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>/erpg/ - Erotic Roleplay General -- lewdsmithing edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 513
Thread images: 148

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>/erpg/ - Erotic Roleplay General -- lewdsmithing edition
>Forging ornate chains
>Beautiful collars
>Sturdy stockades
> ̶N̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶E̶R̶P̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶b̶u̶s̶y̶̶ ̶t̶r̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶d̶u̶c̶e̶

This is the thread for all your lewd roleplaying and smutcrafting needs. This thread is for (mostly) freeform roleplaying of a sexual nature. Create a character (it really works best if you use F-list) and jump in chat and have sexual misadventures. This is NOT your thread for posting Skype or kik or snapchat. We're not interested in cybering or sexting. The type of roleplaying for this thread is more like your (sex) Dungeons & Dragon (dildos). Don't feel like you *need* to be something fantastical, though, there's plenty of demand for anime schoolgirls and NEETs and wrestlers and punk rockers and other modern character types.

We'll provide advice and feedback on F-list characters, and if you post your profile or flirt in the thread, you might just get typefucked by the character of your dreams.

For examples of what we do, check out:

Hop onto https://www.f-list.net/chat/ and select channels for your preference, or copypaste the following to join a general chatter channel
/join ADH-0569643e9ec79f8d290e
n\Nazi werewolf, any criticism would be appreciated, can't help but feel the bactstory could use some work.
How did that typo get in.
>t̶r̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶
>How did that typo get in.
You should delete the thread and remake it without the typos.
Also that thread link leads nowhere.
Backstory doesn't matter much.

What matter is what is he doing NOW.
And I am not seeing anything of that at all.
Thank you, you bring up a great point I'll do my best to rectify the situation, thank you.
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Posting this again near the top because why not I guess!! I'm sort of inconsistent but if you note me I'll reply and we can talk!! Or we can play video games instead of doing lewd things!! Your choice!!

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Welcoming contacts, ideas, feedback and, most of all, relevant art suggestions!
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I keep meaning to give you more art.
Not ideal, but black.
I'm mostly focusing on, in order of priority:
>Dark skin
>Not a dumb stereotype
>Post apoc
Thank you! That one looks pretty fitting for a later-bracket Narane!
Yeah, I just double checked your profile and realized she's supposed to be a teen.

But lucky you, there was a recent AAA video game that just so happened to prominently feature a black girl in it's critically acclaimed lesbian prequel DLC.

Also, this is another of those situations where I find someone art and then want to make a profile with it myself.
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And more http://imgur.com/a/3jHNS
William Dancer, agent to the (porn] stars. Want to get famous?

>actually being so petty you remove one of the pastebin links
You must be a delight to interact with.
They also linked to /tg/chat even though /tg/chat complains about people from /soc/ coming in. Last thread they did this:
>Don't listen to inevitable channel shilling, it's full of whining and stupid arguments.

>I've kept silent while his shitting chased all my friends out.
>Now, fuck this whole place. Burn it to the ground.
And you two are being just as bad as OP. Quit your drama bullshit. All of you.
After all the work I put into it (not very much) you guys just straight up don't include the doc I made for y'all.
Buncha ungrateful shits :T
Next time, I wouldn't mind a link to the previous thread either.
>no Previous Thread >>23462177 → link
come on how hard is this.
>Last thread they did this:
That was a different person entirely. That was last thread's OP.
People can ignore my single reply, but OPs are actually going to be referenced more than once. Leaving info out based on personal feelings ain't how OPs work, and it never has been. Information is information. Or are you telling me that the catty guild link pastebin wars over in the MMO generals on /vg/ are an acceptable state of affairs?
This OP clearly just naively copied last thread's OP which was the one that removed the information.

All the new guy contributed is trying to 'fix' it by adding a channel link. The wrong link.
Missed the chat link too
/join ADH-59dc867b2b8dc5bf159d
Oh, that was the previous OP. I didn't even notice last thread. My bad and apologies to the new OP. Wow, Twjamh0y was even saltier than I thought.
That's because there's only one person there.

Just assumed they were the same.

Hopefully they'll leave the salt out of the thread.

Does anyone in our group even play a blacksmith?
>That's because there's only one person there.
Only one person there because you guys aren't using it :v
But why would we?

No one wants to know who's looking to play in a game. We want to know who's running a game.
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Turn off bookmarking. Don't friend people unless I've made friends with them.

randoms still message me out of the blue without me being in any channels or having posted an ad.

Are these people all finding me by searching for kinks and that or?

Is there any way to appear offline and hide from searches? Sometimes I just wanna chill in chat and get my bearings reading some ads or whatever, creep a little private room or two.
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>tfw no smithfu to make forge her own collar
>tfw no smithhusbando to make me a collar
Why go on?
ty for the bookmark dunno how I forgot that...

So mousing over doesn't really give me an in-depth idea of what all this means so can u?

A non-public character cannot be searched or seen as online? Can it be seen in the characters in a room and can it still post ads and be seen that way? People who are already friends can see you?

What I am looking for is appear offline like it works on any other chat service, where no one including friends etc can see you as online.
Private characters cannot be found through a kink search. They can be seen in channels, though. Don't join public channels or private channels if you don't want people to see you.
This makes me want to play a D&D 3.5 artificer type who makes elaborately lewd magic items and magic bondage to use on herself.
Whatever happened to Robutt? I don't go in /tg/ much I feel like I missed something.
There were some coding issues and it was eventually replaced. Possibly because it was easier to do that instead of fixing it, but I'm not completely sure.
Was it replaced? Do you mean the Robutt mkII or just Puffy's bot?
There's B-Cell now I guess. Is that Puffy's too? I don't keep track.
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Is it bad that my first thought after "holy shit this looks amazing" was "boy, this could be really lewd"?

I now want gritty realistic viking celt rape sex.
B-Cell is Puffy's bot. But she's a horrible, terribly ego driven person about it. Plus if you use it in a game she'll use the bot's profile to critique your game and players while you're playing. I highly recommend using literally any other system for rolling your dice.
There was a bot by https://www.f-list.net/c/Trixie/ copying most of Robutt's features, but I haven't seen it around in a while, might be ded.
Robutt mk II was actually older Robutt code someone tried to keep running after Eilie fucked off and stopped updating Robutt.

There were no coding issues, Eilie made the bot incompatible with F-List's bot rules. The part where [name redacted] accidentally made Robutt spam 40+ channels was that person's fault, not Robutt's, but most likely it was also the reason the admins decided to finally smack Robutt for not sticking to the rules.
>quickie note before going back to class
>exhaustion overwhelms me
>I'll fail the class if I skip it
This was a bad decision
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Now when we say lacking in literacy, are we talking complete retard can't spell anything, or just the occasional fuck up when spelling/using the wrong homonym?
Because I can deal with the latter.

No profile, 1-2 sentences per post.

We have two different definitions of literate, methinks.
I personally only consider myself Semi-literate because of my occasional fuck-ups and awful redneck way of saying things

I don't really require much, but it seems it's still too much for a lot of people. Really kills motivation for making any more profiles.
Wants to RP and Literate.

Without the first one, you're really up bone creek.
>awful redneck way of saying things
But what if in-bred Appalachian boys is someone's fetish?


Absolut Degeneracy
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Wincest is best yo

noooo stop enjoying thiiiiiiiiings

For seriously now, I'd like the thread's opinions: what makes a good profile?
Is comprehensible.
Includes only enough information to be insightful into the sort of character it is and what will be used in the average scene.
Appropriately sized kink list, doesn't check every single option unless they actually care about them.
Doesn't use kinks to complain about the habits of others, only states their dislikes.
Uses pictures both to show how the character looks as well as to show their personality or ideas for scenes.
Uses the story, pictures, and kinks to tell you something more about the character other than dom/sub, since those terms are vague on their own.
So so far I'm enjoying chatting on the channel, even if it rarely includes actual ERP! Did get to help rape a elf though!
Are we down again?
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>finding all three in one
I have trouble enough finding two.

Which probably means it's me, not them.
>/tg/chat complains about people from /soc/ coming in

Isn't a large part of the /soc/ /erpg/ exiles from /tg/ anyway?
Right here and right now you were just fine and literate.

But what will you RP if you have no intersection on your big fetishes?

Which one of the channels?

Mad jelly.

I frequently see some of the actually contributing people in tgchat (Aislinne for example)
Better, seems the feeling is mutual. Kept telling me I was super talented and it was just what he had hoped for when making the profile.
About half and half, really. Keylime for instance was never actually part of the /tg/ crowd, and neither was Pillow. Malice goes on /k/ and knows fuck all about /tg/, but ended up in the /tg/ community early on with stuff like Bottle. A lot of people were also /tg/ but never /tg/chat.

But when we were kicked off of /tg/, a lot of people in /tg/chat complained because being on /soc/ meant an influx of people who didn't know the /tg/ culture and all of that. It's sort of a silly argument, since I'd wager that only a fourth of the total users at any one time in /tg/chat have ever been on the /tg/ board, and that's pushing it. Most haven't even been on 4chan.
>wagering guesses about a place he didn't have any shred of contact with for years
Who gives a shit?
So are you saying who gives a shit about what you post at all or are you saying who gives a shit that your posts are pulled out of your ass with no actual information behind them?
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No, I'm saying why are you being salty as hell. /tg/chat was barely from /tg/ when I was there. Months after I was gone, people complained that too many people weren't from /tg/. Why would it somehow be more /tg/ now that it has no connection to /tg/ the board?

Are you trying to pull that "you're just talking out of your ass!" bullshit on this of all things?

How about this: You go ask /tg/chat how many of them are regular /tg/ posters. Make a survey even. I sincerely doubt that the demographics will have shifted in favour of more fa/tg/uys since I was last there, but who knows, I've been wrong before. Go prove me wrong instead of trying to start shit.
>/tg/chat was barely from /tg/ when I was there.
That's false.

And no fuck you.
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So you're just pulling that out of your ass with no actual information behind it, then?
The reality is that everyone that whined about not tg was told to shut the fuck up because the chat was obviously a general chat by that point.

But of course; you know who wouldn't know that, would he?
We'll find something. Fetishes change quickly.
... what do you even think I'm saying?
>traps in yoga pants

I didn't know I wanted this. Thank you.
Did you do it this week then.
Thought I'd be mad when I saw someone steal my custom kinks, but then I was just proud.
This thread is unusually slow today.

Oh, that happens.

You play once and then they disappear forever.


>F-Chat 1.0 runs slow as balls
>F-Chat 2.0 constantly kicks me off

I'd go back to RPC, but hahahah fuck that noise.
I've been practicing all for a MtG Modern Event tomorrow, got no time to shitpost.
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What's your deck?

Also, I keep wanting to make MtG waifu profiles. Mostly just for the inlines.


I'm tempted to do Vraska, with that beautiful Duel Deck art.
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>What's your deck?
The most skill intensive deck in the format.
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>visit profile to get back into contact with someone
>it's deleted
>check Character Updates
>no notice of deletion
>definitely still had them bookmarked recently due to seeing them connect to fchat for like 2 seconds
I don't. What.

Did they set their profile to Unbookmarkable right before deletion just to go quietly into that good night?

Goddammit there's no way to contact them now at all. Unless they still have me bookmarked and i try setting up a Batsignal in fchat status.
>set their profile to Unbookmarkable right before deletion just to go quietly into that good night
Wow, that's brilliant and I totally should've thought of that.
Seems lame, but workable. I'm not up on Modern Standard, isn't Eidelon of the Great Revel a bit costly for you? Seems more like an anti-RDW card.
Apparently he hasn't been tainted by Eldrazi. Good for robots and burn mirror.
Why would you just delete a character like that.

You can just retire it peacefully and leave the content intact, the character limit is so high.
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I hate seeing daily reminders of my failures.

After all, I can just look in a mirror for that.
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>2:1 blue:pink ratio
Is this the standard for hetero rooms?

It's the standard for life.
>not going to pink/purple only rooms with your herm to fuck bitches/get money

>playing herms

Literally cancer.
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>apology up top for profile being 'sparse'
>proceeds with elaborate worldbuilding
>lists all his inventory
>describes all his equipment
>detailed list of combat and utility magic spells none of which have sexual or fetish applications
>closest thing to actual lewd mention is that his mana storage is his penis so it must always be 18 inches

Maybe they need an apology disclaimer but it's not for being 'sparse'
>Insecure about my own writing.
>Took classes to improve my shitty ESL and spent nearly 2 years doing this for something as shallow my hobby for ERP because someone called me shit and I had to prove them wrong.
>My year being on F-list has been only a road of plays left undone because my critic gets the worst of me and I poof/delete my character(s) when things feel awry when we both end a scene.
>Gets so bad that I can't stomach my own writing anymore and view it as an abomination.
>My self-esteem drops to an all time low with people poofing on me after I tried to keep things stable for short term. Karma is a bitch huh faggot?

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm in hell. I probably deserved it.
A lot of people really don't give a shit. Played with a ton of people, one person speaking broken English and short notes but still had a ton of fun. Even if you are an objectively bad writer a ton of people will not care or know any better, your style and personality is much more important.
>MFW I realize I'm part of the reason Alexis left /erpg/

I feel like a hero, fuck that attention whore.

Oh? Did some channel drama happen?
Racist bitch said n* yesterday, so we called her out. She got so sad we wouldn't be her hugbox that she left the room. Good fucking riddance.
Modern traditionally has always had a very low mana curve and as a result 90% of the crap your opponent will play will make Eidolon shock them. The secret with Eidelon is to play it when you are winning, after giving your opponent a good 1-2 to the face, and the just sitting there beating them to death with it, trying to bait out removal from them which in turn makes them take 2 damage. Eidelon is actually the reason Burn is a tier 1 deck in modern.
I always RP'd with female characters, filling niches with things I don't see often like butt slut imps and uncommon species like chameleons but I finally went and made a short stacked twink boy. Holy shit is it a different experience. Before I would get at least 5 approaches in the first hour from randoms but now it's once in a blue moon and the quality of the players is much lower. This is hell. I just want my character to get buttfucked till he can't move dammit
I ment as a female, goddammit I'm retarded.
Such is the blu lyfe.

Get aggressive with that buttslutting.
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You ain't seen nothin'
Yes that one's also mine. >>23509454 is an update to it. Up to 209 now.
*207, forgot to subtract that 2 are in comments updates.
I like the old image better still, much more impressive seeing all of them at once.
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No, life is 51:49.
But on the internet you gotta play the game and be a chick if you wanna get laid.

Who the hell even are you? As far as I remember it was just me, DSR, and Inene, and as far as I'm aware neither of those two hate her.
That's not even what happened. What happened is she said "what up niggers" because she's from 4chan and it's a 4chan room. A few people--DSR, one of the only two black posters, mostly--pointed out that nigger is generally a pejorative and shouldn't be used so liberally. She got upset that this wasn't one of the rules of the channel (aside from "be excellent to each other", "don't act dumb", and "I shouldn't have to emphasize this").

I mean, no one thinks she's racist. She's just being myopic.
She also thinks that there needs to be a "banned words list", because she doesn't seem to understand the nuance.

Does RDW really need a flow chart? Isn't the jist of it "dump your hand and do as much damage as quickly as possible"?
Well yeah. Gotta update it some day for full list, but too lazy for now.
wait, what the shit? Scarlet Crusader deleted? Wasn't that the one with a metric fuckton of custom art commissioned exactly for that character and stuff?
Somebody nameclaimed it too
Deep secret #1: I am a dom male who wants to be dommed, and the only profile that fits that bill is a gay herm dyke.

Deep Secret #2: With enough praise and encouragement, I will do almost any non-guro kink, even if its on my "no" list.

Deep Secret #3: I almost never message profiles I've bookmarked. Either there's a kink that makes me think that they dont think we'll match, or I'm intimidated by the 6 pages of text and 80 customs.
Don't be my son, like >>23509756
said people don't give a shit, hell I don't because I just want a partner
Are you going to link this every time?
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Rory is a creature of habit, they have trouble breaking the cycle of actions and reactions which they've thoroughly cemented themselves in. Why do you think it's so easy to spot them every thread? Not to say most of us aren't like that, but... it's especially egregious in his case. That joke article is terrible.
Yes he will.
He links it in his room at least three times a week.
But. What.

That's like handing out chick tracts at church repeatedly. What is he accomplishing.
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Only when it's relevant.

Think of it like a reaction image.
It starts losing its effectiveness after the third time
But it's not a reaction image, it's a novelty article at best.
>Think of it like a reaction image.
Think of Sargon as a well-reasoned arguer :^)

Come on you could at least post things that you deem 'relevant' that are actually good instead of "Local Strawman Is Wrong About Everything."

I mean do you want people spamming the same youtube videos of smug shitlords you disagree with repeatedly whenever they deem it 'relevant'. Is that the future you chose.
>cults of personality on a forced anon board
>forced anon board
In a tiny isolated general the anonimization is very easily beaten by basic pattern recognition.
>giving nearly enough of a shit to find the ID: of certain posters
1)It's very very easy
2)You kinda need to do that in order to set up a filter, yaknow
>implying it requires effort

His posts are still recognizable in /wodg/, on a board entirely without IDs.

It doesn't take active effort or any fucks given to figure out his identity once you've seen enough of his posts. It's too obvious. It'd be like not recognizing a copypasta.
>This user's account has been timed out, and will return in 2d, 21h.
>For more info or to discuss it, feel free to contact support and ask. Reason: Publicly complaining about moderation Back

About site-wide, official moderation right? Not privately modded rooms. No way the latter is against the rules.

Also, annoying: you can't bookmark someone who's been timed out so you can see them once they're back.
>Not privately modded rooms. No way the latter is against the rules.

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It's a pretty good racket they've got there. Take subtle little jabs at white people in such a way that, if someone tries to defend themselves or gets offended at it, they're just proving it right. Bad form, Peter--

--but making yourself just as bad as the problem is a pretty poor solution too.
Going on a bitching bender that you've been banned from some room gets the shittalking people behind their back rule.
What. That wasn't a threat. Suggesting someone follow the golden rule isn't stooping to their level.
That's not what they're doing at all...

Also, like... you people sit here bitching about me and adding nothing else to the thread for three hours. That you aren't seeing the problem with that is ironic.
Nothing is there about whining.


The rule about complaining seems to be site mods.
>do you want people spamming the same youtube videos of smug shitlords you disagree with repeatedly whenever they deem it 'relevant'. Is that the future you chose.
I'm just concerned that some genius will take that as a suggestion.

Ironic is when you don't see when you've done something dumb and should simply drop it and cut your losses. Nobody is innocent here.
You seemed unsure about private rooms so I thought it'd be helpful to link to that.
>That's not what they're doing at all...
If you look at the comments, that's exactly what they're doing.
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>>cults of personality

>an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.

That would require people to hold a positive opinion of Rory.

>Also, like... you people sit here bitching about me and adding nothing else to the thread for three hours.

Wow, a whole 2% of the thread's projected lifetime spent replying to something stupid posted in the thread. What's your point.

The thread is not uncommonly complete fucking dead air for periods as long or longer than that anyway. E.g. >>23507137

Nothing of value was lost.
>cut your losses
You mean like not posting for three hours?
There's not even losses to cut. You people are just whining about me.
You forgot to link it.
fine, w/e. either way, everyone is jerking off these people and their names. Some of us don't even go on #/tg/

i dunno about him, but I always feel like a heel linking my stuff
People should always link profiles! The thread should put a lot more emphasis on linking profiles than it does right now. It would help save us all from the natives, and who knows, you might find a really good match that you wouldn't have even thought of otherwise.
Or like the last time I did it, get told that my profile is cliched and generic and my orientation is laughable. Lots of people are super anxious about their profile
Well how the fuck do you expect to play with someone if they don't see your profile?

Posting it just because.

Looks cliche and generic and your orientation is laughable.
I think It's hot! if I had a modern character I'd defintely play with her
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>if I had a modern character
Yeaahh, I should really make another character that isn't a dwarf
by being on F-list and talking to people on F-list? Do you think I'm angry about this situation or something?
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I just lurk on /tg/ but I post less.

And at least for me I don't care where you come from in the /tg/ channel as long as you aren't a dick. If you are from /tg/, /soc/, or F-list at large. More people = more potential partners to fug.

-.t alberto khumbosa
Haha maybe I'll make a fantasy character one of these days. Rough not having an in when you see all these fantasy characters you like.
I only bring it up because people on /tg/chat *had* been complaining that by being linked in the thread, people from /soc/ were coming in and 'ruining' the chat.
Lol where did I say you were angry? And yeah, if someone on F-list doesn't like you, they're more likely to ignore you then be mean. But a no is still a no. I just don't care what people say.
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I know how you feel but in reverse, here is my profile for whenever if ever you make a fantasy character


No problem, I understand why you brought it up. I would just caution to not think the loudest and most active participants in the chat represent /tg/chat as a whole. They might dominate the general banter of the chat but there's a great many in it who are silent but which you could use the channel as a kind of buffet - look through the names and see who catches your eye.

You'll always have dumbasses that complain about the purity and insularity of their group, but that kind of behavior either originates from or will lead to cliquish circle-jerking and that's the last thing we should want.

I'm not a moderator there myself but I'd think the mods would not want a kind of poisonous behavior towards outsiders to take hold. So if anti-/soc/ becomes too common you could bring it up with them. But I think from what I read in this chat some people were already thrown out of the channel and are a separate situation.

But I'd encourage anyone here to visit /tg/ if you want a channel to lurk in and try to find partners in. And heck if you see me (khumfayar) there I'll be sure to give you a welcome salut.
>use the channel as a kind of buffet - look through the names and see who catches your eye.
This is honestly some of the best advice in terms of effort-to-reward ratio. Find a name in chat, they're already online, if their status isn't otherwise you can give it a go right then and there
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>Rough not having an in when you see all these fantasy characters you like.
That feel. I feel it feelfully.

That is goddamn adorable.
..You didn't. I was asking because I wasn't sure.

On the topic of effort-reward:

-In my experiences it is better to cast a wide net rather than put your eggs in one basket. People may not click together for any myriad of reasons you will never know or understand. Maybe they are too shy or afraid to decline you, maybe they are too overwhelmed with stuff, maybe they dislike XYZ about your profile or just aren't around or are just not interested in what you have to offer right now. What I'll do if I have a hankering for say, catgirls, would be to do a search on the F-list site (or F-chat if I am horny and after a quick fuck), bookmark a bunch of profiles I find interesting [s]AND NEVER MESSAGE THEM EVER AGAIN. At this point maybe 10% of my browser bookmarks must be F-list profiles at least[/s] and message them. Not with a formulaic template but adjust the brevity of it to how much the profile interests me. If they are somewhat interesting or haven't been around in awhile then it'll be a shorter message than if they really interest me.

Alternatively instead of messaging them, just bookmark them and then hit them up in the chat when/if you see them.
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That image is super cute. I really need to play Wyssal one of these days.

Well, I mean, it caused arguments and it's not like /tg/chat needs the attention when there's some hundred people in there. Especially once a new smaller channel was made, I figure it wasn't worth the arguments putting it in the header. I also took out the IRC channel because they'd complain in each thread.

Cute. What's male Rapunzel look like?
... Where does his hair grow?
She's done pretty much every main character you can think of. It's kind of amazing, although some of the race-bent ones are a bit goofy.
>Those cuts
>Those highlights
Swoon. Gimme a link.
It's at the top of that image. I dunno if 4chan treats Tumblr URLs as spam or I would've posted it previously.
Oh, didn't notice it. And no, 4chan doesn't. That's why I actually have a tumblr in the first place; Years ago I couldn't post my Blagspat on /soc/.

Okay I've been wanting to do this for a while but there seems to be a bit of a learning curve. I'd love to have a relationship with a catgirl, so I guess RPing is the next best thing. What if I don't have a specific character to play in mind?
I imagine you could use something that doesn't require a character profile, like Skype or email. Or you create an F-List account and then a blank character with a generic name (don't actually do this).

You should try and come up with a character. Do you roleplay outside of erotica? Do you write or fantasize about writing or fantasize about being a character in a fiction?
I guess I could just make something super generic.I don't RP outside of erotica but I go on /r/dirtypenpals a bit. I just want to play out myself with a loving catgirl because of nekopara.
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How do you feel about doing an RP tomorrow with her?

Posting pic to provide some inspiration to someone
>That OP image

On the subject of musclegirls...
I posted this profile (along with another one) in the previous thread, and was informed that it was kind of incoherent in the kink descriptions and didn't have enough info outside of dropdowns.

I've since reworked it some:

Feedback and interest are both welcome.

Alrighty. I don't mean this rudely or anything but you may have trouble getting bites if you go into it with a super generic character or a self insert sort. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to insert yourself into the character's shoes, but generally you have to remember the partner is also seeking some thrill or entertainment too - so if you want to play with a neko you might want to ask yourself "What can I bring that the neko will like".

It might be the neko player does want slice of life average guy next store kind of romance, or just doesn't mind as long as the person is nice and decent enough at play.

But there's no harm in starting out small and humble and just doing roleplay, roleplay, and more roleplay and developing as you get your feel for it and the kind of character you might want to be.

That being said I'd recommend rather than just 'you', to make it you with enhancements that can appeal to their fantasy and your's. Maybe it's you as a cowboy, you as a rich businessman, you as an older gentleman or a younger one. You as a college TA, you as a pirate.
I was obviously going to make some sort of enhancement, but thanks for the advice. You're not being rude, I'm well aware of how ignorant I am to this, I guess I'll lurk a bit more. Thanks again.

Right, my bad. And don't be afraid to take the plunge. Lurking can only do so much and all of us started somewhere - those of us who started early in the teens starting with horrible and ridiculous characters but we evolved past it. Practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to get your feet wet. Just don't get too discouraged
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>mfw someone I kept having to make a raincheck with because of bad timing deleted their character

I feel horrible, I really wanted to play with him too because our characters seemed to mesh so well thematically.
I've been told this countless times, but I need to accept this fact now. It's the feeling of inadequacy that bogs me down and the inner critic being so harsh, and being a perfectionist feels like shit.

Thanks for the warm advice though, it helps me bring out of this wallowing pit of self-pity and start doing things rather than crying. I just need to find a way to stop being so deathly afraid of failure and get some more confidence in my own writing.
Just because you forget things said and done after taking a little nap does not mean that everybody else is equally retarded.
Looks pretty nice, bolding and underscoring shows the headings clearly.

>no: cockfucking
but you don't even have a cock, in what possibilities would that option appear and need to be rebuffed?

Quality catgirls are a picky sort. Gotta entice them good.

Just lurking won't help too much, to get results better be ready to go and try. Even if you fail, you get experience and can develop further.
Have any advice on what they usually go for? Do you have a character you used to get catgirls you can show me?
>Does RDW really need a flow chart?
You know the meme "/tg/ is bad at magic"
Well its actually like a 100% fact

>Isn't the jist of it "dump your hand and do as much damage as quickly as possible"?
Thats what newbies and people who don't play burn think, and its factually wrong. Surprisingly Burn is actually one of the more interactive decks in the format (Throwing bolts at creatures IS interactive, don't let retarded control players tell you otherwise.) and even a single sloppy missplay WILL completely fuck you. In an ideal prefect magic Christmas land, burn wants your opponent to do absolutely nothing so they can just vomit their hand and swing for 21 on turn 3, but that (almost) never happens forcing the burn player to actually have to take time and weigh the risk of running out of gas vs killing your opponent's threat. The fact that 50% of Burn's sideboard is intended to counter your opponent's sideboard means you have to predict in advance what hate they are going to bring in against you to prevent them from hating you to death.
>Do you have a character you used to get catgirls you can show me?
I enticed them with catgirls of my own. But you presumably want to play a male, so the only sort of advice that remains is to be something at least as fantasical as the catgirls themselves.

Modern? Not just a totally regular guy in totally regular world (what are catgirls doing in the world if it's totally mundane anyway?), but for example wizard for hire.
Fantasy? Obviously not joe the baker, but another adventurer to catch the eye of adventuring catgirls. But then there varieties - are you a young squire that is just learning? Or are you a seasoned master of the sword?

The net can go wide. Come up with stuff that entices you to be playing as, then start searching for catgirls and see what entices them. Maybe sneakily add stuff to your profile right before getting in touch to appeal better.
>>no: cockfucking
>but you don't even have a cock, in what possibilities would that option appear and need to be rebuffed?
Just covering my bases.
>Come up with stuff that entices you to be playing as, then start searching for catgirls and see what entices them.
This is very, very important advice.

Play a character you'd find interesting and exciting with or without your favored type of partner character.

After all, the person playing the catgirl has to find your character compelling and interesting to play with too.
I don't know if this would apply to you, but it may be different for me because I also aspire to be a professional writer. So I can work hard in writing seriously, but then use my time roleplaying to have less intense fun with my skill. I use it to help learn improvisation and review some of my vocabulary and grammar. Getting upset over my writing during roleplay would be like a professional baseball player crying when he drops the ball when playing catch with his child.

My point is that something fun can also be educational, but that education does not need to be rigorous.
I don't wish to be a professional writer, but I treat it seriously in my hobby since I want to make stories worth reading (except they'll never see the light of day). It's that Roleplaying and typefucking this far has been the only thing I've done to show my style and writing that I don't want them to be put off by it, so I work too hard in trying to keep it from sounding weird or sounding too boring for my partner.

Time to shift that then since I've always taken learning things too rigorously, which killed the fun I had back then when I started out. Thanks for the advice.
Well since you asked. It's pretty shitty and the writing is too, any criticism is welcome.

>I just want my character to get buttfucked till he can't move dammit
>Usually Dominant
That's a little dissonant. I suggest shifting to sub (even if temporarily) and putting emphasis on that in the ads if you want some.
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Damned cats.webm
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>(Throwing bolts at creatures IS interactive, don't let retarded control players tell you otherwise.)
When people complain about something not being interactive, they're generally talking about not being able to interact with YOU. Or Pillow Fort. I mean, that's not really interactive.

I mean, I know when I play Elves "vomit your hand" is generally a good strategy, even though Elves is generally more option heavy.

It's generally not necessary.

Looks cliche and generic and your orientation is laughable.
Ok also actually getting around to read the rest of it: still same dissonance. Most of your base description is saying "uppity sub" but then suddenly "IMMA EAT YA".
Thanks for the input. I'll tear it to pieces and tweek it.
>I'll tear it to pieces
That sounds worryinlgy extreme.

Just some tweaks for clarity would be enough.
Perhaps split subby/dom versions, keep one upfront and one in collapse; swap when the mood strikes.
So if you're in a serious mood for getting buttfucked, put the vore stuff into collapse.
Got it. Thanks. And yeah Im not going to axe the entire thing. Mainly compartmentalize and clarify.
Sounds like a plan.
I was kidding. It was a reference to >>23513137. I hadn't even looked at it. But giving it a quick glance there's a "you expect me to read all that shit" feeling. Looks like you're a power bottom vore femboy? I feel like the argument that putting Dominant on your profile probably isn't going to help you.


Also, any of you who haven't heard about http://waifu2x.udp.jp/ really need to check it out. It helps for those images that are way too small and/or have too many artifacts to really look good on a profile. I've been tossing images into it when I download them to make them better.
Eh either way. But youre right. I'll make it a little more cohesive. Ill also shift the character around to be a little more appealing to a wider audience, having options for other things. Unfortunately I picked up some really bad habits for profile writing from other forums and chatrooms. The quality expected on F-list is way higher, which is nice, just gotta get better at it.
>The quality expected on F-list is way higher, which is nice, just gotta get better at it.
I would say that it's more accurate to say that higher quality exists. I mean, you still have people like Tobi Wolf, but you also have people who understand that you don't need 1000s of words to be good.

Quality is queen.
Been trying to get into ERP for a while. God f-list chat is intimidating. Don't know where to start. I just want to get my imaginary dick wet.
Then be better, anon. F-list is not there to serve you, you need to be worth something, and 95% of males aren't.
Rather sexist, hm? It irks me that, as a male character, I must put in much greater effort to be heard, even by profiles I'm only vaguely interested in. Reflects bitterly on my experience in real life dating, I'm afraid.
Completely and totally accurate. I agree with you 100%. But them's the breaks.
This sucks.
I'm left to wonder exactly why men are so depreciated and undervalued.
Make a pink profile, log onto SLFRRP and watch.

tl;dr, significant oversupply of men, especially those who have lots of confidence and no skill
Most role players are men from what I gather and they don't like the concept of erping with male characters. Not to mention there is so many and they aren't as catch all as futa and herms. They stealin' our wimminz
S u p p l y A n d D e m a n d

As long as:
a) there are more men on the internet
b) more men willing to play female characters
d) more people want to play with female characters
You will always be "depreciated and undervalued". As >>23515442 says, F-list is not here to serve you. That's why you need to present it not as "do this for me" but "I will do this for you!" You need to advertise, not beg.

F-list seriously goes a lot better when you think of a profile as advertising, because it's the exact same concept: Make people think they want what you're selling.
Completely arbitrary and unscientific character search results on F-List, ordered by amount of pages.

Male 19594
Female 19064
Herm 2438
Shemale 2263
None 728
Transgender 593
Male Herm 272
Cunt Boy 311
Which is in no way helpful, since profiles =/= accounts.
Really not sure what you're getting at here. Why does it matter?
Mmn, I suppose I see what you mean. Well, I don't have the motivation to spend as much time as I'll need to on my profile to convince people who are uninterested, so I guess it ends here for me.
I can be a person who fills out his profile limit, or I can be a person with 1-2 characters, or even a person with just one character.

Doing a census of characters doesn't give us an accurate readout of gender representation

>I don't have the motivation to spend as much time as I'll need to on my profile to convince people who are uninterested
So you just assumed you'd come in and a girl would be what, assigned to you?
>I can be a person who fills out his profile limit, or I can be a person with 1-2 characters, or even a person with just one character.

>Doing a census of characters doesn't give us an accurate readout of gender representation


Why does it matter?
Profiles matter more than accounts.

More relevant:
>Always or Usually Dominant Male Bi-Female Preference or Straight
2960 pages
>Always or Usually Submissive Female Bi-Male Preference or Straight
2302 pages
And if we put that to Always or Usually Submissive Female characters who ONLY look for male characters (i.e. Straight), we're down to only 1226 pages.

So for every female character looking to get fucked by a male character, there are between 1 and 2½ male characters to choose from.

I hate this attitude. It makes me think of all the people with blank profiles that approach my characters like these
It's like telling me "I like all the work you've done, but I don't think I should do any work myself". I do most of my profile work for my own benefit and for fun (hence profiles like https://www.f-list.net/c/the-necromancer and https://www.f-list.net/c/the%20lithomancer and https://www.f-list.net/c/gloryhole%20princess that are basically just inlines), but when someone approaches me with no work done, it doesn't bode well for the RP.

Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised (Urika had a blank profile, and still does, but http://pastebin.com/qpx38PEY was still a great RP that I never finished), but more often than not I'm disappointed and a little insulted.

We don't care about player gender. What matters is character gender, and orientation. I'm pretty well pansexual in meatspace, but I have gay characters, for instance.
>So you just assumed you'd come in and a girl would be what, assigned to you?
Hey, people think like that. Then they go on killing sprees and release manifestos when it turns out that's not how the world works.
Sounds to me like you were expecting to get into a spot where women are plentiful and deviant and would just throw themselves against you regardless but unfortunately for you, real people sit behind those computer screens and have tastes and opinions of their own. Couple that with the saturation of males and the ease of women getting approached and its not unlike real life. The trick is you can be WHOEVER you want so with a little effort you can find someone to play with and be marketable in a sense. But If you don't even want to do that than no, this isn't for you.
Straight Female:
>Search results - page 1 of 1272
Straight Male:
>Search results - page 1 of 2616

Including bi with het preference
>Female: Search results - page 1 of 2425
>Male: Search results - page 1 of 3568

(also all searches are on profiles that have been online this week)
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Some girls are fucking crazy.
Rather than player gender, the important stat is how many players actually play as hetero pinks.

Which is a different number than the number of hetero pink chars, especially since some players make het pink chars then never play as them.

Player gender doesn't matter, true, but if I get 10 people to make 250 female profiles tomorrow, it doesn't mean that 2500 more women just got onto F-List

>short, clipped responses, especially compared to the male's statements
I dunno, my care-dar says that she's not super into it
You say I'm autistic for double posting.

I say you're autistic for deleting your posts in order to avoid double posting.
>I dunno, my care-dar says that she's not super into it
Eh. You missed a whole ton of context.
This was back when you actually RP'd though.
How do you guys get character pictures?
I'm considering creating a pair of farming siblings for a fantasy setting (or for just general use), but I'm hesitant to use easily-identifiable characters.
*boorus, zero-chan, pixiv, and the tumblrs that posts various artworks from other people. I advise against using any artwork from the real artists there though unless you ask permission.

You can always go to tg picture dumps as they usually have good pics there.
From 'there' I mean tumblr. Woops.
I wonder if anyone's a Critical Role fan.
Oh god I don't think I could lewd Pike. She's so pure.
If you're a woman, there's literally thousands of websites you can use. if you're not a gay male, there's your own imagination.
Also, fucking depressing when I post a paragraph ad on a forum with my 2-3 pages-worth-inside-collapses profile, and I get literal 2 sentence notes.
>2-3 pages-worth-inside-collapses profile
Honestly, that kinda gets into tl;dr territory, and I say that as an incredibly wordy fuck myself. A profile should be fairly quick and easy to digest; brevity with substance will get more attention than longwindedness. Trim it down a little, leave out anything that won't be immediately relevant to scenes (lengthy backstory, inventory listings, things of that nature), and you'll probably get more/better responses, because it'll be easier for people to figure out what you're about and thus respond to you.

Not that I have any business telling people how to succeed when failure is my middle name.
Collapses mean that people only see what they want to see though. Also, at least a page is example/sample
"Collapses are optional reading" is a nice thought, but rarely true. People will read them, likely in part because there are some people who insist that you do so, lest you miss their hidden password or some other nonsense. If it exists on a profile, it'll probably get read (assuming they read anything at all beyond the gender, which is asking a lot on F-List, apparently). The only major exceptions I've seen are "My Conquests" (which is a gigantic do-not-play-with red flag anyway) and RPG character sheets (which are only for BIG NERDS who play NERD GAMES with OTHER, NERDIER NERDS).
Why the fuck do people get offended at the idea of altering a profile for an RP?
switching from female to shemale for cock fucking
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What's the general opinion on lewd notes? I read how much you people gush aboit it here, but for some reason it strikes me as clingy or stalkerish. Do you only do it to partners you do it pretty often with?
It's a case by case basis thing. Sometimes they're hot, sometimes they're clingy and stalkery. Depends on if they hit me right in the fetish or if they come across as a desperate attempt to get me to play.
This will depend on the tone you have with the person. People always seem to complain about simple "hey what's up" messages. It's a site about erotic roleplay. If the message doesn't have some element of humor or flirtation to it I don't send it, because that's why I'm on the site. Obviously it is your own discretion whether or not you are being needy, there isn't a way to easily quantify that except through gut feelings and reference experiences. Actually no, there are ways to address neediness, but that isn't entirely relevant to the idea of whether or not sexy notes are bad.

Dunno how much people are into anthro characters, but I figured I'd throw this one into the mix.
>B-Cell: If you have Robutt then you don't need Cell.
>System: B-Cell left
Wow you weren't kidding. They had to have caught up on all the logs to even realize Robutt had been invited into the room.
Wait what room was this? Puffy is a HUGE egotist about her bot. She's super salty that Eilie wouldn't let her work on Robutt and bragged so hard when Robutt got banned. Now that Robutt is backed people don't have to deal with her anymore.
So it sounds like you're upset about this, this being when people don't like the idea of you changing your profile just to match whatever their want is? People don't like it because it implies desperation. you're willing to change your profile just to be whatever they want.

Just say you're not going to play that character, don't be so desperate
Sounds a little bit paran-
No, it looks like he is upset others don't change their profile for him.
Line's channel for his 6pm Fridays game.

He wasn't even online at the time so he didn't even see B-Cell flounce from the place and never come back.

>salty that Eilie wouldn't let her work on Robutt
So they must be super-open to showing B-Cell's code and accepting others' contributions and improvements then, right.

Also when was Robutt even 'banned'. It's just been in retirement.
It WAS banned shortly after Ellie's retirement because some hiccup made it spam the shit out of everything with constant logging in and out.

Obviously, once she came back, an appeal to the tune of "hey guys I'll fix, promise" took care of it.

But really I liked Steamxie more. Trixie is generally nicer person than either Eilie or Puff.
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Wow, super classy. But that's Puffy to a T. If she isn't the only one that matters she's going to take her ball and go home. She's probably shitting herself over Robutt being back now that she knows people don't feel like they need to put up with her.
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I also dislike Puffy, but you really do seem salty. That said, I am wondering why I'd need Puffy around if Robutt is back, not that Robutt's creator and owner don't also hate me. For as much as I find Puffy an annoying, unfriendly, sour person, at least she didn't use her dicebot to strongarm my channel...

Are you complaining that female profiles won't change to shemale so you can have cockfucking scenes with them? I think that has more to do with them not wanting to indulge in your niche fetish than it does with not wanting to change their profile. Why would you even approach someone for a niche fetish if they don't share your fetish openly? Even kinks I *do* like I'm not going to want to do on all of my profiles. Makoto is never going to do the same kinks as Arika, for instance. Or even the same kinks as Hayley or Alicia.

Like >>23520715 says, Robutt was banned for the longest time. It broke the chat and didn't follow the rules of how bots work. Steamxie looks great, but I'm stuck in the situation of other mods of my channel not liking Trixie and threatening to ban the bot. Leaving me with needing to use a dicebot of people who don't like me...

>Bad Ends/Snuff
>Disgusting Fat Old Men
I always hate when I see a profile where I wish someone would do that to my characters.
Also, I'd suggest getting some art that fits what you're looking for more than just generic characters. If nothing else at least linked in the text of the profile as an example of "I wanna do scenes like this".
>Steamxie looks great, but I'm stuck in the situation of other mods of my channel not liking Trixie and threatening to ban the bot.
That's what happens when you mod people that you can't coexist with on any kind of peaceful and respectful level.
I am actually open to accepting contributions to Cell. She's open ended and I've always accepted contributions from other people. Hell, I've written less than 50% of the actual texts she uses.

And yeah, I removed the bot from that channel. There's no point to hold up another room with Cell if they are doing just fine using Robutt anyway.
I didn't need to catch up on any logs. Cell is "smart" enough to inform me about this on her own.
>strongarm my channel
Explain further.

Is this an >>>/mlp/ thing. Are they deemed a "brony shitlord."
I'm actually happy that Robutt is back. His absence was a huge source of problems for me. It takes a huge load off Cell's shoulders and I can completely ignore implementing Robutt-like features in favour of focusing back on what I want to write for Cell.
I used to run /tg/nWoD. Eilie was making the rounds to all the channels Robutt was in, asking if they wanted him to autojoin. When she realized it was *my* chat, she said she wouldn't put it on the autojoin list so long as I was moderator and said "be lucky I'm not blacklisting the channel". So I had to transfer my room to Ivan if I wanted my users to have Robutt.

Also, >>23521945 is just being salty and bitching about my channel, 4chan/erpg/.

I'm going to be honest, I don't see why you care. I mean, Puffy >>23522159 makes a pretty good point, but you're acting as if she's obligated to keep her dicebot in the channel when they've got another dicebot.
No, you could have just invited Robutt yourself. She said she wasn't blacklisting you. You freaked out and gave it to Ivan so you could play the victim.
But what about mods flipping about trixiebot?
Oh. I don't really know because the whole thing was dumb, but basically something about Steamxie being like spitting on Eilie or something? I didn't care enough to even bother pressing the issue.

She implied it was a possibility, so I did what would prevent my channel members from being unfairly treated because of association with me. If anything, the channel was the victim.
>Steamxie being like spitting on Eilie or something?

>find small res of the mfw
>search by image to get bigger
>SOMEHOW google hooks it up to like five different things in CoC
Look, I have enough drama to deal with, I wasn't interested in hearing third hand drama. At least, not when it's not drama about people I also hate. This was also months ago; so I'm saying I'm not really striving for accuracy here.
Since Rory isn't up to it I'll fill you in and let you be disappointed.

Malice doesn't like Trixiebot because she feels it blatantly rips off Robutt (which it does). And Malice considers Eilie her friend.
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I just wanna mess around and do some silly lovey-dovey happy sex scene, why does life have to be so hard?
I am up. I was just not saying "It was Malice, everyone!" because she gets mad when I do that because she feels I'm only bringing her up to shit on her.

I feel like there was more to it than that, although I already don't understand why anyone would be friends with Eilie.
Just like everyone else wonders why anyone would want to put up with you. Speaking of how's that Changeling game going?
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>you are on a web site where you can be whatever you want, fuck whoever you want, with no strings attached
>you choose to enter into a committed relationship with someone
>you also feel the need to tell other people you've typefucked that you're doing this, and that they may not ever have virtual sex with you again
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He does have a point. While you're exceptionally creative, you really arn't good at making people want to put up with you and you never know when to drop things. You do still care about people though, you just arn't that great at showing it.
Sometimes you just don't want NSA typefucking. Sometimes you'd rather devote your time to the partner you like most. Would you rather they didn't tell people, and just ignored any other outstanding games? Or deleted their profile?

That's because I have untreated depression, and I'm consistently unable to get good sleep. Salty people just don't understand mental illness.
The depression is a legitament bitch and a half as well as a legit reason for being provocative but it's really not the best way to properly deal with situations.

As for sleep, I've given you some help there. The depression and sleep are connected, just so you know.
Oh yes, you're depressed so I should let you insult me, devalue my opinions, and treat me like shit in general. Sounds legit.
To clarify, they have multiple girlfriends, and have adultery as a yes, which makes it even more bizarre. And I don't really need to know what they're doing in their spare time unless it relates to ERP. She had asked me to knock her up after we had sex once, but I just took it more as a joke, and she seemed to respond the same when I brought it up jokingly. I guess I just find it bizarre to develop deep emotional connections over this. If you like playing with someone, continue to play with them, but there's really no need to tell me that you might not be looking to play anymore when I didn't even come to you to ask.
Who even are you?

I can't say what you're talking about, but not everyone who's into cuckolding and adultery is interested in actually playing with multiple people in the scene.
If I wanted to listen to you explain for another two hours about how I have no right to feel the way that I do because you're the real victim I'd message you.
Oh sure, that adultery kink was just the kicker on the whole bizarre experience. Maybe they just felt more connected to me than I did to them. I had fun playing with them, but I'm always fine leaving things where they are, which is why I rarely initiate contact first after I play with someone. I probably would've been fine never knowing, so in a way it was touching that they cared, but also bizarre because I didn't consider it a big deal.
Shut up already, Bunchacrunch.
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So get treatment?

Wait how did you therapeutically help them sleep through the internet. Is this the hypnotism kink I keep seeing.

>two hours
That sounds like an exaggeration.
>Malice doesn't like Trixiebot because she feels it blatantly rips off Robutt (which it does). And Malice considers Eilie her friend.
As someone who knows and gets along with Eilie, Eilie doesn't give a shit about Trixiebot.

She thinks it's fine.
Sleep tonics. There's this over the counter tonic called Dream Water as well as Diphenhydramine which works both as a cold and sleep medication. Failing that, Melatonin works although I personally tend to feel groggy with just a melatonin pill

Also, I imagine she's trying.
You have no right to feel the way you do because I either don't interact with you, or you could easily choose not to interact with me.

No. He told me to take melatonin and non-FDA regulated untested snake oil, so that solves all the problems. Nevermind that with $0 that isn't even viable in the first place. Not that it would help with my uvula choking me while I sleep.
>So get treatment
This is America.
So, remember that you believe people don't have a right to feel the way they do. Next time you're feeling like things aren't fair, that you're being held down by your depression, that someone is treating you poorly that it doesn't matter. Because you have no right to feel the way you do.
>non stop politics in chat
>non stop personality drama in thread

Either you're choosing to interact with me or you're not interacting with me but still bitching about me.
Don't you still have a phone number to call to get free mental health care and SSI you haven't filed for in America.
>tfw no headcats in The Division

>Failing that, Melatonin works although I personally tend to feel groggy with just a melatonin pill
Liquid melatonin is helpful there, since you can more easily adjust by increments finer than "one pill, two pills, etc". Although it still mostly just makes me feel groggy. But it definitely does make me sleep a full night, it's just the morning afterward that's rough.
The "Snake Oil" Rory mentioned is a bottle of liquid melatonin.
Le shrug. It's what I was told by two separate proper doctors, that's all I know.
I've had melatonin. It's not like it does nothing, but my problem isn't really with a sleep cycle so much as it is with sleep quality. It isn't going to help with apnea.
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There's drama everywhere, nowhere is safe. The best way to enjoy this hobby is by yourself as much as you can, as always.
Losing some weight might help with apnea.
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It would, Salt! Of course, the depression makes that difficult, but I'm trying to do some baby steps each day.

That you, Red?
>enjoy a hobby that depends on interaction by yourself
As much as I prefer most multiplayer things alone, avoiding people does bad things for your circle of regular potential ERP partners, unless the few people you stick to are just really good, really compatible, and really prolific.

So basically you need to avoid lazy one-note shits like me.
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There are a lot of things that aren't in the division that I wish were in the game. Like long hair for instance. How am I supposed to live out my dreams of being a redneck wandering through the streets of post-apocalyptic New York hunting down protesters with a shotgun if I can't have a mullet?
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Red is dead baby. Not really, but he's moved to greener pastures from the look of it, not to mention that pesky real life thing he has. He gave it his all trying to help this place floating, I can't complain.
Good job, you answered your own critique!
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Red was on last night. Heck, I think it was technically this morning.
damnit, and I wanted to do something with that one snake of yours.

...I hope this place isn't dying.
But he said "melatonin AND snake oil." So he must've meant something else. Since melatonin is a real thing with real effects.

>Dream Water
Which actually contains melatonin anyway?
Back of the bottle lists Gamma-aminobutyric Acid, Melatonin and L 5-hydroxtryptophan

Which I probably spelt all wrong
Being on doesn't mean he's here in the threads. Then again I've only skimmed this thread, but I didn't see any especially Red looking posts.
What? I'm not Red. Also we've been circling the drain for a while, I've almost completely jumped ship for our counterpart personally.
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I'm awesome at shooting myself in the foot.

Or a crossbow. They should really make a zombie game mode, because this is the best post-apocalyptic game I've played in a while. Unfortunately this is Massive/Ubisoft and not Rebellion/505, so the likelihood of a Nazi Zombie Army situation is pretty low.

>our counterpart
Does Fai still shit up every thread he can get his sticky fingers on with great advice like "just cum and run, everyone does it!"? Because I'm not seeing much benefit in going from one bad environment to another.
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It's always been better in my opinion. Fai was never such a huge problem, in comparison to ours he's a minor annoyance at best and he's only grown more irrelevant as time goes on. The fact that there's different threads is honestly great, and the partners I've found there have all been comparable to the ones I've found here. Anonymity is much nicer there, you can't tell who is who in every thread besides Oppa and Fai simply by virtue of them actually using names. Overall good/10
While I generally like it for the rest of 4chan, I'm not sure anonymity is helpful in a place where part of the goal is finding fuckbuddies. It seems like it'd be actively detrimental, in fact.

Of course, I'm pretty sure people wouldn't want me following anyway, since y'all think I'm just Micro Rory.
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The goal of the shilling threads and dream partner threads is to find partners. The other threads are for bitching about partners, discussing your fetishes and how ya like them, sharing MMO contacts to ERP there, or actually role-playing. Those are the top threads anyways. In most of those, you don't need to know who the anon is on F-list to have that discussion. In fact, I think it's better for long term health that people aren't held to their words constantly, look how well it works here. The actual idle chatting and "buddymaking" primarily happens in chat anyways.

Also hi Lili.
Forced anonymity is a dumb concept, though. Plus, even if I started posting there, everyone would know who I was.

I've admittedly stopped bitching because I'm expecting someone to report me for sharing logs.
That said, I did ask this guy permission:
I think being afraid to be held to one's words is pretty cowardly.

It works elsewhere on 4chan because the entire discussion is anonymous; there's no half-measures (except in MMO threads on /v/ or /vg/, where of course people know each other in-game). It's all ideas versus ideas, no persona attached to any of them, unless someone chooses to attach one by using recognizable images or having a really recognizable typing style.

On here, people have a public persona in the chat, and then they can have another persona entirely in the threads so long as they don't link a profile or otherwise identify themselves, and it resets every thread. So someone can be nice to your face, and a shitposter or enabler in the thread, and their visible chat persona gets to carry on without consequence. Anonymity here isn't a boon to free discussion the way it is on the rest of 4chan; it's a weapon used by cowards.
Logs like that are a large part of people's problem with you, mine included. You can't just be polite about anything. Buncha was spot on in saying you can do nice things and you're not some horrible, inhuman creature. You just have no idea how to be nice to people you don't agree with and you're incredibly condescending about giving advice. If you would just take two seconds to think before hitting enter a lot more people would like you.
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Who even are you?
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Yes, that's the difference. Here people know who I am if I'm not particularly careful, it's much more reminiscent of the 4chan I'm used to over there and it's refreshing. It's just a bunch of anons shooting the shit about kinks they like or things their partners do that trigger them and which many of us have in common.

I could get into a whole argument on that second point... but I don't completely disagree. All I will say as a quick aside is that I think it's a lot less duplicitous here than you're suggesting with that.
Chat doesn't tend to have people I know though ;_;
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>Forced Anon is a dumb concept
Okay. I love forced anon, it's not for everywhere, but where I'm talking about isn't even forced anon, so...
>that log
Rory, you're... I just don't know how to put it lightly besides saying dense, and you probably will be reported and banned eventually with how you act. That log shouldn't exist, it should be five or so lines of you not being so cankerous to someone that's obviously on a different wavelength than you, and wishing them a nice day in finding a different partner who does match them.

You'll figure it out eventually.
Some days I wonder if maybe duplicitous is the ONLY thing it is here.

Doesn't it just end up with the same problems, though? Aren't there anonymous "man I fucking hate <x person>" posts, made by people who, presumably, aren't also shit-talking <x person> in chat, and in fact are probably being nice to them or at least tolerably polite? Anonymity would help general discussion, like you said, but as soon as names start being mentioned (and they always will sooner or later), I feel like it ends up at the same place anyway. That's how MMO generals on /vg/ are, and they're completely anonymous, with a non-anonymous side (in-game), just like that setup.

I'm honestly not trying to shit on the idea here, it just sounds like it's not actually escaping anything except specific people, and there will always be more people.
Have you ever been in an RP that was assumed to end with sex, but it doesn't?

Because I just finished a "merchant troubles" RP where some big-tittied bitch needed dosh and my guy, rather than do the sensible thing like rape her, suggested loans and collateral.
It would be "ripping off" if it was stealing the code. Which it doesn't.
Trixie merely coded a bot to do same things because everybody wanted those things.
>public room play
>someone /me "murrs"
It's a human character, what the fuck.

>>that log
Wait that wasn't just an RP log.

>[12:19] TS Love: wow, I'm a bitch.
>[12:19] John H: Eh, everyone on here is super picky x_x
>[12:20] TS Love: We're not picky. You've just been here for 4 years and put in zero effort. I'm surprised your still around, since I'm assuming you keep getting ignored outright, or rejected by people who tell you more or less the same thing I'm telling you. I mean, this is the second of my characters that you've PMed, so you've at least been told this once.

Oh wow.
>You do still care about people though
No he doesn't, his "friendship" is extremely shitty facade over wanking his own ego. Finding that out is the main reason I jumped out of his channel and shoven him on the ignore.
And to be objective, the way he speaks to Buncha in particular and mistreats him Buncha is the last person that should be defending what kind of friend Rory is. Rory is genuinely horrible to the poor guy and Buncha is nothing but nice to him.
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Honestly? I like Rory because she reminds me of me. I see myself a *lot* in her and I probobly would be her, ego and all if my life tiptoed in a different direction.

I don't care about politics, I want to see them get their life back on track.
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It's a mixed bag to say the least. What you mentioned about calling out specific players does happen. The thing is people that are called out usually don't care because they're channers with thick skin or they just defend themselves and settle it pretty quickly. Few are ever called out more than once. Not to mention when that sort of stuff happens it's more often than not when the two already have stopped taking to each other in chat anyways, both publically and privately. The rooms are a minority of the board population to say the least, and given the environment I don't think people are really inclined to hide their bad behaviour in either location. Maybe it's happened once or twice, I can't say for certain, but I can say it's not an endemic problem in the slightest from my time browsing the place.

Now, SOME are called out repeatedly, but... I can't really say they don't deserve it to be honest with you, and from what I've seen in chat the abuse they take is actually even handed across the board.

Also funnily enough someone is mentioning Rory on the board right now. What timing.

Like... I don't know what to say anymore when I see Rory post stuff like that and be oblivious to why people don't think highly of him. There's no way he is doing anything besides spewing vitriol in there.
I remember when people liked my logs of encounters with randies. People even commiserated me on the last time I encountered John H.

So you sound like you're in the chat. You also sound like you hate me. That begs the question of why you'd even be in the chat.
Also, I "mistreat" him by repeatedly pointing out the flaws in his logic. And also telling him to stop annoying me. The same as Keylime and others. If I were another kind of moderator, I'd have banned him by now instead of dealing with complaints.

You act like I'm always like that. I'm sorry, I find it frustrating to get a shitty approach, have someone complain about not getting play, and then refuse to do anything to change that.

Also, why would someone bring me up on otherchan?
>You act like I'm always like that. I'm sorry, I find it frustrating to get a shitty approach, have someone complain about not getting play, and then refuse to do anything to change that.

The issue isn't that you were a dick to someone. It's that you come in here going, "Hey guys look! I was a dick to someone!" And then expect us all to tell you how wonderful it is that you can be an asshole.
Who even are you?
>So you sound like you're in the chat. You also sound like you hate me. That begs the question of why you'd even be in the chat.
Probably because they don't hate the other 30+ people in there and the room is not you
This. There are people I like in there.
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This guy gets it. I like the community and I honestly want to see it prosper.
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I'm tired, I can't drag this out for long so let me be brief. I'm sure your other log is much less harsh, and just because you're in a bad mood, contrary to popular belief, you can't be a complete ass to someone like that and not expect people to call you on it, whether or not the receiving party was "worthy" of the vitriol or not. Which in this case they really weren't.
How so?

They just said it's impossible because of America.
I recall them trying to get SSI which I support them going on simply on the virtue of them needing some assistance now.

Nothing is impossible if you have determination.

>undertale meme
>or they just defend themselves and settle it pretty quickly
Pff, yeah, that worked great for me.

>Also funnily enough someone is mentioning Rory on the board right now. What timing.
And that's exactly the sort of thing I'm thinking of when I say that it'd just be going from bad to bad. I dunno if you were paying attention to the thread on the two (three?) occasions I got randomly mentioned in a thread argument, by name, and shat on, entirely without ever engaging with the conversation.
You know you can skip the inevitable 'procrastinate while drowning in depression and self-loathing' part if you file on his behalf instead. You're allowed to do that, they just have to e-sign it in the last step. Doesn't matter who started and filled out the form, plenty of people have disabilities that make them unable to handle paperwork. Presumably they trust you.

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If there was anything that would make me stop procrastinating while drowning in depression and self-loathing, it would be the threat of Bunchacrunch filling out my paperwork...
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Don't joke, because I would if it would get you on your feet!
He's not joking, he just doesn't respect you at all.
>Shittalking people off-website using logs
You haven't cum yet? You must be sore from jerking off by now.
You aren't out of breath yet? You must be running low with your face buried so firmly in his ass.
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I respect her and even after being continuously shit-talked as a person I want them to improve. I think this is well known by now.

Get a room you two
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I don't really even shittalk you. I just point out when you do something stupid and or annoying, like saying that you see yourself in me. I see myself in you, which is one of the reasons I constantly try to explain to you why the things you do are stupid.
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Nope, no dying in peace for you, thread.
I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea
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Got a chuckle out of me.
That's actually one of the most horrifying porns you posted. Good job.
>get assaulted by a crazy homeless guy at work
>end up getting the rest of the day off
>can't get into the mood to ERP despite having all this free time
lol fuck my life
I've had most people I actually talked to in another channel already.

Hmm, I'll need to chat up Crunch in it some time about comicbooks or whatevs.
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I mean, I still like you, so it worked well enough.
>I don't know if you were paying attention
I was. I've had a lot worse things said about me directly that I sort of overlooked it to be honest with ya. Yeah, maybe it is choosing one of two "bads", but in my mind one is the lesser of two evils and all that jazz.
What, getting assaulted by an insane, stinky hobo didn't give you a boner? Why, that's unheard of!
I don't know of anyone that can suppress getting a hoboner.
BAC here. Sure, anytime. Don't know who you are but I'm always here if someone needs assistance on something or wants to chat about something
I guess it just feels different to me because there's no actual reason for me to be here, so I was just sticking around to catch abuse for no particular reason, and getting it completely randomly and out of the blue like that was just plain weird. At the very least, when I'm yelling at people to not be shits, there's a reason for people to shitpost me (the reason is because they're shits).

I'll probably still end up frequenting /erp/ sooner or later anyway, because this place is getting slower and slower, and the only time it's particularly active is when people are shitposting; actual discussions are getting rarer, and most of what bumps the thread and saves it from going gentle into that good night are either someone posting their profile with relatively little comment (which rarely even gets responses), or someone literally just posting "bump!". It's a sad state.

Of course, now that I said I'm going to /erp/, I'll have to not go to /erp/, because I'm sure my new best friend is going to be keeping an eagle eye out for my unfortunately recognizable posts, desperately salivating at another opportunity to shitpost me up.
>open /erp/
>even more people randomly whining about Rory as recently as yesterday
I knew I was gonna be disappointed, but this is some next level shit right here.
And aren't you just over here shitposting about them behind their backs now?
If an observation that "wow that sure is a lot of pointless calling-out by name of someone who's not even involved" is a shitpost, then sure, you can call it that if you want.

But you're just looking for excuses to shitpost about him yourself, so hey, head on over and join the fun I guess.
You're the one literally continuing the 'let's make everything about Rory's drama' trend. So hey, good job contributing to the cause!
I was just over there browsing threads, giving it a proper chance and catching up on the front page, after Traveller's (who I generally think is a pretty levelheaded person) continued insistence convinced me to at least take a good solid look around before worrying any further. I ran across the Rory shit by chance, because it's in a front page thread, and took up a huge amount of that thread. It's seriously impossible to miss if you read that thread. You're just trying to find patterns where there are none.
You're cute when you try to rationalize the behavior you love to condemn.
I'm personally surprised you're still at this a month and a half later. Is it really that interesting to spend your time shitting on me and ruining my mood to keep me from engaging in the purpose of this thread, ensuring I'm too paranoid of my potential partners (because you're clearly in here right now) to trust that they won't just be nice to my face and shit on me in the thread?

I don't even know where your fixation comes from. I'm not that interesting.
I actually don't care about you. You started shit talking me. I didn't mention you once before you started in on me. I'm not concerned with you.
So you pulled some stupid shit and ruined it?
What makes you think it was ruined?
If they really wanted it to end up in sex they could have prodded things in that direction OOC.

Communicate, people.
He showed up there to extend the whining personally. He even did the "ok enough, I'm leaving" and then not actually leaving and continuing to argue.

So it ain't entirely on them.
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In hindsight, I'm not sure how much you in particular would like /erp/, but as you say it may become a decision which you're not necessarily the one making at this point given the downturn of these threads. Or you'll go off into the night never to be seen again, like so many others ;~;

Such is life.

It's odd how the Rory complaining over there coincided with this conversation. I think it was just happenstance, it's definitely not par for the course. I've seen Rory mentioned only a couple times over there outside of this incident, and it was when /erpg/ was mentioned first. To discuss this place without discussing Rory is difficult to say the least. That or to compare him with Fai, which we've done over here as well.

>who I generally think is a pretty levelheaded person
I was gonna mention that in a subsequent post, but I was getting rambly enough as it is. As usual, nobody's innocent, blah blah blah, somebody just make a Lili Button with that as a recording and hit it every now and then so I can haul my useless ass outta here and stop giving everyone an extra person to hate.

>Or you'll go off into the night never to be seen again
Probably the smartest decision I'll ever make.
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You wouldn't abandon me to this hell hole, would you?
Eh, you're doing fine for yourself. Fine enough to never need to actually talk to me on F-Chat, anyway~
I have a life ya know, I don't want to molest you on chat if I can't actually molest you!
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Excuses excuses~

It's not gonna molest itself, y'know!

...I mean, I probably will, but that's another topic entirely.
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I'm still struggling to find a reason for why Traveller has a neon pink strap on at a halloween party actually, but it's going to happen! You'll get to have the privilege of being one of the few to know one of Traveller's many names. Feel special.
Well this is why you PM me and we hash out ideas. You know. Like normal F-List people.

Besides, I was thinking the setup would be trick-or-treating, myself. Which changes the question from "at a halloween party" to "at home", and that's way easier to justify.

Although a party setup would be "almost public" and I'm a total sucker for that...
Make out already! No seriously though, lewd. You guys have been planning this for ages and you should try to get some payoff from it!
>find a reason for why Traveller has a neon pink strap on at a halloween party
"It's a party and sex toys make great party jokes" is more than enough justification.
>Like normal F-list people
I'm not sure how well I can pretend to be normal.
>trick or treating set up
Oooh, that's nice. Maybe a party in the area like the next suite over, or maybe there's other kids knocking at the door wanting candy while Lili is inside moaning in a non-spooky manner. We really should talk this out. I'll take it upon myself to message you one day. God.
There'll be a lot more than just making out! It'll happen soon, don't worry.
That sounds like degeneracy to me.
>Halloween party
Well, yeah?
It's just so vulgar, my puritan ways simply won't allow it! What sort of gypsy could be such a degenerate?
>insert more easy bait for jokes here
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>I'm not sure how well I can pretend to be normal.
It's a daily struggle.
>Created: 1w, 5d ago
>Last updated: 1w, 4d ago
>Last online: 1w, 4d ago
And another one bites the dust right out of the gate.
Not everyone can jump on all week. Give them a few days! They might come back!
It's their first and presumably only character and it was almost two weeks ago, we both know that's a lie.
Oh, that's a different story. I didn't know it was an only character. Ouch.

What weeb cartoon is this from?
I want to make another ̶i̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ profile. An adventurer. I'm probably going to use FFVI artwork, but I'm not sure who:
Younger, teenager, more of a magical duelist or a rogue. Probably an awkward virgin and a bit naive.
Older, more of a typical vagabond murderhobo. Knows what she wants.

She carries it in her bag because she's a hobo.
Also, feeldo > strap-on.

That actually sounds good.
I have no idea and I actually can't even remember where I picked it up from. It just seemed really fitting.
I could also try a dual profile for once...
>Probably the smartest decision I'll ever make.
C'mon Lili, you aren't hated.

Koufuku Graffiti
Chat disconnecting for anyone else?
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Have you ever had a character just pop fully formed into your mind after seeing one image?

I was cruising mods for an entirely different game when I saw this out of the corner of my eye. About ten seconds later I immediately knew who this guy was, what he was like and just how badly I needed to play him right now.

Magical guardian 'spirit' of a lush forest, generally a pretty good guy but fickle, demanding and mischievous. Can be relied upon to generally do the right thing overall but easily upset by perceived slights or just dicking with people because he's bored.

what do you guys think about note play? I don't get 70 billion hours alone with with my computer.
I love it. Not as snappy or fast paced but more relaxed and long term. Often my RPs transition from chat to notes once I stop logging on so much as one character and have built up a decent playerbase with that profile.
Dwarf Faggot here, I decided to make another character

No disconnects. Nuff said.

I like it. Though incest may be tough if you're playing an unknown species. Haven't had any incest myself even though I mention it on the character.
I have a partner who shares my love of Somnophilia and I find that notes are much nicer to play out the scenes where they wake up to a blowjob etc. For regular scenes though I prefer F-chat.
>tfw notes are perfect for my schedule but i can never seem to muster the drive to keep them going
somnophilia sounds like fun, but its literally the "By virtue of this kink, one player will literally, no, seriously, literally literally, just lie there and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING". I can't imagine anyone willing to do it for me, and i desperately crave feedback from those I play with, on a sexual level (like, moaning and getting wet and cumming type feedback)
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It certainly isn't the thing for everyone, especially if you don't like people taking minor liberties in controlling your character. My partner and I take turns molesting each other in our sleep over notes.
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>Hello. Yesterday was my birthday. For why I mention this is because I planned on posting an ad later yesterday, but things came up. I just wanted to inform people in different time zones, in case they were interested. Following is the ad that I usually post:
>Hello there. This is an ad for roleplaying. I am looking for roleplay partners, weird and normal, and just about any fetish is allowed. Here is some information:
>I allow just about every fetish. There are some that I do not allow, and those are listed on my profile, but feel free to ask me about them if you want. I plan on all of my roleplays including sex in some way. I do not accept sex-free roleplays. Do not think that means that I only want sex in roleplays. I simply do not allow roleplays without sex. Whether it is cyber or ERP, it is fine with me. I am fine with story rich roleplays, but keep in mind I plan for them to have some sex in them. Whether it be occasional or excessive. Please ask me if you have any questions. I only play as a male, and I only accept females. I do not want any penises on my females. If you are a herm that is in a receiving mood, you may approach me, but you must be willing to part with your penis if you want to roleplay with me. I only accept female genders. You can ask me if I will accept any other strange gender, and I will politely respond. As for setting, I am capable of roleplaying just about any setting. Underwater, furry, human, sci-fi, alien, medieval, modern, wild west, dinosaur, etc. I can play as a furry, human, alien, and more. My profile might provide better information. As for roleplaying, I am capable of short and long posts. I am capable of short and long term roleplays. If you wish, we can have multiple roleplays, such as if one is finished, we can have another one. I don't plan on people coming to me, we roleplay once, and that is it. If you want to come to me, and perhaps roleplay with me regularly, that would b
this ad is so TLDR 4chan won't accept it.
Customs are too clinical, get some feeling in there man
That can't be real, jesus christ
How the fuck did that robot solve the captcha to register?
Let me guess, the guy has a blank profile and just writes everything in the ad?
Sounds like he's the kind of person who's profile isn't really a profile, it's just a really detailed wishlist of who he wants to play with.
Probably yea

Nothin' special, just send a note if he interests you.
Hot. I'd take inspiration if I wanted to make a dominant guy.
WIP and 'last update: over a month ago' can be red flags. It's best not to call something WIP at all.
>Specifically come onto chat after weeks of noteplay because one person sent a note asking me to continue our RP in F-Chat
>We play for a little while and she had to go within a half hour
>Swarmed with messages from people I don't feel like playing with at the moment and approaches from people I'm not really interested in

This always seems to happen on this character. Sometimes I even say yes even though I'm not really interested.
Tell them that they're too masculine for you.
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>Last updated: 2y ago
>Last online: 1h ago
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Here's the rest of it, since it exceeded the character limit.

>If you want to come to me, and perhaps roleplay with me regularly, that would be great. But short roleplays are fine too. I am capable of many roleplay post sizes. I am very diverse in my settings and all that, and you, or we can decide what it is. You can be just about any species you want, and same goes with my character. I am willing to play many species. So even if you want to become friends, that is fine with me. I am fine with chatting as well as roleplaying. I think many of you will find me to be a kind, considerate guy. And even if you just want to roleplay, that is fine too. It is always nice to make friends, but I don't require all the people who roleplay with me to be my friends. That is completely up to you. So, if you are interested in roleplaying with me, or have any questions, please message me with either a note or in the chat, and you can feel free to bookmark me and even friend me. Although I ask that you only friend me if you plan on staying for more than one roleplay. And do not be nervous. I do not judge people harshly, and I do not ignore them. Even if you think you might make a fool of yourself, please don't worry about that. I'm not harsh, I always try to be kind, and I'll let you know if I want to roleplay with you or not, so there will be no hidden feelings, to ensure we both feel very comfortable in our roleplays. Anyway, have a nice day. Hope to see you soon.
>post an ad
>"everything in existence is okay with me"

Please respond: the post.
As everyone else has said, don't say you're a WIP. Good kinks, good images, though. Get more of both.
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>tfw your regular partner doesn't show up for a session
>tfw you're sure they wouldn't drop out on you without serious reason
>tfw you start thinking of scenarios for the next time
>tfw you browse logs for inspiration & references
>tfw you notice OOC remark you forgot about that they live in Brussels, Belgium
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Damn anon...
I hope your partner is okay.
I'd avoid starting customs with "Basically," or at least don't start two of them with it.

We both left on good terms, anon. Not every RP needs to end in wild, mind-blowing sex.
Thoughts on improving this character?
Provide more opportunities to be raped by monsters, since that seems to be the character's only goal. All the scenarios seem to be "girl does normal stuff and then gets raped by a monster." For this reason, I would strongly consider a more sci-fi or horror-oriented backstory, or at least suggesting those are options.
Bumping the thread.


Need some serious feedback on the profile, I want to improve it as much as I can.
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Do I need to piss people off or something? Seems to be the only way to get the thread to bump.
I'm in the middle of an RP with a tsundere samurai, I don't have time to shitpost in the thread.
Thats normal for 4chan
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Honestly that type of character isn't my cup of tea, so I can't really give you good feedback.
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You know, having silly lovey-dovey sessions with generic tsunderes can be really cute, I need to do this more often.
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Way too much stuff.
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>5 bookmarks delete their characters in the span of a week

Is there a mass exodus going on in f-list?
>tfw you find all three in one, it's a gril, and you end up in a long distance relationship.
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Has anyone actually tried Literotica?
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I meant Litphoria.
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Happened to me once. It was really nice at first even if she had a cock phobia. She was extremely neurotic and controlling though, so it didn't last long. Got a few new kinks from her though.
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Let it die. It's finally time.
Nah, he's too attached to "I keep the threads live!" fakery title.
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Its the Easter long weekend, I don't doubt that most of us are busy spending time with our families rather than wasting time jerking off on the internet
>Rory threatens to ban someone for shitstirring and causing arguments.

I don't know whether to laugh hard or to laugh really hard.
Who /feg/ here?
You best have those logs saved and in pastebin to share with the class.
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/feg/ is too much for me. Been playing the hell out of Fates though, just got Revelations to go.

Also probably should have waited to do Hidden Truths, but too late!
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who's your FE waifu anon?
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A man sticks by his lady.
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Fates revelation been killing all my time like the other anon. I wished the cast had the children distributed among both sexes than just the males for more potential sibling dialogue.
>expecting nice things to happen
>year of our lord 2016
you're a funny guy anon,.
>There will never be gay marriages
>Or a balanced sibling distribution
>Or more dialogue in general, without forking over $3, between the characters since the gameplay is already fun.
>Or more support options in general. C'mon, those corrin/robin sexuals should have more people in their list.

Never ending suffering.
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>There will never be gay marriages
There are though
only two mind you and they require you to be playing different versions of the game
Oh. Oh yeah, those, but ehhhhh. I didn't like Not!Tharja and Niles was alright. I really wanted to pair up Hinoka and Camilla or M!Corrin to Keaton or Forrest.
>using the localized names
You can't stop me. And I never went to /feg/ or the wiki to find out what their jp variants are.

Bite me.
I like Niles, I probably would have gay married Niles if his support with Corrin wasn't literally the most boring of all his supports.
Yep. Wasn't too interesting at all that I changed my plans for him to go after Nyx. The supports between them were pretty funny and worth it.
It's immortalized in the google doc.
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On one hand
>profiles that say Desired post length: Very Short; 1-2 sentences.
And on the other end.
>referring to black hair as "the obsidian tapestry"

The what. Is there an e-stalking document now.
Where's the google docs?
What was the reddit link?
Just some porn that they already saw because Rory linked it twice.
Wait but what was the argument that led to that.

Also that happened twice?
It's probably happened more than twice to be honest. Rory never should have been given that channel. He's so against the basis of what 4chan is that he never should have been given a 4chan related channel. It made him think the thread is his, it made him think that he's doing a great service in educating people, and it gave him a room where he can say and do as he pleases without people having any recourse. Considering he's been banned from pretty much everywhere else, it was his only way to have a community he wouldn't get exiled from.
>When she realized it was *my* chat, she said she wouldn't put it on the autojoin list so long as I was moderator and said "be lucky I'm not blacklisting the channel".

Wait this happened to the nWoD channel in June? >>21897049
>I don't want a second channel. That's stupid.
That was before the /erpg/ channel I guess.
Rory's having a shitfit over nWoD right now anyways because he thinks that the new rules are out to get him.
>the new rules are out to get him.
Well that definitely sounds like something that would get him.
So assholes, who reported https://www.f-list.net/c/jessica%20absinthe/ ?
I constantly get complaints about the /pol/ tier arguments. So, yes, I am starting to feel like a ban might be in order. Having a name means you can't and shouldn't act like you do on 4chan. Sure, the channel has that baggage in the name, but it's for this thread (and by extension /tg/), not the site as a whole.


Someone who saw them bitching about getting channel banned for ban evasion.
Rory please level with me. Make a new room, and change the name from 4chan /erpg/ to something else. Don't link it in the opener. The target demographic of the room and the threads no longer correlate, you can not in good faith tell me that it is a 4chan room in the same way our counterparts over at double have their two rooms set up.
Feel free to create your own room.
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I actually think it would be good for everyone if politics were simply a nono.

Alternativly, 1k1ln has a rule that if five people vote to change the topic, it's dropped. I think we should implement this too.

I mean, we do have the Pillow Fort
[session=The Pillow Fort]ADH-91616fe1477e3e3b0525[/session]
>a 4chan room
I feel like there's some confusion about a thing being "4chan". Even /tg/ doesn't feel like the rest of 4chan.

>it would be good for everyone if politics were simply a nono
I'm cool with this. Even in rooms without people prone to arguing, politics tends to make discussions get ugly fast, or take over the room for hours when I'm sure there's people there who would much rather not talk politics.
If you want a channel where everyone is free to be racist/sexist/whatever and post /pol/ shit or just shitpost... well, there are like 30 /tg/X channels.

Honestly, politics in and of itself is rarely an issue, other than when the Brits start telling everyone they're so much better. It's just recently where it's really been a problem to the point that I'm no longer linking the political videos and tempted to ban people for causing arguments after all the "this person is a racist and/or idiot" PMs.

Also, generally I try to put a stop to a conversation if someone (who isn't Bunchacrunch) says they want us to change topic. Maybe if that was a more explicit rule, lurkers would be more comfortable speaking up and asking we stop talking about something...
I have been actually having to moderate more often, in a "change the subject" manner this last week or two...

It's only tangential, because I want to make the picture related, but:
I keep wanting to make MtG waifu profiles I'll never actually play. I just want to make sexy inlines.
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I actually sometimes shake down the leg of another mod if discussion on something gets too heated.
>If you aren't on my side you are one of x bad things.
Yeah, sounds like a Rory thing to say.

It's pretty blatantly obvious politics shouldn't be discussed, especially anything related to gender. People clearly cannot handle it without getting emotional. And it doesn't help that people continue to link that garbage anyways assuming everyone is going to agree with them.
>If you want a channel where everyone is free to be racist/sexist/whatever and post /pol/ shit or just shitpost... well, there are like 30 /tg/X channels.
Wooow, strawmanning this fucking hard?
>views 1
Understandable, I just started making the character, no pictures or descriptions or anything.
>bookmarks 1
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I got a cute note this morning
It was from a plank profile that has been a WIP for almost 2 years, but it was cut note none the less!
>plank profile
Selena ass best ass. Now I want to make a profile of her.
Rory told everyone to report them. Funny considering he thinks it's unfair when he gets reported.
>swing by /erp/ on double
>Fai was banned again
>with nothing to lose, he posted all the profiles on his newly banned account

So, did anybody interact with them? Any funny stories?

I talked with Corda once, and it was the usual bitchbreaker antics with the ambiguous OOC/IC domination and degradation with his usual abrasiveness.
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>This user's account has been banned. For more info or to discuss it, feel free to contact support and ask. Reason: Fai
Wrong threadaroo m8.

>none. not even soc. this is my friend posting my info. im not even kidding
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got the wrong thread?
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Female characters tend to get bookmarked on the assumption they'll develop into something good.

Don't think anything of it, a bookmark is no different than an idle "eh, I'll watch it."

Speaking of, are blues still a war zone of fighting over the rare pink that will bother to RP with them?
Blues will message other blues marked as "straight", desperately hoping for any sort of interaction that will allow them to satisfy their disgusting urges.
For all the guys doing this, why not just be a girl or shemale? I mean there's likely loads of men playing as females on that site.
Wouldn't help the misbranding issue.
They don't want to be associated with this place last time I checked.
Each board has its distinct culture, but even /tg/ Chat is significantly more 4chan than that room at this point.
You've been berated enough to know that /tg/ hasn't been like that for a while, so hush.
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God fucking damn it, it looks like F-list is down, period
But that would imply that something, anything is done to satisfy, please, or not fucking annoy a blue's partner, and 99% of blues just cannot fucking grasp those concepts.
If you do you should totally link it in the thread, because I'm thirsty as fuck.
People like to go on about dragon cocks... but what exactly does dragon pussy look like?
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I need to know what I missed...

I've also been told the room is still like that. If I've only got hearsay to go off of either way, why go with the one dissenting testimony?

Pic related, actually. There's a lot of fanart for the "Dragon cuntboy knight". I saved it thinking I might make a profile. Obviously I never did.
some guy posted information to a meet thread or something, it's not that skubby
A natural cave formation.
Oh. Guess I'm lucky to have meet some guys who likes to push my buttons and satisfy me more than them satisfying themselves. Didn't realize it was that bad.

Sure. When I feel like I understand Selena enough to play at least a 'correct' version of her without breaking my partner's immersion. And I've never played canon characters before so... ;_;

[sub]I'd give you what I think if I didn't feel like I'd get laughed at and made into a meme screenshot. Maybe on f-list, sure.[/sub]
>not wanting to become a meme anonymously
They let their memes be dreams.
Just a warning, if I make the next thread, it's going to be about MtG waifus.
Do you ever see someone literate in a public channel stuck playing with a weakass simple two liner.
*and get a mix of pity and the urge to approach them since you can do better?

Also the one who takes this new bread this night will betray me.
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Too late!

Although really you could've waited until like page 8. It's not like /soc/ is a fast board. Oh well.
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Dude, we're on page 5. I was kidding...

Existence is irrelevant.
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>want to create a shota character
>realize I'm not, nor will I ever be, creative enough to distinguish myself from the billion and one other shotas clogging up the site
>close F-list and go watch YouTube videos
Thread posts: 513
Thread images: 148

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