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eternal /trb/: butters go study edition

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Thread replies: 501
Thread images: 118

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Previous thread: >>73805508

Useful /trb/ related links:

Macca's official /trb/ database:
2015: http://pastebin.com/uj27eQhe
2016: http://pastebin.com/7e3Vv0ap
Decide to come back to trb and the thread's half-way down the catalog at 525 posts. You guys fall apart without an Asian flag to make your threads.
i think it's just nobody cares if we die anymore
I-I'm trying, Mao.
>You guys fall apart without an Asian flag to make your threads.

Let's make this thread alive then. How's save my chinese friend? And if you allow me to, let me ask: how's Renato Augusto?
tripfaggery killed /trb/ by turning the threads into their whatsapp group, to be perfectly honest
ok think about it

what would happen if all the tripfags suddenly left
What killed /trb/ was the leave of Kenyabro, most of Argies, butters (he didn't leave, but doesn't post as much) and some other tripfags such as MF (as annoying he could be at times he would at least have some semi-interesting topics) imo.
Most of tripfags these days don't post 1/5 of what the oldfag tripfags used to. No offense, they are still nice people, but still. Except Mitch. You can't stop posting, can't you Mitch?
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3/4 of tripfags are insufferable cunts 2bh.
I-i care...

Don't get complacent.

I have a month holiday between ending studies and starting work for the new year, so I want to tribble a bit.

I don't know shit about the Chinese league tbqh. Watched one game in the stadium, which is in my district, between Hangzhou (my local team, starring a 47 year old Tim Cahill) and Guangzhou Evergrande. Was looking forward to watching more league games this year, then my team got fugging relegated. I will watch more anyway.

/trb/ is tripfaggotry.

i mean if they're that insufferable just filter them and enjoy your totally empty /trb/ threads where the one britanon posts links to interesting articles he finds and people occasionally post "bets" along with a picture of their WACKY world cup draws from the future
we'd have good threads for once.

mitch out.
Has anyone ever had a team that's shit at home but amazing away?

I have no idea what's causing this
good threads with 3 posts per day

if you really want me to stop posting i'll take off my name and start using proper grammar and sentence structure and start being a massive cunt to everyone, that way i'll become one of the other 4 britanons that frequent this place :^)

that'll surely revive /trb/
Get a backup away tictac for counter-attacking.
>we're nice people
good one
why don't you just post anonymously like the rest of us?
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QTs edition
is your team based on an island?

because he gets his jollies by being reminded of a bull mounting the dayz
mainly so people can ask me to stream if they want to watch me

this too
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We'll come back stronger, provided I'm not sacked of course
I do believe he was implying new trips are nice people.

This is a good post.
Stop that.
>Not enjoying meme WC/Euros draws from the future posts

Cmon, don't disappoint me now Mitch.

Yea, like if non-tripfags made this thread alive and not the other way around most of the times

Most of the times it's your tactics. Seriously.

>That hand covering the mouth in shame
Gets me everytime. Also, been sometime since I last saw you CW. How's life?

Didn't say everyone was nice. And your /trb/'s doctor, so don't exclude yourself.
um, what are the new trips besides Mitch?

i've spent 3 of the past 4 months out in the field for training, with another few weeks on vacation. shit has been busy as fuck. how are you brazilanon?
The american fe/male /mu/ poster that died?
The french guy who posts once a month while he's at work?

No idea about anything else.

There's one thing and one thing only that we could do to immensely improve /trb/, instantly, overnight, and that's facilitate more posts about the lives of tripfags. Create them, nurture the ones that exist, guide the "discussions", and make sure they stay on track. If we're here to discuss fm, ultimately, we are here to discuss the life of tripfags. There is no way for a person to grasp the full implications of /trb/ and not realize this. We're talking about the most autistic people who ever lived. You must realize this. It's not a joke anymore. We're seeing the world degenerate further and further into chaos, and we're standing by and watching it happen. You want to fix /trb/? You want to fix the world? You want to fix your life? You need only take one step: read tripfag posts. There is no substitute for hard work, and that's what the tripfags require of you if you are to understand them. If you are to understand not just them, but the world. We're not talking about fifa, reddit, all that nonsense. We're talking about saving our lives. We're talking about meditating on God. We're talking about communing with the primary presence. This is not an issue to be treated lightly.
hi mango
why man, and how.
the french guy isn't a tripfag though, is he?
You got it wrong, kiddo. Some tripfags actually had a whatsapp group, literally. /trb/ is more like a discord channel.
Also sometimes trips are good to use. For example I pressed mitch to use his trip because his identity is relevant.
I started using my name because there was another spanish guy posting when I started posting here.
Also what >>73862862 said. Trips are part of the /trb/ culture.
>The american fe/male /mu/ poster that died?
who? onyourwings or something?
Not our regular autistic obsessive frog, the other one (who has literally posted like 3 times). But yeah, he used a trip.

The Ghost of Jean Belisomethingorother
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My international football failings are well documented but germany are really good right now
Quite good. Had a shit 2017, started the year good, but not as good as I wanted. I do have plans to stop being a lazy cunt by doing stuff like going to the gym and stop fucking playing FM as much. So in general good.

>The Ghost of Jean Belisomethingorother
Wait, he died?

>Only 2 goals of difference from 7-1 and not really as shameful

The feels.
I mean, I can only speculate, but he hasn't posted in several months and one of his last posts was talking about having been diagnosed with some kind of cancer.
i'm not saying i don't, it's just there's very little content here that isn't that kind of thing

or someone posting the 900th screenshot of their save in 2564 when they lose to le tiny team from inner mongolia

or someone posting the 9000th screenshot of them losing 1-0 with the match stats showing they had 94 clear cut chances

/trb/ is repetitive nowadays and probably was before nowadays too, i've only been here for just over a year and i'm pretty sure i've seen most of the original content that i'm ever going to no matter how long i stay
Regular autistic obsessive frog is a pretty good poster to be desu. And that comes from a guy that hates French people.
well he was a ghost
the trip drama is what keeps /trb/ spicy, most of the actual FM content hasn't changed that much over the years
just that people went from uploading FM highlights to youtube to uploading gifs and then to uploading webms
You need to pick a poster and become autistically obsessed with one of their reasons for absolutely no good reason.

It worked for the rest of us with Mitch for quite a while anyway.
>with one of their reasons for absolutely no good reason.
with one of their regens* for absolutely no good reason.
>having an autistic shitfit because nobody has given you attention for two days
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actually i am mitch i just took the trip off

>thinking will keen wasn't worthy of the obsession

pls... L E G E N D

actually i get a pretty good amount of attention nowadays, stream is more consistent than ever!!!
That is why trips are so important, since they manage to transform normal FM conversations into non-related shit or manage to actually make memes. Or they just throw random not FM related stuff in the thread and people reply, making the thread alive again. That's why the thread being alive depends on tripfags not because they use a trip, but simply because no one is quite as autistic to speak of the stuff they do.
>I do have plans to stop being a lazy cunt by doing stuff like going to the gym and stop fucking playing FM as much

good luck, /trb/ will always be here for you.

and i will encourage you to improve when i am about.
a lot of this is to do with the fact that you can build up a solid idea of the characters behind the trip

if a random britanon posted the daisy story without names then 6 months later told another story about how he broke his foot chasing after his girlfriend it wouldn't have been 1/10th as funny as when i did it

if morzi wasn't such a massive bully the sister sniffing thing wouldn't be half as hilarious (although the lithuanian flag would make it a little easier to guess who he was if he posted)

if the irish guy who got bummed in freshers week didn't use a trip (sorry forgotten their name), the fact that he named his kid Archie wouldn't be anywhere near as good either

tripfag memery is a HUGE part of why people come to /trb/ imo, this place wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting without trips
>massive bully
where did this triggerred fuck crawl out of?
>when i did it
mitch put your trip back on
>trips on existential pooicide watch

What's the point to the team talk system? You don't have full freedom, it's somewhat limited by the score and you don't have all the choices at the same time, and then again, you only need calm, aggressive and passionate, and only like two or three options underneath those.
Seriously, what's the point?
>he named his kid Archie
ffs poor kid
I guess it's the best possible system on a video >game. Do you have any better idea?

>thinking anyone will genuinely change their behavior based on what you and like 2 other anons want
bet u voted green party

agree with >>73863362, next time you're 3-0 down against the team in 20th at half time, don't use any team talk and see how you do man!

you're right in that it's limited but they'd need to do significant work on it for it to be improved much and we all know there are more important things to improve
you literally only need aggressive unless you absolutely thrash someone

morale is fuckhuge important in 17, kind of the reason they're more necessary now than ever in FM.
rate my screen setup
Extremely Questionable.
>chief shitposter
Don't exagerate on your autism now, Mitch.

>don't use any team talk and see how you do man
That's not what I meant. I meant that we should use it since there is nothing better possible to be done. And it's quite easy actually, so it's not a really bad problem.

>Star Trek TNG on the background
>posting when it's 4AM
6.5/10, redeemed yourself with FM15.
What? You don't like TNG?
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I'm just a lurker, been on /trb/ for like 4 years and I've posted like 30 times at best, but I think tripfags didn't kill these threads; it's just the lack of good ones, I miss Jair memes and UTV shitposting desu
oh no i was agreeing with you, was basically trying to tell the guy to quit bitching about a system that he probably finds incredibly useful at times
well, he got a reaction out of you. you've got to give him that. you gave him exactly what he wanted. you played right into his hands
>star trek

fuck me mate
>but I think tripfags didn't kill these threads; it's just the lack of good ones
Exactly amigo. I just don't agree with the Jair memes and UTV shitposting because I'm a relatively newfag

I know, it's just that the way you expressed it may have passed an idea I didn't agree.
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>single monitor
>tiny ass portion dedicated for tng
>4chan not on tomorrow
>ctrl+f "trb" on screen
>four goals in the first half but nothing in the second
absolutely embarrassing.

>it's just the lack of good ones, I miss Jair memes and UTV shitposting desu
>Jair memes and UTV shitposting
>posting when it's 4AM
Today was the last working day of the Chinese calender. Starting tomorrow the whole country goes on holiday, and you can't do anything or go anywhere until February. So, up all night playing trb for me.

I made a mistake having a little sleep earlier too.
jair is good.

it's when you have to skip past 20 replies of tripfags having a conversation with each other about utter nonsense that they get annoying.
jair memes weren't that bad, and well, the UTV shitposting is just nostalgia for the first threads I read
Jair memes spawned Lynk.
Enjoying or having fond memories of anything related to UTV is a bit questionable.
does anyone have the screenshot about /trb/ discussing what "listened passionately" means?
>it's when you have to skip past 20 replies of tripfags having a conversation with each other about utter nonsense that they get annoying.
Have you ever tried maybe entering the conversation and not being literally autistic? Because I haven't a conversation that was way too personal to enter in for a long time. Well, there aren't many conversations here anyway because most threads are always dead.
Must've not seen Marq's posts.
Different anon here

The conversations in question are usually about their real lives and wanting to sniff their stepsister or somesuch nonsense

Go back about 3 threads to see the latest outburst
Marq hasn't posted here in ages.
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You just spent two years playing for us

We won the league title together a week ago

not even that, i don't recall that.

just generally when any decent number of them are on at one time, the thread stops being about fm, and starts being a tripfag catch-up thread.
there are still posts in between the catch up posts about fm

again, if it's really that bad just filter them
r. augusto a shit why do you even care about this faggot

dumbass curintiANO
Having quite the dillema here guys.

playing with 3 centrebacks, what works best? bpd-d,cd-d,bpd-d or cb-d,bpd-s,cb-d. For me so far the first one worked better but I have a very small sample size of games so maybe one of you more experienced people can help me out.
>Being this mad because your team has probably never won a World Club Championship

Bet you were one of the fags that were climaxing when he played well as the captain of the NT during the olympics. Get mad.

4 at the back.
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But R. Augusto was indeed an overrated piece of shit that can barely pass decently. Props on him for becoming a 'leader', though. That's what earned him the spot in the NT. Everyone else is better than him but is also a spineless mute cunt.
lad, it's the player's attributes that dictate that.

if he has poor decisions but can tackle, limited defender
if he can pass and has fine decisions, bpd
if he can tackle but isn't that agile, stopper
if he's fine overall, set him to defend.

I'm probably inaccurate but the core idea is right.
>But R. Augusto was indeed an overrated piece of shit that can barely pass decently
That is true yea. He was quite overrated. I just asked for him because there aren't really many other good players from Corinthians who left for China since Jadson was shit/ may return to Brazil and Gil was good, but eh. One player that was quite underrated was Vagner Love imo. 3rd or 2nd on the goalscoring charts and was called useless most of the campaign.

>Everyone else is better than him but is also a spineless mute cunt.
Probably the only reason R. Augusto was the ''''''''''''''leader''''''''''''''''' on the Olympic NT, because no one has the wish to be minimaly involved wit the NT and would rather spend the week taking selfies and talking with their friends on the phone. And hence why the 7-1.
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rip dreams of making money from cl
11 points
Norbro 2.0
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a galvan-izing goal.webm
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at least I lose to good teams.
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i now wanna play 14 again
Which is really just Butters 2.0, isn't it?
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the good part about playing in europa is that you get to play pleb teams with shit players like Joe hart and my new favorite named forward Ciro Immobile

How many have you bought?
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>he doesnt buy regens
It's the second qualifying round, not the third, I have to beat them just to lose my way into Europa
please crush apoel, I hate those cunts.
rip white diallo
Reminder that they have made the CL QFs more recently than Arsenal
jesus christ.

im still salty from how they behaved when they knocked rosenborg out from the CL qualifiers
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like Malmo you mean?
Spurs have made the QFs more recently too
i mean, they did just draw bayern, and theyve done quite well in europe the last years, gotten sweden a direct spot into the groups.
I recognise alot of these players from PES lel
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>scenes when malmö choke their lead 4 rounds before the end giving me the chance to choke it once again
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>Join Sampdoria in January
>Discover now that this idiot had a 7m MANDATORY transfer fee after the end of his loan
>He played 15 matches for Sampdoria before I decided to bench him, scoring 0 (zero) goals and having an Average rating of 6.23
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Logically, forgot the player. Here is the idiot.
>Scored long overdue first goal of the season at 5-a-side the other day
>Literally almost blurted out "That's his first goal of the season!"

This game has corrupted me.
i guess that's a future fee that's been cashed in? otherwise its pretty retarded
Should have said "He certainly didn't mean that"
No, it was like I said, a loan that had a mandatory transfer fee. Now I'm going to have to find a club dumb enough to pay 7m for him. And now the club has a 12 MILLION EUROS deficit. I will kill myself if I don't find a club for him eventually.
what the fuck is the point of a mandatory fee? Youre just buying the cunt
Probably would've done if it had been one of those goals. But it was a tap-in.
>the assist will be replayed again and again
Did have one of those actually
>Opposition pushing us high up the pitch and we're camped on the edge of our box
>Ball comes loose and I whack it up the pitch
>Our striker runs onto it and slots it home
For years now /trb/ has always been a true constant in my life. I could leave for 6, 7 months at a time after I get tired of it being so up its own asshole, and when I came back the same people were here, talking about the same things, like some kind of voluntary purgatory.

To see it so dilapidated and self-loathing is just sad.

>(Aggressive) I am far from pleased with what I just saw from this team.
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This man will be missed, but the £100m Ive allready gotten for him, and the £70m in clauses more than make up for the loss.

its just a couple of britbongs angry at their lot in life imo
As I've said in the start of the thread, the fewer the tripfags, the fewer the stories and memes. But don't worry, the brilliant britbongs who are against tripfags will save us by not posting anything but ''Oh my, this place really has been better without those annoying tripfags amirite?????''

>(Aggressive) Where is your passion lads? You don't look like a team that wants to win!
Why is a fullback with 13 crossing worth 90 mil? What the fuck?
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maybe because psg paid almost twice that for him
Yeah, I totally agree, which is weird because I was originally against it.

Is there a better FM community to hang out in on a day to day basis than /trb/? I can't think of any
>transfer listed for £24m and £140m of clauses and a loan backk
is FM17 broken
So you're just cheating? Is the AI really that dumb? Wow that's absurd haha
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the AI refused to pay more than 4 mill up front, so i just lumped in a bunch of clauses. things escalated.

Heres my first attempt just going crazy after they straight up accepted 40m in clasues. That's when I realised I had something special on my hands.
Is it as cheating as spreading payment out over 48 months?
There are many, but the problem is that no place is as autistic/ funny as /trb/ is. Because cmon, how can one replace people like Chillwave, MF, Kenyabro (rip) and even Mitch? Fucking Mitch?

The previous manager of my team signed this ''player'' >>73865802 for 7m Euros when the club has a 6m Euros transfer budget. So yea, the AI are really that dumb.
I mean, I personally consider duping the AI into spending far, far more than it ever would otherwise because it's clearly retarded to be cheating. No?
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do you really want to be anywhere else?

>pic related

>not taking free wahabi salafist oil money
>Strength 19

Maybe the previous manager also wanted to be a boxing promoter?
ill also add that no other club would go even close to what psg was paying, so theres that.
At least it's clear that you don't savescum, otherwise you'd have won the league by now.
>This pic

Can't decide if I laugh or cry.
tfw can't leave this place for 6 or 7 months ;_;

reading this brings a tear to my eye #ThankYouBrazzo
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theres always the little things, i could probably have gotten more, but at that point i didnt want to scare them off
£10 says that guy is the archiver.
I can't say what I said about you is necessairly a good thing, but you're welcome. Stream tonight? I need some place to let my autism out since I'm extremely mad.

surely not
Alrighty then
>beautiful british name
He's irish, can't you read?
not tonight my love, i'm watching tactics videos so i can learn to become the goat manager
>dae ireland not a part of british isles
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Two teams will set point records this season. i fucking hate malmö
did he ever come back after posting the philmarillion?
>tactics videos
I would call you autistic, but I am watching Parma x Olympique Marseille (UEFA Cup final of 1998) since I want to try the 3-2-2-1-2 they used.

>Being cucked by Malmö
And this is why I don't manage in Sweden.
Hope not.
theres been some suspicious posts from time to time that were too autistic not to be him.
I wonder where Shit-in-a-bag bro is now
i'm watching some greek dudes talk about fm, was linked in the stream chat yesterday and they seem to know what they're talking about but the videos are so fucking long

what's interesting about the tictac they used?

how would you describe your feelings towards the archiver exactly?

do you have screenshots

reading about the history of /trb/ amuses me greatly

is shit-in-a-bag bro the archiver or
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its gonna be down to the wire most likely. i have better goal difference and a game in hand, so could possibly do it this year. Probably wont though knowing my luck.

unfortunately no
Link to Greeks?
I don't know why he had an obsession with me.
advantage bug cost me a goal. This is where the choke happens. REEEEEEEE
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never mind, all is well now

the guy on the right constantly cuts off the guy on the left and i feel like the guy on the left is the better player so it's incredibly frustrating

i watched the videos on scouting, coaches and training and they make a lot of sense but i know they're wrong about some things (like data analysts needing certain attributes, i'm pretty sure SI have come out and said that attributes make no difference for them)

they say that their opinions are, well, just opinions, and keep reinforcing the idea that the best way to get better at FM is to talk to people and see what other people's experiences have been, which i agree with partially but really i doubt there's any better way to improve than just to play the fuckin game more (perhaps instead of spending 5 hours watching 2 greek dudes talk about it)

are you a qt gril irl
>chief shitposter

stop that
Man, could you imagine being autistic enough to have an autistic enough friend that would make 2 hour long FM tutorial videos with you?

>tfw i turned on an FM streamer and thought he was greek too but he just had an incredibly strong scouse accent

yes and i imagine it would be glorious
We should make fm tutorial videos.
>tfw no morz to link that video
>what's interesting about the tictac they used
It's a fucking 3-2-2-1-2 that used two fullbacks, so offensivelly it was a 4-1-2-1-2 and defensively it was a 5-2-1-2. Could go really bad or really nice. Considering my ability in using ''3'' in the back formations it will probably go real bad, but the team is shite anyway. I am so mad with the Evandro purchase that I don't even care.

>are you a qt gril irl
>tfw Mitch breaks his leg (again) while chasing UTV down the road after she betrayed him for his best friend (again)

I would love that. Put a section of the videos for narrow formations and ask MF to help.
step 1: kill yourself for having to watch toturial videos
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>tfw you get destroyed by the worst team in your group
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Im gonna do it lads

I think you might need the tutorial.
i'm willing to attempt this but i can't into video editing and i also can't into tactics so i am not sure what use i would be

there's very little content out there that's nicely produced and also informative, so many tactics videos on youtube are recorded through a microphone that sounds like a fucking walkie-talkie and on a computer better suited to playing CM01/02 than fm17

why do none of you shitstains stream?
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the djurgårdentrain is back on track
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get in lads
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hey lads guy that lost 11-0 yesterday we won the pl got to the cl final and
>Down on my luck in a sunday league journeyman save
>Decide to take on a team in 2nd division Chile
>This is their whole, entire squad
>0 scouts
>0 physios
>I am the only coach
>The league starts in 2 days

What the FUCK do I do, /trb/?
But you lost 11-0 so lol at you desu.
Also >managing Arsenal
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Shit, pic related
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can you sign staff?
>why do none of you shitstains stream?

Because we all have microphones that sound like fucking walkie-talkies and computers better suited to playing CM01/02 than fm17, evidently.

I think I have to, will need to sign a coaching staff, physio, scouts, and a whole fucking first team, all while keeping this shithole afloat.

They just got promoted this year, but I thought lower league teams come through to the playables with at least key staff?
>home team faggot
did you untick "do not add key staff"
rev up those loans
You can supply me with shit to say since I don't even know what a new player needs to know anymore.

The hardest part about picking up FM17 for me was waiting for the standalone editor to be released so I could make my standard db edits before creating a team.
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This must be what it's like to manage Chapecoense
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Well, I learned that playing with 1 CB and 2 FBs don't work. Oh well, this makes everything a little bit more difficult.
... like literally one CB and 2 full backs

like 1 centre back and then two full backs

where the fuck else were your players on the pitch

>standard db edits
Kem always fucks with youth ratings which is why all his saves are illegitimate
yes i remember that much but i'm interested in the exact changes he makes and his reasoning behind that
Rude. Just rude.

Changed my 2 FBs to BPD(s) (in order to work as full backs but that actually know how to mark) and put my 2 DMs to CMs, but am really questioning how I'm supposed to put them (as DMs or CMs) in order for this to work.
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Woops, forgot the image as always.
And the transfer deadline just passed, so I think I'm literally going to have to use grey players for the first half of the season
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5 players.jpg
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>5 players away on international duty during title decider and local derby

kem adds a constant of 20 kg to every players weight no feel more comfortable
so THIS is the tactic that someone once used in a final? i honestly thought it was a 3 cb formation when you described it there but that looks retarded as fuck man
The typical reasoning most people give when altering youth ratings is that X country has a higher rating than Y country which shows a basic misunderstanding of the fact that it is far more than just youth rating that impacts the quality of youth produced by a country so there may be a perfectly good reason why some countries have a higher youth rating than others that you would consider superior and ultimately the lower rated country may still produce more quality youth prospects.
I'm not saying this is the case with Kem mind you, I don't know his reasoning and I'm of the mindset that people can do what they want on a save to make it fun for themselves as long as they don't brag about their achievements as if they mean the same as those that play on a vanilla db.
would you look down on me in the same way if i add a will keen regen to my database in future
Everyone already looks down on you
If I look down on you any further I'll see UTV
n-not everyone

this hasn't answered my question

what other factors influence the quality of youth produced by a country?
place your bets lads

Well, just discovered that it was really a 3-4-1-2. But Cannavaro was playing in the middle in the UEFA Cup final and Thuram and Lassissi were playing really high up the pitch for defenders and Cannavaro and one of the two DMs was quite near the defensive line. (This is the 1999 Supercoppa Italia starting eleven)
By the way this is going I am not really into 3-4-1-2 anymore and I think I'll just swtich back to my 4-1-2-1-2 meme narrow magic formation.
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forgot pic
you draw + malmo scores at 90+3 to win
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turtle or play for another goal?
Reading down the changelog from the one I'm using with Palencia.

>Brazil (163 > 140)
>Italy (144 > 128)
>Spain (140 > 131)
>France (140 > 130)
>Egypt (138 > 120)
>Turkey (124>108, Developed State > Developing State)
>England (120 > 116)
>Russia (118 > 99)
>Colombia (117 > 105)
>Peru (97 > 80)
>Portugal (114 > 99)
>Iraq (106 > 84)
>Nigeria (120 > 102)

>Chile (93 > 108)
>Croatia (98 > 111)
>Czech Republic (94 > 105, Developing State > Developed State)
>Ireland (83 > 93, Important > V. Important)
>Costa Rica (66 > 83)
>Canada (54 > 81)
>Mexico (Developing State > Developed State)
>Australia (90 > 101, Important > V. Important)
>Indonesia (56 > 75, Important > V. Important)
>Kenya (45 > 75, Important > V. Important)
>New Zealand (Unimportant > Important)
>USA (Unimportant > V. Important)

John Brooks Determination 11 >17
John Brooks Potential 154 > 159
Christian Pulisic Determination 12 > 16
Marco Asensio fixed PA of 196.

Shitting on Rooney (Overall CA change from 153 to 142)

Adding Wikipedia information to CD Palencia.
Fired CD Palencia's current manager.

Increasing Mourinho's tendency to argue with officials, slightly decreasing his fan confidence and board confidence.

Increased Population and Attraction ratings of Syracuse, NY, USA and Munster, NRW, Germany

Made 1.2 US Dollar equivalent to 1 GBP (from 1.301)

Naming changes to Spanish league structure since that's where I was to be playing.

Feel free to ask for more information/reasoning about any of these.
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WHEN YOU SEE IT, im buzzing right now
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its over

its done

4 years of hurt, never stopped the dreaming
>shitting on rooney that hard
kek did he fuck your nan or something

is the extra 5 PA on john brooks really that necessary?
same with Pulisic change, do either of those changes actually affect your save enough for them to be worth it?

>messing with Mou
I don't think I've ever seen a manager argue with an official but maybe I'm just not being very attentive to press conferences and news items... does this make a noticeable difference?
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Congrats buddy, I'm proud that you were finally able to conquer your demons.

Now, on to Europe.
>USA (Unimportant > V. Important)

John Brooks Determination 11 >17
John Brooks Potential 154 > 159
Christian Pulisic Determination 12 > 16
Marco Asensio fixed PA of 196.

>that flag
>that post
As someone who has already made a save in Sweden and know how annoying Malmö are, I can really say that you are doing God's work there Norbro, congrats. Now, the Europa League (everybody knows the Europa League is way more entertaining to watch than the CL).
>kek did he fuck your nan or something
Nah I just think he's wicked overrated by SI.

>do either of those changes actually affect your save enough for them to be worth it?
Well I have no idea about Pulisic desu. But I know that Hertha was relegated in the first season, and Brooks was purchased by Schalke for 11m following that. So I can't say as if it has had no effect, but I can't swear to it either.

>does this make a noticeable difference?
No idea, I've only been following myself, and my occasional news items about Munster, Bryan Ruiz, and John Brooks.
Also, I don't believe I added it to Mou, only increased it from 15 to 20.

After seeing Brooks and Pulisic play for the nt live, and appear as if the only ones who hadn't completely given up on Klinsmann as manager, I felt inclined to give them determination boosts. Most of our older players seemed to be content losing every game as long as Klinsmann was eventually pushed out.

I split my Munster save at one point and began managing Spain, Asensio dominated everything. In honor of this I gave him a fixed PA.
what difference does it make that it's fixed?
thanks man, it was really fucking difficult
By default it is at -9, so upon creating a new game he would have a PA randomly picked between 150 and 180.
I mean 196 PA is Messi level of GOATness, right? But do what you want lad, if you wanna change CR7 and watch 10 PA Tsunaldo missing every pass, go for it.

But why did you nerf every major European country and not Germany's rating? Is it lower than France/Spain/Italy by default?
Obviously youth ratings are meant to both replicate real life quality of youth and keep the quality of players coming through a country fairly stable so that 20+ years into the future you won't generally see some a completely different world where suddenly Germany and Brazil for example are complete shit but shit tier nations have risen to be the best in the world, obviously they will fluctuate a bit but it stays pretty much the same unless SI have determined that some country, Iraq for example, have a very good youth setup and are investing heavily and may feasibly see themselves move up a bit in rankings in coming years.
The problem is that youth training facilities, youth coaching, first team coaching/training and basically anything else that you can ask your board to invest in will impact players development so its really only keeps world rankings pretty stable if you were to take over no teams and holiday and never manage a team.
Because all those things will have an influence it means that a very rich footballing nation like England can snap up 15 year old regens from anywhere in the country and give them the best development possible (from an AI perspective, obviously they still suck in comparison to a human player) virtually guaranteeing a high potential youth will turn into a star.
In the poorer nations the facilities will be awful, the coaching will be awful and if its say Ghana or Nigeria or some other non-EU nation they won't be able to be bought to be properly developed by a club in a richer nation until they are 18 so in order to combat the lack of quality coaching they have a higher youth rating than they perhaps "deserve" to level out the playing field.
Conversely you have rich nations who are shit at football like Qatar who will at least have the resources to build good training facilities or maybe even start with them (haven't checked desu) so they probably have a lower youth rating than they "deserve" to balance it out.
Also probably the amount of playable clubs in the db will play a factor so because England has ~150 playable clubs and shit tier nations might only have 30-40 that can play a factor because obviously every playable club in a loaded nation will produce a batch of regens every year so probably numbers are slightly balanced vs what they "should" be to account for that.
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196 PA means he could eventually be near Messi, assuming the AI manages him not totally retarded.

>But why did you nerf every major European country and not Germany's rating?
Because I am far from an impartial editer.

>Is it lower than France/Spain/Italy by default?
fuck man never thought about the effect of players with high potential in mud-hut-tier nations getting awful coaching for the first few years of their life

makes me wonder how many potential GOATs are rotting out there working in fields playing in sunday league equivalents for their entire life...

probably considerably less than the number of actual goats :^)

Also wonder how many clubs in places like Qatar have coaching staff with really good qualifications... should I be looking to poach staff from there when I'm playing in the top leagues???
>signing anyone from qatar

mitch dont be gross
i-i meant the white people they're overpaying to coach, i swear
I spelled it that way intentionally desu. I'm not an editor, this is not my full time position. More of an "I am an edit-er" distinction, as I really don't have the qualifications to justify these changes nor the understanding of the behind the scenes working of SIs world engine to truly know what I am changing.
>American editing his game for German world domination

makes me feel slightly uncomfortable 2bh.
Yay my Libero turned 17 and can now play senior games

It's meme time
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>40% of gate receipts

what the fuck? What are the worst stadium deals in fm?
Why? We have our very own Nazi now...we idolize you desu
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And now my 3-4-1-2 meme journey ends. What a shit formation.
To be honest, I've found that anything with over ~100 youth rating and a handful of clubs in large cities with good facilities can produce the 15 or so players needed to dominate on the international level.

So while Germany does have an advantage, it's more in the number of world class talents a manager has available 15 years in, as opposed to having them or not.
p o s t h i m
I'm proud of you lad

Even if you should be walking the league by now
>everybody knows the Europa League is way more entertaining to watch than the CL
The best approach is to get to CL for the money and then get knocked into Europa for fun
He's just a retrained WB

I genuinely don't think natural ones exist
I was fiddling with it yesterday a 85 an all 20's academy at a low rep club was producing 130's at best

At 110 they start producing a fair few 150-180 players

above 125 it's broken as fuck and you get goats in every class
Jerusalem's hilarious

National stadium is shared between 3 teams, only the big one pays rent (£150k)
Yeah I've always felt that generally the number of world class talents is too high in fm, I mean look at the kind of meme players even the best national teams have to play with in real life.

But it's probably for dem kids so that they have an ebin world class player once in a while in their youth intake. Mike should make the >game less casual friendly, I also propose forced 2d matches for this reason. Graphics are shit anyways.
>not posting him anyway
cmon man
I'd prefer less world class players but other players being able to specialise more

It's silly that Argentina has 3 clubs that produce about 5 world beaters between them every season
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Thanks man, im still peeved at malmö stealing a goat south korean keeper from under my nose.

It shows in their goals conceded
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We may only have 16 players at the entire club for the next 4 months, but at leas we have h e a r t
Also what can I do to improve the quality of these images, windows snipping tool was working fine yesterday
There's both an ingame screenshot button and a steam screenshot button

IIRC it's f10 and saves in documents/si/fm
The image is fine.
The thumbnail looks like shit because the image is 2559x922 and 4chan doesn't know what to do about images larger than like 1900x700.

FMs screenshot is definitely alt+f9 for me
I have no idea if that's default or not.
Oh that's it

I haven't used it in a while since steam isn't awful quality and fm used to save in pngs which are obnoxious to open on 4chan
Frankly I use fms inbuilt one since it keeps them separate from other fm screens and other steam game screens, and names them in a more meaningful way than "steamappid date.jpg"
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CD Naval_ Team Depth Chart.png
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Thanks lads, enjoy this beautiful minimalist art that is my depth chart
>Eddie Howe is England manager
Just found out that I'm only allowed to sign 3 players in the May-August window

This club is doomed
Sell your goalkeeper and buy strikers.
Already resigned, totally should have though. Gray goalkeeper wasn't that much worse
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>cunt whines about wanting to leave the club for the fucking serbian league
>has the balls to still celebrate with the team

At least APOEL really struggled against my stupid tactic
I feel like you're gonna go on and win the champions league or something
I asked myself the same question and then resigned.

Whole affair really ruined my reputation too, so I guess I have to start a new save as well. Shame.
Nah, we got HJK next so maybe we can make groups but this team has no way of beating a good defence.

We can barely beat the top domestic teams and only won the title because everyone fucked up so badly 64 points from 36 games was enough
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>mfw youngsters i forgot buying arrive and ive allready signed, better younger regens in their position
alternatively add a new manager.
I have a 5 foreign player limit. I used it all on regens I could free transfer in the first season.

Now they're turning up and worse than my academy kids so I don't think I can even sell them on.
Yeah I just figure if I'm going to start over might as well do it from the start.

Does anyone else get like bad save anxiety when trying to decide what to play? I feel like I need to start unemployed and it really messes with me
i have to have 9 homegrown players in my match squad.
I really struggle to chose a team to play.
Israel is 5 foreign players max in squad
And any unregistered players can be approached for a free transfer

5 years to gain nationality
Yeah, me too. I'm just going to be a self indulgent prick and play with Hertha Berlin. Figure deposing Dortmund and Buyern will be enough of a challenge, plus I haven't played had like any experience with continental matches in 17.
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Oh yeah thats right I forgot you get off on John Brooks. Gonna make him a beast! Or lose him to Man City in January.
>Or lose him to Man City in January.
More likely to Schalke/Wolfsburg, and then to England.
He could've just played him offside
With his momentum and the distance between him and the 2nd attacker? No way.

The second he switches gears the through ball gets played and it's a goal.
Do you mean the first pass where both runners have 5 yards still to pass Brooks? Or before he goes to tackle, when both other players are still behind the ball?

I'm struggling to see an any way an attempt to play someone offside doesn't end, at best, in a 2 attacker vs. Guzan.
>multiple drunk transfer windows in a row
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>worlds second most expensive transfer is a regen

>The world's most expensive transfer is Willian

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Worthit im sure
>the absolute state of the ai
>Southampton become a buying club
Hey PSG made a profit on martial (before wages, if all clauses get triggered)
>Mexico (Developing State > Developed State)
post said regen
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Should this really be that easy?
>manure buys 4 overhyped meme players for literally 100mil

scary how accurate the game is
>win 4 of the 5 trophies the club has ever won
>the only other one was a second division title
>I'm still not an icon
>the loan player who was here for our second division season is
>win the prem 6 times in a row
>win the CL 4 times in a row
>board decides to build a new stadium worthy of a club as prosperous as ours
>names it after our club captain from 2015/16 who played for us when we were in the vanarama south

i know the feel brother
I wouldn't mind but the most beloved people outside of prefm ones are shit/short term players

It's not even the local born guys who have played here for years who are beloved
Can't believe we've done this.
The only team to fail to score against the team with no players.
You didn't fail, you achieved the perfec italian result
>And then beat the best team in the league the week after
>have a player absolutely key to my team
>if I replace him the team goes from winning 3-0 to losing 2-0
>averages ratings of around 6.9
Why is the rating system so busted? I can put literally anyone in at wingback and they'll get a 7.5
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Oh shit they know he exists
>Video footage on a tram ahead of the match appears to show supporters heading to the match singing: “You’re getting gassed in the morning”
>- a reference to the treatment of Jews in concentration camps during the second world war.

Was the explanation really needed?
It's inevitable.
cant get into a save lads
need a comfy league to manage in
i've heard good things about the bundesliga
Belgium and Portugal are fun if you want a weird structure
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Okay I think that is the end of our little CL run

>Newcastle in CL in 2017
Just realised it's because they won the Europa league, insane
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maybe he was part of a very dank meme
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>9-1 odds
easy enough
Break their legs
make sure to remind the ref about who approves his mortgage
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Well at least we've scored...

In retrospect I picked the wrong defensive formation, I should've picked the all out defensive one we used well last season instead of this season's one which is more about countering teams slightly better than us.
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On one hand we lost 7-1 and our two best CM's got sent off but on the other we managed to injure Neymar

All in all a good day
at least you scored
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>Get smashed 7-1
>Get sent off

It's like getting sent off in a friendly.
That alone will probably bump the regens rep enough to triple his value
Please post your save's Kane history.

Preferably entire career.
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Xavier Lukhas_ Inbox-82.png
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>Have 4 keepers in the senior squad
>Make a loan offer for another one
For what purpose?
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>A 1000 year old player

Brilliant. On this save, what was the thing that surprised you the most?
Bolivia is currently first in the world ranking, that's surprising.
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meh so far
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c h e e s e l a d s
Torres or Fierro?
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Must be my AssMan calling him out for being a fraud.
Just like Mourinho I suppose. A media-darling.
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>trips are good to use
>tfw you could have been a trip but you don't want to
tfw was a trip for about 3 months 7 years ago and have never bothered since
>you could have been an attention loving faggot but chose not to
Ain't really attention whoring when it's the standard.
>making excuses for tripfags
The team is coming together after those first five seasons. Surely we should do better than both Celtic and Sporting CP, even though a Europa League run could see us surprise a few teams, even though it's far less interesting financially.
It's a tradeoff really

CL=more money but less wins
EU=less money but more wins and rep gain
think you have to win the EL to make the same amount of prize money you'd get in the CL eighthfinal
True, but I'm at the point where my Reputation (3 starts) is the issue more than the money. In other words, I'd need to be rice-rich to get the kind of money that would attract bigger players and bigger young regens. I don't exactly feel like sabotaging willingly the CL to pray that I go far in EL.
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And fairly obviously, my board doesn't want to hear about affiliates. "We don't need them" they say.
>same CM fucks up marking to let the opponents score two goals
>doesn't get any rating hits because "t-the CD was to blame" and "i-it was a wonderful blooter"
Daily reminder that SI """Mods""" believes this to be legit CM positioning.
>need a loan affiliate because of retarded registration rules (have to register youth team or they can be free transfered, only 45 slots)
>board will only agree to a link with a feeder club
>but they can't find one

Is it rep or money that governs finding affiliates?
If it's just location I'm fucked

>Sweeper hits a 50 yard pass
>player receives it and passes two yards
>striker scores a blooter

Every fucking time this happens the big pass gets no rating boost and the assist player gets the most even though they did next to nothing
don't you mean devs?
>playing a broken version
>SI finally fix IWBs
>ruin all other wide players at the same time

Fucking monkey paw
Nope, the mods. The devs do know that it's an issue.

The mods however...

"Fortunately" Lahm retires early.
well fugg
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something something something cheese
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Pocket change.
Its ok you'll just buy Shane Long tomorrow.
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>manure paid £96m for this
Good player with room to get a little better. What's the issue? He's even in form.
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psg is starting to piss me off.
Just came back from the game!

We fucking did it, we beat Madrid, get shit on Penaldo.

I'm still shaking senpai.
>33% possession
isn't that a loss for you spaniards?
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enjoy it mate
Imagine if this happened IRL
There would be fighting in Manchester and Qatar.
Not when you have less than 33% budget.
Thanks, >we just have to dodge Barcelona in the next round to keep the dream alive.
Don't forget Malaysia
hope you make it celta seems like a cool club. Them and las palmas.

Btw, why wasnt the stadium full for such a game? Away goal advantage against real madrid should pull the crowd I would imagine?

Was it the timing or simply because football isnt as popular in spain outside the big clubs?
>las palmas
trying to trigger butt3rs?
Vigo is a pretty hard place to get to. It's like, right on the tip of the coast of Galicia in the northwest.
so probably not the best place to host a late night football match?
>why wasn't the stadium full for such a game?

It was one of the best attendances of the season actually.

Vigo is a small city and it's always hard to fill up a stadium with capacity for 29.000.
i've always liked deportivos stadium. its right next to the ocean so you can go drown yourself after a bad match.
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never seen this happen before, the transfer was agreed and signed for a month, but the day before the transfer was going to go through they cancelled it.

Didnt even know you could do that.
>accidentally only register 1 goalie in Europa League squad
>he gets injured the day before the QF against Newcastle

scripting la'
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>complain about an injury on /trb/
>the game hears you and gives you another 4 for the lulz

i'm done with this piece of shit fucking game
It's Miles. He's in this thread right now.
How many first team players do you have injured?
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Who is you FM guy?
Really only seeing two injuries worth mentioning desu.
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bardh shala. he was prime llm cheese in 16
3 key players, 3 first team/rotation, 3 u20 shitters.

i have literally 0 fit strikers though, not even in the youth team
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>6 first team injuries is a lot
Nigga are you fucking serious?!
>getting 4 injuries in a single day before an important match is normal

You are intentionally misunderstanding what I'm saying.
have you considered that the other team harmed your players?
i never said it was that much, i posted it because it was funny that i complained my goalie got injured, then the game gave me a further four after i posted. i literally even said that in the original post,

and my first team squad is only about 20 players anway, 6 is a lot. pipe down.
no i didn't. you just didnt understand the first one.
What's the difference between playing touch vs ordinary/normal mode?
from what i can tell touch is a watered down micro transaction mess for casuals
So if you're a new player should you start there or just jump directly into full mode?
just start normal and play something you think would be cool/exciting to play.
Ok, thanks!
no worries, where's your first save gonna be?

>not playing lyn in this day and age
I don't know, someone in eastern europe probably. I was thinking as playing with my local team Olimpija, but I don't know. Feel free to recommend something. I'm playing on 16 btw.
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16 you say? There's a team in 16 that's an excellent challenge with a rich backstory in a league that's not too difficult domestically, but isnt rich so you wont dominate europe right away. It also has very lax work permit laws so you wont rage at that in your first save.

The team of course is Lyn, a former norwegian premiership staple that got fucked over by poor management and went bankrupt and disolved some years ago.

The club's fans started following their sixth tier amateur team which became the new rallying point for the Lyn fans.

In 16 they're in the third tier (second division) in norwegian football, in real life they had the worst season they ever had gaining one point from the first half of the season, they then sacked their manager and went on to "win" the second half on points, unfortunately it wasn't enough and they were relegated (out of the playable leagues) on goal difference after winning their last match 9-2, 9 goals short of safety.

Your goal is to keep the club alive and in time revive the only capitol derby in the country.

Points to consider: wingers are broken.

Players that are great for norwegian llm: bardh shala and rocky lekaj.
I think your chokes are karmic payback for spamming this shit
You're a crazy person.
didnt you see? I finally conqured my demons
I'm quite confused now with those two posts.
>wingers are broken
What does that mean? That I shouldn't rely on them too much?

Also how important is having a good staff?
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enjoy your future
it means that wingers are the best role in 16.

staff is very important when youre in top flight and youre developing/scouting for good talent, if you play in lower leagues i woudlnt focus too much on it.

But of course try to at least have a decent assistant manager.
ohh ok thanks.
Sorry I'm late guys.

>We won't see a Liverpool vs Manchester United final

As much as I don't like both clubs and wouldn't like to see them advance anyway, I was really looking forward to that final.
>Bundesliga club Darmstadt have released Tunisian midfielder Anis Ben-Hatira by mutual consent following criticism of his ties with an Islamic charity.

>Ansaar International has been criticised in Germany with media reports alleging it was linked to the controversial Islamic Salafist sect.

>Salafism is an ultra-conservative branch of Islam.

>tfw a real life team can get rid of a player for free because of his views but I can't get rid of a guy in FM who belongs to the ultra-cuntservative branch of cuntism otherwise known as missing training 20 times
>missing training 20 times
Literally 20 times?
No I'm exaggerating, worst I've ever had without getting rid is probably about 6 but I've seen people in here with guys that have missed 20+ times.
Just radaclize him mate, get him to miss training by blowing up your facilities and ied's in the lads lockers.

Problem solved.
>Mutual Consent
That doesn't say free now does it
Those gates can be tricky to open
My team is deadly away on champions league. Just OK at home. Not sure why. Maybe teams aren't expecting attacking formations from visiting teams.
vs Bayern 5-1 win away
vs United 7-3 away
How autistic would you need to be in order to watch someone stream this game?
mitch please stream

quite autistic
It's Monaco in my save

Franch bastards either way (I wouldn't mind if they tried to buy anyone but my outright best two players)

As a United fan I was dreading a final vs Liverpool. Not because we would definitely lose but because there would be a chance we could lose and then the tournament becomes relevant. If we lose to Southampton in the final now we can just go "lol who even fucking cares about that shit cup?".
Do any other clubs have their own rules like Bilbao's basque only one?

I want to do something like that but Bilbao are a pretty easy save
that mexican chivas team. fierro is there too.
I saw a guy do a sunday league unemployed start, except he was only allowed to sign players from the club's nation, which I thought was pretty interesting.
sorry man im playing motorsport manager
Any good? I worry that it's just a reskinned mobile game not worth my precious shekels
Yeah from what I can tell it's only them and Young Lions who have special rules

Shame, I wanted another EU one. Maybe I'll find a club with a niche nationality/talent pool and edit in the limit
Theres a local professional team in my area that plays in the second tier that has a regional rule.

But since tronders are pretty much the geordies of norway I dont think that's made it into the game.
Altinordu is Turkish only but that would be a really hard save

What's neat about Basque is that you have about 4 countries to recruit from
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>the city of internazionale
i'm a filthy casual and i'm enjoying it

seems pretty shallow to me but i think i could easily put 100 hours into it at the very least
But that would only take you 6 days of leaving it running.
actually i didn't get it through steam so i can't claim to be the greatest MM player of all time :(
Not like you'd have any business claiming that anyway.
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>CD scores an own goal
>sub him out
>other original CD scores an own goal
>subbing out for an own goal
Way to kill your players desire to improve.
I'm going to sub out someone with a 5.9 rating regardless of whether or not they have disastrously ruined the team's chances of gaining points from a crucial tie
>Not subbing your entire backline in the first minute
You're doing it wrong
>not fining them two weeks salary forever for an OG
They will learn desire to improve when the desire to feed their families is at the utmost importance.
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Anyone else end up making their tactics much weaker once they have good players?

I can't help but play slow possession football yet it's so much less efficient that just countering
i counter every hard game, then play fun in easy ones.
>possession football
If I'm a season ticket holder I'll sue you.
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how was japan?
Pretty good. Almost made 3rd children there. Really miss Kyoto now and planning to visit it again soon.
Decent way to score your first goal
couldn't fit a pin through my anus the entire 2nd half of this
How much does adaptability matter if you're buying a player who already knows how to speak the language of the new country he'll be playing in?
It still affects how well a player "settles into the new country" and if they get homesick, which doesn't happen very often.
>team meeting because we have had 3 0-0 draws in a row against shit teams and we simply cannot score anything and are bottling our chance at promotion
>"lads stop being shit do better"
>"what are you talking about boss we are in good form"
>morale for everyone goes down massively, from good to fairly poor
fucking hell what is wrong with these cunts
Need some help guys

I want to play as a selling club so I can practice my negotiating skills but I don't know who to play as

I need
>a league with no real prize money (would negate the need to sell)
>a club with enough budget to at least sign free transfers
>in a country with loose enough foreign rules for me to sign cheap players
>a league competitive enough to provide some challenge

I genuinely have no idea what would be the best place to play such a save, pls help
Finnish league, thats where I am and it seems close to that
Season expectations and all that shit. If you win the league, your lads won't like you talking about winning it until the media says you're among the favourites. Even if you mopped the floor with the rest of the teams. That is unless you have a fairly Ambitious squad: ambitious players generally will like when you talk about finishing higher than expected and bringing new players to the club to reinforce the squad.

>a league with no real prize money
>a league competitive
In FM, these don't go hand in hand (and it rarely does IRL either). If you want little prize money then you're headed to a smaller league, which is then dominated by the team who goes to the CL and receives massive prize money, so it won't be competitive.
Serbia might be decent

Don't know the rules but Partizan are the big boys yet have a tight budget

Or maybe Switzerland
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we were favourites from the start of the season so no they are just massive bottlejobs
we just drew our 4th game in a row 2-2 after we had a sending off because i took off our right winger after we were up 2-0 and got a red card so my goalkeeper decided to take his goal kick directly to the right wing nowhere near any of my players, meaning they had infinite space to then launch an attack, making it 2-1 and they then scored a corner
gettin real tired of my players complaining after i fine them a weeks wages for making us drop points through a red card too
Then they're muppets who bottle it under pressure. Keep sending warnings instead of fines don't have much of an effect and forget about putting pressure on them while still berating them at HT if they play like shit. And sell them at the end of the season.
I never fell in love with no camwhore, for starters.
perenially 3rd maybe?
Does Norbro has a reputation for getting third places now?
not sure, but nice to see lynposting and mid-match posting fucked him over
lynposting is the worst meme
>tfw after years of training and tutoring your youth player finally become good
Eredivisie, Portugal league
>real player
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>sub on 16 year old right back for his debut in title decider against second place in 81st minute
>gives away a penalty in the 82nd minute
>penalty saved
>trips opponent in the box, another penalty instantly
>penalty saved again
>win despite my attackers trying their hardest to miss every chance
wew this game
>sat behind someone on train
>they are Arsenal on 14
>year 2023
>match against Man U
>goes 3-0 down in 10 minutes
Had to stop myself laughing out loud
now sell every last one of those almost-bottling cunts to the highest bidder
Was it their tactics?
>16 year old
>title decider
>against second place
wew (You)

CMs as BWM and a DLP
AMC as T, AML and AMR were IF
Striker was P
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>"what a debut"
I didn't have any other rightbacks on the bench and he was a local lad, definitely had a debut to remember by giving away 2 penalties within 3 minutes of his coming on the pitch lel
but of course
>"I didn't have any other rightbacks on the bench"
>blames the players when he himself couldn't build up a deep enough squad so he didn't need to rely on 16 year olds
>implying I'm going to use the rightback with a 6.4 average rating
>implying I'm going to use the other one with exploded knees
I've got plenty of transfer business ahead of me to fix this shitty squad
im playing in sweden, it has no prize or tv money to speak of, no work visas and decent sized clubs. Also no player registration or anything like that, only have to have 9 homegrown players in your match squad.

Play as any of the stockholm clubs and youll have a good save i think.
Think I'm gonna do Czech league lads

Pretty gentle rules but wage budget is controlled by turnover which could be interesting.
>im playing in sweden, it has no prize or tv money to speak of, no work visas and decent sized clubs.
You're lucky he didn't follow your advise, or he would be constantly raging about winning the CL 4 times in a row yet now winning the Allsvenskan.
Prague winslol is harder to break than Malmo winslol from what I can remember
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>those philosophies that will just make it harder to win
>being memey enough to have a song about you
>that horrible badge

I am home
>expected to bring through youth
>2 players out of the entire u21's and u19's are not greyed out
You won't be sacked for that as long as you have homegrown players under 23 in your first team.
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>nobody wants to join me
>decide to spend my budget on poaching mls regens
>amongst the rubbish is this pacebabby

Although I'm gonna have to force him into playing wingback
if you were going to do this you might as well have "added players to playable teams"
That would accomplish the same thing but also leave a transfer budget behind.

This way I'm having to use up the budget to satisfy the board's youth philosophy, and am signing a load of dross because I can't scout them, it's a more balanced approach (and literally no different than saving the budget until january and buying newer regens than americans then).
add players to playable teams+disable first window transfer budget
>disabling fun for a year
>first window
Name me one irl manager who joined a club in preseason and had no ability to make transfers

You're ruining the sim by disabling them
except that the squad is what the IRL manager had at the end of the transfer window
easiest CL yet
Because they personally had time and transfers avaliable to make it fit to their own system

Also disabling budgets hands a massive advantage to the few clubs still able to afford loan or free transfer moves because they alone upgrade
this desu

always feel weird playing the fm16 january database update since i end up with a few extra players that whichever club i play wouldn't have had for the first few months...
Quality thread.
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I hate playing against this guy in 17.
>When you're not intelligent enough for the Copa Del Rey

Quite easy honestly. Milan takes a lot of time to become a club that goes to the CL quarter-finals.

He wasn't at Milan much longer, in my save he's been at Sampdoria and Bologna and even though hs teams at those two clubs have not been consistently successful they're always a nightmare to break down.
Bologna are a nightmare no matter the manager
>/trb/ in charge of beating sausage
Is there a way to buy 16 on steam? or am I fucked and have to get 17?
Buy it off somewhere like cdkeys and activate the code

That'll add it
>tfw you get your player on a 7 year deal because of contract clauses
>these slave wages for a world class teenager
great feeling
I felt kinda guilty until I had my first regen want to leave for a big club

You need that contract to keep them until they develop enough to sell for loads
regens are not real
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>Manage to make my team from the 2nd team that scores the least to one of the best
>Yet, my poacher is still inconsistant
>Find a really clinical and consistent regen with 18 finishing
>Go look at him just for curiosity to see if I am really going to sign him in January
>mfw he broke his leg 1 month ago

what makes you think that?
euros are not real
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>play possession football
>score by hoofing it into the box
I think we're liverpool
>I think we're liverpool

Are you ready to never win a league title then?
What uni you using ilearn for? We might go to the same one...
>3-4-3 flat
>giving wilkers space on the wing
10-1 aggregate incoming
Came back to fm15, picked up the save I quit because I went through an entire season without being beaten in any competition. First season back, won every trophy. But I'm most pleased that Chelsea got relegated.

I will now leave and do a challenge in China: build a team from the 2nd tier without any foreign players.
Wouldn't be that bothered

The aim of the save is really just to get used to developing and selling players
you're mother
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