings 4-0 in the first round
>Brady throws on the goal line
>Soars right through the defense's hands into Edelman's shekel-grabbing hands
>/SP/ literally explodes
>shitposting all year about jewdell handing the trophy over

>it actually happened


>Seriously posting a seachickens webm about them "btfo"ing the Pats

Bruh SB49 exists
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Just because.
18-1 is a bigger choke from expectations before the game started, this is the biggest choke ever during the game
fucking calling his game.

the guy is alpha beyond reason. just fuck my shit up
>it's a third straight "the bad guys win" episode

When will a good guy win?
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best I can do
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>the Colts Punter retired at 29 to go to a Boston based sports news site
I knew the Patriots would win all along.
>Ware open to returning to the Cowboys



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Oh. Hey Matt.
Thats a nice MVP.

>went to 7 owls
>won 5

when you say it that way, it seems improbable and makes no fucking sense, and yet, there it is

proof of the GOAT
How much is Hightower gonna get paid in his contract year?
>Rodgers that
Where is the Brady DBZ edits at
Im legit scared of brady
>randomly bring up an old lebron sprite commercial during superbowl
>obvious hinting at huge comeback

this super bowl was scripted and rigged. not even a falcons fan, im glad brady won but they really should make it less obvious
Crap, I remember playing as the Falcons in franchise mode.

I typically went 19-0 but one time I choked and lost 25-24, and I went 18-1 on the season.

Very interesting...
they'll tag him. Collins got $12,5 a year, so I can imagine Hightower asking for a bit more than that
Look at Bill and Tom laughing in the back LOL. I wonder what they are saying.

Let's be real Brady should have like 4 MVPs by this point, they're completely meaningless if frauds like Cam can win them or media darlings like Peyton can statpad against dogshit and win them with average numbers
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>Roger that

This level of smug is beyond human ability

how long did it take for Brady to stop smiling between takes?
Tom Brady is, hands down, the single most consistant Quarterback of all time. No arguments, that's a fact.

He has consistantly played at a power level of 80-90 out of 100, throughout his career.
There have been some QBs that have played better at any individual time. For example, Rodgers and Ryan this year both were playing at the high 90's, but they won't play that well every year (Ryan last year was about a 60 on this scale)

So yes, there have been QBs that have had better seasons than Brady has ever had, but if we are looking at a career, nobody is overall better.

The problem is you guys make it too much about the owls. Owls are a team metric. You don't need them to prove how dominant Tom is.
Yeah, they don't need him to win all those owls, but that's not the issue. He's the best because of his consistancy.
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why doesn't /sp/ like this guy? he seems /ourguy/ materiel

I swear every fucking year its the same shit. Easy ass wins in that sorry ass division of yours and always get an easy ass way to the fucking sb.

But whatever, Failcunts choked like some fags on a dick. Brady got my praise in this game. Good game and congrats.
>Patriots fans on /sp/ right now

Dude, seriously? Call off work and go out and celebrate this shit.
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>Rodger that

Kek. This whole Goodell thing is fucking stupid but that was gold.
>why doesn't /sp/ like this guy? he seems /ourguy/ materiel
Non-Pats fans don't like him because theyre jelous.

Pats fans don't like him because too many people credit him with the team's success. Sometimes he deserves it (tonight, 2007) but most of the time it's a combination of Bill and the D.
he ruins the fun of watching my team play football
>AFC South fag complaining about easy wins
oh the ironing
>Colts tripfag talking about sorry ass divisions

Cannot make this shit up senpai
>can't even hear Jewdell over all the boos

the tide of battle fully turned
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>implying Manning didn't beat on the AFCS for years

>getting swept by Brock fucking Osweiler

>Jim Irsay STILL hasn't OD'd

kudos for firing Grigson though

>Pats fans don't like him

Literally the dumbest post in the thread. Good job.
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reminder that the Patriots D completely shut down the Falcons offense after the third quarter and gave Brady all of those opportunities to come back
dammit gonna hafta start collecting these, too
ACL tear
Jets magically got good for 2 years
some guy with Down's Syndrome
Seahawks were nigger tier bad guys
Cam Newton is a cry baby nigger
Liberals wanting patriots to lose because they hate whites

Looks like the good guys have won the last 3

Sorry, you butthurt faggot nigger.
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Insane stat of the day

It was that + falcons d ran out of steam, played too hard in the first half and forgot it was a 60 minute game.
yeah dude. that's what it takes to win the game, big plays from the defense. offense gets the shine, but defense earns the respect.
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Those digits though
Theres a differemce between pats fans and brady bandwagoners. They can name more than 2 people on the team.

Obviously we like him, but we are not insulting enough to pretend he's the biggest reason for the team's success
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p/a/ts nation
You guys are like the Oilers that lost to the Bills after being up 32 points in the third quarter.

That ended up contributing to the absolute nightmare in 1993, followed by the complete collapse of the franchise and having to completely restablish itself in Tennessee.

That was a Wild Card Game. The Falcons just screwed over their own fanbase tremendously to a suffering sports city and have absolutely no base to establish a dynasty or even make it to another owl.

The Falcons have become Browns, Lions, and Vikings tier.
Woah so Brady is a system QB when the game is in his hands but Peyton Mango can't win shit when his HOF WRs don't bail him out?

Rlly maeks you thikn
Man its getting boring being the only consistently good team in the AFC

Why the fuck can't the rest of the conference get their shit together? Only the Broncos can strum up a challenge every once in a while
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Are you the same false flagger that was claiming the Pats had no chance last week?

It's over, you can leave now
>Breaking news: GOAT wins more games than people who are not GOAT
Cool, the golden child won again, wow what a cool day to be a retarded mick from Boston

When do we get a super bowl not featuring this same dumb shit again and by same dumb shit I mean the existence of the Pats representing the AFC every fucking year
once he retires, /sp/ will like him

until then, he's the nfl's villian
>rare actual Patriot fan appears

Is this for real?
/sp/ BTFO
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Fratty confirmed best Matty hahahahahahah

Julio is a meme and will never break Calvin's record too!

When your shit team gets good faggot
/sp/ is 95% pats bandwagon. Even the Europoors jumped on. Might as well rename /sp/ Eternal Brady
Where's that Hillary supporting faggot Lake
Atlanta's D was great, but exhausted.

Ryan's O-line underperformed, especially in that final drive. Their offense could not get going once they reached 28 points
Cheering for the patriots in the superbowl doesn't make you a pats fan. It's about enjoying the biggest stage of football. I picked the Patriots because I have no attachment to Atlanta and I admire greatness. Patriots beat my team in the playoffs and I still cheered for them. It's called being a fan of football. I'm not giving Atlanta fans crap, I do feel for them.
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>Pats fans don't like him
Since Tom would have 7 without this man's existence, where does that put him in history?

Surely his name will always be mentioned alongside Tom's wins forever as the autistic little brother who could
Brady's D didn't even show up until the 3rd quarter I don't want to hear about Matt Ryan's consider Freeman was averaging like 8 yards a carry
being given comeback opportunities doesn't mean you automatically make them happen.
respect a great team when you see it, faggot.

doesn't mean you need to like them, but if you're a football fan, you can respect a good team and a good game. this was a fucking great game that atlanta blew out their asses.

by no means is brady the NFL"s golden child, too. goodell hates the patriots organization

Eli is just proof that Tom is still human
probably takes like 3-4 tries to get in the HOF
Brady's OLine*
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I told you niggas that the Falcons couldn't stop destiny.

Now expect the repeat in the next game too.
Can't wait for his 30 for 30

yep. as soon as you saw that tying drive, you knew exactly what was going on. patriots were playing downhill against an exhausted defense
Only why the pats won is because belichick somehow makes midget white guys into superstars

black twitter might be the worst creation in the history of humanity
Anyone know the status of Dion Lewis?

Did he btfo his acl again?
2 rings at the expense of the actual GOAT on one of the NFL's golden franchises, he will be a HoF QB regardless of his inconsistent regular season stats
strained hamstring, probable for the parade
belichick makes everyone fit the system. white or black. if you don't fit the system, you're on your way out
Hamstring but he's fine
hamstring tweak, he's fine

Wow thats fucking eerie man
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>watch first half of the game
>Falcons lead with more than 20
>halftime show starts
>Fuck it I'm going to sleep
>It's 3 AM and I gotta work in the morning
>The Falcons won this anyway
>Wake the FUCK UP right now
>Check final score

For fucks sake this is like brexit and the US election all over again.
Which Brady drive was your favorite lads? The tying one was pretty legendary with Edelman's catch

I saw reports he just pulled his hammy. He should be ok. More importantly he's 16-0 in games he's played in. Based Lewis.
2003 squad was debatably a better team though
>have fond memories of desmond howard returning kickoffs for td's
>super bowl 31 was 20 years ago
>i was 9
fucking weird as hell. destiny
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What was his endgame?
when can you get we get our hands on SB champs jerseys instead of these lame shirts and hats?
It has to be the Edelman catch. Now you know the feeling of the helmet catch. Welcome to the club.
I knew Matt Ryan was a complete fucking meme

Game is over if you dump it off or do literally anything other than stare it down deep on 3rd and 1 and he does so for 7 seconds anyway
>NFL investigating reports that the Patriots may have piped chloroform into the Falcons coach's booth in the second half, per a league source
Nah, the Bledsoe era was like prehistoric times for the Patriots everything prior to that is non existent.
Wasn't matty boys fault

pretty sure his D lost him that entire game
I think he got too full of himself after shredding the Patriots for 40 minutes and wanted to end it with a bang instead of just icing the game with 3 runs up the gut after that magic Julio catch
They're gonna lose their OC and players to offseason
>was not running on 3rd and 1 up 8 on the 26 part of your plan?
he literally needed to score once, via FG or TD, to seal the deal, and couldn't. it has to be partially his fault.
that's kyle shanahan (OC of the Falcons) not Matt Ryan
to be fair, everyone on the falcons is named matt
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>at superb owl party
>everyone rooting for atlanta because fuck brady, fuck drumpf
>atlanta showing why they're called hotlanta
>stay silent won't lie I was assblasted a little (ok alot)
>fast forward to the end of the 3rd
>THAT WASN'T A CATCH WTF IT HIT THE GROUND (Im laughing loudly now, my buddy is chuckling a bit even though he's going for the falcons)
>currently 28-20, room is silent, I say "The Comeback Kid heh"
>tied now
>patriots get the ball
>Brady leads the cavalry down field
>I shake hands with people say good game
>walking out the door
>I yell loudly
>hear chimpout in the house
NEW in a few more posts:

>Be named Matty """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Ice""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>Somehow be completely incapable of scoring A SINGLE FUCKING POINT when the game actually got close

Wow, hope he enjoys the same MVP Cam robbed from better players
Yeah but letting brady run train on your ass for an entire 4th quarter

Should not have even been as easy as it looked for brady
We exist.
But most people claiming to be pats fans are brady bandwagoners aith no real history recolection of the team. This includes many people that actually live in new england
GOAT Superbowl confirmed
Falcos were fucking up on penalties all day. That pick-six was preceded by like three 3rd down penalties in a row that gave the Pats an undeserved first down.

The Pats didn't win, the Falcons lost. Just like when the Seahawks lost.
when you have a defense that almost held the patriots out for an entire half, and an offense that scored 21 in that time, it was not the defense that gave the game away. Defenses get tired and can't hold a lead forever
you are an autism
NEW gentlemen
depends on the next crop of QBs and how weak it is
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>tfw one of your teams was guaranteed to win the owl

Nigger look at fucking Matt Ryan's stat line all season and all post season. Then tell me with a straight face he didn't deserve it.
Brady is good. But having belicheck as your coach doesn't magically make you mvp.
ALWAYS watch till the very end when brady goes to the Owl
Brady pls can you just let someone else win next year?
He still only has two rings and mediocre stats all things considered.

He's a nobody.
I can honestly see him being better remembered than Peyton
he's actually top-10 all time in pass yards fwiw
Would literally have 3 rings right now if his receivers weren't complete retards and his coach incompetent.
>only two rings
Also had one of the best payoff stat lines.
Besides see
They were clutch, but they got shit on in the 1st half. Made it so Brady and co. had to be flawless in the 4th quarter.
roger that
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super bowl 51.jpg
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Is this one of the Top 5 Owls of all time?
>that nanosecond of time when he releases the ball, recenters his hands, and grabs it, all centimeters from the grass

S-speed force?
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