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>there are 'people' alive, today, living & breathing

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>there are 'people' alive, today, living & breathing and walking among us, that believe the little autistic fanboi on the right is a better athlete than the grown ass man on the left
what is your obsession with European foot ball? you never see yuropoors obsess this much over your shitty obesity clash or apehoop players. you literally are sp obsessed with yuro sports that's all you talk about

think about it. the worst thing to come out of this shitty thread you made was the yuros will not respond. go get your pathetic obsession chcked out you obese lard sludge bucket
Messi isn't an athlete, he's a genius.
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Imagine being born in a country where being good at sports was decided by genetics
Im convinced every handegg fan has a hidden gay complex.

For one you're all OBSESSED with this idea of hypermasculinity, that you have to be enormous, strong, and "manly"

For two your sport involves huge men crawling over one another in lycra.

For three, you're all so goddamn insecure about it to the point where you feel the need to make these threads or go spam SOCCER IS GAYYY HAAA in threads about soccer.
Shut the fuck up
He literally is though.

Athletic ability is not determined by the size of your arms
Better than by how much of a flaming prancing homo you are
He's infinitely more talented though.

American football is played by people in America and nowhere else, football is played all over the world. Messi is the best footballer who has ever lived so it's pretty clear that he's comparatively far greater than the guy on the left who isn't even Tom Brady (an actual talented athlete.)

Americans seem to think that being big is a talent lol.
You are such a fag
>Janitor deletes the selfmoderation instead of the shitposting thread
>the state of /sp/ 2016
>he does it for free
Its not determined by being fancy with a ball either
Says the guy who watches muscular black men slither over one another in tights for fun
you're literally proving his point you retard
It is a combination of stamina, endurance, pace, and adaptability, all of which messi is superior at.

Other guy can bench more. Cool.
it takes too two tango slovakia
Why are americans so obsessed with this word?
>this triggers the ABA
When will you faggots learn?
stop making my country look like this.
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> Ministers have said there is no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.

But the leaked police report, published in Bild newspaper and Spiegel, a news magazine, claims that one of those involved told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”

Another tore up his residence permit before the eyes of police, and told them: “You can’t do anything to me, I can get a new one tomorrow.”
>define athlete by listing every athletic trait soccer players are best at

You forgot strength, speed, power, etc.
It must be funny for Messi having to pose with all these literal who American athletes every time he visits America. Nice of him to make the big guy's day though.
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Feels fucking good Achmed.
hes not a better 'athlete' but hes more skilled. skill in your discipline is what matters even in athletics.

also messi probably has done more roids than watt. hard to believe
>all these yuroboos in this thread
Can't wait for Trump to deport you
But it's harder to be a great soccer player than being a great handegg player.

To be a great soccer player you have to be born with that natural ability, nurture it from an early age and dedicate your entire childhood and teenage years to making it.

To be a great handegg player you have to be big and strong and you'll get a trial, often when you're over 18.
Hard work, dedication, a smart approach, and a bit of luck can get you pretty far, therefore being "good" at sports is not decided by genetics.

Being elite, however, is.
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okay jose.
well fucking obviously didn't tawm bradley only start playing football in highschool
>all these posts about how Watt has no talent or skills he is just big

I get that soccer fans dont neccesarily watch football but holy shit are you delusional. Just being big doesnt mean shit.
There's only one fanboy in that picture and he paid his own way to visit HIS club, I wonder if he's still a fan these days
nice of messi to take a picture with his bodyguard. His son probably wanted a picture of the GOAT for christmas :)
>has this saved to your hard drive

proving his point
Soccer isn't even a sport, at least not originally. It was an activity. There was an article about it's origins by the top "football" writer in England awhile back (can't remember his name, Mohammed something). Anyways, it started strictly as a way to shed pent-up homosexual urges. Back then of course, homosexuality was taboo, and European men at the time (and now of course) all had strong homosexual desires, but couldn't even consider masturbation to quell these thoughts, as, due to societal pressures at the time, even thinking about men (this was natural to them) brought about all kinds of shame. Thus, soccer was born. I wish I could find the article, this fine Englishman does a much better job of explaining it.

cringed hard at this try-hard unfunny cunt

end yourself moosefucker
Messi is the best of the billions of people who play soccer

Watt is the best of the tens of thousands of people who are big enough to play his position.

Call it talent or skill, but Messi has more of it in total than any other athlete around right now.
That is worse than reddit
This is one of the worst posts that I have ever read in my life.
I laughed
>The city of Canada
>can't remember his name, Mohammed something
underrated post
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Jj watt could play soccer
He's been timed faster than Messi, he's been measure to be explosive than Ronaldo, his cardio has be measured as well greater than an Olympic swimmer. he can play positions that require speed and positions that require strength

Messi could not play football. He's too small, too slow, and too fragile

And you think messi is a better athlete? In what way? We have nfl players who have turned down soccer deals from Europe. Soccer players are glorified long distance runners
>Kanadischer Humor
good post
bad posts
Imagine being this wrong

The thing you don't understand is that soccer is not just running.go outside right now and try to run with a ball and keep it close enough to your feet that no one can take it from you, while also moving quickly and at a good pace.

The ball doesn't just stay at your feet, you have to control it while avoiding others and paying attention to your teammate movement.

Also provide one fucking example of anything you just said about Watt
worst post
No he's not you fucking aspie

Shut the fuck up already you little faggot
That sounds more like a highly specialized skill that a measure of athletic ability.

Fuck off
we don't care about your "sports" or "athletes", why do you care about ours? Get a life
Nothing like watching a 3 hour game end in a 0-0 tie. Fuck off field fairy.
new worst post
How can you type without a head?
free quebec desu
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Best gay football image is pic related, you peons
it is but you also need immense athletic ability to endure that much running and changing direction.

i don't even know why people still argue about this, sports are all different and require different skill sets. stop trying to compare them.
>3 hour game
im not sure what sport you were watching but a soccer match is 90 min

You're fucking joking right?

When will they learn?
Oh my bad, 3 hours was the amount of time I spend fucking your mom weekly


actually this is not that unfunny
Why must you bring shame to your fellow Americans?
This post is a shit Maple fable.
Git gud fag

30 inch vertical
37 inches
Cough cough. How about you take your foot out of your mouth now and act like an adult?

Jj watt by the way has played tight end. Try catching a ball while running while having 250 lb men trying to crush you.

But hey dribbling a soccer ball with guys chasing you who can't touch you is so much fucking harder
Why don't he play Football then? Its more profitable.
Checkmate amerifat
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Same reason he doesn't do gay porn. He's not a weak faggot.

Americans know about soccer. It's a pussy sport. Duh
Gay porn isn't very profitable you retard.

Very few male pornstars make a good wage.
Of course an Australian would know the ins and outs of gay porn.

Double meaning meant
>common knowledge is regarded as "the ins and outs"
Amerifats everybody
An Australian thinks knowledge of gay porn stars wages is common knowledge

I am not surprised honestly

Dude you got btfo just move along
youre an idiot if you think a defensive end or linemen is a better athlete than a soccer player
>americans in charge of geography
>americans in charge of simple logic
I know not all americans are as autistic as you but you are the reason these stereotypes exist
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Hes a big guy
Athletes are specialized for their sport and position

Watt has more explosiveness, power, strength, and quickness.

American football is a more physically demanding sport, Watt is clearly the better all around athlete.

Messi can jog and dribble, great.
soccer is a joke because its athletes are, period. they can't do anything impressive other than sets of tricks like a dart thrower or a circus clown. on top of all that it actually benefits them to cast themselves on the ground, wallow around in feigned pain in hopes of bamboozling their way into a 1-0 well earned penalty shot victory. they couldn't translate their 'talents' to any other activity other than fuck toys in west hollywood.

anyone who admires them is a twink or some shitskin lowlife, this can't be disputed.

Everyday americucks talk about footbal, everyday the rest of the world don't talk about americuck "sports". Stay jealous, stay obsessed.
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>soccer is a joke because its athletes are, period
precision beats power, timing beats speed
soccies triggered
Sorry, but being big isn't good athleticism. In fact, being big isn't good for anything other than running into other big guys at high speeds.

Americunts are generally fat, and therefore they see anyone who is also big and successful as role models.

It's like when fat girls see a fat model and feel validated.

Even in hand-to-hand combat, the true test of a man, the very best are always tall and lean guys like Jon Jones, Anderson Silva, GSP etc. etc.

Massive, bulky guys generally get their shit pushed in regularly.
>reversed red cross?
>bigger is better
typical american
good post
>lanklet delusion
really sorry for your shitty genes britbong
>Tall and lean
>Bad genes
Kek. Enjoy having to ask for assistance when you require items on the top shelf, manlet.
No, the red cross is a reversed Swiss flag.
>thinking being this tall is normal
>peter crouch is 6"8
not every tall person looks like this you fucking autist
didn't mean to hurt your bum bum so much, sorry lanky
>being this insecure about being a manlet
enjoy no female attention, ever, manlet
enjoy your british wife
Anybody athletic can become a football player in a month. It's a physical sport, not a technical one. That's why you see coaches always go to basketball teams and poach the shit players for their teams
Nice try, Americuck. Being bulky and "looking big" will get you nowhere. Case in point - picture related. And let a refugee fuck me in the ass if boxing isn't one of the most absolutely demanding sports in the world athleticism-wise.

>implying anyone here get legitimate female attention

you sad sad man
You get what you pay for

>that flag
>this post

Not surprised at all. Kill yourself Chang.
>what are weight classes
A HW isn't more athletic or talented than a MW just because. In fact they are LESS athletic usually and less talented.
And you're an idiot if you think watts can only play defense
>implying anyone cares about your irrelevant country
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Is this true, americucks? "Fatball" is a joke!

pretty hard to take that he's banging abby clancy holy shit
ah sure smaller guys tend to develop better skills then bigger ones (because they can't rely on their big frame alone) and are also more agile, but take away the weight classes and you only get a handful of small extremely skilled guys and then a shit ton of big bulky guys
>Watching a bunch of obese people run into eachother


>Watching a bunch of nigs running around a court

Such is life in America i guess.
>Watt and Messi together
Makes me like JJ even more.
yes and no
there "skill positions" that definitely require finesse and years of training to get good at. Quarterback, Wide Receiver, Linebackers for instance

There are some positions that are built for big and dumb people though, like Defensive Line players.
Literally nobody thinks that though. Messi isn't praised for his athleticism, but for his skill and awareness
Both different types of athletes.

Really hard to compare which is a "better athlete". Watt definitely has strength, probably better acceleration, and maybe better top end speed. Messi is quicker, and has much better endurance (Be honest, in a distance race Messi has it in the bag).

"Athleticism" as a skill set is relatively universal if you ask me (Strength, top end speed, acceleration, coordination, reflexes, agility, and endurance).

HOW that athleticism is used/prioritized in each sport, and even among certain groups in the sport, leads to varied perception about what is and "athlete".

TL;DR: Messi is better at kicking a sphere into a net and passing that sphere with his feet, Watt is better at throwing 300lb grown ass men to the side in order to hit a 6' 4" lanky dude.
let spastic threads die lads

>le big muscles means you're more athletic

I guess The Worlds Strongest Man competition and Mr. Olympia competition holds all the best athletes in the world then.

>Watching grass grow (Baseball)
>Men with razorblades strapped to their feet fight each other (Ice Hockey)
>Watching people get paid to fight (Boxing/MMA)
>Watching Lacrosse like the glorious Iroquois master athletes intended you to do.
Jesus christ go home and drink some bagged milk canada, you tried I guess.
Is this high school?
there is no point of educating a dense ignorant. And I don't like to insult. But seriously, no one is trying to prove that Messi can play american football, and its irrelevant to discuss which sport is better or harder to play. But anyone who has ever played football knows how incredibly dificult it is, and how much technique is required to play on a higher level. When we talk about football, we talk about 'football players' rather than athletes, because its not about being an fast, tall, strong and explosive.

Look at how many great athletic football players there are, and they're shit. Because they don't have the technique it takes. No american football player would EVER be able to play football on a higher level. Unless they have played it throughout their life, they would trip on the ball, kick it the wrong way and lose possesion constantly.

Heres a video of a good basketball player, will smith, trying to kick a football.


I don't know who that is on the left

Messi is a genius and one of the best athletes in the world t.b.h.
but athleticism is EXACTLY about not relying solely on size/genetics. It's about hard work, great work ratio and having a talent at what you do. It doesn't mean a bigger guy is "better" than you. Heck, a decent 5'10-6'0 boxer WILL fuck any non-professional fighter's shit up, be he 6'5 bulky gorilla straight outta gym or a strongman or whatever. He'll outrun him, outskill him and humiliate him where it matters.
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post the whole tweet, the grown ass man probably believe messi is a better sportman than himself
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10/10 for effort
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>Messi standing like a normal person
>big tall muscular faggot leaning to make himself taller

why are big strong men always so insecure around messi?
brojob! brojob!
He's just commenting about himself.
>"The best football player on the planet, standing next to a manlet."
>athleticism is EXACTLY about not relying solely on size/genetics

i think you got athleticism and skills mixed up. a big part of athleticism depends on genetics

>a decent 5'10-6'0 boxer WILL fuck any non-professional fighter's shit up, be he 6'5 bulky gorilla straight outta gym or a strongman or whatever. He'll outrun him, outskill him and humiliate him where it matters.

what's your point? professional athletes are better than amateurs? hardly comes as a surprise
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>ur mom
>hurr durr George Muresan was the best athlete of all time


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how are people like messi not John Lennon'd?
hes famous as fuck and there are billions of people who know about him and what he looks like and shit. Do they have like 10 bodyguards at all time?
Ever see a DL try and pick up a fumble and run with it? Those guys are not athletes, all they can do is shove other dudes.
Some positions and the physical requirements you need for 'em in american football just can't be compared to soccer/football. I think that's the case for JJ Watt. I would still say Watt is the better athlete. He is so big height and weight-wise, but still so explosive and quick which makes him a freak of nature. BUT Messi is insane, Imo he's a genius and the best to ever play the game of soccer.
>not be american
>not get shot randomly

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oh wow

hahahahahaha oh fucking wow my fucking sides

fucking saved, 10/10 for effort
Oh god, so bad. So, so bad.
Try again tomorrow moose.
This is literally, unironically, undeniably the worst post in the history of 4chan
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>literally who gets to stand next to the GOAT
his lucky day I suppose, whoever he may be
Is that John Cena?
don't be mad
divegrass fags BTFO
Watt is probably the most autistic football player outside of Eli Manning. Literally no personality or gf. I think I'd rather be stuck in a car with the manlet on the right than Watt
Whereas wearing spandex and makeup is totally not gay. Stop projecting.
don't be mad
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>top "football" writer in England
>Mohammed something

Canada with the top bantz
he's obsessed with Jennifer Aniston
he probably dropped all his spaghetti when they met
>obsessed with Jennifer Aniston

Seriously? That's some pleb/beard shit. What a fagit
canada single handily blowing soccerfags the fuck out
Underrated post
>americans talks shit about soccuh then gets BTFO'd by the rest of the world

Never gets old.
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Can Messi do a 60 inch box jump? Can Messi squat 700 pounds? Can Messi run a sub 5.00 40-yard dash? Has Messi set records in Track and Field, or any other sport he doesn't even focus on?

Is Messi undebatedly the single greatest player to ever play his position, and if so has he cemented that within 5 years of playing?

You really, really, really don't understand just how good JJ Watt is. He absolutely changes the game, he's possibly the greatest athlete alive.
don't be mad
>trying to shit on football
>Brazil talking shit after the last world cup

You're just mad he can run circles around him.
>Men with razorblades strapped to their feet fight each other (Ice Hockey)
i should start watching hockey
Why are Americans so obsessed with these sort of stats in their sport? Why don't you just go blow a line up of professional bodybuilders if you want to admire the male body so much?

I have no idea how much Messi can lift or how fast he can run whatever distance. Who cares
I keked
based canada
All in all, they are both amazing athletes.
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>Is Messi undebatedly the single greatest player to ever play his position, and if so has he cemented that within 5 years of playing?
Watt would get embarassed in soccer. Messi would get literally killed playing football.

>You really, really, really don't understand just how good JJ Watt
you don't understand how good messi is either.

>Hurr durr he's a big guy but he has no skill

You all have clearly never watched football closely. It takes a huge a mount of skill, footwork, use of hands, and strategy to be a defensive lineman and rush the pass as effectively as Watt does.
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damn, americuck handegg is so fucking gay
>shilling for some thirdworlders
>being a cuck
stay mad, cletus
lol what a cuck
who is the guy on the left?

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