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LONELY THREAD V2.0.1 Lurked in the last one, seemed to go pretty

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 59

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Lurked in the last one, seemed to go pretty well all things considered. Firgured I'd start up a new one.

Same rules apply I guess but just to reiterate:

>Post yourself
>Talk about yourself or anything else you want
>Talk to others
>Feel a little less lonely (ha)
>All are welcome

Pic unrelated to abject desolation I just feel like you never need a reason to look at Kate Bush t b q f h

Such a weird, awesome voice



Good luck with your loneliness anons
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I heard there was Gundam in the last thread.

Not much to add except that.
She's pretty much perf. Here's a spooky ass pounder of a deep cut for the thread (and 4u): https://youtu.be/ktkRzVEMQCo

And now there will be hella Gundam in this thread. What's your favorite series my dude?
I like people but I'm really really stupid and it annoys people quickly. I think I'm just slightly above the limit for being legally retarded
I can't get a job because I'm stupid and clumsy and I can't hardly hold a conversation because I don't understand any current events or anything
does anybody else have this problem? I'm really friendly and I'm nice to everybody but my brain doesn't work right, sometimes people will hang out with me but then they just laugh at everything I say
also I can barely take care of myself, still live with my mom and she has to remind me to eat and stuff
never had a bf because of this
I always liked Mother Stands For Comfort the best. Either way Hounds Of Love is an awesome album.

I'm starting to patch things up with my gf which is pretty good but other than her, I don't have anyone else. So for anyone thinking a gf can patch up that lonely hole in your life, it can help, but it isn't the cure.
> 24 / m
> I have salary above the average
> I can talk to girls after a little alcohol
> I desperately need a long term relationship
> I have almost everything to start it.
> Porn addict
> create porn music videos
> have zero will, stamina to go out to pubs and start talking to strangers.

just end me now
You don't really strike me as stupid or anything of that nature, maybe just very socially awkward? Or maybe issues with anxiety?

I used to be under the impression that maybe a romantic relationship or any sort of emotial or physical intimacy really could help with how detached and isolated I feel but really it's all much more deeper than that. It kind of feels like a piece is missing and has always been missing and as long as it isn't there I will never really feel "here" and not 1000s of miles away somewhere else.
>employed by a great company
>tall and confident
>have friends
>can't find a girl I like to save my life
>in a wonderful relationship
>everything is too good to be true
>get into car accident
>out of work for a month
>bf always working
>stuck at home with their parents
>spine all fucked up
>can't lift more than 5 lbs
>very happy not crippled
>very depressed bc can't even do laundry without help
>bf always at gym
>moved to his place, 1 hr away
>no friends
>constant pain
>always lonely
>worried about money now
>too scared to get financial help from bf
>both my parents unable to help

All I want to do is relax and just be normal but all I do is mope around and sleep. Really all I can do to be honest. I love my bf so god damn much but he is just never around. I didn't mind much when I was normal, but now that I am injured, it really is a wake up call. Damn, famalam. I'm so lonely.

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>What's your favorite series my dude?

In the long run probably the original when it comes down to it.

0083 and The Flash in the Sky manga also have special place in my heart though.
How come there isn't like a discord for this?
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Nice meme
Random sad of the night again. Someone cuddle4cuddle?
>24 f, loser
>live at home with parents still
>probably super depressed
>think about killing myself all the time, don't know why I'm still here
>was molested but didn't remember much until not long ago, mother says rapist and I are just as crazy as each other
>I am so lonely in this house but no one cares

Even though I went downstairs to eat just once today I couldn't stop myself from crying in the kitchen, both my parents were in the living room but of course, like always my pain tears are hidden. I came back later to the kitchen to get the knife I'm currently cutting myself with, of course they never notice.

I'm just sad and lonely, really. All my life my parents would just go work and put me and my siblings in front of a TV. The TV was more my parents than them, if I ever need to ask questions, I go straight to Google. I often joke with myself and say "Google is both my mother and my father."

I'm just sad, man. And what makes it worse is I see and hear other people that are in pain too, and there's so much pain on 4chan. Sometimes I just want to gather all the people who suffer and hug them all, but I can't. I can't save them all either, which makes me just want to kill myself. The older I get the more I'm convinced that I'm here to make someone else's existence maybe just a tiny bit better, or a lot better, because in the end, who cares? We'll all die anyways... We might as well all help each other while we're on this earth.

Rant over.

I don't feel like i deserve to make new friends based off of how I've treated friends I've had in the past. regardless people leave me eventually- either because I'm too boring or I burn bridges.

I don't have any self-kindness or self-confidence and now i'm posting on 4chan because I don't want to go outside on this beautiful day because I feel like I'll probably make someone's day worse somehow

I listen to a lot of music and smoke a lot of weed.

any lonely guys/girls in the same boat?
lmao literally anyone can go out and meet SOMEONE right now man or woman. that doesn't mean you're not fucking lonely and it doesn't mean you won't get treated like shit along the way.
what music
i wish i could hug you
without the weed I'm you

4chan isn't a very health place, but IMHO not so much about the sad people but all the assholes it attracts
"It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

-Mewtwo (Pokemon The First Movie)
shoegaze and bossa nova mainly, I also listen to a lot of indie and hiphop/rap (though I should know way more than I do)
I should also mention none of my friends listen to any of the music I do with some mainstream exceptions (disclosure, edm type stuff)
>Clinically depressed.
>Have to take medication that doesn't help to keep my parents happy
>Regularly consider killing myself..
>Hopelessly in love with my straight best friend.
>He knows, says he doesn't care, I know he really does care.
I've talked to him about it and I'm pretty sure he resents me and just thinks my feelings go away, I'm worried it won't because I've felt like this for over 3 years and he thinks it's only been a few months.
>literally anyone can go out and meet SOMEONE right now
Literally no
This is what girls actually believe
They're fucking insane.
Proof women can't be lonely.
28/m. I'm surrounded by people all alone.

I just want a cute, short haired insecure girl to take care of

Doesn't exist in my world, so I just drink my nights away. Popping my first bottle now.
why bossa nova? do you have skype?
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>Just want to meet someone who cares
>And then develop a terrible one sided relationship with them that ultimately results in them no longer wanting to talk to me
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>Talk about yourself or anything else you want
I'm f/uk, just finished an IT course in college and I'm probably not going to get into uni because I applied too late. I feel like I'm in purgatory waiting to hear whether I've been accepted. My application has stagnated.

Since college ended the only person I've had social interaction with is my Mum's friend. I have no irl friends and almost no online ones and I'm terrified of getting a job and just fml. I feel like I don't even know how to make friends anymore or my standards are too high. I add a bunch of people but it's like no one knows how to converse or put any effort in anymore, just wants to make asinine small talk.

Nothing seems to be fun or interesting anymore. I look at my Steam library and I launch a game and I quit after 10 minutes.

I really really want a relationship. I'm slim and I guess not ugly but I have no sex drive and I'm vegan (I never rant or try to convert people or any of that shit but this seems to be an enormous red flag for pretty much everyone ever at this point. We're basically as universally hated as feminists on the internet.) so I'm pretty sure no one is going to be interested in me. I just want companionship and hugs.

That was therapeutic. Guess I'll just go back to being a silent shut-in hkv awaiting Monster Hunter Generations. Maybe that'll entertain me for a bit.

>Pic is some Terraria hamas I made.

>Feel a little less lonely (ha)
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You sure about that?
Sounds like my last two relationships! budum tsss
hi there anon mind to talk somewhere
i guess im jn the excact same spot as you right now
Sure, do you have Kik?
Wish I was someone else, not this disgusting looking person maybe girls would like me then. God I want to die or just disappear from existence so much, I fucking hate myself.
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>just be yourself bro

It sounds like you're stuck in a rut at the moment, maybe doing something out of the ordinary will help a bit.

I've been there with feeling none of the games in my library are interesting, being in the house doesn't help so I started going out to the cinema just to watch whatever is on. I go alone but it doesn't matter, gets me out the house and has actually helped improve my mood a little.

Don't get me wrong, still horribly lonely and I've gone through loads of skype threads/contacts where I'll either have a brief conversation with someone then nothing, or they just don't talk; not gonna lie. it's pretty demoralizing.

Hey ho, just have to get on with it. Good luck with uni.
Do you know what the worst fucking part about loneliness is ? The Feeling of cold when you try to go to sleep, it's the kind of ever persistant chill that won't go away from adding more blankets, it's just you alone with your mind.

>at least this isn't floating around my head anymore.
Anyone here with insomnia ?
For the past few years I've felt like there's something missing inside of me. I can't remember the last time I really felt happy or truly interested about anything. Even when I talk to my coworkers or the only 2 friends I have left, I just feel detached and like I'm faking interest with them.

For the past few months all I've wanted is to be in some sort of relationship because I just want to feel like someone actually cares about me, to finally have someone that I can care about. I know I'm probably fooling myself, but I just wish that maybe having some form of intimacy with someone, it'll fill that void that is just constantly there.

I see people outside all the time talking, holding hands, just enjoying each others company and all I can think is what is so wrong with me that I've never had that. Its pretty much led me to start being a shut-in, just this feeling inadequate and not good enough for anyone. Being in my room alone, it makes me feel safe, but this self-imposed isolation is soul crushing sometimes too.

I've been alone for a long, long time. So long that now I just don't know how to go about making friends or having that relationship that I crave so badly. The scary part is, I'm sure if I ever do get into a relationship, that emptiness will still be there.
You look like someone I'd hang out with. Dorky but have a weird sense of humor yea?
hey guys... 21 f... I'm so lonely
My last bf left me..... I've only had like 4 bfs in the past month... so lonely

Pretty much yeah, can be a bit edgy.
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Depressed along with other health issues and no meds because no health insurance and honestly doctors dont give 2 shits about fixing me so I sit in front of my monitors and either chill on 4chan or vidya all day. Not as fun as you'd think. Tipsy so excuse runon.

Family issues and other shit made me leave my home state to move to a COMPLETELY different one with a guy I met online, who (surprise) isn't what I thought he was. Lost my closest steam buddy because he got a gf, which seems to be the way of most of my friendships.

I just want someone to play vidya and talk about music with. I want to feel a connection to someone again.

In the meantime, this bourbon is a decent substitute at least!
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>LMFAO just work out bro! chicks dig dudes with hot bodes
>lmfao y are you so fat? lift heavier you fatso lmfao

what's the point in the end? why go through months and months of bulking up and getting huge, then cutting down and feeling terrible, over and over to get that sickkk bod?
i literally only go to the gym at midnight, and to the grocery store once a week. i havent made a friend in years. i have a shit personality and fuck up even the few conversations i've had with girls. i can't even look them in the eyes, and just stare at the ground, until they leave after they see my real power level.

>Lonely thread.
i wish there was another word much more severe and stronger than just lonely. everyone feels lonely once in a while, it's a common feeling. but true loneliness only a few have known.
Apparently I can be too. So no worries.

Well everyone just wants to hang with me kek, guess I'm just unfuckable.
Sorry I took so long to respond- I like bossa nova because it has very catchy melodies and it's the opposite of shoegaze pretty much. I don't have a skype but I can give you my email; [email protected]
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Greetings, fellow Seth Rogen.

im just drunk rambling anyways


ahoy m80
Don't worry, I'm on my way to gettin' drunk too.

Gonna tryna confess to a girl that lives a state away from me, and then hopefully the drinks will make the rejection less painful.
Ded thread, ded life.
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Rip in pepperoni m8, been there done that
Need some people to talk to. I will talk to anyone and we can be friends if you want!

add bachinobi on skype
post steam, make friend. Now.
What kind of music do you like?
I feel a lot of sympathy for you. From a former cutter and a friend. I spent years playing that game with myself, hiding razor blades in mental hospitals just so I could slice my hip, arm, wrist, leg, didnt matter, just fucking slice me. Depression is a bitch but I believe that you can find happiness inside of yourself. Everyone does it differently but for me it involved getting away from my depressed parents and childhood (also fuck antidepressants). I'm not the happiest guy ever now but I am definitely not the emo cutter I used to be

Good luck anon and I hope you find happiness :)
I'd talk with you, but i probably won't get any response, like every other guy here.
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>>24007642 →
ditto this really idk
posted this in the wrong thread because im a dickhead


british boy looking for friends because i am very alone
feel free to post mean things on my profile x

im not female

someone be my mommy thanks dudes x pleasex
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i really love kate bush too and hounds of love is one of the greatest songs to e'er be penned
I want to stop my fuckin porn addiction by talking to any girl and be friends
Just help me please
I have real life friends but they are boring, I can talk to boys too
Add me on kik: sinestar
Summer is a lonely time. Everybody is gone, and the people that were part of the daily routine all have other plans all the time. So, anyone in the netherlands/belgium or germany wanna chat/meet?

Dutch, don't want to meet though. Do you play video games?
Yea, atm I play total warhammer and street fighter 5. Pokemon go will be added once I have a data bundle.
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Dutch girl looking for friends. I mostly play games and watch stuff on netflix, reply with contact info pls
I know how that feels, i am trying to sort out my own crap but it feels like i am just digging a deeper hole rather than climbing out of it.

I work in IT myself, so give me a poke if you feel like a convorsation on here or another medium.
go away creepy negro.
i remember you posting a few years ago about wanting to shit on girls.
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I'm a nearly 30 year old guy. I'm 6'5, I go to the gym daily, and I have what's effectively my dream job. The problem is just that I grew up antisocial and, despite being extremely talkative and assertive, I just don't click with people. Sometimes it's because our interests are nothing alike, sometimes because we don't think relatively similarly and don't get long, sometimes I just don't know. It's difficult for me to open up to people, when in reality all I want is someone that's likeminded and fun to be around that I can feel a connection with. At this point in my life, going to the gym and going to work are most of what I do outside. The rest of my time is just spent working on projects, pursuing something I find interesting, or playing games.

I just haven't had a genuine friend in years, and it ends up taking its toll on me.

If you want to chat or something, feel free to message me on kik at whyamievendoingthis
I'd welcome the conversation
What games atm?
My steam is Hiddos
Which games do you play?
I'm almost like you,25 M autistic loser, still with my parents, no dreams nor will to live or even change, three suicide attempts, one of them police gave psychological help instead of put me in jail
Did you ever read "a saucer of loneliness" by Sturgeon? I read you and I just wanna be that guy who'll save you and then save us each other.
Lonelyfag here

Someone message me at Keep_Burning

I'll talk to you about anything you want.
Can't you find a local place to get some sort of hobby? A friend went through something similar and she got into yoga and gonna try that pole dancing deal, just something to do and get her mind off things.

Vaguely, I've been a cunt to people in the past but I try my hardest now to be cool to people and go out my way to be nice to people, see how it works out.

It's Monday and 1am, I don't think so

Don't worry too much about uni, it's over rated. Also don't worry yourself too much on a relationship, shall explain after.

25 / M / UK - Just finished Uni, got a part / full time job and a decent life. Got money, think I'm decently good looking (nothing mega, but something, picrelated, im the guy) and I'm FINALLY moving out next weekend. However I do feel extremely lonely at times, like I don't really have anyone I could just be all 'hey, lets go chill in the sun' or something, I did have that a year ago but I broke up with her like a massive fucking idiot (after 3 years) and I regret it since. Since then girls have used me for travels, pretended to be interested, led me on just to keep their options open and it's just gone plain bad for me.

I was SO SO intent on getting a gf, like I thought "If I had that I'd be happy" but I made it my prime thing to do, I NEEDED it and was going out as much as I could, tinder, dating sites and the lot trying to find a girl, but after one night chilling and remember what I was like when I was 20, I figured I don't need that. I had some of revelation where I thought I shouldn't be trying to get a gf, it should come naturally, some one will meet me and want to be with me. I decided I'm going to better myself as a person and see what happens. I've gone back to the gym, practicing more guitar, band are back end of August and just been more kind and friendly to people, more out times and chatting to whoever, it sucks because strangers, but still.

Perseverance, create what you want to be
Let me add you.
>capable of being social at work
>outside of work I hardly ever go out
>instead spend a lot of time drinkin in my room and watching Netflix
>can't talk to girls for shit outside of work
Am I doomed to die alone?
Never said that.
Kill yourself
Kik Keep_Burning
You're basically me from a year ago. However, I just started exercising to fix my depression, as my lack of exercise and overweightness caused me too Have low self esteem.
My girlfriend broke up with me and my best friends are in a different timezone. I became alienated from some of the people I had irl and others are moving away. I'm scared of the loneliness that awaits me.
18 year old loner girl here, grew up shy and bullying didn't help (I still sometimes flinch a little when groups of fucking twelvies walk by, how lame). I've never really had a boyfriend, or a guy that took any interest which has led to some physical insecurities that are getting progressively worse. I have like 3 friends I would actually hang out with outside college, but Im mainly a third wheel to them and I know they could do without me.

BUT I dont mind for the most part, this little village sucks and is full of "worn out faces", so I cant wait to get out and hopefully meet some new people and see some new places. gotta stay positive.
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>dude so lonely lmao
>girl btw
It never ends.
kill me now for my life is full of suffering
do you need someone to talk to?
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shit here we go, pic is me.

>23, Male, Eurofag, roughly 6,3 ft.

I was thinking about doing a question at the end of every part of text so lets just do that

I do illustrations, paintings and i make music and produce beats. Not a robot in the slightest but defs not a social butterfly. albeit i feel as if my personality has changed a lot the last 2-3 years

> Do you feel your personality has changed? if so, for the better or the worse, and why?

I enjoy skateboarding, falling while skateboarding, watching movies, anime, playing KoF, drawing and illustration, music production (see above) making mixtapes and picking at my scabs. Idk how people on this site feel about 420 friendly but i smoke, so do what you will with that info

>Any drawfags in this piece who fuck wit memphis rap? what are some of ur interests?

>How do you feel about people who smoke weed or do drugs in general?

Last girlfriend was 3-4 years ago at this point. I can talk to girls but i'm defs no ladykiller. Get an embarrasing stutter when trying to talk to girls sober, so usually when i'm faded it works out better. still, haven't had sex since my last girlfriend.

> Anybody have embarrasing twitches, rituals or tics that you are very self-conscious about?

>Are you looking for a relationship in regards to just fullfill a carnal desire or are you looking for a relationship because you genuinely want to experience affection, love and connection?

I left school last year because i felt like i was wasting not only my time, but the time of everyone else around me. Been working a factory job on/off and in my spare time help set up and exhibit my work in group expos with my friends.

>what are you currently doing with your life? Do you go to school? what courses are you taking? Or do you work? what is your job? Are you happy?

Currently in a place in my life where i am content, but find myself worrying about what the future has in store for me

>Anybody feel like this?
I don't want to kill you, but I do wish you were dead.
Women can't "suffer"
Wew, when was the last time you saw a rl girl anyways
about suffering?
This morning, why? Family member.
I have some suffering I could share.
Sounds like me about 6 months ago, read up on anxiety. It'll help.. Might even boost your confidence enough to talk to people. Remember, everyone else is just good at hiding their stupid side. Much luv x
THIS. almost every girl i know and had anxiety was because of something like this. my ex left me, i couldnt fuck this guy or some insignificant bullshit like that all the time
I feel more anxious when I'm in a relationship, personally. Probably because I lack confidence and if I'm dating someone, I'll feel like I'm ruining their life, or something.
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Then you aren't lonely. You're just a neurotic fuck.
26 M from Canada

Work in the fossil fuel industry, don't like the job and it's not even good money anymore since the oil is so cheap

No social life at all. Social anxiety is through the roof but normally I enjoy being alone but for the past month or so been feeling pretty lonely.
Does this thread require me to feel sorry for myself for being alone most of the time so I can post in it? I'm not saying it's anyone elses fault, I know it's my own fault and I'm accepting it.

Besides, just because I don't want to date anyone doesn't mean I don't want people to talk to or whatever.
You aren't alone by definition. That's it.
Simply put, you don't belong.
>by definition
>ohhh I have so many bfs and guys who like me, so many friends too
>sooo alone
Choke on a cock, bayyyybeeeeeee
I .. don't even have anyone who likes me, what the hell. And when did I say I have "so many friends"? I don't. Jesus, you need to chill.
Move to the US and they'll hire a girl like you in IT quickly as fuck.

And I get that feeling of nothing being fun or interesting. Being apathetic is lame.

Keep on the MonHun grind.
Suffering can be fun if you play it off with an ironic crippling depression. Keeps your mind off of it for a while.
Being a third wheel is meh and meeting people in college isn't as easy the world makes it out to be unfortunately. Rip
Just become a twitch streamer?
Got a little drunk lastnight. Felt really lonely and depressed.I honestly don't normally drink since it tastes so bad but I needed it. League and csgo don't always make me feel better.
The reason I got into civil service is because I felt like nothing in my life would ever be ok so maybe I could try and help others. I found purpose in my job and then friends and now life isn't so shit. You need to dedicate yourself to something to help others and in turn you will be rewarded. If anyone wants help or to know how you can get started in a rewarding job just reply, I went from being a completely depressed lonely asshole to having a pretty decent life so if I can help I will!
This is going to sound a little weird but I'm a Homestuck and since the end of the mspaintadventures comic, the fandom seems to have died out a little and I'm feeling a little lonely and isolated especially since it's summer.
I also don't know many homestucks irl, so if anyone wants to discuss Homestuck, or roleplay a bit, that'd be cool too.
My kik is utterlyuranianumbra if anyone is down to chat.
21 M UK, been ill for 8 years. 2 friends irl, a few online. Been feeling more and more depressed past few weeks. I can't really get out to meet girls, and when I can I'm way to shy or cowardly to do anything. I'm also hardly hot property, aesthetically I'm plain, and my education got fucked by my illness and now I'm stuck with little in the way of prospects in life.
Oh piss off normie.
Nah :^)
Go back to your Chad bf and your millions of orbiters that you don't care about
I wish
Literally just post your kik on here. You'll be swarmed with Chads and orbiters simply for having a vagina. Maybe slightly less if you're obese, but still probably hundreds. You aren't alone. You just want an excuse to say you are so that you can have the attention betas give you without actually having to give them a form of contact.
>no response
Blown the fuck out.
Hey maybe if you weren't such a bitter piece of shit you wouldn't have to post in this thread! Honestly what do I gain from being "swarmed" with guys messaging me if they're just gonna lose interest within half an hour and then never reply again. And yes, I will stop responding now because I don't want to be the asshole spamming the thread with this petty argument.
>this thread is now a competition of who is the loneliest
>wah they'll stop responding
Only because you're a histrionic cunt who only wants to use them for attention.
Women can't be lonely. That's it.
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>european male
>younger than 30 and older than 20
>never had friends or a gf
>work in a museum
>don't know if depressed or autistic, might be both, haven't bothered getting that shit checked
>drink a lot
>really want to fucking die
But I had someone lose interest in me after a half-hour convo, then she just came back here and complained about how lonely she was.
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You're all the same, the lot of you with your pixie cut hair and whorish clothes. Drugs, sex, and every sort of filth. And you hate the police, don't you?
People online tell me I'm really cute and handsome when they see pictures of me.

The problem is I have crippling social anxiety IRL around people I like, and so I repel girls naturally. Dammit.

I've only ever been in one actual relationship in my damn life. Most I ever did was make out with her.

It's starting to consume me. Oftentimes I feel I'm on the cusp of something great but then it all just goes in circles again, and I realize I'm back where I started off.

I feel like I have potential and could find real love, but my circumstances (anxiety and such) forbid it.

>you hate the police
Nah, I like that they shoot and incarcerate niggers :^)
24 m us
Im autistic and have a very hard time connecting with people and making friends. I either say something stupid or people just dont like my personality and thats just on the internet. I have 1 friend who i talk to regularly otherwise im a NEET who plays vidya all day. All i really want is to have a real relationship with someone or even just make a friend who i can be stupid and myself with and game with even. Talking to people in real life is a pretty shitty situation for me altogether. So after trying in real life and failing and trying on the internet and failing ive just about given up trying to not be lonely and accept ill probably have none ever touch my penis. i also have skype: banana_tiger if anyone feels like talking or whatever
>pleb too stupid to realize that was a movie quote
Consider suicide
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Well, based off of a movie quote anyways.
>not really normie but find talking to girls easy peasy.
>have had relationships, encounters etc
>studying to become officer in merchant navy
>been on a ship for 5 months now
>more or less dawns on me that i might be lonely for the rest of my life
>pay is good and I enjoy the work, don't want to quit
>also don't want my romantic life to just consist of encounters with prostitutes
I can relate to you a lot. I'm pretty clumsy myself. Basically, roaming around the city I'm like a cat whose whiskers got cut. I literally get lost in my own neighborhood. If you don't exactly tell me where to enter and leave a bus, I'll most likely drive into the wrong direction or miss the right bus stop and be hours too late. I don't like to be like that and I'm working hard on it, I slightly improved already.

Did you grow up with a single mom?
>Be in relationship for 8 months
>Have health problems
>Have health problem flare up
>GF leaves

And here I am.. kind of want to try and find a GF after 6 months single. Kind of want to say fuck it I have video games and porn.
I love Kate Bush, Running Up that Hill is one of my favourite songs.

I'm 20/f, decent body, pretty neat interests and hobbies. People seem to like me, I've been in multiple relationships and never have trouble finding new ones, and I make friends online easily.

But I always feel lonely. I can never forge a deep, genuine connection with someone. There will always be that divide. Platonically or romantically. Even in my longest relationship, which was 2 1/2 years, I felt isolated and like I was an alien trying to bond with someone so different than me.

Maybe I wasn't loved enough as a kid or is it just a side effect of long term depression? I dunno, I've felt this way forever. I've always been an outsider looking in on everyone and doing my best to keep up the facade. I worry that my love for everyone will be forced and inauthentic (which isn't fair for any parties included).

>bad feels
>Met dream girl
>Perfect 10/10 asian
>She's literally perfect
>Dated for 4 years in high school
>Going to propose after graduation
>She dies in car wreck a month before
>Year later, still can't get over her
Why am I such a pathetic faggot?

Hes a fag he posted his ass on r9k looking for other white males
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Feel lonely cause I feel like I'm not on the same wavelength as people. So many people click, but I'm just not social like that. I have friends, a girlfriend, a good family. But i feel like there is this difference that won't be overcome between me and them, everyone. It's not the "hurr durr I'm smarter than everyone" thing, but more on an emotional level. I feel like I'm a tin man, emotions are kind of dull. I'm not sad ever, and I can feel happy, but mostly just kind of dull. I don't think it's depression, because i feel fairly well adjusted. I can interact with people, don't feel lethargic, never think of suicide, none of the typical symptoms. Just dull. Anyone else feeling (heh) the same sort of thing?
I don't know how to prove I am telling the truth so continue the skepticism I guess.
You aren't lonely
Nice samefag reddit
I'm 25 years old, in California, and a kissless virgin.

I've tried out skype chats, they didn't work with me. I'm eager to find people to talk to.
Male, I presume?
>hopeless virgin
>on summer break and haven't seen anyone in well over a month
>just became wageslave
>pretty sure i'm horribly depressed but idk i'm not a doctor
Bryun, 28 / male / Oregon.

I'm bipolar and I have Tourette's. I am passionate about music, néw wave and glam and hop hop.I moved feel my home state and I'm lonely in this state. I'd love to have someone to talk to.

My kik is ferk7711
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> me
> never had friends in school from k-11
> quit high school start of 11th grade because sad, lonely, and no motivation to do anything.
> never had dreams or aspirations
> work at walmart for 3 months
> gain 5 friends I hang with 3-4 times a week
> i like one of the girls
> shecantellidofuck.jpg
> getting drunk one night ask her out
> "no i dont see you that way we friends."
> rekt but doesnt give up
> 5 months later
> ask plenty of times if she wants to hang throughout that time
> becomes the group of friends meme
> "lol girl why don't you go out with boy" every time we hang out
> self esteem steadily dropping every time i ask
>she comes over after we finish work holyfuck.jpg
>play games for 2 hours she leaves nothing happens
>confused why she came over fuck fuck fuck shit
>party at my house 3 days later ( 7 people )
>ignores me most of the time, the joke about us comes up
>says never gonna happen, dont wanna lead him on
>fuckoff.jpg salty drunk me
>tfw she calls me tatey all the time at work and while we do stuff
>h e a r t i s g e t t i n g d e s t r o y e d
>go to vapeshop and she gets a vape today
>we go chill in the parking lot for the rest of our hour lunch.
>nothing happens
>i've been extremely depressed past week, she can tell
>asks whats the matter
>i don't want to tell her i'm straight up in love with her and my life is shit and its my fault because I don't have the motivation to do fucking anything useful for myself.
>I just say "its just a personal problem, i'm okay, it's fine, it's fine."
>she gets a little irate with me and pushes
>"i'm fine."
>girl says it's not fine
>i go outside for my 15 because i don't want to talk about it
>she apologies and i say its fine.
>keeps telling me to cheer up because apparently i look like i wanna fucking die face all day
>gets mad because im sad and she doesnt like it
>my heart is death and im confused because she keeps coming over by herself
help me
>19 f California
>just got out of a two year relationship
>ex already has new gf
>i dont even know how to single
>idk i drink most nights

If you like heartbroken bitter girls then i'm right up your alley
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Thats the best kind! It's easier to talk to you and get to know you
Or it could make me even more reserved and careful :P
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>be 26
>live in a bunch of different states
>leave friends behind

I don't know how to make new friends as an adult. I just chill at home and hope I run into some cool people in my classes. So far, no.


Nah... it means we have something in common that we can bond over!
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Ughhv so lonely I broke up with the latest of my 10,000 total bfs
I'm always down for bonding over commonalities lol. Do you have snapchat?
I like my tea bitter so why not, add me, my snap is Gstoka also works for Kik, hope to hear from you.
I'm not cutting but beating myself and I haven't been raped, yet I feel your pain and especially that you feel like helping others.
My parents divorced in my early childhood. It's been the second divorce for my mom already, she's got two daughters and their father left her because he wanted to have sons. The second divorce broke down my mom and since I'm the result of their marriage, I suffered and still do suffer under it, even though she never had bad intentions (at least that's what I want to believe).
She always did her very best to ensure that I'm isolated and don't socialize at all. Scared away the friends I had, lied to me so I would abandon them since I'm very naive, undermined me. From the first year of school on. I was never allowed to go to a kindergarten. She then behaved like a legit pedophile to make other students talk to me again, and even payed them (with candy) so they'd have an eye on me and ensure that nothing's happening to me. Also I've never been allowed to leave my home to meet up with somebody, or just to go for a walk. If I left our apartment, then only with her on my side.
When she had her moments she told me for around 30 minutes how I was torturing her and how I was uneducated and rude as fuck. What still happens here and there. Things like her dropping something or accidentally cutting herself while "cooking" (she barely ever actually cooks) were the usual occasions for that.

I'm an emotional mess but I often catch myself trying to help other people who tell me about their problems and try to tell them how to possibly fix those, even though it's arrogant to believe that I can manage to do something that themselves and their therapists (if they have one) already failed at. I try my best to stop that if I notice it, but sometimes I just don't notice it.

That's why I'm really fucking lonely.
It's funny... I saw this thread and it made me realize that I am lonely.

I don't understand why though. I'm married to my best friend, love her with all my heart and we've been together since our teens.. We have 2 gorgeous girls together and have another on the way.
I spend most of my days chatting with fellow goofballs on IRC and WhatsApp.. I go out drinking once in a while with my real life friends, I play videogames online with other people... I have funny co-workers.. Everything that SHOULD make me feel less lonely but ... I still do.

I don't know why, most people here might envy me or my life because I "have it all" but honestly.... I've never felt more alone than I do today.
Added! Though I don't use Kik so just on SC

That guy jumped in on my moves!!! Why no kik? I just wanna get to know someone new
Maybe you're gay. Seriously.
I'm not a fan of kik, I don't like using multiple apps to chat people and Snapchat is already my primary app that I use for that, other than just texting or FB.
Alright, accepted, but message me cause I lost your user in it lol.
Messaged :P
No, that's not it. I do think it partly stems from a sexual problem. The wife and I are not in sync and I have a higher appetite and more kinks than she does, and she has shown little understanding to mine so I often feel lonely in the bedroom.

Damn... and I use kik for my /soc/ conversations because I'm not comfortable posting my snapchat because reasons.

So what do we do?!
I suppose I'll just get kik lmao fuck it. Give me a few minutes to set up and such and then I'll post it for ya.
I can stop being a pleb, apparently by watching more movies, but you'll always be a sad nigger who wastes his time and energy perpetuating his own loneliness on a Mongolian shadow puppet forum.

That's some serious dedication. Haha. Well I will continue to lay here and watch Netflix as I wait. Haha

I messaged you!
>21, m, Seattle
>major physical self-image issues
>get told occasionally that I'm rather attractive
>never believe them because never had gf
>never even notice passing glances from girls
>let alone anyone checking me out
>just had first kiss only a few months ago
>girl who took it is too ADD for anything more
>regardless of her feelings for me (which she admitted existed in her drunken stupor) or vice versa, she never took certain things as seriously as she should have
>now she's moving
>back to square 1

It's really hard to have confidence in your looks when you have never had someone that you've been attracted to, be attracted to you as well. As is, it feels like I am undeserving of love. Then you have people like my sister telling me I shouldn't lose weight because girls don't like skinny guys, and then see the exact opposite happen sometimes in real life. I either get a dad bod to attract one section of women, or I get buff to attract another group, or I get skinny to attract yet another. All of these are rather mutually exclusive so it's damned if I do, damned if I don't.
I'm sorry if this is too much to ask but would you be willing to post a pic? Either face or body or both. I'm sure if people tell you you're attractive then you're better than you seem to think you are :P and when it comes to your body-- worry about what's healthy and comfortable for you. Not what attracts certain women.

kik me: Jeffenstrated

Do you want a deep genuine connection?

it starts with opening yourself up, becoming vulnerable and sharing secrets.
which village, where do you want to get out to?

kik me: Jeffenstrated
kik me hilfiger4131 26/m
girls only
I'm pretty lonely, I live really far away from my family and don't really have any friends. I'd love to have someone to talk to even just for a little while on here
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>tfw when lonely but too afraid/nervous to interact with anyone
26/m/east coast us

I know lots of people have it worse but I get pretty lonely sometimes. I'd really like a girl to be my SO but I've got trust issues. A few years ago I had a long term girlfriend that I proposed to, it went awful. She told me she didn't like the ring and would only say yes if she could choose one she liked. That was the end right there, but I've always doubted myself since because I was so blind to who she really was. It makes me wonder if I could make the same mistake again and end up miserable. It's made it hard to want to ever be vulnerable like that again either. That's part of why I end up feeling lonely, but it's more about feeling empty and unfulfilled in life. Anyone else know that feel?
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You seem sad. How can I help you, anon?
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You wanna help?
Go home and get your fucking shine box.
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>tfw kissless virgin whose dream is to one day lose it to another virgin
>tfw there are men out there who have taken like 8 virginities while I've never even met a girl who wasn't into casual sex and stuff

probably killing myself this weekend
T. Some one without crippling depression.
This guy is an idiot.

Where do you live in the USA at least? Just curious. I'd totally talk to you if you left your skype. Asian is top cute.

You sound a lot like me. Only I only have mental health issues.

STFU you don't belong because you are a dick.

>Chad bf

Literally all you do is bully others and put them down, how is that not the most 'normie' and 'chad' thing you can do? We are on the internet to get away from that not find a roided out version of it such as yourself.

Get into therapy literally. Everyone else does.

>Running Up that Hill
Placebo version is good.

Hey thanks for posting this.
I am VERY similar. Well a loser who was molested and raped as a teen. I have agoraphobia, social anxiety, depression, ocd, and possibly bod. I used to cut but two years clean now. I only ever lived with my parents, never had a job or driven anywhere.

I started the first lonely thread. Okay, so I think for the future this format might be good to get conversations started in these types of threads (maybe?):






>Video games:


>TV Shows:


>Anime shows:





>Ideal First date:

>Sexual fantasies and kinks:

>Other interests:




>Contact Info:
>What kind of relationship are you looking for (Ex: Conversation, friends, dating, relationship):
Conversation for now but pretty lonely.
Fight Club, Crash (1996), Alien, Hellraiser, Nightbreed, The Lost Boys, Jurassic Park, GI Jane, Ghost busters, The Holy Mountain, Princess Mononoke, Dragonheart, Blade Runner, Kung Fu Hustle, Conan (the Barbarian and Distroyer), The Jerk, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Matrix, The Fifth Element, Men in Black, Drop Dead Fred, Willow, Sucker Punch, Young Frankenstein, Dune, Death Becomes Her, Spaceballs, The Neverending Story, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, The Hobbit, The Dark Crystal, District 9, Hook, The Goonies, Total Recall (the original), The Mask.
>Video games:
http://i.imgur.com/PaSPyvp.jpg Wanting either an xbox one or a ps4 lately (but don’t have one yet). Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 3 recently played good games. I love RPGS, the most influential of my childhood were prob Final fantasy 7 through 10; Legend of Dragoon and the Longest Journey are some other good older rpgs. Loved King’s Quest as a child (especially 5 and 7) and Silent Hill. Play a lot of Skyrim on Steam. Open to any tabletop or board game but don’t do them very often. Needing gta5 and Fallout 4 on Steam.
Mostly fantasy and sci-fi but some young adult too and horror. Harry Potter, Sword of Truth, Tolkien, Cirque Du Freak, Isaac Asimov, Alexander Shulgin, Dune, Frank Herbert, Carl Sagan, Neil Gayman, Clive Barker.
>TV Shows:
Star Trek (tng is best ds9 and voyager next), It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Louie, Peep Show, Firefly, Farscape.
Right now Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, MLP, Invader Zim (forever), Bob’s Burgers, China IL (Babycakes), Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra, Futurama, Southpark, Tim & Eric, anything on Adult Swim.
>Anime shows:
Tenchi Muyou!, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Accel World, Watamote, Claymore, Ouran Host Club.
All genres OTHER THAN most Country or Christian. Some top bands are MSI, NIN, Marilyn Manson, Pink Floyd.
Zdzisław Beksiński, H.R. Giger, Jean Giraud.
I love the outdoors, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, meditating, and a little bit of Mixed Martial Arts.
>Ideal First date:
Laser shooter in a sci-fi 80s nightriding setting on motorcycles and velociraptors.
>Sexual fantasies and kinks:
Gfd, rr, vanilla.
>Other interests:
Art, games, gaming, anime, dinosaurs, sci-fi, fantasy, horses, painting, computers, dogs.
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I'm lonely and recently made love to a George Foreman grill in desperation. Will somebody please touch my cock?
Oklahoma USA
>Contact Info:
Send your skype here: retrovoid.tumblr.com/ask/
Or post it.
you look so serious. did you burn your dick ?
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>female human beings often told me i have gorgeous eyes, nice hair, smell good, cute, etc
>never picked up on it because i'm probably retarded
>am now a 23 year old wagekek
>drink a lot of beer
>smoke a massive amount of tobacco
>can go through two 37g boxes of the stuff in a week
>lost all my friends after high school
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May as well fill out that infograph.


Dr. Strangelove, Hateful 8, Austin Powers trilogy, Budapest Hotel, old Python films
>Video games:
Chrono Trigger, Metroid, SMT, Zelda, Pokemon, Halo, Fire Emblem, you get my gist
Science fiction novels (The Stars My Destination, The Demolished Man, Hitchhiker's Guide, etc.)
>TV Shows:
Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Blackadder, The Office, fuck man anything british
classic Looney Tunes
>Anime shows:
Assassination Classroom, Danganronpa, JoJo
Classic rock (ACDC, Kansas, Dio, etc.)
Frank Frazetta is GOD
Boxing, Horseback-riding
This is getting a bit trivial, isn't it? Whatevs. I like sausage and steak and bread and stuff
>Ideal First date:
It would be in, like, a big glamorous city at night, and we'd go to a posh restaurant and I'd pay for everything like a complete fuckin' cuck, and then we'd check into a hotel and do the seckses? Idk
>Sexual fantasies and kinks:
Not exactly a priority for me lmao. Yanderes are cool tho
>Other interests:
I make music

>Contact Info:
skype is pl4ntm4n

There's this one dude on all the skype threads I post in who replies to me and says "he's terrible", I have no idea who he is but maybe here he won't get me
No, I stopped at medium rare.
Underrated post
kv here :p
anxious mess and avoidant personality fuks me
hehe sounds tasty
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Unless you can help me find a girl in SoCal or Arizona that wants this I'll remain alone.
I do belong, because I am actually alone.
I don't "bully" anyone. I tell normalfags to fuck off, because they do not belong. They are not alone. If you go into a place where you do not belong, you should promptly leave. If not, you're just an asshole.
>wahhh I'm so alone, I have all these bfs and friends but nobody really gets me
You're not alone. You're just a whiny faggot.
Also, fuck you and fuck therapy. I refuse to take those New World Order """happy""" pills that are intended to suppress and control the population, you fucking reptilian prick.

Now go and get your fucking shine box.
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Dumb memeposter.
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I can be a frogposter if you'd like, baby.
>All these trigger words

So who didn't fulfill your /d/ request this time, abusefag?
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>likes occult stuff: cryptozoology, post mortem photography, taxidermy, ouija boards
>likes reading, makes art
>dyed my hair purple recently cause i was bored of my color
>gonna beat battleblock theater tonight
>favorite movie: god bless america
>currently reading: seinfeldia
>likes furry art
I'd never heard of this until now.

Purple is objectively the best color, too, so good on you anon.
>go get your shinebox

You have my respect
Sorry I don't go on cartoon boards
I'm just breaking everyone's balls, and they're all getting fucking fresh.
I don't like that image.
Delete that.
Guy here, but SoCal is pretty damn big. Lot's of girls like bigger guys, makes them feel small and protected, plus cuddle benefits.

You'll find someone dude, just talk to people, form kind've a social circle, even if it's an awfully geeky outsider kind've circle. If you're in SoCal this should be easy with things like facebook groups existing to help you out with finding people who share interests! After that, people will take notice.

The first part of finding someone isn't being Chad, it's having friends so girls that like people like you can know you exist dude.
I'll delete you
I'm a really nice person at face value and genuinely want to help improve people's days, I just can't keep/make healthy and positive connections
I'm in Arizona but I'm trying to expand my area into SoCal because it's so close.
Pretty much anywhere with lots of people is a good idea.

Want a little hack? Type in "Pokemon go [Insert area near you here] or "Team [Whatever pokemon go team you wish] [Area you live in]" on facebook, and just play Pokemon go with a bunch of randoms. It's a new community, everyone is meeting up with every and anyone and for us night people, its wonderful having so many people with at least one thing in common at 4am.

With pokemon Go existing, it's never been a better time to be dealing with one's antisocial habits!
>dealing with one's antisocial habits

If you're actually asocial, you wouldn't even try. Fucking normies.
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33 male lonley kik kichisan
I'm just worried about you and think you would be happier if you got some dbt therapy.
Yeah sure thing cunt.
First, you insult me for actually being alone and wanting the people who aren't alone (like you) to leave the lonely thread, then you say shit like this:
>I'm worried about you goy... err I mean guy, go take the special pills we made just for you. Go to therapy. Get """""""""""""""""better""""""""""""""""""
Fuck you and the reptilian spaceship you rode in on.
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You sure are loving the (You)'s, aren't you? I'll keep giving them because I'm nice :)
29 M, experienced occultist here. If you'd like to talk about occult stuff, feel free to email me, and we can exchange other contact info:
[email protected]
I know exactly how you feel. I have this exact same issue. I've been trying to put myself out there for the last few months but have almost nothing to show for my efforts. I don't think I'm the worst looking guy ever and I've been told I can be pretty open and friendly and all that. I just don't know man.
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I am so happy there are people out there who feel the same about Kate Bush.

Here is a message to all you lonely people:

I went through something similar. Getting a hobby or passion that involves others is helpful. Not every initiation with someone is going to be a success, so really the only thing to do is just put yourself out there over and over until you click with someone.

Powerful friendships take time, lots and lots of time, so if your hope is to land a person and immediately feel very close to them I have some bad news, but if you're just afraid you'll never make a great friend, then just put yourself out there and don't fake it. Someone is bound to get you so long as you're open.
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Lol, Do you even know when you are memeing at this point bro? What is memes and what isn't. This is too meta for me.

Pic just for you.
>experienced occultist
that'd be great to put on a resume.
Yes, because everything in life can be reduced to fucking memes.
Jesus christ your brain is fried.
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ayy lmao.
Nah, the sigils usually work well enough to get the job.
I like people, but i am shy to say hi to a girl at a beer pong bar?
>TFW responsible for 6 of these images>>24056901
>Pretty much anywhere with lots of people is a good idea.
>Want a little hack? Type in "Pokemon go [Insert area near you here] or "Team [Whatever pokemon go team you wish] [Area you live in]" on facebook, and just play Pokemon go with a bunch of randoms. It's a new community, everyone is meeting up with every and anyone and for us night people, its wonderful having so many people with at least one thing in common at 4am.
>With pokemon Go existing, it's never been a better time to be dealing with one's antisocial habits!

That's the thing, I have nerdy friends already, and they haven't helped me find my chubby chick with big tots and glasses yet.
Hi! I'm a girl in SoCal (orange county) and I'm very much into your body type :) If you'd like to kik or snapchat I'd be willing to do a timestamp or whatever.
I've never done kik in my life but I've got a Snapchat... somewhere.
Hahah well anything you're comfortable with sharing, I'll message you on whatever :)
I'm cmstarks on Snapchat, or at least I think I am, but hell I wanna see you with a timestamp, and even more doing whatever you do on Snapchat (which I hope is being naked)
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Back to baiting gay guys I guess.
my life is so fucked, Im in a transient area. I moved here after HS ppl here have done nothing but help me to get in trouble. I meet a girl on irc who fucked up my life and ruined it more then she could ever know. So I lost it went full /b/tard. now I just want that heart attack to end it all. All ppl who I knew that browsed /b/ turned to shit.
yeah, them types repel girls and normal ppl
>Post yourself
>Talk about yourself or anything else you want
0 friends 0 lovers 0 anything
>Talk to others
must i
>Feel a little less lonely (ha)
didnt work
>All are welcome
my kik is zsasza and im 31 male virgin in los angeles. hmu if thats ur thing
>0 friends 0 lovers 0 anything
Someone who belongs
>live with flatmate
>has a job, goes to college
>can't talk to anyone unless i have too
>cant even talk to chicks on tinder
>just wish i could ask people out on dates
I live in Atlanta, one of the most progressive cities in the south, but I'm so out of touch with people (read:autistic weeaboo nerd faggot) that I can't even take advantage of how being a nerd is cool now.

I just want it to be like college where my five or six friends and I would talk bullshit and drink [spoiler] before that whore broke us all apart [/spoiler]
Not posting a picture because my ugliness would kill the thread. But where do I start? I'm a fat ugly KHV with no friends, no woman who even shows the vaguest interest in me aside from my mom who only does it because she has to, and no hope for the future. I think about killing myself every single day not as a cry for help or attention but because I seriously, logically, think i'm just not meant to be happy. Every time I've ever tried to reach out to people and make new friends it always ends in a horrible, traumatic way for reasons I do not understand and permanently cripples my social skills. This has happened 4 times. All I want in my life is to have friends who care about me. Friends who will actually talk to me first and initiate conversation. A woman who actually views me as an object of sexual desire and looks happy to see me instead of disgusted and afraid. I have a shitty job where nobody ever talks to me and even if they did I'm sure they would just abandon me like everyone else in my life. I'm smart in the conventional sense but I would trade that in a heartbeat just to be slightly better looking and have slightly better self-esteem and charisma.

I have so much loneliness and pain in my life that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I resent all women not because I'm this /r9k/ tier neckbeard MGTOW douchebag but because I have such traumatic experiences trying to talk to women that I think all of them are just vindictive (which I know logically isn't true) and will never love me as much as I love them, no matter how good looking or ugly they are.

I don't know why I don't just give up. I guess I'm just hoping that some day some girl will come along and actually care about me and like me and we can go eat ice cream and watch movies and everything will be sunshine and lollipops but I know this will never happen. I know this post sounds like a huge "boo-hoo my life sucks gimme sympathy points" post but believe me when I say this is how I really feel.
lol progressives. It's not coincidence urban cities are full of the most alienated socially isolated types around because of a lack of cohesion. fuck off and die hedonist
They are the people I relate to the most. I don't get along with normies well and I'm sure my relationships would be too shallow for any girls to not sense that and just choose someone else.
27 year old autistic loser. Usually talk to people through kik, have talked to one or two girls for a long time one of which has cucked my life up. Thinking I should try to buy an escort so atleast I can say I'm not a virgin.
>one of which cucked my life up
Girls are already awful people to begin with, why wouldn't any girl from 4chan be worse?
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Because he's an orbiter who thinks that women have empathy
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I am somewhat fucked up Since that Girl left me
I cant sleep good Alone
Most of The Nights i stay awake Till 3am Even if i need to wake up at 4:30 am

I still remember her Last words and it still eats away at me

Tried other Girls and i doesnt work because i still have this Girl in my head

But at least i got a lovely dog and a snes
I have friends, and I socialize, I just feel isolated from them somehow, like I can't connect with them. I also wish I would go to more social events, yet, when I go to them all I want to do is go home. I'm very closed off, the idea of having a gf who I would share secrets with and be intimate with, scares me to the point that I have anxiety attacks, yet I want a gf very badly. Plus another layer of anxiety has been added, as my high school friends and I are not going to the same school, and idk what I'll do to make friends. I don't know what I'm going to do
im an 18 year old male with no aspirations or dreams in life anymore pretty much just living day to day because somehow i think that people still care about me despite my lack of communication with anyone
i get that nigga, want to skype?
sure im not one to call though i can chat
just tell her your true feelings and if she doesnt love you move on there are plenty of fishes in the glass
my skypes memeranger
I wish i can maintain freinds,i always have this cycle... Be shy,talk a bit,start being open,wierd them out ,they never talk to me again or bother to
I feel your pain,its like i can fuck and get with any girl i want but i miss my ex gf so much i panic talking to other girls
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A girl to talk about cartoons and shit with all day long. Honestly I don't think there's a girl who would think I'm attractive.
>tfw i met this guy on omegle that helped me out and i really appreciated it
>i tell him i like ironic stuff like MDE
>he keeps saying how stupid it is and how stupid that kind of humor is
>blocked him for being a total asshole
felt bad since he really did help me yesterday, but i dont like assholes which think that they know what can be considered good and what not when they cant understand the point of the humor in the first place
legit cryptid here
temporary email to establish contact info: [email protected]
My girlfriend constantly rejects sex with me. No matter what I do she has very little interest. I have a high sex drive, i would like to do it daily but I can understand most women wouldn't. But my girlfriend will reject me daily and only do it once every 7-10 days. We are both young(between 25-30) so this is outrageous to me compared to previous relationships.

I have body image issues because I use to be extremely overweight. Due to my former obesity I have self image issues and don't see how anyone would find me attractive. In my mind I feel that if I dress nicely I can fool people into thinking I'm attractive, but when naked I feel absolutely repulsive.

I've lost over 100 pounds, cycled on and off steroids to try them out. Currently I'm all natural and have been for almost 3 years, my body is quite muscular but due to the former weight I have skin on my stomach that makes it look like I have a fat belly still.

Due to the sexual rejection I've become extremely depressed, I hate myself more now then when I was 100 pounds heavier (I got laid more by my ex when I was fat compared to now).

Tried talking to her about it and I get nowhere, she compares us to her friends who are all married with children that have sex once every few weeks and tells me I'm not deprived and im lucky to get what I get.

I've completely withdrawn from her and lost interest in the relationship, I can't show affection towards someone that knows how bad I feel after being rejected, but still continues to reject me. I won't have sex with her or let her touch me anymore due to how rare it happens. I told her that I'm better off without it rather then getting it once and awhile and hoping she changed and I might start getting it regularly, only to be let down.

We live together and we haven't had sex in almost 4 weeks, she's starting to feel shitty about herself due to me starting to reject her, which is making me absolutely delighted.
Welcome to the club, pal.

Drinks are free
How does a shut in not be lonely. I struggle meeting anyone with whom i have in common with. Offline online it don't matter. Some days it gets painful. I don't want to be alone but I'm trapped because of how i decided to ruin my life.
All my friends moved away for college. There's was a girl from here who I was talking to through snapchat, we got along really well and I honestly thought something was going to come of it but it crashes and burned. The only thing that makes me not just sink into oblivion is opiates, it's not a true solution but at least it makes me smile and laugh. Until Pokemon go came out, the only things that got me out into the public is my job and sometimes I don't like having days off because then I don't know what to do. And my younger brother told me that the girl I have a crush on (she's cute and came into the store a few times) is turning 17. Fuck
dont be a weak ass moralfag its massively fail
Oh and open mic nights are becoming scarce, I hate every bit of music I write. All I have right now is learning Chopin nocturne in Eb.i don't know what I'll do once I've got it down because I have no one to play it to

BDSM faggot here...

Women suck at everything. You are stronger, smarter, funnier, friendlier, cooler, you name it. Heck, they even age worse than we do and after 35 they're way uglier without make-up because they are also lazy and don't stay fit and being thoroughly disinteresting their personality don't match ours either.

So you're better than her at everything and the one thing that makes her your equal is sexual power. You want it. She denies it. You feel bad about it. She feels better.

You already had self image issues going into the relationship so that is the type of person you attracted. Someone even more insecure than you.

As a BDSM faggot I want control. By making the woman initiate sex/denying it I remove her one source of power. You should now up the game by teasing her - push her up against a wall and get her going then stop, etc. When she begs you, give it to her but not before that. Then build on that control and teach your woman how to be a good girl. Trust me, she wants you to take the lead.
That feel when you're 24 and you're the biggest, loneliest loser here

That feel when you live with your parents (really expensive out here) and have a shit job

That feel when you ain't got no friends since like middle school and you a kissless virgin who ain't never even asked a girl out

That feel when you an only child and you ain't never had a good relationship with your parents because they are basically forever alone assholes like you, and people say "it explains everything about you" when you say you an only child, so you have no friends, no relationships, nothing even with your family

That feel when you went to college and you didn't know how to connect with people your age so college experience was miserable

That feel when you make people around you laugh because you're a clown but you never find anyone or anything funny yourself, mostly just cynical and sarcastic

That feel when you literally don't even try to make an effort to get to know people anymore because you have nothing to share anyway and if you do try to talk, people will realize you're a friendless permavirgin autist with no life experiences who doesn't do anything in their life so what's the point

That feel when you just fill your free time by browsing the internet, watching TV and watching sports alone in your room when not at work because they take up a lot of time and obviously sitting in your room all day
won't help you at all but I refer back to my previous point

That feel when you don't even know what normal people your age do on the weekends besides going to bars/clubs with your friends and you don't even know what a bar is like

That feel when you don't even know how to hit on a girl, like you literally can't even imagine how to approach one cold

That feel when you ain't got no motivation for anything because you know that no matter what you do, you'll always be alone and miserable

That feel when you just flat out don't care about anything or anyone
>Post yourself
Not, Anti-social, Just had the archtype of just wnating to get by on a B-Honor roll and go to college/work Anime clubs etc. Never truely connected.
>Talk about yourself or anything else you want
I've noticed that i tend to push friends away, even best friends
I don't fear going out, I fear i'll get to attached and they slip away.
>Talk to others
I try, but im a piece of shit
>Feel a little less lonely (ha)
At this rate i want to feel more loneliness, it's the only feeling i usually have besides talking to a few friends.
Welp. Never been on a lonely thread. Sorry in advance for the length.
>lonely as fuck

I recently found out i may have bipolar, BPD, a form of OCD that warrants unwarranted thoughts of suicide. If i was diagnosed with Bipolar my whole like would make sense.

When i was younger my father abused me and my mother, not so much physically. More he stole her money, lied to her and always let us down. Officially left when i was ~3. My mom met my stepdad when i was around 5 or so, he's a really good guy and is still in my life 15 years later.

>daddy issues
depression came around grade 7, lots of family died - etc. School was never easy for me, i have ADHD and i'm Dyslexic. Always was an average/below average student. Closer to the end of grade 7 this new kid came to school, started bullying me. Long story short we fought and i ended up with internal bleeding of the liver, was in the hospital for a few weeks.

Highschool is kind of a blur. A lot of failed relationships and friendships. Ended up segregating myself from everyone.

College came along, one wrong program later i'm in the right program for me. I'm a graphic designer and web developer, I'm on the honour roll.

Was in a d/s relationship with a girl for a while. I got really attached to her, and we both sorta fell in love. She has a boyfriend. Who was cool with me being her submissive. One day i was at work and she messaged me her suicide note, said goodbye. I panicked and called the police to her house - we don't really talk anymore.
>feels like my fault

I have friends, i'm not poor, and in theory i shouldn't be lonely. But not a day goes by where i don't think about killing myself.

Honestly I'm thinking of going through with it
I'm just alone, and I suppose that's just how the cookie crumbles. I'm also the guy who keeps posting qt graph threads despite their obvious failure.
> be me, 22/f/california

>have no friends but kind of okay with it, friends are a lot of work

>would like one or two friends though

>problem is that my favorite things to do is go outside and find nature stuff. Today I went out and found a little river with a lot of tadpoles and spent all day out there. I also love collecting and identifying mushrooms, finding birds nests, fishing, all around exploring.
>I think I might be autistic.
You sound pleasant. Shame you likely live in NorCal
nah that's cool.

san diego area

thanks dude. feels good to know that people out there are into or are cool with this stuff. wish I knew how to talk about it irl instead of greentext.
>san diego
Hah, I used to go down there constsntly when I lived in OC. I live in LA county now. If you're interested in a friend, feel free to email me: [email protected]
Kik or Skype?

>talk about yourself
i broke up with my GF i feel like shit i wanna die, i don't want to crush on someone in my fragile state, or anything like that, i've been going out and about when it's night in hopes maybe i run into a pack of hungry stray dogs or a garbage truck driver gets careless

i feel just so shitty, you know?
Someone please just talk to me.
Are there any lonely girls here who would appreciate just platonic emotional companionship? I know it sounds horrible but I just don't get along with typical guys and I long for actually meaningful conversation and not just memes and video games.
I'm same boat, miltary guy. Everyone at work I'm social guy but outside of that I feel akward. Doesn't help that when I do hangout everyone wants to talk about work
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stuck at a job I really dont enjoy all that much
drug addict
more than likely have some undiagnosed mental issues from when my mother died 10 years ago
no self confidence
just want to be high all the time
end my life
> 25/m
> ex software dev/now big 4 consultant
> grill is out of town
> drinking beers
> bored
> snapchat: slyfox113
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ayyy im back

I work a lot just so I can get distracted. weekends suck because that's when I'm most alone.

I can meet people easily & chat strangers up... but I dislike Southern California because everyone is always trying to impress. in OC, first question is fucking always "what do you do?". I don't make shit money but in my head I'm like... what if I were poor? would that stop you from talking to me?

I want to go to shows, talk, have a few drinks, mellow out. I don't want amazing all the time. I want mellow more often than not. but everyone is so fucking "go go go" around here.

anyhow. my very close friends are either married or dating so weekends are me by myself going out & trying to put something together. shows by my self... couple of drinks... chat someone up... then be like "ok bye".

I don't know. probably be me. haha.

also, I'm buzzed. yay.
are you a regular or something in these threads?

I'm in OC. I've always wanted to go to Palomar, go camping. what else is there down there? I love being outdoors. I take my dogs on hikes at least once a month up here.
also on kik (slyfox113)
I don't have anxiety, I like people. People just can't be bothered with me because it's really annoying to have to repeat yourself and explain what you mean all the time

Exactly, I need my GPS to find the grocery store down the street
My mom wasn't single for very long, but she did leave my dad and get remarried

I have both but I don't want to post them
Nah I was just on here a couple nights ago
I just wish people were lonely enough to post in qt graph threads. they need to be lit again.
they still happen
I dont post on /soc/ much though but there always seems to be one when I come here
29 M California as well. I learned the hard way and far too late that marriage-minded women only care about your income. Apparently being an accountant counted as gutter trash, so I quit my job and now work 60+ hours per week. It's more productive than drinking, I can tell you that much.
I'm actually filling one of those out right now haha
they still happen yeah, I create a lot of the threads now but they suck ass because only ten people are interested usually.I want them to their former glory.
well then I guess check me out and the others in the thread.I think one of the best parts is just reading others desu. keen to see yours.
its usually all guys anyway
being straight/not into traps on /soc/ is suffering
>Talk about yourself or anything else you want
19/m/us, have one friend who is pretty much all i ever talk to, even though it's not often, don't really talk to anyone, days often go by without speaking to anyone, can't get up the determination to make new friends on the internet so i spend my days lurking and feeling horribly sorry for myself

the only reason i even come to /soc/ amongst all the painfully normie threads is to vainly attempt to find a chatroom somewhere to talk to people and post in dream girl threads that i never expect anything from and never get any replies from.

i've just spent months, if not a couple years in a social hole where i keep wanting to go and find people on the internet to talk to because my life is so painfully boring and unbearable but i can never get the motivation to do it so i just keep sitting in my room by myself listening to music and lurking. It actually really sucks.

I'm sorry for you guys that have family problems and have legitimate problems going on that I honestly hope you make it through, and it probably makes my self pity seem obsolete and stupid in comparison. I didn't really have family problems, well I did, but they weren't serious. I moved out close to two years ago and since then I've been doing absolutely nothing with my life and I have no one to spend it with that actually cares about all the things I like or ever wants to talk to me. All the friends and crushes I had in high school just disappeared and even after trying to keep in touch with them, it's like they don't want to acknowledge my existence. So I'm just kinda... here. By myself. Like it's really always been.

Anyways, sorry for the huge self pity party guys. I hope you all find what you're looking for and find your way out of your bad times. I know you guys can make it.

Good night.

Feel free to hit me up if you want I guess. My skype is alphazombie220.
23/ m

Looking for females
I'm looking for tits... but I'm also a night owl who needs other night owl friends to chit chat with

Kik: clockhands12

I made of those graphs.. but since I'm only looking for friends I doubt people were interested, lol. A lot of /soc/ is looking for love and sex.
I really fucking miss my ex. It's killing me.
well I mean Ill talk to anybody desu
but the point of those threads seems to be to find someone

wow that sounds so fucking pathetic when I actually think about it
Yeah, that's the point, but I'm addicted to filling out graphs and profiles and shit. It's just something fun to do.
I agree. I almost got married at 24. she said some shit about "deserving" a nice life. I disagreed. we broke up. so now I aim low in order to find someone who gets that it's a partnership, not a fucking dependency.

it affects me because I don't try harder. but... why try harder only to have someone else take advantage of it?

I don't know. need to get my thinking straight sooner or later.
I'm the one who said it was cool to make friends with them. I'm just 18. and its wasn't in your accepted range.
Oh ahah.. gotcha. It's more like a soft rule, or at least that's how I viewed it. Only a few of those things were unnacceptable to me.. age is important, but I don't think I'd outright refuse to talk to someone significantly younger than me.
I think you're cool desu
I don't know exactly what the possibe reason for the frown is but I meant t b h, though you may know that.
I don't come to 4chan often and it's just off-putting to see 'desu' and 'cuck' used so regularly, lol.
I really hate that it says desu because I say t b h a lot.
i drew a thing for you >>24068256
oh lmfao

I didn't know there was a filter.. that's how little I come here.
damn, personally I think that's good not to come on here off. you should check out my chart btw.
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I'll send you an add. :)

Do you prefer KiK or Skype?
I would like to do that but there's nothing nice to see here.. not close to where I live at least
kik me my bud
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looking for the cure for loneliness that doesn't involve interacting with people, where should I start looking lads?
The occult, good anon
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