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/sma/ - Skinny, Medium, Average Females only. >letting the

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 514
Thread images: 121

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/sma/ - Skinny, Medium, Average

Females only.

>letting the last thread die
Old thread: >>23852935
R.I.P. SMA's heyday :(
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>dat old school macro doe
>nth for Layne
>bring back Curly
I'd be happy to compensate if Julia would be willing to do it in the flesh in front of me kek
>"uncompensated volunteers"
Not the Girls. Girls are the main Actors here. Meant the parasitic cockroach.
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>/sma/ 2016
>new girls posting
>let's post memes of girls who haven't in years
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I tried some shit in today
Hello, who is this?
That sentence makes no sense...
>debbil trips
Oh, do let's see!
>a timestamp
It's a typo. She tried some shit on* today. Look at her surroundings and try not to be an aspie.
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Forgive my lipstick timestamp
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>try not to be an aspie
>in the home of /sma/utism
Nice nails. What stuff did you try on?
I might as well be. I've been away for a few years. I don't recognize a single person in the rate threads.
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I remember you.
You may have to save your money, I think your AC is on the fritz.
It's possible. Remember the name I go by?
Uh, no.
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Never posted here before. I'm like 75 pounds. If it's dead I'll probably go to bed just so y'all know.
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Front camera's scratched so hard to see, but timestamp
Hey there! Timestamp to prove you're real
We want more.
Never mind
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Outfit today
How tall are you?
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I'm a liiiittle under 5'. Close!
I meant 4"7 soz

Got any lingerie pics?
>nth for Layne
you are really petite. Sure your stomach bulges out when hosting a decent sized dick in your vagoo/ass
What does nth mean? I'm a female lurker from shg :_;
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No, sorry. I don't really have any semi-clothed or lewd pics.

On your way, then.
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Can't sleep so I'm back
Fuck off, you don't get to say who stays and doesn't, you aren't a mod.
Ignore the virgins
what time zone? is your sleeping schedule fucked?
nice bum though

This is more like it. Show the other girl how it's done.
>don't really have any...
Easy solution: MAKE SOME NOW!!!
>show the other girl how it's done
Stop being a ducking chauvinist baiting the girls against eachother.


Hahahaha. Hahaha. Oh wow.
Dat horse pussy
While I acknowledge his command of the English language is lacking, I can't help but agree that your protestations mean absolutely fuck all. She can post PG rated pictures all day long if she chooses and your complaining is just an anon's complaints.
These threads are literally for nudes/lewds. Girls have been banned in the past for posting clothed selfies and thus being off-topic.
Be less new.
>ring on finger
Well that's disappointing.
It says no where in the OP's rules say they have to be nude so you are just stating an opinion and have no backing to your statement. All that is required is for the poster to be female and skinny or average in figure.
Please feel free to post more, don't let one loser who spends all day on 4chan taking it super serious stop you.
Perhaps, but it wasn't actually specified by OP as it sometimes is.
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I'll stay if y'all want me to, honestly doesn't bother me either way haha. Don't want to interrupt the flow of the thread or anything. But I really can't post nudes and stuff.
It's a class ring, but I do have a boyfriend
No nevernudes. Please go to a rate thread.
Just make sure to hide the beta complainers, and do you have any bikini pics?
jesus why are people so autistic here. she isnt stopping anybody to post
its more likely that other girls wont post either because you seem like a socially retarded cunt
Kill yourself, Euroshit.

like half the girls posting here
its funny because if someone posted a nude now you would tip your fedora praising the mlady acting like a gentlemen but otherwise youre a xenofobic asshole
Damn shame you're taken. Fucking ideal. Petite, slender redhead... Definitely the kind of lady I like.
You had a chance with some random girl on the internet?
In what sense? I never claimed to. She's taken.

That said, if two people talk and hit it off, stranger things have happened.
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Nothing better than pic related really, sorry
Thank you
I've met people off of /b/ and omegle and other places before. Is soc that much different?
>one far-away bikini picture
>no pictures taken for thread
>random assortment of clothed pictures

get good or don't bother desu
>still she's way better than the fucking trap filling the threads lately.
You should stop posting face and doing lingerie and stuff.
Beautiful. My perfect type of girl. I'm in the UK!
>implying anybody is fapping to clothed photos

what the fuck is wrong with you
>75 lbs.

She was made for ageplay, senpai
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mhhhhhhhhhh, i think i remember those pictures on the wall but i can't remember the name..
who is you????

either way, please cum back for more.
>75 lbs
you really believe that? from her pics she's at least 110, could stand to lose a bit.
I actually think you're lovely, and respect for respecting yourself.
don't be a dick anon xD
Oh anon.
She won't be taken forever. She'll catch him cheating one day and move on.

Keep changing your ID
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I heard Euro is shit, can confirm, they won't even let me import electro shock collars
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Pic of the scale today. My weight fluctuates entire pounds in a week, but stays between 70 and 80 unless I get sick.
Thank you
I don't think he'd cheat. But who knows, I don't really enjoy relationships in general, even though I'm very happy in my current one.
That's in Kg :D
(lol jk, I see the little lb)
I am disappointed that you won't post noods because you are hella sexy.
No pics even showing your butt? I bet you have a cute butt.
You again? Hello you kinky fucker :p
>/sma/ 2016
>now accepts nevernudes and paywhores
Get your shit together for fucks sake.
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How tall are you? You weigh so little!
hell yes, it is I
But think about it, we could be both at the same time
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I have no butt
Little under 5'
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pretty dress
You have a nice figure. I'd love to do a tiny girl like you
Pretty pajama...?
Post again Same pic without the shirt?
pretty girl 8-)
no butt is cute butt too
I <3 small boobs and small butts
Also you have a teeny waist, it's so cute.
Pretty sure I could just pick you up and carry you away :3
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thats just a random shirt
Violet? :)
Need to see boobs
Was kidding :p
But you're no random girl! Legs spread with panties on please?
>can't post nudes
Can't or won't? Why?
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more low res pictures
Thank you
Thank you
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Forgot random image?
I love your tits and your bush.

Where is your nice camera?
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and im bored now
that wasnt mine maybe ill do something about it later
Too bad, you got me going.
Can we have a pussy shot please? Don't be such a tease!
Awww. Why do you post nothing but potato pics now? You used to be fun. I miss playing with you :(
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Come on, show us your furry lips!
ok im gone ...
no! please post more... :(
Nice tease, well played, well played :)
Come back sometime!
Why are you so boring now? You only post like 3 pics a month now, if that much.
Some girl that goes by kitty who used to post here got her info hacked so I wouldn't post here if I were you
Violet, sexy! Gif of you taking off panties pls!!
and why are you a faggot? why do you ruin this thread?
Still at it...
How is asking a request ruining this thread?
Duh dude, you didn't really ask a request you just told her she's boring.
Your negativity is.
>after she left
You contactfags are insufferable.
why are all men dogs?
i like men less dog but they're still dogs, it's embarrassing to even have to look and talk with you knowing that. it's like a running gag

i still read it ...
okay i get it, you make my dick hard. But what is that name you go by?
Who hurt you? We're not all terrible.
thats not hurting, its just hard to take you seriously. but i guess you know how to work and you can stay focused so we're good, it's just funny
ur beautifull :')
Are you talking about anons or men you're dealing with in real life?
Please, ignore the trolls. They just want to ruin the threads. They piss me off.

I like when you post. Unfortunately you don't post as often as you used to. :(
Girls forged us like that
Be a dog? Like how? Following you around?
Just don't post in the evening and I'll not be lurking... but if I see you I can't refrain from posting.
what a clusterfuck

c'mon vi, you're still a cutie, why do you let the same guy trigger you every time. it's exactly the same guy and you always feed him. you know better.
miss your butts and tits.
It's because of the penis. Cut a guy's dick off and he'll stop being a dog.
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i'm not complaining, just talking about it and you certainly individually know what i'm talking about

just men in general

i mean being very, sometimes exclusively, sex oriented when it comes to women.

ok im really gone now, a better picture for the inconvenience
Please post more pics. Ignore the faggots. I miss you.
night night
>more teasing ;_;
Apology accepted though, you're gorgeous to look at.

>i mean being very, sometimes exclusively, sex oriented when it comes to women.
m-maybe a little... not IRL though... too shy.

Sleep tight!
That's a cute outift :o)
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is it safe to post now, no more scary vaginas?
I think it's safe... go for it!
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what continent would you like to post my friend

that was a trick question, 4chun is never safe
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He's cute but his dicklet kinda looks like a tent
Also don't post that, you'll get banned
Hi baby. We want more. top kek.

AUTISM = mental illness = Find help!
Wow you are so beautiful wish I had a lady in my life like you
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come on what lol

why you here then?
Touche.... I agree, but please continue, you look great.
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why, thanks <3

just because of you I think I'll leave my pants on today
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Wow you are so beautifully gorgeous you face is flawless
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You should do this again, spreading your asshole with your undies around your knees.
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hi I'm doe ^-^
do I count as average?
Thats less than 40kg, holy fuck.

How tall are you, you dont seems as skinny as me and i'm between 55-60kg, though 192cm tall. And a guy.
I'm guessing in the imperial that would be 6'2 and 120ish pounds
Thank you. That is an amazing view!
That shot looks pretty average.
Waiting your open asshole
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so close
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oh god u can almost see
Yes, please!
FUK I can see it. You glasses look fucking fuckable.
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Enjoy, anons of soc.
Still waiting for open your asshole. Let me smell it !
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Pffhahaha, well that's unfortunate
Your pic needs more tits + timestamp.

Whatever do you mean? I crafted that gift with great affection.
>that text placement
Absolutely fuckin' perfect.
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i will grant you one nipple while I eat
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whenever I swallow my food too fast and it feels like my heart is going to stop, is this what it feels like to be america
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Think I'll be a little more naked, aka fully, after this amazing movie
Let us see your asshole
whop, not allowed to post anymore, good night ya all
Lovely figure as always, thanks for stopping by.
>not allowed to post anymore
One man's kink is another man's wtf.
>edoms and fully clothed girls
>no more scary vaginas?

sorry to break it to you, you have one. Also you said when you first started posting that you liked fucking girls. You just can't keep your facts straight can you
how is this cock not permabanned?
Maxim has a dynamic ip, even though his pictures are permabanned.
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Sooo, haven't lurked here for 1 year or so. Did Penny post anything?
iirc she posts on legwear now under a different name
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Sorry, had to do stuff and play live musics.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Probably like 150 cm or a little less
Where's the unedited one?
Julia will defend this.
damn you are perfect
what is this julia meme?
you know how CB shitposts prettier girls to make herself seem more popular,

well, julia defends blogging girls to make her blogging seem more popular
Seriously, it's like NO ONE CARES that your daddy touched you as a kid and now you have to sleep with black dudes and write about it in every post to deal with the dead feeling of being a used up burlap sack.
wow im a pretty long time lurker (with months of stops though) but dont know much about these dramas thanks
Sort of like how Ivy has a bot that emails her whenever she's mentioned ITT.
Then she'll come and lurk for a couple of threads.
She never posts new pics; just shitposts as Anon.

N'est-ce pas?
>She never posts new pics; just shitposts as Anon.

then how you know about this bot thing? seems a bit ridiculous
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Just thought I'd pop back in and say hello. Going to bed momentarily
cute panties

a pic from behind?
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peut être
need to pee?
I don't know really but carry on.
your butt is still nice
More please
Your gorgeous. Love everything. Any pics are appreciated.
Goddammit can't even type thinking about you
Are you the same 75 pound chick from the slut thread?
Because blaming a camwhore for shitposting is this guys favorite thing to do. He comes back every few threads to try to see who he can rile up.
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What are you talking about, my pussy is perfect and not the tiniest bit scary

Well at least his trolling got you to post a nice pussy shot...
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that was totally on purpose

I don't think any of us ever thought that you looked bad or wasn't stunning. You really are something, physically at any rate.
nice shot
Don't forget that Julia shot some of the only hardcore videos in this thread's entire history.. the only other ones I know of are SSS/Greg, that cheerleader girl + "superman" and FMU (somewhat)
Puddems has anal and gobble action all over the interwebs, sailor
nah, sluttyslutslut was the most hardcore although she posted to /b/ i think
there is hardcore and then there is dirty filthy skank
SSS vs Layne final boss battle, Puddems; both better than the shitty Julia vids
she actually has a killer body now posting to reddit under a different username but i find stalking creepy so guess i shouldnt know this
Everybody knows this.
Ah yeah, of course. How did I forget about Puddems and Layne? I still think Julia's videos are pretty hot. The blowjob one is really hot
wow, would love to fuck you like this
yeah i guess i was never good at names or was searching for it outside 4chan now that i remember seeing sss and layne pictures but have no idea how they met or anything but was surprised when accidentally found sss reddit account and seemed familiar
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bump for new & interesting videos
cool video
who is this?
Littlest Latina
nice meme faggot
That was a good video. I miss Cummy's chubby butt.
You didn't reply to anything I actually said, you're slow aren't you
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>he says, replying to an almost 14 hour old post
I have no idea what you're talking about but yes, I'm slow as fuck, irl sloth that took xanax
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I still didn't answer it lol, ok, here you go, in case that's what you asked. I'm into girls yes. When I said "no more scary vaginas?" that was a joke because someone spam posted gross pussies (a horse cunt shopped onto a girl, post op srs pussy etc) I don't find any genitalia gross to be honest, it was just an answer to shock pics
Is a no contact request thread ?
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the /soc rule 6. says basically that you can ask (without posting your own contacts) for contact info. Be careful with that tho dood
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Anyway I guess I'll do some requests tomorrow, nightie for now
>slow always refer to movement

it doesn't lmao
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is that hook dick?
Dat some slutty?
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>he says, as the fact that I pointed out his own retardery sails blissfully over his head
>Tfw I still see Kittens' pics all over Google
I hope her life isn't too ruined now.
>I was in a bad place in life but it made me who I am and that was the past
Kittens content must be the most popular together with Pudds and Alexa.
Problem is Pudd and Alexa are prostitutes so they don't give a fig, but Kittens is not, so her life is probably going down the loo because 4chaning so hard.
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I'll take some requests
spread pussy closeup, use both hands to open it
a bunch of butt stuff
skirt and panties
are you a virgin?
Put that in
could you spread your ass close to the camera?
you should open your own thread to post all that based reverse trap stuff/packing heat. It is such a shame that you get banned from being yourself in /sma/. Love your shit, faggy boi.
Can you take those panties off and insert a finger?
I'll second this but will also settle for putting anything remotely phallic inside you. Bonus points for gif/webm.
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this is the gamer fetish


I'm too lazy and chicken for that :'( I'm glad you love me tho anon
>tfw always wanted to please a girl with a game controller

Just figure out what outputs the biggest vibration and fuck her with it till she squeals. Needs porn of it desu.
can we get a look at your ass?
Now put on the vibration function and make a webm
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I think with DS4win you can test the different vibration functions

>Feet just barely cut off

What a missed opportunity.
That's not as much fun though. Gotta find her favorite game.

I wanna see you cum. Care to?
Same photo but with panties at knees and hands spreading ass until you are uncomfortable
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my poor child

can't cum till sunday at earliest
That's more like it.

>I will never have those on my face
What a pleasant view. Would you do this pose again, but without controller and panties?
>can't cum till sunday at earliest


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I wasn't able to see my best friend for near a week and he told me there will be extra fun so I'm waiting <3 I don't fap much anyway though

does that work?
You should post in /feet/ as well
i dunno why, /feet/ was the most uncomfortable for me
Close up pussy if spread better
Sad to hear that, but such nice feet like yours, are always welcome there.
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If anyone starts complaining about them here maybe I do
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>dat angle doe
As long as we see more of them either way it's all good.
That´s a really nice shot
That's actually pathetic you think that's a word
Uh duh "that" is a word captain dipshit lol.
Post more spectacles please.
I have no words for your stupidity but here's your reply I guess
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aw come on, that was pretty cute of them, don't be so mean

I don't feel my absolute best right now :'( All I can do is roll around my my bed naked
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>he says as he's unironically arguing with anon in a camwhore thread
Okay, I hope you feel better! What's wrong?
teal wake up
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I think the one time a year where my uterus acts up is due, have you seen how a star collapses? That's how it feels inside my guts
Can you spread ass?
That sounds pretty fucking brutal desu
I am sorry :c

Also, thank you for your blessed buns
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yes, whose would you like me to?
Wanna start with mine?
lets see the whole tatoo!
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oh anon, I'd peg u till u cry

Both? Old pic, but that's my cat tat
are you post-op
>Stopping once I start crying

Nah, you'd have to keep going.
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and here's my back one

post what op? I didn't have any reasignment surgeries yet if that's what you're asking

When you cry, that's when we switch to maximum dildo action, how bout I pop the knot into you buddy?
Hell yeah. Especially if I can return the favor and knot you too afterwards.
>how bout I pop the knot into you buddy?

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To may closeted faggots in here. What the fuck.
Goddamn it's a shame you don't like receiving oral because I want you to sit on my face.

>enjoying butt play makes you gay

Only if it's with a dude.
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I'm not closeted :^)

so far I only liked it one time, dude was bisexual and sucked on my clit like he was sucking a dick..I kinda liked that

Also I just uploaded the short video from the gif of me riding the bear, can I share Dropbox links without any concerns?
I've sucked my fair share of dicks so you've got yourself a volunteer.

Mega's usually better but Dropbox should be fine.
Post the DB link :D
>can I share Dropbox
as long as you don't have your name in the related email account yes.


Yeah that was the problem, I uploaded it to mega anyway
Wrong mega, suga.

This one mega.co.nz
mhhhhh, guess i'll have a lil latenight fap. nice riding, thanks.
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lol I thought it was the wrong one, but then I thought Im just high and they changed the design. Mega doesn't really work for me anyway, it never gets past the cloud and then I cant click anything

im not dumb, just very high
I'm high too and when i see your pussy..you make me feeling horny..i want you to become wet and i want see your Ass spread
Fucking hot.
more like these
Would fuck voraciously/10
Nice puss grrl
you mean feetsies and pussy?
how many guys have you fucked

can you greentext the sluttiest thing you've done
yes please
FUCK YEAH I love telling my slut stories

>first time having sex with a guy
>best friend/lover at that time goes out with me, club is boring as fuck
>two dudes hit us up
>friend is fucking drunk as shit, I'm a little less drunk
>one of the guys goes like "I have a pool, wanna come"
>insta convinced
>at their place
>go to pool with my friend, she drinks while swimming, make out, she pees on my leg cus she didn't wanna get out of the pool to pee
>guys join us
>ask for shower
>mad shower sex with best friend and a bottle of absolute
>eat her out and she fingers me
>after shower, both naked, guys join us
>memory gap here,
>fast forward, all four of us sit in a one man bathtub
>werid as fuck
>get out and each of us fucked a guy right next to each other
mfw, lost my virginity to a guy while my best friend watched me
Really hot!
well, what do you wanna hear about?

I had a one night stand fivesome on accident one, two of the guys where related
>go out on a sunday with friend
>wasted as fuck
>only two guys in the bar tell us it's that one dudes birthday
>friend is so drunk and delusional she say it's her dream man (he was a chubby sand nig with unevenly trimmed beard)
>go with them to watch over my friend
>in that guys home, tells us to go to bedroom
>mfw there's a guy sleeping in that bed
>be nice, wake him up, ask him if he wants a blowjob
>this must have been his wildest dream
>start sucking him off, other guy goes in
>guy comes in my face, I tell the other guy to eat out my friend.
>"Ew i dont eat pussy"
>fucking weakling, eat out my friend and ignore the dude, moans like her pussy got touched by an angel (I am)
>dude wants to fuck, doesnt have any fucking condoms
>calls over his fucking COUSIN
>brings condoms, sits down, starts jerking off
>wtf but go on with threesome cuck action
>fuck like animals
>guy tells me my friend cant cum (he thought girls need a cool down time after orgasm, what a fucking fool)
>finish off him, finish off my friend, pass out
>next morning mad mom kicks us out at 6am
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I'm gonna pass out in a bit fyi
nah the bj was for the dude who was sleeping in the bed, he was nice. The sand nig pissed me off.

Didn't you read my back tattoo senpai? I'm a boi! Men are the sluttiest anyway, why can't a girl enjoy casual sex and ons?
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Well, I'm set, gonna sleep ya all!
Put it in your tight asshole next time please.
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Will be doing request in about 30 minutes
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super pubs you got there. Last time you shaved?
Is 30 minutes enough time for some delicious CB butthole?

Still rocking that cutie short do?
>some delicious CB butthole?
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Cum-Mouth- (1).gif
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Whats your fav contraception method?
Pulling out while your guys hottest moment is an option too?
>blue balls
Just curious.
Watching "Make America Gape Again" till CB comes and saves my 3-days-load I need to release to sleep better.
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Yep but growing it out. It was an impulse and i kinda regret it.
I have the nexplanon so pulling out is unnessecary and not nearly as much fun. I like the feel of being "filled up" though
That asshole is perfect. Thanks CB.

>Kinda regret it.
Aw, bummer whycome?
>I like the feel of being "filled up" though
Hot as fuck.

Spread pussy possible?
Looks very arousing as always. Could you do the same spread but on your back pls. I missed you posting tho.

> I like the feel of being "filled up"
You actually are able to feel your hubby filling you up? Also do you like cum? Swallow or spit? Your fav place you like the guy to spill his mess on you?
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Sorry, phone died while taking pics outside
Long ago there was a Vader
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Shitty quality cayse lowlight but super turned on by the summer breeze
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Just realized i left my brom outside whoops
could you bend over?
Go on
Hot as fug.

Fingers in pussy while on the deck?
Any chance at broom handle insertion?
Gonna be riding it soon or something;)
This and
In anus if possible?
Regret bc i can really do much with it, like put into a pony tail
I like cum in the moment, but then immediatly back to not giving a shit about it. I spit for the most part, unless deep throating forces to swallow
>Regret bc i can really do much with it, like put into a pony tail
Ah fair enough, I guess it gets in your face too eh?
My hair is almost ponytail length, but as a dude I feel I gotta cut it soon.

Can you deep throat like a pro?

Also possibility of a pic of you pulling your nips?
Sounds like a sweet deal for whomever gets the chance with ya
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Not going to lie, this feels a lot better than i thought
post your tits
>and don't hide them
Should put your front facing camera on timer and take that same picture further back with deet/legs holding up the broom. <3
Hah, nice.

Don't neglect the butthole with that though.
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Who ever put those bumps there is a genius
First time I see CB puts anything up her cute bootyhole.
MOAR buttstuff plssss
Mmmmm glad it worked out let's see how deep you can take it now
God I love that hairy pussy
Sorry to cut this short, cops outside
I knew the neighbors wouldn't handle your hot buttstuff, FUK!
Good luck!
Lol invite them in jk
only illegal to post nudes of yourself online if you're underage, what do you have to worry about?
Don't get arrested!
wake up violet
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maybe ill put a bra before i go out
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please don't
are you feeling better?
>serious question
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was just posting those pictures
hhhhng me likey
wasnt feeling bad why ty
thought someone hurt you or something thats why you were upset last time but if not im glad
thats nice
Would you show what panties you're wearing please?
will u post some gif?
>maybe ill put a bra
Depends on where you're going?
are u still here?
Bee You Em Pee

Looks like it.
Interesting.... who the he'll was kitty?
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the camhore with disleksia
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Nice breasts :).
What colour is your hair it looks dirty ish blonde sometimes and brunette others. just natural highlights?
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Do you like my donkey collar?
Depends how tight you want it pulled.
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autoerotic asphyxiation styled?

Then who was rope?
Nice, are you punished?
show us theses boobs
This is my fetish.
>autoerotic asphyxiation

Jesus I'd be terrified to try that shit
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nope, I was a nice kid, I just learned how to do the hang-yourself-knot today!

at least 5

Who wrote a theses on boobs?

Protip: Don't do it alone, you will die
Only because having someone find your body like that would be horrible.
Yeh, the whole dying thing is a real turn off. Choking one of those things which I really want to try but there's no way to find someone willing.
*these, sorry english is not my mother language ;)
show them anyway :*
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Dying a turn off? Weakling, snuff is hot.
Do you want to be choked or do you want to be the choker? In any case I'm sure you'd find someone to at least ensure that you don't die doing it alone

your mom wrote a theses on boobs? I'd love to read that
I'm afraid I've yet to reach that level of degeneracy. I plan of travelling to China and learning from a master in an ancient temple.

Both, I think. The feeling of power when chocking is hot as shit for someone as weedy as me, but sometime you just want a girl that can break you in half like a twig.
"Turns out it's way harder to strangle someone than it looks on the movies", anon 2014 about his gf he met through 4chan.
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Traveling to the land of the sun to learn something sexual is already a level of degeneracy on it's own way senpai
But I like both, giving and revicing, too.

Also today I tinkered a diy toy, wanna see me use it?
I do want to see you use it but mostly I want to know how you made it.
Go wild, but you have to let me know what you're thinking about while you use it. Otherwise where's the fun?

Also is that a syringe or ice?
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It's a big syringe (I think it was for feeding baby pets) I just drilled a hole into and then nail filed the edges, now I can use it as dick pump, it's super neat
Anything's a dildo if you're creative enough
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if you're brave enough that's it, can confirm
I was gonna say that but I assumed you were brave enough for anything. Any proud moments?
one time i put in a banana and then ate it
go on, show us how big you can get it
Important question: skin on?

Also didn't that impair the flavor?
i bet it just got sweeter ;)
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Skin on, and a condom on top of it..even as I kid I knew safety first bud

Did you tore your hymen with it?
I actually tore my hymen with a billiard cue
I can respect that. 10 points
Details please
I took a billiard cue and put it into my hole, it then tore my hymen
Isn't that a logistical nightmare? Just the bending required seems pretty awkward
Was it worth it?
I'd imagine that the spectators expecting a billiards tournament were somewhat bemused
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it was one that you'd be able to de-screw into two or three pieces, it essentially was a wooden dildo

I can't remember, it was over 8 years ago, but probably.

what an arousing picture

You're 20 now, right? You deflowered yourself at 12? Honestly girl... it's just seems like you are doing everything you can to try to be edgy wherever you can.
I'm 18
10 points for improvisation

another 10 for how goddamn young you were

I'm so sorry.
How old are you?

Post frontal nude!
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u should b

I tried it with a wooden stick from a boardgame first but that was too small, then I had this genius idea

Sorry, didn't see that lol
Did you have trouble extracting the cue-ball after you'd finished with the cue?
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also here's an old one, I'm literally too lazy to stand up right now
Size queen at that age?
I don't think you know how thick a billiard cue is
won't lie, i'm really enjoying you at the moment. care to do a tongue out pic?
Oh I know, but you still went looking for something bigger.
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I didn't? I said I tried it with a wooden thing taken from a board game, that was about a finger thick, then I had the genius idea to use the cue

Can you post a face pic?
I'm sorry I miss judged.

Please accept an apology in the form of calling your piercing hot as fuck
was thinking more of a "cum in here" pose but I ain't picky with goddesses like you.
>billiard cue
>billiard queue
Can you show what your hymen looks like now?
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:^) one day I'll have nipples pierced again

well, you didn't say dat

Look buddy, I don't play billiard nor do I know how to english. It was the long ball hit thing with the blue chalk stained tip

Yes, I preserved it in a glass for all enternity
As long as pics are posted I'll be happy

Also nice hair
It's still inside of your pussy, even torn, silly.
> :^) one day I'll have nipples pierced again
>french not english.
Me either. I was joking, don't worry, buddy. Fuck English up the asshole, don't play billiard either.
I had one of them pierced when I was younger

I don't know french either, I took italian in school and failed it :^)
What do you know?
Austrian "Matura" level seems great though. I love Italian, a very masculin language, just like me.
Shit brah. I'm an ancient history student and I can't do that shit
thats... totally gonna make me cum
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I'm glad <3
All good.
where do you take the cum, favoritely?
Making me hungry.i could eat something.
I live off cake, this one is chocolate caramel chunk cake
Face or tummy!
now i am hungry
I want.

UP to you if I mean cake or sex
fuck off, no contactfagging
I fap to furry porn sometimes I know everyone with that smiley is up to no good
It's the fun kind of no good
no pls the last dude who said that send me pics of him in a diaper and then showed me his blog I cried
Holy shit! Well diapers are ew to me
ummm, your face all cummed up must be quite a view.
>on Saturday night
>don't die /sma/
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Nice animu collection.
More please. Maybe bent over?
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Im too depressed to take a recent one.
I dont't know you. Timestamp please?
Sorry to hear that...picture is still hot though. Thanks for sharing. Do you have any of you with legs spread and pussy showing?
Don't worry everyone feels like you
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This miserable weather makes some nice lighting happen honestli

>dem hands
I miss u Penni ;_;
Hi Julia
Fav GoT character?
Slide them panties off sexy
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Oh that's a big question... Sansa Stark, Tormund Giantsbane, and Strong Belwas. Brienne as well ofc, when they aren't writing her like shit.
Is it wrong if I just want Sam's story line to end? Just chop off all their heads and do something with the sword

Also butt in my future?
Hi Jooli, looooooong time no c. How's your bumbum and boobboob?
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Who's yr fave?
Sam's story is really boring and I wish gilly would shut up and sam would go off to wizard college and that can be the end of it.
Also stop killing direwolves >:(

Butt 4eva
yeah, Julia. It's been ages since you posted. What'ch been up to? Tell us of some of your sexual adventures please.
RIP wolves. You're good people

I like Jamie. I enjoyed hating him through the first seasons and how they flipped the script on the audience. I bet he's the one who chokes Cerci

Pls butt. Yours is so good
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>didn't realize this with Julz at first
what is wrong with me
You are looking very fit and slim these days. How you burning off the calories?
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face down, ass up, nice. in the mood to ride a fat dildo for us? or this, pic related.
meth, speed or pingers for breakfast is my guess
>Butt 4eva
No, that is
Dat ass 5ever
what is 'pingers', curious?
do you know what food is?
Why would someone want pingers for brekkie? Seems redundant at that time of day.
Also julz if your still on do you still have my number i lost yours when i got a new phone. Its the girl you meet up with last year at strawberries. Im going out to oxford in a fortnight and wondered if you want to hang. Buzz me if your keen.
What the fuck is a pinger?
Ecstacy I believe

Ecstacy pills, usually containing MDMA, but can have MDA, Speed, etc in them.

brekkie eccies are the best mate, wait till you smash like four pingers first thing in the morning, makes the day interesting.
ok thanks. I snorting some nice blow and drinking beer currently. pills with mystery content don't really appeal.
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Where did Julia go?

Can you put some food on your body like this sometime? Would be super cool.
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I fell asleep hahah sorry guiz

Dropped a bit when i went off the pill (smaller boobz too), apart from that just started tryinf harder to exercise to get better at softball.

Jaime is interesting, I enjoy seeing how he and Cersei change in the books when he loses his hand and cersei starts going crazy about her children, but the show seems to be making them stay the same characters which is slightly disappointing, idk.


Nah I'm still boring and only like booze n benzos

I text u

I am having lovely sex with my adorable girlfriend and it is fun
Juls is boring n not slutty now
nghhhhh cb. hope to see ya again.
>maybe ill put a bra before i go out
nouuuuuu, be a tease.
ayyye julia, looking soooo fine.
free thy butts from those peasant pantaloons
Have you ever done footfag things (with anyone)?
How do I stop coming here for good. Serious question.
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moar violet pls
cold turkey style
destroy your pc and all means of internet connection.
>booze and benzos
let's get high and touch each others vaginas pls
Pls don't mix the two
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Pls anon, IV Diazepam infused vodka, I call it the forget-me-now

Also morning pic and now I want to get high (I will not tho)
It's just a pretty stupid thing to do. You don't have to try to impress me lol.
nothing wrong with being slutty, provided you don't cheat on someone you have decided to commit to
That was a joke, I don't drink for a good reason

an anagram of your ID is JJsLutYY
>German sarcasm

It's like American humility.
The Germans are the least funniest people in the world I won't lie
Holy hips

Slow down a bit. Someone needs to make a new thread.
nah, the Dutch are marginally less funny.

At least the Germans gave us The Holocaust.
holy shit
its very efficient comedy

Is that why we beat Austria 2-0 last night ;)?

see? ich bin ein frolisch!!!! Hil-ar-ious!
in what?
new thread
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