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Why are people so under the illusion that one of these is the

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Why are people so under the illusion that one of these is the definitive "GOAT"?
Because they happen to be around the same time as the social media era
It never even a "rivalry". Ronaldo is clearly the more dominant and talented player. Plus he always shows up when it matters most. Messi is the biggest sports meme of the 21st century
Young People + Football = MESSI/CR7 IS THE BEST OF ALL TIME!!!!1111!!111!!!!!11!!!
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No one says Ronaldo is the GOAT

The real discussion is between these 3, and the answer depends on your age and which one you've seen the most
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>No one says Ronaldo is the GOAT
He isn't. Neither is Messi.

From those 3:
>Di Stefano
You could argue Messi is the GOAT

What makes Di Stéfano better than him?
Sorry, actually meant to put Messi above Di Stéfano.
ud af mit land mohamed
Messi has scored against Bayern and has the record for most goals in the Classic. He's only faced Juventus once so arguably the only team deserving of that spot is Chelsea
Because competition ever increases
>Greatest of all time
>people think time only goes backwards

The GOAT is more than likely in the future
Di Stefano
>Rating Maradonna
Nobody does this

I would only consider Messi in contention for GOAT though, and not for very long
Messi is top ten of all time, not top five though
Messi has literally shitted on all those teams but Chelsea.
TsuGOD in his prime was the most complete forward ever desu
what's your top five, dalglish, charlton, shearer, gascoigne and best?
Why do people rate Maradona? He's literally a cheating drug addict
Because Ronaldo is the most technical and athletic player ever while is Messi is the most effective player ever.
>le tap in close to being GOAT

because despite being a drug addict he performed something no one has ever done before
You mean scoring a "header" in a final with his hand and showing he's a mentally fragile cuck by succumbing to drug addiction?
>Maradona won things in spite of the teams he played for.
>Messi wins things because of the team he plays for.
Messi's inability to win anything outside of glorious Barcelona for a player who's meant to be "THE GOAT" is pathetic.
I know you are probably baiting but considering you are an American you may be playing your national sport: being an arrogant prick even when talking about stuff you don't know shit about

He hand goal wasn't in a final, and in the very same game he scored the greatest goal in WCs history

Second, he wasn't an addict back then
no one rates Di Stefano as GOAT, he isn't even rated higher than Puskas
>glorious Barcelona
Barcelona before Messi had only 1 CL, literally like Red Star Belgrad

He (plus Iniesta and Xavi) made Barcelona what they are now
the most athletic player ever is Javier Zanetti
inb4 tips fedora

>counting a CL where he didn't even play a match
People not rating Lewa who is faster and stronger than ronniealdo and lessi. Also
All you said is objectively wrong, Robert

>if it doesn't fit my autisticially made up criteria then it isn't valid
>autisticially made up criteria
Playing at least one game is a fair requirement, he had no involvement in the 2006 CL and that's a fact
Show me lessi or cr88 TOTALLY rekting Company, or choking a Kazkakh
>you cunt
Show me a player who scored 5 goals in 9 minutes after being benched vs a top club in a top league.
>you cunt
So what? Großkreutz didn't play a single minute but he's objectively a World Champion

>top league
Unless you don't play for Bayern it isn't a big acomplishment
>0 Euro2016 goals

le goat against augsburg and gibraltar man
he was motm against chelsea in the RO16 and got injured in the second leg
Remember when Red Star Belgrade had the likes of Valdes, Ronaldinho, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Eto'o, Puyol, Deco in their side?
Here. Take this as an explanation what his role is in NT.
I've seen it all bosnjak man. Did he missed his penalties?
which leg?
Do you unironcially rate Boro's goalie Víctor Valdés
first leg chelsea 1-2 barca
In which leg was he injured??!!
>most technical player ever

Haha u wot? He's not even top 15 today technique wise never mind all time
Savićević, Prosinečki, Pančev, Mihajlović shit all over them desu
>unironically rating TSU
Even if you don't you're still left with Ronaldinho, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Eto'o, Puyol, van Bronckhorst, Thiago Motta and Deco. It wasn't as if Messi came into a weak as fuck side and was the one and only catalyst for the club's great success over the years.
He's top ten of all time even if you hate him. The fact he still manages to produce the goals and performances he does with his exploding knees really says a lot.
He can shoot with both legs, beat header in the world, he's a perfect player on a fundamental level.
Robben is the real goat.
go build the wall pablo
LEL. Actually the illusion only applies to Messi. There has never been someone serious suggestion Cristiano is the GOAT, only the contrarians against Messi started saying that shit. Anyway, the GOAT isn`t there.
>Brazilian calling 'Ronaldo' CR7
Complete KEK 2bh.
Cristiano is more athletics than technique 2bh and he is far from being the most technical. Actually messi is much more technical and i think CR7 is more effective (that's why he is even a contender against Messi, cause he manages to make goals and win games without being really in the same level as Messi).
more european cups (which is the only metric messifags deem important)
btw i forgot - di stefano also has won a copa america

Shearer and Batistuta had more busted knees and were better at scoring desu
Ronaldo at his peak was better than both of course
>Ronaldo is clearly the more dominant and talented player.
I don't see Ronaldo with 5 Ballons d'Or, four of which were consecutive.
Maybe because of their quality?

Maradona is considered goat even tho he won just 3 leagues and 2 international cups. Less tan Ruggeri por Batistuta.

Pele is considered goat even tho he won less trophies in Europe than Hleb. And less NT cups than Cafu (eventos lesa being relevant).

Zidane isla considered GOAT even tho has less titles han Dani Alves por Busquets

Dont be an ameridoop OP, not everything is abouts stats. People consider goats to those players that are clearly something else. People confuses what a goat is supossed to do too
True GOATS of the game.
Di Stefaniia
Gerd Muller

These are most of the players who's have done things that others simply cannot do. That have pushed the game further and made it a joy to watch. What has Cristiano Ronaldo done that someone else couldn't repeat? Inb4 50 goal seasons. Messi did that while also winning everything imaginable and changing football. Ronaldo has scored dozens of goals and still hasn't been able to match Messi.
Tere are other amazing players but I think the ones I mentioned are the most memorable. I'd also like to point out the golden generation of Ajax players that won 3 consecutive European cups.
God damnit i forgot about that
>Did he missed his penalties?
>counting goals scored in a penalty shootout in tournament statistics
Nobody does this.
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Pelé couldn't and didn't wanted to move to Europe. Santos and him made a lot of money touring around Europe rekting every champions. So did Garrincha's Botafogo, for example.

Talking about Garrincha, his "sub" (there wasn't substitutions during the games, just for the matches) in 62 World Cup, Jair da Costa, moved to Internazionale after the tournament (even though he didn't even played) to be a key player in one of greatest teams of Inter (Helenio Herrera's "Grande Inter"). He won the European Cup for two consecutive times, and even scored the winner in one of the finals; he did won the Serie A four times aswell. A sub, that didn't even played for a powerhouse in Brazil at his time.

There's another player, called Amarildo (played along with Garrincha in Botafogo and was Pelé's sub in 62 WC), that moved to Milan after the World Cup and managed to win a Coppa Italia with them and a Scudeto at Fiorentina.

Fun fact in pic related: Altafini is brazilian.
Not even wrong.
>implying they're better than Pele
Because they're delusional millennials.

I think the worst kind is actually the "I was about 12-16 years old when the over-hyped and ultimately failed Real Madrid Galacticos experiment occurred and I believe that Zidane and Ronaldo are on the same level as players like Scholes and Henry"

Mouth-breathing retards the lot of them.

Pro-tip: The true GOAT never played football past the year 2000
Think it's pretty difficult to define 'great'

For example, Zidane is considered 'great' but he won fuck all. He was never part of any great success story other than playing for a stacked Madrid team and that's about it.

Gary Neville on the other hand was a core part of arguably the most successful club side ever and was captain of it for 7 years, playing nearly every game over a 20 year period and picked up every trophy going, he also got over 100 caps and captained his country

but weirdly, people wouldn't even consider gary neville to be even close to being as 'great' as zidane...

i think it's a case of the angry birds generation valuing things like silly flicks and step-overs over true grit, leadership, passion, bravery, courage, commitment, loyalty, discipline and persistence

i mean, it doesn't matter how many gut-bursting, over-lapping runs Neville makes over a 20 year period but one nice flick or volley will become immortal within a few youtube shares....

kind of makes me give up hope for this generation t.b.h.
maybe because neville wasn't that great technically and someone like zidane would destroy neville 1v1
but please continue with your sentimental shite
Cruyff, Beckenbauer, Buffon, Maldini, Zidane
Yeah Messi would probably get on a top five forwards list
but they aren't a slice of the footballing map
If you're making a top ten list and fill it with goalscorers you're a retard and don't deserve to watch football
Zidane wouldn't get past Red Nev you deluded cunt.

Tackling is a technical skill. Was Zidane better than Neville at tackling? Was he fuck.

Again you're assuming 'technically' means ability to do sill step overs and drag backs. Technical skills include tackling, heading, slide tackles, positioning, marking, jostling and general use of your body. All things that Neville shits all over Zidane on from a great height.

So take your FIFA skill move bollocks and shove it up your arse.
Never understood this meme when United alone have had 3 superior Goalkeepers within the same timeframe of Buffon's career.

Oh and then there's Kahn who's arguably the best of the lot.
this also grinds my gears. people have it in their heads that technically means good at dribbling or controlling the ball. i think the use the term without thinking about what it actually means t.b.h
Sorry phil, I get it, your brother was a great player

>Was Zidane better than Neville at tackling? Was he fuck.

>'technically' means ability to do sill step overs and drag backs.

No, to me, technical ability is about using your foot to put the ball into different places in space
whether that be passing, shooting or doing one of those skill moves you dread so much
But I don't really care because you're obviously biased and this conversation is futile anyway
hope you have a great evening and that united lose all games in the future and get relegated soon
alex ferguson was a cool guy though
also, I really appreciate that you think "jostling" is a genuine skill that needs to be recognised lmao
>hope you have a great evening and that united lose all games in the future and get relegated soon
You sound upset as fuck. I don't even support Manchester RedDevils.

>No, to me, technical ability is about using your foot to put the ball into different places in space
So heading isn't a technical skill?
What about a goalkeeper pulling off a one handed save? That's not a technical skill?

You're full of shit m8. Taking a long throw-in is a technical skill.

I know this must perplex you, but defenders and goalkeepers can be just as good technically as the likes of Iniesta, Zidane, Modric, Bale, di Maria etc. etc.
Why wouldn't it? If you're no good at it, you're likely to get absolutely dominated by the opposition. It's the reason Kagawa failed in the premier league yet thrived in your mickey mouse league for example.
Alright master jostler, let me just say this
Your definition of "technical skill" varies greatly from mine
I still think if you'd agree to my definition, you'd have to concede that Zidane was the better player in that regard
And yes, I do recognise that other things are skills and need to be recognised, I'd rather have them be classified differently though
And that stupid comment about Kagawa is ridiculous
Messi presumably isn't that great at "jostling" in your estimation yet he still blows premier league opposition out of the water every time he faces them

>fifa awards

literally mafia-tier trash
I don't know all that much about soccer but the best player I've ever watched is objectively Peter Crouch
No idea why you're so hung up on jostling, I mentioned it as one of a big list of things... And yes it's important. And Messi is actually very good at it. He uses his lower centre of gravity to great effect.

>My made up definition of a term is correct and by that logic my argument is more correct than yours
Nice try. Zidane is better at shooting and dribbling than Gary Neville is. So what? Gary Neville is better at tackling and marking. None of these skills are more important than the others. It takes them all to be a great footballer and a great team.
Leave it to an American to favour a preening musclebound metrosexual over genius
>180 cm vs 179 cm
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