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Is heterosexual dating even possible anymore if you're not

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Is heterosexual dating even possible anymore if you're not a Chad? I mean, online dating only works for the top 10% of men and this entire board is nothing but gays and trannies looking to hook up. How does an average looking guy find an average looking qt?
Get into chubby girls. The kind who aren't fat enough to be proud of being fat, but were never really thin and probably got made fun of in school.
Obesity is disgusting and well below average in terms of looks.
shut the fuck up
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Be religious
You sound like a complete retard. No wonder nobody wants you.
women see 10s of profiles of male models wherever they are because millions of autists create fake model profiles to prove that women are shallow and you have to be chad
Ok, so I guess the answer to my question is "heterosexual dating is no longer possible if you aren't a chad". Thanks for clarifying.
Maybe women don't like you because you're an unlikable cunt.
What weight/height would you classify as "chubby" but not obese?
The question wasn't specifically about me though. It was a general question based on what's happening to most average looking guys out there.
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Stop being a smartass.
Stop caring. Stop blaming other men. And end of story
I'm not blaming anyone, just asking a question.

It depends what you mean by "dating" yeah if you're not hot don't expect to be having a lot of casual sex but girls end up getting over that so it's not like you're gonna end up alone
What is a chad? Sure they're tall strong and handsome, but are those the defining traits or just what is typically found in a chad?

Perhaps its not looks at all, but what those looks provide: confidence. Confidence and assertiveness is what makes the chad, not you betas who don't even try because you dont look the part. Being that obbsessed with your own looks is a girl trait, and girls dont wanna fuck other girls.

Ugly chubby manlets get hot babes too, hell even dumb niggers, small dicked indians, and stinking arabs get bitches. Why? Because they're too dumb to be shy effeminate betas.

Forget what society taught you. Drop that nice guy act and go be what you were born to be: a man.
How would you even be able to project confidence through a dating app though? Women just swipe profiles based on what you look like.
Theres charisma involved, but you're not gonna get pussy sitting on your ass swiping. Women wait for a worthy mate, men are supposed to get them. You have much better chances irl, such as college or random cuties. If welfare nogs can do it so can anyone. I got laid this way and I'm ugly, socially awkward and under 6'
we're not blaming men
we're blaming women for being sluts
you don't blame the key
you blame the lock for being broken
Could be you're using the wrong key.
While on the subject of only dating, I'm talking and about to meet up with a woman from POF whose intent is "wants a relationship". Whereas my intent is "casual dating/no commitment", I've told her that I'm leaving the area in a week, and my headline is sexual.
Is she just trying to save face saying that she's in it for a relationship?
Same goes for woman who put "no hookups" in their bio.
By being a functioning and successful member of society who doesn't hide behind a computer screen and and like the social constructs of the world created his problems. Get up, go to school, and get a fucking job.
Many people can tell if a person is confident or not through what they look like. You can tell if a person is resentful, insecure, unstable.... lots of things are communicated through body language, facial musculature, etc
all those girls putting "no hookups/ONS" are full of bullshit. They do that so the creepy, ugly betas won't think, "Oh she's into casual sex, I'll try her, what have I got to lose?". And even the ones who are not really into hookups, most of them will still put out on the first date. Fuck her, don't write again. Boom. One night stand.
Meh, I tried that for 3 years. Having a job makes no difference. The stress lowers my T even further. It's actually counterproductive.
Yeeep. This is what I'm doing for the next two nights.

Try and get a better job. Wank less and go on more dates. Go out with friends and get interest photos taken of you for your online profile. Dating will increase your test, your confidence and then you'll get more dates etc.
Teach us your secrets
if by not a chad you dont mean not having a deformed 2/10 face then yes its possible, infact being charming and confident is easily enough to get a cute girl
"not chads" show it in their body posture and their general behavior which is way more unattractive than the "not looking like chad" thing
Online dating is so fucked up, seriously, real live dating is so much easier. The trick is going to places or doing activities where you'll meet women. Here in Germany it's so easy. Just go to a bar where a shitty reggae/ethnic band is playing, women going there are all looking for men, no doubt. Just dance a bit, then grab a beer and go to the quieter talking area, just start up a conversation. "Hey, so what are you doing here? You like this music?" That's all it takes, really.
Online dating you just get ignored.

Talk to a girl in real life and 10 seconds later some chad will come over and be all like "IS DIS GUY BOTHERIN U?"
And so are you, so what are you bitching about?
I'm not a chad at all and I've gotten a few dates online. I don't even have confidence. It's just harder.
There are millions of average guys out there with girlfriends. Sounds like you have a horrible personality and/or don't have your shit together in life, as well as being ugly.
Online dating is truly awful, it's just completely pointless if you're not a confident, good-looking guy. Most of dating is pretty pointless without confidence and looks but girls online get a 3-4 point boost simply by being girls online.

Your best bet is (apparently) to meet girls out and about in your daily life. I don't have a daily life and I have a repressed sexuality so that doesn't work for me but apparently this is how average looking guys get gfs all the time.
>tfw old romantic type of gaybo
>not asking for a 9/10 just looking for a nice pretty girl
>girls at my work talk about going out to a club, making out with 8-9 people a night and getting fingered in toilets etc etc
>cause working full time these are the women I associate with and interact with daily
>tfw they've skewed my vision of women and I'm becoming a "if its got a vagina its a whore" fedora lord

I know the struggle I tried online dating and it was mainly older men contacting me
Yeah, women suck.
>facial musculature
That's a purely genetic trait that's impossible to change (outside of plastic surgery) so what you're saying kind of just backs up my original point.

No, by "not chad" I mean anyone who's uglier than an 8/10.

I'd love to try real life dating, but I think it's pretty much dead. I've never seen an actual single woman at a bar. Also, I don't go to "clubs" because that's too degenerate for me.

No, I'm 6' and 155lbs.
Never seen a single woman at a bar? Wtf?

Bro no offense but do you have aspergers? Have you not seen ugly or average guys with hot chicks out in public?
>I've never seen an actual single woman at a bar.

you are fucking retarded. They are not going to be sitting at the bar all alone, looking around, waiting for a guy to come up to them. They go with their other female friends, sometimes with male friends, but just from body language you can tell they are single and looking.

And yes, I don't say clubs, I say quiet bars where you can actually talk. That's how you get them.
All I ever seen in bars are women in large groups. That tells me they aren't there to meet guys, but to socialize with their friends.
>Have you not seen ugly or average guys with hot chicks out in public?
Yes, but they're always clearly very wealthy, and even then it's very rare.
>sometimes with male friends
So I'm supposed to go up to a random woman I don't know that's sitting next to a guy and flirt with her? That sounds like a sure way to get an ass kicking.
It's not. It's over. The days when women were reasonable with their standards are gone. Either ur gf is a 3/10 at best or you have to be literally perfect to get one.
>too many gays
>why dont women like meeee
This, I am painfully average in looks dept. and have had a fair share of sex/ gfs. Ok, nothing lasting, but its happened and is possible.

Its harder and requires more patience and persistence.
Online: You gotta have a dog in your profile pic

Real World: You just have to smile and talk. If you go to bars to pick up girls don't go alone. That's just weird and semi-pathetic. It makes you look like you're friendless. Plus, you need friends to jump on the grenades while you swoop

It's fairly easy
they find them offline because online only attracts shallow people who only judge based on looks, casual sex, or ugly people using it because they're awkward and autistic
desu the dog hasn't even helped me much, girls can still sense the neediness and fear
I literally have a dog in each pic in my tinder profile and it works wonders
I meant well below average in terms of looks.

I'm a skinny nerd with a receding hairline and I can pull plenty of girls, I think I'm at around 40 now in the last five years. If you can't get them, then either the issue is that you're ugly as sin, or your personality sucks major balls. You don't seem TOO aspie from your posts here, so i have to assume that you're actually a 3-4/10.
here we see a female chubby chaser
The question is ALWAYS about you. You wouldn't ask if it weren't a problem affecting you, and it comes down to your personality being shit. Women want to fuck and are not generally that caught up in how many times you've been hit with a shovel. You just have to be fun to be around. You're not. Fix it. You won't.
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By going out and talking to girls?Definitely not by convincing yourself that you're so much smarter and better than other dudes that girls just won't go for you. Chicks hate spastic assholes, shocker, I know.
What if I don't have any friends who like to go to bars?

Nope, I'm solidly a 5, which is exactly average.

>Women want to fuck
I seriously doubt this is true. Even Chads probably have to put in a decent amount of effort to get a woman to open her legs.
My fat ass never did once I stopped acting like a desperate, creepy kid. Stop fighting it. The incredulity is your shitty personality fighting to live while it kills you slow.
And these fucking number ratings... I'll never understand people. You've graded yourself like a cut of meat, you do the same to everyone else, but you want them to treat you like a person and someone whose feelings matter to them. Stop thinking that poison. You're toxic right now and you need to grow up.
>Even Chads probably have to put in a decent amount of effort to get a woman to open her legs.

all girls want to fuck, 100% of the time. The catch is, they want to fuck without feeling like sluts, like cheap whores. That's the only thing you have to do, somehow convince them that letting you fuck their brains out doesn't make them cheap whores. How do you do that?

>"You're not a whore, we're having sex because we share a deep spiritual connection, that's why we're so attracted to each other. It's more platonic than physical, really. See? We both like all the same TV shows! Wow! We just can't not fuck right now, right?"

You don't actually say that out loud though, of course, but that is the message you have to convey.
But they are whores, why beat around the bush? There's nothing wrong with being a whore though, just like there's nothing wrong with a guy fucking lots of women. Only difference is that the latter is very difficult to do, while the former takes no effort at all.
relating to op.
Average looking chicks can easily get good looking guys, so why would they go home with an average looking guy?

According to rate threads im a solid 6/10. If i could consistently fuck 8/10s I would reject every 6/10 girl that came up to me. So why wouldnt a female 6/10? She can get guys hotter than me with no effort.

So the solution is for me to hit on 3-4/10s? Even though im not attracted to them? Fuck that. Thats some suicidefuel right there
Aré you sure you like girls? You sound incredibly mad at them because of his nature.
>According to rate threads im a solid 6/10. If i could consistently fuck 8/10s I would reject every 6/10 girl that came up to me. So why wouldnt a female 6/10? She can get guys hotter than me with no effort.

It's not all about looks, you retarded fuck. Have you ever heard of having a personality? Also your stupid number rating system is completely subjective, you inbred piece of shit.

Have you ever talked to a woman? How fucking old are you?

>But they are whores, why beat around the bush?

Another fedora faggot too stupid to realize what he's doing wrong. Yeah, they are whores, but you want to sleep with them, right? So the only way to do that is by making them feel like they're not whores. Why? I have no fucking clue, that's just what they want.
I thought women wanted equality though? Shouldn't they be proud of being whores, just like chads are proud of their ability to get lots of pussy?
>personality when trying to fuck someone from a club/bar
Just fucking lol man

And yeah, rating is subjective but put me in a room with 100 people and i promise you no one will rate me below 5 or above 7
That's like a Chad being proud of boning a bunch of whales. It took no effort, you have nothing of which to be proud.
That kind of proves that women and men are different after all and equality can't exist.
Congratulations, you're up to speed.

that's your fucking problem, you actually listen to them. Women don't know what they want. When they tell you they want something, most likely it's bullshit, even if they don't know it. what you have to do is fucking watch them, and observe, and from that take your conclusions.

They never wanted equality, they just want attention from a dominant male. Which is exactly why they will ignore all the beta-male allies, and go straight for fucking Chad Thundercock or the bad boy flavor of the month. All this feminist bullshit is just them begging for a strong man to put them in their place.

I'm going out with this chick, she's always arguing in favor of feminist positions, though not extreme SJWisms. Whenever I'm fucking her brains out she just goes crazy and starts going on about how she wants to marry me, have my babies and be a good little submissive housewife, and cook for me every night and keep me happy (her exact fucking words). Wake up, man, women's deep desires have not changed for centuries, and are unlikely to do so.
Ok, but I can't become a Chad, so where does that leave me?
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