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/ugly/ general

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Thread replies: 379
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Anyone else /ugly/?

Went to a club event last night alone to get out of the house and I was blown away by how good looking all the guys there were.

Practically all of them had perfect straight low hairlines, symmetric faces, strong cheekbones, square jawlines.

How the fuck am I supposed to compete with that?

Any /ugly/ experiences or stories?
>6th grade art class
>teacher brings us into a room for dramatic lighting for a self portrait photo
>take picture
>dramatic acne shadows
>draw face anyways
>cry at home
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>Anyone else /ugly/?
Yeah, i have receded butt chin (on top of that facial acne and being fat in general). I literally cannot stop thinking how ugly i look.

At least acne is treatable with simple medication.
> hideous fat child
> unpopular
> low self esteem
> grow up to be attractive
> spent childhood hiding and don't know how to talk to people
> I have never had a friend and I just get ghosted by guys on 4chan

So you're not actually ugly anymore? Go on tinder then.
Those are the males that succeed in clubs, the ugly guys like me don't bother. There is really nothing good for us out there, unless we somehow create it ourselves.
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how /ugly/ am I guys?
am i as irredeemable as I feel?
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>went to the mall 3 days ago
>every single girl is with a bf, or group of girls
>all the girls look beautiful, almost model tier
>the guys look amazing as well
>dying inside looking at the girls squeezing their bfs hands, and holding onto their arms
>tfw the only ugly people around was me and all the 40+ year old people
>I'm not even old

I'm never going back there again! I'm sticking to Wal-Mart where everyone looks horrible like me.
I'm not but being ugly ruined me.

A picture from the 7th grade was posed on normie book of me. I tagged and deactivated my account again
>grow up ugly
>guys ask me out as a joke
>grow up, lose weight, grow into my features
>I'm still so used to being ugly that my personality hasn't changed and guys are still put off by me


You look like a stupid normie to me. Fuck off.
Is this bait? You are hot AF

This is what it was like at the club. It's amazing when you're ugly. Everyone else just looks so beautiful.

And then you realize no, they're not beautiful. They're just average people, and the only reason they look that way is you're uglier than 90%+ of them.

It's fucking hard. I mean I already had jaw surgery once.

What makes you ugly?
not b8, I have really bad anxiety and shiet and my self image is fucked so i cant really tell
thanks though man <3
literally odo from star trek lmao
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Would I be Chad tier if I didn't have huge lips and sunken eyes?
Are you me?

Pic related is me at 23 (now) and me at 12.

My personality is shit. All I want to do is blend into the background and never be seen and it's because of my childhood.

In grade school I went to a all girls school and the girls in grade 7 would ask the girls in the 1st grade if they could be their "mother hens" ( kinda like a big sister programme) I was the only 1st grader not asked.

Eventually, when I was sitting alone during lunch a 7th grader asked me. I was so excited but then she started laughing at me and said " as if"
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>see pic of self
>"I guess I don't look that bad"
>go outside
>see average people
Be my bf RIGHT NOW pls

How old are you? That hairstyle is not doing you any favors.
not ugly just average. long midface, no cheekbones, eyes too round, eyebrows too arched. just kind of beta looking overall. you should be fine though, nothing too be overly worried about
Eyes are fine. Cut that hair tho
can i get the names of all those ball drainers in the OP image, please

originally, I might add
Decided to remove image. Sorry.
Fuck off Stacy. Go suck a dick and never come back.
Too autistic to get dick.
>see average people

The worst feel of all. I remember when I was in university I was mostly off campus for my program but when I'd walk through campus 80% of the guys looked like Chads to me.

I don't know how my mom doesn't get it. It's amazing that they just can't see it. I've given up on trying to explain to her.
everyone's ugly at 12, I was ugly all throughout high school too.

Didn't get a chance to see your picture, what do you look like now?
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Well I have a nice body since I work out, but it's not like anyone is ever going to see that. I'm already starting to bald, people say my eyes look strange, and that's all I can think of.

I can't really go in-depth but I've just never been called cute, pretty, or handsome. I posted on a /soc/ rate thread, and got called 5/10 multiple times. When I post my pic to someone I meet online, they always seem disappointed.
It's like no one will tell me why I'm ugly, but just let me know I'm not pretty.

How about you anon?
>Too autistic to get dick.
Literally approach Chad in club and say "You. Me. Let's fuck", that's it.
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>Decided to remove image. Sorry.
But i saved it.

Get on finasteride, dutasteride, or RU58841 asap for your hair loss. Don't let yourself go bald too you'll regret it.

Average is not bad. I'd kill to be average.

Me: Asymmetric face, excessive chin, round jawline from my last surgery, hairline 3.5 cm higher than it should be, 5'7", tiny wrists/boned.

Getting hair and more jaw surgery but pretty sure it's a lost cause.
I was ugly though out highschool too. I just don't have photo evidence. I became attractive at around 19.

Brown eyes, brown hair, not as fat. I don't know if I want to post a picture again
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ugly as sin
the plan right now is to just enjoy life for as long as i can and eventually move up to being a sewer goblin somewhere, scaring kids and shit

You are cruel anon.

That girl was never ugly. God I hate fat people who choose to eat all day and become obese and then complain about being ugly when they arent even deformed in any way.

You fat fucks have no idea what it's like to actually be ugly and not just a pig.
breedy gud fampai, solid 6/10
btw how tall are you?

this guy posted it again

It just looks like you lost weight and started to wear makeup? That doesn't really count, every girl goes through that. I'm talking about having a fucked-up face and growing into it.

you have an interesting face (not in a bad way)
hi bruce jenner
>You are cruel anon.
Oh, you wouldnt know what ugly incel can do.

You're not ugly. I'd trade for your face in a heartbeat.

Can we please stop fishing for compliments itt?

Fuck you. You were never even ugly.
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>tfw almost 2 months hrt
you are objectively wrong

Well if you're trying to be a female supermodel maybe that's hard for you. But you could be a decently attractive guy or girl.
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>posting pics of yourself
I removed the image as I am not. But now it was reposed so, nothing I can do. I feel as though I was ugly. Sometimes we can't change perspectives. I'm a girl and my face was boy-ish.
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You're not going to lose anything by posting your ugly mug.

I personally wouldn't mind if at least they were ugly.
You're increasing the likelihood of the thread getting 404'd.
get ur haircut like pewdiepie also r u a swede
How do you define ugly? If you're incel then you're ugly in general sense.
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>friend tells me he is ugly
>even though he talks to multiple girls on tinder a day
>have went on numerous dates
>I've seen girls approach him when we're together
>he's had 3 gfs, and even a friends with benefits before
>while I'm khv and haven't talked to a girl since HS

I feel so bad for him. Why is he so cursed? No one knows the struggle of being /ugly/ like him.

Some of us have actually deformed faces and you're posting crying about how you "felt ugly". Well I feel ugly and I actually AM ugly.

Please go find another thread to shit up. I hate good looking people.
Only truly ugly people are the ones who won't post

Objectively bottom 15% looks.

Ie. If you took 100 men in the same outfit, lined them up silently and motionlessly in front of 85 women, and told the women to pick, ugly is the last 15 guys standing.
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In a sane society, being ugly would not hurt us.

In a sane society, we'd have purpose.
androgynous as fuck but not ugly. great symmetry. main flaw is long philtrum. nice jaw width
It means that being fat with acne automatically sends you to 15 guy squad.

Possibly I suppose but those are cheap types of ugliness. Acne is so ridiculously treatable in 99% of cases. Fat is a choice.

The realest types of ugly are the ones that can't be fixed at all or can only be fixed with a bone saw.
i'm glad to finally have a word for this
also, thank you.
Are you ugly though? You could be like curly haired Chad in this thread. Or even me apparently.

You may say I am good looking but in highschool I was never asked out, I never really made friends and it was because of how I looked.

Yes things changed but I won't get back that time and I probably will never be "normal" despite looking "normal" because of that time in my life and my perspective
Beauty is only skin deep. True beauty is on the inside.
At least she stopped being fat after childhood.

At 12 the fault lies mainly with the parents anyways, I just feel sad looking at fat kids.
>True beauty is on the inside.
t. Chad Chadnovic Chadonov.
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you would be normie tier if you got your weave did so you didnt look like bolt gun man from that one movie

seriously dude wtf hahahahahaha

pic very fuckin related.
Beauty goes as far as bone structure "skin deep"
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23y/o normie student with literal diagnosed autism from britbong land.
Why are there attractive people on this board.
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Yes I am actually ugly. Pic related is all the hardware in my face and even after all that I'm still fucked and its ridiculous how much revision surgery I'll need to even have normal jaw alignment.

That doesn't even take into account my abnormally narrow set eyes, lack of cheekbones, or bizarre kg large forhead.

There's only so much surgery a person can go through and only so much can be fixed. And nothing fixes the fact that when you're in your mid 30s it's already over.
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>bizarre kg


All that said if you want to be better looking you could get a nose job and philtrum shortening. They're both very simple easy procedures (if you're the skinny white one with the long hair).

Oh never mind. I thought I was talking to the skinny white androgynous one. Now I realize I was talking to the previously fat attention whore.

Anyway still advice stands for the skinny androgynous one. Nose job and philtrum shortening would boost looks to way above average.
Are you talking about me? I am both those girls. Just different ages.

The guy with the bad jaw, I'm sorry about that. I didn't say I had it the worst. For what it's worth the outline of your face in the x-Ray does not look bad.
>Anyway still advice stands for the skinny androgynous one. Nose job and philtrum shortening would boost looks to way above average.
i'll keep this in mind, thank you
>excessive chin
Can someone give me the rundown on this anon?

What do you mean? When someone develops an underbite the chin also usually grows too long vertically as well.

It's hard to fix surgically well. After my revision jaw surgeries in north America over the next two years I'll be probably going to Korea to try to get that fixed as they're the best with that sort of thing.
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>some people say i look decent without my glasses

>self esteem is so low that i still feel like shit

>become a shy autistic friendless introvert because of this

The way i look doesn't even matter at this point.
Didnt mean for my picture to come out sideways

It aint easy being a phoneposter
get shorter hair and ur golden senpai
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Semi original optional.
Use more blur. I can almost see the detail of your face.
Dude... I was just fucking about with the bogdanoff meme

Got it.

My sense of humor is dead at this point.
For fucks sake man you're like pretty average, if not outright attractive
What's the point of lifting weights when 95% of the guys in the nightclub are in great shape too and its not going to help you stand out at all?

Plus most of those guys are taller and better looking as well.
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ugly person coming through

this is the best picture that i have because the smile and interesting background hides my completely dead eyes
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God have mercy on my soul. How ugly am I anons?
please stop masturbating these ego fags

some of us are actually /ugly/
would you rather stand out as the guy who's shorter, uglier, and fat as fuck?
Most of them are ugly fucks. Girls literally do not care about how you look as much as you do. They care that you put effort into yourself.

Holy shit dude. You look a bit like me. Op reporting in.
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I Just wanted to say thank you in the most original way possible

Being "not fat" doesn't require gym. Just eating less. I work out like crazy and I still look like shit next to the average guy because the average guy is taller has bigger bones and has a decent face.

I don't know why I bother anymore. I just keep telling myself it's for the health benefits because I can't even lie and pretend it's gonna get me a girl.
>Most of them are ugly fucks.

Who? The guys in clubs? No they're not. I was just at one last night. See OP. Nothing but perfect hairlines and faces and jaws as far as the eye could see.
post pics senpai. I've never seen anyone who's looked like me before.
> haircut
> grow some stubble
> gain a little weight

I know. My thoughts exactly. People always ask me who do you look like and I say no one. Well now I can say some guy on r9k. Sorry not posting pics but those x-rays in the thread are me for what little that's worth.

Thanks for sharing your pic. Seriously brightened my day a bit.
Being ugly sucks. You should see the way women look at me. Or how hard they try not to look at me.
Moms have an instinctive need to deny ugliness in their kids.
>mom suddenly makes a 'positive' remark on my looks and I remember what I look like
stop it mom
>bigger bones

stay unhappy you dumb faggot you deserve it
Right on the money. Every time my mum mentions my looks or girls it feels like a punch to the gut when I'm usually not even thinking about it.
I don't understand how people are still insecure about looks after 20-25 or so. That is such teenager territory. It's not like ugliness directly stops you from doing something - regardless of how you look, you're an adult and can force other people to deal with you. This has never failed me.
That's because you're not ugly, normie.
> force other people to deal with you

so what? Are you a rapist? Or that annoying guy that follows people around and thinks his friends with them but they all think you are ugly and cringy and hope you will leave them alone?
>You should see the way women look at me. Or how hard they try not to look at me.

One of the most common pieces of dating advice is also the most brutal.

Guys always say "wait 'til a girl looks at you, then smile. If she smiles you're in".

It's like they have no idea that if you're ugly girls treat your face like a Medusa and will whip their eyes down and away the moment they meet yours.
Male or female? You're not ugly either way, it's just hard to tell.
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female (male)
thank you.

Not sure if male or female.
Would say it's a male but the haircut is throwing me off.

Try telling me it's meaningless when your wrists are narrower than most girls.

I already work out and can't really stop actually due to health reasons (I need it).

But it's a joke for trying to become "attractive". seriously every guy in that club was in good shape. There were maybe 2 fat guys and a bunch of skellies. Everyone else looked fit. But also taller and better looking.
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I know I look young but I swear I'm 19. no girl has ever shown any interest in me before. but maybe that's because I have no self esteem and bad anxiety...

Cant get women when you're over 25 and ugly. Where are you gonna meet them? At that age it's all online dating and cold approach which only work if you're not horribly ugly.

You still look like a male, but just happens to have long hair.

You look like a boyband faggot who should post in a mentalcel thread where you belong.

facial hair will make you look older

don't do it though if you can't grow a decent beard
Where are you from?i have a similar face except dark brown hair
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Maybe, but that doesn't really matter, because you can't change it in any way.

Cut that hair though. It brings attention to your massive forehead. Trust me, I made the same mistake.
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Come talk to us when you have girls literally burst out in laughter upon looking at you.Gook women do it the most in my area
Women love a guy who can make them laugh.
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fuck off you're handsome as fuck
I'm seriously thinking of buying a sex doll.


Anyone else contemplating The Final Solution?
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I'm gonna get one just like this but with a blonde wig as well.

Same doll again.
God these things look pretty amazing for being like, dolls and all. Guess that will be my final solution
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>all these normalfags that think they are ugly
can non-uggos please leave.
like this is all i can get to with effort.

Good job being fat.
ehhhh, if i had a chance at being not ugly i'd probs try to lose weight.

Yeah I just told my parents they can't come to my place unannounced anymore because I'm sick of them just dropping by and coming in.

In reality I just said that because I know soon I'm going to have a life size sex doll around the house and can't have them seeing it.
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>fat and disgusting trap/tranny calling people out

Thanks chad. What's the next great advice? To just beeee ourselves and we can get any girl, and accomplish anything.

Your average, just like all the other anons in this thread. I hate when people post their pics in /ugly/ threads. No one is ever ugly.
Except one anon so far, but I don't want to make them feel bad.

Dont be mean. If you're in an ugly thread you should know what it feels like.
Being ugly and fat are two different things you have control over one of those things that's very selfish to not take control of the few true freedoms you possess
yeah. normalfags should leave.
what's the point in not being hedonistic?
oh boy maybe i can get to 2/10 by losing weight!
why choose to put in effort when you will still be ugly?

Agreed. I just don't see the need to rub it in or mock people over it.
Ugly > Ugly & Fat
>get ripped
>still look like a 4/10

Falling for the /fit/ meme is pretty bad, anon
I think a lot of uglier people live happier and more social lives than mine. I guess I kind of feel entitled even though I am not attractive. The idea that I don't get good things in life makes me miserable. Like I'm an 8th place racer or dog eating scraps. I want to die when I think about it.
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because she is posting for (you)s and I'm providing them in this failing economy do you also ask father why he brings the bacon no you simply say "thank father" and go back to being a bacon whore.
>be ugly
>only a select few girls are willing to let me put their dick in them
>get fat
>feel like shit but get to stuff my fat face with big macs
>nobody wants me because I am now a physical abortion with a weak will
Don't get fat if you're ugly
by how much?
why put in effort when you can continue to not try and still end up the same?
>I am already a weak willed person why should I care that I'm too weak to compete in the world my physical appearance is who I am I'm another slave trapped in my body instead of putting time into myself let me put some time into this popeyes basket I got and later down it with a pint of ice cream
mmmm yes you love that ice cream don't you slut
Hey Shamu if I get your contact want to stream some videos of yourself feeding your fat face naked I could use a good fap
Skinny girls could be paper bag/10 and still attract a mate because men are programmed to like female bodies.

Look at lena dunham now that shes lost wieght they are people unironically calling her attractive
>those forearms
wtf are you doing on /r9k/?
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This is me. I haven't slept in almost 3 days, and I don't give a fuck anymore. I've always been ugly, and of course I'm getting worse. I started losing my hair a few years ago but I don't care that much because I would be ugly anyway.

I usually tell people that they need to shave but you should really try growing a beard to cover those acne scars.
Nigger you look like a dad just literally dress the fucking part and you'll get women chatting you up. You look fine you literally just look like a dad who got "just". Buzz your head and keep the beard put on a north face jacket when it's on clearance and buy some polo and dickies you'll get some serious milf pussy. If they ask about you lie about everything.
>already balding

Just accept that you're going bald and shave your head please

This is wut
you look fine you just look like a gay anime character the way you dress
you sound like a real normalfaggot.
just do whatever feels dope.

am i going to obtain social skills by losing weight?
it won't make me able to function sober will it?
idk about that. i'd rather not.
>almost 16" shoulders
>massive 6" hands
>need facial surgery to look okay
why try?
lena was a lot better looking than i am.
Cmon baby it goes both ways you know you want to see this giant cock. Second it hits the water it makes waves!
Oh, I accepted it, I'm just too lazy to shave. I don't really give a fuck, man. Even that neckbeard is not any kind of "style", it's just beard not shaven.
I'm fat but I'm cute so it's a win win for me because I can eat like shit yet girls are attracted to my nice face. Lost virginity at 19 by a 8/10 girl and I'm 20 now. One day just I'll have a six pack and I'll be fucking 10/10 fat booty latinas ALPHAAAAAA MALEEEEEEE POWEEERRRR
>wow you're not a fat morbidly obese failing machine lol I'm dope though but I'm unhappy
>am I just going to magically gain social skills by losing weight no but I'll be gaining some more weight with these double double fried big macs
You're going to die from obesity and it's going to smell awful.
desu, i just want drugs.
my parents took away my rcs and now all i have is pst, kpins and like a little bit of subs.
eh, that's okay.
so long as i don't go above a size 6 in pants or a size small in p much everything else i'll be okay desu.
i don't want to buy new clothes rn
fatty mcgoo shitposting and fishing for compliments while beta fag in the back is cooking up her next greesy meatball Sub soup.
Do you think fatty mcgoo can take a poo without it smearing all over her ass cheeks
that's my parents lmao. i'd rather get insults desu. irl is a hugbox
>Come talk to us when you have girls literally burst out in laughter upon looking at you.

It's been a long time since my ugliness inspired laughter. Such a thing was typical when I was a student. You would pass girls in the hall and hear the word "ugly" whispered and the laughter that followed. Occasionally, young men would shout the term with a shove or a blow, hoping to elicit giggles from the young women they hoped to impress. It was a miserable thing to play the clown whose pain was seen as no more authentic than a harlequin's makeup, it's abuse no more than the slapstick violence a fool is subjected to under a circus tent.

Eventually, the laughter stops. Men and women grow up, and the fact that the latter find you revolting is no longer verbalized. There are no more giggles and hushed barbs. Something far worse takes their place. There is that momentary look of disgust when you meet a woman's eyes before she quickly looks away, ashamed of her own faux pas. It's an amazing experience, almost mystical. Without a single word exchanged, one enters into an immediate experience of how loathsome he truly is. There's no longer the luxury of hearing laughter, which one can desperately try to attribute to the petty cruelty of children. There's just Nature revealing Herself and Her hatred of you in all of its fullness.

Time and tears eventually wash the fool's make up away. He finds to his horror that beneath the paint was not the face of an awkward man but that of a monster. He's still damned to the nighttime world of the carnival. However, it's no longer as a clown beneath the tent, but as a freak in the sideshow. There are no more giggles or spiteful mirth. Just looks of horror and the silent prayers of those that see you offering thanks that there is a pane of glass separating your world from theirs. One even grows nostalgic for that laughter, but the only sound that ever reaches the abomination on display is that of his own weeping.
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Me at 12 vs 19
Still don't know how to take pictures though.
Forgot to add how I was bullied by all the girls in highschool and now I don't know how to talk to girls until I'm drunk
>If they ask about you lie about everything.
If they ask about what?
>There is that momentary look of disgust when you meet a woman's eyes before she quickly looks away, ashamed of her own faux pas. It's an amazing experience, almost mystical. Without a single word exchanged, one enters into an immediate experience of how loathsome he truly is.

I've always had this. Never had the laughter or mocking.

Anyway well written.

I guess i should be grateful that the normies just opt to laugh at me instead i cant imagine handling digusted looks 24/7 i would literally kill myself if it gets that bad
Play by different rules. Get your comedy game on, bitches love a 'funny guy'.
You might not get that insta attraction, but there are plenty of fat dudes with hot girls because they're funny. Gives the bitch social value for dating a guy that can make people enjoy themselves.
Work on making people laugh, so get use to talking to people.
I make girls laugh alright just not in the context you are referring to.

NOONE should be subjected to this pain
>Get your comedy game on, bitches love a 'funny guy'.

Yeah as a friend.

>You might not get that insta attraction, but there are plenty of fat dudes with hot girls because they're funny.

That's because girls find fat fat less offensive than short or ugly. Those are usually tall good looking guys who are just wasting their potential with obesity.
gee god pleb

I think I never had laughter because there's nothing funny about how I look. I'm the jaw surgery guy and my face has just looked wrong to varying degrees since puberty. Like it's more an unsettling kind of ugliness than a comical one. So people just get uncomfortable and look away as quick as they can.

I can't imagine what it must be like for those guys who talk about waiting for girls to smile at them to approach them. I can't imagine that people would just smile at you randomly through the day. What a gift that would be.
Dude you need to shave your head and fucking EMBRACE it. I'm not bald and I do it, its fucking awesome. Girls love it, you look tough as fuck.
y u gotta name drop me i'm anon
Chop your hair and you'll have a pretty good face m8; your problem is self esteem
Did milo cum in your hair when you were 12 and make it blonde? You look like a faggot
you aint fooling anyone

i know pleb and pleb needs my feminine benis in her
Guys im ugly and the severe depression and possible mental illness wants me to go full skullface? I'm too far gone to have any sort of therapy help but im still scared at the thougth of it.
What should I do?
Did it for Halloween, it works for me once I convince girls I'm not gay
i don't like girls and have a bf already...........
n o you d o n t

you will be mine pleb. I'll show you

Take antidepressants. That's what I do. I'm on escitalopram and mirtazapine.
pls no
i rly like my bf.........
i don't even know you stalker anon
>stalker anon


i dont know about that anon but I think I could be a good gf

we live pretty close too
>girls find fat fat less offensive than short or ugly
Ahh...Yeah Sorry friendo. That's shit outa luck.
A short friend has a woman, but she wasn't exactly high class, and he is kinda jacked.
Ugly I got no idea on bruh.
idk, there must be multiple fembenis you posters then, i'm srry. idk i just can't into grills....
feminine benis is pure love tho

we'll see about that
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I don't really view myself as ugly, moreso too average. I don't approach girls because I'm afraid of that kind of rejection.

A lot of my problems with this kind of shit revolve around mental blocks.

Not to mention I have mild jawline acne.
And holy shit I'm white.
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When I used to be in school, people would jump when they saw me.
This picture was saved for future use; thanks comrade
>tfw everyone in this thread looks pretty much average and i'm much ugo
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>Big forehead with an extreme widows peak/shit hairline. No idea how to make my hair work.
>Pointy chin/jawline (My friends have called be "Habsburg" before :^( )
>the classic dead inside eyes
>can't make a legit smile
>got lazy with shaving and now I have a bit of a neckbeard
>Have to wear glasses because really shitty vision even though all glasses look bad on me
>My ears look odd
>My nose is slightly crooked because of a adnoid removal surgery when I was 4 years old


>On top of all this I'm also a manlet at 5'7
Why are you so freaking verbose? How did you become this way?

Tell me about that female pedo you knew.
>got cocky trying to pressure hot normie girls for sex
>plan backfired so hard
>only end up attracting old ugly women
>now stuck with two of the ugliest pigs on the planet for a side bitch and wife.
>Instant karma
>Instant regret
>Literally stuck with a deranged chink pig for the rest of my life! Fml.

Tl:dr ugly baby mama and ugly wife, both so ugly I can't tell which is uglier.
i just can't into it.....
i like men and like forcing me down and like stuff...
>tfw actual uggo in this bread
try 162cm senpai.
What makes you think I can't do that t b h
>ugly my whole life

Does anyone know the feels when someone looks you in the eyes and you just know they think you're a piece of shit? Never mind getting a gf or wife, I wonder if I'll ever be treated human.
Pluck eyebrows and you'll go up a point.
You don't compete with that. Women go to clubs specifically to fuck guys like that. They're not hoping to find some nice guy who will stay with them long time, they just want sex. They don't want anyone but the most attractive men for this.

Yeah but I just want sex too.
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Not fooling anyone with that, honeybuns.
This is a great /thinspo/ motivation anon, thank you.
You should cut the hair because it makes you look like a girl, especially with that shirt.
idk. i'm not attracted to women....
ayyyy. you ever get the pity look and tone???
You look amazing retard
faggot hair
hey anons how do you put on weight, old and I eat until I feel completely fucking bloated and I'm still severely underweight, 20 years old and I just want to not look like a stick insect.
That's what hookers are for. Duh.
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can somebody please explain to me why girls don't want my dick?

it's like they can see the autism in my eyes from a mile off
I don't believe you

Are you sure about that?

Thats not the same thing as a girl who actually wants you and hasn't banged 5 other guys that same day.
Can you normies just stop already?this is supposed to be a thread for /ugly/ robots not failed /soc/ whores
inject progesterone and do opis
i already tried, and i broke her heart and i feel really bad about it everyday because i wanna be her friend, but i know she likes me and i'll make her tfw when we go see a movie or show or whatever
>I just want sex
>and also for her to love me
>and also for her to be faithful to only me

That's not the same as actually wanting just sex. If you want sex you can get it just as easily as women can.
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>People always go way out of their way not to be near me, speak to me, or even give eye contact

Must be, or else I don't know what
>Fags turned this into a failed normies thread

We cant have anything good here can we?
we'll see plebby

I never said love. I want her to want me and not just see me as a customer. I want to flirt and escalate and feel the thrill of it. Not to just hand some money over so she can lie there like a dead animal disgusted by me and waiting for me to cum.
I don't know, they must be pretty ugly considering they apparently have too many chromosomes to simply not post a picture
God I fucking hate all you compliment-fishing average-looking normalfags. Delet yourselves
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>looks normal
>repulses people
>still thinks its looks
>doesn't consider the possibility that its his attitude/personality.

At least you can change those things.
Why would a ugly person upload a picture of themselves only to be ridiculed and further demoralize them?

/r9k/ is the only place where we may remain in peace
I don't really speak to people or act in a way that makes people notice me at all. Nothing I do could possibly be repulsing others so
first you need to post picture in this thread

The reason I don't upload a pic is because I know that I'd become a fucking meme if I did.

The rare times I post on /soc/ to know where I stand, I get rated 2-4/10 every time.
Well you are a good writer atleast
>implying i'm anywhere near average
bruh, this place is a fucking hugbox.
>tfw too intelligent to post picture
So you're a quiet loner and you're wondering why people aren't actively throwing themselves at you trying to break down your walls, like you're a protagonist in a shitty anime.

Learn social skills, learn about body language, stop pretending that they don't matter.
I have this problem but the main issue is that I literally can not hold a conversation with people for more than 5 minutes.

I've pretty much been only playing videogames for the past 13 years of my life and I have no idea what to talk about with normal people.
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if you think pretentious, flowery language is good writing, then you might want to consider killing yourself, faggot.
That is covered under the broad heading of
>Learn social skills

Like there are literally books and all manner of resources that tell you how to do this.

You have the greatest information tool in the history of mankind at your fingertips and you could be using it to fix the problems in your life RIGHT NOW.

Get off this fucking board, your problems are fixable.
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I know I'm not ugly, I'm just short As Fuck, and there's no amount of lifting that'll change that. Women naturally want guys taller than them/tall in general because they'll feel safer.

What women would want a midget like me? Doesn't help I don't act "Black".
Post a pic before n after
I don't want to create a fake personality just to get a girl that I share nothing in common with whatsoever though.

If I were that desperate for sex I would just hire a hooker.

I just want to find a qt introverted girl that chad hasn't defiled yet.
1. Change glasses or get rid of them
2. Problem solved.

Might want to change those autism specs boi.
fashion and face on point, though. would make baby daddy/10
b-but I like the glasses
If I go take an art class and learn how to paint, I'm not being taught how to act my way through a painting session, I'm learning a new skill, I'm learning how to use tools and techniques that allow me to express myself in new ways through painting. Same if I take a Spanish class, or learn programming, or martial arts or any other skill.

Social skills are no different from any other skill. It is possible to learn skills without building a fake personality or being at all disingenuous while using those skills.

But you're right, you shouldn't try to build a fake personality. However you should learn social skills. Stop arguing with me and go find a book or a youtube video about it.
Fuck, I have that coat.

Also how short?
Then enjoy the lack of attention.
there's nothing wrong with them, ignore the retards i think they suit your face
Get some Malcolm X glasses my guy
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They are retard specs.
there's no such thing, if anything they look like old people glasses, because thick rimmed hipster glasses are what's in style right now - but those glasses don't suit everyone's facial size and structure
This, thick frames are in. Fashion repeats itself, etc.
ur cute
original bosta
true anon, thanks for the advice, at the moment I'm just finding myself less and less interested in things that I used to be interested in.

I guess I'll try and get out of this depression cycle first before I think about meeting other people.
Anyone who thinks the glasses matter is themselves a social retard who shouldn't be giving advice.

You look fine, the answer as always is personality and attitude, you're insecure and touchy about your lack of height, you'll use that as an excuse and the source of all your insecurities. If there were a way to magically grow you up to 6ft, you'd find other stupid shit to be insecure about afterwards. I know this because I have been through this process and its amazing how new bullshit excuses pop up to replace the old ones.

>I can't talk to girls because I'm a fat virgin neet who lives with his parents and has no social skills.
>I can't talk to girls because I'm a fat virgin neet who lives with his parents
>I can't talk to girls because I'm a fat virgin who lives with his parents.
>I can't talk to girls because I'm a slightly less fat virgin who lives with his parents.
>I can't talk to girls because I'm a virgin who doesn't have enough stuff in his apartment.
>I can't talk to girls because I'm a virgin who doesn't have a good enough job
>I finally started talking to girls, its terrifying.
>I finally had sex, turns out PUA actually does work.
>I totally could talk to girls if I wanted to
>I would talk to girls, but what if I get shot down? Was that other time just a fluke?
>I can't talk to girls because I'm afraid they'll find out how inexperienced I am
>I can't talk to girls because I have deep-rooted sexual shame and abandonment issues and I need therapy
>I could have talked to girls but all this time I've been afraid of rejection, because I have an ego and can't stand the thought of losing face or looking stupid, and I didn't see that so I blamed other factors in an attempt to avoid having to do things that are difficult and uncomfortable.

So yeah, keep the glasses, but also try to recognise the real root of your problems, and cultivate some self-esteem.
Maybe I should move to some Asian country so I can feel like a normal man.
Oh yeah a black guy in Asia will FIT RIGHT IN. That'll be the end of your problems, you dumpass.
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Rate me or you'll die in your sleep tonight you ugly fucks
am I ugly /r9k/? Everyone says Im just fat and have acne and huge brows, but what do y'all think?
Good face, get a haircut, move out of your parents' log cabin.

>Everyone says Im just fat and have acne and huge brows
They're right but large brows aren't really a problem and the other things are fixable.
It's hard to change the way I feel about my height. It'll never change and the way I'm perceived by others won't change either. I want to be alpha, but will always be physically a beta, a generic failure. Lifting, confidence, and personality won't all of a sudden make me more appealing to women when compared to the competition.

Both 3-4 range max. Below average.

Both also suffer from some fixable problems though. Will never be good looking though.

In ugly so I'm not trying to be a dick. Just saying.
Na. Actually quite well.
Get a short haircut, maybe grow a beard and it's all fine
Just moved in 3 days ago although ive never lived away from them. Your typical anxious neet thay has been growing his hair for 11 years
The only smiling muthafucka in this thread
Ugly niggas aren't going to post their picture in this thread

t. Uglee as shid
grow a beard and go for the lumberjack look
tfw doomed to forever look like a 15 year old and can't grow a beard or moustache for shit.

someone pass me the gun already
>It's hard to change the way I feel about my height.
Well its fucking easier than changing your height isn't it.

>It'll never change and the way I'm perceived by others won't change either. I want to be alpha
Giving a shit about how other people view you is the antithesis of being "alpha". Whether or not your height changes (it won't) your attitude needs to change.

>confidence, and personality won't all of a sudden make me more appealing to women when compared to the competition.

These things alone make far more difference than anything else does. There are plenty of tall autists on this board. There are plenty of chad autists on this board, who look like perfect 10s but are completely fucked socially and emotionally.

And the nice thing is that personality and confidence can be attained through effort. Height can't. Get over it, forgive yourself for your flaws and move on, its the first step to a better you. Its not easy of course but its the only path that leads anywhere.
i did tho.
t. actually fuckingg ugly anon
>close set eyes
>negative canthal tilts
>negative orbital vector
>long philtrum, approximately 17mm
>low philtrum to chin ratio, barely a 2:1
>downturned lips
>shit gonial angle
>semi-bulbous roman nose
>low IPD

Who else completely and utterly /incel/
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So how bad is it for me? I've never asked anyone about my appearance and no one has told me about it. I honestly have no idea whether I'm really ugly or just average.
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>entire thread full of normal-looking people who are just depressed and have no social skills and at worst have poor grooming... But who all think they're genetically deformed quasimodos

Surely r9k is a satire board.

nice nose

origanilium leviosa
>confidence and personality
>mattering at all
Lmfao this much cope

The biggest chad I know legitimately has schizophrenia, severe social anxiety, but is 6'3" and good looking, so he fucks girls on the reg, every week


in that order, is what matters. What is with /r9k/ and these copecels
are you cute? if so then there are people who will like you, you just have to find them
if not, you're fucked like the rest of us
Looks like the Lookism and Sluthate autists are out and about, again.
Use minoxidil on your face
You'd have to be legitimately retarded to not see that confidendce is the main factor at play there. He's confident because he's never had a reason not to be. Some people win that particular lottery, some of us have to work at it because we had a shitty upbringing.

If you've got confidence then looks are a bonus, that's all. Because you can do well if you're confident and look average, that's why PUA exists and works.

Dude save up 100k and go get leg lengthening with guichet. Otherwise wear lifts.
I know you don't care, but you really look like a bro.
would hang out with /10
Almost everyone that has posted has a shit lower third, shit fWHR ratios, and retruded maxillas

That chad I mentioned has no confidence and frequently stutters and stammers when he speaks to women, but they play along with it because he's attractive. And you got it the other way around. Confidence is a bonus.

>PUA works

Pua doesn't work. It's just a numbers game spam approach thing. If you're ugly and approach 100 girls 1 might like you.
This. I'm 5'6" and although 5'9" is still manlet status, I'd be leagues better. I could even get a double and maybe make it to 5'10" since he's got good recovery stats
>It's just a numbers game spam approach thing
Yeah... which works.
Chad here

you look like you're short and skelly. furthermore, you're jaw is really narrow. you look like frodo.
>thread full of normal to outright attractive people fishing for compliments
>and they're actually getting them

i seriously hate this place
The problem is that you guys have those empty eyes and are unable to smile from the heart. I won't lie and say you're Chad who just lack confidence, but I saw guys not better looking than you with solid 6/10 girls. But I guess you all got bad experience in your childhood? It was the same for me.
You're joking if any of these people look good

Long philtrums everywhere

Yeah but it's not a function of skill or confidence. It's just playing the numbers game. If you're good looking you have to hit on 10 to get laid. If you're ugly 100-500+. It's not because you didn't neg her right or DHV or your frame was weak or you didn't defuse the AMOG etc.

That's all just autistic shit ugly aspies came up with to try to pretend it's a game that's all in their control when really the girl just thought you were ugly and that's it.
oh neat, the lookism autist is here too

what's next, muh canthal tilts?
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>let me tell you why this thing I've never tried doesn't work.

Philtrum length is the dumbest lookism thing in the world. Most Hollywood actors font have short philtrums. Short philtrum a are for women and effeminate male models.

I've done a shitload of PUA. It's very limited. Most of the time if I wasn't with a good looking wing I couldn't get past the opener. I'm ugly. If I was by myself I could barely get acknowledged. If I had a good looking wing they were putty in my hands.

It took months of connecting the dots. This was a decade ago before pua hate. Eventually I realized it was all just looks and I wasn't getting better over time. It all just depended on what the guy next to me looked like.
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Well yes canthal tilts do matter you little copecel. Male attractiveness is down to a science.

The dead eyes with this guy are caused by his negative canthal tilts. If he had a slightly positive tilt to each eye, he would do much better with women.

Upturned eyes are linked with high T, also. I imagine he does okay with women, though. He has decent eye separation and a good enough gonial angle.


Philtrum and chin ratio can KILL A MAN. Plastic surgeons all agree that a 12-15mm philtrum length is ideal, along with a > 2.0 chin to philtrum length. Not everything that is linked to a high prenatal T is good. All male models have short philtrums for a reason

Guys like channing train have strong chins but large philtrums. Ditto with 50 cent. These guys look hypermasculine.

Too short a philtrum is effeminate.
>channing tatum

Ditto with Ryan reynolds.
>This was a decade ago before pua hate

That explains why you hate it. Nobody does that old routine-based shit now, things have moved on quite far in 10 years. I'd recommend revisiting it or at least recognising that your opinions might be outdated.
All shitposting aside, yes, too short is bad. 12-15mm is the sweet spot though, and even then it all depends on how long the chin is. I can see 17 and even 18mm working with a big enough chin

Stfu bitchwhore fatso

Doesn't matter. Improvising socially comers naturally to me. Natural game existed back then too. But even back then everyone understood natural game is best for good looking guys. Personally I liked using routines as they were predictable and reliable. But it didn't matter. The only variable that mattered was random chance of her liking me or having a handsome wingman.
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This is me, terrorist jokes are not funny anymore
what the fuck is this hyperautism? gonial angles? is this a /pol/fag?

Tatum and 50 cent are at least 18 mm. The problem with absolute numbers is its irrelevant based on head size. Eg. Ben afflecks head is huge. So who knows how big his philtrum is?

Ratio and proportion are more important. Comparing absolute mm of philtrums is useless, unless it's dramatically big or small.

I haven't seen any good philtrum reductions either. Problem is it only lifts at the middle around the nose and not through the cheeks.
i get it i know i'm fat, but what's the point when the bones underneath are fucked?
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I like taking pictures at random sometimes.
>tfw can't even grow a beard to hide the ugliness
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And here's another.
here's your (You) now move onto the next thread chad
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And I'll throw in one more.
why arent you cooking crack like a real nigga?
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Ok this is the last one.

Drugs and alcohol aren't my thing.
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Honestly you look normal. 6/10
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You look normal but you have ultra-faggot hair. Either shave it or don't fucking dye it.
Hi Billy Joel
plz put a shirt on.
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Get a new hair cut. You look like a school shooter.

One you get a normal hair cut you'll be a nice normal man!
That hair looks autistic
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i'm glad you posted a pic of andrew. i've actually thought about it multiple times watching bizzare foods, he's not the best looking guy at all, like maybe a 4-5, yet he has his own show and is able to socialize with people from all of the world.
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Aw boi you're just a nerdy cutie 7.5/10 you goodboi
Fuck you chad get off the ugly thread
lifting doesnt get rid of crippling social anxiety, bad decision making and clinical depression famalam
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Ugly or no?
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Would I have been a Chad if I wasn't fat/autistic?
I say this to all germanics.
Go for the Nazi look.
The Nazi's invented the PERFECT look for German men, use it!
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>the feels when you look at all these pretty people and feel even uglier
You're not even fat, my man.
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>chad bod, physical activity on the regular
>massive calfs, soccer player
>only girl i've every 'talked' to blew me off for this white guy i know two days ago
>never held a girls hand
>last real hug was middle school
>stick to sports, vidya etc.
>watch friends develop relationships
>get good at sports, get good at vidya, get bad at girls

be gentle
this desu.
this is fucking fat
That's just I really baggy hoodie and the picture is a year or two old. I was about 280 in that pic and I've gained 20+ pounds since. Thankfully I have good height genetics but I am a KV and a certified aspie. Will probably fuck around with weight loss pills and try to find a cheap gym soon.
>All these whities, niggers, and roasties believing they are robots
Kyss, familia.
Dont be too harsh on yourself, you are a bomb. Heh.
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>Tfw no one even noticed my post.
>being a 2/10
>not a robot
el em ayyy ow
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>Any of them being a 2/10
All of them 5/10 or higher.
what a fucking hugbox
You are an autistic fat pig who id rather die before dating. Still average
i don't think so senpaitachi.
not bad desu senpai

original post cock123

6 is above average. That guy was a 5 without balding and 3-4 with balding. Let's be honest here.
black people all look the same to me desu

I was actually thinking that as I saw his pic. I was thinking man I wish I was so laid back I could just post pics of me and not worry about anyone recognizing me.

Then I realized no one's gonna recognize him because he's generic black guy #4387976.

That guy is like the picture of a typical average unmemorable black guy.
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Can i burn it now?
Oh and sorry for the sideways pic
>better haircut, look like u really care about it
>grow facial hair if u can

smile bro
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you literally look fine you damn normie, there are people in this thread who would kill to look like you.
tbqhwy i was just trying to show ppl what real fucking uggos look like.
Cant smile, i have fucked up teeth and braces. Makes me even uglier
Kek. Im almost /r9k/ the person
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repost because I fucked up the orientation
what is my end game?
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Hi Sheen
Any haircuts you recommend? I have no idea what I would do since I've never in my entire life tried anything other than the standard hair shortening haircut. Also my facial hair looks really ugly and doesn't grow beyond half a centimeter so that isn't an option.
Thanks for replying though.
just try a couple and find one ya like m8. u got one life don't spend it breaking you're back over a haircut. get something YOU like
T-thanks for real :3

You're good looking you stupid fuck now fuck off.
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I don't know what I was expecting
that smile got this shitty night better
so did the adam's apple

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>all these retards who think they can be ugly with clear skin
Fuck youre so hot.
Are you into guys?
That's not me anon. That's the Water Warrior from HWNDU.
I am a black guy who was like you but I am slowly improving so let me give you some advice

First hair get waves or high top fade(i.e. Get the sides of your hair buzz cut but get the top trimmed)

Second pay attention to what people are wearing who are popular with women usally wearing shitty clothes can be off putting to people

Third try making friends
Even if they don't become your most trusted people they provide connections to people you may like or hook you up with a date

Fourth have a basic understanding of popular music and tv shows
Makes talking to people easier and helps them to view you as a normie and can lead into more interesting conversations

Five if you use tinder ask her to meet in 1-3 days of talking to her
Makes it a lot easier to gain experience at how to act during one

Again your not ugly more likely your just scared to try to interact with women or don't have enough to talk about. At 6 foot and doing some of the things above you'll get 6/10 and up woman.
i feel like crying when i look at you
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lel omg roast me robo bros, notice how hard I am trying.

tfw have to go to gym bc skinny pale guys can only be sexy if they have hair and nice skins :(

tfw muh gf says I'm handsome ^o ^
>Went to a club event last night
normals out
You cannot be lower than 5/10 if you have crystal clear skin without acne.
I legitly am trying to be a camwhore for a living and like I'd like a trans m2f to work with and I'd choose you if I could. I personally don't think you are ugly and would make a great lesbian.
This entire thread
nice meme faggot
your comment was not original.
No matter what I'd fuck it. Very cute face.
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you look good. desu females don't care about style or looking clean. they just want that 8 ft chad with big dick until they can find a guy that will settle with them and put up with their shit.
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>tfw i unironically feel in this way about myself and other people.
desu you almost give me liam hemsworth vibes. maybe up your fashion game a bit and hit the gym if youre weight conscious
Honestly do what these other niggers are telling you to do and shave your head. Bald is infinitely better than balding. Rock a hat or some shit.
And sleep for fuck's sake. You look fucking miserable with eyes like that.
bitch you hot as fuck.
my god i forgot how much i love this game...
FUCK i need to get it on pc.
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someone has the unedited picture?
Just fix the hair - a bit shorter maybe much better , never let it longer than your ears ,but ... try man bun before cut that hair down will ya - 6/10
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uggo supremo
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