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Who's going to win the war? My money is on the russian

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Who's going to win the war? My money is on the russian after today.
> English victory

It wasn't.
>be england
>have your game won
>Pyrrhic victory
means a hollow victory
rip nigel
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I'm in tears
>Hard to Kill Rodgers
fucking dies
great OC OP
who /wantsUEFAtobroadcastthefighting/ here?
>My country doesn't qualify
>Still best euro in years
PSG fans and BBB and Torcida against Turks tomorrow 2bh
The Irish havnt even arrived yet. We got this shit
>1000+ slavs
what are you on about, it's always like a dozen of russians chasing 100s of bongs left and right like it's some bizzare disney cartoon

I really want a hooliganism table here. We might have a chance of coming at the top of that, though mainly on number of fight than how good we are.
Where do you get this?

Odkud ti ova informacija?
Oh crap, are the Hajduk loonies going to the Euros? Dis gonna be gud
really it should be an initial English decisive tactical victory accumulating to a decisive Russian victory at the stands
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>regular lads who sit around drinking carling all day and engage in some cheeky banter
>send ex-spetsnaz mma judo black belt siberian gulag warriors along with a battalion of T-90 tanks to destroy the city of marseille

>P$G "fans"

You mean the Kop of Boulogne is back together?
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Its because your real hooligans are there. When 2000+ of ours have had to surrender their passports during the tournament. They are beating up lads on tour, not hooligans
What would it take to really tip things over into insanity? ISIS? A Russia/Ukraine match?
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Being Slavic Is Like Being Given A Gift From God.

An advanced super race, with their own languages, customs, culture, traditions and a rich history. A people who stand strong in the face of imperialism and West-European stupidity. Strong economies, strong armies, strong nations, the proud Slav stands armed and ready to defend his pure nation from the wraths of sub-human, Germans, Turks, Anglos, and other sub-human, animalistic, Western animals. Oh how I thank God that I was born a handsome, tall, perfect Slavic warrior.

With dual histories, one from the great Slavic warriors, discoverers, inventors, and intellectuals and another from the grandeur of the Slavic masters of Eastern-Europe I can proudly stand tall and say I am proud to be Slavic, and I will love my land until the very last day.

Long live the Slavs.
what the fuck is wrong with white people?
some media say the Boulogne Boys were already fighting the eternal anglo in Marseille.

after all these years of banishment they are hungry.
Having the english, welsh and irish in one city.
>French Units Involved
>Drunk England Fans
I kek'd hard at that
If ISIS did anything it would turn into a full blown racewar
Who are you and what have you done to my sides

Also, add to this there is no gay genes among Slavs. Being gay is a genetical deformation spread among Anglos.
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naw man it was 200 russian men dressed in all black with knives bbc said that they wouldn't lie would they
>20 good men
I'm pretty sure it was 20
They can't keep getting away with this!
I read that was a Russian earlier.
>strong economies

fucking lol, couldn't make it past that
I'd stick a tenner on Northern Ireland and Poland. That's a tag team I could get behind.
Thought it was a Russian tbqh
Bucket hat screams russian
Old enough to have been there. The film you posted was the worse it ever got and it's still more civilised than just the shit we've seen in France by now, two days into the tournament.
>person names a .gif whatever he wants
>must be true

>BBC reporter

more like 2 russians who didn't put their knives in the bin
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That lad has found his weapon of choice, bet he's still hanging on to it right now
were these riots worse than the ones in '98?
Don't claim innocence here. You guys are HATED as tourists around Europe for a reason. Drunk, loud, and completely classless. Not all of you, but way too many
*the worst it ever got
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The only way this semen slurping sport would be any fun to watch desu. (to be honest)
>send ex-spetsnaz mma judo black belt siberian gulag warriors along with a battalion of T-90 tanks to destroy the city of marseille
kek spot on, clearly an ex boxer
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>that guy at 0:34 trying to get everybody hyped up
I fuck a lot of slags whenever I take my summer vacations in Greece. So I dgaf.
These groups could really do with some kind of battlefield tactics and logistics support units to maximise damage.
Lol I noticed that. Great punch. That dude looks like he can fight
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but they did actually invent a lot of things, and we have them to thank for the space race.
Sitting here in the middle of the night discussing English and Russian retards turning a shit, poor city in southern france into ruins

what a strange world
>not a single photo or video of any of that outside of like 50 fans chasing fat Brits inside of stadium for a minute
didn't they also report that our fans were kicking women and people in wheelchairs? No photos of that either
the niggers of europe are the niggers of europe

the plastic chair is ineffective used as a missile

ranks are poorly formed, no cohesive front presented to the enemy

This. There's a reason for Cops, regular frogs (including ultras from two clubs that hates each others guts), arabs, russian and whatnot to ally against the eternal anglo.
Yeah you don't, but the locals hate the Brits. No real problem with the rest of the Euros
actuallly looks like hes using his knee there
The tactics are extremely simple imo, and you can take a bit from the Romans;

The biggest lads go in front, while the others stay back holding the line throwing beer bottles, rocks and handing chairs to the big lads.
last time I went to marseille there was rioting too
that was somewhere in the 2000's, on the french national holiday
Its strangely comfy. It was the same with the London riots.
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>thousands of scousers arrive in marseille via £5 ryanair flights
It would be like a horde of orks storming the city
He did, possibly a kick boxer.
Don't forget Russians have been fighting wars piss drunk since forever, drunk russian>drunk brit

>yfw putin has been training hooligans to delete west scum and mussies

This kraut

This statement is so profoundly true, on every level.
This is better than the football tbhfam. Fuck the Euros, fuck the World Cup, just have a month long city-wide fight, broadcast it on telly. The commentators will be some old school ICF and Bushwacker blokes, and they can fight it out between themselves as well. Then we get some Guardian columnist to go "look at these working class thugs. Makes me ashamed to be English. Notice there's no muslims though" to make the middle class not feel guilty watching it.

Believe me when I say that Marseille has seen FAR WORSE than this.

And even then, nothing of value would have been lost.

I suspect the French governement to let this nonsens happen so insurrance companies can then rev up their taxes. Maybe i'm a bit paranoid.

In any case, enjoy the show, it's on the litteral house.

fun starts at 6:30
>Daily mail starts an offer that if you can prove that you've ever been banned from a pitch they'll give you a free flight

England reannexing its rightful clay.
It's strange. The English can produce some of the best human beings possible: smart, talented, classy, etc. and some of the worst trash you can imagine. It's puzzling
Just heard Tommy Hatcher's on his way down to France. He's a fackin animal.
i'm guessing this is the corteo leading up to that big chase on the square where the anglos ran away domino effect style
I don't understand.
Those Russian fans can afford travelling to Europe(worth 3 monthly salaries), and for those that don't know: normal Russians don't even have passports.
Yet they end up rioting
This is why we love /sp/.
war is fun when it's just a big fist fight with some lads throwing garbage around

>nothing of value would have been lost.

You've never been to Marseille. Believe or not it's actually a nice place to live
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absolute madmen
>travelling from paris to marseille just for beating the eternal anglo
Russians travel. I've been to the Dominican Republic many times, and it's crawling with them, so much so that the signs at the hotels are also in Russian
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Englel getting BTFO on and off the pitch by the Reds
Even fucking Brazil managed a more orderly tournament lmao
dude, russians travel

I've seen them everywhere. Sweden, Finland, France, Turkey etc.
>In 2014, an estimated 40% of Marseille is now Muslim, and it is predicted that Marseille will become the first Muslim-majority city in France. Marseille also has the 3rd largest urban population of Jewish people in all of Europe.

What the fuck France
Most places do. You usually don't see them in Canada because they live literally in the middle of fucking nowhere
It's only a 5 hour flight from Moscow or St. Petersburg to Southern France and they travel a lot, what the hell are you talking about?

> You've never been to Marseille

Apart from every month when I get there on a boat from Ajaccio in order to do deliveries in all the PACA.
Also my accomodation is at Désiré Clary, near Belsunce court.
And I usually find some 420 @ the Gambetta alleys while i'm around

So yeah, I know this shitty town, maybe not as well as you do, but still. You can't tell me that you enjoy this shit.
I too have been to Crete where they have fur shops for Russian tourists, but those are all just oligarchs and such that launder some money (why else would you buy fur coats in Greece?)

However I wouldn't expect some oligarch's son in rioting.
With the current Rub-Euro exchange rates a normal Russian has to save up all his money to fly to Marseille and watch 1 game. It's about €250/month now I think.
Needs to be nuked.
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>tfw all the worlds conflicts will never be solved this way

Also, our hooligans are all fucking banned so this is basically just unfair really, the French and Russians all have their actual hardcore ultras and we just have a couple of chavs who have drank too much Stella.

These odds are stacked.
>Russians think it's a good idea to attack the fans of whoever the fuck they're playing before every match
>host a world cup 2 years later

yeah, enjoy having your families murdered in revenge.
Some rich Russians do travel but the average Russian is piss poor unless you believe Rub-Eur exchange rates are western propaganda.

I don't understand how the absolute underclass of Russia still manages to come here.
>Expecting the French to not run away and surrender all the goddamn time
Why do those Russians wear short shorts? Looks gay as fuck desu.

It just became a joke at this point. Please find some oil in the quartiers nords and fuck my shit up senpai.

Mec moi aussi je suis corse...
Franchement je prefere 1000 fois Marseille a Paris, j'ai vécu au deux endroits
spartak fans were so obsessed by the fact they got their bones broken in 2008 in zagreb that they came to ukraine from moscow to join some local firm to fight BBB

zenit fans attacked smaller groups of hajduk fans throughout the whole day in 2010 and then came with KGB, helicopters and delta force on the away leg
then after that embarrassment had the audacity to come to latvia when hajduk played there 2-3 years later just to fight them.
It needs to be ethnically cleansed, the city seems beautiful
Mate russian police will not permit any shenanigans
They dont fuck around
>yeah, enjoy having your families murdered in revenge.
By English fans in Russia? That'll surely end better

Theres a bunch of russians all over Cancun bro. Specially in playa del carmen.

the second time I went, my host was working in playa del carmen and he said there were a lot of russian women over there and what not.
Russians aren't going to just attack English fans, they're going to attack everyone they come across
>Muslim locals start fights with Britbongs
>Britbongs retaliate
>Britbongs fault
Liberals will deny this

Oui enfin comparer la merde au vomi on avance pas des masses.

Mi face piacere di vede un altru Corsu a nantu 4chan. D'indu sè?
True Russian Naval Infantry Shorts
rip the lad in the last shot
Dude, look at what that little piece of land has produced. Tons of brilliant people. Scientists, mathematicians, inventors, great generals, etc. Go to mainland Europe. Ask a local about the English. They will tell you they are absolute garbage, and I've seen it with my own eyes. Huge gap in the quality of people there. Kinda like you pigs.
the best part is, the lefties and muslims go to twitter to post about how uncivilised white people are.

because a few brawls are less civilised than your region of the world being in a gigantic clusterfuck of civil war where people post videos online of novelty execution methods
This. Hope the Welsh and Slovakians have their anuses prepared.

Especially the Welsh, who are currently chatting shit.
The same way the underclass of any European country travels? Probably some shitty Russian budget airline to Germany and then on an EasyJet to France.
Not a chance. It'll just mean more Russkies showing up to beat the shit out of everyone.

Yeah, I feel a bit sorry for yas in that sense.

Everybody wants to have a pop at you, and you aren't even allowed to bring your A -Team.

Well, good work lad.
What do you think the "hooligans" are there for?
>Putin literally raped me
Have you been fed that much EU/NATO propaganda?
> French, Russians and Muslims start a war because the sounds of a few singing Englishmen annoyed them and they felt disrespected.

> it's da English dat be chimpin out!

Wogs begin at Calais.
Maybe so, I'm not too informed about this. I just know Russians go to the Carribian quite a bit, more than any other Euro, in my experience. I see some German, some Spanish, some Italian, some Brits, but mostly Russian.


right, because webm is really catching on
Average russian fan salary is 25÷35 000 RUR 350÷450 EUR per month. Poorfags have TV to watch games
>Sing No Surrender
>get killed by Russians

Passe me saluer si tu passe du côté de Grossetto l'ami!
i bet it was also some muslim locals who started the fight who the anglos dindus in 2006.
True, if the Slavs unite with the Anglos it's game over for the sandniggers

Polish - Russian - Croatian - Irish - English kebab removal

doubly gay

> Englos can't even respect the national anthem or their opponent
> Expect not to be treated as the shits they are

Is it just me, or does the Slovakian team look like a bunch of skinheads? I mean, half of the team is covered with tattoos, and that includes the neck. They look more like a gang than a team. Roughest looking team I've seen.
non-Anglos just cannot comprehend having a bit of a sing-song after a few bevies with the lads.

they see it as an act of aggression and can't stop themselves from launching organised attacks on England fans enjoying themselves
they don't even have to unite
anyone of those can do it on their own

sandnigs are weak fucks , but in fights outside of football they always get support from the police
we just go to mallorca and spain in general

that's our hub

germans who go elsewhere are pretentious faggots
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No we don't. There's going to be a bag of tins, a bit of messin, trying to shift a french young one then stand back and watch the tans and slavs murder each other
>Also, our hooligans are all fucking banned so this is basically just unfair really,
Pretty sure Russian Ultra's don't murder other teams fans and get their entire country kicked out of European competitions every time they go abroad.

>brit talking shit about the Navy.

What is this shit?
Nah, we baited them good and proper. Booed their shit anthem and let the world see them chimp out after the game.

Before this we were getting all the blame but now the Russians are getting most of it.

Perfidy is our middle name.
Average Russian traveled to Egypt and Turkey every year before crisis, idk what you're talking about. It's gotten way worse since then, but i bet these people either hitchhiked somehow or just saved up money for months, it's obvious they came prepared and not just drunk idiots like British
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Like that time in 1998 when the englos killed a cop?

Seriously dude, in my book englos are even worse scum than any shitskin. Do you even République Francaise?
Yeah I do think if we hadn't banned our hooligans the French at least wouldn't stand much of a chance. Judging from the videos of their 'ultras' they look pretty weak.

However still think we would get our shit pushed in by the Russians.
They really did, I have been to Slovakia and there were a lot of shaved heads about.
All this fighting just makes me sad lads. All I wanted was for all of us to get comfy watch the Euros in peace.
yeah, respect the anthem of people who literally committed murder against your fans earlier that day
>Pretty sure Russian Ultra's don't murder other teams fans and get their entire country kicked out of European competitions every time they go abroad.
The fuck are you talking about?
Aside from England choking their lead the riots have been comfy as hell to watch on here and more entertaining than all the matches

And you wonder why this shit started in the first place. You'll always get the blame in any european heart, Russians are bro tier apart for some butthurted Germans and Poles.
All navies are super-homosexual especially the British one. It's pretty well known that despite conquering half the world the navy was built on "rum, sodomy and the lash".
Same feel
Everywhere they go they have to chimp out.

Here is a video of Basel in 2014.


Probably some muslims local who provocated the english dindus.
>Russians are bro tier

you're delusional
Russians arent even human tier
I didn't read it off the webm title. Someone reported he was hospitalized.
>Russians are bro tier

this is so phenomenally wrong lol

russians are among the most hated people on earth m8
>Based Russians Ultras flew to Switzerland and drove to Marseilles to bash English cunts heads in


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>Russians are bro tier
It was always gonna kick off because Russian ultras travelled specifically to start shit as well as muslims from every mosque in France travelling to Marseille, England fans were just the vehicle.
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you are finally showing your true face
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if you were allowed to bring just 10 of your sickest cunts, would you wager on them to win against a couple dozen of putin's elite hooligan squad
Honestly, they look like guys you would see in jail. They play kinda dirty, and have rotten looks on their faces. If they had a brawl with any other team, my money is on them.
>At the British Inquiry into the disaster, Peterson testifies against Ismay, condemning his actions, but Ismay is cleared of all charges and the blame is placed squarely on the deceased Captain Smith's shoulders. An epilogue states that "the deaths of 1,500 people remain un-atoned, forever a testament of Britain's endless quest for profit
Our ultras are scum, but French police has to take a ton of blame for this too, there's been so much talk about extraordinary safety measures and our fans managed to brought fucking petards to the game and there was nobody around when they attacked, our small-town police handles that shit 10 times better.
nice one Ahmed, fuck off back where you belong

> Englos talk shit as they always do, taunting womens and arabs, calling them Isis
> Get rekt by said peoples
> Try to retaliate
> Get rekt by french riot cops
> Russian ultras are drew near by the smell of a good fight
> Cheeky englo banter ensue
> Get rekt again
> So butthurted because "muh hooliganz", that they boo their opponent anthem, embarassing themselves in front of the world as the coward they are.
> Russians retaliate again.
> Get rekt again.

> Inb4 dindu nuffin

Proving my point, right here
> trying to change the topic

This situation is well documented - the wogs started a war over singing. You're an arab.
why you don't realise that even far right ultra specialy came to marseille to beat the anglos chavs and pakis?
Fair enough, but some do vacation in winter, and Spain really isn't an option then. You can always tell which guys are North American or European by the length of their shorts. This is foolproof.
You are retreating into non-arguments
did anyone actually died?
2bh its sad your country is in such a state of disarray that shit shit is happening. remember when france was first world?
A soccer - the great European sport LUL
Nah, roids and krokodil beat 12 pints of Stella and a bag of coke.


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the ultras haven't started anything yet, they're just getting a little warmup in
I do, I literally said that in the post you just quoted.

You haven't quite mastered English yet have you?
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>Britain's endless quest for profit

D-delete this
His point was: there is a reason your people are banned but not the Russians. Brits cause the most problems, that's why. Remember France 98?
Russians = Human
Brits = Orcs
French = Night elves
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>Everywhere they go they have to chimp out.

Is that what its called when PSG fans get their shit pushed in every time Chelsea turn up in Paris
Seriously though - we're probably going to get punished for that shit at the stadium since we're already on probation after our retards boo-ed black Czech player in 2012, probably going to get -3(-6 if they're actually harsh) in 2020 Euro qualifiers
That's like saying good looking women are the cause of rape.

Wogs can't handle singing. Singing hardly causes problems.

Krauts talking shit about Russians is quite comical. These are asshole who cannot ever stick to their end of the deal.

Despite all the problems Russians have they will always stick to their end of the deal.
When they say you are their friend they will come to your aids when you are their enemy better watch out
I do, don't remember our fans killing anyone.

>here is a reason your people are banned but not the Russians
Because the Russian government doesn't give a shit?
Im not arab
but your ancestors acted like arabs and have been expelled by the brits. They should have genocided them.
boys this was just a warm up for whats going to happen when Poland plays Ukraine
ah yes. has he instituted sharia law yet? have the regular beheadings begun? didn't think so

meanwhile, france was literally falling apart even before the euros began
>Unfortunately 2000+ of our lot had to surrender their passports during this tournament
Okay, I need to know. Wtf is a wog??
England fans are banned because they've been identified by English police and been given bans.

Russia couldn't care less about banning them. They've got bigger problems on their home soil. Their murde rate is 5 times higher than the USA ffs and they're shooting each other every day.
>England fans singing to themselves with some drinks
>ISIS sympathising Algerians are angry at England fans for singing about ISIS and for drinking during Ramadan
>Algerians attack English fans outside pubs
>England fans get the blame
>French police just toss tear gas everywhere because they don't know what they're doing
>English people who aren't even near the action are tear-gassed, including children
>Russians come along after openly making plans for months on how they'll murder English fans
>literally murder English fans who are again just singing and having a good time
>French police do absolutely nothing, English fans have no choice but to fight for their lives
>English fans yet again get the blame
>in the stadium English fans boo the Russian anthem after Russians had killed English people during the day
>Russians end up trying to attack English families after the game ends
>once again it's English provocation

I didn't know there could be such a level of butthurt that you'd delude yourself this much

You never put any on the table in the first place. I predicted the butturt Germans, and here you are. It doesn't need further argumentation
>Implying no one remembers the past two days
Nice try britbong. Stop acting like a Liverpool fan and accept that you started shit but won't own up to it.
There were 10 English yobs in the square,
There were 10 English yobs in the square,
There were 10 English yobs, 10 English yobs,
10 English yobs in the square.
And the Ultras from Russia kicked 1 down,
And the Ultras from Russia kicked 1 down,
And the Ultras from Russia , Ultras from Russia,
The Ultras from Russia kicked 1 down.
I can't really see anything happening though, all they could feasibly do is deduct points from you and I just don't think they will.
Wogs, arabs, all the same.

Australian convicts were usually people who couldn't pay their debts, not hardened criminals.
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my money is on ukraine 2bh
>Surrendering your passport to Dodgy Dave
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Nah you said some bullshit about mosque you eternal anglo kike.

come with your locals "gangs" next time you will maybe stand a chance.
poland and ukraine don't hate each other afaik

unless some ruskies stay in the city
in that case...RIP marseille, you won't be missed
>getting so upset you forget how to type
France pls stop
> The Irish are marvellous singers, songwriters and poets.

Apparantley fucking not.
You can't into English properly init. Fuck off paki boy, you're only up this late drinking milkshake because your pedo god wont let you eat during the day.
>Russia not ork
B-but.. my Mordor
Was thinking the same, they'll probably gang up since iirc they both hate russians
Im white and my ancestors have never been expelled from their country and none of them were subhumans convicts. Unlike you.



ain't like the good old days abroad, was it lads
But I used 'are' correctly, you sound a bit wound up mate.
Polish fans hate the Ukrainians because of muh UPA and muh Wolyn, they fight all the time
my grandad is Ukrainian

he hates Polish people more than anyone else, and he was locked up in a labour camp by Germans KEK

no idea why though
England Turkey final. It would be plastic chair stalingrad

Looking at his butthurt must be some abbo blood in him.

Must be the petrol he drank last night.
There were 6 Irish counties on the land
There were 6 Irish counties on the land
6 Irish counties
6 Irish counties
6 Irish counties on the land
And the English from Britain took one down
took one down
There were 5 Irish counties on the land
Why doesn't FIFA suspend the Russians then if they won't control their hooligans? They gave them the next World Cup ffs. You can't control Russia, nobody can, but you can lean on them. Why haven't Fifa done this? This all comes from fifa's pressure, you know that right?
>Im white

They do hate e.o.
>There aren't videos of you guys singing about ISIS and trashing property on Thursday.
>There aren't videos of you throwing shit at police on Friday.
>There aren't videos of you guys throwing chairs at Russians then getting BTFO

I find it funny that Liverpool fans get so much shit from other British people when at heart you guys are all the same. "We dindu nuffin". Yup everyone just decided to attack English men randomly. Also no English fan died. You guys are the masters of propaganda. Even BBC are reporting blatantly false shit. That "fan" killed was a woman who attempted suicide but lived.

I'm not butthurt, just amazed by the guilibility and sheer stupidity of your people.

Anglos are killed not French, just another good day for the République by my book.
Meanwhile everyone knows (at least in europe) how much you like to banter and pose as the greatest thugs of football. Evryone remembers quite well your visit to Marseille in 1998.
I'm just sad there wasn't more englos scums on the ground really.

And fuck allah, before you pathetic "t Mohamed'
Makes no sense desu, It should go up in counties owned rather than down lad
> Im white

Sorry, but wogs begin at Calais.

Source: Winston Churchill.
so who would you support Ivan?
people see the english as a high reputation target simply because of our past. that's it. these russians and other slavs idolise the british hooligan culture of the 70s and 80s. the reality is english hooliganism is all but dead and they just battered a bunch of jumped up drunk chavs
Both of these are fucking dreadful.
>Don't film fucking help you prick

Like four people there already doing nothing, let the man document the bants
Russian fans already said that they're actually uniting against Polish with Ukranians, they're the bigger threat or some shit, dk if it's actually true.
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Yeah, not "asian" like yours mayors.
I don't know anything about this little squabble. We don't learn anything about Ireland ever.
>w-we were only pretending to be real hooligans
we know that
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Polish fans are some vicious bastards
pic related weapons confiscated from them before a game
Because they are corrupt.

You think Russia and Qatar are actually hosting the World Cup because they are the best choice?
Some damn fine Adidas gloves
>Anglos are killed not French
what about all those french splattered by muslims in all those terrorist attacks france has?
I think it's bs tbqh
Who has won the brawl between poles and russians in 2012?
How rekt will the English fans be if they qualify for WC 2018?

To be fair they're so cucked that they can't even distinguish shitskin from any anglos.
yeah they were. thats the point

most of the firms got completely fucked by the police here years ago
>nothing personnel
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What about it?
I hope you don't think this is somehow unique treatment towards England fans

Russians are going to do this to every group of fans they meet
"asians youth"
thats how they call their organized rape gangs.
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Where's some suicide bombers when you need them
Therell be a genocide on moscow, theyll parade dead englishmen as a show for putin
>thinking a Mayor actually has any power
They are pretty much on the level of town crier, literally just an old tradition used for show.
>one 13 years ago
>france has had 3 in the last year

ahh yes, very impressive
>1 terrorist attack over a decade ago
>france has them every other month

not comparable is it mate?
Imagine if a euro event were ever held in Eastern Europe. That would be such a shit storm.
That was over 10 years ago. Not had 1 terrorist attack since. You had 2 in the last year, you're still in a state of emergency

ye don't learn anything about anything ever, it's no wonder america has their head shoved so far up their arse

America please

>Trying to bring a katana into a game.

Top kek.
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>A katana
Lol I'd loved to see somone brings that to stadium up his pooper
you mean like 2012?

honestly its embarrassing poland/ukraine can organise and secure an event better than fucking france these days
Last Euros was la
Why can't HOSTS of the tournament control them, at least at the stadium? Shit like that hasn't happen in Russian in probably a decade, so we can control them here.

I'm curious, if in 2018 WC Polish fans or something start steering shit up, are you going to critisize Polish federation or you're gonna whine about us again?
Poland/Ukraine last time?
imagine that
so what group is instigating all these fights? the news outlets here all blame the russians

That's probably why they sided with Marseille and Paris kops to rekt some englos scum the last three days.

Truth is far simpler, everyone hates your guts, and smile when an englos scum hit the ground. Glorious day for Football, by everyone's book apart your butthurted one. Even welsh fans are probably more celebrating the KO of your scum fan than their victory ahainst Slovakia.
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the main question is how a fucking paki could access to this post.
English start shit before the game
take the lead 1-0
probably talking mad shit to the Russians
Russian tie 1-1
Throw shit at the Russians
Russians rout the English
Proceed to kick English ass outside the stadium

how will the British ever recover from this
2012 was fine aside from RusPoles fights.
>secure an event better than fucking france these days

Not really they are both former Warsaw Pact nations with traditions of security units and rounding people up.
Yeah, can't imagine how fucking terrible that would be.

One could argue things like Rotherham are worse than terrorist attacks
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>the Euros get hosted in Turkey

In ten years it will be ten years ago. Btw far more of your cucked peoples were killed that day. And curiously not any "i am london" showed up.

Go figure.
frankly this, England can easily control it's own loudmouth football fans, and Russia can somehow control it's insane lunatics

as soon as you put them in france, the police response is to throw some tear gas in and hope for the best
I wonder why that is

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the governments of those countries don't have to constantly concentrate on problems with a certain population group....well, at least the polish one doesn't
you would imagine russia wont be in a state of emergency at the time of hosting
>paddy wanker fans on the news chanting football's coming home ironically

so sad we don't give a shit about them and they're obsessed

I forgot you guys have real police.
2 more group games. More brave Englishmen will travel over for knock out rounds. Hopefully we draw the Russians. Probably someone will die.
Do you want to play that browser game were you pick a team and you are an holligan just beating whoever you want in the city?

I don't remember the games name...
Because social media was barely a thing back then, you cretin.

Point is your inept security services, much like your inept police force, cannot keep your country safe.
>he says as he makes a post on 4chan about them
Oh dear.

Don't you understand that we enjoy this shit? Even if Marseille was burned to the ground it would still be worth it.
The tear gas is only to add a bit of fun. I hope that all of them will die as the brainless tards they are, and that they'll do so in an entertaining way.
>One could argue Sweden is now Somalia
>I give a shit about slags from care homes getting abused by inbred pakis
Our ultras already came prepared to fight(it's a small group tho), but English certainly didn't help when they boo-ed or anthem and tried to chat shit by insulting Sharapova
Im pretty sure the ruskies consider this challenge against the anglos as a joke compared to the one they had against the poles in 2012.
sound logic this
>>I give a shit about slags from care homes getting abused by inbred pakis

that's true if anyone in your country cared about the native population it wouldn't have happened
>in ten years it will be ten years ago
French education system in action.

Also 56 died in 7/7 including suspects.

137 in Paris.

Check. Fucking. Mate.

>insulting sharapova

why would russians be offended at brits doing banters at an american?
I think they booed your anthem /because/ you attacked them in the streets, to be fair.

Salut ami CSien!
Not only you don't give a shit but your faggy police and pc brigades covered the whole thing.

>france getting this butthurt

they used co-ordinated suicide bombings on 7/7

in the paris attacks they literally walked around shooting people and the police did nothing

your country is a joke
Of course not. Fifa is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world, that's no secret. But the Brits the most important entity in soccer, hands down. If Russia won't entertain fifas bullshit, why do you? England is far more valuable than Russia in that respect.

I guess it has to do with the leftist governments that seem to rule the west.... Don't wanna get too political though
Literally hate all Russians since my Russian ex cheated on me. These 'ultras' can count themselves bloody lucky that I wasn't in Marseille during these riots because I would have given them a good piece of my mind desu.

And because some of us haven't forgotten the cold war. The US and England (and even canada) saved russia's ass in WW2 and then they tried to start a war with us. fucking disgusting.
>>that's true if anyone in your country cared about the native population it wouldn't have happened
Like I said I don't care about mentally ill slags that are in care because they and their parents are druggies, sucking off akmed more a joint or lines of coke. Degeneracy is degeneracy no matter whether they are native or not.
I personally don't give a fuck about Sharapova for the reason you named and i doubt retards at the stadium either, but they gave them a reason essentually
Your anthem is commie shit, should have come up with new anthem instead of just using the soviet one
>this one buttmad french edgelord

he's been shitposting about england for months on both /sp/ and /int/

he's literally a mentally damaged autistic virgin
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But your unarmed cops can?
Je poste jamais mais je lurk souvent sur canal supporters. Salut à toi, es-tu français ou italien?
go to Russia in 2018 and give some Russian women a right good ploughing as revenge
God damn gingerpuss is fit
How can the French police be so fucking crap? You see better policing at non-league sides than you have in France these last few days.

They seem to be simultaneously too harsh and too soft; letting ultras beat the shit out of families and the elderly without intervening and then teargassing journalists and VIPs. Fucking embarrassing desu.
Irony being I bet he's a mudshit.
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Thats not even the full story:
>english fans acting like cunts in france chanting about isis and "sit down if you hate the french"
>muslims in the area kick their ass
>frenchies join in eventually and the first webms start coming out
>englishmen beat up and laid out in the streets, one of them was literally thrown into the mediterranean sea
>they scramble and cross paths with the russian fans
>they start mouthing off again
>get obliterated with live video showing englishmen being assisted by paramedics covered in their own blood
>russians in social media showing captured english flags and laughing
>consistently get btfo through the afternoon, some sent to hospitals in critical condition
>game finally starts
>englishmen chanting all game long after going up a goal
>last minute equalizer by russia
>game ends
>reports on social media about the english trampling their own women and children trying to get away from the the russians

And dont even get me started on the videos of them getting stomped or running away from like 20 russians while theyre about 60 or more
Someone help a brother out
>they were actually there for that illegally parked car
where were your police when hundreds of parisians were being massacred mate?
in france they are hated an became terrorists
in uk they are loved became mayors and can rape english women for free.

maintenant nique ta mère fils de chien de consanguin
I recall Le Pen giving some speech about EU imposed austerity, under-funding police, military and border guards.
>Muslim and French kick British ass

Lmao complete opposite m8, Russians btfo Brits
why is this canadian chink so obsessed with england? did a white englishman steal your azn oneitis? back to /r/aznmasculinity with you
>made up bullshit:the post
What's the weather like in Quebec?

>police confront and take down an armed attacker despite being unarmed themselves

could have used that in paris lel, guess officers piere and muhammad were too busy hiding
behind their fucking baguettes
Got a m8 out there who's about 5ft tall and wouldn't hurt a fly, not a violent guy at all - he got attacked by some Russkies who stole his hat and flag and punched him a few times. So it's not just hooligans on both sides, I think we just have to accept that the cause of this conflict is the sub-human nature of the Russian people.
All this make me wanna vote brexit
>Its a police detained a mentally ill man and nobody got killed is bad episode again.

Français actuellement en Italie.

un bon bail CS, souvent du clickbait, mais la communauté est plutôt cool.
I am quite proud, that while all this shit is going on, the Welsh fans are singing along with the locals and having a great time.
lol it's embarrassing. How do they expect to stop a bomb threat if they can't even make an arrest during a riot?
You know what, I might just bloody well do that.
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>made up
Lmfao just taking a cheeky swim then la'
The black eye was because he tripped right?
they just decided early on to throw gas around at everyone as if it's some ultra vs ultra shit and hope they tire each other out

they've ended up tear-gassing innocent England fans including children, while the ultras don't give a shit about tear gas and continue trying to kill random English people standing about having a pint
you have been btfo by everything available in Marseille since 3 days.
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Why you keep writing this you dumb cunt.

Theres like 30 Russians against 1000 pussy brits
And the inept nature of the French.

>high security
>can't even control a few drunken Russians
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>England Fans
>60 arrested (Police Figures)
>863 injured, 1,200 arrested (Daily Mail Figures)

>French Police
>2 surrendered

my sides have left orbit
Chance of a peaceful match with BBB/Torcida against Turks? 0%
I'm actually not whining about you guys, I'm just commenting on the situation. Don't know who's at fault, but the English have a long tradition of this shit so I'd side with you before them.

That being said, you guys have different rules in Russia than England, and I think your police would definitely suppress this shit. England and France are "progressive" countries , like mine, which means you can't do anything that seems too violent or aggressive, lest the newspapers get ahold of it and some useless housewife gets outraged.

>top british lad expects a 1v1
>gets jumped by 20 slavs

yeah thats about right
stay safe when you're playing the Russians
the only thing that's been btfo is france's reputation of being completely inept at containing violence

even brazil and south africa managed it, but not france
Marseille needs to get some anti-riot Sikhs desu.

Whos supposed to host in 2020? does anyone still want to host after seeing this mess it creates?
Literally everything else you said is shit leaf.
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proof football is a third world sport

wouldn't see this kind of shit at the 6 nations or RWC

Found it.
>act like a cunt in a country thats not your own
>shocked and butthurt that you get your ass handed to you
Youre the niggers of europe
no, you certainly wouldn't see Russians
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top bants desu
anyone got footage of what happened inside the stadium?
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top kek
Everyone is hosting in 2020.

Instead of rioting being located in one country it will be continental.
>you can't do anything that seems too violent or aggressive
That's true, but our fans also brought flares and petards and shit and got them into the stadium, which means French police straight up sucks, is that their anti-terrorist method?
yet you still worship our queen lmao
Russians planned to attack Brits beforehan, also French locals literally started it
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the russians might kick our heads in
but they'll never top our banter
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>"lol y-youre lying"
>heres the picture of one of you inbreds with a black eye and in the water
>"oh uh, lol everything else is a lie"
Lmfao, no worries m8, the pics and videos are everywhere
You goy exposed by the russians, youre worse than bitches, at least they defend themselves
Even now we prove banter outshines the negative.
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and not a single anglo fuccboi came to help him

>talking shit about anything ever
This is your Prime Minister.
Russian WC is going to be fun
I don't get why people even get so lary about fucking international football. It's not like it matters, it's not like it's high-quality compared to club footy. It's just an extension of nationalism right?
Russian police won't tolerate this shit lol
Is he holding a knife?
Prove anything else you said.

I will wait.
Cheers lad.
It'll probably be all right since less will travel and the police there aren't literally retarded like the French.
High quality club football is provided by 8-12 teams only. Not much of a difference.
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>mfw French and Muslims started all this
>couldn't do shit against the Brits
>start piggy backing on proper Russian hooligans
You sound like a nigger
No, a baton. he's a plain-clothed police officer. They have orange armbands.
A bit worried, they might bash my head in because we were part of the british empire long ago, look at what they did to them in france while visiting, i can only imagine what theyll do to them at home
all this impotent rage still wont make your micropenis get any bigger my azn friend
>Why you keep writing this you dumb cunt.
Because its true you thick sheep shagging cunt. 30 proper Russian hooligans fighting chavs with dad bods and 40+ men who get out of breath going up the stairs. I wonder who will win?


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>Ned Ozkasim: "A lot of the English fans tried to run away"
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>Euro 2016 clashes: Russian media vaunt own fans and put blame on English

>The initial response of Russian media to the scenes of violence in Marseille was one of gloating that Russian fans had come out on top, and planting the blame squarely on England supporters.
>Some reports in Moscow insisted that a small group of England fans had attacked hundreds of Russians and provoked them into a response, while others painted a picture of heroic Russians fighting off hordes of English hooligans.
>“Two hundred and fifty Russian fans repulsed an attack by several thousand English and forced them to flee,” state news service Vesti reported. “English fans started the fight by attacking our fans, but 250 Russians from different corners of our country did not flinch and repulsed the attack of the heavily drunken islanders.”

absolute top bants
>French police quickly offered their surrender and let loose the hooligans
Tbh even mid-level club football is of higher quality than international football. It's always full on bus-parking football, not very inspirational or risky play. Everyone plays it safe.
It unfair as our firms had to surrender their passports 1month before the euro's. But once the knockouts come I've heard that those that didn't are going down to france.
Love blatant propaganda tbqh.
russia today tier propoganda
the guy in red? impossible
anglo always put their knives in the bin

no need to worry, canada has no chance of qualifying
Lol retard, i dont need to, the webms are around as well as the multiple news stories of how much of a bitch the english are, also check out the video where theyre assisting the guy covered in his own blood, they had to sit him down multiple times so he wouldnt pass out lol
RT is a more reliable source than your dailycuck or BBC propaganda
Yeah, because our police will actually do their job, our tournaments always go great, no matter how western press tries to scare people off.

Fucking Ukraine on a brink of collapse did 100 times better of a job than France, even though English press was yelling IF YOU'RE BLACK YOU'RE GONNA GET KILLED and the only people who got hurt in the whole tournament were our fans because retarded Polacks attacked peaceful parade
Neither do you
>but 250 Russians from different corners of our country did not flinch and repulsed the attack of the heavily drunken islanders.
lmao this reads like one of those soviet ww2 newspaper headlines
>Hiding their faces
>those fine Frenchmen
So nice of you guys to come and help us with our knife problem.
It fucking certainly is not.
I agree, the French police are definitely shit if that's what happened. Ffs it seems like you could bring a suitcase nuke into into the stadium. Why would they allowed this?
Don't know about that, they were pro-bernie and anti-trump for some reason. Russia Insider which is a part of RT in some way is really good though.
Putin is behind this he allowed the ultras to go , while our government stopped our banned members from traveling
Pretty standard Russian media desu. It's so woefully biased, it makes the bbc look impartial
This broken English meme is new and fresh to me.

How long ago were you resettled in Canada, Ahmed?
Not really, I'd rather watch a Serbia vs Paraguay match over an Everton v Crystal Palace borefest. True high quality football takes place in semifinals of any given tournament, both at club or international level.
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A proud english lion

in b4 putin visits france to give those brave russian heroes medals and judo lessons

north korean levels of delusion
And they say Putin is the dictator.
French police are probably more concerned with Islamist threats occurring rather than fat fuck drunkards cracking each other's skulls.
>my feet hurt
>I want to go home
>we aren't coming home are we lads
Fuck off m8. You telling me Brits have only 2000 hooligans?
Here's a video of like 30 ultras scaring off probably 500 Brits, but hey PROPAGANDA
>mfw imagining some passive-aggressive canadian chink vs 30 slavs
And what's to stop an islamist going to a game with a bomb then you dullard.
>get called a bitch
>lol ur an immigrant
Top kek ahmed, first i was quebecoise, now im ahmed?
Youre still 100% bitch tbqh
>sacrificing yourself to russian ultras so your other 2 mates can survive.
That man is a hero.
agent 4C could end both sides, both chose to let him have it
oh, you mean ultras who've been planning to murder English for months vs a large group of English fans taken by surprise while they're out in the sun having a drink
The English just came to sing, not to fight the mongols.
Only just noticed that tour bus full of gawking Chinese, must be a shitty holiday for them.
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>Lol retard, i dont need to
>ultras who've been planning to murder English for months

lmao at this victim complex
The police, you daft paki.

Just banter, lad.
>for some reason
Because Bernie is an old grandpa and he's seen as weak, while Trump is unpredictable retard, pretty easy to get why
>implying that's not the best holiday they could possibly have had
>500 Brits with children here to watch the game
>20(?) Russians in balaclavas waiting to attack them like apes
You guys are fucked up.
We probably have less than 2000 hooligans desu
It doesn't even really kick off at the biggest derbies and rivalries any more.
Russians still wear bumbags?
Are you even able to read the comments you reply to?
you mean those 30 ultras being steadily forced down the street?
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>it's a Canadian gets on the Internet for the first time episode
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>ur just a mad chink canadian lol! Ur lying this never happened!
Kek, the proud english lads as they get their heads smashed into the ground
A great story for lads back home, you never hear about riots at the afc games
>Trump is unpredictable retard
not really and he's been talking about opening up the relationship with Russia and putin claims he wants the same with the US
all these Brits complaining about these Russian hooligans when in the 70s-90s British hooligans then did far worse things, almost like karma
You like a leftie cuck
Oh lol, you're that canadian from earlier that couldn't find any news sources to back up your claims

Still at it I see
You've never been to a leeds hudersfield game. Low leagues is where it at for firms
It seems like it's a Froggy Canadian defending his ancestral homeland.

Pretty embarrassing desu.
WTFFFFFFF hayhahahahahagahehh

Stop picking on England, Russia. They aren't the tough guys they once were.
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>fat Brit beating the shit out of the Russian 1 on 1
>tens of Russians quickly join in
Ah yes, because canadians have a reputation for being hard men. Oh wait. You wouldn't last 5 minutes in that world mate. All you can do is make angry posts online from the safety of your frozen shithole 3000 miles away.
dont worry gang, there'll be an inquest 20 years from now and we'll get some definitive answers as to who is at fault
Come again?

If you're going to proxy my flag at least learn my language.
I'm not complaining, I love football violence. I wish the PL never happened and English football was never cleaned up and we were still topdogs.

Now we've got a load of southern softies pissed up from a few shandies getting knocked out by a few Russians and everyone thinking we're shitbags.
>Reads roach article about russian press
>calls russian press biased
>oh cyka, he's punching the shit out of one of us, let's all gang up on him
>heh heh blyad we are of hard men!
is that pic from when the Poles pushed the ruskies shit in at Euro 2012?

never actually seen a russian go 1 one 1 against someone

just pussy kids hunting in packs
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Where were these lads?
yea right if people kick off there the police will literally beat the shit out of them, im going and i feel like ill be completely safe even tho im american
Banned from euro contests
Our hooligan culture ended about 20 years ago/

Eastern Yuros are still stuck in that era.
Sorry I don't speak Arabic.
reporting to their local police station to confirm they haven't snuck over there
The only retards here are a the Russians, I was laughing while they were getting fucked up so badly that some died by the Poles
Way more Brits there than Russians according to every source I've seen.

Face it, when you people drink, you become obnoxious and lout-ish. Maybe you see it as just "bantz", but others don't, and don't respect your passive aggressive bullshit. Don't poke the bear, as they say. Act with a little class.


>we dindu nuffin
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>the ruskies almost killed and battered the english as preparation against poland and ukraine
If the french dont see that coming, then its clear they want blood on the streets
>You telling me Brits have only 2000 hooligans?
You must be using a proxy because this is about the English. no Welshmen, scot or Norn Ireland would say Brit. Only serious hooligans get banning orders due to reoccurring offences related due to football. Not just some shirt wearing pissed up fan.
Ask feminism
why is the man in the middle different? what is the meaning of this?
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tagged and marked, sulking on a sofa somewhere, some of them with their bollocks snipped off to prevent further breeding of more potential firm members
he's their champion
yes, way more English because Russian ultras are going up to large groups of passive English fans to start fights
>beating this fat old bloke up is an achievement for russians

my sides, even this canadian weasel would give him a good fight
>and on the right you can see white people doing white people things

They probably had the time of their lives.
bisping could heem this cunt
Why do you keep saying brits with that flag? Where the fuck are you from?

It looked more like the russians were running away though and got saved by the cops.
on watchlists

they probably have to report to their local police station on matchday
Look at his shorts m8
why do they hold the flags upside down? do they npt recognise the roman alphabet?

really makes you think
wait isn't military service mandatory in the RUS? the ruski fans seem way more organised this could be just due to that, not that they're some elite ultras.

"elite ultras" would wear balaclavas, boots and shit, not sport shoes

>what kind of tattoo you want
>gimme the fred flindstone on my stomach
Admit it, your people are obnoxious fucks. Not all, but too many. Travel Europe and ask around.
you blind pal? he's got an English rose tattoo on his chest
Yes, clearly you aren't though, Ahmed.
Im not even him but seriously just stop, every picture and video shows how bad it was for the english, just take it as banter and move on because hes baiting you and you keep taking it because you know that you come out as "the bitch" either way
Just face it and move on, the russians got them good
He's their hard lad named wazza
That's possible, right now. If they were both in their primes, it would be no contest. I'm sure if you asked Bisping he'd tell you the same. He'd get crushed.
That's the trick, he's an infiltrator.

The Russians are extremely organised.
never seen the brits this bad
this is really critical condition stuff

no one is even retaliating
just who are they sending to these events?
How do you make those wikipedia infoboxes?
"""""local youths"""" couldn't do shit but the English fans got completely rekt by the Russians, just accept it lads
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These three look memeworthy.
Is it possible the french police acted the way they did because they were hungry and tired due to ramadan?
Is that supposed to be a fred flinstone tattoo on his belly?
Yes, the working class generally are. Because they're the only ones who go on cheap european holidays and tend to act like twats after a few drinks.
Meanwhile french ultras fight with local arabs.
all the hooligans are kept at home by police

don't consider the fact everyone else sends their ultras after England fans still :^)
>name my band /sp/?
Continental Europe still has a stick up it's arse about us but the reality is the travelling fans are fine these days, or at least no worse than others.

Russians live for this, because they have nothing else.
Shaolin soccer
Can confirm, some british slags were dancing on the bar counter in Spain, one of them smashed a british bouncer on the head with a bottle, turns out he was an ex-boxer so he just knocked her to the ground and threw her out, bro tier.
>why do they hold the flags upside down?
Its a sign of distress
Like I've always said. Your country can produce the best of the best, and can produce some of the worst (not including the savages). High highs, low lows. That's England to me
It's any coloured person. It's an old-fashioned racial slur that would only hurt the feelies of a legit 70-year-old first-generation immigrant who came to England in the 1960s.

As far as I know, a couple of people are in hospital and might die, but they're still alive so far. There were also reports that some English guy got pushed in front of a train and died, but it turned out that was some French woman trying to kill herself, and it was unrelated to all the rioting. So basically, the answer is: not yet.
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2bh, find me a country where the poor and uneducated aren't prone to high rates of crime and niggerish behaviour. Problem is ours all have passports and live within a stone's throw of extremely cheap foreign holiday destinations so they get more attention than most.
All hooligans are at home. Mainly middle class or city boys can afford the tickets inside the stadium
> singing is the worst of the worst
> the mongols who violently attack people for singing are a-okay.

Cool it, wog.
Everton fought with Lyon last night and fucked them.
Nah it's different. You guys can produce some of the most brilliant, classiest, cultured people that have ever lived. Truly an evolved human being. But you also seem to be littered with the ugliest, fattest, least appealing people in the first world. Your country kinda puzzles me desu.
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Is anyone else feeling more brexitty because of this? Continentals (particularly the French) just seem incredibly bitter and unable to handle banter. The fact that they're crying about people chanting "Where Are You ISIS?" and "Sit Down If You Hate the French" just makes me think they are the thinnest skinned people in the world.
Anthems get booed all the time; it's not normally because of violence earlier in the day, so why would it be this time? Nevertheless, if your anthem gets booed, you boo the other anthem and that's that. Chimping out is an overreaction.

Imagine travelling a thousand miles to watch a tournament you've been waiting years for, and then having a tantrum and wiping out the city you're in because some other people made a mean noise. Literally everyone would think you were a complete faggot.
>most accurate play by play you'll see
there's not much to understand. it's classism in action. look at any other sport with a large english following such as rugby or cricket and you'll never hear of hooliganism or fighting. those fans conduct themselves in a decent manner. meanwhile football is the bastion of the working class and it shows.
No, but don't provoke people with obnoxious behavior. I'm not blaming the victim, but people need to have a bit of sense too. Analogy: if you walked down a street in Iraq saying fuck Islam and got killed, whose fault is it? Their's, but you share some of the blame for being an idiot. The analogy was a bit extreme, but you get it
The only ones who have cried were the anglos, they like to banter but can't handle when people answer to their banter.
That's neither here nor there really. The Russians were always coming to fight. Most of the english weren't, although a lot of them deserved a good kicking from some of the footage i saw last night.
They did, but they abandoned it because it was shit.


They went back to the old one because it's the greatest anthem on Earth.

English fans are the best.
>Needing the Russians to save you
Poking fun at people is banter, hospitalising people is not banter. Fucking stupid frogs.
Holy shit that video. it's not even knockout rounds yet
talk shit, get hit is universal law, dummy.
>mfw the Brexit is sealed by the treatment of English soccer hooligans

Would be the most English thing ever. Going nuclear over bants.
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>mfw Americans could never have a jolly good brawl because we have no sense of humor and because inevitably someone would pull out a gun and start shooting
>That's neither here nor there really. The Russians were always coming to fight. Most of the english weren't.

You can't know this from the chaotic footage available. I'm 38 years old, and I remember what the English did in the 80s and 90s. That doesn't mean they're guilty here, but their past gives me some doubt about their innocence.
>booing russian anthem
>worshipping isis

i-it was just a prank bro

French and russians also made pranks. You can't handle it or what?
I think its mandatory if youre not studying, so you dont go to waste
You must be autistic if you think you can just start bantering with people you don't know and they'll interpret it as cheeky banter

What I get is that Frenchmen, Russians and Iraqis all have a similar temperament.
Hooliganism was cracked down upon harshly in this country over the last 20 years to the points it's nearly non-existent these days, but our reputation still persists, which is why people see us as a target. At best, some of those english lads are drunk chavs who thought they'd have a go at playing hooligan then got their shit kicked in by some actual hard russian ultras.
>booing russian anthem
That was going to happen no matter who went first.
>worshipping isis
We called out ISIS, you lept to their defense.
>This is true, it was good England didn't qualify in world cup 94 people would have been killed
England always boo anthems in the last 10-15 years.
I don't know why - it's scummy behaviour - but there you go, it's a scummy nation with no class.
yeah, remember all those english boo'ing the french national anthem after the paris attacks?
You called the locals IS while acting like drunk niggers since 3 days and they btfo your asses.

then you act surprised
>oi whats happening we dindu nuffin.
Fair enough. I actually noticed this after France 98. Hooliganism has dropped off since those days it seems, although it may have been re-ignited today. Kinda adds something to these tournaments desu.
Fuck off liddo. This is bet. Take this to wherever it belongs.
oh shut up
you realise they were calling out IS because of the well documented threat of a potential terror attack at the euros? just some of your locals took offence to it. i wonder why
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you put way too much effort into that post

1/10 made me reply
You realise you are making your fucktard jokes in a country where IS killed many people a few months ago?
I wonder why you don't try that in London, the mayor's family has well documented links with IS.

clearly you missed the memo of not fearing terrorism. it was meant as a slap in the face to IS, not to upset the french people

that said a lot of english fans are cunts, but you clearly got the wrong end of the stick
>brits are not orcs
Ta sœr et un pout
>works for bbc
This is delusional
> it was meant as a slap in the face to IS, not to upset the french people

Honestly I didn't see it like that.and I doubt the locals french will understand some jokes made in english.
But I agree with your supporters, we musn't fear the goat fuckers and enjoy our Euro.
soer > soeur
et > est
pout > poux

1 point/10
stop fucking saying they're hard ultras
because they can fight it doesn't make them ultras ya dingus
first time i heard about "where are you isis ?" i thought english fans was calling for another terrorist attack, maybe locals took it wrong too
(bad english sorry)
I'm friends with them. Wasn't a big fight, but there are some just not a lot of serious English lads over there.
>the we don't have our best guys on ground meme
We don't and if we did we'd still get fucked. Hooligan culture here is meek af. It's a way of life in Russia, look at how well organised they are.
> mocking ISIS counts as "doing something"

Cool it, wog.
>look at how well organised they are
that's exactly it, you have some sense
average ruski has been through military service where average brit of same age is a two trip ibiza veteran, it just won't gel

You're literally synonymous with "slaves". KEK.

>not Turkey-Russia
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