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Thread replies: 545
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Pray4Eissen edition
good thread lad
>de gay
Thinking about it, Modric probably only went because he was friends with Carvallho and was asked to attend by him
And Carvalho attended because Mou asked him to.
He still showed up though. Thats all it takes for him to be a bro, he fucking showed up.
Gonna need more infomation there
Carvalho and Eissen knew each other when they both played at Chelsea
>the homersexual
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Real Madrid are a bunch of cunty players

Footballers have a ton of free time, they easily could have gone to poor old Essien's party but probably fancied dicking about playing fifa or going clothes shopping or something. Don't treat people like that!
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What next for him?
He just went on about all the nice shit and charities he helps. It was nothing that interesting but it made him sound like a real nice person.
Essien was only there for a few months, because he's Mou friend who they all fucking despise. He probably can't even talk Spanish desu.
Austin to score.

Bet the house on it.
>He probably can't even talk Spanish desu.
Just like Beckham but they flocked to his parties, I'm sure
It's because he's black
>The Brown out for 4 weeks

RIP in teh paece Poop
China or Milan
You don't know that, you're just whining and crying now.
Ronaldos best friends at Real at Benzema and Marcelo (probably due to speaking Portugese though but still)

and Bale, the whitest guy there, is the most hated
he's still your teammate who invited you to their birthday party

If I've got free time and someone invites me to a birthday party, it'd be rude as fuck to just ignore them.
remember when bale said he couldn't get any spanish practice done because everyone wanted to try their english on him? becks was probably the same
>Everyone hates Bale did you see Ronaldo not hug him!
Reddit pls
also, it's 25 'coworkers' that spend the day in touch with each other, training together, eating together, travelling together, sharing hotel rooms, etc

how hard it's to make an appearance, bring a book, have a drink, sing happy birthday and then go back home early because you have to train the next morning? incredibly rude and shit to leave the new guy completely alone in his party, imagine the awkward training session the next day
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Can Bayol speak Spanish yet?
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I think it might've been Corluka. iirc, he's Croatian (at least Yugoslavian), and they both played for Tottenham together.
I remember someone on /epl/ once telling me that Noble was only good if everyone else around him was good well, otherwise, he's shit. I think that still rings to be true.
Simone Zaza is a meme, pic related
All the other guys you listed, i'll be honest, I don't know them, since i'm not a west ham fan, but i'll take your word for it.
Kind of wish Payet was younger, he's a quality player, but that's life i guess
Griezmann is a 'flavour of the month' kind of player, no one will talk about him by the end of the next world cup, i'm willing to bet.
Because Bale gained a reputation for diving there. In the EPL, he was loved.
I think Bilic is under pressure because of the hierarchy
I mean Noble is the long time captain
You can't just put him on the bench like it's no big deal
I don't disagree with you about Noble not being good enough though
I think he's a midtable player who only shined a little thanks to playing next to Payet
He can be decent at holding the midfield, but he can also be very bad from time to time
But most of all, he has no offensive skills
Noble is a downgraded Cabaye
>Hull manager 25/1 without even getting the job yet

Do you all think the top clubs players are all best friends? That's adorable.
There's plenty more in the form of backstage reports, he's been quite severely bullied

Ronaldo has told people not talk to him or they'll get frozen out

Yeah, probably want to throw insults at him
>Real at Benzema
He has a thing for muslims
>and Bale, the whitest guy there, is the most hated
Only scum like Ramos and Marcelo hate him because he is earning more than them.The younger players get along with him.He is a bit of an autist though
>next permanent hull manager
I don't know decimals, is Guidolin lower price than Hughes? If so, HOW?
>there's plenty more in the form of backstage reports
Oh do share the plenty stuff lad.
I meant fractions of course
Swansea played pretty good against City, don't get what Giggs will bring that Guidolin currently can't already do.
>no ragrets
>a source close to the player has told City Watch

come on mate
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RIP my fantasy team
who /sahfamten/ here
It's gonna be sad to see Bilic sacked coz he's one of the few managers who are actually intelligent and insightful in interviews and he seems like a good guy.

Should've never doubted you Austria la.

it's funny because City started last season like a freight train and people were already handing them the title like 6 weeks in, then De Bruyne got injured and it all fell apart
>attending a birthday party a couple hours one night
>being best friends
there's quite a difference
Man City players are practically family, they eat together and stuff all the time

Even Dzeko and Kolorov were close

ah yes, truly the mark of successful integration to be adored by the B-team desperately trying to get a callup by sucking up to a perceived big dog

>nicknaming Bale "Islander"
>refusing to accompany him around hostile fans
>refusing to be seen with him or hang out with him while he had heat on him
>deflecting heat onto him
>not speaking English
>I remember someone on /epl/ once telling me that Noble was only good if everyone else around him was good well
It was most likely me lad
Nice to meet you again
I feel bad for Zaza, I hope he'll score a penalty soon and forget about his last one
still though, you'd want some team spirit if the player has a long term contract, taking a few hours to attend a fellow players birthday seems like the right thing to do
>Tfw got baited by the dark, smelly paki
Fuck me this is a new low.
Toure to West Ham
cap this post
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he already plays for the 'ammers
Which Toure?
>if the player has a long term contract,
Which Essien didn't bloody have. He was only brought in because practically everyone hated Mourinho and he wanted more people on his side. Can't wonder why they didn't bother with him.
Going to take my 4th dose of DNP
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It's okay, fäm.
maybe kek, cheers for that
>not "Sheep Shagger"
missed opportunity imo
Pretty amusing how Mou even managed to alienate Portuguese players
Is there a more versatile player?
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rip poop
>>not "Sheep Shagger"
>missed opportunity imo
Europeans etc wouldn't know that term

Islander was more realistic, something they thought was offensive but meant fuck all to us

De Bryne
>ah yes, truly the mark of successful integration to be adored by the B-team desperately trying to get a callup by sucking up to a perceived big dog
MArcelo and Ramos are scum.They feel that they are entitled to everything because they have been 10 years in the club.Unironically Pepe is the least toxic player in the roaster.
czech republiced
Holy shit you literally can't see shit from the stands, why would you even pay to watch anything from this angle?
>based on your predictions
Which I'm sure are very reliable

Marcelo is the engine of the Real squad
Ramos is the only notable Spanish player on the squad and won them the Champions League
Yes, they do deserve to be paid more than fucking Bale

Pepe isn't cancer because he knows Ronaldo has his back
Neither of West Ham's pivots are really what they're supposed to be. Kouyate is box to box and Noble seems to think he's a no.10 a lot of the time.
>Arsenal over Tottenham
>Liverpool over Everton
some memes never die
What site is this?
ang on a minit

since wen can west ham fill the stadium la
I told you not to @ me
gave free tickets out
Has he ever played in goal though?

>Liverpool over Everton

happens basically every year
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Yeah and Antonio plays a little too much like a #9 at times

Reid is worthless on the ball, Lazini is worthless off the ball and Arbeloa is so often caught ball watching
If West Ham lose will there be riots?
>shortens Middlesbrough and Bournemouth
>doesn't shorten Southampton
Once every 10 years Everton will finish above us, and we don't hear the end of it

They still go on about the time they beat us 3-0 about 12 years ago
So is this basically the match thread?
I hope so
>6 games into the season
>already tons of empty seats at the London Stadiumâ„¢
Adrian is also a really bad keeper, Randolph when
Yeah, the hordes who paid £100+ for their tickets will riot

The stadium is too big to fill and too many bad seats
They have to cover 20k seats because they're not allowed to sell them
Waiting for West ham to go up so I can bet on Southampton
what song are they chanting?
>no match thread

What the fuck happened to football? It's like Leicester winning the PL has just completely derailed everything.
I bet you look good on the dance floor


We've got riots, lovely riots
I just don't think you understand
We're in a soulless bowl, we let in fifty goals
We've got lovely riots
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Here you go fuckers

There was a big buzz when Leicester kept winning.

Now everything is back to normal so no one cares anymore.
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hello is this the daily pep exposed thread???
any day now amirite fellas :p
>Austin left
>Redmond in the centre

wtf Puel
Thanks lad
Oh fuck not you again
Top of the league!
no de bruyne no party
I just saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVSLvbPT2hk which reminded me of this post http://archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/71281578/#71289789
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friendly reminder that anfield has better views of goodison park's pitch than this
West Ham are the embodiment of the gentrification that's ruining London
This desu senpai
Could be worse, clubs like Orient and Millwall aren't even going to bee converted into middle class clubs, they're just going to be driven out of the city.
The commentator at West Ham just said that yesterday's Arsenal Chelsea game was a masterpiece in oils, whereas this would an example of abstract art in comparison.

What did he mean by this?
>Shit Ham
that you could get untrained monkeys to create a better game than this by smearing their feces on the grass
At this point, every player should just try to get direct free kicks for Payet
This is getting pointless
>tfw Rooney starts the next game for United and continues to frustrate manure customers
Kek, based Rooney. Reminded me of the time Mourinho got some shit banter thrown at him by Shane Mac.
i think Mou will just have him play every game until he forces him to get injured
thats what i would do if i couldnt drop him
I should have listened
>you now remember watching WWE

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>goes down after a slap like that
He should play football
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>YFW your tax money relegated West Ham
I didn't know I had one touch on and accidentally bet on him to score the second
>people thought they wouldn't get their money's worth
Wade is commentating for Preston now I'm pretty sure.

Scottish Prem is a joke

>team in 1st has a +15 Goal difference
>team in 2nd has a +1 Goal difference and is effectively 7 points behind after 7 games
You could argue that about a lot of leagues in Europe, how one club dominates year after year.
Buyern customers would disagree.
Not this much, this fast
As a Bayern customer, I disagree.

>33 tabs

What kind of star trek control pad do you own? My phone gets flustered with 5 tabs
thats what they get for stealing a stadium from the taxpayer kek
>rangers are 7th
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>Joey Barton got outclassed by Scott 'litterally who' Brown
>Billic, Hughes and Ranieri will be all be sacked this season despite giving their clubs record point totals and/or highest position
feels bad man
> Ranieri will be sacked

No chance, the owners even asked him if he would stay if they got relegated.
I think clubs should start to sack managers right after they've had a good season.
i think as a football expert myself, a new pl rule should be that if you win the title you have to replace your manager desu
they wanted CL football in 5 years from promotion
once its obvious he wont get top 6 he's gone
owners are ambitious

Look at Monk, Martinez's 2nd seasons
what about revolving managers on three month terms?

Watford and Leeds normally do this anyway.
told ya
Who cares about the PL
Everyone knows Guardiola and City are going to win it
It's already over the EL spots
Just don't get relegated and focus on the EFL Cup and the FA Cup
Clubs can qualify for the EL as long as they win a Cup
what so you can get knocked out by Vauxhall motors again
thank fuck im not a gambler that'd make me so poorious
>the west 'am way
>the city of west ham
Here's your (You)
But for real, you're probably right if everything goes right for Pep. You never know though, there could be some slew of simultaneous injuries in the coming weeks.
>west ham customers
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I would end the season right now if I could.
With Martinez it's a clear case of if you can't afford to buy an entirely new first team you really shouldn't bring in a manager who is going to play a radically different system.
Voted in Spirit of Shankly for safe standing to be brought into the UK today. Gonna be tough, but pretty sure it'll happen soon. Once the vote is cast (and it'll be an overwhelming yes), they have to sit down with HFSG and explain why.

Now just let people drink alcohol whilst watching the match...
really makes you thing
>illsbrehs using rational sense for safe standing
top kek

they are literally going to cry about muh 96 for the entire debate
French payetfaggot btfo
I think Modric and Essien were actually friends
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completely unrelated

but i love the optus branding n shit

but apparently their streaming is several minutes behind and really laggy? lel
>brought into the UK today.
They already have it in Scotland, Celtic has a standing section now. We just can't because there will always be some crazy scousers using emotions to stop progress.
Edgy, don't talk about things you don't understand
This makes me happy
>Spirit of Shankly

Fuck those stupid cunts. Fucking whinging pricks think that just because they campaigned against Hicks and Gillette they can put their fucking wooly noses into every aspect of the club. Actually can't stand the pricks.
>Now just let people drink alcohol whilst watching the match

That's really not a good idea.
Cry more you faggot, they organised the walk-out this season which saved me over £200 on my season ticket, good enough for me
it can be like 30s to a min behind
also sometimes the audios a fraction ahead of the video feed
Needs more Arsenal, ManU & Chelsea.
>West Ham have been playing crowd noises over the speakers so the atmosphere sounds better


>on loan in a foreign country
>no one around but immediate family and people you know from the team
>have a birthday on a work evening, just want to invite teammates to bring the squad together and enjoy themselves
>no one shows up because they literally don't care

As a Madrid fan, it's disgusting 2bh. As long as there are players like Ronaldo, Ramos, Hamez, etc. the squad will never have complete unity. Bit funny how the most overrated players are the cunts.
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>Now just let people drink alcohol whilst watching the match...
is this not allowed? i remember seeing Mike Ashley down a pint on camera in the stadium. plus arent they sold in the stadium?
You're not allowed to drink alcohol in view of the pitch. Only at half time and before the game.

Corporates are allowed to though
>that flag
>this post
>I can see the disappointment on their faces even from here
You can drink anywhere not in view of the pitch, alcohol is sold in grounds in England and Wales, but not in Scotland.
>As a Madrid fan
>THIS flag

Out, get there.
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Literally have no idea what you are talking about

This is epl not lol liga
Why does that have like 2500 retweets? It's just a generic picture of fans walking from a stadium
ah i see, thanks
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taking the piss out of how far their stands are from the pitch
>normies and their birthdays
He has a lot of followers. Literally no idea who he is though.
What an absolutely shit image.
>but not in Scotland.
Yes it is.
I said already multiple times, but images like that are like sitcoms with a laughing track, if you need to tell people something it's fun, it's not fun.
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>Sunday: 1 game, only Southampton vs West Ham
>Monday: Watford vs Burnley

Who the fuck scheduled this shite
Really? I thought grounds there were completely dry.

The handful of games I've been to in Scotland you couldn't buy a drink in the ground.
>Arsenal lost just one of their first 59 matches at Emirates Stadium

but its all the stadium's fault
One of the family members has already voiced her support for it.

I hope I can actually be able to stand on the kop without falling over chairs when we score.
seinfeld is good though
yurop did
and it was west ham who won iirc
wtf i hate the eu now!
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>chelsea going to shit
>would've gotten laid last night if it wasn't for some drunk bitch getting too wasted so she had to help her get home
>sjw shit starting to catch on in norwegian media
>generally feel like shit all the time

Chelsea bandwagoner should kill themselves 2bh
It was actually west ham who beat them on a Bobby Zamora goal I believe
>As a Madrid fan

it's amazing how easily people start blogposting once their team goes to shit
I can''t, there are too many anime I want to watch that I have yet to watch.
Is Koeman a fraud?
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hes a top 5 pl manager
There are more things in life ples
Guardiola, Mourinho, Klopp, Wenger, Pochettino, Ranieri are comfortably better
Jokes on you I might! Haha #rekt

It's because it's like the final straw for a lot of people on this site. >We're mainly a pathetic bunch on here, and if not even the team you're supporting can fucking play it's sort of like getting kicked in the balls and then someone stabs their fist up your ass while you're bent over from the kick.
c'mon now
>not having a 3some with her and her wasted friend
Koeman has done fuck all to justify being a better manager than somebody like Wenger
manager rankings:


[significant gap]

how many leagues has koeman won
What current players do you think will end up as good managers? Is there an easy way to tell?

Lads, hold.
3 dutch leagues

Hughes need to be higher
Dyche needs to be lower
is conte really better than wenger and ranieri given he couldn't drill the most basic of basic defensive instructions into his team?
Most of us are functional enough to realize it's just a game, we blog post because it's fun.
lampard if he decides go into management
Yeah that too of course, but I for one has had a fucking terrible week-end, and Chelsea getting fucking trashed does not help that.
cahill's just a fucking mong desu
Theo Walcott
yossi benayoun
if you support chelshit you most likely have no soul, so you should be alright desu
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>"On the bright side I don't think it can get any worse." Mark Noble

The last time West Ham conceded 15 goals in their opening six games they were relegated from the Premier League.
>le autism poster child is the best manager in the league

Kek get a load of this fucking retard. Poop is best without a doubt.

Conte did nothing wrong. The board can't invest enough money in a good CB + shit luck with Zouma's injury + shit luck with Koulibaly thanks to Napoli's Higuain money + shit luck with Bonucci thanks to Juve's Pogdab money

Basically just absolutely shit lucky with CB's, injuries timed like shit and we ironically end up with the CL final winning CB-pairing. Christ.
joe hart
>spend millions and millions to the point where you have £40 million pound players on the bench
>beat stoke, west ham, swanshit
such goatness!!
they've also never lost 5/6 of their opening games in their entire history
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>West Ham interested in Cesc Fabregas
cant see them going down sadly

Hull wont get any points for a while
Burnley are a yoyo club
Stoke are trash
Sunderland have Moyes
Swansea hate their manager
>scrape past Bournemouth at home in the 85th minute
>literally needing a last minute free kick to beat Accrington Stanley at home
>beating literally who 3-0 after losing 2-1 in the first leg of the Europa qualifiers

And that's every Wet Ham win this season.
>worst ham haven't won an away game this season
That's fucking abysmal.
There's only 1 game where they didn't lose away. 1-1 against Astra Giurgiu who knocked them out at home anyway.

Amazes me how shite they are compared to last season.
>sjw shit starting to catch on in norwegian media
the so called "sjw"
fuck off normie
/sp/ is a normie board fuck off nerd
>spend millions and millions on shit
>get beaten by burnley

get fucked cunt
elite opinion: klopp is fucking shite
no it's not norman

now fk off outta here
>t. Criminal Bindipper on holiday
Hating on Liverpool on this board ? Wew lad, that's quite the unpopular opinion, don't cut yourself with that edge.

On second thought, scratch that. Totally cut yourself.

>b-b-b-ut the refs don't get bribed!!!!
>Man United won all their games fairly!!!!
>They didn't get refballed to victory to make sure the brand was successful in Asia over Lel Liga!!!
>Fergie didn't admit to bullying refs for 'Fergie time'!!!!
He'll get found out by any manager that isn't tactically inept
>starting 5 attacking mids
>only recognised centre mids are Milner at left back and Jordan fucking Henderson
>Totally cut yourself.
Possibly down the road and not across the street.
what do united have to do with forest getting fucked over by retarded UEFA refs
genuine autism here folks
>posts link about forest vs anderlecht
>starts whining about man united

Embarrassing yourself
>He'll get found out by any manager that isn't tactically inept

>Already played Chelsea, Spurs and Arsenal away from home and won 2 and should have won other

Never change
you can tell who just came off the boat from reddit when they post shit like 'HURR DURR'

No, it's even worse. They're from /v/.
>getting baited this easily

How do you fucking do it customers? I thought maybe my extreme shitposting during /trans/ thought you something about bait. Obviously not.
Point is, the bribing has been endemic since the early 90's and who started being successful in the 90's?

Oh. Right. Shit.

>Don't have an argument? Just pull the Autism Card!


Irrelevant. The point is, that bribing was KNOWN to have existed and was not acted upon. This means that United, who everybody knows got favourable injury time, are heavily likely to have the same system in place. Several refs whistleblew about it, but the media shut it down. The FA literally said that they make more money if United at in the CL. Thus them not being in the CL was seen as bad.

I'd bet my house that these two share an IP

Is this woman known in Italy, or is she some literally who trying to make a name for herself?
West Ham is fucked. Which club(s) will buy:

>the Olympic Stadium
I don't know who she is but I haven't really followed politics in recent times.
Not seen /v/ use it since like 2008 or whenever rage face comics were posted. Then again, I don't go on /v/ much any more, for obvious reasons.

He got found out against Arsenal, but was luckily playing Arsenal... Who were also missing players that keep them a Top 10 side. Liverpool don't have a problem with big sides, they were the only team to beat Lester last season in the league. Alongside Arsenal doing it twice. It's against dross like, I dunno, Burnley, that they suck. Wait till they play Stoke, Swansea, West Ham, Blunderland, Their Feeder Team and Everton and shit.
Apparently she's one of your EU politicians. She can go fuck herself desu
>the bribing has been endemic since the early 90's and who started being successful in the 90's?
That tournament was in 1984.
Then you'd lose it. I hate any club further North than Oxford.
leyton orient for all
You know, Orient really dodged a bullet by not being allowed to share the Olympic Stadium.
>tfw West Ham's move to the Olympic Stadium is literally going to destroy Leyton Orient
>tfw nobody cares

;_; g-guess I'll have to find another team to support when my club inevitably dies...
I know, faggot. I'm saying bribing became MORE common in the 90's, because the FA's, UEFA and FIFA didn't give a shit if it gave them more money. You think that all the scandals with FIFA over the last couple of years only happened in those couple of years? The entire thing has been corrupt for decades, mate.
Fuck off ya wee specky four eyes
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One refs will lose their power and football will be miles better.
bro it was Anderlecht who bribed the ref, not Forest. why u on about english teams
Well, I just saw that Millwall actually managed to win a small battle against the council trying to destroy them.
*one day
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Fuck you Mou
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>BREAKING NEWS: Subhuman cunt is a subhuman cunt
Leicester are fucking shite.
>Argument ad Durr
Made me laugh harder than it should have.
Madrid, Barca, Chelsea, United, Liverpool, City for £40m+

Difficult, he's 23, but he hasn't played that much. Either a low-end EPL team or top end Championship team. Perhaps a newly promoted one. Mid table La Liga club.

Liverpool. Easy. He was born there and Liverpool need a LB.

Swansea or some team like that.

Probably a back-up for Liverpool. But could easily go to any team needing a back up. First choice for low end/newly promoted teams.

Mid table EPL club.
*Scoff* Sorry, I don't talk to anybody who's not a member of the UN Security Council. Good day, sir.
...I'm sorry but I have no clue what you're going on about.

Football's been corrupt since day 1. I know that.
He will replace Ospina/Szczesny as Arsenal's 2nd keeper.
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>take an argument
>rewrite it in caps with poor grammar
>add hurr, durr, and XD
>win the debate

>for £40m+


Fuck me, the fucking club doesn't matter, what matters is that bribing was rife in that era.
Adrian is an absolutely dreadful keeper

Ospina and szczesny are both world class and would start for any other team in the prem
Fuck off Kirino.
>Above Wenger
you what lol
I highly doubt it. Arsenal have Ospenis and Cech. With Martinez or whatever his name is coming up. Plus they signed some other GK youth a few years ago.
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>the Olympic Stadium

Chelsea. Lots of French-speakers and Chelsea desperately need a good CAM, Oscar can fuck off.

dont care

dont care

dont care

dont care

Chelsea. Don't care if he can't cross he's good enough for making decent runs.

Feels good knowing Conte got the Mafia involved in the prem.
That's my point. It's been corrupt and because of the big money in Asian market, it became even MORE corrupt, as the FA ensured that United were successful for the new customers.
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lol at this bitter ABU
bro that's deep
they're just kicking a ball around on a field, no?
Why are you constantly going on about United in relation to it though?

The original case had nothing to do with United whatsoever. They were a fucking joke back in the 80s.
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Pathetic. Even I can see this and I'm ABA.
I'd take Cresswell at Liverpool as competition for based Milly 2bh.
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[significant gap]

Poch, Mou and Ranieri should be under
I miss AVB
literally objectively worse than rodgers
I know, it's shit, but the FA wanted the money. I used to have articles about refs who came out to explain what happened, all I can remember is

>Ref gets chosen to ref a game based on performance
>Refs look forward to big games, at the time, United was biggest, it gave you more money for the match as a ref
>Refs were told to 'err' on the side of caution via decisions, with '50/50' going to United (this is backed up with United having the 3rd best penalties given and the 1st least given against irrc).
>Refs told if they don't do that, they'd be 'relegated' to lower tier matches, which gave less money and bumped you down the list for international games and finals (which is something refs want to do)
>This was further compacted with refs being bullied by SAF
>SAF had unnatural influence on FA
>The most obvious example is Fergie time, which the FA has encouraged to be 'joked' about to make it seem less serious now he's gone

Some shit like that.
>Koeman in the top tier
>Has literally won NOTHING.
Then how did Arsenal go an entire season unbeaten? Because of Fergie? no mate, corruption is not a United thing
They were a joke in the 80's, I know, I was there. My point is, the article shows that UEFA knew of the bribing evidence BEFORE they actually punished them. They got the evidence years before they actually claimed to have gotten the evidence to punish them. In short, cover ups, until it was financially worth punishing them, via PR on 'stamping out' corruption.

FA didn't do it by directly paying refs money to do it, they did it by threatening to bump them down to less lucrative matches so they lost out for not refing United matches. So many ended up just doing it.
He's not proven himself at all. Mourinho, Wenger, Guardiola, Conte and Klopp are the only elite managers in the PL.
do you guys think now that the players have decided they are giving up on this season as well and conte is sacked by the end of november that the chelshit board will realize the players were the problem all along?

cant believe we got rid of mou for this shit
They did it because Arsenal got lucky and people talked about them being the first unbeaten EPL team. So the FA would have encouraged that narrative the same way. It happened last year with Lester.

My point was, that United were largely the sole recipient of the help because it was a crucial time in Asia being open to Europe more.
Agreed, still believe Koeman is better than the managers below him though.
trip on faggot, chelshit got BTFO


>b-b-but 6-0 l-l-la!!!
>b-b-b-ut CL :(
>fuck de bruynes gf making him want to gtfo of the club
>make >us sacrifice cech because "muh prodigy" and "muh prospect" and "muh future legend la"
>start talking shit once shit hits the fan after playing like a bang average shitter for over a year

imagine bandwagoning chelsea
Love seeing you chelshit bandwaggoners get BTFO so badly
That guy is shit
Imagine being such a pathetic loser you get upset over someone supporting a different team

Yeah it's getting pretty bad, it's been such a steep fall from grace as well. At least Man United and Liverpool always looked like they'd bounce back at some point. It looks completely lost for Chelsea right now.
Fuck international breaks
I still don't understand why people are praising klopp tactics and team when they are just copy paste from the brenny era

Brenny's downfall was losing the respect of the players/fans, but when he had it he was a great man manager too
Elite opinion: SK Brann is the most likable team in Norway
Official PL Manager Rankings (based on current ability and past achievements):
1. Pep Guardiola
2. Arsene Wenger
3. José Mourinho
4. Jurgen Klopp
5. Antonio Conte
6. Claudio Ranieri
7. Mauricio Pochettino
8. Ronald Koeman
9. Alan Pardew
10. Tony Pulis
11. Eddie Howe
12. Walter Mazzari
13. Claude Puel
14. Slaven Bilic
15. David Moyes
16. Mike Phelan
17. Aitor Karanka
18. Mark Hughes
19. Francesco Guidolin
20. Sean Dyche
I played as a Norwegian team in FM once. Only cause they had a guy with 20 Acc 18 Pace or some shit. Forgot the name of the club.
>copy paste from the Brenny era

Rodgers' problem was he kept changing tactics every time he lost a few games, the season after Suarez left liverpool played about three or four completely different systems
Imagine being such a pathetic loser you get upset over somebody not liking what you like and making /sp/ unsafe with differing opinions :(
when are you lot going to understand that klopp and poch have NOTHING to do that far up in any ranking lmao
kind of this
Rodgers would just play a system that won him a game until it was found out regardless of the tactics of the other team

the would never change his tactics to counter the opposition

once he lost a game he would fuck about with random formations until he chanced a win again and then kept the same shape until it had been beaten

rogers had no idea what he was doing
Klopp won the Bundesliga twice and Pochettino got Tottenham CL football.
moyes is too low, howe is too high

dyche is spot on though
Great post

Its not about different opinions at all though. You just assume I'm a dick because I support another team. If I'm a dick or not has nothing to do with what team I support.
I think you are getting far too triggered by banter, this isn't a safespace friend.
>1. Pep Guardiola
>2. Arsene Wenger
>3. José Mourinho
>4. Jurgen Klopp
>5. Antonio Conte
>6. Claudio Ranieri

>Pep "I can only win with stacked teams and infinite money" Guardiola
>Arsene "Err, look, you see, err, we were, eerr, slow, i didn't, err, see, the foul, please think I'm, err, relevant :((" Wenger
>Jose "I can only win with stacked teams and infinite money, yet I can't even make it entertaining like Pep, OH FUCK PARANOIA IS HITTING AGAIN YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME REEEEEEEEEEEEE" Mourinho
>Jurgen "itz guud, gegen pressing style, op op op, gegen pressing style and I have lost so many finals" Klopp
>Antionio "Literally fucking who" Conte
>Claudio "I got fired from Chelsea when they got all their money and wasted it on utter dross like Crespo and Veron and Drugutu"
Only reason I put Howe high is because Bournemouth won the Championship, then managed to stay up in the PL by spending very little money.
>Klopp won the Bundesliga twice
with great players he didn't even found himself. everything else he made was really simple
>Pochettino got Tottenham CL football
was just being regular in a year where the others were abysmal
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I remember when Tommy Hoiland played for Sandnes and /sp/ used to look for Norwegian streams to see him forming meme arrows with his fingers after scoring.
Oh fucking hell, Cahill made a mistake, the players aren't pretending to be shit to fire Conte
what howe has managed to do is definitely impressive, he's spent quite a lot of money doing it though (although a lot of it on not very good players, so i suppose that makes it more impressive)
shut the fuck up
Regardless, the achievements still stand on their CVs.
Who's the chick on the left?
What's the kick off time GMT for Hillary vs Donald lads

I'm not mad or anything, and it's not banter if it isn't even remotely funny.
And? Say you support Arsenal in /epl/, they'll tell you to fuck off, Sosa will spam his 6-0 picture, others will tell you to go back to /arse/ and others reddit.

But that happens to pretty much every top team. United you're told to fuck off to customer support. Liverpool you're told to not to get crushed by being insulted. Chelsea you're told you're an oil club with no history or relevance prior 2003. City you're told emptyhad literally fucking who. Spurs you're called a kike.
Holy shit, you're fucking triggered. Not that guy, but I'm going to make it a pasta now. Thanks lad.
It isn't always meant to be funny, shit talking is shit talking
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that american olympic swimmer

forgot his name
He's right, it can be grating, but /sp/ is full of shittalking. It is literally like a bar. Except we can't see anybody and we're fapping in between shitposting.

I'm an Arsenal fan and we're hated, but that's the thing, being insulted has no purpose other than 'banter'. Are anons on a Brunei Etch-A-Sketch Animation BBS going to make me stop supporting them because they said MEAN THINGS. Nah, of course not.

But I do get his point, when discussion disappears or isn't posted in preference to shitposting, it can be depressing, but it depends on results. Chelsea shitposting will be up due to their loss to Arsenal, but when Arsenal lose, it'll be up for them. Same for every club.
Why did I just watch an 18 minute video of fire ants eating a cockroach?
columbine autism
>we're fapping in between shitposting.
imagine still masturbating in 2016
anders breivik
>It's against dross like, I dunno, Burnley, that they suck

You mean like Hull?
Just moved into a new house. Checking to see whether my housemates shitpost on 4chan and have already gotten my IP address banned.
>Not Odd
>Klopp coming off the back of winning the treble
>"klopp's a meme manager, he gets found out against the weaker sides. remember that 2-0 defeat to burnley a couple of years ago?"
Claudio got fired because Roman saw Jose won with Porto and decided he'd bring titles sooner

Any manager worth their salt could've won the league with the 04-05 Chelski side and I doubt Jose would've beaten the 03-04 Arsenal team desu
if pep gets called a meme despite what he did at barcelona then yes, Klopp will still be shit even after he wins the treble
Clearly not

You can shittalk them as much as you want
>le "alle er kjopelag utenom oss" man

Literært den Norske Sean Dyche
looking forward to motd2
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Member when Josie wasnt that outdated tactically
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Damn, only 1 home game next month for city,

9/28: Celtic (A)
10/2: Spurs (A)
10/15: Everton (H)
10/19: Barcelona (A)
10/23: Southampton (A)
10/26: Manchester United (A)
10/29: West Brom (A)
Pep about to get EXPOSED
last two games were away as well
is Islander supposed to be offensive?
Campaign against C̶h̶e̶a̶l̶s̶e̶e̶ City
Justice for Steve and Brendan!
https://twitter.com/ShantaStats tears
Who this
imagine not rating shanta
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genuine mental illness

>this is what the Ronaldo fanboys on this board are like irl
Le low test meme.

They're not going to fall against them all. It's just more likely than big teams.
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shat on
WTF does he seriously run this himself?
Apparently, even with all the supposed infighting at Madrid, Modric is the one guy who everyone gets along with.
Real Madrid seems like a miserable place to work. Have to tip-toe around Ronaldo and Ramos, and make one mistake and 80,000 fans will boo you for weeks.
>45 minute MOTD
Horrendous scenes.
>Robbie Savage on MOTD
Fuck this I'm going to bed.
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something doesn't seem quite right here
Karen Brady: We want to win the league

fucking kek
west ham are mugs
genuinely the most odious club in football. i would absolutely love it if they got relegated
i'd love if they got demoted to league 2 for their absolute shambles of a stadium deal
the state of this
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wakey wakey it's dyche time
>handegg season is back
>got a shitty Skype "oh it's so and sos birthday"
>remember she used to be hot
>remember she was on my normiebook
>went on there to see how she is now
>17 Mutual Friends
>'Add Friend'
>wonder why she removed me
>remember because she's fucking retarded and thought I was supporting terrorism by mentioning some bollocks about, even sent me a PM about it, but I dunno how to access it to see what she said exactly.

Laughing out load.

But, back to /sp/.

>BBC Sport pundits and commentators debate whether Jurgen Klopp's "electrifying" Liverpool side are genuine title contenders following a third straight Premier League win - an emphatic victory over Hull City on Saturday


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These are professional footballers.
>still go on about it
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Made one good save, other than that his entire defence basically were brilliant bar one mistake which he saved.

Mine is similar though. Iwobi was stupidly good. Though I fear the usual Arsenal Curse will fuck him over. Not that I mind that.
nice digits garth

Also, Liverpool are apparently going to be a THIS YEAR LA. Though that black ex-spurs player says it depends on Cotinyoh.
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To be fair, if Coutinho keeps goating it up. Lelanna and Mane keep going too. I don't see why not. Their main problem is defence. But my guess is, in Jan, they'll buy Cresswell from West Ham if they've not improved. Or maybe somebody else.

So, Coutinho gets injured, it'll be less likely. Mane, even more so. If any of their defence get injured, it'll probably be over if it's long term, their defence can't cope with quality attacks. The fact Arsenal's U21 team put 3 past them is testament to hat.
>100 more passes than the guy in 3rd
>the lynchpin in a side playing some great football
>also the highest distance covered so far
>everyone thinks hes shite and not good enough for england

Being able to crab pass isn't a fucking good quality. A player could make 10 passes and 5 of them ends in assists. Is he better or worse than the guy who makes 200 passes in a match and doesn't provide any assists? Or even assists of assists.
>De Boer: "Kondogbia? When a player runs around like a camel misplacing passes, I have to take him out".

fucking hell, can you imagine if Mouyes said this after taking someone off before the 30th minute?
De Boer is playing with fire there
Dirk Kuyt played as left-back in the world cup lol.
>40 mio for this
Any update on the Guardiola to Sunderland situation?
You act like Hendo is a no.10
Liverpool FC really isn't that interesting tbqh
but you already have moyes
> Olympic Stadium
There's no way Orient would fill all those seats and Spurs are building a new stadium right now. My answer: future NFL team?

> Payet
Real Madrid, PSG, or Bayern. West Ham will never sell their superstar to Chelsea or Spurs, and I can easily see one of the above three outbidding the other giants of the Premier League for Payet.

> Lanzini
Boro or Watford. Lanzini's play style can fit right into those found in either of the two clubs, and he'll have more playtime to develop than larger midtable clubs like Southampton or Everton

> Cresswell
Everton. Jags and Williams aren't getting younger, and they need defensive reinforcements.

> Reid
West Brom. He's a big defender, and Pulis loves his big guys.

> Adrian
Newcastle or Norwich. Both will likely be back in the Premier League next season and they both need a quality keeper to keep them in.

> Antonio
Crystal Palace or Bournemouth. He's a good midfielder who I think can be a bargain, and both Palace and Bournemouth love their English players.
>not wanting to see the memest double act in sporting history

Toure's agent was on to something here
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hilarious threads if you like laughing at west ham lads.
is it a genuine possibility that west ham could lose the olympic stadium if they get relegated or are people just memeing?

id love to see a 60000 seater in the championship desu
I'll one-up you.


> Muh West Ham way
They'll probably lose some sponsorship money and have to decrease their ticket prices to a fiver
Don't think so, unless they went into administration or something maybe
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>sanchez turns
how do you even make a mistake like that
Doesn't fucking matter what he is. Passing about a lot is fucking useful.

Fabregas had a Completed passes/total passes of 2278/2700.


Fuck me, lad.
He was a god in FM 14
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Off to the Olympic stadium next month and if >we take all 3 points then there'll be public lynchings in Stratford
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>yfw the british taxpayer has paid for the downfall of west ham
>winning games
Not everybody's job is making goals
i want >moyes and >mouyes together

why dont teams have co-managers anymore. i know liverpool did it in the 90s. instead of 1 manager who costs 1m just sign a brain trust of 10 that cost 100k each
>Alexis Sanchez turns N'Golo Kanté
what the fuck is this
Any update on the Conte to neetdom situation?
soon. finalizing severance as we speak
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It has to happen eventually, even Di Canio managed to win a game
He was out of the game, no point wasting energy chasing a lost cause.
>why dont teams have co-managers anymore
They do.
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>Are Liverpool genuine title contenders? [BBC Sport]
Did he not turn? I can't remember.

But, the odd thing is, they say Ozil's shot went in off the post. I thought he tried to volley it, fucked it up, it was kicked into the ground, bounced up and thus bypassed the defender and GK and went in. I don't think it touched the post...
Kante is just the embodiment of Chelsea's transfer policy. They see a player who's great for another team, then they sign them, stick them into their team with no plan whatsoever, and just ASSUME they're gonna be great as well.
>another ABL is /epl/

When are mods going to ban you lot? *sigh*
is anyone but city a title contender?

liverpool are liverpool
spurs are spurs
united are shit and got btfo by city at home
chelsea are fucking awful
arsenal already got btfo by liverpool at home
>I don't think it touched the post...
It did. He went for the volley, fucked it up, the ball hit the ground, then the post then went in from there.
Ozil was the one who turned.
I honestly can't remember, didn't pay much attention. I don't suppose you have a webm? If not, no worries I'm falling asleep.

Oh yeah, I remember now. He actually did a great run, gave to Sanchez, Sanchez gave back and he fucked it up (as usual) but got lucky cause it went in. How many goals does he have now this season? 2 or 3?
He did the same before too, somehow makes me think he meant it to bounce over the keeper, you can't stop a looped shot like that.
Is Conte the new AVB? He even sleeps in the stadium like AVB did.
Maybe I'm braindead, but I don't understand this pic, pls explain
Its finding the links between a reddit account and YouTube account of a 4chan -using man city fan, presumed to be the dutch (algerian) city fan
The olympic stadium is going to look weird in the Championship
>beat relegation fodder Chelsea
>suddenly /arse/ thinks they're the best team in the world
It's just funny at this stage. Every single year they have a few amazing results, as soon as the pressure/expectation is at it's highest, they fuck it up.
>that time 3 years ago when they were top of the league for the longest amount of time and finished 4th
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>4 Years since Sunderland have won a Premier League game in August or September.

It's certainly been a not very good ride.
Wasn't a lost cause though, he cpuld have reached Ozil before he received the ball from Sanchez.
you two talking about Arsenal or Liverpool

I genuinely can't tell
Why would /arse/ think Liverpool are the best team in the world?
>About 250 brave Spurs fans going to Moscow for CSKA game tomorrow night. Official advice: don't wear Spurs shirts outside ground. Stay safe


The 2018 World Cup will certainly be an adventure.
>he thinks /arse/ is only for arsenal fans
Liverpool fans are all over those threads.
At least they're not Newcastle
>fiucked it up
I think he meant it, a looping shot like that is harder for a keeper to save. Plus I thought Sanchez made a hash of the cross making Ozil have to move a little to get a good hit
England are going to get banned from the World Cup after once the fans get in a scrap with Russian ultras.
>going to moscow purely for the qts with a side of football
I swear at least once a year CSKA Moscow have fans banned from the stadium for a match due to racism or violence or something
I'm sorry but since when is Moscow a war zone? Fucking lmao
I really hope CSKA Moscow make the CL final next season
so serge aurier is going to jail for 2 months hahahaha at least meunier will have some play time
literally who and literally who
He can exchange it for community service apparently
Although not playing for psg is a service to the Parisian community in itself
>PSG are 4th in a one horse race
>since when is Moscow a war zone
Since when people started taking football seriously enough to kill someone over it.
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You can try but you'll never out-Garth Garth, m8
3-3-1-3 is the goat formation
>not 2-3-2-1-2
it's more like a 3-2-5 if you consider the type of players
I don't think garth Considers that
>Villa fan
>Sitting in Birmingham City home stand on derby day

It was nice knowing you, lads.
For calling Laurent Blanc a faggot?
is there a terrorist threat?
No, the teams just hate each other.

Like a lot.

We're talking Montague and Capulet levels of hatred

Abramovich won't be stupid to make such a decision as long as Conte plays his cards right with how he answers questions. If he were to be sacked by Christmas that would be telling to other managers in Europe that Chelsea aren't really worth it.

Conte will most likely be given a season to fix this steaming pile of shit they call a team and hopefully we'll see Zouma and Christensen playing for >us this time next year.
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>not for a month
Can't argue with much else

To be fair, Kante's weakness has always been the possession based teams that are comfortable on the ball. I suspect Man City will fully expose him.
Firmino and Hendo over Aguero and Gay
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Shame, you get a nice view of the local mosque peering over the stand they've left stuck in the past from the away end.

>Bellerin is not the best right-back in the league
>No Sanchez or Ozil
No chance I'd be able to get in the away end. I can barely afford home tickets so I'd never make the criteria.

Should hopefully be sitting in the family stand so it's not too dangerous.
i fail to see how playing jeff schlupp at centre back would be anything other than an enormous success
>Conte will most likely be given a season to fix this steaming pile of shit
Dropping Cahill should take a game desu, not a season.
Reposting from another thread since it's dead

I was busy all summer and wasn't following transfers closely, why did Chelsea sign Luiz who is known to be a shit defender when Mustafi was available?
>how can I submit myself to as many stereotypes as possible: the post
>strong as fuck
>can dribble the ball from one box to the other before taking a shot and hitting the roof of the stands
>can force a player off the ball like nobody's business

just a shame he'll think he's a striker and try to head the ball past his own keeper

Yes, and he probably will do that for Hull. Remember Terry was injured and Zouma still isn't back yet.


>why did Chelsea sign Luiz who is known to be a shit defender when Mustafi was available?

Well the offer from Arsenal would obviously be more tempting considering how there aren't any Germans in Chelsea and Arsenal has Ozil and Mertesacker.

Chelsea have generally been unlucky with transfers for CB's this transfer window; Koulibaly would be paid more by Napoli thanks to Higuain money and Bonucci would be paid more by Juve thanks to Pogba money.
Why would Mustafi go to Chelsea?
Containment thread.

Go back to it.
because they tried hopelessly to sign other targets who were unlikely to ever join before they panicked on deadline day and bought luiz as a last resort
>he probably will do that for Hull
I hope so, I really do, but I have no faith in Chelsea managers dropping defenders who are playing like amateurs.
>be Liverpool fans
>be obnoxious retards
>"why does everyone hate Liverpool, bunch of mentally ill ABLs"

because Chelsea tried going after Koulibaly and Romagnoli

Mustafi wasn't in the picture or didn't want to go to Chelsea. No CL football after all

There's no way he'll choose Cahill over Terry, and Terry is way overdue for his recovery.

When Zouma comes Cahill will be benched 100% and when Christensen finally comes back Cahill will fuck off to China/US and retire.
because Mustafi had friends at Arsenal and they could give him CL
Also he wouldn't have been a guaranteed starter with Zouma and Terry fit

Sorry to ask but what the fuck is an ABL/ABU/ABC?
anyone but leicester/udinese/charlton
Anyone But Leicester/United/City
an ABL is someone who is "Always Bashing Liverpool" the "L" can be substituted for C as in "Always bashing Chelsea" or A as in "Always bashing Arsenal"
>There's no way he'll choose Cahill over Terry
But what if he prefers Cahill to Luiz?
abl is leicester
liverpool is ablp
>liverpool is ablp
Liverpool is shit.
>When Zouma comes Cahill will be benched 100%
I don't know why every Chelsea fan is certain Zouma is going to come back utter quality. His qualities was being suprisingly composed along with his physical abilities. When you're injured for as long as him there's a good chance he'll never be that explosive again.
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Liverpool is ABS (anyone but slipperpool)
What's the next step of Conte's master plan?
It's clear to see he wants to play 3 at the back with Azpilicueta and Alonso as wingbacks but then what


In my opinion it will be something like

It will fail miserabley due to no creativity
Lel no
He was getting better but it was still largely hoof it anywhere under any pressure

He's complete shit to me until he proves me wrong post injury
>It's clear to see he wants to play 3 at the back
It's not clear at all.

He won't. Cahill and Luiz are both decent when Terry is there to command them but Luiz is way better on the ball and can provide long-balls as seen with our only good chance made for Batshuayi against Arsenal.

Cahill had his chance but fucked it up twice. First mistake was against Swansea where Fer equalised after Cahill's brain switched off and the second mistake was against Arsenal. He could've made more mistakes in the Arsenal game so he's done.


I know there's a chance Zouma might not be as good as he was before but Conte won't just bench Zouma after he recovers. Anyone is better than Cahill, question will be "is Zouma better than Luiz/Terry?"
It's in context, he's a 'young' African physical babby. He's much more composed than the other ones.
Iheanacho, Rashford and Iwobi are much more composed
He's done it once so far out of desperation

Remember he trashed baba for being too offensive which suggests he still isn't planning on wbs
>Andre Gray starts his 4 game ban for scoring against Liverpool
Why did Conte switch to a 3 at the back vs Arsenal then?
I think he wanted to get some game time in like that tbqh
Obviously talking about defenders mate.
Because they were getting trashed? Mou played 3 at back sometimes out of desperation as well, no one thought he wanted to play 3 at back as long term plan.
Omeruo was worse in every physical aspect, but better composure
just wanted to call Rashford african
Serves him right for complaining about racism when FIFA have completely eradicated it from the game desu.

I think he understood that with no hope in winning the game, he might as well experiment with the 3 at the back.


I'd take out Fabregas and place Oscar/Batshuayi there. He is easily dispossessed so he has nothing going for him in a more advanced position.
I don't recall Mourinho ever switching to such a defensive minded three at the back during a game, it was always something like Schurrle on at LB, never an actual fullback to play as a wingback to get back into a game
Oscar in
3 atb
Diamond midfield
Fabregas can fill the Drinkwater role better than Oscar imo
>Carlo won't be sacked we just won the league
>AVB won't be sacked he was brought in to clear out the deadwood and this was expected
>RDM won't be sacked we just won the CL
>Jose won't be sacked we just won the league and he signed a 5 year extension
when will they learn
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>Jamal Black Man
Different types of desperation. Would Chelsea wait so late for a fullback if Conte wanted to switch to a 3xy?
why did this picture have to be such high resolution

took me like 30 seconds to load and made my game lag smfh
>my game
What game?

This. He usually got tall players to fill up the manlet positions to make sure they won the aerial balls after the inevitable hoofball game started


>diamond midfield

So where do you see Hazard in all of this? At the CAM position with Oscar playing the B2B role?
Probably the new Fifa.
Old School Runescape
I'd play Oscar-Hazard-Costa in a 4312 as AM, SS and CF.

3atb allows kante Oscar cesc mf with hazard behind Costa

Would usually write this up but on phone now
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>today's game
>tomorrow's games
>next EL turn games
>friday games
Awful week
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I think Swansea vs Liverpool will be fun before watching Chelsea struggle vs Hull
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you forgot
>last weekend before international break

at least ''super'' sunday has a good game this time
>Cookie monster wanking
>Porto get slimanied
>Utd losing to zorro
>Balo red after racism in Krasnodar
>Soton vs team that beat inter
File: Is Shanta elite?.png (167KB, 590x582px) Image search: [Google]
Is Shanta elite?.png
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>the fucking state of this guy

It's not real right? He's clearly just fucking around right? Right?
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