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weeaboo thread >favorite anime >favorite manga >favorite

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Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 21

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weeaboo thread
>favorite anime
>favorite manga
>favorite games
>other interests
>what you're looking for
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>favorite anime
Currently watching dragonball super
>favorite manga
>favorite games
I like dark souls 3
>other interests
drawing, sketching
>what you're looking for
a conversation
skype me:
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>fav anime
Really tough for me. Maybe impossible to just pick one. I like classic stuff like Bebop, Trigun, GTO, Slayers, G Gundam, YYH, Otokojuku, etc
>fav manga
Azumanga Daioh and Kinnikuman
>fav games
Again, I've played so many like how I've seen so much anime. Tough choices, but SSBM, DKC 1 & 2, Castlevania: SotN, anything Metroid, Kirby, or Pokemon I've played. Stuff like the classic Marios (1-3, World, Yoshi's Island) or the Wario series. Uh, classic Megaman and X series, tons of fighters, mostly KoF and SF though. Sonic games too. I started playing when I got my psx as a wee lad.
>other interets
Music and drawing. I also watch movies, but not as much.
>what I'm looking for
Hopefully a cute grill to talk to, but I don't expect that. So hopefully just a bro to maybe play Smash 4 online with, or someone to talk with on Skype every once in a while about anime or games or something.
Like I said, I have a Skype if someone wants to chat. I also have some accounts on websites like DA, YT, MAL etc

Pic related is an autograph from Bardock's VA for the Funimation dub I got at a con once. Bardock's one of my all-time favorite anime characters, so I was pretty psyched.
ded thread?
Ayy a Jojofriend, you read the manga?
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>fav anime
Can't choose but lately i loved Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun and Chuunibyou and SailorMoon as well as Sakura Card Captor

>Favourite manga
Once again i can't say. But i've liked black butler since i'm a tiny weeb, i loved Kuragehime, Ranma 1/2, Love Hina (never finished the two last)...

>favourite game
Undertale, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon,... I am a casual. Also final fantasy is cool

>other interests
Kawaii fashion and kawaii shiz in general, doodling, reading about all kind of things (actual books,fanfics,...) , series, wasting my time on the internet,...

>what you're looking for
a friend (please no thirsty males i've had so many on the last thread i posted to, i'm lesbian anyway so you know...) to weeb out with and share my interests with!

just ask me here and i'll give
Anyone seen parasite
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>Favorite anime
Currently watching senyuu shits pretty hilarious
>Favorite Vidya
Mainly play league, overwatch, basic bitch stuff
>Other interest
Going to the gym too damn much.
>What im lookinh for
People to chill with irl or people who have similar interests in anime and have mad good suggestions on what to watch.
>Contact info
Kik: Lvch
In TX dallas area.

>>favorite anime
Planetes and yyk
>>favorite manga
Uchuu kyoudai, yyk,
>>favorite games
Planescape torment
>>other interests
Astronomy and music
>>what you're looking for
Friends etc.
Skype: anonmuhabbet



what's your Skype :^)
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>favorite anime
Monster, Gurren Lagann, Kaiji
>favorite manga
Bakuman, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tokyo Ghoul
>favorite games
Portal 2, Ace Attorney, Yume Nikki
>other interests
Writing, music, movies
>what you're looking for
If you're okay with my odd taste, that's great already. Anyway, people who actually talk from time to time would be nice. If you're the type that likes to share stuff, I welcome that very much too.
I've also been looking for a Dota 2 pal, just in case someone else plays it.
Skype: ayepatchi
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I iz asking you here (M dutch)
Parasyte* you're not even a real fan.

Give Skypu, or just add this onegai.

Kik is yourahottiex

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>favorite anime
Ashita no Joe, Koukaku Kidoutai, Shin Seiki Evangelion, Texhnolyze
>favorite manga
Blame, Innocent, JoJo: Steel Ball Run, One Outs
>favorite games
Dark Souls, Mirror's Edge, Pokemon, Transistor
>other interests
Art, film, computer science, dungeons & dragons
>what you're looking for
People with similar taste or interests
Skype: Kachikoru
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>favorite anime
Kaiji,Lupin the 3rd, and Gintama
>favorite manga
Goodnight punpun,Golden Boy
>favorite games
Taiko no tatsujin, fighting games, and Earth defence force 2025
>other interests
Cooking, being fucking bored, wanting a gf
>what you're looking for
A gf, but I'm ok with anyone
Skype garrettreviews
Some fag took the username I all ways use so I had to make some shit name up
>Currently Watching
Kiznaiver, Kill la Kill, Kuromukro, LL! Sunshine, Re:Zero, (I need to watch the newest season of Food Wars)
>Favorite Anime
Many. Chobits, Fate/Stay Night:UBW, Madoka Magica, Psycho-Pass
>Favorite Manga
Sukitte Ii Nayo, Deadman Wonderland, Chobits
>Favorite Game
Harvest Moon Series, Pokemon, Borderlands, WoW, Love Live! School Idol Festival (overwatch memes will be the death of me)
>Other interest
When I'm not busy working, I'm into digital art, Cosplay/Fashion/Makeup, Hentai Games, being a housewaifu

>What you're looking for
Platonic relations, someone to bullshit to about anime or life, SOMEONE TO MEME WITH, discussing topics of the world. Be weeaboos together.

let's be weeb trash together
>favorite anime
Cowboy bebop
>favorite manga
>favorite game
>Other interests
Fishing and smoking weed
>What you're looking for
Pot farm
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>favorite anime
Azumanga Daioh
>favorite manga
Yotsuba& or GetBackers
>favorite games
League, Minecraft, 100% orange juice, looking for more
>other interests
Hating myself, Rollerskating, experimenting with explosives
>what you're looking for
I dont know. I'm terrified of talking to people, men especially. Around girls I sound stupid, but men physically cause me to break down. I guess I want help breaking out of that cycle/
nigmoment skype
yupyup69man kik
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>favorite anime
steins gate
>favorite manga
oyasumi punpun
>favorite games
hotline miami, csgo, fallout, etc
>other interests
radiohead, tyler the creator, etc
>what you're looking for
nice people, interesting people, i don't really care
fweminism (the user is a joke)
Whats the full name of the yyk anime, I also really like planetes
Are you gay?
>favorite anime
alltime: Code Geass, Darker than Black, Ping Pong
currently: Mob Psycho 100, 91 Days
>favorite manga
Shokugeki no Soma, Bakuman, Gantz
>favorite games
League, Terraria, Smash, Pokemon
>other interests
Reading, guitar
>what you're looking for
I dunno, cute girls are always nice, but just chatting with anybody would be cool
Kik: exaltvita
>favorite anime
JoJo, Hajime no Ippo, DBZ, Outlaw Star
>favorite manga
Psyren, Deadman Wonderland, Homunculus, One Piece, My Hero Academia
>favorite games
Castlevania SOTN, Paper Mario 1&2, Playstation/N64 era platformers
>other interests
Collecting old vidya, sportsball/handegg watching, programmin'
>what you're looking for
People who like talking and don't take everything seriously.
Skype: cjthrowaway
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oops forgot a flashy image
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>favorite anime
Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Initial D
>favorite manga
Monster Musume, High School of the Dead, Love Hina
>favorite games
Metal Gear Solid 3, Fallout New Vegas, TES3 Morrowind, COD Modern Warfare
>other interests
Cars, guns, camping, fishing, farming, horseback riding, archery, Pokemon go
>what you're looking for
Male or female friends, prefer females, very open so don't get offended easily


Yokohama kaidashi kikou m8

Ain't got time for that faggot Latin bullshit
Are you on kik or Skype?
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>favorite anime
FLCL, NGE, Monogatari series, Ping Pong, Kimi To Boku
>favorite manga
A Girl on The Shore, Oyasumi Punpun
>favorite games
Silent Hill 3, League of Legends
>other interests
literature, cooking, keeping healthy
>what you're looking for
someone with similar taste to discover more anime
hmu for skype info
>favorite anime
Paranoia Agent, Mirai Nikki, JoJo, just getting into it so I'm watching more
>favorite manga
>favorite games
Devil May Cry 3, Persona and SMT series, spooky games but I love Alien isolation
>other interests
I watch movies, cooking, improving myself by lifting weights, camping
>what you're looking for
people to play with or go pokemon go with me
kik: seb.h.
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>Not explicitly remembering people that it's mandatory to put contact infos to avoid those attention whores making everyone ask for their contacts like >>24046901

For fuck's sake. Can't you make a proper thread next time?
>favorite anime
>favorite manga
can't really say
>favorite games
fallout and skyrim, wow vanilla legacy
>other interests
hiking and jogging
>what you're looking for
nothing, just a dump post
phone number 911, call me anytime
>favorite anime
Code Geass
>favorite games
>other interests
IT, Psychology, staying healthy
>what you're looking for
a red pilled gf in Berlin
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>favorite anime
Kara No Kyoukai, Evangelion, Shin Sekai Yori
>favorite manga
>favorite games
Touhou, Final Fantasy, League of Legends, Guilty Gear, Kancolle
VNs - Tsukihime, Umineko, Fate/
>other interests
Cooking, nature, music (meme-tier AESTHETIC music)
>what you're looking for
Meaningful friendship, someone to watch anime together with on rabbit
skype - shikikillsservants1
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>Favorite anime?
future diary,stein;gate,big o, heaven's memo pad, deathnote, flcl, cowboy bebop, ben-to
>Favorite manga?
>Willing to join a group (see below)?
>Other interests:
gaming, hentai, yuri /d/ hiking etc
>Weeb level (hardcore/casual)?
>What are you looking for?
qt girls who have an oniichan fetish, people to exchange hentai doujins with and waifus. General conversation and gaming buddies (overwatch esp)
>What are you NOT looking for?
super weeb elitist and rude people and cringy weebs
>Anything else?
Currently watching ergo proxy but willing to take recommendations on other awesome animes.

idk hit me up

>Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun and Chuunibyou
Perfect taste. Ever watch Hyouka. Das my shit.
I'm a mild weeb

Kik; xmelancholicx
>>what you're looking for
Okay so here's the thing. I have kind of been 'forced' to change my group of friends and now my friends all like anime and manga. I have never really been in this enviroment and it's like a whole other world, haha. I need to get better at all of this stuff. I'm looking for someone who'd like to skype/snapchat with who can teach me the best way to kind of understand anything.
I've only read deathnote in the past and I've wathced very little anime (like pokemon when I was younger, some movie about planes, spirited away and my neighbour totoro.) And I've tried to watch the anime of deathnote and also of fullmetal alchemist (this one was okay) but I really get annoyed with their voices, the girl's voices make me want to shoot something. Or someone. I need someone to help me, how do I start to love this stuff. I like to read, and I'm now at the 4th book in Fullmetal Alchemist, I think it's very nice actually.
heyo.stranger on skype :) let's take it from there. 19/f/europe if that helps, please don't hate my un-knowledge.
I'll help you out. Just sent a contact request.
Please be bait.
I am bait 100% do not add me
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That sad moment when you don't know who's a male or female so you can't talk to anyone
This template is shit but im on my phone so ill make it short

>favorite anime
Kuroko no basket, Evagelion, One outs, Love Live, Acchi Kocchi, Imouto paradise, Boku no pico
>favorite manga
Slam dunk, Hajime no ippo, Oyasumi pun pun, One outs, Goth, Corpse party, +anima, Aria, kuroko no basket
>favorite games
SSBM, SMITE, Osu!, WoW, Overwatch, DayZ, h1z1, animal crossing, LoZ series, Yuke nikki, Lisa. If youre into any of these and wanna play or talk about them add me. spend ALOT of my time playing games
>other interests
Staying inside
>what you're looking for
Friends, vidya buddy, animu buddy, feels/sulk buddy. Just dont be a nigger. and i dont mean that in a racist way
skype = rivloon
>One Piece
>D Gray Man
>Acting, working out, math
>Short term stuff, anything but a relationship
>kik: kcodyh
weeaboo thread
25/m/us-fl bi

>favorite anime
>favorite manga
>favorite games
Fallout, elder scroll, minecraft, suikoden
>other interests
>what you're looking for
Friends :3
Kik maghion
what the fuck
Thread posts: 51
Thread images: 21

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