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>Do adults in a you are a country play competitive sports

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>Do adults in a you are a country play competitive sports even though they are nowhere near professional standard?

Just returned from my Sunday league game. Team we were against brought the whole council estate out to support them. Was linesman in the first half and every time I flagged for an offside people would shout at me that I was a 'fucking cheating cunt'. Came on, went for a header and got an elbow to the head. Put in a big challenge next time the lad had the ball, and was told that he'd 'cut me after the game'. I love playing, just hate the people I have to play against and the general type of person who enjoys Sunday League football desu.

Is this sort of thing common around the world? Do grown adults play competitive sports just for the fun of it, even when they know they're nowhere near good enough to go pro?

Are you fucking kidding? Do you really think England is the only country with amateur football leagues?

> The 21 state associations of the DFB have a combined number of more than 25,000 clubs with more than 6.8 million members, making the DFB the single largest sports federation in the world.
yes, the worst is the 40 year old returning and thinking he can play like when he was 18 and gets injured in 5 minutes and your side is fucked
Be fair m8, OP just got elbow in the noggin and stabbed
I genuinely have no idea desu, wasn't sure if it was a British quirk or something that's common everywhere. For example I watch a lot of American TV (who doesn't), but have never heard of yank adults playing in a serious (yet shit) American Football league.

The threat of getting stabbed was not a sincere one luckily. Handshakes after the game as usual, it's just the way the working class like to talk to each other I think.
I haven't played Sunday league since I was like 16, just go weekly 5 a side with mates now. Was asked to play a competitive outdoor 5 a side match by a mate a few months ago though and the people are cunts. Every time I touched the ball i'd have people pulling my shirt and elbowing me. Once we were 3-0 up a guy on the other team decided to just go around trying to break ankles. Ref did fucking nothing because "It's just a bit of banter m8, I'm not gunna send someone off in a 5 a side match".
>playing in a serious (yet shit) American Football league

There's the Gellar Cup
We played against the club from up the road and some arsehole kicked off all game, got sent off for threatening the referee then hung around to shout some more abuse and started a fight with some 70 year old. After the final whistle I saw him walking down the stairs so shoved him down them. He had his kids with him so I kicked him a few times in the head as hard as I could then ran off.

He doesn't "believe in coppers" so swore his revenge. Seven years and he's done nothing and neither has his fat chav son.

The best thing about it all is that his wife got brain cancer and died recently.

The fuck is wrong with you?
You """people""" aren't even human.

i've only really heard americans talk about playing basketball or baseball(well, softball) at a more amateur level when theyre past 30

american football would be way too difficult to organise, all the pads the amount of players etc, maybe there's a simplified form though
It'd be hard to organise a handegg league like that though, I think they play flag football at amateur levels like that
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My fucking sides
>kicked him in the head as hard as you could
>multiple times
>didn't die or suffer serious brain injury
you're either a mega poof or didnt happen m8
yes we also have this here in Denmark
its not uncommon to see players smoke during the game especially goalkeepers

i once went to see my dad play when i was younger and there was a guy that puked on the pitch because he was so hungover

the funny thing is that if it isnt old boys football its still connected to the entire football pyramid, so a bunch of fat balding 30 year old can actually get promoted all the way to the top if meme magic was with them

that has never happened though
We play flag football. But it's no where near like you guys do with soccer.
Wearing trainers and stood over someone makes a difference

Fractured his cheek and split his lips and nose, but I know that's nothing compared to what you have done in all your fighting experience
you're right I haven't personally killed someone by kicking them in the head because i'm not a faggot who kicks people when they're down, but I've seen it almost happen. guy got kicked once in the temple and would have died if he didnt get quick medical attention
I used to play Sunday League, but now i work Sundays instead.
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>being this much of a soft cunt
Man up, faggot, amateur leagues are the toughest
>there was a guy that puked on the pitch because he was so hungover
kek, that's a classic we have that as well
I know a guy who plays defender and brings in a small needle and stab the guy he is marking for like the first 20 mins then he drops the needle
It's called MLS
>The best thing about it all is that his wife got brain cancer and died recently.
top kek
It's not the fact that it's """tough""" (desu it isn't really, it's all just mouthy chavs who don't actually do anything), it's just a bit shit to turn up somewhere for a bit of a laugh and have a load of dickheads shouting and swearing at you for 90 minutes, takes the fun out of it for me. I like it if the games are physical but mostly friendly.
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>Was linesman in the first half...
>Came on, went for a header...
yes, I sometimes play first against taxi drivers at the park. They wreck us every time though.

Construction workers around the city take over the football parks at lunch time but nobody like to play against them because they kick you like you're pele in the 50s and are generally nasty assholes. Everyone calls them Russians.
My company is in a corporate softball league and some of our competitors are super fucking good. We later found out this one factory has a bunch people who work there and on the weekend play in softball tourneys where they get paid for winning. Those cunts unbearable. Complain about anything and everything.
Picture of your tits pls?

That league sounds like a true meme
We mostly play pick up basketball, softball beer leagues.

I play tennis with adults and it is chill. There is always the one or two that act like total assholes, but you learn to just ignore them.
So many softball league teams are insufferable. All the fuckers act like they are out there playing in MLB and try way too hard. It should just be to go, drink some beers and just have fun ffs.

Always that one little fucker that sprints to each base like his life depends on it.
We play cricket sometimes on the weekends. Not really much contact involved but everyone argues about every little detail like a no ball or did the runner touch the crease before going back for a second. It's quite fun.
Indians near where I live play cricket on the tennis courts and it aggravates me. Why do they do that?
Yeah because some of us actually have
doing it

build some cricket pitches m8, that should stop it
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I laughed at this all too familiar vignette of working class minor violence and despair.
quite common that work industries have their own leagues, companies have their own teams
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good story lad. would read again
We played against the club from up the road and some arsehole kicked off all game, got sent off for threatening the referee then hung around to shout some more abuse and started a fight with some 70 year old. After the final whistle I saw him walking down the stairs

>so shoved him down them. He had his kids with him so I kicked him a few times in the head as hard as I could then ran off.
>He doesn't "believe in coppers" so swore his revenge. Seven years and he's done nothing and neither has his fat chav son.
>The best thing about it all is that his wife got brain cancer and died recently.
In my 6 side league I play in the refs are on their fucking phones most of the time. And some teams take this shit way to serious like the score fucking matters.
>be 23 y/o flip male
>me and friends go to nearby basketball court to play every sunday afternoon
>games are up to 21 and usually there's money involved
>so one afternoon we're practicing on the court since no one was playing
>group of middle-aged men around their late 30s to mid 40s approach and challenge us
>they look their age but you can tell that they're fit
>one of them is a 4'11 manlet but JACKED
>we start, they play decent but a bit slow
>we win by 10
>they ask for a rematch, we accept
>they win by 1
>now it's our turn to ask for a rematch and they accept so this will be the deciding game
>suddenly they start playing more physical than before
>turbomanlet is virtually unstoppable at this point
>elbows, knees being thrown around and pulling of jerseys ensue
>we lose by 5 and they go home with 500 bucks in their pocket

Lots of adults still play pro basketball here. But the best ones are the ones from the slums or poor neighborhoods desu
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We can't all be as big of a nigger as you
You should go play with them.
I have a game tonight in fact. my team is shit, I'm even more spectacularly shit. usually play centre back.
looked up the top scorers in the league (the website doesn't track much else) and tonight's opponents have 3 in the top 10, all with latino names
I'm fucked. and it's raining too
Sounds like you just live in a shitole m8
Discussed this with yanks on here before. They find it insane that we would dedicate a whole afternoon plus 1-3 evenings a week on playing sports. Explains a lot desu
>Playing Sunday league football as an adult

Enjoy playing with yobs and cucked old men desperate to take out their pent up aggression on each other. Plebbiest fucking hobby in the world.
You have a shit attitude m8
spending a couple of hours each week with some absolute cunts puts into perspective how reasonable most people I deal with are
it's just football m8
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>The best thing about it all is that his wife got brain cancer and died recently.

It does seem insane to do that with a full time job or full time school plus a job tho
truly the best spot for the beautiful game

>say no to pacifism
there's amateur hockey leagues that are full contact, so guys pay to play and then get concussions

senior hockey has a big 'national' tournament
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Cup, final rounds are nationally televised

with hockey you're parents invested so much time and money in it that just because you failed to make it pro or for a scholarship at 19 it's kind of a waste to stop then

played with a guy who was 5'6 and 150 who was in the second highest development level (AAA), the guy could knock around other players over 6' and 200 because he had such great balance

the top amateur league here usually has 6-10 players who reached the nhl, and there's about 120 players in it

there are semipro gridiron leagues where the players do it for free, but people buy tickets
thats the funniest thing i think ive ever read
I stopped playing when I was 16 and realized I wasn't going to make it as a pro .18+ football is always filled with shit players and every twat wants to fight because they got tackled.
This. Too many chavs taking it too seriously. Go play rugby or something.
It's amateur football so we pay refs, but substitutes have to run the line. I hate doing it because everyone else just cheats, whereas I try to call it fairly and just end up getting abuse.
>a guy that puked on the pitch because he was so hungover

That is not uncommon here from ages 16 and up too.
Haven't seen players smoke during the game though, not even in the break
I used to be a chav, or dressed like one at least and most players when I was young seemed like chavs too. I did play in Birmingham and the midlands though. I'm working class but not scum, because I was raised properly.
When I used to play cricket we came up against a team made up entirely of Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi players. Dickheads would appeal for literally everything to put as much pressure on the umpire as possible.
I'd love to play in the Canadian leagues desu, mostly because I'd probably be better than all of you and end up being some sort of local celebrity.
I used to play football in the local grade comp and the church comp and the church comp was unironically way more dirty. We got in fights almost every week
Same here. I'd be the British fat ronaldo over there. Weirdly though my uncle actually moved to cananda and became a pro footballer, not sure how that happened.
it goes beyond Sunday league now, every workplace seems to have a 5 a side team.

Even my pleb footy hating friends love a good kickabout. Nothing quite like drunken carpark footy desu.
I actually live in a pretty comfy middle-class town. It's probably much worse for people in genuine shitholes

Yeah there's a lad in the same league as me this year who was paid to play second-tier Australian football last year. He's good, but probably won't even make it semi pro in the UK.
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>Do adults in a you are a country
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wtf mane

fucking hell lmao
do they?

They do this because your typical 30-45 year old who still thinks he has 'got it' can't stand being shown up by someone younger, faster and more athletic than him.

It's Pathetic. Had a few fat cunts stamp on my legs/knee whatever during a match. Jesus Christ why can't they get over their miserable lives already. Ah wait...
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I play 7 a side Sunday league games during the summer and fall before the snow falls and it gets too cold. It's just a coed rec league but I enjoy it.
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There are plenty of adult football (soccer) and hockey leagues up to ages like 50s around where I live. There are generally 2 types of teams:
A. Team wants to win bad and everyone is super competitive.
B. Half the team wants to win and is super competitive. The other half doesn't care, they're pretty cool and openly mocks their teammates.

I've never seen a team of players that didn't care and just wanted to play until I watched an over 50 hockey league. They just looked like they were having fun.
>spic shithole
>cant even supply a ball to last 90 minutes
Lads I really really want to be in the screencap
I want to believe.

We have the adult one which is basically 18-35. It's amateur football but there are actual tournaments through all the country, players just don't get paid. There's also teams from each city that compete in this category, as in
>the best of the city
tournament, like a national team.

Senior which is 35-50 and then Master which is 50 until you can't run anymore.

Of course if some genius 40 old man can manage to run with 20 year olds he'd play but you get the point.
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I used to, but all my local teams got banned because we always started fights even if we won.
tfw to smart too play in 35-50s
can't stop thinking of the scene acted by the miners from Billy Elliot
>Rugby ''Old Seniors league''
>all of them are 40 odd + lawyers, doctos, etc
>hit each other a bit, bant for a while, drink beer and fernet instead of water
>eat meat sandwiches whenever the play is stopped
>eat meat at half time
>discuss football and rugby while playing
>''fights'' being literally calling each other fat while hidding their own stomach
>140 kg wings
>everyone shitting on the half scrum whenever they fuck up the play because ''the ball was no good''
>stories of how they almost got into the NT when young
>competition about who's son is better in the youth leagues
>after the match stay eating, drinking and talking shit easily till next morning

Loved to watch that shit, sometimes they played while my group had training, thus why we saw them. Would also talk shit to us whenever they saw someone making a blunder
what are you talking about?
Are you Elijah Wood?
You either live in the Welsh valleys or the midlands.
Meant to fucking reply to this post
Just goes to show, rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen, whereas football is a gentleman's game played by hooligans.
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