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Welcome to the shut in thread!!! >Old thread >>240

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 501
Thread images: 133

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Welcome to the shut in thread!!!

>Old thread

>shut intro
https://a.pomf.cat/dhrlio.mp3 (embed)

>Steam Group

#shut-in-network on Rizon
#shut-in-gaming on Rizon

use kiwi irc and hexchat to get on



>Skype group
ask in the post


Join us to talk, find a fellow shut in friend and just try to be nice and have a good time! Feel free to put your contact info and make friends!

Please note that this is a thread for ALL forms of shut-ins. NEETs, introverts, agoraphobics, people with social anxiety, et cetera!
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.
>What's an IRC?
It is a chatroom for the shut-in group.
Use either Hexchat (https://hexchat.github.io/) or https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#shut-in-network

Click on Rizon to the right

Type in #shut-in-network

or for gaming #shut-in-gaming

>Affiliated irc channels

#/x/philes on rizon

>Help im banned from the irc even though i never been there
Odds are you share the same host region as someone who was banned before. Have someone contact an op or owner to get it settled

>Ive been to the irc before and got banned
Talk to an op that banned you and see whats up or the owner. if you're still banned, tough shit

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure and please use this prompt:

>skype group?
ask the thread for an add to the skype group

>IRC name?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
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Boots is a scrub™
donald trump is the best if you don't agree fuck you
Nice dubs.
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>want to have a bunch of friends
>get 'em
>never talk to them because you feel like you're bothering them
>spend the day playing games and funposting
>tfw afraid to talk to people via messages or calls

It's awful, my heart beats really fast and my hands sweat like crazy, but i wish i could go to a club and spend the night dancing to my favorite normie music.
Just do it, or you're never going to be happy.
You'll get more used to it every time you do, if you have really bad anxiety, get drunk first.
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
The Trouble With Being Born by Emil Cioran
>Favorite Movies
Journal d'un curé de campagne, Nattvardsgästerna, Le feu follet
>Favorite Music
post-punk, industrial, noise, techno, black metal, punk, synthy stuff
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>IRC name?
I don't use IRC much. It's too unnerving for me most of the time.

>Contact info
Skype: blindeffigy
KiK: dgrwl


>Favorite Book
Not a huge reader.. my favorite short story is The Jaunt

>Favorite Movie
Moon and Coherence were the last two movies I saw that I absolutely loved

>Favorite Music
Impossible for me to choose.. I listen to a lot of stuff: Four Tet, Black Bonzo, Cannibal Ox, Vince Staples, Cinema Strange, Scale the Summit, Envy, Leprous, The Jezabels.. talk to me about music

No/Big time yes/Sometimes

>What are you looking for?
Just people to chat with and laugh with. Let's exchange music and funny things. I love standup.

>Who do you want to add you?
Anybody who is interested in talking to me.. don't care.

>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking for anything other than friendship
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So lonely.

If you like stand up, watch Tom Segura's stuff on Netflix.
>contact info
skype boiyashaka
battle net kyabbage#1342
steam datboisherburt
>favorite book
the shores we walk
>favorite movie
sin city
>favorite music
hip hop
>what are you looking for
people to game with
>who do you want to add you
anyone looking to play games or anyone who likes to get trippy
>who dont you want to add you
Already have, my friend. I've listened to his albums as well. He's hysterical. :)
What the fuck do you have against Bronies you fucking racist? I'll have you know I have many friends within the MLP:FiM community and every single one of them is a decent autistic person that is a pleasure to be around. I suggest you take your bigoted views somewhere else.
Yeah, he's great. Have you watched the Lil Rey Howery special? It's slightly hit and miss, but overall pretty good. Kind of relatable, too.
I haven't, no. Not a fan of him. I didn't have a shitty black father, and I never lived in the ghetto.. so it doesn't really speak to me, lol.
Fair enough. His Netflix special was pretty general, though.

Watch John Mulaney?
Not really.. he's got some good material though! Just not my thing most of the time. He wrote a lot for Weekend Update, so that's where I'm most comfortable with him. His standup is kinda hit or miss for me.

Patton Oswalt, David Cross, Louis CK, Morgan Murphy, Kathleen Madigan, Kyle Cease.. more my style. :)
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>Contact info
>Favorite Music
shoegaze, dream pop, folk punk, acoustic, celtic, trance, psychedelic..
introvert, shut-in.
>What are you looking for?
chill people to talk to or playing games with once my pc is fixed
>What are you looking for?
anyone with a below average friend list or which doesn't have that many people to talk to already. uh.. basically someone who feels like they could become an actual close friend (sorry in advance if this bothers you or seems too picky)
>Who do you want to add you?
pretty much just what i said above apllies here too
>Who don't you want to add you?
friend collectors, shitposters, over-the-notch ironic memers.
I can't stand looking at Patton Oswald and Louis CK always sounds like he's trying to hard. Guess I'll check the others out, though.
hey do you have anything else aside from steam to contact you? an email? kik?
email me: [email protected]
No, yes, and yes
>What are you looking for?
Someone with little to no friends. (Like myself) I mean it. We can be e-friends. Irl friends tire me out. I hardly go outside. My current friend is my kitten.
>Who do you want to add you?
Someone that's lonely and would like to talk
>Who don't you want to add you?
Someone busy, who has a life, messaging 5+ people, sends memes (that caveman sb one is ok), talks about sex, replies with one word. Pls no normies
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i have kik but i barely use it since most messages i'm getting on there are horny guys, dick pictures, nude requests and shit like that. and because of that i keep forgetting to check on it.

you can always try making a steam account though, lots of people use it only as a social app rather than gaming platform, so it wouldn't be that hard since it works on your phone as well. you just have to put $5 in your virtual steam to make your account premium and be able to send friend request and post comments
>tfw I added you, but got no response ;-;
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oh, i'm sorry, i got in the habit of letting friend request idle around for a little bit sometimes before accepting

it wasn't my idea, i swear
I'm getting so intimidated by these people with massive steam levels ._.
I'm at level 1 and I play that mice game...
Why do you have 0 games played my dude
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gives cute edgy and minimalistic a s s t h e t i c s
also i can't play anything until i get a new hard drive since the old one is fucked
How did you get 300 hours in MGR
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Leave this hell hole while you still can!

Boots is a 31 year old foot fetishist who will hound any female that enters his shitty IRC.

Seth is a massive cuck who lets puchi run the discord for him.

We are in hell.
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>implying I ever entered
Only poked my head in to see what usually happens in here
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loved the game, finished it on all difficulties, tried to S rank everything, started a new game in another slot trying to beat the game without getting a single upgrade.. good times
I wish I was that old but im getting there :/...one day
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[email protected] if you wanna chat
>IRC name?
Don't have one
>Contact info
22 this weekend
North Devon, UK
>Favorite Book
Millennial Hospitality
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
All three
Literally no friends and I mostly go out in the early hours of the morning to get groceries
>What are you looking for?
A weird female friend who has a nonexistent sleep/wake cycle
>Who do you want to add you?
Fellow shut-ins, preferably female, people who share my interests
>Who don't you want to add you?
People with cluster b personality disorders
wiggle wiggle
earthworm <3
Hey boots! How are you doing?
What's your contact info?
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Skype: lemessyhairmane
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>IRC name?
dont have one
>Contact info
battlenet: Tesla#2469
>Favorite Book
Havent read any good ones in a while
>Favorite Movie
Donnie Darko
>Favorite Music
Pretty much everything, lately more into rap
>What are you looking for?
people to game or/and talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
idk anyone aslong as youre not borderline autistic and you can keep up a conversation
>Who don't you want to add you?
toxic people, friend collectors, role players
night shut
>Contact info
kik: zsasza skype: zsaszaz
31 - virgin
los angeles
>Who don't you want to add you?
not into guys
I don't like group chats so I never talk in them but I'm
>Contact info
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pixeldreams/
email: [email protected]
girl with a penis
Canada, Nova Scotia
>Favorite Book
The Girl who Loves Tom Gordon, I have a bunch to read though ;-; Love visual novels. Reading the ASOIAF series as well I'm in the middle of clash of kings.
>Favorite Anime
Samurai Champloo, Cowboy bebop, kore wa zombie desu ka?, higurashi, Sora no Otoshimono, Highschool DxD, Akikan!, death note, netoge, konosuba, angel beats, nijijou, madoka magicka,steins;gate
Mostly a sucker for harem and/or romance.
>Favorite Movies
The usual Suspects, Spirited away, princess mononoke, howl's moving castle, gran torino, Lilya 4-Ever, benX, garden of words, cast away on the moon, bakemono no ko
>Favorite Music
I like to listen to anything that sounds nice. Favorite genres: Indie, metal, nu metal, rock, alt rock, groove metal, metalcore, punk, future bass
Programming, electronics, reading, video games, sleeping
yes/yes/yes I have social anxiety. Bad at talking to people and maintaining frendships.
>What are you looking for?
People who are nice and laid back and not intense to talk too.
People to play video games and hang out with.
>Who do you want to add you?
People from USA, or Canada. Mostly because of time zones.
People who are nice.
>Who don't you want to add you?
over the age of 31 This mostly applies to guys as I've had very uncomfortable experiences with older guys adding me.
under the age of 18
Friend collectors
Toxic people
People who are going to add me and then not talk to me.
XPOST from kink thread. semi-related.

24 f, UK

Slightly gender-queer female sub-leaning switch. Pansexual, homoromantic, poly.

Currently attempting a bit of 'fetish rehab'. I am trying to distance myself from the fetish scene. I usually look for the most creative and extreme and exotic play that I can stomach, and the truth is that I have become slightly addicted.

So what the hell am I posting here for?

I am at a really confused time of my life, and I am struggling with basic motivation, organisation, and socialisation.

I am looking for a kinky, slightly nerdy/geeky person to chat to on a frequent basis.

Ideally someone who is interested in:

- Watching TV/Movies together (online).
- Maybe even Anime/Cartoon stuff.
- Teach me how to play Dungeons and Dragons and other awesome geeky things.
- Helping improve my health and fitness, including diet.
- Helping me improve my fashion.
- Helping me with my body/gender dysmorpia.
- Helping me avoid some of my more extreme fetish desires.
- Watching 'normal' porn.
- Guided masturbation.
- Encourage me to complete the Warhammer armiesI have had laying around for 6 years...
- Helping indulge some more 'soft' fetishes.
T each me to code, or support me in doing so.
- Bed-time spankings for good/bad behaviour.
- Monitoring, but not controlling, my sex life, masturbation, dating habits.
- Are happy to indulge some of my odder desires from time to time in a healthy way.
- Help me improve my english, and learn other languages!

It is kinda hard to explain what I have in mind.... But basically I don;t want to feel miserable anymore. I want someone fun, kinky, with awesome taste to help motivate me and to also have some kink thrown into the mix.

I am not looking to Kik, Snapchap, or anything like that. I would like this to stay completely anonymous by Skype, Email, and maybe even Whattsapp.

So, yeah, probably the weirdest post in here so far.
skype is f.f.fox

comp sci major, likes dnd/warhammer
>>Contact info
Kik: VRoccisano
New York
>>Favorite Book
Infinite Jest, Fight Club or Brothers Karamazov
>>Favorite Movie
No Country for Old Men, Donnie Darko
>>Favorite Music
Punk, reggae, doom metal, 90s rap, industrial dubstep
>>What are you looking for?
Decent people to talk to I guess
>>Who do you want to add you?
I don't care
>>Who don't you want to add you?
>skype is f.f.fox
Added but there were a few options.. I picked the one with a tshirt pic?
You sound like an awesome person.
>Slightly gender-queer female sub-leaning switch. Pansexual, homoromantic, poly

Wee woo red flag alert alert
translation: Tomboy thats submissive but also domineering. Is sexually attracted to dishware. Attracted to homosexuals romantically. Sexually attracted to the pokemon named polygon
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alternative metal, ambient, atmospheric black metal, atmospheric sludge metal, avant-folk, avant-garde metal, black ambient, black metal, blackgaze, dark ambient, dark cabaret, dark electro, dark folk, darkwave, death doom metal, death metal, depressive black metal, djent, doom metal, drone metal, ebm, electro-industrial, electronic, experimental, folk metal, funeral doom metal, futurepop, gothic metal, industrial, industrial hip hop, industrial metal, industrial music, industrial rock, industrial techno, martial industrial, melodic black metal, melodic death metal, neoclassical darkwave, neue deutsche härte, nordic folk music, nu metal, pagan black metal, post-hardcore, post-industrial, progressive metal, rap metal, sludge metal, technical death metal, traditional doom metal, visual kei
>Contact info
P.O. Box 981
Forest Lake, MN 55025
>Favorite Authors
James Randi, Bruce Catton, Christopher Hitchens
>Favorite Actors
Peirce Brosnan, Liam Neeson, Robert Downing Jr., George Cloony, Russel Crowe
>Favorite Music
Top 40 stuff (inb4: hurr durr, sheep)
Introvert, Hermit-in-Training, & I try to have some sort of paying job.
>What are you looking for?
Pen-pals mostly, chatting via a written letter is comfy
>Who do you want to add you?
People willing to give me their mailing address
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I don't get this meme
Kik: Wtfxemi

Sounds like you need a decent friend desu. Hit me up and we can chit chat bout whatever.

I won't be able so satisfy any relationship goals cause I'm not interested in one. Sorry bout that. Still down for platonic conversation if you are.
It's more of an inside joke than meme.
Looking for female shut in to do shut in things with.
My skype is willnye2cool if you'd add me senpai
Kik or Skype?
kek, don't wanna spam the thread here, but I feel like I should say something other than "lol just add me XD"
Like I have a good amount of experience with tabletop rpgs and 40k so I'd def be willing to help you out with that stuff.
As for your dysphoria, I'm not a psychologist or anything but I've had a lot of trans friends over the years, so at the very least I can help you talk things out, as well as having some friends I could introduce you to if you'd be interested in trying to talk to them.
Also I've spent weeks trying to find someone to watch movies and stuff with me and have had no luck, so I'm all aboard on that senpai :3
yous guys need self respect
Kik treeflower
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>Contact info
The greatest country in the world.
>Favorite Book
Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut
L'Etranger - Camus
Norwegian Wood - Murakami
Nausea - Sartre

>Favorite Movie
Happiness (1998)
Buffalo '66
The Spirit of the Beehive
Leon: The Professional
Taxi Driver
Leaving Las Vegas
The 400 Blows
Oslo, 31st of August

>Favorite Music
Shoegaze/Dream Pop, Sludge Metal, Slowcore, Hardcore Punk, Post-punk, Post-Hardcore, Post-rock, Industrial. Chart for reference.

An introverted shut-in.
>What are you looking for?
Amigos and copains
>Who do you want to add you?
I dunno lmao
>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking for relationships tbqh
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>Contact info
GMJuggler on Skype
>Favorite Book
12:01pm, Ringworld, I, Robot, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, 1984, Blindsight, Toby streams the universe, I am Legend, Atlus shrugged.
>Favorite Movie
Jurassic World, Exam, The Breakfast club, The Butterfly Effect, Monsters : Dark continent, Gran Turino, End of Days
>Favorite Music
Jurassic World, Exam, The Breakfast club, The Butterfly Effect, Monsters : Dark continent, Gran Turino, End of Days
>What are you looking for?
People who enjoy late night talk shows discussing topics such as how many apples it takes to knock down a bridge and why do fish fingers taste so good.
>Who do you want to add you?
People over 23 who aren't weird tumblrinas.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who get triggered by my bluntness and /pol/ stuff.
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>IRC name?
Laugh if you want but I don't know how to use IRC.
>Contact info
Steam ID: izamanekora
New England
>Favorite Book
The Belgariad
>Favorite Movie
Star Wars Episode III or Star Trek Generations.
>Favorite Music
Akiko Shikata
All of the above. I am a hikikomori.
>What are you looking for?
At least one friend.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who shares the same interests as me and who can talk to me for more than five minutes without communication breaking down entirely.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking for lewd shit and stuff like that.

Just lost my only friend for the past year and a half. Be gentle pls senpai.
Do you have Skype, famalam?
No skype. My voice doesnt work right and I am 3shy5cam. Also, text chat there is redundant when Steam.
I'm looking for a French copy of that. Hoping to have one by the end of the month
be gf pls
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A French copy of what, exactly?
be bf pls
It's like I forgot to add the attachment
I am a doctor. Its my business to be shut in.
The doctor is in
thanks anon, i wa going to give it a bump too
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Die Verwandlung
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Most songs by Eisbrecher or Nachtmahr
>What are you looking for?
22 years spent looking and I still don't know.
>Who do you want to add you?
I'm a lonely person with no friends so I can't be picky. Just try to be nice.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who want to use me. I don't have any money for myself. I sure as hell don't have any to give to you.
Welcome to the states buddy
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noticed quite a few people use KiK so I decided to make an account username is pixldreams
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>Contact info
>Favorite Music
acoustic, folk punk, dream pop, shoegaze, psychadelics etc
all of them.
>What are you looking for?
people to talk to. i'm pretty sad and lonely most of the time.
>Who do you want to add you?
kind of anyone as long as you don't mind my mood swings, you're nice and want to talk
>Who do you not want to add you?
degenerates, friend collectors.
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>Get one really close friend
>Hit it off really well with them
>Talk to them daily for hours on end
>Get in voice calls with them
>Play games with them
>Watch anime with them
>Share music with them
>Blow each other's minds with how much you have in common with one another
>They sign off for a month due to family drama
>Miss the fuck out of them
>When they finally get back on they hardly talk
>Poke them for conversation topics without being smothering but they don't respond
>They apologize for being distant
>Talk normally again for about a week
>They start ignoring messages again

I don't know what do. I've made possibly the best friend of my life and they don't talk to me anymore. I've helped them with their problems before and we have connected on deeper levels than just joking around and having fun, I don't know why they're so hesitant to let me help them. I just want them to vent it all out so I can lend a hand.

I miss them.
Hey, I'm this guy: >>24058710

I know it's horrible being lonely but you have some compatriots while you're here so it's not that bad.

Do you listen to "Mumford & Sons?"

I haven't seen Interstellar yet. It looks really good, tho
If you want to talk about it I'm around. What platform do you prefer?
it happens I've had people I've thought I've hit it off really well with then they just flat out stop talking to me I start watching the date from which they last messaged me and it goes from a week to a month and so on and it just keeps going up until I just remove them.

Were you really friends or were you just keeping each other company? There is a huge difference. People who you are just keeping company don't value you as much as a friend would, they could just suddenly drop off the earth and stop talking to you because they don't actually care about you.

A good way to find out if you're just keeping each other company is to ask yourself, do you actually know this person? Like do you know their real name or their favorite color, what food they like to eat, their favorite video games and movies? I've found myself in numerous situations where I've found myself in this sort of situation with a person who is a fake friend whom we are just accompanying each other.

They could be depressed, maybe they just found someone they like talking to more. If they seem depressed and distant they obviously don't have much interest in talking to you anymore.
I know their name, their address (I've sent a birthday gift before) their phone number (we've texted while they were out of the house), their favorite foods, their favorite kind of pizza, their favorite animal, their favorite color, their favorite movies and kinds of games, their favorite music, deep and personal stories about their past experiences as well as current struggles, the list goes on really.

They're depressed. They started taking new meds around the time they vanished and I fear that those may be the culprit. They vented out to me before talking normally with me again, I was happy, but they don't seem they want to vent again despite it being helpful last time.

Sorry, I prefer not to reveal myself for fear they stumble on the thread.
I understand. My steam is Hatredcptr I believe, hit me up if you need a friend.
Correction, it's oblivionchaser, I'm an idiot.
All of you should commit suicide. I'm suck on the computer by circumstance, most of your are able bodied young adults who could go places and do things that I can't because I have no car and to that end, have no job. Fuck anyone who's like you by choice
I kind of know that feel.

>best friends with a guy from secondary school
>do all the shit you mentioned and more seeing as we knew eachother irl
>we both did college courses we didn't want to do so after those two years we decided to do another set together
>he gets in but I don't so I try a different course
>he's hanging around with new people doing what he wants to whilst I'm stuck doing something else I quickly learned to hate with new people I didn't like
>don't talk to eachother as much but still keep in contact
>I drop out and start staying at home so we stop seeing eachother
>then a string of family deaths drains the shit out of me so I stop coming online
>when I decide to come back online barely anyone in my friendlist is online and the few that are don't drop the usual message when I came on like they used to
>few weeks later that IM service is discontinued
>lose literally all my friends because of this, online and off, because I didn't think having other social media accounts with them added was a good idea
>fast forward years later to now
>no online friends like the ones I had, just a couple people on steam who can be bothered to drop me a message once a month or so
>all irl friends have moved on in their lives with universities and jobs
>best friend is now doing what he loves with new friends and has a kid from what I've seen peeking at Facebook
>too scared of contacting him thinking he'll be too busy to want to spend time with the guy that disappeared for months and does nothing but browse the internet all day
In all honesty the desperation of my situation is making me lash out. It's nice venting to total strangers. I'm 23 years old, still stuck at my parents house, only to make shit worse I have a 28 year old gf who's not only decided to nest here, but frigid as fuck because she's never had sex and probably wouldn't even if I married her. I'm seriously considering ditching her on our damn trip and coming home to try and cheat on her with her fat friend who I KNOW liked me at one point.
rec me some dope ass first wave post-rock senpai
and don't give me no Talk Talk cause you know that shit is wack
>by circumstance
What circumstance? You honestly just sound like you're making excuses.
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>I'm suck on the computer

At least you're good for sucking on something.
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This is kind of the only place I'm able to come to when i feel lonely after i abandoned console gaming.

>Do you listen to "Mumford & Sons?"
No but I just looked it up and it's really comfy, I can easily imagine myself falling asleep to this kind of music
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>that feeling when I spend the last nine years in front of a computer
i'm jaded, how do I unfuck myself /soc/?
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>Contact info
steam: highautism
the south, u.s.
>Favorite Book
the heart is a lonely hunter
>Favorite Music
don't listen to much these days
introvert, shut in, but recently got a part time as a cashier after a year and half of doing nothing. also beginning to work out at the gym, going at midnight when no one is there.

>What are you looking for? Who do you want to add you?
i don't play games that much anymore, i really really want to, but all the love and excitement for them has gone. someone to talk to and get to know. someone in a similar place, young and uncertain of the future. someone that's also trying to make it.
Mumford is the only folk band I listen to, that's why I chose to ask about them.

I can only think to suggest that yout sick around is you're lonely. But that you aren't likely to make am impression on many, I only remember a few people each time the thread roles over.

I have really bad mood swings, too. Have you been diagnosed with anything?
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You JUST, there is no unJUST
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Major Deppresive, Anxiety and Depersonalization.. actually not sure if depersonalization counts as a symptom or a problem itself but yeah.. I'm really paranoid when going outside and I absolutely loathe human contact and interaction.. but at the same time i wish i had someone to hug and cuddle me, can't understand myself most times and it's all just a bunch of shit clogging up my mind from flowing normally.
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>IRC name?
ain't got one
>Contact info
Kik: Shuggybear66
18 soon to be 19
Male ig
>Favorite Book
Don't read much
>Favorite Movie
Horror, currently craving to watch the first matrix though
>Favorite Music
Anything except for country and rap for the most part
All the above
>What are you looking for?
Friends to chat with
>Who do you want to add you?
girls are nice but i don't care really
>Who don't you want to add you?
Elitists, autists, and perverted fucks
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>July 15
>Still no /despair/ gf to watch anime with
junko is a edgy slut with no personality danga ranpa is a shitty anime out of all the characters to like on the show you choose the shittiest one that doesn't even show up until the last 2 episodes
>I absolutely loathe human contact and interaction.. but at the same time i wish i had someone to hug and cuddle me...,
I have an internet friend who is exactly like this. If it's not common, it's not that rare either.

I get depressed and anxious, too. It's almost painful when it happens because there's so little I can do about it, 3xcept maybe eat too much pizza or other fatty food.

Excersize can help me, too. But I dislike it so much that I habe difficulty doing anything substantive. But even if I walk away exhaustive I've probably done something good for myself.
she's not my favorite I just think she makes good reaction pics.

also the show is a shit adaptation, the games are where it's at
I'm just looking for a qt girl that wants to talk about morrowind/TES lore, am I in the right place?
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why must you do this to me?
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I'm not doing anything, it's all your fault.
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stop it caroline, i told you i'm sorry
Either you got too many adds or you changed your ID.
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Not until I see you dead in the grave, motherfucker.
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wait, is that actually you caroline?
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Quite possible. You're never going to find out though so hurry up and die faster!!
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So many happenings and no traditional girl to enjoy it with.
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Caroline used to love me though, and I'm still in love with her, so you can't be Caroline!
you mean sex?
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DAMN YOU Sherlock...
No. the world is turning to chaos, people are dying all over and civil wars are breaking out. It's fun to have a girl lean on you to feel safe.
That must be one shallow girl to feel safe thousands of miles away in a safe place by some guy from /shut/ who probably couldn't protect her if shit did go down though.
Anyone wanna play videogames and skype?
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I love you for that post
Maybe this weekend. If you want to play chess, we could play on Lichess
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I knew you werent my caroline!
Never had a girlfriend goy?
Sure, but I'm pretty bad at chess.
Good, I enjoy winning :]
We can play and skype a bit later
Something came up
Skype: Lemuren96
add me when you want to play and talk
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My ID should be the same.
Okay, if you say so.

Tortoise - Millions Now Living May Never Die
A Minor Forest - Inindependence
Stereolab - Peng!
Cul de Sac - China Gate
Gastr Del Sol - Upgrade & Afterlife

There ya go.
Trying to live a normal life and still miserable. Shut myself in when I'm not at work. Really bitter about family, friends, and relationships because of my experiences. Have a hard time opening up. I small talk people until they ghost me, don't know why I even try to make friends.
Skype john.visceroid

More comfy /shut/ Discord for those who like quiet places.
22 yo male in USA. I like helping people with their problems and I enjoy platonic discussion about kinks and fetishes and aruff. I'm also learning how to play DND with my cousins so we could learn together.

Skype is nuzzlemybosom.
Why do heroin addicts expect people to be nice to them? They're drug addicts fueling drug dealers and then expect you to be polite and kind to them.

It's fucking retarded. You do not be nice to people causing your society to decay.
Men's Rights Activist Skype:


Anybody wanna join?
Y so cereal?
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hey guys, i'm gonna straight up advertise myself, so longstory short, i have no self-respect and i'm desperate for human contact most people here are just fucking awful, if you're in new york city, i'll be your personal charlie kelly, i will obsess over you i will call you, i will message you forever, i will do whatever you want and what i want in return is for you to play with my hair five to ten minutes out of everyday we do this, i literally don't want to bang or anything, just play with my hair or run your hands through it and we're good

if you're serious about this drop your skype info and i'll add, since i'm a fucking thirsty ass manlet females and traps only, sorry guys, when i lose more self-respect and believe me, i will lose more self-respect, i'll do this for you guys!
I wanna play games
Any georgia people here? I'm not too big fan of online profiles, and would much rather prefer to meet and get to know people organically. Looking for a femanon that wants to do stuff with that doesn't mind a socially inept guy.
>send friend request
>get blocked
top kek

An error was encountered while processing your request:

The specified profile could not be found.

: )
want to talk to you
even if im coming off as a freak i still want to talk.
goodnight shut
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>Contact info
Skype: theoceanlander
Kik: ShadyMerchant
>Favorite Book
At The Mountains of Madness
>Favorite Movie
The Boondock Saints
>Favorite Music
Mostly dadrock, The Struts, Macross 82-99, Skylar Spence
>What are you looking for?
I honestly don't know, friendship?
>Who do you want to add you?
I don't talk to females very often, not trying to get in anyone's pants.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Folks who'll add me, and won't even initiate conversation until months later. The type of person who collect contacts.
Afternoon shut
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Night here but good afternoon!!
>dat pic

probably :/
Probably :]
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I'm not a trap!! What the fuck
Would, either way
Prove it. More pics
Hey himouto, I've got cola and potato chips :^)
Tfw no Qt grill to play pokemon go with
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>meet anon on /cgl/
>we play vidya together and chat for days
>they're just as weird as me
>but I was going through a chad phase to compensate for thead related
>mfw I got deleted for acting like a normie
>mfw it was the one time I should have revealed my powerlevel
Would anyone be willing to share their chat logs with me? I don't understand this "talking to other people" thing and i could use study material.
Any "shut-ins" that are NOT into games, video or otherwise?
>Contact info
[email protected]

email me and I'll give skype or something
20 in a week or two
>Favorite Book
Why not plural? Have plural. Lolita, Journey to the End of the Night, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, A Clockwork Orange.
>Favorite Movie
Again, why not plural. Ikiru, Falling Down, Let the Right One In, Sweeny Todd, Seven, Seven Samurai.
>Favorite Music
World's End Girlfriend, Stereolab, Death In June, Failure, Swans, Elliott Smith, Big Black, NMH, etc. Lots of stuff.
I can be social enough but most people are hivemindy and bore the piss out of me. Grew up a total shutin.
>What are you looking for?
Friends, relatable people, etc. Cute people would be nice too but it's kind of empty if that doesn't overlap with one of those other two things.
>Who do you want to add you?
People who would find me interesting.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who wouldn't. They wouldn't anyway, so kind of a moot point.

I also write.
Oh also this is a fucking weeb thread on a weeb site ain't it? My favorite animu is Texhnolyze.

But the first one I watched was Excel Saga. That's a good first one to watch as a 12 year old, lemme tell you.
>Make a friend for once in my life
>Accidentally expose that I doxxed them because I wanted to know more about them.
>get removed
I guess man. Having friends is hard but it sucks not having them.
You remind me of how i used to be. Naively trusting you can be truthful.
They just don't understand us.
Doxing them? Exposing their personal information online or just like, looking them up through google? I do this with people I am interested in and when I say that, they don't seem to care much.
No, I don't publish anything because 99% of information is in public record anyways. But I look up things like there name and where they live and such. Just information about them, Nothing harmful.
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If you're a miserable, anxious, lonely piece of shit with no self respect, no social skills, and no hope in life, who lives in the tristate area, please be my friend.
I can see why people would get creeped out about someone knowing where they live (specially if it's their address), some people are just really private and secretive.
Ithe freaks them out autismo
would anyone like a qt shutin neet femboy trap bf?
must have an income to occasionally buy me food and gifts

very cute
strictly monogamous
can pass as a girl in public if you are apprehensive about being gay
will send you cute pictures
sexually inexperienced (maybe a con)
will love you more than anything

depressed a lot
ultra clingy
will get jealous of everything
am kind of boring
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>sexually inexperienced
>a con

Pls b in London

What're your interests / hobbies anon
where do you even live?
srry I'm in usa but I'll move to london if you can move me there!!
do you have trouble reading?
close to michigan
>must have an income to occasionally buy me food and gifts

leeching off of anons?

>sexually inexperienced (maybe a con)
>a con

nah it ain't


>can pass as a girl in public if you are apprehensive about being gay

cute but someone who's that apprehensive when it comes to the person they have feelings for, to the point they can't own up to it, probably doesn't deserve them
Ah, shit, I'm in Holland atm. Can you post one picture, maybe? I want to see if it's worth moving you out here ;)
no thanks I'm not interested in people that only care about looks c:
I don't like gaming
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If you're going to say "I'm very cute," be willing to prove it, asshole
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Are you boy or a girl? How old?
>IRC name?
Don't have one
>Contact info
Kik: meowmixingpls
West Coast, usa
>Favorite Book
Death dealer
>Favorite Movie
Lion king
>Favorite Music
Mixture of everything, rock, rap, edm, trap
Mostly Introvert
>What are you looking for?
Just someone to chat about anything vidya, drug expiernces, spooky stuff that's happened, ect
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone looking for that chat partner
>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking for lewd things
I want friends that I can play games and watch stuff with ;-;
Maybe post your contact information then?
I want other people to give me theirs because I don't want people who know me know I'm pathetic..
haha! I suppose it's cruel to laugh.
kik: blackboybill
skype: deathdoobie
night shut
You didn't even say night to me you slut, go whore yourself :D
The feels are real. I would just like someone to play with. Most of the people playing around here are very young and I'm uncomfortable around 18-20 year olds even.
post contact info
Kik: sttheme
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xth for crippling loneliness
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Skype is live:burner001


Shut in

Looking for friends!
Skype - thebertminister

Would love to help you through those things, I think we could help eachother by doing so! :)
>doesn't write anything about themselves
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>next episode of the new danganronpa anime is out soon
>still no gf to watch with
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Is this a good place to collect shut-ins without actually interacting with them?
who are you?
yeah feels weird being old and playing pokemon with kids around :/
Nah some people get annoyed by friend collectors.
That's retarded as fuck.
zero#0263 on discord is probably the easiest way to reach me unless you want an email
sent ya a FR
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>tfw no depressed STEM gf to do math and lift with
p-pls respond
post an email m88
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>IRC name?
Don't really go there often
>Contact info
skype: kgkenshin
>Favorite Book
Battle Royale
>Favorite Movie
Tarantino Films, Scott Pilgrim, Marvel/DC films
>Favorite Music
All types, really depends
>What are you looking for?
Someone to play steam games with (looking for the right MMO, at least before legion comes out). Also looking for someone to watch anime or shows with.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who forgot why they added me in the first place.. lol.
feel free to add me :)
xbox/steam/skype: AnonFriction
where in canada?
>tfw no qt gf to cheerlead you to be a better person

why live
>tfw I have a qt 3.14159 bf to chearlead me into something better :)
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>shut in
iread this and thought you said cheated
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>no shit jugs

Hey I visit /vr/ and /g/, I am not an engineer, might be kinda noobish but I like computers and old tech so hit me up.
My handle in #shut-in-network is monochrome
Sounds like you're looking for me, as i'm already doing all this with a person.
But i'm gonna give you a hint anyways, DD/LG
There is where you are most likely to find someone wanting to do all those things. Structures. Rules. Imaginary cuddles. Spanking. Pretty much all you listed.
Have fun and play safe!
Kik: anonwithaname
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>IRC name?
haven't been yet.. first post
>Contact info
laufeyz on steam
im a nervous wreck but if we talk and im comfortable ill give out more
(my library is shit i know)
>Favorite Book
we have always lived in the castle
>Favorite Movie
only lovers left alive, kill your darlings, reservoir dogs, the fall, idfk
>Favorite Music
mostly rock/punk shit but i'll listen to anything really
all of the above :^)
>What are you looking for?
people to talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone who wants to talk, idk, more than that? sometimes i take a while to reply
>Who don't you want to add you?
no bully pls
the idea of the network is cool, but I think its the mentally ill leading the mental patients, ppl thinking ppl are feds
Get on irc, it's ded in there. Also I am a fed.
its 4 or 5 in the morning, most of us are asleep
almost 6am here, i'll join in tomorrow? i've never been on an irc actually so i'm clueless
O-ok. It's easy enough with the kiwiirc link :)
alright. what makes irc different/better, by the way? i've seen people use it a lot of course but always wondered

also by tomorrow i meant later today after i sleep oops
Nothing, it's just text chat really. It's the only sorta-active shut-in community I think.
goodnight shut
>IRC name?
havent been on irc for a while though
>Contact info
skype is hurstain
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Frank Zappa and stuff
All of the above atm
>What are you looking for?
people to talk to and maybe play vidya with
>Who do you want to add you?
qts and stuff
>Who don't you want to add you?
>IRC name?
dont got that shit
>Contact info
skype is autism-420
>Favorite Book
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Favorite Movie
The Holy Moutain
>Favorite Music
stuff I find on soundcloud don't really jerk off to sub-genres so idk man
Introvert and I only really leave my house for work
>What are you looking for?
People to play games or just friendships please I'm pretty lonely
>Who do you want to add you?
Just people looking for friends no drama or dumb shit like that
>Who don't you want to add you?
No traps pls also no friend collectors
if you really are a grill how crazy are you? i'll be crazy too
she didnt even post face and u guys already nutting shameful
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Stop being so fucking thirsty no internet "female" will save you this isn't a fucking anime
Save me senpai~
be my gf please
I shall add you once my Steam account is not messing me around
>Contact info
I have steam/Skype/Kik, but you gotta ask for them :^)
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I listen to lots of different stuff.
All of the above
>What are you looking for?
Friends and people to play video games with
>Who do you want to add you?
People who will actually chat and not just add for the sake of it, cute grills.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who just add for the sake of adding, League of Legends players.
Do you play doto?
Very rarely, I suck at MOBAs but Overwatch is sort of my jam at the moment
what's wrong with League of Legends players then? Thought the animosity towards them was mostly a thing people from the actual MOBAs had
Every LoL player I know exclusively talks about it and nothing else, also they're usually pretty annoying, DotA players are normally less like that from what I've seen. Stupid reasons I know.
t. Butthurt League of Legends player

Just admit the community is cancer and MOBAs are easy to play.
I ain't a League player, though.
And yes the community is cancewr
MOBA players are autistic as fuck. They can't talk about anything else, they won't play anything else and they're fucking annoying.

They're the type of people still watching Naruto after 600 episodes of filler.
good point
Join the irc

We can shit post it up and it's Seth free.
what rock/punk shit
Lets play some Overwatch soon Tesla #2469 is my Battletag or whatever its called
Are there any active community blog sites or did everyone move to social media? Tumblr doesn't have any community interaction and I'm looking for something like Livejournal used to be.
why are a good 90% of girls in this thread shitty people?

like this person, i knew him a while ago, how's your new boyfriend? did you treat him like shit after you saw his penis?
you don't have bad anxiety when it comes to sweet weeaboo pussy, you're nothing but a pathetic fuck who wants "Gurrrrrrrl purkz~!!!!!~"
If you were a successful woman why would you be hanging around failed men?
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>Contact info
kik is tyi557
NNJ NYC area
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
ska/punk/jazz/funk etc.
homebody with a job
>What are you looking for?
grills in my area
>Who do you want to add you?
see above
>Who don't you want to add you?'
the rest
>IRC name?
don't use it
>Contact info
skype: rivloon
kik: riverr5
>Favorite Book
Probably Smack
>Favorite Movie
Napolean dynamite, wolf children, Spirited away, Girl who
leapt through time
>Favorite Music
Doujin music. really too lazy to put in 50 different genres
Mostly NEET, but shut and intro as well
>What are you looking for?
Well, a friend who i get along with is ideal, vidya/anime buddy. someone to pity or have pity me, sulking buddy.
>Who do you want to add you?
Chill individuals who have free time
>Who don't you want to add you?
Thirsty male, bitchy unresponsive female, friend collectors
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I don't know why you're shitting on the girls in the thread randomly, but you can righteously fuck off. You're probably just jealous because you're ugly.
I know this feel so hard.
Places like this are a haven for people with malicious intentions to prey on vulnerable people.
I can't belive I never responded to you, but I'm this guy: >>24058710
because a good chunk of them are shitty, i think i'm done here there's nothing but either fake bitches or normie weebs anymore, call me when this thread gets real shut-in girls
oh by the way you dropped your fedora in another thread
>IRC name?
I aint got that shit

>Contact info
Steam: yeeiser




>Favorite Book
Summer of 42

>Favorite Movie
Inglorious Basterds

>Favorite Music


>What are you looking for?
People to help me improve my social skills by chatting normally

>Who do you want to add you?
People with similar tastes I guess

>Who don't you want to add you?
Shit man, dunno.
>real shut-in girls
define that
Just defending myself there, familia, since you loped me up with every female on the board
>hurr I'm not a piece of shit, I'm a good person! yur just ugly hurrr
Not that guy but
>Contact info
skype: equaledsquall
East coast US
>Favorite Book
Don't really read books but I liked 1984, animal farm, little prince. When I do read it's manga
>Favorite Movie
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, various action films, oldboy
>Favorite Music
A bunch of videogame music, MJ, queen, mac demarco, little bit of edm/rap/pop/classical, songs that are fun to sing, funky/chill stuff
All 3.
>What are you looking for?
Good back and forth conversation, (close) friendship, cool music recs, cute voices, mostly pressure free interaction but I need to get better at actually socializing. I play games/watch anime but it's very sporadic which is kind of bad.
>Who do you want to add you?
People that enjoy talking about things they like and have some form of common ground so that I can reciprocate, people that don't mind my poor taste in entertainment
>Who don't you want to add you?
People that aren't nice I suppose.
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>not that guy
>says that on a board with IDs

Thanks, I couldn't figure that one out. I don't know why she needs to validate her opinion on a board of losers, anyway.
>implying I come to this board often enough to be familiar with how it works
Lel, you just keep proving their point.
You're absurdly petty and bitter, and you try to come across as above it all and superior, but you're the very root of the problem.
You need to work on yourself, senpai.
Have you considered telling her to get a job?
Is she able to at least go to community college, get a good degree, and find a job?
She sounds like a loser and it's best if you ditch her.

Also 23 isn't too bad to be living at home with your parents still, as long as you're getting an education, or if you're working, saving up for a place of your own.

25 is the age that i'd tell you to hurry the fuck up and move out.
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I like how a simple observation of the layout of the website is all of a sudden just proving a point.

Famille, I know what I need to work on and what I don't. I don't need an armchair psychologist trying to pick up teenage poontain to tell me what to do.
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>Contact info
skype: lastnght
>Favorite Book
harry potter series, NY trilogy
>Favorite Movie
amour, (madoka for an1me)
>Favorite Music
indie/alternative/post rock, emo, underground hip hop, chillwave
>What are you looking for?
someone to play overwatch with daily or other games, hang out in mumble, share music daily etc would be really nice.
>Who do you want to add you?
talkative friendly people, preferably NA/CAN because ping
>Who don't you want to add you?
mutes, friend collectors w/ over 150 friends and such
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142KB, 960x780px
>IRC name?
don't use irc anymore
>Contact info
kik: lateralus404, I'll post steam if asked but I haven't been playing much since I finished TW3
>Favorite Book
clockwork orange
>Favorite Movie
taxi driver
>Favorite Music
metal, synthwave
neet for 6 yrs/very introverted/I leave my house once a week
>What are you looking for?
I don't know
>Who do you want to add you?
girls, so I can practice not being autistic around them
>Who don't you want to add you?
people who aren't willing to put effort into conversing
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>>IRC name?
>>Contact info
Steam: KawfeeGweenTea

>>Favorite Book
Incarnations of Immortality
>>Favorite Movie
>>Favorite Music
anything nujabes like
>>What are you looking for?
Some friends
>>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone that doesn't have a lot
Looking for someone to become good friends with. Don't go out much, don't work, waiting on school to start. Looking for someone who wants to message constantly, but says more than just "cool", "nice", "haha", ":)". We can have similar interests or we can be polar opposites. I enjoy some games (acnl, zelda games, stardew valley, pokemon [sorta], idk donkey kong?), I'm learning how to knit and crochet, I like ceramics (throwing bowls and mugs) and I have a kitten.

I'm a female if that matters. I'd prefer to talk to a guy. Just friends.

[email protected]

We can mssg on Skype if we make good buds
man i know that feel
What if I live next to the Arctic circle? Could I still be your friend?
>IRC name?
Don't have one yet

>Contact info
Kik: the_3nnD




>Favorite Book
Fifteen Hours, Going Home, Homestuck if that counts lol

>Favorite Movie
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, Aliens, Step brothers, Black Hawk Down, Postal

>Favorite Music
Music = Life, Can listen to most everything but pop, but favorites are metal, post hardcore, indie folk, some rap. Bands like Whitechapel, Band of Horses, Iron and Wine, All Time Low, Jimmy Eat World, Slayer, Metallica, A Day to Remember etc etc

Temporarily / I think so / yeah

>What are you looking for?
Just friends. Some long terms stuff preferably but whatever works. Lonely anxious and I just want friends to talk to and perhaps vidya with and what not

>Who do you want to add you?
anyone interested in the above. Just people who want friends I guess. Preferably similar to me but I can get along w most

>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking to try and fuck me over or make me feel worse than I already do lol
goodnight shut
>IRC name?
>Favorite Book
Sci-Fi stuff, comics, manga, articles
>Favorite Movie
Blade Runner (too many to list, mostly 90's stuff)
Anything with a good plot, including anime/cartoons
>Favorite Music
All kinds of soundtracks, vaporwave, witchhouse, stoner rock, hip-hop, chiptune, neurofunk, liquid dnb, chillwave, ambient, blues rock, alternative, groovy upbeat stuff
Almost/Yes/I guess
>What are you looking for?
Educational friendships
Maybe watching/playing stuff online // Music sharing
>Who do you want to add you?
Chill people who like to discuss interesting topics
People who specialize in technology or anything creative
People who'd like to teach and learn stuff
>Who don't you want to add you?
People, looking for nudes and the likes
People who frequent /soc/ /b/ /s4s/ /r9k/ /lgbt/
old technology, new technology, programming, art, crafting, graphic design, innovation, development, psychology, vidya, anime/cartoons, music, camping
>Boards I visit
/ic/ /g/ /a/ /vr/ /x/ /f/ /fa/ /mu/ /out/ and a few others from time to time
>old technology, new technology, programming, art, crafting, graphic design, innovation, development, psychology, vidya, anime/cartoons, music, camping

Jesus Christ, do you think this is a job interview?
Dunno man, thought it's a good indicator for people if they'd want to talk

Might also be a side effect from all the resumes I've sent in the past week, so there's that
i would add you but is IRC the only chat client you use?
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Who /literal autism/ here?
I was diagnosed with aspergers as a kind and got kicked out of my school and moved to one for people with mental disabilities. I didn't even finish high school and my parents want me to work a shitty job given to literal retarded people.

Add me up on steam if you want to talk or anything. It's always nice to have more friends to help you wash away your pain along with some alcohol.

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>shut thread
>no friend collectors
>has 9 friends
so basically, anyone with more friends than you is a friend collector id bet is how you think
Hurr Durr, I eminately qualified to judge others I don't know
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
Kik: paradig11
>Favorite Book
Lord of the Rings, Books about Nordic gods, Comic Books
>Favorite Movie
La Haine, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Batman Returns, Man of Steel, Alien, Star Wars
>Favorite Music
Thrash Metal, Nu Metal, 70’s and 80’s Rock Music, some 90’s Rap
>What are you looking for?
Discussions, talks, chats about any topics that come to mind. I’m open for everything
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
No one
>IRC name?

>Contact info
Skype: Vashavi




>Favorite Book
Haven't read that many books, but recently the Ender's Game quartet.

>Favorite Movie
Really tough one.

>Favorite Music
I listen to most music, as long as its good.

Technically all three.

>What are you looking for?
Discussions, talks, chats about anything that comes to mind.

>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone interested in the above.

>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking to try and fuck me over.
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21KB, 620x350px
>IRC name?
if it's as shitty as the skype group then no
>Contact info
>favorite anime
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Macross, Welcome to the NHK!, Haruhi Suzumiya
>favorite vidya
fun retro stuff. JRPGs and Survival Horror mostly
>What are you looking for?
People I can talk to about actual things that matter. People who can care.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who can't be serious because they're insecure

Having a hard time and I need to talk to someone. I need some 30 year old grizzled neet shut-in wisdom to help me (you don't have to be that at all though). Actually anyone will be cool to talk to. Anyone.
>Contact info
I'm in discord :^) I'm Hikki
>Favorite Movie
500 Days of Summer
>Favorite Music
Gotta love that lo-fi, alternative, beachy music. Also anime songs.
Introverted shut-in
>What are you looking for?
Good times with people to kill time
>Who do you want to add you?
Chill people who aren't too cancerous, have steam, a sense of humor, won't freak out over girls
>Who don't you want to add you?
Thirsty folk, meanies!!

low fi beats like wun two etc?

do not want
Is that contact for Skype?
For the time being, yea
You can leave some other contact details, if you want
steam id?
your taste in music sounds cool
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I'd like to have a penpal for a while to talk about life, current events, books, animu, cooking, whatever.

29/M/CO and my throwaway email is [email protected]

Yes, email please. I am a dinosaur who hates telephones, finds IRC to be insufferable, and would happily communicate by mail if that didn't require buying stamps.

>Favorite Book
USA, by John Dos Passos
>Favorite book I'm currently reading
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein
>Favorite Movie
Not really a favorite, but the last interesting flick I watched was The Holy Mountain.
>Favorite Anime From The Past Year
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Introvert, temporarily shut in while recovering from injury
>IRC name? dont use cuz lazy
>Contact info Alexvsevil skypu/kik
>Age 27
>Sex Male
>Location California
>Favorite Book Jitterbug Perfume (Tom Robbins)
>Favorite Movie Pulp Fiction
>Favorite Music Post rock/post metal
>NEET/Introvert/Shut-In? all of them
>What are you looking for? conversation
>Who do you want to add you? cool people with a lot of free time who spend a lot of it playing vidya and chatting with their internet homies
>Who don't you want to add you? guys who just wanna fuk
He didn't show me his penis because he isn't a perverted freak that gets off on the idea of masturbating while people watch him stroke his micropenis.
oh shit I should be careful I don't turn you on, you get off on that shit too don't you? Fucking weirdo. Get a life.
also I removed you because you fucking lead me on you fucking prick. You were removed shortly after you telling me you only wanted something local or something stupid like that. I had no desire to see your penis and didn't even watch when you skyped me for 5 seconds to get me to watch.

Maybe if you don't want people removing you you shouldn't constantly ask them to watch you masturbate. Oh but no, I'm the shitty person, okay.

Yeah you totally got me I'm just some 'pathetic fuck' who wants "gurl purks" atleast I'm not >>24064817
this desperate and lonely. No I don't want fucking girl perks. Unless you consider 'girl perks' having to deal with shitty people like you telling me to kill myself because I won't suck your dick

You've also did shit like ask to play something with me then ditch me and go play shit with someone else. You would also fucking skype call with other people while hanging out with me like what the fuck, you continuously died while we played like you weren't even trying and I had to carry is through the whole thing while I lagged like shit because you were in a skype fucking call because you're just a god damn gigantic faggot.
BUT NO I'm the shitty person. Get over it and move on you petty manchild. Its bad enough I had to deal with fucking Jhal.

I didn't like you, for a lot of reasons, get over it.
listen to the microphones w me pls

kik: spoonman92k
looking for someone to draw/paint with
you down?
night shut





>Favorite Book
Diogenes, Plato, the greeks.

>Favorite Movie

>Favorite Music
Deep house, rap, diplo stuff

All 3 but because I lack friends and the capacity to make them, I'm starting to venture outside a few days a month.

>What are you looking for?
Someone to message to. I like the bantz.

>Who do you want to add you?
Other neets/shutins

>Who don't you want to add you?
thirsty creeps, or anyone asking me for my photos or to skype with me.
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>depressive animu fucktard

No ty.

>I'm not a shitty person
>Goes on 25 minute rant across 4 posts to tell people how not shitty they are

Looks like a shitty person to me. Can't even reply to comments properly.
Forgot contact info bud
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Oh, aren't you that guy that wished death and rape on a bunch of people then posted about men going their own way?

"Maybe if you weren't such a dumb cunt you wouldn't be beaten and raped so often."

"Of course no one cares about the opinions of women"

" Go get raped again, maybe he'll stick his dick far enough down your throat that you will suffocate and do the world a favour. "

"I understand why you got beaten and raped now. It's a shame you didn't get put in your place more, might of taught you to keep your mouth shut unless you were being someone's fuckhole. "

" Now go stick your face in a blender and make your mother proud of you for once in your life. "
Could you split that over 4 replies? Hard to make out what you're saying through your tantrum. :^)
replies are limited too 2000 characters and posts can't be edited, deal with it.
Still can't make out what you're saying, wait 10 minutes between messages and use one line replies only.
tfw no social life and would kill to be in a skype convo ;(

skype - samuellockhart1
What's wrong with Dogtooth? It's not the best movie but I would say it's quite creative.
if you refuse to voice chat or cam
that would be why conversation breaks down.
text only works for so long before it gets boring

and what do you mean your voice doesn't "work right"
Some people prefer text chat, but they require you to send a time stamped picture to prove you are who you say you are.
there is only one way to actually prove that
A time stamped photo of you in a swimsuit or lingerie
or a Gothic lolita dress or maid outfit
so frilly, white, pink, and Girly, no trap could wear it.
without having a lethal allergic reaction to all the Kawaii Fallout.
at least a 1 MegaRads of Kawaii Radation.
and you have to include your full figure and at least half your face.

> I really have no clue what 1 MegaRads of Kawaii would look like,
just take your best guess
text chat means I can't be using my computer
for other things that require the keyboard too
such as Gaming.
also the breaks in communication,
and the lack of voice inflection, and body language
both of which convey emotion non-verbally,
and are important parts of communication.
Well aren't we glad the entire world doesn't revolve around you and your little webcam?
strong autism even for shut
>IRC name?
>Contact info
Ask if you care or else no point anyways ;)
>Favorite Book
The Hobbit, Legend of Dizzt Do'Urden
>Favorite Movie
Many, Star Wars 1-6, LOTR trilogy, idk good old movies
>Favorite Music
Rock mostly or catchy/good music all around
No/A bit/A bit
>What are you looking for?
Possibly people who will acknowledge my existence
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone i guess
>Who don't you want to add you?
>IRC name?
I don't use IRC

>Contact info
Skype: Wayeweird I have steam for vidya




>Favorite Movie
Dead Alive, Halloween, In Bruges, Once Upon a Time in America, 28 days later. I really like horror, comedy, and drama movies.

>Favorite Music
I'll listen to anything that isn't gangster rap, trap, metal, or country. Dream pop, experimental, darkwave, chillwave, vaporwave, psychedelic, dream rock, electronic, etc

No, yes, yes

>What are you looking for?
New friends

>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone. I don't care about age, gender, whatever.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Dicks and borderline normals.

I browse /x/, /mu/, /tv/, /jp/, /a/, /pol/, and /vr/ if you want an idea of my general interests. I'm pretty much a generic channer.
Yeye, all music around this weird genre is chill af with me
Talk with me on Discord :^) I pop in sometimes. I'm Hikikomori-chan.
What an odd band to listen to while I shit.
you're right it's called talking in person
like a normal person
you aren't normal
you're a shut-in hermit.

how about you go outside for once in you life?
I just got in about 20 minutes ago and took a shower.

Would you like to try communicating like a normal person, as in using english to form sentences?
and yet you're assuming I don't have a life
and wouldn't want to use my computer
for something other than text messaging
The reason you don't like text is because you're too retarded to formulate a sentence in it.
What's your mailing address? I don't mind buying stamps and think l letters are comfy; I can even send a SASE along with my letters
might as well do this since I forgot
>Contact info
Discord: siegeh
>Favorite Book
The Odyssey
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
anything, mostly listen to film soundtracks
>What are you looking for?
video games
>Who do you want to add you?
people who play video games
>Who don't you want to add you?
free loaders/SJW
>Contact info
Skype: esteesi (comes up at STC)
>Favorite Book
The Prelude; or, The Growth of the Poet's Mind
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Introvert primarily; semi-shut-in
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
Nice people
>Who don't you want to add you?
>posted my skype
>girl with name of Cierra Tillery adds me
>didnt talk with me for a week or so
>she's talkin to me right now
>wants cyber sex
>sending me imgur pics
>they all are showing up as errors

what do i do what do i do what do i do
Are you sure its not a bot and you clicked on a fake imgur link?
THat's what Im thinking.

I think this bitch is an android.

pic relate. Her demeanor is peculiar.
LOL that is a bot

and you prob did download something you shouldnt lol
Years of not using it basically means that it strains super easily. It is pretty weak too. I can speak sometimes, just not very long and a lot of the time it is just like a whisper regardless of how loud I try to be.
Doing a scan now. These are the two links it sent me.


As you can see, they are on imgur server. So I dont think it's anything bad.

Annoying, yes, but whateves.
Kik: UsernameHere678

Just looking to talk about shit or whatever
>No ty
You could've just... not replied then? Lmao
night shut
Lmao how did you not realize how obvious it was
closer to me than most people here, but not close enough
Hello! Would you seem interesting. Me, my other female friend and my personal friend all have those interests, especially the WArhammer and Dungeons and Dragons. Add my Skype Rollsworth if you want to keep things low, but my friend could do with a female to talk to about Dungeons and dragons and Warhammer armies. I dont know his kink side mind, but you could explore it.
>IRC name?
don't have one
>Contact info
kik: megicman
Skype: megical_man
>Favorite Book
House of leaves, like Game of Thrones/wheel of time for easy to digest fantasy stuff
>Favorite Movie
Don't really have one
>Favorite Music
God is an astronaut, Crippled Black Phoenix
Shut-in, bit of an introvert
>What are you looking for?
People to make a connection with, people to play vidya/draw/watch shit with
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone really
>Who don't you want to add you?
Rude people
>guy thinks a bot is real
>actually responds to it
this is hilarious
A lot of real people seem like NPC's so its hard to tell sometimes desu
A girl sending the first message should be an instant red flag.
a girl adding you should be an instant red flag desu
>IRC name?
Don't go there much
>Contact info
skype: jonny.mcbastard
>Favorite Book
I like lots of books.
>Favorite Movie
Depends what mood I'm in. Like comedy or horror mostly.
>Favorite Music
80's metal, classic rock, country... lots of stuff.
Neet and introvert. Not complete shut in, have to get shopping.
>What are you looking for?
Dunno, just feeling unusually social and like talking to randoms.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who isn't a wanker.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Anyone actually made any friends in these threads?
>IRC name?
>Contact info
skype: anon.ymous578
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
I dont know honestly, im pretty lenient as far as movies go
>Favorite Music
dont really listen
yes/yes/sort of
>What are you looking for?
anything really
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
annoying dumbasses
I found my first gf in these threads, but everyone I've met here hated /shut/ and /soc/ in general, we just use it because we don't really have a choice.
So you would say it might not be entirely pointless to post contact info then?
Honestly I usually at least say hi to bots before determining

The chances an actual female would add me are so low but I need to make sure.
Yeah, I've gotten quite a few.
I met a couple cool people and I have only posted in these threads once.
Contact info? Or hit me up on IRC
goodnight shut
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192KB, 383x462px
>ctrl + f: starcraft, quake, yandere
>0 results each

anybody else like the finer things?
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How bad do I look for a shut in?
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not a girl

thanks friends.
yandere's don't exist in the real world
quake is dead now so I stopped playing
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Guess I have nothing to lose.

Skype: zero_of_hearts
26 year old guy, hiki, haven't been outside in years, UK

Don't read much but really like the Terrry Pratchett Discworld series. Can't really remember any movies that I particularly enjoyed. Avengers was pretty good I suppose. I watch and read some weeb stuff, quite like the One Piece manga. The Tatami Galaxy, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, probably my favourites there.

Playing a little Evolve at the minute, but I like most games. Quite good at scrabble too if anyone wants to play some of that. Getting some social videogaming in might be cool.
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>Contact info
Skype: Adogsmoothie

>Favorite Music
Gorillaz, The Mountain Goats, Bowie, Primus, Billy Joel, a lot more.

NEET (Not by choice) and Shut-in

>What are you looking for?
People to talk to about various interests and passions. For instance I like art and creepy shit.

>Who do you want to add you?
people who wanna try and make a pal, or other artists.

>Who don't you want to add you?
memers and lameos
Did you draw that? Looks nice.
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786KB, 1280x720px
What does any of that have to do with anything?
Yes. Have you added me yet?
middle of nowhere near Zurich
>Favorite Book
Roadside picknick
>What are you looking for?
people to talk with, about everything there is in this world. Visioners, dreamers.
>Who do you want to add you?
anybody is welcome
>Who don't you want to add you?
People obsessed with sjw/ /pol/ack shit
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318KB, 500x512px
>Contact info
nee.san420 (skype)
san diego ca
>Favorite Music
sufjan, alex g, chillwave, the minecraft soundtrack
very introverted, but i leave my house regularly.
>What are you looking for?
overwatch buddies, stoners, friends to watch anime with, talk about our mental illnesses.
>Who do you want to add you?
a boy with a nice voice maybe, but anyone nice is fine.
>Who don't you want to add you?
please dont get mad if i get too anxious to add you, i got a lot of issues with social anxiety. probably wont talk until i get high tonight.
so you think you have a mental illness just because you have some anxiety
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Revenant
Toss up, either Glitch Mob or Ellie Goulding for individual artists. If we're talking genres, I like pretty much anything except country.

NEET, have IRL friends but I don't really setup hangouts often or anything.

People who play video games is it pretty much. /v/ is really shit for finding people, so I came here instead.
No need for bullying


A whole plethora, maybe two.
NEET for now. Going to gunsmithing school in the fall
Looking for friends to play vidya with (csgo, AoE, Dota, Archeage, and probably whatever else you want)
Just don't be hella creepy
unless you're qt
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>Text / Mic / Cam
>Favorite Music
some of everything, mostly old school hip-hop.
Keith Murray-Nobody Do It Better
Inspectah Deck - City High
Big L - MVP ( Summer Smooth Remix ) ft. Missy Jones
Beatnuts - Hit Me With That
Naughty By Nature - Hip Hop Hooray
Souls Of Mischief - 93 Til' Infinity
smooth/contemporary jazz music is alright too
>Favorite Movies
goodfellas, scarface, old "Kung-Fu" films (Last hero in China, shaolin temple (1982 version, not the remake), etc.) a bunch of other classics everyone's seen
>Favorite TV Shows
Drunk History, Investigation Discovery (Real Mystery/Crimes etc.), I watch the news a lot too.
>Books Read/Favorite Books
Animal Farm, Oldman and the sea, stuff that you probably read in middle school. I skipped to the end of the bible a few times, idk if that counts.
Dota 2, Dark souls 1&2, killing floor 1, Dead island, Risk of rain, Don't starve Together, Chivalry 1 & Deadliest warrior, castle crashers, CS:GO, Garry's Mod, war thunder, Injustice, Ultra Streetfighter 4, skullgirls, a bunch of other games that I have no one to play with. lel
>Are you a NEET?
>What languages do you speak?
english & enough spanish
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to/making new friends
>What are you not looking for?
People who don't talk, nearly everyone on my list is just some random person from /soc/ that never has the time/desire to talk.
>Contact Info
Which province are you from?

Not trying to be creepy, but I wonder if you talk Dutch or Frisian
>the mountain goats
>art and creepy shit
do you have steam
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60KB, 600x600px
where'd you get that degree in armchair psych, anon?
define nice voice.

what if said guy passes as a girl in audio but is dude
I need a big hug, a back rub, and told everything is going to be ok. Literally sitting in a room full of nonstrangers, but i might as well be a million miles away.

>Skype - wesker4321

Im just a shy guy lookin for people. If you want to know more about me then just add.
Frisian isn't a different language. Everyone in The Netherlands speaks Dutch, there are just different dialects.
add me on skype
>Meme Queen
what can go wrong
Dutch is bad german. hth
What is shut doing this weekend?
Staying at home, doing shut-in things.
Same. Going to play overwatch til my eyes bleed.
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>Contact info
skype: baldrvargr
>Favorite Book
Saga of Gisli the Outlaw
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Neofolk / black metal
>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to. Playing Tree of Savior and it might be fun to play that with someone. Level 104.
>Who do you want to add you?
Pure, fragile, cruel, sacred, weird people
>Who don't you want to add you?
I love those things. But things will be OK.

We can even cuddle if you want.

Cleaning up, I suppose. And staying in. Running in a bit.
i got invited to get drunk with this MF i talked to on whisper, havent been out with anyone in months but i kinda wanna drink. im an insomniac so being up all night partying sounds more fun than sitting in here fapping like a retarded cuck.

what are the chances they kill me and/or rape me?
>Contact info
I guess an introvert/shut in. I have a job but once that lets out I'm normally on my computer unless I'm shopping.
>What are you looking for?
Anyone to play videogames with, like Dota 2, EDF, Endless legends, DoW2, whatever. I don't really play MMOs, but I'm open to play a decent amount of things, I'd also like someone to talk about currently airing anime with every now and then, although an interest in anime isn't required by any means.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone really, I'm not to picky and I'm just looking for more people on the internet to talk to about whatever. Also I prefer teamspeak but I'm open to discord and other voice programs but I really dislike skype.
>Who don't you want to add you?
No ERPfags.
hi shut-in thread
Yo What's up?
What's your steam? I tried looking for misterbill5 on it and I'm pretty sure it was someone else.
The chat doesn't seem friendly to girls so I guess it's anonymity ho
its a meme
we're all just playing around. don't worry
Well ok. I'll be back on later today pls no bully
I speak dutch, and let me assure you Frisian is completly different.
almost all the people ive added on here and talked to have forcefully had to tell me about how they have irl friends and how they go places,
am i missing something? i thought this was the shut in thread
Nah senpai, fucking normies think that being a tiny bit introverted makes them a shut-in
Honey I'm Dutch myself and live north. You just want to be special but you're not.
You do realize it doesn't only consist of things close to German? And Dutch/German people can't even understand each other. So no it is not.
ofc, that's why i specified it as BAD german.
Fuck ye, such an underrated movie

night shut
Cute post, you'll be okay.
Where are all the cute girls?
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I'm here
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There's no girls in the shut thread, never
be my gf
Holy shit, this thread has lasted over 10 days. Oh how the times have changed
yeah they usually last a bit longer but its not that bad
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>Contact info
skype: pizza.seduction
introvert and shut in, ex-neet
>What are you looking for?
intellectual people who can carry on a conversation. preferably friendly with a dark sense of humour
>Who do you want to add you?
see above ^^ :3
>Who don't you want to add you
people wanting sex and nudes.
>Favorite Book
I'll just say Perdido Street Station for now...
>Favorite Movies
Finding Nemo, Wall e, Hellraiser, Event Horizon, Pan's Labyrinth and so much more...
>Favorite Music
NMH, The Microphones, Jackson Jihad, Lil Ugly Mane, Mayer Hawthorne, post-punk, shit like American Football, Lewd Acts, music that uses video game samples, synth pop, idk all kinds
Not a NEET. Introvert and Shut-In. Please, if you have friends you go out with daily then don't message me. I'd like to meet someone that spends 90% online aside from school or work or grocery shopping or doing errands.
>What are you looking for?
Nice, friendly lonely shut in. Someone clingy and wants my attention. Strictly platonic and friendship based. If you have acnl I'll go to the library just to play with you online.
>Who do you want to add you?
Look above. No gender preferences. Around my age.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Someone looking for something sexual or someone with a social life (even online social life where you're messaging 5+ people and playing some game together... I want attention ;_;)

Sorry, this is sounding pretty desperate. I think I'm feeling down atm.

My contact is hegski on kik
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anyone else here
>sad boys club
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hi there, looking for friends
And other languages not only German. That makes it its own language.
night shut
Being a shut in is terrible. How the Hell are you going to find a SO who tolerates your lifestyle? With my last SO I tried to be 'normal' and social but it made me unhappy.

Life sucks friends.
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>Implying you should ever get a significant other
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Shitty person
>>Favorite Book
D-does Manga count?
>>Favorite Movie
D-does Anime count?
>>Favorite Music
Mostly Jazz.
I'm studying but I basically don't leave my apartment and I have zero friends.
>>What are you looking for?
Just a friendly chat on 4chan, honestly. Too afraid and paranoid to actually post contact information here.
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>contact info
Skype: whitecheddar789
The Unpleasant Profession of Johnathan Hoag
Fight Club
Atmospheric/Depressive Black metal mostly, lots of cringy emo shit,dark ambient, almost all genres of EDM
>NEET/Introvert/Shut in
Shut in, borderline NEET because I'm an artfag
>what am I looking for
Occasional conversation to pass the time and potentially manage to ease my existential angst
>who do you want to add you?
Pretty much anyone, if we don't get along we can just get on with our lives
>who don't you want to add you?
Willfully ignorant or boring assholes
Where in Australia do you live? Are you Dell or Mariner by any chance?
>Contact Info
>Favorite Book
Blood Meridian: The Evening Redness in the West
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Various Metal subgenres, Synthwave, Triphop, some rap
Student. Yes. Not by choice.
>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to, a friend, someone to hang out with.
>Who do you want to add you?
Open to anyone as long as we can hold an engaging conversation. Ideally someone who has some shared interests.
>Who do you not want to add you?
This joke never gets old.
Sorry, I just hope you're one of them
Maybe I'm too autistic for this:
Austria != Australia
I know the difference, I legit read that as Australia.

How is central Europe now? What are you doing?
>How is central Europe now?
>What are you doing?
I'm studying electrical engineering and I'll try my best to get a comfy home on the countriside somewhere. At least that's the plan.
I hope ypu guys can solve what oroblem the influx presents. No fan of Merkel?

Electrical engineering sounds promising, as in something that will give you a comfortable life.

I'm a homeless vet who lives in his car moat of the time (I go to my parents' place during the weekend, when it makes sense for me). At least I'm working on these problems i have.
>No fan of Merkel?
Not exactly, no.
>Electrical engineering sounds promising, as in something that will give you a comfortable life.
I hope it's worth the effort.
>I'm a homeless vet who lives in his car moat of the time (I go to my parents' place during the weekend, when it makes sense for me). At least I'm working on these problems i have.
Shit, that sounds rough. I hope it'll get better at some point.
I'm taking to some state agencies for help, things won't tyrn around immediately but it's not desperate.

I was talking to a German friend and had reason to comment on Salzburg, it being one of the few cities I could identify as being in Germany; I'll leave it to you to appreciate the humor.

Where do you go to school?
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>tfw no people to share music with
anyone have like
crappy pop taste
Stop being so insufferable and expand your horizons. Or at least try to relate to people with other areas of interest
Judge me
>Contact info
East coast US
>Favorite Book
Military history books
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Historical(military marches)20s-80s music, general modern stuff
Shut-in sperg
>What are you looking for?
People to support/talk to me
>Who do you want to add you?
Friendly, fun people
>Who don't you want to add you?
People I won't like
seth is a creep and a cuckold
What he do this time?
>Contact info
my kik is ltmtguy
18 y/o
>Favorite Book
I don't read a lot of books desu
>Favorite Movie
Probably a tie between American Beauty or Fight Club, I also like horror movies, Quentin Tarantino films
>Favorite Music
Indie, pop, rap, rock, a little of everything
>What are you looking for?
just friends.
>Who do you want to add you?
open-minded and 420 friendly are both a big plus, other than that I'm just looking for laid back people with similar interests who wanna chat and maybe make friends
>Who don't you want to add you?
rude people, Trump supporters, Republicans/Conservatives, horny creeps, etc.
>tfw no shut in discord bf
Who are you

Always here.


Then get one.
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fuck the format.

i like programming, rarely play any vidja, and i like various edm.we can just shoot the shit and figure out if we'll get along i suppose

email is [email protected]

pic unrelated
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let's socialize
>tfw no shut in discord gf

Nuke everything.
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i like to jerk off to pictures of myself. seeing those legs o' mine..MMM
sometimes i tuck my junk between my legs and act like im a hot grill.. like if i were a girl with my ass id fuck myself so hard.

that's embarrassing
fucking freak
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>tfw less disgusted by >>24107933 than >>24106822
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
ninidoidoi on skype
>Favorite Book
uhh... The Pillars of the Earth, maybe
>Favorite Movie
Evolution, LotR, Mononoke Hime, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Tokyo Monogatari
>Favorite Music
Perfume, Arch Enemy, Cartoon/Anime/Movie Soundtracks, Vocaloid Utaite, Medieval Folk
Introvert mostly
>What are you looking for?
Not sure. Writing each other. Friends? Or text-based RPing.
>Who do you want to add you?
People who just want to talk
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who only speak in memes or cannot deal with me being shy v.v
night shut
>Contact info
Exeter uk
>Favorite Book
Flipnosis - Kevin Dutton
>Favorite Movie
It varies
>Favorite Music
Again Variable just dislike pop
>What are you looking for?
Intelligent Convesation
>Who do you want to add you?
People as bored as me
>Who don't you want to add you?
Other people
>Contact info
keeno#3124 on discord
>Favorite Movie
Field of Dreams
>Favorite Music
kpop, hiphop, trance, deep house, melodeath futurepop
>What are you looking for?
People to support/talk to me
>Who do you want to add you?
shut in gf
>Who don't you want to add you?
Can someone add me to Skype group please

Afternoon shut
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Time to make chicken soup out of chicken shit.




New England

>Favorite Book
Hunt for Red October

>Favorite Movie

>Favorite Music
Nine Inch Nails

Introvert/Shut in. I'd rather be in my room on my PC than anything else.

>What are you looking for?
Fellow nerd /v/irgins and pessimistic cynics.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Super left/sjw/Clinton supporters, please.


overwatch thanks
This made me laugh.
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lonely, dont have many friends, add me and we can lewd or whatever
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Ty for reposting :3c
What are you saying in that link?
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>IRC name?
Stopped with that IRC shit

>Contact info:
lorddestoryer for skype
DVA#11968 for Battle.net
Rawrgnya is my steam
MtF tranny freak. Yes I realize it says sex. I have a penis.
>Favorite Book
The Girl who loved Tom Gordon
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
How do I know which? I assume NEET. Though I try to break out of it.
>What are you looking for?
Someone to make me feel better
>Who do you want to add you?
I don't know I feel worthless anyways
>Who don't you want to add you?
[email protected]

Can we just chat via email and/or whatsapp? You seem like a cool person and I want to talk with you.
Btw, I have a girlfriend, but I would still do a lot of things you just mention.
>IRC name?
Don't have one.
>Contact info
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/leinad41/
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
I'm not sure, maybe Pulp Fiction
>Favorite Music
My favorite bands (at least right now) are Radiohead, The Mars Volta, and maybe queens of the stone age or something like that
I would say introvert and shut-in, I just hate people sometimes, and wanna be alone forever
>What are you looking for?
I just want to talk to people,
>Who do you want to add you?
I want to talk with girls mostly, I have a girlfriend, so I'm not looking for anything sex related though.
But anyone can add me and talk with me.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Anyone, I'll accept everything, girls, boys, trannies, etc.

I just wanna talk ;_;.
>IRC name?
I don't use IRC
>Contact info
Skype: FilthyWeeabooScum
18/M/North Carolina
>Favorite Book
No Longer Human (Osamu Dazai)
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Alternative rock
All of the above, but probably won't be a NEET for much longer.
>What are you looking for?
Friends and gf, probably won't get any of the latter though.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anybody that wants to talk
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone I don't really care
Evening bump
Good night shut
Althrough not the same situation, im going through something similar where im trying to change a few things about myself for the better and figure out what i want in my life and its really confusing.
My mail is [email protected]
I dont have skype anymore, moved onto Discord.
>IRC name?
Don't have, seems to be dead anyway

>Contact info
the.burh on skype, Xanador on kik


Male, bi


>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I like a whole bunch of things, what I like at which moment heavily depends on the mood

Introvert, I suppose. People in real life are frustrating sometimes, and it's hard to sync up the availability.

>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to about stuff, maybe lewd around or something. I just want some friends, ok?

>Who do you want to add you?
People who wanna talk about stuff.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Major shitposters and people who constantly use ironic memes.

New to this, wondering about what this is like.
Morning guys

What's the plan?
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Bump. Anyone playing PS4, btw?
is that a harpy?
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Meatball never stops
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dont talk about my waifu like that you cunt
did spicy make this?
who's the waifu?
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you wanna take this outside senpai?
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no im scared
plz no meatball spam :(
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nice dubs
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>IRC name?
Third_Hat. I'm using chat.freenode.net currently, but am quite new to IRC.



California, South Bay Area

>Favorite Books
Malazan: Book of the Fallen, Prince of Nothing, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (eclipses the original work by far lMO), anything exceptionally well written that plays into my escapist fantasies.

>Favorite Movie
Survive Style 5+, Forrest Gump, can't think of any others right now

>Favorite Music
The Katamari soundtracks, Most of Taku Iwasaki's work, Allman Bros Band, Jethro Tull, Richard Wagner, Dethklok, Paul Simon (mostly just Graceland and Rhythm of the Saints, MF Doom, Death Grips, M83, Tame Impala, Kreayshawn, Kniles, Pueblo Cafe, SomethingALaMode, Vitalic, RJD2, really anything I hear that makes me feel things and stirs my creative juices.

>Favorite Games
Right now: Katamari Forever, Robocraft, Darkest Dungeon, Dark Souls 1 and 3
All time: This list is too long. 4chan will be angered if I attempt to post it.

No, Yes, Only if people let me. I have a job that I like and it gets me out of the house and into my sanctum away from sanctum which is a 2014 Honda Accord Sport. Most people are flat, boring, and into stupidly destructive activities so I don't associate with them. I want to be a shut-in but there are a few people who force me to go and "do stuff".

>What are you looking for?
People to talk to about random topics, maybe play games with.

>Who do you want to add you?
Smart, Self-aware robots.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Chads, Staceys, and any form of normie.

>About the picture: I am indeed the original nosefag of /b/. For whatever that's worth.
I got off work a while ago. I left for my dad's because he doesn't clean or take out the garbage any more :(
That sucks dude.

dude need to take the garbage cuz that shit gets stinky fast
>ctrl+f looking for people from Brazil
>it's always someone talking about the movie instead
im just waiting for a high value partner
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