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/nba/ General - Throwback Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 508
Thread images: 107

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I challenge you lads to get out of the house and actually play basketball this week

Something like this:

First for Sixers dynasty

First for Simmons and Embiid running train on the league for the next decade
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Posting /nba/ related workouts

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Nice quads but this is how pickup is done mate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j3UPzF2CCQ
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>working out

wew midget Jordan


desu I get up at 5am 5x a week to shoot by myself, work on dribbling, etc, it's a little autistic but it's the only way I can keep up during pickup games

i'm 6'0", played PF in middle school and high school and never grew more. so i had a big man's skills in a little dude's body

im really focusing on my handle and speed atm, but I'm still slow as fuck

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>tfw no athletic friends to play pick-up with
>most of them are either weebs or NEETS
>only have two friends who like sports, but only one plays
Nice digits tho


I had this problem too, I just sat around at the park near the basketball courts until someone asked me if I balled and if I could sub in for them. I just kept coming back and now I'm a regular.

Another way to do it is see if your gym has open court at a certain time, I know LA Fitness used to do it. They even had jerseys and refs and shit

Last option is joining a men's rec league, which I plan to do this upcoming year as well
keep working at it so one day /nba/ can infiltrate the nba
I skipped the band work, you should stretch out obvs but however its up to you


I should mention Jeremy Lin goes to my gym and I've played with him once or twice and he's a pretty chill guy, hope he does well this season
>hello I'm Dennis Stanton
>simulate the pass
>simulate the screen
>train at game speed

no, tbqh
>NEETs who don't play bball

now, that's hell on Earth senpai
How do American neets spend all that free time?
Last one, I'm going to try this one on Monday

I look at the ball sometimes when I dribble, trying to break that habit

>How do American neets spend all that free time?
they do what harry does
Reminder only cucks rep team broships
>not going to mlk park on the east side with the boys and calling out next

Do you even ghetto basketball?
Cheers senpai, I'll try them out today

>I look at the ball sometimes when I dribble
I never let myself do that, but I always look at the basket. Consequence of too much time not actually playing with other guys to pass to. Does mean that I've got deadly jumpers off the bounce though.
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i wish my ankle wasn't mush
Why would ypu post such an ugly picture? You need to go outside and make some friends
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>"ay cracka! watchoo doin here?"
>"oh i'm sorry i think i got lost"
>"get yo white bread ass up outta here"
mfw never went to a public basketball court again

I'm a pretty bad friend desu, I've learned not to bother meeting other people because I always end up disappointing them
disregard friends, acquire (You)'s
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fukkk shit just got real
>signs Demetrius Jackson to a guaranteed deal
>signs Bentil to a partially guaranteed deal
>has not signed Jaylen Brown yet

what the f is Danny cooking again?

sorry to hear that famalam
okafor trade, they're realizing he's a bust, but philly hasn't yet. Okafor for brown 1 for 1.
Then why are you bothering us on here?
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damn that actually sounds plausible.
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harry you are not my friend doe
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o shit
Show up call next with the guys hanging around the hoop. Talk shit and ball up in said next game. Don't lose the court.

That's it man.
>The signing of Brown can have been delayed for two likely reasons. The first was to preserve cap room for a trade or signing. While his cap hold is just under $4 million, he will probably sign for about $4.8 million, meaning the delay created an addition $800k in cap room.

>The second is that since 1st round draftees cannot be traded for 30 days after they sign, getting Brown under contract would delay a trade by a month. Furthermore, Brown would have a salary number of zero in a trade, which could also be important in a potential deal. If Brown is unsigned, it may be because he is being discussed in somewhat advanced trade negotiations.

tbqh I expect Brown to sign on Monday; but in the meantime it is fan to speculate
I already do twice a week family
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>twice a week
that advice is gonna get someone hurt
I go on runs on the other days, people just dont care much about basketball where I live. Luckily I'll be going to a big basketball college town in a few weeks and I'll be playing ball all the time.
Damn, Kobe fucking sold me on all those fakes and I'm just watching the fucking video

>I'll be going to a big basketball college town
Wish I could do that, the US sounds fun as fuck sometimes
Travel at 2:07. Changes pivot foot.

he dribbles before the foot touches the ground, this is legal famalam
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confirmed 7kt proxies/vpn's

its legal desu watch it again
I wish I could go ball at the park earlier but my city park's only open at sunrise

So for example, today the earliest I can go is 5:50am

Do you guys think I could get away with going at 5:30am? I work at 7 and I like to get a full hour of balling in, then 30 minutes to shower, dress and eat

I'm walking distance from the park btw, it's two half courts
>Do you guys think I could get away with going at 5:30am?
depends, but i would say yes. is your area filled with police?

There's no police station within 10 miles, but there is a fire station down the street. The only issue I see if that they are newly built condos right across the street and I wonder if people are going to get pissed and report me for playing ball too early.
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i wouldnt but i mean i don't know your area, just be careful and dont dribble too hard. and try to swish it when shooting cause hitting the back board, the noise it makes, is annoying af when you're trying to sleep lol
If it says it opens at 5:30 then you're doing nothing wrong.

yeah you right senpai, i'm looking at sunrise hours rn and it looks like it varies from 5:50 to 7:00, so it's kinda fucked


they say "sunrise" on the sign, ima have to call and clarify because that's like a hour difference depending on the time of year

I live in Murrieta/Temecula no meme, it's pretty chill here for the most part

Maybe Knicks fans, but TWolves and 76ers fans are pretty much based

If Simmons ends up being half the player he could be, and Embiid can give them a Yao like 5-6 years, this might be fun
Embiid is gonna be a quicker, stronger, more athletic Yao that will shoot and make threes
No thanks. I already go to the gym. I'd rather stay home and watch anime.
>tfw handsome, buff, and smart, but watches anime
You forgot Israel lad
That's disgusting breh. She could be licking some dangerous germs
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My current 30m workout, you don't see 3 pointers because I don't have range past 18 feet working on it slowly though

Squat dribble is just getting low and dribbling without looking down, left and right hand then crossing over

And "around the key" is just going through all the markers in the key starting furthest away and making a post move or bank shot... Around the world style. Make it, you advance, miss u gotta keep going til you make it

Its basic but if you keep good pace its a good workout
that is digusting, thats like telling a girl you're stronking your dick and then licking your fingers wtf brruh
that's not sanitary at all
Did she wash her hands and her reproductive organ?
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>tfw /nba/ is getting /fit/
You are not working out by doing drills. I guess you're working out skills, but you're not really working out. Maybe if it was one on one, but since you're by yourself, it's not really working out.
Don't kid yourself that you're working out.
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Is this how NEETS justify not do exercise?
>tfw really want to go play ball but haven't played in 4 years
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Wew i can taste the salt from here
what should he do then? play pokemon go? leave him alone. if there is a small amount of cardio involved he is working out a little.
It's exercise, but barely. Running miles and pushups would give you a better workout.
It's because you're doing it by yourself.
Also, I've been lifting for years now. I think I know what I'm talking about you filthy fucking casual.
Don't confuse the terms exercise and workout.
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Literally what
Throwing a ball in the hoop is not a workout. It is a drill.
Since his "workout routine" consists of tossing a ball and ,I would assume, light running to compliment, it BARELY PASSES AS EXERCISE.

Most of us play ball because we love it doe i dont love running a mile on a track

Plus u are arguing semantics everyone has a different idea of working out who knows what his fitness level is
Then don't run a mile. But you're deceiving yourself into believing you're actually working out if you are playing ball by yourself. At least one more player would be sufficient to add intensity to it.
Is masturbation sex?

Im not going to write an essay because im not german and im on mobile atm

But your idea of exercise is flawed imo, obviously the ideal way to get cardio is 5v5 bball but not everyone has 10 friends that play basketball
>comparing masturbation to circuit drills

Nice bait desu im not biting Harry
Running is not the point. The point is there is no intensity in his "workout" because he's simply shooting the ball. There is no defender. He probably lightly jogs to the rim or whatever.
>actually lacking the ability to compare the analogy with the argument
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Read his post again, specifically the last part

I swear to god, you 15 year olds really piss me off
your workout isn't any less of a workout just because someone calls their exercise drill a workout too.

maybe add some reps of manning the fuck up? like, 5x stop defining yourself relative to others, and 15x pondering ways to overcome your personal insecurities every leg/chest day.
>He probably lightly jogs to the rim or whatever
If this is the case, you're right. But if he's doing this stuff at full speed, with all the correct footwork and head fakes (essentially imagining a defender) then it's a hard cardio workout, and it should be - no point in shooting fresh, you need to be able to sink them when you're exhausted.
I don't see your point. /sp/ full of non-fit retards who think simply shooting a ball is a workout.
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>Is masturbation sex?
An exercise drill is not a workout. You can call it that, but it's not.
Is that tranny a girl? You can call it a girl, but he's not.

We will have agree to disagree then, guy
no im right, you are wrong

Ok. Im going to work out now anon
this has to be the worst crosslink of all time
ya blew it greece

Thats some inception shit nigga
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i'm gonna go work out my anime backlog and work out my schlong doing so, if you catch my drift
no i dont, please elaborate


Is that German for sausage?
3x24 mins of intense concentration with intermittent bursts of physical activity targeting a certain muscle group
Mind if I safe your pepe?
sounds intense, remember to stretch first senpai
>a certain muscle group
which muscle group do you speak of? im curious now hans!
biceps, triceps, chest, and the muscles of the lower arm
Are these all the muscles that are used when whacking off? If I don't exercise and just fap can that explain why I'm so tense in my upper body? I fap with both hands by the way
i'm not sure it's all of them, but i guess that's the gist of it, biomechanically. the tension in your upper body is probably psychosomatic btw, maybe you're trying to repress your carnal lust for lance stephenson
ayy nice projection
true aryan's dont masterbate, hitler would have shot you by now. pathetic.
So who will win Rookie of the Year, Simmons or Embiid?
bertans motherfucker
Damn it is dead in here. Don't tell me all the bros are out at church lmao
If I guy told a girl he was stroking his penis and licking his semen do you think she'd be turned on?
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Fuck dirk dynasty
I'm the best trip here
You're my hero
I wish I loved it as much as you do. That's dedication in its purest form and there's nothing I respect more
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thats not saying much

7kt is ded
atleast his name is a clever joke like duck dynasty

you need to have a witty trip name to get respect
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I bet Embiid posts here
He's the world's greatest shitposter
Fuck you, go wizards came about in an incredibly organic way

I have to root for someone in the playoffs
m8 I'm Embiid fuck off
What's up harry. The worst part about being banned is not getting my guaranteed (you) from you guys.
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wonder how you got banned
>What's up harry
>from you guys
harry is guy's now. this little nigga is mid nervous breakdown
>2 years in a row had second pick in 2k draft
>2 years in a row the first pick didn't take the best prospect
okay game
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>responding to posts made 12 hours ago
>not bat shit insane
Draymond's plea deal on assault charge: $560 in fines, no jail time

>/nba/ BTFO
and then with the 5th pick I get the second best prospect

I imported this year's draft class and I got jaylen brown, Brandon Ingram and Kris Dunn
It was sweet
Most cops aren't going to do the paperwork for an assault just for slapping a guy

If he hadn't been famous, at most he'd have gotten disorderly conduct and just spent a night in jail
I've been playing basketball with some friends once a week or so for the last month. I'm bad at shooting and ball control but I'm ok with defending and making good passes. Teach me how to /NBA/ friends
first get the name right
Green was arrested July 10 in East Lansing after police saw him slap MSU football player Jermaine Edmondson, who has since been released from MSU's team to play elsewhere for his final season. MSU officials have said the release was not related to the incident involving Green.

>get's donkey slapped by the goat
>get's released from his college team soon thereafter
Scottie Pippen is top 15 all time

don't @ me
>Scottie Pippen is top 15 all time
>don't @ me
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>>Scottie Pippen is top 15 all time
>>don't @ me
Virgins - all of you
nah mate

grill eating semen = as god intended
grill eating her own juice = like drinking piss, abomination unto nature


No, Boston just knows that we have a logjam and need to unload someone. Okafor's value is lower because of that.
>tfw she sucked her pussy juice off my dick
>we have a logjam and need to unload someone

No, you have Megaball
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Does Joel Embiid have the strongest Twitter game in the NBA?
Is he actually a model train guy or is that just a meme?
How can he find clothes that are too big for him at Old Navy?
Who's a more likely /nba/ poster Hinkie or Embiid?
Well, Hinkie is unemployed, but Embiid spent the last season laying in hotel rooms and drinking pitchers of Shirley Temples

Tough call tbqh
please don't harass tim duncan, people
They look like they're ignoring him

I could totally see him moving to Arlen and hanging out with the guys in the alley. Not sure about drinking beer tho

Yes. He's going to be one of the most popular players in the league once he starts playing. He's got a Barkley-tier mouth and gives no fucks.


I'd say Hinkie.
That sounds like a regular price to pay
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>2 minutes into first game of the season on 2k
>rose gets injured
>having rose for any reason
I'm playing against him
Oh ok m8
Shams Charania @ShamsCharania 49m49 minutes ago
Sources: Beau Beech, undrafted sharpshooter out of North Florida, will sign a partially guaranteed one-year deal with the Brooklyn Nets.

league btfo
He's a white guy. I saw him play in summer league
god shamsgod 2
he was transfering prior to the slap, read up on it desu
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noticed something interesting

Melo is as tall as Jimmy Butler who is listed at 6'7", derozan has two inches on both while also being listed at 6'7"
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LMA, AD and Boogie are all listed at 6'11", while durant is listed at 6'9"

Klay and Green are listed at the same height (6'7"), but Green is a inch shorter, Harden is listed at 6'5" while being taller than both (with a slight camera advantage)

compare 6'7" klay thompson to 6'6" kobe bryant

CJ is 6' 2.25" barefoot, with his eyes at Klay's mouth level, that makes Klay 6'6 barefoot at best
Anyone wanna play rocket league
your gf already asked me. i gave her my rocket
They're standing further forward you goof

>with slight camera advantage
hello...is anyone here????
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Guess you don't wanna get schooled
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Realistically, the Knicks aren't winning fewer than 50 games. But do you think they can reach 60?
Jesus Christ she's hideous.
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What did he mean by this?
kissless virgins detected
If they get to 40 I'll suck my own dick.
Realistically they'll win 35 games and Rose will miss 50 games
Neither is possible
the LA media said he decided to quit ambien but he is making it clear is drug addiction is here to stay
Niggas gotta get his 8 hours in
I'm neither kissless nor a virgin, and I think that anon should kill himself. If that was you, kill yourself
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>Panthers lose Superb Owl
>North Carolina loses Champion to a meme chuck
>NC native Steph Curry chokes the 73-9 record away
>Charlotte loses All Star game

what else can go wrong
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Lads, help me pick: Mr.Robot or Marco Polo? both seem good, but I still can't decide what one I should watch first

btw, LeBron still hasnt signed with the cavs? what is he waiting for?
Neither's great but the first is better

desu I'd seek out another show
They don't have any good shows in Venezuela?
>liking men
Suggest me some shows then, UKbro. I've had a lot of free time lately so I've decided to spend it on watching shows

Nope. The shows here are either shit, DC/Marvel shows(Flash, Gotham, LoT, Agents of Marvel) or your usual cringey comedy show
Lebron is taking his talents to da (oak)land.
>da oak
it's obviously da bay, are you new?
That's a shame.
As my man Seymour Butts suggested>>69705659
Daredevil is pretty good even though it's a Marvel show.

Farscape is entertaining once you get past the whacky costumes and makeup. It's set in a different part of our universe or galaxy so there's aliens and stuff. I'm gonna leave it vague so you can learn it all yourself if you decide to watch (if you can)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking midget? I’ll have you know I was drafted first in my class, and I’ve been involved in numerous playoff games, and I have over 25,000 confirmed points. I am trained in dunks and I’m the top shooter in the entire national basketball association. You are nothing to me but just another bench warmer. I will sweep your team with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting J.R. and your girlfriend's IP is being traced right now so she better prepare for the pipe, faggot. The pipe that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your penis. You’re fucking dead, Steph. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outscore you in over seven playoff games, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in scoring, but I have access to the entire roster of the Cleveland Cavaliers and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable team off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
don't fucking @ me again
my new workout goal is to be like this ole boy right here.
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too bad you can't go back in time and get a 6'10 southern nigger to fuck your mom
>mother is 5'10
>father is 6'1
>i'm 6'4

Nah I'm good fampie I don't wanna be any taller than that.
you got a tall mom bro
is she hot
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okay, daddy was a player, I respek dat

in 1988, watch old home movies of mom and dad when she was preggers with me. She literally looked like a pregnant barbie.
>dating new girl
>says she has an IUD
>inviting me over tonight

should I hit raw? pls respond
cum in his butt
USA vs China thread

I'll fucking @ you whenever I want and you'll love it bitch.
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Also wtf is Pipe doing? He hasnt resigned and hardly any team will be able to pay him as much as he wants if he leaves anymore
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Post players that you can't hate no matter what team you are a fan of.
No pic, but how can anyone hate D-Wade?
The organization shafted him.
Magic won the title in 2018 on my 2k save

Based Vucevic
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lmao why tf these niggas trying to bang down low?
he really went right at Jordan, kek
Did you guys know Karl malone has a hot daughter
I can't imagine the kind of BBC she takes
but knowing how Karl is a reverse racist, it might be BWCs
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>went to sleep, woke up, watched youtube for a few hours, played gta for a bit, turn on my laptop and this thread isn't dead yet
dont forget he is a rapists but people seem to forget that in utah
are you implying his daughter is out here raping dudes?
this thread started 90 minutes ago
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>mfw I replied to the wrong thread
Karl Malone hates Black people more than the KKK does
i demand an apology
>current year
>using a laptop on /nba/ general
>posting gifs

hello 2007 4chan
Against the warriors? BASED
>Karl is a reverse racist
he's a black guy who hates black guys

he's a redneck desu
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Timmy Timmy Timmy Turner...
Yeah actually

I'm personally fucked though, literally nobody is entering free agency
What team you got? What players?
just got back from playing ball, im dead tired lads

felt good though, watching the usa beat up china
How many mins per quarter do you lads play on MyAssociation? I play 4 mins per quarter, but that's because im lazy to play 5-6 mins per quarter and playing 12 mins per quarter seems like full autism desu
I dont usually play games on MyGM but if I do its 6 min. on MyCareer I play 8 min quarters
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1. Fake headbutt to guy's stomach when he's taking an open 3
2. The Chair Pull
3. Slapping the backboard on a layup to look cool
4. dunking (<6'4")
5. dunking (>=6'4")
one of the better memes is you fags think these guys look good. they have genetics and the mental drive of putting a ball in a hoop from a young age. they make millions from something so easy. hahaha wow. remind me why youre breathing?
What did he mean by this?
Is it okay if I ask a Canadian to issue apologies?
Nets, Derozen and a bunch of top generated rookies
Best free agent of the window was rated 81 so I couldn't do shit

Nets is kinda awful to play desu, since they have none of their own picks you always help the ai by playing bad
1 is jump shot on the free throw line
>Derozen and a bunch of top generated rookies
How did you get them? Trades?
Traded for picks early (had second pick two drafts in a row) then in the last draft I traded the picks I had around and after about 10 trades I ended up being offered two rookies from higher up than my initial picks (second best PF and SF in the draft IIRC)

2k's problem is that if you have a top player the only thing the ai will ever negotiate for is them, so even though I have something like 6 first round picks in 2019 I can't get anything in a trade for them
>usa woman vs us men select tommorow

how bad are the men going to rape them?
Why was Sam Hinkie always considered cold blooded who looked at players as nothing more than assets? I mean, when the players refer to him it's always as "Sam", and it's always in such a manner that there was a genuine relationship here
chair pull only works on scrubs
a good way to show off on a defender who's lacking is just walk up to the free throw line and literally take a free throw
This isn't really going to happen right?
>ball in a college town

Get ready for every chad and brad to try and relive their high school glory

they just announced it on the usa vs china game

i hope the nba doesnt make the select team lose on purpose, seems like something silver would do
I like drafiting in 2K. Its pretty fun to see players develope. Also if you even need a good 3pt PF in 2K get Chris McCullough. Hes cheap
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I play 6 mins per quarter on MyCareer, but I gotta say it's one of the game modes I rarely play.
It gets boring real quick, especially when the AI fucks with you
>NBA 2k
How do I stop missing shots when I hit the green? The game seems to cap me at 12 points, then everything just starts missing, no matter how perfect the shot is? I even missed 2 green FTs
Just looked it up. It's women's select team vs women's USA team
sounds like Curry in the finals
What gamemode, player, and position? and overall
Could it be that I've just gotten so comfortable with shitty animations? i use Kevin Duckworth's Jumper, Chris Aldridge's FT

My Career, PG, 74 Overall
Duckworth was a big man, why don't you just get Kyrie's or something
AI also fucks me on Association whenever I play agaisnt. HoF difficulty is pure cheese desu
because it looks so dumb.

ah that makes sense
I just hate the big men who cant play defense or make layups or rebound
I use Dame's or Gay's animations. forgot which but both are good for my 6'5 pg
I just watched a video with Duckworth's shot, why are memeing so much at me young man
need some decent bball shoes that wont cost me an arm and a leg

what do you lads recommend? pls no meme shaq shoes
because hinkie's critics wanted people to believe he was actually incompetent and just playing nba2k in real life with spreadsheet formulas.
>I just hate the big men
new shaqs
D Rose makes some cheap shoes, and he makes some just for playing on outdoor courts for the poor chitown negroes to afford
but ofcourse, these shoes fall apart if used too hard for too long, fucking cheap for a reason
Might as well buy the Starburys at that price

>tfw I remember Ben Wallace and Marbury had $15 shoes at a discount clothing store near me
>chitown negroes
what did he mean by this?
The African American population of inner city Chicago
Lillard 1.0's are going for 70 at footlocker, not bad for a decent sneaker
some CP3's are 70, too. I had some CP3's a few years ago and I liked them, besides the fact their low top

Low top are the only good basketball shoes DAMUIBROYHBWMAMS
yeah, if you don't actually play
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kobe wtf.gif
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>besides the fact their low top
just buy new ankles while you're at the store
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should I cop?
I prefer lowtops desu

What is that?

>buying shoes made of yarn

Lowtops are goat, high tops are for swag fag manlets


What are those? Mambas?
new USA Kobe 11s
only reason I'd get them because they seem like they'll be rare soon
>17 points in 19 minutes
just give the Warriors the next 5 titles already
not if my doctor says I need high top :(
it's hard to defend high tops when all shoes are low now, but better safe than sorry
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>tfw i missed the friendly vs china
>tfw someone is pretending to be the trip stalker when thats actually me

Fwiw i like gowiz and 7kt but tripfags are cancer and thats true no matter what
>playing against chinks
I could prolly drop 20-25 on them in 19 minutes desu
fucking squidwards house looking nigga
t. michael jackson nose having ass nigga

t. Wu tang clan listening white boi
t. listening to Coldplay makes me woke because no one I know listens to Coldplay ass, vaguely ethic, probably mexican ass bitch boy
>probably mexican ass bitch boy

t. 30 year old failure who works at Amazon and is slowly dying of diabetes
t. ol bitch ass 16 yr beaner, has no real hobbies or interests, couldn't make any of the sports, probably idolizes the Chads at his school for being so good at sports, not even educated enough about sports to become a PE coach, even though when he's a fat fuck at age 40, that's the only job he could hope to get, ol bitch ass can't grow any facial hair guy

Meet me in Temecula
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where amazing happens
meet me in 3rd ward
This is the whitest insult I've ever read
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I let Karl-Anthony Towns leave in free agency
kys on cam
I was trying to think of the whitest band a mexican would listen to that makes him think he stands out amongst the other beaners.

I am actually mexican, so kudos for that, but I'm half german as well
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really makes you think.
quit it motherfucker, I'm the original decker fan
Not him but, I'm a straight beanbag and that looks good as fuck, so I'm sure he'd like it.

pls dont you'll summon the full german
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are you now?
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keep it /nba/ related and quit spamming the same pic. take your shitty forced shit somewhere else
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simmons lads
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>forced shit somewhere else
>posts fat chuck image
new thread
>180 posts early

Come one man
Are you retarded?
Lebron goes to college when/
honorary doctorate from osu
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what you lads doing? watching Drive rn, maybe some NBA2K later
go to sleep, young man

im neet desu
Just got back to the gym, bout to play some MyTeam.
me to desu, still wake up early so I have some kind of structure desoo
how was the china game, only saw highlights.
>be china
>get btfo by 50

just give us the gold already.
is the anon who worked out at 5:30 here?
>tfw throwback edition
how did it go m80, did u get in trouble? gibsme ur shooting %
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fucked around and got a triple double. 23/10/11 43%fg

don't false flag me lad


Pretty good mate, I get winded easy at my weight but I shoot 50% on everything, free throws were 80%

313 or so atm, but yes I hope to be down to 260 by Christmas...off to bed lad, I need to get up early.
senpaitachi this bread still not at 500? the shame
quit ban evading 7kt
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While /sp/ was busy celebrating "da land," obviously you all forgot the simple fact that this championship is tainted by the fact that the NBA draft lottery was rigged in their favor.

The Cleveland Cavaliers, improbably, managed to win 3 out of 4 recent NBA draft lotteries, one of them even despite having less than 2% chances of getting the top pick. The odds of the Cavaliers winning the 2011, 2013, and 2014 lotteries were 13,467-to-1.

Yet, they JUST HAPPENED to win all three of those draft lotteries. Those "lucky" top draft selections were what made it possible for them to draft Kyrie, trade for Love, and then sign LeBron in free agency. There is NO fucking way this happened just by chance. NONE. This was a blatant rig job by the fucking NBA.

Remember that next time you celebrate "da land," you fucking tards.
>tfw 7kt is grease
you need to take into account the 100 posts per thread that are deleted
I actually thought about playing basketball tonight. I go back to work tomorrow so that looks like it's not happening
>MLK Park
This sounds like New York, where I'm actually going in about a month.
I don't think I want none desu. I'll stick to playing basketball with the out of shape plebs in my eggball dominated state and feeling like Kawhi Leonard
How mad?
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that face when /nba/ is dead
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confirmed 7kt proxies/vpn's
>New Zealand
>Bestbrook finishes the season in ___________
Guess right for a million dollars.
Probably goes to the faggot ass lakers
who does better next season the memes, the bulls, or the knicks in terms of W/L record?
the finals
Why would they trade for him if they can just sign him in FA?
>inb4 because they're the lakers
>inb4 because they're retarded
memeorriors - they will win 60+ games
Some type of NBA courtesy thing I guess. Just like when the Heat gave the Cavs some stuff when they signed Lebron. Basically out of being courteous because I don't think they were obligated too

"Basketball reasons"
so..october right? damn, long way to go...
pls come back 7kt
Look on the bright side, we got the circus in Rio for august, and then when eggball comes back we can watch a superathlete like tom brady
k, im here.
>and then when eggball comes back
i hate handeggdiveamerican5secondsofgametimecommercialforbeer ball
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tim duncan gay.jpg
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>mfw lowry is fat again
night /nba/ im going to sleep early so i can lift weight in the morning and get some gains.
don't forget to fap first
>tom brady
suspended 4 games
i have no doubt whatsoever that Hoiberg's super team will make at least 74 wins.
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>Back to Back MVP
>Best Team Ever 73-9
>1-1 vs Ref Ball
>Signed Durant
>Klay's brother got hurt and hasn't played since July 10th
>Draymond nearly went to prison for life
>Ayesha became obese


bad webm desu hinkie wouldn't approve
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curry shits on nba.webm
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meme rapper and meme player desu
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1 of his vpn's might approve! who knows?

I honestly wish Hinkie would come here and say he's leaving and never coming back so your dumbass can go get a life tbqh
damn that chick is hot, almost 18 too

>wake up to Harry having an identity crisis

just another day on /sp/
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hes dirty as fuck. but respect for him not being a meme player
where's that shitposting faggot joel embiid at
givin da white women sum BBC
giving them something else too
All the Americans are sleeping
Should people who can't defend at all like Harden even be considered good?
Yes. Nash was good
But what benefit is scoring if you're giving up easy points right after
come on britain this is basic math. if you put up more points then you let through you're doing good.
You can hide a guy like Nash or Harden on defence, but stopping them offensively is much harder without great team and one on one defense. If you don't have everything in your offensive locker (Nash lacked athleticism if anything, and Harden really has it all), then it's possible to stop you (see Bradley on Curry), but otherwise you can't really stop a guy like Harden from getting his 20 points a night, and when he's on fire it's actually impossible to stop him within the rules.
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what if teams stopped running back and forth on the court and just had a guy stand under the rim or on their 3 point line the entire game
think about it
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the only way to stop it would be megaball
Someone's owner (I think it was the kings) legitimately wanted their team to cherrypick this year
How do you summon Bulge-kun?
You hide Harden by putting him on a poor shooter and have a decent defender at PG.

Harden's badness at defense it kind of a meme. He gets lost sometimes or doesn't make the effort but he's actually a decent one-on-one defender and is one of the best players in the NBA at steals (which, admittedly, is a meme stat but does show he's not completely useless).
spencer dinwiddie
unzip dik
>all these old threads up here

What happened to /sp/? Nobody posts here anymore. Just soccer fans.
these threads are only active when the german anime man is posting
Mods ran off most of the users here. /sp/ is dead. Reddit place to be now unfortunately.
fuck no, the faggots on /r/nba are literally the worst people in the world. I would rather die than converse with one of them ever again.
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>your favorite player will never be as good looking as my favorite player
how does it feel?
I actually went on /r/nba today because of how dead it was in here. Apparently they use this shitty thing called "streamable" to post highlights and I simply asked if the frame rate for streamable is always that bad and they all spazzed out on me: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/4uit32/usplash2ndcousins_look_back_on_the_2016_season_in/d5pzlph

One of the guys straight up lied saying the frame rate problem was on my end and he gets upvoted then doesn't respond to me.

Terrible people, not going back there.
There has to be a third option after "getting my sports news from /sp/" and "getting my sports news from reddit."
The nature of reddit incites users to prioritize getting the highlights up as fast as possible over having good quality since whoever posts it first is the only one that gets karma, no matter how good the quality is.

Looking at the rest of comments in that thread all jerking that guy off is a pretty good example of how cancerous reddit is.

Message boards. /sp/ was perfect so there's no replacing, but those days are gone. Moderation literally killed this board so unless you're a soccer fan Idk why you'd even come here anymore.
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>ever again
message boards are dying out la
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>mods killed the board
>broships killed the board
>harry killed the board
>7kt killed himself

make up your mind! i think it's shitty anons like you and mentally ill tripfags that are the problem
from the thread
>insane dude...as a major lurker, minimal poster I gotta say you're the man and keep up the good fucking work. Splashhhhh cousinsssssss, put the sub on his back doe

What the fuck? Is this really what reddit is like? You're telling me this is unironic?
I upvoted all your posts on there that'll show em
also lmao there's 10 highlight posts in the OP and zero actual discussion in the thread

state of reddit
Hey Harry
Give me a (you) or two?
Fuck it, I'll take an indirect (you) too
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I'll take it


Charlotte confirmed for chimp out.
Harry this pasta isn't as good as your old one.
>Power Forward on Portland Trail Blazers
>Defending AD
>Dirk and C.J. jump in front of me and block me from guarding my own man
>AD shoots over them
>Makes it
>Defensive breakdown
Fuck off.
>go to Ohio State
>want to root for the Lelkers because I like D'Angelo Russell
>can't do it because every Lelker fan is a cocky piece of shit

I hope he gets traded desu
That shit needs to go in 2k17
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I like when a guy's running clean to the hoop because the ai's fucked their assignment

If you try and defend the rim from them and they pass it out to your man it's you who gets punished for a defensive breakdown

So the best action is to just let the ai score
The gm mode in 2k16 is weird

I flat out can't trade for Russel yet the Timberwolves are willing to give me KAT in a trade that favours me heavily
Russel being D'angelo Russell
That wasn't clear
DO IT. And I can never seem to get Russel either
>CJ McCollum 4-year $106 million dollar contract extension
>Dennis Rodman averaged 18.7 rebounds per game in 1991
holy shit, dude was ridiculous
It's because of the way the types of franchise work in it

Lakers are rebuilding and rebuilding teams will never trade a high potential asset. Then he becomes great so they'll never trade him even after rebuilding
Meanwhile the Twolves want to win soon so they'll swap KAT's potential for someone like Cousins who's slightly better right now
>The Thunder have reportedly discussed Westbrook trades with the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, and Bucks (@AdamJosephSport)

wow i totally missed this

lol wut
I think this part is the most important of the article:
His defenders over the years have argued that Jordan did not have to wage the fight for civil rights and mutual respect that many of his socially-conscious predecessors did in the 1960s and early 1970s. They said that Jordan’s ability to amass wealth and power after his playing days was the next rung of activism for the black athlete: the development of an economic blueprint that featured actual majority ownership in an NBA franchise. And with that wealth and power came the ability to not just advocate, but take action.
Today, the Hornets have more people in color holding top front office positions than any other organization in any major sport in North America. Since its inception, the Jordan Brand, valued recently at $2.8 billion by Nike, has always had an African-American CEO.
Keep in mind this was during the golden era of big men. Rodman was seriously unreal
We should all listen to Michael Jordan. He's a perfect role model with a great moral compass.
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lmao its happening. green+mills+picks for westbrook
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Race relations were not as magnified when Jordan played and Civil Rights movement was an afterthought. The only major race related events when Jordan played were Rodney King and OJ Simpson. I was at a conference at MIT a few years ago and it showed how minorities used mobile devices a lot more to communicate compared to whites.

What MJ is doing is assuring that minorities and the police have good relations with one another. A good first step is to have cookouts with the police instead of protests. We haven't seen horrid race relations with the police in Charlotte.
I'm just as surprised as you are. The Bucks most likely just wanted to dump Monroe on the Thunder. Then again, Monroe said he liked New Orleans
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>I was at a conference at MIT a few years ago and it showed how minorities used mobile devices a lot more to communicate compared to whites
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not going to lie, if this happened id be jelly

If we can get him for that. I'm down
I got a half chub
If Westbrook were to come to sa, they wouldn't trade green and mills. It would be like Parker, and Murray and picks for Westbrook.
what greek team do you support in Greece famulim?
What's your honest opinion on 2016-2017 greek basket league?
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>spurs get rid of a gay player
>spurs sign another gay player
makes total sense now
Cj McCollum just got 106 million
whoa hold up there champ! keep it /nba/ or gtfo
I am sorry dude, won't happen again I promise.
But I can't just go and open a Greek basket league thread now, can I?We get enough ridicule as it is.

he has to go in order for it to happen. they can start simmons who could be his replacement which even though he is a 2nd year player it wouldn't hurt them because they would have Westbrook/Kawhi/Aldridge.

I could never see them trading Parker tbqh. Duncan, Manu and Parker will all retire with the Spurs. It has to be between Green/Mills/Anderson/Simmons/Murray
MJ is normally not a very vocal person when it comes to social and political issues, so it's nice to see him make a big statement and back it up with some cash. The donations obviously make this more concrete, but him using his voice means the most imo.
MJ is famous (or infamous) for not taking a stand on political things, especially ones that involve people of color. His famous line 'republicans by shoes too' kind of tippified the default response for athletes for almost two decades. Its good to see the king of marketing take such a measured stance on such an important issue. He isnt choosing sides, hes actually trying to create change...
I was skeptical until I saw this. Up until now we've only seen athletes talk and 'spread awareness', Jordan really put his money where his mouth is and actually did something to help fix the problem.
Michael Jordan will forever be the GOAT. I can't think of another player who this late into their career can still release political statements at the highest level.
But seriously respect to MJ and this very poignant statement
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you don't gotta go home but you can't stay here

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>implying this isn't /basketball/
We can talk about /nba/ if you want.
I quite enjoyed Lebron's super sayian mode last season and I expect to see some insane finals again next year.
Although to tell you the truth, I think the goldens state is going to lift the trophy.Too much star power, me thinks.
Always skeptical of paying a ton after one standout season, but he's proven to be a hard worker and improve year after year. Happy for him and hope it pays off for Portland.
I sort of wished sport stars don't make political statements especially in this day in age.

I don't see anything wrong in athletes advocating for certain things
They have a platform, they should use it
like mental illness?
Brandon Marshall did it
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please keep it /nba/ related. there is a thread for hand egg
Haha wow you did it again
Which team would people care the least about being relocated
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on a side note...

nuggets or kongs
I've never got why Royals/Kings is a US sports team name in the first place

Like the whole gimmick of america is having no aristocracy
it's only a sports team Nigel, who cares.
Were the kings of thew world
we was kangs tho
>not using the $1 tier to build an entire rotation
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told [X]
not told [ ]
Lebron and four random people from the $2 range
This picture is so stupid because according to that logic the Warriors team would cost over $20
Nuggets fans would care about relocation at least, if no one else did. Anyway, the contract with the Pepsi Centre last until 2026, and the Kroenkes' are in for the long haul in Denver - they own the Avalanches too, I'm sure.
>actual Cavs team would be over $15
give me 2 lebrons and everyone else...

i win...
2 lebrons, me and my friend Harry(both free) and 1 z-bo
Wow I just googled it. I can't believe they're still going back and forth over the deflated balls thing. NFL trying to keep itself in headlines during the offseason once again
Me too man, except for the superbowl
Harry will play center in a deadly dwarfball lineup
tfw trying to move a team to Alaska in 2k
MyGM or League?
>AP Sources with @ByTimReynolds: Dion Waiters has agreed to a 1-year deal with Heat for $2.9M exception.
What is Dion-anon gonna do?



no wayy lolololol


my rec league is pretty based they have different skill levels ranging from old fat men trying to get in shape to college basketball players who still try hard
/nba/ can't even get triple digit unique posters in a thread anymore

sad tbqh senpai....
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>sad tbqh senpai
mygm just to see if it's even possible

I can hardly relocate to big cities. I don't even play GM anymore because of bitchy backups
wow even i make more a year than dion waiters now
In the Playoffs

Dion Waiters
8-3-2, .520 TS%
(2.9 Mill over 1.)

Harrison Barnes
9-4-1, .474 TS%
(94 Mill over 4.)
can't argue withe facts

Harrison Barnes > Dio Waiters
/nba/ is dead bros... we might as well not make a new thread.....goodbye bros i'll friendship was fun while it lasted but we dont need no more threads...remember the great memories and dont drag the /nba/ name through the dirt
>lower training intensity
>hey can u please raise the training intensity pls K thnks (repeat for like 3 other different fucking people)
>raise it
>You broke your promise, you asshole!
>post yfw "can you lower the training intensity please?"
/nba/ was never good, all just forced memes
someone make a good thread the other one is not /nba/ related
Thread posts: 508
Thread images: 107

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