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NEW UGLY RATE THREAD From >>24658635 Only post of

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Thread replies: 129
Thread images: 58

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From >>24658635

Only post of 5/10 or below
lmao no one gives a fuck about your thread
Maybe because this "ugly threads " are just a call for attention overall ?
Well thanks for taking the time out of your day to come say that retard lol
I think /soc/ has 500 post bump limit.
lol just trying to help you confirm your insecurities
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Get at me
There's no reason for two threads when the first one is good and has only 300 something posts

Shit my bad I thought it was way lower...
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Being ugly sucks i have never had a girl attracted to me
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My body is ok, but I hate my face
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let me die already
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I feel like I am a 4/10
Why? What's wrong with it?
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cute eyes
a solid 6
take a break
I'd fuck ya, and my general rule (after sleeping with a couple of 4s by accident) is 6 and above.
stop posting everywhere, have you only just started using 4chan or something? chill ya beans senpai
i show up for like a week at a time every few months
next time you're due a visit, we don't mind if you don't show up
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hello darkness my old friend
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Genuinely curious.
Am I irredeemable?
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Let's do this
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Nice dubs mate
I would say 6/10

Not even ugly baka
80% - 100% are threads asking for some kind of attention.
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feels bad, man
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lets hear it
You slept with dozens and dozens of men, get out.
New hair cut get rid of that shitty earring
Nice smile maybe just don't wear that hat...
Look less sad, shave, haircut and hit the gym you're not fat but you could potentially become pretty muscular
butterface/10 but not that bad of a butterface
Attention whore you're fucking gorgeous >>24663494
4/10 is pretty accurate
Idk if girl/boy but idc you look cool af
Drop a few pound and get a haircut
nah redeemable, haircut fix your facial hair
gaybeanie/10 other than that not bad
5/10 but put on some weight you'd look rly good
Nice facial structure
You'll improve as you age
>Drop a few pounds

Not everyone is into anorexic looking twigs boi, he's hot af

And he's not the only one in this thread who is cute. Honestly these threads promote self-hate, low-selfesteem, depression, and the idea that there is only one way to be attractive, and if you don't fit into that basic category no one will want you. That's completely false.

To the people who are brave enough to post selfies here unlike the faceless basic haters, you are better than this.






is in the eye of the








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You look fine. Ditch the piercing though. 5 - 6
You look fine as well. Your features have a friendly vibe. 5 - 6
I can't tell the difference between one asian and another. You've got a good looking face. 7 or 8.

I can't tell if I'm ugly. Some people think so and others don't.
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Your smug face reminds me of this guy
I try not to smile fully or my cheeks make my eyes squint really bad.
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>Honestly these threads promote self-hate, low-selfesteem, depression, and the idea that there is only one way to be attractive, and if you don't fit into that basic category no one will want you. That's completely false.

The attitudes and posting habits of many people on /soc/ which, let's not kid ourselves here, is an inherently shallow board culturally, does a good enough a job on it's own that I don't think it needs any help from "ugly" threads like this.

Regardless, the primary reason I think these threads exist is because people who have image issues find it hard enough to post their face in the generally endless sea of 7/10-10/10 posters that flock here regularly. People who are confident in their looks are generally the people who are conventionally attractive and told that they are consistently. Therefore they will have the easiest time posting here, and therefore represent a disproportionate of faceposters on the board. That's just basic sociology.

Folks designating their own "ugly" threads is a way to circumvent that issue and relieve some of the social pressure of feeling like their shitting up threads filled with Ralph Lauren models or shy that someone is going to out you as a fucking hobgoblin. Its a place for people to be amongst people like themselves, people who aren't traditionally attractive. Yeah, the language is loaded, but that's the point. People who are bald, or fat, or butterfaced, or have bad acne, or a weird slant to their face, or just don't fit that narrow criteria are people who will find themselves "ugly" in comparison to others, and perhaps feel encouraged to post here and perhaps realize that hey, fuck dude, maybe I'm not as ugly as I think I am, and maybe it's all in my head? And even if they don't, at least they might not be so scared, and take a crucial first step in putting themselves out there and feeling better about themselves.

These threads are a good thing. Stop telling people what to feel.

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I'm not super ugly, but I get fives a lot.

I've seen you without a beard, you are not ugly.
Average with good dress sense goes a long way friendo. You don't need to be here.
I think you said you were FtM, right?
Get rhinoplasty and you'll be good senpai.
You aren't particularly good looking, but you look trendy. You could get laid easy I bet.
You improve each time I see you. I'd say you're definitely above average now.
Lose a little weight, you'd look bretty good.
How's your head shape?
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If we were friends and I knew you were gay I would play with the top of your head all the time. It would suck to be straight and bald though...grills seem to mind more.
what haircut should I get today
>always get short sides/back but not an undercut
what do
>How's your head shape?
What do you mean, senpai?
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>when i'm too ugly for any girl to ever like
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Still a virgin because for whatever reason women don't find me attractive
Why do we have two of these
All of you guys are fine... what's the deal?
you're telling me off for telling people how to feel on this issue and yet you're doing the same thing? "These threads are good, go away" lol

Yeah it's a shallow board, but that doesn't mean bodyshaming is something I approve of just because I'm on a shallow board, dude.

I actually agreed with some of the things you said, maybe it's not all bad. But I think appreciating yourself is a whole lot more attractive than "pls rate me out of ten guys!!" Immaturity at its worst, if you ask me.
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looking for a quick rate here guys.
thanks :)
Hey a thread for me :)
Yes, I am telling you off because it's clear you don't get why threads like this exist in the first place. Furthermore, I never told you what emotions you should feel. You can feel whatever you want. I just told you that perhaps you should take your sanctimonious bull-semen someplace else.

I'm not going to address the rest of the garbage you wrote because it's pure hypocrisy. Maybe you should just give it a rest if you find the culture in this thread so toxic and unbearable.
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I really don't like my forehead and kinda wanna get a hair transplant to lower it
what the fuck
you can't just raise your face as a whole?
I just want a lower and more straight hairline to make my face proportional
I hate my nose:(
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Me without makeup.
>tfw to intelligent to look at the camera
Sorry for the weird question. I'm going bald at the back of my head, so I think about head shapes a lot when I see other bald/balding guys.
Oh, nah it's all good!

I was kinda lucky because my skull shape isn't too horrible. However, I love beanies and hats, and wore them a lot even before I lost my hair. Nowadays they're a godsend, since I can justify wearing them to prevent sunburns and shit.

However otherwise, I find that light colored clothes (white button-ups and light colored tees) and stuff like that works well if you're going commando on your head. Darker clothes generally make the contrast of having a shaved head stand out more. Lifting can help too, but personally I like being slim and having a shaved head. It's unique, and can look good if you have decent style. But there's a ton of other stuff you can do too, and really it's just about playing around with it until you find something that works for you.

Good luck, bro!
For me, you are a 9.
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0/10 coming through
5/10- You look kind of like you smell like stale blunts and cats, but your facial structure isn't inherently bad.

4/10. I think it's mostly the specific picture dragging you down, facial expression is weirding me out

4/10, I actually don't mind the scruff/hair and I think you could be a 6 if you were able to thin your face out a bit.

5/10 face, incredibly average but not bad. I'm not sure your makeup style is helping much desu.

6/10 That hairstyle really doesn't fit your face in my opinion. Excluding that, I'd probably go for a 7/10.

6/10. I like your hair for your face, but the fashion is really meh.

Solid 7.5, not much else to say.

>drop a few pounds and get a haircut
5.5/10 with that
4/10 Going for a more rugged look would suit you.
5.5 Long chin, everything else looks fine.
7/10 Not traditionally handsome, and the glasses are too wide for you, but other than that you look neat.
4/10, a hat would probably boost you to a 5. You look really friendly at least, which can overcome strict handsome status.
5/10, bulk up and you'd be 6/10.
Hairline's kind of awkward, but I'd probably say 8/10 because I like eyes like yours.
6.5/10 Actually pretty handsome here and you have a friendly fuckin' face.
you look above average and so friendly
i'd fuck you if i was a homo or a female
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No stache genes but I try anyway
Fishing for compliments: the post
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>tfw ugly on both the inside and out
My head is pounding, but I want to comment on a few at least.

You're always cute and many of us tell you that you are. You have a very sweet face.
Would ruffle hair.

I have no idea what to say besides thinking you have nice features. You're definitely not ugly!

I feel like an overall shorter look would look nice. I don't know actual hairstyles for men, so it's not much help.

I'm not sure what it is about you, but I think you're attractive. A lot of people seem to feel the same way, too!

I like you, anon.

Keep it up, brah. Losing weight is a long road, but you're making it.
Also, do you ever let your facial hair grow out more? I feel like it would look very nice on you.

I wonder if you're that gorgeous young woman I saw many months ago who looked like she lifted heavy weights. I remember her being one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and you have those same eyes and lovely shade of blonde hair.
You should stop posting the bloody noses, though. You said it was a thing for Halloween before, but it's not Halloween anymore.

Can't grow a beard unfortunately.
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I'm def 5/10.
For me you are 8/10.
Don't even belong here
fishing for compliments
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Thanks. I wish I was prettier.
>future rape victim
Anyway no need to be prettier. I like you as this and you really should not worry for how you look.
>MFW I say I look like shit
>MFW it's real
Honestly, I think I am no more than 4. Maybe 5
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Wow. Thanks. :)
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Please don't say shit like this. I was raped when I was 17.
Sad to hear this. He is only fucking dumb. Do you go to gim?
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5 times a week
I see. Really amazing body. Care to rate me?
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You're pretty cute 7/10 take off ur shirt let me see if we can go higher than 7
You're way too hot to be on this thread.
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R u serious?
Yep, and you know you are
It can only go down sweetie, but ok here you are.
legit thought you were a lil spermie wormie out of the corner of my eye
oh my god that was beautiful and how I feel about this thread exactly.
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I just came ;)
omg that smile I'm dead
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Oh yeah, for sure, definetly the reaction i cause to every woman.
god damn you anon.........no wonder your still single
Was it a joke?
Because in this case
<---- the joke
(._. ) me
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am i ugly /soc/?
this thread has proven to me that soc is by far the most autistic board
No, you're a cutie!

You haven't gone to /fit/, anon.
fit is sarcastic/ironic, this is just sad
Not with that body honey.
Get a haircut and you're fine.
Rate me? Anyone? :(
In my opinion you only need a good haircut
thank you my friend
who isn't senpai
you look good with the disheveled hobo look
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shit haircut.png
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18/M/UK and I look like a twelvie.

Planning on getting rid of my shitty hair in a couple of days, but I dunno what kind of haircut I should get.

also fuck this forehead
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Sup guise

More like fishing for compliments, the board.
>it's an everyone ignores you episode
all you niggers are looking good
some of you should stop posting here and start working out
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On the right. Feel like im ugly. I'll let yous decide. Rate mee
Get braces, you are very cute.
>>24663874 be my nb daddy please
>>24664371 you look like joey dosik which is an instant fuck
>>24666367 must be your personality are you a dick?

would bang all of you

>>24667202 maki gtfo
I was going to symphaize with you, but roasties need to learn how rate threads work.

You're not the worst but you're not the best. 3/10
Get naked and post
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wew lad
I want to die
I would date you, I'm MtF and qt.
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Point out every single flaw, I dare you to (hair is flipped back btw, it's very long and unkempt)

I think I'm 3/10
I forgot to rate other people first, sorry

7/10. Everything is good other than the hairline


No but you need a better haircut :)

thank you

dont really see any flaws you have a good jawline as well
you're at least a 7
I'm 18
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From the side I still have a very fucked up nose tho
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honestly just seems like babyfat, it will probably go away at some point, try working out
bad hairline is all
try smiling

this is what a proper ugly face looks like
feels bad
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check em
Thank you
>past rape victim
Thread posts: 129
Thread images: 58

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