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/cric/ - cricket

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Bangladesh v England (14:30 local | 08:30 GMT | 19:30 AEDT | 19:00 ACDT | 16:30 AWST)

PCB Pat XI v West Indies (15:30 local | 11:30 GMT | 22:30 AEDT | 22:00 ACDT | 19:30 AWST)

NSW 65/2 (15.4/50 ov) v CA XI

If you or anyone you know needs help:
>Lifeline on 13 11 14
>Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
>MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
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>Headspace on 1800 650 890
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Fuck he must be so fucking fat. Have we seen a full body picture yet?
Australian sports are jokes. When are we going to stop wasting all of our great athletes on AFL/NRL?

We just drew to fucking Saudi Arabia 1-1 and could struggle to get to Russia 2018.

Doesn't this bother you?

Don't you want to succeed in a tournament people outside of Australia/New Zealand have heard of?

It's fucking pathetic Australia, We all know Soccer is going to be the only sport played in the entire world in 20 years, so why bloody delay it?

We should start the next generation on soccer only, otherwise we're always going to be shit like this.

Go buy a season ticket for your local A-league team when they come up for sale, Support your local kids clubs, convince your kids, nephews, cousins, neighbours kids to start playing the wonderful game and maybe, just maybe, Australia will know that GLORIOUS feel of hosting a world cup and doing well in it.
>soccer during winter
>/cric/ during summer
im okay with this
Execute yourself.
Australian """"""football"""""" codes are a laughable joke and are the principle thing that make >us shit at sport
Reminder Australia's KP is on elite watch
>Reminder NSW's KP is on elite watch
Sorry I forgot that all the other states had their own player with the initials KP that called a more specific identifier
>he is playing for NSW
>he has never played for Australia
I am factually correct
Played in an Australia A series which IS playing for Australia
He is also Australian so whether or not he played for Australia is irrelevant.

>Played in an Australia A series which IS playing for Australia
It literally is not. Australia in this context clearly refers to the national mens team. Playing for Australia U19 would be a better claim than fucking Australia A.

>He is also Australian so whether or not he played for Australia is irrelevant.
By this logic, Kevin Pietersen is South Africa's KP.
He literally did play in the u19s too, kys
>Kevin Pietersen is South Africa's KP.
He isn't? He certainly isn't England's anymore.

That's the point dickhead - your example was fucking shit. He also captained them
Geared for raids now lads, goosey you want to run EN mate?
Update on the busty Muslim girl that doesn't wear bras and has a nipple piercing lads.

She literally straight up admitted to exclusively having anal with her boyfriend because she can't have vaginal sex till marriage.

Might move to Pakistan Tbh
>PJ Cummins


it's his one list a game of the year
>getting BTFO by Shitriques
'caxi' was a mistake
bump for banglawash
unironically tipping an upset
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what went wrong?
the most casual of opinions
people said the same thing when I literally tipped the west indies and england as the t20 wc contenders
every post I make on /cric/ is driven by a complex series of algorithms, statistical analysis and calculations going on 24/7 in the grey matter of my brain. I literally can predict everything in cricket.
get in here!

Mind sharing some of those algorithms, statistical analysis and calculations?

As far as I see it, Bangladesh are the same or worse than they were at the 2015 WC (they are better with The Fiz, but he isnt playing) and England are better beyond measure.

As for the "grey matter" in your brain, I'll take that to mean you read on cricinfo that absolutely meme record of Bangladesh being ""undefeated"" for 2 years. Who have they even played in that time? I'm sure if I bothered to check it'd be a run of Windies, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan. Something like that. They sure as fuck have not beaten any of the Pig 3.
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>filthy fucking casual
bangladesh will literally whitewash england
screencap this
m8 Bangla unironically still have Mashrafe in the xi so they are bassically playing with 10
I literally cannot express the complicated functions my brain is computing every nanosecond in text, but rest assured they are both elite and accurate
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Shitchell Darsh on suicide watch
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>m8 Bangla unironically still have Mashrafe in the xi so they are bassically playing with 10

Thanks for the info captain obvious, everyone in the country is aware of that, having ten fucking surgeries on both his knees, he's almost on the verge of being handicapped. Mashrafe only plays to this day because he is unironically the best captain we've ever had and he's the one who keeps the team together. The amount of respect and love he has from our countrymen, he's only second to the fucking prime minister.

>he's only second to the fucking prime minister
that's our meme lad
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meme across all cultures lad
Reminder Queensland are 3-0
Is Boof Jr, dare I say it, deviant?
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Aus Xi vs NSW can be live streamed from cricket.com.au
seediest bloke
flattest wicket
those commentators are so bad I had to turn it off
>pretending its the WACA of the 80s
pretty sure they're playing in sydney
they are but the fuckwit was memeing about how WA players are le so good at short pitch bowling because of the big and strong WACA bounce
ah right yeah that's dumb

the waca is a fucking mess these days
Aren't they ditching the WACA once the new Perth stadium is built?
Can't imagine a new pitch being any better
shame to because Perth Tests are comfy as fuck in the East with the timezone. Basically a day/nighter

I hope the new venue is good
>Aren't they ditching the WACA once the new Perth stadium is built?
They will use the new venue for all relevant matches, ie BBL Ashes/India Tests etc

The WACA will unironically still exist and be used for marquee fixtures such as ODIs against Afghanistan, New Zealand and Rwanda.
sharing it between the two
big games to the arena, small ones go to the WACA

atmosphere is going to be shit for the next 10 years Tbh, Perth hasn't got a large enough population to justify it just yet.
Perth has a bigger population than Sadelaide and they are filling out their ground. The Perth venue is only a little bit bigger.
Western Australians aren't huge on cricket Tbh, it's dwarfed by AFL here. Can't even fill the WACA for a non-ashes test.
whats happening with Subiaco after the new stadium is built?
dunno, I don't think AFL have made a deal with local government on the stadium yet.
It'll probably be demolished like the waste of space that it is
I dont know much about Perth, but it seems like they have a fucking shit legacy plan. A new stadium that is out of the way and two grounds they dont have a clue what to do with

Why didnt they just knock down Subiaco and build the new stadium on the old site?
because there isn't enough space there

the new stadium is part of the foreshore redevelopment and city link plan, so it's not going to be out of the way at all in 20 years.
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who can stop him?
does this trigger the victorians?
New stadium is closer to the airport for Victorian convenience
By like 500 m
It's literally across the river from the WACA
Was talking about Subi
New Stadium also seems more convenient to get to
any games on atm?

cant convert Aussie time to freedom hours
banga vs eng starts in 2 hours

the end of CA XI vs NSW is on cricket.com.au
Just ordered the new sweet potato chips from nandos lads. I'll give you a review in a tick.
>Only beating CA XI by 4 runs
NSW on pooicide watch
has >your team won a match yet m8?
Yeah m8ey, undefeated
They're a bit shit lads
Fucking joke of a side reliant on the big strong test players
Monty's playing grade cricket in Sydney lads
Might fly over so he can chuck a piss on me
is this /bundes/?
>a team is weaker without its 5-6 best players
Makes you think
we annexed /bundes/
i'm bundes
no i'm /bundes/
/bundes/ here ama
i dont mind the ca xi. It gets young talent like Nair match experience at this level. And they've been pretty competitive even tho they keep losing
they weren't remotely competitive last year Tbh
just got an email from /bundes/ lads
what's it say lad
well it is a completely different team now, obviously.

i suppose it just depends on the year and the talent you get. Im just saying conceptually I like the idea because hopefully it can help close the gap between shield and grade cricket which has become a bit of a problem over the last few years. The idea being that when a spinner like Nair does step up to state level cricket regularly, he is more prepared to endure rather than just get smashed which has happened to plenty of other young spinners like Boyce and Zampa over the last few years.

what did it say?
just did a big /bundes/ in a fancy restaurant lads
>england finally decide to have a test day/night test
>against the West Indies

what the fuck lads
just updating me on the state of the german football league threads lad
I want a /bundes/ but my toaster is broken, what do I do lads?

based fucking goosey
Who's happy that Rebecca Wilson finally carked it today?
been waiting all week to let it loose with the lads
only know her for those wogball articles she did Tbh
that's why I'm happy m8, she was a complete and utter cunt
>wahh my wogball
t. Darren "Dazza" Darrenson
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t. David Leyonhjelm
> hating on based Leyonhjelm
kek that's fairly funny
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>being a libertarian
let me know when you graduate from 10th grade
I don't see any humour there Tbh
just banter mate, I'm sure Habibi and his mates will rip some flares in her honour tomorrow
So thats why all the Wanderers fans were chimping out. At the time I assumed they were just doing it because thats what wogs and soccer fans in general do
dunno who he is but
>liberal democrats
stating a truth about someone who a few days ago everyone was happy to pot but now they're dead there has to be a huge overreaction

reminds me of that chaser song, everyone's a good bloke when they're dead or whatever it was
he is basically the Australian version of Ron Paul
yeah I get all that, but he's not making a joke unlike the chasers
oh right, I meant the overreaction and that someone has written an article about it was funny
the fallout from that was hilarious
He got elected last time (2013) because he won the ballot and his party was first on the list and dumb bogans confused it with the Liberals

He retained his seat this year because of Prepbulls retarded double dissolution and all the quirks that comes with (same reason One Nation has 4(FOUR) senators) where you only need half the normal votes
Australians aren't even good at shitposting anymore, kill yourself you faggot from a fucking irrelevant country. Your national team and leagues are even worse than ours you kangaroo cunt. Literally name one notable Australian footballer, I'll fucking wait.

I don't know how one can even be so retarded.

I want to go down to australia and burn down the little abo village you live in you useles
>that don bradman insult

still smarting Tbh
all me
useless turd.*****
>Princess Di
pretty sure that was the one that made people go spastic, bogans with muh brocky aside
absolute truthbomb too
best one they did
>In the 1950s Nyarri Morgan was a young man, walking and hunting in South Australia's northern deserts.

>His dramatic first contact with whites came when he witnessed a nuclear bomb explosion at the British testing site at Maralinga.

Hey krazy, why is Chechnya so fucked up in general?
hundreds of years of conflict and oppression, leading to reprisals and in turn even more brutal oppression will do that

the russians were also nowhere near as effective with their divide and rule strategies that worked really well for them elsewhere like central asia and lower in the caucuses
Nah, the today tonight shit was always their best. I remember I was walking through the city once and saw them doing the australian interview skit where they got random chinks on the street to abuse Anna Coren for them. I don't think they knew what half of the words they were saying meant kek
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/cric/ btfo
I was neutral toward her, she didn't get a lot of attention in my town, hilarious how everyone is applauding her on Twitter as being proof a woman can make it in the world of sports journalism.

Yeh, had nothing to do with the fact her old man was an influential figure in the industry.
Reminder that the only Australian related sports which are acceptable on /sp/ are /cric/ and /rug/.

Thank you,

Big Strong Swede.
theres no fucking way Warnie actually read Mark Nicholas' book
Mark Nicholas is a great writer
and Warne can't read
He's an eloquent writer, not a good writer. I've never seen him write anything that wasn't just a big bundle of cliche's.
I won't dispute that

>John M: "Ben (the younger) seems to be taking to international cricket like a Duck to water. Pun intended."

Like and share <3
John M: "Ben (the younger) seems to be taking to international cricket like a Duck to water. Pun intended."
Thanks WORMbrah
And to my haters..you all thought this meme wouldn't last a week.
Now you have random people from all over the world calling you WORMS.
Who is laughing now, huh?
Didn't even realise the game was on
are they putting it on youtube again?
Just got Preoccupation's self titled album in the mail lads, ama
are brown people allergic to fielding?
genuinely beginning to wonder Tbh. Even when trained in other countries they suck fucking ass in the field. Just look at guys like Khawaja, Sodhi and Monty.
its no secret that south asians are the most unathletic race on the planet. They are abysmal at all sports that require athleticism. I have a theory that one of the reasons cricket picked up in Asia is because its such a skill based sport so they can succeed in it despite being athletically nowhere.

Even in cricket, they traditionally excel in the two areas that require minimal athleticism (batting and spin bowling) and stink at the two which do (fast bowling, fielding). Pakistan are the only real exceptions to that and theyre genetically a bit different (though id say its more cultural)
India were quite good at field hockey weren't they?
i dont think field hockey has ever really been a dominant sport anywhere but india/pakistan

it has a small cult following in australia/netherlands etc but its not really big
this fielding is honestly laughable
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>ben stokes scoring runs in ODI cricket
this is fairly new
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not him but this is a pretty disappointing finish by Englel unless Buttler pulls one out

should win comfortably tho
I am the one that made the post and the grey matter of my brain is still telling me england will lose
thanks for the review
how long is it going to take bangladesh to produce a spinner better than this pie chucker shakib, literally ian blackwell tier

30 more years? just embarrassing desu
pitch is doing a fair bit tho, it's not like it's a flat fast track and we have handsome elite muscular chris woakes with the new ball
Is Jos Buttler, dare I say it, elite?
Englands pyjama bowling is still pretty bad. Definitely better than Boland & co, but they're not anything special.
Best finisher around atm for sure

A year ago I'd have said it was Memeswell, but Buttler is way more consistent
No hope, only despair.
how do we fix bangladesh cricket
bangladesh's continual shitness is starting to annoy me

I don't see why they can't be pakistan tier
it's a genetic thing desu, they're low test. it won't necessarily cancel them out completely, they're just gonna have to get really good before they get good, if you know what i mean i.e like india
they didn't have proper domestic structure until recently.

their promotion was an absolute money grabbing meme and should have never happened until they were ready i.e. now
i guess mominul and mossadek might be elite, maybe one or two others, they're batting is going to work itself soon regardless, need to a herath tier spinner tho
everyone but australia (at home), pakistan and india could do with a herath mate
that mustafizur guy is pretty good
yh but they're a dustbowl team so it should be a formality
yh looked good against SA at home in test last year, could be their chaminda vaas but seems very injury prone so not sure
literally yet to seem him play properly

I hope he's elite though, I want to see more good fast bowling and I want to see him inspire a bunch of kids to become elite fast bowlers in bangladesh.
Just reading up on Ben Duckett and found this absolute meme of a "series", holy shit


>four england matches
>Match 1
Duckett 163* (104)
>Match 2
Malan 185* (126)
>Match 3
Billings 175 (139)
>Match 4
Bell-Drummond 171* (139)
Duckett 220* (131)

Four matches, 5 (FIVE) 150s from four different batsmen, including one from #4 and a 200 from #3

The fucking state of shit lankan bowling reserves
define properly

guy does look good
as in I haven't given my proper attention to a game featuring him before
absolutely disgusting fielding, even for our normal fielding standards(which is shit Tbh)

Literally England's game to lose now Tbh

>that not-out decision at 0:09
who hires these guys
Havent seen alot of him (literally this game) but his batting is quite similar to Morgan. Plays a lot of reverse sweeps and even his stance looks similar.

Right, I've seen plenty of him.

He is absolutely elite in Asia to the extent I'd say he is the second most effective seam bowler in Asia after Starc.

The reason he is elite in Asia is because his cutters are elite as fuck. If he got a go on Nagpur he'd basically be Jadeja bowling @ 135 kph.

But for that reason I have my doubts he'd be any good outside of Asia. Should be a good homebabby tho
Tbf the Sri Lankan bowling reserves were literally all playing against Australia
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lad can generate good speed when needed too
defo better than any indian or si lankan pacer t b h
that reminds me, weird that gambhir will be back in the indian team
endearing how excited curries get by boundaries
Gambhir is better than Shitcar, certainly in Asia anyway
yeah but how since he's played a test? feels like four or five years

unusual comeback to make at his age
never forget the Test he ""played"" in England 2 years ago
Will Bangladesh and Zimbabwe ever tour Australia again?
You LITERALLY cannot argue with any of this
Why don't these people just not be religious? Pakistan did just finalise outlawing honour killings.
Hopefully Bangladesh
Zimbo is ded
She's unironically very religious
Malinga was unironically on elite watch
Want Banglel to get to the stage where they can Tbh
Just watched The Hunt for the Wilderpeooke lads. Good insight into the kiwi psyche
unironically, you literally can Tbh

Hitler was just the figurehead of the nazi party, he barely did shit
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In the bag for banglel Tbh
>bangladeshi fitness
>all matches take place in just 2 stadiums
kek nice ""country"" you have there bangles
I feel sorry for Shakib Al Hasan. He deserved better than playing for Bangladesh.
can't fucking wait for some test cricket lads
got tickets to day 1-3 of the day/nighter
Where are they playing the day-nighter this year? I'll go on Boxing Day as usual I suppose, but I can't say I'm overly enthusiastic about seeing Pakistan. I think they'll struggle in Australia.
just finished lectures

bangladesh on elite watch
/gabba/ mate

adelaide have the south african one, which will be elite
truthbomb: stuart broad has had an elite hair transplant that no one has ever really picked up on

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been researching surgery then mate?
please no bully
in the bag for da desh
yeah my knowledge of hair restoration/maintenance techniques is elite
the grey matter is churning out data lads
bangladesh have a very good odi batting line-up on paper desu
don't really see how england are going to take wickets against bang in tests desu, anderson will be useless, woakes is inexperienced in asia. not like they have a steyn or a starc or an amir
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morgan's elite tactical mind would have manufactured a victory by now Tbh

this bangla cricket forum is active af wew
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>you now remember
unironically spent the last two hours watching videos of the west indies just to hear Tony Cozier's voice lads
literally will never forget
GOAT t20 final
>he died before witnessing the great windies revival of the early 20s
their top 6 all average about 30, I wouldn't call that "very good"
bangladesh will win a wc before 2030

maybe 2

book it
ended with the axing of Phil Simmons

>that increasingly desperate tone of his articles leading up to his death
depressing Tbh

On a side note, I actually only discovered he was white last year. Always imagined him as a 6'8" black man who bowled it at a million miles an hour
sorry u lack talent spotting insight m8
they can't win shit on away grounds.
doesn't play on firefox
more likely for australia to be on 8 world cups by then
surely >you lads are going to be hosting one soon once the terrorism meme ends

before krazykuckold jumps down my throat, sri lanka hosted a world cup during a civil war
they beat england in adelaide
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Unironically solid innings from Shakib

I fucking LOVE it when an injured player makes a century while in excruciating pain. It's what makes cricket so great Tbh
Blighty you disgrace me
>inb4 collapse
don't kufa it faggit
you now remember that WT20 match against India.
why would england want to win from here? do they want to get blown up?
fuck you. its all ogre now
haha rude
If england loses this i swear to fucking god
Friends I made a thread
>>71733280 was me Tbh
Ball literally bowled Banglel back into it
Thanks friend
you now remember bangledesh 'choking' against india in the t20 world cup that totally wasn't match fixing, as if india lost they wouldn't have got to the semis and the poo's would have rioted
ur mum played on my firefox last nite lmao
backing bangla in a ~close~ one
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>this slogging
>despite that show by bangladeshi security pakistan still managed to do a attack
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>last name is literally islam
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>indian """""""""""banter"""""""""""
tell me about kashmir
are you muslim or hindu
do you want to be indian or pakistani or, dare I say it, chinese
Neither, I support Sri Lanka
what the fuck are bangladesh doing, literally memed themselves out of this game
you're welcome
What do most Kashmiris other than yourself think? Do they side with Pakistan or India
everything about kohli's appearance is so annoying literally the crickety lad look how contrived sad
Most dont like india
They support either pakistan or complete independence from both
Sigh... I was hoping for a Bangladesh victory to raise my confidence before this exam I have, but now... Sigh...
AmericanCricket: "Sigh... I was hoping for a Bangladesh victory to raise my confidence before this exam I have, but now... Sigh..."
based uscricketguy

It would have been false confidence which hurts more in the long run. We've done you a favour thicko.
pls stop doing that
literally going to be an elite recovery from bangladesh
Don't come back to this thread EVER AGAIN!
just woke up lads
>6 for 17 in 39 balls
execute all bangladeshis
>execute all bangladeshis

not before we all commit mass suicide
>these three brown manlets
>more people live in Bangladesh than Russia
Wow and you still don't have working toilets yet?
>those haram whores chanting for mashrafe
is he a bangla chad?
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Imagine not being English. Shudder at the thought.
>Wow and you still don't have working toilets yet?

you're thinking about the Indians autard
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>bangla chad
Well played Chokib.
idk m8 theyre better looking than indians or sri lankans thats for sure
I'll take your word for it, I can't tell the difference
lol what....
differences are striking
banglas have pointier mousier features and are generally darker, indians have bigger eyes, bigger faces. sri lanks just look like total mongs a la mendis or matthews with big undefined faces

honestly they look really different and i dont know how someone couldnt see the differences. kohli for example looks very indian and not at all bangla
(i'm of course generalising someone like yadav could probs pass as bangla)
Bangladesh is glorified Indian autonomous state tbqh
This happens every single time.
>thinking indian is an ethnicity
>not realising the bangla and paki genepools are subsets of the total indian genepool
you talk a lot of shit m8, maybe get that hair transplant so we don't have to suffer your posts
hello sandeep
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i know indian it isn't an ethnicity

all i'm saying is really bangla's look a certain way to me and most indians don't look that way, from what i have seen of sri lankan they have a distinctive look about them too
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i see guys who like them all the time desu, especially in muslim ghettos
yh mostly i guess i'm probs comparing them to the paler indians who tend to represent india. those paler surely look distinctly indian tho
what are you doing in muslim ghettos m8?
just passing through

>tfw got caught in a jam because of all the mullahs buying goats to slaughter before eid
bad feel
we're doing quite well as an autonomous state tbqh

*dabs because classes are over for the day*
>getting triggered by goats, not cows

t. Mamata Banarji
bangla proxyfag detected
t. british paki
Does anyone on /cric/ run a ironic cricket meme page on facebook?
I should hope not
absolutely fucking depressed know drinking would be irresponsible and that just makes me even sadder
Pretty sure 'Smart and cool cricket memes that dont toe the line' is run by someone here
wtf i hate @gilo now
just put the kettle on lads
i enjoy the song erewhon by the dark third
Can anyone stop >us from winning every limited overs tournament for the next ten years?
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Will he ever get a chance?
see >>71733217
based connor
bit busy managing bournemouth
Roy, Duckett, Root, Bairstow, Stokes, Buttler, Ali, Woakes, Rashid, Wood, Ball


There are LITERALLY no flaws here
brown grassy wicket like the ones you used to get in nz

u should probs start producing those again cause ur attack is useless otherwise
wasnt me
He's already been exposed as a meme
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Plunkett for Ball? I think our batting is too strong then, gotta give JF's a smidgen of a chance
He's the finest water boy in all of Christendom .
There is a clear difference between what indians look like, and what pakis look like
>le everyone is indian!
Fuck off
is daniel hay, dare i say it, a precocious young mind?
Unironically willey
what music sounds like the dark third?
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>tfw no Zara gf
i imagine pussykushion has this pumping whilehe is slaying that white canadian poon
Based fucking Ankush
Gotta let Kane maintain that 50 average, unlike Crowe
It's Friday night, you know what that means haha?
Cheeky maccas with the lads after a night chasing birds?
uh... birds chase me lad haha, especially French-Canadian ones
heard SMarsh might be making a return today lads
kek what fucking amateur shot this
Epsom's brave Chloe Swarbrick didn't win lads

My shitpost vote was for nothing
Does /pol/ still secretly run /cric/?
/afl/ lad
leather on willow
going as to be joining the richies this year lads
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really makes you think
just about to post that one Tbh
One of my favourites
Will the wogball fans be BTFO again when the WBBL get better rating than ayyyyy league?
>ball falls apart after the first delivery
Never seen that before.
I idolised this man growing up
missed >your tour of Australia last year? The WACA test went through at least a dozen of them
Nah saw that kookaburra debacle. But this ball fell apart after one delivery.
Why the fuck are mods deleting au/sp/ threads?
maybe because they have literally nothing to do with sport
Because they're utter shit.
Boult on elite watch
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they even banned me for spamming qt asians
Henry getting BTFO already
why can't we import these ones lads

Goosey has been vindicated
Latham is literally a specialist fielder
we do lad, I haven't even kissed a white woman. So gross tbqh

>pic related
Fuck off Vijay
I only ever see viets and the most powerful race around here Tbh

just want a qt submissive asian gf
do you live in Sydney? Sydney is filled with Chinks and Koreans
might move over there
>Perth gets to co-host the matador cup
>during the coldest spring in 20 years
>Neeshit over the chin musician

just did a sneaky fart on the bus lads
silent but deadly gaseous explosions or a borderline stool release lad?
both lad
silent but didn't really want to be reminded of my cheeky 2am kebab gaseous explosion m8
Lmao faggot
based boland
Imagine getting out to Boult
>go to put unders on pissrat
>realise I already did it in the "match performance" meme

Might put some more on lads
Sankar2178: "Where is Jimmy Neesham...our Twitter hero...why is he not given the ball" I wonder if he bowls right-arm witty, too!
there is also a clear difference between people from punjab and tamil nadu
people from punjab are more closely related to pakistanis than they are to the tamils
that's what I mean, and also why "looking indian" is a stupid thing to say.

but then again
>this flag
>this topic
Gambhir is still alive?
probably his last test
he's played 2 in the last 5 years
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cricket is gay
thank you
what a fucking minefield
At the WACA lads, absolutely soaked
Why is Bancroft so low down the order lads? Why is Cartwright in at 5? Why is a NT bloke in at 4? Can someone update me on the latest memes WA are pushing?
just bought it for my dad's chrissy present lads
yeah mate really enjoying this shaking 37 off 89
are you illiterate? If he had unders on Virat when he came in, he has already lost the bet
haha yeah
at the waca lads AMA
are the covers coming on?
i cannot comprehend how Herath has had so much success. He is basically the fat brown manlet version of Vettori, yet le glasses never had his level of impact. It baffles my otherwise elite understanding of this sport.

Would Vettori have had Herath's level of impact if he got to play in Asia all the time?
It's "the one that doesn't turn" meme that he's so good at
Herath also played with an unironically better batting lineup to set a score for him to bowl to than le glasses.
light sprinkle mate but looks like clouds are passing
How much did you pay to get in
5 bucks mate and not even a student anymore. cheeky huh?
I am literally at the game too
Hoping to see Johnson again today
>paying money to enter the WACA
Wanderers v Sydney is on Fox sports 4 lads
literally who
there is 70000 in attendance at this match and that fact makes (you) absolutely furious
for what?
footy ended last week
>football regular season derby between WSW/Sydney has a higher attendance than aerial pingpong finals match between GWS/Sydney
really gets the grey matter churning
based krazykrezja doing his hilarious wog impression
did you know that every single wog on /sp/ is actually krazykrezja in disguise by his OWN admission?
>3 (THREE) additional runs for the 10 or so overs batting while thinking there would be 50 rather than 28
yeah its a shithole. you'd need to pay me to stay out
>that poor lad who had unders on kholi
In the bag for >our brave WA boys
thought it was a cheeky bane over but hes just cleaning the ball
why did he stop bowling? He was unironically okay for a part timer
>top three batsmen in the world
>all part time spinners
makes you think
Fuck of lebo, go rape your little sister
>why did he stop bowling? He was unironically okay for a part timer
Because he a was a cheating chucker and got called on his bullshit
lol literally the same match the 3rd time in a row is unfolding

what a zzzz test series
Memewell is about to be exposed
i left when it started pissing down. you still there?
Tye should be in South Africa Tbh

nah, left after the second rain delay
>tfw forgot to close the blinds
literally haven't gotten sleep in a while lads, too much fucking
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what did he mean by this
fuck off henry
GOATges literally should have been an allrounder
Imagine being a victorian
>first century of the series
>in the third test
really liking these pitches desu
no lol haha
le crickety lad with a hundred sigh
tfw no wog gf
fuck off pissrat
question time. which country is going to have the next GREAT team? also was the south african team with smith, kallis steyn etc ~great~?
England Tbh
India next
england's batting is going to be stacked soon i agree but bowling stocks look thin and will ~we~ literally ever produce an elite bowler
might go to 'bed' lads hehe
Australia is the only team with the tools to do it (decent bats, great bowlers). As you said, England don't have any bowlers coming through. But Australia is miles from that status. Need another opener (RIP PJH). Need a Voges replacement and need a wicketkeeper. A captain with a brain would also help. Lots of holes, cant really see them becoming great unless Cummins goes 3 years without an injury (lol) and a couple of decent youngsters step up.

> also was the south african team with smith, kallis steyn etc ~great~
Not even close. They lose at home, twice, to one of the weaker generations of Australian cricket.
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who /wa/ here?
>2 down
>0 down
someone pls webm the memeswell catch, was breddy gud
Yeah in a tick mate

Reminder he flopped horribly again with the bat and will never play an odi again
will take your word for it, I only saw WA bat
hello is this the bundes thread?
Anyone know a good music news site? I fucking despise Pitchfork and the tripe they post, but I've got to keep up with my elite alternative bands.
yeah m8 right here
Thanks mate, been visiting blog formally known as "The Tenth Doctor of Prog" recently too
Unfortunately Warner won't be around by the time our next great opener (Renshaw) is ready but Banrcoft will be a good partner for him and Renshaw.
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also got more strong future batting talent en route
Yeah dont think Warner has heaps left. Maybe 3-4 years absolute tops. He is purely a hand-eye babby. Has absolutely zero technique. Basically the Australian Sehwag and we all remember what happened to Sehwag once he got to about ~33
>Has absolutely zero technique
LITERALLY kill yourself

Behind Usman and SMarsh he is THE most technical batsmen in Australia
>hurr have you seen chanderpaul no technique won't make it past 29
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more meme than man.webm
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cheers m8
found a book in my uni library literally called "The Meme Wars" the other day
Literally what. He has minimal footwork. He basically stands still and swings. he is the definition of a talent-babby. This is why he is complete shit against spin. This is why he is mostly shit in England (though he did show admirable determination to adapt, unlike most of the other batters). This is why he is god-tier on roads and bouncy pitches in particular.

Thats why I said Warner reminds me of Sehwag. Not because of their strikerates or that shitty IPL quote Chappelli loves to recount every 5 minuts, but because they both basically stand still and swing.

Why are you quoting? Because it sure as fuck isnt me

Chanderpaul was a very technical player. He was not 'textbook' technical, but he had a method that worked for him. I place Smith in the Chanderpaul category and I think Smith will last alot longer than Warner. Smiths technique is aesthetically awful, but it is actually very effective in allowing him to manipulate the field and forcing the bowler to change his lines. That is an attribute independent of his reaction time and spatial judgement so I can easily see Smith playing into his mid/late 30s.
>Smiths technique is aesthetically awful
Mate his leg glance gives me an instant semi
You're fucking retarded, that's more of a maxwell thing if anything.

Warner isn't a talent babby in the slightest. Every single shot he plays has been rehearsed time and time again. He literally spends hours doing nothing but shaving 1 mm off his drive follow through. Every shot he plays is straight out of a textbook, even if it lacks the flair of a guy like Usman. That's what makes him so good, he knows exactly what shot to play and has the execution down to a science.

Smith playing anything but straight shots is great, I love his cuts in particular.
Smith's technique works fine because he plays so late.

I mean you would slap a kid who was trying to bat like that but it's not a poor technique.
How the fuck does smith even learn to play like that. Katich too, he had the same meme shuffle.

Guys like Chanderpaul, Thomson and Bradman developed meme techniques because they lived in the middle of nowhere and taught themselves how to play without any coaching. Katich went to a posh all-boys school right next to the WACA and Smith grew up in modern NSW which has the best training and coaching facilities in the entire cricketing world. You'd think they'd have been taught how to play properly from an early age.
Quick sidenote, am I the only one who notices that Mark Taylor fucking always droves on about bat edges when an edge goes over slip for 4? And raises it like its an original point every time?
Literally has been happening for six years now AT LEAST
>aww with the old bats that would have been out
>gee those are some big bats now
>let's cut to Warner's bat so we can talk about how big it is
I messaged robelinda2 about this, he says he's noticed it too
>reading up on North Sentinel Island
>literally populated by indian savages that murder anyone that lands there

Katich developed the meme shuffle after getting dropped from the team in 2005.

He did it on purpose to correct an issue in his technique and it worked.
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I get a hard on when he plays his meme swats, swipes and flicks etc. Now that shit is pure talent and has nothing to do with his technique

He did it far more regularly during his meme allrounder days when he used to have Maxwells role

Eh you're not really understanding what I'm referring to when I talk about technique.

You seem to define technique by how well a batsmen can clone a Mahela Jayawardene cover drive or display a Rahul Dravid-esque discipline in leaving the ball outside the off-stump. Basically the absolutely retarded cliche of "textbook" technique which doesn't seem to have any real meaning.

I give technique its loosest possible definition. That is, simply an effective way of executing a task. Bradman had the opposite of the type of technique you are shilling and he was the best ever. Chanderpaul and Smith and very very technical players and were/are both world class. Sangakkara was very technical in a different way.

Warner doesn't really have any definable methodology other than stand still and swing. With Smith, I can describe to you how he holds his bat with a very, very dominant bottom hand grip and then tries to bait the bowler into bowling at his pads by shuffling across the stumps. Its unorthodox, but its very technical. Warner... just swings

>That's what makes him so good, he knows exactly what shot to play and has the execution down to a science.
On this point I simply disagree. He plays a raft of comically laughable shots. He doesn't do it as frequently as Maxwell, but he does it plenty still. His one redeeming quality is he tends to pull enough of them off courtesy of his talent before he fucks one up. This ratio will worsen as he ages.
Ironically on the very few occasions when Maxwell isn't premeditating his shots there are glimpses that his coaches gave him the foundation of a good technique
He is particularly good against spin. Unironically one of the best players of spin in Australia. Too bad he cant last 3 overs before he attempts a reverse helicopter shot otherwise he could have 40 Test caps by now
Fortunately one of the few better players of spin, Handscomb has his head screwed on properly.

Needs to be in the test time this summer and in India.
He literally does have an """effective way of executing a task""" and he's very good at it.
His dumb stuff is entirely brain farts on his part, that doesn't amount to Pio technique.
>His dumb stuff is entirely brain farts on his part
your narrative is falling apart
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>Advances to 20-30 off of 20-35 deliveries
>Fucking lobs it directly to mid on/off

Why does he do this every fucking innings?
Also can't bowl for shit
Not sure why you are pushing Handscomb so much. He is a decent player but he isnt Test standard
Because the key to any sort of success in India is finding guys who can stay in an build partnerships.

Handscomb is in our best team for India and someone Smith and Marsh can bat with.

Fuck him off when it comes to England though.

He's also a better batsman than Burns and Khawaja
See you later for netflix and kill, Anon
Not him, but he's good for spin
handscomb looks a lot more competent against spin than guys like khawaja and burns who have already tried and failed in the subcontinent
>He's also a better batsman than Burns and Khawaja
I agree, but just because they are woeful doesn't make Handscomb great

I'd unironically go with Head. The thing about picking a team in Asia is, you sort of have to punt on it. Looking at Shield form is a bit pointless. There are quite literally next to 0(zero) good spinners in the Shield (SOK closest thing to it) and the pitches are almost uniformally roads. So what is the point of looking at that as an indication of who may succeed in India? That is why they are grooming Head, because he is widely considered one of the best players of spin in Aus even tho his Shield form has been inconsistent.
you can't be serious about playing head in a test

the guy has zero patience and just slogs at everything, it's why it took him fucking forever to make a first-class century

I would unironically prefer maddinson in the team over head
its not something I can backup with any sort of evidence to say this is a good idea. As I said, its a punt.

its also something I wouldnt be surprised if it actually happened. I just hope we dont have another situation where a Khawaja scores a truckload of runs on the WACA highway and gets picked for India because of it
Fact: At least 5 AusWORMS ITT will die a painful death induced by a viscious Inland Taipan, Brown Snake, Death Adder or Tiger Snake and Theres nothing you can do about it.
reminded me of this

show some fucking respect
Never seen a snake in my life Tbh. Been around a lot of bushland too.
>I just hope we dont have another situation where a Khawaja scores a truckload of runs on the WACA highway and gets picked for India because of it
we can agree on this at least
That seems to be a big Problem all over WORMstralia
>being governed by snäkes
Both Handscomb and Bancroft scored Australia A centuries in first class matches in India.

May as well run with it. Of course it doesn't mean anything conclusive but its more to go of than everyone else
Seen more foxes than snakes myself. Think it's mostly an eastern states thing along with the spider meme.
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>herath will never loop one through your gate
accurate as fuck
natural variation
drifts it
turns it
how can bangladesh afford a team?
they make india pay for it

also his action is economical as fuck
he was literally born to the be a spinner
in a word he is LITERALLY the PERFECT orthodox left spinner

literally derek underwood tier but just on better quality pitches

Gee I dunno maybe it's got something to do with hundreds of millions of rabid cricket fans.
He's literally a perfect ""good"" spinner that will never excel
Fact: The Brown Snake, the second most poisoneous Snake in the world, can be found all over Australis. One could basically be behind you right fuckin now. Only Taipans are restricted to certain areas.
orthodox left arm spinners never excel its just an intrinsically shirt form of bowling. the hip-hop of bowling
You have to be a literal mong to get bitten by a snake. They only bite if you start making heaps of noise around them and scare them.
You can literally walk right past them and they won't do shit.
Fact: once the brownsnake has sunk it's teeth into bis feeble victim, it will not let go until every last drop has been replaced by its poison. The victim will pretty much puke bis guts out and explode at the same. Scholars often regard the bite oft the Brown Snake as the most painful the animal kingdom has to offer. One drop of its deadly toxin could wipe out 10 billion worm colonies.
To Pimp a Butterfly, Madvillainy and None Shall Pass are literally better than 95% of """albums"""
>Literally name one notable Australian footballer
Mile Fucking Jedinak
Tim Fucking Cahill
Mark Fucking Bresciano
John Fucking Aloisi
Mark Fucking Viduka
Johnny Fucking Warren
Lucas Fucking Neill
Harry Fucking Kewell
Mark Fucking Schwarzer
Archie Fucking Thompson
Brett Fucking Emerton
Josh Fucking Kennedy
Josip Fucking Skoko
Mark Fucking Bosnich

Now, name FIVE notable Poo Peeland footballers, you obvious Kiwi
t. Thanasi Kokkinakis
Nah. Chinaman is the worst type of bowling to get good at.

It's why pretty much all of Australia's chinamen bowlers ever used to be batsmen because anyone in junior cricket as a specialist chinaman is going to get dropped
didnt say it was the worst type but yeah thats probs even worse
literally why
it's just leg spin but as a lefty
>falling for obvious pasta
>being an unironic wog

kiss your sister
Exactly. You have all the lack of control of a leg spinner but your stock ball is spinning the wrong way to trouble right handed batsmen.

Off Spinners also spin it the wrong way but at least they have control.
can't blokk the kokk
no one gets dropped for a lack of control as a spinner in junior cricket mate
if you land the ball on the pitch and can actually turn it then you're better than 99.95% of bowlers
They fail to make district teams which are the teams you have to make to actually ever get into grade cricket let alone further.
spin bowlers that is
shit this is true.

i'm gonna have to reconsider what i said about sla desu(was jokign abut herath tho any way really), but for some reason they just always opt to be wide of the crease darty bowlers rather than loopy, big turners. in theory a left armed graemme swann COULD exist and would be deadly af, just hard to envisage tho because we just dont see it
They're just rare because wrist spin is needs a particular kind of hand to work properly. That's why leg spinners are much rarer than off spinners, not ""control"". When you add left handedness into the equation they're even less frequent.
Spinners in general aren't common in junior district teams. Kids can't bowl spin properly since they're raised playing on artificial pitches and with balls that barely grip. The only spinners you tend to see are part time off-spinners who can't turn the ball and just get wickets by flight and their slow pace. I was literally selected for district and my school's first XI purely because I was one of the few that could actually spin the ball, despite being a fucking spastic with the bat and in the field and bowling a wide every other over.
addendum: obviously an off spinner will have more control, but I'm talking about district cricket here. Where you put the ball doesn't matter at that age group if you can turn it and keep it legal.
Fact: Statistically, the Australian Snake population is most active in the month of October. As of now, the amount oft snakes on the continent has surpassed the number of the human populace, for every Australien citizen, four deadly snakes exist, with numbers still believed to be growing exponentially.
dart bowling works well on Asian wickets.

The wickets break down and introduce variation. The typical Australian spinner they send out their (bar O'Keefe who would be well suited for it) gets carried away trying to spin it a mile but that doesn't trouble a batsman who knows it will spin anyway.

With the darts sometimes it does end up turning and even the amount it turns varies because of how it lands. And sometimes it doesn't turn at all. Look at the Australian dismissals in the Sri Lankan series.
A majority of Herath's wickets were getting batsmen out because they were playing for spin that wasn't there.
Friendly reminder that Babar Azam is a future GOAT
t. Inzamam-ul-Haq
Honestly don't understand the rational behind it as a semi-casual, but spinners in asia deliberately bowl flat, faster balls as opposed to flighted ones that you see elsewhere.
so is sami aslam
so is kusal mendis
so is tagenarine chanderpaul
so is mosaddek hossain

curries will literally run world cricket in 5 years
nz need to be relegated to fucking div 2 asap
>Standing on a field
>Left arm over the wicket
>Muhammad Amir show

beautiful haiku to whoever wrote that
new bread?
tomorrow m8, I'm going to bed
really makes you sweat
new thread

Last for Malaysia
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