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Welcome to the shut-in-network! >Old thread >>2446

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 507
Thread images: 113

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Welcome to the shut-in-network!

>Old thread

>shut intro
https://my.mixtape.moe/pwaxil.mp3 (embed)

>Steam Group

>IRC (we still alive love us)
#shut-in-network on Rizon
#shut-in-gaming on Rizon

use kiwi irc and hexchat to get on



>Skype group

>discord (NOW BIG BOSS FREE and working invite )

Join us to talk, find a fellow shut in friend and just try to be nice and have a good time! Feel free to put your contact info and make friends!

Please note that this is a thread for ALL forms of shut-ins. NEETs, introverts, agoraphobics, people with social anxiety, et cetera!
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.
>What's an IRC?
It is a chatroom for the shut-in group.
Use either Hexchat (https://hexchat.github.io/) or https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#shut-in-network

Click on Rizon to the right

Type in #shut-in-network

or for gaming #shut-in-gaming

>Affiliated irc channels

#/x/philes on rizon

>Help im banned from the irc even though i never been there
Odds are you share the same host region as someone who was banned before. Have someone contact an op or owner to get it settled

>Ive been to the irc before and got banned
Talk to an op that banned you and see whats up or the owner. if you're still banned, tough shit

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure and please use this prompt:

>skype group?
ask the thread for an add to the skype group

>IRC name?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Silver x Deviddo
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Boots is a scrub™
I wish i was that qt
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>IRC name?
I don't use irc am I a fucking hipster?
>Contact info
Kik: jejwew
USA - Minnesota
>Favorite Book
Don't read
>Favorite Movie
Magnificent 7 2016 edition
>Favorite Music
Too many, I like alot. Ask me when we talk so we have something to talk about. I will be vague, I listen to any good sounding music.
Shut in, I'm loud with people I know sometimes. I work in construction so I'm not a neet.
>What are you looking for?
Qt gf - friends to join my anime orientated Skype group. We were just watching Tokyo ghoul yesterday.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone 18-22, for the group, anyone any age.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Men. For the group, I will accept anyone. Let's try and keep it 30 and under buds, hope to see you rhere.
I will never get this meme
Can /shut/ recommend a dating site for a NEET with really bad anxiety?
going to turn 30 soon, I have completely given up on life
passing the days with lots of naps, sugary foods and existential dread, it isn't very pleasant
I'm 32 and not to sound cheesy and douchey but it gets better. Turning 30 feels like you missed some deadline. Soon enough you realize that nobody gives a shit and you don't have to either.
>Contact info
kik is AlexErin9
discord is SidneyBuckeye#7116
trans woman
>Favorite Books
Contemporary literature, science fiction
>Favorite Movies
Horror/suspense/thriller, documentaries
>Favorite Music
Sludge metal, progressive rock/metal, post-hardcore, noise rock, ambient, drone, experimental
NEET and introvert, working on trying to find a job, also a musician
>What are you looking for?
other trans NEETs to talk to so we can keep each other company, idk
>Who do you want to add you?
people who are from the US or Canada
>Who don't you want to add you?
people not from north america, non-NEETs or introverts
I went outside for the first time since early September (went to my sister's then) today.

I went for a walk in the misty countryside, but a fucking dog stole my headphones.

How's life treating you guys?
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>Contact info
The Netherlands
>Favorite Movie
Girl, Interrupted
>Favorite Music
Indie, k-pop, rock, chill stuff, house
Shut-In I guess
>What are you looking for?
>Who don't you want to add you?
People over 25
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>Contact info
toronto boy
>Favorite Book
i listen to alan watts podcasts when im sad
>Favorite Movie
lilo and stitch
>Favorite Music
rap/hip hop/anything i can critique
i have two jobs please suicide me
>What are you looking for?
someone that has a passion for music as much as I do
>Who do you want to add you?
literally anyone it gets lonely sometimes
>Who don't you want to add you?
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>Contact info
kik is airplaneotaku

>Favorite Books
Tim O'Brien, sappy romantic shit
>Favorite Movies
Christopher Nolan, Sci-fi, historical fiction, anything intelligent *tips fedora*
>Favorite Music
Soundtrack (Vidya/Film/Animu), pirate metal
Shut in, have a job
>What are you looking for?
Friends, a waifu. People for me to spam with cat pictures
>Who do you want to add you?
Evening dwelling US/Canada, standard EU people
>Who don't you want to add you?
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Holy shit, another Minnesota anon. I rarely see any on /soc/, the MN general threads just degen into /pol/ bleedover about how much people hate the somalis and die quickly.
I'll join the group.

I'm in love with my supervisor who is twice my age, and she's really nice to me more than others. So... terrible?

I can't stand 2 out of 3 of the vidya I actively play anymore, Hilloli is about to ban the guns, so there goes most of what I do.

I had another shut-in female friend from The Netherlands I met off here, she was the best friend I've ever had.
Maybe you two know each other. ;)
>Contact info
Skype: Monoblast1
Kik: MonosOnFire
>Favorite Book
The Chrysalids, and almost everything from Harlan Ellison
>Favorite Movie
The fifth element, jurassic park, the thing, alien, the terminator, and legend
>Favorite Music
Trance, new wave retro, and metal
Shut in with a hint of neet
>What are you looking for?
Friends to hang out and play vidya with
>Who do you want to add you?
People that play league, overwatch, and some Xbox.
>Who don't you want to add you?
High impact autists
>tfw no waifu to talk about lactation with and to watch kamen rider together
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>IRC name?
I dont know what that is

>Contact info
Skype: levi.g0h33n(I'm also in the chatgroup from time to time!)
steamname: Checkers (find me at http://steamcommunity.com/id/GhengisKhanDidNothingWrong/ )


Male and none.

Calgary(new city, new possibilities. Hopefully)

>Favorite Book
Dune? I dunno.

>Favorite Movie
Far too many to list.

>Favorite Music
Pretty much goddamn everything. Prokofiev one day, DNCE the next.

Introvert, currently NEET. Looking to either edumacate myself and/or get a job. [spoiler]But what I really wanna do is get into movies[/spoiler]

>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to. Maybe someone in Calgary.

>Who do you want to add you?
People who like movies, people who are open minded.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Assholes and fucktards.

Guys I might want to be an engineer. How do I go about getting a career in making robots?
If you really don't got anything to lose, go ahead and pursue your dream(whatever that may be).

You might fail, but at least you can say you tried. That's more than what a lot of people have done.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
Yandere.org I guess
Could just try to work on your anxiety, besides, acquiring a significant other doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have less problems, it can actually mean the opposite and that you'll have more problems/drama than you did to begin with.
maybe you should post too that people shouldnt blame other persons posting dicks when they enjoyed it and didnt say stop to anything and then they are trying to act as a victic just for attention
just saying
Who the fuck are you lol
((double nigger))
Rules? in MY DISCORD? are you crazy, out of your mind?

Listen closelly, if you ban me for that i will make a new server, and you will regret it, just like big bossu
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>tfw everyone looking for weebs.
>tfw only like a handful of anime
>tfw never had a friend in my whole life and don't fit the criteria even here
>tfw people who've added me haven't talked to me since the 6th with the exception of 3

eyy you play RomeII or Attila?
I've only watched a handful of anime too, anon
I don't think I fill the criteria so I don't share my contact info
c-care to have a chat?
I don't know what that is.

Yeah... About what?
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It's a video game series. Total War. Really fun.
Oh. I've never played that before.
>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik is colethegooner, steamid: Astral0108
Tennessee, USA
>Favorite Book
Don't read anything but mangos lol
>Favorite Movie
Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai
>Favorite Music
Shutin who goes to school
>What are you looking for?
Friends. Not looking for any online relationships as those have always ended badly, but if it goes on long enough I'd be open.
>Who do you want to add you? Younger people, weebs, cuties
>Who don't you want to add you? 30+ permavirgins
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I'd definitely recommend it.

But since the studio that makes them is owned by Sega, they really rob you when it comes to DLC(you need to buy like five or six DLC sets just to have all of the available factions, not to mention any actual blood).

So I'd wait until the Summer Sale or Winter Sale on steam and buy as much DLC and the base games as you can.

I'd recommend Rome II, especially if you're a Romeaboo.
Way to complicated. I don't even know what a dlc is....
I think I'll pass....
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I'd just like to share music with someone

I like pop-ish stuff all genres
god you're a retarded nigger pls leave
>IRC name?
Dont have one, sorry.
>Contact info
Kik: chronos7
Steam: n0ts0an0n
Discord: NotSoAnon
Skype: same as discord
Western mass/413 (USA)
>Favorite Book
Count of Monte Cristo (dont read much these days though)
>Favorite Movie
Idk, a lot of your usual psychological thrillers, cant be bothered to invest the time in a movie usually.
>Favorite Music
Ebm, electro, rock, industrial metal, etc. Always trying to find new stuff to wear out.
>What are you looking for?
Just people talk to, maybe play some vidya. Oh and im a CS major, pretty shitty at it but it would be nice to talk to someone in a similar position, compare work or something.
>Who do you want to add you?
See above, mostly anyone. Bonus if you fit those parameters. Preferably in my age range but w/e, i like to keep options open.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Idk, trolls and jackasses i guess.
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South America (Argentina)
>Favorite Book
Dont read any
>Favorite Movie
Back to the future saga , Anything stop-motion , Anything western.
>Favorite Music
Eurobeat , Funkwave , futurewave , Vaporwave
in Uni , Introvert as fuck , yes.
>What are you looking for?
Friends to talk about anything , mostly videogames or shitty 4chan antics, perhaps even a love interest
>Who do you want to add you?
Girls :^) , but seriously , people that bother to have an actual conversation instead of awkward silence i guess.
>Who don't you want to add you?
One-sided-conversation type of people.
>Contact info
Discord: Zetamaniac#5942
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zetamaniac/
Mostly on steam , but i answer to discord too.

tfw only good photo
Do you like Carly Rae Jepson?
I realize that. It's less about tfw no gf and more about just finding someone to talk to that's going through the same thing or at least something similar.
It's probably nor. She was banned because she was told several times to stop talking about little kids wanting to be fucked. She had some weird obsession with it.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
>these rules
Obviously a bunch of garbage people, you can't even regulate yourselves.
Nobody should join that discord.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
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Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, only discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Discuss anything close to it and you won't be banned.

3. Deny the holocaust. Just don't be that goy.

4. Do demean black people or other minorities. The discord may as well /b/ in the 1800's. As long as one of your best friends is black it's OK.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. You can however send a pic of someone else's dick. It's creepy, gross, and to be encouraged.

6. Share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and makes it easier to witch hunt.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, keep asking them the question.They should be capable of mentally ignoring your query, or even blocking you.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan. It's a flaming pile of shit.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
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Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, under all circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do discuss everything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do deny the holocaust. Just be that guy.

4. Do demean black people and other minorities. The discord is like /b/ and we are still in the 1800's.

5. Do send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent.

6. Do share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, keep asking them the question. If you are autistic then you should be asking questions.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord is 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
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mah nigga
More like these. KEK
Nice trips friend
Go find another safe space you mong, your kind aren't welcome here
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>moving to Alberta

Oh you poor motherfucker. You thought you were lonely before. Welcome to hell.
That might be true on 4chan, but the discord is not 4chan and if you break the rules you will no longer be welcome there.
So then where's the fun?

People visit 4chan solely because it's a shithole that doesn't coddle and hugbox people. God, I can't believe what this thread has become. I hope you all neck yourselves
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I will continue to break those rules because you're not a mod on either
Im my second week in Calgary.

Still alone, but Im getting out more often than I did.

Also, once I get my Albertan licenses up and ready, and get a job, I'm sure I'll be gettign out and doing things far more often.
>Contact info
kik: g.oak
26 on Friday
>Favorite Book
tao te ching
>Favorite Movie
star wars
>Favorite Music
wave; klimeks
Employed out of a social life and introverted with autistic hobbies
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
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Hiki NEET khv incel. Live in mom's basement, sleep on a couch.
No hobbies. Used to like films, books and games, but I get no enjoyment from them anymore. I've given up on my future. My only reasons to continue living are drugs and alcohol. I wish I could just disappear.
I'd like someone to speak with when the the loneliness becomes overwhelming. Please don't waste your time if you expect me to carry a conversation or be positive. I probably won't have much to say since I'm so ashamed of myself.
Kik: robonobody
forgot your numbers at the end of the discord
>These rules
>Implying it just dick pics

:^ )
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What have you listened to recently? I listen to a lot of music but I've mostly been on a pop lately.
goodnight shut
>Contact info
kik: bulkpro
I also have skype and discord if someone wants it
>Favorite Book
Spice and wolf light novels
>Favorite Movie
Pulp fiction
>Favorite Music
the chill kind
>What are you looking for?
A nice convo, a vidya m8, maybe something more in the future
>Who do you want to add you?
cool people
>Who don't you want to add you?
kikes :^)
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I like people who draw

But why?
My boyfriend's stalking me via soc.
is this normal?
"DLC" means "Daddy Loves you, Cupcake"~<3
fuck off, faggot.
You're making me look bad.
I'll strip naked and whack my testicles with a cod as it flops and gasps for breath, all for you, my love~<3

Feel the love of my bleeding fin-scrotum^^
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>IRC name?
Not using it
>Contact info
Give me your Skype
North Devon, UK
>Favorite Book
Blindsight or Millennial Hospitality
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
All three
>What are you looking for?
Friendship, maybe more
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Traps, dudes, people with personality disorders
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Looking for people to play games with

Anything goes except for furries and ERP
>I will continue to break those rules
And you will get banned. End of discussion.
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>And you will get banned.

oh man, I won't be able to shitpost in a circlejerk group filled to the brim with cancerous memes and shit personality?
What ever will I do
>Contact info
P.O. Box 981
Forest Lake, MN 55025
The United States of America
This US Post Office prefers it if you caps lock the address and avoid using punctuation.
>Favorite Authors
James Randi, Bruce Catton, Christopher Hitchens, & Thomas Hardy.
>Favorite Actors
Peirce Brosnan, Liam Neeson, Robert Downing Jr., George Cloony, & Russel Crowe, Jason Statham.
>Favorite Music
Top 40 stuff (inb4: hurr durr, sheep); Blackhawk Down & We Were Soldiers OSTs
Photography, traveling, and I'm trying to learn French but don't know what training aids to buy.
Introvert, Hermit-in-Training, & I try to have some sort of paying job.
>What are you looking for?
Pen-pals mostly, chatting via a written letter is comfy
>Who do you want to add you?
People willing to give me their mailing address
On average, how many letters do you receive from shut?

At least you're not alone. I haven't gone outside my house (except to go to school) in the past 12 years (I'm 22), I have always taken the same general road to go to school, I have never held a job before, and I don't have any friends since primary school (my parents barely know me). I'm also severely depressed... But yeah, I'm just as lonely as you, and even people here have more friends or social life than me. Heck, I can barely hold a normal conversation without shutting down with someone ; I can't even look at people in the eyes without being afraid or anxious, since I have major social anxiety, and can't go near people.
Maybe a couple a year.

It would be nice to hear from you.

We don't have much in common but I speak French.
You could write me a short letter, and try to give me some pointers when it comes to French. I have my Level 1 text book from College I need to start reading again but I need some, preferably in-person, help; but I'll take whatever I can get.

And talking to people you don't have much in common with can be a good idea, too. It gives plenty of questions to ask. And stuff to volunteer about yourself, too.

Send me a letter and hopefully it leads somewhere.
I have the same issues as you, dude.
Honestly, talking to people in groups gives me the same high as I'd assume playing russian roulette would.
If you want I'll be your friend.
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Oh yeah.
Happy Halloween, you guys.
I love you.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.
1. This is a big one, MY DICK. Discuss anything close to it and you will be awarded 2 upvotes.
3. Don't ask what the holocaust is we don't know. Just don't be that guy.
4. Black people or other minorities are not welcome. This includes you Matt. You're mixed race.
5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. The only dick allowed to be posted is MY DICK.
6. Private messages in the public chat are not welcomed. That simply causes drama and it will generate distrust.
7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it. Ask them why they don't want to answer. Ask then if they will answer someday. Ask them if it makes them feel uncomfortable. You need to know why they don't want to answer.
Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord is just a circlejerk.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
vyro start a discord

he has a skype group so you could ask him for invites
the skype group is fucking horseshit and the people in there are so scary and normal to me. I joined for a little bit but stopped posting because all the dialogue consisted of people talking about sex they've had while he got mad and lost his shit

I don't want those people in a group...
no no not the shut one

vyro has one for his orbitors and people who fall for his "im a serial killer" story he throws at girls
That's the one I mean. I'd be even okay with that one being a thing, but even the one he posted here and tried to shill for is filled with literally only normalfags, with him being the only one who seems to hate that aspect.

I just don't want to be among them

Also he's never claimed to be a serial killer, he's just crazy, but everyone can tell that even by reading his posts.
he hs a normie though. ask r9k and they'll give you pics of his normie long term gf. And i had a friend who sent me a chat log of him trying to woo her by saying he's a serial killer in training.

even vyro is just a meme,
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veteran basement dweller here.

skype dremcfleuve
To be fair, the r9k gf thing has been disproved. She even had a bf at the time the one existing picture of the two together existed and it definitely wasn't him. She just friendzoned the guy even knowing he liked her and left him to wither.

As for the serial killer thing, he just genuinely seems to hate people and wish they were dead because they can get relationships while he can't. I've spoken to him, and while that may appear to be his dream life, he doesn't have plans of actively pursuing said goals and is just generally a miserable sad cunt.
pretty cute/10
He really is a tragic figure. Friendzoned by the only girl he knew irl, and cucked out of his own thread. i just wish he would succeed at something for once.
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I wanna hang myself.

Anyone else with this feel?
Anybody tried Xanax
Not any more, but I can relate. What's got you depressed?

My friend has and he loves the stuff. I haven't though.
I've backed myself into a corner and I have nobody left.

Next best thing would be to just get fucked up.
No point in caring anymore. If I die, I die. I'm already expendable to the one I love most.

Probably being replaced right now.
I'm probably being replaced too. But you aren't expendable, you matter as an individual even though that seems like a joke.

You need to just survive until something better comes along. I know it's hard, but I made it and so can you. <3 you, anon
Thanks, but I know that's bullshit.

That's what I was just starting to think before this.

I talk about my insecurities and realize all the positives I built up to this point were built on nothing and I'm lower than I was before.

Parents, gf, relatives, "friends" (more like co-workers), all of them are just fucking with me and filling my head full of lies and putting up smoke and mirrors and I'm just about spent.

Thanks for the kind words, though. I'll try to put them to use.
any shy femanons here to play pc games with?
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I've been in the discord. There are barely any neets there. 95%+ of the people there are not neets.

Yeah speaking to someone freaks me the fuck out. When someone talks to me usually I just freeze because I'm anxious and (if I had not anticipated that person speaking to me) because I'm surprised ; and, because of that, I usually feel stressed to find out a reply or an answer to whatever that person is talking about in a normal amount of time, but it's not possible. I can't assimilate the content of what a person says as fast as they speak. It takes me time, and I look like a retard, so people excluding. Seriously, if you ask me what time it is or my name or my age, it might take me a minute or two to answer. I cannot comprehend things when people talk and spew forth lots of information, especially if it's a group conversation ; in these cases, I just get excluded, since I can only think of a reply or something to say like 30 minutes after the conversation. On top of that, I can't look at people in the eyes and it makes me panic to be in public and be seen...

Happy Halloween to you too, and yeah I feel you on the russian roulette.
Someone should just make a neet thread.
There's one on r9k.

if you read the op its not exclusively for neets. its for neets shut and introverts. most people transition from neetdom to just going to school and being socially awkward.
night shut. Hope you all had a boring halloween like i did.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
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Hey baby. Good morning.
I love ya too.
Now stop stalking me please.
(And stop being so paranoid, dude. Everything's fine.)
I have trouble with thinking of something to tall about when it comes to normal people... I feel like I don't really male sense and I never know how to continue a conversation.
I used to be the same way as you,though....
Here's a good example of what I jusy said. I feel like I djoild say something more but I can't think of anything. ^^"
And thanks dude
Fucking typos....
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>Contact info
kik: IInnRRaaiinnbboowwss
20, M/Straight, Nebraska U.S.
>Favorite Book
John Gardner's Grendel/ My Name is Asher Lev
>Favorite Movie
M. Night's Unbreakable/ John Carpenter's The Thing/ It's Such a Beautiful Day
>Favorite Music
Radiohead, The Flaming Lips, GY!BE, Swans, Giles Corey, Pink Floyd, The Eagles
No/Yes/Kinda - Just quit my job a couple hours ago, kinda sucks.
>What are you looking for?
Relationship of some kind, or just a friend in general
>Who do you want to add you?
Friendly loners
>Who don't you want to add you?

Plus, I just found out my dad may have cancer. The Feels are far too early for this shit.
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Contact info
kik mrBlankdesu
M straight
>Favorite Books
Mangas, history books, sci fi books, science books on immortal youth
>fave movies
Just nothing boring zombies and comedy movies my favorite
>What are you looking for?
Just someone whose chill a workout buddy would be great or an anime friend, I'm just bad at socializing :)
>Who do you want to add you?
Someone who likes to gym
Someone who like to game
Someone who doesn't mind getting high
Simone who likes anime n manga especially some fucked up ones
Someone interested in immortal youth
Someone who respects le waifu
>Who don't you want to add
Haters n dick pics

Thanks, it feels somewhat nice to not be alone on this. I hope things get better for you :)
>IRC name?
I have one, but please, ask for it.
>Contact info
Skype: alfred.tarski
Discord: again, please ask for it.
Czech Republic
>Favorite Book
Don't have a favourite. I'm reading Murakami and William Gibson atm, though.
>Favorite Movie
Lord of War, Garden State, Red Dragon, Watchmen, The Hunt, Filth, Seven Psychopaths
>Favorite Music
IDM, trip-hop, doom / sludge / drone metal, classical, some jazz, some folk, indie rock, art rock, prog rock, post rock. minimal music, experimental music.
>What are you looking for?
I'd like to know the answer to that myself.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Yer welcome I guess. ^^"
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hello /soc/
shut in medical student
used to be social but felt conflicted about going out due to LDR with gf back home. seeing singles mingling while I have to be good was hard. now I stay in almost all the time. It's not the right choice.
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Hey fuccboi loner stoner faggit I'm the black one

How's everyone I'm trash smoking and getting through med school atm keep to myself alot only the first year always been a fuccboi loner.
I'd smoke and play vidya with you anon
Late happy Halloweeny anon
>IRC name?
>Contact info
No thanks
>Favorite Book
Coiling Dragon
>Favorite Movie
Back to the future
>Favorite Music
Ninja sex party
Invtrovert/Shut-In. God I wish I was a NEET.
>What are you looking for?
Nothing, just wasting time. What else do I have to live for. So very tempted to end it, but too much of a pussy.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
>Tfw all the girls I like and come in contact with don't want to ever have kids

>Tfw I'll never have a happy family with a wife

Tbh I never thought it'd be so hard to find girls I have stuff I consider important in common with.

Even dating sites are a complete flop, what the fuck
tara / beelz plz
>IRC name?
Don't use it
>Contact info
kik: Salmiakky, ask me for steam and skype or whatever
>Favourite Book
>Favourite Movie
The Mummy
>Favourite Music
The album "Hitparade" by Death In Rome is really good
Introvert and a shut-in
>What are you looking for?
Friends to play vidya with, chat to
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone from the UK or similar timezones who wants to chat or play vidya.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who don't like me
nice stache man
>IRC name?
Don't use
>Contact info
Skype: rockcandyglove
Kik: bouldercandy



United States east coast

>Favorite Book
I don't read novels but I'll pick up horror comic books from my local comic shop now and again.
>Favorite Movie
The Mothman Prophecies and My Neighbor Totoro were the first things to come to mind. I love Godzilla movies too.
>Favorite Music
I'd say "electro swing" because I don't know what else to call it. I listen to it at work to stay energetic since it's a solo activity.

Mega introverted, I can't talk at all irl, it's a damn pain so sometimes I work up the courage to try here for a little companionship.

>What are you looking for?
People to talk to and get hyped about stuff. Friendly conversation about NEET stuff is much appreciated too.

>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone really who wants to talk, I'm really not picky about people, I don't mind meeting and chatting.
Is Skype dead now that you have to use e mail addresses as usernames?

Where am I supposed to add girrls to?
Man I feel that. I like anime in general but I don't go hard enough to be a weeb. Lotta weeb videogames, but anime not so much. And then I don't like to PC game so even among the shut-ins and introverts I got nothing
>Contact info
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/boxesofkats/
discord: Boxes#7347
Canada, Nova Scotia
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movies
The usual Suspects, any studio ghibli, gran torino, garden of words, cast away on the moon, bakemono no ko, don't breathe
>Favorite Music
indie, weeb music, electronic stuff, death grips
All of the above.
>What are you looking for?
good friends and genuine people. People to have conversations with and play games with.
>Who do you want to add you?
People from the same time zone.
People who want to be friends and make an effort.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Don't add me if you're never online
Salty/Toxic people
Failed normies
People that already have lots of friends
over the age of 32
Fake people.
Compulsive liars
Just people who are generally shitty

nope, I'm Dré.

I don't know if usernames still work. My adress would be live:[email protected]

yeah my throwaway email fused with skype without my consent...
>>Contact info
kik: basilevski
M straight
>>Favorite Book
>>Favorite Movie
>>Favorite Music
Electronic, chiptunes, retro electronic, Tibetan monk throat singing
Introvert and shut-in
>>What are you looking for?
Chat, shag if I can be bothered
Motorcycles, being lazy
>>Who do you want to add you?
Anybody can
>>Who don't you want to add you?
>Favorite Music
The Family Crest, Shing02, f(x), Vuvuvultures, Twilight Force
>Favorite Movies
The Thing (John Carpenter), Friday the 13th Part 4, Aliens
>Favorite TV Shows
Mr Robot (Need to watch Stranger Things), Steins;Gate, Eva
>Favorite Books
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Pride and Prejudice, The Windup Girl
>Favorite Vidya
Sunless Sea, Leagues
Movies, Music, Computers, The Occult, Greek Mythology, etc.
>What are you looking for?
I'd like to talk to some people, preferably girls. Need to get better at it, and if we become friends we become friends.
Introvert, very much so.
so what discord is the non circle jerk one

cuz right now im in one where funny enough all the girls are admins or mods (jeez i wonder why) and a bunch of lonely fucks and the most cringy fake laughs
the one in op doesnt have a female admin and just 1 female mod so um probably us
oh could i get a link ?
check the first post, link is in the OP
>Dessicated Corpse
>Skype: Ð駧í©átéÐ ©ó®þ§é
>Aldinga, SA
>The Hobbit
>Anyone who wants to chat
>Sex addicts, etc.
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Just went through my bi-yearly loneliness breakdown so here's this thing I guess.
My kik is HiggsBonbon and I'm too tired/lazy to fill out one of those greentext thingys now.
Good night shut
I remember seeing you around. You aren't lonely, we're all friends
please do not talk about me like this
Afternoon yall
You got a skype or discord or steam?
hello i'm looking for an internet gf to play games and watch anime with

reply to this post with your applications ty
I thought you guys were my friends
Goodbye shut
plz go beli
not beli :( sorry love
what happened?
I hate you.
Hate me all you want, but nobody else is playing the victim card.

Spelt my fucking kik wrong and it took me a day to realise. It's Salmiakk.
So I bought some homeless chick Subway for lunch earlier today.

She was kind of QT.

Are you guys Good Samaritans?
I always donate at church if that counts.
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>it's another 'cool kids hang out in admin chat' episode
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Oh ew it's one of those channels
>IRC name?
Idk what that is desu
>Contact info
I only do skype: [email protected]
non-binary mtf
>Favorite Book
some new age shit u dunno lol
>Favorite Movie
Lord of the Rings
>Favorite Music
NEET for a while, also the other two lol
>What are you looking for?
Laughs, convos
>Who do you want to add you?
People who don't take themselves too seriously, aren't prudes/bigots
>Who don't you want to add you?
anti-sjw folk who seek to opress racial minorities and the voices of the legbutt community, that's not cool mmkay? Also horny dudes are a no, won't engage in sexual roleplay/fantasy with anyone etc.

>skype group
Let me in (and don't make me regret it pls lulz)
Damn, they really did a number on you.
Yeah how can you be non binary but mtf? Doesn't that defeat the point of being non binary?
Well uhh I know nonbinary usually refers to being a third gender, but thats not the way I meant it. For me nonbinary is an approach to gender. Existing outside the stereotypes associated with our cis counterparts (which I think are also bs, I'm a feminist).
What? I thought that being non binary meant you didn't really fall fit any gender and just kept it neutral? Like you choose to be an it rather than a she or he.
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im a hot grill from the shut-in discord come hang out with us teehee <3
Read my post again, I explained what I meant. Are people not allowed to interpret things in their own way anymore? Expand your mind, ppls.
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What it do roody-poos?
Is that the infamous Momo character people go on about?
yes teehee <3
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yup thats her
She's beautiful
Please kill yourself.
Post her pic, I want to see her
>Contact info
skype: featheraccident
>What are you looking for?
girls only please!!!
I am an extreme introvert, totally socially awkward, just really weird and terrible at talking to people most of the time. I'm a grown adult with basically no friends, I just really need some practice talking to someone. If this sounds pathetic it's because I am, but at this point I have nothing to lose
>Who do you want to add you?
again, girls only! I just want a girl who i can chat with, someone who isn't too judgmental and is patient..
>Who don't you want to add you?
men, do not even try to add me if you're a guy, unless you're extremely gay with 0 percent change of ever changing and even then it's questionable
I was dragged in there ok
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xth for crippling loneliness
>Contact info
coelomata on Kik
Western US
>Favorite Book
Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky, though I'm mostly a fantasy kind of person.
>Favorite Movie
Godzilla vs Biollante
>Favorite Music
Tycho/Boards of Canada/Bonobo
Employed, technically, crashing with my dad in the wake of a failed marriage.
>What are you looking for?
Conversation. Interesting people.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone, I can filter you myself, JOSH
>Who don't you want to add you?
I like Beli so you can fuck off
>daddy boots
>eternal sunny dragon
Eternal Edgelord

Discord in a nutshell
john riffle
Picture should be of a dog
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Use my fucking picture already scrubBoots.
Japan sux and I still have cancer, at least I have a new new gf thats mad loli, fuck you Boots

because you said fuck you boots i wont use it now misa

suck it
please i luv u
i'll gib u tacos, u'd like that rite
>IRC name?
>Contact info


>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Weeb-shit, Shut-theme-song

>What are you looking for?

>Who do you want to add you?

>Who don't you want to add you?

I just haunt this place from time to time. I have cancer
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this is my fetish chart

love me cuz boots wont
goodnight misa
>Contact info
Skype: live:karenax
New Zealand
>Favorite Vidya
Halo CE, FF12, Morrowind, Bioshock 1
>Favorite Book
None really but reading Atalas Shrugged atm
>Favorite Movie
Scarface, Star Wars or Goodfellas
>Favorite Music
Prog Rock, 80s Thrash, Oldschool hiphop and gangsta rap, Classic rock
>What are you looking for?
Someone whose cool and passionate about what they love, can carry a convo and doesnt stop talk after like the 5th day
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Opposite of ^^
Hey, I don't do IRC but /poke/.
How's your cancer?
One day I'll make one of these myself instead of letting the biggest fat fucking faggot do it
there is like one or two sort of cool kids in there at most
Is that your life philosophy? Begging people you don't like to kill themselves? Grow up. Not everyone is a conformist normie like you.
Got discord?
>massive shut in, barely talk to people
>never really interested in relationships
>was curious about what my potential prospects would be if i was though
>decided to get my appearance rated
>best score i got was 5/10, several much lower

glad i made the right choice being antisocial
I'm in your same position. I'm a really average guy and don't have much to offer anyone
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do you guys have good personalities?
I like to think so. What about you?
>go out of my way to do social things that are well out of my comfort zone
>the only responses I get are from asshats who think they're funny
I'm just gonna go back to the 'not talking to anyone ever' thing I think
Who are you, I can talk to you.
>shut-ins, neets and introverts
>no oxford coma
>no social outcasts
just like you fags hate attentionwhores
>hating attwhores
>in /soc/
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We should do this again!
Someone got diddled as a child.

anyone here not white?
im mexican and we have a few asian and black folks
tfw you're parents fail to dump you into the mental health system and now you're being set up for suicide
Mexican in Mexico or Mexican in the US?
I have duel citizenship so both but i was born in the states
>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik: puck.priapus
Fort Lauderdale, FL
>Favorite Book
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
>Favorite Movies
The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (too on the nose?)
>Favorite Music
Indie (ex. This Head I Hold) and swing. Also most stuff by Ken Ashcorp
>What are you looking for?
Friends. It's been a while since I've been social. I dropped all of my old contacts ages ago. I've started hanging out with some cool people recently, but my circle of friends is still tiny.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone chill that wouldn't mind someone awkward like me. Well I like the not-so-chill people too at times
>Who don't you want to add you?
Overly-judgmental people
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>Contact info
discord: Boots#8251
>IRC name?
Southern California
>Favorite Book
LOTR, world war z, hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy, where the red fern grows, confederacy of a dunce, scott pilgrim vs the world
>Favorite Movie
blade runner, howl's moving castle , the dark knight trilogy, as good as it gets, the shining, the departed, Ive seen the devil, [REC], v/h/s, chinatown, the godfather 1 and 2. Step brothers, scott pilgrim vs the world
>Favorite Music
muse, david bowie, skrillex, portishead, the decemberist, nirvana, NiN, bonobo, dafter punk, muse, radiohead, beck
Introvert / neet
>What are you looking for?
Friends to chat with , game , get to know and talk about random shiiiit
>Who do you want to add you?
qt grill , nerdy cool weebs / nerds, if you like paranormal stuff like from /x/ we should be friends, hentai loving friends, moving loving friends and maybe a future waifu. Also if you play overwatch HMU
>Who don't you want to add you?
rude people. People who want walls of text responses. trolls
>IRC name?
Don't really use IRC.
>Contact info
kik:Big0ck (I won't send you a dick pic I promise.) or Discord:Oliver#3078
Washington state
>Favorite Book
I don't know.
>Favorite Movie
Not really a movie watcher either.
>Favorite Music
Too much shit to list, I actually listen to music and I don't confine myself to one or a few genres either.
All 3.
>What are you looking for?
I just want to talk to people, mainly girls. I hardly talk to any.
>Who do you want to add you?
Girls that don't mind talking to some basement autist :)
>Who don't you want to add you?
I dunno. Go ahead.
fucking blacklisted, what a total cunt
>not liking lactation
Momo really can't get over that guy
>being this much of a tryhard faggot
You listed Muse twice, are you a Twilight fangirl?
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>tfw met a Girl from here
>tfw ended up being nothing like I thought she was

Never again
Post the whole story
>Contact info
Discord: CountGerman #0518
Netherlands, Limburg
>Favorite Book
A Clockwork Orange
>Favorite Movie
2001: A Space Odyssey
>Favorite Music
Metal and edm mostly, /mu/trash.
Student, don't get out much because I have no friends.
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to, hang out with, and game with. Mainly just looking for an end to the lonliness senpai ;_;
>Who do you want to add you?
People who have interest in the above things.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Normies, people older than 25 because I doubt there'd be much commonality.
>IRC name?
Doitus - but i dont rly hang out there
>Contact info
Doitus (KiK) | [email protected] (skype)
22, M, North EU
>Favorite Books
The Old Man and the Sea + The Stranger
>Favorite Movies & TV
Both ongoing Sherlocks + Mr Robot | The Legend of 1900 + The Pianist
Current Anime: Fate/stay Night
>Favorite Music
Alternative + Indie + a wide array of stuff
Currently listening:
A little bit of this and that, not hugely committed to anything. Playing/making music, drawing, gaming
>What are you looking for?
Gaming buddies, music enthusiasts, people with common ground with what I've described above
>Who don't you want to add you?
Idk, if we dont click we dont click, and we can just go our separate ways
Reminder that the voice chat is cancer and if you use it you might as well kill yourself. And none of those people are any form of shut-ins.
in voice chat right now, it's cancer as fuck.
Salmiakky, reminder that you are a huge bitch.

what's up goys, shy qt NEET grill here hmu in shut-in Lobby 24/7 wink
I'm sorry but if you have/had a husband you're not a shut-in and should kys.
What happened?
Checked, be my waifu pls
I like being a loner's friend, if you want to chat
be my waifu as well
With those dubs how could I say no?
What are the shut in peeps up to in a Friday night?
I'm watching "Criminal Minds," surfing e-bay, and looking through the relationship section on CL
>IRC name?
I don't have one ;o;
>Contact info
Skype: gypsypunxxx
>Favorite Book
I like manga, MAGI is one of my favorites. I love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and anything by Anne Rice or Tamora Pierce
>Favorite Movie
Anime movies, asian horror, psychological etc.
>Favorite Music
Punk rock, folk punk
>What are you looking for?
Friends that share similar interests.
>Who do you want to add you?
Girls over boys. I'm not sexist I'd rather talk about shoujo anime and stuff :p
>Who don't you want to add you?
horny dudes, anyone under 18
So much pink
I'm sorry :<
will you be my gf
It's not a complaint
damn piggie
hi. how are you?

anyone interested in programing?
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>Contact info
Kik: jmfit01
New Jersey (most of the time)
>Favorite Book
Bloody Jack (series)
>Favorite Movie
Too many. I like comedies and bad action movies.
>Favorite Music
My playlist is 98% video game soundtracks.
>What are you looking for?
Honestly, I'm really lonely and want to try having a relationship with a geeky, awkward girl (if they exist). Never really had a girl interested in me (I'm short, ugly, and boring) but because I'm so convinced I'm unloveable I've never actually tried. Plus normie girls don't do it for me.
>Who do you want to add you?
Women who
>are of a similar age
>are biologically female
>like vidya, hiking, camping, doing quiet things like visiting museums and historical sites, things like that
>are not fat
>are virgins and take sex very seriously (as in not like a recreational activity you do with just anyone)
>ugly is fine
>Who don't you want to add you?
I already have enough normal friends, no offense.

My stats, if anyone is interested:
>~5'4" (not really sure and I'm too lazy to check now. Needless to say I'm a manlet.)
>~140 lbs (fairly skinny)
>pretty ugly
>kissless virgin
>likes vidya, reading, traveling, hiking, camping, other outdoor activities, visiting museums and historical sites

Maybe my standards are too high, but I can't bring myself to lower them yet.
I had a friend help me woth programing and while it's neat to learn, it's not the skill set I really want. I'd love to hang with you and maybe you could teach me something
any skill sets that interest you in particular?

im in the beginner camp. i more so gota get off my ass, and learn.
Being able to go into the registry, identify the problem, & fix it. Being able to find and clear malware, beyond using anti-virus software to do it for me.

And simple hardware fixes, like replacing the keyboard or figuring out why the mouse pad suddenly stopped working
ive read a bit about that sort of thing.
can go pretty deep with malware.

need alot of cs and operating system knowledge. also reverse engineering skills like being able to read and understand assembly.

im barely a beginner.
long road ahead.
I wouldn't want to go assembly deep, but be able to fix most problems (or at least the easy ones) so I don't have to pay someone every time something happens.
Are you still around? I'm pretty similar and I wouldn't mind getting to know you. Do you have email?
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>Contact info
kik: lastnght
steam: ask
USA (west)
>Favorite Book
NY trilogy
>Favorite Movie
a pure formality, road to perdition, cache
>Favorite Music
emo (algernon cadwallader, empire empire, american football, mineral etc), post rock, alternative rock, indie rock, math rock, future garage, chillwave, hip hop, trap, jazz, cloud rap
>Favorite anime:
madoka magica, lotgh, welcome to the nhk, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, tatami galaxy, gurren lagann, deadman wonderland, flcl
shut in
>What are you looking for?
people to play video games/watch anime with and same taste in music to share youtube links with all the time. maybe something more later
>Who do you want to add you?
nice ppl who like to have conversations and listen to the same music and lonely as well
>Who don't you want to add you?
ppl who are mutes or dont talk to me after the first time, no EU sorry
every goddamn day or night
20+ M Amsterdam

Tall (6"4/1m90) skinny/fit. i have been told i have a nice body and a nice butt.

I`m looking for people to cam to, Females or trans. I`m pretty kinky and ill do about anything. im not scared to get dirty or weird so whatever you please, i`ll do.

Add me on skype if you're interested. If it doesnt work out you can alwaays delete me.

skype= sknnlnmg
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If you can't even comprehend DLC you're kinda fucked lmao go start bettering yourself before you hit the deep end .
Does anybody know if Boots is fat or not? Ive always wonderer...
He is.
Yeah I'm a chubby dude
Makes sense.
Sick-minded people go for easy targets.

If you got kik mine is Tylerv233..
I would guess you will continue posting in the thread trying to ingratiate yourself with that very same circle jerk.
Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
there's nothing wrong with sharing dick pics

highly encouraged :^)
> It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not.
Fucking dropped lmao
Hey i'm new to this welfare lifestyle.

How do others get money on the side other than welfare?
And how not to get caught?
okay. Last time I ever do this(probably).

>Contact info
skype's ninja.viv

>Favorite Book
The Cather in the Rye
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Folk punk, Anti-Punk,indie and psychedelic shit... I hate how pretentious it sounds, but that's what genres everything falls into.
oh, and this

I like a lot of stuff, really.
no/yes/a little
>What are you looking for?
just someone to be my friend and maybe talk about pigeons or other animals.
Someone nice.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
people from Wales.
people who won't talk to me more than a week of the month.

If you don't share many interests that's okay.
I just like people.
pls be my gf
I don't have kik, but here's my bio:>>24518059
you're pretty too bad i'm not american :/

Sent a request on Skype.
plug.dj anyone?
Kik is m0usekat
Lonely neet 18f australia lets talk
will you be my gf?
If I have bouts of being an introvert, does that count? I am generally shy but warm up with the right setting and people
you're a big girl
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Say hello to the new Shut-In Network Original Movie

pic related
Hey, to any NEETs, what do you do all day? I have a hard time filling the time between work and was wondering how you managed to stay entertained all day.
This is amazing!
>If you don't share many interests that's okay.
But what are your interest retard? One movie, one book, pigeon and animals? Music taste?
Well I did like that youtube song. But I'm not nice so whatever. Die hobieeless bitch.
this is great, i approve this
yeah, throwaway is sailtheskywithme @ gmail
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I'll play your game
you're the only one who did play :(
Which of Pat the Bunny's bands do you like best?
I've had a really rough couple of days and I'm wondering if anybody will let me sort of emotionally vomit on them.
I know that's not really a fair thing to ask but I just need to vent I guess. I'm confused and very very sad and I need somebody to talk to about this.
Do you have skype?
I can make one hold on.
Sorry about that. It's gonna be [email protected]
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im bored ill bite
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More quality OC coming at you guys with Shut's first rap album
hi josh
>Contact info
Skype: Jethro.Ayeway
>Favorite Book
The Dark Tower
>Favorite Movie
Old Boy
>Favorite Music
Coheed and Cambria is my favorite band, but I listen to a lot of electronic stuff most of the time.
Typical shut-in/nerd stuff like browsing sites I like, vidya games, etc. I mostly play WoW these days, but I'd like someone to play other games with (Overwatch or D3 would be cool). I play D&D every weekend, and spend a lot of time working on stuff for the group I DM for. I also like programming, but I only do it as a hobby right now.
>What are you looking for?
I want a girl to talk about hobbies, share music, flirt, and spend time with. I like having someone to talk about my day with, and to hear about theirs. Small talk is great! I enjoy deeper conversations too, though. Mostly, I just want someone to look forward to talking with throughout the day, and (eventually) to be cute and affectionate with.

This probably sounds really thirsty, but I don't really know how else to put it. I have a good number of platonic friends already, and I feel like I get stretched too thin if I have too many friendships. On the other hand, there's pretty much 0 affection in my life, so I feel really lonely when I'm not busy with work or my hobbies.
>Who do you want to add you?
Someone who fits the stuff above. I'm not picky about age (no underage b& though obviously) or location. I like people who can get really into discussing things they enjoy, and find rambling to be pretty endearing.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who can't hold a conversation. Shyness is totally fine, but one word responses are frustrating. No guys, unless we have a ton in common and you wanna talk about those things.
tfw literally zero messages
same but its all good

add people :)
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Hey shut ins, mossmarwood on Kik if anyone's game for a chat about whatevs
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>no Wales
Why are Americunts so fucking pretentious?
Bet you'd take an Indian.
Course maybe, she's american
I've met five people from wales and I didn't get along with any of them very well. It wasn't any bias of mine, but just cultural differences.
It's very awkward for me.
thanks for being a douchebag, tho.^^
I'm okay with whales of all kinds as long as they're nice.
>favourite book
>favourite movie

whats your steam, i dont have kik
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22/M/NW Indiana (Close to Chicago)
>Sexual Orientation
>Relationship Status
>Text / Mic / Cam
>Favorite Music
I've been listening to Tame Impala & Pianos Become the Teeth lately.
>Favorite Movies
Pacific Rim, if you like this movie I'll play something on the piano for you.
>Favorite TV Shows
I don't watch TV.
>Favorite Books
How about my programming books..yeah..
>Favorite Vidya
WoW, League, Overmeme, Dark Bowls (Playing these currently) Dead Space series & Shadow of the colossus are my favorites though.
Holding cute girls hands, playing piano, watching anime & playing Vidyas.
>What boards do you use?
/a/ /vg/ /g/
>Are you interested in Skype groups?
Yes please I'm probably just going to dump hentai there though.
>What languages do you speak?
English, Weeb
>What are you NOT looking for?
People that'll stop talking after a day.
>What are you looking for?
People to play video games with, talk about anime, play piano for, and finally find a cute girls hand to hold (This is important.)
It's on my Skype PFP. But you can have one of my waifu for now.
>Contact info
My Skype is: tylervanlieshout
My Kik is: Tylerv233

I'm more of an introverted extrovert than anything....I'm here because I just enjoy talking to NEETs & Introverts more than "Normal people". I'm looking to play Vidya & possibly brush a cute girls hair...I'll play piano for whoever adds me.
Stupid bitch.
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>IRC name?
Don't use.
>Contact info
Skype: shetbag87
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I prefer songs over genres or bands.
>What are you looking for?
Friends, irl friends, instant crush
>Who do you want to add you?
All the qt neets of soc
>Who don't you want to add you?
the name gives me some guy named luigi from Ireland.
is that actually you or did you happen to mistype your id?
You're stupid. Even more than me.
Get over yourself.

Love you dude. Hope your life gets better.
Are you one of her orbiters? Stupid idiots.
I'm her boyfriend, you dumbfuck.
You're exactly the kind of idiot I made fun of, and that blew up in my face.
She's only trying to be nice to you.
People like you make good people like her jaded.
Grow up. She's only being as sweet as could be, to you and to me at my worst, and you're spitting right in her face.
Ignorance isn't an excuse for anybody. Anybody can tell when it's sheer kindness.
You want to chew on somebody, chew on me. She's a good girl, and she'd never use anyone as some orbiter.
This is why no one likes either of us.

you're not my boyfriend.
Hahahah she has a boyfriend and she seeks more "friends." If she really loved you she would pretend to be a male. But of course this whore can't understand that she's just a boring slut that her only value is her pussy. But deep down she knows this.
Keep getting cucked retard.
don't argue with autists.
It makes me look bad.
I don't like seeing people talk that way about you when you're only being nice to them.

I guess I should just take a page out of her book.
I just don't get why you want to pick on somebody like that.
What do you have to gain from it?
She seems like a boring cunt. I was just giving my opinion. Maybe if you both are so triggered maybe you should try going to reddit or tumblr where they give a fuck about your feelings.
Now cuck she's not your girlfriend but you somehow think you are. That's pretty pathetic.
tfw no qt
I love it
do you have skype? my skype is the same as my kik name
wiggle wiggle
>Never really had a girl interested in me (I'm short, ugly, and boring) but because I'm so convinced I'm unloveable I've never actually tried.
>are virgins and take sex very seriously (as in not like a recreational activity you do with just anyone)
>My playlist is 98% video game soundtracks.

yeah uh... good luck with that
always wiggling earthworm!
anyways guys

im on welfare, but id like a little extra money for my hobbies..

im allowed to make an extra 200$ per month, (and obviously more than that if i don't declare it)

any ideas?
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>IRC name? No need to know
>Contact info kik rustedbrolly
>Age 28
>Sex Male
>Location Houston, tx
>Favorite Book the sword of truth series
>Favorite Movie eh, I don't know
>Favorite Music metal and industrial
>NEET/Introvert/Shut-In? A shut in introvert
>What are you looking for? Someone to talk to
>Who do you want to add you? Someone who is bored and wants to chat about whatever
>Who don't you want to add you? Giraffes

I'm bored as hell, all alone on adderall and a bit drunk... I need someone to talk to!
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>mfw the lead singer from The Offspring posts on /soc/
K, sent you a message :)
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how do i make friends without being so self aware and worried about being an annoying cringy cunt?
you cant its the human condition
stop caring. take xanax or have a spiritual experience
be good to yourself and others, and stop saying things like annoying cringy cunt
shy people are annoying, talk about something, anything. show pictures of your cats, tell a story of something youve did, talk about your coin collection. anything can sound fascinating if youre into it, and its better than saying nothing.
Should I just talk to people whilst drunk? Where am I supposed to get zanax?
i don't know, you figure it out.
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23, M, Can
>Relationship Status
>Favorite Music
From Wu-tang to Maroon 5 to Billy Talent to Metallica. There's pretty much a song in each genre I enjoy listening too.
>Favorite Anime, Manga, Vidya
Anime: Guarren Laggen, Mob Psycho 100 atm
Manga: Pun pun, Battle Royale
Vidya: Currently playing WoW, OW, etc. I love all fighting games (MKX, SFV, SM4SH)
Working out, Vidya, School, TV shows, Anime, Music.
Heavily introverted.
>What are you looking for?
People who share very similar interests (you game, watch shit, etc) and has read my profile.
>What are you NOT looking for?
People who are bored and are looking for someone to entertain them. Share some interest and be somewhat intelligent. Also guy friends, I have a lot already, but if you share practically all the same interests add anyways we might be bros still.
Pref skype: kgkenshin
talk to me and we can both worry about it constantly
20+ M Amsterdam
>About me
Tall (6"4/1m90) skinny/fit. i have been told i have a nice body and a nice butt.

I`m looking for people to cam to, Females or trans. I`m pretty kinky and ill do about anything. im not scared to get dirty or weird so whatever you please, i`ll do.

Add me on skype if you're interested. If it doesnt work out you can always delete me.
>contact info
skype= sknnlnmg
Just have to go with it and not give fucks. Its hard to do but if i can do it, yo u can too!
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>Favorite Book
>Sword of Truth series

Ay yo, sup my D'haran Nigga, that Lord Rahl sure is one cool dude huh, shiet
what a fkn brain u best get out of here blert fore i put ur ead up ya nan's arse
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for fuck's sake, Parket, why do you do this to me?
If you follow these simple rules you will never have anything to worry about

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.
The worst meme to come out of this shit community.
I'm the reason for quite a few of those rules.
You guys are still massive faggots though <3
it is pretty shit desu
Puchi seems like someone who takes smelly shits and somettimes whipes 90% rather than 100% and ends up smelling a little like poo
she's a nice gal.
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
skype: buffaloteatsbrass
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
the devils
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
on the spectrum
>Who don't you want to add you?
Give a damn about other people and develop the habit of behaving with intentionality. It'll take awhile, and some folks will still think you're a fuckwad, but at that point you can rightfully not care!
>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik: wintrrx
skype: i will add you
>Favorite Book
The Great Gatsby
>Favorite Movie
The Last Song
>Favorite Music
Not sure. I've been loving Christmas music lately though.
>What are you looking for?
Genuine friendships, decent conversation.
>Who do you want to add you?
Look below.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Racists because I'm black, people who refer to girls as roasties seriously, people who expect me to lead the conversation, anyone who is a pedophile since I know there's a good amount on here...
But can I call you roastie as a joke?
Also are you actually a roastie?
20+ M Amsterdam
>About me
Tall (6"4/1m90) skinny/fit. i have been told i have a nice body and a nice butt.

I`m looking for people to cam to, Females or trans. I`m pretty kinky and ill do about anything. im not scared to get dirty or weird so whatever you please, i`ll do.

Add me on skype if you're interested. If it doesnt work out you can always delete me.
skype= sknnlnmg
fuck off roastie
Belgische Limburg > Nederlandse Limburg
i dont use that malware shit either
Trump. thats all i got to say tonight
anyone in the netherlands that wants to cuddle?


shy girls are cute.
What are your hobbies? Do you play any vidya?
Afternoon bump
>when you're so pathetic you post your shit twice in the same thread
It's whatever, anon. OP said this thread is even open to normies as well.

I'm similar. I only have a few acquaintances. I can't really get close to some people or open up. There are certain personalities that I can work with freely and express myself fully, like when I talk to myself.

Female. USA. I have ptsd from being molested as a child. General depression, Ocd, social anxiety, avoidant personailty disorder, agoraphobia, and since either used to cut theres a possible bpd there too. I take anti depressant ssris and do emdr therapy meditation and mindfulness. I also am a sjw about rape culture and am pretty much never attracted to a guy unless he’s more crippled by social anxiety than I am which is honestly really hard to pull off. I’ve been a neet for almost 9 year just went straight into hiding after high school.. I went to expensive treatment mostly for cutting but also I have an eating disorder and had a xanex addiction years ago after it was prescribed for my anxiety. I still think about cutting a lot.

My favorite artists are Zdzislaw Beksinski, H.R. Giger, Jean Giraud, and Olivier de Sagazan.

On Netflix I really like Peepshow, The IT Crowd, Arrested Development, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Lady Dynamite, Louie, and Star Trek (have seen all other than the original and all of Enterprise; tng is my fav with ds9 as second then Voyager as third).

I’ve always watched a lot of Adult Swim and Tim and Eric and Rick and Morty are big ones I enjoy, but I’ve seen almost everything that’s come on Adult Swim since it’s creation. I love cartoons and animation! Fav anime shows: Tenchi Muyou!, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Accel World, Watamote, anything Studio Ghibli, and Kaiba. Fav cartoons right now: Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, MLP, Invader Zim (forever), Bob’s Burgers, China IL (Babycakes), Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra, Futurama, Southpark, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, and anything on Adult Swim.
I’m pretty poor so as far as video games go I’m wanting either an xbox one or a ps4 lately (but don’t have one yet). Dragon Age: Inquisition and Witcher 3 are some recently played good games. Skyrim is my most played on Steam. I love JRPGS, the most influential of my childhood were prob Final fantasy 7 through 10; Legend of Dragoon and the Longest Journey are some other good older rpgs, I liked a lot of stuff that came out on PS1. My very first games were on SN which were Zelda: Link to the Past and Super Mario RPG. Loved King’s Quest as a child (especially 5 and 7) and Silent Hill. Open to any tabletop or board game but don’t do them very often. Basically if I can’t be DM I don’t enjoy it, I like having control. Needing gta5 and Fallout 4 on Steam.

I’ve seen all of Gamegrumps and Jontron, I also like h3h3 and flithyfrank on youtube.

As far as movies go I like a lot of fantasy and scifi from the 90s, like The Neverending Story, Dark Crystal, Dragonheart, Blade Runner, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Hellraiser, Nightbreed, The Lost Boys, Jurassic Park, The Fifth Element, Spaceballs, Starwars, and lotr. Huge Studio Ghibli fan, probably seen Princess Mononoke more than any other movie in my life; I also like Castle in the Sky and Nausicaä a lot. Some of my all time two top favorite movies are The Holy Mountain and Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below (Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo). I’ve seen tons of other movies though just can’t list them all because there is way too many.
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When it comes to books go fantasy and sci-fi but a lot of young adult too and sometimes horror. My favorite non fiction author is Allan Watts. Young adult example would be Harry Potter and Cirque Du Freak. Horror would be Clive Barker. Science would be Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, and Alexander Shulgin. Also like some True Crime. I find psychology, and philosophy often interesting but mostly read about it through wiki. I also find psychedelic drug trips interesting to read about on the internet.

When it comes to music I like all genres OTHER THAN most Country or Christian, some top bands would be MSI, NIN, Marilyn Manson, Pink Floyd - I know those are all alt rock but I love chillstep, retronew wave, ambient, instrumental, and a bunch other genres too.

I don’t watch any sports but I love the outdoors, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, meditating, and a little bit of Mixed Martial Arts. There’s a great place to swim in my small town.

When it comes to food I love sushi, my favorite kind is eel.

If you want to contact me go to my tumblr: http://opalcocoon.tumblr.com/

If you voted for trump - block me.
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I'm just some neet who wants a platonic friendship with a girl to kick it on a voice chat while we do our own thing.
Back to >>>/co/mblr
Why /co/?

We should be so lucky for the wall of text, lazy faggot
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>IRC name?
Not on the IRC
>Contact info
kik: chazman17
Ontario, Canada
>Favorite Book
1984, Metro 2033, Intent for a Nation
>Favorite Movie
Interstellar, Wall-e, Inception.
>Favorite Music
Breaking Benjamin, Billy Talent, July Talk, David Bowie, Disturbed.
I'm a shutin.
>What are you looking for?
Fellow shutin friends :')
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
I'm not gay or bisexual. I'm horribly sorry. So if you're a guy looking for another guy, it's not going to happen
I'm not reading all that, I just need to know if you'll be my gf or not
Hey everyone, please understand i am a 25 year old high functioning autstic man. im looking for a sweet hart, has to be a girl without a boyfriend free girl pic is me <3
she's the worst one from MM.
ur the worst one from MM
>Contact info
Discord: Cams Socks
Kik: Camo19x
>Favorite Book
Dont read much
>Favorite Movie
Hot Rod or anything that can make me laugh
>Favorite Music
Edm/rap but can jam to anything
Introvert, hard time being a normie
>What are you looking for?
anything really
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone who would like a friend
>Who don't you want to add you?
just dont be creepy?
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>IRC name?
Not since 2010
>Contact info
Kik: catdogandme
USA - Missouri
>Favorite Book
Simulacra and Simulation
>Favorite Movie
Magnificent 7 2016 edition
>Favorite Music
Shutin with little social contact since 2011. Introvert. Neet off and on.
>What are you looking for?
a waifu,
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone younger than me honestly.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Normies, people with a social life, people with 3 or more relationships that lasted over a month
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>Contact info
post yours if you want to talk, it's dumb but i don't like sharing my mine publicly.


>Favorite Book

>Favorite Movie
La Haine

>Favorite Music
I like cute bandcamp bands with sad love songs

Not neet, currently studying. But I'm a shut-in other than going to classes

>What are you looking for?
Comfy nice conversation. Non-lewd friends. Someone that could make me feel less lonely.

>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone that's kind and at least slightly interesting

>Who don't you want to add you?
People over 25 and people that don't put in any effort in making conversation
21 M
Usually bored and looking for someone to talk to while I go to class and work part time.
Kik: something076
Friendship. I added you.
Be my waifu pls
>Contact info
Skype: elsie.2hu
Kik: noregeneration
I have most everything so if you want something else just ask.
>Favorite Book
Blood Meridian I guess, I don't really read much, trying to fix that with audiobooks, working on Dune currently.
>Favorite Movie
I don't like watching movies alone so I haven't really watched many.
I mostly watch anime, my favorite are Kino's Journey and Haibane Renmei
>Favorite Music
Ambient, noise, j-core, experimental electronic stuff
Introvert/shut-in, I have a job but don't really have friends
>What are you looking for?
Attention, someone where we can open up to each other
>Who do you want to add you?
A cute girl with similar but different interests
>Who don't you want to add you?
Guys (sorry but emotionally opening up to other guys makes me really uncomfortable) Super horny people, people interested in a relationship (I have really bad commitment issues)
okay, i'm yr waifu now
add thebigoc on steam if you wanna chat, i'm a failed normie so at least i know how to talk to people :)
night shut
I really want to have a cute neet girl to spoil in exchange for sexual favors. You'll get free games and shit and I might even play them with you.

Let me know if you're interested.
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So many of you are 18, 19 or 20. Way to make me feel like an old maid

>Contact info
26, I know Christmas cake
Female, last I checked at least
New Jersey, USA
>Favorite Book
Prose Novel: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Manga: Battle Angel Alita
>Favorite Movie
Real life movie - I dunno, Godfather part 1?
Anime Movie: Crayon Shin Chan movie 9
>Favorite Music
Punk Rock
Shut-in - Someone's gotta pay for all these cool anime toys so I work and then come home to play with anime toys.
>What are you looking for?
Anyone to chat with really who's also dorky so we can chat about dorky stuff. Even if you're into something different like western comics or cars I'd love to learn more.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
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Also, I'm off to work please don't think I'm ignoring you. Catch you later
which of you wants to be my gf? one has to
If you feel like it.
Zetamaniac#5942 , hope we can be friends!
> molested as a child
> used to cut
> I like having control
> If you voted for trump - block me.
so you thought it was a good idea to vote for Hillary
who is a retired lawyer, known for getting rapists out of jail.

SJWs are fucking idiots
>who is a retired lawyer, known for getting rapists out of jail.
You obviously don't understand our judicial system.

>so you thought it was a good idea to vote for Hillary
This is just lazy
repost yes

20+ M Amsterdam
>About me
Tall (6"4/1m90) skinny/fit. i have been told i have a nice body and a nice butt.

I`m looking for people to cam to, Females or trans. I`m pretty kinky and ill do about anything. im not scared to get dirty or weird so whatever you please, i`ll do.

Add me on skype if you're interested. If it doesnt work out you can always delete me.
skype= sknnlnmg
UK lad nearing cake age himself. I'm up for talking weeb shit. Mind if I add you?
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Due to some recent drama there are certain rules for the discord that must be relayed here.

1. This is a big one, do not under any circumstance discuss children and sex. It doesn't matter if it's 2D or not. Do not discuss anything close to it or you will be banned.

3. Do not deny the holocaust. Just don't be that guy.

4. Do not demean black people or other minorities. The discord is not /b/ and we are no longer in the 1800's.

5. Do not send pictures of your dick to other discord members without their consent. It's creepy, gross, and you will be banned for it.

6. Do not share private messages in the public chat. That simply causes drama and it will not be tolerated.

7. If you ask a person a question and they do not want to answer it, stop asking them the question. If you are too autistic to read the atmosphere then you probably shouldn't be asking questions at all.

Even if you're just joking or think it's funny, the discord isn't 4chan.
This is all common sense stuff, but there are some people that don't seem to get it.
>Contact info
skype : bidoofie962
>Favorite Book
Silence of the Lambs
>Favorite Movie
Mary and Max, i guess. I like a lot of movies.
All of the above.
>What are you looking for?
idk, anyone who wants to chat and/or play video games.
>Who do you want to add you?

north or south jersey
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tfw no kamen rider or sentai loving waifu
i know what you mean brotha
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Wow guys it's another episode of the cool kids hanging in the admin chat. When will the administration of this server learn how to NOT act like childish idiots?!?!

Did you get mad in school if the staff didn't let you sit with the retards at the special table?
this is what you get for following a retard into the chat
Fuck yeah
-grabs him by the throath-
Back off from my waifu ??
>Contact info
kik: eclaiere
Dallas, TX
>Favorite Book
Konosuba (?)
>Favorite Movie
I Don't Watch Movies
>Favorite Music
Trap, hip-hop
Introvert , Shut-Ink?), (I don't leave the house)
>What are you looking for?
Friends to talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
Fans of anime, Chill People
>Who don't you want to add you?
Normies, People with lives
I have 12hrs left on a 14 hour shift. I'm rolling in the dough.

Good morning.
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for all tha ladies out there looking for a real gentle man i got something for you <3

Just added you!
>IRC name?
I don't use this
>Contact info
kik: pattyboy749
sykpe: just give me yours if interested
South Carolina, USA (I hate rednecks)
>Favorite Book
East Of Eden or The Stranger
>Favorite Movie
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
>Favorite Music
Music nerd so this question is impossible
Introvert on the edge of shut in
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to and maybe some sexual stuff if you're up for it but if not I'm pretty friendly and love talking to people
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone really!
>Who don't you want to add you?
Bots or ads
Morning shut
"Fear And Loathing" was purposely made to be bad, so why do you like it?
I'm trying to find a friend that wants to hang out with me irl

Is anyone here from Toronto?
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>Contact info
[email protected]
harazi9 on skype
>Favorite Movie
Nothing specific, but I do like superhero, martial arts and old western movies
>Favorite Music
Power metal, thrash metal, hard rock
NEET (I'm on SSI for depression/anxiety)
>What are you looking for?
Fellow gamers, metalheads, genuinely courteous and kind folks
By the way if you want to talk to me just leave your kik/Skype or whatever you want to use. Don't leave M/F cause if you're a female you'll get bombarded with mesaages from the entire fucking website
What games?
Would you accept a 'Murrican? Though I can't visit Toronto any time soon?
What are shuts doing for the weekend?
>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik: sweatydogs
hmu dudes
>Favorite Book
a lot of stephen king + mangos
>Favorite Movie
donnie darko, repo man, the breakfast club, ghibli movies
>Favorite Music
pop punk/post hardcore: title fight, basement, joyce manor, citizen
some electronic: porter robinson, toro y moi
introvert as fuck honestly,,, i have like 3 irl friends
>What are you looking for?
good convo and friendship
>Who do you want to add you?
weebs, people with similar music taste, trump supporters, people with good memes
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone over 25, sjws, ex dee users
>Contact info
kik - syktris
skype - syktris
turning 21 in a couple days
>Favorite Movie
There Will Be Blood
>Favorite Music
cloud rap, alternative hip hop
work a job like once or twice a week, yes, yes
>What are you looking for?
people to play games with or talk to.
playing the new cod a lot and titanfall 2
>Who do you want to add you?
nice people
Hoping work calls with over time shifts available.

But tomorrow I'm seeing my ex again
Just leave your kik
I've been pretty desperate for people to talk to recently, even if its just to vent. I hate my job, im unhappy, confused, and uncoordinated, my crippling self destructive social tendencies ruin every serious relationship ive ever had and has caused me to fall into a deep depression and im getting tired of bottling it up.

Basically im looking for another messed up shut in to talk to when im bored/cant sleep

>she never added you
It's not only you friend, if it makes you feel any better
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>tfw want to kill myself
>tfw afraid of dying
>tfw too much of a pussy to go through with it

At least jacking off still feels good kinda. It doesn't make me happy but it makes my body feel good in the same way that eating junk food does. Just pure chemical reactions.

Probably because we are in a call. Get cucked m8.
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Hiki NEET khv. Live in mom's basement, sleep on a couch.
No hobbies. Used to like films, books, animu and games, but I get no enjoyment from them anymore. I've given up on my future. My only reasons to continue living are drugs and alcohol. I wish I could just disappear.
I'd like someone to speak with when the the loneliness becomes overwhelming. Please don't waste your time if you expect me to carry a conversation or be positive. I probably won't have much to contribute since I'm so ashamed of myself.
Kik: robonobody
i know these feels
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Sorry, to be honest when I came home I had over 50 adds. Not sure how I can really talk with that many people. Haven't added anyone yet so don't know what that other guy is talking about. I need to go to the DMV maybe after that I'll try to add everyone and hope not all 50 are online. Also I'll be playing Battride Wars because sorry I've been enjoying that
thats not nice music tho
Can I get a unban?
>Battride wars
Good taste
>IRC name? N/A
>Contact info skype:[email protected]
>Age 29
>Sex Male
>Location USA
>Favorite Book The Martian
>Favorite Movie Edge of Tomorrow
>Favorite Music Hyper Crush
>My Favorites probably change a few times a day? I guess it just depends on what mood I'm in.
>NEET/Introvert/Shut-In? no/yes/mostly
>What are you looking for? conversation
>Who do you want to add you? people who want to conversate
>Who don't you want to add you? porn bots & scammers
Not a meme just a mentally disabled persons only way to communicate
You two might be able to help each other.
22/M/Canada ON
>favorite anime
Code Geass, Mirai Nikki, Gurren Lagann, Evangelion. Too many to name
>Video games
Fallout 4, Mass Effect, GTAV, ARK, used to play League of Legends
>Contact info
Kik is ItsTruAndy

Fuck I miss being a neet. I was going strong for like a year but ran out of funds and shit and had to get a job to support my video game and anime addictions. And food too I guess. Now I work 12 hours a day 5 days a week and I just wanna be a neet again. I spend all my time wondering if my coworkers hate me, trying to do a good job.
I really want to be added to groups pls
do you have kik? I want to know if I am a qt neet or just a neet
Join the discord? always active
>Contact info
Skype: [email protected]
Kik: TheCutestLoli



Montreal, Quebec, Canada

>Favorite Book
Michael Moorcock's Elric Cycle

>Favorite Anime
I watch all of the CGDCT anime, but my favorite one is Yuru Yuri.

>Favorite Movie
Don't watch many movies, so I'll say Pacific Rim. I really like sci-fi and horror, as far as genres go.

>Favorite Music
Folk and power metal, primarily. Also some symphonic black and melodeath. I'm a big fan of Mongolian music, too.

>Favorite Vidya
I don't really game anymore, but I'm very fond of traditional JRPGs, like FF9, The Legend of Dragoon and Lost Odyssey.

Introvert and Shut-In as much as I can.

>What are you looking for?

>Who do you want to add you?

>Who don't you want to add you?
People under 18 years of age.
What's your hourly wage? Or are you salaried? I wish I should work 60hrs/wk. At least for a month or so
Can a neet girl just suck my dick? That's all I want in life. Is that too much to ask?
yes apparently
13/hr to start, hoping for a raise if I do well. Only started about 3 weeks ago
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>uses autistic in a derogatory manner
>doesn't like it when you insult niggers
>actually uses the ITS THE (((CURRENT YEAR))) argument

Fuck off with this cheap bait
And kill yourself while you're there.
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Post-depressed post-neet currently contemplating career changes. I spend my time reading bullshit, learning French and watching Khanacademy videos inbetween bouts of rabid videogames you don't like. If I'm not doing that, I'm managing my massive music folder and giving unsolicited advice. I'd like some motivation in my life but you and me know too well it ain't happening. My aesthetic is men in animal masks discussing divine politics; more pretentious than thou.

[email protected]

How do I get into new anime?
>Contact info
Skype: YrHopesAnDreams
Discord: Firecrotch #8057
Kik: YrHopesAnDreams
Battlenet: HopesNDreams #1993
North Carolina
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
I haven't watched many movies, so I don't know.
>Favorite Music
I like edm, but I'll listen to just about anything.
Introvert, trying to be more social since I'm in college now.
>What are you looking for?
People to play games with (I'm new to PC, so my library is lacking.) Qt gf would be nice.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone, really.
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What the hell, who posted my skype somewhere? I woke up and had over 30 adds of guys from germany and the middle east asking me to hook up?! Sorry if I hurt your feelings or something but I've been trying to talk to everyone and be very nice!
Classy /soc/ betas
Try googling your own skype and try to find it?

On a side note, do you only have skype? im always down for adding people that like kamen rider but i uninstalled skype ages ago and i dont wanna go back to that. Discord maybe or Steam?
Sure, let me download discord. I'll post when I finish up.
If you post it, you'll just get another 30 adds from thirsty betas and have no way to contact this anon. Might be best if he just gives you his discord so you add him?
Good idea.
My discord is Dashen#3751
I can never remember if there is suppsed to be a space before the # or not actually.
>Contact info
Skype; Iamzejesus
Discord: iamzejesus #3531




>Favorite Book
I don't really read, srry.

>Favorite Movie
Historical movies, horror, thriller, comedy, drama. I love a lot.

>Favorite Music
Metal, rock, 70s, 80s, weeb stuff, pretty varied to be honest.

All of the above, sadly.

>What are you looking for?
Women, preferably, as I know plenty of men already and women seem to be more rare. Open minded, accepting, easy going. Just people to talk to about life, anime, politics, music, anything. Preferably people that are able to reply fairly quick. Unless you're busy, obviously. I reply pretty fast.

>Who do you want to add you?
Eh, women? That enjoy talking to someone who replies rather fast. You'd never know i'm doing other stuff due to my multi tasking abilities. I'm very calm, accepting and I just want to find people to forge friendships with or anything that might happen.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Trolling memebers, men.
>she finally adds you
>some faggot post her contact
>she will probably never respond again
REEEEEE fuck you /shut/
She probably deserves it fampalamp
Going to leapfrog off the first guys idea - 22/m/fellow NJer, anime/manga lover, cosplayer, also like vapor wave lol. Looking to meet more weebs and just get out of my shell.

Discord is Rance#4833, I do have Skype as well.
Late to the party.

>Contact info
Discord: イライザ#1196
Female (Biological)
>Favorite Book
Belgariad, Call of Cthulhu, The Time Machine, 1984, Hunger Games
>Favorite Movie
Golden Compass, Sweeney Todd, Kung Fu Panda 3, Star Trek (all of em, even the odds), Hotel Transylvania, The Hobbit, Underworld, The Crow
>Favorite Music
Kokia, Melanie Martinez, Akiko Shikata, Atlas, t.A.T.u.
All of the above. Anthrophobic Hikineet.
>What are you looking for?
Just someone to talk to occasionally.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who is cool with only talking some days, and not others.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Anyone who has impure intentions.
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Well guess I need a new skype. Signed on to a bunch of fucking guys sending dick pics trying to call me and more. I'm sorry to whoever I hurt, but please don't do this to someone else it really sucks.
well, shit, I was just about to send you another message
If you know me from here it shouldn't be a problem I suppose. Trying to delete them and ask where they found my skype
Did you end up making that discord? :o
Yeah confused how to use it though
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Add me on discord maybe? Im sorry /soc/ you gave you a hard time.
It's pretty easy, I'd ask for yours so I could help with settING it up but then you'd just get the wave all over again.

If you have the pc client downloadedx click the top left icon and it should show the friends menu on the right. Then click sdd friend and type in the discord tag (mines is Rance#4833 again hahaha)

Also on phone so sorry for shit format
Take your time. It can do everything that skype can except video calls. For now. It even has text-to-speech if you want.

It was mostly designed for people to join or create servers with text and voice channels, but it also has a function to add people to friendlists and have 1on1 chats.
Kik: kurdtmorrison
Age: 19
Sex: Male

Mostly just looking for girls to talk to, whatever the hell happens happens. Friends, nudes, gf, roleplay, whatever. Preferably a rp partner or friend that could turn into more.

About: Musician/singer/rapper and artist with an interest in classic rock, indie, blues, electronic, metal, r&b, rap, and vaporwave. Steven Universe and Filthy Franktrash. Kinky af, collects vinyl, old soul, likes vintage stuff. Watches some anime.

Fetishes include: Dirty talk, feet, chubby girls, bondage, impregnation, lactation, femdom, fantasies like rape play, cuckolding (fantasy only), And lots of others. And I mean lots. Will list them on kik!

Positive qualities: Very sweet, gentle, kind, caring, sensitive, good at singing, romantic, sensual, soft-spoken, funny, talented. Has a nice jaw line, etc

Negative qualities: Can have a temper, can get needy/clingy, can be a bit possessive, and can be very negative at times. Has anxiety and depression, along with paranoia and slight trust issues. Has a few morbid interests.

Side note: I adore women with flaws such as stretch marks, crooked teeth, cellulite, etc...
kill yourself josh

Post your discord name and the number after it.
Evening bump

Literal cancer?
Wow I'm late to the party.


Have a discord anon?





Just a friendly reminder of where you are, anon -- even if it is /soc/


Pretty interesting/10, anon.

anonlikescavestory#3821 is my discord if you would like to add me.


Is that basement carpeted? If so it looks super comfy.


If this is a real P.O. Box what is the strangest thing that you have received? Any anthrax scares?

I'll post my stats in what will presumably be a new thread created shortly.
more like cuck (reality)
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>IRC name?
I don't participate
>Contact info
Skype- cmarchmarching
>Favorite Book
MW by Osamu Tezuka
>Favorite Movie
I have a nostalgia boner for Pulp Fiction, due in no small part to my parents constantly playing the soundtrack.
>Favorite Music
I can find something to like in most genres.
Shut-in, pretty much in NEET mode at the moment
>What are you looking for?
Friends, gaming buddies, anime buddies. I'd be open to joining a group that watches and discusses shit. I used to be in one for obscure films but they were pretty pretentious.
>Who do you want to add you?
People who are open, funny, and want to watch videos/anime and shit together. Or just people who want to shoot the shit. Talking is cool too.
>Who don't you want to add you?
I'm open to talking to pretty much anyone. If we don't vibe, it's okay.
yeah he has ball cancer
You were ok until you said you were a brony.
>Contact info
Skype: celesticat51
>Favorite Book
Tampa by Alissa Nutting
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Flume, The Cure, Crystal Castles, Chrome Sparks
No, Yes, When Im allowed to be
>What are you looking for?
Good conversation,
>Who do you want to add you?
Nice people that are into mic conversations
>Who don't you want to add you?
Really needy clingy people. I will not be your surrogate girlfriend.
What about my real girlfriend?
>add some people from the thread
>turns out to be fucking assholes of the century
I don't understand. I'm not that good socially yet someone calls me a retard when I can't hold a conversation right.
Do I not know something that everyone else knows?
Was I left out of some sort of special teaching?

Awwww look at the retard trying to make sense of it. So cute.
Hi Lin. You're cute too. I miss you.
repost yes

20+ M Amsterdam
>About me
Tall (6"4/1m90) skinny/fit. i have been told i have a nice body and a nice butt.

I`m looking for people to cam to, Females or trans. I`m pretty kinky and ill do about anything. im not scared to get dirty or weird so whatever you please, i`ll do.

Add me on skype if you're interested. If it doesnt work out you can always delete me.
skype= sknnlnmg

I would be willing to talk to you, anon.

anonlikescavestory#3821 if you want.
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>qt is coming here in two weeks

Tell us about it. How long have you known her, how did you two get so close, what finally pushed you over the edge, what's making you regret the decision?

Ya, it's a real PO Box. I suppose the weirdest thing was a weird, /b/-like rant about my mom or a dick butt from my boyfriend when I first met him. But I also got a shirt from Dell, but I don't talk to him any more :[
>what finally pushed you over the edge, what's making you regret the decision?

Oh I'm not regretting anything, I'm just now starting to feel super nervous now that it's so close.
I am only posting this so I can screencap it.

Shut is:
50% thirsty dudes or dudes pretending to be women.
45% shitposting.
3% actual girls.
2% genuine responses.
100% cancer.
Shut is:
50% thirsty dudes.
45% shitposting.
3% actual girls.
2% genuine responses.
100% cancer.
new shut thread
>IRC name?
>Contact info
3picSexyCalvin or 3pic Sexy Calvin on anything
>Favorite Movie
Naked Gun
>Favorite Music
Rock, Metal, Nightcore and other shitty music
Shut in
>What are you looking for?
Friend, dating, lewd. anything basically.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone feel free.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Old ass dudes or people that cant handle jokes.
i left the house for the first time in weeks today. i'll never leave again.
did you die
Thread posts: 507
Thread images: 113

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