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eternal /fifa/ thread

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Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 82

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Legend Butland, Musa, Walker, Matrial and Bailly edition
nice image
super funny

thank you my white brother
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>normal pogba is up to 630k
>IF reus is now 900k
back to prices when people were buying coins I see

At one point there was 25 pages of tif Eriksen for over 300k. Thats like 750 million coins worth of Eriksen.

I guess people are buying coins or everyone is now a wall street mogul on the fut market.
The reason dirtmund are doing shit
nah fut champs has just brought so many coins into the game that the market is inflated to all hell

that or bots are super effective this year
he's a 74 on h2h so I would assume that is what he would get upgraded to
Played a few games tonight for the time in a week and a half, and for the first time since the update. Can't tell if defending is worse or if its just me being rusty.
Also SIF Steven N'Zonzi was absolutely rubbish for me.
nah it's the same for me, feels like my defenders are fucking trucks when I am trying to turn with them
Post aesthetic kits and badges
that and SBC.
I get 10k selling silvers every week.
Daily reminder that 3421 is the best formation in the game.
>750 million coins
Nowhere near that much
So fucking glad I sold Rooney at 900.

Current BINs are as low as 650.
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75 million *
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>ea is seriously about to start a weekend league with a bug in their game

Ok lmao.
Best way to finish this?

>inb4 one league squad
Its for next weekend league
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How much money you got?
Gundogan and William

Kante and Willian, if strapped for coins get Shaquri

Fernandinho and Shakira
If I end up buying all these, probably 50-100k.

Aguero is a definite buy for me since he fills in well for my Argentinian squad. the brown im not too crazy about
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Reminder for coin buyers selling bronze and silvers for 10k

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>2 strike system
>Buy the coins you need
>Buy the playera you want
>Leave like 500 coins
>Y-yes Mr ea no more of that
>Already have my team

Wonder what this "coin farming method" is
And why the hell would you need IFs/Legends for it

Some kind of dupe glitch or something?
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How do I get the most out of a m/m striker? Pls respond
>workrate meme
>H/M M/H CBs
> H/M CM
delete already lmao
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Lads would it work better if I swapped the slow man modeste position with ben yedder?

What do you think? Should I try the meme formation you are all talking about? My first time trying weekend league and want to get used to a good system before then.
see >>73884202
Sissoko is horrible for me
I switched to Dembele. Much better.
He's on the bench. Like sissoko since corchia behind him overlaps like fuck. Really good all rounder is sissoko.
Otamendi or David Luiz?
Haven't faced a single person with Otamendi so he's probably trash and Luiz is weak but still decent
thats a good point
Try the meme formation my friend. French squads are perfect for it since you can use SIF Lemar and Sissoko. SIF Lemar-Kante-IF N'Zonzi-Sissoko is an amazing midfield, and then you can have Martial and Dembele up front with either Modeste or Ben Yedder.
I'm really sad that pizzi didn't get a sif today. I tried out out his if and it's really fun card. U can pull off some nice flair passes with him and he's always running up field after passing.

If germain was avg for me sadly if anyone cares. Above avg finishing and passing but that's it.
What more do you need from a ST, especially a 10k one?
I've been having a problem while defending. When I switch to my defender which is very close to my opponent, at the moment I switch my defender moves away from the attacker. That's enough for my opponent to score.
How can this be avoid?
Ya I guess, was just invisible some matches. He would get in some nice positions sometimes. But then again I came up against 1mil + coin teams 3 out of 5 matches I subbed him on :/
>didnt even start him
> WL requirements

I literally can feel EAs urine on my face.
95% teams with Kante and Smalling. If you count all unique players you face, it'll be like 30 players in whole WL. Nice.
B-but I have an all French team so leave my Kante alone. I literally might kill myself if I see any more BPL squads.
Not sure how I'm feeling about this patch now it's been out a while. The game play is better but why the fug did they tone up high pressure. Most games not is a bunch of black dudes running faster than the ball sliding into you. Then they hoof it up to the other black guys who run rlly fast :( How do I deal with this?
>caring about the players you're facing except when it's a multi million coin team
>cant even handle pace babbies
By not being shit. Pass faster, dribble, have fast and/or strong players yourself
How can u pass faster when the players r faster than the ball :I Then when I shield half the time I get murdered.

Once I hit d3 this started happening. Seems people have just mastered that :/

Tried both. Luiz is definitely better.

I like Alderweireld and Koscielny better than any other epl combo. Smalling feels like shit for me but is a god for everyone else so go figure.
I prefer Bailly to Smalling but Smalling scores me a ton of headers off corners

The patch is shit, AI defending is atrocious. It hasn't changed my wins or losses but defending takes too much fucking work. I don't do the chase with midfielder stuff most people do, but when I pressure with one CB and the other CB who I led my opponent into literally stands still and lets him by its fucking frustrating. That didn't happen last week.
>faster than the ball
They're predicting and intercepting your passes
Eh, I consider intercepting if the ball doesn't reach the target. Its more like I pass, as the ball is 1/3rd to half the way to my player the opponent starts charging at my receiving player. My player will get raped from behind as he's controlling the ball or has no time to do anything with it.

Maybe I just need to learn another formation.
Who has beat IF picture?

my SIF
Update is out on xbox lads
FYI there's a new coin-farming glitch which is causing inflation.

Check the weekly Top 100 match earnings leaderboard, they are all over 900k on PS4. This is ridiculous from EA.
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>EA can quickly ban people for buying coins but can't do jackshit about the coin farmers
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>Fifa player review
>First three minutes is just reading the IG stats
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>>Fifa player review
Is now a bad time to buy coins?
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Do people even know what the fedora is supposed to represent these days? Player reviews are the most normie shit on Youtube

>Dubstep intro with ADHD graphics
>Smash dat thumbs up!
>Calvin Harris outro
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I got the same message yesterday but the link didn't work for some reason. From what I remember a kid messaged me about a week ago and accused me of "playing like a woman" so I reported him for misogyny and Microcuck actually banned the fucker.

I bet he's raging right now.
two straight days of shit servers.

i can't play this shit with so much fucking lag.

EA better fix this bullshit before the weekend league.
steven f
That's funny as shit they actually took action on that, but I can't get anyone on the phone to fix my account status. Fucking Microsoft.
Just inherited 1.5 mil, build me a team fueled by memes
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Apparently the patch didn't fix anything.
Never change, EA.
Is KSI really getting a card or did Scarce troll me?
I've found putting speed on fast and passing on short on custom tactics helps with this. Your players wont keep the ball and shield it which gives opponents time to react, and passing on short makes players approach you for the ball which makes it harder for opponents to intercept. Your passing accuracy should go up after this, and you won't find your opponent countering you to death all the time because he cant steal the ball off you as easily.

Try it and see how you go. This patch has been a killer for my overall record, but I'm starting to get the hang of things again. Also, one more thing. Putting my defensive line on high, but aggression on low is very effective and pressuring my opponent up the pitch without having my players dive in and create space for the opposition. Make sure your width is not to narrow because exploiting width is now super effective, but not to wide that your opponent can launch through balls centrally to a pacy nog.

KSI made a tweet with him holding one of those physical cards. Scarce knows nothing about the game so assumed they were putting him in the game.

which formation is the meme formation? i need a change from 41212(2) i think
It's normie shit for children you autist
So that's why player prices are so disgustingly high, such a shit company
>Boot up FIFA17.
>Attempt to play it online.
>Find no enjoyment and just quit the match.

Why is this game so shit lads?
Ps4 down for anyone else?

I just did a bit of work on transfer market. Tried to play both Draft and seasons, network error.
Try scrolling up 8 posts or using google
Thanks for the info, sorry fell asleep before I seen response. I'll try it out tonight.
Is this true, is the no loss glitch still working?
People are saying they only fixed the subs glitch, not the ragequit glitch.
When is the next crash expected?
No loss got fixed, the other one didn't
When the game dies and everyone starts waiting for FIFA 18 (TOTS)
Gameiro/Greizmann or Podolski/RVP for dual striker?

Also, Muller vs Thiago at CAM?
i'm falling for the 3421 meme lads
Also, best bundes keeper?
Most people like Leno.

I use Sommer.
Podolski/RVP for them longshots
They're all shit except Neuer, just get Burki if you can't afford him
See, for me it's either Podolski or Neuer unfortunately.

Thanks lads

What Player Instructions & Custom Tactics?

Thanks La'
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>no one believed me when I posted it the first time
>now 90% of the thread uses it
See pic related for custom tactics. Player instructions:
ST: False 9 (you can also use targetman if you've got a big striker), stay central
LF/RF: Get in behind
LM/RM: Stay wide, come back on defence
CMs: Conservative interceptions, stay on edge of box for cross, stay back while attacking for one of the two (whoever is better defensively/worse on the attack)
Holy fuck this Podolski, RVP, Sneijder combo is incredible
what's the name of that ginger youtuber who does career mode
capguntom? He's ginger but I dunno what his content is
found him

it was Chesnoid

going to order one of his tees now
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I've bought into the meme, thinking about making this but I think the 2 CM's aren't defensive enough. Any suggestions?

Thinking about getting rid of the Spaniards and just getting Nainggolan/Mario/Cuadrado.
that Iborra looks bananas
>cms arent defensive enough
>one of them has 88 defending
I want to make a team with only Canadian players.

What do you think?
Impossible to win with them since FIFA 14 m8
I do not care, for me Canadian soccer if it's good
4411 or 3421 steven meme

4321 ain't workin no mo
Worried about workrates more than anything but tbf IF Casemiro has M/M and he's great so I reckon I'll be fine.
>Use Griezmann in draft, have him carry me through the 4 games
>Buy him and put him in my team
>Doesn't make runs, can't pass, can't shoot, shit first touch
SBC Tim Cahill is making more of an impact in this team than Greasemann and he only gets a game if I'm drawing/losing with 10 minutes to go.
Those CMs are fine. Set Iborra to stay back while attacking. I use SIF Brozovic and TOTY Modric and I have no issues with defending. I'd use Aleix Vidal instead of De Marcos though.
3421 meme formation.
>workrate meme
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I packed an untradeable Ibra. After like 50 games I still can't get on with him, tried him at CAM & ST.
Thinking of trying him in midfield, anyone tried it? Will it work? He seems so sluggish so I dno.

Also rate my club items.
Pace babby.

Get his POTM
POTM ibra ends in like 12 hours btw, if u wanna trade yours in

git hunter or catalyst card
Fak. I really need to start being more aware of the SBC's, only have 12k after making my WL team.
>tfw when you know how to make perfect NLW squads everytime but realize that they are just a meme
>yfw the WL gets cancelled again
please no
How the hell do you people enjoy this game? It's practically RNG with a side of fag goals. Where's the fun? Even when I win, I don't feel an inkling of joy.
Where's the league SBC guy? Any info on which leagues are next?

I've done all 8 even though I only gave a shit above Lacazette.
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R8 lads
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I think I finally got TOTGS Giuliano working. Just switch him and Martial in game.
Nice hybrid
Trade him in for a 100k pack if you don't like him
Is this week's Calhanoglu IF going to make it under 40k?
Knowing pace whores, yes.

>Using t*rks

>IFs dropping with a dupe glitch around

>dupe glitch

Wouldn't more of the card lower the price?
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Where do you get this view of your club items?
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Lads, is Neuer worth it? Is he really that much of a step up from?
IF Perisic is absolutely unreal.
Anyone have experience with IF Latza?
Rage quit glitch patched?
EPLel WL requirement dropped again
Might just cancel this WL
Who here /ForHonourBeta/? Fuck the WL, FIFA is dead again thanks to all these exploits and glitches popping up after the update
Is it, dare I say it, time to retire from Fifa17?
All keepers perform the same except for throws and kicks.
Might be time to retire from FIFA all together. I finally dropped CoD after breaking that habit from my teenage years, FIFA is the last shit game I keep buying.
EA lowered the reqs for weekend league. They're literally just taking the TOTY money and ran with it. They don't give a shit about us.
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Is this good meme formation use?
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>the only responses i get when i post my teams are workrate memes
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Your CMs are awful. What about something like this?
>moved heaven and earth to make my serie a follow next WL reqs

Jesus Christ ea you pieces of shit
What platform are you on? Xbox has had no requirements for this weekend since they cancelled last weeks
Ps4, next weeks said minimum like 15 EPL starting 11+subs. I was going to test it out this weekend and change what I didn't like for next. Sold like 10 players in the process. Probably lost a bunch of coins too
I get this is a trollpost, but how is men humping each other any better
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does the 3421 autist rate this? should i get vidal at cm and some cheaper crub at lm?
Vidal isn't that big of an upgrade over Sanches. Get IF Rafinha at RM.
Thanks, I'll try it out
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What players to use for epl 4-5-1 like this
Use a better formation. That formation is dull as dirt.
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Reus isn't as good as I'd hoped, who can I replace him with?
>wasting robben and reus in lm and rm
>thinking marco "i cant miss from 30 yards" reus isnt good
Fucking hell
Switch formations and play him at LF. He's not a great player to use at LM imo.
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What can I change here? Maybe lucas for dive maria?
Smalling and IF Marqinhos
is Marq a huge upgrade over silva? And I've tried smalling but bailly feels better to use and not just muh pace wise.
I just think Silva is shit and he costs more than Marq's IF
Literally everyone's team
Is Oblak worth buying for a Liga - mixed with some Ligue 1 team?
Its like spending all your money on cam pogba and being mad he doesn't score.
Play Reus as LF and his numbers balloon up.

I rarely ever see Oblak, I played against one today and my MOTM Sow scored a hattrick on him

so take that as you will
That's the joke Escobar
What is going on with player prices? I'm looking on futbin and there are loads of PL players that have doubled in price
title update la's?
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>ksi with high physical
I don't think so, Tim.
>been playing FUT since 2014
>never once pulled a high value card

Why does everyone else seem to get IF cards in every other pack?
>pacy melanin strikers
>3 def midfielders
literally the cancer of fut
In four years of playing UT, I was utterly lost. I thought having 100k was being rich. In previous years my highest card was Alexis Sanchez, but this was in like May, so the card was basically worthless. I think I got like 3 IFs in previous years.

This year I've packed several walkouts, Buffon, Alaba, de gay, aguero. Good IFs like 87 Icardi and a bunch of others. Yesterday I packed purple Rooney. Its fucking retarded.
meant for >>73897723
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Great input, any suggestions?


Eriksen is legit good and not a pace babby... why is he a meme? Just because he's common?

Payet is a shit CM. I've tried to make him work there many a time and he just doesn't do it for me.
You won't make it past div 8 with this team.
>the race of your players mattering at all
You're cancer to the planet
t. Justin Trudeau
t. chinky from vancouver
>a chink giving a shit about anything like that
t. triggered chinaman
t. underage abo

3-4-1-2 m8

I've won 8 of my last 9 games since i switched to it
>using a racial slur
You're cancer to the planet
You're Australian
>You're Australian
Yet another insightful and intelligent post from a Canadian.

Hmmm, looks like we're at an impasse.
>KSI barely touches FIFA 17
>gets a fake physical card
What did they mean by this?
Stopped shitting on them as much as he used to or something like that I guess
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>haven't played FIFA all week and been feeling noticeabley calmer
>hour left to qualify for WL so might as well give one DKT a go
>Congratulations, you have been qualified for the Weekend League.

Why do we do this to ourselves?
First time trying this WL lads. Won my first game but is there any advice and/or shady tactics I should be aware of?

prepare for lt dribbling,long shot spam and dabbing
Playing Vidal as CDM. Is she wasted there? Seen a few use as CAM. Currently using Draxler there.
Don't forget tuxedo kits.
i never played >fifa online until december when i renewed my live, went straight from div 10 to div 3 with this/shittier versions of this. All those seasons against the ai had to count for something i guess.
Hes scored a blooter or two but i get better results with mata even though theyre similar and payet has slightly better stats at pretty much everything
How does the reward system work in WL lads? You get them when you finish your 40 games or something?

You get them the following Wednesday/Thursday based on how many wins you get
Silva or Cazorla for my PL CAM?

Or should I just stick Micky Aryan there on 7 chem?

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Guys r8 my team pls no bully.
>muh pace
really, really bad
>84 chem
>2 manlet centre backs

Try again

at least you put 11 players
>title deciding match
>matched with a laggy fuck

I said no bully though :(

Also I thought individual chemistry = 6 is enough?
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Like this team is also 84 chem. Would it be OK?
you could do better on full chem for cheaper desu
But there is only 1 CDM in that team, the others are CMs.
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Individual chem is 75% of the stats increase/decrease, team chem 25%.
Here's a comparison of your Fernandinho with 10 and 6 individual chem.
It's literally never going to be bug free, moron.
>highest rated card is a fokken fullback
Thanks. What a bummer. Would you say this team >>73903895 82 rating/100 chem is better than my team 87 rating/84 chem?
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>tfw scared to score too many goals in WL in risk of ragequit glitch

is it true they only fixed sub glitch and not ragequit glitch?
There was two, one where both got booted off and got the loss, and one where if you're winning and your opponent glitches you get the win and he gets a void game.

The second may still be there. First guy I played against quit at 4-1 down, but he didn't pause it. Looked like he stopped playing, then it just went to the game has been quit thing suddenly. I got the win.
No idea tbqh, I'm a newfag to FUT, I've only been playing for a few months.
But I guess it's often more sensible to invest on slighlty cheaper players with better chemistry.
Im still scared. I have ragequit glitches happen to me like 3 times this week after going up say 3-0. Im literally playing draft right now, went up 4-0. Let a guy score 2 and I got a red.
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Always have 100 team chem. It's fine to have two players on 6 chem if you need to. Not sure what your budget is but this team will perform well and it's cheaper than the second team you posted.
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>win all 4 games of Fut Draft
>best cards are 8 squad fitness cards
>end up losing money overall
really liking this ligue1 + pogba squad. im shit at this game but am doing pretty well. These Cavani IF cards are starting to get fucking gross good
IF Perisic was 68k last night, he's now about 80k.

Ffs. Why do prices change so rapidly on this game?
People gearing up for Weekend League. Prices are at their highest at around 1pm EST, because of marquee matchups and people buying for weekend league. Prices are lower Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday because people selling weekend league squads, opening weekend league packs on wednesday.
Bronze benchers a shit
Tier 4 of ching chong new years pack.

is that mean I'm a filthy casual or a NEET?
Got a free 125k pack for Chinese New Year. It was awful.
I got tier 5, a 125k pack. What's the tier 4 reward?
Ungrateful cunt
Rare Gold Mega Pack i think.
Got fuck all. At least 5 squad fitness, good for WL. And they're untradeable so theres that.
Best player was Consigli. Not arsed if that makes me ungrateful, that's an awful pack.
>not arsed if that makes me ungrateful
Of course it doesn't you entitled kiddie
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>get Vardy in my 125k pack
>don't have a bpl team
>can't sell him

at least I got 3 83s that might be useful for SBCs
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>marquee matchups
>most expensive are nantes players and hyndai league
>decide to open bronze
>first fucking pack

Talk about a snipe
Just had to discard aguero lads. Already had an untradeable aguero and just packed one in the free rare mega pack.

Game's unplayable atm
should I try playing FUT again friends? been clean since november
78 overall will be tough with a 59 in the squad, surely
Can anyone else not find opponents in the wl on xbone?
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>new MM
>quickly look up French one
>see they're cheap as shit
>buy about 5k worth just to re-sell
>finish SBC
>can't submit
>need one Stade Rennais player
>tfw I bout Stade de Reims players
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>not going a USA team
>not doing the salute celebration after every goal
>not using puligoat as a supersub when up 2+ goals
>playing 4-3-4
>Got Robben in my lunar new year pack
Can't use him in my team but he'll be a pretty good super sub.
EA really need to fuck off making so many SBCs with this Australian league it's always overpriced shit
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>be this goy (>>73906088)
>use the shitty players from the pack for Lunar SBC
>open gold pack
>get this

what the fuck do I do now?
Why is Aston Villa shit, lads?
>open 5k worth of 400 coin packs
>dont get a single australian player
>get nothing worth anything
>get nothing that even sells
Bronze pack method is fucking bullshit
because its fucking Aston Villa.
What's your current squad?
Was hoping this week's Calhanoglu would drop below 40k. Just bought one for 25.
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this is.
Debating on just using my 60k coins and bulding a cheap bpl team around him or selling pogba and getting sif brozovic and dybala.
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Pogba is overpriced but he's also one of the best CMs in the game. I'd try to fit him in your squad if I were you.
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ayy lmao i was just about to write the opposite

These Australian players are going for like 5-10k each. You're basically better off doing the bronze pack method. I've spent the last 15 minutes buying. Packed 4 Australian players. And I can sell the Fitness and Injury ones for cheap BIN and they are sold immediately because of Weekend League. Its tedious as fuck, but youre basically confirmed the 11 australian + small profit.
Which Australians?
First time in the WL lads. My false 9 teams are having a difficult time breaking down these narrow formations and the park the bus mentality. Not to mention all the players I've played thus far are sweaty cunts.
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Whoever these fuckers are

I also just packed +10 squad fitness twice. Easy 3k coins. For this week, bronze packs is the best method

That's all you're gonna get for 40 games, so get used to it.
Anyone else making money off of the 15k packs selling for 7.5k? You only have to sell each item for 312 coins to break even.
you've made a terrible mistake
r8 h8 masturb8 lads, my biggest concern is Sule's pace and Rode's passing
play back a bit and stop rushes on the first touch on the pass up, tackle and start a rush for your team. only move up on very opportune times.
can also field these memers, and can switch Muller for IF Thiago
Has that actually worked for you?
I think your bigger concern with Sule is he's not fast enough for an outside CO position in 3atb. Swap him with Sokratis.
See, I was thinking that, but it seems like it would be better to have the fastest in the middle with 3 atb. I recall many time where Sokratis would properly cover a winger, only to have the winger pass to a pacy striker in the mid. I could be wrong though, as I was curious about this.
switch the strikers. they're both left footed anyway and it would eliminate 2 red lines. killing my autism
I run that same Sule card in my fitness squad with Bartra and Nastasic to the outside of him.

You can try it out with him at the outside but you won't get much support from Robben on that side.
Reus and Robben aren't defensively or physically good enough to play as LM/RMs in a 3atb.
Opened all 10 packs and broke even. I didn't have any good pulls though.
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Update and better pic
Opened packs for 15 minutes. Got two more. And a bunch of +10 squad fitness. Definete way to go this week.
Okay, might try it then.

It hurts my autism as well but Podolski's weak foot is atrocious

That hasn't been a problem for me. Robben makes valiant defensive runs believe it or not
I opened 15k worth and got none
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All those golden rare contracts going for 150 coins...
Game is so shit it's ridiculous
Look out for a mini crash. All these free packs so people sell their tradeables, SBC completions, and that 7.5k jumbo pack offer.
Fuck this shit
Is a win one game and lose the next
Do any of you actually play matches? Do you not get infuriated by how utterly bullshit, inconsistent and outright random the game is?
Yes. Refereeing is a joke, and pace and physical are the only stats that matter. Playing a good football is rarely rewarded.
I really, really like this new WL lobby
They've fucked the game by basically letting it play itself what's the point in playing
Any tips? Do I need to adjust to playing against these cunts?
Fucking this
No consistency at all. Also what's the point on having a defense. I know is manual now but how the fuck do you defend when the opponent attack make runs and your entire defense just do nothing.
>internet is completely okay, no issues
>cant find an opponent on fifa
What the fuck
There is no way the youtubefags go 40-0 with this game state.
Decided to make a ligue one side for fun so here's a mini review of few if.

Tif b silva- not sure why he's so cheap. Hes the best dribble I've tried, very agile. Hes good at beating a man and drawing more players to him. His passing is good also. Havent found out his shot yet. Overall a fun cheap card, a steal really for his price compared to other top wingers.

If falcao - this guy's finesse shot is amazing, 9 out of 10 it'll go in. Gets in great positions. Ok strength and his passing was just ok. Another good value for a potential upgrade.

Motm saivet - I used him as a box to box mid. Very reliable for 1 2s. He does have an adv shot on his as well. Hopefully he'll get rereleased.

Planing on trying if eneyama or w.e. his name is tonight.
>all these salty posts
>tfw just started 8-2 in WL

Git gud fags
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>free 125k pack
>best player was muslera
I've heard good things about IF Balotelli. Also Ben Arfa, guy is amazing from when I had ligue 1.

You can also make cheap ways to make a hybrid. get a french LM and french CB, you can fit in Evra or Clichy at LB. Or French CBs paired with Lloris.
>Cavani good at shooting on target
Oh my, this game is gold
>85 Calhanoglu is cheap as fuck

Someone build me a team around him pls
Kek what happened to him? He was a pretty lethal finisher with Napoli and now every time I see him play he's missing wide open nets/

He still scores a fuck ton of goals but yeah he misses far too many chances. He could have scored like 6 goals over the two games vs Arsenal in the Champions League this season.
>new Migos album
>no assignments to do this weekend so I can play all 40 of my WL games

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>having nothing better to do with your free time
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>new Migos album
>had to look up what this was
Not during the daytime desu.

Chvrches' debut album is pretty good tho
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>open my untradeable pack
>slow ass pique and a 80 paced LW

Fucking EA, get two 86 rated players and they're both unusable

Just got him in a 17.5k mega pack, not bad at all
He looks like he'd be great at LF.

Division 3 player detected
More like Div 1 and Gold 1-Elite 2 player.
>needing pace to beat a defender

No top 100 player uses non pacey attackers. If you want 35+ wins high pace is a must.
I've seen Van Basten and Bergkamp being used in squads by Top 100 players.


No shit. They have ridiculous stats that make them respond quicker than regular players. Bergkamp is faster on the ball than Aguerro and Sanchez.
It's all in your head
Who's to say that Draxler card won't perform well? He's got great shooting stats, excellent dribbling, and good passing and strength.
SIF Balo is a perfect CF. His low/low workrates are a secret blessing and has great short passing. Power finesses are amazing.
I wanted Draxler you shit pace babby
Must be nice to be able to actually play the game


decided to do an online seasons match before jumping into the WL...best idea ever. that match was unplayable, the lag destroyed any ability to have hope for any more matches tonight.

so frustrating.
why did ppl get 125k packs?
i only got a mega pack
est dates maybe? My second account that I made this year got a megapack and my main got a 125k pack
its based on how many times you've logged into FUT in game or on web app
>open free pack
>otamendi and literally nothing else
>get shit for christmas
>get packs for lunar new year

lol ea
Our Chinese overlords at work
>Pls China pay us lots of money to promote your league
Why play to win. Surely setting ur own tactics and scoring entertaining goals how u want is m ore enjoyable then seeing how fast ur players can run.
Got lloris and higuain from my rare mega pack

Is lloris as good as people say?
The chinks in Vancouver don't celebrate Christmas.
Online gaming died whatever year the CoD after modern warfare 2 or black ops came out. People went from having fun to everyone being boring tryhard faggots.
>everyone else does it so I will too

You wouldn't jump off a cliff just because everyone else did
The only real victory in fifa is having fun.
SIF Aspas or Inaki at RF?
Where in my post did I say I don't?
Between the lines
"I can't just admit I was wrong." - You
Where in my post did I say that?
"I'm just shitposting now." - You

Fuck you're autistic
"I regularly get into petty fights with anonymous people in a thread about a video game." - You
sick of premier league teams, next weekday ill sell my prem players and ill have about 90k, whats the best team i can make with that much? cheers
>get penalty
>opponent disconnects before I can take it

First time a disconnect has annoyed me.
Serie A can be fun cause there are some pretty good IFs now. Ligue 1 is played out cause its literally PSG+Lacazette.
>australian calling anyone autistic
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fuck off shap
How's the 352 in weekend league? I'm a pretty good defender, but I can see pace babbies exploiting it.
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>get Musa'd
>he then sends me this

report hiim for being a spic
>ywn be on the case with geoff shreeves
>anagram not English

The words are literally the same, save the accents.
Probably because >we cucked the english language into being french 2.0
Feels good 2bh
>english is french 2.0
Aspas for sure
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3-7 in WL so far. Shit lads.
>EA STILL hasn't fixed the penalty arrow glitch
They should just remove it from all online play. It's fucking easy to shoot pens without it.
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>3421 meme formation making me play the best i've ever played
>score 4 goal on average
>make opponents RQ frequently
>no meme youtuber's have made videos about this formation so there's hardly anyone using it
>actually ENJOYING playing fifa
>EA ever fixing anything

is that using the canadian's meme tactics too?
Tips? Just made one today for the WL and I'm struggling to score goals. Defense is based though, usually only concede once.
I'm 6-0 using my meme formation. My opponents don't even know how to handle 3atb and 5 out of my 6 games I've put up 4+ goals with 0 goals conceded.
Use 3421.
Kek. Perfectly described.
I am using it, just need to know some tips, especially in the attack. Still getting used to the formation also.
i tried his custom tactics but it fucked me up but i reerted back to the default one and i was back to winning games, his player instructions are on pint though

LF RF get in behind press the back line
ST false 9 get in behind
Are you using my custom tactics and player instructions?

I'll post some tips once I finish my game.
Any way to fit Dybala and TIF Icardi into the meme formation?
Yeah, I'm using TOTGS Giuliano so he's my false 9. Have Martial and Inaki (gonna replace with Aspas, just need 5k more to get him) set to get in behind.
Custom tactics are Italy's.
You can do it if you play Dybala at LF/RF on 7 chem.

7 chem RF/LF?

Otherwise, start with a formation that fits everyone you want in on 10 chem, then just switch to 3421 in game
Use LT/RT dribbling to hold the ball up with your striker while waiting for your LF/RF to overlap. Once they make a run, send in a through ball. I score 80% of my goals this way.

Your outside midfielders are very effective while attacking. Make sure you switch the play up by using a lob pass to your outside mid when you've got some space on his side. You can then play it back to the center of the pitch or make a run and do a low driven cross into the box.

Never ever under any circumstances charge out with your CB. Always jockey but stay close enough that you don't leave your opponent space to use a longshot.

Manually drag your CMs back if you're getting countered.

Flair passes are really useful when holding up the ball and playing someone in on goal(hold LT and then press A or Y).

Don't be afraid to pass the ball back if you've got no paths forward.

If you're in the box, use low-driven shots.
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I actually use flair passes a lot on my Balo false 9, mostly for tight short passes. I'll try to utilize Giuliano's passing better with his dribbling. I usually never switch the play but I'll try it out. Thanks leaf bro.
Just use 3412 it's the same shit
pick one
What kind of player do you need to have as LM/RM in the meme formation?

Someone comfortable helping in the attack and someone comfortable tracking back

IF Valencia is a perfect example
Good defending (60+) and physical. 90+ stamina is also preferred.

They players I've had most success with in those positions in this formation are Bonaventura, Pizzi, TOTY Alves (not surprising), Candreva, SIF Lemar, etc. Pretty much any player that could play CM, so probably 50-55 defending and higher, plus good crossing/stamina. Good long shots are a bonus.
Layun at LM could be based
Looks good but that shooting on Pereira looks terrible.
>needing every player to be able to shoot
He's a godly DM
I have the untradeable H. Son card and he is absolutely great for me so I think I will have to have one PL team.

I am sitting on around 200k + a full PL team (cheapish players only), what should I go for?

A narrow diamond formation took me easily from 5. to 4. division, but I think I can play all formations. Sceptic to only 3 defenders behind though.

So what team should I go for?
are the EAjews throwing SBCs? there are too many packs being opened so the market is flooded. It could be good to invest in some 84s.

Yeah Pereira is based, he's an absolute bull in midfield
I shoot a lot with my CMs.
3421 senpai. All the cool kids are using it.
If anyone Is looking for a player to build a fitness team around or sub, pick up if dost. Just start pumping balls into the box and watch him score!
3-4-2-1 with what playertypes? Wingbacks with high/high on the flanks?

Would something like this do? And any special tactics/instructions?
Anyone used Ljungberg? Any good?
Been reading people who've opened packs half priced and only losing like 1-2k... is it worth it using coins? And I'm assuming it's the 17k pack?
They're only half price with coins, what do you think you're playing senpai?
Well luckly that's all I have :3
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Well I guess u can't win the lotto if u don't enter... so here goes nothing. I feel retarded refreshing the store for the odd lines...
Wow I was going to kill myself, bought all the packs and just garbage, until last fucking one I got regular Boateng that sells for 160k+.

I should sell ASAP I assume? Market has already had a crash.
If you are on a budget, is there some special card players that are worth their price?
Why have all PL players dropped like 8k in price since yesterday?
Cheap megapacks, players like Smalling dropped about 4k in one day

Prices were inflated because next WL had an only EPL requirement but they dropped that overnight
Anyone used IF Lanzini? How is he?
Oh, I was pretty stupid for buying a PL team just then without checking.

I don't get to play much Fifa sadly... Wageslave feels
>give my mate 100k coins as he's started playing FIFA
>FIFA warns me and clears the 1.2 million coins I had
>decide to open my pack
>it's Cech

Nice one EA

I know those feels my socialist friend

wow how many transfers did you do?

were you the guy who asked the other day? I said your least suspicious/best bet was to have him get an inform that goes cheap but has a high ceiling and over pay him... multiple transfers are a no go
Had to do a few. He didn't have any coins to begin with.
>break tos
>complain even after being told you shouldnt do it itt too
Eh, I deserved it. Bit annoying to lose my entire cash stack despite trading over less than a tenth to a mate. He got to keep his coins so I'm helping him out together a fairly cheap team
Think I'm going to stop playing Fifa for this year, UT anyway, does anyone want the coins when I've sold everything off? Or should I buy packs
Buy packs. Post winnings.
First forced DC for the weekend, great stuff
>tfw lose to a 90th minute goal where Varane out-jumped my 6'6'' Begovic to head in a floated cross

Utter bullshit
Mandanda > Begovic IMO
>microsoft unironically have a system in place that blocks you from playing fifa online if you have bad rep
>only way to improve your rep is to play online
>only select games still allow you to play online with bad rep
Sounds reasonable when the alternative is a bunch of cunts.
whats the reason for the sudden market crash?
Not really when people report you for doing anything they don't like
Cheap jumbo packs. Completed SBCs including new MM. And the free 125k pack might inclne people to sell their players since packed cards in the free one are untradeable. There were 5million transfers at one point yesterday, the most since TOTY
70k in and got Patricio
PL prices already going back up
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>best players i got was tremoulinas from the free mega pack
Best Seria A CB? Got about 50k left
>winning 2-0
>power cuts
>downstairs is flooded due to pipe leak

Well fuck
When are upgrades?
SIF Skrtel is under 15k on PS4, that price for an 86 rated IF is crazy.

BTW you guys think it's worth it to replace TOTY Pique with SIF Ramos?
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Disconnect glitch still happening to me on ps4 WL. Garbage faggots.
I had 2 ragequits yesterday but got both wins. I hope shit didn't change overnight.
Bonucci or IF Tonelli
So I just lost my last game in WL to 99 overall cheater. I could make it to top 40 (100) if i win. I even managed to score 2 goals and made it 2-3, but it's unreal to play vs defenders who defend like some legends and run like Ronaldo and forwards who can score from every position.

Fuck, I'm mad.
>every other post is Steven f the Canadian autist

Why is this allowed?
And Steven's meme formation is pretty good. But I need one more WL to make some conclusions about it
Someone redpill me on Jack Butland please. Is he actually the best GK like the memes say? I've been using him for like 5 months because he seems good and I don't care about him being called cancer because the rest of my entire team and formation is so un-cancery. Just unsure if it's worth looking into an upgrade or not.
14 year old detected.
You mean like you report me, Steven f the Canadian autist?

Sorry I'm not sorry for spamming your gamertag on /b/.

He's the most overused keeper on the game. Definitely not the best, though that's subjective because every keeper is shit.
headers are so random in this fucking game, it's a total joke
just like in any other game
>being this retarded
Nice rebuttal my dude.
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How's your wins to losses in WL going lads?
was 4-2 yesterday, now 4-4 after a couple of bullshit games
>14 wins, 10 lose
>1 disconnect, 2 disconnects because browser fucked me over (>PC), 3 matches lost because of longshot + park the bus
the amount of ridiculous goals i get is unbelievable, also 2/3 of goals i get are: running vertical with a black man just to pass it to another black man right infront of my keeper
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>do marquee matchups
>pack this cunt

Can someone explain to me how they managed to make the refereeing so utterly random? There's no rhyme or reason to it. I'll get two footed from behind in the box and nothing happens but then I'll concede a penalty by gently brushing a guy out of the way, who won't even fall over. It's absurd.

Fuck off nerds
5-0 now thanks to my supersub If Lozano, life's good

got this nigga untradable in my free pack

tempted to give him a try, seems like he could be decent with that agility

anyone tried Benzema this year? I've barely seen him about
Good stuff holding it in their box for so long. I would have folded.
>being THIS new

So, in other words, it's just like real life
I hope you die tonight for this shit post.
Anybody know why EA has such a hard on for Martial?
>nearly 6 million transfers

Holy fuck. That's more then I ever saw during toty
I use Modeste and Ben Yedder IFs and gave Germain a try as backup. Found he was way too lightweight but he had some classy finishes I can rarely pull off with those two.

Tldr frustratingly weak and didn't take up good positions.

That would work but I recommend upgrading your midfield if you can afford it. Kante and Dembele would be good.

For custom tactics and player instructions see >>73892375
>its a you come up against a pacy black team playing on high pressure episode

It feels like this one has been on repeat forever..
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Am I part of the problem or the solution?
How many of you have spent real money on this game?
Daily reminder this game is a piece of shit and you should kys immediately for playing it.
£8 on release day, that's it
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How can I improve this?

Yes ik it's a one league epl meme but I only watch the epl and I just got martial that's why he's on 9 chem.
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Will Sneijder good enough as a striker? He's scoring for fun atm in division 4
How is this game so shit?
Had 4 weekend leagues this month where the game has froze on the view opponent screen meaning I had to close the game and got disconnect losses for them.
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>34 wins with no games remaining
Has anyone used Pepe Reina? SBC Buffon has been atrocious for me.
>guy has credit card team with ST Ronaldo, TOTY Messi and all the other expensive IF cards like Pogba, Ramos etc.
>still fucking bronze benches so his team is 82 rated

God I hate these cunts
try Handanovic
I wanted a Spanish keeper so I could try out Ramos.
De Gay
It's going to be tough trying to keep Manolas with strong links. De Gea is awesome though so I'll see if maybe I can get it to work.
Wana play a match, Steven f?
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Is it possible to create a team with players in pic related? thanks
>being this retarded
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Reminder to back out and look for a new opponent when confronted with tuxedofags.
Die of cancer
7-9 start

Kill me.
You are like a baby.

Watch this.

>7 A N D 11
Don't stress, u get rewards regardless...its only a game ;)
9-9 here. I've been robbed in all 9 of my losses. Not even exaggerating. Pure aids this weekend.
>just got matched up against Castro in the WL
oh god
13-9. Tried to change my style of play to like how the pros play. I usually could get around 30 wins but now it's like I've forgot how to attack, seem to just cock every advantageous position up
You lost I take it
Just started the game.
Are youtubers actually good at these games? From what I've seen they're all screaming fannies who only open packs
Some are. AA9skillz regularly gets top 100, Bateson gets top 100 monthly occasionally, Nepenthez is elite 2/1 tier, Castro is very good too but I'm not sure where he gets in WL
better beat that fag
Lost in pens but I thought I played better desu. He just spammed longshots and crosses the whole game.

twitch tv /videos/117984843

Skip to 3:00:00 if you want to watch.

I fucking hate that cunts voice



Sad that's classified as good in fifa these days.

Movember Barzagli
I have played 3 games and won 3 with this team (bought Dembele and Kante as you said) and with your tactics/instructions. So thanks I guess :)

I don't know if it's any good yet though as I am still only in 3. div.

You are 1. div, and this works there too?
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