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NFL Ratings Drop Across The Board In Week 3

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>Sports Business Daily reported Monday that the overnight ratings for Sunday Night Football between the Dallas Cowboys and Chicago Bears drew 18.62 million viewers and scored a 12.9 in the Neilsen ratings, which is down from 13.7 in Week 2 and 13.9 in Week 3 a year ago.

>Elsewhere, the early-afternoon regional slate of games on CBS dropped by 18 percent compared to Week 3 last season while FOX’s 4:25 p.m. game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Philadelphia Eagles (which saw Philly win in a surprisingly one-sided affair) dropped by 1 percent from the same time slot last season. The lone bright spot was FOX’s early-afternoon slot, which went up by about 3 percent.

>Viewers have started feeding the monster less, and now the monster is shrinking. Continued rating drops would only make the decline in the league product more glaring – and, perhaps, spark real action to make the league better. If you truly want a revolution, changing the channel is a good start.

It's over the NFL is finished.
breaking newsflash: people don't want to watch shit games. bears-cowboys on primetime is hardly compelling viewing to anyone except maybe cowboys fans and not even all bears fans. instead of focusing on TV markets they need to focus on quality games, and you'll see an immediate bounceback in interest.
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I'm kind of getting over the NFL. I can't put my finger on why tho. It's probably because I have less free time now than when I did in high school and college.
Only 18 million people watched the game? That's not many viewers per capita. The NFL will go out of business at this rate.

Thank God.
let me give you a little knowledge about sports newfag, people don't enjoy watching blowouts.
Millennials getting sick of football
> Through the first two weeks of the regular season, the league's premiere game, NBC's "Sunday Night Football," is down 12% in viewership compared to last year; ESPN's big game, "Monday Night Football," is also down 12%; and CBS' first "Thursday Night Football" game fell a whopping 26%, according to Nielsen data.

>b-but it's just this week
>rating drop when shit teams play


btw, why isn't this article talking about the terrible TNF ratings? Oh right, because last week's TNF had two 2-0 teams so the ratings were great
because thursday night was streaming on twitter dumbass, do some research before you spout shit about a sport you know nothing about. and sunday night in week 1 was a patriots team without brady, and a fraud team that just got blown the fuck out in the nfc championship.
Only niggers use twitter.
i'm not a nigger and i was watching it on twitter. try harder kid.
Maybe this will get Goodell fired. We can only hope.
Cowboys v Bears doesn't fucking compare to the hot superbowl dark horse Vikings vs their rivals who have controlled the division for the past decade.

Obvious shit is obvious.
nigger spotted
if you've got nothing left in the tank then get off the road.
Trips confirm
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>shit game that everyone knew was going to be a blowout got shit
The NFL bringing all the political bs to the sport is turning off the fans. Now that the players have gotten in on the act, it'll only continue to get worse.

fuck the nfl

Im not watching this season

usually when my team sucks, ill at least watch - but not this year

fuck them

im fed up with the constant barrage of ads

im fed up with the ever increasing coddling of players, especially the qb, in the form of overprotective rules

im fed up with refs who frequently blow calls and even get basic rules wrong on a regular basis

fuck rodger godell, fuck the backup qb and the rest of the nfl "approved" political agitprop pawns

im done with your shitty product
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>we want the political cuckrectness audience
You can only go down that road if your sport has no competitors.
Its because people don't like all the kneeling and shit
According to the polls half of football fans said they would stop watching unless Kapernick stopped being a faggot. This combined with TV dying as a medium makes it hard for high ratings.

Whats going to happen is the NFL is going to suck it up and create a rule declaring that players must stand at attention during the pledge or be expelled from the game, like the navy
I don't want to watch chimps who can't stand up.

Just don't air the national anthem anymore if liberal cuck MSM cameras can't stop zooming in on attention whores.
for me it's the fact that injuries are so fucking common, anyone on your team might be out for the season on any given play.
First thing that came to mind. Bears vs Cowboys with 2 back up QBs is a shitty 1 pm game that barely gets any attention. Should've never been given the primetime slot.
>shitty prime time games
>the fucking presidential debate stealing viewers from a prime time game
can this shill fuck off yet?
>Whats going to happen is the NFL is going to suck it up and create a rule declaring that players must stand at attention during the pledge or be expelled from the game, like the navy

Or just prevent networks from filming the players during the anthem, which is much easier to enforce.
The NFL is waaay different from when I was a kid.

>Having fun is a 15 yard penalty
>Breathing on a Quarterback is a 15 yard penalty
>Looking at a Receiver funny is a 15 yard penalty
>Defenders are now responsible for the safety of Receivers
>Everything has to be challenged
>Refs spend 10 minutes reviewing a call and still get it wrong
>Even more commercials than there used to be
>Ads during the broadcast
>Games are over 3 hours long
>Kickoffs are pointless

If it wasn't for Fantasy football and idiots paying hundreds of dollars for Sunday Ticket the NFL would've died before 9/11
>More commercials during that period

> Looking at a Receiver funny is a 15 yard penalty

Pass Interference is a spot foul which is even worse
I don't want to watch refs throw flags all day on fucking bullshit ticky tac fouls. I want to see good plays and people get laid the fuck out.
>oh boy there's like 10 seconds left in the game and i'm all the way at my our 6 yard line
>let me throw a bomb I know my receiver wont catch but if the defender touches him wrong we can get all those yards
Football was shit to begin with. Never understood why people like it. It's probably just learned behavior
Who gives a shit about the flag. It stands for a racist country. Let's change it.
Found the commie
There are just a bunch of things I'd rather do on a sunday than watching a 4 hour game with 2.5 hours of commercials.
Handegg was always shit
>he watches concussionball
Being a commie is good
>hating communism
tell that to venezuela

>they ran out of other peoples' money
Who wants to watch Cowboys Burrs unless they're a NEET, football addicted autist?
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Probably true. Recently I have moved on to hockey as my primary sport.

I haven't watched the league for a couple years now, and it looks like that won't be changing anytime soon.
too many damn commercials, refs clearly have too much sway over games in critical situations. I swear they're intentionally moving scores for narrative purposes. Fucking trying to get women into football with pink month and nfl gear ads towards women. They are not your target demographic; you're patronizing your target demographic.
How do you Americans deal with all the ads? Get used to it?
TV watching overall is dropping by 10% a year
The best way to avoid ads is to stop watching TV altogether and stream all your TV.

TV >> NetFlix, Live news, whatever else
Sport >> livetv.sx (ads are for a different country or demographic)
Film >> The same as TV
Give yourself to the ads. There are many goods and services in the world you might enjoy.
Easily over 2 million with other computers and installs.
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I make posts without considering the most important elements. Like this picture for example.
>Bears vs Cowboys
>Vikings vs Packers
>Broncos vs Lions
hmmm i wonder which one of these three I'd be least likely to watch. Bears haven't been relevant since 2006 and despite what the NFL tries to cram down our throats the cowgirls haven't been relevant for far longer than that.
>players basically saying fuck white people
>ignoring that non whites elect the Democrats who run ALL these cities
>ratings go down

im not shocked
>guise it was a blowout!
the first ever in NFL history?

makes you think....
>Kickoffs are pointless
the fuck are you talking about smart teams are taking advantage of the new rule and dumb returners still are returning them resulting in lots of golden spaghetti
that's not how it works unlike amateur football NFL actually starts games on time. Normally, for nonprimetime games they don't show the anthem because they happen before game coverage begins.
before I had the ticket I would record all the games and wake up a couple hours after the 1pm games start so I can fast forward through all the breaks. The problem was since SNF starts a hour after the end of the 4pm games I would waste a lot of my fast forward games so would end up watching most of it live with no fast forward time left. I have the ticket now so I just watch the gamemix and jump around to games I care about
Because you prefer watching a game on a laptop, tather than on big screen?

pls explain, because I don't understand.
You know what's funny it's that really only black or Hispanic people that continually TV at least from cable. I can see why every major network has some nigger or minority jumping up and down on it now.
>implying he can't stream on his tv
People who whine about ads in football have never been to a live game. If you think it's fun to watch the players mingle on the field for a while, be my guest. The NFL is a businesses, commercials are revenue, logic is hard though it seems.
Real USSR commies were very nationalistic. Rich, limp wristed, suburban larping teens don't represent communism
Forced token minorities, more virtue signalling, more shit reality shows, scripted shows dropping in quality, and no one wants to have to break their routine to sit down and watch a show like they used to, especially with the advent of On Demand and streaming services.

Tvs are just monitors for your gaming consoles these days
I thought the program was free on TV, my bad
No kidding. They never used to show the anthem. No idea why they started that shit in the first place.
So much this.
Oh fuck I forgot about that pink bullshit. Please tell me they're not going to do that this year.
>Millennials are a mistake
> people get laid the fuck out
I don't understand this way of thinking. Honestly.
God you sound like a whiny little bitch.
u a fag?
>enjoying actual refball
Nah, not just a moron like you.
roger pls
> liking big hits makes you a moron

fag confirmed
>liking big hits that lead to more penalties and rule changes

dumb as fuck white trash detected
This thread was made several different times all with the conclusion that OP is a fag. Please stop making these bait threads and find a cliff to jump off
Or just don't play the fucking anthem

it's fake patriotism and allows mouthbreathing faggots across this land pretend to be patriotic patriots who bleed red white and blue for 3 minutes while doing NOTHING in their lives besides complain about the government
too many penalties
too many commercials
overproduction of tv coverage
too many fat, drunk, aggressive, retard fans
big hits are less appealing and less common now that we learn more about consequences
too many casuals
overwhelming corporate atmosphere
nfl is on 3 days a week, and college is also on fridays and thursdays, which is dampening the benefits of scarcity

i still love my favorite team and generally enjoy watching the game, but so many things have taken away from the overall experience. It's a blatant moneygrab
No, I just don't get why that's a "thing" that makes someone want to see a sport, except for fighting sports.
People like that remind me of WWE fans.
certain games are, basically your local team on Fox, then the other network (CBS? lol dunno) plays one game for your region, then there's the Sunday Night game. All of those are free and can be found via basic cable or even over the air on antenna. Thursday night requires special cable because it's on NBCSuperExtremeSportChannel3.0 or whatever they call it, and if you want to watch a team out of market (like if you're a Packers fan in Florida or something equally lame) then you have to shell out extra from one satellite provider for a special package

ORRRR you just pirate that shit because fuck it
Honestly son you sound a bit low test.
NFL turning into the NBA

same teams winning constantly which is not the biggest problem

the biggest problem is the officiating makes it feel like those same teams winning are getting their way on purpose

for example the hail mary game in detroit felt so force I was surprised barely half the pundits on all sport media didn't complain more about the flag that led to the pass. A flag that should have never been thrown

then we had the bengals v pitts game that should had so many retarded flags thrown to both sides outside the head hunting that felt like it was suppose to be pitts game to win from snap one.

overall the league is becoming easy to script like the NBA because of those fucking flags

you can't celebrate , you can't hit , you can't catch a ball , you can't do shit anymore

I'm glad people are waking up to this bullshit
>be a pundit making a comfy living
>complain flag shouldn't have been
>nfl makes a phone call
>lose your comfy job as a pundit
>new obedient pundit is hired
maybe for the lower tier networks but you had some folks on NFL Network and ESPN that didn't shy away from the retard facemask call

especially former defensive players

Sunday night featured the worst team in the league.

Monday night went against the presidential debate.

Go fuck off.
>i-ts just week one
>i-its just week two
>its only early season
>its only mid season
>i-i don't want to be alone

Cord cutter generation and the NFL making it difficult to watch games without cable.

I can watch the knicks on the MSG GO app anywhere. The giants, if I wasn't home, I needed to get a slingbox. And all that shit ain't cheap or easy.

I didn't say any of those things you dumb fuck.
how everytime ratings go down in every sport it's


do you mother fuckers ever stop overreacting?

people have literally said baseball was dying since the 1960's
at least we can all agree this is kaepernick's fault, he has killed the nfl
I'd hate to give him even that much credit
Well it's true baseball ded as fuck
wow I was unaware that the MLB ceased operations.

news to me
I like seeing the jam packed stadiums every match.

MLB could cause a few Hillsboroughs if not careful!
Yep, it's the same shit for the same teams year-in, year-out. Except this year the vikings are being pushed because of new stadium and hype. Next year it'll be the Falcons. Year after it'll be the Rams.
162 games m8, and baseball is still by far the biggest sport in the big cities like New York and Chicago.
>Regular season games are so numerous and unimportant that no one bothers attending them.

Cut the matches to 62 and people might bother turning up
>Cord cutter generation and the NFL making it difficult to watch games without cable.
>MLB.TV the most popular streaming service for any sport , widely successful
>sunday ticket essentially does many things similar , most importantly live games
>is not as successful
what is the excuse now? poorfags? if MLB can get millions of dollars from mlb tv why can't NFL with sunday ticket?
>except this year the vikings are being pushed because of new stadium and hype.
They're trying to push the new stadium in SD to the citizens by pointing out how nice the new viking's stadium look and the revenue it is producing but the sad thing is while they're doing that they are moving forward with the chargers moving to LA to prevent the raiders from moving there

NFL is being run by retards
why does it matter how full the stadium is as long as they are making tons of money?

gosh you bongs are dumb as fuck
Even since I've started watching the NFL it's got worse

Just look at the Ravens, because of rule changes they went from an incredible D to a team that realised you could game the shit out of pass interference if you had a QB with a big arm and a really fast WR
>Money is the be all and end all
Shame American sports are so soulless. No wonder the atmosphere is terrible
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>Shame American sports are so soulless. No wonder the atmosphere is terrible

Sunday ticket is too expensive. You already know that because you called the people who dont have it poorfags.
Most poorfags don't even have cable, let alone Sunday ticket
>A quarter of Premier League Teams are owned by the same American owners of American sports teams
>The rest are owned by Muslim Oil Sheiks
>what is the excuse now? poorfags? if MLB can get millions of dollars from mlb tv why can't NFL with sunday ticket?

I was under the impression that NFL was making bank from that, but in any case MLB fans are on average much richer than NFL fans. They also tend to be much more passionate, since a lot of the big MLB teams have a connection with their city that goes back 100 years or more (the Cubs, Pirates, and Phillies have all been around since the 1880s). With NFL teams, you get the sense that every single one of them (except maybe the Packers, Bears, and a few others) can and will just jump around the country at will.
I stopped watching cause the bears are shit

I'll still support them as a fan but I'm no longer giving any of my ratings
found cletus
do other things during the commercial breaks.
shitpost here mostly
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>tfw the NFL dies before MLB
People don't watch tv anymore
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NFL was bound to plateau at some point and probably regress a bit. Truth is, NFL is the least accessible sports to watch and because of the short schedule, schedule cycle and divisions it is hard to artificially make compelling match ups week after week. The NBA, NHL and MLB can all make marquee match ups every season and space them out so there is some match up worth watching. Even College ball has match ups between 2 power 5 conference teams that are awesome week to week. The NFL is very rigid and the turnover rate year to year makes playoff teams hard to predict. I think one of the biggest problems is the new CBA which encourages teams to dump higher priced vets in favor of project players. This also drops the quality of play. The NFL also has a massive PR problem due to their arrogance and rampant off field issues. Domestic abuse, CTE, crippled young retirees and concussions have given the NFL a black eyen and they have done very little to rectify that. There is very little good news out of the NFL.
The pacing. College Ball is faster. Every time I watch an NFL game its getting more and more saturated with unnecessary shit:

>commercials that don't appeal to the target demographic (18-40 yr olds); I miss the constant beer commercials.
>sideline reporters who report 'the drama'
>color commentary that has nothing to do with the game

I like listening to football on the radio more than watching it on TV. Yes, there are still commercials, but they aren't as prevalent, the commentators actually know what they are talking about for the most part, and I don't have to look at ridiculous haircuts.
>No, I just don't get why that's a "thing" that makes someone want to see a sport, except for fighting sports.
What about hockey?

>Games are still expensive as hell
>a game that should be 2 hours max is stretched to 4 because of constant commercials
>Quality of play has dropped because teams are encouraged by CBA to keep teams young and cheap
>CTE still a thing
>Flags for TD celebrations
>Flags for looking at a WR the wrong way
>Flags for even walking near a QB

Overall this article is reactionary as fuck. Of course a Monday Night matchup featuring 2 teams we know are only fighting to see who gets cucked by Cam and the Panthers is gonna get beat by a fucking PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE.
I would really like to get into American Football, but I physically can't watch games in 3 a.m.
do what most people do here

dvr the games and watch them later

just don't look up scores
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>not using every opportunity to shitpost
mute the sound or change the channel if it's broadcast in my area, or watch a stream and mute it when a commercial comes on
I would do bad things to Ariana Grande
You know murder is illegal, don't you?
I meant more like fuck the shit out of her m80
NFL fatigue. It's all ESPN talks about. They spend 8 months out of the year manufacturing shit to talk about and when the league finally starts up again, it's met with "this is really all the NFL has to offer?"

NFL football is not exciting.
>tfw you'll see the end of the NFL in your life
Reminder that the NFL has been like it is for years in terms of its ruleset for injuries and offense and such, if that was the reason why ratings are dropping they would've started to drop years ago

the only reason why ratings are dropping NOW is because a lot of racists are "boycotting" the sport because a few players are taking it upon themselves to stand against institutionalized racism
Nobody wants to deal with racebaiting Jews and dindus when they're trying to relax on Sunday and have a little escape from life. Has nothing to do with racism
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