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/Tennis/ Countdown to Federer vs Nadal edition

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Thread replies: 502
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Official Site Links
Draws: http://www.ausopen.com/en_AU/scores/draws/index.html
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Official Stream (Use VPN to unblock):

Australia: 7
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So, what is her next step? Will she come back or settle down and raise my children?
It's just better at everything. Better organized, better matches, better center court.

I think Serena is going win everything this year.

Get ready for more captivating Williams vs Williams matches.
Any updates on the AO title to Federer situation?
Yeah the USO is shit. Plus the AO court is aesthetic as fuck
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she'd probably black widow you if you ever had the opportunity to mate

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>Donkey Kong beats Diddy Kong.
seems crazy to me that the australian open isn't on grass, especially considering theres only one slam that does it but I agree, it's comfy
Daily reminder: AO > UO > RG > Shitbledon
you mean ahmeds children?

W is objectively greater than RG, the rest is at least debatable
if her smile wasn't so gummy this would literally be the GOAT picture
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>me in between the wta and the the roof gardens logo
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you're a faggot with ridiculously high standards.
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>no potty mouth

RG has the funniest crowds. They're not afraid to give the players shit.

Wimbledon is just pretentious with muh all white dress code and muh royal viewing box.
>literally eating a banana
>They're not afraid to give the players shit.

that's called being French
the only thing I like about RG is that it destroys servebots

case in point: raonic losing to an unseeded player
>RG has the funniest crowds. They're not afraid to give the players shit.
Nah, they're just loud, obnoxious shitposters. I can see why australians enjoy RG.
If she would drown me in her piss after fertilization I would be okay with it. The circle of life.

What's wrong with feet? It's a patrcian fetish. You gay?

tooth to gum ratio is important
Can't really say without my obvious flag and timezone bias but I really feel AO is better. Top to bottom they try to make everyone feel at home when in Australia, providing fun for players and staff in between matches at their leisure and hopefully have them wanting for nothing. USO feels very manufactured, like they are going through the motions by the book to host a tournament whereas I feel we try to put our own unique spin on the AO. I am a vocal hater of the Australian crowds but when Dimitrov was fighting hard, sliding, barely making returns last night against Rafa his dogged determination turned a lot of the crowd in his favor. To me that shows that we recognize and reward effort with our support and of that I can not be prouder.
real list:
US Open
>It's a patrcian fetish.

meant for >>73916046
as well
I think our weather would wreak havoc with grass

It was pretty unique back when we went artificial back in the 80's
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>you will never boo female tennis players into crying on court
Being the first Slam also helps, everyone is fresh and the quality of the matches is higher.
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ur patrician anon
Very good point, everyone wanting to start their year off post pre-season with success and a full tank of gas.
yeah sure. She moved to """Polan""" because of the higher density of Ahmeds and Obongos.

Keep dreaming, Abbo.
If the AO still used rebound ace at the surface I'd say it would be the best GS

But it gets sticky when hot and so didn't work well with the GS schedule

Now, at best it's equal to the US open.
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karlie kloss was in melbourne for serenas win, didn't see her in the crowd
yeah, that's what makes her look special
the AO has definitely been more forward thinking than any of the other slams

first country to introduce retractable roofs, back in the late 80s when it was hardly a regular thing

the whole "progressive" thing, like wheelchair tennis. we're the only slam who does it.

plus there's more fun stuff to do around Melbourne Park for kids and shit, like games, concerts, comfy relaxing spots around the grounds etc.

I just googled her

I thought she'd be taller, even my girlfriend is 6'3
a lot of that is little and somewhat unimportant, but its the little things that count, otherwise all the slams would be very similar to each other
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Dubs finale

She wears big heels all the time, she fucking dwarfed Serena
I don't know if this was supposed to be bait but it's actually kinda true. In terms of tradition W > F > UO > AO

But the best tennis is played on hard courts.
US and AO will never be great because of the time zones

do you realize I just had to stay up from 3;30am to 6am to watch 2 nigresses from my country play?

the same shit happens when we host the USO and you have to watch roidal or djoker at 4am in Europe
idk I imagine turf/ soil science or whatever it is is pretty good these days, get some roided up gmo grass out there and it would grow pretty well. melbourne weather can't be that bad.

it just seems obvious with so many of our big sports (cricket, football codes) being played on grass to include it for the open. I guess I like grass better because it seems the more skilled player win on it, they showed a stat tonight where the wimbly williams h2h is almost evenly balanced whereas she's been btfo on every other surface
Would rather your timezone than ours Tbh. Almost all sport worth watching is in the US or Europe which makes your timezone better than ours since your shit is in at the worst possible time for this timezone generally.
I usually sperg out when I hear the word "progressive" especially relating to Melbourne but you're right. I think it lends itself to the Australian "have a go" spirit.
>You cunts want to play Tennis but can't use your legs hey? Fuck Dave it let them play anyways I wanna see mad skids.

Forward thinking was the best way you put it, there's something for everyone if you go down there and Tennis and the AO win. Not sure if it's long been established but even Wimbly is trying to craft new traditions by having the Singles winner hold the trophy aloft from that balcony with all the foliage covering the side of the building. looked amazing. FUCK YEAH AO
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benis fugg finland :DD
that last bit is important desu, the nice thing about australian sports is they don't mind getting a bit dorky with the side stuff. it means we get absolutely horrendous pre-match entertainment like tonight and every single afl grand final but also nice little things like when they brought in those zoo animals for the players to hold. just a bit of cheeky fun and adds character
those must be fucking enormous heels then

>karlie kloss 1.8m
>jimmy fallon 1.83
according to google
post yfw tennis threads are kill after the slam
is he really that tall? thought he was short, has a really manlet cunt face
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>the Djokovic ad

Every time.
other countries have seen that ad?
Who was it who took the bot out of the tournament?
on day 2 of the keto and about to kill myself for a freshly baked piece of bread and creamy butter tbqh
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winland bölölöö :DDDDD henri stronk

I don't know what the keto meme diet is but I had steak,chips, beer and a few boiled potato that I cut up and put a big dab of butter in the middle of. Fuck it was good.
I can see/listen it on the court during changeovers
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>mens finals is going to open MCA to have a bunch of screens put up for people to watch the finals and will have the champion show up there afterwards
>womens didn't do this

what did tennis australia mean by this?
What ad is it?

yes nothing beats waking up cozy and watching EPL and La Liga all day then when you Yuros go to sleep I get to start watching our sports here deep into the night.

Oh shit lad is the escort you ordered? cause damn I'd pay 50 maybe 70 bucks for her.
I remember this.

t. newcunt
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is that your mom?

I'm not finding a link to it, must be the copyright.
australia is bes

>morning to mid-afternoon: wake up and watch american sports in like NFL and NBA
>mid-afternoon to evening: watch based aussie sports like cricket and AFL
>evening to overnight: watch yuro sports like football

just wall to wall sports down undah

Is there a better feeling than seeing your OC being posted lads?
is there a single 'classic' match of females tennis that is worth watching?
Maybe some Henin match

I remember Kim Clisters Hewitt's wife having a really good match, god I still remember her splits.

> Hewitts wife

they broke up in 2004
bound to be some steffi graf games out there.

a good handful of her GS finals went into long third sets


Sorry I'm addicted to yous
sad to hear lad
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>Angelique Kerber's first run at WTA #1 ends after 20 weeks. 13-7 record, no titles, one final (Singapore). 0-4 vs top-20 outside Singapore.

what did the WTA and Kerber mean by this?
I consider replies like this as 2 (You)s.
Some people aren't cut to be number 1, it's a huge pressure. Murray isn't as well.

You know what you did and I fucking love you for it. Best thing about posting in /tennis/ is shit like this. I cannot express how much it makes my day I love you.
hantuchova is a butterface

fantastic legs
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Tickets to men's final originally cost $A413 - $662. Now $2000 (unofficials), better seats $10,000 & top cat. $16,100 (Ticketmaster resale).
Aus dollar?

I'm not surprised, I bet come tomorrow midday you could charge 5 grand for shitty seats.

Casual here when was the last time Federer went against Nadal at the Australia Open and when do you think they will ever again?
Fed/Raffa ads when
There are tons
What happens to slam courts for the rest of the year?
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Can't wait to see Fedcuck's tears tomorrow.

Look at what happened to all the stadiums in China after the Olympics, it's sad but Melbourne barely survives after the tennis.

Tears of triump me either

Gonna be so good.
kys you garlic stinking cunt
i hope your parents get murdered
>stadiums in China after the Olympics
That's different though, they are only used once.
Some of them get used for entertainment arenas
Serbs are not even humans
they are tur*s
About to go play some tennis lads.
Whens the last time you couch potatoes played yourself?

Go play.
Yesterday tbqh
>played yourself
This morning.
What racket do you use lad?
t.radical pro
yesterday, i have tournament tomorrow
Hi Rafa, please die in a fire.
wilson ultra 100

very nice.
lol its true, its at 1pm so im hoping it starts raining so i can see federer get destroyed tho
Burn FST 99S here

quite happy
I'm too poor to afford a racket.
fuck off from /tennis/

this is a rich peoples sport

Back in school so 15 years ago.
go to decathlon and buy one
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Leave tennis kino to me
Dead thread
Dead sport

Isn't she a drug cheat?
>people think Nadal stands a chance

His mind was broken by Djokovic so badly that he almost retired.

Now he's slow and plays shitty, almost losing to baby Fed.

The roiding spic cheat is done.

Fucking this. Ahmed is right.

He almost lost to Federer light.

He cannot beat full fledged Federer in his prime.

and I quote "I'm going to give it all I can if I can't walk for 5 months so be it" t. Federer

Nadal is going down.
It will be beautiful. Can't wait to rub Spain's face in shit.
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Federer was broken by Djokovic so badly that he was injured for all of 2016.

Now he's slow and plays shitty, sending forehands into the net, almost losing to Stan the crybaby.

The roiding fat cheat is done.
Shouldn't you be out praying to Allah or getting blown up by a French citizen?
You should just be glad to see them playing in a GS final.

Last 2 years were Murray & Djoko boring the shit out of everyone.
Smug Fed will blast your mancrush.
Watching that little swiss poofta get fucking WRECKED by nadal's enormous spanish chorizo cock is gonna be a preeeetty spicy scene my friends.

Federer babbies are gonna be hurting tomorrow
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>Last 2 years were Murray & Djoko boring the shit out of everyone.

At least Wawrinka was here to crash the party occasionally.

Casual here that has never seen a clay court Match, as a Aussie will there be streams?
If Federer wins it, I'll fap to nothing but gay porn until the next AO.
So same as usual for you?
Not for strayans, unless you can tunnel into france somehow.

I think foxsport got your other GS rights
Tranny porn is gay porn my Brazil friend.

Decent bants my brown friend but you gotta go deeper.
Nah, I usually fap to the videos your mom posts on her blog.

Crap, I watch /nrl/ on fox sports I hope I can dig up a stream for some clay, thanks my brown friend.
>go deeper
Don't want gay porn so don't know how deep those anal scenes go
So gay porn then?
There are some scenes with her sister yes.
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I want Serena to sit on my face so bad lads
I don't think eating ass is gluten-free, Nole
That'd be a top way to go

Suffocated by massive arse
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Look Croatia you're cool and stuff. Our relations are fine whatever. But Serean is fucking mind alright. You come to woy woy mcdonalds you want to fight for her. SHE IS MINE.
I don't play tennis but how can I afford a tennis gf? It's seems to be that they are all spoiled uptown lasses from rich families who expect a horse as a birthday present.

Having absolutely nothing of materialistic value isn't really helping.

Any advices?

/pol/ answer in

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cyber stalk girls playing challengers

who /totka/ here
desu i dont even like tennis

i just like federer

i started following tennis after roger won his first wimbledon, and ive been watching less and less since 2012

when i see federer play nadal, its like that south park episode where indiana jones is getting raped by lucas and spielberg, it just hurts so much

i was so excited about federer in a gs final again, but knowing he will play against nadal... i might not even set my alarm clock tomorrow

Look in my experience rich girls can be won over.

You say they want a horse a birthday present.

I don't know if Germany has stallions roaming around but if they do you go and find one and you tame that pos horse. You make it your bitch. You become the robert redford of horse whisperers.

You want a girl so bad you'll be able to do that if not you only have a crush and she isn't worth your time.

you damn right.
Or just fuck the horse
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I-I thought we were friends Finland.

that was her
Finland has no friends
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I'm drunk as fuck by this hour but can you pic her out deleted msg guy.
karlie isnt in the pic.
>their sister


Deleted my previous post, because after reading it, it was complete rubbish.
>40mins till 4am
Light up the night, time

wtf am i doing with my life /sp/

I'm collecting yous on /pol/ /tv/ and /v/ oh and here. Life is good.
Pls go to bed. We need your shitposting talents for the final
>implying threads wont move so fast so no one will read them
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Oh I'll be here matey. I wouldn't let down our king and country.
aye, captain.

but ill be too busy watching the match
[spoiler]>implying it wont be a great match and an epic conclusion to their decade long rivalry. [/spoiler]
I can't fucking sleep lads

too hype
get drunk then

Move to NZ and count wives.

Other than that I dunno mate. It's saturday drink and be degenerate. Watching enemy of the state and then dvd screener of live by night.

Federer will win so I don't get jannied.
>Nadal wins
>15 v 17 slam count
>Roland Garros is next
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Federer wants it too much, Nadal has doubt which will be his down fall.

Federer hasn't won a AO against Nadal he just wants it too much.
>drug cheat
>rapidly fading looks
>mediocre talent
>lost the last EIGHTEEN (18) consecutive matches vs serena

lmao, she's the new JUST candidate
stop relying on years old stats
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> Fed is GOAT

I pity you poor souls
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>tfw fedcuck will finally be exposed as the massive fraud he is tomorrow
Ok I won't

Federer wins.

RG 2001 Capriati - Clijsters was pretty good.
Maybe because I'm Belgian, but Henin was a pleasure to watch playing tennis.
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But it's my thread and I don't want it to die.
god tier backhand
Well, well, well. One of the orangutans won. How awesome for the history od the sport.

Dis is a bit racist but not really because if you look back in history it's not because it's true you know pretty sure back in time someone wrote the history on a leaf and then they lost that leaf and then 2000 years later they typed it on a computer or a phone and they were from peru. Pretty crazy shit quote me on it father.
>People unironically believe that Fedelel is the GOAT
>He was bested and stomped by a teenage Nadal
GS pre Nadal don't count
That's a lot of mumbo-jumbo, amigo. Here is a (you) for the effort. At least like this I'm helping to bump this otherwise ded tennis thread.

You're a good tennis friend. I would be lying if I said I've finished 10 beers tonight. I love peru its a good country and deserves Australia's respect. <3.
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hi andy, would you please focus some of your phony anti-doping outrage at the 35 year old who just blew through yet another draw uncontested, and who's shown absolutely no decline in the last 5, or even 10 years? thanks
>the assblasted leaf STILL won't give it up
You should strongly consider suicide
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Please refrain from posting.
Lads, how do i watch the vod of the match at a reasonable time without getting spoiled?
record it

No cable T_T
Doesn't Canadian TV replay GS finals?
>me on the bottom right
I'm so nervous I could throw up lads

I feel like if Federer manages to somehow win this he cements himself as the undisputed GOAT but a loss (especially a bad one) could leave his legacy in tatters
>makes it to finals at 35 years old
His legacy is going nowhere you knob
Sure, but not as a GOAT. Nadal could catch him up.
This is murray's era, big boy
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>11 - 26 against Nole
nadal won, im sorry to tell u
> Federer has reached double the Grand Slam finals after turning 32 (four times) than all men born after 1989 have in their entire careers, combined (twice, once by Kei Nishikori and once by Milos Raonic)

>this is the generation I belong to
1989 was a bad album
Why are people going to watch this? Nadal already won.

Any other matchup from the final four would have been more interesting.
Maybe if it was 2008. Not it's random af
Do it leaf. Just fucking do it. >>73920396
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>RG 2001 Capriati - Clijsters

Ah, remember stroking my meat hard to Kimmie.
Even if he did, he would have an asterisk next to his stats because of that fucking disgusting clay stats padding.
>no pictures of Martina hnnnngis
You really believe Fed isn't on some shit? Or any top tennis player cmon man
>13 bongs remaining
>undisputed GOAT
>is 11-23 against Nadal (11-24 tomorrow)

really agitates my neurons
What shit and what evidence do you have?
every top athlete is on PEDs, you think fucking cilic and tipsarevic get busted for drugs but the top players aren't on them?
>Rafa hasn't been in a slam final since 2014
>Rafa lost to fucking Stan in Australia last time he was in the final
>people doubt Roger 2.0

It's time
That's what I thought three years ago.
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Sampras on suicide watch.
It's different now. Nadal does a lot more errors now. Then again so does Fed. It's really fucking random.
a) he was injured and b) Stan is not as vulnerable as Roger against Nadal and could easily have blasted him off the court like he did against the Bot
As if it matters to Petie whether Fedex is in front by 3 or 4.
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Honestly I love both of them so either way it's fine.

At some point you realize both of them are great players and petty hating is unnecessary,
I think it matters to him that people don't even mention him in goat discussions anymore, it's all Rafa and Fed. He was REALLY competitive.
Djokovic and Murray are the enemy
>live in california
>match starts at 12:30 AM
>will probably stay up almost all night watching this because like all tennis matches it's gonna last 3-4 hours
>will probably fall asleep during
welcome to the urop superb own experience
>staying up to watch the super bowl

You can literally go on youtube at any time and open up a new video for 30 seconds of the full super bowl experience
you're not a true Fed fan until you watch him lose to Cilic at 4 am on the US Open semis.

fuck yeah, you get it
Would Rafa rather win the GS or get his hair back?
hair then all Grand slams for 4 years
Those players are no-talent shitters who need them to have any chance
this. I sincerely hope Roger wins tonight, but I wouldn't bet on it.
3:30 am on the east coast. Life is suffering. It was a lot easier to watch tennis when I lived in Switzerland.
You got 3 of 4 majors at reasonable times. East coast is the best timezone for watching USA & euro sports
movin' to the country gonna eat a lotta peaches
I want Roger to win tonight
but I also don't want to be disappointed
I realized that once your mind is set on cheering for a player, there's no turning back. Hard as you try to not care about it, you'll find yourself rooting for him and getting really pissed when he loses.
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>lost the wimbledon 2014 final
>lost the wimbledon 2015 AND the USO 2015 finals
>lost the WTF 2014 (retired but would have been BTFO) and 2015 finals
>lost the IW 2014-2015, MC 2014, Rome 2015 and Rogers Cup 2014 finals

What a fucking pathetic waste of oxygen, a disgrace and a massive fraud. There's no way this fucking hack is going to win tomorrow.
He was shit on clay. He can never be GOAT when so many players are around who are great on all surfaces.
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>You will never be a French Davis Cup player, discussing wine and cheese with your French bros

Why even live?
>lost the Wimbledon 2014 final
You mean when Nadal lost in the 4th round? And hasn't gotten past the QF since, until now?
Reaching the finals and losing > not even reaching the finals.

That being said, you're right, Federer is still actually going to lose

Federer is going to win in 4 sets. Cap this post.
>it's the year 2017 and the Australian Open Grand Slam Final is Federer and Nadal

Will this ride never end
The courts weren't all the same back then.
The big 4 will all slams until 2030
17 slams, soon to be 18. Keep crying you pathetic surrender monkey
I genuinely think that post was satirical
Are you suggesting grass and clay are similar today?
Relatively. The difference between them used to be greater than it is today.
well second week of wimbledon is more like a hybrid of clay and grass than pure grass, that's why rafa struggled first week but if he maked it to second he would kick ass.
Way less distinctive than pre-2002 when they changed the grass.
I reckon your post was a joke, but if you said:

>until 2020

It would actually have some legit chance of being true.
>stop posting on /sp/
>Rafa makes a GS final for the first time in an eternity
is this the meme magic people keep telling me about?
two words: court homogenisation

had an aneurysm
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lucky 7.png
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This is meme magic Muhammad.
Stan on his, not to mention old age, make either extremely unlikely.
delet this
I assume you suffered a second aneurysm.
had another one I see
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>ppl actually think fed can win

jesus christ what a train wreck, I'm laughing so hard
The only chance of that happening IMHO is if Rafa gets injured during the final.

Which is not that far fetched as he had to put his body under a ton of stress to make it past Dimitrov, Monfils and Zverev.
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Oh joao
>tfw we will never be relevant in this shit ever again
and then people will accuse him of gamesmanship for getting injured
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Fed's legs are past it though, so even with a one arm he might win.

>the geriatric open
Why is Nadal a nigger in this?
>Dat ape face given to nadal

Imagine the outrage if Serena was drawn like that
please translate for us who don't speak chinese
I don't understand it either. It's french.
> so, still havent retired?

> speak for yourself lad
>being this upset about tennis being the perfect sport
So, you not yet retired?

Speak for yourself, kid
Why is there a /homogen/ on /sp/?
Are they? According to his interview post Wawrinka's match he decided to receive pt work on his groin because he felt his legs were becoming a bit 'tight' and unresponsive during the match. Not because he felt pain or something about to get pulled.
That's my point.
doesn't matter. looked like he was lying. seemed like a tactical move in response to Stan's MTO
So lads, who is going to win?


Let's see how shit we all are at predicting GS outcomes
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Fruit power rankings

This. Do retards actually put stock into what players say post match?
>mango is at the bottom
shit taste
Completely wrong, retard


And why did you make Mangoes plural but nothing else? Are mangoes only good when you have multiple?
>pears better than apples
>kiwis better than grapefruit
>oranges not the goat fruit
Holy shit your retarded
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>blind to pure perfection that is mangoes
>brings up disgusting oranges
/sp/ really is nothing but filthy casuals, isn't it?
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>no Pineapple at all

come on guys
Anyone who likes bananas are sluts/gay
I wouldnt be so sure. Considering his age and that he is coming from a surgery to his knees.

But who actually knows.
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I agree, I'm just going with this >>73925040
obviously mentally handicapped autistic man-child's list.

He ignored a bunch of delicious fruits, eg: blueberry, melon, watermelon, grape, pomegranate, passion fruit, blackberry, plums, papaya, and so much more.

post an HD acestream link for me to watch when the games start.
Go fuck yourself
Say please
Only if you play your tennis on a proper surface
Why so insecure, Mustafa?
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Hey guys. It's 6.46am. I haven't slept I've been watching highlights videos and getting drunk all night/morning waiting for the match. I will post this now and probably again throughout the day and leading up to the match but I want to say something. I'm 100% a Fedfag and a guy who says Nadal is/was on roids but I just watched a clip from Wimbly 2008 and prior to walking out Rafa gestures to Roger asking him if he wants to walk out first as the defending Champion but he declines with a cheeky smile. I will go to my grave saying these 2 players are the best to ever lift a racquet. I can't wait to see them play today.
You guys think Rafa orders his roids on the dark net?
Stuff like this and the kind embrace Nadal and Dimitrov shared at the net are truly beautiful.
They probably have some kind of underground lab under his house in Mallorca, hence why he almost always seems so ''recovered''' after every prolonged break. That's probably also the reason why he doesnt perform too well in tournaments that are too far away from his house in Europe as he cant sneak out his roids so easily.
Maybe true, but unfortunately it is literally the exact opposite in terms of prestige.
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Who else wants roger to win in 5 sets?
If it goes 5 he has no chance.
Just bet 100 baguettes on Rafa.
Who /freemoney/ here?
How are the odds?
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Will I win £1000 tomorrow?
Mirka flinches as you run your hands down her soft rolling back
"Roger hasn't touched me like that in years". Her voice cracks as she makes her painful admission to you. You just smile as your fingers make their way up to her head consuming neck. You can feel her reluctance. Trying to resist her urges, she is like her husband trying to resist the effects of ageing in games against Nadal. Both of them pretend they can resist, but they will both end up being physically dominated by a younger man. She squeaks as your hands begin to remove her coat. "My husband bought that for me with the money it got from Wimbledon 2013". She states it as a fact, but you understand the underlying message. She hates that coat. It would have been a nicer coat if Roger had made more money, if he hadn't been beaten in the second round like the pathetic shadow of a man he is. He probably can't even get an erection any more.

You flip Mirka onto her back and the room shakes.
She keeps trying to convince herself she loves her husband.
"Last month I covered this bed in clay, got naked and told Roger it was his chance to do something big on clay for the first time since 2009". She smiles. "But he just walked off". You ignore her words and work your hands into her mucusy cunt. 'uguggmoooooooo''. She moans again as loudly as she ever has. Her children would be woken up if they weren't listening to a tape of Nadal grunting as they slept. You take out your hard cock and begin to insert the tip inside of her. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" she bellows. You are so aroused by this that you can barely contain yourself and your cum sprays everywhere. You hear the front door of the house opening "Mirka?" Comes the voice "It is over. I have retired. We can have sex again".
1.80 for a Nadal victory.
It's literally free money.
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Oh my fucking god, I had forgotten this posta. Absolute gold.
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will he finally reveal his hidden technique?
first time since the djokobot-muhray final a few years ago that im honestly going to stay up until 3 am to watch an aussie open

can't pass up a federer-nadal final considering this is probably the last time we'll see this in a grand slam
Not you
Easiest 80€ I've ever made f.a.m
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are you ready for the slamfags?
You mean dumbest 93€ you've ever lost
>not being a slamfag
Lol get a life dork
i want maria to squat on my face
Post yfw Olderer suffers a heart attack and Roidal's body explodes mid-match, and the title goes to Dimitrov because of the double KO.

Can't really see him winning 2bh

Like a lamb shank or something?
>Enters tournament seeded 17th
>17 Grand Slams
>2017 Australian Open
>17th time he meets Nadal in a HC tournament

>Enters tournament seeded 9th
>9 French Opens
>Last and only AO title: 2009
>Nadal leads 9-7 in HCs
>Nadal leads 9-2 in GS matches

want fed to win think rafa will win. he just looks to have the better form at the moment.
This AO is so full of pottery, it looks like it was scripted like a mandrama fight. Almost rigged, even.
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the face of reddit.webm
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how sore is his poohole after last night?
How many bongs till the game?
I want her to shriek in my face
what time is this on PST?

i don't watch tennis but ill watch this
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hello ladies.jpg
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Federer vs Nadal

7:30pm AEST
12:30am PST
8:30am GMT
4 hours, 20 minutes till Fedal
who /tournagrip/ here?
Not sure if it's worth getting up at 4am to watch.
who /keto/ here?
It's actually 8.30pm AEST.

7.30pm AEDT.
8.30pm AWST
What time ton ACST?

What tiome for Tasmania
Tasmania is in the same time zone as new Zealand, so 8.30pm
I hate Jim Courier so much
Whoever wins the final tonight will win the Australian Open

t. casual
he's right though
t. casual
Whoever wins more points will win.

Not true.
How do you win a tennis match?
hit the ball harder than the other person
no idea t bh

t. Nick Kyrios
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Are you fucking kidding me?!


make the other person give up
who /justhopesitgoesfivesets/ here?
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Nice try bud, almost got me

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>But Roger had more points than Nadal, HE should be the Aussie Open champ!
>t. Hillary voter
you first :^)
+110 is a Federer line. Nadal should be about -200 given his h2h record against Roger.
getting sick of seeing Rod Lavers decrepit walking corpse
That literally happened in the 2009 final. No one actually argued he should've be the winner because of it though.
You're the one who said the winner needs more points, tard.
Hate it in any sport when they try to get you to be impressed with athletes from 100 years ago, when modern teenage amateurs could easily dominate the best from previous eras.
is this the final that determines who is the one and only GOAT?
Mirza has some bodacious titties
back off she's mine
Not bad for a player

t. poo in loos
who /knowsmoreabouttennisthananyoneelseon4chan/ here?

I could heem anyone in here in straight sets desu
im going to bed
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Me, that means you can't the the one who /knowsmoreabouttennisthanANYONEELSEon4chan/

Flawed logic

Night Texas.
Zwei uhr
that disgusting english poofter just stole my gimmick and thought no one would notice
mapuches are masterrace
>tfw fedelel will never win another grand slam in his career cause he makes too many errors

we saw it creeping through a lot during that match with stan

it's gonna be full blown in this match probably
Dubs and Fed wins and dabs in Uncle Toni's direction on MP.
2 bongs until fed gets his boipucci raped inside out by rafa's bulldick
Ask me about any fairly noteworthy match from the last 8 years and I could tell you who played in it, who won, and probably the exact score.
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Are you all for /FedGOD/ or /NaGOAT/ ???
/FedGOAT/ of course.
spotted the tennis casual
he NEEDS it to go to 5, rafa doesn't have the stamina
I don't care. I just want memes
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Just a reminder that Mugu isn't your gf
Don't really care who wins. Just hoping for a close match. Would be boring if it was a straight set win.
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Anyone else remember when espn used to cover only sports and never mentioned politics or social issues. Those were the days
Actually Rafa

He's still young and might be able to get a lot of confidence from this. I just don't want to watch Murri and Djokovic anymore.
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Roger Federer.jpg
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djoker is done i expect only 2 at max more slams from him. Murray will grab 3-4 at max. Then we'll have milos grabbing some with stan maybe getting 1 or 2 more
>manface is not my gf
i'm glad for that.
genie has less of a manface..

genie will win 5 GS
>he actually believes this
whens bouchard playing?
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she's playing my skin flute right now

reminder that the womens finals didn't even fill 1 thread before it ended and is proof of this boards sexism
[monkey noises]
>be shit at tennis
>cash in because of good looks
>use tennis court as red carpet
This is why I can't take women's tennis serious.
At least Sherapova was actually good enough to be no.2
women's """"tennis""""
2bh federer is garbage compared to nadal but gets platitudes bc he is white and better looking. u r just impervious to the discrimination against brown people. women and other minorities you CIS SCUM NIGGER
stupid question but do women wear makeup during sport?

like basic concealer or something? otherwise most of them look ok with little to no makeup on court.

however, williams sisters wear fucking winged eyeliner just to make their eyes look bigger. fucking atrocious.

Genie had a good run that one year she made the wombly finals, then people realised she couldn't switch up her game plan and she got exposed for 2 years.

I still remember how hard the WTA was pushing her as the next big thing.

not allowed to wear makeup from what I remember, some players look a lot better without the makeup tbqh
because women are insecure about their looks you moron
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Why is goethe held in such high regard eventho his output wasnt very numerous AND Faust is a retelling of folklore?
Even if that was true. He is still a world class player. Genie on the other hand...

Also Bitches love Rafa.
Will Nadal score a century?
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He was a good friend
Quality > quantity
Also, Shakespeare was just retelling folklore and he's the greatest GOAT of all time
Dubs and Nadal breaksdown by the 4th and retires
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>1 bong
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pol peped some sp guy.jpg
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Getting pretty hype lads.
just put some moisturiser on my hands lads
it looks small compared to other GC main courts/stadiums
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Do I take power nap?
are they gonna give Istomeme the most improved player award?

That's Margret Court Arena.

Rod laver is the main court I think.
Anyways, I'm going to watch the match at Federation Square. Anyone wants to join me?

Was fun chatting with you guys and even more amazing to actually be here at the AO in the first 2 days last week. A dream come true for me. I hope this match won't disappoint today because it would make for an amazing finish to it all.
>reading shakespeare
>not reading the transcripts of Connor McGregor's entire body of interviews

stay dumb kid
And Hisense is bigger than MCA but is now treated as the 3rd court for some reason.
wow you sound like a fag. Hope you have a shit night

I'm heading there with some peeps. I'm the brunette girl in white. Just come over and sit down with our group.
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Have fun polish lad..you ever meet with qt?

na, last time I hanged out with 4chan people some of them thought it was appropriate to shout everything for me even though I was the only one in the group with a real job
Thanks m8.

I'm sure I'll recognize you... I'll be wearing a star wars shirt cause I roll that way. If you see a loser with that shirt it will be me so say hi.

Which qt? This week has been a bit of a disaster for me when it comes to the ladies...
>mfw i think this is a setup and you're trying to ruin me with a bunch of stacies
i'm r9k tier.

more autism than nadal and the muzz.

anybody got money on this match?
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the one yous met and got her number

for when this hits 5 hundo


for when this hits 5 hundo


hello apex, you're not mugging me!
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>disaster for me when it comes to the ladies...

With this kinda confidence

>If you see a loser with that shirt it will be me

Don't know why that would be.

Don't want to be mean but mate c'mon you're doing better than me at life so chin up alright.


You saw through my evil plan.
I don't work now but I have over $100k in savings so...
Oh yeah, no second date though. It's ok, I met a girl on a train and got her facebook contact. She's qt af.

Actually it's been a disaster because I got shitfaced on Australia day and then my friend showed up when we were already beyond plastered and I might have told her I love her and other inappropriate shit. So now I have no chance with a girl I thought I was making progress with. Oops...
gibe moni pls
Nah, I still haven't been to a world cup and I also hope to be in Tokyo 2020 even though I've been to both Olympics. This money is for travel and sports...

please need an a half white/asian gf

>I love her and other inappropriate shit

You were drunk, call her or visit her or whatever and just act like it didn't happen. Don't apologies or mention it just get on with it.
Last night for Williams vs. Williams that ausopen link was just a feed of the outside of the stadium with commentary.

Is it suppposed to be a proper stream there?
pree rare here bud. try cali or hawaii i guess.

tons of full ABA here tho.

kyrwog is a halfie tho
bad luck charlie
Should I really not apologize? I thought I would just say sorry about my actions next time I see her and then not mention it again after that.

I think we're meeting up this week to smoke weed at the beach.

Don't we all m8...
nice garry

Apologizing is weak. Own your actions like a man. She'll respect you more.
Is is wrong to get drunk at 9am and watch tennis?
>federer, nadal, djokovic, EBAM, based stan all competitive

Face it, this is the Golden age of tennis.
Does anyone here actually think Federer is going to win? Lmao
We live in a post modern world. nothing is wrong
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>Federer will lose in straight sets and there is nothing you can do about it

But he is anon.
Give him your whiteness
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blow the budget.jpg
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I think after some of the shit I said that night there's 0 respect left.

I think it's time to move on to someone else.
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creepy guy stares into my soul.jpg
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Fair enough, you'd know more than me
Look at the numbers anon, Nedal is the better player.
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>you will never sell PEDs to rafas team
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Time to hit up Tinder.

Do you think it will work for a fat guy?
Federer is /ourguy/
Are Andrew Garfield and Federer related?
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road to the final.jpg
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Who had the tougher route?
made fruit salad boyos

lime juice

even with such a simple combo I will be meeting many of my daily vitamin and mineral requirements

remember to stay active and eat healthy, /tennis/
I may be tenis casual that don't care for this sport before semifinals but other me just say, that although Nadal girlfriend is hot, seeing Mirka disappointed expression as I present my tiny dick to her will make me cut in heartbeat
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Just because they're both autistic doesn't mean they're related.
whats with those names
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It will never end
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What did they mean by this?

>3 f*cking wh*te m*les

was is cahill with 7?
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this kills the racists.jpg
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didn't realise Won By was last years champ
[loud monkey noises]
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I'm ready guys!
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No matter what happens tonight, the King will be back. Don't be too upset if Rafa blows him off the court
>Nadal leads 9-7 in HCs
9+7 = 16. 1+6 = 7 (The most powerful number)
>Nadal leads 9-2 in GS matches
9+2 = 11 (another powerful number) 9-2 = 7

Yes I have autism.
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Last game of tennis that I will watch for the year ama
Same here I only watch the AO
First game of tennis I will ever watch in my life, ama.
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>rest of the year will be murray/novak memes in 1000s and slams
first match of tennis I will watch today
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>the next generation of european players will not be allowed to play in american tournaments
has it farted yet lads?

25 bings
What the fuck is this meme
Is nadal on the spectrum?
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also >>7394912
Just tuned in. What the fuck is going on?
Who is this qt?
niggers welcome.
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melbourne entertainment.jpg
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wtf is this shit

this is the best they could get?
Amber Heard

Yours is as good as mine.

People get payed to organise this shit
That was autism
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>This "music"
Espn has good Tennis coverage. This is epic.

Btw Im leaning....roidal...im actually a fed fan but i kind see nadal :/
i am not surprised nobody here knows nigel kennedy
What on earth was that pregame show

t. melbourne art faggot who works at starbucks
Absolutely loving these commercials for melbourne tourism
trump time!
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