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>being THIS bootyblasted

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Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 45

>being THIS bootyblasted
>gays and feminists saying someone is obnoxious

Are gays and feminists the new Westboro baptist church?
>Getting this rectalravaged over a protest
Nah, is just funny. Is fun trying to imagine a scenario where something an athlete said made me so angry I went to picket an award they were up for. Can't manage it desu.
How many votes does it take to win SPOTY? Probably too much to ever dream of fixing it?
>being THIS bootyblasted
isn't getting bootyblasted all gays and feminists do?
This was last year's. The one thing Fury has going for him is that people who like what he says will only be voting for him, whereas there isn't an obvious SJW candidate.
>Implying Vardy won't be challenging Fury for the chav's vote
Bitches can't handle his supreme swag.
>people act like they wouldn't be buttmad if a famous athlete called out all the NEET internet-virgins

double-standards are a wonderful thing
I feel like /sp/ is full of normal people, at least compared to other boards, barring maybe /fit/ and /out/.
I'm sure there's plenty of normal people on /sp/ but the internet racists and misogynists are most likely not those kind of people, or at least the kind of people you'd ever want to be around

lel wtf is that clown wearing in ops pic?
typical gippo gear, they're not known for their fashion sense
What could he say that would actually offend me, just curious? I know I'll never be as physically gifted as him so if he says that then fair enough, it's true.
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>Guardian article
>no comments section open

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Picture of said 'activist'.
got a big enough tiara there, princess?
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>his personality is obnoxious and should not be feted

Said the pot to the kettle.

Who would win in a fight, Tyson "Gypsy King" Fury or 50 butthurt pinko lefties?
>feminist protest in belfast

yeah because that'll go down well
>That’s the runner isn’t it? I think she’s good, she won quite a few medals for Great Britain. And she slaps up good, dresses up well, when’s she’s got a dress on she looks quite fit

Hows DARE he say that an athlete looks good in a dress.
Can mexicans vote for this or I need a proxy?

I want the gypsy to win
You just need a BBC account which so far as I recall has no geographic restriction so you should be able to vote.
imo if it's 2015 whivh it is and someone is still homophopic you know one of two things for sure

1 this person is ignoranrat as fuck


2 this person is saying stupid shit on purpose for attention

either way not cool
In Fury's case I think it's probably both to be fair, I think he genuinely has those beliefs but rather than keep them under wraps he's being as out there as possible so his fights get attention.
My Big Fat Flintstones Wedding
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3,2,1 tbf
no because unlike the westboro followers, fags and feminists are going to hell.
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Any of the things that SJWs usually say.
>If a girl has a shitty job, it's the patriarchy's fault, but if you have a shitty job it's because you are a degenerate
>Of course no girl will ever date you; you don't deserve to be loved, unlike those poor girls with self-esteem issues who do deserve love
>You can't possibly have any problems in your life; you are a cishet white male
That shit always offends me.

Why is everyone so worried that Tyson Fury might actually win? Of course he won't win. He was never going to win, and now that he's outed himself as a fedora-sporting /v/irgin, he will probably come last. So who gives a shit if he's on the list or not? His opinions have made me unwilling to vote for him, but this thought-police shite is why I still hate SJWs in spite of the occasional good point that they make.
If there's any reason I hate that that gypsy faggot became world champ is that it gave me all the more reason to retards from /pol/ and alike to read some rhetoric like "le strong christian white man btfo jewish ukrainian" without having the slightest clue about boxing and not knowing that Tyson Fury is literally the worst heavyweight boxing champion ever ever

ya i dunno, both fury and klit are pretty boring in the ring, at least fury has a personality. And besides him being super homophobic he seems like a pretty cool guy desu
this place is shit.
I'd happily go on reddit if they had a decent layout.
i never know wtf is habbening
the fuck is jej? some /v/ tier neckbeard kek?
mate, I don't like Klitschko, but he's only been a bad champ for the last 2-3 years or so. Still not even close to being as bad Fury. If Fury in his prime is worse than Klitschko at his very worst then that should tell you a lot.

And all this /pol/ shit is similar to what happened when Schmeling won against Joe Louis. It's just low tier white trailer trash dream.

desu reddit is pretty good for regular discussion, but they have shit taste in memes and a circle jerk culture.

plus being anon really promotes banter desu senpai
god bless tyson fury
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>cool guys
Fury is playing the British media like a fucking fiddle, he knows he'll never be loved by the establishment in the same way as someone like AJ so why even try? Him and his team are doing a good job of coming across as ignorant hillbillies when everything they say is intended to cause maximum butthurt so the press actually cover him.

You can see why he feels he needs to, half the press would only talk about Haye and Joshua after he won the fucking heavyweight title. Guarantee if one of those two had he wouldn't be being discussed.
you're praising him for being an attention whore?
>Being this new
It's an /s4s/ one.

He also genuinely believes all the dumb opinions about women that feminists claim are so prevalent. I don't know anyone who actually thinks women shouldn't be allowed to have jobs, and I really, really don't want anyone to think like that, because if they do, then it's not a laughable strawman and I'm going to lose a lot of arguments with the worst kind of feminists.
I only go on /int/ /sp/ and /his/ and I've never heard it said outside of MRA type comments

never met a gypsy, but tyson is hilarious so i don't kno what your on about m8
He's not a real gypsy; he is a Member of the Traveller Community. They normally park their caravans in poor redneck racist areas, so nobody believes the residents when all the gyppos commit crimes and steal shit and kill your dog and violently assault any other member of their community who tries to make an honest living.

I assume there must be good gypsies out there, but I've never heard a story about one.
Im from ireland and they were sound enough aslong as you didnt fuck with them the da's are always funny as fuck its the young lads youve to watch out for
>fags and feminists going to he'll

Hell is wherever there are fags and feminists mate. You're already here.

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Who is actually going to win it?
I thought the one thing all yuros agreed on is that gypsies were a blight upon mankind.
He should be disqualified because he's a fuckin shit fighter, my god he's so slow and lanky, I'm 6 foot and 185 lbs and I guarantee I'd KO this living zombie in the first round
You realize kek comes for World of Warcraft, right?
So this just happened. Wow. Just wow. I can't even. Tyson Fury is clearly a neckbeard virgin internet loser inbred redneck white trash sitting in his mother's basement. Wtf?? It's TWENTY FIFTEEN, PEOPLE!!!
Who's he talking bout?

Also, you forgot the John Oliver picture.

Also, (You)
I only know who this guy is because people keep complaining about him

Just leave him to be a prat
My boy Hamilton ofc
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When Rousey was asked how she thought Mayweather felt about losing the ESPY to her, she replied that she wondered how he felt being beat by a woman for once.

That's some next-level bantz and you'd think it would have been spammed here for months but ho-o-o-ly shit was /sp/ assblasted about it.

Maybe you're a special snowflake who didn't care, but it proved that it's not hard to offend /sp/ or the rest of 4chan
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Jessica Ennis(-Hill).

To be fair, she has achieved plenty which isn't based on her appearance, so it's a bit insulting to reduce her to just her appearance.
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ITT we imagine what people in that 'picket' will look like.
I'll start.
Thats not how you spell John Ruiz,Oleg Maskaev, or Nikolai Valuev among others.
I wonder if a actress referred to some man in another proffession to hers that she' knows very little about as 'handsome and rugged' would be deemed as patronising and sexist?
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This is the womyn organising it.
This picture says it all about the modern SJW movement.
Who's Tyson Fury?
Hello new friend
He is He, who calls himself; ''I Am''.
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>being a liberal shithouse

some bait manc
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>see sign that says wedding cake
>look at woman
How do they support themselves to have all the time in the world to protest every day of the week? Seriously, SJWs are cancer.
They're almost all students. It's a phase they'll grow out of when they get a bit more experience in life.
i've never been anywhere near one of these protests, but i can't begin to imagine how bad it smells.
jesus christ what a hot mess. both of them
they have just got to be scousers
>she won quite a few medals for Great Britain. >AND she slaps up good
I don't see the problem. he acknowledged her achievements then mentioned her being attractive as an afterthought. he's literally complimenting her, albeit in a really dumb ignorant way but that's just cultural
i just cant stop thinking how good of a dick sucker that fat girl must be
So it's impossible for someone to not like homos unless he's ignorant or attention whoring. You're so stupid it hurts.
Klitschko was a boring champ, Fury atleast has some snazz. Who cares if he doesn't like homos? It's a free world and he's entitled to his opinion, it's wrong to hate someone or a group of people just because of the beliefs they hold.
there will be no more than 45 people there
Alan Davies made the interesting point that "personality" in this case actually just means "person" rather than based on their actual personality (which is based for Pikey Ali anyway), but it's just ye olde language that's stupid and now is upsetting everyone.
Why are they protesting wedding cake?
Libs don't understand that the Slavs brain functions much like a gorillas. They aren't very intelligent. They are violent and insecure amd need to push their machoness unless someone thinks they are weak

General they are subhuman
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Can someone explain what happened?
In which case he should definitely win based purely on sporting achievement. Heavyweight champion isn't a small thing. Murray is arguable given how he won a team tennis competition on his own but if Fury comes any lower than 2nd it's a robbery desu.
Tyson Fury, a boxer the media totally didn't care about until 2 weeks ago won 3 of the 4 world heavyweight championships over a guy who hadn't lost in over 10 years in a massive shock. He also happens to be a pretty staunch and is vocal in his belief that being gay is wrong. Realising that the British media will never give him any credit for his actual boxing ability because of these beliefs, since he won he has been saying as much stuff he knows will rile them up as possible so they actually give him attention (a big deal in boxing since money comes from ppv). Recently he said that women are only good two places, the kitchen or on their back for example.
they put a hornet costume on a baby wolf

don't thank me for the information, thank your gods

Nah the SJWs will all vote for Ennis.


Vardy isnt on the shortlist.
They know Murray is the clear favourite, with or without Fury's beliefs. They'll vote for him just so Fury doesn't win.
Hoping the old Lizzy Armistead can win and I'll be 2.7k up
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Kek, says a lot about your hero if he was beaten by literally the worst heavyweight champion ever.
The Furys are fucking GOAT, shame they're pikeys but still, as good as pikeys get.


Fury isn't usually boring in the ring, in fact he can be quite sloppy and reckless, which made the Klitscho fight even more surprising. This is a guy who once uppercutted his own face after all.
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Thanks senpai
Sound pretty smart by him
Doubt anything will happen

Most people won't bother to fly/boat to Belfast and the wee uni protesters will have gone home because classes are finished
Still makes me laugh every time I see the gif
>His personality is obnoxious and he should not be feted
Their whole "culture" is based around being obnoxious and "younique"
>Lewis fucking Hamilton
>only wins because his teammate helps the engineering team
>as a reward, Rosberg gets forced off the track by hamilton on a shitty overtake

Fuck Lewis. He is a giant faggot that happens to have a faster car, and tries to fuck over his only competition by running him off the road. Ultimate system babby.
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>fat with bangs hides her fat'arse' full body on social media
every time
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dat highT that is the background
>muhhh dickkk
pretty fucking based
nobody was offended by it. people reacted harshly towards it because 1) it's obviously not true and she knows it and 2) the only reason she said it is because she knows a fight between her and mayweather would never happen.
He's basically American anyway too
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this guy is a hero
>"We live in an evil world. The devil is very strong at the minute, very strong, and I believe the end is near. The bible tells me the end is near. The world tells me the end is near. Just a short few years, I reckon, away from being finished."

>"There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the devil comes home: one of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other one's paedophilia. Who would have thought in the 50s and 60s that those first two would be legalised?"

>"When I say paedophiles can be made legal, that sounds like crazy talk doesn't it? But back in the 50s and early 60s, for them first two to be made legal would have been looked on as a crazy man again. If I would have told you 120 years ago, that a 1000-tonne aeroplane is going to float through the sky, a piece of steel — ludicrous."

What an absolute madman. Tyson Fury vs Satan confirmed, to determine the fate of the world.
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Anonymous will definitely get involved.
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he is our tyson
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the heavyweight division is a complete joke
there are no good fighters is a pretty good reason
A big black cock account?
Anthony Joshua, Deontay Wilder and Joseph Parker?

k e k

surely anything is better than mayweather
Nice post, I read it
deontay wilder is literal shit he struggld against charlie Z
https://youtu.be/FXUlQM5Zqig Joshua vs Fury @ Wembley 2017 90k people

They're not dumb opinions, they're correct opinions. 90% of women are better off in the kitchen and home. Legit career women like Margret Thatcher are rare. Since entering the work force women have become more miserable every year.

You're just a cuck.

I've actually met Fury at a weightlifting gym I used to train at. I kid you not, he couldn't clean and jerk 70 kilos. This was about 3 - 4 years ago. He was a nice guy though, very friendly and funny.
>deontay wilder

Oh please. He'll get floored by fury or Joshua 30 seconds into the fight

That nigger Joshua is just overhyped by the politically correct media of Britain. He got rocked by a bum in the second round and took a further 5 rounds to win.
>le reddit is le full of sjw's maymay
i think you mean for him to go to tumblr, reddit shares views and userbase with us desu, sjw's are a minority there too.
media hates fury but the internet loves him
if your really this upset maybe go onto another thread son
Nah just laughing at the faggot op tbqh family
you do realise what site you are on? if you think that photo is bad maybe don't ever go on /b/
>offended faggot op unhappy that people are laughing at his /pol/shit






im not the OP son
only just been unbanned
Never get why people faun over this bird, she looks like the female version of oxlade-chamberlain

Much better athlete though

Fame makes everyone more attractive.
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I know wlad had to lose eventually, but did it really have to be to this fat bible thumping pikey?

Oh well, at least he seems to be doing his best to troll all the SJWs out there now. That's a positive

you may fuck off
If it wasn't for the flag making a quasi tripfag, I'd shitpost hard with SJW stuff. Imagine all the replies you could get, all the /pol/ kids taking it seriously, all that smugness knowing you just need to mention cuckoldry to get attention.



All of a sudden i'm a Tyson Fury fan.
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Britains last superstar heavyweight hope David Haye who lost on points to Vlad in Germany

he pulled out twice on Tyson and still hasn't fought him

however now Furys the money he has come back begging for a fight lol

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Stay mad, Hamilton #1
He dominated him and it was an entertaining as fuck fight, stay fucking mad you stormtard
fury > swagmilton
this guy is a drip

Actually he's right. If you think homosex should be illegal (like Tyson does) then you're a moron.

Not liking it is fine but you aren't the fucking body police man
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Top fucking lel, am starting to like this guy a lot
>Fame makes everyone more attractive.

Gold medals make everyone more attractive you mean.
It's fine to hate gays, but if you hate people who hate gays, you've crossed a line.

Homosexuality is unnatural and disgusting. If you support this mental illness then I think you should be locked up, quite honestly.

Fury is a Christian and is only following the way of the Bible, which is why he kept saying to the press "follow Jesus and you will be saved", etc. That's why he thinks homosexuality is unnatural and disgusting, which, of course, it is.
Fury already said weeks ago that he doesn't think he deserves the SPOTY award because he doesn't see himself as a role model. The BBC are obliged to be impartial and don't want to take him off as a candidate. The odds are that he won't win anyway.

Everyone is still mad about this is just jumping on the latest feel-good-about-myself bandwagon. It's a massive fucking waste of time.
People can vote for more than one person and more than once anyway can't they? I'll probably vote for him along with one or two others.

Yeah, I think I will probably vote Tyson, Lewis Hamilton, and Andy Murray

I believe a lot of people who aren't interested in sport will spam votes for other candidates. And when the inevitable happens they'll all slap each other on the backs, another Hitler defeated!
So why do you hate gays?
>It's disgustin and unnatchural, m8
Well, homosexual behavior has existed for millennia across the animal kingdom.
>It's in the Bible, innit.
The Bible also says to live thy neighbor as thyself.
>homosexual behavior has existed for millennia
>believing this liberal dogma


Who do you want to win, lads?

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>Greg Rutherford

Keep forgetting that a ginger white bloke is current Olympic, European, World, and Commonwealth champion at literal jumping. Good on him desu.
You're fully retarded
Nobody is going to admit they are a fucking neet
And being mad at a guy who called out the NEETs is admitting you're aNEET
Everyone here NEET or not would praise the guy for shitting on the other people they share a board with

It's a shame that he's an absolute c.u.c.k.
He's a bit of twat but I respect his achievements.

congrats on managing to stir up every straight white male in Britain to vote for him
murray will win it again the boring cunt

>Well, homosexual behavior has existed for millennia across the animal kingdom.

I won't argue with anyone for once in this thread. But golly gee how stupid this argument is. Rabies also existed across the animal kingdom for millennia. It doesn't cement its validity.
This is actually an undeniable fact that has been empirically proved in studies done in the U.S., UK, and Denmark.
How are people so thin skinned? like how do you reach adulthood and yet you are still mentally a 5 year old pussy

Maybe people are just way more sheltered than I can even fathom.
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>reverting to the 'I have friends who are black' excuse

top lel
I'm more interested in what a shadow cabinet is sounds like a edgy teen's idea of a government
>tfw the funny shit never ends

Go watch Star kek fucking moron.
>my job is boxing, her job is sorting everything else

top alpha desu
escaping a 6 month ban from driving and a 1000 dollar fine he said "I'm still undefeated"

lol based fury

oh boy, fresh pasta!
>"There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the Devil comes home. One of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other is paedophilia. So who would have thought in the 50s and early 60s that those first two would be legalised. … For me, people can say ‘oh, you’re against abortions and you’re against paedophilia, you’re against homosexuality, you’re against whatever’ but my faith and my culture is all based on the bible. The bible was written a long time ago, wasn’t it, from the beginning of time until now so if I follow that and that tells me it’s wrong, then it’s wrong for me."

Oh great, he's a Judeo-Muslim
Think its to do with christian bakers refusing to bake a wedding a cake for a gay wedding
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He's right.
Greeks were homos but the associated culture was vastly different from modern homosexuality to the point its not a comparison one can make.
>believing anything a liberaltard says.

Oh I'm laffin. I bet you think climate change is a thing too.

The best thing about all of this is eventually the late night talk shows are going to have to have him on
Why do you give a shit? Thicken your skin faggot.
what a hero
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what a guy
....maybe /sp/ can get riggy with it
>I'm still undefeated


the best heavyweight champ since Sonny Liston
Tyson Bless
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Kek is this real? I'm sure the guy's nice. Don't know why he cares what other folks are doing with their dicks.
The influence of SJW and libcucks is definitely waning.
You probably are too. Off to the gallows with you.

>the bible
>not written by a bunch of nameless cultists hundreds of years after Jesus
I'm glad not everyone is retarded enough to base laws on a book like this. Maybe you'd like to move to Saudi Arabia where they put this into practice.
>letting costa get that close to a dying kid
This shit just comes across as so fake and pathetic to me. I'd have more respect for them if they didn't do it at all.
whos that guy on the right closest to the camera?

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vote 4 me lads or ill box de heads of ye all
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That was an awesome fight, but Joshua needs to work on his defense big time if he wants to go big game hunting
>cukfear on his shorts
I hate this place sometimes
I'm feeling pretty bad for laughing that hard at this one.
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Clinchko is such a fucking sport killing faggot
Thread posts: 219
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