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/mlb/ general - IT THREE edition

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Thread replies: 528
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Cleveland Indians at Chicago Cubs

Tomlin v Hendricks

Friday 10/28, 8pm EST / 5pm PST
>no baseball today

I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me
The Curse is on. Cubs losing by 7-5 on aggregate.
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>Nintendo sold their stake in the Mariners and Griffey is now a Sony mascot.

feels bittersweet, tbqh
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go cubs!
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I'm not looking forward to winter with no baseball :(
What will my Cubes bros do if they sweep in wrigley to win da Eries?

I might run down clyborne naked
Nintendo is for kids anyways.
>cubs """"fans"""" cant even spell the city street names

Lemme guess, Naperville?
>Congrats on the Cubs making it to the Super Bowl!
I just checked, I fucking thought it was borne not bourn

And no I don't live in Chicago.
My brother does so stay at his place kinda frequently though

t. staying overnight if the Cubes are in a position to win the series

Why are so many of these autists Naperfags?
they still make the best games though.
Have you been to Naperville? it's like bandwagoning normie central.
hope they score a hat trick
Obsessed much?
Hope their keeper doesnt fall asleep in the net
>Chicago wins
>Victory parade
>someone gets shot

>Cleveland wins
>Victory parade
>someone gets shot

Why even live somewhere not bordering an ocean.
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>he thinks the Great Lakes arent as good as the ocean

Kill yourself pleb
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this cucc hatin on chief slap a ho
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Dude, what is this shit doing here
Hiro somehow lost J-List ad support and is now finding the scummiest porn site tier ads to fill the money void.
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>tides: practically none
>freshwater aquatic life

You live next to a lake, not an ocean. Oceans inspire grandeur, lakes inspire nothing.
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Name an underrated or somewhat unknown player from your team's history who was breddy good
I want the Indians to win because my employer wants them and the red skins to change their names
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>Theo Epstein confirms that Kyle Schwarber will not play the field at home and will only be available to pinch hit.
He's trash in left field anyways
That's part of the reason I want them to win. A win for them is a loss for the PC police and that makes me happy
Yea i'm watching the interview right now, kinda sucks.
>inb4 schwarbs pinch hits a walk off salami

>Kyle Schwarber

I can't tell if he's mexican or not, and it's really bothering me
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As far as the human eye is concerned, the Great Lakes are indistinguishable from an ocean. They both appear to be limitless. I can tell you've never been to the Great Lakes. They are not your typical lake.

>muh tides
What enjoyment do you get from a tide? Lakes are for recreation, scenery, etc. Why the fuck would you care about a tide.
I think he's German and Italian
>They both appear to be limitless
the fuck are you talking about? On a clear day you can see Chicago from the other side of the lake. I agree that the Great lakes are great, because fuck salt, but you're full of shit.
Today is the 5 year anniversary you fake fan.
You can literally see hills on the other side of the lake lol

I agree lakes are beautiful, but the ocean is just a completely different thing
The Indians WILL win.

take that PC liberal media
>White Sox RHP James Shields will officially opt in to the final two years of his deal, source confirms to @SBNation. Was a formality.
I've had the Indians winning this whole time.

Rangers-Indians Co-WS winners.
post yfw Kyle Schwarber wins world series MVP
The Indians have a road record barely above .500.

I'll be surprised if they win a single game in Chicago, but even if they do, the Cubs have over 100 wins and merely history working against them.
>you can see chicago from the other side of the lake

Just because you saw Chicago when your mommy took you to the beach 30 miles away in Indiana doesn't mean there aren't infinite vantagepoints all over the great lakes.

>other side
>what is geography

That's like saying the Pacific Ocean doesnt have infinite vantagepoints because i can see Marin County from San Francisco.
Last digit confirms how many World Series the Dodgers win in the next 10 years
Rags are the silent Hero. We let the Blue Jays beat us on purpose because we know they are a pretender team that has no place in todays Playoffs. So we let them get to the ALCS only to get utterly destoryed by the eventual WS winners. Last year it was the Royals. This Year it's the Indians.

Technically the Rangers have won 2 back to back world series

indians arguably had a harder schedule though. that's probably 3-5 game difference right there
take your pills tripfag.

delusion is a dangerous thing. look what it has done to doyers fans
Get a load of this faggot.
Id rather live by a lake than in some massively overpriced shithole by the ocean thats infested with kikes/spics/faggots.
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>tfw no midwestern gf to watch cheer on the indians with in some cozy rural town

Man why does the World Series have to be between two flyover cities?
Better than playing in fag infested cities
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So blatant umpball is called a curse now?
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Why are there more Spic Cub fans in Chicago than Spic Sox fans?
You're thinking of the Dodgers
Chicago is fag infested though
Not to the same degree as Fag York, Fag Angeles, Fag Franfagsco, Fagattle, Fagston, Fagami, etc.
>he doesn't know about Denver
>can't tell the difference between dego & spic
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I feel like I should support the Injuns because Zobrist plays for them
He plays for Cusb
>"Anon, why are you outside swinging your old bat at the air? Come back to bed, it's two in the morning"
I remember seeing zorbrist rehab in stockton in the cal league last year
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>tfw could have got gud at baseball when I was a kid
>never did
don't remind me
Shut the fuck up mom
hes a cusb you fucking tard.
This is no surprise. He'll get one meaningful at bat in each home game. Go cubes!!! It's gonna happen!
A 100% healthy schwarber was a disaster in the outfield last year. What the fuck do you think will happen 7 months after an ACL tear?
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> tfw there are so many cubs fans you literally have to book a bar time a week in advance.
> Just paid $70 for a cover fee and 3 hours of bottomless drinks after the cubs game.
How can other teams even compete?
Where at? I'm going to Games 4 and 5 and haven't figured out where to go before or after. I saw a list from WGN on all the bars in the neighborhood without cover
nobody can bandwagon that hard
I always hear this then when something like Little Big Planet comes out all sony fans do is remake mario levels on it.
Reminder that there were zero (zero) Cleveland Indians fans before the postseason of 2016.

Ill be here saturday
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Stay mad faggot. Cubbies always have had die hard fans. Most loyal. They can be dead last and cubs will make top 10 attendance
Thanks Anon, I'll check this out!
I don't know what's more sad, that you have to book a bar in advance or that you have no friends or gf to take back to your place after the game.

thats why Im going out to a bar retard, to hang with my gf and friends. Kinda how a bar works.
Nice projection btw
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Let's go Injuns
Why wouldn't you just spend that $70 on some alcohol and watch the game at someone's place............
like I get going to a bar but $70 cover fee? Fuck that
3 hours free drinks also
Those fucking new ad spaces are atrocious.
question for those who actually played baseball (i never played passed little league)

would it generally be harder to hit Chapman's fastball or Kluber's breaking ball?

Assuming each one is throwing with perfect command and has their best stuff. I'm not asking for who is the better overall pitcher, I just want to know what a batter would rather face for an at bat. velocity or movement?

Basically is
Good musical taste.
breaking ball
movement is hard af to hit. Chapman throws so hard they cant see the ball coming and if they do theres so little time to react it doesnt even matter. Hitters just swing in an area they think its at.
Assuming Chapman throws 105mph every pitch I cant imagine there's any pitcher harder to hit.
Pro player here. I won't say for which team but I play third base and am a very trustworthy person.
Fuck both of those asshole cheaters.
Hi Jash

I trust you
Yee. They're from CLE too, neat when I found that out about my fave post-punk band

As good as?

How about no salt, no sharks, no jelly fish.

Great Lakes ftw
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Hey Kyle
Jung Ho is that you?

No matter how good a pitch is on it's own... what makes hitting hard is the context it's thrown in.

It's a game of chess.

Most MLB hitters can tee off any speed pitch if they know it's coming.

A 94mph fastball after seeing an ace level changeup will appear faster and be harder to hit than 102mph by someone with nothing but a good fastball in his arsenal.
the difference is that you have so little reaction time with a 100+ pitch that you have to guess location before it leaves his hand. That gives him tons of advantage.

Add to that his nuclear slider that comes in looking like his fastball, but upper 80s instead and falls off the table over the plate, and a batter has very little chance.

Without the slider, he would be a little more hittable.
i went to a giants game one time and angel pagan tried to sell me some heroin and dvd players from the back of his SUV

im pretty sure the dvd players were stolen
Aroldis Chapman beat the shit out of his wife and now he's going to have a parade thrown in his honor.
Jash Donaldson groped a girl on a Toronto subway and won the AL MVP award
My dad went to a Tribe game in '86 when the defending champion Royals were in town.

The Tribe swept them on a rainy weekend, but the highlight was when he was walking through the slimy tunnels in old Muni Stadium during a rain delay and Royals player Angel Salazar (I think he was a SS for one year) walked by him and slipped on the slime, and my dad caught him before he could fall.
That girl was me
sounds romantic, did they fuck?
>lying on the internet

Timestamp nigga
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>it's THAT time of day again
Chapman did nothing wrong
I don't think so, but Salazar was out of the league within a year or two. Joe Carter was still with the Tribe in those days.
>Joe Carter
Man that name sounds so familiar where have I seen it before
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I like this OP image
Bruhs, I just got my first twitter follower. An MLB player's brother just followed me, for real

Tell me to kill myself to unsubscribe from my blog
upvoted and subscribed
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Why couldn't they protect his smile?
Because when wigwams win the whole thing his smile will be even better.
Nobody smiles in Cleveland
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I was in Cleveland just a few hours ago and smiled quite a bit desu senpai.
if only she married me, i wouldn't lay a hand on her
Its the worst of rich suburban america. I say this as a biased Aurorafag
Arizona Fall League game is being streamed for those looking for a baseball fix. Tebow is playing

We're coming up.
>Letting Tebow get a hit
>Letting Tebow steal a base
I don't think this semen slurping league is for me
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Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was his problem
>letting Tebow score a run
Mets and Yanks prospects are memeing all over this other team
You can only reply to this post if your team has had a player on the all the all time gold glove team

Nice virus website

nice bait...
Keith Hernandez is the greatest fielding first baseman of all time
>caring about a popularity contest
Daily reminder that Derek Jeter won 5 of them
defensive metrics should decide defensive awards
it should be a statistical award only
the managers and coaches have no fucking clue what they are doing
I would even prefer they give the vote to the writers at this point
Reminder that Cubs in 5.
Reminder that no
>tfw going to game five
I would lose my shit
tebow at bat
Dubs confirm, Indians in 6.

>Kewanee Natchez

Kek speaks via Captcha
>people think josh tomlin is going to hold off the cubs
>people think the cleveland racists have a chance against the next greg maddux
Me to bro. Please Kek Please...
>the next greg maddux
>implying you know pitching
>a fucking leaf
You got trips so I guess you're right
never mind
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>mfw the name "Indians" opens the door for a cavalcade of deplorable behavior
>On this day in 1962, the Tigers began a 17-game postseason exhibition tour of Japan.
>postseason exhibition tour
There is literally nothing wrong with "Indians". Unless it's entirely wrong to have ethnicity based names, but why aren't these people mad about Fighting Irish, which is an actually hateful stereotype.
Native Americans aren't Indians though
Yes, after a season is over, one would call that a "post-season". Does the English language white you?
Indian is a universally accepted nomenclature for the various indigenous American peoples. Look up pan-Indianism.
A 17 game exhibition after the post season seems a little much?

Funny you should mention that. Directly from the article

>And don’t pull that Notre Dame leprechaun argument out. It’s tired and a complete false equivalence and you know it.

He then goes on to say that Indians is racist because you KNOW it's racist and racism can be the difference between LIFE AND DEATH. Even though, if anything, the name "Indians" is a badge of honor.
tfw I thought the writers picked gold gloves

Now I understand why the gold gloves are picked so retarded
After the regular season*
Reminder that a fucking leaf.
White people will go blue in the face getting upset in holier-than-thou indignation about a literally harmless caricature but won't lift a fucking finger to stop actual racism that actually hurts actual Indians lives in actual Indian communities, which does happen quite often, see like that oil company trying to illegal build a pipeline over sovereign First Nations land. These same Whites don't even know about this shit, all they care about it theatre.
True, it's like pop-SJWism, it's just a fad
>white people

Funny way to spell SJWs. We don't claim them, they're an alien species.

>getting furious *on behalf* of other people, as a concept, in and of itself
>doing this in a misguided way that does nothing to solve a problem but instead makes them feel like good people for once so their self-hating abates for a night and they can get sleep

Blame social media. An outlet for people with nothing real to protest. People will latch onto whatever is popular and trendy atm.
It's was pretty much a vacation for the players, they got to travel to exotic locations, Fuck some prime poon, and beat up on Asians who are barely learning a game you've been playing your whole life, sounds kinda relaxing actually now that I think about it desu
This, who wouldn't want to do that? Also that poster is neat as fuck.
Scratch that, they've only had the game about 15+ years compared to the 80+ year history of Americans
I don't think "Indians" is racist or anything, but naming your team that is like naming a team "The Minnesota White People" or something.

It's not racist, it's just dumb.
You mean like the Fighting Irish?
So Celtics is out?
Fuck, so no more Vikings then?
Minnesota Vikings?


To an objective, outside observer yeah maybe. But Indians, as in the cowboys and Indians type, have been a cultural icon for over a century now. It's based off of an image and an idea, not the literal average joe living on a reservation today.

It's like the fucking Vikings. They're practically honoring them in a way by saying you were so awesome and badass that we're naming our team after you.
So I don't get it, is it only a problem when teams are named after non-white ethnic groups?
Maybe, but the Indians are named in remembrance of Louis Sockalexis who played for the (not Indians franchise related) Cleveland Spiders after Nap Lajoie left and the Cleveland Naps wanted to rename the team. It's funny that Cleveland Indians get shit on for being racist when their city is the first to have signed a Native American and the second to have signed an African American. Doby's son said Cleveland's park was the only baseball park where he was respected and wasn't jeered at, had shit thrown at him, called nigger, etc. What a weird turn around history can take.
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>tfw no more qt 3.14 64th round pick diamond in the rough
Please take care of him Tampa
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We got Matty Moe famm, we good. I've moved on

Seriously though, Moore seems like a cool guy and now we have a qt3.14 solid rotation
More on NDNs in beisbol

Also reminder that Joba freely signed with the Indians this year.
Context doesn't matter to them
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Any oldf*gs remember when Ivan Nova was a Yankee?
What's a Yankee?
I think they're an expansion team or something
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how do you fix this shit
>implying they wont give you two drink then claim you are too drunk and they cut your goy ass off
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I honestly hate Yankees fans so much sometimes. Somehow, the comments on their Facebook page manage to be worse than this.
>in the AL

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>looking at facebook comments
Pitch every 5 days and DH 3 or 4 days inbetween. Not that any team in the US would have the balls to do that. It would be a far better use of his talents than the NL though.
What the fuck did I just read
I never thought of that.

Please let this happen and have the NL so BTFO they protest inter-league play
Also I don't know if it's common knowledge but the DH is optional. You can let your pitcher bat in the AL.
>what the fuck is an otani?
>look him up
>a Japanese baseball pitcher, outfielder, and designated hitter
>"well that's neat but is he actu-"
>the fastest pitch by a Japanese pitcher and in NPB history at 165kph
>hits .275
damn son
Yes but no one does it for obvious reasons.

Ninny League is so intent on it no DH yet they DH anyway, really makes the mind caboodle.
Relevant article
Look at what a clever little faggot you are.
It's okay to be gay Shecago
he's the best pitcher in Japan and a top 5 batter, and he just turned 22 a couple months ago
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It gets better.

I really hope he's only pretending to be retarded
I don't care where Otani goes, or even if he comes to the MLB, I just hope we start seeing some hitting pitchers over here.
Didn't otani say he will only sign if he gets to play with Kershaw?
Yup. Kersh is his favorite player and he loves the Dodgers. No way the Dodgers let him hit in between his starts though.
This is the magic of large market fanbases.
I hope he calls Francesca about this. The FO is missing out on some franchise shaping block busters here!
Can't wait for the stove to heat up now that the season's over.

Think the Cubbies can repeat?
They've done it for 109 years, it will keep repeating over and over ad infinitum
delete this
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>le wrong team man
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Tebow is kicking some ass the Fall League.

Mets when?
How good is Otani's defense in the outfield?
>.333 OPS
pffft haha

Why is this allowed?
Who /246GGs/ here?
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>tfw this could be an annual thing
>yu changchong
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>no japball
>no gookball
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>world series
>/mlb/ is dead

but why
No game today, nothing to talk about unless you just want people to shitpost about what team they think will win
Cubs in 5
I thought the fall league was for 18 year old twinks who just got drafted
It is.
And Tom Tibbles.
That is absolutely and improvement, yes.
the doyers will probably bid the most and sign him that's going to be a good ass rotation

What should I expect?
NLCS rematch. AL shitshow.
Yes, but only if the Crumbs win.
>NLCS rematch.

doyer delusion
>NLCS rematch

Tomlin's super sick dad is gonna be there to watch him pitch. I think he is gonna have a great game. dem feels.
When are the Indians going to break this song out?

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Dodgers are not winning the div next year (((friedman))) will cheap and and not resign Jenson or Turner. Kershaw will quickly opt out in 2016 and become a Nat
sorry 2018 it is 2 AM
she better hope my semen dodges her eggs
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>Owner of the Indians will consider changing the logo next offseason

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kiss my ass espn and most cubs fans!

WHITE SOX 5 eva!

not just that, naperville is a rich fratboy white cuck type city so perfect for 4chan spawning.
Damn shame.

Gotta win for Wahoo, then
they already demoted and de-emphasized Wahoo, are they gonna change the block C, too?

the problem isn't the mascot, it's the name. Native Americans haven't been called "Indians" for like 40 years.

i have a wee bit of hope that he will not suck next year...

just boys town, aka where wrigley is
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KW always gets his man !!!

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>Just finished a 2 week global because I offended the Rex Ryan fetish of our hot pocket overlord.
How utterly unpleasant to be stuck with an internet provider that keeps you on a static IP.

Blog shit aside, anyone who thinks Schwarber should be put into the lineup and play outfield for tomorrow's game is full retard. Looking beyond the obvious factor of him re-aggravating his knee the more important thing to remember is how he preformed in his last playoff games. Profip, he completely shit the bed multiple times in the NLCS against the Murts.

Schwarber is the anti Jason Hayward where offensively he's godly, but defensively he's a train wreck. At this point, it's better to just use him as a pinch hitter
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It would be funny if the Cubs win 2016 and 2017, and then suddenly stop winning altogether.
as we wait for our finals games of baseball, here is some fantastic Tribal lore:

>Mesa was involved in a longstanding feud with former teammate Omar Vizquel following the publication of Vizquel's autobiography, Omar! My Life On and Off the Field. In the book, Vizquel criticized Mesa's performance in Game 7 of the 1997 World Series: "The eyes of the world were focused on every move we made. Unfortunately, Jose's own eyes were vacant. Completely empty. Nobody home. You could almost see right through him. Not long after I looked into his vacant eyes, he blew the save and the Marlins tied the game." Mesa reacted furiously, pledging to hit Vizquel upon every subsequent opportunity: "Even my little boy told me to get him. If I face him 10 more times, I'll hit him 10 times. I want to kill him."[2] By the end of the 2007 season, Mesa had hit Vizquel twice. Vizquel expressed regret in 2014 about what happened due to his comments about Mesa (which he also stated were misinterpreted) but Mesa and Vizuqel have never reconciled, to the point where Mesa said he hadn't spoken to Vizquel in over a decade and had no plans to ever talk to him again.

You gotta love a man that does what he said, fucker threw at Vizuqel at least 3-4 times after the book was published.
What a faggot calling out your team mate like that. I get he blew a world series ring but that's still pretty ratty to publicly call him out.

Yeah, I love good drama but some shit has to stay in the dugout/clubhouse.
ITT famous World Series moments as told by sp

>gg Mets, boston red sox world series champ- BUCKNER YOU PIECE OF SHIT HACK IT WAS RIGHT TO YOU REEEEEEEE
I'm hoping sp experiences another 0-3 reverse sweep. That would be truly ebin.
Yeah, which is in Chicago
>hey bro where you from?
>oh nice where in Chicago?
>well I'm from Hammond, IN

Why do these faggots do this
> tfw traveling in the UK during the only world series in recent memory worth watching

nobody's showing it in london, kill me lads


Hammond is such a piece of shit town, lots of times I find myself waiting for the train there TO chicago though. I tell everyone I'm from Gary even though I'm from Crown Point.
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>cheering for two(2) teams
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get@me faggot

both my teams hate the same team and only play like 4 games against each other every 3 years

team went back to back in 05-06

plus i will ALWAYS root for the sox over the cards 100% of the time
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Just. Stop.
then sit the fuck down and let me enjoy my AL and NL baseball ya queer.
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RF Gold Glove

Adam Eaton or Mookie Betts?
Eaton without question.
heck you fudge for brains, fight me at 44th and western at 4 today
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>pre ASB sale

only good parts of this piece of shit season


Fine, you picked the location, but im picking means and time. I choose pistols at 5:45 pm. Don't think you're getting me to duel you in the dark, nigger, I know I'll only be able to see you if you smile.

>imagine how many times this would be copypasta'd if it actually went down. we'd be internet legends.
look at this sad faggot

why not just become a yankees fan and throw away the last shred of self-respect?
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It was 23-10 dude

Also Tim Anderson coming up and delivering?

Q finally getting 10+ wins?

Come on dude

damn, i thought we had 26 before the wheels fell off

q was good and steady as always, and anderson was a nice surprise, i was just saying my personal highs
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>tfw scwarber can only DH/PH and can't play outfield
Hey cubs bros, that was an amazing game 2, what do you think the strategy is for game 3? Henny on the mound so I'm pretty confident, but the cubs need to get there head out of there asses and start hitting better when the bases are loaded/no outs. If Javy starts hitting well again this world series is a cubs winner boyss.
I'm honestly interested what Tomlin does tonight. He wasn't supposed to shut down the red sox. He did. He wasn't supposed to shut down the blue jays. He did. On paper he's due to get shelled but lately he's been really effective. Tonight could be an unmitigated disaster or he could go 6 and give up 1 run.
Mooks made the playoffs and Eaton didn't. He also has a better slashline, WRC+, and doesn't play on a literally who team.
Explain to me why wrc+, making the playoffs and what team you play for has anything to do with a defensive award?
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So no kyle in the outfield tonight, cubbies? For shame, would have loved to see him embarrass himself
AL MVP expected results:

1. Trout
2. Betts
3. Donaldson

This is the correct result and you know it.
Who are those other two guys?
*deposits 1 month of reddit gold into your account*

Well done sir. You've earned it.
ha triggered
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>Taking anything a Red Sox fan says seriously
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>texas yankees
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>wRC+ and slashlines are important factors for a defensive award
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>"Toronto lose and I was very sad" Kawasaki said Monday, "Why did Toronto lose? Don't have Kawa. That's it."

That's it, Muni. You knew it all along didn't you, my Japanese friend? It was written in the stars the moment you left our clubhouse.

Now you're gonna help the Cubs win their first world series in a hundred years. Absolute madman.
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Anyone else remember when Parmesan absolutely raped with the Yankees for like 1 game?
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>tfw I work 3 to midnight the next 2 days

I didnt want to watch the series anyway
>Carlos Perez over Matt Weeners for C gold glove
This is why this award is a fucking joke. How can a guy who's caught 300 less innings and not even close to being qualified be chosen over a regular?
Back to /hoc/, kiddo. Blue Jays are irrelevant until the next postseason run when the lifelong diehards come back out to support their team.
It's gonna be a while.
Toronto taught him what it's like to go into the big games, and Bush party is forever a part of his english vocab.
Dude is some kind of magic, though:
Listen to it on the radio. Baseball's pretty great on that medium.
This is going to be the most lit weekend in a while, everyone is smashed in Wrigleyville and it's not even noon yet
Who watched the AFL yesterday?

>Tebow singles
>Tebow steals 2nd
>mets prospect walks
>Gleyber Torres absolutely crushes a dinger
Sounds gay as fuck

Which is aight because boystown is right there.
Anywhere I can find highlights?
Yankees page at mlb.com

Bird dinger too
I don't have a night off until the possible return to Da Land. I can catch part of this weekend's games, but will be working during the later innings/best parts.
Might be 'sick' on Sunday, if the Cubs take the next two.
Different fag but

>he doesn't enjoy fraternity-level drinking

Are you a loser anon?
Who said I said didn't enjoy it?
Grab a brew and shotgun that shit with your buddies then!
The faggot C is staying. They will take wahoo off the on the field hats and off the shoulder. Gonna replace him with the cursive I
>Indians poised to start DH Carlos Santana in LF for Game 3 of Series

What did Terry Francona mean by this?
>the problem isn't the mascot
The mascot's pretty bad.
literally the same type of smug mascit as the O's.
Birds don't have feelings
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>we live in an age where people think smug bird is blackface
*long exhale*
>comparing a bird to a derogatory image of an Indian
Youre not very bright are you?
Daily reminder that beating the Dodgers is more important to Giants fans than winning the World Series
The redskin is not derogatory it is a fucking caricature for kids. Nobody wants to look at a realistic fat chug blasted off his mind on lysol
das racist

pls delet
Haha great post! You write just like us here on 4 chan dot org
not an argument. Is the padres mascot racist because it is a caricature of Spaniards
Your opinions aren't worth argument, friend. You're intentionally equating native people (who were by-the-book genocided by We The People) and Spaniards (who were doing some by-the-book genociding of their own). Trying to equate the two shows you're just really dumb as shit and edgy as hell.

Kill yourself.
90% died off due to no immunity to old world diseases.

Redskins were stone age savages who got BTFO by people who knew how to invent the wheel. fuck your white guilt
Yeah, this is the one that makes me lose my shit

ITS A FUCKING BIRD THATS BLACK. of course it's going to be black
Haha wow friend you seem pretty perturbed! Here on 4 Chan we say "take it easy"-- that's our motto.
>getting mad at words
Haha do you need a safe space to parse out your feelings???
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you can shitpost ironically all you but I dont need a safe space from a fucking baseball logo
It's racist as fuck and you know it. Spouting off bad-boy swears on an anime imageboard doesn't change that very real and true fact, regardless of your sensitive feelings.
It's an offensive logo why can't you understand that? I don't think anyone on here is bothered by the logo but that doesn't change the fact it's offensive to Indians. Stop being a fag and accept it.
I'm native and I don't give a shit about the logo. There are far worse things in the world happening to us natives than some little fucking cartoon picture.
The rez being worse than shit doesn't negate the fact that the logo is racist. What are you even saying here?

I'll assume you meant "there are degrees of offense and we need to let some shit slide", which you were too stupid to articulate. I agree. That's why I, personally, don't care about the team's name. It's kinda bad but it's in "let it slide" territory.

That logo is racist as shit and needs to change.
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springfield armory 1911a1 milspec, wilson combat extended mags

/k/ approved.
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>middle of a 1-1 World Series between two drought teams
>/mlb/ is slower than soccer and fantasy sports threads
>half the posts in here are tired arguments about racist logos
>goot put ads for ass cream up and down the site

Jesus fuck this place
What a time to be alive eh
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This entire website is cancer. If you try to actually talk about baseball in these threads it becomes obvious nobody knows anything about baseball and just want to post the same tired memes over and over
It's the middle of a weekday you NEET fuck.
>Being this mad

Kek, m8
Not him, but both my parents are natives (not that "lol I'm 1/64th Cherokee shit", I'm actually a native) and most of us couldn't give a fuck about it. Outside of a vocal native minority, and liberal white people, no one cares about the name or logo. Same goes with the Redskins. I don't particularly care if they get rid of name and logo or not, but I do find it incredibly fucking ridiculous that this has become a national issue, and that people feel the need to jump on their high horse over this. The fact that 90% of Native Americans don't care about the Redskins name, yet it's still is such a controversial national issue is absolutely appalling to me. I can't find any numbers on the Indians name and logo, but I'm sure it's not any different. Literally no one gives a fuck about it, I don't know why you do.
How does that explain other threads moving faster? And dont pretend that even matters given the clientele of this shithole
I'm that dude he responded too and I totally agree with you. My native side of the family (my father is native) doesn't care. I even went on over to the Qualla Boundary and asked the people there what they felt about them and they felt much like you did. It's really not a big deal 2bhwy.
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Anyone /U23WorldCup/ here?
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>As a native american, I don't find the logo offensive
>As a native american
baseball fans are the most normie by far, i would bet most people in this thread have jobs.

compare that to /nba/ and /hoc/ and other autistic shitholes.
/hoc/ has a shit load of euros which account for daily shit posting.
yeah and they're all neets

the finns and swedes are awful and constantly repeat the same shit.
Which part of native America are you from
>no bunting in cleveland

What happenened to mlb. Will they have bunting in Chicago?
It also means there's always people posting because of the time difference.
Count on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MljLIunexEI
There's a lot people who have fucked off because their team is gone. Happens in all sports.
>this is a thing

there's a youtube chat so I'm down
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Daily reminder of the /sp/ curse
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A walkoff buntttt~

...You say?
My entire post number is how many millenia until the Cubs win a world series
I'm such a sucker for international baseball~
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>he doesn't know what bunting is

What are you some kind of communist?
You ever watch finish baseball?
Shits goofy as fuck
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me too senpai, hype for the wbc

it's alright, I don't like the lack of pitching. prefer cricket desu.

Superior New York baseball senpai
I'm so excited. Hopefully some fucking Americans actually compete.
>Rymer Liriano

Uh... Okay?
>american's best known national sport
>completely unable to win at the championship created by them to show case baseball talent

tell me burgers, how does it feel to be utterly embarrassed at the international stage every time the WBC rolls through
>mu-muh free outs
>ALfags will never see their team win on a two strike walk off bunt by the pitcher
Hmm, which one should I watch?
Why would we be embarrassed about some tournament to see which nation is second best at baseball?
Couldn't care less really
That would suggest you had actually won the tournament to prove that you are the best.

Lack of national pride is the slippery-slope into the fall of an empire

Don't really mind desu. I kind of like when other countries are successful at baseball, it means the sport is popular there and that's nice to see.
Too much national pride is a slippery slope towards the nazi party
I mean...it's a game. And it's baseball. The most random sport there is. Our country doesn't take it as seriously as shitty 3rd world countries with something to prove. It's just a fun side thing, the MLB is what matters in baseball
>a fucking leaf doesn't know which nation is best at baseball
Why doesn't that surprise me?
>w-w-e could win if we really wanted to
Holy shit nice damage control
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>NLCS rematch
I'm going to take a stab and say you're the same sort of person to say the Cubs fanbase was 100% justified in blaming Bartman in 2003 because of the specter of momentum.
if you were the best at the sport, you would hve the most golds at the Olympics or actually win the world championship.

Americans haveneither and yet claim they are the best.

Really makes you think.
At least we're the best at rugby
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Pool E:
South Korea

Pool F:
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico

Championship Round:
USA > South Korea
Dominican Republic > Japan

USA > Dominican Republic

It's coming home lads.
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>Jason Heyward will never be in the starting lineup for the world series.
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I never said that...
Well it's true. Rizzo is going to be playing for fucking Italy
So technically "we" could win if we really wanted to, as in, the USA. The players may want to win but they choose other countries because they get paid to play on other teams.
Israel is bringing it home lads
Nigger the US has won Olympic gold with a fucking minor league team.
This is real?
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>Our SP in the WBC Championship game would've been Jose Fernandez
>Now it's going to be Clayton Kerchoke
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>biggest competitive threat is an embargoed nation of 11.7 million
>still begin them on the gold medal table

is it possible for a nation to perform sudoku?
So since we're shitposting about world baseball competitions, will the MLB actually make some sort of break so they can send a team to Tokyo in 2020 that isn't a bunch of AAA players?
>japan doesn't have even 1 gold
>DR doesn't even have a medal

literally more irrelevant than the WBC

We should send our best hitters and our most rubbery armed grizzled veteran pitchers. I feel like that would be a good balance.
>every US Olympic baseball game is a home run derby
I like it, or go the opposite route and send a bunch of over the hill shit hitters and enough elite pitchers to make every game a no no.
would you want your teams best pitchers in the WBC?

I would, even if my team wasn't shit. Love the WBC
What would /mlb/s starting lineup be to hit the most dingers possible?
Ask me in 3 years
>2 singles, 1 double, 2 walks
>Dude hasn't played in MLB since April
>Francona so scared of this man that they are giving Zobrist the best pitches and he is hitting too
>Wahoo fan trying to deflect the embarrassment of these stats
>guy who hasn't seen a major league pitch in six months has 2 rbis in 2 games
I don't think he's the one who's embarrassed.
That's ok. Joe can send him up there to hit in any situation he wants.
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>Wanting a traitor who can't even survive a boat accident to be in your starting rotation.
I'll take Kershit over Blanko Nimo.
The day /k/ strolled into /sp/

The Tribune is sending a beat reporter to that location nao
fuck off weeb
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>Complaining about anime
>On 4chan
We run this site and you'll never escape us facebook fucker.
Why is everyone talking about Kershaw like he's David Price

Kershaw has 4 (four) postseason wins, and has eliminated 90+ win teams like the Braves and Nationals
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>the city of jason heyward
2016 or all time?
>wanting a useless bat in the lineup
>not knowing what it's like to have a lineup that can actually hit
>180 million for a defensive replacement
are Cubs gonna sweep in Wrigley?
>not playing in the world series
>not knowing what it's like to have a lineup that can actually hit

thats true

also i wasnt saying anything in support of heyward you fucking dickface kys
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I'm sorry bro
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thats okay
I think playoff baseball just burns you out honestly. obviously of you've been a fan for a long time and are getting a rare shot, you're in it all the way, but I myself watched a full season, got retardedly hype for the ALDS, then just couldn't get super excited for the alcs til our backs were against the wall. LCS is about when /mlb/ completely died too. the combination of personal teams falling out and a week of exposure to high tensity baseball either leave fans wounded and uncaring or simply overwhelmed by the time we have to get ready for seven game series
>admitting to being this casual
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How can one man be so based?
We already knew Heyward wasn't playing the world series.
Why are the Cubs so reddit?
kyles voice just doesnt match his look, you know what i mean? Like you expect an appalachian or texan accent from him
we all feel it don't lie

how is watching 162 fucking games casual? I'm just trying to understand how the playoffs went from "final battle of the gods" tier hype level to "hobos playing improvised lawn bowling to determine who gets the warmest corner" tier
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A good chance it'll happen since the AL is the baby league because of the DH. So their managers don't have even half the depth of what NL managers require when it comes to utilizing bunts, pitchers in the line up and pinch hitting.

Also the injuns rely on lucky breaks and stealing bases to manufacture runs. Shut that down and it just becomes a war of attrition against their pitching staff until you get one to crack.

>Being so gripped by fear and pussy whipped that you'd support a divisional rival
Can't wait for the Cubs to win it all and for Reignsdorph to quietly move the Who out of Chicago within the next five years since Chicago has always been a Cubs town,
>only watching 162 games
>not watching 162x15
>watching 2430 games a season
>not watching 162x30
>incredibles jersey

who makes that garbage?
>from 1898 to 1902 the Chicago Cubs were the Chicago Orphans
What did they mean by this?
Nellie Fox just rolled over in his grave and died
Thats not how it works bro
>he doesn't watch every game through both teams local station
What are you some kind of casual?
>yfw he didn't have to leap to catch a fly ball
N-no i w-watch em all
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>3 hours til world series game 3
>page 3

for shame
The Cubs aren't the side that is in doubt to make it back to the NLCS.
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>Harry Caray was the St. Louis Cardinals broadcaster for 25 years
>he was only a Chicago Cubs broadcaster for 16 years
Everything I know is a lie
Josh Tomlin winning for his dad tonight. We in for some meme magic.
Harry at least saw the Cards win a couple WS.
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Against Cy Hendricks? I don't think so.
I'm so nervous I fapped and my gf caught me right before I came so I hobbled over to her and came on her shorts

Luckily she's a foe so she didn't really mind
That will require some very devious meme magic
You do know you could've just fucked her, right, that's what gfs are for
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>Harry Caray died before I was even 2
>grew up with Len Kasper as the voice of the Cubs
>tfw Harry Caray is a literal who to me because I wasn't old enough to ever hear him call a game
>having sex with girls
Harry Caray died in 98 and you were 2. How old are you, you underage?
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i was here for the first 2 games, but i am going to the bar to watch 3. not gonna miss all the cubs shitposting.
Guys, why don't I give a fuck about this World Series? I thought I would because of le droughts but I really don't
I know you're busting balls, but hey, different strokes for different folks
shitposting to an obvious Doyers comment. kys
so do cubs have the most awful fans in the league?
Switching from the Sox to the Cubbies for this series only. Go Cubbies!
>also spent 11 years with the white sox
Any White Sox fans cheering for the cubs, please burn your White Sox gear effective immediately and stay at Wrigley.

The Whos didn't need you as fans anyways.
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I don't want yours shitting up my fanbase
It's already full of retards
Neck yourself
^This will bring about "1/4 Price Mondays" at MortageFailure.Com BallPark

Fuck Yeah! Instead of $25. I will only have to pay $5 to see a big league team play the Who
>implying neutrals aren't the ones fucking up every thread

Why do people always fall for such obvious bait. It's the same shit all the time. Just stop responding so people stop shitting up threads with shitty bait
>implying anyone of those responses were serious
Who-ville. The only place in the world that celebrates St Patricks Day in September.
>The only place in the world that celebrates St Patricks Day in September.
What does this even mean?
He means the Whos cant fill any seats so the jew that owns them has a promotional night, every nite.

Are tix still half price on Mondays?
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Real baseball starts tonight btw
Thank fuck! Tired of nothing but Wahoo and Japan for last day an a half
Oh that's right, it's an 8 inning game tonight.
>free outs coddlebaby rules
It's like the Euro edition.
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>cubs own fans are right now lamenting the fact they have to watch a scrub pitcher bat instead of schwarbs

can't make it up
>paying unathletic fat fucks to hit for your bitch ass pitchers isn't baby league
>kyle schwarber
>free outs
see >>72184557
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Kyle Schwarber is literally the white David Ortiz
better hitter honestly, i really hope he can find some sort of career on the Cubs.
He'll probably alternate catching and playing left field with Contreras. He's terrible now, but if he can work hard enough to come back to the Majors 5 months after a serious knee injury he can learn how to play his position.
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Is this good ?
Didn't he already break some Cubs postseason records? It would be stupid not to stick with him.
>Say NL is "real" baseball
>When the NL plays in AL parks they still use the DH

What did you giant faggots mean by this?
That's fucking incredible
>better hitter
Wow fucking kill yourself
He's the Cubs franchise leader in post season home runs with 5. I don't know if that's sad for the Cubs or good for Schwarber. Probably both.
Big Roidy won't sniff the Hall of Fame, Schwarber has a shot if he keeps up his production for another 10 years.
he is though, kyle has never failed a drug test or taken steroids
And if he learns how to play a position which he will have to do because National League
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How did we go from this.....
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....to this
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Please tell me the indians aren't making a huge mistake
Because times change?
>kyle has never failed a drug test
>or taken steroids
This cannot be factually verified. New ways of hiding doping as well as new undetectable drugs for doping are coming out all the time.
putting santana into the game isnt a mistake, putting josh tomlin and his 89 mph fastball to face the cubs lineup is a mistake
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dubs confirm
Too many darkies on the bottom picture lad. The game as we know it is impure.
>still an hour and a half until first pitch
Josh Tomlin is their best hope, and honestly w/o schwarber + with kendricks i do not see the Cub getting more than 3 runs tonight
>new undetectable drugs for doping are coming out all the time.

Why do people believe this? Theres no such thing as undetectable steroids, theres ways of cheating the test or avoiding testing and cycling so the drug is out of your system while you gain some leftover benefits but theres nothing you can put into your body that cannot be detected in a lab.
It's not really the Dolans' choice, Manfred -is- going to force them to drop Wahoo sometime in the next couple years if not this offseason. The name will follow, because fuck Native American ballplayers?

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter since it's the players and management that makes a ball club, but it sucks that sjw wins I guess.

Cleveland Commodores might be goat though.
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Reminder the cubs are pure undistilled reddit, Indians are our guys
jackie robinson was a mistake

also i think it took 3 hours to take a single photo back then
Not pol at all, i hate all minorities equally. Baseball is a white man's game til the end.
Tito is a LITERAL MADMAN but honestly this might be going too far. We'll see. I don't expect him to keep Santana in LF if he screws up for something.

This is false though.
Should've posted the 1945 team instead. They haven't done what the 1908 team did yet
They are also Hillary's team, don't forget that. Don't fail us Indians, you're our last hope.
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I have arrived to see the Shitcago tears.
>tito trying to out-meme Maddon
He's gonna have to start putting pitchers in left field if he wants to out-meme the TRUE madman
>the lack of a DH will have a major impact on the cubs who haven't had one all year
u wot lad?
really gets the noodle boiling
Nigger schwarber has been UNREAL the past 2 games. Of course it will impact them. We're talking about this seres, this isn't just another regular season game.
File: Kevin chili.jpg (2KB, 111x80px)
Kevin chili.jpg
2KB, 111x80px
If Joe Maddon is the Michael Scott of the Chicago Cubs, who is the Dwight Schrute and who is the based Kevin?
Source? lol who the fuck can sit still for 3 hours
>This is false though.
which part?
Stay mad you got shutout by a fucking rookie
The second part. Does it need explaining?

Jesus can you not have a conversation without being a faggot?
Nigga you don't need velocity. Just look at Kyle Hendricks.
They never took that long but in the 1800s pictures would take upwards of 20 minutes, that's why no one smiles, because you have to hold completely still for a while. Though I think by 1908 they were faster.
From Google:

"The truth is that very early daguerreotypes (those from 1839-1845) did take 60-90 seconds of sitting still to capture an image, but the majority of daguerreotypes we see today are from post-1845, when new technology (the addition of bromine fumes to the process) reduced exposure times to a few seconds."
do you think hes gonna throw his curveball 90% of the time this game? Hes going to have to throw his fastball, and the cubs are going to sit on it, look up the wRC+ or WOBA or even plain old fucking batting average on fastballs based on velocity, the scouting report is out on him now.

thats the point the jays shit offense made him look better than he is
some1 make a thread or the next one's gonna be a pic of a cheesesteak

kek, literally top 3 in runs in the AL.

go kill yourself
theres a world of difference between 92 mph and 89 mph, hendricks can even crank it to 93-94 if hes in a desperate spot.
did you not watch the ALCS? They went like 0-30 with 2 outs, they stranded like 30 runners over the course of the series, the risp numbers were disgusting, DUDE DINGERS LMAO works in the regular season but not in the playoffs
The Jay's offense was shit at times. It was erratic all season and it showed in the playoffs. They shelled Texas and just went dry against the tribe.
I don't really know what Tomlin will do but I didn't realize the Cubs had a 100% batting efficiency and get every pitch they want. What's the final score going to be, 78 - 0?
Tomlin gives up more dingers than the vast majority of pitchers


Just admit you got played by an elite pitcher.
The Indians actually outpitched the Jays, give some credit.
>Just admit you got played by an elite pitcher.

no we got played by a below average pitcher, stop trying to take away credit from the jays terrible offense

no but tomlin isnt going to shut down the cubs and he isnt going to go 6 innings
They got a lot of help against the Jays DUDE DINGERS LMAO approach. I'm not taking away anything from them but Tomlin and Merritt probably shouldn't have shut them out.
Merritt I'll give you, but Tomlin pitched a gem against the Red Sox too.
>tomlin isnt going to shut down the cubs and he isnt going to go 6 innings

Probably not, but that's why the game has to be played.
this but the minute he's in trouble terry will go to miller, so the 6 innings thing is probably true.

he knows how important this game is.
so wtf are we arguing about then? My point is tomlin isnt an above average pitcher you can rely on to go deep, and the cubs are going to do damage against him, and you seem to agree.
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