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EngGODS on track for a perfect year edition
/nrl/ and /cric/ run /rug/
posting in epic bread
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>this clear falseflagging from some Jock or Taff subhuman

Will be all the sweeter when >we crush the Aussies


Were getting refballed
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>it's an Australia blow an early lead episode

As I said, the Aussies spunked their knickers early on.

Just too easy. This'll be a 20+ points win
>it's a Ben Youngs snipes around the fringes episode

Every week, sick of this re-run
israel folau
And the damage control begins
I wonder what Cheika's excuses will be this time.
gg ez no re
It's not "damage control", it's a fact. We are getting refballed the fuck out. England are known for cheating on home soil.
(((Israel))) Folau
That forward pass was criminal
You are poorious my man. I'd tell you to stick to cricket but you're shit there too now.
Nick Phipps is single handedly losing us this game.
>It's a SH meme team gets exposed episode

always my favourite ones
[something smug]
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Why are sky commentators so shit?
>England are known for cheating on home soil.
And still losing in spite of that :^)
lmao nobody in australia cares about this "sport"
i like most aussies arent even watching this gay shit
im just here to shitpost
More damage control haha

If I had a quid for every time I heard that from some dumb bogan id probably be able to buy out your whole impoverished economy
>penalty for that "tackle without the ball"

wew if that was for the "tackle" on Yarde then refball confirmed
Why must NSW ruin the wallabies
> kepu

Pure fucking shit

Nobody in England cares about it either.

What haven't NSW ruined?
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>completely unpredictable at union
>suck at football/soccer
>BTFO by Saffas at cricket
>literally only you and England give a shit about league
really made me think
Guarantee per capita more people care about rugby is Australia than they do in England
in the future white people will no longer play professional rugby, they will just sit and watch as 30 pacific islanders in different coloured shirts play as "England" and "Australia"
>MUH per capita

True, same as black football players
Kingrose v Joseph in the Spring.
We need to buy bulk amounts of rugby league forwards. Our forwards are terrible.

I'm surprised we won anything on this tour.
>it's an Australia forgets how to retain possession episode

Jesus Christ they can't even go 3 passes without losing it.
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Based England are too based lads
It works in this capacity though.
I see you failed to see the irony eh chap

You need to just import a whole team of league reserve graders.

That should get you back on our level.
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>it's a Cheika gets btfo by his mate and gets fired episode
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Why are they so shit?
The real problem is afl. They pay more, and they get the fittest athletes.
7 point game

what did he mean by this?
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>fat smelly prop scores
>Foley is a world class kicker
He means he is a stinky coconut shit obviously

Channel your autism to Foley, lads.

>bringing off Youngs and Farrell

Fucking why
Paddy Jackson > George Ford
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>that fucking kick by Farrel right in front of Gatland
top fucking jej
fucking lol
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err that was ford
On the skype with the ol gf
He already has too much.

You're either trolling or just retarded, I'm going with he latter based on your previous posts
even worse
how big is her penis?
looks like a little boy fr.
she/he looks nice :^)
absolute bollocks
>Australia resorting to cheap shots

Just sad, so sad.
Lol shoulder charge in the final 10.
Good idea
can I suck her dick
greenwood dropping truth nukes
What a pathetic dive.
Ausies chimping out
Kruis looks like the BFG
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Having. This much awaiting Austin
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Haha fucking convicts
Well this has been a terrible year for Australian Rugby.

I think it's clear Cheika and Moore need to quit.
Zimbabwe's cowardly David Poocock
Kek, Australia just remember it's the taking part that counts
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>be Australia
>pass to the opposite team
kek you're not playing league here poocock
Could be worse, could be a bok
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We should have played them with 14 men, they might have had a chance then.
pls no bully big strong englishman
How long until Australia and the QuotaBoks are struggling to beat Fiji?
I'd rather have Quade completely implode spectacularly every 2nd game, then deal with Foley losing us every game against England and NZ.
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Cheika has to be fired. Simple as that. His team selections are a fucking joke. We have hard, rough forwards. But where are they. Playing in the NH or back in Aus.
Englands played really well the last 50 mins, their 13 and 9 were supoib. Wallabies bottled it as usual and they really should've scored more than one try at the start. Now that should give me enough space to rightly point out that Peyper was fucking shit
Can't remember what losing feels like. Any Welsh here to remind me?
>unironically losing 4 (FOUR) times to England in 6 months
Unlucky Straya. Better luck next time.
GG Wolfie & YourDad
Are these autumn internationals, dare I say it, the begining of the demise for SH rugby?
Lol cheika on resignation watch
What's EBEJ secret lads?
You'll find out in February lad.
Jesus Christ, Tom woods needs a haircut.

he absorbed japanese honor.

and over 9000 penalties help too.
It's the Ruby Roseness that throws me.
I thought the Veronicas' to be strictly about the music.
Still,Jess.Thanks for turning up.
Cheika literally refuses to learn from his mistakes.

He just keeps picking the same shit players.
The Anglo war machine marches on.
>Dean mumm
It's only a perfect year because you didn't play NZ you fucking tools.
It fits, England folded over 1000 times in the world cup.
The team that just lost to fucking Ireland?
Lol what happened between the RWC and now?
NZ are fucking lucky they didn't, they would have got smashed, the humbling would have been remembered through the ages.
Quade got some minutes....
He is good for bants & for NH Rugby.
Jones and Gatland love him.
Nothing wrong there.
You want Boof running everything?
>Boof swaps codes
>J.Howard to coach the mighty Aus/cric/ ?
England would have lost to Ireland too and they will in the Six Nations
Ireland have improved a lot but still not as much as England have.
Reckon we'll get the record 19? The final 6N game in Ireland would be a cracker if it's still on the cards, which I fail to see how it won't be
England feed off mistakes by the other team. This Ireland team is very well disciplined. I can't see England beating them next year.
Cheika kept rewarding failed players.

Phipps can't pass, and fucks around. Neh frequently lets tries in.
Mumm is the worst forward in recent memory.
Sio can't scrum.
Robertson and slipper are too small, can't scrum, and can't ruck.
Foley is boring and everyone predicts him because Cheika plays him for 78 mins a game.
Simmons and Douglas are soft, slow, and weak.

Hooper don't mesh well together. We need a proper big 6 and 8 like timani and holloway.
No one other than Pocock can make a turnover

I could go on and on.
They feed off our mistakes because we have no form or composure anymore, we can make space but can't capitalise, England seem to be the exact opposite. Manage to score with little effort
People keep saying Hartley should be lions captain, which is fair enough, he's had a good year but is he better than Best?
Well if you say so.

There's only one way to find out.
>connacht unironically beating treviso by 45 points
Moore needs to retired. We have more depth at hooker than any other spot in Australia. There's literally 5 guys who could replace him and look better( or at least no worse)

Frisky needs to start at 9. We need a third playmaker on the bench, not another winger (because Haylet petty can cover fullback)
Please do
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>Australian """""""""""""rug""""""""""by"""'"""""""""
Next year our 3 best back rowers won't be playing for the wallabies. gills at Toulon, pocock is having a year off, and Luke jones (best blindside we had) is in France.

Instead we're stuck with 2 midgets (hooper and McMahon) who can't ruck,line out, or turnover. And 2 retirees (fardy who's good, mumm whos cancer).
Oh and timani who actually does his job, but should have been playing for us for years by now.
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>NZ going from Chicago to England to lose back to back
Your captain has to be a nailed on starter

List potential captains:

I can put aside any anger and say that that'd be a thing of pure fucking beauty to see.
Lol when cheika has the best 7 in the world and doesn't even put him in the right position
Im genuinely torn who id want to see win out of those two. AB fans have been such cunts lately that an easy decision has been made hard
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>get absolutely hammered in the world cup
>win a few games in the autumn
>now think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread

a year unbeaten is gooooood news
Ireland v England in 6n will be game of the year
>few autumn games
Try every single game this year.
>Nailed on starter

Is there no more international rug?
yeah it's all been cancelled
I wasn't sure how he's been playing so far this season, apparently got MOTM last week, but only form in the 6 Nations counts. Who would you replace him with?
Unless you consider the Champions Cup international, there will be no test matches until 6N
>win a few games in the autumn
And the GS in the 6N. And the clean sweep in Australia over the summer.
Nope not until June
If he says Gray I'm gonna rip his spine out.
The obvious choice is Itoje and AWJ maybe Kruis for the partnership but AWJ will be the most experienced second row on tour so I'd be happy for him to be captain.

Lol some quality ref ball there, why do we always get the short and of the stick for reff AIDS. Although either way it probably wouldn't have changed the outcome
Grays literally played better against the same opposition. Itoje, Kruis, Launchbury and even Devin Toner have been playing better this year
wew called it
Yeah, it is pretty obvious that they're better than him. Anyone could see it 2bh
>And the GS in the 6N. And the clean sweep in Australia over the summer.

Pretty good going if I'm totally honest with you.
Missed the game because I had an away game today, lads.

Only caught the last 15 on the radio in the car. How was it?
pretty good, wish England would have scored in the last minute though
Fug. Guess highlights will have to do.

Sweet, highlights on in 30 mins. Based.
Winning games against shite teams isn't anything special

England are the third best team in the world behind Ireland and New Zealand
Lol why
Would have won the Superbru /rug/ pool
that's moot you're replying to
NZ - 94.78
ENG - 90.46 (now in the 90s)
AUS -86.35
IRU - 84.62

Not quite right
>IRB rankings
Need some good porn to celebrate today's win with, lads.
> did them myself post match
> IRFU think they're the new rugby super power because they beat NZ once, welcome to the club
enjoy your no gains, dickhead
always go amateur
>implying I'm not going to drink myself to preserve gains and maxmise protein recycling
No waste. No homo.

Truly the master race.
good lad
futa gangbang is a safe bet
>Pooper's tackle on Hughes
Ulster returning to the fold
It's the Eddie Jones factor.
Just looked up next year's Lions kit.

Looks fucking shit desu
Don't post a picture of it then m8.
>Varsity match is on the BBC next week
I thought it only ever showed on Sky? We get to see Jamie Roberts chin some toffs.
Not him, but here.
Eehhhh, it's okay.
I prefer round collars. Lions kit 05 and 09 desu
I enjoy the casual jersey more
>that elbow
No thanks
>fumbling, bumbling back line
>awful scrum
>whole team plodding around on defence
This England team would get absolutely REKT by the ABs lads. They've dodged a massive bullet.
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>you now remember that the UN published a research paper about memes posted on a Singaporean claymation discussion site
Lions team may as well be renamed to Englisn and Irish Lions featurng Richie Gray when next year comes around.
Not being British.
Is this the famous Australian banter I've heard so much about?
Talk shit get hit.
Are >you planning on copying the Wales model of playing three same team for five years, regardless of form or talent?
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>gatland not starting awj
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>nailed on starters

Struggling to think of many.

Itoje probably.

Can't think of any others


Fucking hate England and the wankathon that's going to follow them through their 2017 grand slam
The only real entertainment Leinster have provided in the last two years are their repeated exposures by Connacht

This is great banter
Only the English are bigger bandwagoners than the Irish
All Connacht """fans""" are bandwagoners
/lifelong/ la. Marched on IRFU hq myself. Never missed a single match ;D
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>North dead again

Is it time to call it a day?
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Currently living in Galway so I may as well support them. Local games are fairly cheap so I get to go to a fair few, work allowing.

Plus that 2014 jersey was pure sexy.
You take that back. We have the best bandwagoners in the world, hands down.

I swear, sports discussion in work drives me crazy.
>Irish soccer team are a running joke, but as soon as they qualify for the Euros O'Neill's a genius
>coming up to the RWC, only New Zealand could stop us, but after the WC, Schmidt's an idiot who needs to go
>after the autumn games, it turns out they secretly had faith in him all along
>regularly grig the lads who love United and Liverpool about not supporting the local league, with response generally being mockery of Irish teams
>Dundalk start doing well, and suddenly they're all LoI experts
>talking with the three other Connacht fans in the plant about the team in early 2015, when someone overhears
>>"Oh, is there rugby on tonight?"
>>"Yeah Connacht are away to Cardiff, it's a really impor-"
>>"Ahhhh, Connacht..." *walks away shaking head*
>literally run into this exact guy at the team homecoming after winning the Pro12
>no one had heard of mma in 2014, and now everyone's an expert thanks to ''''''Mystic Mac''''''
Sure that's the case with any sport though. 90% of people only give a shit if "their" team is winning.
Big Jim Hamilton
the paddywagon game is strong
rugby is shit lads dont deny it
fun to play shit to watch
Dragons on comeback watch
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George North on career ending HEEM watch
If you're going totally unbiased

These are objectively the best players in their positions available for the lions, if Gatland chooses anyone else, he's fucking retarded.
Literally who else?

and Payne's probably not even the best fb in the home nations
Payne barely even plays there for Ireland though.
Because Kearney caught Schmidt fucking an Altar boy so he always gets started.

When Payne comes back in the 6N he'll be at fb and then we'll see
Michael Cheika is the biggest twat in rugby
England have been scoring off phase play for fun recently

Well yeah I'd probably pick all of them.

But would you be surprised if Brown started over Hogg, North started instead of Watson or Vunipola instead of Faletau?

The Lions looks less clear cut this year. In previous years there's always been guys like BOD and POC who were always going to start.

Current era sucks, there are no stars any more.
So five matches were played in Top 14 today and a total 37 tries were scored in them. Is north the new south lads?
Hogg is an incredibly dangerous player when he doesn't try to play 7s during a 15-a-side game. He has incredible speed and he's physical in the breakdown.

I like Payne, but he's currently unproven in that position.
>He has incredible speed
Play him on the wing then
>and he's physical in the breakdown.
lol no
Still lacking Connacht x Zebras?

Pau 40 - 35 Clermont
Lyon 19 - 23 Castres
Stade Français 51 - 5 Bayonne
Grenoble 37 - 51 Montpellier
La Rochelle 23 - 23 Racing 92

Toulouse - Brive
Toulon - Bordeaux Bègles

RIPIP In Peace, Bayonne & Grenoble
>not including Agen

they won 33-7
He's coming back to Llanelli! (so his parents can feed him through a straw)
AWJ didn't play against Aus. He was brilliant against Argentina and the Boks and has been playing great rugby for the Ospreys. Gray should be on the tour but the starting lock pairing should be Itoje and AWJ.
Has to be bait. He's shite
At this rate, the only way North plays on the Lions tour is if you see Gatland like this on the touchline.
looks comfy

small cities hardly have a bright future in top 14 though
Current Loins
1. Mako
2. Best
3. Furlong
4. Itoje
5. AWJ (c)
6. Robshaw
7. Tipuric
8. Faletau
9. Murray
10. Ford
11. L Williams
12. Henshaw
13. Joseph
14. Watson
15. Hogg
16. George
17. McGrath
18. Sinckler
19. J Gray
20. Stander
21. Youngs
22. Farrell
23. Seymour
>tfw no a french championship with regional franchises like NPC and Currie
Examples of teams: Provence, Auvergne, Occitania, Aquitaine, Limousin, Rhône-Alpes, Alpes Maritimes, Côte d'Azur, Île-de-France
>Current Loins
>7. Tipuric
>10. Ford
>15. Hogg
>16. George
>23. Seymour
Is he actually rated? I thought he was just a Farrell babby. And who kicks for this team?
>who kicks for this team
This, Ford is a joke kicker.
they were in the T14

and i know, not enough funds
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>However, Northampton coach Jim Mallinder was adamant North was not knocked unconscious despite TV images suggesting he clearly was.

>"If you get knocked out you can't go back on," he told BT Sport. "He wasn't knocked out, he was fine."

>He wasn't knocked out, he was fine
North was worried about his neck or some shit? I don't believe that at all, his face was all mushed into the turf kek
>tfw there s no way to combine Ford and Farlel into one, hyper competent 10.

>instantly motionless
Looks fine to me.
what a fucking mess
I only watched the highlights earlier but fucking hell timani looks incredible.
Anyone else think aus looked the better team and eng just got some lucky breaks here and there, hard to tell properly from just highlights.
England did get lucky breaks, try off intercept, kepu brainfade and 4 dud ref calls in a row that led to a tap penalty 10 metres out, but they were the better team
Most of those regions don't exist anymore.

Plus occitania makes no sense, it never existed on an historical point of view, it's just a relatively modern construction invented to name an area with a language with a common root. Occitan in itself has shitload of local variations.

Australia smashed it for the first 20 minutes, England were the better team in the second half and overall.
Alright thanks, looking forward to seeing more of timani though, he looked head and shoulders above his opposite number.
The problem is timani plays 2nd row for his SR team, so he doesn't have the best skills at the back of the scrum.

He should really be playing blindside for the Wallabies but Cheika continues with his fucking Hooper/pocock meme, that unbalances the backrow.
this might be of use to you >greenandgoldrugby.com/momentous-moments-wallabies-lost-twickenham

didn't think England's no. 8 was very good desu
ugh my dinner simply did NOT agree with me tonight

it's gonna be a painful England for me in the morning
Goal kicking is a meme. You pick your most competent attacking team
Agen does not play in Top 14 championship, but in the lower-tier ProD2.
What fucking planet are you on?
>No Nel
>Seymour not starting
>J Gray not starting
>R Gray not bench

Is this a Gatland Lions? You need to specify so we know you're not retarded
Hughes? He was constantly getting thrown on his ass any time he tried to get through Australia's defence.
>Poo Peeland media frantic about their record potentially being taken

>Nel starting
All he's good for is scrums. He does nothing in the loose. New Zealand would simply get the ball out of their own scrum quickly, and they don't give away enough scrums that would result in a yellow card. They'd have a field day out of scrums, running at him every time they could.
>scotsman detected
If Biggar or Sexton find form between now and the tour, they'll start at 10
>He does nothing in the loose.
hes actually decent in the loose
How many Scottish players do we think weill make it into the loins? I'm not a betting man, but if I was, I'd put a cheeky £100 on a strong show of at least 6-8 players.
The starting 15? One at best.

In the squad? 6 maybe.
I've seen him absolutely exposed in the Pro12 a few times. New Zealand would definitely target him.
Toulouse 30 - 12 Brive
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>you will never be this scottish
theyre on track to being promoted
Yeah Hughes. Pretty average game i thought, only played well cos England were dominant
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>Lydiate out for the entire season
>will probably miss Lions
>Gatland's face when
they're pretty much an elevator-tier team, though
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i know and it sucks
I'd rather see Perpignan or Biarritz back on the top again. Do you have a special reason to be fond of Agen?
Nowhere near as good as Furlong in the loose and not that much better as a scrummager.
he likes pruneaux
Toulon 37 - 10 Bordeaux Bègles
Rumours about Cipriani fucking off to Toulon. Who didnt see it coming? No call-up since ever, frustration will follow money
Won't be as easy as the previous years for Toulon to dominate, though. They lost too many charismatic guys like Wilkinson or Van Niekerk, as well as Laporte. I hate this fucking corrupted asshole, but you have to admit he's a tremendous manager who was able to change this bunch of old mercenaries into a cohesive wolfpack that craves for victory.

Without him, Toulon often looked like just what they are: an unconcerned gang of mercenaries searching for a big paycheck.

but no, I have a friend who i met on a dungeon crawler game that played for them

He was one of the reasons i got into rugby
Depends on the 6N tbf. Scotland beating Ireland at Murrayfield in the opening weekend might very well get some noggins joggin
When the players selected for the Lions tour play their games will they have to maintain the facade and wear red, or will their normal white shirts be ok?
They'll wear red like the cucks they are.
Lads I think a lass from Ulster Rugby thinks I'm dating her.
>Props needing their game plan scrawled on their arm
Could've fooled me mLXXX, your opinions are fucking alien
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What if Howley literally is announced as the Lions attack coach?
Keep it in your pants paddy.
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>tfw no lions brookes
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>poo peeland pm resigns
I knew ye lads were asshurt about losing to >us, but isn't this taking it a little too far?
>Ducking NZ Edition
Italian PM resigned today too.
Hey, haven't you lost to Italy like 4 times?
haha is that because england lost to wales in the world cup
It would be funny if it was because wales have a dragon on their flag lol
Lol haha
Bit of a shame, really. Totally understandable though Cip been working hard this year and not having anything to show for it.
try a 100 meters try, then fail by knock-on after 3 seconds because we're not in the 80's anymore
Top 14's round 13 saw 50 tries scored that's 7.14 tries per match and at the same time 0ZERO0 TRIES were scored in the southern poosphere AHAHAHAHHAHA there's even no rugby being played there are you even trying???
ABE's mental illness showing again.
Uhila to Chokemont
Toulon and Clermont need to be stopped.
Ulster will stop Clermont.
Pat Lam leaving Connacht.

It was fun while it lasted.
We've been hooking up regularly for the last 3 weeks, but shes asked me to go as her date to her cousins wedding next week. I take it if I go that means I'm dating her right?
Clermont stop themselves, they don't need no strong team to stop them
Toulons the only way Australian players are going to be lifting trophies any time soon :__;
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He's going to bristol. FUCKING BRISTOL, what the shit is that.
SDo mad right now.
I know they aren't even going to be in the aviva prem next season
I bet bundee is pissed having just signed a new contract with them.
>he fell for the Connacht meme
He couldn't have put the announcement off until after the Wasps games? Win one of those and they're as good as into the quarter-finals.

Who replaces him anyway? People are saying they'll get in Bernard Jackman or Ronan O'Gara, but look at their recent appointments
>lost their forwards coach to Glasgow two years ago, promoted the academy forwards coach up, and hired some local schools coach to the academy
>lost their backs coach over the summer and promoted a video analyst to the job
>lost their skills coach two months ago and decided everyone else will now just share the job.

I don't think they have the money for a big name appointment, unless Bristol are having to pay some sort of release fee to get him early. Reckon it'll be a promotion from within for someone like Nigel Carolan.
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>mfw you fucks aren't talking about rugby
talk about rugby you fucks
lol it's actually real, bit of a dick move by pat lam
I like how Kieran Marmion tries to cover for Ai by accusing him of being drunk at 10 in the morning
What did you have for Dinner lads?
Pasta bolognese
Just applied to become a fireman lads.
me too
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He's back lads.

>yfw izzy and Ben "rape a bitch and dump em in a ditch" smith aren't even in the discussion for best fullback in the world any more.
What are the prerequistes, I've been considering this for some time now. I assume there is a fitness element? but is any study required?
Would it matter tah i used to have mild asthma?
Who is this rugby player? Are they good at playing rugby?
Chris Latham, the second most over the hill fullback in Australia after Folau.
Lads, my favourite post-rugby curry house in Bath is closing down. I'm fucking torn up about it. That place meant the world to me. Any other Bathbros commiserating?
There's obviously some fitness tests, but nothing ridiculous (mostly bleep tests and carrying equipment) and you have to be within a reasonable BMI.
There's a few exams you have to sit too to test your problem solving and knowledge but they seem fairly standard. The asthma thing could affect you if it's affected by the job obviously. Also I think you have to live within 5-10 minutes of the station.
>Also I think you have to live within 5-10 minutes of the station
Thanks for the info.
I haven't had an indian in years since the one near me closed now it's all chipper, dominoes and chinese, I miss my lamb korma.
Izzy looked sharp against england though.
>post-rugby curry-house
Tuqiri looks to be back for the tahs too. Wonder who else will make a comeback for the 10s. What marquee player will all the kiwi teams bring back?
fuck i miss jonah lomu
He might be the canes marquee player for the 10s lad you never know :)
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>Multinational trading platform Plus500 will replace current major sponsor Aquis on the front of the Brumbies’ jerseys in 2017...
>Plus500 has its headquarters in Israel...
>Moore leaves
>no more big strong Arab to keep the yids away

This is the price you pay when you turn your back on Allah. Absolutely haram.
How to fix rugby:
Make tries scored by the captain worth double points
t. Winger living in the shadow of all forwards everywhere
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Who was in the wrong here?
Wait moore is an arab?
Born in the UAE.
>Contepomi had a desperate need to prove himself to ROG
>thought ROG had deliberately disrespected him
>didn't realise ROG is just a massive autist and couldn't help it
Wouldn't hold it against either of them really. ROG, as I said, couldn't help himself, and Contepomi had no way of knowing he was bullying the slow kid on the playground.
Just left a pretty big BOD in the bowl for the missus to find later, can't wait to hear the screams.
He's an Ireab/Eirab (economic term for Irish expats in Dubai or UAE who moved for the big bucks)
>Kiwi dumps BOD from a height

Story checks out
>sitting on a kiwi toilet is great height for an Irishman

Story checks out
>STILL bitter BOD called a gouge a gouge
Such a strange place to leave a solid gold ingot
Evidence ROG is an autist
>Said Irish players were definitely better than English players, which was seen as a big deal or well-planned mind games. Later admitted he hadn't thought about it before saying it and didn't think it would be a big deal.
>Stated on live national television that Mike Phillips, who he was coaching, had told him he didn't think very highly of Gatland... while Phillips was still playing internationally
>Met the English Queen with the Lions. Kept his hands in his pockets and said "Howya"
>Was asked on live TV whether he was prouder about being father to his kids or his career in rugby. Responded by saying he was nervous when he was kicking points, but he was never nervous "getting up on" his wife
>Nearly every interview he's ever given
Well Cheika definitely is
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Went to a dinner with Gatland in attendance the other day. Talk started going around that he's eyeing Huw Jones at 13 for the first test, not sure how true that is though.
Literally who
Probably just assumes you shit from your mouth based on the standard of kiwi posts desu.
>Was asked on live TV whether he was prouder about being father to his kids or his career in rugby. Responded by saying he was nervous when he was kicking points, but he was never nervous "getting up on" his wife

Mate I think you need to look up the definition of autism and make sure you're not confusing it with "bantz". To an outsider this might look like autism, but it can equally be a lad who doesn't give a fuck.
>people with autism often hate being touched by others

got 'em
Nah fuck that, hasn't he played like 2 games for scotland, plus he isn't even legit scottish that'd cheapen the lions jersey imo
>will skelton joining sarries temporarily
Not sure why they want to play with 14 men all the time.
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Thinking about writing a rugby article over christmas lads.

Gonna be about which players top 14/English clubs SHOULD be chasing from the SH rather than these endless meme players.e.g. gunning for Jordan Taufua over Hooper/Pocock/Dixon. Thoughts?

what you talking bout m8 quality signing he has one big run a game
So you're writing an article about NH teams should in fact try to sign good players who would under no circumstances play for them because they are playing for their country and know that they will become the most valuable player of all time in 5 years when they retire from international rugby and Toulon and racing line up to suck their dicks?

Sounds like a cracking article lad please post a copy of it to me.
yh basically

players which would be younger, cheaper and have more to prove but with little or no reduction in quality compared to their international colleagues. GiIll for example was a superb signing

Money is going up and up every year and overall I think this is a good thing but it irritates me that the likes of cruden could be the most expensive player of all time. Got a list of about 5 kiwis a couple aussies and even a couple saffas which I would buy with a blank paycheck

I wrote a similar article about all the NH players that SH teams should try to sign.

Here, I'll post it for you:
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I made a list of all the NH players that SH could sign.

Here, I'll post it for you:
You dropped your list lad

>James Haskell
>all the Japanese lads
>Todd clever
>Jamie hagan
>clement poitrenaud
Japan is honorary SH

Fucking cream of the crop after that. I would greentext them but they're already in green
Oh, forgot George Smith, 2016 aviva player of the year.
Top post
anyone read the mans book yet?
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Is he the greatest pound-for-pound winger of all time? I literally can't think of a more well-balanced winger.
Super 10 > Super 14 >Super 15 >Super Rugby > Super 12

Think I won the Super 12 trophy back in school rugby kek
Switch 12 and current SR and I agree. The contest was fucking dire last season. The NZ derbies were great as usual, and the Lions were awesome, but the RSA, Japan and Argie teams were fucking horrible. The Aussie franchises have stopped trying completely. It's a joke and I'm yes I'm fucking seething.
AND they'll add more meme teams in the future ftfy
>49 tries for the all blacks
>doesn't even come close to David Campese's muscular 64 tries
>was also 4kg heavier than campo
>Best pound for pound winger

Tied for third with Shane Williams.
Campese was a defensive meme and Howlett has a better strike rate per cap(ita) anyway.
>the Fiji Flyers
>the Madagascar Lemurs
>the Adelaide rams
>the Niue blueys
>meme teams

Well lah-dee-dah.
All wingers were defensive memes back then. Lomu was a defensive meme and people were still saying he was one of the best ever when he strained out his last coiler. Campese still held the world record at one point for most tries in internationals, so that excuse doesn't fly.
Cory Jane was better desu.
Kahui was true partrician tier but wasn't an out and out winger
One of my all-time top guys.
I always feel like he was a wasted talent 2bh. Not sure why.
Well he won a world cup so not gonna feel too bad for him. Also technically has a super rugby title with the chiefs

Shoulder injuries caught up with him iirc but yh the guy was pure class
I only realise how much I fucking love rugby come December, when it's gone.
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You could always stay up at night and watch dragons vs zebre in the pro 12
Get out.
I would rather watch grass roots rugby replays of 2nd XV games between high schools
Kind of been getting into cricket over the summer more.
We'll I've got the Rugby channel cheap for a couple of months so I'll probably watch a few Sunday morning games. When are the Pro12 knockouts?
Let's get this bad boy to 400 lads.

How much would this team demolish the current Boks?
Bruh he's either legit Scottish or English, makes no difference for the Lions
>it irritates me that the likes of cruden could be the most expensive player of all time

so you have meme opinions then
>Howley, Farrell and Borthwick Lions coaches
Just fuck my entire series up
L G B T - F R I E N D L Y
>Super 12
The fuck happened there? did they lose the trophy that year and hastily have to replace it with a substitute at the last minute?
Nothing wrong with a classic trophy style mate
Ah I thought you were talking about the actual competition.
Yeah who fkn cares.
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>the man responsible for the shambles that is the Welsh ''''''attack'''''' will be in charge of finding a way to beat New Zealand
Should >we even release our players to this? All that's going to happen is that one or more of them will pick up a serious injury. Someone could even doy over there knowing NZ.
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>tfw you realise New Zealand have already won thanks to their man on the inside
Agent Gatland's work is almost complete
I thought he was south african but it appears he just went to uni there and plays club rugby there, my bad.
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>be kiwi
>move to Australia
>immediately become burden on society and claim the dole

Send em all to manus I say.
He's Australian though.
More like

>be dyed in the wool Aussie
>move to NZ to play rugby when they poach you from your homeland of Brisbane
>return to Australia a disillusioned husk of a man completely twisted by new Zealand's depravity

It's a tale as old as time.
Is an out half an inside centre or a fly half?
Fly half
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Friendship ended with Engelbrecht
Now FONOTIA is my best friend
>be a dyed in the wool Aussie
>have no spine, honour or integrity to play for your country regardless of the offers thrown your way
>move to NZ to play rugby then move back to Aus
>be overcome with depression once you settle into your new life surrounded by "your" country men
>have an Aussie shitposter make fun of your every day struggle

Support ""your" boy mate
5am hype
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poms are up.
Off to the gym lads, gotta keep burly.
Perfect chip and chase tries don't exis-

How much you press and squat m8
80 and 140.
Fuck that's a big squat. Ever pinched out a Welsh accidentally?
I'm 100 on both.
Perfect brute strength tries from skilful fullbacks don't exis-

lol wat a fag i bench 280
rugby is so much better than handegg
wtf I love Latham now
Bench 360lb
Deadlift 400lb
squat 400lbs
Wow 280kg what a legend.
Stone the crows.
John Cena squats 600lb+ lmao
I weigh the same as him
John cena is stronger than Brock lesnar and lesnar is a juicer junky while John is clean as a whistle really makes you think
Think I'm taller tho
What does hulk hogan squat brother?
Really gets the old neuron synapses discharging.
He doesn't squat, he leg presses the world
You're a big guy.
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>not bianhealy.png

Pls change.
lifting is for yuppy manchildren
t. Ginger weakling
Don't get why people don't go to the gym.

It only takes 30mins +travel time

Since 2001 you have to be an Australian citizen to claim the dole mate

The only real dole bludging kiwis are true blue Aussies like Russell Crowe and John Clarke
nothing says decadence like paying exorbitant fees to lift bits of metal

go chop some wood you soft cunt
Never heard of either of those people desu.
Nothing says decadence like paying a hardware store for an axe and some lumber just so you can be different from your mates and chop wood for some unknown purpose in the middle of a 40 degree subtropical summer.
Haha, I agree comrade. Let us throw of the shackles of industry! Only when we seize the means of producing gains can the workers truly be free! May Finn Russell bless you this day.
Lads how do you improve speed? I joined our university team and I'm pretty slow for a wing.
SAQ. Videos are online.
Thanks pal
You are either poor or can't channel the spirit of a Jewish ancestor
I go to 2 different gyms depending where I am and neither is more than half an hours wages for a week and even less if you don't pay the weekly rates
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Fast wingers are a meme, it's all about size.
It is when you shoehorn it in for no reason.

Best chance for a NZ beating tour in ages with a strong Scottish, Irish and English contingent (if for keeps up) and the sheep shagger coalition is going to ruin it
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I know someone that did this. Half-Aussie, half-Saffa that was raised over here, but kept his Aus citizenship. Got bored of the UK life and moved over to Aussie to live on benefits. I think he works as a stripper now.

>tfw recurrent injuries over the last year means my squat has dropped from 170kg for triples to barely 130kg for 5, with a hip niggle that still remains.
Fucking end my life. I wanted to be able to do 180kg for 3x3 at this point.
women's varsity just finished

men's varsity on in an hour

>this QUALITY rugby
When did you find out the truth?
>Oxford beat Cambridge in Women's Varsity Match 3-0

Women's rugby.
>the singly point scored was a penalty 22m away from the uprights and only just made it over
Women's rugby needs some more trannies in it.
How can their attack be so shit against >women's defence?
>all these sxc oxbridge lads
>Basil Strang

Oxbridge names crack me up
>t. povvo
Is Keith Earls playing for Cambridge?
Looks like he's dropped that desu
Is this thread still here?
Someone has to work the land for their betters lad. Such is my lot in life
3 minutes left and Oxford need a try to win
no, you are just delusional
They all look about thirty
Sounds like me.
sucks dude, hope you get better
>tfw attend cambridge
feels good mang

Durhams better
What do we think lads?
I'm going to the Ulster game so hopefully they win.
>oxbridge for stupid people is better
Yea cause more bants
Top post. Other kiwi lads follow this example.
stop this
>Thread still here

Fuck awf
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literally me
trips of fuckery
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>ospreys game called off due to frozen grenoble pitch
such is life in the shitty cup
Cowardly winger please run away like normal
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>it's a non-Irish Pro12 episode
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